Wrsforh Carolinian. I r - if -TBI, J ajKnnt. "i Ir-: 11 : h AW1 jet? u i nixzviomTV. r LAWr! OF TUB IJ. HTArEfl. aiKif rof ft'iilo tfih$ IV 0 W. 4 ACT swd s tnttilad " Aa a I'. gnt a miM t-r of WJ 10 tb 1 ' a, I -r iha'parpuae of awtnw ll a iiig a.al ! eo" the oairfS of in Winui r.-f h iboM of Laka vtkhigan, a! Uow further liov 'ha f' o a ivr.ng the Mni t aal fr. Day lull m iff tty Wife" in' , of Renrrtentatim of the VnU it I ylitrt or America in Conrtts aurmhfl, Tiu. ih lands gra, ltd i t State el Itli .ois by the act to svhicn iiva is an meodment, m-v be sed a d disposed of hjr id H' -te, for the purpose of nwkiog a rail roil In...ed of a canal as in id act e -. templa'rd nd that the time for com Bench g and completing said canal or tail road, whichever the Stale ol III r'n may Ch ose t make, be and it extended five yean, t Provi'fci Tnat, SI a rail rod is mHr h place of a Canal, the S ale of I I'm is ahall be a iij-cl to the time duties and obligs inns and the Government of the U. g ,tes shall be entitled to, nd br Che sane privilege m laid rail road, hieh they would hive Kjd through h raoal, if it Hd bern operrd. T"ai the further time eif fire vear- be llowcd the Bute of O'lio t rom. Ineneethe Miamaveenal from Davioq Co Lake Erie, in addition to the tine k.tXTMWl. gpkr tftk lltt if Htpraudr9n. IIU L. vmrr,, Prm.knfflh Senof tfmfrt. aproei, MafJ. 2, lali. ANOHKW JACKSON. No. 61. CT to Ineofpnrtie OcOfjtHowB Frre R. b t sAil OrptMO At) turn, m i lie Diiric: f ;uliiinbia. Pc U.enactei bit fhe Senate anl p.me of Representatim of me i mr hi SMet of America in Congre'tt Rmrmbled, That Stephen f) ibunaon, l,evri C-rbtry, P-ter O'D -nnoghue, Pd wrd B. Kmg, E .cn K'ng, Charlea K 's'. Ilt'ianua Clarke, B roard Drien, A. II. Bucher, J hn II. Miy, and J 'vpit Br fk, and tueir aucceaavra in ffice, are hereby made, declared " "in J "cTioitl lute 1 J,-a"cof pjratTdo'" and ; fcodf P'dit'te, b la id io Let, to liave cuntioujnee fore tar, ubdef tke time, Htylt and title, -of the Of re truri fte ftAA and tl-pfwn Av. lucu. . . - . ... .. ... . die . ftc It further. enacted, Tiui all aod a'mgutar the lands, ien tmcti, rtnu,. legaciei, annuities, ... Jihi pririlegca,. good?, and chit el, that may . hcreaf.er be given, - gr.tel,ao1dJ( devWed, or tiraihed, " to the O eoVgeiowo Free Scntiil and ... JO -ph.aa-Atyluinbc, aod. Jiaey . Jirc " kerebv, reated in, and cor.B'tned to, the ajid corporation nd nt they . nuv .porthaae, .wk,c,receive,.jnd f y anv Unda, teoeroents, rents, a uite, righta, or privilegea, or any woods, chat ela. or other effects, or wht kind or uature soever, which g ull or my hereafter be given, 8 oied, atdd, bequeathed, or deviied -. :f.i .m tjotor tnem, or ertner oi tneni, aa iiua tee of the aaid Free School and Ay fum. by ay peraon or persons, bod jet politic or corporate, capable oft AiiniTauch grant, and t dispose of the atne Provided, The clear an . a' nuu income oi property to be ac tired by said corporation ahall at no tune exceed toe aunt ot nve tnousaau dol! irs. Sec. 3. Andbe.tt further enacted. "Ttl'"lltu,c o .me and atyle af iresaid, be, aod aball br hereafter, capable, in law and . eqtiuy, to au and be- sued, to pled kn I be impleaded, within the District ItctUal mAo t rporatlons cn sua or be aued and that thry ahill adopt and use a com- - m m seal, and the aime to use, alter, or fxchaoge, at pie .sure that they m y appoint such . ficera aa the, shall dc -ti necessary and pr- per, to assign ..thmtheir., Compcnjtlon, and