1 Western Cnrolimnn. ---. rorfnt. Tto Mbming tusKMing SMl ba.i;rcil Wane r jut Inbul f frtry "d SfTtCtiow le mm i MurMtiM r n o 0 I e tud ondn, U "fl-rf walk with t4." I'"- A'fwt , mi cakly nr.Ap. nMbrttsob4iiifitforeari Wh ah who gtd lnd every hrart J - TnabU-ated tumVtti af each hearth, Hrr gbt seemed ef our life a pat t , V'P -tor net vnrSt Will greet ft MW, wp ftenrrbrnw ofke isdirnl Where rl"srs'sserwl focntain poor, ' Her sprit ! lUfM"") yiht of wd TW wsny tuf round ihee bloom, a,U thy hitler lr be shed, Wktrt Um ps1 rwset (hut br lowib t Yr, m "be MoumV, remember loo, the hub bn tpared ibe toil end atfe, , 7be wawrng go. ' (,r1"' t",r4"t Tb tbowt4 ef beeien M. ttwbcv, wbw mid l" ""I b.rl, Tiwn art offering ewtby wrui in pmer, Thw tse b red ihe "better Und. rr v..w with thine ta mingling fb hwl tbe memory of brf worth, Tb futare'ssrisJawy vtil to cheer 1 brief be plf ri-nr on ttrth. Ta marked bjr vlrtwt rare and deer. f ,iSf rejoice thai enre iWn caded -i rich 1 trrtanre all thy own ft, j Her. e'en So wy ' enthrallr!, 1 11 cf rby f bee kH 01.ee shooe, fesk of her oft l 'hose ho ,,rt Auad Ibn ibti hop l bKorful mjrt A'A J "J"" bf lt'tt. - 4U,.klUil(.Jrr0 tbjf wny. $irn, it nMi n 4 r wn"'1! - boni-! ?b,ul kil ... Hrr tMgbMi Um la greet W bon. )rw pteMr-( in your plh " prinfi. N t'xi perehtne will ron4 ri ', f H think rinkc o'erWfO wing lUih iujw fnir tbnn bef we bnne. Brulbcnt it trenMI darkened hour When from lb wof Id jroor plnme WJ! rthen on reh lr mdbttrmc Huwtr v ... 1 1.1 -i-.. marA kr laat t " VL'turf ta mi be r t snlfor L ive's barn Vis swaet! cWd hib lost yn.ibrrs I rW to kr wensnry true, As on Or1 svt yowr bark aro Umaed. Tb wrf is on bet I Weep a now- . AB bUssuitrS erowa lbs etly dead f fbe was Hd bow, erf www W brw One trneo of rdint asinh bad fledi jim inf bat sv' Btietoudr d ann, H't dr ertb wm bright as brief Jlrjoieai ihst when the'gWf sh' won.' Her crowa bad not witUrtd leaf I E. wlbr-lwt . 1iAM r atmtwt "there-art we almost there f1 akladrbggHssbodrowwanrbwwa . reTbowowr pipa'WVK"-'-,'" Their farms bigb 'gsinat tbe beavena blue . dome r ' Tbaa she" talked of bet lower, and thought of the well' r - -, - .:. - .-, lrmt tna ould watat apTsabM o'ar the Urge whH stone, nd the tboogh'wtwti twatW fairy swrll, - - - - CouM e thrtpk from thtt.foonl wben tb fcver was on. While yet so young, snd her Moons grew lew. They bsd borne bar sway, to a kindlier clime, fw she would sol tell that 1w only diairras Which bd gs'hefed lift's rose io itt tweet spring time. fad she looked whew they bad. tWtwIeeV At many book snd many a sbnne At the sculptured niche, and tbe pictured nook And mat kid from biKk pUe.tt the uns decline. Jul In secret sbe sighed for a tjiiiet aput, Where she of bad played in childhood's bourt br ahrsib ' ' j iwret minked It hoi,"" TWss dearer Io bar than th gayest bower. Ind cA did sbe ask, "Are. we almost there r . ' But ber voice grew faint, and her blusb'd check pile. - Aandfhey fre to soothe bery wrtb oaeleas car flstt -t sign would fescspt en me evening gale iTi? n swifrtyVmoee swiftly, they hurried her en, But snsiims NeHa felt a chill deapatri -Joe whr u lheigltpt ha? eye was. gne,;; ' And ch q rick pubw ttopp'd, she was almost ' ' ... there! . ' (Consjvikatbw at a Yoeso Voraat or s THB Mptes. ' . -OH the deliyhtrul. pleating theme, Awakfjout joe, and let as sin; - Tba mi wsamade.wnd in b tide .