Wrcifrrn Corollninu. 4 . a . a ' .7 rfc, ? ' ' utiavVa f r,mri: U t C, A e-f M tf- fins Unji$ wn re,., lob S-n -,tk f-r AoV e im !) o fJ-n J, , ,,-raa ! h bvo..4 ih r of S. f. Th-i .! Jm.u t i ih " her f. t, son-ij a t h. in" f W -Mlahrd-Cal but rwJiHi.w-, . -..t...--.l l. il.il rennrt. eon'mei'Ia'a . i tfM(i MltmniAtt'A Bnl-aa bt L ih term . Hfiitt" fil in-." iftteodtd to lTi' Jf W th iWaJ ., tl emrm. fiotH inettdt ... mrtfl hl'MiK 19$? un wwtb f ik-Jitfnift Wliw euhjrt, lui ee'lbtr W,f ba determination f.H4 of ourl4 tniicipk Ibf if friends wwt "rIwe "w" ""or w at lhot p""' whh wol4 seat 14 ' .mnfimUv ranch-.- If,tVi., tb .toff f ll MMf jw. '"iiwri of r"H eip)w urn inieriti anther by ah - tl or bf mvJoritJf tht fltntet, - or by plunl iwrohrf, ha tha a maji ' tif tkt HlttU. If i . rtfptMfcm, CrrUinty thrt w wf iA- njntuwl hf t rtt dl not etily . nhcif tU '4 iUtm ewfrtf in luil wi-b. If, ifcwfjfM bo lh mtrnfj A U iwoltntw. iHojr ny iffirm wtmi w w ' i rrer think of ()on int miJ whl u 'iiully M f Hwr Gtferriir!iiHBiiur. P , itN rwlii'i4M. Ih9, ffrr to wnjoritf tfth0 Htiiti f , ! reitwr nfl fif. The rlM ff mrit l ruk.w .M(itfBiWWto,UW'',,,,, ,ha' !H wrei llil fight tmtmtU mH fh HlMl f Ik flMfifltVr It f lkw, 4 fartimjlmi rijhl l otr. . U fttuu. the mnority fnm iwirrnn-j (io rW right. If, the. 4t U the trtjMMn. , him? wwppp,iMi '" thm ninrpli'i!t riibnfii H Hi S(aii, or ' v( i atiif '4f l J tiitrMttI l bri i;ri m rifW, when tlw objwt w roe - rI f mrpitivv'vf. thai wry WVifj OtUMily tlKi whafJalhfj wrou, -lv "tily Imv nAi K r4rM it, &ut w ja J nip boul ! d' - th renin !mo, then, cotempliite fUm rmmfK-r tw linn mnrily 1 If , Vint ttMjr ict Ur itself, wp Mm,i pr'' l j far ther it rule, ither in ethm or pdlilM!, which nwurc the fihU of a CiiODrity, hf lh Br iuiiilr wImi rrwy i tppmi lo oumpnM it; IikJ1i Hint idr el ion ht iiniflB Btteil'r iielf, wn nm tr-mpfajktiramfconniih, from h . CwJnttiiiwHJ.pii,ii'i nm fcfli iw 4ni;iM(i9iinpHt it, and will b untlf r tftil try ffory rrwler, who m prone t t..k f. rafliieoxmf aaJ tuWintity In vr thing. M .reuter, it m thi pnnirular f .-rt of tlw ttftUea fwiftiturlfi l tl'fni nil limit tbi nowtrt ol the ioffsTrMTtirt 1 n guard againat iMurpaUorwi la pnitnct th wank atrtuu-t iKa atrun to jrodrd the f i -hli of lttf iinofil agaimft trwiaooroacH : miu of iht.inrtty., ..Thf, t vhf n -,tiw JotUHUl tfltl COinpaci, Bronm ..rrn A-a- Vork thfireittini aoatcin)r, ami all thafr zJZ "Tr.T ' jf"rH.';'' If rtiTr-4--tWfwiwUj .1 t3w wre'igtity nI tlioao righ'ti altojrrth .j - ;I...r . j4'--'iri'L tw nut-bta aottoeil 11 tmte t t,.,..v.tar,? , . A l--.5 IliaV WIJ won .nr. , .'i "" - ooiu4utioaai JJ!J?Xffct.th ri,$ -' 4 : I ' Ta aiugle SlltoJrTnly amh it ouU bt a jLrrn".: tvViM if lbavary naiuolof Statu f ifihli, r;;r'tijTttv!')'ch p;mm? pro. ..ta-i brlf,.