! I i I 1 1 1 1 1 Hfti u: t' tl 1 1 -.1, ' f . r nf ihtt li If, I.' Ill- V I f J -- .! ! fit r i mi i im ill' I fl.1Vr III) rt t in llid rri.t'-rli m f all I h I i uri. in imil iiimm liial, in onJrr - I ) rt1 th CaUmitou train nf roowqiH-u- t c. tin illli f ominumtv hfMiUJ adopt el written constitution, with limitations re a'nYiiitg lh will of tha mjnty, in nrikr I protect the minority $Zttm Ihe opprcs. lull which he hsd shown wmilj necear. ly rrut without aut-H restriction. It ti r.bviixii that the cim would not b in the 'slightest degree varied, if the majority be It-fHn pfHwtvua of the right of -judging ext luNTfly of tbe etltnt if it powers, with.iut tny nght on the part of the minor ity, lo enforce iha restrictions imposed by iua i,onuiuiim un iuv win n n hwi uj Tlw point ia almost too clear kt illustra- " ------- lioii. Niithin? Can U more certain than I Diol.jiwn. u-ol.iutioa. fc3UcMcriwtertiaM vraciicjmyr ianon. m ild imiW-ael JimitlCOa Oil le ClerCiae Ol ti.ni iwH.r. liii.tr intertlt ma ohtain tmtm of ih 0of rmirnt, wUi be in fa. . ' . . i or of lrivlintf the power at lh epenie offV lirm'tatiun; andiUt.tmfeaa tlmM in who behalf Ihaliniitatinna were imiKMd Tare, in aome form or mode, the rirht ofjcjuiica hicLJtTptxluccdaiMW.Uije . . a- tri'"""'T'"f . a . lir.rcini( luem, ibl power win uuimai'iy upcrxrae in nmiiaiion, anu ino worn. I'ut mvt ftperale erecim-ly in the eame HuiuMr aa if the will of ine majority gov ilthe will of the majoritT gov wrod without Cooatitutinn or liioitalion of power, He - bad thne prtwnted all poiwiUe tno'li'v, in which a Government boand upon lh will of an ahaoluie maioritv. WikjIJ be iDodifiwl, and bed deimiatrated that, in all ita Cinoa, whether in a majority ol the tetr. aa in a mere dumof racy, or in a majority pf their reptraentativea, without Conetitution, or with a Conatitutinn, to be interpreted aa the will ol the majority the rwult would be the eame two hostile intf reala would inevitably be created by the action of the G-iveroment, to b follow. td by boalile leeialation, and that by Uc lion, eormption, anarchy, and polnm The ireal and aolemn oiertijo here pre - weoled ttaell -U there any remedy Cr ClMua evila, oo the deci-ioo of which de uuda the queat ion, whether the people ean g rvern tkemwlvea, which haa been ao of tnaked with-ao much acepticium and ubtl.-TVrt ka remodyr t4 but ooe th? iffU of which, whatever may be the rm. ia to orffanixc aot ieiv in reference to f onfltrt of interests, wbick upringe out J and frntfune iappropmiiniw, andby irmnVr ""."tftbe action i oTGovernmefil j and whrchting theenhre lalnir "aiwi eapiial of the . can only be done by giving to each part - the Tohi of se f nroteetKn . which, in a - ------ it Word, iiwtead of considering the cnmmuni ty of twenty-four a a single community, havimr a common internal, and to le gov- rnJ bv the aiogle will of an entire ma surUy, shall, upou-au queatioua tending to I bring the parte into conflict, the thirteen I agaiuMt the eleven, take the W4li, noi ol ine twenty four aa a unit, but that of the thir- teen and that of the eleven aeparately, tlie .. tRai-wUv of Jwh govprmnif the. paru, anu I Where they covwur, governing the whole, : : mnd, where they disagree, arreating lt ac-r tm "f the Government. This, he would call th? concurrmg,a distinct from the ab-1 ..auluiajnaiurUv. It would noLJie as waa l rrgemmlly supno'edt minority governing -majority. In either . way, lae.uumovr -IW'Wtd. b9..tbe same, whethertakenas the "absolute, or as the concurring majority. t Thu the majiriiy of the thirteen is seven, - and of Ibe eleven sit, and Ihe two together ""lnake thirteen," which" is the majonty-oflmranin-of the. Ameican'sisiem is, that twenty-four. - But though the number isj -theaame, the modeofcHinting is essenti- j -vally diiferenl; the one represent ing, tlie "atrongest intereat; and the otherT the wea- j lHr intereeta of the community. The firl I i iMji.LA mmmm inuimwiaiinit Ihii M govern. I & tnint.rtk K JiiTtr mWmt the bov-I " iinaiaan w awm vri-' " a i . . . . a I I a-l rnment of thu people that beau laeai oi a perfect aovernment. which had been so utliuiaaid.cally entertained in every age , by the generous and patriotic, where civil- fixation and liberty had made the smallest I progrea. There could be no greater er- Tr: the government ol the people is ine i ''' eovernmenl of the whole community of the twenty tour tne aeii-g.ernmeni 01 1 . . a. .i