r t i kite, I ir I I ' I r j 1 f r to (Jniiiiitii In id fmlti.f Si il... .'if ft iMMut V"I lil. iii'i, ii4i I ui!wrf4f.iiii oil the riu of i-uc-e 1 inn fufi 2 l the time h . r liaeelliaTariirrrnaei, Wiibe view H . f .r lmg i vJfl i4 prraunenl pro. Iflf il.11. H.,r( was til fm.!nrl before 111 8, fci eily eAer priod, he lift Conrtiaa, a il Hi I no oppirtu nf y of making known , )ii4 oii'iiinU W rofffreeea w the prrfee lira ayntem, which ahortly after began In In aviated. Iwt he had lh m wt eotrlu rrtJfMtca that Im cooaulrmd the sr. fanratnatlt f the WWW M 1 4 1 $ grow. big out of the weeeaeity of the eaee, end " Jim l the wtideraiiot of malic, hot . thitit at thai early period ha waa ft pMiitt would btd to aboaa and future ciifl cvfiieV lf regrefVd Ihtf a bed been 'im !M - dwell ao vm on BiinwII J but trams! that wlia!ertwiaurmight Im in curred would wit be directed against him. Vd BiaatftiwwOBewWo bed draw h jew-J 'oV mli tha eonlroveray and who might V, assailing hisnvwivea, to wound the rau with which be was proud to ba II might adJ,th,t all the eootbern Stales otJ with South I aroiina la support ofthe fill 1 nut that tb had any lutaraat in maiv sjfutiirea, but oa tlie gpsi'ml that they had vpwiad thai war, and ofcouree Ht a cor - fce.iondio obligation 14 sustain those at taMihmmil which haJ grown VP umler lb fnr. mru&amt it h4 mctAmUlly af Rf Ji- J ; wbtMl of tb New England KinbAr wem oxMed to Ilia t!Mair n if tpall, aa U IwImtoJ, va cppuMtia yriitcipioa. . Ila had rxw, ho Inula I, atia(actoril r 'II 4 cltar4 agaiMt thfl btata, and biin.l,Toolly, ut refcranca ta tla ta Wod-MO. Whatater Miort tlia t'lala jj ivnit tha hill, ha1 "onjiuated ia the TitfdniiHereatil iUtw. Thor.wMiiKrt withirijhf Jimii.of,,th . ut,aaia aa hia iniaxwy mtn-i JumJI - 't't.n'.a dCtiMi r , woolen eatabliihinsnt. Iter whJfl drpeodeupfl wn m pjticulture, ln ltha cvttiMtnin of two vml t ataprea, tic i an cottoo. IW obia pdiey wat - - to ami open t market of IIm worn tin flicked m ttiircmnrtnd to wif cwtp. - u .. . f r - t - r ttn-i to aall feign t vn itmn a luenii m hhiu. .- . ".ComtHrd with aanaa of juatico. aha -4.V-W hf wawiart-lo tho Wlr--Wa-ad . . . . '. ' .. . 9tn t'Md too ftgnma ma maniimf itir K that tU Bfoteciiixt which tba nmaura itfmto'i wwtM ho awlRctont 1 4o-hichrt t)w irt'ira readily wmcoded, aa it waa coo- atJcredaa fiual adiatiacot of tha qiwa- turn. ' l?t i ww,aaiij Mr turn our ya forward, and tm whnt hai been trm conduct . aa ' tjrih9ariiawtrin arranwrnmit. tiaw CanJuta and the Smrth diaturlml this ad oi i m a n1e tnmanca agaiiiat it i even ho I ,'h Una owaaow, moilrnao compara "tivi ly aa it ia, waa fi-lt with an inennaidera .. "Ma preaif onlhir jntoroata. Waa thia ... fevvnata imilatod on tko oppoaito aidt " Fattiithrrwiai, Scarcely had tho Preai. 4-M aijfid bja natno, taP m application ""w inaJa fat in iocteaao of dutn which .- tja fpaatod ri(H AnnanJa mtimMliv - jrowinx, liU tha pasangoofihaart of 18'JS. 7ix v9 wow, h would ak, did It bo; arnin indinn to purtuo "iS'irfrrenco " to" -A .-Uieai deanaJji f Iatetl tf cq!iiCTeirrt.fn: juAin tho tariff ol 1910, aha aawin hrr fTnerwitf wn that' ocrtim, additions m ) r that firm and divided roaia. lurica whiclt'eho ha aiiico ma hj ayiTnat Via ay its in of protection. a 8Iia arcor dmary iiiiiHum:l a avtmatie opraiaitiuo 4a all - , ft m 1913 Ull IS-Sj by dutcunuonaMid by rrpiiurmBf bf twwuiiatranewa. awi by pro- frarnhriBh h-f Lcaiallitaro."" Theao all 'r SVeli iuaulScieiit to rtsnt the rrerit "ti ncMachinont t but notwithatanding the hoavy pitaauro on har industry, aho ner tfcviir I 'of relief, tit the paaaagA of (he rt Jlf 21 thai biIt Alabminatina--on. J' k liitprwl tf aaricaand political intngiw. fi aJiipti w ppencd'the eyei of tho ijtats, t' I garon m character to the cowtro. Ti thsa iho jjowrlKiar haa .