r' 4 "T 1 hi; I s.-- ' :.-... t . .4 A, ii"" -4-- (rll - the of ': ill! r'. 'V V W.-.Jw"furrU tit, to-sh-er slot the C-witW4i., tl WESTERS VAROUS I AX nhhird vnct a rrr at two Julian prr i ner asi, ijv& tiret mnlkti or two vrliiMVtA4lAyri'. Mo Paper will J Jttroattaurd ntU all arrturairi art uiilftftf 1kt"Etttori imsstlsS.o Sj$s rptu will bt rtceittdor a fcu , 4 Julurt to notiff tit Editor of a witk j dttconlinut, on movn orjort in riptra iioiof "ill bt considered at 0r rnngement. Any prrtot procuring tit toltent tub r.htrt to tie Carolinian, thall have ttr'ith paper g raiii. Adverting at the aft hunt addreited to the Editor mutt h, paid or tiff will not or atteruten 'o. iy llieso terms win iw pimi; ed i. . bEYVTEOFU. STATES. - SPEECH OF Mt. CALHOUN, Of tOl'TII CAIOtl.tt. ) Jr VXtfur'hrr ISprotUt fanke tot " fftoi of duties on Import ' nt j Mr. Calhw roa mmI nlJrecJ the Hj knr not which. h mmI, m tn'xl -phjr tionnblr, the prorwimw of tb hill, or tli- lumper in which iu iidupdua li&J Uwa u.-J. "If 'he extrrtinry jxiwcm with !iich hn bill f r"jfJ to cHHhv 4)i Li ( Uiive, to the nltbr pmMrttionof the C-KMMuti'Kt, luul ilm nhUwftlia SlaUm, Vrlculitedlo iiopreM our oiud with alarm, at thn rapid prorr i of diipolmn , j.iurcomjtr)Vtoo X'mI with wtuch ercry cii Ttt iMUnro, caiculttcit to mwirpiwuit or t ierut the conJuci ol CarnliiM in tlin c-mtrovenv, wm teized hi, with tcw etcite hwrtility ijmntt hnr, IkjI ti. pUinlv indiratml th dc-p dny of t)i irHhorly Celiii; wliica once xiicd b-i."a h" Stute, Kin! to whii'h we ar wb fa 'l fir rr bwiiittfiir PHnif t?rrmi It irnot his lnOntum, 4w wiiH, nHrrt In all the.inireprewiittiiMW, but there wm fimo o wxll calculatud to mislead . tb.jfcl, la LM. rual liawlxr 4 the C-i-T'rtfv,'aaI holJ op the Stale. Tn a hflit .i aJt-mM. tht be did not tor- him tulf ii4iilS )4 in permitting them to p lu'ueJ.- -. " A them, one of the mnet promt W IM Tl'V Vatntiieut, that the b- yX if 3, Cr dmn m lo. eajpt. taewelf jr tTi her mr the-pubue-- buruieo ' t'tita ih7 participated ia the advautawi of in U irenmo iL If the charite.wat " jrij If tlie'Sttte waa capable ofbeiiigac- tuail ev onfci lowt4 enwrthy motive,' " to tt'ier M lie "eonaiihreJ Her, he w xild ttitHiid up on thiaflxr and vindicate her . eanJucU A oi her fault, and fauhahe Wjl; not dmiy ahe had. no 01 ha4 ever ':.f 4 rharirtd Iter witw that W ami- wiet " tiHidnf vice-avartcet-fliyr conduettm' ..- ;!) rcaioa had been marked wit h the re- ry onpnite qualitv. ' From the coiuiucooe wut f the revolution from ita firet brea- km? out at B rttoo, till thia hour, no Stale bo I been more profuao of it blood in the tau of the country t nor had any con Inbtiied o largely to the common treasu ly, in proportion to her wealth and popu ,.litu 8be had in that proportion -con triiMiled more to the M porta of the Union, tin 1 lie pxclianire of which, with the rent -f the wirM, the ' rreater ; portion rif the Ju'iJit burden had been rTevW,1&ahiny Vtwitate."" N'V the ' eontrovoray " wa 0t kucIi as ha been atated; the State dul n it sovk to participate in the aJvaula t"" of the Government without contrihu -tau her full aha re to the public treasury. Her ohjort waa far different. A deep - CiKut it.iii.inal tjtieatioo lay at the bttom of ium(merrr I he Trat -question at Unue h, has the Ooverninent 'a right to - imp w burdfiia on (lie capital and iiiJuntry Hfonfl portion of the country, not with a View 1 1 revenue, but to benefit another? Vie Utag and deep agitation, of this contro- - twy7it was with aurprize; that TieTperT r?d so stroni a disposition to misrepre il real cliaratrtnr. , To enrrgnamprnn-thn Hliitft ii nnt only agaiiwt the IiCTsajuay ja-hiuliTtWoaw' "iHwreiMiiaawiij; tio'i were calculated to make, he would el 00 the point under consideration for ti few moments longer. ; , - - The Fedoraj Government has by an Jxiiress pn vision of the Constitution, the "iLl'y .duties onlmpo!rtfc The Stme