f lli'irr i0 ''"T" bower, wis n,l f u lh.lllml hiv th r nbU-te of Iwj ulity v inV MUTO.N CHAIGK.J " ' , . TtlliMs m a mt mi U Ma at ..... . I .. . i . ' ' 7V irv.Ti r.t.T VAKUMMAX ii im arguim-nt ot the ipakr. Arter W.,.fd owf rrr a fro rfort per treating of the two proc provided k siotors aiw fTjr rt?f, ipoid 0 ai of A it time rtMi- I vr. M Paper mil 4t jiirmliinied unlit W arrtarA&t art hi., vsri at ike Rlilor'i Jiterttiim mhtrifim trll he rrrritrd for a Imi iimt ikanont frar, A failure U notify Ike lior ofi truA fa ihfowttuf, one month brfore the trptram fioi ( a jrrnr, nutf if eonndrrtd U rnartmenl. Any fwrmn procuring mr toleeni tub srrtfftrt lo Ike Cttroliitian, ikall have trrrnlk paper gralit. Advertising at lb nl rib. rrrf adlmtri to the Elitof muni l p,,M piiH orlkey eM he nfrndrd 'a. in "i tit Cimarem far iIm jhinuhnicui uf " CutorUiiMiif im AmiU, (hM in I ha pr. iMl CMO lh roMHt . III tltixT of iUm lh (itarrHKNi uf Etoc4Mit kuiburtly, ua prnntraira WHDtM lilt amy r irwinlw ning Iho rilil of ilm im4io, wured bHh by lUirfiiy tud IIm Uv, I eoflclj. ilud, nficr full diliUfmhiKi, lo bare ro- courne on tlm .rcciwtcHj hi Ihe ftrt iniijr(, mily Io 'iIm- civil prucew. JiMtrwltuiM Iwyn flcon!ingly bii ipven by ibn Ak? rrtary of Vr,.i ilm Allrov mikI ttf hloflhU. Mum. in IIm Di.iri.-i . 'ch J no re., l bMrl 0 ,h, ciiiwn, nl wttrh will'b with linl, ,Pmom, Pr. Vhatminr. n ...... 1 m in . . - iti4 . ri'Ai " ... nr 11 u. 11 contain, fn-l Ami th tnrrti iki ,,,11 1 t. .l r-l'Wj in Iho Uclt ffrmiml cotFi'M in - Ctroliwt, Rr. h4 rmllifM. wpp! In lh dortniM, fnun It. nr .... " "mi im nii.tiKi"r ,i 1 he tMiru " ir1 1 N n Sir, it Mn., WM., lhf w?rl. Ii 1 htm lww-r In tha h, . Ury iivi nival f..rr 1 iha C)Kimry, c.rc m pr.it ii-io It im l-Mk t ih. pwKl " IMt lwi.ter, fcy it uiPxiuKIHW, C MUIMIIItl !, r Til P,rw. utBort mw, in Im jvnKiii f ,he Prwi U,, u, " iirpim liwi, d utM:t lh Ouliea 011 iinimru in lhn ordi wry wiy, in wy c.ilectingdUrir.l, ji tIj ,my lawful lor im PrtNU'luMl Wdirerl that ih ciert.Mil hiaiM for" mich diitrlrt be ab "iitiaiw m,h m any H um placu wiibin a Km Vim r vi im' 11 ;) I'll 1 iru n i nit'i... I .1 i . . M'--nrT-rT lnw had bo.rn furwardod lo Ik mr li. nutp, (inc in air (Im I,u SPfiECM 5F tf.'C4R'U )K i. C.1R0L1.VA. a Ur furtkrr to pwule far the etd. lerltir of Dulin 01 iiinorli M . prod-mM iiii hi rm. - Ilfi-M ! mft4f lt -bt, wrartjr r tui lint lull, acconlm 1 1 tlm ruli n( lin Jl wubl l b r.im iullcil auj dial Miiiuii rumain UiKliJUifnJ; bul, (nun lii- bvinut majority of th nuinbor ol jb"' who think it otihl nH to Im nxii iMo., 1 liid l!ut it wmild bn perfectly Tllinjr-t eoffTPmf f fit cnmiftitTat r 1 1 I tlmrtliiro witiidrjw my uiotion. I if,'M perform duty-a nirwt'4: 4u) July such a it lini in-vrr l.illcn to mv her-Moloro topiirf nn. It h a dutv Viich 1 ill fulfil 1 nhdll do it with in' Juepst, Iho mm ifrt'flt renjrift. It in mv duty on thii oc-i'. 81 r, to part evmifiy with a riii'fibr.if ip?rifleifii with m jxiil or harbor .if i. h diilrict, eilhf lor to mi lo t wj. h flM, ami ttwri to di'Uinall vcwuitdcari(ira arriving with in lheditncl, until thn dutii ini,-.( on . . . . , . r .c.r, ny W, h.