.- V,fl, Chi b-J, orrurc-J la Mnr futj, In II )m.Hk. There ar iomsny prt f lb Country, PR"',r dpf""" "T "" whu-b lbs inhlUfl' "'I ' TVy are ffitHi'ty wry AJS cmuler film top. wif ti steep meeting t hi t nl lb b-ittom, precisely in the hpe Cf furnirf. At ibe Mtorn 1 on -f these, m party of hontrr duteovered the dsn of a It- will, end ascertained IhiU it contained libr of whclpa. Pof Hm port- of d rMi llw Utter, tliry sss-mbld Ibe j,!-. I examining the entrance 10 narrow m te render if impossible or ,tf difficult f(ir man to enter Bud M tuition prevail among lh hunters, that the f-mala woll onlv iit her yowng at ji jM, it u proposed to send ia boy t ab-Mroy the whelp. A fine, eotrcgeon toy, armed with knife, til accordingl thru into llm cavern, where, to hi ser- yrm, be fstssl bimmll in-lh) Company W VIS) SO WUII, WWW gni;miij while loeth, and wrly ?owe, sunimntly .nmmnced her oreaetice. The boy rtffi lnd.oard lti eiitrtuce.'iwl called to hi friends, to inform Ibem thai th old wolf waa tlmr. Theme) told him that ha waa mistaken J thai the old Wolf n staid jntli her yeanf ia daylight, and advi-w 1 na tit tv boldly no lo thi bed, and nest ny fJie litter. The boy, thinking that lha Jrkixu nl lha cave niifhl have deceived !iia. 1 pt u me J, advanced bndly and bid liia fid n;m tha aha wolf, wbn sprani upon im, and bit him very acverely, Wore h Ki!J rtt'tt hia rclrmt, and would protuM? lam killH htm. had ho not defMiotl him - Vlf wtth r4uliw- Oi o Iwo U lUa - frii now tacrronVd in tfi-ct'tng an n- .frinra, ifcha wara Inlroilurwd, tlie wolf --j.; TUB COS VE .TIPX UlfJ. Li furvnant to Proclamation of the Pr Jeot of the ConTfmtion, iwl on the 1 9. of Fehnianr, one tluMaand fivlit Itun- Qred and thirty three, the Contention of a FiU 4f.SiUih. tfoJna re-aaat.mjjlt; J i lha II All of the lliaaa of Rf prriitatiTre tnihoTowu ofColanilia. oa thi day at Itlnridian. A Our Tra ver W " the Rr t.'Mr.' Wart'. afhe rX. wa called, after which the Praa- t U-ut adilreaard the Conrentron explaining h objecU of lha mrrting' " He mention tH in rMiclutinr, thai at another G ivern- or had bwi cboaen ainrehia appointment, rtiadnfHcnoeen aincenia appoimmrni, lie wirtild, after aubinitimg lo lb in Hie" wi,ulJ, afier auLinitu'ng: lo tli' iu Uie IJI'iwiiif eorreapomknce, reaiga hia of bto theif bamla. wfw"!- T!iawriv Tiiikti tt ', 1 ' CJnmbia, March 11, 133. 4aiact UAaii.rox.Vii. Etq.Prtn dent of Ik Cwutitiio 0 tie PtopU of bmJk Carolina 1 w.. ,.v, . Pia I herewith trapamit yU U tter fliit-h I Kav received from the lion. Ben- ftam.11 rikina Leijth, Commie-doncr from 7 .......... . ... inz; t.fi Sun ol-Virginia, whicb, tugctherwith "Ti'lCnrraanoiidcnce id Telatiort In" Mr. I.ri?h'a Mwion. andHh-Re4alioMv f ,rtjh'a Newton, andHhe-Keamwiomvj Tiryinia, of which be ta the bearer. ymiPe rightt, ofber autereiy, by y ielding lVrwieet4 in lay befor Ibfr AAeniblV ar which you piaiile' - I am Very Rwoecifulty, , --.Joor 4ielit aervant, HOUERXjr. JliXSSL I - i - - JoeonauKneaiJUinaniiiamierceamoool ir CoitutlL, March 11th, H I f "' prti;re, 11,8 ""nP0' nd m0"0" ' fe.-l..tnir-arm-lnierjl!f,!B d.li. Mrtaml. we all ha.va .io Ail- . j'? v.- .1,. t..,:,...: .jt .k'j -fcimral Aawmblyof Virginia id" lha 80ib :. Anmtrf ImL, on ii uljoct 4.. federal laiMM, I bava now w roqueat your tacel- frucy loTay theae rttatitutiimakfire'lli) VwiventMMi or tha people or South taroii t, which, at my inatance, haa been re a ; ttwliM. for. thn jmrppan of , eooiidering tlicm. - - ; Tlie Genera! Asombly of Virginia bat afrpreiiaed in ita own language, it aenlH xnent conceroinit Ibe unhappy cMit rover Jfy btaween tba 8wta of South Carolina Ind thoToderal Oovrnrieiit,"lrid "lu)"m tlves, it view and object, in making thi fntqir.eewon In toeaa reaiwcu, tbereiare file cominiaiotier il haa thought projier to ajcjMite to South Carolina, can hate noth l add, and nothing evoa lu explain. TtW (futy preaented to him ia aimple and Ha wuatruclea to coioiuuuicaie lie preamble and reaiilutiona to tha pro W authoritie of thi State, and "to give them auqn airecuon a in nn juug. nvnt may be beat calculated to promote 4he objy:U which the Legislature of Vir r. Ilin'n haJn,yief,wl thit-part