la- . .11 all the oarts too oerleet to be recucea 10 practice in ihe present, or any past stage of human society. ihe; government ot ine J mbsolute maioritv, instead of the govern I mont of the peple, is but the government of the strongest inlere-.ts, and, when not efficiently checked, ia the mont tyrannical 1 and oppressive that can be devised. te tart-en thia ideal perfection on one aide, and j despotism on the other; none other can be devised but that which considers socio ty, in reference to its parts, as ditTerently arTected by the action of the governihi'hf, and which takes thettenae of each part se 1 rrptnttelyand thrrrhy- the aense of the whole in the manner already tliustrateu. . These principles as he had already sta ted. are not affi'cted hv the number of wIim-Ii the community may be '"'composed, I ,and are just as applicable to one of thir. f . "teen- millions; the- mtmber which-coinpoees ours, as of the small community ol twenty four which I have supposed for the pur pose of illustration ; and are not less appli IZcaUle to Jhe twenty-four Slates- united in oiitt cominutity, than to the ease of the . twvntv-f'Hjr iitilivlTuliTFriiere is, irfdeed a diKiinction between a larw and a sma eoi'n'iiiinity, not affecting the prineiple, but thn violence of the notion. In the for mer, the similarity of thj interests of n! th parts, will limit the oppression from the hostile action of the parts, in a great dei;rtie, lolhe fiscal action of the govern ment. merely ; but in the large community po-mling over a country of great extent, tod tj.ivin h rrreat divirsity "of interests, with difT riMit kinds of labor, capital, and produrti in, tne conflict, and oppression will x'.end,not only lo.a monopuly of ihe appro prijjtl'i'.'i, on th purl-of the Wronger inter fs"- 1 'it '.M'l i 'l ii i' m.m1 tfiei'. I :! a fem&l cooflici bstweso tka touira inter- j I. r :' I I t'.'' I 1 , 1 '.t ' I'ui i ,iii l. r..i,f . in J, -r ! l!.- t. t if jltm O li.lininity il .f. JTwi turn Mir i!li'ii n f r n l!"" liirul, iiihI ili urtilnl fipnrt(.i., WO Will fm l a fifiiriirM CiiilirmMii ti iruin r p .i"i. .i . wlnl ho n itipF, not wily of lh on- iirrHivi oix-ralioii of )trin j an tb. 4ul "nwHifily. Iul fcl t lfilviii an J Unutiful illulrtiofl, in Iba rrnatiiio nl tnjf jtTfi, flh pritcijl lh cHrur in? majority, a aiMinc: irorn tha awM. uti. which h had tMrtel bi th ooly mfana of rfiicifntly chchinn h abu txiwer. aiul.nf fourac, ik mly r(Ml fxin datinn rf cmwlitutiorval litrty. That our Ijority M ihaBtatnanminderedaahodiPtpo. (Jovisrnnvint, fur many yaara, baa bwnliilir,? which previla in thia bodyj and I gradually wging to oofluUtioo, that Iha Cnnatitution hu a radually bnrome t dead tiller, and that all rentnctnioa uprm the - eii i - - ii.: 1 powers uorernmcni nm iwn Tinuaiiv I Urnrrui ufiuiriN ' umnmimii m I an aUolute majority, without check or lim iuti'io, caniv4 be dnie4 by any one who I I ' 1 1 . I J la. a ! l naa impeniaiiy owwrrcu us vyvrMuvtu I Ilia not iweWy to trace the com- niencenv-ot and gracJual proffaa of the m our ayate m it ia aumcieiii in atate that i im cuange naa uaen putr wuuin mr ui frw yeara. What baa boen lli reaull T I Preciacly that which might hare brrn an i Preciacly that which might hare brrn an - hicjpatfd the growth of faction, corrup. lion, anarchy, ann, n not orpniiim iibdii, ita uar approach, aa witnnaacd in the pni viainna of thia bill. And fron what bave tlK'aeconaeU.nreaiiprurigf VVe have been! involved iu nowar! We have bo-n at poace with all the world. We have been visited with no national cahmity. . Ourl people have been advancing in general in - lelligence, and, 1 will add, as great and alarming aa haa been the advance of polit - ical corruption, the morals and virtue of the community at large, have been advan - cing in improvement. What, he would again repeat, ia the cause 7 o other ran be SMignnd but a departure from the fun - da menial principlee o( the. Conetitution, which baa converted the Government into the wilt of an absolute and irrepotmihl majority, and" whn:h, by the taws'which niuxt inevitably govern, in all auch major. ities, have placed in conflict the great in' icesU ,yf tho. country, b jiyntem uf W til legialatmn ; by an oppressive aoo une. qual impeition of taiee ; by unenua weaker interet auborumate to the stron ger Thia is the caune and these the fruits, which have convened the Government in to a mere intrumerit ol taking nirney