Western Carolinian. ".'.-i-' ! ! .'."1T' "JL"'" rw In mm ij .M . v i . . i . i . . i. 1 r i .. r i la.. I : "7 tv Thurwlav evna.ii. M'f 1. . ir.w.""". - - ' ' The Court m rnore erowt'od t. -J(y lha il h Iim'H tince the commence ,,,1 f the tnl f Mr. Avery but the tJn, litmifjh wWjJ in e mas oa tbe r, observe e etrirt dy'fiiiiif aod ere m ji l.linl t? lhr aogtirwl at Ihe bar.Ihere , ri ftIf twero t be anir lbi; like a mul- Itude prvwnt. i nu wrmnr, ar ine op l . of the Court, al 9 u clock, Hon. " S i. no J. Petrce ofwj lh caw on lha m . - . . n a I ZL.Ii!'rHwH;f4W prerViAiiorwy Gene. ' I ..J hrlil the omen until emeu! to ( oq t epB phi tiiree Quarters m an Lur ainl mu! an onajwtuininr.fout able ami -i woirl Ctmltd statement uf tbe raasv Tip a jutf) HWH tnro pfocfjcd la tbe fumiwilnm of hi WilneseVe. ; " """ V In the course of lha ttnM three wit. yn vera examined, closing at two " ,'clra, end from three unfit eeven In ttv ehmon, the esaroinalioo of two more rrnli'trJ ami that of another nearly J,nlel, when Jart Kxa of law aritiug, U. Court look a rceei (ill H o'clock lo (vrffo morning The trial will progress jipidly after the principal wilnessr tyvtismioed. Mr. Msson hae evinced -frrat aeuterews "f mind, ami there ia an a mI Ji.pUf of bberelity, good feeling, arid eajitd ability oq both suite. So agreeably f, Trry linn conducted, that it or-areely atrin poesible (hit the roaxilt el it invultee A s,uetioS of life or Heath to a fellow bf Irlg. ' ffofirnrt. (Jcntk'mm of tha lwr tt liiia KNiapart ara marching hia army timi Rlba imiodating Itta whole Country iili blood, I at and bcra tha humhln ado tile of ibu notorioua bog thu-f. The Qoatt guy ar lo lha aummita ol ihoaa moon bm, and tha hrp may Cd on Um hills .. kuiua, and tbacalll trnf tha graaaolTtba iiw, but my client arc no mora guilty a aw ururw Ulll a toad arc got a W ntcaling Ual bog ioaa Loa of Notoiiktt. Th Pbiladfl- Cli Gaartlr published latrry i 'marrii iteta Jonataa S. Paul and 8a rah Ana Welwter. Nr. Pnal immfdmtrly ruade4 Chlicatatonviiit that no auth marriaga i tkn place, or waa likHy to occur. Tha editor of lha pnnrr, ia publishing hi Irtlrr, ayi " We adopted tha precav tonary oiraxure ofarcuring the name of thr pnni who brought the notire to ua. (i Kppcn to lave brrn the identical Miaa Sarah Ann Wrbitter herw-lf, who broujtrt Ol tncfabulou account cher nuptiala. Roman CnihoJift.Ti arCt haa in aaiwdnirmly in flreai Bnlaln.' iri Mab Wfrli-r, which a lew 1-ara g miniberrd mly 70, than are now 43.000 incmhrra af thi church. Many other Inre towna ti a aimilar increaap. Hiey have ll Svilt'gee and 35 w mitiariea in tlie ialand. aa- . From Uf Richmond Wkiift VlKiil.NlA DELEGATION. ' John J. Allen, Eaq-ie tte4 in aomtt wioro paper, -lo b a Nuiri ft rT "Thia ivlit mt, wa belie v, Ilftia m N'ational "Irpohlican in hia politic,' aa wai Sfr. inwi-lL whom he aupemeded. "Tna elecrnma are ow, and wV now n.j ha aill repeeeoiil Virginia in the aeu UMigreaa. - a here arw four ' Anti Wkaiiata, riii-Meaara. -Allen,' Mercei, oore and tvilaoa. They are alao w bnMuine, Proclamatiofliata. , .JQi lUdieal Anii-ProciamEtionnrta, thare aji att, Mr-'ofdohr Pattotf, Wilion, RanduIph.Davcnporl and Tay lor. There may alao be cleaned aa Arrti-Ad-aatratibn:4ritirthina "relattriff to fun ' aWeotal prWrplee, and tf rmtitl of m, , cooverta at tbe