y V7 77 o o Unmummo II i iron io ah-tain front Uwi. wMeb, H-.w-v-r viae an! tl h hmJw, Hire tit m l i of i which, fl i 1 no retponea ia the hrt ol the cuiC m4 wbieh will U with Kith rtuw'fM, Ihe wiadutn ofregilti.Mti eeprmll at-rw ) grafting Ut a tmm: , -p- -3 " . . ' Dr CkMuf. ,, iito.n ciuir.i:.) SAUSBURV, ROWAN. COUNT V N. C-MONDAY M IftrTim (VOLrAUhT'NOT; i nt wr.s J.lukrJ onrt C V (MBfItW.IV u 'T.TT' ,;","5, or JolUri prr ) 1 """V " ' l I"? ,u"?' I U Ikd iu.iJ mi. ...!.. . I .....).... .1 . . I rrr u-.'fl.'.. ikrrr mnrdkf ar lira a mat, 1 - ' - - irtr 'fff rtnti, if pmj at dajf or (, ne mtlktn iKt frar, Sa Paprr vill k'j,traniiHurd unlit ull rrtrant$ r .J.lci fit 0. JUx Wiscr-lto yuktrr.piion ri.7 e runtdf Uu i rid ont frar. , A faiturt to noii EoW "f ,rw l rf, H-ontitut, one nvtnlk brfort tit tira lit f 4 y"r, coiutdmd a miiafmfiU. ... . .4,. nrrwn procuring tt aowif tub to ihr Curuuntnn, al hare m XUUlirrt mllrt" to Me fiior wuf l podmtiJorthrj ri a W arfrioa io. V lliww leniK wall bo tnctly adbcr- voimcAL. I ') TUK MOKroLi UCH4LU. nu;,lUCS rt I'KOCLAMVnON So. If liie auili r f Pr"-Umti'o had a .i.'l, tut! Jrral rfau-s bv Uw V .-r il (''MitMiiti hi, bad prtal willi imch Of i'r-ir p-T, junliciioii aiiJ aaiUonljj nT" a'rt. i fact, IbiU iu wua " aVrSiW pf mUV W 'will' tlCiiyT W' t r ft i a tnjT!i obviou to all ho rc4 tut timruiwnl. Tb wJy qiKt.w n, (,, Ik- u r ilior.'by IraiiMorrdJ, corn jKui ajTcreiituUi If lhvV,ibimirit ' r .i it...... I Hi Ik. . .T-rilllH'III Ol 1UO VllllKH mm ; ir uf !bw8 pT, i a nrcipi. t'( iT t1t-jv do iM tlfcif rrniiicim)i ojI I 'i.Vci. i aii.1 a tin (?o;ntiiuli'o d.ra fprfp4a to traniA'r any power, jtinfir 1 ii ir nuihoiitv ' any ikImt than to ihe utruinmil lnch il efalM, th t'Tmcr ora muMf nll flam Iheir Sver- at.'iUy, tln (.(Mnliluiiui hot onaamr. I Ui rrwlu fnim Ute f ry nature ut'tbia CuoitiiulKHt, trul all aJmii i I irnunKTalfl jHiwrm; a,il whii-b Iher . im cauui m what it t 0tt cmi'ri aniio. EfiiwhHi lawvem w.miU callrtift- pli l p wi!r, Hial i ! m) , uch aro iu ler b ar neriry to )fi t-, t olrv'r which are ft granuM, ri, lv pe aki.t(j lo ont eiwfumlec tliUCon tiiuii tIkcuuaUao-.bp.wraaf 2 ieipnfajr. bynoieiiittilli parajrapi oi' f ni uintri ct'itH of ie fifi articW i autl off-: n-arrn'it mptipd powora. NoU ii- .j. T bottnr illtwtrale tbo atp" I,, iliut Jw!ai'l lh intrurant, tunn e.ii1'iii part Tit, cwioa, i naife t...-flv l th 8a!e, rmild n; -trr" tnta CwiiafitutKju, .Bcin, Sor-. ,"t;"7r'V w w wn"re therein jjraotfid in I -nw; ennrrot txJ V'lieveJ,tiat beu Iiwrrs actually n ueary and propr '.' irxdrireaal ar eft to fwwaaary .-ttca'tH! but aniada nUjcta "f ? mtivr eraiti, that Soy;roii;!t) tiw a:., '"I if all humin power, w juut be Wit t re iTifvrcnce, and la iafcreuce foo Trow irra it of a few only of ita many uci 4 it-, and those not ncccauary to iu esi t hpc. rim ahaJow. may follow the aub v hv ,ich it in cuuti-d, but that aub- m , end never follow ita own. ahudoW, a,c.-pi whon hurried 00 by tlie CdVKCf kruin of a malui:in. ' f.trt tbil U ot alK JJuwiJlstaw!ln it inatilutiun wa but a graul euumer ieJ toirers, nd of caire would convey ft.K aaia U e.iumerutcd ; yet such was the jeai.uy fIt by I ha Statea, that white adii tu.K k, a uuuibor of the diiRront Conven t i-'bv a-iiom a wa ratified, to guard tz-i .wni-p.siWe misconstruction and a ii- -Hli- powers thrrein granted, pm few 'i vuii'i'is aiWititlini'im to it. In con- .1 uc of iiiw, the very nrtt Congrew ,im- ntilod under thi -MWUtution, ax tli-f , ' ;;,von"TJ theiii by the fill h article, an 1 . '.v.ue araendmcnts t the Legia- . kiwi 4 toe aeynral State?, by hnni ten hu... I,,. wnirle. Thiisn atnftmfaaBUU.