,-..y -v T7TP --7-) ' ffT) r, ) ; ir ' j 'litf, - i II id rn wiw to aUuift f, j o 1 a-hirS h r 111 f a. It ! li I. Yir-i in ' n'dnce of me jul.ty wluch find m rt.'pMH iti thebaart I lUtitirn, and The it.ifi of li-yiiliti.mi cnjweiJilly ee-n in grafting Jn it will be eva.lnd will litlla reimras. . r. dinning. l ftrfVM if " ' " H, iil'it .' CiMMJM.) avoL MM ;l. ft, lYfiiTfiKY CAROLlStAS h ' e-aWuWd iwi a VolUr$ ft " gn iffoid vithilkrti mnlht; of tr AJ.tri -d !"'' ' aee4- It 4itttlltmi,unt4 U tttW99 fire i f, iifz-tf a k EJUnr't dttctttio. j,t:'nrii'i iU h rttrittJ fr Um tiiriir&f'.'''r:? - , A ful r-t to notig te E-lltor cf i rial ft ifi -oiiau., one bv before tki tipirt Wl y y,ir t eonndertd ai pff (ifngrment. frrton focuritd tolvent tub tm'xri to the CVtiii, aAai anre a frvrvA ptiptf (Talis. kdyvrUMg at tbe eu . .1 fewer tdlnned to the EJtiot mutl It pul trtidor tkej will m be atttmlfl ' ijj" TUt lorow will U tlricUy idiwr' MiiivrtiCUWV rtlt ii'il ..f.,i!ii.'li).!ji4.X..j.!' ,t ihilil w4fru4by U hut, '( Uui , rj .1jw j ! I ,N 1 ili rtu'iu uf i!i :orU &l.itt$ wrnjlM ,1-1 bENATB OKU. JSTAIES. HPliEClfOK M. .CALHOUN, Of MlDTU C4I1LH. 0,t the MM further to fotli- fJir lit ool--; - - Uetionof duiitie Imporlt. 'jroTlcu.J It wt lliu ihitt lM mjilie hope of! kr' . thnrugli the eicotion f (-iKrJ l -'ir-rf nt thir 1h iiil -didir . f trM pultlte jjebt ha ?oul nar ftt htJ, '.HKlltull.ill I ttll.ijlut IIWt4iMliff 1. . .. .1 . u... .1. . . . UilU XIIIIU, i Ul MHMMWI f III Mhitu Iih"Ii bud imttu-4nni uUijttino IU4I bllj tllm,iii4rv orciiijnt wrrf cmic,riKI I d I'll. Miotl lira iiUni PrlO ci4i winch fii in ll ti!Mj co f c.Nnpwrl, MwMii covcmav or p-.lu parity, if) U',Mimilion, frtyirly 4 :fiey IwmI J'ii(rd. ttteir uu and Ihw 4 mle'l ( Kiiiiiinii. Imd dtfCUmd by lb O'h uiMe( lhnl a?t4 ('ongrtm hn h hid IiiiptMnd dutM-t irx!r tlw miVilv l lay nnp-nt, wert arln, itn( fit rrrtiu,i iiilitiwli-d by the Cinu4i(ulia, bni I T iro lfcltti, im! l!irrcl're null imt Tl Ordiiwiire lhu rnat'lrtd by lh poopV 1 ibA Suta Ibi-iiK"!!!, actios ti a vfr filfii ciuimuiiily, w, in all inieiil ail purp men, a part nf tb fcoiiititiilimi of the Ktam ; atfcJ ihoujb of a pculmr chara (hat Mile, aa any rVtrtina i ln ComUild Imru I14 tmtn)unn, lliew,,lUn jUi liuwi I prevnii an aia tit nbry ins un wTitution. It was, tfi fa", lirt HH'tW 1 . " ii 1 . . . a, ifiJp Ia f Kni h mIiibI nrairklarH lb if f ftia 'Hiti(uii n -ol 1 hi- I'mli'd HiiU'Hi l iJn ; a aurpluf that mtulJ wit be ft ponded Lr -uriituin, htvin He leant eb r -of d C'l.iy orntntliiuii'HiiiIitV' That event, at tuff arrived. At lit kl fcuoo ot iAni gr"M. it wtwav iwed on all xiden, that lha pu i. 10 ltx. Tr all practical purpoaf.i, in diet, paid; the ratll mirpliH re Uiir i( beiiiz nearly covered by l7i (jtwr wrtirh liad alrra4y ) Jwl arirti'tlja arrivat of taw wlai Bum v it diKi tied la b" dimpiinted. Af- fer I Iikix ai'iiiun'of many "iwinthv and 'if Ti-Mi ornet fflbrt 00 (he pari ol Aiuia. Jioa atJ ahe other,jouthoru Bi tius, ly ablaia rcIicCtll IhM fcould be (F-rVid-wan'S aoialt ; redueiion' -jlba ' "eWntot ff the dutid i.tut Tdictionnf - im amuttiit 1 Imrde diatriboled dial bif4t mure- a nftlly 4ua w4ia ok If re'earaia Jthq paiaci " tH alpi4 bf iiJ A oi" Wlfl oi" UviiU - bitr dutiea m tboJfn"jtctd flia lb rr 'Cied rtkle by-feUHr-alia ti imp Hiii the buranfl almisl entirely m ute ' Jati.ir. It a t!iu, 'hat'iuhtoad of relief, - ih.