I ' i . . a . THR f ' ( f-h art I"' f,, ri'' nf r-f ir-r''1 ' f, trrMthnnd-vrl"!" t :"Vm I'-i1 ''mVjrW nf r ft J t"N (Vmn Sthe brifV 4Wi f fM to nrms'1 o wr-.di fro eVry land, Thv s ' fet ' . ' (W i ; U ir.otr.eft w the B.bt.il sw . . ILe trs wi'J 17 etha kaek ones ' r . sun wesnvd .' ' ' H i',lric were lUou Uft l , " T fm W thr 'wfV-Jt,y ifd.- ah ! hot voices. m rr'"' ' hit1rttlbV knf bereft. ' ' Oft ibiM orpW kesd . ' . n. ri r' M 'er w,,,,, Vwi ' Con.CV ft? ' tt ;tr'liitrW.r J u thy dijt WN ? ; ' . ' ' , en...... a, Mwnhwjutwf 4litrief. ! And eh I KtfcT. cVatityloveM k -.i;-"".-" STAN! tl. , -.r Tnete U M kour of peM wf , ' , T weary wanderers gives r " "Ihert.iS e.tesr f w .llttren'oV : A alni tjVt krc .v.tlim J wft. dwjr feed, ; A , , t for m btw'b vt mt cottcti for rMrj wocUll tpr4 ' Ad I'd f "TU krtrt with n'ifb liel J And W 1mi teMrt f"! f k, 7.fU ettdnf Awi qtiUy tr, T " " And 'i Mtii la Heave. t 1 .:. ThrtefrfTMta "t" 5T. And JovtMprt rt ittl -.'. ThwtdiiM dlipem tbe fWa " Bi4 At mfine of the tomb x- App tko iwiifBwWc ! I I ,.r r r.ii vtth a! t . - 1 1 ' i T "4i i m - r I - 1 Li: 1 t'.C t (!c. He I iii r! ia a t.iomrr.i the next tnnmfnl toiltd nJ ltnfcj -gain, darting hn wholt length ti el h tfjirt witbth iftnrii of sn irrow, Alu repeating ihli levcrat limel, I tgkla changed hU fare, and preirnted him Iht whitf mH. - He immediately dotned hit peal, itretched bimielf i a hU balk iod writhed hji body Jo tbt tame Aianocr at tt "tHe. fi nt appHc tioo.' i It tbm prop6f d to. trv basfffcl ; might' be prodated upoo dmiouiered. But inttcad of aroua Ink Aim to reaentment, U terted only to increase bit trouble. A the flg ptt tr Af ere,4h auakcircj Quently ttruck hit he id ioto the land iii Kb coot J tbrUiritiT'itirmtrg deairoaa to bore -hit way low tbr earth and rid Mmtclf of bia uoweU come viaitora, v Btinr lion convl'tced tht the ex perinent w t a aititfactnr one, and deemed It unneceiairy to tike hia life after he had conributed to roue n to gra Iff our eurtotity, aod'ao re took r tir leave vftHe rattlcatitke, with feel ingt at friendly at leant at thoie whic' we commenced our acquaintance with him, od left biro t run at Uiaure t i hit' den, Jllarrlagei in America --The corf, di iont J lile bet g perfectly equal, p .renu hive nothing to oppote to the choice their d iughtera maV make of a huabeodjj Xhua it i a rerelvrd mli: iffl-hrooghout the Uoit, that thia choice idIv concerns the young ladiea, and u u therefore for thcm to be pru CURIOUS EXPERIMENT ON A V RATTLESNAKE. -' The followiog cunoua facta reapec tioff the ra'tlein.ke. ri from a Ictte of ju lee Simuel ' "W'iodruffr tb'Pr'ni 2 ... .'l. " ir:: i . r ICS') oiliimdn, ia inc mi Bumutr ) " --' P"fm-- i e Ameruan J juroai oi aciencr : During the summer m mths of 1801 I raided io the 'onb-eaaternmoat pjri rf ih Stati oi O m, Kat leaoakea jvere thco very oumerout in that r e-m. I fund the opinioo universal Iv ; preJeot- ana ng ,the ubwti ti there;" that the V vtt of the white an ere h ihly offcoaive to the nt tlroike. Bevrfteraona of retpc- labiiitv aaaured me that thr-rattlesnake never found a land where the white asn crowt, that it was the uoi form ptwM a'og hu tera, a