-. . A rib was found to make his bride. . Tle dmwrst nhjret v can TeWi"r-r7-:- Thst't made to wipe away you tears, And be s eordial for veur fears. , let ti our dsys in praises apend. And hwe tbe object be has given, T A kind gift that came frwm llravea, f . flappy lb man tbtt bath a wifbvv:.i.v,. That'S blessed wS'h Jove and clear of strife. Ha sbf'l be bWat. fw CM the kr4-7 Ha b ilbu declared lie Hit own word. --"The-tVnds snd oelgbbor net ahall share, 'r' Th" blrti 'pies' fnirl tV tad earn, 4 H filt nf tch a friend, " IHbleweatewy "d , .tJ&1QftSt9 twBw4aBifJfJtfw( " , ' Vtm lie ii idi nnM n hijf. JUI IN UAMHJU'II of HO ANOXIC The following lcth ol M. Ki. llph l U PiUmII ISij pjf d (ailhtul. I ii waitl to hav bttn wrium thirty tctu lihouttt)puMithrd now fr 1 he fir it Ii mr, ltd it criled to tbe (vn of the Re, Jwmti Mil nor, now of New Turk, formerly i.f ThiUdtlphia, member of C'ngrc, nd panic u Urly iolimi with M. Rjud 17- IIawuellJ)J)ii!HluitcaiIxJl.iis. Jolph' ttyU nf orra.or7,ll whu have h'lrd him will bear wttncii and how frl e fouwly bit appraraocr, and the effect -ot that and hia eloquence opon neciator and auditor, every onc'i rr crlleetiww-willertwilfTert(3rr- B'irt more happy it he :n dcliacating the chtractf r ol the diteaie wh'n h prryrd urxm M' Rtndolpis and nude hit life but protracted ieth, wnile tit alow propf aad the r p . d it y with which be rallied from it aiuU, prrtuaded 'he world, and at latt hit frtcodf tint 11 wt imaginary. JOHN RANDOLPH of Roanoke. The lolloping kkcicu i ihit diktin . 1 . . . (fuuneu uraiur, wrurn miriy veart 40, but never ollihil, furwih) by'.a gentleman who h4 b?rn the habit of intimacy with Mr. Rjnd .lph ever lincc. h wt wriittn o.T.hand after rewtd g with Ii m in ih umr hutel at Ocorfjctown, for lome weeki, in a caai'int, familiar inicrcnttre, which hat c nci .urd at intcrvjli umil the pcriiKl of h!t dcreate. The wri. tcr bear tcitim ny that nothing in the life and c od ct l Mr. Ri d.)! during all ihrir tubkrqueni acquaint, mice, give him occ4iin to believe for a moment that hia carlv impreiton of hia character were in the -tihtct det;rrr rrroneout. .V. Y. Cour. Randolph it, beyond c mpjri- son, the root! ti uvular nd Unking rd A . t r 1 pertuti I hive ever met wtrh. orator be la ui.qacUioutblv Tic h-t fn thit chi rv, nod yet there afe frw men who labor und-r o many physi cal di4dvai.tagei. If r teemt made upofcontradiciiona. Though hi per - on it eicecdingly tall, thin, and di. proportioned, he 1 the most grace ful man in the world, and with an al most feminine voice he is more dis- M'.'D , or R igtr N , though the former is more n iy than a fi Id preacher, and the latier more eo .fer. nns than erier of oyster. When teatnl on he -ppi site tide of the hall " Q.'S'" Mr. Rodi lphlookt lite a youih of aixte-o . but when he ni to spe-k, there is n almost t-ibtimity in thrrffeTt -proceeding from the tin. gulor contrast in his ht ighf when tea. ted or itanding. fo the former bis houldera are raised, hit head depre. ed, Ms body.bent m the lattur, he v:. e j . . - - atntiioe ol msp rati-o. hi hcai ed, hi 1 .rg thin finger potalinjj, and hjsjdjrK.cUr.chejuuty lightning at the object of hi overwhe). mingtarcum. Mr. Randolph Jjoktr , acts, and (peaks like' no other man J have