jr . y si - mmtrm The wisd- rfk-i!ti.mia easily rn i grafin, 1,1, , on eie ' . ,S " " 'U' '(V M re., I, lb.brl ol Iaa.ai.,aa4 wb kK will be eve M with tenmr. f)r, Chinning, -SAUSSURlVnoVAN'OU.NTV V. C.-..MOXIUY M illCII tO. IVOL Mil NO. . t - rj 'J, 1 tlfllaj fc '; JV S 1 . . . L. - J-ll in m, ffi wilkintkrM sum A' or 10 lUf'i "df't W. ifald ml an oik. "'i.m rtikm In Vr V mr n 'k.ditiil until all arrmragn art tnii iJrii ttf Eddor't dnerrlio. 0jntriptio rtrtirtdor a 7m j jiVr ' (wijr f' iifr e i4 ft 4iinntinuf, ssfa turr fie rrpxrn. yfur' ciMuUirtJ as a fsafrsv. inyjman profurinr rir nnlrrnt tub fnbrri to (Ac Carolinian, thnt I hart a wj trat'ttT Advertising at ihe fcoil rule. a"! fctfrrt t'ldrtttrd to fie Kititor mud It ft paidorlk'f nM It at'rmlftl o. 1,7- i'be leuitf will U utritll) tlliir Jl SUNATE.OF TilK U.S. ' . HOUTH CAIOL1JM. Ou kiU f-rtktr (ronue Jar ikt col- Cvmuviv. ' Omi S fh m4iM 'ulcH had tmuxlj pj t-i him lu rwn, to aliuw ibutcv fff pncvM rctnHy irKmld be rrte3 to. J .MM(iiuliiq wnfrniJ in ipint of friire. it ratified iu that aaiitw irit of dpfereore; aadaoit ouht I It -uiiiuU'!CiL.Tbc vbvfo biMory of our pi rtnr cmf rmi to t!mt rinripli; a mu tual 'If.-li'rcix'e to all great princiil if the tauitrv. The (irat'lico 'of thu Govern irt !im l'''H invariably marked with the ipt'it .iff' iinli.iti ri. Tii .HtJite l K.jntur.kjr, in 1794, wa iwii tvd with th 0 ernrfn'nt f ilk) I'. Stiii, hfau thu fre navigation of VliMiwipni had not awired. Th Lr;ilihir of that Ktato made a itrong Immf ranee j tb ttihjefft In the Gen tml (i ivfrnint'iit, claiming thnt I'rx oavi- jjiuiuaji lla-ir rirfhu .Tlwv ajacrted (hat G" 1 id Nature had eivrn tliein the right ; l-vl' i-v nx-nuced a witmlrawaJ Irom Hie I'm'! if it waa not obtained for them. Wlut ra the eoura "( Va"hingtrmt What wa the courao of tlte American Con- gr TUm4 ioca-tou't They did not W n Hir grouirJ that Ihey would not "tfrwTtrfrjr"ttfi ineiiaCe " wot'TiRTJ' over th"m. Yet no one cwitd rjnaht' tho ctmr- ts 'f..-Vahinijtoii. No noe eould dotiltt ut loal Im prepared fur-rrfnrj'riwt lie aaid that the Uovcrniiwnt hmlTiJpcftgraprncar liiintu if anj pnrfmn ol imitahlialind in a awrtl of Wmiprnrniae, the1 l-mied Sta'tmC "Vnrj tiM.k an'it iudL'e od h rcominunded that a respectful re pit lm :iven In tlio atate. He laid beforo th' '-uliiare tbe facta in the case, and th" fre navigation of the MtaaiMipjii wa -Tscru wai alsu auother ciuc, wbic.'i wu the 4imiti.f the State deHa. ,-- Atilie t war iif tlw oluUo, beaiJea JL n'io;al debt, each Mate had on trac ts1 i- li-bt. and it waa dumunded by Ihe jf-nt imild amiimo the payment of (hone f?ht of the Slate. Such wav'lho dix-uit-ajrtion which remlled from Conjjremide bvm the payiaeut of liieae debla fir five rfir. Ilmt a dimrmbeniient of tlie Union n Hupeetcil. In mnking tliim reference le h no intention to cat an imputation n tlie Statei, but merely to ntate the tncta. .JtasrUfncral Gmsmiur nt .uUinMly . aa. Wcd .the di'fila., 8ujp)ap that inNteud f takine thia conrae, the (Jencral Govern, lienl hud acteil iixu the idea thrown out V) the gentlem-in from N. Jersey, thai tli' pride of thb Stale Sovcreigntiua ought to be r hncknd, we ahould not, said Mr. ft kve kn at this moment engaging in thia sVuwui, and enjoying the privileges to h!t-1i1tus Sir "eirtTtTei u 1" The next instance was the repeal of the ,. toiarjo nn m 1 907. Thia was mcaa fe ia" Mr. Jefterai j and one to which lie greatly attached; Dut wherLhe. ww that, bv the continuance of ihis embaren, tt4 tmm wagiiki'ly to be dhnnemfacred- iu he say that ihe la muni be enforced a the eonyti;licin. tiukl iuia is a uoveru- , '"ynt &f CiMiiriiniww ha japeaJflJ ,,tlttt oat buro. In hia urirk. eulilmhed &inee hia 4a'h. it ia mado apwrent that thi Was y favorite measure