-itrad of 'tec JfaaMJistriliuttna-of -the Lu rien and bmielU of tba (overiiinent on t'w payntdiit of the debt, aa bad been ftrw-v dniu:4paledr (he dutiea'WMra eo r ran j"d ii to be, in fact, bountiea on one ;WhlJUstfwi n ,,b other, od ttaua f Ucm- b t4 'i(rwU aoctinuaul Uiiii.couuf trv ii dirwtflrtudict in fi'tmrv9 to its fit ' r 1 TSftoW, Vlw1bj"Wtmg w tisat j&iod . of political cor ru;rduii vltiiin tbn alia to weep away our 'unatitulioo and our lib rly. " ' , - This unequal ami unjiut arrHn,'emcnl a-prnonncd,-b'iih liv'thniiiffliJH'3Ta. lion, through its proper 'wjair, the rtecre 6ry of !lie Trcury, afl l 'jy flw hppoxi lion, to be apfranrai!jii-ijnent J. BiMi 11 -tKtwn -of tinwral Jivnrtn4 i'hi-. ted, and the criaia a loiia ailr;b''iit-(t" l Ifin'j.t arrived, at Wch the fc'it was riiiiell'd to choose b uei'U 4bs4ute ac auiosceuCe in a ruiquu tyaU'nt ofoipre. ion, or a rwort,o her reneryed powera- piLinre of which abe atone aa the'rijfnt- tui jdg and whfcfi only -fn biowiwp) fcu JuiKJturtf rouW aave" her "She duter; . mined on the latfer' .1 '. . J.l, ' The ciHMuiit of wo thirds of ber legiela um aoeceaarv the U of Jl Col Ventitm, which ebuaiderdl th'ohly Jeitnala oriiautigtirMCjbJ peo PR. ter adiqiimtUired lo all Iho I'difcr '-f'lh Btaleamt Fdfwl Gttrwmml l ami wa no more d'cierviiig the harah md bitf fTphhwrwhutt-bird lvp4 than that or anv iH inlar Mth It oUjhi In be binm in'iaiiid,Oiaf(aicoHinf loth bpini hi which prevailed in Carhna, the nbt of remittance t i ii uncixiututiina law of C Aum benit the Htnte, and not to bar individual rilin-na, and that. fhoui;h tbe latfr mnV, in a mfvatretwo of mtum ,Biil 'awm, rct, Jbr.ug!i Jhe C urtu, an unc mMtiiutional.encroarhmeni uvnj their ri.'iita, yet ihe final niand anint iidorpation fvv tun wit ft thenr bot ntf th Huiif which they are meiahera; and lllal aucb at of rAuiliiu bf a 'lie, biu-i ib-n'iertfftand all"fmiee of the- t n. Ilmhera api'irW to be" a,"fii-Vf illlaJl hi'nii 'n as to the eirtct.t to whtco Or.linance, .Iimleaa ofwftepiiifvery or nf-er. br ffrnf pwrrmtmn of tbe-mitr- ortiv, aa aaa ni-en reprreenitiu in u tutus arfir IfcHHiewIrtdietf Mr. C aaTa4njfJttnitj:vvhxar'had lycnrfmirred. tne outrnad, i laci, aciea wim 111 2fe.titiM temlrrneas. . all ciTcu'aMancea cuoniderH. lowarda citivtna who difp-red fr.Mo (bo ataj rily ; ami, i tliat apiriL. bad tttrecled the oath to be ailmunatereJ, piuv in canea of aoine ofltcial act directud to be perf.rtucd; in wliicb obedilice to thi' Or dinaocf Wlflt-i - h'bad Seen iurtberobjecteJ thnt the Slala 'barf: acted' precipitatultv Wlial ? precipitately I ader- making -a Irtrenuiiuti rc-iitance for t elva yeara -bdiseOWiob bore and ia the other houae ofCungrcai by eswrain all form by. reaoliltioiit, re monnrranef n4jni4eati'tba partof her LejriMatiirat and finally by attemonns an appeal to ne jflotcial power 44 the unt led uiir it3 immi auotnpiuig, wr iney aa g.ua tb,u all Jiom of rnf Ik ouJf the fhnf bet-n reaa-ited :froar brionrf the by aqi act of (hat-riery aw;unty. u i,o cnta which Bowl upbraid thets fr-ool ro;iiri'"thalf appeal ;" of rlt5U majority 'whoon 9 motion of on of the member in die thei" hoo-W from 8- C4ro1ina refused (0 five . to the act of 1838 ite true it'e ; (IihI w wm a fjrofriBr.aad not a revenue bet.-The Btate haa never, it ja true, lied upon that tribunal, 'tie "Supremo Court, if vindicate fta fcserved rihla ; ye( ihy bnve aKfrnSi considered it aa an auxiliary oXif:lieSvr'wfiaW gladly bave avHilod themselvei to te-t th an ardmiw 4truK-tn Wate hU "! eeaawrivrUiiiie nu, uuiujj panv hUrceericd : more than two-rnirie 411 'y w -" " ".'u ' j rQi hraiH?bi..of jfte iaiatiirgiatw.rabTe' w TiTv'feveiiiifiu were eiet fe'j.7 a votieip ir WI SRlied thfrdinarice juert. The Con veutiob Vas ucc(redcd if a trnse- unuf the t-eis)a((ire, when tba taws Jo tarfcy'jfHj Or!nianra into MecutioiT, wnre ' nact(fd j !1 of wkich bad bua'cdirtmoei cated by . tbe Praaident bad heeu'Tefer-; d to the'Coramittw ;nr Thnldiciaryj i.tibiAU.ij.ibi.xlt.:fiflheiJa.r.