t- . I i it lul Jti u. I I I . ' . Ii .'. I.'.i, ij ij I'.na I.j,-jh-uU t.,it li.q Ipmj (,. Uu-lcr I lit 4 (!- SOlll'y 4 .!y ,!,(.( f ,Nir 4;,, C Uj,,U Wt i " ii. J. In luM be nfird. trt Iti wyt b iffote j," Tin ti i bo very rjjiWt which im, I!'-J Lord Nartbaud lut aJmuiMtrsti.Mi l tlial luaJ fifMf win b f Mtt rp . fed u frura ih Umiak crown, Under fftiin'ur ipJiitry,HlHal Hiioo moat be iu-cn-J," ww Aay Qfewwcre b., Laeo perpetrated I end bow many martyr lv bta tied (a tbi t.,k f VVbit, V. tug wn gw tTclion an yoj pre rd lo u'c a,Uw, wiliv-jt eoowJer- 4 1 U.I mg wuetner m bv jot or u.jut, corwnt iMy ww. u t acknowledged (hat it i not , it"''! I:hocarnatbiootvy,wrindii( h frm th earth with tha tt of hi brow, Ita a jut till la it f"" the Mirer. , ft bo baa rigM to touch it wi bit lMiarm, except hi yowniment, and it on. ly to CU titeut of its legitimate want to fck m4 i Wryr ed fo ffopawe y his bill to Miirc robbery Vy murder. Tea, to thi reeult yoe wmt come, by thu lwrtbUanebijtrT.tbiiVifiMabelraeiifin, of enforcing tit law without regard to Tie fact whether tbela be biet or gnjuet, - OsaalitUteMial or vuonowitulHiuaj. . 'if la 0TtVf 0.J ; TO THE FiUXMES . -; - or ) t -7.TfI CON'iRKASIOXAl 013 TRICT OF N. C. If 4W- Afifturrot Cm, Mtrtk 19, 1WJ. JWow CmiiMi . Tha Sid Cuagrewj baa )u4 eUsrsf, find With it bt terminated jb highand Vponib!e truat which yo ba"a twice mfU4 to e Permit e hro to e- t' rree (ho dsep attiaa of eralitude which f el Cut lb&itenog'ipni bfycuir Mutitmm and ifilonce UOM lato SW- life at t period perulwr lUoreet tu V,u. in common with too wivo w ia .tHorn Htatre. my f roat aud ooljr am "mrn baebeew to diacbareo the kijjb tnut. i mjur. brat eakaiated to eecure and rr wrfpnw -yoor itomeUtUiuoal xihui ' J)unne the ' Jitieal aiiUttoa if the lent m' .t jwut bao en ealW to tbde. ittfof aiMetiaaauf tho highoal macui ti lt to yew. To eay thai I ae o.o mi 'A ,-fU arui inJeoratlt'OllYi 1 feel to be t Itn kt tha weiehtf reaponaibiliiyrum a nal ' ..t Awa winch 1 aJwava . ia , mv "'- '. wii iodinent anl epenea and tearful .-.X-: . lUt, o mature of euch eital importance to T .Jhi.oaotryJ iM do wnmg. uut , hat-Ter errura i may haw eomnuited, I t v .' &ws never OMtghl lo wonoeal thorn Cw ! i -aruMiaof the pwrity f my BMirea, I bam ; tt all (Tm-Siraftd upon otaawoa, frank- fveulnMtted toyow the reaaona ay which Iwla'Bbtaml.cEariy' twiHl lo bw-h t tpoi.;lpaoplo U thf fnuma.a of all ao. . .-.'--.y ISuCUpaawril Aao.ooie niw in , J" 4-jjOTailai JiitfV their ageota and rtpre. L r"y V Mna, to render to them a bitbrul a. ,-.?,-wM7 biuut of their Je?a,rdehiB. ,l"04,"eB'l''tf' ' "Z c nVl daiy, aot (eaa krie . 7"ii",.t? me thaa impuHaiJi lTyar, lh ek- r . . rt nrthe preeent ffn twin icatw lThe BetanCW In U trea-nrr nn th i i tt Jaiiuarv, toa. "tbe rtiptf tnto the intmrf'-' T 5 - ; : during Jnoywar IM'J, wro x - ftom cuatoma or dtitioa oa Inv Troa. the aale of , - J"-:dn bank et.iea7-4W.Wr2? d iWkHU.jwiiiw ers : . , , 'roceipla, 133,630 , . n. llll: ctlinijiafintf lit ( Ihi trmtmtA ifd b (i rmj rtffiit jrr. llntw !v rimnlt-rrd (hi uUiiUkIi'IKIiI i-( Uii J-ih-Ue Ji U at a bng'it era in the kt(ry of thie rioilry, he wiim-wl wiin pro liar (iVaeure the firntnra ami -aJ with whtrb the prrm'M a4mtatalr(iin ha ap jilicd all the rewwrnee f the cwi nry will. i ill power to the arcvinptial.tut-iit pf that iroatohjuct. ll thueo who C'tutidcf national flVbt a Mtimtal blfaatn nirn over the Irent. Lrt the wlii have bad a direct intrrt in preteniinj ila tvmg uiabmeal deptora II J but H who have looked to it aa the period wlcn we were to be rwlMVtii-wwwpireawv taiatMW . eider M aa it ought to be eNMilnred, proud day ff lb Amnricaa ptyjH when to all thoa tmnorable cbaraclt-natice which bare rendered llnr career eo mriral4fl aomng aatinna, tbey abaU add the rare happinoM ofbfinjr a nnii'm wilhowt debt." ZJuznun.