TTTT TVf 77 0. o , Enmmm TO ''If ii.rn wi ah-ruin ff .n hw, whieh Wcvnr ia aa g ii tV BnW kj thi 11 a d.rV iama.t '.Jal .tr? U lVUrt tUciiiiW. m4 hk. will ' ,efn,H The w4a,HBofl2iilatimUfirfiUviW!ain.rufl;..-l.-iii.w..-.- . f, UdMWf . (BV BUUTpN CIIA(JK.J- Salisbury, rowan countv, n.c... m(.a. jink im (VOL. XIII Mi ait I ll I mil 1 1 tSbj "i" W ' aaaV- westers c.nousrs i, tiiiW a rrrk af fro dlan per Vukki, idid ?' Ml montii; or two lilUrt tn-l.tyi ""''. "'' atjf . fi nfAii Mr fnr. .Yo I'niw ril ' J lrot nurd until all arrrnrugrt art j in(, wilf LUlor'i ditrrrtion. I .taaarriavio vl iV rrctitt'l for a Uu - ft tktin ewe jrur. 4 uire Id cWjr lU Editor of a rttk f i,foMinut, one month htftre tkr eiptra- ot of a yor, rill be romidtrtd as a a t ,""f f tot at Anj prr0 procvrinf tit mWaI tub- ttnhrrt to th Cartdininn, Anil ban a . yrn'h paper pratit.-- Idvcrtiniig at Iks ' uil rate. V Ml Unm tvMrtiifif to tit Editor mu "if iMtf tKi'tii ir tnrv vill nnt br allrmled to. . -r These term will bo tnctly aducr. tA to. POLITICAL.'. IKIil THK No VOL IIHMLf). I'RfolUKNTH rilOCLAMATlUN. A'. 10. Al'hmigh I have contended, that lliQ we trral Htie which compose (In I'uion, im free, Sovereign nd imlcpv iHcnt, yet kl.n(UHM,,lJiv,.!,,J - IWQ lfttUiil, thai to inrrunj their Kirfmiv, I tnn In iVdu:a (im I liftrvco, their einiici(MiliMi (riii any obligation. . A Sluto mtat be . tMMtitute) by rational and arcuiiinU . . )pI ait caa iioly. tUuth and art through tmnPTrrtwf,' If Wul br ar Jlicir tliaractcr. ll i Uocuiaaaa moral aud ccciNHiiabbj be- mrnljjn tntiuuliv ta 4m afr-f human; 1'itwrr. Hut until tkia guardian bnciNnt bi own wrd, rMiwrriiiJ riht will not be cml-MCwIril, my mm llian the u1liatim with it aiH:tiinf or eithfr with lha pliyi cal force that tlM paaibly L&mm itrtr- a rt In apply t he oie r to mil rte iho wt !ir. Ila at ite a a inrl bums may contract oUinn mi, a an accuitaUe Uin U W ublijH to keep it (kitb, ajd tiiiUerre the pruuiiati it aaa given. tiliuuM U refuaa to do ao, il incur lha guilt of violateJ tuth, aud rendera ilaclf ameruiUe to lha punMb mtitt of aurli tfuilt, which may then be r( tttfklii milieus uikhi. Uy whom, or hon, or how, I wilt hereafter euqure. Whether thit aaitctuxi pru ellioacMiii or not a a auction, cannot r 'ter either lha guilt or the riht. The unknwo or fugi tive malefactor, who wi twapea M uuwhipt of JuMu-e," cannot tlmt convert hit cmnr inttt what i hit. author would perhapa call nniral k"1" ! nor mut lha powerful tub joct, who Mirceaafillf rcaiKta the lawful eoniinatMJ it la !Vverei(;n,aixl w pravenin tlttiir floriHioo, latter liimalf with the hope that be it but a moral traitor. Th nautfl of the Slat which violate in laiih hecKiie lilt lv-word of the civilized world The docrte drlrnda rat CortKnco will bo ulitrfd h that world and wlnle lutiotia ar but tice-jjrroer.liuf linn whodrlishti m Jtrmrir.thi decree mu4beiertiier, not perhap in tlw finrt, nor vet in the cmi i ui.ic war, oui vtnnaie inun lull aod fall by huinaa nwaul too, for Carthajje With thit aulernn truth dmr4ir upon any Heart, and wrth thi awful 'ffaViTT pie full in my recollection, 1 will proceed briefly tn enquire, whether the B-iven'in F.r liM antwer, will be l.aimi Ixit a crml lary from (he former rnrlu-iii.ia- Thu when i (1 a .k-d, how thia Cnvenant may be vi.rl iti'd f tlie general aner, i obvi ouJjr tin, ll awy U irifilated, bv tha or neKleri ny of lite parttea, lo any l the avveral art, win tbcf have reeriively ttipnUM in the rova UiU.l,tUl they would