Vi vsicvtt Carolinian. tt v3 POKTKY. a 1 1 ... THE aUMMkR ftTE. , I witk Svj B I no. Moose, E.. n needle tn spetk Ir praise "of the toft' tasVs of this work, Mr. Mutat character as ' Fact bel.g loo well kn to need My savor 'TH-frWiii rr,;"ac-'wrire.viiTT - g fro tt, which iuii, that our read ers ) judga fur themselves, .... HOSQ,. ... , ,f T.1"! sey Ibee" lorey In sU lb bewt array theei Hit tun's bilow th moon's eboro, , And Wight and Bliss obey thee. Put on tbc .! that's bright stid rsre, "1 be ' thj wreath, Ike gem. Vol m esuch gracing charms so lair, a. AstuMfowliig graoeifomtneiw, Arrsy thee, love, artsy lljue, love, . la sll that bright srrsy ihcej r The tun's below th moon's above; A..U NigLi and Uliti obey ibee. , Nt on tbc plume thy low gsve. The plunsc, tbt protidty dancing-, " Frociatta to all, where'er tbey wave, Victorious eye sdvshcing. Snug lortb the rube, boe hue of nctvea r"um i hee derive tutb light. Thai lri woukl give all bcr (even Tj but but tut to brigm, Arra thte,lovr, array (lice, love, , w. kc. kc, , Host bit thee, love, now hie ibi-e, love, v Thro ficasura's circle hie thie, And heart, where'er thy looietcp move, w ill, b hca tiicy come mKb ibe. Jby every wo d liU be aiptl), I by every lock a rt), fal truck of wondering eye that) tell The glory of tby way. Now bte tbe, love, now hit thee, ke,' ..:'rhT!P?!' W.'jJei Wiiheev--.- -' o heart, where'er thy footstep move, ! beat when rbc come wgVib. " Tllfc BRIDE."" ' ftlflmf, r(r tg Churltl Jrftf 1)1 I 'k ber, but b, fwithfU! Hill, Ant! miv the biidil vnw Be crd htld in a"trr yean, i And warmlv breathed now, ftem-mber, tii n.i eommou tie " t th't bind her you'hW heart, Tht one tt only irutb b nild wnvp j w.m van jirt. The Jt, of childhood hippy hour, The home or riper yeRii, The mattireri icenet oTeaHy youllu In aonahine and in teart. The purest hop r her botom knew. When ber young heart wa free, - H Hewe intf mora t row timmiir: Tobrave tfte world with tbee. Jler lot in lire ia fli-iTit. ,1.1-. 7 'wi Ha good ad itj to ahare, -ndwtwt-lrrrtwr 1"o aootb eacir aw fow'tltireT - Theii uk bea, ! wiy fleetig time - 'b ni) .": " .uL'imji yWa g4te twtetly on" I" happiut and ptare. pu- 4 o'tlotk, t. fcim a Ftn.aie Ji li . H -tit ty, My I t liope that the I. )H be completely L led, nj i at thcac of you -h tannut pcrauti liy attend, wilt tend their oamct with their cmtributiontf - I)' tr Ltdie. it it only i the BtlU hat life and immort hty are brought to light, for tnco ai well at for women and it u therefore the bua- den duty ' f rwcry man a d every woman, to do .!'! ... " I 1.- . .. .. Bur, 1f poiiihle, Mlie obligation it ttrooger tin you than t o ua, became 'tnr owe tvt- etv iwof Hhtva. jtV,. In'Chris'ian Undi aline do you occu ny the atitittn and en j y the privilcrn o which jrou are. jutiy en iiied. In fartin countries, woman Si the alave of her brutal hubn'i, compelled to perform the moit acrvue and labori out office! vrttiln he it rrp ning in in. rltJiftice ' r revrlhng to low ctiquity. Even in China, the civilized ol heathen naiinni, the wife drug the light plough ued in their agriculture, Mhtlat the husband performs the cast tr tatk of aowins; the