f .. y f : it I will In il. l''iil-1, 'ft I tr't iipjxiut will nut la pro- ft I ' I'll t' It f r, i'i i it .1 rut altli " ; ' .ininitrli'n rw-n in Trnne, ---iAll lh.i-yi in nil S'ttkeiltf, irUp In arms, M lb attack .which Ue Li in tl u;x Ihrircoimnercul clwrac- "jrim--J on 1 Invention "" h h Branch Hink l thai rlarf. That inveMiaati.Ht wUl be made, 'Ll Ihfl reault w.ll 1 published. ft will , ttablih tho I-", m. wrTii ,r i initi. i UkIv. are m honorable men ..t.t. .Jnt. aa tho inemhaul in the , Hil l I ' I 1 1 ' Ailairtio cilie I and cnn-snow-My, that lv j . ..niln.f iliir naner. tha H ranch Hank Shwm-a ...... T r .,.. .i VaJivitUt will aumwft as small a tr ttn ' . . tl C ! I, h ""f -- if.uiMi State, lite enttcivatea enquiry imJ publication ta M wormwood and gall" ' to tlw t"ck gambbr, wiictber fa ht cut ot the cabuwl irrtiponw V.Tlie people in the rWh and aouthwe. ririrleart ,1ukitt ;rint0lbnriariplfr f th tna.wre adapted by the late Con grww. ' The nnult of thf if election will b w a great diminution of (Jan.' Jacliont iiifVt. ' Titer will, hweer; be a rfe-cWe-l majority f bjoshW Jacksouinen re Write I t'f the nvt Ifoua "f KeprwnU. live. That, rnajoritv will consist of the abmls and pnlche ofeitrj fiiCllon'now in mliry'H but which haa not yt awwin. r firm and ahape and beiof The dorcl opi'menta- nf tle wintnr will brin up, once mrff, th rtnndard of reform J and thwi, n,.irk what I now aaf , eliht wwTw aOer thu eoinirwcromt of the, 'n, it of titin kumtrfi and forty mrnlr, or which the Hon w will be compoawl, on no (jneatiim IMiv tho etrnnjith'of the ttkoithogfr If" will ily eer obtain more than 6m k mlrtd rotet. ' ' Ytm will have aen notice of the in juiitioo now aittinf on the NaryCommia a . :The cbW inqniator ie ilaio Ken .;. Tr erfnriadwttnuihiidinflniJ b r 'f ih Ifichiry Club, who, it ie aaid, w i'l hccimM ih aiwointmentofPoat Mae- .1 Una cuy, Uorior jonrtrTTTWr . a -iit jtK?unbent"t waa, formerly f gat (a. j 1 1 I ' i but be ha ulleo under tne PnrifricTaarWtIttTjrqcwrtef;iK4rice th 7;-lita of the elul, and rumr aay mat Mr K'viall ia rewJved on a rergaoixa. li V.-' 1 1 the hope 'of appeaainf tbe..1 fry Mr. Jea waa indefatigable, ( l iriii theexit'Bt for printer,) within the w ! of (Lmijreea Hull, in elctioneerin fir lr. Blair. gitprct however, that Dr. J inei b'gin to tutprct that thee 'r Vi.-.a were not well calculated to increaite th number of hia friend, in a certain c tinivif tt) adminiutrafion party. 1 well ktifw. at the time, that the Port Matter wan palling against wind and tide," but I tutprctrd that he " waa rowing ono way and lMking another." ' You have, I premirae, noticed the un andiJ odcMiemptible effort of Mr. Blair, to .nik'i an unprcaaioo that my lettera are not received bv y.u from the city of Wah in'ityinv." I rVnii' descend to notice auch ' l.Jfu TV.'ni'it th AiiflAmrirt at eaae'. oir Ibiapoiut, ir vou catu . .. ' t Ht An tn Waibwotoii. From Ike Richmond Whig, - . SNACKS. Peiple of America, watrh yottr head .ataa, he will aoon be your master. ? CUy'a "atitct in timev'' ba aaved more loan niiRs. . :.J PJitical darkneea tover the Old Dom- inirti. The Moole" attrve for lack of knoM-MiFVrrrrrr:: i mnicai "g nuuiwi; .