of bit aiuty he haa already, by- the prqinptind or!liaL compliance of. tlioae authoritiea, t ul the happincee to accomplish, lo the t-nlireetixbietion (aa bo haa reaaoa tu iw- - lieveofihe Leffmnhire of Virginnw And . lie ia further Instructed and, ".autliornoj toexprcjs to the publie nuthoritie ami (eople of Iht our wter State, the sincere i wiU oXil.) lgiaUtura aud people of 'irginia toward thoir aiater State, and .ihsir anxioua aolkituda that the kind and "ftunectful representation therhftvead- Jrawti to ber, may lead to an acemnmo. ! . , cati'Mi 01 tneiiiUoroncea oeiween inia otaie nd the General Government . Virginia ia animated with an ardent and - - Vt.ted attachment to the Uw-of -th - tni t lb rishtf f- lite iemal St. that compiiae the Union f and if; -tamilvity of itaatt and ot ialereU na- fur illy idJoce her to aympathize, with pe )u!i if aeoaibility, in whatever affocu the er mpnrity aiid bappineit of South Carol i- - " Ba aid the other Southern State, ahe know! bow in reconcile thi e'nlimcnt with ber aiTfction and duty toward each & ev ary other State, aeverally, and towards the tilted SttttearSu li most ii4icitotH," to fnatittftin and preaerve our preaeut inatitu - fiona, which, tho they partake f impar- - t eum. from which no human ir!tution - " 'cu'i evef h4 exetn)tl,and rKit ithtaii(!ing jl'fte lustanr; of mal-adininiittrnti'tfi or er tl P VMh ill 4orotsn4Uirt IaI4i w . . ... 1 .1 1. r frinio "I pliiy Hi"' M n. of tort Iim bmi anjoywl ly any ivJ H mamljin id prrrra IA a-", aaJ rarry yrt 0 Inrfirwioaf, in full ttf aW jnifiiy I to u.hM.l tha U won, awl Ma Maioaj lo mauitain th ftrai uoariimait m an ita juM pnwera, adminMprel aocording lo lha pure prinriplca of lha ewituli'n without lha ImmI dertura from Ua luni Utima prraf ribd by lha compart, fairly Mmrtlnnd, and lha 6lata fvrmm nU w all thrir righU and amburiiy, aa abJuto. hapjHiaol tbair r(;Uva ei(tM. CommlKlaliiin and diauwon ara alika aUi ar rant frwm hor actmoa ad hrr flgnwnt, tm orn in4vinff, iht Ita, a forfrntuat of lha wanif ld advanla-a and lU-mp kmc and au l" rally f. lt and acknowledg ad lo bava ben derived from tha I'ni'Hi; and lha other havitiir aa apparent, prbapt iatrilable, IciioVnry to military dcpotiitt. And the laamirelieiMMva fr raanooe lw obviooa lo noed particular nvtilMi-Hht in cata any fliflerenea between lha Kder al government and Ilia Mataa, ahall aver be brought lo the arbitrament of f ree, the reeult, let it ba what it may, mutt HI. cl rucb a chanfe in our esiatin, inttituiiont M cannot but be evil, mre it would be a chanira from thooe lorma of vovrromfiit which wa have experienced In be goml, ami unJer which wa have certainly been, in tba main, free, proapnroua, cixti:nted and hanpy. Tlierefori in the present eontro- verey belwiten the fudcr! government and I lie Bute of South Cendina, ahe depreeatee aay reaiHl to force by either, and ia aan guiuc in lle hope,, that, wit1), rniwr mod eralion nd Ibrbearanco on both aidea, thia coolrvery may bo a'ljuated (aa alf nor cotitroveraiea imtieno nave neen) ttv the iiifl'KiWf of treth-, rean and iuatieav- Viri:iiii, remembering the hiory of th v arulma, her aervicea in war and in peace, and her contributione of virtue and intelligence lo the Common counrila of the Uni'Wi, bimI knowing well llie genermity, tbo magruntinity, and tha loyalty of h7 character, enteriawd the mont perfect eournlnnce, that tliean aentimeuti an rhr iabad by oecaclf, nould ud tvtpwm in tba heart and um)ertandirtg of every citt ira of thin State. ' And that confKk'iire'in dnred her interceeiion on the prenent oe caioo.' She baa not prexu'iiii-d lo Jirlafe, or even loadviae, Hhe ha adlreard her tntrmty to the Cnngreaa of the United Slatea, to redrew the gWevanre of which Sith Carolina complains. And ahe hna ir,kentoHHjth l arolina alao, a one aov Tf reitrri 8lte7 ia tw State of (hiaTnion. oucht lo apeak lo another. Bhe hna ear- neitlT.aucctionately.aml reapectfullv. r, oioaiftH entreated 8tlV 'arwltna, - in rewind or upiin her late lrdinanre, end to await lha reull of a combined and atren iKKia elTirt of the frinmla 4" the Union ami Peace, lo elpicl an lMMmciit and ciMici i a!iai of all