seed. lit th te rtginnt which are blighted by the crti. el auperitition of the Arakian fmpoe. tor, the understanding of your ti tera whither frum want of culiiv ttion, and with the forma of lovely women, they poaaeta the mindt of children. Their afT.;tl -ni, equally disregarded, are paUird bv tagh-ct, or if acnaibili. ty t-xitt at nil, it is only to etiug them to t.e soul. ' IJut in lhn&tian lnu, woman ta an intellectual, a refined nod v'ntuotts brini the instruction of man m hi infancy hi wise counsellor, the crown of his J H i, and the solace of his tares In manho- d j the .stay and comfort of hi detlinii g ytun f in health, fis intelligent cmp-mion, in sickness, his tet drr nurse j at h!I times, and uodtr all circumsianVc his iffcctii. Date and faithful friend , is his prid t'u d you hiindr. Tdiir. jure or insult you,-would forever dis grace his manho-J. A a son,' a h band, a fat crVbrother, a fritnd, hi firs, earthlv care ii to promote your happiness ; III .L , I, t aii tnis rnr ri ana intellectual rtr vatioo you owe to thj Biole. y'U not endtavur to extend these blessincs t t !- f.ivored n-irttons v your ati f Will not tri nn.tive, addition to the vet hier one of love to mr pcnsning souls : y. or leltow creatures, mdure vou, by active txer tioo in yotir Favinnr's ratinr, to des erve the high comtncnd ttiidv jjiven b n m to one or your own rxf ushe h;th done whai ahe could!" You se have always proved that they love tne. jj weT and hi Rviimr. to.. m hom the Hhle wiinTr."" Whilst men" were crying crucify him," the danghurs of Jerusalem wept over his suturing ilrs of tht itronge r .sex,:foyaooi in hisliuu? ? ,r?a'i the womeri who had followed will illor te the spiritof tVtt produc tii-n. P tys indeed ire" sob gone they anrpti'te us that they cme ao s .on, aod drp rt so quickly. Bat h weatjlv do thev cmc, and h' w pain, fully do they depart, when the spoil is in suspenses wbea Hope and far have their conflict in the mind, each alternately and in rapid movement presenting its pictures to the int gins tion f M'T Fai'hf d fre moye and more-frtble- S descended more and more rapidly .s she approached the lat itrps which lead isto ihe vat. lemf thrrrat'4 f'dt'airrr" Eeeent ly, d tys had dune the work, of months j and nw hours were doing the work of days f r there was a change eve ryjiour. ... Vheo,Jc day dawned, ji was doubtful whifher she should see its close I-and when the shadows t f evening fell upon them, , they feared for her, -that her eyes would not open on the light of another day, Why should they dread ne placid parting of a pure spirit from .the feeble prison .fan exhausted Inmcf How is it, that when familv i ni . Q lion, and when hone baclf Rrnw d m amontr them, they should grieve to part with any ot their number f I it thai sor r w grows more intense by solitude? 