-.www Im i'k I i !ti iiii lvn-rTr'Bt, or li a h i.r -1 In I fiiftifa! -hrga f I.i4 d.ily l-t Curt awak f-f lli-in!i. Wlinn tha bill to w'lirh i had n frfra.1 can frnffl the wt'iitr I! hjm.Ih tha oal, tlta at inft umvrraa.1 totiiraa;'! aa, that ita lata wiMild drprdd opm hia catuii vt It waak'toon that aa tha bill ilfii atinaf, l'a rrnj ! arm "'i I'" l In I 'III lil ' fl III llltl lT jf'Hiii In a Hi In rharaMT of (ha r lu'Mtna bctwrra tha Kute and tho iirwfai 1 iTrnoKnt ) a'xl tha iivaua which lh Hta!fa pamia ii( drf. Mlm thiixO p-wrra wSii thry rrad in f rmin tha Fad ral (oarniwnt. la thia ((ra it ranta, mn tha moat I tha (tfmalo waa nearly eqaally diviiiml, ami pommarKlmglalpnta and afqiiirnirwnla an Ua it waa a combined m"ure, origiitatin gaffldwith tha grrateat ardor and tha I with tho puhtioiaoa and oianurrurraiid IMMipla wrra adilreaaml throtivh every char I intfnili'd aa miKh ! Imar up-ai Dm rrrt iwl bar eaaaya in the public praa, and by I 'lntiaj elflctirm aa to prS"Ct itMiHf4CinrKa, Bpfiwut in llteir puhlto aaanmwiea, wnln I it waa bniieJ tiiat, aa at rk id political lh7 bad b0'm4 thorMighly iiMtrucled on I policy, ita lata wHld bo mad Ut dVpewl thanaturo of Ilia onnroaitioo, and on tha I on hia tute, m wrdcr to il'Tiai Uaoar ritfhta which they paoaa, under the Con I al .Jackauu'a .4dAcliM.. aa well 'aa h alitiiti'in, to lhrw thim off. town. Th frienda id OfnwrarJai kai t ft griiftffmrfft tvmewr rhnt thr ttSrtd ISlf t wc W htmml, WM fl W. C. Jwm air iat'.' en by the people laTlaroiiria at ini paa 1 ly enlreatwl Wi leave I be chair, In order to eton an deluaum, tfiev are wholly nuatak-1 avmd Ilia rfapooaibtlity, umiar the nlaui an. , The eaaa waa . Ut ottinrwiao. No j Ue arKnment UmI if iho Senate ahould be eommumty. from too vput lo the I equally dividod, the ull would be liat with plai(hinan, were eee JheUCf Jnatnrted in out the aid of hiacajding rote. TW roplv hf if4ite twod eliotaataiy ogn jrhwdr j MMjWiItJJttffMlB;ii& Iho mate bad reeled, waa the reault taf peraooal to biuweil, emtld laviuce him le mature rcfloction, accionpamed with a Itake auch a couree. That bo conaidird deep conviction that their rigtiti had been I the meaaure aa of the mat d40gerooa char notated, anil the mane of reiraa which clr, calculated to produce the moat fnar they have adopled, are eonaiatent with the lul crime ; that the paynwrit of Ilia public prinriplea of iho CiHHtitution. ' debt waajual at hand, and that the treat lJut while thia aetive canvaaa waa car. I iiicraaae of revenue which it would nour ried on, which lookml to the reanrved pnw I into the Treaeury, would accelerate the era, a their redreaa, if all othera fnil- epproach of that peritaj i ami that the ed, the Slato at the aarne time eherixhed ciwntw would be placed in the moat trying hop", aa I have already ataied, tbul the of all ntuationa j with an revenue, eloctiun of tJen. J ickaou to tlw Preaiden- without tlie nane f aUrpMKi, upon any ey.would prevent the neceaaily of a rewrt rKitimate or couatituuonal object of ap. to eitremiliea. II . waa i.lnntiie I with prpfiati,m, .n. waild be compelM . avbinit lo all the corrupting couaeqimncea of a large aurplua, or to nwko a audof n reductiiHi of the ratee of dutiea, which would prove ruinoue to the very intreta which wer ttmn forcing I lie paaaqge n the bill. Under theae viea he deterntioml to remain in the chair; ami if thi bill rante the iutereeta of the atanle .llatei ; ami, hav inn tlta aaino intereat, it waa believed that, hit great popularity ;a popularity of the atfftngeat character, aa it rented on milita ry aervicea, would enawe him, a4 they hop ed, gradually to bring down the ayatem of protection, without ihock or injury to any lotereet. Umler Iheae ttrwn, the caovuaa , him( , ettllag V(lte , , it ? S-'! iai J"io t ie ia waaoua.l Urm 4?lkffc. tmt ..lwtaliliaaawiaiiaaahaini'l.wied Itfrtimde teal, in conjunction mth that active inqui- that he would retire from the ticket, e Vf.MX. to'? P"?" f ,hfl that the election of Ue.Ml Jack. miirht onwhicti trnal relianc waa placed. But M