-' Havnur now. said Mr C corrected aomeyd the prMiinMt 4irepn?irtationa," kw4?b nature of thi eoWroveray, 'od 4P a vapid akeHcH .-of . tariff wement af f Peed tOBnicflaoin9ob;ctinow1l'5' ld with theOrduianoe and the proceed; inr under y J,,.i4',';. - The first and most prominent of fhese ia tJirectod again! wba 1a called lh lent pailn-which, ao efFirt baa bMn'imtdVtiM . " fetidejr odioaa, v go far froia daaerv ing Uiej oemineiatioii which haat beeaf levelled - laufalwt it,b TN.vd pfowatof 4h w''iance aa batthe natural result Df the $v Um!a eniertained by the giate, and Jhe. !?iAVifh-ndiirj thiamf dHay nvaw beo4awnrs Huif ttua. coiilimil:.! tu. - - fj-oacntnontotllii) p.wrpnietw, .we.iua erarlpronunced ;thaf.lbargiifte?lu acted precipiiaieijj ina' ner-wniirei i been fdh! ' Tant aocb abTtba (be hip goage of aa iite4Jnajority,wh,sbv nwanr of irrJfiirtiHaiH4 "Pt-, ai ve avateio.'tre anubalry eatirting .ftiil- ir 14 11 A 1 i'u tiH-ti a4,4"i loiHif-ellmut U.rtiic.i.fononwrii' a. aixl not at an ini ml t.rt i.l ihn I'n. ,,n . , . ..y,J d'mfHt d fA-n 1 bra-irH ion biitih ihi oiore ri.'Sl to rei the er. l ! 1 iiiVrn, lo I ly hj Uad 4b-y v, li'ij r lid ri i- 1 lu r, 1 tin li.u a ! J ur l! bck-.i a !i ht- ti.,n,j ita 1 Jlrf-y pifm ad tln'ir toy with,a'ml energy vied prH. H.n, Mir ailtHt.'it,U J v fWHjid tfO vety itiii-riHVlJ'rtiiii wf.-it w ahfiul (UY.l)Ja.auLautd UvbaUrtri4Ml ! f wa Hie iimxmo oi ire th ai 4 I he prr-fit tin iN; of 4nipilt. I ia Irie fir ialwi i4 'iivM.ilir i tf,w If we lake front aide a Ura iwt of' the prreoif ia ila l4''o. jjit M i !h Uliat, lh ai'Vj frmi wbch we takij muxf c4liiiiiy fec4y,a.id IIihA.i wbirh w at "iiVrw pr,mp" al ii-rn,- HuVti U Ine ara "i '-f t'i pra'tiae $yWm. li w on ibu -tMjil a Uro' p.,rU4-.4 thi prayasdlnf Haa Mryf lUv It'll tw IiiW Uoii tlie Hjln-r iwvtiwiM HI llji'l.'irti-' 'f o-ii'itiea ! ip !il'tur-,aJ atyt ipi itniim in a th'HimJ ffio !!'.( mAt provrnvot 1 rivera and' bartmra. r l and caimla, and m eiry ahafm Ihaf.K r in'eouitf can diae. Ca wa then be e-rivd (bat Ibe princifde of ni'mpoly growa, wben il amply remurK-raliid at the ripi'nae-rfthHn) alio auirt it T and ?!'!.? '3"JT,L,T"',?V i. fhvXui ai-itikj wo-Hew , Ui ail .arJa'-fr.flotiOa paf W Ih ujll iniitofUf, but "v'cn o I ,4anid by- avant. 4;jl aI vr wrcbninff.jnnjnrjtjt a..1- rbr wba 'aeek tiwMujnuply, umlna v or to obtain i( jo tbe ronat evebnave abape tiYtvy (! en r". aword in jT; t a rurta-w4y-aiitfitieiit Mtuilicr iT inieela barely 40. paaa H lbriUi(h the two homeetf tJooyri-i .on the iiUin principle ilwt flHf"Kriafr "tbe nouibrr from wlttua IM hoo.biIv lake, and the . ft-wrr" cm wb int It' boatowa, tlie rrwitee -t the advantaVa'to the innook liat'c Ai ling in tliia ainrif, we have ofl-n with what "Met priTitfion they count. adding wool In woollen, aawialinjt' lead and iron, lo litu? their way, until a bare majority U obluiix-d, whea the bill paaaea, crNinActini jurf aa matif lnrrr-rta'aa U nnVieftt t tnaora ita aurcna, and -Do mire. In a abort tiioo. hiiwaver, ' we iiave tnvanablv f mod tliat ini leoa, W cornea a df ided mijnritv, i lr the eer tain operation which eornprbj iadividiioU lo daaerC Ibe ourauila which tbe inooopol have reaairaproAiaUer that I bet roay participatein lbo purauita wljic.h .if had tdrd r.rimMa, ' ( ja iiMiM tiua don'eroua" aniiT'groiriffr ,dieair wnich SaitbrLarnnia. Jiaa acled-a ahoae cucerouj action wixitd aoon aprcad d ivmifl,aiid tjtll, rep. irn-d 1.1 nvtr rUb, ky lililirj trrf,V,,m rvil trtliunaJv ifiu rmi pturiHM ine J tir, Vw Mr. (;.,! famJ. r i.f iir, and ibe arm MMHIV V4M