rrnrrm x;nmttmnn. A ClUU.nVif. FOlt $(i.no.i. ' " T t e 't "4a ' 4 ' r ' r - 'ka.. n "a ' v,f i.l '' l ' Mif fnrt of Id . . r..icti4l ( rtiJn 't io"l in ih "Prtflif.V4. urtih- 27.li oil upward t mhi hundred IrsM ..i ...rl Irl preach-M. Tim III" . . - ...- A.ir..a A ..... I i-iiiirr tie u,.r""ir I chrifi b PliCe er" "fl"'' 4. n. fiuho'lirt Miiiiii'ir, n4 lhiii f ,(1B-rfiJ by !"" darinf lbs I it ..VIK-k it the W.-ilwliet church ' ! rn;j.i !M tin oHtioH twenty one. jlft,,' ffcM il B"l"? t o iry or Lnfrf th" T lkirt ditrit u anoouu ,j u fl'dv'p ll'dlmr. . I,),, rr. Chii.f-. P. B. Oiii!f'H, J.hui ..f. Plro:!i. m-miM S. i.annih. , a ri. Jtwp" A. Brown. - Surry, JJeury ,A. ' J -inn Purvie. Ir. .l'jA J. Iirk, M lwia. Rwao 1.1 J p. Sf airman, "J. 8. Thoinetn. !t, TlfHiitfl BarJuiO- Randolph, iirjV-rnnn. i A,. Hull, Conference M-wiaboary jUiEtrlvanl William A. Smith, A- Si-j!in Olin, PreaioVut id Rwl.d;ih j,. i f'.dli-er ' Martin P. Park. Profeaaor of Matbe jf,ra in Rw.Iljth M iwi. fjrarl ! rA Profr of Aucttnt Jji-mje-in Rinldpli M4'hi. (JmwiI. I. m, Prm-trial f iImj Pr urttw f) iriuw!it )' I. nid lph Miicmi. K-Killn B. tol, Miaat.wiary lo Africa. X ii'-1 e.Hif.-nwe i lo U) bel l iu jV-A'v f RIhIi. N. C. t. Comineiice . A..B Mtit vw U at ara ei mA mtalas an f ti m i married min kiinj an unntarrie.1 la- if. i the mm mieatMl awiwirii IwJmM a ci -.rd.iiate (Tram-h ,.Mir go. Bal ihf 8u,.re..W juJ.cial tr.lwml ,4 ,aalirri,,ao.,lhl.krPh,i,,, tetber,,. thf pri i i' . r.i . o...- - a... i..:.. mar? aim ollhe .riatiNk Amree- l vmm lt onw." uocm u iuiim Jtapralbatirt Mr. jomni.h I-C5 they began to ffrow tired of each i K.nd tbefr gradually .w.i(. ir ailk.H lu.lre, tbe hu,ba.d alter ikxtUUttflv. a.JiutcJ the flu,.. fkiia-t I. rr ra lit turn 4.'ieva trtw twirraut h L -..I J-.r--ft.lll T7;.,rt tt. trf riat.iwe to which we are rrfrrriiuj. w learo" 6Se anplicahuq Was rcfujed oo tbe ful. hi "tbe B pir'tiea wore living together ' i amicibJa hi'till'iwnee, they S, . vKtl prtJT it l.htW"'WlUairit i t'i!i Ji ii aeniMcd ti Pil butter. ' l-i the CHir-aof tbe efemna flr. Unrt ! L'J i .. J L- ..L ...I I alt J ji wouii, while aiuuig at (he fire aide lie lUIPfiny. with othera, and dramj"her i-m itia ani, tataWr'aiiu.'!...Thii tvV- V.ii luado known to ' the Supreme Cuurt, itK-y refuoed tu lnma 3Sti. Muuro rrn nanial rh.iim. Frra Ihi il in to b r. aU!otoJiur coinraJU ? i-a 'n4.;-?1Bt t lVJ:rrrilo'ki.lin uiarriiMi wnnirii. Jir. M-M.re, u.4 aaliaficj UU' lhia de i .... tflJ bldvT ' fta'etiiica , kiiin? .nrj-'eenaurina ,, - 8upr-mo Court lor their deciwrn. Ai llr mtir is one of vast importance, and a it tlTd a tine fif Id for fine epeoclitM, it' ia t'i'i,er uncertain, whon our augiiat Ug uIom will rotura to the b-Jy of their coa i&taeiiti. "He. Itcautu of n'rf Ittw-The- fallowing aw reflwtion ia to7)e"fiuiId iii flic ; Life '"of T Inrd Herbert, ofChorburir. "Ererr body lorealhe virttioua, wber Ihe rictouado scarce love one another." Vpofl the same aubject an Arabian happilv lawrred, that h learned virtue from the V, fiir their wickedueaa inspired him with dHante to vice. Bfiract of a letter from Liverpool, dated the loth January. ! "iThe treat extent oTtlte aalciTin "Cot- tn fiiV Uic pait week, amountin to 34, bile which with the rxecntion of yuO on 'peculation, were ail taken bv tbe kadty produced ai the coinioeoctmcut of tti week an improvement in prices, f m "l"r- met the demand frdy.mnd not inall aiTvAiue bf I dJ. obtained earlv 1tt .L . A . ........ .... .... me waa at the clone entirclylost, ni with it an increased desire to' aell,.11bd rh ha continued to be the aae up do i date." Gamin and Suicide in Pari.-T!iere tPaiWinultar.iar.laia.liAViiU F" 51 (Lmton rjf PamHTw,,,,,'y Pqueiitly, a jjamblur in despairj fearful ffirif IlS-Yore Tie mlTnrtrt "o, (the nuiitber ol a noted gambling ""wO Imj then Htakc hitlalf with c'oufi A sound, well known frfjhe neigh wt year, at the hgjtejra fiStiaVa"gritle- Wa laaaa'lfn.f - uLn lh eMV.rt f.f a I ItUslJ ...J T:if . r . . .: J 1 u..' i - iiwik i m aian. uim I Biir. aaiu boat ; " it ' nothing but tbe aentenee f I rogtie or ia awiir; hich ia luing ee .ilLMjtiUiBMja. aeihft'y:ifi and fimud Ins frind conjlurt cor i 'jLSLtmp many w ho" Lad just left the -i lb twite ' ihi aiaus, we auem u auiriM v - lu iH-lice Ibi i cae wilh'aome particuUr- fV 1!T jitt, epi.illv,"iu it niiiat ho Uifiie in wriJrrTk " 1 ! ttutir-Aia Ufii ntmiirm trtuiii. ""T" mi1 "nn iui,re, tirt itlimlieit oyer me ran " ll. rtri.Ml, jr. now !.n ()f ,p,rfy .(.-.j, w ii. Ha iiriMt, pr .;K. . run h any li .rj m iii9 i;mi,, j vtttfi uu- m.ir mh, oTCf ma Tah,.r(lrtl iKir, m nm n Mi-Uy pcncv!in the irn mm . " rrgiiiiir r.M4tn LMlm Jurkv Cluli rr, t ri-brurv next, frihabuv mtm f Iio.oon. rh ru! ol t! A Club l i,iu la aivi-ia tii miao. Juh, U mm mrw, ati will ran ai a lait y ar .U. Tliia clwllmitj t Im acoopiJ, ,nJ the hurt naiDmi bv Irltar lit Ji.l.n It l,.i L" ! . i '. ... . Hi Willi h I mtiurer orihft Club, on Ihn MatuJay preccJin ilia rai". tlatf . " Wa Irarn llwt tlVOOO vrai off red and rfu'd oa WtHlna., but Cro.l Bortrawl. Tbia miio U ei ictly pu m much a w i'ioi f'r l(in by lua prvait nwtvr, lr. Liixl av, UrniucliT, who b. nii-lil him rrmn pimnu, tit da klK-r hia fi race lUlliilo ami I rwrnni? KId. A friM ria. H icietyia ahnnt la U ini in PhikJalpliia, tuya imUH. Cairite, un.r th u'pwri f iIkiw ho will be likfly I .enir it ancrea, imi ilnn new a it in ufnl. y i pn,pnn t I'irin a caiilal ( 9W,W)0 by m-lung ibare iTl'M k f f each ; a im.nr lncaii.m ia In I uli(aiiie, work ibopaare In be fillip up a.uf U)li.'(l with Inula, wherein artl clea nf l kcripliNia are W be nmnufue lured by pcri wh i cm pr.icure amiiliy. inent no where el. The articba roami Ctciurad are to be ofliireil for tale in a iran " erl ware rncrn, at Hh lwei cah prieea, lhaa preeiilini aujierior inducementa to purcliuaeri- The jiroGU 16 be apirli'Nie4 aToTMia IW Tickh.tt'fcl'Jf aaini-antiiultv," In tbe frm tif dividend, and the capital to be BU, 1 e: ' ' .' . . . --"-.?T- V- . " - - r ' iwe em,4.n meirt to (be -,',!- "f h'" . i ,y .... i BiK'a iiKHiTe ruuia nw bciimid ino numaii irV'the irnilfliil whu hare -Mullaia aaa k it.l tav i II ttatl rairtWJI raTJ uni oocw.t u-.un v m oprra.... ,W? "J ,h" ", -"P,W ,l",,r,a rc". "n-J.ately artcr bis return f.o, be "I"'"- f '"- F w" uwiiT, la pey their 'fpfrte "to htm, were Id Kc him yairicrJar e-iuu, , ut ictriria ac.r tunc f.rr uj L9 r buk t the rr - . Thr eoAtaat that ai.w afilaie. Jht, Vwn!rj. I prtelaeir ie ajnr-n.:;M-ff-.