- i7"" " XTpTa"peyn1iirib Mtnf3eW, tho Urge amouwf of rereoui beralofore ap plied to that objort will no bmger be waif tod, aod the thiee heretofore iinpueed up on the people for that purpw, mo-4 nort-e. earily be redweod. I tnke it. (f granieil, that eo government, and much' 1cm a lr govemiwot like oura, will feature to im poee higher tae apAo the people than what may be wereaaary fir the economical wantauflheaivfraniwnt In nlicipaliun, theefore, of Ihia event, the kgialation .f; mngreea oae beeo direcieo to aucn a re- durMoo at nMjinatKifi iA the tanlHat Would cwrreepond with the new atale and condition d the country. It cannot be oooreaJed of denied that while the agricultural etili hava looked to thie pernid with hearttvll phnaure, lb manufacturing auction have lookisl to it with rerret, and heve done ev ery Ihiog ia their power to drfrr or pre vent it. - The reeann te nwvnMi ' Vmm th aretenc of raiatng revenue for gov eruuf nit, they bav, filched from IM nun h Urgrf agin to protnet and enrich thrrr manufacture. J dieouaeed thie aubject at freoi Ungtij. in my laat addre to yu wiU ik her repeat the ariuinxnl then uwd. and which are awMained by th trigb eulltorily. But TTiiunoirc one r jfument uaod by the inatiufitcturrra theniael vea. 'lhrouhout 1h whole of hi tun tftaf, we have been repeatedly told by lh( manufacturer that if wo reduced the do l iea Ia)po-d upon foreign gool coiniii HiW Wni;netittiBWiTlTir manofeevwrwi, they would be ruined, la not thia an aJ miaMoa that Ihnae high dutie an impoa ed, and naght to be continued lur their henrfitf Mark ill If yno reduce the tsvea, aay thfy, jmpiwed tipnn the penple d euf" benefit, makin uur laburand cept til more profitable, aad adliiig wealth anJ eplcadvr to oar auction (T country, we thai) be mnJ. f rtol If it b d ir ii not abow that theea maniffac'.urincaiMtal lata areaavc J fhim rain by impmeng heavy and ruiivm laxe o the great body i the peop1nand particularly mm the agri cultural poliiTwHt 4 H aiina I BM itlkuy did, not, know aod feel tM ,,t hear) high dn tiM aran fir tbnir bntvr'il. whv it It that they are wweh oppaMd to K due fng them! Why i it that lliey have even tnraJeoHi theao tae t Mt - govenuneul- hare been dnafrrywi .r intpoaiiig lieavy Utea; but thnee jiiaiiurnctuivra aie tho firxt to threwtrij tlie;very temple of liberty be cau9 (he government waa about to en gaffe, and baa en gaped, in the graliu4 lasfc of.irducipg the Uie" Vrel'ire impieed mil, h i ! r a! tln rin u.iiH'k of the cs", I int fil ifi ut triu .niili. At thia bill, cxiiiti'iiily r!!ii l.y tray ftf diaiiiKliiin Mr. ( Uj a loll, U l.k. ly to come the pcnii-iiK'iit t ncm of Iho r ftuntry I prop-iae, bri'-fly to imtrre ila priann, and lt priocii( U!" abirli it waa bat. The dilfn-ully of ailjuaiing Ihta grral qua tioo ha oxen loow.W'd by all ti be en 4 great mi(iulule. Vartovaaii'l t onflirt iug intereata were to be harrrxm.d to auch a manner, to wcur th tntrrcall of all Ibe great brairhet uf naiemal wealth. While the agrrraliurkl, and comnvnial tat never wotdd cwnt to any other tariff, tba on to raia revenue, Ut aay other dfctiee, lha uch aa were uoifurro, wwHwd kAiiu.aiUiUclc,iwfjimicla J tm, wfm the lovuri-a, a well M umi tlui nai-eaaarie of life, th manufacturer on the cunlrkry, iniated upon ratemg ii whole rV ioc, by duiie laid euiuaively npn auch article nf importatioo M chw in romp titinq with their manufacture wk b a wwillnw,' rewi fott0W rm', ht gir,aalt. oV;-Thnf MfTWtfucthitrwii 14 be maile upm the artiolea. th reduc. Imki i aluiuld bu gradual. A awddea reduc lum they aaui, would preetrate and derry item. 