Yr extern x nrnnnvm. ,-. ; v. 1 fr." Ate ! u.mi.M iAii'.rii.iias. w'a m 1 1 'r rk, yi " ,h' "all fl'l lb) e) fnry W lbs Mlhct prvvrnfins; the r'.timiwlbo eervniony at the m police ! lbs Cpd' TUiwtli of nfi.f wh sdiniourMred by t lfU, and ibe flowing: Immoral ml dress wse d'hwcJ " tb tf jUi' Chair by ft PrMid'-nl. ,'""' Faitow emif TIh tH f lb A. tm,4ieiid '."' irtcboprwyw to p through oteumtHW preparati.- to taking po" mvsetf ths duitoevf Pre. -'' wU-ni of:b United 8ii',.fr another '" irrm. for the if approbate! my public : 'mJjr.tt through frM which h " Vn IritVut 1 did ulli", ut'i this yciwwsd express!.! of A' CotiAb-iK) in stv f i4 wifrffxi, I ii ll I-? f r If rm wl.rj.wts utbeexpceonofmy kuiK It ;!J b i-p!ae4. to life V U tools WitiM, "f'U'i't! eBorti M to J1d.iii4!ruuO ei'oiiftit, Mti tbmr liberty sod promote thr happim - fftanr event bv ofeurrsd. within th last foor years, which have uGwmri 1 tsUed (xlh, niM(iif noer eircum- tttocc tU ntMl ddkatfl and painful, aiv suaofihs riiM'iiki and udiry which owhl to b Mnrued by tlie (mcrsl f inv f.ftrJ, that 1 Wti, W this occasion, bu , - tHudd w i few ladmg eisideratou, cort fjectcd with MM of them. The polw! adopted by our Gov t rtjBcM l alter lb firm! of ur ' inwil Cwwtitirti'm, and very jrcoe wir4 by nKVfi jminiirtritiiNl hu 1.1, adbif tawronf ffom" ihw, U ."i-.:" T'-T 1rfiiuj( W1X1IB ; nl r hspi7 h N ''. f Miilt, that e r nl ! 'lpaf ilft . rrT, uJ rt"9 minor tjijwrtuxe, ffvinaininf ai' jiiIm. I a th diwttftif policy f lli tlnturn- fcnt, ltwr are ! objcU wdich tpx Ui ttcir rVpn-winl tie, and which have l"!n, trtd eontimw ttbin H Mikt .. inrwawux oikittidq. Thf jf arc Ihp . ftr"rv.iti'Mi (if 0h ri(liia fifth ir-vral Cut-, iu lh integrity of the' Uoia. T'H'te gfal iibjwU are aec4arily con trcid, aitd can only be attained by an liilijiiUrted eterclr of the power of each e itbin iU appropriate pher, in eonfurmi .ty with h public will cootitutiiaJly jirwwtd. ,T thin end, tt bff lli.e du ty f JI to yield A ready and patriotic tub tMim to the law eMitiltMoally enar t- J, and thereby promote aid rtrenifjhpn . :.aJ.1y.oi.riiync ill thw inatiiitiorw of " '"wUci the people tf mu lvia biM 'brdaio "' 'f)d fVlheir eere yteernwwtfr ;' ; .i., -Xl" My'fapeiifBce in'HiWi cflnwn"'iql f ,.. ., ,rv:i'i"ri o ii le eomewnti eavanc . . . I, r,. ,(irirt tlie ionmiJimj aince inihib- - J by W, that tbe ifcsthiclioii otduf ?t5H -. - -T- Cr ,hrtn(mn r tb aimihilatiort of (bub; - -A: ttlr4 over the hKt ejeweHie the rwo !. : u ?jili, woui J k id direc4ty ;o retululioa nd : ; . " r tntta-hy 1 and Bnally to deupMism and mifj " ' ItA.-VTli.nm (in. r la rwpnrtion.nriere - - Jirelu the Ueriernl Ooveroment encroach the rii'hta of the 8(alo. in the A ir'''JE f- Efftlw" -na -t 4i.riUuwa -"J.. Hi j7urwc oC 1t.frtan'irkitofe'mriiy HljiTl!iii win inrvmnHRnwnmi-'iii t- eountrymcn will ever Una m reaay id ei- mt eeittiitMnal powerw In $nn. t InTwnjffihiPhTnay dirwtfy orindii T rccllv 1 encrnarh Tlfloti'the Tirhta of Ibe Stut". ir tend to Consolidate all politica iwrr ia tlifl (ifncral Oovernment, But ' of tiiiiiI. and indeed of incalciilal)Ie'iinplr , la ice w ll Uaioo or thco isiatci, ami ino fHrd Juty-ol ail (a contribute to iU pre' ajervaiHwbv a libera! aupport of the Onr- ' erai 0 (Vernmeirt in the eiercise of ita iuM .--- - pii'. juu bare utea wuciy aamoui.n V l - --Jl-fiJ to accustom vwiraclvt-a l think and ; i . tpah tf the Union aa jh palladium of .. x four pniitKalaarctT and pmeporiiy, wait :n ' f ita preservation with jqaloua am- r vJ, diacaonteoanciiij; whatever may aug '-' lt cat crca a tonpicion that it can in any t M be abandoned, and Indigriantrv frown , .. . hvj upon the first dawnintt of "y attempt J i alienate iny portion of our c-irtry from "- 2 lb rwa"or lo eiift'eWafjhe aacred lie 1 1 h!cli now link together tBe various parta." , , rty would never have been achieved evjiiiout union they never can be maintain- -I ti Divided into twenty four