eleventh hour, to .tackanuaa uafiloeaa and incapacity for the Preai'tency. Meaan. Archer Maenn, Loyall and Lu S may be etyled Anti-Proclamation, but ft decided Jackaoniaoa. They all bold trarliere, the doctrine of tbe right of, Keeabla. aeceaaiou, .... U'e kooar'iuat Mr. wrcherdoeaaq.' Murara, Slevenann, .Chmn, Beale, Ful M, McComaa aAd Claiborne, we know not to designate, but aa iackaon men a with which we auppoae the Wlllnol Iwrel, ai it was that in which tbey found p'li'ical aalrition. Mr. VY'iae disapproves much ol the "r lamuiioo hold the right of aecea ' hut ia eminently Jackdonian. Haaihe Gl be cauae for triumph f It ill be unable to anawer, until it learnt theae gentlemen will vote on- the ffcetba. of Public Printer. All are Cath-Vwho-will vote for Francia P. Blair: iNl heretic who may vote against him. - i iate-ftcfcejM of iWldtobecan ffliZOie'fa ite irieodrf of political independence no caune to llamenf the reault of the Wechon. They havieloat their men in W District!, but relatively with the but jpreaentation, they have gairmd much. Jbe Globe ia aatianed, ao are te. Tie PImI.... Tn. .... -wi I- vi.w vcr. a iro iiiouo V Hir - AOJhm..... ..u,ui .. FTJIlmt the paanugwof Ihe Enlorcing bill M 'nuenced the Cherokee negociation, J5Mb tliexGlobcA ijwpv "id oth. J F or the" administration preasea. The! fo Chronicle, of the let instant, con letter from Henry G. Lamar a re PUtive in Congress from theSiate of ai from which the f dlowin-r ia e "tried i " I was not apprised, that pre MMnarieaofa treaty" (with the Chero J) rrf agreed on, or that any negoci- 'IM Were at that lima nanIInr. .ifiiU ! ry'nry of War notified a portiin of p.S?fgia- Abioi,-lhat W Indians " iiiui warmi LnjiauBiava uni kh i ZT w'uclodly determined to terminate , .hegoeiatioii, by ji lefiisal tnireat- 1 ut ocecWafsAorffji after ihe pauagt T. "fatiifrbilW : hOW atdkt'f aar rendAM wliothitr -S say kxUidbtaf tijiwi W the ttntAn, irm ,.f i).. "f .1. i IVV ara km J t J.u. , J... l Ikji t r V' T T . . .. . .7 Tlin CAUOUMAN. nr iitriru art riua. ' a"-j" Wa ar mi t Hunted ie iiamim Ma OMN PltDD.Jr.at aCaadiditaianpfaMAi ikt Coniy o' , la lha f caaia af tha nrt Gaoaral AMaiblr. COrtVEMTIOf. During ttia Ian tr arioa af Hr lgalatera. la- Iff eoial aiuaipti ra arxdf (or tlia catl of a l uncnlMn f lla paofla of Ihia tialv, fur :b rmrpoM of aairading it Coniiliailoa, Tind Ing all attempt la vbiaia, itrtvgk i Ugfi- rwrm, mtck a call, (he iVWadi of Coarcaikie tail- cl a aMatma at tbe LapiioL at abiea it afrd, lhat rt qitlM af maliatia the CaaaiMUtUm, abould ha propoatd directly la ihe prapla. la order that la quaatloa eift aa fairly laid before lace., a aomairltea aa appviiHtd ia draft aa add ma to the paepla of i be liaia, apoa ia aubjeot. Tloa adarraa, ware (torn ana ef the eoemiitee, baa beca p'tpatd, aad UI aooa ba at a I out aatong ibeaa. Aa lab) k a quettloa wbtcb hHr alTet.'t lha beat hMaretti of 'ba Haia wr are animal, Ibal It atteald b brougUl before ib ptuplr ef ttjtrj pari ef it rand that II anvald rtccin I Ur and 4'tfpeaaieania coeaidraik a. aNltoai aa rrftr. taca la loeal pMtiea, 6 ia a uuewloe ear of tut and Matt, baf of e-d, Injur-Set. Wba aaa dumb 4badnoa ef la preplr t Wbile Mpea ihli aut'Jrct, eauld raapcet fclr reoooaMra4 la the Ceantjt Caivta, uf ta Hate, lb preprirl) ef dinting lb bhrnfl af