'I hi bill i thnrrfwa botlornod up on Ihiatoinproiniae, tliat while the it tie are ultimately to be brought down to ciHnm m revenue atamlard, nit ewrd. ing twenty per cent, aufficteut tim ia pit en to make auch a reduction very gradual. The act theirf-re prntmVa, that mil duiie imp'aKdby the law of 1n32t or otherwise, etreeding wHily pat rent. UU at titled perexla be reduced by the year IH7 to that point. But for the purpoee it bring mr down the aneaiiil of reveoue at once to I lie pretent wanta the government, ma ny article are made free of duty, in alla lion to tboae amda free by the act of 1 138, och aa linen. cambrWkaworated afulU, ahawl die. Aa the duly Ta reduced unnti i tbn protected article, u m to be.r4 up on the unprotected or free article, o aa toaupplyaoy deficiency -which may he iuundu the revenue, until b42, wWeotftf ti"Hi'ir party epi fit, wi ni;i ttca' prtrfrt'ill, aa iH'-y- tii It n 1 (.ir J ra, runM in C"l!i i"1'- 1' late Will nAi-n enrronrli ip the f "l r. poeera. awt the Mcral frvnmmciit ai OHir oft" liample ojxai ih rurht of atatc. hen thcrcf.ir theve cotli'iooe u ariae, what ialo lx rfrtoa? Apnal I fre I In my oimiim Von mthl a wr apjdy a torch to the tempi of bhrr tiea. 1 w aword arawn in ucii ear, will arver fnrever th IhmI oftnir union. , The tword wa mlendod fur our ewraie 'not r fat brethren, .'- I do x4 believe in th doctrine of n liucatioo I bav alwavi oppausj it. Xut iuth Carolina b-meatiy believed wach rrjavit. bub luauufji,,, or. a n m m i. 'a a ! . a. aiMJ au oi ue am ihm im evil ot woicn an Complained really atialed, fend ought to be removed. The wboif tWajtb hava com. plained tit Ih earn nepreeai'ei for yeara. II wa therefor Ih duly of lb Movent reent to rndrea the wronee and remove th y pee inoa if it Could 4a dofta (!t fial ihik IMa ff iiwa LUTirwat-T9 f ir bearfrwm av mcaaure ofvioienr thai iuibt anrve fatal, ahalaia Jrom the ant pl rvnwot of mihttry "force againat one of the Male 4 the anion, dor eek to a re orb her nil in the blood of her gallant eooa men, who, if in error, have ei rd from their areat devotina to liberty, and who have alaaya bnew duauiguiabed bnfh in peer and war for their al and ability in drCne of th injured right uf th A men can people. . The aoutliera ataea have re,pectny pro- nnuncedthe Una la, ai nee that of I Sit uoi:MtitutionJ. lliey bav therefore believed for pearly lea year that the fed eral rnvernieenl Waa eiercitfinir uncunati tuiumal power, to their great injury and nprevrn. 1 bey have remonaf rated, pro- (ruled, appealed, again and aain to pub he nptirinn, but they have forborne from any.lorcibla. raaiaianoe. When lhcxer for ot e of lhee Btatea, Snarling amb-r aenae of theaa vmtiuuad wrong, bad adopted a remedy believed to be raah and dulie upon all article of importation ar,ticHiaii'Nl.nal, it anented to me but ret to be permanently fite'd at a duty not e-i aonxble that fhe Meral goverontenl hould ceedmg twenty per cenl.evcenl dyaatuusi forbear a little, raJreaa her grieraocea if! a loch ar rmmI free. These are the eob atautiai pruviauMM4ittiie.hiU,auilJjhiiitii ought In be conmilerrd a fair compronie of thi ddficultaml vevd nuMim. I hn f It Miuiuu to aw it a'iil d Uo a perm n ;nt baaia, ctNivinced thai ila 1'n quent a( lutKNi waa iiijiiriu ti all prtiMi of lb country. ...liutbowcvet anxious fur.j:i Hieemmation o dev.u1ly ho- wtabml,' I li lt equally deti rninic.l le ver ! aril io, nor acquiuace in an adjustment, whin J id not accure aulatinntu! jnrlice to lh people I repn-aent. I am HUt-dicl if UB ooinprnniae now enter. -d mtiJ, atinll be 4 anrved in the aame Jiht-ral amrtt in wbift it wa CMH-eived. it will rrat ra harnvav 1 tr the Union, peace ti-the eodwtryr aal tmppineaa and prieritv to the poopfe, - REVENUE BILL. - v j The Revenue Bill aa it wa called, ' tod4MtcJl enuti'rocnt . dortrg tho, aeaaoq.: aod wa 'diaouaead id th Beaate ntb reat warmth and ability. It trio the President with entranrdinary -militurw pvwer. Under th elate td high party axcueuicnt, and ai that time hupeleaa jf ljuaiing th UriKthi bill war a moat piwMitiie, etflehvor to conciliate, give time LiijdIluia,AidJiBpaito!rreonty wtjm every other alterii-ttive had failed. With out the even'iaeof auch a apint ofeoncili ali.4i aiid fobearahco od Ih part budi of the feijeriil and tte givrnmenli,' our i(loriU4 inetiiuiinris cannot laat ; for, in (bcjaujuiam of