- pnui in ewh, do ourun iriierfU ace.irdintf Im xut.ng law, ud in micJi earn 11 htll b- unlawful to tah Inn v04. rtf c,r , fw , e,,,!,,. " ,,w prpi olhTrof the rnn-dn, miI . iou ant of innuirn 1 1 r 1 1 w . . H Mal fa eaiij-hi from h p,bi ,nrt , - ,,,.,v,w aiMiriLM.i irv . I. rrmi - . - r- meomnr wh L iTlTZ ?!J1 Hr ' 1 rm in w wg a t m a o uiai n!ir righta, I hiihIo.i upon the treaty ami the law, are rocognlwd by the Kovernniii, ami will be faithfully proic M ; an I earm-ly to e abort th. in, by the "irjiari, 10 preaurve unimiu.rmj that' StiN: and in rat A inv iiimimi riijlit to or'-lflciKMi. arruriMl 1 1 i. 1 . ...... 4 ir . 1 it ,i.ii,!.'ri h ith inv prid wkJ mv ai 1 -. ,.r .t f ir., 1 1 act. I iiuv t,, iu-'Iiiib lh ii Vriu!oiD"ii; I t.u 4waro that it will operate a a m ,"-. liiit of mvaelf frntii'fhe eau "ofl '1 . . ... .i.iu 1 luva diilin.'itikJ la iioivir; 1. 1 1 (mini he wr wrvd, if ijot V anility of aoiN f hm frinda, yet v -i(ti ai m-irh ffiil, with a tntirh J , . dtivoleMi, aa a m.m could aerrf Ik l.ithfr. ... Sir. i acme had my feeling o B'j'-'i I -v.jtH'l to any m Im Jiil, u iO'wi fyM ! i with nt" by lii ol Wo.1 aa they a U.i4itt la A iilrew ' Juinii A. But Hie L ir jrt-d with hu Cordelia, and divi WW 'HtatB betweoB his Re jfcnr hd hi y i.ieni, necauan mey were iu ire viler WiTfnmr prnfeiiin of filial afT-ctinn Hi1 l;'v (ion than Cordelia. Ye, Sir, he .liii Vid ali i the h-meat' K'ni from hi tnnxiU.- The ditHculiy with mi ht-i V." . not how I ihall punwh the fault, but k I thiill conceal the failing rf the mmi I .-. tluw loved. I would rather hide .w'--n;tHaii xnrm them! ; I , aiwiire, i' ich bill, I cannot hidp, that procl . mm I cannot cooceal.;; It met me, Shf. n my wny here, and U m know the feel. Jogf my hart.wheo 1 law ihat lha line of m-paration betwiit that man and inv ell, I .ipeiik politically, was drawn dore'v r. I felt it nota mv nwn misfortune on- ly : I .oked npNi it ai the niiufortune of to" American People. lei Sir, thut man, Willi I'm pi)ul,irrty he poweanea, coul l avp l ine more towarda extabliahing, 00 ,Krratnt.5aaf,lh liberty tod iapp -f thi Cwmry, than any man ainoe the day of Waaliinton. And, Sir, as his Jlhilil v to do good w.is great, o was hii Ability to do evil, to injure the liberties ol "we penplo. Tiiat injury. I do solemnly W'.y, 4 1 (inv j,!Care ,ere befiro Go j, Hm evil is about to bo done by the pan r f the bill before the Hmi. I hji" Imay be mistaken; but such is my irm s'Hiviciion ol ne -injurious effiicts which lii-J bill will produce if passed, that I can- I""11' t0 Pm a te agamat it, with ' ttit itSti H itne of the 'Ifeaionlw b 'i3T1n : u,'ft tn hope that il wiltiot pass.- I will first, Sir, address a word of ad ce t ) those genliemen with whom I have fceretof re acted, and wiio conceive it to ' Hheir datytrt VoprtHrtlfiriaffliii'le wa measure of eincirtive recommenda ttmmredpWgenfthegmHirh .AMPea. r cumbnuHoiJ or o,....a. C .p,fU.. .llrt.nK(f., 4 lir ! prutoo Sr. be . rerro, byh d,r..r. herewith .ranammed ioVm. ofHcrs of ,), eilu,, tJfZ r. 1 " V"" Pr- ," lwBil for ih Pri 1hi th Umt v ....4 .,. .T,Knl), 01 any mia , atea Mr aoch pmo or.p..ri.w as he 1 tary Jorco, I iiavolira g ivur.i! by .mid-f hne 'moowe rriirriurlikiii "ya mlnii.M 1. hmU m'ti I i... .1 ' I v " wi.i. win. uqi, iri-T-i ni rim. itifit. m.i.i ...... .1 at.. . 1 . 1 . .. ...... . r.i.. 1 - 1 r'. . . ' nrc" "I'' ftofrngtuein ofthe Unite I Star,-, 'iiiVv-TirT-ered r...,nN.,. uiijfiriaoce na im-n, necewr r ilv purinn.. ,il tlwt the surveyors hae Ixm ii atle.npied. " ti.e reun'ival i-f .m-Ii v.W n mid panlv , ted, uoJer .