-iib that which in 1791 'hr i'enad a dua iluttoa'af ta Uiilfcit.'' Then, at at pirenV''ler aero laa pari'ir iaihe eoentre j be Ferferat pair b-a. cia cartr bHtr to fu Ttheir - - .a , . rk-W..a.. ... . ..( ,a .,. I eicrcia Ml pewer . ;t... .arapreaJ ea tiivt - T" F4lrLpari.M .ttit.NtItS? rw ,h Ie.'?r ??vir?2,"rt lml uetded thai the K. J. ral Ciirarnmeat ow. ed Iii origin 'o tbe pniple of 'b- atwal Sroia aV part e co-nmuniiir, but that it waa rura ed bf tbe .IweikuM ptoplt a a whole i tliry moreover ii f"f traaeuing the righi of tbe 8ta rt, and foriner aaing Ibe. powera of Ihe General Cdveraaieot; l a particular ill jf ra fion. Miey' Lui3 the Mien "d 9ediinn'eV,-- One In a graat meatureto etoiude Kireirr fnxa tba cuuatry, and the other for patting freemen in jaifor apeaking, or writi'ig with too teweb Ircedoaa about the great men. , ibeae acta however, conneo'ed with ether Ihinga, ope"oMl.a ejree of the propter and ihe aoon hurled the P deraliat out ot power, and put the Repubhcana in. fba led. ralma mu;gled hard to regain power during 'he bole ol tlrlTeifon adwiHi' ra'iotw ;djJuring the whole of the war, but tiie found it wn all i a1n. and r'lhe,loSljf lb War. ibav ae over he atruggle ana. fell back into the grr't m of the jsople.: Party diatinciiim were now loat. and ibe republican having no longer n opponent in the Ii J.I, began geadually to lorget the pHncf ci h' bdcaHe them into TlT'r'l f " I" 'P '1"1' '" " !h' w" he "eaae, (tey aiao began rapidly to fall iota t..me ol the practicea which tbey before, td Id warmly denounced ia tbe t edertlitu A race aow atarted, between many ol Ibe leading men ua both i d-a, M ft.'.! toaee who ieould ei'.a moat powert for tba Federal Ujeerniaeni The light to protect Manufacture!. the right to ta lbawuit:f pa ,8tale, o nuke roada odcaoilt ireaioiher,.tire ihe General Government, by of tbe ia .aaii raMynt aa'hoiVwfpartiwdarrj ,t lb, Nartb, The 3 ber.rcaboW: ever,-were more srue w uk Tbey foresaw, and predicted what ia oow cum- uwucg mio e tuua. 4tuertoo taw , and oobie-deaiblm., rawed 6 warning torce l,a r..rrfll tULlHid on. UllOf 5, ,a Carol iU . ... a,, r lt ... iba can to arreat It, hoc-bat : , f a aw --- 7 givtii f puwrful eUeck to tederj dvpot'i.B, and d ibe peoSfc"!. onhr keep on tbe -mk. "utTaTH rdFtJrrtSbti ai brwftye rwmearl ' ;!., h. .. -. M i u9Uci'ifl W Hon i.. i . '. 'ii.jmt A.u U tvi I V wiW ' by ' h-A ' r . ' ! . . . .. ' ''rlMuCl.i . UM.iMia, Tb.e iba fuw, .... Vt aow c th.i i&. ,,1, ,B ... . '. . t . a 'mr "i'uiiom 4 tir M frruaailf w rtr la bi Ij.W, tl ari.t,Bu. .Bickmr,orw a. km utVhh avtliC ! Ctd ai. Ubai lu naira of uf (oeMi f h M a A , a. a arar.-.re. ar a lmnNl I tort, ar- t!. imy k.aj, ,f gQ,,,,,,! fc ..Mr dla the m.,. A, hM iy laa erri poWirtyl. A Bawaue wh,ra Ih, inpfraat ..cr i j, h 'ew, aad auc.4 hr 11..-. i,(1-.B .-,,. area, .us accdrdln to fi( J ,4 (ltJjuJ aiieh a &Mrra-Mni.W furtf.il.rf. ended lha UuvtrcaMirt ta bt-but da a Ht ii rhMgingr a w km tt, tbat vmiina a ww iimiKii i a rai .... . ... ana, oc order m nun, u ibry ak ,v. iwiU.kiolibatlil-,buifori!i.l. 