- cniuibti f omre. while the tbievca are bn'aktui in at tlie windown. ,Never give ap be reina of government to political Gilpina. It take cautioui dri ven to puio the wlieela oTState. Juckaon ia twins federal midwivea to bnii2 forth republican children: the ob iwl of iki Pturaob ia ta etrangle. in. the binh. The hielier tbe AooAi of federal wrath ri"1, the higher will the ark of Sfate rigktt evsi-ciid. Jnckon ehangea his document but fcoldn hia doctrines : The snake nuiy change bin skin, but hiIJa its poison. Kven when the tree of liberty is falling, the political hawks are feathering their Ot'sta ...The veil f the State Right9 temple has bcrn rent from top to bottom. the eun of fVW(!i)in baa' biri darkened," and 'ghoata ot drjiarted patriot have come forth. -llivea iaa Jonas that must be thrown o wer board t aave the ainking ship. Ikliv ia naatAa a. hennV Oil WnAtt nA III vaj m nvfyi lij Mstm , licking the hands ol his master, or lyin down at. hi feet. When he anys, p.Mr Fein ! how he wars his tail, and grins, and jump, and always ready to bark at Calhoun and Clay, at the pointing of the finger. s Anjuucerf . hoiieaty in the statesman ia worth a pound of talinit wha'tv aignifie'' a eun that shoots well, if it is not aimed well. Wm wTinl the integrity of t he State more thin the wisdom of tho State. Never a tiinw when the demand for the article was grrater, and yet never a time when the artiebMva Marerr,. .,,,;,:.. Van Bnrtn is all' wolf but the skin, lb ware of fit he prophets that como to you in -liwp's r'itthin;. E'ifurcin fft. This eg oft he cock ettrice, should have, been crushed by the heel of Ponresa. But tho hocl of the peo ple shnll bruise tho aerprnt't head (iivH me the statesman who holds noth ing a fast aa his irriy when the tonnblow the fiarcsi,lhen Ji? standi the bo'ilest. - . ' TfnVSpeaker is firming like a shadow that doisHtiPth. U (Hli'ill Iwrfast1, Jut Tv'ler tl ' ;jr1 lit f, !!(!, f I ii;;Slcr. I'ul.lif (il ulory iBtl!ij fiJ of , i hd cliat IikI.U dot tl lh eml fiilhfjllyihal U) nivoJ tri uinj!iniitly ' ' CalluM") it t (uu!i oa tire, tut not con Tlie Pngonof ermaolidaiinn ahoulJ fill again brfore th ark of State Hi ? kit. . ah awn t nunc m coot. j (JUICK OS THE TRlGGEE. Martin Van Huren. John Mcfao,' Ri f hard M. Johnaon and Lorenjw Dw, are alrta4y nommalcd for the nf it Prcaiik'ncy. One of the Treaaury Collar Preiw a, hai already aturk up the name of the rt, in the front of ita aheet.'i Will the reatleaa iihliimirWeirKiimH; atloVU rtefe to the Pw jf Shall the treat princiolea now in conteat, te put aiiTe to gire place in parnzin wor, loiwmca oy me lienncla at Waahinxtoi) f For tbe time ia naat, when the luterf ?t vtjie "nf ry e Unvd precniloiicii of the nttv( of party leader. 'lite came la commenced the very fame which wai playmf offupon the people twelve months ago. I here are Borne balPdoxen candidafi to be brought not and fhn wt are to have another Baltimore ctucue for tbe benefit of Mr. Van Buren or rather to produce eonrert mni harmony," in the rreal RfTnihlm Pari 'v, beaded bf Sedi lion Law Frali. The game ia begun let the people pok tn it corruption baa commenced ite work, a nl it will go on to tbe end, ; ' - Virginia Jrfcnonia. The Mowing are tbe provieione of the Land Bill, which paaaed Cooirreaa, but waa nnMJictioned by tbe Preaidrtit I it reaerved for tbe new Slate twelve par cent. ofih proceed, in adJition to the auru heretofore reaerved for work of interna) improvement, and for the purpose! of education within tbe aamej-alao, five hundred tbotitand teref to each of the new Btatee, for tbe same object, And reaerved tbe right of extending the aame privilege thlemtotyHn thif reepective admi. moo into tbe Union. It aim gave the right one hundred and auty acre at filly cent peracre The aum which would accrue from aalea after Iheae liberal proviaion in favor of new atatea and