-.lur of 11 j pr-.tiling the ulBcw. of lb autWily fr,i tl, Stale of 0...,rgia. Tli il . r.-lain..ig the cmto ly t iereof i.twvr, tne utter may arvt to show (hat A is the imohhi of aoino persons in the wie from which ine geiiiloiiwil (Mr. Br(hlv)cuin ihi bmdm have had lh Mir 10 do inurh that is evil. Well, 8fj niw anothef lolinr. Ii - Uim ftotliing iB wriliiur, but enct a bCk of hemp, Wr. C. ker 'Iter, ami r0.,. ,U Biec Mr. Dtant.iey imtuircd ii ih.i U-u.rl waainnn ,M. lurk 1 Mr. ('as rcolied. no air-';i fr..o..V.Yrk. ' ' 1 am aiked for the p-Miimrk, I. will lell It IS from alein. Tn.u..w It.. eve m, H,f. I ,!uh wl.,.,. I ni,i il yea, I ,lu,, tht a daughter of urlh Car oluia .I.hi, ,nV9 ,mB lll(ilvgij caurt " """'K u-n teller. I yt lmp ihore IS but immi m.1'1 Wilkin br Inoiin wl. . .ul.l 4-, - .mt - - M.-M't VOII or- i hi, "frnreter. ts ni,t,ii.i - il. r Ihouh it was Ihoiijlii. or affiled t.i h thought, that the k-wnVrs of Hmnh Caruti mi, inner noble slmui e fir hop ri,Ki , - . ..... of my Stale hen Iboughl proper In deler. mine mat, as lar regard themselves, nqnionsnouui be rrwolved into it ori ginal elements, and that Ihey would lake bek lite lb-legated power which they bad B. as inflioted upn an inn-e., r- lini Im ml.At . .... .. . . ' .-. w.., tnqiinriinir ,io me anown rv qniramenli of law, and er'nsfi. of any MttX9 BgaiiMl (he rewntie laws havrnv pirpclraled or eoateMplares) ,iilH lh dialrict, and wholly oiwldo lo cimW. tor. iho operation on the mind of H, PreimJeoi. ir.-- -: Bm Ibis i not & l ih owner of iho voawl and Ctrro.hall be uoaUe or o.iwill. ley o pay the casts require by thk arU. Irmry act, auknuwo lo lb hwsi it, m hi be!! nMlolhe(Jer4lfloyon.menlfI,f Uoofliberly and Use rights of ,Vh. would have bowed with mibmi-ion. bo alvkj repo.. iia.f , i' woold haveeeornedlo a.k the aid of the tHicIo ImWJ,ooui, the CmwhW? RHleral powr agamsl my own Bute, lo lw, wherein .1 is dor tared, The rnrhl of' pot down my imnher, and trample on p.. tha people to be s yr, in their fr2 renul amhority bou'papew, 9mt ,(fru ITm I have thiHighl mor h-f fuel milch on aooafJe srcU aid . iaiare; .hall 4 bo Ihe subject-but I am loo M.U. loauatain WoUted, and no warrant ahal but I longer iiow by argument. Thii i. per upon pr-Uabli eauso. stinoorted b o-.h imps lh U4 l.rm,, that .uy voice wiil be affirmatioi,, and parUcukrly deaenbing lb heard ,,, Ihis h. . At Ihe Waking up of Vc lo k," aearched, and I lb per! or tin MMion (if ( miiw. it is orobabkl tbinfi lo IkuixJ m if k.. i iJ p a ... jhnll part with many gentlemen, oaver lo p.d to k rodr U thii aupt,t M ivmimiii trl. j:. l..ri i i . . I r lk" .,"rV . . r ' 1 ' nice ana ir, m emking that lhat the frailty whirh is incident lo human redress, h .hould appl to a ctMirl .os. Maturf , attaolma a a mueh to myself a to fisVsol jwisshetoar lhat Stair to-snjefc- -v . . may Bar acted or apo oe owes a paramoiaatalkiiiiooce.aiiu w .j ten. on some OCCaaiona in ll; . .. I nr.jlu-i;..,. L. l . , . . -.j.u. :r I ir.