di ; r by their do in a.iy Ih aeveral act, whwli the have rexpeclively tiuluU)d, iu ! covw nam, that they would not do; and it caa not be vidni by llieiu in any olUr utooV. I or, wUiIm all thfi parliei do aiMj Po-U-ar do, all that by the Covctwnl they have proiniaed to do and 1 1 f.flwur fron dumg, the pnrforni&irro i co etlotwive wiihllie proiniar, tint Utter ll ao fully aiiliUkd, If ruin jereafa cw. So ton, when it ia iked, by whom may lliil coteriiiiit be violated I 'I'll autr bv mm" i f the iartie to it mi!v. lfall agree l di.rcjrsrd il, tLU ia oo tiolatiou, but mere jmliiuWr clian(ie or avwidautc of the Covcannl, by lite partie who mat!f it, and who imy at any tune alter or abol ih it, at their will. 1W ia it of Hie hfbi Ct cif r,u-ircc, -vlren ll.e partie allcui rur, whet her the change or avotilaore of, the coveimttl,! etTisclcd in the mode there br-J 1' Minn a' Kiati c ai.n.4 jy t..WiH W than wtom .ht ,, fc that lovctiaifl, aaiai aaaW 11 bf itabrfMaia.iW taVdJ t-, yri wluUtaa. kaa Vr wii. U aaay ami W 4aaaaaMi rwig. ai oa, aJ mm wlu4 aut Uavatiat a yim 4 a!V. ert r, a IaAW I Hrl lVaa,eij act MaUtUeriatukl iwoir, aew ry Obirfry, f.Wiaa be W a Ui.' i adi law ia (occd I U yt " our Sutmra ; ba ia cloav l proBctiaa t buuKd mt iW r ptMkUtyu cwafAi lrr t tf art of it bjma, ia aaaUVti b iWu -Iriance Iu! uiaaa. Itrwr, aJ aa thf CtaMilt arc tta mm " Ttin family ruysiciAM, OR awtTTC tt jtw ttr.- A work iblib monthly ami aimul UnMiplf in aoinjft, Baltimore, Thf (tadrthM, New Vk axl Ftoalmi, in uar a twaa, at I2 rmiber, and U tU vt-tuHV. Hark mtinber will t ml nrr 19 p.rto paea. We bare re t!aa tirt aunjlr, and ha arb cted iS ULiw ti-t a a aurriivx-o ot lha work : THE REvitUT t)F THF. 8I LIT Aav" the d.jrrrable thing attend th practirr A thai maal r Jonn of all toon ! tSaying una, M ""i omao wrinj her hand and m k oil bitterly. rlie iwul day Mr. Tosrr nurd. Mrt. Tr, a In duty bound, wept pmluaiva. y for In Heath; and finally comrnrled her If that aha had duia avrry thing ao (Ti-clionle wife could do having takeo the adviea of Mr. ThieWifler, and hirinj killed lha moat valuable roofer in lb barnyard to ve her huaband'a lire A toratir mntm. h tkan t erxheate tho prej'ldM-ee ftoi) ' tuu ii .4 aw. Aaatri and rtUrubiu4, and the in,, .Mf. Oovjh: by .vry moral obl.Eai,oo 8uM mho cmnp,M ,. hnre p,. atui-fl attache to mtn e an individual iri ere u ia a bisher derre I rertaiiily do not concur with t!ie learn fid author of thi Proclamation, in the new rritipla of ethic or of public law w hicli ho announeet therein, when hea, "a i-b ig obligation thar kaavnn .iornon, Bin be broken with ua other cm) - lit. moral ruih." Or fra-a thai f atulatfl.'lhat s tiM independent nation, eeuerally, ha - ri art ion other than a nviral one ; or, if j aii 'uld contain penally, aa thara w euui'iiui ewp. annirf bo enforced. llv errof (If t one)prireiJi.; pru at from rov nr incniMcity to eoiniirn v oend whnt i meant nr moral gvilt, or by ' a moral aanrlKM. 1 o my dull appreiien " lalfehmM), ud byl.m-jraltaiiMiiiJiritrrt iew''i"1nt'"phycl morality, t dmht not hoever, th:it all tboae who fan r w.UiUJ what tht cital) paper mean, wbe.1 it apoak of " ajgWijaiO Character, 4-U a naiioA lr certaia) jHirpoae, ; will ged their tiith in regard to it, by the Fed era I Consti'ut'em ; to whom that pledge ijiven; what wathe object aixl i xtnt of ilie pledge ; y whom and how it may be violated ; auc what a'c the lejitnuate ef. feet of h a violrttion. I will not arue tlie firwl queatitai. It