from one portion of the community to be given to another, and wliicli haa rallied around it a great, a powerful, and mercen- try corps orolhce holders, ottice aeekers, a(l(j ptpectanta, destitute of principle and patriotism, and who have no standard of mnrala or nofittca, but Hie will ol the Eve cutive the will of him who has the diatri- button of the loavea and the tishes. Ue held it impimsible for any one to bok at the rheorrtical illuHralion of the pnociple of t he-absolute majority trt the caser winch 1 he had supposed, and be atrurk with the practical uiut ration in me actual oper. ation of ..our . GoTernroent L'nder every circumstance, ihe majority will ever have n American system (he meant nothing jnffensive to any fcermmr but the Teal nyslem of plunder w hich ihe atrongest in temi ; haa "eyejr 'waged, and wilFeyer wage, laaiiiHt thu ailter, where tba latter is not armed with ome efficietit awl cnnslitulton al check to arrest its action. Nothing J kill luvk faftt an lh nari til I hi) WAulcAV I uui .nv-, --. -- - v. - - - - u in.-4 iin srreat it:- there constitutional 1 .. alt .1- . TfTl".l iimilatioiisare wholly inxuinciem. w nnt. rver interest obtains p-mseHsion of the Gov- ernmenl wilL, from the Dature of things be in favor ol ihe powers and again! the Inn iutkma impwed by the constitution, and will resort to every device thnt can be imagined to remove tnos? reatraints. . un the contrnrv, the opposite intcn-at; that wnicn ne naa aesignaieu ma aiocanoiu t I II ' J . . al ... .l.L .1 I mg interest; the tax pavers; uioxe on whom the system operates, will renint the abuse of powers, and contend lor the limi tations. And it is on that point then, that ihe contest between the delegated and the reserved powers will he waged ; but, in 1 his contest, as the intereata in poawiiwion of the Government are organized and armed by all its powers and .patronage, 1 the opposite interest, if not in like manner organized and possessed of a power to pro tect themselves under the. provision? of 'the,, Constitution, will be as uievitahly crushed aa would be a hand of unorganized militia, wheaAjppased-byajrctCf aaland- trained . corps ot regulars. w it never :ie iofg ten, that iKiwer can onlv be opposed hy lwer, organization by organization ; and "on this theory stands our beautiful federal system ol government, no iree system a iv : . i- a. was ever farther removed ,trom the. artnci pie that the absolute majority, without check of limitation.ought to govern. Toun- derstand what our government is, we mut look to the constitution, which is the basis of the svstem.JIe did not intend to enter into any minute examination of the origin and the source of its powers; it was sut- ficient for his purpose to state,' which he did fearlessly, mat il oenveci its power from the people of the separate States, each ratifying by itself, each binding itself by its own separate majority, through its se parate convention, and the concurrence of the .majorities ol ttif several atatea inriuiag .... I . tne constitution ; tnus tailing me sense oi a. . - ' 1 i I .. A L, 1 I the whole, by that of the several parts, representing the various interests of the "iitire commiimty. It was this conrurnnjj hH perfect maj irity which lorim'd tho con stitutioi . Ac ! t t'liit innj ritv wlucli would rMisi.i'T i;.r w iican p")jlr : a single , Qmrnrntyi ua whit msttatl of ropre. j I i : ,. i ,' , i ' I ' " i I ' r i i tun. N.i r.H.I..I ii. .'! ' :- i"f" 1 ' ' ' vi'ti a i iir I !" Mj'tiuiinf i,',t i.i,''iiiij I ii mi n-ikitiff r f, tun ) r nil it i f lid Bit I or'ini fil llirt JoVr-riltrit-nt J Which iSnlfnli J ( ,1, f'OIIIIIUin Bgflil ( erUln pwrr. In trul or In common ff'Mxl of all I ho 'Mutes, and which had i in H)Bf J atrict limitation and Check Kutnat abuse and uurntih. In adiiiiiii.,-riiig Iliad Ifgitml powrra, lba rimntiiulion I pruvid rrjr projrlf, in order tOfila I rriimHiuie ami riiinrney, mai me I ernnn-nt thouht txi or(!ui'l uixm IIk prin ofripl o( tho alwolut ninj'irity, of rather of Itwn alolut maiorilia embirt it ma I majority of th" jxsiplo of tho otatca, eitua I atrd in Tedfral nqmbera, in the other hou luf ConirreM, A comhiaation if the two I :i .i . n. n m... ippiTsui in ura ciiwt" lim i mimcni, - i awirt.coun, w nmw fiy i iuy "J - f v-iiju mmt I cwtfirmed by th Senate. It ia thua that the concurring and the absolute majoritiee I. - I.I. i. ..... ..I. m .. ... . . a I - i ru cwniinuw nro vuinm ajsicin i i wrming the-cwtitution'and the ,'""' in making ami em:utinj thelawa iliw.bcauUlully bUiidm.tDe.uuderatMMt Il..