- " . r-j .7 T "!;" ""ion. ii ao, 1 1 iip'aw mis lo be done I mmj " ""' sinigio ir tier nunis. -,;n ..l. ,l . ' I . u mhji rnt'M) might ,!.. all ,1 lni.hVf ; y , re- 2J Frh"P, " 1 h,fe ,0 ,,W HfoWo Cma, r store M'ace i - .u j . I ,n" wiall have, lo remieat thai I load torsrrv into tacuiiku -id libifu : thai .k-. J f.T' ,n holJ bing i ihe shape of ao t'if ordiuaoee. bul id the usual it hall word. ighl lo j,o Cr jt.injr. If jrmrtU !" BW hMrt fc'lw' IB aacb .Hwlby detinue or rev n"t iw'-ft raS build fur, -,;.,.:.r.: .:-.. :: I -w p- I "ftoid-notuinirtd fkviirswmTirroni proveoiini Vtn-wl or cin.. an, I ine surveyors are iherefore not, to bn View, ed in t!ie hght ol individual and solitary irmiiressori, lull si l a ('III of a SnV- erei r stain, acting in olidiiice to aulho nlv wntcn ffiey b-hevod 10 be binding up m tl.'iii. Inti nun ins had bisn iriven that h'mid Uiey -meet with tnterr;itio, they -ul I. at all hazard. besotniMM Kw ,h jiiilit i ry f irc,e oflhefllatr, m which event. u Hie military fin-e of th lTuion shmild have bemi e pployed lo enlorce lU riolatsul law, a conflict otul have ensued, which would, ftself, have mlicted a around iioii lKSw'4)V!rt;!irted the nnet of one of those eofifiHleratd Stale hi w.ir with the rest. Ann, his above all. to avert thi stale rfthmffs, yet, at the samt' jimo, intpreasod with ttie. 4epei c mvictioa of wiyewoTfor w fsjrrf carethat the law. shall ln.kicuti, vnd th faith of the tt-Ht preserved,! Uaveuso J,-, d the mean entrusted to ih-i fix icutive fr thai nor pose, oftly th e w iie i, wit'uul res-o-imj-ttmiltury for:o, may .vindicate the -an.:. tilV ul lie law. bv lini -rJiiia1y.'.aeiicy .d" tha j idieiiiT irilMt ial." Jl Will b" u-r eivJ, f r. Sneaker. Hint jiurji m of custotn in a a . . - . . . w as may he. .Im..ih(1.' lav be deied by who.nf Why by the Prudent, ..r by such other per m as he , i ,u, empower. Now, sir, the audition law refurs a jndg ment under its provisions to the judicial tribunals oT the couniry ; but this bill puts it ia the hsnds of irkfifidtmls-to dn whni? To take h.ild of individuals ouciiding ?Nu. Sir. It jfives I lie i ii Dm liberty to run roughshod over tha rights ami Wrties of . U. . . . I , - -'"'"K Aito umier what or cuoimanves is I In lull produced f 4nw niah, who is not totally blind, "iaust have seen- tfvmtihe W-e olipii j Iwt if any doniit had reHimi.ed.on our minds, it must im ve Dcen .flijsipat.ud Jhy . the jiockraUm m tk by the member frmS.aith Cr.Jin (Mr. Ktir, as the reporter understoosj.) Ji't, In', whii is a son of injih Carolina. wno m inot'Wed to htr for his Inrth, for his existenr-fl at this "m ort-'iit he has told you that this b ll most ofeiH, beraus-tiiis iinoortanl art I -irrestry to heat the Wounds ol a uiiiiority in thit Slate. ilr. Mlr-')IHl,L did not understand his i- .lliMi i . tn tive tupro-iu'd himself. -IIVMn re-Mlin.1.1. I'lin inml. 'y prclfiU as thL-, ii iUm--. r no thing to me. II is unoecsary, Mr. Sjwaker, thai I should enter mlo a d.si u-nioii of ihe quos ioii of State sovereignty. That question has been pretty much exhausted in aimlh. er branch of ihe Legi-lalure. I have be fore in.', Si,, the official d.K umenls of H'ahiiigion. Thr.et-rh.rut the whole he speaks .if the Stales as the United Si.iie. i cnaiiege any gnnllemtii to find the word " iMii-mal" in auy oart of lluon. No. .r. be .Vlwavs s)Mks of tho Slates either as Uw c.f,iVirate.l repoWrc, or as the Unt ted riUtMi. mine against the.n. I rejt el that ou ihia COramon Jaw or uraiW .Xii. v,.i. ... ii j i-"u.ar, i sikmiiu be com and u, in ihe execution of the proi-r pelled to difH r with my friends J bul iTwe process, it ".hould become neoessar V . musl difR.r, let us differ like men. and nWi the Sberir i .ll .. kL. .!J .k. ''7m each other with au Iwuesiaetermiiialioa ia to eouolryi Uiee f dtstwa tne IrernVndu.Hii our aim Is to support oar oiini.ms lo Ihe sanctum intended In be provided by iho uioM-t ,hils in .hi, hearts we have no o. bill . aaw tion no loss tumble than a do. her fmd.nes but th..