ever ecu. fie 1 origin-.!, unique in every thing. Hit itvle of oratory emphati. xallv, hit own. ...Often, xlkffuaive and discursive in his subjects, his lantroaire 1iimpfe,'brief,'&'dirctrrj t However h-; may term io wander from the point occasionally, he never f.iils io return to it with 1 bound, illumifi.tiog it wxith flashel of wit, or the happies illustration dnwn from the toorces of a retentive mrm iry, and a rich ima agination. ' Thrtu gh ecce trie in hit conduct in the ordinrv fJn 1 of life and hit intercourte with the world, there will be found more of what it common tense in hit speeches than in ihnte f any other man ii Congress. His illustrations are almost always drawr) from" the'mdsiTa'rnniaKiource, and no man it an happy in allusions to fthles, proverbs, and ihe ordto'rv ncidentt of 'human "life", 'oFh'ich' he ha been a keen observer. H t it not that fungous specie of eloquence whieh expands irself into em-Mv''rTer'U. mati .n, taerificing strength; clearness. , , - r-, ahd perspicuity, to the mors popul.r tharwv-sfettnd-itrtrHPetephtrs'' nnd period rounded with all thepretitifin of the compas. ' Mr. Randolph is a man of wit, and wit deal in C imparl- snni yet hi languce it pertectlv simple and Its figurative than that of a iy of .pur . distinguished speakers. 1 Ms I attribute to the clearness and man distinctly comprehends his'tub- iect. he will exnlaii himself in n few jsti?JcflftiMijiM iXtwLjmiSti ifao .mc t. ip titK.... b n 1 1. when oe it ioca4ble of eivtnz it a precis and definite form, hie language hecomra fiiuretive, and his ideas, like objects seen through a mist7haVe ne1 ther outline aor dimensions. " Nlithi ing isl'of m re , easy compreherni o than the ideas nd Isrigmge bf the gr r, orator of VirginiJ;:,-i, ; Th opS continuallv worried bw the little ieris of the . house, whfr aenn to be aent there for ni- other" purpose thsn tobirk at him, M Rtndolph never becomet loud or boisrerous-, but uttert the" roost biting sari : m, wvh a mtnerthe nv( irritatingtv toury. oUtaaU U icc th rctetaUcs the muiU Of the tphtrei. Huh, indeed, t the wrndetfd tlrarneia f hit v4ce, tnd the per lectin of hit enunciation, that hit lowrat onet rircalata Mr cchoet twro the hall of Congrttt, and art Riorw dttunctlv Undrttt-i d than the roattngt of M !, the hcU lowing ol R , or the bleat ing of iHr rv 4 d miorian Robrt Rott, fn ll the rrquititet of a great i iatorhe bit t-i topt-'i , and in the greatett of all,- ihajl of attracting, eharmfnpf mwtUig lb nuiaiaAjUuA hetrcri, no equal in thit country or prrhapt ki the world. M i Rndolp' ha fared at naoai dinnguitied political leadf have d ne, to hiving hit c duct tnirepre emed, hit I 'lbirt ctJggeraled, nil hit pcculiariiict caiiciiured. The faul' it in tome measure hit nwo. He ip ret no advrriiiry, and he hat mi right t expect they will apare him. In thit reoprcl hi example mav well he a warding, to inculc tc among ri val leader the nccetaity of toleration in politic at well a religion. T 't he i irritable, cpticioua, and carrlcn nf the feeling of those for whom he hat no partiiular rcipect or regard, no one will deny, That he it impa tlent ii argument and intolerant if opposition, it tqually certain, and the hole world k owt that he i little oliritious to disguise hit contempt or dislike. B t much of thit peeviah ir rituljilitv