prjiytn a- yntriller number of aeparate eomntuiutiee, . ' ' . a, a a f", eishaHee our luternat trade bunicnoa Xwith niHnberleaa reatraiufi alul mtitioM ; ; nwnuiiicntrtei teta m yrtiHta and ?tmto obHlrucled, er cut .offt our sons r" t wia.1er toHicra to-deluge ith WoocJ the H;l.b flv now till in peace -the. mass of . , pur cojMB aoroe uown ami irapovwriBuru ' v" 'axiis to mnbrt armiesand naviea, and f tistHt ary, reader f thehend ttoif --tki- :jitonous lejiou becoming our law-iirera fn'ioiiijjes, ..jTje.lowi riIiMnfr-w rt . C,',n aovernmeiit, of peace, pleiit f ! ; m tapp'mcMj must inevirrbly follow the di -.; therefore, wsuprKrt all that, i dear to the -:-: ; freomiMi and the philjiiithropist :i . . .r,r The lime at wliwh I stand'lx-fire you ? ?Zu it MiJterfa-The eVeaiif aflttatrona i; " :-L' r ttrf 'on urr repuUiev The evVint'jnf ; , . j." ctistina crisis will be derisive trt the , AV pmi'ifirf mankind of thf brvelicabilityWi "' f -:' '''deral system of government.- (Jreal i thrstake placed ia our bauds f ffrcat is ;: ; f -I 'lhe rerpoiwibitUy trWeh nM rtowauon the --ryyto-rf IheUnited Hlafea."'5! us- rea.f t " " u i' :' :l!ie trwimpwtince of the attitude in wliich .' V ', t atajtd before the worid.4 11 tiseier ' . . , ' ei-e- f iroeararicr nj firmne Let u T"'; ili .;wx.ral'tf'';ir'ttr; P"utrv:, from the id.inr 'u- a uf.'U Hl ilaii l eara isdorfl from tWi.lv tn,tff 1 wtinl'i" im'h "I ntriiii .rfn, ih! u' f r lh ot.lit'fiMM i( dial "ilfiufi il h Iik:U I am h ut loUkf, I U!I f.iiiimK!ti'rt all iny Urullire tn MmiiiUit) the jut rw.w fi rf the t,n(ilil lin, and la Iminniit, utnnifHiird. p" tfil"lht MrN - of Mir fttl'nit l!iin. At I he earn It it will he my ai n In ifV culrale, bv rnv ulTirMl a t, IJh wity nfttrrcmriji, by M tfwral G'Krrnnnl, lh 4 p were oulv that are clrry Uflf 3 led J taneiMiraie iiini-ln ily aad eemoruy in the r ip"iJiitirre of lh (yeinineiit to fwv nm n mumf hum lb awupk tbaa aMy.li.aattiUMtvjAWi ViirT i WWII manrwr that will lfM prom-rte the iiitrrwrfe of all cliMne iif Hre rommumry, aud of all prtMMr (Se Union, Cwwlanily. b"ar nif in m;r4 Ihalin nrterinj Ma wwiMy, " individuaU mn-H ie up a harv f lib rriy la pr-rve lle rM,n il will be my ire m la Jiwrhare my diide a to ( trr, with our lirlhron ti. ait pari 4 of the pi'mUry,' 1 tptril i liberal eenwim and r.Hiipnmiioe ( and, by rfconciliiig vur l l I-, r-iiivna In lhoe partial writVe Inch Uiey mut uitavnilubly nlak, l( I ltd prrrralKiO of a (jmilrr g'wd, In rr 'iiuiH;iid iejf invaluable Uovenunenl an-l Cninn In die coiin-l-nre and afF cfuma of lb" American people. finally, il ia my m'. frrri-nl prayer, lo lhat Alimi;hly 0mig b f re wnom I tHw atuml, and. who ha ki-it ut in bin hand frnrt ihe infancy of ur lt-Njltli: to the prewml ly, that lie will overrule all r y letomi.xw ainl action, and inspire lh hrart of mv frllow ciluvn, tlul we muy.b priv-Twd from dfenrra ol all kiinU, and oxiiinn forrver a UM TCI) WDIIAITY PEOPLE. TIm orxiwmy allemlrd hv the pr- ijfii Lalion, by iho Clui-f Ju.lire nl the Acial Juti:-e of ihe Suprrme iUnrt, W uy -id thr.J"l"inr of both l-xiwa irft imreM, ih- er of the Army aal Navy, and a nuineroui concourae ftlivru. ATTACK O.N MR." CLAV, BY MR. BURliEV Theeorreapoti bnt ofth- P:nnvlvaniafi reciiaa thi attack, and l!m iplyof Mr. tfctniel of Kyr " " - - -.. ,,. Wahhiwcto, rob. itt. - The Tariff bilt Mr. (lav'e liomi baa Uea up aillbe mvnun in thf llou-. 