wtll f othert whoae bueineea leo mem trvrrse the woods, .in 'he aommer BKKitha, t atuf their sboei, boo a, aud s frraucntly their pciketa aleo, with White aah leave. a a preventive i "the bite of 'he rattle anake( 4nd that -they had bever known or heard of any - - - . - - - erson being bitten wno used this pre can ton. ii B tmetimr n the mooth of Auguu I went with Mc T. K rdand, and Dr. C. D Jttoo, then residing t Polaod, to tbc Mahoniog, for the purpose oi shoo- Ana deer. Jit a place where tney were .lothe.habit.of coming to the river to feed oo the moss attached to iht atones ti tKf-"khh'il water. We took ur tati n on n eleva'ed part "f thr bank is or 20 yards from the edge of the water. Alwut ao hour after we nmmnrr our watch, instead of deer, we discovered a large rattle anufce whirh. as it annealed had left his den in the rocks beneath us, and was slowly advancing across a smooth, narrow ia d be ch towards the, water. Upn heiring our voices, or for some otner cause, he atopped, and 1-v trched' iilifh nl'a-hiai'eff tne jclent ciiougfiTnoTi enter into eogtTgr ( ments uaworthy f their bai.ds But jit would be tfmsidered almov an of indlicretioo O'V the part of the pircnts to wish t ! fl jence their choice " K "thin" in he world e n be so happy aa the situati n of an Amer ican young l-dv, from fifteen to twen ty-fivc, particularly it she is prettv, at almost all ire, nd has some foitonr, She finds herself the centre of geoersl admiration od homgr hrr lile p s tes in holidaya and ptf.surei thi ll a atrngrr to C'intr d ctioo, ill more to rriusals, She lias only to chooac, among hundred admirers, the ne she thinks moat likelv to insure her future happ neis ; for every body marries, and every body is hsppy io marrnge; JThis Mate of "belle as it is ciilrd. ls to? atra-trvf to make young ladies consent to quit-it too tooo cc rdi gly, it is not in general .miil rejecting Ktiov offers, and when thev percive that their charms re beginning to lose, a mething of their empire, that they cochide by choos lP&tc6 to-tne th.t-.n-op ipaen.jmr iIrunit?nVw.,ff,redt.tryth, v-r-u. d, are . - be ; fo esofthe v.hitea.h learves. R ques to the Bntsh Gal.,-v ,iing the gentlemen to keep in nt ab- tence a watch over our onjeci, I ent imm-diattlv in search of t-e U avrsT i t d on a piece of low gr u d 30 or 40 tods back from the river, so n f .ond I'ntfWWllid tif Wif hunttng kwifn . procured a small white ash sapli g 8 or ten feet in l- gth, atd witj a view to mike the experiment more satisf o torv, I -it tnotner sapling f rhe so gar maple, snd witN the" WAwoa turned to the scene of a ti n I" ,,r der to.xu' off a retreu to his den, I approached he anake in his rear. A,s toon a 1 ame with: eight or ten feet jbe qjicklv; threw h a body into a coil, ei'vtrd hih-sd eight or ten inches, gnd brandishing his tongue, gve note f prrpratiori f r coral) it. I first pre. feotcd him the whue as , pi cing the Jeav-s upon hi body. Heinsyintlv &t Ipped Iris heid to the ground, infold ed i'S c il, roll-d TVtrupoA bis. ba k, rif icd ''d t istrd ui . H !? b lv Into rverv '"'jn 1i'it tht f c.vil, und t;pcaicd it bs io great Aotuatu Ha i. t ; lU a J I A , I i i 4 I i 1 -a U i 4 lid:, i JV4-.r. 