E 'rwl of Ui'trdi'ri , ' f aMiriU4, Mtrch l, I 3 3. w I hirer- I Jf- "r"'''' t, 4..rm.1 fpi., ll crow.. tt idiii'" ,np "" '".', 1 il. 'nror trad hrtjr thing rflho k"J .. .II r.nnir Mth I d Jtit fry " hiifc. r inn record ff aiieieril or , ,g.rverninriitlhet canal ill appr.mch it ham atndwd, " ft"1 ",u,f 1 of e ior", but with A-inrmiiaiKMi, ifpNH u taHt Ibe drlm of tht pro tarn I pUilip)r and eteU-atnan. I here " i-ir'VTri,-wt y fP '' jf. r'!h'Hin'tfp"C i lhe"li.wdy btlL J M " ratUf bu lie. author of ow "icii, ihm .,. all Ibe ace ioVut eJSiwe of ha m:M tyrant, whn only vuJ an cce l daanUt the country. T Irr w emitraet between ihe apee'clre prfiikred f'r 'r et'f niUiiSriiSJ tink bel himeulf. Undo out evon ,Jiice 1 any of CtlU'Nln'i kitiprio r ptWiHie. I ! contenta liimoelf, like t nrudmil Goinrt in akiriniliirig with I he wr kM, walnut approaching lite line, an adroit lwyer,n alute philolo. .;,, be hwKh t pnttit, of rather a play, i the ue "f word, which ludicatee t - veakifM below hi repvtulioii ; ami then 1 wo the popple of the Uuited Slate,' the eld auttg er ajain, firmed the whH ar. fjlkry bv which nullification and Mr. C'iH ' wrre ,l nullified. Tlie think Jhj avrld will pr.mo.nico nullifR-alion lri lUplianl m the Senate, ami, bedim many year, it will bo triumphant in the nation. Umi f intellect ber, hao ik heaitatio i,i orrnvKincina Mr. i.aimmn mo eirror, but idey nt aa r in pna. The Re -unteSean parly wUI uae tu comn m 11 ai fwt or fiin Welwtcr, cnnanli.lati ki, and fcle'raUa-n. of the old attain. t They can), Tho Manviin of a Nulliner, rr tte b.. . ;....,ir. rfieea ih the fullovmt aecirata 'r.p.gt d" lie ewmiiWem of a pedlar of I T Lmeaal Yanlw nati.Mi: k)fra Rhl-S -t t" nitrwrati lanaee naumi, ihihu' we -heard one ad'.4hikJeonr.vn. w . - e'l. viriril It Mtinai tirk'ii n "iai HtcI meJ4iirlwrfrHno-nion,thi; Yan. , k. oaJlar making un In iho bar-K md-1 in ithtt waa aeated with a great number . !' Mifl account biok off ro him. Virgil II kin ia your name, il h! 'aid he. I.!re il i amonir the A a, pajro .1 Vir.nl ! there' a terrible t. .' rriMiiit airainet vou. " Let a 00. (. f tlie charije. (Rala.) - V.r r 11 "km. r. Or. JaVV 27. J T'ae41inf in he.aroi- ill, najwd4i.fc- aW.J.'i'i w.k1. on 'i'it.mw'. ami 181. Mi iWiih ciifara mi l'" if 'Mkl hiare a 'l 8 IS WoKlcn rlck. W 1 ii I you aav In th-it rliar". ivtkimtf II MKin. -hy thai waa omuUhI in our . nv 10 eff-e oetf Jntm Ci -f ftimmt nvwo' 'mm kS f reeV . - wboio teg--alirt aViut th. iraale pWJ.4 4p that Mb otbee ftliifler. eirrat-l UuMke fee V Jmrkanrn Van Mima Mf 'MtiK-tiMl!i t : r , . o .. - ' Ttirw winorMj " vi w mi. viu ! , . . w.- 'v'" ' wheii aniiworo hot m Teara old, r - i - . - .. a i , .i.iatiio' vnur own lamer 'iiu n. :.!.:. . .r nair of old ahufl which " h. fia,l in Iho road, and arflinir th n to R I'idatnanlhtn mw Junn ." all artleW'anuracfttred in other cwirnrire ad - ,ht 10, . wta g'a-r-y fVi da tti.uiM ai'ld o,riU.,atnMnno it iafeeoOe:To thw pl.a, thoa ft;UTJitipa.;ri"it.i m r7rina.pha are tftd ,M?.lt f f W d -bpoed tho War,' W, ppeoerttilfaV Ld i-Wr .,d two uti.Ur 4;JCih. . Ilkitw jr, rfV3-t had beet ppotei to the war at t k w WtaHa air-i-rn 11 TmHjta..aad Ifcar. tor -Mie wyr nntrrrf e-rr..f r-.-;.rr- .Xkina.r Bad4yaw..utyjo Wtweta b, mM,.,"i-' ",jh" " r "--T-T am ho fmrvl it ou.U Ho aaitt it thowed . . " trtply t Mr. rtb.tM H, n.. C tX - 1 1 a ienu. I fceino gi-.de and aeU.ng -be. i. .o- he i.h W(M1i, (jl hill( h, ,id .HH . - i - t.J 4 1 ATa 'raljjhiMigtliabaMleaef libertt.,-.b can to! tVi turn ( file hie' r- grotr 4 Sal.l.nd. - UlitJanitathaj read. July T. I -;. .- --.jV. 1j v. .