11 waa on the third readinir. Sum rurimia iliin lMib p'nce, Mr. Burci of R 1 hI- Inland, opiMwcd the bill, and iiinln a i vera attack on Mr. Clay. II'! ar'id him of attcmHin to awl I the free white pixiploof Ihe north In a faction in the uuth. ll made ao of a ?rHl rnuuy oth er bard expreaaiotw.; lHwiiigare tu remarM; j r ... Mr. Burire aaid it wai nn abanunninent ojhe American ay item; Unlit had dweii got up in a at rang and unaccountable man ner. Sir, aid he we have about u a great fritHiX iommumlfimi nwny aWtir Ton boea made fur the proviaiona of Ihe bill in thU ettenaive mart; where high honora arvrrfipWd of, we -may look fof Ihe origin of thia meaaurej.and in eichaiiRe (or it, therfirel booor ted -hisheet olfiaaa aitd. emoluments of the 1 country are held in re version fir the t her party to tbe contract, Tx&fti heat mtrtwau elb'r'tcAer; nhtent- of Kmxie Wana m1 Uie alter Stale, lieve been bartered away to the fradintf pdilieiarie from the other aide of tha-l'olomafj who rcpremml in part, ! rrale iarf t..lf IhPTnciitire had come from a'auamtwhem: tbcjr had a right i.i expect iU fr.Hri a ixJiticj opunumit,. lu; I aJto!iJ ,m4 ipkio,-uut,jl, Jtsd. ,caroc! from i rr.an for whom he and hi fncml had toiled by niht and bv day. I tj, ir mnyHi S4ut ' h Kaw trr afr t0t. aiwn, air, weflnd ar.lf raym wjwi nnwt w thin T A hearv retribution awaitslim in after limes. Ill namo mnv indeed, ftlld place upMi the clon-ly pae of political "tiny ; it ahould not be rwr r . a a II 1 nulled to stain inn pure ana unsumcu pa 7i hf hieeoujfrv'a histnr. rr ' - -- tr. Ouniel, 4 KeutiRky, replied in a . . x ' .- .... caustic atykr. Ileadimttodtbnt Mr,C. M eliiii' d in Hctin4 witlt Mr. Bur'ViiHl '. titijr for Mr. A damn in 1825, but he had sulft reo for Ihoae eins, and lie was willing to forgive him. MT. .Adam. ait opiKwitM Mr. Diiniel, when he said this, an J looked very hard at the Kentucky member, Dr Jfutherland madn a veryg wd s)erch in favor of the " avstcm and zumst in bill. Ho was qaito energetic und quoted Jefferson. A lew olher mcmlwrs spoke. Mr. -McDuffia got up very solemnly, ami declared that Ihe bill was not all thu South had a right to demand, but Ihey Wer' Will inn to take il for thn present oiid be nuiet I "believe," said he "it will quiet the South. ". . .,: GLORIOUS NEWS! " '.Udv klu'iooa aummcr.f' u The long agony ia over;" the vexed auosIhmi is settled; and the Republic is safe T "Never have we felt so great a dc rree of pleasure in the discharge of an mlitorml duty aa trr ammncto tire--highly ttnpttr- tarit aiHf heart ctieermg intelligence, tljal flit tiftt rntroducf-d by -Meta-Mo redute iTTaTiirindiratlS both Housea of Congress, and needs otilv liho siamature of the Protadent to" make it a law. It is a measure on wiucu,a a wnote, althoagh diftering as to sonw of its details, a large majority of Congrota have unitwl in theiilioraJjuidpaUwlicHuirUolcotijuroirt- iso and mutual cancessiort and it will be hailed with toy and earixfaction throughout the country, an oflbrinir to peace tad union.- It will no doubt hei accepted as such by South Caroliuajjhaving been sup ported by ber delegatfait and thuawil ie anil harraotiy ba one Hjore rnstoril M to our beloved country. " v . ',"-:';.;"''''.", : Kalngh Star. : TitmfareinBTtf 7. we repret to ttnto. 1 wl'icW oiir r'H(lcrs were ndvined la-t j bad jaetd tht tusle, hu alio ftsfed tlil - .'.. li, ...t,J .I.i I II mimi ,f RcpfMntnlivM, ndrpe-nl 4 all rtilu'i i'lil iXi"rti'w, we Ihiiik Ittfrti wa hjiIh ic nt ffawn ! rfj lh rH. hal iKwriniiiy r an lh' re be tt n a law, were il admitted to I it arrfrrt riimnre with Ihe I mliliitnm, rvi1h theTariir('tr"iaamrWy anllld t ia an act of urf rogatum, and will elan .hi Ibe onL"' ol Ihe aUtute umk only at a nemorial of folly and oif rflu'Mi' lniala lloo. du tf ifniMiirn the niiraa it edvnrata. Maiivilbem were no duljl uul'iriuuHi by piinoiir falug. Bat we predict, it will ehare the fet nf ibf Alum and Hmlili'm lawa. The a-fverewn )mmmiry lh" cinlrv, wul put uimi il Ihe mark ofrepfilitMi. . , . fcrtnet from ikr rorrripomltnce tf.r " Spy is) Wmhion with thf Editor oflht Cm. 6t Fti: w In all inv b tiers, when I have apdiii d the lariT, I Ifive eipreaaod a belief, that some bill, W olilyi" it, W'Nild paa, during Ihe prtwiit h'mioo. Tf snliciiMtti '( will bn realixl. Al Una moment, 1 offer u coiunieut upai the political etEd whr;h thia lull of compromise ia to pr.luce'. fliat question lial b' eiaimoed le-art'-r. Bui there la a pun! of view in winch l..e nib- j,cl (ir-- m in.ilter fi,r apecuUttnm. I mow place il on record for future Sms. Al Inn C'HiirnimMlM'i l ,4 aeaaion. .... . 