'ainful m it ta o say Farewell to a iving friend, it ia yet mote painful If Spring U Summer .. GOODS. f( ... rtclviof Omb New Vrk k I'hiW' JB. pin, a irg axt tsueawtvw aswirtmcai w- f ii-U SnJ r il.' "!; . , Rrleettd wbb great ears and limight at the lowest cash prices N of which, he is drier. nUwd lo II al a vary small auAi lor 0 A SIX. ATCo'df rjrif lUWmM f,tlt HH TrntirinwdeWrfIW ro-ir con tis of ery vrtet etlly found la blurts in ttii eoin ufetiiititrt. vifi - ' 1 -IQarwtoarf, avmtltirCmlzvv, . ISonnttt, tet. Ferson wbhing la imeeh,-wiH do wtt lo ell st'd rawoJiino his tiock t tot he thinks Iroat the lowm-M of his prion lo Irxlnc purchaser tn buy. 1'be imusI kim!s of produce taken in pat mem, . . i ... ifw . Woeury. May 1, 1833. rot n ni d w or ji lv, tgix vrvUeWiivv VKJ rtilf parade at the Court II uic, t-i eJat.s bury, on Thursday the 4ih i f July nest, at nii-e o'clock, A. M. equipped at the law directs. , Toosc who do not appear properly armed and accou tred, as reo'iirid by law will certainly be fined. . . , diatcty after tlie iimissdof the com pany lor the trial of delmqaentl. By Oder of the Captan,' CiZO.M.MVllL O. 5.. Man 13 11 VI 4 79 ti'j iff;... UUNAIV4T from ih wlncnler w 8us ls) trenint Jhe'lHl AM last, without .y ..i.nct'K)i, a bourul boy, by Ih Dams of Ni I HAN asm II, lie lebeiwfLii smeen and ev. rnteeat year old, I Iwwaro all erua tritm rui. ir wiMi, barbnunng, rniploving, laeding, or clothing of laid boy, as I slis1' certainly pm the la inlurct axaiott any so offending. Any person who will rciaru said boy to me at at) bouse 'shall be reasonably paid for ao doing. f'trtt if iht Yadkin, Uiwan (' 3 gy- v. v. Mill- rn ln. Junt hi iniiv raiUKtu'iSi tilier rnpVluMv il lrrn., p'i S he WA h fast al pt tmui tu.M , l,. sSM.rtloes.1 .f , '"l? csr?n-i VTZ1.T..1 0F U.I. is aTF.V-ALSi oy tx? ' " wdeof 1hebeim.!rrUI, .wl (r f "h workmcn, (), j,r j l,WHe4 lu ,, ' Cs8H, or mi a Uort cr.s t t0 punctoii , loirrri. . , . I O d Copper, t, wtr, r g hrr,'Besii L. ' rliow taken iut tUivr, " . .V'iMicw. ,faw IS tail ' -. - liitj issj av aw W NOT fillC 1:. niCK&QX a i.l bis nca v, k e. i (.w k.-l. of st tK -or , .. ftt g , Dili1 ami Fi.n.. I,.. . ,H nen.-.hkb be m. .'ZT, k- beaieaifriU.lma ubt.Mt. ...d f.b,, . j! ' niM.r,and whiob he will L4J, bo.iks are now open, and wil cont). tie o(iea forkia week ,t the store ol Thorn- owsii to SkliaWt' 1 tt the wore J Ui:MtrsClrnH'nt (f Kellt Mocktvil)e and al Juaenh M.rus, l w, Fulton, for ubacrip'iutii to IbeSouih ItUkiil Bettler. THE OUMISHIOXERS. .Uuv, 1813 6H' that the seper.dion should liave"t,keu.r1'lB place "ithout it. S exhausted was l" . . 1 . 1 ... k l t-i me sun. rer, a a so sicnuer was me hreab on which the remains of her ife were suspended, il it the ly fe ired to be long a ay lnm her bed. side, lest in the interval she should pan. And now, when ihe coi Hkt was nearly over.if c nDict it might be called wi h her who sirocrled not - g;iinst desth's .pprotche, and dread (I i..i ll niv t t rlirkiif,, hi il ..v. t v. T ... - -.. . , - - ... toth ; around-er, l-iatlvyc.(litimtf HILI.IAM MTWiSrnPvr". v, Dear, dear Iriend, lahr m J i uppcai;ng u tW attlaction .ol ther sister-the dream ol ule.- ,il the-Lottrt that VVtiair-Mrt4n the n sf over,"ud now IHai it is fjt Val;.: defendant is notau inhabitant of this shmg, I feel it indeed to have beeni&ate, 11 is therefore ordered by the but a dream. 1. I nave a fainiTtcoHcc-' thirt th it he appear at tne next Court PUBLIC S.1LK or VALUABLE GOLD MIXES. ilTlLL b positively sohl, at publio otttcry. It in too lowa or ttiUeJitvill. . 