public difb-wnres now uiihniii 'j ing. " Bho well hoped, that ibla f18 " uuId.Il,;tt "1 riir m 1. ;,. !" r...ku i.,.. ..j cir ihatiinwin Carolina enuidan dearend from too Uynuyana would Do iw compiomit N ine- intereeauan ot a Miner etaiatVy- If, therefore, no other Cin(ilerajion could haa been presented to the Conren liuu uf tha poopleff 8.ll Carina, if no V'her rootiirea for eoinphanc c,Hild have towo,the comrnm attachment wa frt fof our rri-repuMirair Tiwirutionr,"b0 avenrion from civil diword aod commotion, ind tlfa wMe andtial aTtid 4 rtanjvf wnicb no aagacity con fuceaee the coiUe quencc, il might have been hoped and expected, that tho Convention would re act na, or at leant auapeud lor a time it la Ordinaneov - - - - - But, in truth, the Convention cornea now to a eotiaidoratioii of thi aubjt, under a state of circumaiaocea, not anticipated by V irginia when ahe mtorpoat'd her good offu-tJ tor promote ' peaceable adjuttnkiH of tha controversy between thi atale and the f xleral governnienl. " There in httn aki'oV that comliiuod arid WrrTiuii"er'.rt of the frieiuia of peace and Union, to r(ft an adjustment and cmicibaiioo' of ihi con. trove my, the reanlt of which South Caro. line waa reqneeted and aanecled to awit nhdlliat eff irt, it i hoped,-will prore stirn ceMhih 1 no recent act of Conzrea. " to modily tbeactof the 14th of July 1832. and all other act imitowinjj duti on im port, ia auch a modification of the tariff Ur a (I trust) withJeaVe jjttln imm for Iwwitntioo on tha paft of the. Cveuiion of the people of South Carolina, as to the wisdom and propriety of rescinding it Or dinance.' ' r6rbeariof,'lhetcfort, t enter r Uree iii'ki f waisvw viwwwjfajivfnrfTI Itawyaw of justice and plicv, which, independently of this meamire of Congress, might, I huiij' bly conceive, hawwuificed to hiduco the Convention to wisnenaVifnot iiLrciciodJhe Ordinance, I ahall rest in the hope, that the wi(ioin of the Convention will adopt, It once, the course wbtch the dignity, buii patriotfsm 9wthfotji lachment 10 the union, ao constantly exprenaed, and manifested by ber deeds, her duty to hfirsclfand towards her sister eUtaMndI sumpujon) her respect tor the. intercession of Virginia; ahall dictate to be proper ; ami thai that sotiriw '"' vVDt 1eaWI;ieueoT'iil perfect harinmiyi Sensible as I aib, how little any efTort of mine haa or could have contributed to the result I now anticipated, I shall be well content with the honor of having been the bearer of the resolutions of Virginia, and of a laoraWanertotliem-4apynb mgthe hiimbifnit instrument of siicti a work. I have the honor to be, with prof und re spect, your most obedient servant. - i-r-?rV-" B. Wi Lpi'llT. To: bia Exceilrncy R liert , Uije Got irt, a ;m ;i i"u::y iu-t'-i, inn u -'i t'ttnVrntim nr-irw!(-it ( the ck-rtKin ot a i,r,liit," lite (,'iivpnli'l hK-b reau'lnd in ll thi,-n of Uor-fii..r II)im. Altrr Umg cmluctid to lb rbair, (iv. II. ma to a ti..rt a bln-M and utm l iijoxillwi dutieanf bi fUtinn. On anotKHi nt (i" 'ral Ihi'mll n it wa rttaotvnd i invite (lie llii'.riLI Boiijimia Walkiita Lt'i(h, l i eeat ithul tba Ur uf lha Convention. , Tba au'.ij-ct mailer of bia miim wai tbao, Ofc'lioa fefi-rred I? t fooi mttoe of twenty one. Il wa then on (notion re tolved that l he tt of Convreao, cnu'iec Hd'"W1tlf iW' cwwiaey-botita4a.,ibo, til ale and (jeirral Uovemtmint b printad, aOer which tba Cuovmiiioo wfrmtn- i. Oi Tocwluy nothing wat Aim, rf'pt lUapfiiilioeiit of Committee j ibecnn 1 miitne of twenty one a A king ready to report. On Wedaead.iV The eonvniion nvt mirotil to ojirn umui, at M.i.Iuiii' to (LyV 'Tb proceed- inga were oprnod by a praver from lha Rev. Mr. WIFrd, and ll Journal of yea. krdyreMl. The II . C i Ci.k. k, from tlie atlect committee of twenty -one, reported to the Convention an Ordinance awl aa accompanying K' Mrt, on tha aub jeet of the Act of I lie lato Coograwaof tba United Stale, cudlb-d An act to modify lUe act of tlie 14th July, l3i, and all othr art impoaiug duliv mi uupirU." Tha Rvprt ami Ordinance were a (l low : lie Committee to whom waa ruf rred, the communicatim of the Honorable II. W. Ieigh, CoininiMioner from the Stute of ir. ima, and all oilier mailer coign cN with bo obj'-tl, aiwl tie couree which aliould bo purouod by the Convention at the priwent iniioflanl criaiaof our poliU ical atCiira, be? - Tli I tltcy have had uinlor eoni,lerati n, I lbeacipwdalllwUtessi-.nid'Cuiigrrs;of the duties .m alt articles axceiHUng ii.il;i'v iIm rtuf tha 14th ..f JuMlwentv percent, on the salue thereof" laj.iid all oth.r acts imixwimr dutirs UK.n importsi' and have daly deltb.:rsie. on the courau winch it becom.