- " lueif .ijiuii b-quine " valid to all iiitont amt Din hhm, at parts ot this Lon-itituuon. T.. .j h.utu.thft ttiulu-aud--lU-4HUr-" iu tii- f-IS .wiuii W'wd. Umih. 1'iie oim.ntralion in the Comtitu- in thrt iiKMtatuiiiUj. ait) cImmLIm4 taoJe Anin, tlHe anvm1iir( are not Ai- tiboa, Utt rrriiiJ j rrrpi-Kiauut a jtraot lraaly aaa4n, tk Mrr r lm.Ii (rant, iimI aceonpM4 by mcIi firip. turn, il tu apprcltetHit-d, mijHt, by wmic ptMaibility, irifliK tint ulfcU itarnid. IM only etrrt, then, ilmh Mrh mtti- tuxia can have, i to pream i t Iba wr ni '-Mura, lite tbinj itfvJ, aixl 1 tbnr iriwT pli jfht. M.irMwr. tbe ra wrf iIi-mi ara nrrntiou imj! a Fraul if ptJtliral potter $ : Uit ftia olyrl 1 I hi UMta(iitHinii, ta in tra'Mt-r i-tk purr 4tly. ihil if , Hie rrvrtatfM mhmI r- f-r l p J lical HmraU; fur il ue fry aluuird, l aavr an I retr any tiling fr.Hiiib' ax liiiua i'IkT piera, in a grant Hut rr yard 4iIk-I i raaUjun. The rrwratiiM lhu mi tr K Iihi AtaliM, iu a grsdl rif puliitcal p-mrr oo'y, ar ei Cfp4imia utt uf m-b a gra il ir.k- br iKeia ta a Curpf al b-ly, creaiiV by rrH Slate and ita cu state, abut tw aij in the (rant Hrf, Mlbr L'uilrJ Sutc." ten I'im I if 4 alL la Ihmi tar anv rihjfuruta, a tnark'-d ditn-Uoo drawn. are rwrttJ to b Peyle" only 1 lb Utwr "to ibe mi rr-t-wtit';)), or u ntiff Ph.T!.i-nrLn ri ftbia ta la tbia couuir lb rtpw haw two char actara. la the firat; they are rrirdJ a mere indithluala aud aubjrrla, eoj..in tare many prime ribi, mmr of which at moo, Ibry derite frwui laeir CreaUr, and a Citizeot they dcrire.ut.Sera fnn tbe.er uatua af tW tciT 'f munh Ihrv claim t be nymbera. la lita motmM character, they are rearoVd at llie Kt ereift '4 Uirp miImti. In Ihie rharar ler, th-y r uixtilula a crprate an pilltir, alt alHMr rihlt (if t tnav 1 called ti li) 4re r.rp.rir ri;tit ; a ) lb. r;l rr, ar n.ithnii el ihiii rorpural pnarra. wiiirn a ap nainiiij i . an blv, that it im ixily a il c rp.filv tol body Ititlifltiet'af niir'e W.mr- a Jitid ! powi-r. Ttie mple all hi Iivi I ia.', haro no ul lieal power, altVti1 ibev lu- nary aa cred itailral ami ritit riUlt. T n' ir.l.' ata bijy pr'itic or -NH-i-:'fi, h uu tia''Ual rights, atth att lu a - Klill-l ik.tr.-t, vbirh ll' V a'4irr eil.V.f bv Hjftilf wwa ! or by I Vtr 'V.i c,m-..i tticht ifiatr rr f"a-i .uiOiU u uf tti 11 li ue Wf 1 1, Ri -it. P 4.th al it r Mif human crrati hj ; il uuy Urtbt wr A-4, aeerdwf tt irr rr u a m th iiMMita bv wWH 0 u acau'ip4. U tocb - - . , 1 . . . r. p.wer la wis i 0 me tint i( haivi 4 brute f.trce. it It r Mif"IW. frw--r iwr. If it it acquired by caiaout, aHa tub it ta ac quired if riht, tt u uj( ftgM tnf 1 V "aute, the wilMrtaNU -I Hal e.jnar.n. tu't! make evau nek pnwvr eee to V r.jrlif ; and n'it (mm a f Uruul. ea a wef CP.iuie tibcjbiulla ra aftH ! tnm noi now t Uiiu audtraiavor f tM a" tiona which lltey impoas; I will refer u theke berfter. VIy,prejprjj!.ta, u'ttre(y fa abnw the ditiinctioi fcfwtt-ii Riahta.. Jtt4 pulilival ptwrrn, which, a! tnough )ike auvereiiity and yrernne:ita Miineliuiea c.xittiug and frw)iitlly eun f'lurxled, are oevertlteleaa arp-irabte and dirt hit f and (D Iheae ten? me eliuenu are plainly Ml iu .coutrt Uisuucttja 4 eaiJi . AppliCyj IbQie aevaral remvlu to the tt"mriUu4iU,V one may t uinre, ibe rvrpjtata rharacter, at thejr J uf aurreq rtU-runf wH their pritaia rijjhia, u, U Wtd act tun uf iW.her p.4u-aljv.. f ra thereby reate4 and m0-S flf tH new fimrnmrnt. Ilut aa the rumra ti w of am) pTitata rialitt, mielit vautMv b f'kilTrd aa dapamnn 4hefa t4 rmtinrralwl, the efMitneratiiNi bf.aome (Wiitcal powert wm2M poaiUj he eontid ered a dipra.itig 4Krt in it Bniiinr ral il, rpVMi a bihw of the enumrrati d poli im-u prwrrt arera of vtat aileut, mtrh at Ibe pr uf derlarui( war, f making