their rerpeetrre Countici, Iw opta a arpa'rai bof, for aaerM)mrfl(j ta the Conetifaiioe i alao, apaotat eonte penoa le aiitnj each alcctlea read,la their rtapeeilfr eotintka, fur the purport af attending pariiculvtj ta Ihia aub- ject Freting a deep iatrttet Npr thli aubrO, wa bare, ia tbi eerk'a paper, publiebed lit Speech of oar lowaataan, Cbarlc fiatier, Caq delivered ia the leg ilature, ia tha Winter v( I83i- rT date arlrced Ibia ttm a aambtt ef othen, upon 'he rame aatret, on accoant uf the plain rtaiMical InfurmuliMi, wUlcb ft e laina Mr. F. baa bea oe of tlte eartieat, and Ixwi tried f iainia uf ihia aieaaure be.ba dc ted a gn at tiVel ol tinta 'o 'be rubje. I, and vhrrefoee a prvbublr at ell, if noi beer ac qiiaintel 1 iih i, than any man in Ihc 8n'r. We ahall follow up the apetch of Mr F, 'with other infornutl-n opor tlif aaaic mbj.f, d hp bai ovr people will ubt a iaie aeri ioj eenaidera'iofi. . . ... .Sinca.. ib ahoye. va)a type va liid tkft ihr Counl) Court (if akean, ht" adapted the atu plan ofaaccraliiing the aentuaeata of Umi people, tut and agaiari .enrraiieo aa -reeHB teaoed by Ok. : We.aanet the order paired be our Court, and Lope it wiU4 iUocd p b uther countieii . Or derrd be the Cnari for- the Cotrtff t Rowan that tbe Bberlff furnUh a b"t at ear.h eleci pn ground, to receive the ot. jfiil per una faaVfiiid to rota for meatben uf the hoaae of eoomioei Jbr orrgain ameftding the S ite Conrtittrion, lbt tbe fiiapeetera Tetoea the State of I be pulh to tbe Clerk U tbe Court, vaeaadaiy kabaH k ro trfaUtthe raaK . W aral 4v the Uorrraor ef the Stale,, withia lima le be laid before the neit kgUlature.' .THE OLOBI AND JOSEPH 9 m.NT0f . Seae (iate ainee the aerrile wreichta, who publiah Ibe Warning ton Globe, raid that air da It ware circulated la South Carolina, bearing the liucription Joba C. CaJboua ftrat prai!eat ef tbe Southern confederacy." The b att. reef" baring been gieee ta Ibia innrageoui calumny, and lha baae waaiala ef power hari ,g beca called a poo. for proof, hare publiah d letter from the arrrnrvatp labmew Jtrp J, ffiaira. aboaaja that Diedaw arc circulaunK id tha upper eountiea of North Carolina bearing auch an inaoriptran i and that the "South Car O'iniana, North Carolioiana, and rirginiam of the Calhoun acbnol in that quarter, are op. nly contending that auch a confederacy must be the nest pdab." What moral degcidatiun ( 'u erer each bare faced tuhaerrienc equalled in tha aaqualaof any country f Wr bare been io aJ. mort all tha apper eountiea of North Cari.iinaf wa lira ia ana of them, and we he.ita t not a ffmmvtt&ttfttimMtfJfafKilWi&i'b hi i fiirtcaitd Wr, for glutting thrmorbid ajf peCTei.'of iIk aalitlite ofpower. Wbo n.tliia J,tpk B. Hint$ 9 la ha tbe man wbo teftrt tbe laat preaidential election M)rpiaed Juha Binna in bii abut of Genl. Jack'orl, (and wbo, nfttr the eleciiun eicerded I'bomaa Ritchie ia fnlhm adulaiitn ( I the aame individual f la he the tame man, wbo ever eince the election hat lheen knrwirr offic. f il be tbe man, who I om- m ' . iJtileullo Oo; while Seereltryof the Na for an eppointroeni t U he the man, who bt winter attempted t ere. 1 tomM O. Scott, the Fi t..at Raleigh , of jiia appoiatnienU., try going lo VVaitimgioo aad rtabbing, in tbe drk( like the midnight araaaain the clvaraeter of that individual I Tea, be