00 lln i uav of July west, the followin- Lotsi Lot AV. 1031 Uih oVi-nef, In . ih. tate o Vtnf-iJAroVuia, I.ISCOI.N i:ut. Cocst or Hlsas ad 4cTa Skhioki, J,ftil 'lerm 18JJ. BL'BTON k CLWrONl fneiW ..:-ai I ru.i4 n rN Treasury Drjmttmr.nt, . ApriU2lQ 1643 j I tc ougt n t of its hltsiings as they , tbe la,.e conflagrati tne T.ea. ps&ed, ! s.o..d t .o near the wprk to i ,ury """ding, nearly all the . ui. are its beauty: l litht la tt uun.i-1 " r "v"-v " v7' isherl. tuertfore I uw it imnerleetli- Ti'casury, Irom the establishmci.t ol Lfr-fa ' now finlshVdSfid 1 i 6 "ace 1 r" PP'mnt W hr3lt - March ifl Rood It I. It IS paStiflS Rone " royeu, mtiuumg, as 1 wcu .iic or guiai letters ana ccxnmu him from Gilileef nd ministered to a-1 urn ic l tltl WUIg J imiS. JSLMm society, W c crave paido t.l the est.m-Me au .Ihor JorihcJibeityne uke jft givi,)g general publicity to the following Ad dress, which was intended merely for loci circulation. But in our view it is a tompoaUioo, W meritorious in Hsell, and treats of a subject far too important o tbe human t..mily, to be confined to IbSmits of ibis to r.. - of tUa State,-. Jppejils to the fair, er pnion of cVeation,w iu beh.lf ol the best of causes' to mothers' wives, sister,, to gv, their a.d to the f rculation of the Ilobj Srri .that Bo,, wbicn not the Itgbyiert. wis al. ne, nor the- EpicopJiaI1,t Dor MahodwM,r,tr Baptists, exclusively, h ive ui.dcrukeu ' to distribute but wnun inrtSftans t every name, all iea in fcaotvitrg- ?,!! be erven in rhi uik.J. u...l,l l nr. ".-"u. wnO SVJII hot cry, Cod qxed to tkejeork f And wno w 111 iay, that m so good, so pi . " pmriiMlc. f nofl li tt, demandintr rhf mmn.. . tr r Bmanaina, remain shell be denied P .riicipauap r woman alone , M,t ,he with iraltrous Itia her SivUr atatngl -N -t she dvoied him with unholy tongue 1 .V,whil Apottle shrankouM d,;. 'Lf at bis erosa, and earlkst at his grave She, in fiae, whose hand is ever Open aa day , i meltinp; charity" 1 !.T, ? .celebrated Tuvelter. Lktt. jAaDdepicts-oethe same benevolent "t'f5a w r-arm reprotii of Raaia, bncl amidst the sultry dcr,, of Afrj. ta in the more civilized c untries fr.-n, a work so grand-irj coreenfiW A Ettiiaa...t ! 1 . ' .rlid saw Vin"-U- To the Ijidiet of Peterslurg and the - nrishlmhooft. "- - " -DtisimH ii;ttmt ,. 1 5u a.e reaj.r.t.'uily ard pflVftion. -iy uuu tlrlO ..eA-b(e t tl iiwt Church thja liernooi cross, till he had dismissed his tipirit I 1 rry attendcdjts b.rdy.-M lift graveT an ihry- wrre'the "first witnesses of his its rctjOTimlhat Aiyi vour sex Dave petn jaremosf in exertion to spread the saviour of hi name a-l to Wi'fcjod..aave: .thtfir iXeUawcii Even now, ttir tadica in ur aiswr City. Uichnuindr have ahxiavn.ihiU ihe spirit which animated lh .se Galile-ui females, now dwells in the bosoms ol the fair daughters of Virqini. ' I thark hem for i ! hooor ' them f"r it! I doubt n t lie who permits not even a tup of cold water given,.! , his aker to he ttnrcwanh d. -wiH bless tthcnr for r t But shall J be r ompetted, j (oound as my heart is to the intere st ai:a tne hoor t.l mis town, by the strongest and m st endcr ties") when I pass'tliroogh ether portions of our sl-te, torkler lo the- ladies of Itich MAnrl . I . . 