- Dm i..w,n iH.mlh Carolina l. DUrsue al this ii.KT eaUnx cmi io.our poliUcal afEur., 1 j - now upwards of ten y.-ars since the ple nd cmntituted auth..ritie of this nwte. to4 vrouml sninit llie prottctiij ,,tm, a " unconsliiiiiionat, oppmwive" aod in- just" and Bol-mnly declared ia Cangiuge which was then cordially respoouVd to bv lh 4ber Houilfm Slates, that it nerr'r couhl be wibiniited to ' as the scttleil nl. icy of the country." After rcfiKHiHtruung for years against this Vylcm in vain, ,IKi making every possible einrt to produce a rc4nja4 4if thU ftricvance b, invoking lite proteefioo fTtrm- cmMimiMm, and bv peabiig lo (ho justice of mir Brethn-n. w saw during the -sion of Conurea. which endi in-Julv lanf, a nKNlihValiiMi efrcfiil avuwedlv as' the final adiustincul of tho Tarut to take . flt ct oAer the complete atuiL'uilinient 4"il.e public deM.liV ahicb . the protecting n-strm could mdv be eo - aidercd e riveted upon the eounin.I.rev' r." IWieving that BnoVr-lliese circus stancia,lhre were 00 hopca of any further reduction oi the dnH-a from the ordinary action. of the fmlcral; jrovernment 1 arid convinced that Utufer the operation oi ttiirjtha rerenue to the amount necessary to svstem the labor and catslal of the pTanta lion stale must lie furever'trTbutary to the manufacturing slntcs, and that we should in ellect be reduced to a cmnliii'w ol coin. mat vaatage, S.aith ;allna T-lt herself, constraiuetL bv aiu.it reiard for ber own right and iiflare-U, bv her loaf of kbw. i - ty fthd tie"r nVvotion to the Crmsritutfon; to interpms) In her oVer capacity for the DUTnose'of arrestinff ihe 'wwww if the evil, aref maintaimni," witlim her walim.'! its,theauthoritins,rigliNaiidbberMCp. u. ,n" provision me new Dili (cer pertaining to ber aa a sovereliri .talis j ,a,ny n,,t frm objections) which pro Ardently attacked to the imioa of tit vido for the introductiim of linens, silk's, Statet, witkotl which, the Union itself !wl" wmhW if mhetv-arti. would cease to be a blessing ; and well convinced that the regulation of the whule labour and capital of t his vast confedsncy by a g rent eootrul G.ivcrumeut iuum 1cj,I iwvitaoly to the. latiil oWructiuti of eur free institafions, they did not hesitate to jKf.JlltWfllJf Into ' (lie breach, io aneHt the torrent of usurixition which wa swerping before it all that was truly valuable in our political system. 1 ne encTorthi interposition, if it haa n t equalled our wishes, has been beynnd whiTelttiitrug' YmimSXMSsrwdsii have authorized us to expect. The spectacle if a sitiute Stute, unaided ard ulonc, stand ing up Jr her rights influenced., by no other motive than a sincere doxiro lo main tain TIipiWiclif)Ortyo(l bring" aotwt a salutarv refiirm In the administration of the Government, has roused the attention of the whole country, and has, caused ma ny to pause and rvllect, wro have hereto fore see inett Tiiadly lent onllie cotifitimiiia-" Hon oft Bchcmor if poicb.vtmctrfliTat to the liberty of the peoplo, &ikI the pros parity of a large portion of tbo Union.- Tt ough reviled and alandered by those witoaeoecuiuary or pjhlical.ltereststood in tho way of a satisfactory adjustment of the. controversy deserted by many to and support, ami tbraalssmd with smtsnce from abroad, and conyu'ons within, f oiiih Carolina, conscinu of the rrctiimh of her intention and thejtu!ictofkefrcauset has rtood wmwort y ; fim tain her liberties1, or perish m tha conflict. The rusulj has been 1 beneficial jtwdifka- tion of the TaritTnf I $33, even before the ti oe appointed for that act to go ioV)f feet; and within a few-mouths after ita enactment accompanied by a provision for g gradual reduction ' of tke