mav find iit ngm and ex. tine in hi physical tu(Tcrtng A1 most fr m hit boyhood, he hat never known the blessings of health, nor ever eij ycd itt anticipation. Hi constitution i irretrievably broken ( and though he may live many year, tney will, in all probability, be year of anxiety and sufTVring, embittered by the ridicule, instead ol toothed by the sympathy of the world, which it ever apt louppoe hat wjn cannot ic tick without tlyingM. O linger, iog under the (low consuming tyran. nyTif a cont'rtutionl infirmtrr, adpiinj -rf he like tout twMle, aueh flying, not bv inches, but the hundreth part of inches, teem to me among the most pitiable of the human race. 1 Thc worjf and eytn thrir friend, come at last to believe their malady imaginary their complaints without cause, Thev grow tired of hearing t man utwaM prod timing himself a Wst-ssUtaMstavyeUAaUAA taking hi ahare in the business, and a.'parrntly in the enjot meet of life, nnd living on likr 'he rest of hi frllow-creature.' T ev jet at tear thit never felt wound," and the eery circumstance that hmld excite additional commiseration, too often give occasion 10 cold neglect, or flip'punt rydicule. It thia -Tiainful- sltuati n lt-M.ltocIetert qnck Hiticiene, q-sck Rindolph ,tpree,, ud .U tee msjvers, and q lack divine, and lo f rd to me thai bn 'apologvr at leaf,"for hi touutrymco n emple of in.- hi selfish dir?ard f the feetmet hopeless luff rings" and the want of sympmbv. I kow of no tituation ----- w . . - - : -H. - more cicuta'ea.W nae.a mn. a misanthrope and those who are ,"f sickness and detraittdh Cohibitied, foremost and loodesi io their eon-'if living, I will he .ir this testimonv detnnation'bf Mr." Randolph would that te will not Irave bchiod anr mm do will jta louk into their owm hearw, ! that can claim' aupc.ri rity iTcrim, place themselves in his situ ti n, and ! s ar glorious orstor, a sagacious, hifh. then ask whether it doe not naiuiw- minded, independent patriot, and tn- aity lead t, thr.rjgh it may not jo-. tify occasioon irritatiou, or eveo hnbirtial ill temper, 1 here speak of thi's distinguished mn at the world speakt of him. But ao far at I taw him, and this watat all hours, he it full of benignity and kindness. His treatment of tervants, and especially hit own slaves, was that of the kiud. eatmasterj-and he alwaye called hi personal attendant 'J ihnny,' a ctr- cuimtatice to my mind strongly indt caiive of habitud-,good will towards him T" me, from whose admiration or applause he could, at that time at least airi!ri0MC..l!c vantage, his hehavj.. wo uniformly kind, almost afleciionateaod it will be very long, before I lose the rc collection ol hia conciliating smile, the mu'ic of his mellow v 'ice, or thc giof vgeBUcm We passed Our eve'oiugt together, or, I mav perhaps rather say, a good I portion of the night, for he loved to jfliiip late, Jtietauset fllieariVi say, the grive, not the bed, was the place of rest for him r - 0 these oc casiofis, there ws a charm io his con. veraation I never found io that ol any other person. .Virginia was the god. detsol his idofatrirrandof her hede lighted to talkrlle Hved ner to mnehr and so dearly, that he sometimes U most forgot he was a citizen of the T I r -::r:tt .;-T f . . j , . . t .. 