--;..t a .1. a t;u2 - j1 aa .0.iM'jua old ladv, ta, being aclually iho -'thvM.rfSt.Taul. :" H-mkint" with exaltation, f made four dollar tweltre and a half cent by tbatt. Rhaiiamanthu rood. July 2, 18 -To taking an empty old watch caae, putting al Tlfve cricket Into ilTtlid then aelling it u t fiatenl 1er in full motion. ; I lrtbkina. lie. ao,ne mar waa onto 1 .... ... . th-reutoat tricka later played ia all my liiU. -" Rhadamafltndr. It would occupy nut wt'k to go through all the charge againat jiiu. Theaa few are aufficient. I really am out ol paiience ilh New England, for M give mo more trouble than all the rest of Iho world put together. You art Ben- tenced to be thrown into a lake nf boiling' ainlaaaes, where nearly til your country, own already are, with that name old grind stone tied to your neck and to remain there titoii th aorroTt ath. . DIABOLICAL MURDERS WuktamXroift a gfiOtleraan. who itf,n ,rh I lmfe-NeW-IIttlOrat rwiip.'ifjhei'nitwt inhuman and ferocioilBj-tbho ta a wore randtl.:- Wbatdia tba aid ' dnrrnty oxi m bo-tiUf'lay morutng oot. A-reapt;iaDra ng atlentioh to a young lady by the name .tf Fu, aud about too daya ngti thcywere k trried The brother of the lady waa alent ia hi oppositions liie union, (mm i. ..lu.fii.ot .f Amiia was actuated by no jM.'tt-nt irH rrt-rairr""J800niW -ef their dDceiwo lfaihor'a larm anttdoclared opanl v, Ihatifihe roarriagefxtk place, he y.u.j.: .miirJn:'lhfl'ibxQ..SatUB. moriiin l, Mr. Aaun and hit wife an3Pof ere t ting at tiw breakJast taut", wirow Vu mad t pwaat Annia, with tiHe knife s'i.M nnr. arid atiemoted to atab hint. A mitari. wd the thw-tt, upna which:, Pol dnran i uou the taUe. ai.d ran jntrr Iha u. i he aoiaed an axe and rt turned WtU b'u -Mra. Annia, at themomSrit, acri auBst HMT. and made har way out "1 d.xr, ith ew U alarm the oeig.T borlMKnl, andvb'f;0 aaaista oca AiT.. fe enieid the hioo be met An- is. and Ievtjilit2 UY aie at hit hea i a.tn mwitfr t m Mtiifil vmIi lint i he turn.! a l lr..r. h iiKr, who w4i i hen iUml fif ty )rij frnm the h , who m-viug Hun pi.r.vh her,arrerrhnj li..rrtWy, 41 that her ViHca a hi arj nt..fa (Un half a rink. Ilr atwinpf to e-a;w rre fidlalh mi w dwp, and he m h.vt h-r l hit Eraop. Pulling frnm hi pocket a pUM lm witii alutl and ball, ho applid the mutlo In her bead, but could Dot die caarife it, lie th-n afnri St with tho Imtt of it itnlil il wm miMlorked bent her with hi fitnntij ihi drwxl anJ Jlico jumped upon her boily, and tMmped oit il until an erwt -wea pat twW grmnfi nit aHWtni. lie drarred the manilml body into a ditch. eorered il with amiw, ami fr-d Vv at ad joining born where he bid hiotaelf in bila ofatraw. lie w anon fnind, end waa in thecuatodr of J ha e.il authnrillea when nnrJofonnaatkHtlig m au-TJijn."! iitrAmH wnm ahntiC3'hia -( an. what younger, Fo ie about 30. We learn in relation in ihi horriJ affair. that Ft hat been for aeveral year an ! dint under gnardianahip, and that at timea ho ihihitext the frenty oft maniac lit enjoyed a property of a 'fow hundred do. lara, which on (hi occasion, ha coocetv4 that Annia wUhed la (et away from him, ami he drnte a yoke of oen into the w.xl and chained (hem to a tree to prevent hit Inj them taken front him by Annis a he atated 1 he elan bruk up a alej in cIMe quence nfa oimilar apprehenaion. Ai.the tune of the marriage, beiaj IhrealeiMnl to kill the Clergyman ami the Town Clerk, for their ajency in Ihe marriage, and pro. on red an old piatol for the purpMrt. lie af. h.i .iiw n'HI,,, w .""i" ' Ku'jvtv, - " .v.. ,. .D,,Knn,r, .... ""J nPr buabafld. AAer the homicide bo "coalod b' ij .place which. htd.. emutrurted In ilia barn. On the eiatni nation.be appeared lo be eicewin-ly lo IM.t Mt.A