i t i i ill! .Ml. Ju'qi tit Kit- Vitf n3 y pht and BOannv. 0 te ft Batut v'ia Janu.rj 3lJJ, the B'Win wll be unlied :i JtUiunn'i Snhtrday Kerning Pwi . T pu liihrr of the BulUuu fea Irlt ff conndtntble time past, fc I tha d iiUi and labors f its publicaii o b.iflee from whlc'r he wae snlioot gobe relieved, well fr .railj hesll I a other causes f i J determined l close hi d-utt- A p ibtisKer, e hi I'd wski fan arren;n hTj . .Vklhrm of the 8 ord-v E.-ii ig Pet, 4iicn he fully belie. ill h jtgre ea I to ill parties. The i tiitria ol tun u i Klia win stout gunere b i n traniacti n Tie B ( ufl K Oing P -it he maiotaiawd for. el-reoears enviable rrput a- tl-m emon periiale The wntir n ind-ioy or Its lmor, tv wnicn lie mi klr tro'Jcl hi Ample to. jumni wUh the m-st interesting iU H'g of the times, his been amplv tor jved, and hie saecestfal exertions have b;ti repsid bv a constat acces- i in ef suVicritfrs now - exceeding fvurtten thoumm. T l I sl is elresdr of targr di- n it tm thin the DJUrtta, and il Vtit he still further rt!f increased ia rise at the time ol the union of the two p-p-rt. Renewed el anions will ha mde o improve th ihar-eter fth Stturday V.VCTf forfait & Bulletin, ia -rder that it tn ir" oktlin and A7 the fir at stand wmong American periodicale,forc7WIt tU'J nl qufilifu-cl matter, wtnees , uit uuiul Airtogemeat baf-ef printing, tad auperior tjjalitf of pi N'otwithataod'mc the great number fcf c pica to be pablUhcd weekly,' wh.ch . after ibe pnion - milt eicieJ fO.WQ, the jKiliticf 6f printing, on fro uprrior power prtssct, will enc tic f e proprietor to preeot to hit "tea2eta th very Uteit lauUIgeoCie, n 1 hia mnmmntn aheet willirril tnpt apace fr the important aiate Jpera that are weeVlv divulged in citeqneacc of the critical a te ol r kffjin at home ' tad abrojJ, without aurtiiliog the amuaing miacellanv prepared for the teotimental and the Jovcri of wit aod amuseme&t the aj. ficulturaliit and the m to of actcace . Ihe poliuciaa or, the . Ereaidc circle ittl affrdinf admtiKTt A medium "tf c6mtbunic4linj ' teVr rahea to the 'public unrivalled by aay other airnU Tar vchicHt tt th; Cited' Butet rtains bv fr the gretet eircyl Cioa I winy oewapaper through all the 6- iad Tcmtorie, but more par 'jf ui irlf throogh, the fltatea of Penn " "raTi"huYN' jrWy Marylaad and -jHawire. - - : , ,. At. but few pjper after the unloa . ; trill far printed over, the actual num. Jb t re'jired for aubitriber,"it will '",l)eadl4ble f r thoae who w1h to ,V'ntneore-with tH neto ani imprvv fd icfi'l, to f. rward iheir uawiea ear h ar.cumpanit'l Jby the eathf f t - -ye; ir'a i jbicMptjou";. crpf .Pttatt--. a the pumuner u cieterminea to -.."..-ilwaki hi papet mora iatriaaicallf r?iAbtei!ij. in jojhf r. ta rettlveony -r '---i -. Qni '-punctwd tubtcribtrt '?'