-ofgod will and fel dsralion ,if w.r( .ml lhat, m,twt -lowsh.p towards each othec u free, otrveretim: aiil loJe,-.,uuiss REMARKS OF MR. ROOT, OP .,,:,,...-NEWf. YORK Mr. Root, ol New York, afler even preli miliary iilaWrvatioiis, and adverting, free, sovereign, aiid liideneiulfmi n That iloclsrali.Ni of war ia M be uu.le bv tl Presioeni aktte. while, by the Consti. tuti si the power ," to declare to be the peculisr attribute of CW ts I call it a-OoclaftUjusi- of -war, setd Hrr (k- in the first part of this extract, ii wis wn.J. ! fr .m S. fanlio, i!ut a. by the then executire; that he aWaitM from theemrif nmfrff iifriree," Kaiise was no. ay's' m bvi Juals cfiard were Diaploy ediii h i -.At wWh they did u'ller liid lax 1jw ol a ove"'ig'i Stiile, and wh.j h-l.-ived t Itnt rhe'v ""whriT Ufiii ffieTr iTiitv:' f wis joini to say to the gentlemen who act-wl with lie on that occasion, who c iiKlemoed anrt M-probated that message in no measured ' oliua 7 Is it not ie should pass. Ail what fori Why, lo WW collector of jhe revenue tie pow, r to call mit th w'ifile haval aiid '.miliary foreeof thoc.Hintry to put down Ihe initio- ..v . r -..jiic- or a nare,- ererctsinj a overoign right .ftho r own State. Is it not the bi ctofihebilltonntdiwi S..ii. (r. It IS It not thn nhiect ol' Miss i'rium. lorinsf out wno am -it, uvor or the present i mat.n 7 An l I would here admonish ijen hill, before von vote Kir th! l.iil .l . ; il,..,,. m i.. u ... . i. .. . ,u in - v u nam now loey irive SllCn a power to any one. U jg now to lie employ two. Th.we gentlemen have, in. my opiri wn, a preliminary duty to perform before give their voto4 favor -of this hill -f r. Sir, bulore they take another step in Ww measure It will be recollected by -Internet! that ru 1rwjeiri4Jjp8ntle--WlieTire me,'rT0amaJ' held the exT uiive o(Boe of the nation, a message was n to Congress relative to the execution treaty with 'he Creek Indiana. In - jnatdocurmsm there was kind of squint . (if I may be allowed the term,) at the r'-'viiienioiiorce, it spoke abnit a au- P .M'W obligation, Mi wliut jas,tlie licCon the occasion, of tlMSNTfenti "n w.io then acted wiih met VVhy, Sir, ' -'unced on the oflfcnsive document like 8"ary p,kes on a roacn ; we were ready l every term of political reprobation ' in- man who had assumed even the ex "'ce of such ITv wforelne here it is dated Ihe " Feb. iferr . arMj win k ,h cj,. I'- r7,dJ -tblTHcta-firooi it, whtcii F have "rlfd. in, ' e'erk of Hm II At ''o tbitettejarf X'-iiuriimii wmmo coil'lUCl VOtl SO Unsnar, '"-'y Wa.mcd acknowledge your error and as ins pardon .ir. you(, ..misconduct. . im Jiia . . .-I...