KAl.l l.llt M Ikilltlnf. f lti IW ( Jaw f ! j , ' h aniwairi mnM anii.itl. 1V LaM 7 Xl'd" .r:. . , cUncU Theaa lat4 weU fau 04 n ciracter.i heao uet. we t ((,re mcttrncth atated , and I lie v are all nr rmru coatva. APhIL 8. IbJJ r"Li m fr.i roK nth reoP' k," . nt WIHT H iVR rilP. M'LUFlCRi AfUe iba oa ef iba laal war, U waa aeeea- ar that h plan hn)UI be aoopied for rai. moeey.le pay ih dbta, which the O rre- mtnt had eoetraded daaftt.fr that war. im.jr mat ar. M or. . .... Halt Iha nlM a.lm um 4 . v. . . trtin tn fiu no rt. or tupupii Beptiblican were' dr. i.!!. , TbcHiw. thai the, coold g.t J., at eiucB . , aefore, morelorThrlrroodt.itianttiet iltd before', tiia tat amt-ottted m, foeher knew that thl taa upiwitbf foreign good mud inemae tbe prier of tko goodtih amount of iba tai.and if tbrfiriga gda a Id (or a certain price; their good etatt bSng 'he ne. Thi tit thet, ac'ed al t kind f incidental proteetinn 1o Ihem. What did he Nulliflr"" " af to thiit V.J .L I M . . 1 . wiu .n.y , , , 7 u a 1 T debt, and rbey were willing to pa h. dr4(. The f'r'x-HT nf lm --.-. -' P! raTiay annea, oe fate open.; W. AtU.l rl.e tu4.- U..rll. t: u,- .a m m a . W atn-BU ' .a'll. . 1 Hit waejri 8io, anajpr.jBearj;i.whcaiir. ....... . A I lil Been caoea tan mner 01 a pnKt-6 ie mir, ohea in fact, it waa a anlf, or lai. to rai. a money to pay t debt, ahiab ad beat, tuo iret t td IB defending the lire and libeHie el tho ,n opl from lb g rcwion ol a foreign eneiv y , . ..: -v- Bui to return t In 1 1 JO, the. rich Northern b'aboh having fouad" bow adrantaB'eou tbra ULtt i a eVo to them, propoacd to.' raiae ibcia kighcA. vVbat d d ibe republican, or oullifi eneay to tbiaf Th-y mid, ibe talea are bifb enough iu pay ibe cipet.ie( of the goteroacot, donot let l oppret tb people, by raiaing I.. .,.,.- ..J.lav..-, 3.-. . -I,-'. litem an! Mgner, nut intry wttb irotnarenru U wll," and cut tlieif HeiliboH' IftrpaU I l3T t'rliaid"li:tai' th deal .4' the goearnnktat, wrO --aot-faid. bry Vould, vj their prt, Well, the year IS4 auon mliWd round, and tbe taree ci'e tuuk ..lace. t.iire were m ire taia to be laid on ibe people. - The manufacturer were grf. ....... il .K morneyio ."r w",,iv4 eitad of apply ing the money, rateed ftom tbe i.a, t.tb Pymtotof the public dcit Uiey made large appeopriationa in the rfurtbernand aaiddle Slate, for work of Internal Improve, mcnt. in order to Lav aa cue fir "raiting the iieriiraf Treti' wrw Congiea Uter. po.- Tbe nouifier In vaio toW tnem, tbey oa d oDDfri tb pr cple, they were aot 'lie- tenet! to j the tatx were. raied ' higher, rtbat'did tbe Boll.6er oow do f Tbey came bome bkaWneil BepubUcab; and told tbeir e.intitueot what had beea dooe, and aked tuinv bti.?id1:t;: .fhriLv3..fl iliftiugh tbttf1 : trpfenuiira.,; f a'o ' -J -t. -. aaia.-'nrtaViltl. Calttoua 4 other ttubiica, V Of nWi;t- h"a ... .Mai.r.. .h.. ....IT .. .... ... k. f ' ' l"di.Jlend. Within. three jew . .tf m tun nia rue tmrnmi - .. - turn, but lhr rrtql.J it T n-it pocr t4 lf-a rgv, ffcrf w' f.t 11. rich ri"li-a ra wpidl irt,,,n fa tfrt, thrf aria aeet te fir' m, kg. M o m Ihrf t.J lfe hf.Tf, CfrtM iw, hh h uca, M at- U n4 that H the a tilr4 H'c ttu emimrt, Ih U( euf tit la he rvia. 4 r avll.nin IU iHra it. I wmiI. em da 1 ttitt pttt4rt &Jrt iff or!! teat 1io tsrifT tftR,,30 baJ "2 wttt p4 a 1 Vkf Hvil JiUtf. ooamaotav ae a aach peM4 fct kf ktH tr tSl iWf4Mta H"f ihM ikelr orkth-t ra Wl 1 that, ia lee. rr; ibie vti a the doc !..' R4i iHr krd4 A aur ewepl.inia. Like Ihr leech, thev wire oVcn iee4 1 fcoM mil tnm mhtt tl rio(l iha ttlra. , Vkai did lb aumfWra aaw it) t'J the ubeinf fvt, ibrv tra pairioi. ead boufb f iIcvwhIjt