torritoriea, waa to have been divided according - to federal representation." Awful Catattropke. -The New. York Ra.ticalor of Saturday, contain an article from the Constitutional del Canea, stating tbat in thenoutb of July last, while, Mas; waa being celebrated " in the Church bf Sichoa, near TacUoda, hi tbe Republic of Enuador, 8uth AmerCA,on the day of the aolenm festival del Vorptit, fire was commu nicated to tbe building by meana of a roc ket, and that in the ruh of the audience to the door, it became shut, and the wnota CpJeKOTIO! rKaiSHID IN THI rL4Ht, frcepl the Ciir)le vko ttcaped tkrovgk the window t The number of lives Kwt was estimated at more than nva acxDREB, betide children. Bali. Ckron, Extract from a Lrttci, dated ia New Hampshire: The democratic party hem read the proclamation with surprise. They could not reconcile it with document, from the same source, which bad preceded it ,. Our papers, those of them that profese demo cratic principles, are., traminelled ;.. the r will not openly come out aiMl deiHHince the Til" '. 1- proclamatiHialtnou4:h they disapprove of"n," m?h'" eompI?i ,k.2W oine ifil d.k:lHnes. They have" bee. ,r ' ome, in a certain degree, "political trim mera;M all that is wanting in the north, is independent editor ; the press wiuld then apeak nut the sentiment of the democratic party ; federal doctrines, oppressive laws, and unconstitutional acts would then be de-1 n(Uced, whether, they were sanctioned by 1 men who have ever professed democratic i principles, and been supported on . those principles, or not. At present, the democratic papers of N. England do not apeak the sentiments of the parly Ihey represent ; it is ton much the rase that doctrines coming from a certain quarter, are to be applauded, whether fed eral or democratic, whether subverting the rights of the people, or upholding them. But the people of New England (the dem ocratic portion of them) do not worship a oy mailt or jmbacribe tQ,doctrinea advanced bv nun, which they regard as subversive of their rights ; their motto ia Principles, not men. We make the following extract of a let; ter of a recent date, written at Rome, Italy. " Bishop England is in high estimation here, thisigh some weeks ago he got into a little difficulty, in consequence of some thing which he uttered in a sermon deltv ered by him at tho request. of the Ameri cans then in R ine, up tn the occasion of ceremonies being performed for Charles Carroll of Carrollton. A lew of the send timents were rather too American for the ears of an Englishman among his audieuce, by whom a distorted account of them were reported to the H 1y officej a think it is called, and an investigation took place, which, however, terminated in the Bishop's favor. Phil. Nat. Gat. The Legislature of Indiana, have char tered a College toiie called Christian Col lege, with power to conteT degrees on both male and females. Inthe Female depart iunt, a we learn from a Louisville p:iH;r, there are to be the degrees tif f)., tri'ss (f Natural Science, of English Liter u'ur .if Belles Letters, of the Fine Art, i t f Tti T I l ir i.f Ihr Cm. I, m.ii m no it f)-fit f rf tWt fif Ihrrf rk, IK i! Hf s i f 8operi'if Count of ttiihirfnr t, Llft'iln, Ire.ttTt and Mrtkli-nburj, iq th prnpte U thot Conntlri who U't bn.lnri l(ti bit fTio, ria rt as epportunity f irn Bating it. Tlit pptt will N Irft in tha harylt ol a gamkmaa wvarjr way q ulbi tot h man. tfcmaat 1 f)or v!f will pff!a h aa tjceet eduma that tb pahnewWa af lbs "R umiatr kab'n aWo-looed bv Uf, stf4t. for tha wr.? af auftrUat tncwttrtfcietnt. VTwrl tHpct hkt tb - t)aaaet of tka Coowiiloa' wenld btva bad a ftificvaier ta th Eumlnrv, Mb.l bMWtA, great jfuUiiioai bfood caue of" frra; Trade , and Bu' Rlhia with CowJr IUat it the Mm. 