witb him. Yet, a the approach of sd dangerous t crisis, heitnted not to abandon and repeal it. . TliiisaiMher instance af concession whioh resisted the exercise oi QouUtfui powers. he bad statej hia oliiections to the ourfl !ii,,t,e hniorabie JuJiciary Cum Riitti.e 4r)vid or recom nanJcd t' the Hie to adopt, k leemiugit not calcuiat H a hmu giiHtuuea had obsnryed, to leula!ed, if carried into practical opera Kl destroy this glorious Union, it was r that be should atate whalJSe thought d best meet the ureseot crisis, lie SKidered the true remedy a peaceful fm I it ' ConciIwtioieHiccordin Ike ith tho genisof .Ute. XVistitui ion fc,,lract"ice'iifiheGovernmtut. . The ""'''"."h 'uM he red.x rj to th wants of m 4 Hkil l-'ie aun iaiuu which jseqneofw ftH tariff sjtteni, oujht to W terva'llte lliu, tin country should be aa r"'d. Iliia a:prd la im t be an tnfaliitttft rtirv ly. '1'ne one, buweyr, wliwh the Cmnmittee had nricril',d, inilit be fraitghl with fotiH) danger. Hf waa aware that therewa t act if pu'.ili ciaoa, who thooulit thia the fivorjo mn o-ut to try the atrenrtli uTthe I'omciA that ttia"Gocruiiif rd uwj.l Bi,t to cmu ndauua particle i4 the f r4ecttve ayNti in.' Can it be poev.ttlr. at Ihiariay, (aa'id Mr. 15.) that any i'mJik1oJ would wi-.li tytnrdii tin peace anil lidrmony id twelve or thirteen milli'Hia of people imiI only the piiire of a now pttop-e, imii 10 fum the pn;-re or tree (rovraiiM.iita ttireotjbout the word I'V an eeriii.iil ol iUt kind I To try the trmijjth of the I'mon, and whi tlier it ran wirvive Ihe n of Ihe military power ! 11.. 1 - j . . .. 10 nojxa ix 1. lie iruaieii mat our lt Kjlilc would be hazarded by no atu h p uiive etperimeiil. Il la a rgiH-d, continued Mr. H., that the foaierf Huth Carolina havinir, pluci d ber. nif m thia attitude of defence, t'ongr itiyhl doI to lejjudate on the wihjert, an hbilfceo aaTJ in auiucof ilia nawNipt'ra, while tbe aword ia brarnlixlun over our heade, Thi la not litettin the qocntion, I V 1 qucitiuo uf a. ttr ckarwe. ler. Are the peiiie uf &uti Cardine a- tone concerned iu Una matter la Ht a vanl portion of Ibe American people cmicerni'd in ill Are not the vli lof the aouthern Htalea interetied 111 tin auhicct film imI only Die emitliern titatei, but tne Mate of New Hampshire, the Mate of Mme, ami I portion uf the ycuplo. of New Xvik Lul largo and renpectahle number of the Htatca in lite aonth went, which conxidcr tha larifl ayatem uiijUHi and repugnaul to the prmcipk uf t!n: CountauUuu, aud that we have no right to keep it up. It 11 ar gued that justice ehould not be done to Houth Carolina, became; ilie line aisuincd a menacing attiiude. Thia ia not a proper lew j it la not jurt to tlie other Hlaten. la it, any ream, Ix.-caa-Ki South Cjandina l.a' actod iiopruJciitty, that hf lion Id not receive justice t If ahe haa I'orfcil.ii any ckiut to IJmi AMHuderatioif of 4liV Ortnernl GovernuM'iit. ought the other tttatua to in cur the forfoiture? Nothing can be more erroneoua nothing more absurd nothing I will aay, mors tyrannical than to oppreaa all the aouthern Slates, because South Car oltiMt haa artad rashly. 1 Ho ih, aatd Mr. RJL'JtIiw i'"" 531)9 ? AJouihcm que, fimj. Tlialik Ood, n the exercise of rny Icgialativernhla and duties here, I cu'n lMik . bey oral the fotomac. Thank God, I Have T fcetib which" Ta' ool confined ' to- of my countrymen north as well as outh of the rotonmc; ai d I w inIi it to he di Itnttly underatiMKl, that wimt I now miy resjicctiiig South Carolina, 1 deem apfdica hie to every oneuiber of thia cnfdire . Tjjuo wic of tlHso. Stajee would I arros-lof aully: aayl arifl. not 4o jtmtco. 