oppreawd, Mil), a the debt . f ( remeat wr mk bm1, ae)r,'wer illiig I bear 1 1 utile loattr. i MUth. mmihhmi! aa4 rtateiMtraiaii. , Thtf wra proair4 H rtdraaa iftr eoald aet grt. A niru lb peerl M lotib tVulLia. In lUl. Itba aationaldilH brliif rir.utlty pti, e- ie im etHie, tntt euuk! pa Ukt war - Mt trtay war Uikt br tb Kurt hr Eunert, be vera nt tauf , m, i jti rf; lib cuadjct. ad b e ar enaawca ia tliguu. to am a ibe Mail Hmkitm a Ce nt ab a a.liiiin dene lor ia m, ibr would Itwe goOHllMai. TarciiiN0f SJe.rHred, and at tee'b'fif m MeiiNrt b"ava. ik.. imu h wi viica lift preieeficd iu ae ai nh .. PB. hk ia lae',..01' luhed all -a ouraaae sM A i-.r back, and 4a oa.ow'ey-woHd.- . ttm Orwce. and wrre aa m kvvimaVd bv . i 1 Tbt; aic la Ctffc.euUM, mi m4 tMr taita, " ' ' T'P," a ooo..ii . ... w. aw mo aMheav,TU Ur.ff - "t,""t!u? m,tWri ihowt In4 lhr,i(, iuttnA . . . , . ... " ..aiiaat Siai.earfiAi. laaalwJi.Jui 4mwj prepared ltiaMjrKeforilrfrnc.il ibe were at ackid. JLa Ma aa iba SmtA awn aaw tkia, iim) ahaiid ibair timT, ami paaard aucb a bill, a hi tar tly mimi lb tea. a 10 iba waul uf iba oefaal. H'a baa lhaa ra )ni aliurt blUory what lOe auilinrbaeWa.--Va laaao Ji lo )wir cai.dvr lo my, boo Ur Uwjr bare ba roe. H i Ul iy ebacr a tbai eM aat a grea thai Ibair total a. (ifiba) bad et).) bay btca ont ; fgngHvanj o,urrprcaid. , 'la I ihurt (iitc Ih awiicM peeplt Wul IW compelled lortor ibe protective principle to otaaiitacarr yet, tb aU Cuagrct aid aot ekjaal lti ., ,.iboi . r-o t - - ' r ft "iit , .r.pictr gtrra op I ...... . nr . k ' Nt i.-w am fwp r-r i.nj.i p.. ctpl, a d n ha paa d Into a w 119, N, Thc Bul alwaa fouwl ia pab'te hf LM ernire aMt render bit tvedii -m '. f - , wmf Abandoned kr Ike no Heurig le'er-t in 'be enrth and trer, and viewed a , Bnataole p dirieiaa b all, 10 M ! i m.vle circle nnly caiBeJouk ir. enmfn.t n a ihnrt ioje the tn-rie.n pennle arill fe. comor lied ia rtanee th pmteetle peine rp I. to anq-ieturee yea, th bi I; Cob Km il But cloe Hi atoina arkbiut a renr t aj.rira tr .it Ihr la a f rctn newe, f ha g aad oiibuoA c uwcntiUua ta iba owner. Tbn trp U el tbe bigiirct iaport'anoe and wiU tervt toantuK thi Southern, poriun ofjbi ennfed- aracy to tente of lmr ilnager. O.d England tamtcitBikng k b tb property ufiUeilavnaiv bat Bib Ut Bngland do. a r tb dangeruiM dociritiet int. y prumuaU d by the PrewJent, ei.rforeed by ptotel Weber and thi i oboI fed- ,aMAtaady vaaee raemaprthf-, ing up adtrosating tb nur eiuaocipatioa o abeiv. We atiall ootice - ' i THE KMlMt'lf ATOB 1 . ! Wo have received tbe at nararfbr of thi .Wttli-afyJaiiAm XlbJJfaw"rMr. fnd bupc pa attait Oliver atrti face aam.- A 1 g.a.ie at in pnociplu are auffloiaut i Tba aev. mtu M aeertAi, r ibe aulaajiiai period prvauaeti iu ibtVbi iriari aOTptf.raajilljBkyct Uk plaee.Nu. I, tlmrifud nir-lb warM aravrar nkrwn, enner oy the Mraf MrvngiA ol .ue free, oa at tat raf ict ritBTa or Ti aLvBB. Tbe tdiior tbeu goe on to a, ma. bie paper wiU adrucaieTaa aattai 1 ' r- a. c ih fruit vl toe Pruaiamatiun. ' Thte paper H uitliberaipi; at booton hat tbeProclaaiaiioe nefofii immiand iht Woodf biH, aoaiinf out tbe OMraiit b wbitu toeir object cab be eo taincd. Wbni aill tbe Hon. John Foitytb aay, wbeq bi dogrna wtM eonae into p ay, o wirtt fro u our property. , A have bo duubt thai thai Lditur of, tho Liberator at Boaton, and Emancipator at Jlew V jrk, engaged in the tame cauae, will recar if h deligbt lo the agutBeM of tin H tnorablo gentlenH, aa juoifving their courae W oodem and thai tbipa"r uvua tained by rhe 1 of cropertyi ona ot ahota ef "gfeeroeafih"! ijpS'p"f"B'pNwy .W t'onciioirgif foe .?;.' afj tba bb"i.td rt .t f !.,.,, ,i,rf mni, j. r,,r4 r,U ahralhry M(m,,i .t,f pr ( I oHf.i un tl.a ., w,,ri ,bf g,lt epjamb.iHiq Mil,-, .y ih. ,e ..