ttf remove any or 11 of them, and ppointjthers, as of ten as they thiok and the a iid ... fctrporatioo, ahll, make aucb byla s m y be useful fr the government nd support, and f r the gentr d .ac wttmoHliment of the iobjec;oC.the " ta'id Aivtum, aa herein.ifter mention ed aad not inconsistent with the law "-: tf tj.e Unted States or the lawa in force in the District of Columbia, for th time being, and the same to alter, time d, or abroajxte, at pleasure. - H;r, 4. And be ti further enacted, Th .t there hall be a meeting of the fTrValar .annual" C"ntributor to the r a School a. cl 0 hai Aoljrrt, ! month cf June, in ea.h yrar, tht hour and d4f ad manner rf giving eotice f.r which to f regulatr d bv the by-laws at which mrfting b) .L ....... f .1 . L I iv- lO'llf m no, ll'm ins ur-iaw, nil, i dual Cr'tf to vote,' pin TrouU enana-1 gera ahall b tU eted, wh ahall p point a prrsidect and rcrctary, and way fill vatantira in ther owo b-afd. until their neil annud cWcti'm tha h ir duiits ahall ba regulated by the N-liw, ' gee. . Anibeit further twitted. una "I the parent, gurdMO, r friend, wh i may have the care of any male or frmale child, or where a child miy br destitute of any friend fr protect')', 'he same mav be received into the Ororgetoan F"e Sift d and O p' an Avlum, under uch regulation a my Ix made by the by-Uws, and there protected, instructed," nd up parted and thry sh llnot hereWirr be wiihdan, or be at liberty then irlvea to withdraw, from the Frrr School and Asylum, wiilvut the con. rtit t dimil rf l corporation afureaaid unul, if a mite, he ahall hae aiKiued the age of twe .ty n years, or, if a female, the age ofeigh teen yrra but, up to the aiea iore sid, respectively, they ahall remam subject to the dirrciiou f the said 0'p ration, unlets thry may, by the ame, he cioneraied from e rvicc previous to atiainiug thoie agrs, re. pectivelv and the said corxraiion ahall have the p er to bind any child under their care, fr the purp. sr ol caj tiring a knowledge ol some usrful tr dc, ccupation, or profession, un der such ConuilioD as may be deter mined by the l!.wi, a c py of whiih eonVflti' rta aliff be ilrlivcred and heyshillbe biodirg or, every per. son to whom any ci.iM may be,ao bound that children may be received tnro the-athOolt for datiy atic-adaa. hoie patebu or guarjuua arc, or may be, unable to pay Ur their id struction, or wh se parenta or guar diana may contribute towards the support ol tflc Free Scho) auJ Av luai, under such regulations as ojjV he made in the bv-lawa. Sec, 6. And be it further enacted. That any vcncy which, irnra dc th, rcsii(otion. or otherwise, may happen in the board of trustees, shall be fi.l- ed acC'Tdins to the mode ro be Knbed in the by-laws that thev miy! hold such meeting as thevsh .ll thi. k proper, and, lo give rm to h-.- proceedinga, may ppoi t such . ft- cers as they may deem nrcssarv , V.il : provide proper checks and respo si bilitics f r the security ol the proper, tv and the funds of rhe corp'.. ration aforesa.d J thlt they shall keep a'jur nal of their proceedings, upon n. h the byolawa shll be recorded f jtid thar thev ahall make report at th-'a huaf'meeii'ngto be reld iVJunr," of the iff tirs aod condition of the ioaii tini n lor the preceding year. Spprofd, March 3, 18-1. AN tCT ttj auth.?rian tht Preanlent of be Uni. Ud Staws to cause ttie public aurvera o be " connected i'h the line of drmircaiion be , !. iUABanf India ta and lltintnav Bt it enacted by the-Sennte and Uouse of licptetentatica .ofthcMnt- led States of America tn Congress assembled, Tnat the President oi the UiUd.i3uLca be. aad Jiercby. ia . a-. thorized aod required to cause the public lands lying along the tine of demarcation between the States of Indiana and Illinoia, as established by the joint sanction of thoae Sutes, to be surveyed in connection with said l.ne, on either aide thereof. - - - -. Sec. 2, .And be it furlier . enacted. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and hereby is, authorised Jo allow tor the service to be performed under this art such further compensation in addition to the regular price now au thorized oy I w, as to him ahdl appear to be j ist aod reasonable, to be raid out of the regular appropriation for surveying public lauds northwest of Approved. Maxch i, 1833, ' ' . " ,,. ...... AN ACT further to ei'tnd ihe power of tba Buarrf of Canal Commuuinnera for the pntOMnt ol. tba . fauirttaace rmer, io the r iif AlatwiTKt lie it enacted bjthe Senate and House of Representatives of the Unit ed. Slates of America in Congress asscnibled, That the com nissiooera appointed bvlthe State of Alabama to uperinteod the improvement of tht Tennessee river, and thetr successor lS iiffice bev aod th'evIre'neFebyu" ih r.itd to suspend the improvement of so much of said river Is is below Florence, to said Si ite, and every oth ef'part of lhlame',""ufi and other ' improvements, between Lamb's ferry and Cimpbell's ferry shall have been completed fny thing in the act entitled 44 An act to grant certain. relinquished and unappropria ted lands to the State of Alabama for the purpose of improving ttie naviga ti n of the Tennesee, Coosa. Cahaa ba, and Bi ck Warrior ri ve VtM ... ap proved twenty-third of Mt, one thousand eight biiprlred i-d twenty etM, to tHeem? t' wtidiauiid.pg. K'ft Tin. Spring Si UllUllPlA John .Alurphy ftUrrrVL lr mi fwrm, r,rM If ma ta (e hw fn li svl ta shb i 'ill ht ia io opening, bit . X- A.TV.IATUJ WX coons, lelreted ear futlv 4 ai-en rly ftois k la lrl kmp-rttmfi. iB,"r fsri tticj fh'lt l'1 tiliit, f.e I He a .nn tit HJJ. tin) bought itUl 4alV lCSII THom Mluiir mrunmi and purch cheap nidt art inviitd la raM and do J 1 kobr Mfiet iirniiialbMSta,lo txril a coanii iMnee 4 thuM pi (urt, so bbTH Vvtxw vpim him v M prMia ft. I C-jir froHute of til ' ! 'Mwcit I Ihr ail. M.rSrl prK. t lj Mup '. IH11 I) I (,8t?j MKIIK INKS. Utr raeeired, and i .ot tipening a la'ie rccruii f Mr ininri d Ufflifs st tl.e Wfili. l diuer, rib o lhi Cnurl Huiiw. tul ona dour fruia Juba Irwio'i liure al tbc Mr Ml'ly m " much larg rHaa e t be. Inn rh)Hcian in 'hit and Hit adjoining in. uta ar inviirU call and eaamme both qual it V and Druaa. Thao mho auJi inlidiwliu. I.. .Hilar, atta.lt br as altl fiirniabed a d prratnt to arlect ratlie will ba lurnialird vntl lb bral nf M 'dicinea, put up ih dirrclioi.a lr uae at ihe lowrat market prieea. In adilitrim lo Mtdidura, lnatrumen'S. Simp Purni urt , (Ve. I !ia a la'ee and genrral a-'iM.f ni of Paints, (his Paint Brmhn, rutty, Varuish, Dye Stufs, Smalt UildiMS -- - A'aa Wii.aa of auparior qiislity at Ira'ed 1 MrJical uar ands'l the Fancy f.'rfiitry nd asutu a(i 'r arliflta wliicb rrrnn tn t,c potll farjr buaintaa. ' ' C. MOMllI v'iN" CkarUt,, .V. C. M9 rt. 1H3J. J 7T Suit, IS HUH yJML-t2- fplll.S niatiiuiion anl u,,id under suurriiiteodei.ee of mvell aud bf( ther on Wednesday, the fiiat da of Miy cat. Having had con siderable iperieoce, aa a teacher, and inteudiug 10 pr -atcute the business id tuui n lt1 i jhatrd Z' al, I fmprc iuliv aui ci . a ahar ui in pairmagi P'r!of the couuiiv. Jneyiar will be divided inM t. ,e,ni r,f five months each, AH a. c un , m , be couj .,, tr) end ,l , lCi, j. j jo. T e foil ing are the term of tui (i"ii per Hesiou It adinjr., W iting ai d Arithmrtic wi.h ihc.