1111 1 in cvnrv atae of the diM-uo u of fb' Ull rep.rted by the I 4innntl,'e of W.tt and Meann; their cliifinan, Mr. Yrr pi.tvk, irxlicatrxl IoiIk1 frM-ndaot Mr. Vut Buret, bis WillingiH-aa to aecel of any suK-iMlinent or in'Nlift-Jli'Mi, Ibey ariNild aueat, which could aid Ihe passage of it through the b'Hjo. lie evnaeil no par tkul lf altachnifiiit to hia own hill, but m. ie c"rMrirv.ii.isi'y w, .'4p!tiryt)ity wa, that ! imtra:tiiin quetwn ah-aiM he a IjiNterJ; and lh.it H10 Htsieof V. Vk if therv w;isan, arcing Mtt o Ibe real- r stii'i'irf -pnre sn-4 rwiMpuuii y within our hirdea. l b ar,- li i ;lbin my knowledge. But his 1 If.rU wr nnavail- have pa. I j h.. ,f - i.-ilii:i hi, er ii if til ihe IfM'iHlr.. 'Jf. C Ml til l rmnteil In iiim.mit it. 'V iv ,,,' i(.. ,, .J , J Will tell on W' V they ''id To. T'.e Jtirkfiu ptrlv kn-w Mr. Cliy't dovoli 'ii o lie- Airw'rinaii system. "I'h'y kii' lliit .1 mijirity of his friends supiiortcl him n likil grounl. Thei kiM-w, tliut Ht im-xI w'tiimi of (Vijrens, ll nothing Mils done, except to pas ( enforcing hill, tin tsriir w Hild be solnlan (Pally annniilniwd, as the a iuth " slid Mouth wet woul.l prewnl nearly one hu'hfred member favorable i'i rep"al. TKVvuid wA believe I hit Mr. Ca would larverlie moral chiti" to olf-r such a hit! of com pnvnew aiTf be tf would aceujiU-4 r'boy wer niUKNis to try the srrrs t f the govenimcnt, by an aweil fv tie tword,j aiw4 their brctbren In tbe ft'-u'tll 1 D vow ask me fir the evid-nrti that MrW frieoda could bate car' ried the billt I will give it loy'KJ.-4Abwn ttrfwgftfof those jretillemen who ha hrnt frc 4ained M ; roled fir the kill.' The Allowing Jutktonmrn 'all rrf whom, etcept two or three,- are Fas Bufrn men, voted against it.viz;-- . BarJlev, J. C. Broadheai!, Butcher, BirdC'rwfrd, rDayaiw- Evaok,, Ford, Hentrr, Hnn; Kerrn7 A. Kin'rJ. King JU KMig. Li-avnt. M4:.n, Mc. nrtv, R Sfioler ittfvens, rtuiherland utd Wan well. 25. T1m Wwer thif lTienda of r: Van B'trrn ytee"""! th power of carry in it, and vet their vim were given for its de struc'ion. (t m equally certain, from I Inn view of lhecae, ihil without Ihe inter feranrenf Mr. Clay, arnl those with whom he unmllv acts, no bill of conciliation rouW fmv been pnsid. On all the early vole, which gave form and shape to the bill of the LVnnnjiltea ttf,Vays and .Means,, manyof the New. York Tan JJarr men either abHcuted themsclrct or voted only for eorh smendments as would emUrrass its paMf;e. In referring to the friends of Mr. Van Burrn trom ytxir Stall, I except many respectable pont'etmrn, who gener ally act with the administration party, bt:t think lor-ri- ntlve!, such as .4r, C. P. H'Aifr. Hafmin and Ward. ly re- nmrk are intrude 1 to apply 16 that class who'ininlC and act with the cabinet trr a 1 I mive umf irmlv awr'ed, that Ihelodth and s mthwest, if coercion was at'einpted, would tw found sclm together. I he vote which VH givcit-rm tht- cotiijiroinistt hill in the hmiso, conMr n fh:il oiiinion. The Statca..Malanilj ijw'fc&f:. otma-a mth t nrn'ltm, Ite-tr-'ia, -A'slwiw, Vlisi3iiii, ronnpss'ie, tvnl'n'kv and li'.mi-ii.'iim, ay trn Stales,' gaveriA'y four votes: of whu h fi 'V's two were in favor of this hill, sml '(eoMMti'd lo il. The negatives were, . I,'rcer of Virginia, ami Mr. .4csr"l Tt-. Mr. Brown, though hul a vonng mom br' his-ac wr,'iiMr?w respectable, and I have m doultf thai he will sustain the credit of hia State. ticipatowa-ot.