h) the man, who baa done at) this, and mutApwre, Ibaa ,wf have fHbethtauoi. room, or iocl'mauon, to detail at present, and it is upon the sUtFiaents of such men, tbaMhe Editora of ibe Olohe aaaail the whole South, and Particularly the people af Weitern Caro. Una, Better would it bs for our people to hi the "BpasmoiI CSoIers"or ''tbeaall f have ot" among their caiUrea, triaB won a pipe' toirnier;-ight : deatray their lives, it ouid aurelf de i their prinnipl-s. suib sap jliav. ry f -oriaitis ,f heir iri chiidrea, than ruoh a paper The oeStrey their live, the ta wou'd irnoot'ice 'and inn Mv iniuaieaJ. tha Seedl ot llCM ttd .sWiavy "J. - .... ' Vt . " Ut wUenbaa la lha W,a- 1 . . leB tr,- m4 aiata ar., Ka aa LU4 aa-t ada'.iUi b eel alr U 1 1 mmkt DROWKl.io ME.H CATCH AT STltWl.- Mlf aav thing were waatag leadi le tmt mo' Icaiioa and 4Ugoat. ll It lo leara tkaU iba N-ILflrrr ef pgr vilkgi art aUr rrUaiaw aH r .Lrr. " - . ... i yaw o ..graceful aet C aa a buum l r be aafa a here auch ruff. a tentlaMatr praU. Jrr. dJ-gl-aWM! a prodigi wbatf .wt aUal'aarv Waanty rratari it eemra froaa lha Wateb, ataa." we will only , ie ihia laMgUary Editor "II b aa aoaorable etrcaoMtaaee lo be ae euard br thoee, bo are tkamarrvr) deferring ef eccuaatioe. THE IUDf SIIX. ttatea ta thr roiee of Thowte JelTerana, the great ApofcU Lberty, Um bigb prWat af d. moeraey. -If tbe puboef bia people ebatl brat ealnv ly pndre Ihia eipehmeat, anoUr and lanotbrr ill be tried, ar.ill tbe avarure af drapftai be tiled ep." Theae were bir Ma le die pee. pie la eonneetioa with the Btoe lea afaie Api ry them to youreeivre at Ibit day, "old thlngi ahall btaoeM nrw." -! i The follolng Knee from the pea of Cewper1 aair the rtwet remartaot wrfl, id Va wJeid rrceaMna) ihem aa a very apprsrUteVacrtp. lion fur tbe Cellar" of aotae of tbt prraeat Mlflwen of ib "aeeet UttJe fellow." , "the SU.'ea of cajteot and rwabtlied mdr. With paek-korar ean.ianoy wr tn rhe med Craokrd oritraichuhro'craprenb.irn Ulla Tree le the Jingling ef oer Iradrrt VIM, Te follow fuofiab prrccC'enN, aad 1rk With btb our tret, it caaiar thaa la ikiub.? Commanfritfrai; r 'iJLJaama.a.'? tea tab wttrsee hausut. ... Mr. Cnilgit In tbe Candies vtatrhman, of the (Sib is ttsnt, 1 aotioed in aditoe'wl article beaJeJ 111 trlt Uncle ttam." It vnuld have beea more ia character with the Collared editor, to bare Said, " ttt 111 mf avirwr.'' I am a wihaeriber (Ood forgive; ate) ta Mr. Inneli pe-we, and barf king sinee beooma davl ttirt'd wi'h hia atari, ulnrenoe, hrht ar wronr m lAr arwerr ihal be has not tadepea- aVa a-iih n -uMiali a paper fne a frerBiea- tb read; ii eouM Wirt his agtureaujch baiter ta be the herald ol a deep,, in prWlal bit will In armtr aubj'C'a .1 - ire not the pleasure ef "cffnaimancr with Mr. lone, bul should I l.-iiifi wi'h a en'.'ar f(Wnd his seek, witb -i sat Ccaamat acgsosV awe," njrrd ne h. I rhuutd poiulihe ea:r at Bttmhim 1 Jnrt7t jkir' if ihi Cartt n MtAsMe, I fear rr lro'ViBhare WsaontoeephUa oflkt Old 0-t ral'i iograiiirxJe.