M,asT4eiirwrn ?"peven ilght so doing. The Gov. rn tfM has, hjwerer, not been content d With 'xereiiiiig this power as ahe jiad right 1 1 do, but had gone step beyond yinjf rm WV, not f if le venue, Twi S micoiistitutional exereiae of power- ?hly injurious anJ oppressive to her and other staple States, and had accord m!t it wit1! the Wst determined re glance, flo did not intend to enter,, f l uMnne, into tlnrarganient, as to the utr- It -"'uiounnaiity of the protective system- 'wwMrytJU auSsLnnLihat A 1 . ... '"IBS' 0 Wer I Oil wluiM r nn tot artl I hot .frm the jDunmlsfjftJieConvViuiiofi which fcrtned the-G-Mrititution, it would eeem r4thad been r-lu-wd. la smniMt ol" j oale,, m,.bt e-t.Mh .tatem-ms partmeata of the Gernromt. It could . tt f period I The law.' war with CCat taking any part ... the Presidential can , 'tber Aiartin, tucii had beeo alread . not b claimed for tho oucj wiihowl cj?j- JJrin &i prniflaldA wticft, f l'J V$ WWiJ tljttl U tepWlM u "" f'om Conferring ths power on (ho ' reocrai uovcrnmnni, duh ii to ue pistes the right to impose dutieeon imports, Willi tii eapreaa view 01 rruillni(( (lie acvenu .tatef to protrct Ihoir own inanufictarr. 3otwithtarMtiK tint, UiMin had awn ttt-wrHwntny wamrffrtnfn tteCC stitution, the right of exfrrmiii(J thia moot important power, ami had etcrciaed it as to iniiMMe a ruinous burden on the labor ami capital of the State, by which her re urce were ehauited the enjoy merit of her ciliz"ns rurtmlml the mean of education r fllractcd-aol all bcr inter U sMscmially and iniuriouoly ail tlO'l, Wa) have been aoeerinly told, lb.it she was a atnall State ; tliat her pupulatioo did nit much neeed hall a million of soul and that more than one half were not ti tne turopean race. I be met were so. He knew she could nver be grrai state; and that the only ilixtiwtioo to which ahe could asinre iiiuaI bo Md on the mora and iolelli-ctual aciivireinents of er mm. I tw devol'ipement of these, much her attention ha4 be directed; bur this restrictive system, which had so unjustly exact ml the pncccJ. .vCii? C Jbof lohe oentoweu no 4br smcImmm, d4 su imiimm red the rrsnurcei oftUHJ, that if tM spwdily arrestinl,' it w iul l dry up the nmaiM of educaiimi, ami wilh il deprive her of the only s-Hirce through which Uo culd aspire to duiinction Thre was anothT mifntument a to U Mum indebNte, aod Wf H esleulatrd to"inil"ail, ihat'Tie full liouiid to notice it. It has been said, thnt Aaith Caroline daimt the right to annul the .Cotulilulion and lawt ol the United States j and to re but 'his. sUjipoeid cluim, the geuUeman frim Virjpma (Mr. Uivcs,) has gravely quote.t llie CooitilutioO ta prove, that the Constitution and the laws made in porsu ance thereof are the supreme lawi of the land ; as if the Stale claimed the right to act contrary to thia provision of the Con stitution. Nothing can be more errone. ous f her objnet is not to resist lawsmnde in pnrsuance of the Const itntion, but rhoae made without it authoritV, and which en croach on her resnrved powers. She j-nleiete wot eve W-egttt- f jwdgwiyef the delegated powers ; but of those that are reserved, and to resist the former when they encroach upon iho, tatten . (le would pnune to lllustrnto this impiirtaiit pimit." Alt mut iqiiut tiut fhefe are ikleuMed and reorved powers.' and that the powers jeaerveJrana reserved tu the Sutiaropoc- tiveUr fhe ptwer -tliew of 4 lie - 0ver- meni are divuiadbeiween th tjeocruJ and the Stat GovaruiiwnUf and the poiiit im mediately urvlet counderatum is. wiiuther a State has anv right t judg9 as to tfie e-, tent o iu renerved powers and to defend them airainst the eocMechnwits oftlie General " Gbveronien'. "'Vitriout goiiia deeply intu.thia pomt aLtlii atage. f the argftincnt, or talking, irite the hatu re and ' Vifiilu iTfte udvertHnetir, ITh W was a simple view 0 the subject, which he -cm in- sidored as conclumvci The viiiv idea of a divided power, implied