k tut itU k lU 14 itiMawpport, a,tha l iiHiiphantac klMwItHiK-al bat nnll',cktioa if ptwea' ful hhI ewiiu j aNd u jl--jily otilreatb d tif tV 4'a-ipb 4 -if 'wf aj lem, (bar it i ano4 bf aMaijd lii bv roMra)injr the l''(Oaihiii.j.d iV4('(ijOi'il,a wiproio cy of tb" biwa. h fier, iheailvot'atvM ot tin biif refute ibW wa'ai.ii-'w Tbey I-Ru4 that I'll 'ord.iuia- u urjotiio li-'iel, f.Ml Ibejf ofiiC (lie coMliliHi d uth Carnlma, hbi'u;i,tibHB Ida ob f TiWfH io.far abVuel, Mtt a k.j.d i-v Hi" airy iuiH-iUt abith a (i l l!i. t nM.iu'i 41 tlx They aia . H jj u that tiir Hnfeiii fyut r tin app4nKl at in wrpl ail riMitrivHt-a b !win 'tfiaio and- liw-tj rorat Cievt-rnttrnt. ' )', fiaa li tail-niit f.'aw tbat ruutr.ivtiniv ly lual fVihui. f.iVhy d'i4Wy n rWide aadtly -Im tniJ ) m j, M i( tbey cLo(.r k a UwaUCrnuj tin BiHtarlai pif .Ied l.t trmA no pro ;ceaa of ibecjurt.-' rh.lili.-cirat'rt,ai lit Frsaidnlit !!i af 'nivi-.aid ifl'.riMtf t ia.wvre ari.vjml iiiUu Mil 1 ilbV-uu to u" m'l't r v 4 mr tt wr- M the civil pTiira ot tne rltti J'ligi 1 anawrr can bo ivn, Tli il, ia a 1 Hiieat betweeai (V mtaMliW ,oei I tJgveromem, ifihereaita'iepbe Imiitei n bitli aidea to the aivil pmci-, lha n baw ite iabnrani awvereiitnly, at4d-. tigoporLita reaarveii i'Wera, will prove x fxionifiil in aartia c .ilrovery ; and Hunt triumph wver (he Fedoral (i veri iient, auauiued bv i(a dek-jrahtd and inui k;d authont j and,. ii IhifaiuwerV wa t . nt li t 'Vriioi.l th."i a r ki iy !( ri it tba authoriiy of a Paie and in-n anh riiore aa tbe able aim id at umnv in JircJa ila, , wjh out jxieiiid .jiiri'ijniy or pobiKaJ f r'tit. btm bei aaid jHat lha Lill t!h Uia. againt &Vai& (Jaroli.w. ' No. It a rmtaranNirrinf hefrih. i I (Var haa aoowthinf eimobliea '"'le' and ail h all ila horrora, vriHta l iloaciwai the hijh eat mtdittea. 'inddVwwint an I moral. Il waa Mrhit) in the iit ofPn'ibn,, thai il thult I paruiiiM tor that vary pMrpnatv Cut thi lull 'iWlaff war, eta it, inlitd, it b rbat'wbicb a ij'-M ar, ih4 Braiot ttte (xiiiMKMiHiy, Vnt-ilia rilianita of a B014 taot community t rBir(l, a Hut be regardrH'iraa wort lltvi ,$4MTt. Birfireaa aa kitrihjit lo t.ik- a4v. n'xicr tlie rol'irirf nw, with' Hit tbrtouflM jurv or aay other fileuard whir a the laiiytiua) haa thrown a room ihnlii'a.of t! C4ttaei! It authorial (be Peei'ft Vr Jvetj bia depatiea, wheaWy otut aopivaie lha law 1 1 lie violated, .with Vai (he ii,tirvfnjtiH of aOHirt of jury, to kilt Vhft WHftyordncfimioarioa!' - '' ll' HWI llf If "IWw4 firwa iMMwMw ( d 1 1 i; a'tdy 4 to I4 4 nraaore. . at mf' qh!i p.'aa B lb woir lvea lo iv U. b; tiia kite, t i tlia ve l jcli ara alt &J-ia iria to P ihmlrur nfili UI lt iki'-B! A paaVtF by -'gMu'oi Jiiii'ji Uwi BoUtu-4 eiaUu;a afiiia Uialujik aa. aiaa4febaaJ aaBuiar &ap a- - - - - a 1 Tr M 1 ill' 1 TT n 1 ' HI'HI ' I"" II nT F 1 PT T Pi- of rV-fy Kwr whtwICiXMHilulea.Hit ( ayv-ii 1 3i c'lrtiinouitv. It m lo Ht Car "TiSh Ti ji'ti m if ftf pretfrvition, and I priti;'n it. flat, aVailt ttua piaa,'bnd ani' Miiot he'Snt'ie enfiirre it, il will t tMoat edfc i ur'-r V, U-llr lrf !L'iLil dt-atlttiolt' U aii 11 n 4 th en atom cji 4 lamitY s tberear 1 nihi intilhu iretirriW to tl fnie abd bravi I hrJ a ioa thriii inay be placed Ibe beeii liberty' and hon or. There are thuoo"a af Kwr Drov- Iloavcrjr frrf th t&mfhn& Ir not iictw jejodtyarre?tcd. """' r" v I I... ., . ? a a. " i: OtUr'Cnoiia, waa. uuiy. wri"il"tl : . . , .1 . 'i.l. . j 1 a amDHion wni'eTcr, ow mfnooncwn t " t - i " " -- -- -hand prciRiutt and "hairSoutlfar JpHrtii tbc.vwaay wtlrr-riiulUfwatFiii 1. 1 1 ' i'L. . a . if .i'. '.