1 uiuuu vi iv .is aaious stuu geuetous supporters t the tff rt to smd. the Bible to the Heathen ? Sball'l be ob liged to hai.R mv he id in silence when 1 a ikt'd what yew hve fforre- f no I you will not ao deeply humble one, who desire to are y. u f rrmos iu hatever is go d and lovely . 'au will (will yu not?) allow me wih tofn " a a a 10'i ol smiles ' u ters. ol a p ssion. te interest in life, of h-pes and fears of a s .id revulsion of spirit, in which the heart seemed to break when we were taken from our own old home. B iti ow that all is put, I look upon j T arid sorrow a onef and 1 hitpe I pe.ik it n i presumpttiosly or prolane tne light are bot!i alike to me lor .i the past I see beautif ul picture drawn by the E ernal artist. On, how bean tiful and trood has life been to me! of Pleas and Quarter Hcssions, to be held for the Co mty of Lincoln, at the Courull nise in L'uitolnt -n, on the third M-nd.y injulvntxtj Replevy ana plead to issue or Judg-nent by de fault will be entered up affainat him Ordered by the Court that publication hcrc-jl be made six weeks successive Iv in the Wi.Stcrn farnli -,in. o-a y. istK, c.e.c. ion iiiji 861 8'.9 893 820 9ia .sir tVi P74 SO ta 39H 8 $ H 6J8 677 iik 3'A 12 A Uih llik Uih UiA 4th 4ik 4ik 13aA 11 h 3J Slrf 2I. U ro. 4iA- wV-- 3f a f dt d dt dt dt dt dt dt d dt dt dt 11 Iw Id tsl 1m 1 i 1. In ' si It' Ut ti let 2d U u, 3d dt. dt. dt. da. ' dt. dt. da. lit. It. ate. lU. dt. AVer dt. Atrtk, dt. dt, 4u dt. krinf Derm- - ' lm a.crje. .Ia the above liit. are compri-i Hie uum vslu.bW Mint, both for vein and lieuowte, ia the whole Ctn-f kee cuoHtry. 1 bey sr. tboke4 winch have been purtl.a 1 during the Lotte-1 vwe Wtiuted. Of bih lexes. Por sut h, the C.iMl will be paid by makint? idh!!,.,,:. either persoflajly or by letter, fc Legf ug-n, Davidjon Courjtv, N, to iiAiifjiiAKCfiiujipnRKys. Mag Uih 1833. 77,f. IjV order cf the Cenrt of Lquityf0rUowt,Cou(: i) i the Clcrl aod Matter wilf '.sell on the K.h day of J,y Ot X., -a the pieiMtts Several T of Land lying on Buffalv Cre k sl County, belonging to the lleir at L.w of FrarCIS tJbsvn.JecM. One -,f IU seres adjomiug tbcianda of J hr" BakCi nd o her I' Tr ct tf i . acres, and one oi a oot 2J acus ad." omidg the land 6f Gcorae Gibsfin:' tid" othera. The sale "Will thke ."i)lice 7ii '' the largest iret t A credit ,,f ia' f7j and see s fof the purpowe ot wulrmerrt I lu-iuha for am htsif tmd of 18 month. -smoiig tbe compsnie. Capitalut ae awured. I for the other h.W will be allowed ami .t the sale will be positive and will.oul lh-nur,haatr. -! t . . ',,"t erre, The te.,rowill be one third, c.-hd .wa. ,n.e Purtnftr requirtd to give b lid wiuig ou security tor the puihai money on the day of le, SAML KILLLMAN. r. m .e :.. June &h, 1833. 