rcattta, au.1 ,rr all tti necaairv aifl prwprr nr4iitr carrying lulu rtnruuon Iw t ranted pmera. limin e ibe teuih! aturwlaarnc proNk-, that "the ptiwert iHrjated 1.1 tb" Teitd Statrt by the OaMilulioo, er prohibited by il to the ffa'e. are rrtennl t.. the Hutct repc tit- Ij, or Iu lb Pi..l-. Ilea M rm rrntaik, that the id-a of thu ancidmenl ia ubtmuly brrwd frooitbe twiatd of ihe ill artM-lr i(hi txIrralMxi, (to which 1 be p.ruerly rr. fcrrrd, le irm pf ibe riprni'Hi ln-iu. Hrhl and, 19 ri-r l'i nukr it ni.ife appropriate l Ihe re gotefuiurnt of the tnited Skate. The Artt Vt c( L'iofi-iT- atiM, were a.lopted by Ihe ditt reiit lainret ol lite -trJ iMatea, wljo by Ihw krafite Uar:e4 with CONVENTION uovss or voXMo.Vi. Jrtar, llih 1$3 U w.Mthf ttbrti lb grantee, to auwJ Ilia reavalMai, the ri rn.nl il waa aii.'pt L . NUMd SL U beiiatod, aaai wafj5B, thai lb CutMtitulUta) rer dcaigtaad UUM r any aucb auilx.nty aa lut, lo' 4l fit trmniHi il create, winch, Inert-fire cawtut be a Sovert uu, ' Nor can lb Nal wnoae atixruia ia noaiiMxi m lb fruc iaiuattiHi, lUiiu auy ilrnig u.hr luia grant: tt il ia lo itiiaf uitda lo or by Uua Ihm, aiwj if il iud ueeii, protidcd lite uaiiM vl tin Natludia " Unt fiiilod bUtea," II ia trout I!k ir aranu. lb Ual aiaMMiuMMit ea prtaJy OutUie Ute uu.-raiUud iewera to "b t aiotioa enirrtaia the i,piiKi tta rt-aarraO. laufSrfiit number of ft-ilrral numhrn v eoltUa tt to a wtember, and when lite fi ac tiona nf ihe adjacent fount ir-a addi-d I here In, are alill lea than the ratio, thn lu op HnM 'aiMIIiI tAA 1MW imm t. JtU.il I .... .. (. m TV. II l r .1 it.. " - .w.auarv. ,.iw. -Ithe porrmae tT aendinif iiiiib r or- n bote, Mr. W. II. IliiwooB in lb I more, arconIni(( tu what they may be ra- Cbatr, Iba Preamble and Reaolutiie, ItitU d to arnd by the eHtled ratio. H heit bti bkiilUeajiiainjdticedbv Mr. W'mit- I there ara two or mora coumiea, Blliui ent I . L . .1 a -.r .... r. .k- ,... .f m.-. w ner, oatuif iracmwa otrr ana ' ' lakntnlli ralui fiiml mi. if Mk k fra. ii.u rWi whuh were a Wlowti . miLmA m., ... ,, . Iw ii' h a a-'jj-xat' 1 wt.i aat(reuit if W rtM- thn one rot-inlr ahall be added til trth I aruiiua entertain lb binuirtfi thlllh Minlv hatmir ihe iareeU liariiiM. r , m 1 aw - r . . . -. lh UaMliiutMiii of Ibe ui ta d-kiCtie I Tj, (rat a rranaenient on the priuriide i4? lh.u u II i. r.-,.... .r.u.. i".iwiUiu1Hiw.,talproia4orMHaiid iha amendment, ahall be made by I ha ' I . I ... . . ... -a T I u . I t ,4 I I . 1 ... if )iti can wlul it IlK-re lo alttcU Hot re. erwli.44 of poiilicai powt-r inn apply, but So:rvii)ly, UA'iUiiiUK aa lUal neviiaaallly ll , liwwoiu airfl llwt pi IKH'IM) 1 Tell ute, likveiar, il )vt tail 10 ' wboae lavot tin p M itatiiiu aiwia, if u4 iu laor ol I In- pi "pie of ib aorral ttuu-i u tneir high cuaraUcr U a UhIv ciuralc attJ po- lil-, wlm potutan-a iblkSuVtrt'lguly wbtu llu Cottatiiutiuu waa aJopleJ by Uieui iu dial cnara.if I I uu ratuiol aay, that tl appiia lo an) riiuiitcrakd nbti fr all tin w aro ri-ftvtvt-d by lite brerrduif auica. uiirt-tit. uu t .iniiol wy litai u appitt-a tu any i.llH'r P"iiIm al UMtliuK'anfd maie of. Ibe pulaicai i,.,. r.--iauiJ-. .It -.i..i, t...i i . ,T 1 I . . w .....w.-.., wmw w.,,vi ISM UTCHIHV PTrrt-rrnH-y naapretH-Jy p- fjU(j , , g, , to er.Mire Itteut tu titctr auibra nrrlr, I tie 3ut'- 1 be u w C oiMtituiion bwfr-r,- a-i rauB 4 by tbo Peopk Im ra lea, ct 1 'y their deltatatea aaaerobird In Coot, llllOlM railed for that tp-cial purpnae ; and by iti profi-iton, tl traiwlirrreij mun of tin uw erf that the 4UU fttonnjieritt had tirin. eily .!)) etl rtclu-atcly. II. oci', a dtil' ereta! torm 4 etpreaama waa if-rrxary : ami in thai wiiicb I lue qaMml, word ul j ucb br.J MjnifV alKMt are employrd, at are aufnrirnt to ruer alt politicai p.iwrf tbea ni'iinj unxrant-d tu Ilia t'nili-il n wtflnrr l).iini' tilth the Uin t .trniuwui. or aith ibe Tenple of ihe 'eral ! in tbeir hi'h corporate khararier. "-' - Tre rtisled tlr 4.g neceaaity, Inn f.r lb" ni(4-y ne-uf i4 trte crv w.rfiin a-CJ iu tfiit rr'it4ti'Mi, t'pi ui j lit i4iHyt In tMte been ii I'tat of t'tr tri-mef artict'' i.f ! oid t'Mif :J. raii-Ki, to except nut of liie irau) j! jfiwcra nut con.