he rmbnrraaad by any act of hia. little did tho people of Carolina draam, 4(f, r, c.J waa amazed at the that the man whom they wnre thoa air.v . ry ,,, Vifatiiati. t ,h,t oeri.l. 8j ins to elevate to the hicb-! eeat of oxwer. a.....l.i.u .k.,.rk. .o ... wu.urv.v. v ..w ... u.. lin o rtiiMi amlHii.ui ami avarice, from the hopfe, Man ia, imloed, igmjraiit of thefu ,i,M1j, hnmilaw f ,k. ,n.,u,ru,1. rare j nor waa mere ever a wronger fuuiptHin ihai'none btrt" af-e anp-are.1 It ia a fart ilml Cr M-ttr I the pur ple n praai rre the imr!ti- of the pwrjilw, Cromwrll b-ame " Pr'H tnr" li the po. pie r..marii M Firat t'mirt' aa the hhortii-4 of the iioil and mnmt have fniatnlrd M the ewhaiiM hnraa," the Pro clamation, lo ava the I'ninn and the lib rta of the i"oil. No Moacai4f. (iR01N.t, rrfV I'rr.I.n. k U'mll TIIK r.UIFF It ia with Minga of f ha H"rivM uiortifii iUif.fi and regret that wa anifKniro tfuf rnlr-ra Iho page of the tanii bill inirWid by Mr. Clay md the uatfl thnwah that bly and the II. iRprcariiUtivra, fat we cortarimitioiia ly believe that H haa given the daih lihrw VAIMNlTON0)liaWP()innNX"E to the ayatem of pMectiiPi, am! ao much Wiamaro, t). C. March 11. 13.1. impaired Iho cifut,iuti,ml principle, that K.. I f .k fl.h I inf.,. ' Wl" T earnwi into eirct, - ...... ....... . . , , , in i . .. . ik-i J,ll,...!i.-a in MntiM wnnoui a ajiravmai.m unnaraieiieu in I tie aartoflheE,d".i, ImII. 0,1 th.a -,b. ,B"MM "P-m. n naving en arreal mrt Ik. i. -;i.l. Tha I e " " wnrw limy ronvmreo IIIRI It WiMII nn.Ji m In ha k.u.l..,.k..l I " " ' Miu iii mhii lit rBV iNmr,thr'fe41n,trCTMrstM r..nl... . ,..ri. I oeie raurn to toe eun i lo, in tho" Inn coercion which they had eullW, and f'. l'. Mer, ahaVe the m.iu. which they anticipated, rendore,! ihem f'" o tbeb-aie. Uutaatothe right willinir in nerociate. Umler the then .. l"Cl Mt twn lah.r iga.nat that o umr uaii.nii, ww rcgaru il aa IH aacreo i i Wto-trtwTrm!rawhrrtr.tn tbirimrirr.if,,f a nwaan lauM n. -.rt rJ Hon a cardiual principle in the tli.v.rv 'vaa -wlly ae.tlwl. N'o meana eiiated, P'C 5JI gwerniiwnta and, if by which they ca.ld brina the ouealnm be- to b believed, toamrure foretheeinirtaofthe I'nited .Watoa, To " Vwn cT,f' r'1'9 Pr,neiH them. Iherelore. reliel waa hooele-. R "V"t l" M n,'"d by our pre- eommdaion. aalhov .ni.,t.-f H. -...-I3'11 UnaliUituMl. Lm.klOff amortd oa. ne-ncialine a treaiv with the Hecretanr of "B on ""7 ,i,a '' hoice Idea war. inimaataie orthintr". thoadm n r " .v m-rriae womu'' vuiK.-a ihi uoauiy fpaal anlutooefewilvfortheDoaaaire rd'lheen " e en f mina bill. In ao evil bmir the were ra h"n'., " ih". " K had choaen tirted. 8o were the children i of laraVl. !" will.ng to aubmit ff io mreign legiaiation in preference to their them. town, ann io auimi into our porta freely, Aa m aa thia bill nl ahnminatKma had P,uc" winch n become a law, Mr. CktBter. the attorney i,y e",u,w Iwy he iht of the Chfrnkrei, perceived tliat at atfor. ? , u'MnlUI,, f "r ,h,r,8' led In hia clienta and frienda, the man of T ' 1 r'8 " 1 IM,,'ning brinsinJ thr-ir caao bi f.iro the Sunreme I ,T,m,n, wo w""'d bo re- Court... Ho imuwdiakilv, aa atated my ef,"am ,w e!e7 f'P" Fhicli we bare forflor letter, DutitW the War Miiiieter. V"W . , wweieM with humblo al, that the charar nuif IJi wiiM'.n trie UMrroktri claimed, were worth . r "r"5" "V in- par tratinn of the ohaervatMt than ia afHir.leil to aiiticipafn th7rirnt cHaia, at which I L I. . - I TH . I er inorvfuii oi inai tiaiimii . io vrv l .il . .i.,.. . t,:t. ii. :.. erera oiLwiucii lhey had built iluw hupaa, I mltnm n( wt Wilf thrB donv Aj haa ben lurmvl againat them, ami the ve ry indivdual lo whom thry baiked, aa a d. Iiverer, ami whom, umler that impreaeion, they atrove, for ao many yeara, to elevati to power, ia nw the nt pwerful inatru. mcntinthe hamla of hia and their bit terett opponenta to put r!own them and Scarcely ha he been elected when it'be came apparent, from