the right, on the part of the Slate, for which he contended, The expression was metaphorical when up. plied to power. Every one readily undur stands that the division of mattor consi4s in the separation of the parts. Hut, iu thisflerwej it xra not applicable to pnwer, What then i nvart by a division of now erf He could not' conceive if a division, without giving' tra equal right to each to judge of the extent oj tTie power allotted to eaca. oucn neni ne nviu 10 ue eciiiiui to the existence of a division ; and that to give to either party the conclusive right of judging not only of tne share allotted to it. but of that allotted to the other, was to annul the division, and would confer the whole power on tlie "party-rested -with sitch right. But it i contended- that the Constitution ha conferred on the Supreme Court the " rfglil W ludgiBg" betwNMI the State and the General Governmwit. Thorn who make this objection, oerljok ed, ho concai ved..im4iortut..prQvUuui. of (he Constitution. By turning to the 10th amended article of the" Constitution, it will be seen that the reservation of pow powr delegated to i Congrejia; but agauist the United State themselves; and extends, of course, as well to tlie judieiaryj-a to the other department of the Government. r The article provides that all powers, not delegated to the United States, or prohib ited by k to the State, are reserved to the .StaterrBpwryt presents me mquiryi wnai powers nre uci egttted to the United SuteiT "They may be classed under four division f First, those that are delegated b the Siate to tution may be aJ tered or amended by three fourt h of the States, when, wiUHXitjvhica, it would have required the unanimous vote of hl. Next the power conferred on Conirfi..jai then those, on "the President 1 and, finally. those on the Judicial Depart-' meilt all of which are partkularly -enu. aw rated, to the pasts or. the Jonstitutioo which nriranicM the rcenectivo deirt - merits. ' The reservation of power to the Siatea is, as he has aidtaginst the whole, and is a full against the judicial, fUHt 1 ihe flviitrve ami le?isltiv d- SALISDUUY, ' ROWAN CUUyrv, Wg tr firth wVoJe,' TinTw atiW,ToMheelivr yZm"iJi'pd.-f it hi I annulling thia impirtant pmviainfl 1 the Constitution- Agsinst (his, as it appear ed to him, eonclunive vhw of the suhjnet, it lias bin urgnd I lint thia jniwrr is ex presvly conferred on the Kuitreme Court. l,'M4irtioa ilihuatii-e - wl.H'h proviut-s, that the jiidicml p iwer shall CI tcixl loall row in law and equity, arising mioer tne v imxtinition, Ihf law of the V mted Htatgs, and treaties made under thei authority. n believed the ssw rtion be utterly deatitute of any fiiumlatmn. nbviouoly was the intention of the Const i Itilion limply to make the judicial power cn.niiKMMMirale with the lew making and treaty. ninking powers; and to vent it with the right 4d applying the (Constitution, the laa, and the treaties, to the cases which might arise under them ; ami not to make it the judges of the CViwtitutiow, the laws, and the treaties themselves. In bet, the power ot aptilving the laws to the fact of ihecaie, and deckling npsi such a optica turn, ronslilute in truth the tudicuil pi er. I ne distinctiou between uci power, nJ tTifit of jUirging oRIifl !, Wld V perfectly, apparent wjien we advert to hat is 1 he acknowledged s-iwerof the Court in rvfnrvmre to treaties vr ompWtaTbtiiweeu suvereiiu. It was aeiieeilv swaatilswfit, that the Courts have no right to judge i the violation ti treaties; and thai, in re Crcnce tu I hem, their powee is limited to the right of judging, snuplr of the notation of right under them; and that the right I iutlinji of iiifntctwia MLios-Cxcluaivcly to the partie themwjlvra, and rro to the l.ourt4; 4 winch w bare an example In the r rrneh treatv, which wa declared hy CdngrcM null and Void, in consequence of it violation bv the C eminent of France WilhouLch.