5i83 " ,t j-y and aorr.iwa and selfish j . feelinRS t bu'f v an t s t eh t a s bav e beeii c,c-"' UslIoOtward and :,iisible formg. iVs,' ne n addressed lo Ihe " Secretary anirit-nd us ivl4l auUuuwe ar mv hearr mn; o nf eofrla.rincr ov him.rWttn ft view to-repair the hjswaitfitdL Bab I.IIL.L.J!. - . . . I . MiAaa I V . IT. . . ,1 UTb tr-enda and sisters in Petersburg thr language t.f the wisest of mens Ma- t y daughura have done Virtuously, bur ( hese -xcel them all." Your affetli naie friend, Ard fellow townsman. WM M AYO ATKINSON. Gtn. Aireni V . B.i i cS.c. Petersburg June nth 1833. THE PlvjllTAN'S CRAVE. and ihere wmx. reolvW ihP he.rr. ''"cera, 0.1 the Ut-itcd States arc. re. of imrsertmiid JucMertflisafull ,riltfrf:'-" P to b prepar. sneak r but she knew bv the (Wi- w! ed nBl auiht nticated by them, of a. alteoatrTiitarf "of ihcir hdnTy "' ef ?til"fi Ihos bWwii. ner's. that thev heart Sf,d hKi,A . ",j wmt-u mey ui.r .n. wiat she s .id. and thouch her sitht l,m" ' h"Ve wriln ' i or leceivrd wwiyjfiiBjwa but i nrterfertlv tiisrrrn their rnn,-'Jn& ibaie who hive been in Office. Ba'MEr h culduM dlst4ng their eyes wtre glutrrimr with unshed "nitetl Slates, abd elsewi.cte, are in. tears. She resumed. 4Vhv should v,,ea ltlc 1'hat this c r- vou weep t unless it be tht tears are 'espoadeni.e may be arranged into a holier and deeper mtr-ifeatation of 'appropriate books, it is requested thai rratimdetnansmilesand placid looks. be copied on folio foolscap paper, We re not forsaken whv should we i Wlt1 a "ufCcient margin on all ' aides be Caar downf The world has fotsa.' "dmit fllbiidsng, and that bo more ken us t'T show us-that God has not.tnan orre tetter be contained on a leaf. The world .is a veil that hide;h the '1 ii also requested, that the copies be Creator fmm his creatures. From j a P1 ,,n H,J distinct or en- our eyes thpt veil huth been .with.! r5ro9,,,n hand. Where the original drawn, and we see our Miker's Bood. c 'n ne apared, it wouR be preferred. , ness and bis pi eseuce .lOo., Then I -The re tsonable axpensc .incurred in pt rdinand F ithful f und strength ( Copying the papers now requested, not exceeding tne rate ot ten cents for every hundred words will be dc fraved by the Department. The-' COTrepn!eiiee whtcH '-hf been sved, and of which - therefore, no c . pie are dr aird, are the rtcoi J.i ol the letters written bv the hecrctary of the Treasury to President ar.d Geshtevs'f B an kw,1 fr om " the 11 I st 1 J one third, in two months and Ihe remainine 01110, in lour nionib from the date l pjrcl.s. Nuies, with ai.Droved security lor the MVD.en at 'he intlmet they baoorae due, will be rtairtu. The title will be ttmloubted. lirnu ting V l UO'LOf K . WILUIM A,0, Z B HAHCHOVE, BAWt'EL TAIK, . ItoHfHi 8. PArrOM, THOMAB WR!. Vi HXl Wli Ttl-THERPORD. flEKMf t i:I.AY JMUedjtUllc, C loy 6, 1833. . 8 81 r J The Teleweooe: ui.f CtowMb-toitrk' CsroliO'S IS Uourwr, nf Ch iettotn: Smllb Uamrtna, tn . Iliner1 Journal, of Fbarlote N'rt! Pariiipsstid the 9'tr.of Sleigh,Norh NOTICE. 'HIIE Subscriber l.avmo ouaiTfitil "", pnMi. rt riw-rXi. .. 