&tai ruJuneuia of Efi Grim na , $&" -7, Elfsa Grammar" "- and -Grfea' v, . 89 -, . L ngUrfgL-i and Science r, B12 ., Students c.a enter at any time, but cannot withdraw ei-ept at tve end . I a aei n. unless prevented' from at tendance bv reknes. . T l..V IV.iOW. Principal. - N. B. B arJmg can be obtained ia reapextable- families. 1 "am ithori. z4 t ate that M. Crawford, end 1 rII'jrd will cich take, as many a right b nrder. 6t77 rjONFORM ABLY to - deiree of the Court ul Cqimr for Roaq coun. ty, the cleik and Matter will sell -on the premises, on the first dy . f June ext, a Tract of Land, f 123 acres belonging to ihe heirs at law ui Trw. MtHer, dccfaaed, adfointng the lantti of George- McCtnnaughey and oihers, on a credit of twelve months. Als on the same day, at the dwelling house of the late JVn Short, all the lauds of which said Shurt died seized, con. sisling of one tract of 83 3-4 icres, adjoining the Undrof Willi im Btrber and others. One other tract of 30 3-4 acres, adjuimng the lands of R. Uillesnie and others. I credit of. 6 iniuiiiis i r one nair, ana i j mon(iS for the other hairof "the price. . The purchaser ip both case will be re guired to give oonds with approved security for ttie purchase mooey on .tjh.g;u.ay..j.t.'.i;..'gF o. istLLiMA.N, e. m e. April 23. 1833. 2trr Wanted Immediately, frtOUR ur five Juurneymaa to . tbeSadatefUarncanM. tug binineaa. To gond wurk- JStAM, steady .at A.ia4auou laoiis, good wagta aiid con lai.t employment will be siren. Apply to 3if JOHN WtRMOlrH Canewe. V.'.-r . April 1(AW1. VOliCra. rPIIE Certific4te for Four Share of v the Capital or Joiot gKk-of the Bank of Cape Fear, in the name of William Oakes, dee'd., late of Rowan County, N. having been mislaid Notice is therefore hereby giveo to all pmons conrned, that, J shaU apply to ihtTreaident of the said Bank, ei ther in persou, or by. aeent. to issue duplicate thtreof;---; . - - r . ' 1 : LONG, Advtr s t Spring (J Summer GOODS. . "dV.o. w. iiu.Tvvv, Va anw rciliif from N T - 4 fliilaal M. plus, a Uff" sad ea'ciovt aaturtaiant fit sa a4 rwik" ' (Seleelel whb tt rare aid koufSt at Its ltat eh rfi all a which, be ia d'rr w.ii.vdtu llai aviy smslt aeiieltfwr CAS It of lie. l punctual drclera. Il l iiik en HjarntDirr, Grorrdri, irbr&:rj, Uonnttfl.Jcc.lvf. frramis wiabing la ajecliaM, will do wall to eall and esaminaVia Stock f'f he think from tba Vtwaeaa of his price lo Induoe purchaar to boy. Tba jual kutda of produr akca la poyaaent. - - --' ' to7 " .Wi-y, M,if 1, I ail. 23 imLLAit 111' HA It!). I AN A WAY fr.m the subscriber, at his residence in Randolph County, N. C, on ihe B.n ioatant, Two young negro men, viz t JKS8K f ELIJAH t Jesse is ab. ut t venly lo years old weighs about 140 pouuds, of low stat ure but well made, iacf a dark mulat to colour, aud can read print tolerably well. Kl j ah is about eighteen years old, spare made, ia rather inclined to be Slender built and hi lips project rather beyond the proper length. II. had on when he lelt a half worn chip hat and ihiu homespun apparel. They are intelligei I amari fellows, aod will no doubt try to past i free men, under the name of Wildon, Evans, or Choolort they trc both mix d with" Indian; ' - The above reward will be given for t ";ppreB.otrtD-d 1C0nft.lemM"f ...a Dtffroci id anv uu so inii i .