-yid by it, and rait in Ct .f .4 tin rej!rir h . it ui w'm piwee. buryer Wilt 'tike the irm'iiti to riv- Shi: looatttutiua j5 tlte lHj- rtr Sr,te with al!enti.ai4 wilt fWt, that it 0ee Ue lerm n h many oineretK 'en ara, - &4av4nte it ta aw territ.iry, wbeu Ine prtitulnj-v (My, 4Cxr I itirrt ot earn "'late, atir.il bo enti 11 U pn-le'i-a and nnuTiailiM ofctt i.w n the aeveral Siae.'' domettae it i a i t loVoole Ihe g rerutntnU exwt in u ttoch territury, t beiv it eat , " N o St jte. ah-tll poa any Ull of attainder, m p4 facto Uw, law iifipairiitit tbo oUi attuu 4 eonirajrta. HiK-Unti?a if tiu rhe people oT UriUory aaembl4 by 1'iir rt-preteutati rw. Dot (or ihe eenerai puipoaea of cruintuit, but fr m..m luT- ereui and apAiai puruae only, when it ifc'CHres, tjut "tW raiita ftiiiiwof the Con entuxM r4 nine diatea, ahall be au&ciunt for tbxa etlab uumei.t ot thia CouatiUlttuU bet-yfjeo the :alet an ratify in 2 tlK auno .0tl Uallyrti ia uted t deflate the aaseui t I'd people f anv territiry ca! uir hiirb coruorat eovereuro cbarac 9 1 lT.r"-I1 wi. ii, if nut pr.iiiiUixil toihfte gov. cittauiit by Ibu LoiuJiluiioii, and to can cvlUl and aunullt'd, are the ul.j. It (4 ibe lirar tartf Inn reM raliMl itia-lf. And il vol any, thai It apphea tu llm politwal ,T neitber graulej lo tin- Federal or .lU ttoaerenteiH, v dcacrihe aovere i'utf iltelf, llm living anurre of all, pultli ra1 p-wcr, from wbrnce it all ciimiwlea, a i'iarun anitr, wnanunrauteu, italwav alM'tp. 1 tun, if ativeieinnty , and aover iitv, onlv, it the Milii'sct ot tliia rvaerv .. . .. u 1 .. 1: 1 .. .iii'ii, -ii wuippn num u' a i.io retervhiKai art f It caiirnl art 111 favor of the FertVial G.'rrniie'.it : for it it retrmd out J"th' - . r 1 . vrrj ruui ia piwrra mane lu l. t CmM- muiM to fvwe of the United Aatm at a u- .m;J ikitiou or birfly rn lttic ; f.r it . r, minii u.Ture i; iu be inaue aa an V iilKMl iil o ailV noarradoU L'ateii u . ,i - - m the tinted Stati." The Mate tjuveru menu nnver lmd.it, and llu'r.Cre it emild u-4 Le rrxt-9J 10 Ibetn. It oiut llien a ble ehbol-i furrnirr pweart, ill ilai ur Cnoini.iiwi'altlH themai.-lvet, uuk't it 1- i aSiiifcua iuvI oore put tbei;auveiciguly iq abeyance, ana Muti are no more. 1 have bow, I troat, defended tucctWul to 4in,;fi. tt-; hr trie-6mjrei(rrlty- f (be' Sutea, aeatrea J 1 .11 tl. .11..L. f Jo 1111 A kl lur ll.. ir K ll l)a ,MkW ...MMU WJW , I IV muling f iti rroclaintli'io, wbetlier bia aptima cteoa were made in eecret mine or iu open Ircucbea. 1 nave peoveit, at leatt I think require ainrmliiM-ni ; -mil especially 10 General Ateenddy, tu Ihe year IN I. and Ibe prramt mode of IC preacnlaltoo, which tuttil tlien, tlte II .Mie i.f t'oinnmnt at nil U iuM a.I i4 bfoiif 00 the hhI and eqo-iaUe rnmooaed of toeiubra In tin the -a.rmf baaiaol Uaaituiiand pneiUtiKt, ia ceor.f,l0,,tIMM Uluwa. lo wit'; (The K .u. diuxloc.intit-,uwqit-l inem-aodureat. u (t pretutit in bUnk aa to ihr ar. ly (itApraportiuuale in wealth ami uuiuliera: I rtiiL'r inrnl j Ab miiu, loril j aloutet anU dt. Aar. IV. Thr.rjerel AaaemhU .ti .tl viMiat, growioj; out id" ii alale ol tbin, niM.