-i ! y an eir.i.au,,. ,,,, hul l,4 W aeaurard r. Il.e IH.r d -J. l.r. U Ih. t.HUh, h t'. h..p. u b.iaUg lh la the br.d ef th - tit.t andree Iv km av' jral bf.C.Hfrek ,lit lh.a t.o oi.a. ' r . tlwa I. U l.i.lln.k and wy I h v "g. erral .!'., pti.w,it, v.lt p a la h abvih alr,r ie ai. Aa then, if IM duo li thai tie ae cttht ef.rva lee f the U td, bo Iray, Mua, mbetit, rVt or wr..ag If ibry awu iig.,d u rfee. eg Ibi, Ibay Ibta d s,aj ujjIm mh akal flbaelad"aihyanBwr ear apw th. "aa.l lureM af the W e a.) i lb p, apU of Um uotk. M Ie year faia,.r.. 4 - Wa aaralad fceaa.eraJ- dd awf rVO," taoaiber af -afk pbbhtd by Mr. U. K. Miaarof e Trk, bm ob.Hi ev bar not bvretafue nrliod -M f Ibe ge BMe nt political atailci wub bxh tmt euluaa ba bMaliled.. . . ' immi and lianteaHat a wrh' abich ia trery rtepvet fn BW ibe pmntia aualaiacd ia ha proareiM, T the w.diania ffb work i intalaabla art aeelatn "eell digrated ieetia of ih moat ateful and rai.reeilng ar. llelrf fWra the Lnodoa MceMnlcl Ifikflne, Lundoa hier nf rt and tcianee Rrpor. lor of Inveatluae, Library of riM knoa bulge, rl af tb f'anklia liNtriu'e, ad other WMk (onmretcd tilth t Art and' ManttfaO- tan , pab'Uad k tm aouatry aad ia Cirpe, teauataaiued eiibeadroe "well eunai -d CnfaeinetO i . i Tba - Anmiean Rail Read Journal a 4 Ad. fieee af tptemal l apweairnie" we kae be fwra Ouiied a eH aa Ibe He f k ftrawr and Oardnit llig aine. rt. bcid.preprWiarefiBa OTb Anwrl i POfgb loy, doeotad lo tgriowliMreJ U';r-!rrw'7 tnd .! wrtkly Kcw T..rk Aaxriran. , W ratite lb bWnda f Mrahanie. tntrmal lerpreteaimra, and arlmhura tereilt aad eaaauue the ab kaa trjvcetua uf raeb It hr (t Ihia elfaMb. bane oabaaeiptU aid be rcorrrtd Mccbankt MaguUit tad Rrg'attf of Iara; toaand lopra)eata,''UiMihliiid avm-blj, Kaah auatWr it toaaei'ain ti pagea aioorly yt letibly printed, aad attach-il ia a Beat cover. TtTW.U per inrem. la adranrV. nerka R41I load Jon mat, and adrnea'f ol IMeeMl lpriieaaawiaJ (weekK) 4 ffm al S3 pet aamrnv Ti.r c Turk Far Ber ami Gardner Mar alin"(wnnrhlt) ontajaing 9 Urg quarte put id three cabjnMM each, drmd partieav kerly 10 A(::etttim, Moriieultur Uj. al i pre annnnt. rbo AnarrkM PbetgbboyO ft.JU per anna,M Daily Avericaa S'Oper annum. lrt-Oeekly. Aoierican fS. a 4 tb ani-wrekly Aaarrieaa at gy prraoauo. p) ble ia aJraitce. - "" . ' " ' " We have erOrired eeral aootben of a mall daily paper itaued in Charleeton, 8 Caruliaa, anjer the tula nf Ihe Dy jfaWiiaee. It ia publietied by Wv fdcIT, ii1 E pi ajuuiov 'y-.-.M.Oi e- ,4"W aT atBtBa; (1 .r niTAT yrunwaioM tin 1-: rb am front . di1rM Wah liito CJft rhitbrBuHdmf oochplod by the Tir.WIY OCr alFMtNr, omituaked nf tha oxri eoaialad "hb" th. paaMl airiia-atrnyrd, u thryjrerc jubr. r.nibled re the 00 Ibe l't etnfV. WdJ aot 'wader rand be It orlgintud Pna tw wrrrrtt anj ,M.ieia ;, JAk Craag r oil combo: be diaui4td fmm ntbera, wa aamiot eoiiceal it frMj ouraely, that aot only tba maiatenaace of librrty bera, bpt liad4e 'jrha;t ,' ma'fr.e apua ua. upuB tbe vl,; r wnb abich we ntia our wrirtetptt - ftr r.i jtuiLM-y ttfuitfic aV aarW m Utkftdtmt, Vat the trWraph af InOO aaxw u.er I' tbe that tbe emnhatlc vote of nr foorta, flt nbtea m trt deep tbaa lend, proclaimed the era nfjuat political pria ciplrt. m Bllingup .h uVpartraeat of gov era meat, and more espeeially the ehalrtif StMe, rth wajo af prv, avbeadig -repuUicaaiam. ii vafa Would the 'ubordinat department Bkv bceb occupied by auck aun, bad tba Pre idjbl beeb ofji different, texture .we ane ill i. aii U( taiui aia.ion io a man waa en n: bled t evea more tbaa it eanooled him i a bmb ako ataruy .virtue, Bever leraponavd with corruptioa. li waa thee thai liberty tri. umpbed. . It iaaaeiea la oolarga oa Iba fruiu al litis inurapha I am attached to Iha principle of the repuba licaa . party-bare alvay beea atlaobed . to tbAai, aad etel ebatt be. I bcievo that tbe Mb. erty and bappineaa wo ap enjoy, wart cur edbv III ilriumph; and.tbat our .