'ai.mo.jt corcii D. 7re is sooiewhjtof a moral at tached to the folio log at iry, and e therefore give it nearly as it w4s rtl . ted tout. But fe pcfS'iis, oi prooe are we to gratp at trie ahaJw at th r ape nse of the substance, ber in mind the good old ad-g A bird io thi ha'-dJs orth twoja the b.ish, , A wealthy f rmff dowo eatt,'h'd 4 ion who ws tlways planning some thing thl wouldj io his opinio ,, in. crease the revenue of the farmv '-nd thet efore-makr hi W't'tlggerfTiHri ben his 'Id d dV will .od testament w m de HiiiV 4 W wa forever aa. Ing at the ipfgffot nd letting tit at the bu ghote, faill g which la rather c-mmmTrnoegupeJs 0r day as the lowering heavens p rte ndrda comrtrg-atonii,-the ld mn laid to his speculating so , 'J-kc, iakr them are tefiMl oieo d w to water, and then go strait to the field -od rake up (be hay, for them cloud f look V'ri ofralolib.' , J ike, as in duty bound, took the ox. to to the stream, over the ' limpiO bo urn of which streicned rude log. bridge. , ,T thirsty herd a on mea sured the distance between their noses and the. water, and while they were luxuriating, J ke, from the bndge es pied a fine, plump pickerel or pikr, weighing according to his calculati n, some -here about nine r ten p unds. Tne,fih seemed poised in its liquid element -o S'C-dily, that it appeared to br lid mimate. That's a'wh (per, aJd Jack io Mm-s-ll "now I guess as how that ere rrittef wnuld make breakfast for all hands tomorrow m rniog nd save fatSei ljVAfeW'.U8lA.. CO I. j wlah'dTd hok-and battr I'd show him a yankretnek- bet the-thrng's-asteep he lays there i q rialy and in eel v ' ooe might almost p t kle him ahvr ! i'JaWr bellowed the oilman from the h'ose', fl-ack that "are hay, the gust's coming Father's calling mighty fierce c;nti. ued the bo , still g Z g on hie rMw he don't kn. w w ha hat. N-iw if I'd that pickerel. I guess r wout i t think much-otne-hayr -1 reckon U weig s. close to fourccn pounds. It a a whipping cmur, it mut weig'i twenty pounds. Wny, tarnatt a tt the varment, ne aas oi stirred Vrtf J ike, go to ork oo that 'are hd . . , - - - " " - reiterated the lather. 1 1 r, 1.4' .1 a 1 1 1 I i f I 1 t, r . i i !. r i i t' I '-4 1 i r r rr. i 1 .S I falling fit f )t her frry, rr ly t) dive fori'tem at a momrnts n dice. i l-)iir l'..c r ;ika at its edr. Vhat letter is that V f -ciff rated n imnatieitt pedagogue to a pupil wh hid not yet Wome versed io the mysteries of the Romin'v alphabet, rxilotiog t the letter X. T' urchin scratched hit head in a d' id-d quan diry, liking intent on tne diagram, unable to ciU it by name and fearing the weapon tl hint' clothed Io brief authority, should he give it an Impro pjer'designatlon,.. Come sir, whatli ltf,spek H g'lln demanded the pedagogue, 4 I blieve,. whimpered the boy, in atone of trrrori l.b1ieve It's a saw horse, nly yo ra'.t b ith idri'a IM fftcUjt'JIIcsicng&T Hard nargaiiuk jolly devotee io B cchus,- was : a few days aince found by a friend io a h cumbeot poa sition against a pile of bord nearly dead druok aod Vomiting profustlv, What is the matter U was the q liry. Tis Vhard : oerrpUed the man, 1 Had I -bartf J Wjiy, but