would be an ineult cTOequnce J(j eTfy A(Morani miip.B that ho ever when hemler ttod, orc-wld n.wdubf..pnrrthi i - aagw be wh- f Wp , Bj(mj ,hn, ,,w St( hy their aevertl ralibratioiw ol the ('on aliiutaioofthfl United State, pledged their faith, .iud . aev rally prxni-d "that it i-omIJ be binding upoatbcir people. Tm mmn lu ..lmlgfl given T "It roulJ not pasnbly navtf bt,.,.,, ,,, (;overnineni of Hie United Siati-a. Tt,ia dd iiul fkiil when thiae mcm-7 'KttJ;id lHlcfI.'t,bJH:l w tiw rtUkatioi, al T4 Cttm iU to praarrtaiv-ami iaa mend it, when tha &-vrei;;ii prtic..4W fiL to. . Tba uledsto wa Kiveu by each State to it Co 8tate j wm given and received to and by ench mutually and re ..,...l!ir- ilia. ktWj oi onft U'inir the .'Ji. tiwy diBW!r what it intAl by moral I HMitlw,M-l f tw her. ill ii rr ri lavl m iuat, l-ia. ni tatk nr n parK.ioreiiUiM(Uo v-uponlU Uk - tTt the partita, than any ' other j and (lry ttfia .f -fc aa,-. aaTai j W have thcaainofiKhtfallagrt,..-) to ,1""? V t? .1. . . i aiivtniwrvea tH anar tatra tjma eaie i no iian umacriuuii? in moae ia v M!;ti alone it may- ba aimmdnd,- art' thiinga auy other part- f the inatrumciR Cbe. whuio-t but prnmrve litadd by eat It to all ; and all ran a rightfully wuuiliW promise of earh to themaelveis a any " dividunl may caia-rl at hi iteature,a pronV iae made to himm'lf. Neither i it poa 'Jc, for any other than a Mrty to i4-4k any Covenant. For if tin wa pneib!a, eeia ikit, "t utmiXt l- tWr MSuKi . nn, nriior, ara tha prejiHlire 4U rof rutsvaA ad liat I aard -t. W pSv ruia 't a'way meet with, ri- Wlldl rrerwMaeot ta a1arifaBttUr W l-a tkw m the iui i.IIm patient or in th. atlufrif. of tle Stiwrra) .r. mtn but friaWa. It M wwt to cure the ratt fwrarrv-er, 4 Vanil , bu&h iiMplmi f a boIred fHon ley ma or it.aiirirl'b ratrwwia. If Uiraj ikal nn leae la!, are axtifral 4 a art at Wrtrut aotvm, wIik U bava a ri were i4alHI 4" tht (Vaa miarfctWr Statra er.Ha with trwt, will adhrr ! the ave a Mcdifd tUar ta4a I a)av1 aaaJ : aunL m pt " all lha rflHl of rcaati reaeae, L anv IW ftatia heir attburtt) , ! ia lUar aacrd ad earn twit, t dia j tar a1 Vaaeakai iui taeo aV in VirNte 'fiwrar a-!!. hort lime i to b a ih oicvin mil nml moral sanction. INav, as lor Bierlv we Jiave beroi taught to andnrstand tVe fwib.biy of a cottstructrre jnurnoy, ai-l moral Trcaaon. wa may eincct to kiar Li jiue commentary uihjii liii pun 7 - dtrfft f cuwtnisrl ve' ah!" ao nniiccouiiiablo Rpjircventative, aud of Oiotruuafcr of mo . wl alteeiaivce. ' ' """" . Accor lina to my okl faihioned notion f Moral and of Law, there i no human filiation wli ch attarh to individual or to iiU4iiudwlbe-'iie!iewf anyceinmj au)wrHr to enfotee it. To mo it seem a a.itiam to aneiik nT ohhralions that ao not ohlik-e: and tlmt which blig'is the oh aert;mce of obligation, is ila aancli.m, be thai what it may. Nor would it bo less a sulecUiu. to auunose that tlio aanction ot tnv human obligation, wai to bx fouad in t&"pn)cepii of ojombty. only.; r tbc precepts constitute mi-m obligation i.iem- ri .arbat L thar rwec Ifwm rwrwV'ai zfrltWl''4 In, rrfara aar eajW ! dlhiaw ibuia, t iWrnia mi fi an Jjm a il a t, wakl aantat mfm -af all the c(unrv-a. In a ry rr-ala a art tk l"d ta'ea, ihe ta-reaty (ur am k ia Va a p m from was Nrvrrrta taae ( L . i -a-v . the faith of partie. wiHild ,i-.t depcud ana Pa" um" "? " 1 .k.;. -,;n i,.!.... i .i.nii aaoraJ ejar4ofc aaaaV.tae in a i'ii mil ttUMiii. mil Hi" t tv. 1 . - . . . ,i:.J-ll,..ra .,a tari.un Il mi. Jf OUT