Mr. Jetlerioa, ' if every infraction of a coimiact of o many par liea i to be nird at once, at a diaaolu lion of it,' none can ever be firmed which Would lent one year." - . LAND BILL. K bill paaaed Coogrem to diatrihute the ieed eriaing from the a lew of the pah ic land among the date according to their federal repreaentation for Hve year'. It it believed, and I fear with too much trttth, that tnlea aonve nch dithhuiioii n made id the public lend, they will f i a fewvear be given to I he new tie with in whewo limit they lie, or old to tbem for an inconatrkrable- pum. oucu a diapoai. tiorl of the puWic land would - be very on jnatlpthe old alate who uht to aha re an equal uitareat in them. It ia alio proba ble, Ciat tiadef im tana, wluca we . nave thrcatetuflg aspccU and w L aubject of! luat maawl, Ihera will bola aurplui Jur jj. Jeep and alarnung mtereirt.. Uut belorejfew ywr.1 The reveoue from the public it reached the Houae -nf RTreentativee, I land might therefore bo diapenend - wit b it J terror hod H(in otr, and ita powers 'dumg that time. It 'could tlesrwiiie dangeroua, had be o rendered iiarmk by ibe paafcigtr nf the tnrttf bilt; which it wa thought would wtify the upon th people ; But if the rductum of I country, and aday it excitement, ibe i jim k nk rfniiH ami m hu t in ruin in i ooiHiiinu botimio i me oiii. ia unweaui the . BuiiuXiCturcrSv wha' "but rote j rturainin to the clie ol the neitaeaaioa of Iha-4icullural4WetefftJirmq,rK?4 ana wanotner raciancowy nv fom tlwir-cootinuancal Out rodWry ii t,,Mc. oangrou axtrema wto not protected by higi, viatica t po , taxe MakiOi an irffreinitB of,: 3.8(JW'3i ha ei(nditureibr. fha year 18J,ii j it ... 7 1 Gvu h. Hireurn & - f tlliowii!' '"t w vi-- - -r . -- I. r lh .VVM .nwarfitt: r -Clndiarr alUira, . .Vv- -' v . internaj impr-"'. .'. ' ovamebta, V ' ' ' )faa1 ae'rv ice, ita ; ' . r( ' , eluding ita grtf -lV . dualmpr. - ovement, ' l,M3.69 Kblicdebt, -18078.93S Makimr tho total expendi-' lurea of'thw yr. ' MAMfiM ,4, i r-'.i'.wt:ja.' i 4i rf.. . Anrlleavimrinthe treflatirf.oa r th 1 of Jauuaty, 1833, it,8i,M : . Ik 5na Vecipt iat 1831. pfrft.. porfW the '.onanr, -o,tp - AddthUintalmentflht r . W'T a v- ...-.:-.., .t-j..-: V ItfraamliMlJicwaalthaBaltv moVouht of the Danish Mom- r J... V..:; oiije, ealimated iathat re , J V f01" j receivable in lf82, t - . A - -oik4 pftktantd 'lhaV llV .29,000 laid for our bone fit, bat" mv the contrary, heavilv taxed for the benefit of the manu- faciiirera. What else but ruin couhf fall up A our intercat, thui proarribed and op preaaed? What U ha produced (hat which party will eomeUawa iearry tba wt- t government. ?ir We are emnhaticanT a favored aeonm I providence ha caat our jot in plcawnt puc, and under a form, of government the moat admirakla that thr wiLn of general decay and embarraaamehl in our Jiuanever conceived.." It ia two fold. , W own Ja write land I ' fleawad with a gvmiaJ havw' r iederr-tnd-an ' governroeiit," climate, a fertile aoM, and population at which together conatitute our entire tyt once virtuoaa, economical, and indtwtri . tern, admirably adapted to a country like ouV yo it ia a melaachohr ict; that wot odrt, to hxtenn-vt and i diversified in it eftitw hinewle nroapermi tliaaitwiafif- intorealaahd pormnl teeo yean ago, althoagh during that time, To the vah and VlrtuvToT out Talhert we have been blest "with aa uninterrupted are we indebted for the freedom, tndepen- peaco. , The cauae can ha found no where donee, IhucJ overeigoty 'of tlie state, while to the moat liberal spirit p( compromiaa and concession on the partofatates at aub- sequent penod,du we owe our present fed nr. ai cooatitulion. Jntliatflpirit,tbydelegted to the federal government some of their right of mdf'pomWnt ovvreiaiity lor the QIm aipendittirei thf 1933, exclusive of the pnMicaebV wee- by ibe- aatuw reforf, smtimatod ai " $tS..332,?T. PCBUCbET.. ' rtoborwinefitlTtm 'aceotrw the wublicdebt during the ypar, 18W, was, il,68,0S7, which tedoced the public " dobt on i January last, to $7,001,. 