-a I.. A ...ilia, a J t f,... J i am i"wji un nwn, i ii-.M r,";i - - r,"",r,""" "rK7 w pwwci. 1 I o maunain iih avr nurncy of Che Uon J dilution over the lawmaking majority, m me grrai ana nwiiiiu pxni on wnicn thr aucceaa of the ay item tnuat drprnd ; unlet that aacendrncy can be preaerved the neceiwary conneqwnce munt be, that the lawa will eupereode the Cinatiiuiion, I and, finally, the will of the Executive, by the influence of ita patronage, will unper 1 sede the lawa, indication! of whk h, are al ready perceptible-Thia ancendency can 1 only be preserved through the action o( I the oUtea, as organized bodiea, having 1 their own separate ii ovemmenta, and poa- sesaed of Hie right under in structure of our ayatem, or judging of the extent of 1 their separate powers, and of intf rponing I their authritv to- rret -tbtr rnactmenta luf lh general G.ivernmmt within their repective limita. He would not enter, I at thia time, into the dMru-ieott of 4nit im portant point : aa it hud be-n ably and fullv prear. i",' bv the S'iiatir from Ken- tuck), (,Mr. liaa,).iid- utbers .who bad preceded him in thia debate, on tkemme ide j whwe urirumeutanot only remained tmanewtreH, b'ft.wtre-iinaMwerablelt waa only by this power of interpoaition that the rnerved right of the Slatea could be peacefully and efficiently pioiacted agauiMt the tnrmachniota of the general Government, that the limitation impoavd UMm ita authority would be enforced, and ita movement confined to the orbit allotted to it by tba Conatitutioo. . ....... It had, indeed, been mid in debate, that thii could be afP'cted by the organization f the General Government itself pnrticu. larlv by the action of this body, which re. prewniea ine wnien, and trtnl the Mates themselvee mmt look to the General Guv ernmenl tor ine preiarvation ol many of the mout important ofiheir rcservH rights. He did not (iaid Mr. 1 .,) underrate the alue to M attached to the organic arrange ment of the General government,' and : the J wise distribution of iti powers between the several depnrtmentt, and in -pnrtteular the structure and the important functiona ol this body ! but to nippone that the Senate or any department nf this Government was intejided to he the guardian of ihe reserved rights waa a great and fundamental mis take. -m 4 he government thrnigh all departments, represents the delegated, and not the reserved powers ; and it waa' a vio- latum of the fundamental principle of free IIIMtllUllonS lO BUnDOM. that MDV hot. Ihnl""lc - 1 r - - , , respbhsiWe reprenentatire tf any inteTTst iIl.' ll rr" 1 1 . ' I icooiu no w guarnian. ine nmniiution of the powers ol the General Government land its organixnti.41, in fulfilling the impor ant irusia connoeo to it ; ana not, as pre poaterousiv supposed, to protect the reaer a a ... ved powers, which are confided wholly to the guardianship of the several otatea. Against the view of our system' which he had presented, and the right of the State to interpose, it whs objected that it would lead to anarchy and dissolution He considered the objection as without the slightest foundation, and that so fur from tending to weaknean or disunion, it was tho source of the highest power and of the atrongent cement. Nor wan its tendency in this respect dillicult of explanation The Government, of an absolute, majority. . a unchecked.hv efficient constitutional res traintv though apparently ntnmg, was in reajit.y an nxcsodi.igly f wble rvernment That tendency to conflict between the parrs, which he had shown to be me vita blaonsuch goverumeiitSr-watUed 4 lie piw-4 r of the State in the hostile action of eon- tending fact tons, which left very little more power than the excess of the strength of the majority over the minority. Rut government based upon the principle ol the CQncurrMlg majority wlje.re eacli great, in terest possessed within itself the mean of self protection, which ultimately requires tho mutual consent of all the parts, neces aarily causes that unanimity in council, and ardent attachment of all ihe parts to the whole, which gives an irresistible ener gy to a government so confuted. He might aptieal to hntorvnilir the truth of these remarks, of which the Roman fur- nishes the most familiar and striking. It it a well known fact, that from the expul sion of the Tarquins to the time of the es tablishment of the Tributarian power, the (i ivenim'uit .Ml- into a stale of the great - .. . ' est msorder and distraction, and he might 1 1 . J J . add, corruption. How did ttiis happen T The explanation will throw important light on the subject under consideration. The community wan divided into two parts the Patricians and the Plebeians ; with fhe powers of thu ate prinrii'wy in the harnis , of the forioer, witbout adeijuato f!. i ). i i;.