-''f.iiiAaa aaik'l aaihiaaaw Vra4a- ak . W& II UI7i;JCaf wm. f ib?,imii awfianwj 'w 3 : aa ituu M,M jict ot lae Tbonrtraa aooiber pnwerniLreaaMt why rbirrttfrni ciftoB"rftut euuia sot ifjaitn bUyi;iTU!Wbi'ai:U;:M be 1iad af IjtaJv atated, for, all pmrth al parpoHca, ba t already been uatd. ahi, under the exutiug dutio; i liin.aVnaal Jlorptim, of otauy aoR una, Oia cotue inw tAt! J r04 aury. It Va unpoamhle to look at (In atate-of thmja withmit aecinj the 1HH iihiuvua cantciiiiimcin f : anJL.'aiaiuj other, ii oit apoodiiy corncWf, it Vtr fuld mtenvwo pviwerful and almost ifmioeraUe obalaclra (UfthTowinj!iflTlheo.rdeo imWr ahichthe anoih bad been 10 IJugtubonnj. Tbe disposition of the eurplua waJiit pe. come a aubioct . yiolent and corrupt and powerful iutcrat in aupport f the furtinj ayatami aot only in IJinae aec tioo which hftva boeo beretofora bent fil led bv it. but even ia iheaoulh ilaelf. 'lie could nut baf-traef o;tba juUicipaiioa of flittvrm yf the Treswry the aodrfen and ext. i 'rdiriary ntoveiueata w tilth bad taken place at (be laat aeaaion, in Ibe Virginia Legulatdre in t which the whole eoutb waa vitally mtunj-itoA . If waa iaipoaaibie foraiiy rational mafl to believe that' .that Sta'la ooulderioMly have thHighl of ef. Cictinff tbe atbemu to winch be' alluded, by lwr-oiV reaourccft vvjthout- powacfuJ id from thejjenerai Oijverijnwmt. ,.4 - It wal iiexf Tibiocted. that thJenrordintf acta bava fifatedJltUirtted Stntei out oHSuuib Car'olHW.!- Ue, bal afruady're. blSdl'V Ibii oWeation on anotb'r occaaioo, and wjld-"aow.? llep.aXwJt-'b" Iheoj Mid--l bat they l,ad boen legiJated 'out to enteric fiie rmi'rfiioii ti bad adimU w tha.niri(inition oFThe UnitwrwipiM jviifif li,' Ii.i.m -14 (lUXaererakMatavvuly aij tar aa luivij- ritpt Jpara. iuthojd., bej'rtVid. : jiut .tfiy.;wepntr'f''r jand ibtJ. riL'htfultv- be exoelled'. and that fliey a Wen ! Ti icutljr $leib? toa Ipjiaiatioikof .iho .siute (hroaht'her iit pVf5jS H', "S 'ackiwirdjed,-:"'ail- nve an iclnrwbjdviiient Tf tke froth otrnot whnrif need b, are prepared cheer- 1. . : .1 1 '.l . t 3. Ij .1 . 1.1 .1 . i. , 6 M liwiy tt ay eowii lO'Hr uvea ia OHi-oce i tlieniate, ami lha (Trent 'pri on pu iif can ififiilToiial liberty Fr 'which ba ia aootoud in, (od Sir bid lt)rf tbh aboujii Ix-'Com neccMar. ft' ir Tan be,- jnteaa tbia ti'iveruincnt ia readved to bring ibe qur U I- extreuwty, wnoit be( gallant .aon 't wig taiVt prepared toperfirai lha laat dtp .'. ; ..i-...j,.J....i 'ZlWi tH tffi f Jh.n;.nXoo-jhitffVrnd ibat 4jh C 'awtitution, waa tliuda bv IU ffjitioai lautH "ia a lurRt lilfoii 'id Ibe biaiea, in Winch ine aAV"rIatj!'aktin i;A tvuae great wiuKvprra (if wbita (be Btate j ka ao nrmit and uobly coo-o.ld. tlTlavTuir uuie ffieaa reuafk'a.'lbnirreat t It . T . . - fajneti'M M bow prearnted haa V Miire-a tie tight to ptma thia btll!' Which 'he would aeit proaeed to conaidtrr. TliaV CMHOruf tbia quuatioo involrea tbeiuqmiy into the provinione of the bilT.Vhar are tbn . It iia af im ifi abd f bliiw d0l9re4ber-ceji!iTajice liffy st(id ol ito-cive cara, fuV; would huf! In'ard frofli tba Me-i!far1w Ujaunw Unaawf-aul if raa reilly-aurpriai'igtnatbi whoar aulpriii' i eomiooa with bervlf, and w)io have couiidalaedjequallv loud if their eno vinccaVwbo,bad prouounced the ycr.v fl-ti bich ahi h J tvwenea viwunvaer imina 44. be tojipti-auve u.tJcwi'itiluiionai,' ru'unoa. afir an Ionia atre'wa -trus jte IWiI", th.in'thmt abicb prrcei! f?U majority in Carnliqaltad conlmidedf , fiiinit aa nnoon ertrd aa Ucb thf'MJsjh ih; rfit tribunaU B .in irti ajrv; iliaijhje.aota iTaiiwt whica t.wa4 directed are uiViinaiil'utioiiaf a'td opprea-nvo. "f he ,oftroverav w.ti hn fv m H ? 