duHet' h the rtttenht ttandard. Tlmugh the redaction provided for. by the Bill , which hit just passed Mf -noither-in 4t -ammmt-or the time when it is to go into etlbet, such a the South had a right to require yet such an jvr,ach haa been made towards the tfuo pniw ipl.y on which the dutic-a on ira P'V mi .'bi irv 4m a Uetetf iinier Ui) ... ik. p.. iL..w .ji.. :i.i. j..:-l: : .1. . -. :..... ... waliyT.. wv.t4 vvm41(B ftVMSUIW ItVVVCaa. SLA4iMja)41'f sJfU'tV ' ' '(j- .r.. in ir!J to Hi numwff .k.l ...A tflil.ll koraCwln cid-re,! a bavmg no r... ,ci. Unciiml and orHrriv !l) yst"in of raising revenue by dutica upn import, must 00 upsi in " i..t Hi:,id. which furnish moro lb' Ml" v - i,AWU 0 the d onv-stic extrt tif llie 1'iifed Htsfeaj ye ftsilh Carolina always b U-cn, and still is willing to inaka fsri j rifko 1 1 llie p'sre aoJ harmony ear the IUmhw Tb-igli aim' Mieve ibat lha pAAoeling ay stem la fsiiKled in the as aimtrtioa of nowera nil granted by the rwfifNfi.m to the Federal Govsrhunml, ,;rim 1.;. M7err.ir.ien3riucb nw idala rediMloll of I MO Oiliiea B euouia involve the ma..uraclurar in ruin. Tbal a reduction to Ibe lowest amount ow. sarr to suntdf lb waul of the U'lvern rrtrnt, might fc ar. ly erP'Ctrd iu fnir or five year,' cannot, iu our ettiinaii-m, an I m rat mit of a reasrsable douw J mhi, in gn ni-"le f r- pfinriplft, """i'1 -roJ"u ?7 . . . - . 11 ...i would distlain tocavit anotn a rowi m.noii id" duties, ami a IW years more or less in efliicting lha adjustment, priued mny slie can crura sub-Untial Justice, and ob tain distinct recoftiition of the principle for which slm haa lmg Contended. Anxsig the provisions of the new Uill, which reeommwl il t-i our acceptance, ia the evtabimlunenl o a ystem of 4 talo- rrmdvtirit ami the entire abandonm tit of tho specific duties, and the wiaimi, Tyr.innial provisions, by which duties rated nominally at 25 pr cent, were in many cse risi;d lo upwards of 100 per cent., and by which the coare and cheap artiebw, urw by the poor, were taxed much higher than the espensive articles uwmJ bv tlie rich ; an unjust and odious regulation, agsin! which we have con slaolly - proionled 111 tbw must - earuoat trrms. The reduction befiro I bo exnira tion f the present year f one lenili part (embracing the entire mas of Ibe prolec ; "l articles) ami a gradual wductHm there ai.cr. on sum arncir., uown 10 pi ' (the duties upon which, under the .tinfT - f la3J, range from 30 to upwards ; of 1 00 p.r cent., and' average upward bl r-f cent.) are great and mamfestaHie. ; l"Mti.ms if the ayrtetn, to" the beneflti of "hirh we cannot be insensible. But great aa must be the advantage of ihc i rodtictious, Ihcy am small in comparison ih the distinct recognition, in the new ! Bill, of two great principle which we 1 of im-stimall value thai tht thJiei eaeaWy brcxehl Jmc M ike revenue mnaant, even if il sliall be lound I necessary to reduce the dutieon the pro rtictai below 20 per rent., fend thai J,w more motK-y shall be rais-d thah shall neceinnrr io an economical aoiniuistra j,'"n of the Government. i These provisions embody the great prin ;ciple in releronce to thi suiiject for Inch h",lth Carolina has so long nnd so earnest ly - 'l0J,i - il - - ihe ..pledge, therein contained bal be fulfilled in good faith, tay imist, m.lheir operaUon, arrest the fewisea which nave grown out ol the uuau ikmW anpropriatioua of Ibe puUic inon ' W alnwbj cs.ler the reduction of the economical administration, of the tro vernmenl," a one "of the happiest reform which could possibly take place in the practical operation of tlie system ; a it ""fia arrw nm progrcw ot corrupuon , ""mit the exercise of executive patniimce . r. .. . .. .. iw re-re me inOepeiKieoco o uw auifw, ana ami an end taif tneae miea tion of dispulad power, against which wa have-eonUirtlv--proteated. It ia this as- ,ha qwtion which 1a reconciled free of duty- The reduction of revenue which will thereby be effected, and the beneficial influence of a fr e trade, in sev eral ol these article which are almost ex-tlu3vcly-'purchad by the agricultural staples ortlie Southern States, and which will furnish an advantageous exchango fur