( m rery Iwo yeara, Imi li uld liav - uianv ytara ciiatcd aruong tor fa pub,c imrret reipjire it, ihf (J .v. m. prupie, durfrartui fit cuiicilt ol lite or, iu lue uiUriin, may call an eilia btale, aud obatrut ting libtral and whole- ston. aotuc Wflilatfi a coudition of ibma-tl Abt. V. The Govrrnor, Public Tna I1M.U tne character and prunprril) a tlw I Mirer aud Secretary of .Stntr, ahall U bi- OimUs loudly require abtiuld be rebtoved etuiiallrcbia-en ty jomt ballot of ihe W0 -fiout autuo uaUMil we mej leotne ear ftuuaira. "Ki peraon ahall lie eligible It jamjar, poawiig coiiureiritbuaitd ut the otfict cfGovi iu.tr deigrr than im$ litjt-itcvd try a cotum4t prtn ite. 1 year, ufM attreeamvr yrart - - e .1 . 1 . I . . trf . ., v auto, away w ine ruu p-v ait. v i. tt uem ver any lown it, um pie of tin italetlt:tt8ioltteormilon, that Slate, unt now rulilleil to representation lite Brat of Governiot-til idt iuld be rt-inov- ahall paut'iia a popnUllou uf. 11. .11!,' ed iw attute piece tiuitnijf more adraiiilrt aut-b lown tball bucoine riihtli-d to aem! (ban Ibe nly 4 K-ih ih 1 I Urn h.re, M I no rnembt-r Iu Hie IIoum of Coiiiiivhi; reprraeniort- ne; pr-ortpieo nf mwrual toorewlun and Corn-1 ht-reaftrr to he reprcaeiitpd, ahull tea e to prouu, and ith a view of reaioru.g I putataa a potoulaUoai of nil then tnfh pta Ii--riiig atnuiij our citizen, aou nar-i ii,u aual? lorioil ibe rtstit ol rt-priaenla utotiy in the couucii w tito ucot-nu a- i luxu temWy: I Aar. II. Wo hieher taiea ahall bo Uf it Fli ttJrtd, by the Genera! AiuVui-1 impuned on the Mave, lliau on the W lino bty of lite Suit, and it it re-reby revdved I pnl, ami ahall unt bf laved at an earlii a by ibe authority of the Mute, that it it ex- ae than laeive ytara, nor at a later ao rliti4 to call a conventual of the freeim'n titan tdty yeara. 4 North Candiim for the Jur(tr , Aat ,VUU Tha Convetitifai hal da " rooaiderie the pri 1tf of anierefine 'h- tennine on Hie eipediency of retni vin,, tin L'ooatitutiuuid' ilf rVate, and alto of rein S.-al 4 llnvt-rnuttiit, .imi il tliey di-iei IM. ovmit the wat GuvimiDeut. 1 00 removuij; it, then ihey ahail fix ih Retoirdfi.nkrr, that it thall be the plai e of rem -val, which thai! otx niie llio dul iif llie Stirritf (if liie aeveral countit-tl pi tuiaiM-iit fieat 4 linvcrunitiit until re. 111 ihia" Stall', ou ibe dav d ie:it. I moved by the people iu Coumiiliuu aw ia. . alter twenty dayateHice, to open pnlta aijhtcO. tne- phwra wh-re electiona are uuuiiv i Au FiaMta, fnn the town of HdUhu- lw4d in their reaperliT roentira, utnlrr ,y WuMI iu addreia ibe couimittee, and liie aauve rulea and reiuUttiwiav a elee tUuluitCL'dlM ina. tiMia Ef aniemWa f ibe General- A-Jlr-ht t.atrae of what be tuul to-aay. he uld .1 Ulv are uow beU ; and aH free white rwr, euUwivuf tw-atutd stt remak-ihat mli.tlt ' over the ojro iTai yer,Tiavtri2 bitf clt-1 have a teoiieocy Id arouse nx-liMial prnu- ii;na of the rtlate twrlre maillia wttoe. I ay wUHU.Ui4tutitety-already ertfd::v i ately preceding the diry olwnioojf reJtlJ tuaioai eatent I11 thit Lt'jjT-it.iture, " toquete4 to allnorf aarrj pyilla, and vole tor I aitd ui the Bute at bugo t.r au.u btar - Ik-legate to a. Loovertnm. . . " - I purpoae Iu deliver tu U10 tlouav a aiunied Ami ht it furiker Rttolstd, that thel toeech. lhaue uu ol flowerv iu laninon. I have, that the 8atea were independent j Vteiritte to elwaen, ahall be diatnbured J fiy mmed pm.Hta'AFr.iie.ii ar iq fcict, bof.ro tbey doclared tbeiuaolvea to I the aereral cnuntiea at CJlowa, the J guiuonU, ba uu facta, and lijfure, will u. thole Ilaration of liidep-iderice, 1 ,,8 heim. oo tbo ww of Federal nunt-tconiiajee all I have to nay. tin. it I which tDatinuMut waa intended for other, btra, that i to aay hooaintieaof AjU. wtn tbtpmmi to go" farrhwi Cic "t.Je'of . and not f -r lht uily.v.w(.TBat lha aeceav Biacfrrty BrMniwiCaC iuittU Miy luiux will wot permit me to Jo ao. ilH. of uti.aHMiulry after; their liidoprtJ- Ht Currituck, Cbowao. Ta.ndenv Gate-, .rtt a Wurd w , llie enceaaa doclared, which had induced (jne. Henfofd. IIvde,Hyv.wd. J(w, i-.ji.r-i.