-decUraliiJiuJd. Jxcuch citiznn sued citir.en ol this country under the treaty, the Court could have taken no cognisance of its infraction ; nor after such a declaration, would it have heard any ar jruinent or pnwf going to show that the Ires ty had not been violated. Die declaration of itself was conclusive on the court. J ' But it would te atksl how the Court obtained (lie powers lo pronounce law or tn-aty unconstitutional, when they come in conmci with that lustruuieiii 1 tie t ... .at aa did wot Jeriy that St posse sue the right. but he could by no means conceue that it w derived from the Constitution. It hud its origin iu tlie necessity of t lie ease. here there were two or mure rules estab- ished, te from a higher, the other 'roin, ower authority, which Aught come into CouUictf ui ajtplving them to a particular eesef-the jidgeeiuld not avotd pronounc ing in favor of the superior agaluat thQ 10, (erior. ft was from tin's iiecewily, ainl thisalone, that the pwcr which is now sot up to overrule the rights ol' tit States, a gain;it an expn's provinou of the Cnustl- tutem, was derived. 1J1 jia no other orLl L'lii. Tliat he had traced it to its true fluurce, would bo tnauifeat from .the fuel, J tlmt 'fr si poir which; W fur' Trom ba- lug coiiftri-ert"exf liwivety oh' "thriajroiile' Oairt, as waarinstattvl; betongwl to eveiy coui I infcruir'aiid'" aupcrlof Statejaud Uje'riil and even to fureiu CiHirts. Hut the Senator fanu Delaware, (Mi Clay tr n) relics on (ttw Journals of the Coo vcntion to prove that it was the intention of that body to cooler on the Supreme Court the right of deciding in the last re sort between a Slate and the General G : V ernuienU Ue would not follow him f hromjh the journals, as be did not deem' thai to be ix-ciuwcy Ui refute bis argument.," It was sufficient fofthis hurpoae to state, that Mr. Ilu'iedge reported a resolution providing expressly that the United Stutea and the Stales might 'be partie before the Supremo Court. . if thi proposition had beeuadup ted, he would ask the S'nator whether this very controversy between the U. States and South Carolina niightnHor1av"l)c6n brought beforrthe Court t -Hrwoutd at so ask him, whether it could be brought bejl")rt thecmift va 'theChsU stands! if he answers the former in the affirmative, and the latter in the negative, as be.mtut,tbeq-.it is-cleax, Jila ekuurato argument to the contrary notwithstanding, that the report of Mr. Rutledga wa not in ubstance adopted a he contended ? end that thn J.inniiil.i.UQ. faf Irora Bupportin, am ia:: rJircct3jmiton;::io ::ihff.:poaiiiuD which he attempt to maiutain. Ho might push the argument much further against the power ot tlie court, but he did not deem it necessary, at least at this stags of the discussion. If the views which had alrea dy been presented be correct, and he did .-not h4w .-they ou!d Jba resisted.. Ihe conclusion was inevitable, that the reserv ed power were reserved equally against every department of the Government, and as strongly, again the Ju liciat a against the other departmenu ; and ot course were left under thftaicluft.wilj, of the State. Tlwre still remained another misrepre senUtion of the conduct of the State, which has been made with the- ?ie 01 exciting odium, lie alluded to the charge that South "Carolina supported the ; Tariff of! aSlfl.awLwiw, therefore repoiwib!t or j ine protective system. o ocicruuuc un "'truth of thil cha'E jtJ to ascertain the ial haraeteef that-law whether it waa a taruTfrr revenue or for proteciious wnicn presema tno enuwry -y wat waa tue eoo.liti.Hi of the couutry A N. VC MONDAY flUL U. diverted a large amamt of rapital and in uustry irH rommerce to maniiuetures, partM alarry to theeHto ami woollen bran cbes. riiera wa a debt at the same time of one hundred and thirty millions of d4 fere hanging- WonrJiO.inTryTY' ffe tM-avy war dutte were still in existence. Liwer these cirenmstanres llm quction wa