lW, tTIC OJttaVa 44 aaf pWT, IS no caitroul i an.1 m never coUurcT1,,h,,1,-f 'im' "W r t.t. Sir Hirers, not unrie to a covenl r " w "TI" ant, may by othar acta, prevent the partif Irom ruiriiling it obiigationa upon theoi Imt sucb-arU of trancr, conatitiltato violation of them obligation, for doqq ija violate it but such a Uhe blitioo oh rv ; aud it i abnrd to tuppose, Iha'rt can dlii' any other. than the imft. alio voluntarily agreea inai iney h-iun l bv it Then.' lb Coven? ,:'-i'' j L i. r.i.uu. Ki.ip vmti M ; . lm I k. Oia m the Soyereao vojiu m iVtrnant If this waa wot ", " the pearuf yiKH and the lalth of State, would liingwo the will' if every incendiarv roTTiaii ilw live 9 the disjrnc uf the comiuuU X; vi'lucb be uiiiy la .an uiittuiihy loe.iKr. Itttre it may la aakwl, niaj not tji go Vertiineiil tiftiio I'nited Stale, or o auy State, or tf any dfwartiifnt of eillot theae government!., nay, iua not any iere lit lividilll HlHt the- t'MVtltUt1rt'ttlrtlt L'uiM Stale T - l)tlte- each lem mv do so : and iu an uiaiae, woul oe rntv of a very wn ked act. which, rucf allv,wwild dfnw down upon the ajjcl U njents. the consequence vf a Uncum, ih.-v mii'ht lht;n itrobably Jiacovcr vas These mutual and rcciprjcal pledge, con atituled a valid coulratt between them all, which, whether il mav be more pniporly called " a leaiimj1' " a comiiacl or " au arejmmt I willinsly leavo to th lear ned ant!mr of thi Proclaiimtitm to doc-ide. Nor i U of tho liiUtct iiapurlanc) to my preaent purpose to enquire, whether a. Gov- rnate inado tV a iaie wiin a vo iniuii ", hnvinsr for il object the eaiabliHhmeol ol in..rJ sanction." alitnlsh (joveroincj'.U.M mow otUi" )iHiiu,tUaoJfhc-aiTt m&ht he done; even by Thin wuIJ if the obtect ol the covenaut nuu w eii . .VHrc;n t,e iroverumeiitof Ihe L med . 1 I' t. A lli.neu rP I. a Ark ftllU ktlljF I . f I l It J I -.1 J esiauuan m .vuwi "j ' sialM.iwituwn 11 a oovereixu, act. If it be a Covenant at all, 1 admit, L,.Km,wed..e no suuorior. Rut a Vila- that the faith of the contracting bovereijjn fj(m ,(ie fjonmitutioo oftheUnited Sties onrtie is mutually pledged to otwerve u ; i...,!,.., numelratcd bv thoir tfovemrmrt, snd whatever may be the form, or whatever 1 j any M)v excopt a nvercgn tho object of thuir Covenant, ule trrvan-1 ttfjj nnr hrmch ofhe da est. No we can reasonably aak uurL't (tenant for the observance of which he nr am I disposed to concede les than I fitta of tho high ciailracting partie:to this all for which 1 contend, is, tlmt tin State,- alf ' eaaw!tae w cuvky ftnt rWkaand nruvco:rr- asaasrt IV rence of ay rrcul tUt raU aaaty rrouire any awek epK u n maaaV. kwi ever, amy baa actamlty nour4 and lUeWor, waa a; treataKg IM oie re tbeovy- fjo jc aw artiidi Uaaury. aabeaigb tXfwA a my Ml,twrwFW-.!W.l ii tiTiliaa a rter prv&xA, I it ta all it carwere. lastwknl to the ennturr. w bat saj rlaCitiia r4art,ii'ald ? Sue,aer ariax ib Va Sialea of a vtolai i Ik tannaaaE nrrprlraled fcf r ar h e ao ttieir ann'TTj; att inaaa with a rt fuaal t redrni tUe etd caaptra cd uf. or khuuM f lUa t&tir 3caata ta rii them mil. Va-itaa a putirat a tt tt at u.