--U..ii- llioir previiuaaNaociBtioo jutd.iiniiM, mn-itiikif.- Miki'' !iUiNay)K- Owlow-.l --il.i .t... Ti,- tt-- .. . . . .. j , , . h . , 1 ; , . . - . I - - -ifjAuiwu kiwi tire rrrw wcia uu. utiiHt tl,y 6omHM.''-gw Robe, Tyr 4 lbelUaei,M w, r(lu,lllllB. ral Uuveruineiit of rorr timing power I ,11 mnA Wahiii2too, each oue Poleaatr I w. v -tA km .r.. .- ..r.i - which waa eaUblwhed by the Article 4 1 jhe eiaintiea of Ammo. Bertie. Beaijort.t.. ; , - , . , , - 1 .1 - i in mi-urn., irui wniuuiu t ilta Cuft-deration, by which Artidea the CaUrnta, Chatham, Cuniberbrel,Cawen,j. w ttfUMJCe The iaic c.preaj .1-.. frmKu uraveo, uupun, waviuwin, igecomur, U VeW w to flwcu the autilf Ct of ly. riiut tne aeiocu 01 tin uoverumoni. Franklin. Halifat. Johneton, Monro. Mont. I r- i .f h. .r k 1 . ... . 5 H1Q aaWtaSIM I . 1 tit . . . , I " ' - I yw nwv -rw iU"ei T HVITV VI latWIII- HedaSute, (wll;h wert Prob4UL r,oaW Umery.Nurtltamptuo.New.IUuover.Per 1 hia waa exleVf 1 I . ..I ll...n 1 muaaa nKAB tu 1 allaa 1 Ok - lift. lift t . &. D . ' cuuwaiuau tuwu ..rcurii. t.o, I eon, r It t, llanooipn, tvot aiiuziuun, ivtcB lu-nv iK- lit! aud br Ihn rfaf. titwi--i "I . arv -v- -- which tbey cb e to aume w acme iu tonal Couveatiuua, ia t i.t aiter goerraineiitxor is da any u I ward induced the adopiiuu of the prx aeut ) lk)(ld. SamDaou. Sorry.. Wtlkaw, Warren I... rl ra mi lah ilarta rvta. ,inl ttta a- k ikaa rat I i. ' maJte Conilitmiuuof th. United Siatea, whwhlJky.,..,. eaclv two. I-Wbaleo-th AUlwu fc hiaageocy ia bru .giiiijfi.r wa -HJ ilolariro.W jrt of Burke, Bu.on.be, Gu.llord. b0 waakiKian, be nul.I ...k ev were not u ml .. t- bAi.fd what hm ttWiiibt hrafn 1 .1 tl... . ij .... .. r-l . -.. r-wy.. i mag aoverclRiHy o. .ue aevera. oi.iea, ... pt.-the COWitM 01 Ucotn. Uranjze eft preiented the o . i b.. . . . h. nnn . .j. nwaimn. - na wm in i . i . . . r jiho vioaiui ,nu vriw r,.r,,-,m p I Bllu KOWin, ckb, iuuc wwraici. jteeraipw.jMj rOCOfflliaed ill r:..ilU lep.b.11. M.-UL n-ir Buner l .1. . iund- .upfy ort iM. act nVffi!hbJ v.nou.waya. tlK.preiiting and eon, in- .Stokeaand Wake, each, three Dele. wha L a ru- ....j- j ii. aoimral SiaiM . I ordinarv hum-o inttitutioiia. Id tui last I a ...... f.k- .JLi ...! ' i. . . I r51-1- WUI aiulividuaU, enjoying many righta,oone ol " it ia ud ia the CorHlitution, wher which bad the Stale, .bo adopted thu. ever in. tuuu. .a, " " renelled with bonett, Ihoairh perhaps in turikrr Rfwirtd. that the Dole r . . . .1. . M ... . ... I imi .11 n im. incauiiiK luDiom me vuiuciiw i ..- ... .i .. . i.i ... uouauiuuuu auy uvuSnw ia wuujuu iu - - ' . i ditcreet indiif nation, me aitempi maoe 10 1 Ihe controul of the puliltcal ou-rere granted atton ot the incl nww-ea, who Jw m anJ iUlJ ( to the soveminent t?jey had thereby croa! -"J P "'V' Tl and ita citil. ua, in the rwh assertion that -hen dul v orEaniaed ahall proceed lo coo l.But aa .mo of lbea rihU bad been lt they wui Kforai.y opno,u auu fte2il4nc8 WM tr,iwferred' to anoth lcially enumerated in vanou part oT lh tauiioii, py an iue.r j hilVe deuied tlie doctrine that Ko l.l ' ' I.. I .1 anil IiKvumL ' I ........ this iiwtruincui, auu ineu aaveu exprewny i r"- IpreaeuUtiveB were aot bound by the in- from tlte action of the power thereby I The term Sutea being used in the Coo- J 4tructj()l 0f their Constituents, and that . t i- I - . :. Ii '. l uuLjaa' It t .. .... . tr runted: and as ine expreion oi one i tuiuuoa iwu ukwhiiwrm-v-.jj Goyernineut. must be aoverwjrnJ tuWi! ia .oAfo .rewr I wj,ich poaaefiaea the power to punish tnsa- of all other not expreasd; therefore, tolihat the reservaltoo ahoma be co exieo-t - By all these mean,wnd by otbera, l .mtiiui auch etfecta to the People. Live with the raut. and should cmpltiy its I I kM aiuinTil In eainhli-ih the eontinuoua ... .l thn ninth a m.!iiJ.iwiit nmiuln I oar Wirdt. - But leataome dottbU Wlnt lfjiM:mj,A viin'iip.T''i'h'aa.ftaXna i i.a hit whnrti lent'" '" v ' . r r .ITZm r?i-!-l'I .i.-.- 1,TV""" r." bv,. r-. - .j.t aKaiitwiw to y.l?cmBry t' w . J " .: I certain nghtatUjvoiJbff; rmriTme.TI.il imi mwiai'-m anoi inner auu , Vaioa whicft none.oU2htto-f i i.itiA a hiun g nu)iiuiiHiM&: r - . .a r tz . ab : . - ikuv or dwp.irao other retained by the lcomprneeviBiuwiioiaaM tr8 neverlheleta Soverujjns. People." Among the' nghU irLuaed by more -eneraj avaao inpinme ".H -wiarnStrlie Ilia effu f thia Sorer jbjiJuiiIVtWaUbAla !.rr'u Uiimtv7iiS regard to the Conatitutiun of the . TV i i.. . . l.l A .... I . - "Tktt-i" At ui u aralndllltiea OT I ' ". . the nht uaJauiy to -in vuu ir -n - ault toiiether ; Uw right to petitioo for a double eatendre. They exbauat eutimer redreaof their ijriovaiKe, whether real ation, when tbey have dooe ao, tbey proanat, and comprouii- ,iiwx - hii..:i. u lhaleach uartv aboulJ oivanu .i.i:i thi ir m o chosen, hall meet id Convention, I te noet M mMtim.Z-l.. on tbo -- day of next, and wri! that on a autiiect of tt.i ntniira where nrrruilicaa were ho aii.u. r. it una aider the propriety of adopting the Ibllow. Limort aa dirt.Bult lo meet on midite urouiid ing article as a part of the talitutKinolMtoMrryUie q,lertloII - ... f the'Statn Hid eaid Convention ahall be werediapoawl to yield. This ,.ib. restricted and limited to the propriety ol L.ct of CouvetUioo waa like in uu.un- --i tun, of certain rights, shall not W .. . -nd ,h)Wh Lpreheod any and every possible i Unnrano others I'" , ' rt . I.- " 'i.li'i th r o i ,k . in t.i tu iniii rest. c istrued tr deuv on . iL.:.Cl..l. lli a I Ikaia ponMiiftiil.l..an il laiaiji"".; J . -r, . i , . i - if ,u I IO llteif M" -f ui.n. i .H- -. .... t intrurl tbmr own ILm I Jiu.n tr eneml Words A.I tbo powers I ..,.ii. ,iv.m ,i. ..i L...U-i l - I Itwai.tiiw i- - - . t .-. . t ,klMawiaiii''.'""r RUailHHl Dnm I I . M .l.i.aa il,.tif it t.. nhup.rae. I t tel.ttf aled lt UIiIHWW" a-Twi .u:.u -... ik. ... T-.k P.. .laLioaiOd. la.ihBl rWIup'w-.,,' 1" TT" k.ll k. ii . .ka!atph gOWil W r-" "D r"- .w ,,H....-"-r, - ,,,-iructton-, iKitwithsunaiiur tne au i Htaniuiwa, P.,u. ... UJ . -, iTlwunn u, . Suvereimi. or thai bv aAtptraf, or rejetg-thewamfcte orwyUiennMo, he "'had wc reai of-4hi or either of tbein. and no other. lliel one irood. and one defVctiva eve. lio :.. .il Akticlb I. The Senate shall, be J l twoarfistf M yotMemberb f. from encbCmiatV itt tbo Stat'i Bti.iatms 1 1...' iiuiriv. iVkoih h.i.amZrmA.t.A tuaitittt.il iiit.a 1 I t i . - . t. .." - - I wvaai j a ia aw ,a a-vitva rutva-. iiiiaa .- hetirimnirtriyiiirf Elector shall both puaae-s ilhem elected Die ardewf hir lace bavin7tl.B " mjdiliratiom'tri1r now required of eBCaUmr&.lt tMaemTtu-1a tcapeaity.bylto Uawtjtutioo. - eUoe tlte other side, and represi'ntod th Ait. II. "The llniae of ConirreMis l Uel'-KiUve eye iSuitwa with poor Con- shah be composed of Membere; bienuially ! venlion. i the friend of the measure taw chiaiea bv the tree wmitk men of the i nottnag bat evil ; but certainly there is a auie, m tueaamo manner m herein alter prescribed ; aud lit Member and their United States, I will next examine. But here let mo warn my readers, that if any still believe., that they owe oo allegiance United States