presented, to what point the duties wight to be reduced I That, question in vol red another at what time the debt ought to be paidt which wa aquestim policy, involving m iu comurerati'in all the eiirunMJniMicoHieiit'd uith the then con dition of the rouutry. Among the . trvwt prominent argunwnls in favor a an rarly disrharge of thv.dibt, aal that the high amies wimb it would require to rlCrt it waiid have at tlie same time the rflVt Mtstauung the iunul manufactures, which hud oeeu lorced up under tlte ei t-uuiatance to ahirh he had advefiinl. . This view of the sulmt had a derided influence in deter- niiuiug m fvorofan early nnvmenl of at . 1 1 a ra - " " 1 Sie mm. 1 ne siuhiiig fund was accord, irly ra'weif from "Wveii to leu luillioiu 'of dollars, with the provii.i to apply the .fVfPi!!?J?I,.BJ?,l,,L..m?.m. TrMV ury,.aaya c-mlininot ppropriatinn to tnet fonw fwd thn ewtie were framed tn meet Ibis im reased expeniliture. It wa lhu that the pdicy aod justice of protecting the (urge aiaount of cafnial aod industry, which had been diverted kv the measures of the Government, into new cliAimels, as ha huJ jUatouVwa emntned wsth-the llsHiwaioii wrthan rvenrwr ton apVff "pnMeJ; eal action oftUGavernuieut, aod whU-b. while it secured a prompt payment bf "the debt, prevented the immense los-tes to the manufacturers, which would have f tllowed a sudden and great reduction. Still, re vouua waa too feMMt -object, and protection IkjI the incidental. The bill to reduce the duties r reported by the committee of iv ay a and Mean, and not of Manufactur es? and it jropowd a heavy rec'urtwn on the then existing rate of duties. But what of itself, withiNjt other evidence, was de cisive as lo thl character i f the hill, is the fact thnt it frfd a much fiigbcr rate of da lies im the unprotected than tli protected article. II would et.umnrale a h-w lead nig articles only ; w jollen and cot too above the yalue" of ?3 cents" on the square yard. tcougli they were the leading objects ol protection, were subject -to a.ienuuieut uuryoiouiy xu per cen .. jrrJii, anoluer auing article auKMig the protected, had protection of not iuore than 9 per ccut,Jas nted by 1 he act, and of but la asfepnrtetl w the btlL-iTbesa-rates war all below theavcrage iatlcr ft fixed lOuc-TicllS: uiJing tho protectail. the unprotected, and ma'. m fl-ce artuteii. "I Air. C. said be bad entered iuto some calculation in order to aaoertaia the average rutr of duties in the act There waa some uaccrtaiuty in the daU.Jwt he felt assured that r it' was not lens than 80 per cent, ad talortm ; show ing an esoow of tlie average duties above that inioout (ui'lli oro'im liH) i (ii'Taiio uicfuted, oT MtHethan 10 per cent.,' and liiwa elearty estaWisfiirig the Character of tte incanQiC, ttnit it ui lor roveuue an-1 not protcctiou. Looking bock, even at this distant peri od, with all our e xporiouce, he perceived but two error in the act the one in re leronco to iron, and the other the minimum duty oa coarse cotton. As to tho former he conceived that the bill, a reported pro posed a duty relatively loo low, which was still further, reduced in its passage through Cougresfc riTjie duty jd,jlrat.waa fixed at acyenty five cent the hundred, jveibt J. but, in the last stage of its postage, it wa reduced by a sort of. caprice, occasioned by an unfortunate motion, to forty five cts. 1 his injustice w as severely folt iu Puuiwyl vauia, the State, above all others, most productive of iron I and wm tho principal wise oftharTrrearrea,fii lias 'since fhroWefhet rso deSJedryoittfieiride of the protective policy. 