5 . . . ll 1 1 1 B u n j j i . .. i . . umpha of ihe eloquence oTTFrtncI Henry, and the ancient hospitality of t,he aristocracy of the 0:d D'minioo, irere nlfj tmong hif fatwite tuhjectt, of which he never tired me. I i abort, the impression on my miod it never to be eradicated that hit heart was liberal, open, nd" kind, andrihat hi occasional ebuliitWis of spleen and impatience were the spontaneous, per haps, irrepressible effort of a euffer iog and deb'jitated frame, to relieve itself a satjiiierit from tKeternal i. press'b n of itt own unnecessary wor. rvi- cs. JSatp whauycr tna be the defects' of M' . Rndorrh'e tewipr r, no one can qu.itl a hi high lad lfty Indc. prnaence of Bltd, or hi " uoiullird integrity at a public agmt or private gentleman, fn the former th rcttr, he ha never abandoned hit print i plra, to suit any p diticat critit, and in the latter, he may be emphatically called an hoorit man.. Hit word and hi bond ere equally to be relied on and at his c ontry can never actose him of t n t iflcTiig ; lie rlntereit a" to bio w n him with the bretnh or any'pVTvate obligation. In both thete rf tpectt he tadt an illuttrioui fiample to a couotry io which political talenta are much more common than political in. ttgritr, and when it U too much the custom to forget the actioot ol 1 man io our admiration of hi tpcrchca. It te with regret I add, thii thit brilliant man, who bat already attrac. ted the attention, not only of h'ncou u trymen, but of the world, will in all probabili y, survive but a few year. Hit he dlh eppart irretrievably ..tt, and hi constitution irreparably injur, rd. A prem ture deway teim grad. ually creeping.upon all nia vital p.iw. ers, and an inevittble unseen influence appear to be (Snggmg him to the grave. It the age -f thirty, with all the world 10 hit grap, wealth in hi potction, md glory and power in perspective, he is, in constitution, an infirm old man, witn light glotsy h .ir, Enrtedovcr hi forehead and tied oosely behind with a bUik liband te.-th white a ivory, an eye sp.rkling witn intellect, and a countenance tea med with a thousand small wrinkle. At the durance of a hundred yard, he will be mistaken for an overgrnwn boy of prema tire growth 1 appro.cn him, and at every iep hia appearance change, and he becomet gradually metamorphosed into an old man. Y -u will then tee a face each as you never saw before, oever will tee a ytio never beheld on the face of any other man and when that smile pts es aay, a couotrnanre bearing an expression of long emotioned anxiety and suffering, that will make your he-rt ai he- Such is Mr. Randolph, at he ap. peered me at the sgeof thirtv years. willed, nd erratic. Ilia opponents t me timet iosi une th ,t he is mad j but thit it nothing more than the whtsDcrt of oartv malienity. Would to heaven there were m re uch mid men among our rulers aad legttl it-ra, to make f lly ailcot and . wLkedocat ashamed 1 to atscrt and de lend . the ancient principle of our revolution flexible tn ejrrirr both in public and onrq'ie in this as in every tiing-eite j and when be-departs thu scene, in whicH he has sitff-red the matyrdom lettibly honetr mao. public &.inn OF - VALUABLE GOLD MIXES. WILL ba pntitively sokL at public owtery, in th town of ttiiledgevill , oo the IJiu dav of July neit, the foilowiiiK Lotti aUiA. lOlt 13A'tnct, iWMen'u, 1011 .IM A it wk . . tlV 2S "r It oV " 4 "I3 rto 861 Wtk di, 8',J I2i i m i? j 8 :0 I hh d 9J2 12JA it 8)7 IM ih 999 974 4 Vi 1039 4(A Jo 30 13i iU HO. 13A 4 , 29a 3d t- BJ ,81tl d . 