'ttf a;ya wniw iHi .yuur knees JHnm-ww-. I do hope if I have any -patriotism, ilisf not lliat nari"iw,coii.tructe 1 iruxi, 11 is mat patriotism wnicn iooKd abroad over Ihe Union, and cmuruces cv ery portion of my fellow cttizeiit. And ao In-lp me -God, if my eottstitui-ntswrrre thT day lo demand that I should perpetrate an act of injustice agniimt any nu mber ol tis Confederacy that 1 should do an act in behalf of N. Carolina w hich would trench unM ihe eig hu-of Maine- or 4f Maseach tells, or Pennftvlvai.in, which I lie lieved destructive "cf nir contTtutiKial rights, o help me God I would resign my sent and retire lo rev home, "rather lhan jeo pardize the peace of thia Republic ibis glorious experiment of a free Government by taking whnt jnstly helongs to Maine, and iinjuwHy to Itestow it on North Caroli ua, beficvnig that a man presents a more truly dignified attitude who refuses to do an umjumI act, thttu ho who perseveres in injustico. . ?u what are.we now called upon to do T i . -1 . T . . ' lilt H'e are called upon imminently to jropardiaJ thembhe peace, ly a nnveland dnn5enu3 cxiierlmciit lo enforces law which not only a large rjorUQnuf4h'i A pie believe luicnnstitutional, but which t milted to their individual opinion this day, they would reptidtale and require lo be re jected. We are called upon lo euf ree a tariar law, which I believe the aaajorttyof the people of the United htatos ywnre to have amoodedor modified, and the modifi tivrrwifsehieh 4i4UJ-likiuwie.Lv.lba recommendation of the Chief Magistrate. And before I proceed further, lei me eif p!am myself on this point. 1 do not take the"glwitf.nff wish to be distiuctIy8ndtrlood with res pecf t5lhTImrfii!rrh''' " a lawwhich it tainted with injustice should not be put in pressive in its character should be execu ted by interpisition of military power, un til evrrv Dacifk measure which can be de- yiaod shall have been reeorted to without ; .K A.tA result.. The remudv lor evila ol the greatest magnitude, should be sought j acceptable to the people, without a total f.r in the peaceful tribunals of this coiiiilrv,ahaiKl'niient of the principles; I speak according to Ihe great pnncinh's eaii'h-d'n r u rence to the views and prevailira down tons by th Enlivi VVhii, j,vl which we liav I i'd i'i' ne sptnj or le i.wn.1 n.-eeanry tn o fnree la esertrte io tawa, 1H H be tued. I am M prepar fl to my ht Hie emergency raruvit arise: but I do eev, Hint MP.re a lew o ihis kind M f feruted litlore the peace of die Union ia lo he diiirld. fhere otiinl to be a efornee , the jotie, 1 1 the wmjom of t onjtre to weigh, lo essmioe the pro. visions of thai law, and smVmnly lo peim a4 reflef ir UdV.ee jf.ieeIing -to put it in lore hy mnnarv pwer. I . 1 . v .. 1 iM-e ienvefiii(i Mr. m to advert to nhat the rVatoent 4 the United Rate, has aid in hi meii to Cmigrean, arvl I do il Itf-caiiM Ihis ia the first remedy hi:h Ihe Prmidept rewmmen led to I Vnrew at ihe npi-ning rd"the present trMion. ! cannot do! thai if the l'.iecu!ive wi!n were com-u!t,d, he would, ami dteid dlv, give the prefi rence to a peaceful slMe. menl ( the dilnculti hy 'cairea. I do not irwnn lo aav lhat his prf.-rence should influence rwir ii;w1:ilioii, bill it ouhl lo have weight with us. Peakiinr oflli utinftiiidimenl of the puhlic debt the Tresidonl coes on ' to re BinrJk ; , , 44 The final removal ofthis erest Imrth. en from our reinre, n-rds llie' nM-io of further proviion for all the objects trwerel wrelfnre and public defenre, winch ihe Con"litoi:on iithorisv, an prenent lhete:raion lor such further reduction in Ihe revenue as may not he required f.r I hem. From the reitort of the Kucrelarv of ihe Treasury, it a ill m km'h that, after ihe present j ear, such a reduction may he made to a ronmderable extent : and lite ufcjact ewmefrtl reemtrrHnded fo ttie cuisidcralKMi of Congrein, in the hope that Uie C(mt)iiied wimlorn of Ihe reprewnta. tivea of the people will deviw micli iii'um of til)Ctiiii that anhitary (dijeet, as may remove th'M" hirtliens which aha II hi found to fall unequally upon any, and at may promote all the great interests of Ihe community." Aeain, in another part of the message, the Prcaidciil remarks t . ; ; ; ? 