- i . i i i i .. . i iii-y, i 1 1 ;.i ,. it ; if 1 i i ir ' , it il.it, M. Tln-y in a w-r t, l..i. T, ir Ain' can ii) .!riii, groirij nt t,f tUn j-n l .r.l ' . i i rnarai i' r i iiie uoveruiiirni anj rn,u lion o tlie country Thia requirra ripli nation. At thnl period, according lo I lawinriintioiit, wlmn one bation fonff iered an-it In r, the UimU i tlm varKuilid be a a . m loneij to the victor! ana according . i a .maa.k to the Koman law, the und tnus acnuired were dividnd nt. parts, one allotted lo Ihe poorer class of Iha people, and the other assigned In the ue of the Treasury, of which Ihe patrwian had the distribution and administration. The patricians a bo aed their power by withholding from the people that which ought to have been al lotted to them, and, by converting to their own use that which ought to have gone to the Treasury, In a word, they took to Iheswatiivastheerdirt spoils of rtcteryvanq they had jhua the looat powerful motive to keep Ihe State perpetually ihvolved in war to the utter impovenshmenl and oppma ton of the people. After resistinir the abuse of power by 'all peaceable means, and tba oppression becoming intolerable the people, at last, withdrew" frwn Ihe VRy they, in a word, .acceded and, lo In duce them to reunite, the patricians once ded to the plebiana, as the. means of pro tecting their separate interest, the very power which be contended U necessary to protect the right nf the States but which is now represented aa necessarily leading ... ... . to disunion. They granted to the peopl Ihe right of choosing three tribunes from among thenva-hres, whose persona should be sacred, and who should bare the right of interposing their veto, not only against the passage of lawa, but even againat theif execution a power which nature, would pronounce inconsistent with the strength and unity of the 8tate, if not utterly im practicable. Yet ao far from that being the effect, from that day, the genius of Home became ascendant and victory followed her steps till she had established an almost universal dominion."-.;IItjw can I result contrary - te all anticipation, be explained f Hie explanation appeared to him to be simple. No measure -or mo- ment c.uld be adopted without the concur ring assent of both tha patricians and ple beians, and eacb.thujJkxilJneldcpciJjLat on the other, and of con sequence, the desire and objects of neither could be effected without the concurrence of the other. -To obtain this coocurrence,earh was compell ed to consult the good will of the other, and to elevate to office, not aimply those who might have the confidence of the or der to which he belonged, but also that of the other. The result was, that men pos sessing those qualities which would natu rally command con&leoca, moderation, wisdom, justice, and patriotism, were ele vated to office ; and these, by the weight of their authority, and the produce of their counsel, together with the spirit of una nimity, necessarily resulting from the coo. furring assent of the two orders, furnishes the real explanation of the power of the Roman State, and of that extraordi nary wisdom, moderation, and firmness, which in so remarkable a degree - charac terised her public men. He might illos irate the truth of the position which ha had laid down, by a reference to the history pf I all free States, ancient and modern, distin guiahed for their power and patriotism, and conclusively show, not only that there waa not one which had not some contri-vance,- under -aome . form, by which h concurring assent of the diflurent portions of the community was made necessary i in j the actiooof Government, but - also . that " " ; tne virtue, patriotism, ana etrengtn oi tne were in direct proportion to the per t feet ion of the mean of aecunng" surb a sent. In estimating the operation of this principle in our system, which depends, as he had stated, on the right of interposition on the part of the State, we must not omit to take