th pTtytor al millions of dollars annually, are consid erationa riot to be overlooked. Nor rah we be insensible to the benefits to bo dori ved from the united e(Ioitsof the whole outhr atded-by xtther.statcx having, inter ests identified with our own id bringina about the late adjustment of the tariff, promising, we trust fir the future, that union of sentiment, nnd concert in action, which re flceesary-toHiecttre i he rights and interests of the Southern State. On '. the whole, in whatever aspect the question ia contemplated, your cwnmittoa find in the late modification of the tarifT, causo lor congratulation and triumm.- -lf we have aak-asuawl miV'dtfkdiMT i ITisr .-TT .a . i M. 1 . TnvfrXs wxj- vvjvjtr'vti' OTsxOMTT'iT''P'JlsJI f"- lishment of the great principles of free trade and constitutional liberty, such pro grcss ha boen made towards tlie accom plishment ol the former, as must, serve to rekindle oar hope, and to- excite ue - to fresh exertions in the glorious work ol re form in which we are emptied. Influen cod. by tausti ViesTali coaumttoe ' is sa tisfied that it would not comport with the liberal feelings of the people of South Car- plintl-.JMr.be.e deit by wWeh animated, not only to live in harmony with their brethren-, but to presefve the ' nion ofthe Stittes, could they, hesiwte under ef isting circumstances in recommending thai the ordinance of Nullification, and the acts of the Legislature consequent thereon, be henceforth held and deemed of no force and effect. ' And they recommend the CJ lowing orJinnnce. . ;," UitDLAXCE. VVhereaa, the Congress of Ibe United Sta'es, bv an act recently passed,: hu made such a fetlnction and modification of the fluties upon Jorei imports, as aminnts nuUftanllallv to an ultimate rt lurti'm of'fW-Va APnAan I v I nm limJui that no ,ih-r dutn-s tinil ti Ism limn omy be trccrv t id rsv llie t-i-onoimcal ei prn-liiurc of tfi-i (Jovcrnmenr.- it ihrfrf'ire Or laimd and PtrltreJ, Tint the Ordinance entiibwl "An O.-dm nca ti Nullifv esrtsin cta l the tim reta ilhe United Hii , purp-irting to be Inw laying duties on tho linprtati-n of C.reijn eomimxlities," ana an act psei in pirsoanca thereof, be henceforth d'em ed and held to have no brce or effcet pro vido.1 that the act emu led Man act further tAmiiar a id amend the imlitirv law of this Htale," passe l on the 30ih) day o Ie cem'rr, H3I, shH remain in (rc until negistatnre. ;o;;ni m Form th Jefer$onlut MrginU 7W. THE BLOODV IIIM. Oetrlkro of Ike CtmlilHlio. Tlie fldl Utoly passed by Congre e tennibtf fir the collection of revenue, f fP tul!y Mjt the Cnttiiooi f the ewintry un lur the feet of thi Preaideutlcaving Ibe eovereignty of the Statea I he lives, liberty, and projmrty of lha Ires aliens of thi Republic, entirely at the mercy of a man, who is thus clothed with all the attri. bote of a Dnsnol and wanU bul the at of AUTXK'RAT to lhfy him Cr the Irm Scrpfre. Tbo People of the fixilh have passi-d a severe but just judgment 00 Ibe late abominable Proclamation and Mea sogj. The principles of thai Proclama tion nd Message have beol aptrovd by the Congress j and the Bloody Bill rei ponds to lliecsll contained in tliem thus exhibitins find it isa fatal sign') I rut ttie Iygilative and Executive l.-partineiita of the Government ha cowmiied together lo trample od the popular rights. . The reader mutknow thai the psge of the Tariff Bill, removed utUruly-t very colour of (iijeeswiiy ( this dofstaUu and aniiinarv act. o Tyranny. The South bad signified its willingness to acquiesce 111 the aHjihitmeni propd by Air. Clay No necrssity on lhat account, then, exist ed, f r it passage and the People niu.it be lell Iu the iiifcrence that it Was p&ied in lh mere wantonness of power insult ing lo them trtd dangerous to the Omi- stitution-Wlmt "earthly excuse can be assigned for this mifarioo proceeding None absolutely none txhirig culd have induced it but a sinister purpose to engraA, thus indirectly, the principle the deteatable Proclamation on the Conti tutiou ami hereafter t hold up this Bill ia trrrorem over the Slates to frighten thiin from the inunt('nti;Ke of thi-ir sovereign ties. It is a oVep device disguisel