'l'' ,'K- .' -i' " ' WfU. TIIET NETCK be lATlsnEDf T1 b atsWaif eoK.ibA.Cnl- ted tna'fa, wb r nam witling ' tha eotintry, aad partlaaUrly tbe Soatb in oftraiquilUtjr, (fi aooaer ki naaoa and, bar moflj btaa rrMortd satoag tha diffcraa aae tlona pf tha Unto, by a MUfototv adjuaimeat of tha tttcd flurnioe of tba Tarif, Lsa at Ump-i auklng U IdIiim the pubH 1hd. by atitrinf the Uiva itetilo. There ara fn. tics l oma of tha ftonWra Statea,' (and they have attics amoflf u.) who are mot aaiag rv rrTrt to aWa ba puhlio aMnd, ad u err alajralouaicaiaibe difTrrrat a-etkMa of lb Daitw,by publohing infltiMuiory p'nui upon thie aubjeet. rb feopla J . lh iauiH onabt lobsi oa the alrt. Thia iaaf iaiioa, whieh ly , BMtat dacida. Itt aKhaiioa at 'bit llaMcaabacfMbaiMtt In iUar. who w aW interested ia h. vV fcnp tba boaaat and re-' I eting part of the cvatmanity at tha North, will, tbarafora, frawa da evtry aMcatpt to create any cieiteavat apoa the subject. VllGtMA WILL BE HtRirLf AG4IN. Xiefy auilbrirtil ft ih most graiif bg-aa 9min rroat land of Democracy. Virginia ia ht trarinf (rm lb ka -af nr aat tk drgradiar oc lUr of - shvery. Tbey th-pt and lbma Richia-k Co, Jaataned it acaund -'rir aeckti Thev a'a Bwakanlna tieaat it of agin. Tba last Richmond paper contain aa ae- eennt of - the fwaffdinf -of - fha: Ura af Char Ira City, at a dinner gtvaa ta th Hun. John Tytert the bold and fmrteas -vhawoion o the rifhttof the 8tafa. They breathe a spir it of Patrtotitw worthy of Virginia's best dt. The la ne ia kiadled, aa ' it cannot he ttoyfed till iba -Commonwealdi la ntkruU& from itt preacat aUviah eondidoa. .v.-.i..--'--"'.' BAIL ROtDf. We are tleated j aee the in'eireff which tbe citiacnt of nme of tha lower counties Ukr up on tha Jwbjeel of Railroads. We alxwld ba bHtev plratrd. bnwever, to sea their rff .irts directed lo which eou'd ba calUd North Cnrolia Uim lo Iba one from Petersburg to Weklon Th Utter will doubtleas ba ofia ealcuhAbh benrBt falbe people of that pirtia uhu aectioN ef the fltate but k canaot ba so to any large portioa of our peopk . . r FAf trvrxtsu N.C. .MrtTVl8l3. ' Arrived. Bt amer Juho Walker, Cat. Roth well, from Wilmlngtoo with tbe tliaa Neill and j nrw flat James Seaelt in toW, and 13 cabin pu j aeog?rs, the was Udened with the- feUowinrl goodt, vis 1-670 botra, bales and trunk . 99 hhdt; and crates wmdrtrt Stt bbts. tundrle r 9ft4barteoffeCfc. 491 package naita, lead, tjc"x 'i 3 oocchti'compleSai 1 pt. Vurrsioact i 1 merchants in Payette ville and the intetior. For those retiding in this tection of the ttate, e observe the lolluwins;, John Murphy 8oL Harjjrarr, T. tf i. Tminp, P. Vmtng, Harrrmva U Gaitber, Tlio. L. Cowin, M. Pnkston U Co. oan U Jenkiua, G. W. Brown, R Clcmwoni, S ockdon U liutigin. Snail. Douthit, S. B. ttiutid t. Co. sutuicbvef '& Reeyea; Johnaon at Hargrave, J. Clem m U Co Sttarkrts. LivrfI, March -Htorroa MtT. rheie wai rattntivo (IrmitMia in Hit Cotton market to dav, trantciont ratimited at 6 000 bal t. American. 2.500 ai i a 8J dy. On the fth ulri were Urge, but without any advance in American tortt, though the feeling waa better.. . Vno Tarjfc, April 6iA.