half an hour go I bought a pint of rum, do n town,, aod da. me, (hi cup) if I aiot already aUk of my bargii.r JCDrGaz. ... Baker, la his Chroicles, speaks of Henry Beaufort, Cardinal of Wiochee ter, wh' was extremely rich, cried out upon his d' -th-bed, io such sper ches as thrae Fve will not desth be hired I Wiil nooev do nothing? ,Mu I die, th t have auctr wjea t irhrt f It the whole re dm f England w. uld save my : life, Ijsm able cither by poll, ry to get it, or by riches to buy it f ' Ii the pore heart f a girl loving f-r V tn in man, io s much as it is unfe vered by 'desire 4 ore then eouf there makes the, only ititc p.f .bamaniuttas ten- e which is at dace capable of calm ness and transport. . I ' Iwaya aiog to please myself, ssid a gentlemao wh was humming a tune in e npany, Thea you're not at all difl6nilt to please, -sid lady who sat n. xt him. t . . r I . l , I.l.i ' i I - . t . i f , . 1, l - ! r ' 1 1 - i i I-' s I.. nr. t,,t-s 3 lt 'f I l.'Url J lll I.Otlf Jo Lcnrr Joi... Iiit ne JuLa K t .rr, icur, rfu ial) IJ ihtrdt Ihu Luwi . Mr M wtilUT Mr, MiltKii, Jt'ittt Maodt . VI r. It'imicy, Ttaner A Urn Miller 3 C')l. M inr JaAs McClurg 3 .. , A. Muom jr Mora tftMtre John staCerkle I !rt. . 'iy M'jc KhrTniif alter A li m C.pi.m Hrsm 1 Uttry Wo t Joit(ih flurrlngcr lm i -rc IhM Blr . Ttiomis llumcironor I'tviJ B iimII . , Ptil Hrrinpf WitiitiN Bady WstSit n-oncirner Bb-rt Br t B.otitrt B'ckboro . St M Boot L'lisbr Cobb . ' Eltrnor Cobb Crrs Hvmtt f,tf Ctinrmsa , r.ibeih Hurniy Afebible Cody ' - tUrnrf Pwler Jobs Coatittr - Ass Tsrkse - . -MsrtiftCotiKer ; , Jio S. IMterwa Henry CUn ' M4clirili Frivet Colo, of 70 Ii R-c. Inf. Mi. h 'Qiicktl 9 Cor fist B-. I"f. J. QmK 7 Ci)tin 0 tiiittrr 8 ""' AVr. 4 BmHir 3 ttiituw a Oubaua ....rra'krin Hriniitlt. Frl.r Ekr . Morgn Kubitvit 2 VVllliiir fwlUsvkJer F K'ldwill ' ubecca Bubooa : Juliu Ittchsrd ' Jtmts sVs -Jscob hctliBan!t rbiiip ituduiu . Panicl aetl ItarlvcllBpaia Dsid timnterman. f bilip Bhulord Daniel tmtvt Jeremiah Uoodsoa 3 siMoaUillcw Ruben Codia Plrassnt Orc Abn,r G.'dia DsWdllsrry Hortaa Hovsrd 3 WillisH Hlt t Andrew UihiHi Oeorre Honvr S ' Jobs Hy'e 3 Tetsr Ilamom JhBMel' JaiMS Haines Joshua Heron -Utorft) W, HvlffiOS t.iklay Hoy! Lorii IImsUI Joan Itos-is ' " sir, Hurfioa James Henry Uba lluftioa .. . Juh Juhnaos) Mr, Jarirt .. Cbaries Jonea t Fkswu't Jooea Motet I i(l -NiMH lallavio JtimsleMt Cxiia Bmiib ' aintha 8ullain ' , Sotonvra Siroop Henry 1'cfpaugb JobaVkkert Jaiaesll. Whka f ' Wilkint Will f Conrad Wesr L. Woodford ; J West .frl Wiant .. t'iM ITi-laoO" , G orf t Wscascf Wiitisn Wilkey Willima Wood . C. C. HENDERSON P M. R EM UN1VCT in the tr Office at Intel Till N. C April 1st 1833. WiliiMi Aserett Jo. AHiwtR lljf. Biurc R H Run on A. M. Birlon W h. Bass Altr B.rr ta A M.Her Wm 'w Ihsflind Mary MrConnel So'-n Mcf hersoo Dr. N B. McClelland Dissolution. ng a liege lord. I io p rti olar, that t a Washington hav or nohav I'll hive ii, file w ne i of Tne rain n , begao to pnur,- a- d all the S afes come jo shine sort of' thc old mn continued the calls but fern J Congress, in whrrh thecharmhjke, yureoj his prey, poised his pitch of every parlor the Unno are repre.forf: ttesdily, til the w hilc muueriog. 