'The other error wunhuti aVio the duty was a much too high, a that on iron was too low. It introduced, beside, the. xjbuuxiou uuoimura principlerwhich has since beeo so mischievously extended; and to thatextehtrha ivi4nTOnatraTnclt;in candor, to acknowledge, u he wished to iliagiaso-JiaUiuigUhe f ntf eteindplel mm moiinma ibf iuo cj ot .ltfo. tio w. thia was overlooked, at the lime, it is not in his powec to say7 tt escaped observa tiou, which he can account for only en tlie ground that tho principle waa then new, and that bis attention was engaged by an other importaut subject the question of which, as chairiuao ol the committee, he was particularly charged. With these ex ceptions, he again repeateVl, he saw ootb iiijj; in ths.jbiJljojele4t). Je, it fas pa the grodiid that the members from the Stajh tempt is now made to bold up Carolina a responsible for the whole system of protec tion which has since followed, though' she has resided iu progress in every stage, Wa tbera ever greater injustice t And bow was it to be accounted fur,' but u far ming a part of that systematic misrepre sentation and calumny, which, ha been iuuocaQ many yearswitheulJui rupttim, against that gallant aud generous w7 ...... . .... ed 1 Merely because aha abstained from IT!!TI!IIr"J 14 mere erstem qjT impntion on the people f controlled, almost Iaively, ,y tnoae wnoen orjeet 11 wa tu obtain the pa tronaga of the Government J ami that, without regard to principle er pdicy. maiHiinf ajrt trmn what fonswr. rejj a oooikw, m which the piiMte had no In If rest, the ha beea assailed by both par lies, with fury altogether unparalelled ; but which, pursuing the course which she believed lilierty and duly required, she ha nvi with a nrinne equal to lb fierceness of the asaaulU la the nuM of this attack he had 0 t escaped. With a view of in flicting a wiaind on the Stale, through him he had been held up as the author of the protective system and one of I's most strenuous ailvaate. ti wa wilh" pain that he allmled to himself, on so deep aod graves snl.joct as that how ander discus sion ; aod which, he sinrerery believed, involved the liberty ot the country. He nw regretted, that under the sense 4 in-' jounce, which the remarks of a "enalnr from Pennsylvania, f Mr. nn.Kim.letci led fir the moment, he ' had hastily given his pledge to" defend liimelf against the charge which had lieen maue 10 reference to bis course- in 118 f not that there would be any'dilTIciifty" In " renetrTng "the charge, but ltfu-s Be fi-lt sT tieep reluc tance m turning the discussion, in any rtO' gree, from a subject of so much magni tude lo one of so little importance as the consistency nr inconiror.f y of hiinol " any mner irniiviauoi, particularly la Con Out for this hssty pledge, hs would have remalurd silent as to his" ;n"c'our7""n this uccation J and would bave boras with patience and caliiuw, this, with the ma ny other niisrepnwenlalion with which h had bwtl MltiCeiiiujn aiiantiTo so many year. The charge, that he was tlie author of tun protective system, bad no other fouo- IhIhhi but lloil, 1m, hi ciHHimm with tlie al- uioet entire south, give his support Iu the tariff of 1910. It is true, that hoailvoca- led that tneaaura, f.r which ha might rest hi defence;- without taking any other, 00 the ground that il wa a turifffor revenue, and not for protection ; which he had es tablished beyond the power of controversy. tint hi speerh on theecrasion hnu tern brought in judgment againat? huu by xm Seuator from Pennsylviiua. 11 hud sinco cart hi rres over theam?pfh 1 and h would surprise, ho had no doubt, the Sou ator by telling hiui thul, with iheexcep tion of some htaty and initi'irdisj' exprs aiuua, thai he-rotf acted 4nu.g he hsl u) lered W that tiecasion - He only asked that he might be judged In reference, to. ft, iulhat spirit of fainies and justice which was due lo tho irccawoa ; JakLig iulo on- sideralion the circuuudance under a hich it was dol'vsred,and bearing to mind that the subject was a tariff f ir reveuu aud not for protection 2 for roduciur and ik4 raising the revonu ' 4iut)-oetore he. phuued the thou couditiuo jof , the counUy, lioui .wuica. ui maw argun(iili u. favor of tuo. measure wero drawn, it was nothing but an act ot justice; tu