- . -. I 1 iuuinc, n mi one to nim that you should do so. Comoared with the present bill that measure was nothing. And yet gentlemen can not have foriot the :. . i -. " t;xciiemeui wnirn waa produced here by the latter. Every one must recollect the able report made in the Senate, by a dis- tiryuishod Iriend of mine from a commit lee consisting of Messrs Ban ton.. .Berrien. Vati Buren, Smith of South Carolina, and Harrison. I need not remind gentlemen, thai on that swoaston, the Kxecntmr ah staihed from sending a force to coerce its pTiirapm I have, Mr. Speaker, compared the hill before us with the alien ertd sedition law : wJiicjl, though paasedjrmjnrify'of- wwiigiciio, .u riiiuiiuv rejieaieu . py me American people, out, Sir, that law dwin-r dies into ultor insignificance, comnared with this. And 1 think I can rtrova this so plainly, by a reference to the respect ive laws, that comment will be useless. I need, however, hardly relerto the alien slloTrwr-fCWdrfMe- and confusion nrevailini; in the hall. Mr. Carson said.) I am Compelled to ask the ' hairt as I wish at least to hear myself. x emorcu me ruies ot order. -1 have seen tbaiime, Sir, when my health and strength w.ruld permit me to fill this hall. J can not d io at the present time, but. I wish mm um r t in st lafiiestty ' t draw the attention ol members to the rea diogofa pbrti n f the alien and sedition law f because it is my wish to compare it With the present bill. f Here Mr C, read an extract from the alien, and sedition Idw.l ' - M . -i.-.-,. Now, Mr. Stienker, that act referred the judgment of offenders against its provis ions T th eourts ; it provided that a miia' fiiHil 1 & tfwl bv his peeirf fir preserved, to JacW tsr a W. tik-fitle'i JT trt.d bw m rv. Bu( Wb tkf fKityl fell t. V44J ed to put down HUkCaroliiia but nuv'tt sachusetls, prsome of the northern Sutm of this confederacy t It may be rememimr- eu mai me legislature ot the State I have last named, have recently passed a law, wnicn may h thought to Hrinint pretty much towards nullification! It may noi, indeed, at present, bo either a " wea:!" or a " whale," but Jet me, 1 say, admonish gentlamea, that the time may come when they themselves will be lashed by the verv weapon which they would now put in the A gentleman" from ! ew" York, on my right. (Mr. eardsley,y.in the course of the remarks which he .made on this snhject, displayed much of the sophistry ofihelaw- rnar -ms arwnmenTj were," 1(1 " my huirihlo opinion, tar better sdilod for the arena of acmmtry court than for the halls of the legislature. It had heensaid by the gentle mail "ffoTnWITaroIina, f tfr." vl'0j.B1, that he thought, shodld the olive branch be nowJtald out, the wound of disunion and disrdmigbt'ta Senator trom South Carolina, id another branch of the legislature, bad said the same thing. But the member froof New York says, these gentleman do not represent Ui sovereignty of S altb Carolina. Her Con vention oiily cftrt do that. But what do the New Y'irk papers say! They tell us lifaswrj(NOii llavne. who have led the nnnnl i'io j w aiivi ana tnar tney ought to suft.jr ves, they ought to sufFr! 8g,r what ? Vfrhy, Sir, as a matter of curiosity. I will m)o vm. how, and in what madrfer, some oeoole in the State fromwhjcji the gentleman comes, to wlwm 1 twve luledi think thesetrren- llemen oujrht losuffon I have a letter bre. 35 Spealier it is duet-ted to J. C. Cl- li iun, nnd dated Benton Centre, N. Y. My'ttonorable friend, to whom it was dir ected, mtk about to throw it into fi fire, tot, tny renaosL it n prwrwils-i. I have also before mo th. Z ' C :74 M" P ilittf ar.uaose.U T.n . an J language of A lexander ll.,i oihtr u'l th Z H'T " f K""lKWi ' "M:ul'" f tin, amiiheoi.,., Moralists of by bale, observed that