'breakfast for -all ' h ihdsHicotr Hod eggs saved h jy lost. The d uble pronged harpoon S d mt'o the crystal elemef, the buumeJ rose and trie sur facr I rr a m ment waa d rk muddv. II i ! I'e got the varment x cl lnt d he boy, at -oping down to itnes he dving igonies of his vie tini, st'ell-'haw'a'pririitrbreakfasr B it the fish a g ne! Tne mist passing from me rippling waters, left n.tthing out tne pitcntora aticamg in the pebbly bottom. Tirnatioo take you !' exclaimed Fotm Lad'et far gilf. 1n one nfrjikr, as he saw the pi kerrl darting the Ctcutta newspapers, h - following' down the stream, ! m not sorry you re se ted. An ardent deputy sfrom the South is captivated by- the - modest harma of a beautv from the east; rhile a damsel from Carolina rejects the overt iii es of i - Senator from the orth. All however, are n t rejected, for at the end of every session, a cer tain number of m-trri ges is declared her serve m-strengihen "further the Union of tne Sa:ea, md multiply the ties which unite all pM f this g-er whole ioao iodisn l-iblrr m .nner Mirafs U. Stales. advertisement ppenred : n t k iowo tat sir fair pretty young la- dies, with t. s vest and - g-gig viu'ig c -4ldren, Utely import'(l fom Eiiropr, h svtng the rosea- otJ halth bio miing on their cheeks,.jind I y sparkling in thir -vsr possessing gone, f - r yottVf not worth the ful it would lake to fry you Ball. Visitor. Scheme, 13 tickets, a' twelve rupees each. 'Ho shanelullv they.trr.t v ug ta lit-s in Calcutta.' World of Fashion. in! rcrsian pro Death with out Persian story. S idi the Persian, tells. st m ,of .th.WfAfigflv.a0.Kkii an I idian, nd a Persian, ho, in the presencot a mg oi rersia, uroaieu on this q lestio , .f, jU the evils which is V ie greatest I' Trte Grecian said. rVOId age, j ippressed,. .w ith po y rtvi the Indian iawered, "Pain with impatience f nouoced it to be, good works before it." A good sited hee.t of ?iptt.W dinner giv-j.i oi M nhy evening ast, bv M". P- OiX)0 Hardy,, to the work mem empri wed to his establish- ment, together with several i dvidu- -jvjg-jjjv had2X'irjied tnemselvei on the CCSS'OU of vhe re nt destructi'M) of h'a printing -. fficr bv fire i tm. table whicri was itul u - t . i Fishing Cats :Mny instance's hav4e n reciiidrd f... tS catc uog trr. M?MwdYroi-'-Jesmnod:"near IgiggP1' ',ff .aXUuprvoey-riid a cat-io or next OO r ,a.a mKirh K.il Kn in hi niMi i. 1 V V . W ft. .m I si h lor some years, that caught ' fish with great assiduity, and frequently br -ugut i hem home alive! Besides minnows nd e:ls, she occasi onally carried home some pilch ods. one of which six inches long, was f und in Jheiipossesston in j gust, Jl $M, . J also Contrived t-, teach a neignbor a cat to fish aod the' tw . have been seen together watching by the Usis for fish. At other times, they have been seen at -opposite rdes f tbe t iverj not f r from each other, oo the look out for their prey. The following still more extraordin ary circumstances of a cat fishing in the sea appeared in the Plym uth Journal, June, 1 828 : Tiere is now at he buttery .on the Devil's Point, a Tat, whi h is an ex pert catjcher "of the finny tribe, being in the constant h .bit of diving into the sea, and bringing up the fish alive in hrr "mouth, ind depositing them in the gmrdr nm, for the use of the sol- d-ers. . S is now s ien-vears lcf. ia iha aomposina; roon wf iba rc-crct and has ioog beta useful caterer. It Jlpnli. taM- rT1riR tit of rtackt (J Lenly.ii this dsy A. (lia)lvd bv muuiai rootent. AH P r. o-it iodrbtcd to tbe B n, will, pleue salt a d leuir :ttir aowuoia uarMdiauii wub WtUinm i anrr rihinrr and thi Vain I.1U- Hickftt. " '- 6f r 1 1 .l . i. g-nningto tall -i goeaa me picaerc a or;h more than t e hay, it a a brek fjt for. a member ol C gicn I wish I'd ho.k and hut!' Dog it, I Vtsh tather'd stop making t iat noitc that fish t. would -fedtwotymitt i aod f:.VJ.f.l V F HALEY TAILO!it nr vVtN.Grri.oved to ih houKTornMrly oo- cttptrd by mui Fraley, as eonfeciioo. ar. siiopi a few doors above Mr, Blaugbier Tsvern.wereho wprepnrtdlo accommodate all rboae wbo may far wa) wkb tbeir- notrwo- ar Ha baa jwat fretfft4 froa New.Turk and PhiMrlpbia, Jh., latest, faahiona, at imparled from Fsrtfc'sna jUndao nd hsyinjr od iHmbcr .pf first Mte work.osea, -is). Aw spioy4 be will do work on the shortest notice cut and m-d- io a superi'ir style to any in tbif part of the country, and warranted to At well. All kinds of cubing will be done, on tbe thortcsi notice. All orders foe work, from a distance, will be promptly attended to. Being an Agent for the patent-right cuttinf fo Sagiise. or Wilton, of New York,, and also for A Ward, of Philadelphia, he will instruct any Tailor, that may want inotruotkin in cutting 'downing.- --'--"----- "- --.-.- He remms his sincere tbankt to hia friendt and the public generally, for the liberal pat ronatre bcatowed upon him, and hope to merit h further, by a strict attention to buainett. iOtf B r, CUARLESTOX and CIIERAIV, THE STEAM BOAT MACON CAPT. J. C. GRA HAM having been "Kged last summer, in uii"l'K i ' ' ken Viiaries'.on boo ne raw calling at Geo. Town on her way up nd down, will resume ber i rips in the course of afesr days and trintended to be cahuhoed tobeJtaderlbe on Her exceeding;, light drsft of Watei drawing wheo loaded only about foor and a half feet water will enable her to reach Cheraw at all times except, an uncom mon low liver, when her cargo will be lightened! the Expence of Boat, v srs rm aT at ww j. p. i;l.uum. s.w.,..trearflnJSriL46fel83:L,., N. B. She has comfortable actomo datiohs for s few passengers. 9 Wl Hi a ie to hi.- more ethcient prosecution of iheir business, the Sui'Si i ibert h ve rsbllHh d a ft MvmvD&iVi. Having pi fit urtit tne best Materials from the North,' and employed a Workman who comes well recommended, they are prepared to execute on moderate terms all orders in this line. Account Books, Records, kc ruled Irid B30P6i'der" t 'aod. esery lod o! Binding promp'ly executed in e bt,st and neiesi manner, on anonabli terms. AlrtsndercyCosraa S Jho M.-Call WrAr;ayTB Jno. Campbell Tobitlit C a Tier on Wn De4ton Ex-kirl Ea let Mauhr L. Fleming Nalh.n FW-icher Dtnl. Fnk Jamea tiuv Oreenberry Caith'f Hiram G Marfan t A. Hall starfsret A. Hi9 " Elitabe h Heart HophiaE. Hall' Jacob H H JnbnHoupe - .