-.f' ti(n I arrrx. J a rv dtaareeable auiell like t,St of pntrtd inrat, apparenllv laati r Gto knieiitb the bed" i tittiM It the fiXM -laa- W. and aqture4 what it wa. " aawi tlie r"'l ! whi wa n ei"Vrnic1t htrtcbd:",f it imh'i- Utt a .Wrjhi'd f w be' got uu the wn wu 14 an ft-ct, poor uiaa. "A duasadl fowl, txclaimed I with a klW aaiKMent. I - Tr aid she, - had the fal atl (! m that kufw yard ewt wpen ahve, kaJfiHtt uu uua loot, and on bkatfua t'uthcr, whde it waa Ue aud kic Ua. Il ia a charuun ihinf (or fcver, Uart.. " A b bmi cut open ami put on a feat cura a fcver XT bo put thia aiU.S.aaiaiLLluyur balt ,;. FMlt '- tvnt, toctof, rm rt Ur. Tower ia a rreat deal better of aa ( iIpw be waa, poor man ; be f aw4 roafuMrly, awd ke brent he a gratia rfeai aburtcr aod inueher thaw be R7tnrfff frirn the Prnntyfranian. IMPORTANT TRIAL Calrb Juknton v. hatkur Ktwlrrdln r( uiai Dii'rirt Court of the Vitr& ftiatt: Prtttni, Judj,'t$ Baldwin and Ilopkinton, The attention of Ihe Dietriet Court rf the Tinted Bute, ha rwently bra-n en gnged in the trial of a uit gtowing out of the apprthenHion uf a runaway ilavt , uy In owner. Tbe aubalance of tlie evidence, detailed by tbe witiieaaca, ia a follows t In the jearlr.'a'a parry of four cili lena id New Jersey, came into the htt f Peiio Ivuuia, and took from lha rvir of the peraun with whom be waa then liv ms, a U .t k "lute, na;ned Jai k, whom Hit y alleged bad abacondud fro in imk) of tin- par ty aoina limn pr vioo-dy, and after uianac Ung him, plaeed him 111 a dearbirn, Willi the auppoacd rntentiMHtf running liini froro ihe UainJ of till couiinouweullh. t)i1 therr way frtftHhe liTajlib '7cfc.aj aaulted bv a multituvJe, he.hd by Mr. Imchar kvinderdine (the indivniual with whom the slave was livinj at the tiuu:,) ami haviiiir been at riiajrly iniund IroOi iaailo thrown by thiauiob, the party iq lha wagow were eotnpelled to stop, in con seqor nee of a blow recvived oil the head, by Caleb Juanaoa, tha uaaater ot the negro the slave taken from tbeir peeitiMi tlie gentlemen who had eooie merely to reclaim thuir property, were taken into , cuatudr,' and the pbtiutuTin tin suit com. miUuil to tho iau at Norrntowolo auer...-. - : to the charge of fi-htny", Vr.LH Ilia pr-ipef. i county Court. His trial took place acror dincly, and be wa bonoraMy aetjuitttM. Oi thetss ground tak-b Johflsoo ba; brought an action uf daunyea agaimt Iachr KinoVrdine et alia, who partie" .-1 .1... ..:..t i.e. .....J S atii.a the wore, rood wnmim. 11 ..m..i.r: k yo- alwava teU auv Ictor when "l9" ? . "! ...TL. J l kV Wfil pT .he JZ K I ww sfailloTl'ic toiJrSry rW'JJr. -,try f theif nm'wi vlarei and dt .Z.. rka dear good Sr. Tbeeter, keavea real " " - - - -jr Jo Lia,ll, dain."' b)mrf-whirh i ipite tafall ! cm.ld to, H"m ibe im ri,f r, torawtt Wat Uaho of th tortw nd - .Mk' BaUwm, wit eW U a mm M Wm grave, p man." luiV h1 'rded a atn- - CaH.La. ttfiLI put iuto your bead omwHilary, 00 tb .mkleaanea of 'raa'ikirkiw remeilv .the tnlil fowl f "' tW Nortb U wter- - -. :,heenmmrbiJ"ever tonS with the peculiar property of th D itor. My grand fcthcr wa cured bv it 1 he "Pljr Wormed the jury, i.4 a p.iTn&.r fover, aa I've heard inV l,mt mnrtf ' h" th r,ht f """ I .awVr say. My father waa Ukewiaa cii M aluve. rAoU Mmivtrirl carrying-'" neal trrahd with erlort. ' THe first urr -wr. E -f ri by tW remedy, f , drewlful r. 1 bfHTe aoy- wipuiamt wmmai, m nr- m 8uirrliMf yi.LW(-trf ; Wttah was fiettinx "r 10 P" nw P1-"?' 7 "OI .1 - . 