into consideration the amending power, by which new powers may be gran ted ; or any derangement of the system he corrected, by the. conrpjrnw nsent of thre fourths of the States, and thus, in the same degree, strengthening the power of repairing any derangement occasioned by the executive actiou of a State. In faet, the power of interposition, fairly un derstood, may be considered in the light of an appeal against the usurpations of the General Government, the joint agent of all the States, to the States themselves, to be decided under the amending power, affirm atively in fa vor of the Government, by the voice of three fourths of the States, as the highest power known under tlie system., , Mr. C. said that he knew the difficulty, in our country, of establishing the truth of the- principle for which he -contended,4 though resting upon the clearest reason, and tested by the universal experience of free nations. He knew that the Govern ments of the several States would be cited as an argument against the conclusion td whiclj he had.arriyed. and which for the most part, were constructed on the prin ciple of the absolute majority ; but in his opinion a satisfactory answer could be gi ven ; that the objects of expenditure which fell within the sphere of a state Go vernment, were few and inconsiderable, so that be their action ever so irregular, it could occasion but little derangement. If instead of being members of this great confederacy, they formed distinct com munities, and were compelled to raise ar mies, and incur other expenses necessary to their defence, the laws which be had aid down as necessarily controlling the action of a State where the will of an ab solute and unchecked majority prevailed, wouU speedily disclose themselves in fac tion, anarchy, and corruption. Even as. the ease is, the operation of the causes to which he had referred, were perceptible in some of the larger and mora populous member f the Union, buee fiorerwaeua I 1 t:, I,. I.i 1., , i; I. '.-W mi.;.- ,.-it I ( -i i i,r ; i th.it th- t.-.t.i. ,.-y 1 1 cu,,::,. . 'I a . .1 ' 1 .. t. it n'. . in its artior I, l DUifiTH mUi'Tll Ssti I Mhr Hint!. The latter li.ivim a ! i majority, mut habitually L d the powrrs of the Government, lxih rn tlii and in the other lie sjiie and boing govern ru iy iuai inxtincuve lore o (owcr so n tunu to the human treant, Ihey muni be come tha advocatei of the power of Gov ernmenl, and in thn same degree oppose in the limitation, while Ihe other md wca ker section is aa neceaMrify thrown on the side of ihe limitations. In one word th one section i the natural guardian of the delegated power, and the other of the re served j and Ihe" struggle on Ihe side ithe former will be to enlarge the powers, while that on (he opposite aide will be to restrain 1iht!dfisIi1if?irthflilf cimsriTullimarnniiK Tba contest will, in fact, be a contest be. tween power and liberty, and such he con side red the present a contest in which the weaker tection, with it peculiar labor. productions, and l.tuation, ha at slake a . .. . a. . ' ' W.Oi can be detefremenr--9lKHild flteV Walla lomkinUinTn"" their ulrriirirtheir a m ... a reserved rtchts. liberty and nrusnerifv will be their portion ) but if they ywld and per a . W W . . ... mit the stronger interest to consolidate wilbin itself all Ihe power of the Covers. met it, then will ita fate be mora wretched than that of the aborigines which ihey have expelled, or of their slave, - lo this great struggle between the delegated and reserved powers, ao far from repining that hi lot, and that ot those whom be repre enied, ii cast on Ihe side of tba' latter, be rejoiced that aucb I the fact j for though we participate in but few of tba advantage of the Government, we are compeiMted, and more then compensated, in not being so much exposed to ita corruption. Nor did be repine that the duty, so difficult lo be discharged a the defence of tbe reser ved power, against apparently acb fear. ful odds, had been assigned to I hem. To discharge suceeWuIIy thia high duty," re. quires the highest qualities moral and in tellectuaj; and should we perform it with a real ant ability, in proportion taitaragnr- lude, instead of being mere planters, our section will .become AstinguishedJur-iU patriots and stateamen. -Buroti the ntber hand, if we prove unworthy of this high lestiny if w yield to the steady encroa chment of -power; the severest and 'most debasing