- Charlts JoneS Elihw 8. King - Jotish M, Moore Benjamin Mays CuL Jao. Miirdab ir:iairtawaewa-T " At"T" McCanshan James Orimi Jobert Philips B. ij. Philips Be Wn Hicnard H'-nj R.r r Kueii'i. R"b a hn btrealt Thu. M. Saunders 3 Isaac ''hinn Wm. Stevenson flan'tJ ipeck ' Wm. I Hummers John Toianaend Perry Tomttnaoit . "tirdin V,urhn Jolwi tVhit t . Kilai tV.i.4tide Jnbo Wonrlvarc) -Jam a-t W ood h ru: S Willow " B uben Yarbroogh rr- .... iffy W. KERR, PZM. , j ill. - - rt r .Ij.-rt. ...r p,,!,. -4 (, - ' 1 i i' i .i.ti;. K to Irrp f, h-r I, a v.ry l.r n I fnrrd at. sort.nr'it i f Urucori? , UanVVrATt, Cutlery, Croc."T( tiaddliTVa Iroiia , Ktccl nn J Halt. With a snug Selection of C.t t'u 2l3Jjf Umille Ztrmu. Liberal advances, In casn, wiii be made to those who nrefer atnrtn .. . ta or other produce. And the bigh ts' of the mtket prices will be taid la CASIIor IS A ttTKR, to those who Wish U . ".rrw..J Jf - " . . , . JOHN BCOTT. CneraVtJan 8, 18W. ' 'ixLKXIYQTOX X. & Jlfr Thconhilua JL MUST respectfully informs m friends, d the Dublic at Lro t' at lie is bow carrying on the Tailori g DusiocSf. In all Its various hranrK.. in the towfi of Leiington, 1 N. C. io in snop iuasi oi the tJourt Hou.r, formerly occupied by P.,Fowler, .He regularlf receives the latcn New Vork and Poiladelpbia fa,hi ,t). ... t a sa at a. ' wnicn wiii enaoie him to make any gentleman , . A fashionable suit of Clothes. on short notice, and iu a superior itvlc 4 workmanship, He hopes by assij. uous uention to business t 'merit share of public pitrooage. Afml It. 1833. - 7Uf - - A tiVat of A.tUtrs KEsilriNB i.nn.p. tj-i, LMj.,.,00, N C ooibo 1st April, 1811. Csshsl J Aa Mill, r sl-iander Crsrer Michael M.Rn R..b.rt Dis TttAmat- 4 pfaxi' HiUr " Dither Chia. or Paul' Stocki ijrr Christ. KwerPeier Smitt. Jam.a Fr.airjWnl, Fowter Tbamss rii laaac Crttb II, nry - Graham Wiltoa Jones J-bn Virctmne Wm. M. Mallard dm 3(73 Phoali Mirarl Shu it J hn Ran.lf ts B.- j Tidwf 1 T-iiS. Ti-HipU Fi-m Wildamt Daniel Ward Hiram Walk J itepb V .lriM Kubt. t. RfiUN'S IVILLK. P M THE rHOROtyNH UKF.D HOUsE W VERY" respect fully announces to", the public, that he haa located himself a' E-tchamh Aioea's, in Iredell County, twelre miles east of Statesvillr, where he msv ai all times be found. ricepi wbeil profrsaionaHy engagi-d:' " ' To all who may call on him for medical hid, no trouble will be spared to render ample atttw- faction, and he hopes by due attention and on. wearied application to business, io nvrit a por lion of public patronage., ...... ...... 1.172 " Jffure 3; 1833 v " " " - -Bp--tniili9(4'sl,'a fllrlESubteriber hss M. for -tales new four" horst road waggor, complete which ht will t il low 'api.lv at Inn house, situated in the forktof the Yadki , 9 milt-a north of Salisbury on tbe road leading to Mcksville DANIEL LIPPARD, nflJ 1833. lw zmxmta n k2vq tick. THE Hon. G -urge E Badger will deliver the neii A" iiiial Address before the Lit ersry Societies of the Univittity of North.ar Hinaon WeWsdsy the 2frb" Jnney the day preceding comtsx ncemen' Dl U.ECTIC SOCIETY. Jfo-f S7M. tRW- DR. WAKEFIELD MAY be consulted at the Mansion Hotel. Those wishing operations on the Teeth, will please' to give uim an early cad, as bis stayILIe.ah Sawwry, teO. JO, lgJJ- f 36- rnilE Certific ie for Four Shares of he 'C'ipiuV of XuniSl;r'ct''"f the Bank of Cape Fear, in the nanSe of William Oakes, dee'd , late -of Rown County. ''N. C. having been mislaid i Noiice is therefore hereby given to all persons concerned, t'lat, I shall applv to the. President of the said li ink, ei ther in person, or by agent, to issue' duplicates thereof. . . .' .