4 That niHiuifactiires, adequste to the supply o( ourdoiiieticcoii!iiniption, would in the aMrart he benefinnt td our cmiii- Iry, there i 1.0 fei,m t0 dnM ; and, tn M K t their eflablbdimcnl, there is perhaps no Americiin citii who would not fur a while be willing to pay a hizher price for Ihcin.. Cut, for this purpotte, it is prew med that a Taritl uf high duties, d'ijfnfl Jos prpmual proieetttm, has entered into the minds of but ftiw of ir statesmen. The most they have antieipnted is a tem porary . and generally inftdCntal . protec. iKmwbich they fnamtain has the efteet to reiluc"lie .ffice' cT.'o'umcalie'coinV'liiH't) below that of ihe' foreign article. Expe rience, however, our best -ruirle on this as on other millets, makes it doublful who ther th advantages of this system arc not uKiuterltalftftccd b.y ninny cv'iN, and wlie Iher it loee not tend to begvt, in Hie minds a law portion" of our coni'itrvmen. a bA'ttf iijeneiat :J.iaae'k-;' daueM bfthe Unliai. " 1 These ar the sentiments o the Presi regurdjij tlie Juw whi.cb, y,arciua n'tojiiiii of carrying it iuto execution. As I Counider l!i, n a nioit illiporlhlit point ; hi I c iividur it tin true means -d' removing the difficulty now involved iu the question, I have not only adverted tu the animal message o the President as show ing'ihe views of te admiiiistrHtion, and their. remedy for the difficult) in the south hut 1 would now heir leave lo read from the annual report of the Secretary (if Ihe Treasury. Here Mr. Baow read an extract from the annual report of the Secretary of Ihe Treasury on Ihe subject of the reduction of the duties. 1 hua we have tho direct subjection of the preiienLjmi'lilraltjMU tbatihiaia.the-1 most approprmle remedy. It is the one which was first suggested at tho opening of tuo.tioswun, aodl bolieve it iacakulaied lo achieve'all the great ohjocta ao much to be desired, all which it it nocevary to achieve, and that without endangering the republic. What ia the extraordinary spectacle, I would remark, which thej- Amerigan. ,je.l public now eauiuttsTo the world I A re in' e do m a republic which has heretofore pursued the evea and peaceful tenor of its way" a republic which had. .been fiamd competent to all tbe legitimate pur poses of government witliout slaughtering Its citizens, and which, with verv few ex- years, we present the extraordinary spectacle of calling on Ihe administration and the executive branch of the Govern ment To enforce a ta against a "portion of our lellow citizens to compel them to con riho'eeo rqjteh imwy-to;tWBrjoeiue which it is acknowledged, is six million annually more than is reitimte.jfor ,'jhg iransiWCSeaenl GlwenirnenW5" 5 A're moval of that burden would remove all thfTHilt with the State of 3outh Carolina. Even a partial removal of it a miligaUon of it, would make the tariff tyslero more p' .' p-moo oi me people l rep ri '! wwWiws- ihar-we art ifimr- wr tltrf est of a civil war and for what f To n fjrra a Uw it lha eidWtia sf rrvwwue when it is a).!injlt.