( .t. .... I tem again, or, twelve dollar and V at fifty cents fur either. cVfT J. K. ARM (STEAD. Mofflitt MUIm P. 0. RanMph N. C.Apl 8. NOTICE TO DLUTUttS. LL pei sons iodebted to Uie E A uie f Robert Bradshaw, dee d. mc' requested to cone, .f r ward, and akc aetuemcnt by May Lourt. T ae who fail to complv with th s notice, may cipect to settle with an IBcer. Tltf ROBERT N. CRAltJi: ROBT. KRADniMW r.xr's Treasury l) p i t ineiU t April lain leJj I N the late Ci'nnacrati uot t.ie Iuj - ury building, ocarly all- the vur . p ndeoce vf the Hicretary oMhc Tn asury, from' the eataolisftmeDt Ol the Department to the -3lt - March 1833, us dastroyed, including,- as we.i ihe ongmai letter and commu - icitions addressed to the Secretary ot the Treasury; as the record of the letters And lommunicaijoDa wiiuco by "him." "With" a view to fepair the loss, as far aa m iy be practicable, all officers oJ the" United rliate are re quested to cause copie to beprepari, ed) and aaihcotidated by them, or a ny letters (excepting those hcreiflai ter alluded to,) which they may at a ny tTme have written to," 'or rereited from the Secretary of the Treasury j and all those who h ive been in office, and other individuals throughout tbc United Suites, and elsewnere, are in vited to do the tame. That thi con reapondence may - be arranged into appropriate books, "it T " recj Jested that it be copied on folio foolscap paper, with a sufficient margin on all aide to admit of binding, and that no more than one letter be cogtaiued oo a leaf. It ia also requested, that the copies be' written in a pi no aad distinct or en grossing haud. Where the original ! can be spared, it would be preferred. The reasonable expense incurred in ci - fiying the papers now requested not exceeding the rate Ot ten Cents for every hundred words will bej dc frayed by the Department. - The'A Correspondence which has been saved.' and of which therefore. oo capic are deircdr re tlw rectda of the letter written bv the Secreury of the Treasury to Presidcuts and Cashier of Bank, from the. 'Ist Oc tober, 1819, to the 20 h February, 1883 1 alnhc correspondence relating t the revolutionary claims under tne let ofi J.tb May.i&2 aauid:ta:.im. of Virginia officers t half pay, under the act of Sin July 1832, and to ap. plicationa for the benefit a of the act of the Jnd March, 1831, and Hih Ja ryril32norTn'e 'reToPcwuinTina' aolveot debtor of the Uoitfed States. Copie of ome circular letter and instructions, written by the "SetfetXry ,1 have also been preserved t and it is requested that, before-any- copy be made of circular letter or in struction, written by . the Secretary of the. Treasury, the date . and object of the circular be first rated to the D- partmeot, and it witrea on the sM,cranmraiiied.;v .i-:;, LOU18 M LANE J4-4n Stvttary of Un Treasury. punuv s.iu: t'AUWJU GOU) Ml VPS, p iilr H, at pablai i.ier, I f in Uia Uaa !. ill , a tba l... dy 4tj ar, i f ( rg Ivan LU .Va. 1 01 1 I M tan, 11 itwaaWa aiao. S77 44 ah 34 ah. I Mm, ) . , 1 .' tl'Tf fa the above fcl, art eoaapravd Ik ajtuat valuable Vtines, b.nb fur i aad dtpuoiia, in lha vhalo Cberukev eowntry, t he) are those which bate bcea putcbaacd aanng Ilia Lotia. tr, and are t i lor tba porpoae of aattkiMni aaaong (b eoaapamaa. Cpali arc aaaoreH, that tba sale mil b poattiva and witnoai r. aerva. Tb urm will be ooa third, (oak) duos ona third, in two munilia and lb reanaiaing third. In fenir nxMt b from Uta data uf pjrcliaao. Motca, with ai.protad aeeurit lot lii uataAeni of h InatalnMuta aa that beeonte dur, iU ba rfjuirei The title iU be unuuubled. TiKtw4s i. ran a, JACOB PAUK, JASON II. WILSON, V I BUI Un K VtllXHVI HAKD, t B II AKbHOVR, AWUP.L fAIK. ItObl HI 1. fAt I0.V, TUOMti B. WtNll. WILLIAMS HITHtRFORO, HF.MIV U 1. 