'ir if ; j " vi,. wm v,, ub , .l exantler H, CaUcleugh, deceased, jtyeisoijcct? mauds agiiest saiU .fisuii-tWeBV the ni for p-y m en t wi i hin the tioiej)re scribed by act f Assemblv.otherwise, i hey .will be barred of rccovci y by the oper.tiou f said act. AU persons in debted to said estate, are requested to Come forw. rd and pay, or secure their debts without del. v. E. 8 CALpClEUfJII, Rrr'x Davidson ( 'n . ,i i i h t 1 fPIIE Cci..fii4c lo .k'irteem'Jvfu ol the Capital orJ itni Hr"ckfcf!T" the State Bank i f N fth C-rolin I.. Sued in t; e name of Yt eta Tekr Ule of. U . wan Count) N. Cf) ded. wf."5 ioai or misiata, ' AOTICK is hereTiv g-vrn to ail persons ewer oed, that I .j! apply f th- IVesi dent of said B4 k. either in ti Twt n w.i:..' MiL..t.i.L .a . t . .- .7 i-l ' a' ' ' . 1- u-;. ..r lia iMtwi'am niv Kirovc uh wr amw ot 1 or n Wgiw r.itn lb Hawnce, of Nashville, Tewrvev see, sivl the Advocate, of Huntsville. AlsU.aa. tiiVil Ihe 5'h Julv nf st. and forward their ae eounts to me, In MiHrderville, fnnhwiib for piysnirr-- n rrtKui tr -tcitR Satitf'ury. MayiH. 1833 - TUE STF.sM BtlAT. MACON tAPI. J. C. CPA. --l1'M.trt lt ...... ... av . - r , t to apeak, and he said Mv dear child, it Is indeed a joy 10 our neara to aee vou thus cheerfully resigned, vet ev. r'nfo-tmrj yQft ycrur tiatfWeTliive sorrow on oiir own. 1 couli have wished thai you shuold h ive watched my departing breath, and ' cV.aet my wte.ry eyes ' I leve befiind me' . L . 'I ' I A . ... . . nwleiherep!ted. t "ewhti "will 'ptrfarftl that duty Jo- u. In death feel that it is not the dying who is ' t be pitied.' Thf re was silence again, which none dared or wished 10 break. I hey looked :t the patent and atone another, and almost suspended their own breathirtp, th it thev mieht listen to hers. Life parted ao gradually wnd so quietly, mat thev who sat .wsueh. Utt bfr kew not that it wone tne s,iterer waa at rest, and- they Vii7tor bad fored brr throogh life,"vept Daughter." VT have ofteo had occasion ft. maik the various talent of this, cleser writer and the ". lume now before ua are in q.,.te a different atvte from J r.f. w previous works. The Pu A Mr h rr7Be Craiw iii..u.' , It.. ' . . "" ,M - l7 'r. ... , ....v . ry 01 pcise- wmcn he disposed r.f at a victual. ,..., , jMucstc-an.ncring made 1 mg ten r for one lO'.r'wjntJv. The vrrv ml I" $ft9P. ,.n: is . th? . surest prompter ot human te r. Literary Gazette. ... . . 'L .... nine mrouen i.ith-i ,1 :i lustrati n ot the motto lo the title T'"! "e perfect roan, nd be ron. oe U loos. . -:J lit"4 cee;!na.ortPR arontatka.-Ajr. Jooa, at .teaching oow C-iiwia caad.el . -. . . . one dollar, and entraced . i...:-e ..... " . . oo- m uinner.rmro ir lor iwc, Shiniogs. a" which he ate up the whol turkey, and made off, lcavi the mart of the CeHer bf sides cooking, ther,"1Blr, to th 50 h February, 1833 1 all the correspondence, relating tn the revuiuthnary claims under lie art of 15th May, 1828, and ty claims of Virginia r fficers t ( alf pay, under 1 832, and to ap plications fr the brnefi.s of the acts of the 2nd M irch, 18.11, and 14th Jur ly, 1833, for the relief of certain in solvent dsbtori pf the United! States. C.inifs of some circular, Jcttera nd instructions written bv tKe Seer? tajyt hive iilso been preserved : 8d it is requested that, before" any copy be made dj anv tircutaf, Iciut or !u-' ttruction, written by the. Secretary of the Treasury, the date -and object nt the Circular be first stated to the Department, and its ' wishes - on the