(ot drpcnUt oo their coiiSnBatHinr But a bat do wa no That party who acre politically defunct f'-r thirty o-ld yeartf wlbt aCtgklM hcvi4(aplecjrfthAlia.ad acdiiiuB Tiw'i j' wheeiaiendetfT6r"lui priaoi1 f,t$ ut Jobn Adam and Aletander ifamiltan, auddauly brougbl " ITbty bar tbiJi I corTttmo yedenbintpff nt whtini we dcligrtitd to honor. T, 1 KnOefeiy believe, whatever awy beaaid to lb aMurary. ibat Uii oand.4t.la powerful baad, uaned al lb tail ol Maaacw JacBte!" tbey would aet come out baldly d aaaert tbeir doatrmc. until iu Ukl Here' opd aaw w be the wWr pk ualivo tbcoauKoi Siato Btgut . a atab tkraub tba vital of Strutt Caruluia, tba r mmo.oV aa'i wa 10 4juounce No ;iift aiioM arid aHMiuvVarttliiML Tbcyaro amatatcd by the earn uul, tbai, of oh! Ji reeled the Imam ptia)na'and repuoMcana muat buckle oa ibeir armour; and n. epr to Bgut tbe good Bght a er.tbe arama of IdOU, "aj'i "av'avMtf "? ag-uiBior a tepetiiion of anaiiar iacur. , abicb ba governed tboee in autbertyt will ea danger, it But deatroy tbt fair fnovieof our. bb erty Tnert were man), proviout to tht appear ance of ihe Proclemaiwn, claiming the name A ieicaiif,ibo w.re ducnledy'oppod th it right peine pe rt l7!rv.nvB Aemedig W lb fen.a4ntt prtnelfiU erf eef rmt.tl'otlua, all p.ieer,f ohleb Ihe fo pie bae ant dirt4 ih!, rrali klbeavthry a-imiM rtgtiiftitty tee It, lo el o, I ki h il be ant bee dalrgad I brr. Thr prtnelple are' rtTnal anj fu d.atal. Liberty reel 0 then) 0 bat Oi.lr are fumwl.ti., aM la Iba drro U abirb thT art trVilal d, l.ih!)(h hteaeUg Va fandee d IHuotry ar Inereere. If lb pnpl nf lha Iw'iib' ran' lie p'triiTrdapve lo BMrreariar I heir rigM," right gvarett. ed to Iheot bv ihe blurid of iheW father, and lb wtmbb efib rear Iwio. by peroMtiing a ataj wbyk caxgroa. I pee bat a- wi'hia their prweince. lat hkh atakitba bearr of weed aad ear rirr( a'rr,'' la IhiMe af b orh- aell a the Jnctrinef kttrloronal(atd by the teaea. dt la hi frneiamaiier, and tot pier Ibair 4 Vnte upon ibeea, they Jo aot aVoervt Iho aara of Frrma. , t rk only eafi guard fo Liberty k) etareal tiiiilanoa." . Lei ibe pa4 lek lo Ihi aad rncbr, thai K Ihe anlT r Iba CoaatiUtioa to be eded nd diergrdrd one, a Oeoond altcmpl elll h bm4 and tb,uceeairf ly, n lid r) wiH beenek a pha to. Loek la Ihe TirgHna raeavoiinne nf irV here nei will Ind ibe had n.a'k af the grai R. pubbcaa part. Lk I that great aeraon. g who penned ibeeif Ihe greet bigb pried of that party whe wo, and K,nd oil) be, obit gnot (hall r l, Ihe tWf of tatnan, and lb iaae ef Tyranny. , ffMnr fee iA f eaieer at ih Greet lrrrea BBctuaaa a nearaaaaeT it vnaea imO ajawa o paaa. . A itfkiLiraa Kirraurea oe 179 -IDrtmrBfaU- -Uaaaiao, U r.iv, TnrUy Mm 10 Hli , t.r i t ntim, T.-tm ttr. CB aa Mooax, fa tii. haata Laaaaa ...... . . .. mm . r i .I XJXTD, - - ta th'ip'aee, ot Tanaday evratnf la-t. the Wt i af furrperal lever, ftrt, Mm'ftt lea, oife.