899. , Xut thif dtrcan heeoidered only as ominaL; Since th.ahare held by the ,refnrhinn ln;te7-ih-4r--rtMei - -' : tn1 which hir '-O' but in the fact, that the laxn since inipoa ed upon all the great and necessary artic le of life which we are compelled to pur cha ana consume, I r double what they were fifteen yeara azo. Aa the nation debttaaay which- they were originally hmposrd, has been diminished, these duties more etKtun protection tit security of the nave opto increea-cotiW'"j t reai t rescrvinir to iiiumattivea inc esciumve venue, but avowedly to protect and rarich, jexerciasi of all powWt not tliu granted to at our expense, the nonnerm tnanu wciur-1 the tederar ifoyernmciu, ia tie ma are. Itu ajrainat.thiaayatem nt proiecuoo auairo of nt, Madtsoo, the power dele fniTJnaa always av aag..iuwflaiiigjiiiaiimjrr negotiation and fotoigu commereft, kThi power reserved td fhe seV'-rat states will extend tq til th$ ohj'wl, which, invthw or- dinury course of tf lira, emtceni the lives, libertieajind properties of rk) peool, and the internal orpr, impr ivenwul and pfe. parity wf the tatea:InlrMtiwt wire of general cb-inictn its which all had a mon goveriiinflnl, whiln ajf local andafpa rata ialerest were rnserved )w tbe ntatea, Each iif lheo;r5g.veftiinta i 'therefore iplrrae witulh'to The federal goverurroiiit is supreme wlfi in the power delega.ted,'and the state gov ernmouU ra equally ftiprftnav wit hia- lh power' reserved i and both; are equally important and esmntiat re the preserva tion of liberty. While each of theae'gQV ernmonti is confined within it proper lim its there moat be perfect harmony 4n the ubionl;Bnt from the pany cimpfclt nd was calculated to enable the' wealth and arurtucracy of the country to ride ra splendor upo the necks of beggared and oppressed yaomaniy. . Ml .ska -totendi jto "wotiee J. tlttw place; the many duewtrou consequences whicw this IwrifffW protoctiol hai t4 np on the agricultural staieW. Jt ia now uu nAJa4y.Ll .ie ift ihe., behsC 4hal this obnoxious system ha received a blow &om,which it will oover yeopveir. By In tariht Ifw'which wa have jnst - past, the (Mniple have a diatinct assurance that io fit turn duties are to b kid upon all articles alike, tha hee duties are to be laid to rai revwmiei and ah-eonaw, only, as tnay be necesemry to meet $he" want of an economical administration of the Uovernment . I These are the principte for which the advocate of free trade have lMi coufended. Animafed bythe justice W ihir caiwe. tbet hav prsavered under It 'could not be more equitably diapiwed of than by dividing it imqrig the states to be applied by them to uch work of internal improvement or Otherwise, a (Hey might deem beat. If . !.. Hi y i v l l.i'i i i i- rio an I ili--' .f, sn I tun '!t 11 4iif I?hi living f'nl. i i i ..in i i I ' 1 of IV nrliip in Ihe trm T'h wild 4 ex travagant ytnn ii'iierniil impri'vement alao, which, a few -years s, tbreatened to involve ut in a debt equal t llitl of the last war, has been arrealed, and th mo ney proposed to be spent bumi r U and ceJial ha been mors tfpriy spphed i the complete extinguiahmanl of Ih nation al drbl nd to (hit wia and eeoreimical r., f.i n,i;, j i0 i yui ,v l-'-n.iy (N. If.) ,,!,, ( ,m i . ; riiiuiniit um nn.ui) i, ,r,, i- fr lha twit I'ir.,,'. iU.w .. inn ... . . . - " - . U. .1.1 . .. Mint K illalaltl ,..) . I nance irornbu i . 