the organization of lacabtoHt, ami other indicatnma, that all their bop4 of relief, through him, were WattT. - Tiw admieeiuji "of a ainirle nidiviJ oal mlollio enhimrt, umlef the cimimian cea . which aCoompnuHwl .thai . adti.iiMif threw alT TnTo"cmilu!Kii. The michiey. otta Mfluouce uver the Proaulaut, through winch thia individual waa admitted mio to hiinai-lf, he ch'arly fomanw what haa aince f iIIow.hI. The road f amhiti.Mi hy "pen Hure him ; h had leil in IoIIhw the corrupt tiMiilmwv if th tinifa hot he chute lo tread the ru'ed ath of duty. to bi; cuNTfarco. From tr Jrferi,i'iin f Yt?-;inIaTlmti, FA. Td! t UENtAlLU FAt Is! "Away ! burn all tit roc ir l if tho realm, Bbull be lh Parliament nfE;i.taoJ.? It la a fact that the pr..idiot the Hartrrd Conyi-nti m, with a ian Mue 1 liht Fi-Ji nilHts " the habitual ac irf at SiatH Ri,:Fi iiave openly Bplau.fd the Proclairwliiai, and . declare that O-rnvral I Au u 1 1 F I . . I . iwuimj iiiiiii'Ki oi umiara; out mat Iney woubt Iramder Ihem far five million, ft ia umloratmx! (hat the government have iiffured llrem more, than half thia eum, wmcn mry nave rejuae'l lo accept, pro 17 io wmcn i are auacneii. f ur it ia not prataoded by ita preaeot aiivoeatea, that the former had dVcreed il. and n.. one will have the hardihood o aart,thal me latter had given any etpree-iop of pvr f r tfi crv A r. ,i , I . , tho eitrarf hi Vf. ih, u' (. haa ah-iwri m mju !niii , , t ' " 7 anvpirlof hia ominei r'hlf, V ,'" 1 l.jct. We miat.li Vr.raJ.'',' I if: to arknowleibit id.i j 1 ' I IfTJ W-, mat can be mnriied hv Oer.r ' tired imluatry, teal, and punty 'u o a ka l en,.-.. Tum -.i .. . , - """"r oi in Mria md an oVapoqilmg h, lingering noie, AHboiigk doulitiii'i er i hat i llo ia awailimr. Km i.tl ur gna of the liiiMtaannear mm ,tu prin, on riiiii-r eaata lua 'llM O i.ll . M P1''" I' rt lo rlimt (he iv.t -Z wmie fain! hope of li,ld,rif , m Whre ""HI f atoc!h biawd.-or -o.nata rt at the tnJ J7: in," In ancient lunea mti.u i. , l to the real, but the editor of Ik. If. . ia pdlaU cuMUni hia rvra a,u.i. ' T direction of the White ILwae. li L . . u. - a ta uiuu lie there. I be Hickory wytbe ia . biMllyauppIo ami can be b.lt Jrt'aTv mwTTired"iM.T!,t. ...j i mr " T7.T w" w"en we rj. aider the manifold lwiaiitli!ii,-w. dnrgone in the I finnda of a caniun a" r in the but ur yeara, we caniM kl k that there may be aor.. t;,,i. atill leA for the editor of the lli,, Tlw fiillowiiii are ik , i ., mark, of Mr. i'Z: " .,m o 'n,,. ,, ,,: ,.r . i " illO dlJiiity of the fill . . I a--MIIDUt U UHW th of iho whole, in ,.,,.,4,71"" poiMjIatimi haa, with arma in n. l 7 dicuiod tenru to the other twentr-Zj ami firce,l litem L. i "' S two. Proh puilor. " To reimive the imnirmar. of a port..,,, of the Statea, reJlllI LTI tnevae, are inflicted on the nmil' whereby a large ,r:w(1 W). and Imppinoaa will ho Waated and wi " j l i ' Ve mglonoualy aUiidiHi th. rZ! pnrty,wh hare ao hoWy d-fj cauM. of the country, .ad le,w loea, Be VA. ehtt hAM.-Hnmnjih. - rt - - MWt: -..w t.in.'niaiiuituu:iili .1,-1. .Ml a chiaet them. W hjve eatak! latllM.f aaa n Bin? it .1I..I- .. H .. . aur, the nht id frrmg-en app-el to the Hnprenre Omirt f n ,h-1 ,XKl1 ' Ml W.iJ6.,ACcepIa, a ilnriMim rut Ihm . TK r't.-r... u incm. --",.;jvt A iiu VKfUACTI have led thia City witmwit orrvdmga irenty Previnua n the paaaage of thia alcad of turning' Wa eyea lorward: to. the t?! pertot of the pay rhenr jfjhrhlilT wiitch wa then near at" hnd, and nrvBttf(il iiaMrraartfetld rb Jiilna1 ' nvlai. aaVkiaalt 4-rit-i.i ,.i..l t.4 - .: t.. eoaatone f Congreaa, at the beimtinn of I for a aottthorn -av m in ""'l eirn a aa e vi totl aW 1IIIJIT I .l aw-Ll t a law, a treaty might have been formed, and the Indian title to the contested landa et tiu.'tiiahed, f!r a email amonnt. Such an arrangement will now, probably, coat an enornioua aum of money. Thni eipnmJi Hire ia the firat eflrtct of the unfortiiuale lull, which I have to much dreaded, and 0 atrmigly deprecated. The payment of mmer, however, ia only a aeeoodnry eonatderation.' The p-aen and trannoillity of the country ia the f rent ohject. 