-1 It . ' . a 1 tr i'ted to. eiact a atrlct turn pHaece ' with Ma terma and theae who are not able or willing to comply with ' m them, must aeefc claewhere for aniuae ' " (p"rn and inatruciTon','" ' i . ... ' ,T5? nominal price of .the Pt $ - ' TluUetia will be,'the aame aa for many ' , Je iri p iat. - From, all who pan in ' a fiance, (m iollxrt Kilt be, thank , tftfy received but if not paid wit hin BjrrmQntht from the'' anu j com ,n rnTi-emev tt,80 will be required r 'If not paid during the year, three ,dh?!xrt will be insisted 09, aod con ,,pilJtorij meature adopted toward rf .dtUnjeata Sl.Js wilt be received " fqr aix rnontha auhsicription ia ad M tan.ee; ht?t never a teaa aom. . ' fJfe Preseo Editor of the Bulletin .... - wiUoiunae. t girt hit; services to I " '!"' "" ' tH TUS STEM B04T MACOS APT. . C.'CRA UAM aavimt bean uAKsged last aommer, u.ii T.tit tkl vl'd CkarTestoit and t'he- ra calling at Qedt Towa oo her way up , and dawrn. will resume bar 1 rips lathe eoyse of s few days m it Intended la be aranunueu in tna trsoa ' 10a ensuing sea 'Her excaedinf; light drift of Wster a ij ilHeet watet win enable tier to reach C'i?raw at alt times except aa unconv? vww low iherrwhca her enrtjo willbe li;hieoi t Jbe Espeara ef fJnut. ' V J. B CLOGFL Ckarfttton Srfil, 2a, 1831. ditions forfaw pisaengers. 'J 8if4: ' WU Ji7.S77?V THE Uffieers of the 63rd ftegtaeot f Nurth Carolina Militia 'are Vrrrb commanded to appear at the ' C'u t.tluae ia eltlisbory'on Frid t t the 29ih dav ot March rrt at 10 , o'cl11- M. i'h mt-ktxiSjX dull. GOODS, U.iCKI'. TTii MiXtt Y A ai M MrtlVt( M-l oplHn a Vl ?mvfl y suwrcn goods, fkreifd ilk ff air f" fhttt d r Trk m) fbiUir Ifh. r tn uii laliofii, Thif Mora tMinit m pari V 1 1 uffluw quia t4 nuV B?ms , !. K'ova lra oltfs d. . lx. lMitt Gnu 4: " vl CawiiMrvs $'' k MwlUnlngs, Mno 4,11., Prtx-hi-llw tvd eirtMitaiw, Nra 4u'a "iieJ CrmineHe " Yllr NnhM 4 dnea'akocka, .:. franca ami fWl4 niHinf ; t , . ' ' MctlrtaHatMa, Craa Ucat J :. tnlub ekwo. tit.U.raiii IHfh Lotna, . t Lkwa TaM 1 Nmv 4Uart ta. - . OtYtM.th JtUtQBtMKST tf Mtmillr. anl VU ; TfMingt, . 4 04f.tr rjJir.rr or tJixcT ' frin(, Oinf aM Maftiaa, Ttcknifa, MlMkt4 mkJ tiro a, twiinf I ami Stiirtinf rrniir dimity si Cottaa frhrfe Blaek - Hallaa ' ' 4eneiiw cYatrsiMt da. flint alack silk embku, tia. ! da Cplf, tl.luwt nd 4 RaiMiiIa 0rv rorr, flK ail bail4ua Hwn'tteretutfl, CriibM fmigf , do. Fancy Umiw a4 Crtpa 4. feara, tlk !iin, mm! hca l(rd rUip SUk ai4 eottun llmtff. A OiR.T rAHIUTT f RICH jr Finer Wntet, kh asd cap ritboa ai'k aprons, Lima MHfio hiadkccbtst. Cum, U. tifoit4 ar Bytit, FMl k. U. - - ..Bda'aa. do ' ilu. rlUf Uuv Legtran aonnla fur m4 wool d. J GHR4 1 fJMLTT Of - L!ln and Cretk BcfciiS IJCf aiutrt, M'cr id iiia, ' HiHwsrvaiMl Ciller;-, - iHm id CroeSwf.r, (" V. . J CCA 8 ft JSSOKrMtXTOr . " CartMiiitr'a TWa, eor!tinj of rrrry rtl. da ondc u f by Carftnicrs ia ibis r vfth CiMintT, -.Silterl Trimrtgi,- k ' fitted, Bimi Jappan, lad fnnrt t nr !. Hsrnea afMtnimr, foseh frinf 0 bih !, , A cond fct'irtmrftt of nrneerira, lf Ut. ALL of hieH, tbf r MW Uleifd lq w'1 hiv aa g'Midi cm H hil m hii pr nf llif a wry. PtoKxw iU 4 rrtt ! eH ihI ae our rock and hear prices kfor thai bi. BL Jr. IV ara ffVttvA t lh Pnblia their trrjr liWl pntronaca brrrtoforr, $n.' hM av ilrict nt'rn'ton ta bintM, and rll in (tiod) ckrap, t merit a eontitMnne of ihr w, Sltf ; .VJIT nLVDKUY. WITH a tla to ibe mou . Stuttt proteemion of their hune, the HavfTj jrtrnrri the Mj'eHs