1 i'i l hmiiimmI In iiHiw.r tnv inuA.ali11na.41r atna in- -.tniif tbe act tar uaMm ruauriw". , irt azato, lie hH.i a prolan". Whicn I 1-"- :. v ... , - - . I r . "A . . . " canW fciot en. Benir Thesb, nty ro n aVjnatffesm Jenkins waa cured of art in aarwutrtow m the S. !. in the same way. ra; Mrs I'hiiteiiller, who you know f iiItoi v rta and- arb,-ad ao and that it I ittio'to tate" "!:". f aWtb) v rhri t oothieT in the world so .1 1.. :. .ifl. . iV.m mL -- - I . i . Cm. j. r. dnlit CiMbt be the what tury v. U l ti, - A anltt fool T I wa rnn- to wy and e ntry on this sulcU 1 h " . . a at I T..a.u aKouaw am ttfaw wA fljvia liltk l l l ft fJfVi iL :Mit c.eutieoc ! ttmWd at a ! hfwN were ao who meftitle P'f7 RV. " " " i r Tlie high ami a.4rma mx.m4 ajr rj.t wbtcb they know nothiug about of Ly it Co Sum, .. r - 1 firm thereby, that liae -art Ui-aLomm, wiuVr.dty itajtiVc taaLjprVK has brendone eitlter by it irr. araVt rta nrrmission, witk one, eyeept thoae oTthe legal magistrate, and that parole evidence ia awfficienl t show the validity of hi claim in the nb aeiMMif a bill of rale. Hi address waa adverse to tbe oVftmdairts,- and fronld he spread widely, for it would have a power, ful influence in allavinz '.he foan of ona a verdict tor awarded damages at f 1000. mtonm2rt eaanmuncta toscw'tV mt aelves, one oblication would an IxM-onw! tti; nnmiM mM m8(e by every ratifying State, saiicliiMi of "another. In ch a ea;, it j , i',,.SiMtes. and bv no possibility raigut probably puzh the acuin3n even I enU, mvw buen made to a mere potential Government, which at the tune ol the pro IK K aim can enmurehend the theory ol BKml iruilt. to decide which wa the'obl h the sanction. And if th- existence oi aoinc Cimmon superior, was cssa'ry to pive validity to sancliou-, tin- olihgation contracted by States, could . 4iito "? giates, j long &1he tptatUti of btatct is emiceiled. Yet no man before this author, teevex.ilouUujd thc ouateace uf audi, a rthi. . ll wmil l bfl f.-miirn tn tnv ntC3CnlPUJU (man t aiinuirp. u Imt is tlie sanction of "hahonariilW wlioin, or Row, er when, theae may be applied nml enfor ct-il. I inav. oerhaus recur to this suhjoct kertafter. At present, it will lw only ne- Cnirv to rv. that it is not morality mere lv. but Hie law. that iiivcs ihe sanction of - Ajwicanaatligatioiis whtrrr; tlewm that rime. This law must be admiiustereu uy human awnts, who can employ none other . Jiiaii human means, In tic case ot inui i iuals. it is the municipal law ol their coun try, which, ciyes the s8UcUoa,pi.A "triPrt obligations. This law is adminia tared by Magistrates only; but its sane ,. fan although ileclnred Jten,aJtie,niHKl. -Jtm-hmt'liVrceiT, wlien necessary, by the . - rnweief niero men. In the case ol State - Hlhe uuhlic law f the civilized world hidi give the inciiim of the obligations 'f nations. 1 hi law is .administered oy Plate atone ; and the sanctions declared - kv it, must tie aprdind and enforced, when ' Rwewary, by the physictil power of their , anliject, who, as in the former caie, are Biere itwn. - Tluia. it nrtMira. tht Ml H ' , the prc?crv6tioo of humtm Eights mise made, had not, aud by possibility m t-ftr mi.rlit have Imd. any actual exigence be a arty. TV nuBrtain what was the obtect and of the rdodjre, we mmitjoo! the instrument itself to which the ratifivn rtiwt)f the wwral Soycreignsreiefv e shall there find, that to attain certain arrat and enumerated ohweta, a govern- that covenant i niutunlly pledged to ecli otlicr ; and thi for the reason bcl ire tv en, that none but the parties can viola! a Covenant ; aud that neither tlie gov en ment, nor any individual, is a party to tat Covenant. "When the ,m;ihIi Int.'udnt at X..uf Orleans, in contraveniion ol ke f thia t so, the Mmsiuuuon oi me inn Tilce 0fuUr I reaty with pam, e Stales, is a covenaitl between tne several fjvej ,he Citizen of the Lnited ttalei . 