and dangerous movemcutof the Fedurai Party which tmisl bo promptly met, and put down. A Mr...1IcDuiSff. justly observed of it, il title should have been. " An act to subvert the soveruignty ot the Stales lo emisolidate them into a government without liinilatiunsofpuwer-HinJ to make lb eir-il siibservient to the mihlnry att Ihwrity." - A leading advocate of thi Bill observed that it was 11 necessary to pass it, in order te prevent its being said that' Nullification produced the abandonment ot the Ameri can avstem.' Thus, it should aeem, that; if) order to destroy P-tate (lights, and those who support them; these men hesitate not l- trample the Cowstitutmn onder their ft ! To such an extreme of corruption and profligacy have the adherents of Gov eniUK-nt arrived ! It remains to he wen w bother these men will be sustained by the People... If they should be, then is the Constitution, indeed, were parr hmeoi, . . - THE BLOOD? BILL. " The Paper fforti t he SriUfli' are htnim ? their execration against this high handed tad nefarious measure. The popular wr it, is rising every where against it. Woe be to its supportsrs! rhe fate of the Se li- tion Law advocates will be- honour when compared with theirs. The frieudsof the Constitution will rally sgainst it in every State. It is an eftxiunl overthrow of the Constitution. Already are some of the leading Federalists (Monarchists would lm a fairer word,) crying out that " mtlltfka gone ! State fJovereigntie that whimsi cal notion of the Republicans, is blown sky high ! The Government is now con so lidaied, as it was intended by its framers to be and Jaclcson will crush the monster Party P Step,- enlhmen I Nor- so fastrfl Your Bloody JJtll will never be the Cort stilvtion of the South. Jackson cant do every iking. . Then is a voice 4 well km.wn voice, that cries "TO THE RKa- CU E1M GlV t XtoVvUIF TOTOVR EVW, NOH SLl-MBKB TO VOUH CVEI.IUS, TILL THIS Bill, bk esased raoxt Tin Sr ktvtk Book f His Toice wiiltc heard and irtd- ed. Jefertonian. . 1 SXajaJi axa 1 1 a j r a . THE "rAtLt.'RE. It is known, and will be aeen, that Cal houn and rtVhstor-did not meet each-other on the Bloody Bill dr though Webster spoke in reply, he made the EUiolutionn, and not the Bill th subject-of hia remarks. Tbe cry of a " Ware' was got up and paid fv bv- Vn Bunea ad J wkson. Tlie Parties met directly on tbo Ri'solutions of Mr. Calhoun, aud their sitoeclies are forth coming, when the public will be able to It is reported on sound authority that While Mr.Calhoun was apeakin? in defence of hi Resojutions, John Randolph sat eye-J Ing Webster. ""lA, liat Jlraa "on a table be-1 fore him, which obstructod hia sight. " Take that Hat away !" said Mr. K. It was removed and the keen-eyed da scendant of Pocahontas sat himself to waioh the motion of Webster 5 throwing into his face, that piercing gae, before which he had quailed in past tim When Mr Calhoun eat down, Webster rose and faltered, and blundereoVand.aat down ut terty demolished. "Aye," said Randolph r dead! Met lend. iiiriTt kat . . . '''"r-i J'rpmlht i;,in,,r1 Hi,',, . Tlir.HALUlNG POINT. Il w em try rvii M ou, and Km a appealed, since il lWlamatimii there tisil be a new VirKlmiiaii, ,f . lies in this country oh the Imsi 1 f fj," nvntal principle and ll.'t (rue corniw iM of lln elrrdlC'oiiiitMimi. , Itkbuta tcnal lo riiqnire, or tun lo kuow, b,(fJ g ha conm In psk but U fact it. tond distsil, Ibal lh r rdeml menl is now silnwiinterrd on Teijen,! Ciplc thai FcilcralcounriUpredi.a.atai it U'ahingtm 1 tht HirrUoiii,j, -.-1, 1. 1 .f.i vinvw; iiiji nuiuonr ui wi(iiwi V'lmmf tl,atlM)U.gruuiul iralipsi-W4w' p Republican and Foileral imitii, u inu. rendantly and p(ercy I'eiieral, sni ti lhaM Force B.Utlm progeny .i ii, doctrine, is worthy of it paternity, 14 more "wliou nd bominabbi than the As. en and ScdiUm Lew iheium Ur. Vb thcr Gen. Jackson was duped into atoa. twining those ultra dotirioa which any. laliug the States a Muveroigui at a blow, concentrate all rajwor in tl,4 f al arm, or ha only no?, tt Ibe first tiJ displayed bU original principlet, or.U ' corrupting influenca 14 power up dim iiTniin f wliplkor lu, kmm i ignorance, or ha listened to ibe M 1 tim of hatred ; what ksd it to eooiJ. ; t... ,1 i..! ... . 