by the Conititntion, nor prohibited by it to the $Ute ar".re; aervfMl - to the States respectively, o " "to'ihe People. M my JUcctions are sujiested by tho anii'j.lmMits, which hayejitcla "tract btar- tnupn the mfttter Uain now examining . --- -- - . - i I itutllSu a rwiawiJ la a .widioikh, vi n.i uj Ihor of tbia Proclamation aay. that they lare reaere to taew ire;ntATjttamuye iwy wuwiwi lereiin State have become "a aiagbN conrtituonta,forany actd-weby ttw-mai vereigmy, r "';" ,ion,H thev will but waate titnein perasirtg inthoirmere -XraMlciPilW r? 7..Uha OT ll eve uaa mu jmnin, in ha anined. I eertainlv mean I.. .. n - i irreverence, wbco speaking of human though dono i I character. ... . - ,. r. Nor it the ohjecU and aupposed mjcefei- e mnuer.i.aia nuw caaimmii, - .....!. t' Im irrevereo that I will bricttv state them. T1e first ty ot the secouu mw -m- im 1 y. U ia the one I am,' i I tl.. thai tircl. KaraUlAEa 1UD lif ULXf wutvu i louah these ameiKimema appear i..u - - . .. "I . which in thi that although these amend menta appear than me ni. - ... " . - y- annunciation of ita to be tlie joint work of Congress and of the the People enjoyed j. J nwn existence, aume. to i itaelf every p- Btate LifiIatureeoiilv,yetiiitruthan.t tnisnme pcopio f . ..Uu- mJitiral oower. and every piawtbie feet, they proceed frem the Peopk of the er as ..1H.. , . , rveral States. They were suested by corporate r -"Y the aame bju eyer . ... f. r, o,iiai.-.i;r.-.iM mn rtouiicaj D.iwr. m wiin-u i r- ..... . . apanyaa tne (..oirvemioris ot m reopw wuu i -v.v., -v. r . . ...,H.m bn called into action or ooi. i nine itr-i!tj"' 'if'i .- - .U hv the stveriJ ratih-: - -VatowouM oe ail reaervaitoi.-. 'pted ihe CiHtitution, and in fonse tiiey hadaa i all proceed upa the aasumptiou ol the na- eative of all these, propantioaa. A v tjkvtl.'to.. Hrrttofjrt no man could get lit appoint ment from the. Preaideot, who waa not de- voted to Mri VM Uuron tot if the Pemi aylvamaii tellt the troth, the best plan Clector shall poaaea roajactiyf -the mrr'iailaR. the Coiistitutioo. - Abt. I llv- Repreantattorf in Iftg II we of Comiootut ahail be equal and uiuCinn, aiid ahull be regulated and ascertained bv ibe Gasiorai Asembly otice in etery tea years, oo the baaia of tederal number, that is, three tuths ot the black population ad ded to the whole of the white pipoiation. The ratio oi which, the RpreseaUtive sUu.ll bo distributed among the aereral counties, at the period of -every tea years, shall be w fixed by kY aa not t- give middle view of this aubjoct, and moderata . . at. .i : I . . t . . . s. . r v - i Bra ui rxHu aiuua oujrut tu w ii. . Xht JSudV geotletnotL were- too maca in the habit wueav diacutaWig tbo suhjeer. to place it oa the grounds .of caat.aod TiSairar question waa between largt and aavaif e.aiutie. He went on lo slate tli atwe and origin of this 15nfrra. and We,. teri leettng, and aabenea itiat it grew at together out of the circumstances under which the Scat of Government waa located at Raleigh. It waa an unfortunate- divis ion nf parties one that had grtatly retar ded the State in every kind of improve, 'meut, and would continue to do ao a bwic as itexwted and it woqld exist until ft th f t wi ihan ninety, nor more than one huo j Convention could be obtained, and. jdrei nMmberatoib H.iu of (mnioria, J k'mn will be. 10 be ankawd to him. I over jmlabovo th RnrewmtativHt of the rf? BilVaaid Mr- P. let us. ipproach th i ' - Ar -- .... - . .i ... . , .. .. i if the l08""tuic low4 Wtt fwr neeyour towaa,ifthetwtroujh 5yemiuldbe re-tquciun, ana -! wiiat. gruuiMw ..wxt en,r of. i,,:, ; tJ J t W..- - -T V sK-i.ves reSpectiTei;

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