13. ....... I.., U'kmn it i-.ifin.iil I' ... f lt.. ..tyw..t .TT"IT. .. . ... '"yereinouioJ"T '- .j-ixsmi ? whub.eoiouatlie Govarniueut tlien rented is not, nor by any possibility ould M ,irtn 8ie wa9 informed of the at quest hmi, a twoacteatt y B tb Witld apMild be better t4u Did vim give Mr. I i.f tlie tnen-ine I ft-rt miui . X; Ikt-r . "MraVThWItifter com r at bareewt aftr vm went away, and I Quite aa awiaaauuxctauh r s ejctiht J.n bs than to mill her iu so ii, eastward. Tiaa aawaniaita V fat.Jnt aerinis:ond we come to the mocrat are atmnig laati.rieaafFctauarltKtiw between c, that it w a beat not only rob tiietr IJ atMei' iV Ani Jt. jiva tlte utedteineyou left but to put the ists, of t!eir r-riririjleiL Tt a rttia i fml an his feet, poor m:m, and drench fair nor biatet. Atfee ease jsurv tutxlvimwi with pepoergrass ua, and a Ittlle pofc-sesai jii of all tbe mpmtsT & ijut quiver ground aud amurtwecd with rob tlie other 4 tb!tr gaa auuur- - T a.' i - it . .i. ..i:.:n. I i..i steals mv purs, weawirasa i yottu.a't i ritw urn mmrim km il.aie bv her ollicer uimIit color of her .a- thoritV. she disavowed it as having oeti 4rtBe-ttyirttie ofwy-aueh-authority giva j rontrm bv h.8& tujb when . jij!9lufttoie Jti. cent occasion a military officer of the r ted States, actin; in contraventiw. of mi nf of the Articles of the same I rcaty wil tt'the fcderaltt aat'aaaaviaSw art pi Mich. ;au. iiitpt4eut eate, flr.A: CUrUand Mrtliiitwu-m we look at the strenuous and self nacrifi emg live a auch men as Clarke, we need not be surprised that the institutions they serve thrive, while other ara decaying. Adam Clarke would receive a guinea to defray tlie eipense f a circuit of 400 Diile,ia the course . oT which he would tend his own horse, cook his own victuals, clean his own clothe, and yet preach and pray at every village he came. Fare waa of no conjejncCj and JJ.njinge, violence, nnd menaces were ilftcn lo be encountered. with but poor proapect of a bed at mgnt, av . . . a " " a ii 1 1 m'm ! sK,.t kU Mlf r.jVl VM nrilM:iIHU tltllltf I .aw..i. trana aaVvaaK Ia l,ia BfannitliAn . wrre battling far the sjaJ 4a m& tla-y fbv riled on. .Ceid-v, tell truth, w-fieneyef he calleJ. Courage, talent, per ermtend that the pwiamEt"; t fcrj- W," we waa ajfiared, we n.rticed a white verance, and abqve all honeaty and aiiw ,Hn (he very pnncipifTJinf teaawyr aaaawtta it. , ... jcernv ui purpose, core niniana many oin- the very pnitciplet Jiry inealayn. fj"y " eerily of purpoW tmrtVd fur. TlW imfjrlhnl'r Uf ''la.K.-e.l ? and art because y ofl and .M r w through thei ocelto. viJd tWaaarr--fTaffer'ii powder in the A(lam Car,0 j 1 I . t I ! I. I I . a : aa t U ika a lrU men! wm to be ordaineo. ana esiauuaiiuo, spjun.cntnrea ner iemi.j -i" ..-- endowed with certain enutnerateu powers, ej t,,rce under nis coiiuimuu, ur. her. foj-Uesiwrilauglrteiiiier -awjecn and annulled her ' sovereign power, evei eilUOwUU Willi iwtaini.uii.ii . for the,,attainment of the Cnuuieraled oh induced to ation, and aekn.nk'iJe t ail iSnere aer had Iteen any dtff.Teare atrttwf.'aj trtl ism and repuWiotatstw Jker alwava Wn Jefffr-'ia 5rti rrja wtti out having hefore tWiaf'at awt TMrg their task 'With uccefc" ml in particular, not onlv per a-Jiiooe vou threw it aside aud aplit open J oniiei t,6 dutiea of an efficient Minister, a tuefijwj !" I but he mastered ' aU the learning and nil YwOoetor.Idothint; that marcury is the Literature of the eaat the birth a afreaIful bad thing. It ave peoples lives I pleCiuiatiamly , aod tfar iCenei ofita iiatrvart.