- Th demand ti nee our Ut report, has been tolerably good for Cot. ton. The sal. a are about 2800 Bales. -1500 uplanda, at 10 a t centt, lrrtfPjaciLrew'heHoweri St. Do. mingo pne, 1 1 oet, 4 months ordinary a 11 c't , leas 2 per cent fur cash 1 Laeuira B 12J .eentai prine 13J cts.i Cuba, lly a 12 I 3 Centa. Svaaa. The atock continues very small and the demand good. Si. Croii 7 a 9nt. t New O leaitr i a 7 1 1 Porto K cu 7 9. Caaar.figroa'.'Arait !3t- t 8hr. ataple inferior iovhk19 1 8 a 10 14 cts ,- com mon prime 10 1-2 ar 10 3 4 r choice It a ll 3-8. Beeawai 17 eta.: t'a'low- Carolina II a lift Sugur, Mucovodo 6 a ; St. Croix and Jama cia 7a9 1 New (Hears 6 8 eta. t:oflxein for it ut good fait.ll a Jl 14 1 -good to prime, II a 12 1 choice 1313). Coldwsu, Arnu J Cottoji is worth from 9) a 10 1 i, a choice lot sold lor lit cts. There s a great scarcity in ft -ur. that of a good qi Jiy commands 6 a WruaiBBToa. N. CAsbil JO- -FLocn 5 a 6, fallow 10, B ta i7 a IH, Sal . Tuik inland 42, Liv rp- (' 50, do. in tack S3, sour.d 40 Brown Sugar 7 9. Cidfc 11 a 14, Mo. t-4- a l'6 a 30. " ' . F vsrrtvi(.i b N. C. Arsa 9.-CotTO 10 . ;o sn Catiuw, ,C. Agnu. lOCotton 10 10 SO. r f I F. ", at t it" " ' T'.: (, ,t-fi VI t Iht w-tal ?Ttt rV,r, f .1n,r, V rt rr r !!!,. hr at trinn prrifnla, linf brf"re th ffilutwnaf war, wh!l ha ''ft arra yet t'.lir.ln rn-h if knoa b-f!(f!n(r illfjrlanr to lh trntn -4 Orr al fl'i'iln, Km in a'loilirr rttpn aTiirt and ifUtlnrt ffm each other ew h g'erning huff within Ht own territorial fl ".!', and btlng no Hhar politiral eonnftfun with one another tl an a enmmnn dependence an h Mmht r toantry, QirtHtn. Th!lM b(4on tha Revolj'inn, btt ho wat U tfttr tka' Declaration of Iai- riinatt , .'. '4. , Jmwer, Th Ot'.Uratlofl af lndepen.1rnc wai stwtpty d.ollnc the oonnei'oa of th thW. (e'en roloi.lea, with tha 0riih arow t-ahWh a W bjt a4 ad snumr rtlm,)f ,)ii,c. tM cefviaa,. thra nd thcrthy becoming i rat tktt Trr,-lnJeptmlrit af tbe Britiah erana, and ft'iiirntlf ef rarb asher, Hrnea h was tbat each rriTB Immadlitaly ai f th de- fila toe of jHdrftdtlfXjetJUBOU It government to as ta suit tbe new wdef of thl"(t,-h net of them farming and estab fial lrr rtnireTI0f if theWMelvei 1 Qmtitn.- If the stitrs were thos Indrptn. dent sa rack cshaf.hew wat it tbat tbey carried oa tb war la com moo1 f Jntwtr, Thav rw at Ifhtlag for lb tame thing, namcTv Ivlet.entpnM and Uhny, tad thrrtfwx brf tsaiin l tnike Common aautei and. ia order thai they ml;ht act fof ehf r whh gei-atrr eonoH, and annitijt, p th Vlh ef July' IfTS, Marict.Bs op e)rISTlOB.', were mtertd into bnwen them i lb 2nd ar ticl reads in theaa wardt1 Each fate. re. tain ha Bovrri Ignty, freedom, and Indepen dence, nnd every power, jurWtlcHon, and Hcht, which 5 bv tM 5W detatlon eiprewdy el- Vfle4 to lha Vnked Btatet In Coeirrrss aaem. bird.' Iv (beat anlde of roaif deration a "Cnofrrea of thr United Steles wai created and eertalWpowett given tn this Conrrrts r in that Cangret earti 8tti. whether targ at tmatl, had preeisrly the same pofitical wifht. Thla Cnnrreoe, jmetW rtJUd the aid eontl arntal Congreoj raised tha contlnenUf ermte eon(fuctrd thi'vaiand macVtbe 'eaea al of which tbey old under tba power delegated ti lbewibxraarriolet of cwnfederatlcn." Hor should it he forg often that rack and ecry one af 'he Stars tho raiaid troops, and supported them during th whole period of the war, and that many of tbe battles of th war of Liberty. were fought eiduaitely by the Statr-troops uader tba command nf Pvat oflcra. That you tea tbat the Sffata erv Separate, and ndependant of each other during the. war, es eepr to far as they bad delegated certain pow ers to the