from rit Nor h, rd employed a.W9)ttnJt comei.weU recotnpded, ibev art prapitred loeaecaia ow-modcr tsimv ll '.rderk la 'Me iiae. . J I Account. BookSj Flifrorda, ku ruled i rade to rJer 1 nd every kiir) pf Binding promp ly eiecutrd ( tsf inriatest manaer, en c.vVrtiM ' trrmi f SCALES (c SON; Jta1rth,'4ur ' ttinatrfitttr' Votke. aa' admrniatratbr 00. thc- Gnl Uieof Daoiet McQeeit, dec., late! of tftta tooi ty, btrebv requeata- all "prr- sons havirg claims lgai st aaTd n"V tite, to present hem legally authen ticated, within iheejme ptescribed by law, r this notice will be plead 'in bar of their recovery. And all per sons ihdebted l said Eitite, re re quired to mike imme lia e pavmeatj N. tORNKLL, Jlifmr. Jfl&ilQtk 183. V 3t6ft- TP HE subscriber is ami- us tf .j to sell, tract of land, lyl g a the poplar draught, , "rcunt.ining one hundred aud lie eres, which f -rmerly belonged to ihe heirl of ?J' Gaiiher, dec'd.v aod 'rning R. LnckeXiseph Black well and John Blc3twell. 'About twenty five acrea-of 1 he above i tleared s the JfeH tib6dlftd I part of wjifcfuia. AS good meadow lane) aa any io the e un. tf The' land can be seea by applica. tioa to the subscriber f miles west of 9Kabtrry;7 r- aii ' ! t h ' A Feb. iS, 1833." .. i'6Ct. fttali ot XoTviV3aroViaa r , " " " ucot-a cucat 1. ' ,' Cwt of Plea & tywieT Seisiont, ',:.':: r - ' .t aastaftv833 ; ' V.t ASBUltXl . Uiigmal attach, ment levied on perspaI property, Ii appearing to."the , a at uf action tjf .t he Court' that Wratiy Asburythe defeb tlict is hofau jnhabftaqt ot thla State it is therefore ordered by ifae Court t. at ha appear at t!e pelt Cur( tf Pjas and Quarter Sessions, td be held f Linel C-uniy at the C uWalMe ia tLif colnt ,n, on the Filth 'Monday alcer the Fourth Monday io Mrcn next, replevy at-d plead to isubt (j dement br default will be entered up agatnit txm. Ordered that publi. Mi';of mwfcior six w- ks succet- .t. 1.. : . i.'..,.i...i 'i. i --Witrcs- r-vj,vi,vsn9;"i - '1' - -7 I., LAWH OK TIIK H A i FA rltd at rt ar c of Frtiitm ej thi Tff AN ACT to sawndtn a--l,tMuM Aa at a.'tpWncn) ia tu ao fur the f i. r n aennin aurvit mg oiboeta im mubm n im ' He it enacted lj the Sennit and Uoute of llrprrtrnlalieei of the, Uni ttd'Mald oflJmerUarin Congrm aitcmblcd, Tt the sctood sreuoa ..I the ac 1 entitled Aa a t aupplemeo tary to me ct for the relief of certatu aurvivlrg oficris Bud soldiers of the revolution' approved the icveaihdot of June, one thou4nd eighi haodrcd and thiny. two, shall pot be construed to enbr.ce invalid penaloncrs nd that tSe pens'loot cf iavalid aoldicri ahalt at be deducted from the STtooM receivable by them undrr ih said act. . iimn'in, 8potnr If limit Hrynntut-Vii Ub I.. 4 111 IK, fmt'ltn! tfh Xt'il fit anr. Afprvred. t (".. 