9 'I i a as . .1 W . rji i i.marrt-lk w..i the. Ml in ia rHirwiiii a riira hi.L . - " Hn Ihl lllrfin .1,1. L ... , T " " - "" wewee Ni.w "J uartilma ami lb General C policy, o""! we owe the lata modification nfl which muvt meet with nmeurd nui the tanlT, which is likely toealm Ih inn- j btnm from every boneat man i tM T imo, awd wbica abnuld poiot out to tb ai. mibut ration the necewuty of caailn. ,jr degrtdtng aa appeadagTU W.,T to W t P'lX fft i JhaJUM t.XtxKyld kZ been ibe father of lb Bill of Corapromi but oeb is (he devre of hi vei.i.. ,l : bled wave of diw!ontenl, which fr Some time past have rolled so high ia the soulh Far ihi aoafiicbau change in la policy tjptliiioQ.nf outran? nj3 r$MM, ly indebted to the untiring aval and Arnv ftcaa of war present distinguished chief ma gist rate fir although lha Ut adjustment greeof his veiaiibfl ikT. I....I.IL j wm prwiarreq CIVU War to imm of Ih tariff sprung front, tb palriotir of I thus secured. W auk ih attentio rjJL 10 the following frWiary p, r vi o w' w -fj mw www ar veawiaw wa -v aaotbf diatinguiahed individual it was fit I reauVr wise and eeooomical policy beretofuiw! graph from bis loading articU ot ILi pursued by Jha ajitniiiiiitriUofl tot! rendrr-1 osyi ZJff m lh : taiaw&tttii errimmn torn nvwiwstion ' proper ana in I ucii rnttrter ' a latt.a .a) aiapaoaabi. i - in in eretended comoromis rhe, fcllow Viffm. are good fruits. I Tann, lha rJoath is cetWt in Z W should not wiah to see the tree hewn I eoodiiioo then it waa befora. wkila h. j .l.. j .l it i. ... Ij..na l oown tuai pruuuons iimin. 11 ujxiq i, r l iwiininra ht giTint p inetr 'CnnttKg, foafnd waalea or roJta branche, Jel u lional obiectidtt and har rained pnioe it of the ,evil, sod preserve and de-1 prospective and uncertain U-oeot, cVxiiJ,4 fend the good. .Tbeae haiipv results I with eonditimn mot) odious than shogld also uwpire o with freah cordUonc 1 ever yet introduced in a TarifC .a m aw. I rw kt n s a . '""" in ma institution ot our country. 1 tie I iw naiiineranav gained nothinfiU nvaal perfect government, will at time, I practice lliey are woraa off than they vns mhhi ro gnfewracr, dui we anouiu never I eiom, win oriiy prxwpeci of anv.1 despair of our government, c nfVlent thai I (io yi Ihey bad surrendered (baif if we be watchful and faithful lo our trust, I principle wit bout any other nreseM aA. lit sounder parts will reform it aberration vantage than slipping their oeki oat iii. ny , w tin uiitfiiwi yj iin i pit of wmom.,,um hwi. vwncr IC . i r ill I wti KVTnriiiBciM spon wnicn was iiHinoeu. Permit me, fellow citiaena, again lo aak the continuance of the truat heretofore re posed in me. Detained here.bv the claim of my constituent for pensioiis, I have not been able lo return ao soon aa I other wis should hav done, but I ah!! viait every pari of Ih district, during the summer. la (he trying, and troubled scene, through which I had to pass, I cm harolv hope to - m has ' . nave given enure aatuiactioo. Th Spee-li of Mr. A-nator Poij,ri- on the Bloody oill, has beea publUhad at the Telegraph at full length. The (oH, ing cut at Mesar. Grvmdf aod Furtj1. mm kwwuiij " The Senator from Tennrasne tWaj. " cea toe I arm in tna most aofjiwl,, i terms, as unnecessary, tinji st and oppre,. ve 2 the Sniialor from ("eoriia kaa " But if. ia I en a pledge, yet iturdceoMd, ilMt bswil ua maid. Toil approff . my. coouucL. audi at tnela jitch'wrmp.awtiiatniS the principle by which I blv been irov I inirraitou, tminst, and" oporesaive rviteiai rnedjl shsjljie very hnrp7 ,,'K,fe?'a,?e, Df'''1 M Senator may coapam you. lif however, yoo ahould think it I advnTgeo;iy withlhe rToutcit Tliaiii',; j ar in American My at em in their u;pft beat to bestow your Confidence on another, . - sustained by the conscious purity of mv own motives, my greatest regret will be that I tu not able to please you; and I shall retire to the peaceful walk of pri ..r.t:-i.:ii i t.y - . .. m mia p-u, wuica una no inner uojeci Liaa . the enrorcement, by military power. . that lystem for which they profeaa .- mock detestation ! I think, sir, the situation of thif" rate life, with no other feeling than thai nfl lwo bonorabloScaatora may be well bed in aingle atanta which 1 hive at ana I hate (he TanrTwuh all my heart. And in it snnnort will lake iwi nart. But, when (Md Hickory calls) for the Arm " and Navy, Ila ahall have what ho wants, or 111 m at l A. - - w uid uuvy l ismtie Washington correspondent of t Northern paper relate th fidlowuu as ecdte t r nr. viay is otieri portive and tm wiu. i on incr uay, torvw if- n.