- ef Mr, Jeremiah Brwarn, U Ihe 20th-yea ofirr ii""BH,7la it-f.IUanrij .Mir b4 lo recurd he death of a more amiable pwenar,' ee one wtie wa mer eeoevallv belne. ed, amone a lar.e circle of eieintaoe.tl la aatnrtl ttieref .tv, la npp. that ber death would eioi'e omntinne of aadnre ia maay, a heart thai tomierlv rrjdAd m ber orvarnee. Alt hough h he reft behind brlevcdaeibaad, rvla:re and frieo.1 to moura I heir loee, yei, W are weM aaanrrd thai their lot ia br etrr. nalfain. Tbry bare loet ber oriety, bat h ba trained Ihe eanicty of (tonlled pirie Joe eh dim! la IM rterewe of fai;b ia ibe Rede, ater of ihe world, and In, Uie hpe of a gl jriou rt wrreetlen.' It re loo pumcTMr to y '"'. bidiarrimiaaialyv tb dead 4 but tba BibUm. iad life, Iho iarMimable character, and ibe Malted worth et rl lamented au'tject bf thi awiee, claim thi vmall tribute to ber atei ory . We ehould be doing injucie to the virtaeo of the deeeaeV rre to eaigB bef to IW Bold tenancy of lb tnmh, wi'boul h, ' Tbnaib -adihlrety tort (rem alt tho held dear wn rarta, let them aot ommuo aa Ibove k'hi an baa.": : r.r.'r- J ' r -ffAbat tb Wrebt iwem that bloom, ..--.Ar aoonrtt alpped by Pratba cold froat,. -lalbaatiUnemaf Ihe bmvb. Ourbrigbieot hope are vt loet. . TVfatr! Atfvere tbatjtrm.tb prlngt -- -. '""Will loon bodeefeth Wwly bed t - V.d aeeeteet aengeiara daily eacg A requiem fe to um Awl.' Ji III till I'S, AXUtRk Aeaia; takw Beenn to tO v.. V.- titlliril IB ec Do. tsreaa i.ora. o.t v " ..vV-'oB rle'Sft.- f-iwgA;- '.-.-yr-.aWao- "7.'""" 'so-' -.rT..:. ft taJ Kiuia - - gi.OO v , 4 to A - - jo, If tel CuUCW- Rait Ire ' Mulaevea ' Berawaai Tallow ...,,. Ho 11 f hmr - - - - - ; fcV a 4,00 Brand ,' .. 4U , Wbiebe , S a 30 Kaila "SJ&i:h?&teJAkd)kv fca tO af augab ' II to 80 Lead - Si 10 Pm, , .. .. . . SrM4 00 Wheat- . - . 60 South Carolina money dteeoont '4 to Woofg'ia -. " . - do, to f f AYBTTKVILLB, A.l, I Brandy, Apple par gaL r 4 to 0 DuPeaob, "-. IS a 41 Dacoo ' . . rr - . - ... S a 7 Cora - - eg a Cotton, 10014a fttJOetSu 'floor )0 aa-TS Salt OSafS Iron . - " , .l !l ?t Sugar, brae 0, CoSee Mhrmrt-j2m riataeed.' -Wheat -i-.'' 1 1310 IS ftl,ial,50 i-rSOtOSJ WbUkey . . 34 lo 40 tBttl3JUreioo2SW- . B -and. Peach gal, j W Apple - - - - - 40 - - 45 -Baooa lb. 8101 ..Cottoa . a to Cora buvh. - - ,40 - - 00 - Collet lb. flour (frora Wag.) bbl. Molaanei gal. .... L..ll. - I k. '.. Suffer - : , . . Wbiakey " . gal Wheat ------- J btiah. DK.YT1STnr. ' OB. WAKtP ELD ' ' .' H tVt he ebnaulted at the Mantioo Hotel. If A t b'e o rehing t)er'ron ea the Teeth, wit. iiieaae to give Uim aa early cat, aa bi etay will be abort. , ; 48tf Weliaarry. , 30, lfijl LIT till A IIYQ TICK, ILa. urge B Badger will deliver JL the neat Aai.ua! Addrea bef.irr tbe Ul ary SycietUra of ihe Univ rny of Morih Car. lint na w e b.eaday Ihe JO tt Juae tb day (.r- eu.ee romrn. ic nKi' ' . . DUvfJCTJtf SOUEtT , if id E . 24, , 40 a 4i -. . ' rs m 'nnr "to o'Wa. . B 10 ; 30. '34 nil. .. j. .u 00 in . ft UT rrp. rif.t'v ,iii.r.. il ' , V ii. at lie ht$ !;' t liri. f ai !. -1 !-.', In lrnS. U fiMtntr, lwrl,e i..a ( hia-e..!!!. , w rr h ma. at a I 'in. b. Iu.ii. eiiepl atua p I f - J. '. fa ell wlin m.y mil fc.m f r erti ' no trmitih l I b ep.re.i t rnir at.l a'o farn.-n, and h bn bv Om tn -utm . a wrarird ap..lirau..a l bai, 0"e a p Immi nf rut'ilMI ptltmytft. 1 tt JW. 3tl.A 1 1 11 I)is.solufioii. rpilR I nief llarketl U L. . b tkia .taf S. diearfvidby Outfit! r.ae.il. All Pr aH M. bird iBlbv Arwt. Will plea rati "4 mi h.ie female Imne4i'y w h rl'..n iciijih. f9i( v ... HW. UK4AININQ la Ibe Pact Office at L r. lav" ton, X C. 00 tb Uv t4 ApriL leUJ. Jaeab Ain't filaard beea ' fnrderWk Aiat 1 iUuh li k . twm Abrvnatby lar lra. R.