1 heae lamia, whatever may no me uncision ot tno court, can never a gam be reatore J to the Chtrolttu Thew could noUw wrested Mn. thwr atew im j i prletora, hut through Oceana of blood. It ia. ,n?nVortn,!,,u,y ortlieFremdent prumntly io adjuat thia diatractinir eubiect : and al. tJNigh Jni.i:a probably, by an -effiart to graapai unumiieu power, involved the na tinn in an eirn.n..i Bn....i:i.u. P 1 ; :, .:. ." " T -"li'u i (.'jiiuiiuio. m mwn fi, - i, - .l - . taimamiuicmyd.dlara.yetmJahouU firmly. I .lal Pre,wrtt pface. From Ike fkiUulrlph, Suiu Wo wi.ii we could DiHi .aiiiiu.. uron enou.fi tu etprdu m ouu word u mH gled blwrrence and contempt we loel lor ir. umy a grauual aoamJon.nc-nt bill. veiiettwl toe inau our iu whu h .i .. brought buijfi- Coogreaa, V0 oeteat ine bill itaeif aa an entire aurruudcr U the pmata iu diapute beireo tlie body of tha uatmu and uia uuUUurt-the cuuMitutioa al ngn to vyy dm,U)( (at . protection. - it diaarma uulliixalioii, but it ia by yielding to all ita claim. It reatorua ounce, h... auch Pace aa tlie weak einporora of Ro .m need to bey ot' the bartiariana- which but eucoura!! new war." If u the peace ot aMbmtianifli tho nji,my of i lie nniton eumiinHi an - nwim,uic4uui. ri.,rP.hnt. No man cu 4iiuo tha narmony o thia nation more than we, yet wb wuura pmrr a wmmn t.i.f,.i.i lily" lawa enact.-d bv the majority uf M nation. " d. i AREr vl look ro voutvpnopEH rr If wo admil the diictriuea Uf Km f-X dent'a proclamation we aurreoJeV ih id- resorting the agnMai,Nla Cotli upon .air riht .4 proporlr in"ay4e ,-v.cept by too aword. Tli. pnnfipi being ico hrmly eaiablnhed aa the rule of action for tne Fe,ral g rverntneiit. i d t ,1 i . iawa win pawteu alavea. more i Jed41ienhY to' 6uort,mcet the..aae,;and ; atav-'lhe eeti.o1 w' WM lwojraH ftrihie hittofahan 2 Z f Proclaoiatmn. ttonntent..-?:".-WoulrJ tha Unfcwatfller ii,- wb ch - Waa TacWthatforthe last tvrojir lliree .Thil il not tho lima to increaae Ihecaieiea !Ji!rf !. ?! mlfar. t An, and wiae ayitemcd"mea8ureattheattenlim r"r'n.,:'M.lon' ,M . ? UMU- of An Pr.i .tn.,i Ma'-ahaAphMt w . "ll '" iiw proapoci oi a reouciirm or ih ly arrangementa, ,d circara'stancea too ' "'5' wTora the aeaaion eok-d, w4it disreputable ta bementiowitd here, ecept i iyjJJnrr.t. p " ii.- .. i m n i . ' , It ia a ftct, that many member nf-the -Here, aa.dilr.Uba oiuct paaso for a Smh Mw dfTf,iv0f) lheir cmiimAt hy oipkktom tiWlrgihetil IhnrVrwarirevrw ? educed, and. would.die a natural deati , . , , , . r , . I tin aeeamn in anite ot Nullincation. I he charge that he had been actuated, m l i, . e... v..u:c.: u l . 0 part whtch he had taken by ng. j , jt mi ht h(l tho cr1)(t of of d,a.,,pmteJ .mb,t,o,,.fr. C. aain i tha T.rilf. The Tariff will be' ;rr .-, IM tie uwunr regre wou na no. I 4rf K,. tk. m.,.l . j 1 -T - iffasity of noticing himaelf in to important m..h:iu-.u- .k- t-ij. .7 .u. ro,Tm wtr conaidered th jnetion whether the rt'ht of regulating the induatry of the fit itea wa a reserved or delegated power, tut .what right a State poaaoaeoe to defend Iter referred pwerf againet lh.encroach ment of the Federal Hoveniment i a miea. fiea on i the ideclaiohof wTuch tBOalue of III tha ' re9oryedpoweri depemla.' The sge ef the act of IW, with all iti oh- tircumatancetl under which it waa adopt. -td, hud almost, if no! entirely, clo-ed the ..j.Nur td" hopotthrottgh the fleweraHJovoro., . Jhenf. tt alfirJod conceive evidence that '"tjii reaaonaWe propectof relief from, Con grcta could be entertained ; yet the near 1 tipproach uf thn peri"! fth payment f . . I ii.. i ii , in nmiiiii iiu, i r mio biwiih m nm a diacuaaionjand that fthiujrcould induce iw.,.nia,ionne.. d-v. ih T.riff.i.t ama 1 Mi iinaJ avaeeaai aKam aT .a a. . ,i . a 1 Ull, ua