'J f-w tapUlw. mpod he aws not u .upMt 'iraawnt, bat lata ricft n.HMrlt.. and ittrir fnrmU. Wm ia. 1 be bora f Oar )a'r C"iiiiUiK mi,,, i. h afi if 1 ii ta)s -Perneiun,-,,,. mW plia art eoairtr) to iha K ..UI t A .uaK, M,l 001,1 ivaj v i, a;old. Aad lb bul lixuli .a rcpoiidid tu lbi rniiairiri, "err.i 1,0! tnd t.uts iibran:ii,p. ibrrt bujui I.J:UTtt.aaaa.Jb-.ak.aa- ire.J-f Cnm..i, yet ihi Uf fThM beta reduced. bat a rrikinr in.rl.r... L t . " ' Haial-al wttb ft-- ami ifl lK : i'"f-. rntr :MhiI; 'm differeoer, ea . iii.oui ttmktt 'iir ul aMi aari ny riaiiof to fni t. ( ol men. A lr ;n bt lo'a.tire y'oa m it (rr Wd , out jlJ ooMiina i incm e-iil 1$ peo- pie caw aa upr traf taaai, ai.d then r.TH ft ttt Wlow. ,'0ing to (he ami a dmi At tin it, I ha rraaMl lacteal .ata. Itihw ibt loandatiiaji of the crtr to ibe timrta lioa ut AukkXus tat 7H leart, uadcraent no leatia.i elram thanfti one Chanty ia about rryMtfr l)oe l.b aanl. tr fniiiia f tin MwDJa. abuta, ouec Li lry 8 . c a or tweoir jean, until it a f wllr or , trjhr wa 1 ia fact. witMajl eafa (a poarrfal Lut a ai Aral prelcritK d te iU, A knowledge a.i.a .. ... .. . a. ui iu lux, iauj;ni oy nie oijuui ui Uia wV, maile Pa'rick Heiwr- ra- Ulav, aa aeatog iba FeJefal i;nii'uuun, " WUvre ae jraar rra. iur thnh1' T'ie 1ieiiiib!icaa'pari wmWihW 'Wiit iitl4 ard tba .fibecka.--aiid iiaJof liua id. a la.' Cut ilutioa aai aidiip fed."" But 6dw it it uo f Wi are told rbatitke StTH cau furt.uk a cba af MMtt?Mav' ftM ..f ("orfrrwa, arul that 4h ' M f(f ot tell ua (lit h ia the cUe. ktTand Bunrem we . wW ind of tiukttH are.rfiai -- " rt." i -. their aam abane aw mtaeea. .abJ ikia. ia iKa . 8t4T. f..r t ie re.n that the limn tuv an .Iwat i wrugglmg 'o get mire pnwer,-tt D'. Jnh, Fow-r il alwart wealing frnoi tlx aa . n trieytw " And the .enlr aalva'ia fur th. na i a,; av l ke wa'cliful of ttwir ritfhta. '. "' ', ' rieiti.M. ot.rVM,- thMtd be th . aXI-' .. --v.l..,i.aai.-...a,.n.. r.i . -aaM.ia.a ii Vo true at hgioa " -eaiaa... v Wll'i ARE REPUBLIC ,WI . j - In tlatae flattef time-, alninaL evenr ynung ma that eonwa forward, p metal m buna. If ai a Republican,. Iiouaaaoa hare dine an, with- nut kn.iwing wf.at are tba prmciple at tba repotibeaa ptrty. Th y knew thtt the repab tiean parte wu the popular aide, and the with to fall in the curreni, and tail along la honor tad4oo,oiwB. BuU.b,thwr Mf.. .eji'X.L iiigi ibe people b. gin to aacerttin what a man i, novrrom bit adavf. but from km pHmtipl .. Many a w.ilf will a iw be (tripped nf bia aherp akHvaiiditnd jepnedJ hi true enlor. The fmiitda'inn principlet of the rrpttblictn parv in m V8, were STtTa-Rioara, tad STiTi Ks aunt a, t'it, no t.aij cow, can luj ri.:rl.;,.,- .... Ar pil"r-'pl(., f the !Hat bare uiti&iiMwifiM$l for a right without tw at alt, ibercfure the motto of til repub teana it. "STATE HIGIITS ND SfTE REMEDIES." tztratifnm trwfi 1 funtp MlAi... "I aw truly glad tn- fiom your tttt paper, contending timoet tlon in North Carolina, for theatweyarahaa length 'riumph-d. It notmUhalanding in? tiiu irni i ia win whieb hat beta betped upon them, baldly and fearlrtaty advct'ed th true .prineip!e of the rrlely .reet t iw .w,e.p. f ne r.y Wfra tbey. ttid Uwy wpu14:?h,aind a irf.c urr a.lriatment of the TtrifT. Ibey detect and I B p wilt receive lb remnarra tie) wbicll ihV 'leaerve for their acrvioet. f - rbinwll loeirpniwit let are ihe mum, aid t e tare it e uite effect j te w,t, itut p-etrrvatlo .1 ;l. :r.ril,. fr .m r.rlatat lia. -.m... mwim iaa a.' t m a H --rr uag .mata M.ww ..