19. Ill ANDIiKW JACK90N. . Mo. a AN ACT to iwrnd m Kt rn'wW A11 art In aJ'rr nd m ltd an act to trt apr a ! d poa ofifnin j.uMic ' ft Tr Jjie .'nctir ctntoal vT lb ewM"icn l br m m4 w if , pprutcd aiim'irMh t bmvj, one houwnd fyrt bnmliTd S"1 'mtty;rnt 1 rnncltd by the Senate and IhuttuJ Heirestn aticetoftAe Unit' ett Siaift of America in 'Congrrst CnW',.That..ll-peri .os wtu be came entitled 10 an allotment of land under the contract recited ia tha.tn mion of he-nct tv which' thi if an mendmint, th r heir, det ti' or ;ti igna, hrj r t V-rfr rr t'tr t stiv. first cl.iv I O 1 bff, v ?h- . ,k figh- teen ' U I r ' .1 dn'l :uir' w rW cfii( "C? p re nrv c w. ie in 1 'tiriti nj IV 1 irt 1 1- 1 . f. shall. Oil paying llitij t f n- TurtviM :i. e d'tl. laraot.li r-,'..V c c.r.t ihr u- pre. v'l' Ut to tr c .f.tii i i.;n 01 Miv. ..ne thfusstid r git Mind; d soil thirty ttnir, r cceiv e oti t. uif .Jhj .11 tmn.t r pu'tha f : Provited. Th . I!-t; ur i.t ti Li ' OrFi e for t-r I) imrt in wncn ",r irrfi lir, n ti It-a'ikfid of ;hr vl di;v f ihe purr b ust Bn . rjtnd Uif further enacted, a ri '.'.ilfyat'on, fvire . r 0 1 the thirl ! tv rstilav. oi-Ocuilcrr on ihousaad fit;ht .MQiidicd and a.d lhirtyoo, 'p-n ny-of the lantla referetl to by the it t whici this is aa amendment, and rot dispoard ofey the tint section of, this a t, or anr former -ct of Coo-; greaa, anau, ..n- proni or aucn settlev mentand cultivation, and na p)ing into e Taaury ofxh IJoitd 0 atn, "hJn ki?."ln,h" jfehJLP,,8.SjlmMUd-fat.a4 tt4a.aVrOM uouar una ivm'i tive tents per acre, reeeitr -a pv j-v f,,r one bundrrd -nd siaty a-jes Prw'J dedjrt eoihipg ii this act shall be an constructed as to alter or repeal the third section of thr H ve reri.ri act. Sec. 3. Jlnd be it further enacted. That ao much -f the act ol which thi ia an amendment as requires thai py. me t shtll be made previous to the third of March, eighteen hundred and thirtY'three, be I' d the same ia hre. by,extended tthe fifteenthjoMiy, ne t.hfjmsand eight buodred and thir. ty.foor," - " ' ApprwdTrrhniinr t9, 113.1. r No.. f " AN ACT for the further iirprsvemcnt of Fajm. , ' rylnU A -not. -ii "; Be i enacted bv the Senate and lloitte of Hcpretentativct of the, Viii trtl Statct of .America m Confrcst assembled. Thai me Commiaaiooei ol the Pubiic B lildings be, and he is herebyjaahoiifcd Pennsylvania avenue, as pivded for by aq acf passed the twertn Oith day of My one tnous ibd eight 'hundred ad'ttMrtytwrytmghr tion of yhc ayenue h fng betvcffeq the road directed to be Mcadamigcd and tbe side pameats,'l- be eraduated aad covered wwh stone, ou the McA dm's.plao.lnlacc .,f gravel, prbvW ded-ior Jb aaid act !io,,yv jteid ing the f.mt paremchls mit Tcs (iou i'rmmgaide dri ns, fto ies thaalur anda half feet WHe y and tUrtat'by fWjg'aJjfV-g incfi"eBhici;oflIet of,iho avrnue r4wttWCrfo sc iafe'nd U Pji3crir ju Uh "sulufrje'return.rt' ttie cross streets,' anrl MCadaiiia ng. the cross streets' $.n 'ikton faCit'stda 'of the M icadannti 1 cover i f the avcttv. ' r gee. 3. And be it f urtlutr, enacted, That, to carry irt i effect the previa' ion r of this act,' the Sum of aittoioe fnusand hundred ard thirty doU lira be", "and tpe'B'he is' h?reby,"a; ,i-pr!ater t "jaid .ut ; f An) )iij A t.v-T"-wr ot ct'icrwue ' v '. , " : aV.jtifi.7i9,i,C : " "J'! r-n- , t ' V",? N ACf M ll p)m ni A f "t S"" Im imHnil.KK th fnind ii r I n lh ftoBhrrt ef lltinon k J ifer V! u .lM Trrilljrjf. lie il fflrrtrl lij the finite find tlimoe cf Krnrarnlrtdm of the Uni ted Ktntrt vf Aiimca in Conmt