jtTtitJ a;i Mivn iteaw itwvm ai ffj in wh jthir Jho pitilmitife ayioem waaeooewbica un m,n ami erniien, net aimr mn, -nm i ii waaoniv in tun view tnat DO noticed It. I t. . e .v.. .t. . . i t- mi. v. earn, it luy aocame tte chief Secretary di-claw the tariff yet bmthen win mul rill IA mnkn ikU rliimm TU. I .. ,B , . sorne: one aaya an mmnMW may tie re. course winch the btate had taken, and HMel ihnVreeTr.l Mpiv...k... which bad, W to the preaent controveray ed'liecau' they did rod any that the Tariff Knt diian tanai aknl Ilia 1 ,v 1' .... . . I . . ,w,.. ..v. 4, C(roittl uuTornmuin, wa, grcatJv educed and would come off wi wni M wi iwit fli.i3w3. m iaTOwietitm ythH msmm-' - ry raw w o acrerw canvaaa wmcn ptac-1 : Ii i rf; ihal. mM. m. ik ed him in power : and in that very canvaaa J ui i.nnivrv.iini mi uaiL te ,bto f.;"daoder the otboua muMawed. theae very principle! which he nf c.l Kin, in hiJ m,.h JZJ"ma. nowoffictally pronouncea to be tream and Bt M.mtgomery, vet manv praiae the Pro rebellion, That waa the ported at which tlaination which denies aeceasion, apd do he -ought pto- have- epidin.4 laving e. SwHk-wvrw-heiwwl -ami the halter H matnedailent then,-and having, under his The "Blmidv .Bill" in tho Senate, aava approyaUtnj'' 'ijnh.il di'iice,:received I Mr." Webater. ia the fruita of the Pvi.. IheaupiKirtand the vute of tha State. heImi;.mM - - ' - ' fn tj it aeuao ut uevtuuiri ait not pro- - t, is bcriinTTioTTTarrTiT, tlie ul'. 1li9. jwbltfiieh arid cleMioii iCeuor 4ackto thfr Preideitpy,?oli!l afFrdod ch,rf 6f deceptioii and ingratitude Ilia i objoct, however, waa not to aaai the Pre ! a ray of hope not aottrong, however, 2o prevent the Slate from turning hefeye fJhr fi iid relief, to her reaerved powers. ' tJuflor these circomatancos commenced (hat tnauiry into the nature and extent of ho rcaerved powera of a State, and the jr-iiiat the encronchmente tf the Genera O ivemment which has been pursued with Id inteUigance. Never was there a po Jitietl diecui'Carned;''itafmtw tctiyityi and which Appealed more direct. Jv to the iwclliiuce of "a, community,- . Thnug!kout the whole no l lre. waa n.i l. to the lot and valvar paMouaV But 4711 tha contrary, tho uWu..mhi trne. up. the higher principW-of political my, connected with the operatiooi of the jaht riffaiatom, which are catcuUted to show "Mr. C speech in tho Nalioual In- OfeWR "; " " aiJeiit, but to dofend himaell against a moat unfounded charge. Tho time, alone, at which the course, unon which his charge of illannnaittlni 11 mhititn tu Tuiiukut " mil I ! . I ... . I ' . ' . 1 f ( 01 we'll, repei n, uuiieevoea. every unpre- jdiiivim win iriirei nHll. " ( ntr UOCiriliO which ho now sustains, under the preaent Irl-IiiterOdl Improvement, ultrnlf&ik and ulira-Federnl party are ready to lay down their lives lor tho Uni h-mo..h tlw ton atitution) Union fur robborv and plunder, (n;t a Union of Justice and Liberty, for si, inillituie of d.illaMJOyi'euU atHoeewtno poople in the Tantf Statea. No ! but a fsw bahoha init the plunderl'and a few Stat-a pay th-i.wh.ilu. , .;. It is n fact, that 11 every country but difficulties, he openly avowed and maiutak:. this the pe-pr fi ht tr tolhr of ttixti Inrt a4o.1d,ately after the act of IMS; that in thia free eulightejiod, and iuat Govern. " biii 01 aoominatiuns, , as it na boon ao m,.t,t .M .iwi .m t .,,1. ei, - ufl .....1 1.. . l : -. ' " . '"J'r "f ;..u .,r.r,7 iioiou ., . no itr,e firm.' when rresident. V ure. Presi tttot parnid diaappmnted in any . views of ,b!(u and Cabinet all aay they are ti hi-h ambitwa which he might t be suppled to and oaht Jt bo reduced, and atill at ran", entortain! lie was Vice Prteid.