1. AT K J- Tbc fclcacuuc, of Couwbia, Kootk Carulini, Ih Courier, i4 Charlaaiuru Huutk (Jarnrma. the Stmrr Jiurnar. uf CbarU, N'i'ib Cari'lina, and the lr. of HavCieh. Nurib Caruboa, ail! publ ab the abuva lid tb day ol ia aiul iba XaUuoal loUlUgtacar, of Waaiv tff''vvlfflv)') UaM)n9f' -Hr- iM99tfrtaav TV9fMav te, aud the Advuoate, of llumnille, AUbaOu, ffWi lo until the 3 b July oral, and lutward thu? ma ill Millatitfaau'l, luni)tlb lot a. -a M.anl k-. t.EOKGP. W. Ml'HIIty. TUB TIIOHOUUM BRf.D UOBSK MlDTr, WILL stand th' eisiihK seanon st Bea'ties Fou.. Limoln County, lie n trotten by the just Iv Celebrated RACE HORSE and brerort bid fir Archie I III dam, 'a flue blooded mare htr pedtRiec can be traced to many ofibe mott distin guished racers of 'be d. At to Si j Atcbie, his reputation, and that of hi 1 colts, and tbeir deKCndamsrc so wel '' i mihlUhrd. that ii la acarcel necestsM ioay any thing at the present day', as jfhey hive been among tUamcftit iuccc.s ful diw.nta horr, in t a States ol Vir eini Norrb and South Carotina. Georgia f ad TcDrttlvee. for the last Efleen tears. "Is a handsome bat Se feet three inch' f.hCh four jers:ld net sprinu.t. is thought mat he wirl make a k,ood bree der, as! bis form and blood at botli cood. rarticalari made known in due Ime. " " "iT H, G. BURTON iLjL.BEjrto3cr : hrtenhr Startt3.w-"-v;'-;4": ' WITH a view to the more efficient proectioo of their business, the Subscribers h? established a, . t Having procured the best Material, from the North, and employed a Wotkmao who comes well recommended, thtv arc prepared loctecuie on moderate terms, all orders in ibia line. Account Books, Reee-fdir der ruled snd made to order t and -every kind of Binding promptly executed In 'he bvst and nea'eit manner, on icasonable terms. 34 f J. GALES k SON. Ralrtgh, Jtujf , . . . - CHARLESTON and CHERAn THE STEAM BOAT MACON CAHT. J. C. OR A HAM having been Maitfa44aaaaMiuer itVtnnw raw calling at Geo. Town on her way up and down, -wilt resume her Trips in the course of a few days and is intended lobe continued' in the trade the ensuing sea 0JJ; Her eiceeding light draft of Water drawine wbeti loaded onlv about four aiiC a half feet water will enable her to react) Cberaw at all limes except, an uncom mon low ilrer, when her cargo will be lightened i the Espcnce of Boat. . .. . J.. .BL CLOGU CiarttStt 3tfir7&nai?? N. B. She ha comfortable aaomo lUtkuty for a few passengers. 9 2 1 1 : J.B C."T rr 11 - ; Kowin JCirooprrs, "vyoU will p .ie at 'be Cwn H we in Sa JHl ' liaburjr.oi. P iday the 3utb of liar next, as 0 j'clock. iKjiipt aa tba law directs,?: A Court Martial will be held at like sane time for the trial of d lii'tjuenta. .v j Bv order of tlie Cap. 4 . trr " jas bweva, o. s 4)2)3 ipmasia'asKQ EXECUTED WITH XEA? JfEsS Jnd VISPATU, I0J1 afo In . 