attetnUi iL T t "y mounted miiui.i- mai i)t ful.inirir whiUtiatha service tifii'c IVitr.i Biikcs, h thejAte tipr. ditins a;;4iini the I dian oil the ftontirret f lUmoia, and the Territory of httttn. who aaiuiaed damg Htttier foat ni - any crrsr1 hictr-w- killed ia battle, or died la conar quence rf a wound received therein, of ia conieqiro e of a fiityre 00 the part of the United giates, furmsh suth horse with auScient friee whilst in'tha aerricr. ufiO eonsefluenca of ihe owner bcinfdismou.1ted,"r"e pirated aod detached from 0e same, br order of the commandina: Gctr, or ia conscience cf the rider Ulng lilted or w 'Unded in battle, shall be allowed aad paid the value of auch horse, at the time of g ing into ser vlcet rrotitrd, Bach lots was ot the result of nrgiigcoi e pa the part of the owoerf the time employed in go. in I to the place f rendegvous and returning hme after bciogdiecbergpd, to be taken aod considered aa actual irrvtcc. See. a. Amliie it farther enketed, TSat Ati p-rion in th frcaid arr yiCe of the Uu'trd States, as a voi m. error rlrxfied miliiam.n; who fur niahra 2 himself with arms and mil i ary acou rementa, und his sut aio- ed lo'S by the upiure 0 dc'iuuctu.n of the iam, without Uult or negli-get-ca on bis part, alall b aUawed and paid the value the e"f. . Sc . 3. And be it further enacted, Tfut all cUlms at al g under this act hn be eatnedi,,l''ved, and paid! to the same in inner by the Third Au ditor, that simiUr claims -ere under i an at t authorise U auymewt ol property lost, c ptirtd or destroyed tv ihr enemy, hits ih the military .irrvire of the United rjtatet, and for th r purpoun. passed the ninth of A !, one thooaivl eight hundred and liirrp, and the act in amendment tk.rr'of, pissed the third - f March, one thousand right hundred a d sev rnteen : this act 10 be and remi- in force three years from and after its pjssaie ' Approved;' 7 brosrv 19.' 13J lo 11 iS ACTf thn nnrckaa f enain eopi of Wkiieratal asd Vsnahndi'aS trliileal I'ablrt, and tn antkanoe a -ntwerlption for a eontiaa atlon of tna aame. Be it enacted ba the Senate and itwtetf RepresentaJttet ofthe'Un ten ait iti o Jiatenea in ikmgrcn auembltd, "TWthe Itbra'lau I C t gress be, and be hereby ia, au tho)iAd: to purchase for the Library of C nrfess, the remaining copies not excetdiog two hundred io number, of Watteratoo and Vr-ndt's Stwsttcat Tables, at the aubtCrlptlon price; i f .,r0 dollart and 6 ty Cema per copy f 1 Provided, The 'upplemVM-ry tables and that-therlibririan 1e further au- hbo; iei 'rn subscribe for ict eti huVi dred o(J fiftv copies f r the euntinaa lion ol the said tables proposed t be n-iWiahed by WatterttoB aod Van. !v.idt, at three dollara per e py the said c pies to be distributed at pron ded for by the first section of a Jmt resolution, approved twenty-fMrth May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight. Tor tha- tHsrrihtjtifm of Certain public documents tha aania .ro be paid wit of any mouey in the Trta sury not otherwise appropriated, ' Appmfd. ffhrufv 19 1113. ?: " , u .;. . an. 12. v. j - - - . t AN ACT making appropriations for the Kara! Service for the ar one