-nt of the jjcr, some of '.ho m-M clamorou, ajhinat United States, elected by an overwhelming :the taies are ready to volunteer to keep majority. .. HO waa a eafididutef.tr re-elec- thorn on1 1 : - ' Uen aa the ticket with General Jackaon - If i a Tor trthafthe uirra. Federal party Inineeir, with acertam prospect ot a tri. and the.PriK-Iamation, declare the States imbantucceaa of tlwt tk-ket, ami with a Hr 0jt aovrirenttnf - Y. t: tfio former fair prospeet of the highest office t-f W o, h thntigl.t tho Cherokee Indiana a free and in an Ar.Hf..-8nc.ta1-,M a..', ?.Ht rifrCIlt sr.uVnry IHlefclwd ldia wu iis course HaUer t&eae profpccH I Vii iaa uMA breath " , 1 is it" a Mr. Clay infer: a aaerifirn nf art toaavethe wh le Not at all. Mr. f t m. . conieut-racv. mat c.mi fnderarv will. I fr . I P" j .,,....,, , ,, n, nr 1 tr I i .... ., tho perpetuity of our once happy 'and j T8rPte0C ,'dot posstbhr piui riww Union. ft 'N w"'! en if a majority.of both Mr. Randolph U atill hero.-Ilia healih WT8 r w 'Inhere -iooi tim viaitora. To thorn ho talks freolv tml"1"4' homWe decision w.Jiild the subject of politics, in which he takes a f?ma.n"l eaawn, we belreve n more deep iirtereaiili dwwoocew the enftr 10 "Jf . rifl than tho preaent. cing UII. A alronx oomsHtion1 ia tiint - - - If 44 artneressanrand up, in the South, to thorn members 0! u"cllP.(' rr ,hn " mean apiritod truck Congress who voted for it The evxito "nK t tho south convince ua that the ment which haa prevailed in South Caro- U 18 nnniHilutional or oppressive, ami lina and Georgia, ia rapidly ettendinff in- W8 my,'l"m,,d'ely abaudun it, but no to Alabama. e er on compulsion, . There haa been a ras of cholera at llie L " .de.,fl,, e cnneooences of this bill. President's house. The wife of hisatur. . mi 1 . . aee. 1 ne tamiiy pnysician was Ur. Tho- uir-Two ffi&Iical rntIeraen;j,:InjC anu anoiner,. were called in consultation, but refused to consult with Dr. Tkomnt, in consequence of tho latter bavins with drawn himaelf from a medical awori.ttinn which had undertaken to rezulate the feea of the facalty. fir. fan mm ia ,, considered atronir acre, - whoteyar he mar be elsewhere. Me has received uftny visits and con "rat- ulationa. Ua ia. evidently, monoaml tn h the channel throuirh which all annointment are hereafter to be made. Expectants of every description, pnv their court to him. He may now, I think, be fairly eroooun. ceo, bo tar-as 1 ne patromtge -of the govern- mem iaconcernea, f reimlent at facto, q appoiutinonta, willbe :tnade. but with hiaapprabatwut atid-4imentr-WhteTer I!,I?!!jI.J,ji.M, to changef KtTiecilMiieiPtii ministers, 4c. yoil mu'st recoire with due allowance for the atata of the times. No thing will be done hastily. No oromo turns will bo made until the lovattuitf the .cididuluaabattb ed. Mr. Fa Burtn is now the avowed Candidate of Oen. Joctjon, aa hia auccesa or " and to his support all are, or will bo pledged, who are classed ainniir the faith. jJj..:e.,j-iaiw -- ir "" IhoolHce hunfera, whon they visit the Vice President never fail, before ihnv1 teawhtnit 'lo uiogiie the prticlamation; and.ila legitimate olfipring the enforcing bfl!. ."Thr-v have all received their cuo, probably, fnm the cabinet irresponsiWo. Among those whoirisited him a fw days ainee, was a certain member ef the Indian a legislature, This geDtloman wiwhea to be appointed a charge, lie has underta- ken to answer for the west. Ue sate they a m True, it is so modified as to postpone im mediate rum ot the manufactures them. img inmn ao mucn aa the nation, whose wnoto industry ia ao linked together, that the mutilation of any one part maims the wnoie, rar.'viay'a bill, supposing it not re pealed, would strtject the whole of the country 0 a cruel and lingering de4 perbap, ...than the. sudden wrone wtucn puta an end to life and mise ry. - - - res, we dctaet -,..most thorpughlr and heartily this bill of surrender. But let us not be charged with bigotted adherence 10 me iariu rtgnr or wrong. The prin ctple of protecting; American industry, wu consider saentialt the roStwmttr of th- 4 : . 1 . V jamenean peopte. 