(m, bt. bfer rjee bfli auifim a .a'nj it the 1 aa fw h -i r, t r.U tha Ua 4 K Ual t-aa 0 "fnrai, -awa . THEHNUIILt. Mr. Oaf1, land k.H, f w J.nnWiaf b m. eo af rha p.At,- bjndt ainf the ae! i..r, abaia petard bk bout af CaftX'". ba baa ftYmtui ih i,.i. , THJt mi m r itm WJ Ojr reader ar retrrrJ lha f-tnk ?f 01 pint t at,. CUv. aaw larOT bill m - ' .m.mm,J"fi. ??..r,,.T," ..faaeitwiaa DttLaOlC btmrKN HiTLI lwpr .f. ( Writ Mr. I glad la are yau, 4 ba ae l'b with ym, lur I bear tl.al r baa Mr?aa:ai.n Uew.al Jakfai arW 0 tm a 'a glad la are tHa, and caaaamre Vo-j that yaa bar heart, bin i Aeaanre lntai-1 naaa Wgrira Jn mt lwff .4 ' Walt, Him ta tirair t I rrall ihw.gHt r "!! be il taai aa In ibe aortd to .a ep the 0 II, fa bare alwer fiprtorrad hiaj vitb to amak f tl. rumr H TA J baee aJaaa tunnortrA Ura- r! Ja tb aea4 and I mar an buaeat a--.l, a.d I no ealr ai iada be. Cauaa b liM aiwaat aflha aaWart a wbtcb ba ata atee'ta, tlat pelnatiJaa that he ala vowed aadklwa.a acred aa bn.1l! lalalv a aa a be lrc d bia rw I k-n hi.a 1 h baa dec eel bta frieoHa ba haa dcarred (bent, and foeaerltiaenemieai He wiciied aiore ao'aM Uonaparia, I aaa laee.wbb fan forr n ! f .jr .f. fM! I r,H! I aar tytla tbia m lifjuij,. ! I neVrr w.Hjid hare tbjugbt H. "' rtrmtr Mr aea'lj llr. K, I rant ar e-y rhn.g an r esiait rfi I about I!, If bt ia fc rrjL rangelbaa beard jd aa-ae rolbr m.'ni yjjt: v j. iuz"avj .k... .....h..i. . . . 4 . Lm r J Ahl vM ar lbaf . r'amei B TViiTirtarep.fdthat aaaha-w i-auiiCuT Ui mi Cibf L"0 JIjJ. j; it ' Lnw,tr J I taa r Ibat I am naciljr ia r.. ur uTrtH aue bnwaetf, w r Hnnk all (Mai ina ookI.i leMitport biaj In be lai wea- hp L crt ttttlf i A mocb bcitvr, aJ much 1 t. . ... ... . . - . , , -. - ... , a a aua iK.n I all .U a fK HjaiT .. I .TV. T Farmer B I NnnW .0 be bia lata I . ' oitaaili'a l.i prneiaa' -a.., ( fe jtiii aal'ng . tf. u. ...... . Co4 (ra r av pur ..h,i a or i!awef.e'M.MishmcOt t the khjd.-; ,5T0 - Inty- J, Wbf, I aaa tbaac. 4U proo kattoa ia a wanderul pmlue'ioa, aj act f rtli th Irae doetrui.av .AM be atari bare bee rataareaf when ba wrote I hat proc'iaiativa Farmer M. ferliap. he aaa laaftject, batV- batiter aitb angaaar a wd piril I baee f uva bpmiea. All will'ariat max licava aava lb pewnia tntm (Wa affact af auciuAiV nTtjna. Mr. A, mil ymt anaaer a. Jh e ie. (ufHi''r it thai aben ;:Tl. l 4a f t aiduiitf 'J-jiaha b waa aJajiuiialcnai; aianiili haWovaraaSut aatb pri.ipltof th can- aib'iua. oai wera rwijel- dAwaKtojiai.' aaylngth b waaa Trtant and would yet rtila he cbiteT, but aaw, wbea ba at lrte ta renrViiMtr pinpbecVa, you alt t aaddaw wbtp atrMttaU aad bCdM. bil frirnJL.'