-f lb veiiuw CoU.eti.rn. Bi:i. MV. IfiL-V. , r I . ma, wikmo iwur ugray. and wanne pur aon I aimideraaia in was yort; anf afouf, and "deemed aw the b"st-tt tm etUe th ririt-rwllilcIia. 11. "fid " not wish to leavw it to posterity- ,V -"- wilUngTo share- hi part iif the ."1 f,f Soon after be attempted to read . turt of" 1 rue give toe Kitchea plenty of the south Carolina Urdinance, bar huev. meat for their potind they will be aa huppy sight not - being vary, good, b apolMMt4 aa Sancho at the wedding of Carnacho tbe 'ha umissiooi vfr. Clay in a lot. l ti iii i v... .ti ...... ik. - i . nee. i nev-win ue couicni io icave prin-1 T"" s w n or uic naiunrra iple and theories to tho Parlour, as Wat I immediately taking off his spctacls; ill4T gratitude for your pest kindness, and no worse wish, than that he who shall succeed me ma be equally devoted to the libnrticf of hi country, with more ability to defend and preserve them. - With high regard, - 1 am your fellow cititen, A. RKNCHER. tAtt Mfinztbi Mr. Tlandohh. John Randolph lately said of'a certain statesman, not Henry Clay, nor John C. Calhoan. rtor we wot, Martin van Buren. nor Daniel Webster. " II i hlirhly ulentAd and ut- lerly corrupt, aid stinks and shines Rke rotten mackerel bv moonliwht" n . .. . ... . - . . .. . uetween the " Mtcheo and Parlour Cab inet. Mr. Randolph is reported to hare de clared forthw Krtchen.THv re a tie- fWxI, be raid, ", with their ffeah forV'and ladle, and are therefore, the : irfore. btrm less. any portion of the federal rerenuq ia lobe iSanchQ to leave feati of ImigthcKl to hit I with an arh look; Make these myymisfr iiiuiio. i m.oir.'vi waa luuicroua. r-ta Wt-liscnwr4ciiig;cjrft(i u.'sr unt su'xea irtfif eotno!'ie '.on.'Hl frrtni 'h'i wp',rfttiim'iuhuinan expended for the benefit of the state, it can T5b donninder fhe direction , of the tat legislature, wiu - more economy, peoeviefy W adranUgav than jnnder. tha direction taf HJortgrwaw. Infloenced-- by tbeae consideration, 1 waa in favor of the Billlbutthe President for reason which have not yet beea given, did .not return it before-- th adjournment of congre. whereby it failed to become a law- ii obfectioial'lor B wa - uobttesw to givoa berealter. FOREIGN RELATIONS. - Our relation with fbreirn national 'eon- UnukUof tbmotftiondIy and honor. all ekaracter. ' Seekinr vhtv frieodsbip and good will or each, we shun entangling alliance! with all. Llevated by the just pnnctpM of action adopted by the admims I ration, M asking nothing bnt what was clearly right, and determined to submit to nothmg wrong, we nave occeleI in our foreign negotiations far beyond our moat saogutne expectation, under its. infiu ence the most favorable commercial tree . . i'. t - ..t , ... .. ......v.-.. ...-.,. ... ties) nave been formed with i every netiou whose obmmerce and fnondship it iidesi' rabfe to court. We bav done rtiorti. Withia a fo years, large claims against iro2nmttiwaf1on2Ra3d them eoeiuil; with the .ffovenunent. have bcaualluwtiaruljujtjiulcmuitxjBiiu injuries long since done til our attaens. AUcanse of collision with." these govern wient havw lieen happily renieved by (he most, hovKirahle negotmtion. 'Additional treaties nf thi. kind have been formed iocal fast addreaaed you with the govenn-otenMof- Portugal, and .Nankmr VTfaile we have" thus succeeded abroad" In estaV Lll.fKl.mJoi .wUtjallpiaJbAJrnt bow o jdstic andtruth.lt cannot but be pecaliafly gratifying 10 witness tb sue. cei of rtessorea calculated to restore har- f mpy and fraternal affection it lwmor The diliculty Hkety to vise 'from th formation pC independent government within. lb liael thwteiainvngto beJundepeudent of the State Government, and yhich a few year ago threatened the peace and harmony of lha country, and Which are well known to yoo, will