-lor ha hat . wagged his tail, and grinned ia the face af tbe "Wi Hen,"jng eaojgf: to bare reeeived acme fii'W- ufBoe, which (according to hie rules) ail unmanly urCiooeiHileaalm lewr . Mr. ton tars hia patrons are . withdrietng fr-oi hiah, and blames the Post Masters for k. he aa) with no f bee nf,the aViet of j .lbaltl BV that ef packing om and culliag fresa the Ma'" . . ar; iV". ?, h''. ow i ore i thia i not sating maeb fne Pie taate of the Pr 0(Tcg gentry, ill acre one of Uut CVpa, and (fi;Oa-i !o Cull a mail f x UIM rrl (Adl'S jiii'gi tbe Wafca Mia would alwaifa pan' "ia." molr-red. 1 can give Mr. Joaer a better reaaoa for toeing hit rabteribera, bis paper ia tiled ap witb nothing b"' servile prsies of Preaideat J kron, aad some of hia republican raadart are not sMii.werrhtppari. May 3S.I831 ANON. A ItlUr from a uaesnum to hia appreailoe, ho bad absconded, a d who, he had beca in formed, wished to come beck again t W. T. F. .0T" March 20th 18 Si'a I bar under Mud by one of my! bant that you wod com back and eta your time out If I wod not mis yousyou sir If you wish to com na jou air u luu w n twin . . to aad you abend be mis Ireted I , . i. ' ,.. l.. . A bac you, can d bv me Sir I bar a large r w - " "WW commenced. 40 by JO byck shed 1 1 fret fea rer 9 feel and Ihe nun I are bilding fir It a, irf. ted to rile to you hi the Man wooes "(vaata) fore or lihaes. My adrias to yoa is com baa and Jarve.oot jionr time and git your paper ge SWSf aiinenrtKl (lionorablej jod in. firCtiL aod ad any g od tticud wod adttiaa- Voa fa .da hat do at yoa pleas. I aeajr (sue) you toe aad them tha barter (hirer) you.' I bar ibe lavgh (taw) is in my taver withe all tbouse there tuaf traU with you or barren you yU are my ear. vend in work and my tai-vend ia laugh. Us) and now (no) mat has spy .write to barm ar trate with yoO If the do the do it at. the one (own) eipence not in this all at pretend j to you as you can do as yoa plena tu i ooioa yoa and tbosee yoa hav bio withe. RUCllASIaVITBAlaV ajiw:o.-iaal - - Poetry and Eloouenccf l the uatural iruii. ol aUutde and. taed. i.xucnce( : of' intercourse. ith Vlfta ". world. The pertoot" wh haye most Xecling ol theic own, if i' tclUctual culiure have given tetQ s language io which to 'eiprtts t, have the highest tacuity ot poetry ihote who beat understand thefeelinga sirptettjm pay ibargep and . t-ks.bim T others are the fooat eloqueot , "The pertoot, ana inc. nauuna, woo toiff monly excel to poetry, are those whose ctwrscter snd tastes render them .iejat d -pendent -for Ahcif Vi'pflinUY up; b tht; sppUtisCi, Qt sjup.tbyg oa "Ujq Thiya lo whuaH 'that appUuee, that lyanpaiby, that goeturrrncs era ami MCeatary, gr or rally fieri moat lo ttr. S'.'txurrtKt of tht'evofld In grntral, a a etirntf, Aad htocr, pcrhape. th fienth, who ar Wut poetical of ail . griM asdj rHioctS ftatiofia, irt aeaongaf, th tM tlotjueot the Ttt nt h, sin, being h mtt sociable, the wtiinrr md tnr !al arlf-de Den. j - . . . . . t taw tiurtM Taetkt.U it said that oot of iti Nc. Yotk Hcnttors In Cong rew wss laa'trtftttd to wtf agaioti the rcdoctiot) of the f ariff. aod.ths Mhar It l to his own ditcrc .1. - iion, . , . , 7 1 ai y arir.ii Maauaa, la Ibia lowa, m SniMlay i'ie l"n inn. by howo awed. Kaa. Mr. .fJtJ-.eaW f fmJrj lo Urn, Ml Wmtmmm. la ihia eaajBtr, an ibe ISh met. bv Caaaer rt.a,r. g. mr Mm 4f Jr te Mat VaA aVaM.. la Cabaenie Cfltiatv. aa rhe Tftb atl . bv rhe lev- N. thaver, air. Juea C kiiaer U M iat CATAWBA SPRINGS. Vm tt. Smontvjti, nESfECITI LLT InfWme bia fnead tmi tb ftublia feaerall.. Ibal thia drlirhiful SUM! Kit It KT II FIAT I mtt tee tat thr reception of