-jusjieiiu.ia!njn"ctiJ gratified lhat my native Siaf isrepresen ted by vi indi'peu.lont and able a maifc So long aa North Candina 'stiall ' re:ren- tedj by such s ho is, her weight in the Union will he kckitodgtd. Ilia con. duct Jicrftiacnot been dMted,bv.lbo?. coodan, vits of making Presidents ; but has on tS cvit -arv been guided by bis conviction of wlmt right and licoessary td'the intci!s oi" :'m s.uuttt. tilh whnln e-coUtttnr tod uoA'J U inn c iuntrv . .. . r " i.'i...:...Jfjr: V CorutUiiticnal'ut, Tf'"' ll'rt.Aeg'l ptuKi:in- nn: ruisaru-f OF NINHTi' Kl iUT. Tle (41 R nih!n sit J K-trinc I ef ire rapidly d've .innj themilvc in all H.risofllio cMif, deracy. Ilia a at.u rce .sincere Miil ati.ai to every devoted friend of "ur mliluiioii, to observe the repeated aspreaanmi of (hjUmS lyincm, by Ibe people u ibeir primary Be,mllics, in fx, tsf lh.e irulv greal conservative princinb; which form Hie gr aind work of ' , '. . . : ...ll,na jur wh'rtc eysiem. 1 no iniiiii(c'i which is daily wariilcstinjf, Itself no this I r al and imixirtanl uhin l, ira far to reiji'i'fl any lear inai our touoiry ' "'"""t hein plunjed into Ibe any m dnsp-niain. Even ah.wM Congress fit the sjmH of eHioUlHM on these Mute, there is smTicimil virtu, wisilom aid p4trttiain in IIh; piplt l rejrcl the de-iye 1 and, if rse) be, burl the usurper Irom his throne. Our a-:coUiit sre of the most cbeerinj fhwrter. Thed-H.trmeaotbUte rights Hal tiite Interposition are msrchin;' ith s giant's slnoHs. Neither Ihn ats, 0.1 1 r xeige, n r oVuu iciatioos, prevail agsuwt them, and cv-rj day la curreijce go lo uleantiufe Ihe correctness of the pro verb, " Tmth i p-iweiful and will pre vi.n Tim so principh s aro b-ing rapid Iv di-seminateJ 111 our own Slate, and the people are speaking out 111 a decisive (Hie. Iltsriolllie "cnsaic, (M me arii.rats wisild say,) who are moving in hn matter. No, il is eminent, independ -nt. and intelli;' iil froeiiKm, wbo.lufl li berty above all price. U.8. Telegratdi. There is no man ho has made greater aucrinces hi the illar of dniinitiisml LilM rty than (jmi. Uolftireeii, the indfiiciHlent and talented editor f the U. S. Tclegr.ph ; and, cmse pjemlyi " iimitc dcstrruJS the supirl ul 1 verv lower of freedom. Vie regret lo e-ire, m oo of hia late pafiers, that Ihe Telegraph has been, for the last Iw j years, " pnninl at a lo- 01 several tnotima 001 lars per aunum, a:d that unless ;he (eopleariO'rake it under their fwfron-e,f it must bedisr.mtinud.H The Telegraph ui abJyaudfUrbJsaly dcvotld l'ibo.rausetlWj,tlljai4ju-t lutilUlUlc .mjipJcd of the clsjth, and ua powerful ailV, drev!rii.- unaniiniMis 'vote ofivaiv slave h.d.lim d'dalMMiby Hie millions of posAir isud PHfr.wsop.. Tlial il should ts-Vjermitle; to gooWn f.nhe want adastualo w frnre-ee,AIbama. Mis-Uipoi aodLtni Kirt, wtsjld indeed b- a soune of m .rtiri Is it u..i tun- hisf District W.s aiNSi and regret. To generi' S-.ulh h.sild wA f -2-JhoeVho are lahorm?. and willi.. g loiacnlice their all. lor tlie preservation of hherly' and lh" Riu'bis of vlsn. irAis?toa( V. C.) Umon From thf Battimort American.' " Tin- Legislature ot New Y'ork is eugsg- ed i'i an investigation, anting out of an sj eged attein.il lo 6riie a nn;inir of Ihe 1 1 1 1. 1.. i ..r oaw Bank ftianer. -The first poceJ.lCfoeron seems, solar, to have gaum mgs were, had with closed doors, on infur. I the-confidence of thoise among whom his main mi from, the Bank Coaujttoe. 'Tbe baud -writing being tttaubed, tie? lion of eecreay Was nmoved, and Alvat, Bcbee, of lthaia, was arrested by the-6ef4 geaut ai Arms as tbe ouoaucr. , t . The specific charge i. that ho threat j enedtbat if -the Bank Ithaca 1 was' 'iwt.jJhar.wj ii chartered, the membera frein that county, (Tompkins,) would go against ' all other Banks, tod that he isjbred a member ten ! thoutand dollart worth of stock if the Bank pnssed.2 His hand writing to these inducement was proved, aud was not de nied. - - . -' Ou W edoesday lost, hf WM bxougUt up fd the bar, and iutcrngated. His'answers to Ihe interrogatories were reaJy, and bia lirrc'bf defiince was, to ay the haMof If,' bold athl unequivocal, lis admillad- both charges, aoJ justified tbcm as inoritori- us ! As to the threat to Vote dowa other bills, he answered that " it was in accordance with the legislation of the State," and (hat if member who Cm tkemtflm or their fritndt were interested in a hank, were vo- 4od rtw by others, : jttsatce : and proprte. ty(!) required that theae latter should be defeated ; and he added f that this waa a means of obtaining justice, thai, as he an dorstood, kad been long practited.n Jfhe oner of stock be aJso.