subject ascertained. ' . I.0UI3 M UNE 74-311 $metnnt of thr Trerttury SES.S Jivt DtSPATi ut rTUIE rrrtifi. ate for Four ahsrriof the Capital or J int Stork of the State Bank t.f N irtn Carolia.j sub scribed for i the uame of J Vs. Lot ke and tr.tnsfcrived' lo Philip Ilanes late of Bowsd c-uuty, N. C. dee'd, beinjr lost or mislaid, Niic is herrbv piv. eu 10 all persons concerned that I shall apply to the President of taut Bank; either in person or by agent to issue a duplicate thereof. f T 3m CEOUQE fUftrX r.xW. ... Xjfiwru, May 2A4 .1833, IXLfiXLYGWX X. C. Mr Theoiihilus M. Simpson T.TQST respectfully informs his IV X iriends, d the public at large, t ;tt he is bow c irryiog on the Tailoring Business, in Jill its various branches bthe aosv.,t4LcKingtons; f, C, jn the shop East -of ' the- Court Jlouse, fb'r'rherly ocenmedy ,p."Ft1i-rTr"" lie regularJn receives the latest N?w York fVUdctpbi jTitsbinat which will euabhr him to mate any getfrteman .. . .1 faihlomlte suit, of CIotfiesl , on short nptice, and iu.a superior atvte f woikmant-hip, II". hours by assid uous attention to business t merit a share ot public pst renege, .Inrilii 183.1. 71if- s iu l uitMKKOs.ircn Charleston and Mit-rr C.e1Tvw n..her w no,... nd down, will return her Trii, in ll." course of a Tow day and iv intended iv Le' continued in the trade the ensuing scl son. 4 Her exceedinp; 1ihf Ursft 'bf Water 7 rawiap; whenlnade;! only about four und half feet water will eitahle her tn rrarh Charaw at all timek escent: an unrnm.i j mon low titer, when her t-wriro wtilb ! lighlCPCd: ! the Expcnre ol Boat. J. K. CLU011. Vharlttton Sffil 26.1831. K. B- Siie has comfort able a;ctjnio,, dations for a few paiisepgsrsi 91 J . I : C . " Notice. 'v ; CTBAYED, from the tubscrib-r on . 0 the lid. inst., a sorrrl IlOltE having a white streak in his lur e-iv! aHu "tflul oh his "rTiinsi ring; solhat he movea- in that Irj -; hiis abotitj 14 13 bunds high and is miirkvd on hi left shoulder by ihe ci liar, he i'i also be noticed sucking wind-JUy.. person boding said' II ,ie and givi'Jff the subscriber "nonce at" BJiring 'itt' P. Oilice in V'rk !)(. ti. C. h U bal liberally rewurdttf. - JOIINJACKSONr June Wh f833, , 3 83 ' Blank-Dacrtx,: V every - description, neatly Priced, anil kepicauitaody fut t ti.lll.( WITH a vie to the more tlTicUflS prosetu ion of ir-eir butinesst'ttif Su iictibd's t.Hve established a J HostSi,i f fi,rrritnii,ii,ii,iiriiii'i)f iiimwwitrniiHiiiiia I'liiiiiiiniiiiiiiniin'iiiimni "iti'wiiiimiiDiiiMiiii'niiiiiiiii.'WiiliiiBlllliH Havfrjrptocured the besl Matetili fro( . ihe North, and employta a' WrtkWa who CojiltYecwmtrrettft t -. prepared to c iec'iiteon mot)prl lei mm all.nrders-in ihbt lne " Acconni Books, Hepords, fce. role and nudi to outer I and itery kir.d of; Binciiiiy prnrop'Iy .entcuUd In 'l!C b-Jr aad neatest manntr.on irantabl 'etnHit :r :3. f: ; Jgales k n.- Vicfv rritit. d on hne lap i 1 ( V -E a t k .1 ; V r f , t f r ir i lot ! h T 1. r: r V. Ic. I'. ' ili f kbit-( J:. C -U t i i'r r-Ji t id - I I'm : t rf -v I nr 1 s- 1. 'tn J'.iff I IV( 1 1 f III" j -,v ... ll '.r tlH5,' 'I t Iv I s Xt t ' I'S fl! I " In, . I... M i-,t f t , ,