-d by the herniary of. the I reaourv timl (her are at present sit millims of Jdlarl more (han is wanted lor ihe eofnmon purposes of the Govern. awil. Is (his calculnied In (levale us in Ihe ryesnf th imti mi of Kerope? Is ihis rukulated loeurlheh'p4lhwp. plo who have been long alruj-jlinc fr lhir rights T rernnl me to siy that 1 Ihmk il will .me.ht 'wefcpn the Cree of our republican aiperimeid yet I I lieve lhal sir uovennnenl is ranuble ol achieving all the great objects fr w hich II wm igflrd,aud actlliug tint nutter. If, in the revolution cutest, when the blood and treasure of this rmiutry were pr..fmrly H.ured forth - e.lul.loli tbe rights uihI l.berties of ninnkiud lo eive si-if government sod to ahlih unjust 1st anno any om oi mir tnresfor who were iijSL'e.1 in this uWious siniirele, hud pre. dieted that in less than half a century af leraards we should be enned in Ihe oniideration i.f a lull lo compel a xrl!on f theirope; at the poilrT of rti layofiei, In pav taxes when I lie (ovenini"nt Imd six million of d tllsrs more than it predH 'h'J.W'Uld ft have klicvcd him; ctcJu- hty itself at that lime would not havo ere rfitejsurh'a" "prediction. If fliev ' Colili! Iinve credited, the slnry, il would have en eitsled the arm which slrm k fr lilx-rlv u.mld itave dainpnd lUo hosrnu a Inch plowed with palri"li"in. P-ul whnt has b.-en the pmclice of oir Government here tofore I I beg leave to recur lo another esse ilitfflliiiuiidird in ' the hitnrv" "f n"r (ioVi riimeiil.undv.lirh I i ver! x.kod ut tlie lime I wns remarking mi the various instances of firU-aranre hwn bv our Go- ve mwnt. In the late wir, when ft lurpc m ij'inty ot the people of I'm United States hile-viMl the pride of I lie country to have Ih- n wounded when the constituted an. tlioritie of ihe land believed the national honor to have been trampled upon by the British Government, sad cnsdered il Ihe mine. I duty of all to asxist thein in reseat in" the insult, we found many on tliut 'e Caxion, ves, even pending Ihe r1ioniiesl n-nl of the war, resistiui; every lull mI.icIi went to vive the tt iveriinietit of the L'. Stales meoaud means to prosecute lhat war. They misted it on the gronnd thai, jece might be otoaincd ; aiidj I believe, lecaiiw) they, rTeruied the war un just, and, while our villages were smoking and our country invaded by a large body of hostile troop. - - :.- We find at that tnotneril, a hrge body of iin o.io Coiuicticut,iwlioso pairiotiiiu I do not call iuto (uusliou, ir -be-i- iront m tu do ,) a powerful, talented and respec table hxiy of men, even at the darkest pe ri'Hlsofthut war, voting again! giving men and money to carry imi the war. Great llrilaih had traluph'd 'on our'com merciul rilits had intuited us oh the hih seas for six yean before war was de clarcdi" r,..Nnirhatandiiigi Aim, we found a fwiwerful &idy"hf" titid that fio nrmy or money ought lo be voted In the -Uuvtrtwt.. JNoWj if that spirit ui for-, hear'am-e", great aa il was, could he shown to an enemy whose crv was, IMrnda rut Carlhit ,'o if thnt spirit could Is? exercised brHojIagrantt certainly some little pi tiiivce is due to our brctlinm of the south. Curt ly ncine forbearance ou.dit In be shown to our own countrymen. If there were ninny at th.it time who thought Ihe sword should not bo unsheathed agoiiiNt thrwe'-who would tramH xis trader (oot, is it to be supposed that we are now to pluiige it Into ourlnoV-citr2eni ' some little examination into their cause T I wish to be distinctly understood on (Hie point. I do not intend to justify S. Carolina I am not her advocate, hut she has a ri''lit to have justice done her. I do .believe however, that ihis question nitty be settled ; and that by acting in spirit of conciliatioj spirit not. only due to bur, but lite vast portions of the north and south, the quout ion rn'ght be put at rest. As regards the Union ol these Stales, tlie re is not a member ia the Senate, and I trust I shall not bo oowidtred egotistical when I aay that there is not, in the whole Union, one. w.apu. and heart more dearly" do voed to it than my tii'flt,ataaelC---V MWit that taTl 1 laa sa.?uni.n OHM ill tilaflft V aaHfl ttf If sJaw wWaf-a;saF-sawars,raasaawaw maF,,Br,ws,sssrsr-xr" s- sp