-feiidod onfio score of ".immemorial usiige.''- Memliers, he said, had been constantly in the habit of subscribing tor stock in bunks, which they had voted for j and he further charged that he had been induced to make this par- ticular olfer ut the instance of "the friend of ll ujemher" who had named the precise amouiiof stock wanted I All which things. usage, cVc. the counsel for the accused is said to be readv to substantiate. Il so, wo shall probably have a precioui e.xpost lion of the art, trade and mystery of lob Vinti a further disewssion. the llonse passed a resolution ordering the culprit to be mibltckly reprimanded, and he was ac cordingly so reprimanded and discharged The House therefore did not seem iiichn ed to Men lot he experience of their pre decessors. J.R'fAilH'FBH.fcOrUrr TliEXA.WBflXTXXirTlIE . r BILL OF BLOOD! "ThTpSSm oH Tie ISStllfter The"' JwtieK 1 flaring of Mr. Cut had boen ao icopted, was a mere mitfer of empty bravad the malignant enn of tvrranoy .,?.?3tas w ST Tlie Land Bill will comoensate the Wet. fir anv loss thev m.iv fancv tbp.m. selves t) have sustained irom ihe auren dej to the demanda of Soulh Carolina of (he principle of protection. We are jucli. lWdtohoja.ita aow iddicatea closer cwfcert of action hereafter, bcTween the elave holding sec tions of the South and West. siuclr encert can' alone 'open the ircs ."sf.jri.v Coiisoliilufi.itiisfM of Jbe N'ortU si.d rEs-4 to U19 reiaow Uciiaoj- f tixxt ticspeut . - 1 1 i .Ms ci n litioo in whirh lli ahsnd nnfu nl ..f Nile Hunts will leave iHcnwIvf when We learn thai th-Prem loul'a liwurl Idlr-ss was ali received yesiernsy by Cipreaa, bv ilia aJ.AtiorstMt pjl s. mI will pr "UUy apfe-ar ui Ihe tourter uf Ibi moroKU. V.-.-.. Tbe EoP.rclnj Rill psuswsj by large mi ontv 113 In 47. The iati l biil was awnded l"f re il PMsagn, leaving ihe Slate to applv lhay plats trtmr reapncliv portions ut the proceeds of Ihe laU. Mniuii- .Vircury J, THE TWO BIU4 Tbe reader wijl perceive thai Mr. Clay's Uniniill hsa pasMnl Him N-iiale, au1 the Enforcing Bill Hie H als", eai li by urgt m.ii inuea. The Pnideiil's ignaUire i nil v required to givo to each, the force of law. But fr the last useless, wanton ami of laii''orous nriiK iple we might limer uu alloyed congratulalioos to Ihe country, u n (he great aiel h-ippy rvenu f Ihe few Inst da)i, ind up-Mi l!ie im-at unelpcetej and firtunal leriniuuHod of uilli' ulties hclicve j but sliort lime swice lo bo al Most beyond Ibe reach of remedy ., Wkiq. But a few month ago, and aeression was. with ihe I'nion Party, Ihe remedy in Ihe last resort. But now, since tjen. Jarkon has said Ihsl a Hlate ra ioot se cede, these loyal suhj''cts have altamloued tltaas a remedy, and ronrur (aa usuul,) with (en. JackviQ in the doctrine, lhal .St ite cannot secede. It seem lhal Oeu. Jai'kwHi's will is the law with these men. If Mr. t'las rrccid course in the Senate should drive Cn'. Jarkm into ojrun pji. sition to a iii'Mlifi .di'i'l of lbs 'IsriJ, hii'I bvulitc by il wuuid out-jurprud us, tlie I'ni'tn I'riv, olilol to" lis r. Ian I ph anurr, will diaihth'ss immedistly be tt c,vinrcl tlut tU' I anil 11 Itcneb VibamfjMr. if i t (jt, s,)j(f, rjr Chsrte F.i.t ,.i M-n-.-r fln tgllim m.u , . dia.i'jree.l.lr i.re.-:iinrut'ofhsv Sricie rxc-pi Miin. 'M tr l.iod, -N. carji1M, s. fV,.lina. tjaorirLi. Kenturkv. ! ..,k1i . ,., rr .. B. .1i,.-..ii:itiv wh.. limJ fo Yir&ni.i. nv,l h". doc not thi ik 'he ri1,.ilLll .... i n,. Cun ib,- wejjair Ji,3:r Ctimtron. Afnen leiidhnafuriiiih ed u wil'i tV f ill iwitty romplirnffirirv evlracl from tt iiV-ntmcnt if the tJrand Jurv of the last !)'