944' SIM d r s .'St I - itr a. - lac d. itt 1(1 ltr to lfi al l Itt tt U,. 2 24 2d th. da. . dt. d. Ja.- ft. da. d Xftk. da, AVlA. dt dt, dt. HA dt. ALSO, 677 ith dt 3d de. i heinj Daw f ttri't rerrjf In the'sbnvo 6U arj coaipriscd Ihst must valuable Mines, both Tor vela and BSpotiie,"lrt tbe whoie Cherokee 'eiwihtry."Thf ife thsse which have been purchased duiing tbe Lotto-r;-, and are tuld for the purpote of tottlement among; the companie. Capilal'itta are aiuured that tbe ssle will be positive and without re. terra, Thc terms will be one third, cash dpwn owe third, in two ra'mthrn4 be 'emaining tliird, in four month from the data of purchaae. Notes, Wit h gpprored iweurhr tor the pay mM 'ffiernstsrroentt1aJrhet, required. The title 'will be undoubted. .TUOAJ..l'BiV..:....i.i.:..,..i JACOB PAGE, "" l3jtS5ftfi;"W' It. I RU1.L0I K. WILLI M V Z. R H4H0H0VB, ; H-iv'AwtlEtV. TA l"aV--iri itnaF.nr a. prro!f, . -' THOV!9 B. WARD. W1U.I Mi RUTHEttFORO, ' HENHV M CLAY ' JMSffa.ZfvtsV'k, Go. 6, I8S3L .8(83 It '"j tTiefefesfiope of Columbia, tottth Carotin v the-CiHirier, of Charleston, South Carolina. ibsvMiner'a lHirnaL: of, Chtrlptte, North Carolina, end the Star, of Saeigti, North CaroHnt, will pubiah the above till Ibe day of tale t end tbe .tttional Intrlliireneer, of Wash, inrton City, the Banner, nf Nashville, Tennet- see, anylthc Advocate, of Hunttvitle, Alabama, until tbw Siblulv wM, "d forward their-acj eHinr te ate, so. MtiMfrrville forthwutS for piackW " Cfiunw W. laUBAAl, I Spring U Sh m m?r GOODS. oro. w. imowv, II anw rreivlng from Kt Vrk h Phila!l phla, a iarf and eitsntlvt aatortmcni a fivsh and ftaiiMM tbl , Inlteted with great rsre nd bongSt it tht Ifftst, etth priiirti sit of which, ba I d!rTi nitnad lo II at a Vary nsIT profit for A3 JL r on lime la nanelaal drslrrt. Hit riKl eon titts of every vtntti owisllv fmind la blo ks Ibis !".W -si"- vit - aWHT (302)2)3,, Icjartitoarf, C3rofrrffB,"?rofkrr5, Uomifls, fcr. eVr. frrsnns wishing to Hin rtr, will do well Is call ind vltwiin hit bnirk fnr bt thinks from i be lownrat of hit prices to i.-xlnrv purcliasart lo buy. Tb usual kindt of prudifa 'sicca is payment. I4'87 diUum. Map L IUJ. .V O TIC II -aw1' HYo'drr of the Court of 1'quity for Rowan Coun. , the Cleik and M ittrr will ell oA ihe 17 h day of J ily nut, n tne pren.ie several Traits ol Iand lying oo HulTal Crctk in said Coumy, belonging to the Heirs at Lw ol Fr. cls Obson, dee'd. One .f 174 acres adjoining the lands of J hn Bakei and others f ont Tr et of J acres, and one ol about 25 acres ad. joining thc land of George Gibson and others. The tale will take place or the largest tract i A credit of IS m tv ht for one half and ol 18 months for the other hilf will be allowed, and the purchasers required to gjve l ods with g od security for the purchase money on the dav of sale. 8AML. PILL1MAN. t. m e. Jimt 8A, 1833. 5 8.1 . wVegtoM- WanltA. 'PHE ubcrilers wish to purchase 1 YOUNG d LIKIXY riiBSJiOifiSc; Of both sexes. For such, the CASH will be paid, by making application, either personally or by lefer, .t Lex ington, Davidson County. N. C, to -IfAUORAVBAyHUMPflRlik Mtu 24A 1833. 