-l:'rwiw earliest nropagatioo. JtLlB. ' . ,...,-,, f .U- fi.i ...... r.iriirmi. eacn io ine oiner ; to cream ,,j uri consnooeo uu . .i ..?..,..,,..,ri endowed with such ..ft'hA r.nt..d States. Ilicause, they ton Lowers, tube exerted tor such purposes ii continue linn maiomiu nos ci. ii....... in the free exercise ot all these pow ers. while exerted tor these object and so m support this Constitution, runner man I1.. 1 t1.....4 .I... MA ...UI the it jib connoeuny jtiwww. at this day, can suppose tlie laith ol the sovereign'parties was evei .pledged. smooth. But when OU inv . it is asked, ho a-id by whom the faith plighted bv the high Contracting, in their several ratifications of this their covenant, mav be VioUUcd T 1 he answer, seems, at the first view of the question, to he not so easy- is m rai wu. WM'", proviot'ii ir '"T. r m KfsTkidJesIfiai '"says' awl tber' h i get- n,m ! 4rWlh. it Mat a raia as bm?a vou live. Oh! I wwtttoVta had Mr. Torer, poor maa to take it ix any thing Aatl by following ywr n and Mr. 7 hHlewfter'a foohab laMJou've m 'twftusbanVL"' L,Tt hit . did you say, Doctor lost w dear Mr. Twer? r ! rieTT t inform you that he "? Examiner. proacUcs tail ar all truo and etatatacd ; liuruied becwew any uJffrnoUt of a long letter 1 1 M r.Vaa lWe.laiv! Jaar? 29, 124, Mr. JeSaa (4tsrril, I kJ i r.l. ,l,.., l.t thrtiJ nwar.t to hlVT ad Jed SSM ej m IS when tniorineti ot na- ... u ..... - ,,', under color ol thoir authority,Jisa ainaliTinHon f partte, tWi yar&- .1 .1 .11 o Imvinir lvtutdijlkt id aaria Sthi ffl,W'triT8 him in nuruance any-power piea bd;pmUm f T them to him for these purpiises.., la.f4.--J? ihean ants. allho mav l Called. irwf tf mgit. not breache of the plighted faith of their , Yea! and resiiective Sovereigns, because unauinori- wneiurr n-a "7prT .i ,-,i t;..v..wl hv them, vet bein2 tioni-ii. orCflHar , ar'wkaSa IwJa- done under color of their authority, bound si men, or Webatenaa these Sovereigns severally, to make re,r-The Tory Budget . a dee4T Bcrs ation and com,tenati.mfor the wrong and Wgeney jairnal ; at wV F .-ai' miurie annereo ; aiio in nnn , r 7.;. : . 1 . 1 .-,t: mi.a .l.....9n. bK Morlatnatraa. istoaw Maa! jaattfiw ef reparation -m. vo...,-v -0 . . . - , fiM t(K)lthe d.-d and giyen. ; r"T .. v : ,, j t nu j-t.b.- that the Covenant out ; wit we ioer vmu wmaLrm - "-"v t --"- State aad its Co- tian 4 " yx&? , . . cs u 1 . " luw, EJrctririty i Ireland. Th Belfast ' Northern Whig states, that a gentleman of Rrilfaat had just put out his bedroom can - dkr -mr Bonday eyeiilhgrwKen Kyodet' clap burst over Xhe boustt and relighted iU There was also a blue name playing about tha chamber. ' wm live lorry ei-rbt hiair. h '-a. a a.A.I aaov a - a - Ve 4 hours. Uoctor ! not .live ute rrproor. hen ttishop Aytmer imtrt And I've only boen married to Ubeerved hi congrcgatioo inattentive, ho ins a a ear." I used to read sotne terse out of the Hebrew I ana sorry to ay thier's no hope for I BibUTat which the people nurlly stared i fclsa. And I laid eat so much money for my jaKraieareitltna cbitritMiority a year ago t And fatttrat Alih rtigh it is truej' with astonishment. lie then addressed them on the folly of greedily listening- to what concerned them not, while they were,, innttentiveto matters in which their beelj intercft were deeply involved,. Hunt ofgn .1 1 -ii 1.1 If 1 ? 1 V I 1; I ' V' t' ay til ".-r 'vT'nV- ffT.-.i,,'.ilfi'JiV.i''f-W

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