hnusulr, that, he liouid state a tact in connexion with hi speech that was nocosnary to explain what be bad called hasty and unguarded expres sions. Uia spoech was aa impromptu ; and, assuch, hs apologised to the House, he appears from Uui speech al printed, fir of Wring h.s seutimetrt on the question with out having duly refluiited 011 the subject. t was-douvaroa Mtus rsquostoTa friend when he had nt 7wvto0.ly tlie lcaV iu. tcntion of addressiiij the Hooso "ho aflu. ded to Samuel 1).. Ingham, then and now, as be was proud to say, a peisoiial and po litical Irieud a mau,ol laluiits aud integ rity with a clear. Jieud,, , and Jnn, pud patriotic heart then among the leading owmbers ot the 1 louse m the palmy stats ot his political glory, though flow for motnoul depressed depressed, did he say oo 1 it wahi talwhich was lo' pressed ronnsylvaiiia, which bad de serted huu under circumstance which, instead ol dcpresaiq, ought to huye eleya tad hiul iu - her estiniHUimr lie came to jgK, said Mr. C., when sitting at my desk wpling,and suid that the tiouss wa tailing into some confusion, accompany lug it with iTemwkTttort kiJcrhuW iauit ir to tatty soiargo bodrwheii once bfokeli ou a lux bill, aa had oeeu experienced-du ring the tale war. t laving a higher opm ion of my tullueucs than it deserved, he requested ma to say something to prevent the -contusion.-! HiedrahliVl r.C, that I was at a loss whut lo say ; that 1 had-been busirjraflgBgedtartlie; tiirretotfn which was thea ui reat oonluaion, and which, as 1 had stated, had been placed particularly under my ciutrge, as the chair man of ttieitnTtte6rw thar'iUbj'ilcf; He repeated his request, and the speech which the Senator from PennsyrvMiii" ha complimented so highly was the result. He(MK C.) would ask, s whether the facts stated ought not iu, justice, to bo borne in mind by those who would hold hjm accountable, not only for the general scope of the speech, but for every word and sentence which it contained. But, r t 1 -1 ' -f . f said ir. ..r in suiting uus question, it was not his Interaiou, "toreputo speech All he asked was, that lie miizht be judged by the rulea Which', Injustice',' U ivHied to the case, u-tiloe rccoilee- V-'d tlft t,bf hjlj was re,vyaa 'hj and, VOL Mil-... Ml of tourse, that it wa coniitulioos . "I need not remind the Senate, wheii the measure is constitutional, that all arru. ment calculated lo show it beneficial op sratMMi may be legitimately pressed lute) "rrttff, wiUvaiLJakingoiuo ovlerstiHt . whether the subject, to which the argu. ' N events refer be within the sphere of th constitution or not. - If, for instance, 4 questiiai were before the body to Iny a du ty is biUJes, and a uwKiou be made lo re. dura the duly, or admit bibles duly fn-s, - whoeiwlddouU that the argument in fa ver of the motion that the increased circu lation of the biWes would be in favor of I ha morality and religion of the country, wisild be strictly protierf Or, who wouli - supms that ha who had adduced it hai committed himself, on the coctstitutimiali ty nf taking the religion or morals the caiutry unoVr the charge of tls- Federal government r Again I bppw the- que. lion to be le raise the dirty 00 silk, or anjr other article of luxury, dt'that it should bs supported u lb ground thai it was ail article mainly ftisutned by tfm rkh ani extravagiuit, could it be fairly inferred that, in the opinion of the speaker, Con. tress had the right In pvs sumptuary U'ssT lis" tinty 'Hedtlut th.s plain Tutnxt bnappjied tu bis argutntaU ntan tantf of . elO. They turned almost entirely the benefit which tnauufaclure cotifi rrej onlhscsnnlry in time of war 1 aud winch, 00 one could doubt. The country had r. eently passed thn ugh such a state. Tiis World ws,H tlinniiiie;' doeplyaliiiuiej by lbs etibcta of the great conllict, whicb) liaJ soliaig njfA in Europe, and which us - : one could tell how sooa again might re- - turn, uonanarte