governmeTit, are' it lssue in this matter, and it is for that reaeon 1 urge a -pacific course. Even Ihe Greenville and the Norths, arrogant as they were, even they brought forward their measures even they repealed aoma; of their odious laws to satisfy the desire of the cob mi its. And sWtrMWJlhWB Istiow'rioTtf; inexorable, more inaccessible to the voice ol justice than that which prevailed under the BrihshMcswrhyt- If aortbe Wood of those who achieved Ihe Revolution was ited.ia -vauvaad tha itapasweC tha liienJs of free government are for ever- put at rest. I.( that ioexorable pri to he no regard paid to the feelings and wishes of the minority, he would aay that thi would change the whole principle of our federal compact, depriving it of all iU republican and benignant ieajHijwl converting the Federal into f consolidated Government. fn every portion of the Union thereV set of great primary itileresl. He wish ed to be distinctly uiak'rstood oh this point, I di4 not m& t9 sj tijat tlje Govsr. TiTJ'trri every rub requirement of a Slate Ut iroMsllt but ki did tuiMMl tn.MV that whenever any i4 IhMtrreat priuisry and leading inu resU inade just reutouat ranee gainst n obvious oppreaam, it was our amy, ia the true leaerauv spirit tu our Govern wnl, to forbear otherwise, Ihe Government must efforlually change its character. The Weat hss her primary interest and snnMl'Ulica in ithnitc the ereat land qiielion, sn3 he, (Mr. B., would alwai b diaposed li do ample jus lice In ber a H aslorvery Mher w-clion ofthis counlrv "nM A rv,'r and f iriret riaht. New York has great in terests in a commercial and "manufacturing wsv I be, therefore, would dJ nothing Hint . . . . j ii. ..i.i i... Wfsiiit tismplo them "" w'"u " them lie free as they are, and give tbein all Ihe1 urivilecs Iher require. ' With regard lo the manuhielurinif interests of Ihe couu Irv. lie believe,! that ihe Ciswtitution dm not lax tlie intercuts of one portion of I lie neootn lo Leiu-fil another. He would laar and forbear. AJ. as tu a specific uaa I I ' " - jure t't tha xtducUoq ofj!) J!'! he ilerliiro.! il.sl was not one oi loose who w.sjIJ gie a dcailly blow In I be inaoufue InniiL' intereat. bv a Ihoriaicri anq loo r nid reducrinn In" the fveiiue"T)'iin'. , . . .. . . ' . i. re . wouIJ Uu it gradiully, in Hint snrii oi i.r hearnnee, which is due In Ihe whole Vu ion. ..vnk- ifianeeo at nie peculiar a - . s . .1 i ... rests ol tho West a d North, he would now advert In those of the Bout hern Mate. Their interests consist in producing as much a pissible selling at lli higtieat prices), aud buying aa low a possnUo. I nit lhat natural course of tliinjs had been in tcrnipted by lh Goveriiuicnl of the Uni ted .Nates fr many years post. Iut he did not auhkcrihu w lltst doclcwie which is maintained bv some, lhal there are not essentia.! interels cominon la a large Kr- tiiai of the I'. Htates. I) believed every section ol the I nin, north, sHjth,ast, and west, were iiisperably connected. There was an twt.h thing a ao adversa tutureaU It was true lhat an arlificiul stule of U'ings bad crown up. Tlie re waa no difference IsM ween the great nntural inlorests which GmI mid nu- lure had given us; if there wnsanv dilf-r enee, il nroe Iroiii an unjust dread ol hgi-H uIiiki. Ciiiusl Hfrfl.itiMi had produced it, aud not the diversity of soil, habits, and iiirsuita. Tho true doctrine was, extend mi ll protection to all in iheir vurioos hub its and pursuit, and leave the path free (or ft 'getutruu and beueficial competition ol II.:: .: - - '.