continental Coognta. , (lnukm. Wm k not about tba dose ef tb War, ibat tba jrfeseat Comtitution of tba Uni ted States wai eatabFished, which instrument of course did sway the old confederacy, and era atrd nrw reiawens between th 8aet t -fnever. During tha Revohiti-war) War. while a rommon danger preawd upon all tbe States, it wat found tbat the MarticJca of con federation" were ..tufB01e.0iry.strong.j9 keep tbrat together, and for all tha purpose af de aoce againat lha common enemy 1 but when peace came, it was soon ascertained that the old confcdci at joa would pot answer, and that if the States wishrd ta keep togemer, aoTie uaVK- naj powers should b given to tb costiibV tal Uovaaaaaav. Accordingly ihv anhject was taken under eohaideratioh by tha lfitlairi nf tbr several 5atea, aitd after a tinte each State agreed to appoint Daiksaas to meet In Convthtion for th purpoaw of makin torn cnanra -U- tna Oeoeral Gov eramcnt .nia Contention aaat h. fhibdefphta, ia May f97j, nnd after tb dehb. tntioit or serai mowha'thf formed the pre arnt ennatitution of tbe United Statee. Qirrft'. Who were the Constituents of the Coiotntion, the American people m a mhU, or, the people of the several States, as separate and distinct communities f Utwtr. Certainly not the American people at a . but tbe itau$, at aeparate political eo.imtUBtM?, The anmbrt or Dclegarca of the Coiiyention were not chosen by the people ( but by tbe BTtTKt, and ia convention all the votes were taken by Siatei, each State giving onk votr Qttitian. Was this Constitution binding on tne states or me people as toon as it wat formed by the Convention, or wat it required before it became binding to submit it to the Statea for their aeparate contidera'ion and rati. f catioa or rejection f .ftiewer. The Convention having been cam. poned (f delegate! at agents, appointedbyNhe Statu to revise the ariiclet of confederation and deviae the form of a General Government . j... j-jiy p folde18'"tlia!'"tbeorlt bf their hamhTehouTJ be submll fcd6 the UaTer, or the people of the Statea, for their ratifica tion, or rejection, and of course could not be. come binding on a tingle human being, until ratified and sanctioned. The inatrument called tbe cont'itution of the United States wat accordingly submitted to each State, td. each Statc.iq a convention of its own. took it up etamined it snd decided for it. telfil ay,-r iutlf. for ana state ratifying the Constitution did not make it inding on anoth er, .or, did the ratmcation ot 14 statea. mate it binding on the remaining thirtetntk t Pr, eian pie North Carolina refuted to ratify the Constitution mearly two years after the other twelve had done So, snd during that time tbe wat not considered at belonging ta the union, but stood alone as a aeparate and independent Sta'e. She afterwarda held a second vouven. lion, end agreed to join the (ai). , - j Qttiiiion. Does it not follow from these his torical facta, that the Statu ire the Fasti nt j of the Federal Government, and that the Con. atitutionis only the written CMitiicf between the States, by which they gave exiteace to this Federal Government I A-, MttK Mrtainl. The Staiss ara ' I ' I 1 t e 1 . : i ttie I .!" t,..tr n.ri, I l.e F mS'tt ''I (,..fr f. It J 1 I ! be eon,; !, rr, in r . ,1 - .....r .1. ...... hn created it j . il, J nut tgenl. fsr-t i.f iia vara, n w bf Trrf rues . uift, It 1 , at , bt all r;t, l'a power ara I.n.i'rd Sf ti. wtitir fcifr tf ltrntf, given to It ky ta faiaciMbt, and lha funiiitgiloa of tha United ! U Ihlt power of Artomey,- 1h tgtnl ha nerHher powera. but what I' at prra.fr gto h th (oatifiation, or, ntnunH. r n' lir J, and all other pnwrr remain in lha rtficirM. who ara Hit itsvts., Tha atpreei wonlt iaf th Constitntin) are." Tha powers n'l ilrl'tnut ta tha Vstrra TTe bv tha ctirrtrmot noe friU4 hv I' to tS Btatra, re rrWle A SuiUt rnrh') ae at Ma (ft fcCrwoW . 