company, N He alters kimavlf, that haeina since the hbl rraaoa irad aataaidarablaimprorenvcatsia tbt war ofbuildina. and recent Ir nurehaaw! nfiba nrrinl import in bi Ihe eiiy of Nrw aVfk, aH urb aniriei a are rjecrsaary for the keeping uf a goa Dours. tail ae mH be enabled te m1. r sgrreebtf. sHLcomfortsble, tha stay of -ail eah i vay aeaar Urn waa I near euatoanv. lie demaa aJioaviher suoerlenaw ( tar ant 'H","f ,h ierJ e.aittiei of.lhtse Springs, rrlnef ban prorsa of tha roitrt aatutary aJrea- tag w. as tok as have tried ibem. Al that be wlA aa a eoncfoiioa la, that aa ear Hjaaje-wiS baas arid Htwdet1tweecowime. Uetjoaaas guod aa any ia (he Weaera pan of ia aia'e. 'fiatsw'f.V.V. C M,, 14. 1811 83 " ' 1 t 11 FmX.M!l.r1TIO.y ii r I OK THE A.V.AijVtt Wis li at-itrfte'IIf. mtmtXAMINATlUN of thr Fp. 1 MALHSCIIOULioSuuatillc. jDt ukc "fdUce ooihe Iaai ThuraJay i'lJitJ. The cierct-.es will BXDtl as early -a f oMork io the avtamg. --Tha Music Pupil will be cisoslocd After early codle light. - ! clsit will graduate, sad receive mtdali, which givrt aa additi oalio trrtitf to thi 'ctsmlnstlorj. All ho tee) tttr rent d ia Tciaale Education ar f krpeetrw-ltrV'ited to Btteod, , - --Hr AcCALD.r'ELU: -'i .. - - PrinctinU will conaaencc oo the irar Mouday ia Jtrtt'.TrTiiit at'Wmertvr smeicite, UtMl Co. .V. C.: " TiTf: .ViyiAA iijj. rplJE tertil. ate" for Tour tharf s of . rL. ibe Casiu) or J 4a t Stock of the dissc-Uaok r.f ffotth Crnlios, tub. eMVd fur la tot oiAe of Mn Locke $t d tHflsfcTTT40,rtuIip HaticalaU of Rowan Cuflntr. N. C. dee'd. beioe Lit or" mislaid, Notice is hereby giv et td all persona concerned that I shall ipV'ta the, Prei drnt of said Bank, cithciio person or by agent to itaua a duplicate thereof. IT 3m XvrOEOKOE HAWKS, rJCT, ! ; Situfmyisflfaif 93 833fcTO51 LieooLa Covsvv. TJotat a Flsas aaa Qcaarsa Saiwroaa. ii , JprilTm,im. BURTON B. CUT rONVirieV,. ailachtUni we. - Vvtea ra frnM WttUAM MARTIN i irrtaeriy, te . - - . . IT.sppeanng to tbe -aUsuctioo of I Z u . . Ibe Court (hat Wiiliam Mrtm tbt I.. . . . ... ... i . dctetfdnL is sot aa isnaotunt ol thia ; Staie.lt is therefore brdered by the i-Cottri that he sppcsf at the next Court I Picas aod Q urter geniont, to be held for the Co mtt 6f Uocoln; M thc Counflruie Jn-LioxjJnUjn.ooiba third M -ad-y ia July acati lualeyy and pfead to ittoe or Judgment by de fault, 'wtfl be entered op sgainst hint. OrdertJj by the Court that publication bcrecf fee made.pix weeks suceestite' ly iaha Wtstcra Carolinian. 6-tt, , ' V. M-BEE, c.e.c. r t Commit fe(l ; .r . ,'flO TjlE JAtLof thia I , tM. Couoty. oa the Uth W 1 7 j ,w,ho flls himself ; ..?;r-cboi ty years of ogef abpat ive feet si iochet high, and says that he bcloogs to .VsVHlftb CSIcbrist, of Guilford CovrfiU'l -North' Carolios. Toe owoer Is rerltfeited td conae forward.' orjve .wey,ji vecwi uc ucau wiiu aa low law Otftrctf, --i .-. V:j. .0. W. HlLUAIlD.titVim 1 ' ' ' -V C.Mau 11,1833 fr.