-pert Adam IHrlrl IJilea , ! J. ha L"g . y. ' Jeha Li r i J..i. Linb or Joli, Kte vr. eer. . -Buemab IJnliardt 'leMr Lew " f" Mr at I'll- " r Mr. Milia(i ' . jMta.aMu.4l Vr. M.e, Tanwrt ' Adhm M.lkr I C. BW.y .," a-e nvcwg I v j A. Miaanev ia 1 Mmr " Jtm MU wrkkl AbaVie AiImm Capitis Hra S llrrry Renio t JHefh Ra.ringef Jam. era UaVld tmlrf ' lliMna RumnroBor lid RrUdle I)aid Rerrinfer Hil .an. Baiidy ' Wavlia R inraraT Ruber! Brano ItavnJ Brant - Ruben Riackbera taal-ot Club Cobb rWeoe Cobb Crorgv Mn- iy Jtpieie M rphev Eabt h Me, raj arnrv feeler Am Park rr . Juka R. ra ieeaae) l-wl. CHne , re ClingmaA t . 1 Archible Cody Joba Ceotnwff b-artia Coubaf - Hrarf I hrm Mwknn.h PirVCf blkbae tbtbml 1. . R Q . .11,1, , Abrrd u.mxer Jr. t hnn i:b,.It4Jj. MurKae hot a i f R. RwW'P Reberca R brtoe) JibkRMhMd " R. .p:--;;;jrj daet ieMa"i - pbihp NudaaiR " CotawolD'h bVff. Inf, do. ol Met Ree. M. Laptaia l MBnT l fti Kaker -vVdUir PxHea Uaniel Par Jeremiab ttowtant I ataanatiillem't riramnl Urea a . Akr UoodaeO) IHawl avaa1 Oaill iUrnr -t'. Bart weM aia Hortea Howard 4 . I'td Bifmeratdt WM'-Bie I it Pbilie Rhuhrd Aadre lliiioa Michael Sa ameJ JrtuOee S, ale , MimB tuliavio Aamee Rewtl Codtiia Rmi.h Rmiha Bullavia Ueergtt Howar I . Jh H) I " Petet Marmora, JabaHelema . Jamei Haineo Jeabtia Mrrnn bVianuoo Bireup Btcotgt Wf MggtnlHeafy fvl. paagB Reoday Uuym , ena i ieaa LouiikB NaaaJl John Meet lame II Htn'a W a Wiikine Wiltmaa J i - LVVvOdlutd r Hueiiaa : Untt Henry Jgba tfrigtlea - 4. Veot - Mr. er4 frte tenant Jiierph Wi bjoa Vor Wacaa yilUarB Wilkf JoaeJiibaeo Mr. Janet Charle loa X- - MNbme - Hcnry R. lethtf Hear letter MaawelJ Wuirk," in C.C.HtNDUON..JW at CM iim1 In th Por Offlc :ar-i arev '" ' c --..vi. z..;. . r -. It "yuw r.. v.. ajjru ih iij.-iJ. . v. - tiuiaua. AeiaU ginkba Mn. , . 4a. Alheew- ".- View A. Mrtlee ----- u. Raaufat-T-;. TTZ w . ku'a4 , B.H,'Riinna; .Ptarjf. JkJcCeiiAM .-Jt"..:. LZ-. A. al - BtM Uttt. .Ml IV M K. M.cUIUoA alrvr- Rirr ih aari'aVr ikr'C'owaai'l'j ! Mci ' " Wm. A. Cla)cl - Aar MiCa'abam a Jnu. Campbell " '" ianu iMi.n ' Ycbiilia tamer iobcrt P1nlii4 t Wm IW.t.ia ' " Rri I Pi.iiii.a Ix.k.ct Ea.tr Pet Wirt. Ricnana ... MattWa L rtemuifBeiJ tut Natnarr Ptwtcbcf Hnnoti - - -."?-- UwnU fnb ...-.- . v. i Boha itire.alt '.-;.t:.3wic-..x;.,. JaiiieaUuy . Ttiue, M. $aud. ra m U recti Oeiry Uat.a.'L laaae Juia . Hiram buy Wm. B hteveaauR t, Ma'farl A. Hall ' Margeret A. Uil( . Chaahe b Hrart Sophia R Hall Jacob Hid , iuha H'rfipo " Char:e4nea Aline B. Kinff oah M. Muibra . Henj.min Ma CiAJnn. Merdab Mtli a B. Manbewa Pautl ipetk -ho. I flua ment , ioha To uar i4 Perry Tom II t- ' Jinirden aihe John IVime 9 Mia n o4 Ida J..hn Wtoiiaarit Voi ,.w.ide - -. x Jraar JI. H m !-,. T Biubeu fe nwRr ' I7 w.KEKK P X. The Beautiful Araluna tlnrs ' ..V.-..95iLlIiJr :. YY ILL tnd tl f -wne r J T.- auing action drat ; mnafloUCm C bU very Inwprur of taelvr ' dollars the itaioo, and tixtrro dollam (ot the iniuraoce-' 8al .dn iht aire t f - 8rl.m .M impA.ried frqTii"n,' bf ard B. Jonea, Ceq. late A mere- ' I aVaV I if Al I I" 1 I 1. B V I . t can consul - at that place, and w declared to be of the highest Ac Yur,4 T" Tmrrtvtt tawpntttfJ Hmrflai JZIIZ Btiian 1 beauttlul dapple e cfv ee a4 half handa luglk- .jjj-jjt the charpcterntic marks ftHm beat -AttbtKo blood ltd . ff,p foim well at activity and aprrit l, B .,. panted h any other, norte. . MdrcH 84A. W.3. j 11 ILL btf open va Mt hei4 j Court H-iuae W, Saliibuf Monday the fa f Apnttit (bting Eaatrjjonjayj,,, ,, m u,l WrfsoBs toacrve as Wl.4 ol the P .jo, fcomufc Count f. r, h r.ewtltfytrl fiHuiftg, All periii n te cot'nlcd to v-otej, wbu are ajnahfi cd Voter for Conuoaera t- tb jjtttatore f N. C. f.raa'H C.u -svv " " , ' 9 C9 P. SLATER, .Ci.v;,....- tr...i L . 1 i ,.yi v -r m; r"' " , . "I.-.-: aau.L-dwtrBrfBiiU-t ape $ aiwajt tu4 bc ot'poHi to euf wtar .. ....... .. ... ,i a-... J. i

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