1 :'-.r' it 11 1 1 . On .Wednetdar morning bu4. ITtb Inst, at th retidenea of Aobart Burtim. Fa).' In the Cimnly of Lin.ln, lha ttcv. TMOM t HfY, as-aiuut nJnletec aiha CospaJ.o ih.f rtth trrum Chureh. nr re ihslns"wm bronght t this placa, and Wtrua en 1 bursdty kvt ia th' berman Lutheran burial grand. ' 1 ' la Leiiagttw, DavUaon County. . v. an th I Jin inti. JtUwuUkr AT Omltttltugh. CI. -, Aua, em lha ll'h inrt, lr. .imH4 Lnk th Wife vf Mr Jacob Sink af said county. ; ' The fvotcWftef ttaww rveefWaf, amaf tfmJwf, Ui "SPIIINllCr SUUUKtt i THCY were purcbated 1 . Mew York and PbihMlelpbia, from tbe latert importationa a i h great tare, -ad entirely for CASH 1 tba I I be told st a small jr At, f r csh, oe, fa punctual deal rs u the uauai credit I bia u toftm n' i I r nf '. v . ,' a and Very ether anicte- genrraHy kej t ir hia una of hNatneasi which logetber with bit stock pravioiialy an haitd, wiU tttiku bts alaorlmaaii comph-t. " ' - -'-..-...., 4 nt i new., ana in puonc gepcrauy, art rt'peetfutly invhtd to call, eumine; and Jadgt lor ihcmelve. COTTOX, BEE8.tr.1X, T.'ILLOir, WOOL. IROtf, TOir.LI.YEX, Ard nearly all kind of eountry produce, will be uk-n in eiclitnge lor go U. 7 79 K.tMlwl.L IIKOItaE. Lain or. n, N C. April. '.'Oh 18J.L rnllfi subscribers to the paper pro L posed to be established in tM city, , undef the title of " TVEi amincr," are respe ttvcly informed, that owing to tne entire fulure of the condiliin cipreasrd in the seventh article oi the prvpettus, tta puulici tt n has hern abandoned - Philadelphia, Pq. April II, 1853 Si US It UllY JULH . ffllllS institution tviil open under the' uperintendccce" cf rnyaelf and brother' on Y:dnedayt the brat day of 'May feit. Having hd con siderable experience, as a teacher, and intending to prosecute the business ol tuition with unabated real, I rcapec- fully aolici a share of the patronage of the country. The year will be divided into two sessions of frve month each. - AH nc counts most be dosed at the end ol each'acssloiir';'"" 1 - The foil wing are the terms of tui tion per session t Reading, Writing and Arithmetic with the first rudiments of English Grammar, 88 English Grammar and Geogra phy, 89 Language and Sciences, El 2 8tadeta c-n enter, at any time, but cannot withdra w except at th e t nd "f a aession, unless prevented from at- tcndancrby,aicneiie:.- ...: f J, SPXRUOW, Principal. T. W. SPARkOH" N. B. Boarding can be obtained in respectable families. I m amhori z. (1 to state that M'. Crawford, and Mr. Howard will cch take as many a right b arders. 6' 77 Notice. HEREBY -frewiM.o , all. persons irom trading or harboring my wife DORCAS, for I am determined n.t t- pay any debt that she may c tract. lor she h ; left my bed and ' board witbou1 any just cause. I im deter mined to p-tt the law in force Vgainst any person who trade with r ar- boM her ELIJ II VOLUNTINE April iith. UU. . 72't jtxEmmi) mm vfur- JfESS Jnd DISPAT.JU, AT TUlbOmCB. Wn Ut;; X., t fJ.'urf. ft. C nTIMEsn'.lvrrmrv U l ll.ntt.e IJ.pf il be c Irbra-. d bv ba bre-brto a' f..!' tn the i4it of j..t ft S'. An ma'-- ill be d;Cvere. by aae nf lha fraternity. 