had but recently fcnen Qboo.aoMtjeri part .. '.i this contuioni wa in a stats of revolution. ' and wa threatened with the inti-rfl renew of iImi Holy Alliance, which, bad it occur. red, must almost necrftsnrily have involved this ciamlry in n most dangeruus coollict. It was under these circumstances that had delivered the speech, in which he nr. ged the lluusot that, io tlie . adjustment jof vr.r los UiUi, relartxtce wight to bo had to state of war, as. sell as pears; and thai its provisions ought to be fixed on the com paind views of the two jMriods mnkinj suinujsacruice in peace tu order - ttan Ui les might . b mads, in warr- IV a ?hil t. principle false I aud, in urging it, did ha. -CwMMVMt hiwewlf'ts-that system ;of eppres, sion since growu up, aud which ba h t .. . . rtTuliject the enriching ous portion of ' - ."""" thssountry at the rxpmse of the other f -. ZM T;. Pur'itf the plaiu . r ula JttlHiucS .TjITl .'Ll cases was, that wheu a meeeu'rs wa pro'."i-:l", -posed, the fimt .thing, is ,to asfceil in . itt , - - Co'uslilutiouality t aud,. that -bsiofl 'i"'T''.T tamed, the next was it ei(sdient,j,t wMfc r-r.-,:;-,rrT.: latoMined the whole field (if aiumaut - for aud agaiust. Every lHrifl mav beur - - ' ged calculated to prove it wi or uuwiss) so in a mil to raise imports. It ioutt first be,acwiaiurthaLtli. bill, tahuttai on the enncipes if revenue, and. Jhat'lllif.-ii;-", money ratwd is necessary Tor the wants of thoouniryi''Tliese Wirig'awertaiiicd every argument, direct ami indirect,-may ue luirly ollersd, which may go to show that, under all the circumstances, the pro. vision of the bill are proper or improper Hud this p ain and simple rule been auher eel to, we siiiHild never have hoard of tuo complaint of Carolina. Her objection i o4 against the improper modificaiiou of aj bill acknowledged to be for- rtvenue : but that under lite imine of iutpiwds.-.a power. tsseiitially drtlernt from-the taxing poww : .... j .i.:.- !'"' ,ivwu jniiuiMMg uiucn more ot tho character of a penally Hum a tax. No. thing ia more common than that things clisHily resembling in appearance should widely and essentially ihllor in their char . - acter. Areentcrfor inntauce, naemb.is " fi"""! yet one is deadly poison, aud tha tu. -I, - ther lltat which Constitutes the ta(l of hie,- So, duties imposed, whether (or n veniii -- ' prpteel ion niuy ho callediliifwslii Un, ufcav uonuiially aud appnrontly the anwt y:t dillcr essentially in their real uharacter. " Mr. C. said he should now re 1 um to Ins spaxh.tif4th Ta-iiTtrclC f,"" '" mine what his opiui'MM really were on IIk. sul.ject-ef protection, it that time, if a 'u he proimr to advert to his sentiments 1 jure aiidaflnrlhat perioJ. .". Jf.mtn)MW , piuciJeuig.lB16',.oo ihia subject, is UMt .. 4"! ter of recruvuilacanie wito Congress 40 1813, a devoted friend aod supporter of the then administration yet one of hi ; first etfurta was t' brave .thn adnii nisi ra tion, by imposing jts favorite meajiuru tho . . . reslrictive. sysieiiitinharo, nou inter' xourseafldiU -wraAd that Jipnn the.ptiou- pie of tree trade. The ay stem remained in fashion for a time ; but after the over throw of Bonaparte, he ( Mr, C.) had re ported a lull 4jpoutb CtMinien J-Vt- -v.p eign Relations, to repeal the whole svs- , IWMJum-lMmMe, W bin th)- - -bill was under consideration, a worthy - man, then a member of the House, (Mt.- Ale Mm, ot tiaiiimorc,) moved to except the noii-impoi talion act, which he suppor ted on the ground of encnurageim nt te - manufacture, .Hq (Mr, C.l nai.ied the tnotico oa the very ground oo which il r. McKinijjupportedjUi!emi that tha manufacturers were th ti 'eceiv ihg too niuch " pTuTwiuuhtiidarwNf ii - friends that the withdrawal of, the prott tioo which the wnf and the high dutu-a theh-a!n.rded, would cause great enjbar fasAinuQt I tad 1 hat the Una policy in ttd 1

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