. a. ' LrtrJi. Why fa be aura I aerrr bar aero frier? la Cbraaral Jactau-tuu, as tuhaa avewtbeafWof bia way and ioae.bttia our rtC. ae-mtnl aacvairbjr bia ia bia well duiiir 1 fVa-r J. lEa weffdwPJl It at" &t la aaaawe p"W"f a4 graaied br lb Cwaatk on.: -to with ta be m aiafg la all thing bat, the nititvwwiab e ttraUb lha la .d bl jpd. al Utruy jjbtrty TTTjliii Wat, iobgrj ui.4H.aa of it JrwrrWeR,.s4r:i,:t y i4 mV-f KFmt B. s certaia'y aot lo truth la JeirJrr 4 .'live ehtng'd, you ttill hold jodr prtiidplfltf aAd n dJ I rV.hl "0nrl a baa aanfdr ba Jta furatkeaLiaViati. ata, q ii"hr trienda, and gone overt bia ana. mica, and all I bare to aav, you are heartily lc" to bin. ; r jr Publiaher nf m -ra la the tl. Stalta Will mnfrr rtmr H llaa H. T Tiprr. atHoiy.bKpmaUi i T'tHK STATS TSMPEKANCi: JCln:. i .' i'tE rn " nt patmnage inf our iLalmeuiahtd frlin cue a the M n ?rcrarTrrirtaa--f ata aa , alak.l ika W aaatttf iars. af . iBhlWall 1 ataaW ataf I 0 tVBi 1 Wat), 1 'ttvTa; taf a w tuatvawaa a. vwwanntivv the N.- Y:u-k Hlaia leave'twea tWety ta ettcad ihe eirrulanoa uf the fi.t No at Vol. 1, uf i.ta Tatpreucw Ucenrdr la tha atimb. r of 30,000 -copire. la taaire Cuaaiae, raq and -aa t'acaca.4'44i,riCI V hey owe a aimilar ir-r.i'.i ol the eircuiatioa i N I, Vol i. Of in 10.003 are to be divrrboted to the eeeeral oa' town town in tbe V. S di . J . a . I ..r I. . h. U the 1'tttf iif K T irk. It w hope. I ihat tlni KraiaawoTtbK effort will be met br a co-rot- fi poiKliiif dapotokiu an tie part uf Putt Matt eri tnd other who may have it 1n their pdaser lo further the bene e.ilent draifn of theae jiulirid. walti" EJvVAKl tV ORL Af A l, U'n. tx. Cam. V, T, Statt Tim. St. Dinrnral. Maaaita, i .In c-Mtuty, iinHili' u.t tV Adam H -i.-.nail. tUq. tttr. ami ;"wJW to Miaa t'uiiaiia Smith. - - ' In hit CJU itv, ot -n- 31 ult, llr. $eeataa' La to Uiaa tiachutt Ptwlu. - - w"gd, -r . In thit county, oa tbe llib intt., Mr. Aary Dicknn M ottnr, on the 19 h tt Hr -MicAuW Slirttfttl. t d 6i I'-'M, " f". ' W ILL be ,' -d and held A me UuUrt Iimae to otuauury L,,, t()0(eril.u 1 ihall apply Court U uie to 8 .lubury oa iher auttubitt pertofic toacive r-'loa of iht'pJir iVRoai County f r th y xt three yan tntuing, -AH perttoni e attti'lt'd to ute who as qua iii r4 ura iorlCiMtttaQcrril jhJU gi,Ufurr fN. Cviyr. aH d.'.'V l IOiT hi 11 V 1 Mi.t io C''jw J 1.. a, H a h Carolina, r be wren hat Blie., l tKe f mr m.le pott, n ti pj -mJ UaJ.oij . u Wiaoa'j j. r-riih, !i C. . . if)cia:r hook, Ont .'niiri twtlve r it 4l!4r It rah, wMitbe ld wing ppf, i A note, drn hv P '.rr Cr."lttf. .d Dirtintut. ) mct, B .utS Carolina, nvable t me. I r ode R .oj red 4. Lra. d ir e'tmit nree veari aai 1 t) draws V . .?nrr aa pfintb-1, and aaaaa- i.ltE ! aftUriiy ol ihC .Da.JUC!a.lV'U I.h.m R.U ncy, for ur)t uorlr. d d jlUra, d tie nui rrt oilrcltd I One drae tV M lurtcc XT, tl mtrr.'of the te Dtattiit, pv. aide 14 mf. fir rth'V d illara, due id tDtemhrr orti 1 Que draw. by Lr MeBjiKX, 4 theaan1 Dtrict, fur iiitri i) d Mara," payaWe to mtf 4u alxotto yta)ragO O e drawn br David vta of Row 0 C 'uoty, Xorih Caroliea. pataUc to rar, 1 r aiity dollar, 4m lit oih! after datr, with ioterctt frmn date, dattd b ot th,28lh TFefrujrf lat, N Hhr paper r JJcCtrd. "A"" pra-aV d livertng the laid Packet B ) ,or j5- iue iuch inf .rtiatioii ai will lead to it refvtn,' ti the aubacribcr. lib anilci Kat of S! burv, or to the H I- iior of ih'M paper, ahalt be hanUoirr ly reward" !. 