1191 l. a ll ate. 640 II I at a. - - - M .'i -lf afc, , ' IViA aw tt a. . $Uj Vik at tat Ja. n IM afe i aV. VM t Ji af tat . if l.i .at Itt at. avkla i piw fja 974 .' aia lw aw. I0J9 af tt 'at. 30 111 at Im Van. HO U- ah let , ah, A' (A. ViH U 4i U rf. t i 311 aw U d.. t4 alM at U at. aVia U aw 3a a. i ---nr- Notice i,i. a.M. Iba bamlarf Wno.l,., ,, TT' " a-iHWiw, vui m d kr,t SlIUENTOKB. Ebrmtrr Melton i. y ba haaparrl,,,,! I T 1 ' " '""r-t .a . I ttSa...','Ma awaituoad 14 14- Zh , f'f od 4aia 1,, I Stuck if I Lrna. Iba Narih a laigt ai4 (1 VtmUd wAitoTtintnt of article belonging ka baw of A-w . J snHahr.hea. t f Seahitts, Cheapness and ' tWIUniLiry h Uco iM thai bUM.(ie,at la .ut.a by .on. m tk KouiWr. foumry u ?W (am ,og other things ) . Ceo law '. of -lif brS) ;iality aad airtt faabieaa au. 1 gaweal aaanrr-aent of La-ace1 I barf U fuT si kid,.oHis "Wrueij-. rocco -nt Cmnfiu, f tho oeaiaai aiylr and braj (. aaA Miertahiall.ifohien, ba ,g J V? caab, or to paoctoal curat.,, aa a (hurt eril dit t r, par omt oil) b dnwmwH t. tZ chaarra wbi pay on J.m,4 0 rJT. mahra l.i) aekoo.kJg rmr,,; lk i H,-b..r, , and Ibo a.-g'iborin, e-wa-r,, J h Cboral abar. of .aaj . a,,,,.! H JT and ha hopes h a Uric auaniMny to bja2 - Trrfr wmtlnuaivaa of their favwa Ha till aarrksoa ike bsHora, uf bmcmmW BOOTS, SF 10 KS, .i. ahleh lyp1.:if.rs brjarir"to'dr rir- yr, ont.f th beat wait rials on ib snortV n..iu. . i,r "irniaoaq miWM B Oil .ifeaeellent N. nbrm BoatLcatkrr, and t,t kina ohioii be i..UnJa l bate vorkrd ki tn hih.p. Ho bnuo lb, LadinaandCWMl aa M and all, will cm a d e laakint hi aat t ent, for b ran --onA hmllf rroontaars a N the moat aty, arhei and drairabl ul ever broo ,'ht i,. ihe W-n-raj iiarl of iha in , P. Otdersfrnni he omn n will f-cira the atne'iat atientioa a d h tH i la1 ' mueb t-r cainnaa t...aigi) nM croa HiaMtf rre perwiallt prem. ... Vf 'VnUor. rtitipr- LY L- XlMiTtKY VT C Mr. Thevphilm M. Himona , - M05T tpnilully lolom rig Irituda, if the public ai larpe. ' " .t ne is now c.irrvmg on the T iloi ii.g B Jsinesa, in all in variou bViinmr in the oti of, La-Einp-io,. N-C. W the. ahop Eot -wf-the-Cmrrrll'DM" l'7rly,t' pitd bv P. FowUr He regula'rlt : rrcrrvrt the -latril" N- Vork a l P vUdebhn fihi.mt 'P'Cn V ill enable him to make pr genilmvau " .' . . . :::-A fashionable, suit of Clothes on shott nonce, and ij a superior stvljf l wurkmaiunip He hopes bv ai-l- uou. attention-re) cnasinfn V' anerit a, hare.nl pubiir; psf pn ;-.-v. juciLYiapfD, r.. fyiLLvkit Salibury o the 2lM " of this mouth,' and remain short periwd, every orWratioa requita totr serve: and beautify the Ttf.lj will be done onm'ideritc rerwr,"ini " late approved principles. ; Ladies waited on at thetr cTwllingfa" QJ The Reverend Clegy a'&iiM gratuuiously, ;- May 1 2 1833, r6.r YMW .1 li v,. llHR ankarrilwi .iIT r f.rf Salt tka tsituea tmifaMteiy:m tiir ferr irwis5a. Bank. Fur terms appiy to 74 f- ' i r'lUSflfNV!Sr. SaUihvry, Miflik Wi. rutin h OAt ur jn.y. tgiar SALISHUKY BUiKSL y0U yill par4de rtt Caurt Iloiue, in Salts bury, on Thiuaday lbs 4.9 A ay t fX il Yi ML af,Bt.i clikrA.M;tcittt ihe taw direct. - Those w bo1 do not ppt-. pf opcrly arroecf od accea- "rt.aaTiri diaaolnd k. ' 'S r. . a, m. AH p..a .g ,hM i ttaama art.g (,,, lh, t . !.-. la euM furoard a. J . i. A "- cert tinly be fined.- A Ctmrt Mvtial will be hetd imme diitely afrtr the dismisdof the coat pan? forth frtal'fvJes By Order uf thf Captain, : GEO M. MURR. 0 S. May ti 1833 . . 1 the nr XI Annual Addret bort tV erarv! Societies of the Unirsity of hoft ,Wih m Wedmaday Ihe Sh June, preceding comni ncemw.i , ' -a,v-., OT i Alvti lift ss r i . tr-r v f. en')' luali fen !f-',:-- ..v