calamity and corrupts a will over. pread the land. Lvery southern man, rue lo the - interest of his section, and faithful to Ibe dutiea which Providence haa allotted him, will be forever excluded from the honors and emoluments of this Gov ernment, which will be reserved f r those only, -who have qualified themselvee by Hititieal prostitution, for admission into the Magdalen Asylum. raojtTnssitw.voaacouaiiiB'it rnQtma Waikington CorrttpomUnrt. Vankiftm, D. C. March 27, 1833. . Sib, In my letter of the ldtb 1 alluded to the eflorta which were making to en courage "and sustain the Presideut in his warfare against the Bank of the United Otatea. Those efforts are continued. I am watching the movement of tba cuospi- rators. I hey are known to ine. A com bination, in thia quarter, waa formed some time since, for the purpose of stock-gamp- ing. Ihe business is likely lo prove un profitable. . 1 aju iu pojoeion of tlie names of most, if not alt the co partner he re. Ctrcvmstancea, sooner or later, may "' ren der it necessary for me to transmit ; them for publication. Whether, your Wall street gentlemen are, or arejMjnteresiod in hese' iqwulations, lam not preparedjo state ; but that tbe hunting one$ here may be certain that 1 have a clue to them, 1 will remark, that to tbe. honor of one con cerned, on your stock exchange, they d dined an agency in these stock transac tions which have since excited such uui venal condemnation. . It was done, I pre sume, courteously, out e vklently - because it Was considered disreputable. This brief statement of facts will explain to vou the reason why you hear so much abtMil the removal of1 the public deposits. The object is to reduce the price of stock. If these deposits should be removed, by or der of the Preridenf, for it will not he done in any other way, tbe cause of aucb re moval must be reported to Congress at their next session. - What will they do? They will refer the subject to r Commit tee with power to send for persons and papers, and to examine the witnesses un der oath. This examination, you may rest assured, will elicit, such information, .! t i fi and-exposaaucb a accna of nwiiageniwiirlfHiperreiiiove alloHwrriHmV-tW'H"ci"11- as wifl aUonnd the most sceptical," The result, I have no doubt, would not only be Honourable, but advantageous to tbe bank. Mr. Vaughn, the British Minister, is expected shortly. The house cf Mr. Liv ingston. Secretary of State, has been ta ken for " him, afiif the "'fiirn Hfii' rare R'aTsjedfr Mr. Livingston will, sail for Frauce during the .suminen.,... J. m On Mr. Livingston' retiring from the State Department how is the-vacancy in the cabinet to be filled? Mr. Van Buren wishes Mr. Rives to come into the treasu ry ; but that gentleman liNiks to the Sute Department; and Mr. Woodbury has his eye upon tho Treasury, as successor to Mr. McLane, who it is supposed will be promoted. But what is to become of Mr. Forsyth in all these arrangements ?Is he to be burnt in effigy, throughout his own State, for his devotion to the Vice Presi. dent and then to receive no remuneration? Mr. Barry has a desire to take the - place of Mr, Van Nes in Spain. Such are tbe longingiiof the great. , " It is believed t hut General Jackson has promised tne lion Isaac Hill, that he will wit bia during tho month of iuao or July ( i' ' I t .1 . . ii !. r n I t I i i .ti, i atinfi. I , f I. J, J 1 i in in. at - I t-sfly i!ay, a "'in. rrrm.lrnry. - ,a i hi 1 kA hit A .. la I ir C' - U Ili il Tl H t""cn a movement d'-s. is I'bia i. -n . ill iiv I!,,. I... a .1 fat r. r ..I I. ... I I . .i . rrrtsin di VlUS fiM , ..... , inni rriHBn tllS t,i.i..r.,1 Which Will I filrnsivt-lr circuit is considered a (x..i,!4r ita jr, i?rs: '. " i . ami it is sup!..-1 1,,-re. tUt U l,. ' friends in vour t ime. tt,. ii.. . ... 4 quidnunc control, that VM. Jolnim C no Mher object in view, but to procure . nomination as We President, on u.. . .B P'IIM.,I t with Mr. Van Buren, tud that )U) oo ciiecteu, , . , t I have heretofore inf. It IA, .... .1 . Kitchia in -perfect eometnnf i ... 