3iG (.IllilS 11 A IV Ulll'.LU R.1WIH Count if, V. C. 1 hrch MM 1832 J NKW C laVKKUIMaVHtY. t 18. ADfXADK IIO.ZEE rr. ! ipcctfullr tf'rni the cu;! na vl . coFt:cri(hSjny M ir. ll.lt ta and 0 kt, a Tew d rori E atrtf the Courvll-wic. Shr will krrp cenantly on band, a ..r .a. V- 'jn'iiet, Cordinlt; Cfikrt. Off. - - 'V" r ii . .:i.. ... .11.. l . i . ..I 1 anl an ' i n r I'liV"""1"" ' I" " "u :jL flnfit Wry. trf A 414Ua.u..r . T1IK A IHI VN IIMUSU,' VV'' -"tJ at J. J C -nr Mi. klc'a inX iint. f I J 4, FaS (eld Dull 164-7 ...i . a4iar Kuauiiiaj (vui TrruK 'H nTXullirT tlie al.-gle" elff twe -ty-ove the eeeeoo - tod tbirtv dollata tarinsort.-1 - r 1 n regv'd ihit 1 T iiWelioraeV tl i aay that he it i,".ar,:' inr r,ftho.e ,mp.rtrdi.i. v-M". Uhiiid, fr-m C . ia tiiiu icdi iu I)i40 1 bring one this ernntey lV It .ii uii.pte, The. Charlrston Mrcur JV Auguata t br uaiclc.,Vui k v illc, ELper r,w il ituerOilif -DuV t. Wteimrii'jrin tor- r"' L-" ' - -f ;a,.. - irJ-iRcirirtoantftof tKU fficf r-f ;nilEboWrl&rH-.flii ... !".' f 'V I g oo tne I'.iplar dr..ULt. ' V . .fl tl r ; tfr t ";-r tt-'-.t- -a.i.---V.-.2 ...... h -i--- r-...-.. JJJJTH 1 " -f. a.i tJ. M'"' tilinurc tl W (1 ' . fftv tplIiibirjAVoil A"t f, -tod Hk-rwtinie re kpoa . - hid? wry;lrg; ; ajrul ZrPH oriment'iif Sa lillorv, "Iron, yy r' - IVilh a mux Selection af ' d n Y coons : ' ti.ttJLKBt.pUibU CirK.9, Libera! ad rancri. tn cat", will Oe made to ihoe whofctr itJrtng iU' 0f ftMf producta .lad the hten- . el' of the m rkrt price! will be pajd ia CASH or II VltTKR, u th i who with to itll ; . . 39( 4 JO IN scovtZ ff Chrraw. Jan-t. i8 Lv.j-ii ROM lh. Hu )crilxr, i., theut.per H-Vb-atu laUUaJtJt. aiXULi . i a , ' 1 ... 3 mi lea frvm MnlGrovi l Mt (Jihcr, o.lh'litnMiCT'virrdSVktiTAY MARC, about 4 vetra old, 1J bauds hiah'. ii white apot t't the facr. t)d per' hapi liille'lmarked wiih the SiJdle, waa ahod oo the fore, ttt when the left- h.me. JBhd waa railed in Hay wood county bad ir 1 hjelt heii making that way, - A re ata. eMe reward will be Brveq fof the reerStrerv f the; .'irr 60if . Jin lith 1 834 , ... ELYCOTT. n'.IETCertific "if I rr F rar Sharea of TiB re"jrj.pif irs r r: Ktr&zlr'jhS.e Batik rf C4 ie Pear, lo t e fiimi v tH ta m O t i a, dcMV tuC K-tw C uaty, H. C, having been miitaid N ice ii theref ore hertby given to all IflLBf rario, or by agent, ttj' in d ip.M'c thrreof., - !r . Tir ; i ;;t mi. f-'. tOXQ :Mmi: : Salftbiirg., Feb:,is. ni i: 1 3 ti U la n Va rrants yA'fcrt'j Printed ok'Fihe PapcrZ i 4 or.;. , A XK aacaieing and epfl"f uaonaj '. aV. MnmiMM of telcdieal wiib grt4 ' Aw" t - tai.wM. TiKir kmI iori l j.ari H ufwiflaa Hiae ad piatb eU.it. a B.ut t. Brawa aliet do. , Ito. . rataiibta Orae da.' rawer Laaaiuiarea, Satiiwelt k bUCB Uvirti. .. ....... i...Mriat d'i,,.rl,;ltt.dc'Ba, ' t'i - Ita do' Mi lad braii.atl, i,"" , TtllxW ba and Uuaa tl.i r re nth and plaid liiU.eg, , Melleaa Miatur. Ciraaa tuara. ' ' at I nl.all aataaia. ll. U.raa.a 4 lat.b t'.IUKaV agi.iaw f !; tad iawat i(ifrl e. . ... x eV iiLYM.U' T Of ; :,IJra.ill.a;aiVtl.alia Veat...t, ' , .. V j ctLtr r.iMt&rr or rj.vr ? . - riaia, umgnaaii aa a-nwiiia, , ; Tacbiak-a. bu ached and Uroa a, ' .atvaettng. n4 aUitilng - F4riura duaity taxi tuttea fnBftf, ' btiacb ta4iaia bilk, , . s ' Soearbw U taaatakl dav "' ' ' Blue alack a.lk CauibUt, '". . ' Cbr f-oa Mallei. ' V M.laaraa and da Hutaaata Caitae. . f .