1 mcmhrrs of this l-ode, ara rJf,,d ' ' -punctual In attemlance Tha krtlbra. f n.IifMMrir.r . r ' trarwieM sriVs Bw frapf etf ly lnii d ' lead, Dy order of the l-lre, " IIVUII nlU'Vifff't' HMTii ur.t r.v.v.'-vv t yr x rrrre ft -we u, rpAKVB thii method V.I tofurmin; hi fricoJ it the publi gentrslly that be hja movrd Ift hitn! huc BtatestUWy Nonh Carolina, n f. v diiori iuth .tl the CooM-Ifo-c, where be hpi to shirelarif.lVitUhc public patrgnage.' lie' pi lomite tht noctertion shall be omitted to make hia guett comfortable' Hit ublr are entirely Det arg enf) ciovli- The pot.0ffice lilrpt tth botc SfatrfrVtt,'Xi C April I5 H. l)isBf!ulioii'orCopirtivrship. fPlIE Cr paAnershio brrr6 V re- idling betweto'DN Jtrtn & ' 4 , A. W. Brandon if tbe towoof Wmi'c bor ngh, under the itm of B at'do and Scott, was diss- Ued b jooiua! cdnaent,' on the 1st day pf.Apnl last. All peraona indebted to laid 6rn 4r rrCjVired" to "ukr" p' J went tn-; ArW ' Rnndon at Wdcitvrorjhthi ton (horitrd to wtt'e the'lra1fVl-lh' r '3 .fA A-W BKAADOK. . j 5 !M)Lt;AUHrHKVAIU). ' - . -ft. ', . ti I ON ht- 2Sih f . J uai vUttt j -ubt)triber put jn jhv P. .t OSIcr fl di.burw P.. , Jcttri direcitfd ;j Mrr. Wa rt 4 Howell. BIrv.a,pt-. Wionsborough, 8. Caroliha.conU.oii j a twrotv dollar Bank no e l th' to lbwingdccriptton7''" J .Brk or the State fB utCM lins, NV42, att-'l; CnleM ' "lit j Dtcrmbar, 18 JO. ptpbTr wR Y ( d it, C." J. C.'lctHxltrprt.7;A-II( ry, Cathr." The above Icttyitn hvif ggine to hand, -tl most hav been mislaid, nr . the money pujUJjr.t on the way," The public are aou. frnm receiving the; HboeroterJiv dollar . avid be paid for Werrrm 1 1 br.rrRi!.Mic;i?A m vr . Rwan Co. 1 f April, i -J 25 imVEi '!a u.s3ruiH ) II'KAwaYIii. uuCribtT; rrtaidrrvcenfnRad.'i CrUiotyi zXcP.T!lt; ;r. instant, To yoc JESahTtt-EUJAttid' j Jesse ts about t nty. w.o yean f ( weigh about 140 pounds, of low it tire but well madeia cf JT to colour, and can read p iot tolera well. Elijah ia ab ut eighteen t ld, spare made, ia-r athcrncidu be slender built and hi lip pr I rather beyond the proper length; J had oo when he left a hilf wor-1 . hat ad thin homespun rt, 1 Thev are i'ltelliget't mart f 'V and will doubt try to pata a J men, under the mme of Wl rivana, or tnouior xney arc i mixed with Indian. . .; - The above reward will be given the apprehension and coi finemet said ocgroea may jail so tha 1 them again, or, twelve dollar fifty ccnta for titSer, 6'Tf . imtwuprvrr Randolph Co. V. C. ftpt 8 1ft FOUXDr ON Friday mni. !, t.Ol.O V Cham, with two gold Sen'ei the W can hae the aame by proving property paying for this advtniteme' t J Apply t tAUUF.LiONi: raitbisOiT. Sali$bvr: Jpril 9th ,. . . Iv put-mSo officI "" "-- -fi A TjT? , - : I THE tahacriber offr n aale the til hit P soTiits Matbsuu n W in mKtnn. They ontin ot itr'ii'.id 'of' "'4 diff rent touMt oil) pe troas Bri a line Pica i aa excellent pr at . i, lead, catra,chntes,(Cfe. tie. ith spi or. ccs complete for . carr)ig a (ht bu They are all in good order, and eoav. i type ia but little worn Die pa,er at prevent iaawrd froea h hat u good a patronage ae any vf put in thia place. To a person of iudartnou itt, tcqxa ntwd with the bmineaa. Mil si.) of locating in this Bcctirm of evry,a bir nppotmnity la now M red. 4 .it, gage in o'brr pursuits, e sewherv, eJoVir cc'he preaeat propriet w t ditpoaa) i etS iahment. THr wajt, if S9e4 Iv aVpfieMl fi'a had nrtrin. -iO tWiiavj HiiiiiiN, .V. C. JUttk 4KA r&4 mwct?i-k eUU lade leaf, j au4 uf Aru vd tow v:: :.- ' "a " . : : .. '

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