1 ' tlncb!. our riii. mdit or a'irll 1 fninat. tie aukvti. jfilciier j'Tni'"'"4 viTielj,,rT,jh.J Tirt i Pa fie1 'Wiiii .if !- ,oeiwen tiw ww tlirj ? It iNiia af im (fmiNUaToiTTt.TTjT-atiTW " . ' 1 ... A -1' ' I . ' tiiaarmy ana navTkana tn euttre mi una h lijio ciHintryt Ii eiuliloa himj at kiipfoa" pre; tsiubjtt ercr? man hrthB United Stauarnof ev.Aript.-t) tvd laillf is. dory , tn '.iiarJitmfll.rl.aBiiln ry 4CCiuatl-' Itwfr'I'Va rrd "under the Mrqruinncriaipriiainioui 1110: j I court martial, to fnrirf'ue- bit baud in ln bfothera blood. There ia no liniita- lion on tba niwer.14 tba a word, and that veriie puree ia eqiitny wnn-ini reajraiiH, tJ km nl the -extreordiaery f,a)turea' id rho htlUl CiMitama do appropriation wMch, andnr 'rxiHliiw circuifWnnVar ta1' juiii("tn"iiiliiMitedrwnipniioa Pr4idonf tuny; nndrrrtt Airborityioetir ifiyexpentlilore, and pbidThe natioriul Iditw ttwftiti lie way rrl' a'pew national tteat.'at the very mqnvnt of the . .. ' j.i j e jr 1 . r . lerminaiion 01 me Firyier, a unoi 01 mil fiona 1 to be paideat ot thepmeeeda ol the Labor oftluU acction of iho country wbnai doe real I5ntuiiuiial ribu - IhU". bU profctiatPt! Thua exhihiiing the ettrai.r dinary apeclaclCf (hat (he vory'-aorlit itfthecouatry trbicb ia urging ihif fos& wra. and carry tbe aword of devaaia iiaa?ant4 ua, are Uibe iaij)a.. tjaie. in. ciirring'l ne debttotw " paid "ty ahouo wna8engnif are yioiaieaj wpue jbosc who vi'date tfwm are to receive ibe. bene ntBjio the Utape, f bajntit aud eipoadi-i turea.. - it r. And (or what purpoee ia thv raiiiqaiteij control of tba pur w and i)f "the wordJhua placed at Jibe di&ooaifjiwi'of thv Etuiivii olnak war 'aainat1rlfi h -fron and aeroiua' liicnbera iif thia ,vteAiliM' wbicb the bill oropiaWloHjwithijtfit aa aSiatttriiut a a ollecti'on ot, hauditii " t antUwawTTbn.:kirtiti lctacle orihia U Veutn4ii, lhaereatore ol t!if4eiirtkin war- aTnfuat the pdw OTiart'cn'iToVea.'jrygTttmw?er "-r-i JHL--iiTri.r.if.-..ii.. ..i.JHL y aud TiwWyTw -m ipy ofjn prViiiifloua,. tiir. ainhonziit the' lVanI14ni.aL.liU. olt'-u. ipiaHtM"Yt',1H, g""" 'f" '' L'urtHi M anrvne(iwi t'otinc-Kitrary lo tnat proviaeai of th-CoBjstiintioa wljiCh lecmrae tnai no orer'r'uca, anuuia pn given correi-fV'be hrdaTir rhTtrrrtrritndr thv hrll loo Mr-Miifly ,jwiu: preaeiUa iliO guetiuai, whihct Uieybc-ot blrt-" UraiNaild am umrjuti the diarnanoO ciHat qnrMtiHi nowOlle wiaib rem i ( irihe iteent, oti Wlmt V h4d aaij Tat Tlifl iutroductioa ol iho roilutitaia now on the inblej-abdwr'a bopJ (bat aiiuhcf Oppiu-tuoity -would be aifiidadfjf ju-tr. anaiiu. dwcuaMoa, Hi araufd (of (ha Breaout &- rerrli-J kj inejjijii .ua wini ii nau; in'cn raite-ii j the vie whfcn. tie .iuiitpreaefed -ivripn be Aorodooc d timi ' .IT8 " a ut itoni -of Luther Sarttri tai t.)eco "a Jdiiced Ly. tW 4wator pom IMHware, to prove llwl the citizeuaof a,Htaie(k actiiHt under 4lw au thTity if a Htate, weje nab'ojo be pifila.. utl e traitor4 by thia ywriKpont. A -"-alWilb:tFiV:T--l7ll t-M- U' 1 "I. be mint aay, thai i-ilher the S i . r Ik m I Uaare, (Mr. flnvlon,) nor ai.v ;l r Ho blkMi no ifie wKt U, r'lr ectly and Imrly na I Ibu great qoenti w-iet l ll.l a Federal unbn t a 11 1 M ilint'icl fritn. ibat ..if )m'i'u .