1 . ""wi lr in. iv titw iu.Hwaiiiu ( 1 lit' ra are m ' doctrines, abiih Alexander Iliniiluaj would blush lo own, and none but lb f pie turned whorw" would bare put wti mo-nh of a dling and cordlliug Prewjrs atid Uiere stands the Law, the tvudurl 4 ' General Jackson's prostituliuo of ultra eralism. . . The country is is bom psriloM etsy dilionasto principle than la 17H l The " diKlryteH of the Prorlamaii.sJ lr more iweeping and annihilating of ttmr4 rixhi Ihjiti (hose which were embrxlrj j the SoJitioh L'ais rTTiat.'kruck tl a si. gle right, those al all. . The pwviit if Gen Jscksmi far exceds thai of tstaV -der A iami, and haa attached mnltiuvlt the pnncijdw id" his Proclamatnai Lf il; reaod alooo, that Jackson has unci them Nay, siejve have heard ey-ti. upMiatori, hua&i fir Jcks.sr;no w ter what was iu tlm Procla'amt'iim,"- VtfZ' lalort who cullod, and poibly tbou lheras;ve, 'fH RpuWicana. Thi with shadowing ppptilanty, which app--ar. ' di-l'y time aiidcircuintance to dimimh ar impair il, w prociwly llie basis of tlie ed culatioii which emboldened, the artful U tiorator nfthe Proclamatinn, dUsrd Liv ingst.m, to drug it so hig.'ily with Federal. i-ti. Such nu opoortuuilt fur reorfu. iiiig Federalism r.oulJ in ver again iccur.. an ignorant a.id iinliecile Pitwdent mighl M com mi lied to any extent, while btsa.i bounded poinilarity furni!iej 4 nriw! ' of suNlaiiuirx snv thing advanced io k name. "Th Federal trio in the Oabinet---Livingston, Mrljnne and Tanev saw tba opportunity.. auJ . ombracsd it !-- tit ino-4 latitU'le. .1. Tim seetiiMial feeli' and awtipatbifia the growth rsf Uto and the friitToiTIuguIaLM have the ftm tn airrfm degree 6tt trvl-J idatingthe North in favor of ihtVPrsJfru matiuit, and making even a quc.Hti.ui f principle, also a acctiuul qu&ttioa. -Tal North, wilt support the Prclaiiiatn f, 1 buttrjason than that the South Tip:, jj it " i - . t These are amne of the causes which will " render the contest more ardunuthn i ttiit" of Nevnrlhelaxa, if we wouH -pv" serve ours and mir children's rjbl.i A . we w-aild remain a frfo, soverein at i def'cnd;Tit' Pp)dtf;t w:j!4 iWr sink "A-t" cuusolidalion aiid vassalage, w.e must fjL;H , llie battle again, and thai wui atom h.-Mrl; and willing han J.:- We mnst filrt if -siil the resnlulo di-s(wiir of rebel wiln'th'? StU ter around thnir necks, fir not to coiiq wrT net to succHfd n overthiovidg the d'rt mas of Uie.ProciaiiuUou, audlbeii.iuuA. the Biilorcuii; Bill, is neithoY m.'rd aiK less than to full into the condition 4 pf vince to Sew York and Pi-iinrlvanit, :ni finiiHv o retain personal liberty- itself)- etifferawce. - . Let tad FjrCAJ3ilLtlxeni)4lh-jralIil',i point, that in which isconcmiirei.t.fe?' senceof the fintHul doctrine ol modern, s much worse than ancient Fedoralim. , usrallv aaiiitt if. aa our fit burs t . against the Alien and Se btion Lsw. swear never to remit our exsrtimis ihe'-sfAfute bwjk ia rgod. MR. POINDEITElt Of MlSSISSirr. Pending tho nisg of f. CtayVTil in the S4matet.tar.B-.iajdjfi.catf(in'of tb riff, on a quention of formality abisil J introdui'tion ,ofth bill, NlrrP.noJetl; held forth tbo' folluWMig ithyafld jnqu t remarks. With the senator we ? that a cure is mucU more dosirabla by )!. liillr thaii by ' ginii.lir,'b.in anl non Mr Poind'ettor said ;Ve hire arrifl A at a m.Mt ainriilar state of thiol. " wrn mtiillniiiHn IiiinITu dcniMfilCiriJ Sil f iif who were vef mttuciU willing vote fl sets and aroilc Vtfm--tktr-r ed by tho patriotic Sonat.TffrotU Kent ahall we refuse him leave to iaW" it, because firsooth the bill which c mi"; it mtwt, like ; m!.pt hor A5!E: JJl. If one of its pro visions could not "j tionaily be adopted here, is it worse w a nrciou bill oovundordiscuswtt!l,' vlotafcs thVCoh to end, and ought to be kicked Senate Ha hoped . the propose- -which looks to a slate of peace and cord would be heard. The Senator Ky.., had his thanks for proposing it regarded it as a more salutary f iiaofdera whkh now pertadod 1 tion, than gimpowder, ball n (le wa willing to accede to any Pr tioojrhicb afppPachd .ward tin. ratner man ci'Hao k" -