tbouaand C'gbt kub. dredud tbir.hreo. ' .i Jiewictcd by House of Representative! tf the Uni' ted Mutes of America in Congress trfsewwa, mat tbe. Ioiloing aums forthe'year one thousand eight huh dred ai d thirtytoreet to addition 10 the unexpended' balancea of -former appropruuona lor similar omenta, viz. F erVyMb. thefflr .of thanavyndthepay of aea- cefs men, one million four hundred aod ! forty aitre thousand dollari, '..JSi; For py of aupexinteftdents," tisral constructors, and all the civil etab Ushmeau.a s'eveo thuusa&d three ' huadred .'aod tnirtf dollara. ; f !' ;jf Fjrovialons,ftittr hundred and sixty th-wnd" draT. "-"r Uepara foe vmelsio ordmafr, and theepairs7and wear" and tear, ol vesieta ia commission, five hundred and six'thiusand screa hundred aad fiftv dollars. - : " For medicines and aurgtcal jnstru. me ts, hospital stores, and other tX. pe.-sea na account of the sick, thirty aVa thousand dollars, . u Fof tmprovemetjta 1 apd -accessary repdrs of navy yarda; wir T; rs f : ' F 'r ihe navy -rartl-arP.)mm ath- ?wo,ywih iii ndflvehflndred nd y-v.i'v..-.--.-: Vifti T-f.a,y. th.ar.ie.irfiMfs " foficfJ.vy jrajdlt frtf3, tcv.'tlwll be Caid4x00'inv mevio ftd' - -f . i-;. . , ..- ' rntv-t' rre iKnii.d f.e tunilii J and l' lri).!ive d '.!. 1'or the navy ar l at New 'Voik, ih'tlv-f Jur th uatui tij l huudied n t Crl dntUra. rr il.e navy yard at ThilaJi Ifihl 1, 1'irre lb-nt.iirl two hundred and scv mn five d. tlar. Ir,the mvy yrd st Was .injton, aiairea th'ua-d d'-llan. rVr the ny yrd i N rfolk, one huoilrrd and twentyit thousand ve h;i dred and twenty-oino dollars,' ,..'. -tha-.-euvy yaii .ati'eMaa4a fif r -t!rc thouaaod one hundred and fiftv dollars. ' , t t ordinancr.andordioancestores, ten thousand dollara. " ' V'it defrfying expenses J for freight a d, transportation of maicriaU. and stores f every description f for whar. Cage and dockage, storage- and rent, travelling - expeases of ofivrs, ad trasporttioa of aeamea, boon rent, chamber mooey aod fuel and ca dies to ofSccn, other than those attiched to navy yard ani stations, and for facers in sick queers, where there is no hotpit.l, and for funeral expen. ' f for commissions, clerk hire, and e-fS. e rent, station try, and fuel to navy amenta for premiumi, and incident..! expenses f recruiilni for .ppre hfnding deserters ; for compensation to j id 5c advicates) for per diem al io meet for persons attending courts martial, nd courts of inquiry, and f"f officers cfgap,ed in extra aervice be. yond the limits of their stitions) for pr'm inr, and stationnry.of every do scri?tion. aod for biuiL maoa. tharia, and mathematical and tautical iatiru menu,, chronometers, . m -dels; . and drawings f for parch ue and repair f steam and are engines od for m chmeryf for puchate and "qiaintr ance of oxen and . h-wses, and . for carts, timber wheels, and workmen's tools of every description ) for post age of.leuexa. oo .public airvle a Lt pit-tag for cabio furntore t.f vet iris in commission, and for furniture of oOeers' hotites at oiy y rd for lea 00 navy rards and public pr pU erty t for asaiatanca rendered to Tea sels in distress 1 for 1 -cidentat labor