! mber term, of th .Superior court of tbe Western lnirict of n. t.. t .,.?,.. ... ... t...i..i Jkisl duties liavo called him, sod to bate i Ifiin-s .by S'iri:lf Ifl'on I iS il'-I'Mfo injuao-Jtcodcred his accent si to. the. bench enj tirely acceptable, to the people of the) wes. tern, DislrkL Th.n'le'penjwho have isoeu Judge I., in the discbarge of the du ties of his office, and ia private Lfe, a'sserl plwhed scholari and a emrte.aj rmulo. man."Inde4Ht we cannot but c aigraiulaie the peofde of both, 'he Eastern ami We. tern Vistnrt that the general govern ineol Iwn apjhrtiited lo pa1 side uVCr lliCit tribunals of justice; gentlemen, who sOem every way calculated togaiulhcir respecf fleFtoftUan. ' ' n In Conclusion," thffUrwid Jury can ftofitr justice tothftirowir elisgavaudM certumed aeuiimciili of fhe ommuitiy, refrain from an expression of their appro bation of tbe promptae, judicial curtesy, and ability, with which Judge Cameron performed the high and responsible duties, of his olfico. Under circumstances by m means favourable ti the speedy -adjudication of suits in court ; Ihey havevt1i'utiis fnction to perceire. that, air thejrae uoen Ihe several dockets, have been called and diiKjed of in a nmrmer, that gives an earn est assurance that, our rights, under the laws are reposod in the hands of uu lion tat, capable and intelligent o(5ce, (signed) - ' ! 1 WILLIAM SLOAN, Foreman. December 21 r, 1832. Judge Cameron was formerly Editor of the North Carolina Journal published in Fajeitoville. . In 1814, "Mr! TWltVir jfh'us prVpTiesTc'd his prophesy has come to be a fearful re ality 5 should teach those most concerned to heed the voice of experience hefre a deep"r and more overwhelming ruin over- takuslliem,asovrtukuthairtrtiareJC4iII, unless tlier prom by tWoarmw-ea'tsflhut voice. Troy Budget, u " Whatever ia extravagant or unreason able is not likely to endure. There will corne a moment of strong reaction ; and if no mnderatiori is shown in laying duties on, there may bo little scruple ia taking them off." ntNftrWETBrt. The oppsitjon press is abounding with If rgh-encomio i0 oi Air. . VVabsier speoch in reply to Mr. Calhoun. ' Mr Webster would be forcible on Ihe question of the Constitutional powers of the General Gov- cytimrtt, ifva any -wibjdci, ; for ha- has made if Hie stuayxil his lire and professim; We have no doubt therefore that he ac quitted himself creditably, ' But we deduct much from the superlatives which- his fol. lowers use in his praise. With them his fliist is always his best. They' praised his VVorce8icFpi5t;cTi as much" as thy do ttis l ist, and printed 60 .QUO copies forcircula lion.' But. nol ie;isinmble Juan ' con iw -al in4' -c!i wtl iv 'hrrr''ri"' J-; e ingi'oTaurj'fise aad uK'J'iblc uMiiempt. Ti!KINu:.;iUut This ail,, . , Ufj j no, is lo day. Ii e.KM1 ), r r 4. i d by Ihe U. hnesnl laKjorf " ' lamly laio.flhe itMail csivmina Jj creed lhal could U pr ulg-lr 4 4 ps.ee With ihefiM,, (, " a) ambUoily, wl.i.b bwd.stm-uirjr'" efjNMiiions from the same qrtrr , ' Ihe I'r e Umaiiou and ti) v.' '"T plnmniilil d aixibno-'irsl i.. .1 .V lo 1 1., u . IlislliMI. Ibe fods-ral C siinu . t , 1 r Wi dreo .J-Eecul.. u,L.. 1 . m l ..... . . 7. , . 1 r ,w s gly marked to be mistaken. I, . Z '?in Uisi the ni4i.ciah.;ii.i..r- " iskeumrn and turn aUaii wiik ik. uh.,.,ni iu prvaem manUoMoi,, fcMtng ooibiii but a U., re to Wrtf ,4 all pledtfca, u.ars fvr Us coUrs fa lli iMiiy neutral ,1ml Wsr, 4 ,u 1 I,... ..... ...... I I.... . e .1 i, " ""wfle hois hmiiiiv wine 01 in .HortB .t Mmltr la Franct.