-, Sag d budana H4,brrcl,lcQ, '-; r.'iuavaua rimaea' , ' d. " f ' . fawey Um'm and Crape Z;" , A., ' "t bcarw. a. Ik miiIm, and rick l)(urd ftip. . ana u eo'ioa iitaax ry, . , . i j cmb.it r..kit:rr a rich ' Ftney boatel, belt tpd cap r.bUv.a, aiib apru'4, . ' : fc '' ' Line caatiirle htauka'Cblt'l. lao. t'C,'.' Il.t.ayiud btrati tlonaila, .j , . t- ' . roliak . Uu, . itu Irfiaa '. dn. do.. Taint la afl.tta. Ugbora bsaartt, fur and wrt ' do. " .1 GBtirr.thn.tr of r latttw ad Uraab, Bvfcuid 8tkl, - .y' '.OrvMarocr rt irfi; ''; - IUrdreat C-tlarf, , . .' '' " Utaujtadi'Wkenr.aare, tVc Ifc.''"' ' Crpa.r'at.K.Ia,'c"aiii..g Wra' rt. '. a" tla iwade tr-ofbj Carptaterr ht thlr-jart ttrtWr Trimming ,1 " i Ptd Bttaa Javi, 4aJ r4C4 a Maraca atoaatixg, eautoft rrang mI , ; ... A - ta.-i.e- ol Oroer ru.t, fr rr. -.-yV AL(of which, Ibey are drtt-in.li.ia1 k. aU t - " atlowatfaod ran t had in thi tf e' tba eooairy.,- ParehaaeN win dn wi II itr rati tiJ : to" mr track iM ha yirteew-art bf y II. at Ii- ar rrataful lo tbe fubliolor . ihoirvery bSrl patrwMfe titrrrorerr. ind b;-f trkiMeaiUa buatnaaa, a.tt aelU l"t. brwd sheap, eitrlt I CMtib.er u4 lb atma , . . - eiif . MBiACjlklllSA Htr INTOflMS bar fran-da, and tba ptiblU r-rt, eralli thai aktTaa emtiaunaril tv tb. ta . 6i-i.fa. bfr Hour on ua tr.iv:ty -f - a u.M.ftl . .i ... , . jrrMaiawwwat .adan... ,AZltZ !"-, 'r... . Cilft i dimtmWmunds, Vrlci - i! r arutall hf ariHilea 4u(ici.l auk h WudUJi'ia,ri btiii., a. ' v V16 - Seiubprj, Monk tVA t?3J, a. i.l.T." rf..L a.i . . . .lna - 4leea l .Alii l.au ha- ' J "T- fi. Mrtl id auyve; ia'Vl't f.f lh A'".: . y rtr it woodljnd a part of which, it aa -. a'fa'dWw1Vf4W ty, . Tha J411 Jxjii be acen bv ouJ ti il. Horn cf ihe iVacribcV f tnilc wctt 0 S-liibury, ' : . wTOf cqax;:-! - ..Fib. U, 11.13. t6r.-. Sty TT7 lTIt a tie oin nr ti ffi itat - vv- bw-r btH'- e H4i"( proCUIed til bctl Ma'e.lait fipnl - the North) and employed a tVo.kin a who tomea well re-pmmended, the a prepared toaxecuu. on inodcrjie. ttf m.S all order in thie line - i:- - L Account rooki, ueeordtV k." ruU'dr : r- 1 and made to -order and every- kind; of ( Bwdiof , proinp'fitea) aecuted' be ha-iwiIaa...wi:Hi 4iic nrateai manner, mt iraaorihrii, tit ml. - i. - a V ''v -"a j r v- j rtj AI.KS fc SON.v. v. Till ITElM uOAT MACON , :r..:L'X.-:. II Aid baniriK Lt( tj a' tKi.td Utt iumnicr, ,! in tou 41 4, . a ttiarlet'.ort and ilia raw calling at Ueo.Town on hat way iiiv: anddown will reiumo bar Tripi iu tlui, i ; ! : couneof faetjara and h intended tvlm 'M'4;' aon. - ..-a'V v-...'' ft . -""-i i'ii ' rplrawintt wbettJUdtdnly about fout ad .r.-Aa'-J' nau feel wrater will enjhle her to rrBttt v.-. . 'C 4,0 r ' "itriTaai x c atr'AiT iinroW.-T" v','"''' moo low Irer', whf n her ; erjo wiil bo ; iijhteoea I the .spenr oriioat. - . - J B CLOGII. ,' ; , ,wti.,r.Ve H, B. She b-it comfortdble -.Vumo ' V rTatlofir fonr ft tr p wirrr;crr--7 v H ' ,,' .L Vf::'Mfi f i)isrAT ;l!r l:V :- '' AT TU13 CITICC ". . ' ' ' ', . a ... - t '.' 'It ." f XimWtVtr-'jiOWfXXrtfl- a .4k....... A" . t .r 3(59 , r SL. ' KIC Aftyf Salisbury, altorcA U '5 - ' .' -,V '. '':. ' 1 SALE tltttE CUEAT l V 'n" r-.