-. ' t la Hie ieo-itiiy in Ibe aevrnil T ia tl Ainerrau people in ibe at'i n TLa, ty Unu44(a .b.t.b ajuj.'uuvv) b-d loua, when api'abt g t nor inMitull'Mia, alHnla proof CM4-luiv 1 tta ila ruaj r Ur u iar. The troi uhi m, f d eral. anibid, alt intly a ci mhiiufun of aovereignl4ea,a cohfub rat ie of 8tau . They are twitt applid lo an aaanrtatioa; of imlividual. Who ever lieard of lbe I'oiled ."Brte 4f New Toik, of Ilaa4aeb etta, or id Yirjinia t Vko ever been! lha term Fnh ral. or I'aion, "apidrr i to lh tl"Vatr'ation i f in(Iiido.il into op Community T Ni-r t the other point baa clear lliat tlie anreigniy ia in the H eral &bn-e,' and that our a)tno ia un iwOuf twenty Car aoi'ri u poaera, tbiJrt a CianeititiiHwlcaiii4Wt,aiiJ tut of a dvK dod anvareiyiily bcleitt (be Kiatra M ver a1l'aodjla lluiud futoa, in pite f all tlkul bad t beta aaid, be inaiulaHied tba aoverrip'ty la, in ha iiatufhi Imlivwible ft u tha aipmina' pftwer iu a' .Mutu, aud. w . lui jl.t jmti aa well jk 4 LaU a irv rltad ifa fiaiiiiiliH aaofbalfa aoltti-o ly. . It ia a gioaa error to cotifound ilie ran rmarvf a-vorei 1 ; IV. r aw U . ga piadri a ilUrrf(nar U turlf l or the detention ft anclltKnvT - Willi "a iurrtnicr bfftirflw f-; ----'- . .. r..- f , . a ... A awvf mge 1 niey-oVteya- fm pmrera . be eaarciara) by aa lubay aji iita, 1 lie,. uviatliiiik proino,' nndj-f auch cMiHiiu) . iud with ncb limit jtiotta'aa lie tn;if fir '"V . po' ; mi 1 1 ur rtiid. r a at pom o ii nut aovertinty 10 anotber t tDamniiilaif tb , h4Jc.T-'1inr fr-1nlMiV'irVM T V lay too) calit tin oil uy . a cut icanin wUicb, bwaiiya be taiiii"! 4xenipf;Mi' nj,,, If b liu-lapUyaica no' utukita' thai iiWaaa . tic reiWuuml wlock tuaJcea iiii.'icii'.ii , ; wUh'Ha tltdk-reiVcw iu' ono'cau ImiM' Il ia 7:" imiremV'r coutampt than "hrt.-JMr. t V,) 7-Jl boi it, a'juj miI rart k ' JiiimuuCI kh p'.''J,!; y er ol'aual)at and ViubuiainM tout ' w ' " . er w UicU fiVucea 1 W iiad yiiiiH i n1, a" 7 ,T ' into tU vlemiuler a inck tnit-ea . c in ( , thcarflnl principle, and, by the pv ef 1 . ' gciirauittJio(i8ud!ci'iabtuati(Hi,iii,i' j Ca a'lt tbarnvwooua ayait u, ; jfuVaa'.wx lar frnn lertfiig Ciain'pi; ,t i.i ,l4v , !'pow-r:'w)McVriW maa atjiti. ..... ... 1. : .1. .1. . . ' 1 ft - 1. . ' , unjurauiyu . nvawijiuunce. uu itu;ii. - -from roer aagacrtt, whirh ka'-bidda' iv '". '"" eoiuio'iit witfnnfcrnr tima!4' ft U thi -f-- - " - ar-.-. - - - - - I l. I 1 iVaJM Vvaaa r. a a rnoaa awaawa. aa ft 11, mt-.- r learwwr ,iM aa eaawv Kwaa ff atv a)Mr w-. - . a nnrnTiwtftmst'Tniliiei ce pf Ntw j luu t Aiitiuucei Jwiq.aflronouijt jtwr U Jrot 4 - f mere i-lworvaiwva of iuitibited bw U lot . n.ir'ftj.t.r i;i;-"t.:xl.-.r.i..T.T:i-r. fm m.ivimi,iiiii.i u. i,t, J ms , .!. I .1 .... .1 ' ' I eminent n.Mri lUHrtirt, aiB a brwyer,' and aatoi'li a hja iuibonty itifuhl bo c,0o- lUfarcd.oO a Wal aiiiiil, bo could nut ac ' cept ttia dirkrjnnung tlio putnt Mnmitt. 1 Uo aiuiwta which LexicculoclVu, luk 'n mlo'vioaTwiSiTd T -i'm, Tf n d &Hrys' tiu wei'lu ol I111 auutoriiv. lie bad aeon ki lently oupiaiedin Convention to (he CUi ariiouon ana lorury ictier inea .wmci tbe Si-itiitor ii.ia 'qtiofadj wja nitenJifd1 U iti4'ln( Mirj lanif. frum iuf adoption. VKb liii yiew-'inrji 16 ob etiiecU ? tlitU every oouaideration calculi ted tottject tlatt object aBoaJdbe'iirgod t thai real obi.tiou HikoulJ iHti'X'itf-ruto.l.dr (hatthaaf haviiig ii4tiiilai.lii, excit uu rp'.plnurililij. it -J aucu 41 aieieiq oo4, preaeintni. if i 10 tiiiTBpiiitfata attrbntd tytyqfaitf. Mr.' Martin, lit refurAnco to (ha point iuiJ,.t . r.i.: f- u... V I I .1. ... ' . .1 cuuaiuci.u j'lt. jnn . jMMiiaaarii'iriiy gijj ; ). ii7tiifv' mntb4; a-f miJd'"to b admftplioo - the., ayaliHa.of -the uwvrv'- V- 9 1...11 1.. -a . r .i.i . wbicb haa eHiiftm pu'en wiiMdnra, when li ; ' . rixti'd to ihi- lwa which- control (he iua f. Jll,. (ariai world, U: Joran:r pruLilniod. uiTW a .". . artfmfiSia erf -f in-lnphvXir; Troin'liriotf'Jr'" appMd.t the high porfkwe ol pol(iinri r. --r.-r-i-c-" WIie'WMf!'V'',aU',;:" Ho 1 tiiein ttM r'. .1 ,f utij.icl tif lattra"M Hied -ns.in:ntiiT,it.lf - ainl to bo ai (it a auliji.tl f r the appftVaV. tioo of thebi itbiHil iliird'j arf,"' - lTOtTIB1teie'ri !.