(., WM. long; Mmr Salisbury Feb. 25 1831. I3t77 Blank Deeds "... - . a. . ' a ' ar every description, neatly, rnnteovaoa-j-aaptaeaitaauf for sale aAthiieSais ILL siind the t-i'sumg si a s' defiles r Limuln County. Hq wii trotten by tin : ly Celebrated RACE :-e-ttfiaTattks7t nunr. an.i orn -tf , oid" Sir"' Archie t' His ' dm, fine flooded mart her pedi tt t jn ne traced to many of ihc most distin guished racers of :he.da. Ai to Mr hie, -his reputation, and ihj: t ..is tolis. and-:heir desceitlan!i, are w a establfshed, that it is srrely nccrxv to say any thinn at the present ra, is the hve bt en among, the moit su -"-s- ul diunre hors h, in t e Statin ti1 ' r- rini. N.of'bwid. Sou h Co4tii. 0 ua t id Tennessee, (or - list fifteen yeati. iris. a hawhome bf 6 e feet three incbl.-. ; l. r .u . . If timn-iour ye 'in nm 'ie' kjjuhi; is thought thai he will mane a u0' e der, ss his form and oiooii a c o h kood. -Particulars made" A r own in due time. 7 H. G Bl'KroV R. A. BUR n IN. NOl fCK TU Dr; IMUS A" IX persons indrbtrd to th F, ate . f Robert Br idsnaw, 'Ice I. are r quested to come I'.-rward. and make settlement by Mv Court. Tn"se who fail to comply wit tn s notice, may expect to wc with aa offio-r. rVif ROBERT N CRAIOK, 110 BT. BIIADSIIAW ,.. . ( " .iyiIEREAS..my.wi.fe. MAnn, ii mi i mi'.." t,' 1 r , 'i i L ii nil TT 1 .'.'rr'r. f aShflW Ji fill 'aasia. " . ' .1 ' . V ',-. r: Y 'I"'' " '' "f ' ' ' ' ' '' f ' -.. .-, . . -t.- ... .; ... , - . " , - 4. " H - - " - W , . 1- ,1 4 ' A - . -! . t ' rj .' '",.-.'':.'..,;.' .' ' ;' ; ; r'.',i;..':, ,.W.P" '.".'.' - , .., .".'. ' .- ... . S Wn .i n a, w . . lnimp,, iiiiiiiijiiftiiiiinlhi'inii,!'',,,-,! ji,',' ti ' L.''""' ''' ,-vli:' . .W.: ; u.jwteHH-i . i..; .. " . out any just cause or provocation. forewarn all persons from trading wt'h her on my .ccount,'as I do not in tend to p yany dents that shr mi) contract. JESSE IIADHN. Hman Count", March 2 , 1S3 V i " I r JhpitrftHtMit of Statf. ) a nrcni IT rin I the h l . m av. aa-.i s- jT iiii a a r a. . ..r.r . , t . ., . . i l. - .... tUm .rrf-l:IIV III X Jfc. II 'S L4IICU uu liiv ww . . 'i ' ...1" .. .ii n Jsh-4 to oOtatn 'Staiistic ii iimuuh- -vhkh is comprehended i" cert ii c r cttlar addresses m tde some t fflf to the Governor's of the dilT States, and the county and towns;' p ofli.crs, by this -Department. I 10 queries contained in t'icss cirri!-""' Oeing answered ih but Comparativrlf few instances, the persons to h ,n they have been iddressed, are ear.r eatty. rVquested to forward, their n s 'vera without delay, . The printers - of the laws ol tne ITn ed Statei are requested to g'e i ,U n tice sit macrtiooa b tftcif 1

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