77(1 Treasury Department ) April 13oi ttJJj j IN the late conflagrati not tut T-t 1 Vury building,' nearly "all thw'tor. trip ndvnce of tne Bccretary; -of thc Treasury, from tne establishment ol tne Department to the 'Jlu March 1033," w .a' destroyed, locluJtOg. al wed she original letters .and. comma. tiicationt addressed to'lhe"" ScCret iry bl the Treasury, at the records of the by hiiri. Wttti i view "to repair llu lost, at far a miy be practicabie, nil officers ol tlic" Uiiiud' Sulci "are re quested lo' caUJC copies lo be"prepaf. ed and auth ntic.ncd by them, of a tiy ;' letter'" fitee-ptini thOie"hkteiriafi ter alluded to,) wbich uy uy aa. a ny time have written to, or received from ihe Secretary of ice Trctuiy j, and all ihr who hate been moflicc, ..tnd. other individual throughout me United State, and elaewncre, arc in vited tr) do the tame. That thia c r. respondence may be arranged into appropriate hooka, it it requeued thit it be copied on folio foolscap paper, with a alifficient margin on ail aide to admit ot bidding, and that no more than one tettertexoiitained on arteat. It it also requested, that the copies be written in a pUin and distinct or en grossing hand. Where the original can be spared, it would be preferred. The reasonable expente incurred in UbUIICU IU I requetted,; copying the paper now not exceedlog the fate' 6f ten Cctrt. for every hundred words will be de frayed by the Department. The torrespoodeoce which has been saved, and of which therefore, no copies are desired., arc the rtcoida ortlS'eteUeTsw of the Treasury to Preaideott aud Cashiers - f Banks, ir.m the 1st Oc- toberr 1 819rhw- 2(Kb February, 1833 i aTTihe cbrretpondenee telatmg fc the revulutionary claims under. Hie act of 15th May, 1828, and U claims of Virginia officers t half pay, under the act of 5in July 1832, and to ap- bliconTBr theTwiTtT of the and March, 18,11, aod-lt.b Ju ly;' 1832, for the relief of -ceruio via solvent debtors of the United States. Copies of some circular leuerlahd have also been preserved t and it is requested that, before any copy be ade 10fiimfTJ$UU.Jg!., struction, written by " the Secretary of the Treasury, the date and obrter of the circular be first stated to tht Department, and it . wiahea on the subject ascertained. "3 ""-"'O;.,-" -Louia jicLrAivm ' 74.3 rrT Secretary of the Treasury bXEctrTED wim ".vB.ir- JfESS Ml DtSPATtJtt, " AT T111S OFFICE. It HCarar tt. tbi tb tt at t in, (nsnilClianbrrs (t diMulf4 a, ohi niitrnl All prraont tgvintl wlm-a ihr, l cUime trl.f bf .rf lb tw wi, tr Ii nnt te come forward s' d ar'Ui ik Hbrr b (ash ttt noi, W . tht In gw nril, or lhv Will 8 id brir tr?.,., lb btnilt Wi.lwn Nwrw f. fVPrl V..VI,.UIIV,V SHUBl'ORB- Jfcf?rr Mutton "" .n.,rf fi) IJIVgS nonet ihti a U i 11 lb list pnrrl.atrit 1 swatwj f tfsj fea rniwe Mrirrrvl m lle sou above wiewiuntd lal ' A m ilia aiurb tf lOV which Wtt twry gmt and tSianxva, . " . But In scliunn le that, be m itccin. g if. Hit N'fh a larjrr and t dptntU alAnOTlmtnt of artjclrt bilnngine Itt bit lirtt of kiwr , i all its hrirlici for Vraffirffl, Cheapness and nuiunitjfv; be ItcoiiBilcni thai ti'iatnnwni 4 tierlbd by none 1 tbe Hmtllmrn Country, ttt& (ang utlier Ibmgt.) l fSrn lrwcn't of 'b best qonbl v ami lalcvi fatbinna. Ab, grnrrat tjnmnrt of Ladles SWt (J Nwi, ur al kind, micIi si SraUSUfn, (PalNSafn, SU rorro art) DrunrlU, nf the