- .'; He U-gged leave to reid a short extract from I speech of3IrJlayacd, a utan of stui nent ability a repobl nan, a patriot ; aud he (Mr. U,) believed, that the entiment would and ou'ht to have il weight. It was at a particular period of the embargo, and the remarks were mado in the Course of a speech on tho question; and in read ing ihi,-he -totendtMl to-make no Special rerence.tothat portion, of the Unioathey had a riaht a wsnrVae what thv folt-i hel inenlv referred lo it as iUpstrstive of the principle of our Goveruiueiit. In the cnur Vf ihat giinllenwiiV remarks on he repeal ol the etubaigo law, .Mr. II. said a follows: " We all know that the opposition lo the emtar?o, in theeirstern Htstesj.itTmtthe opposition of a piliiieal psrty, or of a few discontented men, but the resistance oft he people, to a measure which thoy feel as ppresxtKe and regard as ruinous. Ihe people of thia count ry are.oot to he gwer ned bv f rce, but bv alTection and confi dence It iUr iham v leeialate ; aod if they do not tike our laws, it is our duty to repeal them. " It they do n l like our laws, ft t our duly to repeal them" oaid he (Mr. B.) t was nvht and proper that the other mem bers of tho Union sliWd rejM;t llieir fwl- ings, nay, even thoir prejudices. Suppos inj that our (lovernmeiit had pursued a duTc-rent coupie had steadily refused to repeal the embargo law; bad dotarmiued, in th language of the present day, to make an exjierimenl to lent tlie strength of the Uuion, and that our lellowHsitizeojH the east should have been coerced at the point a. t ' il t i l-. . ol the bayonet : wuai .inau prouauiiny, wouhl.have--fcenj :thOfiiii81et.lle bntieved there would rrave beep blood trhed. and (hat the consequence would have beeii a diseelution of the Union ; and that the prospect of a tree government would have been destroyed ; that all the State of tha Union would have become separate govern ments, and civil war would have resulted. The calamitous consequence which would taMtkXnmia ijutumKrment of tre con federacy , none cou'd doubt. . Each of the great division seeking lo strengthen them selves against ibe agjjr?uoiii i of Jhe ot her, would give Urge power lo their executive fiitljorijies, which wrwld moat trobably terminate in 'WaljiiuSuiurihf aita' ry despotism in each. Proud as he was of the achievements which had been performed under the star spangled banner - proud as be was of the tar arxf stripe which have fluttered in every aea and every clime anxious a ba waa fr tbe glory of the country ; yet God forbid that those stripes and star which had heretofore been the rallying point of heroism, should now fl mt over the marigl- ed ore f air Heeding eountryttien, God fctM ttv turcmiry awuid wtfy. 6 rafT fcM'f 8Tsii "si," fthaad nd disnstrnos revoiiition t (t , he believed, whenever thai lvi!4 l"k phiee, ant cis.iy the l.hertie of thl rnu'.rf, . bol lb beat and brightest hope of lha eiy. iliisd world, wonld I drstrojed forever. intwi Tulueotion lprratien,-mK frtnifh ago Mr. Morris, eureon, of R'iehlal, perCinm d the TaliacoHan eperatiott (f t a rnw noar) upon Benjamin Wilmn, rj Z ear, in the same pU e j ih palH iil is iHi? doing very well, arxl will eviilenilv l-k much better for his new memlr. Mr, -Morris, formed Ihe new none from micro,. menl covering tbe I irelicad. assHaMa , Pri Lrt. Tlie celebrated tailor, Slu'it died at Arte, in the South of Prance, isj an estate lately bought by him for , 1)00. (lis property beside thi exceed! 11)0,000. ' . , f Stulii was the tery Prince of Eurorfih, : tailors. He would not condescend lo cut ; a coat or nutko a pair of brmiche, for my Imt llit tiobility or those who brought I't- ler (ifinlroduclion and recommeinidii. il tVom rrnmj of ditfinrmrf-u InrfivMii'i'r or decided rash mo. It was a rare 111102 for any .American eili.n lo be able lo , hew let tee from owrefsi-'hiiv -eti'-ojlj lo air.rd him an opportuoily to have In! leg and shoulder measured by tint fa- tnous knight of tho thimUe.j Uotlon Stntintl. Mammal liny. lr. J.mallian Franc!, f irmg in Kagle tnwnshtp.fdlot king roniy, Ohio) has a son that en.hcd, in ihe lor . . part of tinrttnhcr, at the age of II year aud 0 months, one hundred and ninety se v. r en piurt'ti. Mr. Francis, Ihrfnther of thai boy, weighs three hundred and forty five. J A family in Parliamrnt.