1 1 u -,;'''" --w wis own unguag of Tm Hitckn.n Since thkdiourni-.i;t ..n-. gre-, ha ha become more disgusted with ll Richmond hnntiirer ibsn abuse of its editor, j imle,, and'tmceaJ! ing. There4 is a act tied detem.i'n.i:. .. fhe adminMratioQ raq depend up,,, j ' volutions are at baad. Treaf, l u. . - a 'I . a '" '"I tmp, and I know it better ik.n .a.. im nifto piaces. t , I repeat what I uid ID a farmer Imi.. Mr Vaa Bureq coulrol every thing wni ii is uperaiinewitu great fact. II.. ...ji. erstand both Ulair and Rhchie. haa bo oouot n wiu mould Uiem a he pti-t but it will net be done directly. A i-.n.,- of tin cabinet irresponsible, are beginmne . e..i .1 t d .i ... e k "v" i"1"!' us in v ice rreaideni $ residence at Washington. Mr knosra ika loyai ana ine aisioyal among ibem. Gen. Jack-on is in lbs habit . leeiunn. ana aooetime not in the most moderatt term, all who hesitate about supporting hie . ... -I. i mcwurv. wring ine ee-ion, )k iiKrn. ber of Congrese did not escape the se ilyofki animadveTsisi, and esfecill that portion of Ibem who were degn4 administrafiua men. , A lew devs Mr'. Plummtr't the member from Mi,iiiw pu, wis caiitm io an accouni. bv tlM Vrm. ii. J . . . . .. r dent, ior voting against the enforcitig bilL K. , . - ' Alter some conversation, and pausing r .... . . ..- i- . . e lew mimiirH, mr. riummer rrrttec, ui sut stance, that be was willing lo support th administration, but not in company itb those who voted frr that -bill. Jach are, almost universally, tlie feelings of the peo ple, in the ssitb and southwestern parti of our country. "Th "rr tit Waibtjtctos. Wasmsotojv, D.C April 3. H33. Sta, The conflagration of the Tr isa. rj office it the prineiple topic of c-flrfrsa- lion here. Judga Lrnnck bus U in lor several day euiraired ineismiuinir nf ail. nesses. The stock-jobbers have put into circulation a report, that the fire was pro. be My produced by the friends of th. U. a. Bank, with a view to, prevent the trnn.-fer of the public deposits. In times like th-i nothing is too absurd to be credited bv the creature of power, if tn believe, will sub ¬ serve their purposes. There, U undoubt. edly, a mystery, aa to tbe manner in which the burning originated. By some, it is supposed, that ' it 'proceede.) fntini a fire made in tbe room of tlie chief clerk, ah. sit 7 o'clock, in the evening, and that it com municated from the hearth to the fl nir. By others, it is said that one of the rsib-r juitnd through Ihe bricks, which the) nip posed must have cailght fireT In "WliiiTnv er manner it may have 'onginsied, -the foe - m pnpen and records is very gfat, and it is to be apprehended wilt prove ihe source ot' much, injury to tudtiHduals, aa we ii lo jbel GuVexnmcnCff You well know the abhorrence with which at al! times, 1 witness the employment of Ibe "slaidinarmy5 1 he - wie mulor- tune has afforded a pretext for the intro duction of them, like a " body guanl,' mta the public offices, The eye of the citizen is uow ollbuded by the consequenlul strut. before these buildings, ol the soldier, uf ru ed with his musket and bayonet. Si in Ogetic was Gen. Jackson that he ordered the troop from t ort W ashington to inuicrt all night, if necessary, to reach hen- n Monday morning. Is' this to familiarize us to the pomp and pageant r of inilitury oarade ? if not. what is the obiect ? Ih i . . ' , exhibition is as ridiculous as it is useless, unless there is something more intended than meets the eye. - At every corner, and in every bar mom, whispers and inUnndos are heard catcula led to"implicati individuals. To tbes"' ru mours 1 am unwilling to give currency.-- Th iiiVMBtiiraliitn nil in nroirress. Will. 1 and demonstrate that the conflagration v. a purely accidental. The principle loss of papers are th"S which are immediately under tbw care the Secretary of the Treasury. Hi bu-'j. ness, will, therefore, lie greatly derail,' ci .WmM'-'JIftfldawrimd stances, leave the Treasury Depart- rusit" Will it be deemed exiedi ent or nkV'T lo transfer him to the office al .1 to ln vacated by Mr. Liringtiot i T i'hfe pends upon things yet to bar .tier .. B"1 ennuirv is not without mean imr. ' YoJi UI11 rememher ' thnt in inv ' let ier' vVf ihe' I f ., j .... Iitennihi'r la-il. when this ci ... wim h'( . .., ,j with rumours as to foreii ;n . unnoiiitin1 and changes in tne cam1 ic tf a . I L 1 raairtalln' " sound poitry forbids I!) i' ,m Htate i of h" u..j I...,. .k....i.i iw. ,i . It ' anu ivai aiiinjiu u u stUrOe' " not he. In all nroha 1 A.i.v .w, chaJ.2(! - - - I rillijt " , " will be made until t e ctm f th Pr "sent session of Coo " TKa Pr' lion has been verifio;' -.i the diinc"' to-which I then" reli , .ed.have been gi1 ly increased since I hntpe'"-.."" is to be done 7 W stead of suiting ir July or August, 1-4 4S a V- r ti'i