ncatevl siyle and beat srn'l M'.trjp a raairriahi all 4 wbich, he wiH 1 1 uv rssh, tr to puiiclutl cnomm on 1 rWt dtt 1 Five per cent will be ditdmnird to pw etwsrrt hi pay en di-mind Wr. U.cktst. maket bit acknwlci'g -rn-i u'lo the M tn44 Hilibui, ami tbe ncr'ibnnnr rwiaifi, fcf tb librral thare ol cusiim xtmded te hia, and bt hopes bl a strict a'imfimi to biuM.t te merit t ennilimaic of Oielrunirt Mt 'still carritt on tbe tun uf aunuftci. ing BOOTS, 8II0KS, which he pledget iii.rsrlf tu da in the bra; ttylr, oat f the Srest msteri.k, a the tbwirtl notice. Hr bat rtin.lsl.ed b mtrg tfth 1 t k of escellrnt N rtberu Hot' Lrt'hrr, tad Calf' ' Kkms, which h liNn 'i n bivt vtrirrd tip 1a' bit thitp, - He hnpet tbt Ltdirt w.1 0'ntlmtrt one ind til, will curae t d rtsraine iit sseat inrnt, for he can coiifienttv rwrnim'il it as ib miat tatty, trfret tnd drtirsbtr nf any ever br new lit In the Wwrs -W utihe S;t, P. S Ordi tt from ihe eoun'r will rrem thr ilnctett attention S'd be filed who it much pr c t-on at thongt tbr prrsoe 'uonclf were personal! present. Sa'itJsrit, .V. f fr. tTJ 7& 'PIIK B-jWrtbrr ev-nq'iIW a Ex- cunix of the Ei tr of AU rxander R. Caltlcleugh, drcetsrj, gives notice to alt pe -on having de mand g nnt taid Ette tiyrtrt them fnrp ivmrnt wi hin the nmrtrr ttribrd by act ; f.Assrmbly,otKrrwv. they writ be b-trred of recovei r by tht per tio- tard eotr All nrafmsis drbted t taid ett -te, are rcq iesteJ 't criieTorwr rd and p Vf'Wf tcciir tlf debit uhorlel .v : . " DatHtlMO Vn 81 1 B33 - 7t " '1 ' I 'pliE cert fi air" f.r P.mr snarrsof thir Capital or J in Strj k otn Siate Bank of N -rth C irohoi, u tcrihed for iwthe name otj f..J,,il and tfinsfcrred tt Philip lilies hit of R iein County, N. C. dee'd, bet .f lost or mtslttd, N-tice it ttr'rehv. tfird en to all persont Coticeroed thai i applv to thelrres a'mt of sua r,i either tn person or by agent to r.ioel duplicate thrrent. 77 Jm GEOR'iE llNI. 'Jcr. Salisbury, .1 24A 1833. .. 6UU of -VuriU-CatuUtta, Lilx iiuiars. Coost or Pt.a4 D QmsTKa Stwb ,1pri! lem lHi BUUTOM Is CLYTrONI nnginum vi. tvuitiTl'tht WILLIAM MAIlTIJliO Pnipt'tU , r J -I ppearing to the satisfKt.ofi H f" ."t ,IW,'TS defendant is not art inhabiLinl of th S-.ate, if it . therefore ordered hr t Cri'trt that he appear at the next O"! of Pleas and Qurter Sessions to1 ,hey Jor the Co inty f Lincidn, at f jourH's"n l.JOf.iiUiUawP.uL . third M nday in J dv next j RpH and plead to issue or J idg ncnt by it' f rort-wili be entered up againat flifl' hereof be made sis weeks success" y Tn the We5tern'C'aroli'niad7.X"' Ct8 V. M-BEE, C.C.C. .Vevf VaUor AUop- -.MLUXIYO TO V yrt?. MrTheophUuJU&PMt ,.lXjxie.Dds4l! a, if, tea W jrrs J ' Jk . (,,, Busiriett, in all itt various ffi itlthe town of Lexington, H fj the r hop TJitf of 3h Cwtrt nh j formerly occpied by P. Fowler- J j lle .regularlv receive N-w York and Philadelphi. fa'J J 4hichlll enable: him to ' 1 h gentleman . . n short notice, and in a Pior f' 4 workmanship, .. Hf. hope by nous attention to husioes I ,hare nf public pJtrODige. ' ' 1 t.. i f V k. fr i ft f hi 1 ' fc ti l a i ' si f .it Iv If I I" l( n ' 01 of rij 11. :n i" 111 el. mi SU P'i til! tin tr ( err ttir V J"-' Ivl t'j II), 1m la J.s r. I, ''T:',ilritAiiitfrMf lltT Mt Sfl 1 A iiw A a J

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