-arfB-4 XtgTOtS WftUltd. , TlUE ulfctihert wlrH in purthate . . OVSQ d LIKELY ; Ol boib stri. For tuih. th CX6U will be paid, br making application, r',,h,,.P'ftortitlT or br Jeticr, Let legtoa, DtviJi'xi Cmintr, N. C, to Miy tith 1133, , V ... VOTC?. Y AM sail 'Ut tocloat my boiineit lo 1 the tuev f n waa. aad a dorr I c to my DEBTOIla. induces ana togibs this fl'RLIC NOTICE, that all notes, aecoueit, nddfRiapilt whstsoevef mutt be aettled forthwith. or, shall be under the dltgrctaU neieitttv of potting them in a course of collection where COSTS will be incurred. ! will attend at Mkivl!le evtnr Isar day for le purpoae of tffcdlag ihia objec. ROnF.RT IIARCRATE. MaytuA, 183 J. Tftl CT L08T. my Rr Roaaa U Ihe Tow a of Saint bury, a new Silk Camlel Cloak, with a t eaHiiHt eoll.r, Seed wba black rthret. It aa hMtreed with a braid Card and barrel but lone, lha cloak was Sued wl'b red fringe. I anpnoaa Some awe took R through a arUake, and I will thank any ewe le retara R, or give ate informal una Concerning It TiM. H. SLAUGHTER. JUj Vh I83t 30 JYoticc, . A Itiwnejrnma Unit f t "tAiTCD. rPlIE subscribers wish a employ a work nun of rood ttcsdy habits, (no other oeed apply) whJ will roeei with good wages aod coostaot era. ptayaweat. - The aurrrihra five a. bout seven miles North West t Con cord, jod atx-ut three milct S uih. Eatt of icob Stirewalt't anill. to wh-iSa appU , ROSS JU8TI3 $ CO. CabarrU$ Vounly, V. Cl CallUU.lU Va..MdKl. u fPIIE 8ubacribcr M - W at would respect fully Inform hit : leieads, t tbg vmb- v i . m w . UC .. generally, . that be still cootttfuea- tA gatrat-M- trie--- At Kiw-rld atandj wpoilte JliJJAG- B? t) HOTEL, tJl-iu ear too branches.- The subecribcr will ontn. cr taf, that he has thoatsid dollar worth of work oo .haod, or that hit work it aurpaased br sVOttf; but will only itt the public ' to ' cAl sod sre his work, hear his prices 'ROuT judge lor themselves. i Miy24A l83J. TI'rDV A LL those Indebted t the Estste of the Rer. R. L.' CaldweU dee'd., are requested to come forward aad make payment by the '1st lot August, And aTT having ctitmVir 111 plrSje pre. tent them for payment a the law di rectt. Mmlnittra - 0. C. CALDWELL, tnt of R L H79 '. J Cs. Estate. BtatwUk, hritH Co. ff. f . May 84, 1833. J T IE books are now open, end wl ebntlhaa onea for ail wer k at 'the store A Thorn- a tm Cow-to in ' Salisbury at tha store of MeaarsClemeM ff Kellr Mockwilh and St Joseph Han, Esq, Kulioa. for eubsorip ieii to ihe Soaitw) Tadaridg''w:rv-' bv- -.h- THE f OUMI9KIONER9. . itt-iiiuracttrs ot TIE subsor'iber rerpeerfully injorma tha ia haaltantt of Salisbury ana lit vicinity, that be still carries ea tbe - " Chair tt liedsteadIakin- ': fa aLi tt raafoet aaaaciM, -M will keen constantly on bead, a variety af elegant Chair aeatly tiilded, aeeoamentd WKS-ptfrieat may mr nte tsra or rancy ('is t sat Bedsteads. luraJabcd m flrat style, reeoVd or turned, as auy sult Cribs, Trumlle Bed steads fee. ataxia to oroer. Io connection with bit . bunneis, : be will make bead snd foot boards for , Oraves, com. plate letierrd or plaia. . . Of Wijron. CarrrmllN fc ia a neat' style, at well as House fainting, i , - - v. I 'Bedsieada and Chairs, aeatly rr paired' at a .very moderate price, auch ee cleaning eft var aishing, fcc r-- .m . - Turninr of alt descriptions, done wi'h neaV aess and dispatch. 