1 et the tariff, although .lt..JJ -r-. - l'"3a3 re"pect protection as to .the ,ar-tuUMm.whicklaid..we 'rrnnl rADnn. .. ... .1 . " " ' ... ,.... .v.., ao , uiujrim amount. temMiuiayel requirea any alteration of tho tariff thia winter, Let u$ net iaurili. fore we provide means for diminishing it .' tip in ' Tbefollowin-r article which we tab, from that patriotic and independent Pdner. me u. o. i eiegrapri, shows that Mr. Mat thow Carey, h great Apostle of the Ta rut ana federalism, ha, tri a fit of and exasporatiori, thrown his paper in the fire-i-aipaet hiaiukstaud-emntied bot chewed his pons, and vanished n a "eaeJicfora." tlurrafor Nullxtcatim! How Mr. Ritchie will rejoice at this txit iiiw i ana cnnmpioni Surely ho wifl oric it fu bis uent Pspor. . - , Jffermnian. ",8IVIJrO Cf tub SHtfw" I M We learn from K;iM"l).l.;..L.i will o for Mr. Vn B..ren, as the .ucrea-! Mr. M. Carey has gm.,? mi,, I SOrf.i,CfrWr i 'iMird.:y''aaHrdaHm.iiptwiy.Iala emanrinalintf tmm If thia be doue. what raa are. p- art o the tlicutioa of the lew The bbU. H of'JtM liw,iaianral aircngtn, ami it it cornea lo a c.aiiM rf rirm, inn ieie Detwiwm tnn white aiU on etiremi-iy doubt lul. Hut do rut lb orirtern paper warn ea of ihedang-r f j..ur...iim iKMuiiuua witn iim,-fe-tit they will cf tlaiufy arm.our aiiivaaioBt u I These people, backed by tha streams; of the general government, would bo li-ar. tut eon against on. ; Vn not tha-iihfa imopie know that thi r the oltenorai.H the Northern Federalists t.Tbe einWina. fr?5M by tiio FederaXaZ ment is ona of. their -a OKiet ..cbe4 schemes. hat K will bo attempted, la bnnglhir.queatioa briCW-Gmgresa, past;: efftrts convince u. Lei ua then uui'r ia, our opfiosiiiim to iho nationaXiiatioautllrl g;vernmout, and we" may avoid len ani bloody conflicts fir the maintenance of oaf itearest and most valued ritrhfl. " ".Vhr IheJJyqth remain a'anfirely iind.ffaiiii t' tho progress of consolidation in the g-Ww eminent of (he Uni tu f Da they an ti ' y.. jntj'rlaiice ithafiaiata' ittglrt pnajai ciples may assume fn the decision ol qn tions of the character alludod to, by ro ting constant. and inataut unaniiaiiy aftr home, io aa to deter the enemy from int dmg-oiir privileges t Let mnk'VTtF cumvonted by the artful poljcy and hr ntical profoations of the Nort'brn oa-mlot. Ty rants never openly avow their iwrsr "riKe J UO. blow when Ibev have roiniJi"- lv lulled lto inuienidetH the people r me mom uiiixmnue't profession ol attacs, moot to liberty an I equtlitv. , . - MIL . nTL'.it. n A puldie dinner was given lo Mr. Tyleit few days since, by the citiiehs ol 01 " oester, This testimonial of reapfttt;ca wima wun tne approving Kftaolutiotw tlie people of other counties, must yiekfa : elevated pleasure to this honest, JkitiiU 1 and ia Jfnemlent public seryaot.' Twlf does he raorit the thanks of the Peojtlw Helms "dared to be honeat in the wnr of times.' With a noble ambition, he haaardoil rpOwni5rinWni' iSH country- preforring rather to fall " . hpatri(t,thaa rise as a.parasito', V ii '; NwYotra:;Alafch 1-: The Sprtker Prosecuted. Mr, AM '' Uecmw,' wh'ise modi's', bromaial to a ae-T ber of Assembly to ta'ta i 0,000 stock A a bank he was to yotn for. caiwed him ' arrested for a breach of irrivih2e, iabjricted hint &k W,hfo repfiinSadfiw"" t no o;naKer, has commenced a pmse lion Bi'Sfliat tknl ilinnitxrv fnt nMMvlt t LftaUcry ajid false imprisonmeiUt ml -h'L , his damages at 830,000. 2rorgertf.---Somo rascal sncceedeI kms since in eettinj? possession of K6W yuited fltatea Bank money, froffl j, branch iit thia city, by farmis the sign lure , of 8. 6i M. Allen, to two checks, eo" of ft 1 000 in favour of Rev: G. Sorinif. aiMl. tine ot foOOOr In &vour of the HnB. Hf1. ard Hiker. The latter was enclosed ie letter, nurnortinir to- be written by Mb Jlikrr atating -that helwas detail )f: curi, and requesting the check m wt p folhebov who preaenlnd il, which done , Hie. signature of S.' & N VSFy " wm ,ood imdU ,

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