at nivy yards, n t applicable to anr other -ppiopriaiios 1 for coal hd oth er fuel fr forges, loanderies, and teiCl e ginesj for eandleaj' oil, and fuel, for vessels in commission and in ordinary t 1 r' repJirt" uhd budding oft m gazines .and powder h.itnes for preparing moulds for ships 1 1 be built and for no other object br purpose whatsoever, two hundred hod a'.oe V fie t ousand dollars. For contiogeot tipsaaea for hj-cts -ft hetetntofore enumerated, fire th mand dollars; For pay of '.he nacers, anj non co nraisaione Juflicvm, muaiciass; and privates, and for aubsiirence of the ofSceri of the niiri e torps, one hun dred end twelve thousand, sine buna dred and ainetv dollars.' 1 ForaubaistenceofnooKoonmissi ni ed "Ccrri, muMciane, and pny4tes,I and waiherwomeo, errvmg 00 shore, eighteen thputaod four "hundred" Tod ' ywjtjil' 4-?llaf!Tr'-j --- Foe clothing, t we ty.-r.ilhtthfnisand aev. n hnpdred aod aixt v .flye, doftara. 'Far fuel, niae thi usaoj. aoJ omety eiit t dollars. For eonti gent expebaes, t urtccnl' thusand dollars. rFir military stores, two tiot)sand dollars. V " . For medicines, hospital stores; and surgied instruments, two thoosicd three hundred and seventy dollars'..,, ; T i enaW e th a 6e ere tary of Itbje Treasury to discharge aq outstanding claim Tor prTjfethoney for the capture of the'Algerine vessels in . one th' U-' sand eight hundred and fifteen, tweov ty one dollars, beiog part "of n anei-. pended balance carried to the surplus land. ' ; r - - J For the payment of claima ariaint under the act of eleventh of July one tnousana eigns. nunurea ana thirty tsro etttled ikti'w,6ircve"fiSV6f certain marine officers' eighteen ihou sand three hundred and thirty seven dollara and twenty e'igh cents. J Sec. a. And. be U further enacted. That for the'fWTprHe'?if; eompitf .latifl utdJtuihi.rid byt acVofW o"c;nth of Mayi ope thousande.ght vices ia revising and enlarginff ' the rules' od regulatibhs governing the naval aervicV, virh the view to adapt them to ' the rmQt ' wd wrjj.' gnei"orlKia jmportant"afm ot oj ti mat defence, ihe'sum of ' seven thousand doUjrt W, a .d the name is hereby, ppropriaiid, out of any rji"iw cjr in mc t rcmiiry wn tiiacrwise a p. prBtetcrwrWriiy:tf Depmpent, accordjpg;. allowaticea for detention-iott special service now prescribed by 'the rules and regujationa of the Navy Depart ment j", -'V-'i . 't'?i '" .',' . r'See, : Jbvt, UUfmthlrmtidt That the ,iatary directed by MAn ct fora M ffgulatioo of the. 'avy.,iod privateer pension, and navy hospital w-'flSgpiised JmIv tenth, one. thou and ettrht htrnd. r A and thirtvLtar'n to bpa:d t" ihecleik of sddfdods o ,t n t i t- IS'.. M r ai ru.... I ojii, 1 .r iuii)ir,5 ,, t lor the i,ijp,r,Mn f) tht -a Jt-l.d..R J.rir.,rr,Mli ;f . . ,r, 'ff trtm6(H ttiyl . 