-t. O'('ow ' ncll enters the Il sise of Commons alth4 ' head of a phalanx of six of his own re lions. laurn'e U t.onnell, Ins eldial son, member forTralee : Morgan O'Connell hit aecond tan,: member for the county of Mealh ; John U Lonnell, his third son, fif Youhall; Christroiihiif Filisimmm, liitt , . ... son in law, member for the county of Hub- bo, W t. Finn, his brother 111 law, mein. ber for the county u Kilkenny; and Mo gmn John O'Comiell, hi neplww who wi!) like his place from the county of Kerry. HUNTING' EXPLOTTfJ." " ' " Putnam well knoWn adventure i'ri 104"' woll's den, ha sujiaealcd a record of (fit ,, CdlowTng, which awared in Ihe last rmroV ' ber of tbe. Wenteru. Monthly Maaaiotb- - They art prtttuuuc. auineatie v : -;r--; " ' iV. 1'. Paper. 44 Many vear ago, a French in iu, with n's son. was hunting in a purl of Mis0urL listaut about forty miles from St. l-. uii. Having wognded a large Ix ar, the animal UkW rofogo tw a cave, the aperture lead ing into which, was so amah a buret to dmit its paage. ,:. The- banter, . hvinj tntj ton wrthew,ititntly' low, snd with tome difficulty drew his Isv dyihrvughlHiiefrew reached the interior of the cave he diawl: ' charged hi piece with so true an aim ut to inflict a mortal wound upsi Hit: near The latter rushed forward, and piiiM tho man," attempted tir-escape-from-tnt - cave, but 00 reaching Ihe narrowest part ol Ihe passage, through which it had enter. ed with some difficulty, the strength of the animal Cnled, and it expired. The en- trance to the. - waa www vmptrtelje . - r.t ised by the carcase of the annual. Ine hoy n the eataida heard his father acrcaot . for assistance, and attempted to drag out the bear, but found his strength insufficient, After many unavailing efforts, be became) much terrified, and mounted his lather'a horse with Ihe determination of efking assistance. , There was do roadthjruugli- the wilderness, hut Ihe aagaeinu horse. ' taking the direction to St. Louis, carried the alarmed j oulh It that pl3ce,whrre par. ty was soon raised and despatched to lha - relief of tbe banter. Hut Uiey sear Che . in tain for the place of hisrapttvity. Fronl aome cause not now recoHected, the tract) of the horse was obliterated, and the boy in his agitation, had ao fur forgotten Ihi u biudiiiark J as to: bar " tol allr;'Bnabl tii leait -v thorn tdllia s.'vt. ' Tbcy rftlumfd ahrr a- weary and unsuccessrur search . the liiin ter was heard of no more, and no - doubt remained of hi hving perished miser, bly iu the cave. Some year tfW-rwardt. the ajierture of I lie cavern was discovered in a spot o hidden and to difficult of ac cess as to have escaped the bv tjee of those wh had paused near it. NeaMhe"mo2thiran; thtTA"tePir rf the bear and within the cave, that of ihtv Frenchman, with hia gnn mtrijyttpmmt,'' all apparently in 1 the tame conditToh a. wtjetji he ffQfi n MjiniqnaTO per. ished of : nuneerTTrom to ef. foct,h.i M'teimv-M-ted&'M 1 -the hear, tcemt improhoble becaase aap posing him to have been unable by main, strength to effect this object, It would hav cost him but little labor to' have cut .tip and. rainovedthe aoiinal by piecemeal- It a -most likely either that he was uff'cated, . . or that he had received tome injurv, w hich, disabled him" from exertion. . The"-cava) bear a name which coinioemorate lb -event. Tba othor citwmWiStK U f licit . f . i I '- - t i

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