3 T9 , WILLIAM at HtJUllEi. . : SaLitmritJiitt I3t 3 ','Kn Aiprentiee to the above business, from i 'ate 19 yrjfa ef ace, -awjjd bt tt ht Apply 1 e fww. llcvolutionarji I't-iisionrn. rtllli: Swoaee-ber r"a If. L wg Hbe emplote't te set as Arvsir f r web teWW' iVtMrof I as saat B,.4 It -iaOMlaniiM le aud p rrajKl'yal lha hai-k -af Uf U M biaie, at l y"r'" le draw as ir rrkamaa, ihaibtwih remk 'b'sr i'r te . .. wh mcer tbey Mr direct, bt at1 af wh r e bm a aaytai balr Mak. IU wiB a a 4 ta Ihe renewal ef Nwreelakineref ibe Ri-ae aiSMasaea, for seen persons at t-ay thtt Cper in employ him, all upon modera'e Ireire, reiwrtaaxMe'Bnywrf-allrs')i W af""" tbe risk af laa perrons epotg kim, aid alt letters addressed a him a ihee miij'et ataaS be past paid, f'rm as lha fa vir f Attoroe he, aeeaaae le draw poaaiawa, wilt be As abed If applied bv m . m i a tm i, i n m . at UU.ililianii) 'grramoV, iU, 18, 113. emm9wmfJaBw TllClrmef Hacaarr t Laatit barl area Uia)lri d, iba boawam m hitara wB a eaaOucled by f f. LEMXY h t01t r'ae at f-r riving lrr fri Mw-York & PhthMphtoi a coartsta ss-'atVwi fcptlni, and riummtf 0 lar laieei hf triad, tmmuHiitf mf i. ' Dt)-UoikA-i. tic UnittrUii nut, Uoutrtt U o:n, . Hard-Ware, dutl'tiii atd;,, I'LA'l Kl) Wl; Saddlery, Crockery, Uc, Ut . - aaaataasnaraiavar Carpenfert;ibinrftakert,4n tiiAtUmhi't tikJs. r uaawiaav a aa arret t a - - Cmt,-Aatfr f EnitfaJI SCHOOL BOOKS. : . v Kni all other article tmaHy kepi m ret1 tmeri. wbka tbty Intend .lliix at Ai ia tot cata, ar aa a th-t eedti w pux. aat daaWrs, Thar reeoeelfu Iv Uvhe tbeW ftkw'e. and tha pubntgsaeratly.to call aad stamina lUe Meoetmeai fcr taeraaelyea, Coiloa, Cera, Owls, El treed, Rretwit. Tat low, and almost arery eweriptlHi f caai t'p prwtuoa will be take a at fait prices, to . B iha-gr tut goods "V HoMmtwry, .T C IMJfaf. ISJI. . g f. NEW GOOD. TU rwAaeHarr sthrw nrcaiaiaf , aW pewsag, U em i a) f ' gvHllET ware prcthal n New York 4 JL fhiUdctphla, frenf ibe1 !' hvpor a'twa) imwreateara,a4ttle4t fnaC,-H th.jL. will be sold al a amaU pr r eaah, or wjTj; pwartoal rte ta ne im-'owal rrdn ,U aav": aot.-- uf rTra.7 1 'x t. iiiUK;iwV.ft ri f ri fgyrrir! f .r - r- -V " a4 I a r .( t VM 1 1 AT. a-V"" C U.T L K It V, saw every ewtr an wh gtaersny i ..i; baeefairVneairwbjchigrrtier with bis. it prsriottsiy M.aaada will. Oatka Iba aaa.r-al - eoanplete., vaiurwwv.1 f.l--'Y ' lias friencs, and lha public genera 'it, are reapeetniily iavaed to sill, etaeiinr, anJ ludga - - Ise.taavaaveavi-aVie: vjrmimi COTTftV, LEBXP4Xr - oxrer. M ' IROMT FUXSERUi T And nearly ail kiark ef eoaatrt proitnee, ait! be taken In exoliange for go. ds nr9 SAMU'l'L illRtlftt . LairaSv.a, M. C4 A, r I OtH mv rtrXiwCcuitectioiTarra fS Msln S'reeri ( ..few floors vwVrfxr.-:-:T Wm, H. Sloitnters li.use of, ' Enteitainiutou tl.lialiury, NC. W.to will sir ys tup oo ha d i v Ssaortmrat of ar idea cotabected with, ' tbi C nfeitio ary busmeas, and oie) feat thtagt extra by the way ol vr ,4 ty, aelrctett frt'tn the "best house i in . ' Nt w Y'! I . rhiisdelphU ii;he.kbay-V- .1 importatroni, with g-e:t cart ri f t which wilt.be ioundjnjJpnow.Bgii Rock, Ltmn,PejpermijatCmn::: mon. Cream. Lox nget. sugar PJtm, V. Vc; Vc.r"S; mMuteateJ Raiiim. Madeira Vaj -i- Smyrna Figs Airttomit, uraza ' WITH ANiMMtrtiEXT Of , - i ujacluxe Newark Cider ftfrtxh) V I-OCETIIER WITH- r t-- x --r TOIMCCO 1 4y Smoking and Chewing , - He respectfully soiitiiSeR shire oJ5 '. the - public favQur, aod hopes hi, 1 friends will give him a gait and vWwv hia article aa heiadetermioed to tell :r CHEAP! CllEMil CIlEJMll Mt It 1833 l . T6tf Bthnk O'ccrfv . Or every diptioa,, weaUy Printed, tr . BtirnalaeiiiTtjr aaia at t-' o. l-i:. i