bo haw pily removed by the removal and eoloniu i tkmof those tribe west of lha Miaaisaippi; where ui)def tbe protection of this govern ment thews once migljty ..natfoM of iHf r- master. D m Quixote. mig Congrea haveiioi under the Conslitu tiom tbe right to prescribe the form of the oath of iaturiJiiaUott--iiot anirelwtu- pre. scribe the uniform ssod in which tbe State shall make their own ciiixtna, in which each State shall administer her oath of allegiance. Tb oath to support tb Constitution of the United State cannot be incompatible with the oath of allegiance to the State. I he support of both the State and Federal Constitutions ia embraced in the oath . of allegiance to the State, inasmuch as they sxa both, but emniMitinns.irom ihal aovar- eignty of the state, and our allegiance to her compels our obedience to her will a expressed in those constitutions. 8he is the judge of what is r ta not compntible with that will. Cjatrcurjb Extract from the Speech of Mr- Bras, of Kentucky, in the Senate of the United States, iu tho bill to modify and iurther to reduce the duties on imports Tha Honorable Senator from Georgia, (Mr. Forsyth,) . ha given .ua a beautiful. wuotationHe said 1 . Now is the winter of our discontent Made elorioua summer hv thiaauilof i'ork. And ll-liiclmuV"tha --house,' , . -4 ,tf v fn the deep bosom of the ocean burled.,, Unm vuag d war aa smoothed hi wrinkled front." - ' ; The honorable' Senator seems, however, not to delight in this glorious summer b trikea at the bit! ;. but ft hd;tell us, he wUl vote fcr TtVJIe might fan eztnhded bts qwolatwn yet a HttW4rther4:--i "Why, I,, in thia Weak piping timeof flave no delight td pan away tha time." " l ha winter of our discontent is, 111 deed, "made glorious summer;!' but Sir. lJlb ' : yM- Sir, noi nra on af the ' Kouaa4 ofmaroVkr nor ii Kt York, but by a son of the Old Domio ion native oCVirzinia. from the eoun. ty uruattorer, from the aloaheaofriaikive , ,; t?. & Ttkgrnpht , liesolutiena anprobat ry of tHe Fres detii's ProcUi(natnn have bietio reiectn 1, : ry body lnghedtand 4r( Wtlktna enjnre the joke aa welt at the rest of us." - firgimi'.' WrrrwajsTlrf' electiuo ii'L Cmiblottb county took" place last" day. We learn that Judire Thmx T Uouldio was elected to tha House nt (e gates, si: hoot opposition that Col. J Wyatt received 'i to 1 over fly. E.. vat kins for the State Senate & that there t nooppueitioti to Mr.Randolphf .rCongre HK.NRICU ELECTION. tar bertaon 18. ' dolph257"; William 5d ; Fultou 6Tu ' No pppoaition to Gen. II irvie for M nate. . . ." .1. 1- -,-v-r. The attempt to pass a vote of cenflrra upon Mr. Pdindextur, in the Senate of sissippi, in consequence ot the course pursued in the Senate of the United St al the late session of Congress, has feil4' the rcfjoftttion for that object having beet ' -... .- . , ; ....."..ij-ia-v. niunn.in.il itutithnil.lv - IHUV UIIIIVIJ, t t ( .. i. Those who declare thai they are wiU'if tnway-iiiefflaiiCH to the gtMeranny" ject to the oath of allegiance may.jw . reasonably object to aa oath to iij)BH th support the Cynnti tut 1011. t , Cl it 1 aeeptrble of proof fav the Dw ware Gaiette) that Mr. Clay fither suited witlj Mr. Calhoun; nor had any derstanding with him, previously to iiitrodwctioo of his fompntmiim lM , Senate. 4 . ' , v- " ! ' Jackww has beef invited by" a,Cot teaiTsjtior tenlioar! Omlrmoa c mwneiar !) ' '. the Eastern katea thi springf I Are yon there Us there to it i"11" " formed between the middle and east8 State for 3foi benefit of the - sweet ig tleraanr. I thli Hi piititJcal 1 of lha federal party, wh J . , ..J AtsncatSS .un.imiiw 1 nf, aurntiTTi - " uk Hp. m. D.n..i.i;..n Prcaident r" ' viim 'VeNtof and Harrison ra Ot k -e1T Something intVe Wind. A nrj . v L : I Vn nurei wiuion ! Tirewwr-.wsrw ' " italfi Hawaii h tota b . ... r "t u - AC. fc"V. : 2 X' ma- X . :4- t IS. -I j" . 1 u... Jl.

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