blirrr? turin- it wa-rrih. (f.y. Ak-xamlerllarailioo aUtes, ii.4rf,uT'v.rfcT7s" potKfphncipfesc.Hitained n l ie first sec. I "I. .j ,k. n .. " . w'm " tiouofthe bill. The first ,,,ou. I JuTl, IZtlTlT"?1 provethat .Wverin,hej,K.grnomof tZAtA- ......... I .. .. . .L. ..... r..,Vw..uM,iuai-iim Mains hive not par ted with their sovereign characters, but have delegated certain oowentn th(2n kermoch IriHibled in my mind on thi. JU ble tocollect III. d eTTIlS SSI" Uh wayJucidMuindiatr 900 unlawful ob-Uuclioi-i; cooibioaiiou. iTZl ZTf? .r4 of aasemblagt of por.s? U"eT' 1? T , . "T10 lbe T Ihw recttha. offCS for Jc7dt l f V" district, .illmr 'ao. ;- '8 hlliatl vessel - Whetr ZZ'l WW WW aid iu it xoot,ov . Wrr. jHi,nilj8ve JU4hpnforitj;,iuo Jrom n tor wnose ouiuion l relt rwpeet. For Ihis parpoae l have written to several gen tl'jinen whose experience or" character might be supposed to give ju weigh! lo their jo.liiocrit. Aul.lilif olhers. 1 wnue to Mr. Hacon the venerable and venerated r4t ri j rr h i .f in li ..ur.i tdi, a I u . ... . .r r . . " wcrwui. vessel, -w nether iho - aT -H.i; V. l , l ' ; ' . ,HH P,:tc where ' w y established Cus wwh ft make public, but from which I w.ll J L- u . I. . . ' w- u ' read extruci. I Mr C. here read a t7Z Z?JL'i ! . ...... . . . . . 1 ' 1 ... i.m, . UU.M Bn wKm. M Ul BH AA. . imril.ui lil lkal,.llu. ..I l. -U. I Z Tl j i termtned and aewgiwted by the President which he deprived the msort to lorce, him, or by L .ubaUerr! oTZm wa the rightful reiwidy for the oopreasio.i em, ik. ;iL.;..:.. ..r .L. .. , ..D.,SiiaMUii hi ma umce as wen which the south had so lonir endured i and that secession was the course which -hit lU'hl to have adopted. Mr. C. resumed. Are not these. Mr. Sjieaker, the words of wisdom I The same opinion is entertained Sir, and Ihe some bxocutive act I . be done, in ... of resistance, lU tuiliti might b uvj i v. oo to east -in it enforce mfiif. Uui b'ie are To be arrayed to prstum th execution of law, w tha;, aervtc: the-yjeor of "i courts. Tfiere is no Ex. utive aet lo i done to the devoted vess.-! and cargo, wlulo B aid asilii ...J a I . m ... ... uiuv , .Ira inn necesstiy ol such I .1.. i.. .i : i. . ,. n . removal and dJiignsrinfirtr fo'be Herer. " MmmjJ. mined bv the srl..trrv ;il .J . ' ' " m h do-'e hr That w. I is ths I.. ., A 1 1 . which require- the act, , f ecuies the d'-ed, w eivcrei- wheneyer the President ........rj power nere is no ucMi uso the vessel and cargo provided by ib mit. s.n op,,on is eniorta.ned Mr, so.) the Nhall have firmed hi judgment matter I Mahi i 4 aml by . ..cen, and dnternrtcd commonwealth of L. what ev,dec io, &ZMnf bi "uUV ,Uti ,ha I a iiviij in. iiinii. iHiiiri ,4 of Wdie. iShe will see, that she ha. Mil in' infa-W 2 --f- beentiK, backward in this. And when ol the United States noniritoiK u L No wv0''t b . she wills it, it will be so. If V.rgmia, io CJmZa TJ. Tn ,ber1,, v have ,,. , 1!i stsad.d" Soulh Carolina, had ta"ken the b.V Zn dr.ZT? '1 W' A ,hi- leal, thi. d.slracting question would have buTcuom h3 it i. n. I ?t. ' U" ,iofl t,,d HUf Uf-rr t A- boon sctUd Nig aj.. But she will m fiyo July eSii'T'"' fu"y ?WuUn ,hP H.a , J . .1 now fo.,1 herself huiibled to f, How in it lojSdl ' .1 - ' I"' '' ir . i TT' xa'iu xnru pit- nr VirjTinm llH-l! riving -viiriin .,,1.1 .!.. .T.i wiissed the gallant band of intellect and d, iZTL 3 ."TV 7 tjatriotism which has en,nnK,rth : m .u . :j 1 1 . -"r" "V i u - ... "nii i oniu in casn. i nns. . . . ... i . . . . in uwuimm iu Ilia l!IWS t ll'a 7 and the mandate of his cur, nnd wii.g m uy contravening taw, the oja.'iu.j ei-ii.ni i 4 n it !'' w ' t. ... .1- , .1 S w... -nitlUTII.II UilV, ii, i! i . Mi Carolina, and it will be her doUbt to lorn ZiZ 7l r '.1 1 T . . lhe "istence, , ed ir,. , a I ' them. Russia has her Poland. Mr. S,'u,. , ' T .T ' m ?r HM,I lubtered by the muuoos W .ie,.. , - tarf En ni. horl b ryernment ma, have her South Carolina the Treasury, whenever ihe Zy7ihe l "Z " l'm'? shaU,tp,rs,st, n i.s injustice, to place it revenue mayqu ire it, Z -SEtor 2 m,,Wf,, ' tiu v' in the same predicament, with the tyrran- btaiod iodt..i . .i.'Tti most! a judical charac:- r. f.,, I',.. nie. ol E irope. Yes, Sir. and it will be a i MPt ,i" J?" "rV " . -rormad us, at t VIMI MlHU'flfM in iImi ilnt i tk rr lior UlTTj J -T.j T - -: a .. . r " I liy CmCrofititV WlUC 1 fl , - ' " MH4n. smiivj i timiiion ni niin man tttsA - . . i . " a . ----- slaughtering he; ..ms-,t wit. even then of any coilec thm 7ZaiTnt', be a matter of Pli.losoohical sicuhitio,,. i r..i 9 Um, 'rt Uroliiia, Soon afW,r. whether SmthCaroIitik oughtWu feel Wa.e.d' prodd, that her patriotic and intellectual wtS ,i.- " "1 -finance w Nullified ii nnshadgHWto. premature itrave. rath- h m, Tw. ZZZaJZZL " ,0', ,w' ' -T, U. .1 . .. , ...... . . . .- - ... - . I -." VW-T-illUSIV lJUIUU)Ul,,n,.n. 1.. ... .1 er tnan uiat mey snouid nave lived through to a secure phice " anl there cash dutj t apprehend, Sir, that this bill must plated nflonce, in any part bf the district pass, because it is thought necessary to do and that iwrh,.. ...Jrin.. ....i !.. .u. : ' imethmg for the Uiiioo party w South ination of a -ingle individual, the known Urrtui.,,lt,.,i;4 South Wd.iw has many distinguished made penal, and that nenaltv irt.cid sons. ' I here area-entleinen whom I hurh. n ;,...... ... l respect, who belong tothe Union party. Tta :owne o7 ." 7 -ut- .k-v. ' .. ." . r - -" - "So r ""me ret l.;Jr it. ' a " " 19 pe,4le mmUI ,wad' 8,111 -ing it funds to agaiusi inuir own aute. 1 mv ih lamre,moded,Mr. Speaker, of ,om his agent, bis vesseiand Icargo Zmiwl' beautiful lines by the Poet Moore, in tela- out procesi of aw and iskl Z At' n, iht ... in irii.i, counteracting law on (he p iTnTv u.iveroint " rhenucci -eifj , V 'J'" this bill provide for that ... South Carolina plantotl ; teriea to ...repel ourfl.j n1t. -.''- Ut mat we vmleavoriaiig,,. -L, by a .imijar i, sx of this Iloujr, navfl - 1 Ue t-ii ,,.'i. ioc ttteita proyl' ' rt"l, l a but c ....h. "V moans. ""-quale, a,f.t gu.she.1 srm, ai looking to England for duties imposed upon t ho a i I sa ri eu kv L. ........ I, -. . S . cure place," and there Stained .,i.i .A .... ... .... . ..." .no robe "paid Oil V rnnai.a ,i.- . ...-eeMAai.i.-tf siu, .k-...,.-.- -. w nether , -v "r m ocr;....,.i. ar . PIM'7 ,,z; m :,,:7","r a"t''. thi. ailaudoflke. he savs. i ..k m.: - paid . Mi,.j .7 this nH-asurs - UnprU'd -re hr aoi till thev'.e le.rnM 1 Z i.ZT'F'. j PJ' -h." 7 I'TT tf;"-. We too at,- - to betray. ' ' ' " Vll i"" ' !" T. V.-,hfl tb' ---l of L'aJUlin-ui.hed the. i; if ,ha..h., ' , . 1 .7:' . 1 J 1(1 Pf io ca,h ir . mu on ,n! ,r'r;o f-n the rleA - fioi tk'ixaiiLJU 'it-r . T 'IErrHwiiu. U .I w wn'" not.-rtr