-U , , ' -! u dm'! a aHlled puiiit in iU ..u.. H . lief, iluil lite tfecrvjarjr of Sut., jf. T I p in-stos), was to be suxceaour of Mr InJ I ....., .. .,,. ,u oay.noweirei, no Mmiaior is to be -mu , and t)M , llarni, lon CnistalJeiK,,,! iaSLf burh, has been noinmated ,, fa a . as C'Aurr d'Afalm lo Franca. STATE i.A! lT0L ' The CoininiaaniNMir f,f rebnilj;.. ' Capitol have been 10 sosa three days during Ihe past tJ?" have been engaged ii cvamin.n iU oua plana Out have been submitted fa; 2 " building, ami ajopiinj mtuna for ar spwdily and etleiisivelj llM maUrhti.U , workmen tor carrvin? on the . J? energy. Ureal puns are r r, S SIlB u L. u B iaru of coinmissioiwis lo eosurs 1 1 rate buttdingyBnd ihe veTfTo J rials. No plan in delaha, ih U,l,i it.m, it bi iiig conceived imrwrta n lhispsrr shonll rerrmin uldctffujj ng a mjy be, so thai the pmSrci 4 Iw lajibliug k H.A .thereby r-tarH 4, riler that ss much iof ,rmaliai as nn-v'T' nay be tolh-cted m n laiiui lo iImbsI spj.ved- mwMs nnd sty'e of archlterta' for such buildings. ! NEWS FROM THE WEStS Tfie'WeiTerii Mai) VeateroaTliiaTi us Ihe following unlNked fr an very t idcsaant intelligence Irom the'Wr j Ironl.er : . ,,'., Loruvhtt, F1V191 ' Minn var.We rsccived hwf twi the folios fettur, wbica cwntalm L' NidUou uf euayiderabls; jotjmeia.- A '- ' ..'..;rL,.V'AfaJL J rAMTowaarr Cibsok, Jta. It ' . Dear Friend i ttake this iwsta W toiofllllHg 0U ;i4 UU StttWatt-st. tain FonTs .company-o''U..''R rrrt tnrs piace-tm rrnj fth trwtart.- V sWssTCoj; trJMkkU.'.asa.'asl-S'trrrn, agniusl the Pawnees, but, tollK'ir w. Ihey were attacked oh ties Olb.hv V J of Cumanrba' Indians, five haruW a uuiiibcr. Tiny riuhrwTlhrr-arVti-ryf.r the sotace 4 au 1i(Bf and a M'; ni thrwore iirroundv'd: "dT "ovVrp rff and . compelled . to surreoder itKin-i' prisoners of war,- 1 was at the r. t tbo express cmo -in. Oisj af lije L I nsnts made his ccae, and brimi' iraiLblllhat theimvf jes, a the n' 4 his leaving them, were ma.jacrettit f1" fuTiiTittEawU- Ir is supp"tedt tha;c JtfJ W' beerjput to death. 4 Five (.'ohm" 4 Rcgulrrrsv lljoceTpi If ibt.iuli,!ri,,l Hiiincliatilv atartod lo rescue jtuji at mighi teatillatjsei -Tiwre svrery .? huhjlity if a MoisJf war with the l'a cha Indians. , . ' ' A Ranger uuder Captaa IW Singular Whirlicind. The Altm jer giv .in aouit of a whirlwind. appears! ii tlie rad fcet'wesm IhispU-r V.;tlz Trariit.r.r. Du i THi Xoiieuflirr.-. etlract a iora?ranh from tt ai-frajatJi .--Hi Jtrsuv.. I i ihe mnan lime, tho atamd h"1 faffed the aitnntion ol Mr. Lutta'II, imf more lan a mile to the west,'. CueriaJ' .1 n.. 1. f,r hp .inirht bis Itil walked quietly to wl rti ,,11 ' 11 vl stationary, cxhihitiug a dmwe coiuisi 9 smoke anil cinder. What c-Mifiruit I; In thn Iwlinf thst Ihe same proccrlw a kill i.rffiU.1 1L'J4. it, .l. usitv.aiw tu' culiarinotion of ihe smoke uadulatwi boiling up, like water lii .i vaeti-j overall intense fire." lie contin n "1 moderately .to advancer, Wt haf uol turud,withirr the voTume of smoke, , the Tornadiaa it souiw'jI ! tuSZretlreaJ, hut had not lum 3 J sa " 1 r I - o a.,iial if than hill round, ociore ne w -; . . ...a his feet, entirely in Ihe power of IW i . 1.- ;.. 1 sir. the smi" -7 j' - 1 ;n,nt1i Amwa iii(u4W r tre, so that objects near the circusil . . j. . ,i;u,;Ptlv tustwi!- 01 trie iiiruauo wuid """""'J' cTiioiJ'oTrwprnff 11, . .1. 4 (ittr riJIB; out coma nut rtjauu is ,, . , a .ut about two rods beyond ttiofw , which he was takenup. hail" 'i sussed hia reasoq ; but hisro r- ground-iaauuitly depriy M jmZ 8e71Iff Tay-erwi. """ y .,. fc best calculatiou of time passeu - ing his house, about an hour ,. j After coming to bunseii ne V ". aii hour before he couia n -4lt looked ; airwM falnv .HV t or Kris r ana w . t ralked home. No bone was bTI the full, and aAer threejs n i 1 ttahMad a hikmQ M iirtdy reevvered c tfet iff , f-k . "; 1 a 4 V , y i; I i; I .1 sV J V 1 t 1 1 .0 m.-s ma tf'ii'i Srtf ibef ll' jl't, ' 'that' 4ti )fH- I'd Isir 4 Cm 6 kli II t u tVV--Court arrri ki&xx lif J a -r i.lc ids fnt.i! Supr ;ffd, llhasl uhlif ilS"( I "-.--Tlr fat ire lord I " E at Ihe Wrv kd.n. di-ta r'rui to) b; Itaaw,- Si ve frt"rs nwl j the wS( and wii sch h this dai "Casi if requei frikii UI 113 km-; Bcnce. wt w Hn w Mtoln the bus f I rot .ewtiL!! ct." , .''1' f.- '.'I,