0.00.I saf.ef ihrir arri?4 ' H ca, of 41 person, rcmo.ed ' Umtcd f-tattt urwttr the aaij , ' um tf f.v(t ouianddo!l4.iV.'l' 1 i- i . " s It. V, 1 1 a . ' 1 11.11 ihe sum of on ih j .. "(. dred and ...ty d-llars, ' amonnr of his accounu,!,,.. Nsvy Dcprtmei,t fo, eipen"16 redU eotettainieg, on bo,' Uuia, ondrr hi comnvaod r K Bolivar aid several of his cQ Ousj.ouil, Lltheyeafi,,,,,; eight hondred and twinty hl7 ! and Mlor Ceaeral Miner f H and eight hundred and thin. J, ApproH, ftSru.r, to, Ig'j, ' BI2.VJj.m FiULFt TAILOn'5- Tarn, arhora be 1a peenortd to seir?? all ko war for him .il. 1 traQa.Tilpl.ai, .aw k-at fMhmt 11 iianajuiirtc44fr s,i,i,r , ij ba UI 4. m m hon inli in a MDcnor Mtb 1 ... u the 'Jt .nd wrn-f , raw'tmt .ill bo don a. iL. L ! U'-ds Of a-Hioe... Ail forw-rk. fpm yi J w8 aa peoqipily anandod to, jlng M -frn. tb. p.w;rki J;- UtvPt. m Wdtnv of (It. twt, 4 2 stA W'fdfWJa, ao..i 1$ wyTa.lw Mr ant InatrnetU Saw clothing. T ) - Re miwrna bia ainet rhinki to U t M an4nopobliere.iJy, ,b, iWr t4t' romg bto.4 oixmi him, and bopn t. k hirthrr, by a jruici attooiiM i bua.- y),f B . . ua; ihok'iu .11 tmu uua&i I&aOT0:'.', 4V- T.Tia ystn"ij V-Q . VV; ensuing. is cottce tit iitw Ir Celebrs-rd lift. AiW ""1 anil brwr , . mid Sir Arihicjji T p 1 a 1. f n . . 1 dim, 4 Ine -jio xji i marcher pNdij iS qn be traced to miriofjha.mq ditiw auunra rrfrsi -taa 1.1, ArttA Arr hie, hK rrpumiion, ind th.i ( nil tohsi.sad.'rbeir daeeian,l-ira ? H. established, that It is ecarreit Meatfly teaay ny iine at ihw prrwnt n; w thev' i,ve been am'hng tha. mot kUtt fuf tfiMiic konei,vFn t" Su'ei of Ti rtit Vnr'hinH Sort h Cirotina. OforgB .d Ttftnesue,"f'if Ti e Lit fifteen ii'mv f y MOT. 'It .a Is. ahsndsom bi Gje feet tim mrtft. ' h!bjfour years old neat sprm. H I thought "that he will rnks scood b'ri- wsri.,... as . bU : Tarn.' and . blood a'e raracuj,rs OBida anovp la cut. time. -s - K i -.r:-V..Tv:',yr:Ma:? ;T!;cd7niftrt- ::-'-"' 5 n. twtfnis.-- S Villi tlf.yiXi. 1R0M the Subserif,; thetyp4 .' pari of jCbarro (itntvVaJ 3 miles from Mill Otbve Pt 0r, 01 the 15tVinst.', A vary iv BAT MARrab.ut f yerspld,l h-5l high, 4 white spot in the face, f r A liuU Jnaiied with the SaJJ'e, -was ahbd 00 thf fore . feet hel ol; left b(me. She "was rsiied in II ir" wood county and it ia likely she fi making that wiy. ; - . ; A'reasotialde feard will teg'l. for the recovery of the m re. 60tf Jan 2U im. ' ELY SCOTT. The rUrbitth tired itortt i 10CL1T,',. . JJ'V.ihM.nfiia tli Y2.-p.- 4. .: . .! nd tka enniiif ia on th- Danvillo Mad 1T milrl fw bitv. and nil h h-t to marti on nw terms tig , " Tea dIUra tb eeaann, l V' d.J1art (a in.if ir ia be with f " B bLlut.ful Sorrel Arc fet i"e' ry hay. hat a udid oerise,anJ,.irf'! up br all co Kl Judgti, to ba verr a tmuiiimt-"- g'atvgyT. F,.efr twaihte ea'e will ha k S ' , aHh.nfc but b reiDonailW if tn'T , hapnen. T4.JA tl31 l-.i --t K.'rif Ttrtr tMTC"w Hamef wrm -.rtr f Dr. F .arda. .s fat. hr t-J- O oof of a WtLDUB .re,and the WJJT thitrehv eer-irVthi' 'bt Surrtl h,"i-.f a . I jAfii ' ' r F. 1.', owned h Heib Feeb'ei. W ! , , ed'Vated horae Sir Archie i ,w iM-nifioite of Coward. ' NtT. rt-i T'"UM .... ..n, . itHUyf , be paid Our'olMy mottt, B sun not otKeraiae arp'r(,Pr: zrtottiuMeTeXr; mat tbr ra te p. d Kl M ,M(r rS ma dl t John I), Kloaf, tf 4h, v Jtatea Navy, out cf my mB Treasury n ,t mK,... 7 " t " tYESSTJad Vli ; '. AtTJll3 ITO- - : ' ;'4- .4.--;jfu' ' 4 V" YE8'sr1d'UlSPdl-"t n IF

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