-( f If IPJi 'fT' hf -T--."-? ; nplj-n.a lMli. Ii.ii.imw nnd lbn'xii,-,-j'' K-riea, alkh .tiM'i! , tmmotiz iK'ttn,i't , I . i t . .1 . .. I r 1 . - . -. 4 aifl''i -.''"i Wv.'l'oe J ' toimt ft in roil -, -, . iii pi4'ii ia; iie. ,i pujiui.-'u. J.ije- iliiWinrt ;i fv tM-t- - . ia. - iatiytUba ,cniiiM 13 ucli u iT-V $icaealuijfii' anJ'cbebnati.Vi'' '.: ;Jtoi5nioii ithr(hje pa'r f.twzib- ' jk-t, heHlViil"f''iMl liialiiutor inun Yit n ' Jrtiut Wr. RivikA,) to aay (hat aoveftipi. ' ' t5,fcwoivideil,Jvi IhiU a iHirtiun ri'tiiaio." . ' etf ijb-tlio filaty(,;verallj, and that lha ty retidil veatedio.-tbe 'nlm.;, Ily- v Cuiite. ''faOavmiaeed (lint, tbeSi'iiat n m.nt " ' IwaHiMted 6fiiiiCm: to bJa nmaatfi in'if-be intendod it -allii m,, thai , S f A . aViitWg3M-itte.lirji;yJ.ui r' jijl-; -ihi,ver-yight be nugbt - irw l.n tn. - V. thoff hpiiiioii,wuill Holarcei but, nc- . 'wl1w4.wvfMg.1TJ. M.Ctn.lT..' rt"; ta iii'rt ovf aiiothnh , l(alao violatea ibl VtmlW tfytpi ; aa h?Jrhmrf ' , hia .ihacrvtinu. to. imiaW caih dull in , A .... i I'l .. ..... n.'.,.'. iftm pn i wi w e-Hta ajta 4 1 .ittv.ura. by anabliii yif Peaidout (6 fejjulate 00m of ev n vWed bi i iiaiarMi. and .dC4'wia withiii jiiriilctiiw 0 the Uoited ytatftrnfrtJ.p-i.wota 005,10 li'iulad to be tvirrd ou them- VAi greal 4 4b -WK W:.'i 4rtXkl')f,tei,kwM 1 .... .i,.., : ii.. ...f.... .".. i.:n di.i...u mimr joi mtii? jfwii!Hi or urn voiu, ty a Ki'iiV) tlowbyftre.iUng h Siatea aa a tn.iji la imh. of iudividuala prowtraieo alt th- tairncra of (ho Coiirftrtu tioo.1 I la would paw oyer itininlW con aidfrulioiif, and ' proceed directly jt flip ervatp'imf.r TbibiD precede on tlrt; arr.xid ib.it iho'eu'lire aovrf ijnty of bia 1 .1 mat oncu oiaie auoui'i proievi jiiinu nij J iiljjd4it to nboa'.ibt no nmhority wa ju-j a JdJ to be givou i.i (V) Cu.m'itulKMI lor tin; ptolfttc tiuTjiid4ifc04rCa bv theUouvi afaiufi4iiH'ai,aiin tnat in pjoriaioni hi ibe JCiifyitiijjtion, perm(itiig a State to hV jmimrt 'li, itW tlMCtHJiot - id , uornaa, ;waa iuteifled fo,fverv; tha riht ! 0roteiilm ("fthp Stutoa ihooixdvea, fcna" e?juff authority wrbotli riuta, boVtm. biirra!in'i would be'fjn aruuiilii in which it ft "Old place- Hw nenktor li vn Uouwac and iboeo with ' whuuVhe - ia kcTJngthar nf uauig the ofd, ami the bnyonot to cn forirrtbe uttnttmt bf an uiicoHMitutumul act of Coiiircf , lie" ui u -d e v. proaa bia 110 prtae Ihatjbeebjriteat authority 111' favor a , JirneteitM'rpTOVwttrarwrTtitnt ftiX uto pnffe tpphrletiqne egC'--ot -wreTtt fijH to pibnabed 'ajkii lra'iwlr'4 '"JJ 1 powjBV Avidid-wi - jUrt benn eri nuaersutciriaiicaio me riitii. If . If auoieiueil und.r cooi 1 ' -1 - ipti4:t,j.iV,i; ji tth Ciifr' - , 4 aJ oV.o IiHm;IU, .U'kI li.e llwiiloe tinnr ll ' " . tlie aevoral'o' Stale (r.remiiicMa," 5ut f '!.i miii( liart luat lwijit).(i,u - - lle frrner1ot iHtf 4iiowoMy, wtl 4- t X . aiiilo .aitviTi-aijjBf'powt :tJ la tiitf i-lij.-. te iC.iti?CJWlA ,r!,a-. VevNa - ' " of rbotd t (pn-iiioil, f 3i'""'r ihulLoioi 1" waa a guiou4b'i"en r-tatea, as .distinM cvMnrnhfttHaV'nr a flgira-iyigfegeiw vf tha Atiier'o4nf'ipici a a maiaof individunht,' and iu thia tiht hie opinion would diiectly lo cnii4li'ilation , t J "'Ptltti wnrioito tb bilK- ft in t, that ih iill v'tlit tj pi-s bicauio i'i lewnnit W wilon-ed. I ho liiw,iuu-it ba endicaJ. The -Imperial Cilicl nini-i la evrcirti'Ot li n tm-i r augti nop rr. of joer ahould ba reCemad aa the tnoat ! e'ouhad in general terma, without Ulng coiH'bjiiva eviJenctfj woiloiliiitwliidiv! ,t4,w',lit)t:,(U,4 xch, iiu.hu, ivm af hnt fiiiatly-aifoii;! In. jivif.yf, u'.i,l iiie').u-t'a; rt - f e iia