-4obalotliar Courtfn bxf . BBfi.tv" bn " pfotided" for t If, twenty Ihira fitatral abould tmil t uttint tp m Tft which aitpertaiof tolHt twantf A fiorta) kM that 8fataw riSirm xc -wlfal a majority" lir-f opjirea-wra mny Chooat M prant ! If thia lt tht rofanina; of tht roi'iloiiooa, aofir from alTirintii; and .'protertityf, 8tat rtgbtlb.afBrrftthot no -". mttlt State boatflvrightaal alU IJoaide, tha K9.Hutma nitak only w mt rttmta rinktnt the 8iat-a; nm?n whk-h reierrefj I f , li;il tw n " ---WtiHN,(a riflllH. W m WUlcn muuriwa omio un TeileralTUnveroMWirt.. rw, ho ar ' tlw fiifhta rtaonrr-d V J aone Statn . . . ra-arv4M jti wr rigbta to anal bar State, ' -: , r tnjf nooibof tC othir , State-1 Thia ' :i tflonii to ma to bo a grant aiw not a rcioV' i-r, , Tailvlt W 1 UUM fc.... ..-., . iw : . . . . ... aw v Ha two rijt Itta o aiw ie re. - I . . i '. . . ftl - It,... tl.i W I f mfiM nkd liiuiiwi ciiiiriu iiirn i;ii www f. diencatoaflwifiHurtUoUonal law, i among; ' those rWvodr ItUitStatt ' ' T" '' "mavi acrupiw W tk Dwjortly n.ia'iia9v it,"'tlat fthl - '.'"o to decide. t at loall practical rywilta, Tr l -Trl fiariiid not in Kt tThe wliifh omiiHMi. " tltliouutv invouiz. nor otbi;w. uiilil onrwaoe.i it Wrr", Thia ! jV ",V s " ia, iudaod, a nuaru State riflht,"M r. Ritrh- 'jo.. Boaidea, Sir, it thorn" not noma ton v j (ra.jicuon m ina wsitioni umt a amc ibuy - - rs - fjciraa-'ww to m unennaiinninnai, anu . , . , , f ... ., ,t,, i. Jrr iiiitirf is tuiunii iui nuuum v. iut iar, ir aonit gm-n timtf What rfifpiromja it tlierft.iii pniicinlo, ltwo aa oblijation L:.,.-' 'jw-wi ux-mtitiiiiranarjr , " , i endy,iud ao olhjritior toauhmit toil rr. fur tw ear, r i.o ewr? I wuhw Ibat I , . i " ! -' tobjoct iu teally i't worth of evonthet-e f" praatfjil ad popnUr ovraofit '.'r'" .... i, -WfKut an. Hi un.tlL! 'Ikf AltftM I'KikiA I ' - ", f"m httl ,,w n,ner ooirM.Kiu.ie to , -'"y'' giy whibr"Xtt pr!-.',!.ir ?tstw HtHt . T. ' Brtib-r'iikwto pronouuija a In unconntiiu. ' t , lion-il, is ri'xht or wrong t( Thr-f,ara bo . 4? . ' 4 ; . wnna of e oKiwI'tajrilitin to dir kIo, awf. f course, a rniJ-Titv of tho iatea, Ofmn your uniiffiiitiin.fif it bo foiKHvo .on- ly f ifW'fPi Lo ar-l'-r X" di-priso .ill the flirS: ,row''a:4i.'mn!'3 'oo.offv. --rH W111 l eitt N)'i f I if l' i ' 1 n;-. r j!,l H'n r .nVi 1 l'.o i in L -i i- . Mi.- III U'ltMi t1!!'' m y ii at Li L l.'.'tjrfti i!..liK at iw ;t l' wi n , j hi ttf y it , wra '..ri, ilim rpi.iii f"t, ftiy 1.9 fIl . t1r rfy t-iin'riK-a ..f H ri ;l(t, I Can rfrf iNmk l'it it a t)i- inlfll'l 1 f Ida rtrtfluliorv ofllW, to j r'KWta aiy atirb rul aa thia. ' . AM 8r, M ma Wring yan Wk lo mi ililefla-wa Tba ftjiiKuia HU, apprcifwj by )o4, fcelMga lha rlht uf tWKMiituliiiiML of r-i'ur that ah-irh;t fnib-nr'Vi trt tbaJ HW.44.i, ota it nr.-,nj T?',,J'1,'7 euunttxl lbiM laari iooHrtMiilirtiaJ atxl yim hart nwf and wif ain rflart!, (bat a It ruiki in tb-t pmU If.iwean fm 4ontur tba f'rA!tit ami dm !;rfM, in ilifhii hr .jrl la th ifil, nt vUi lbw Uwa? I wnwH, if a rjrnri lo 4v.mn din t AfUl u, drff you to Iba aswnr. m might lo jpw ii, ml plainly, and aMiw-tlnfily or tU jtm wight lo ebrj(a yiar rmrar, YJ r aMuuraKia thlVaaidaiil m triakin war ni rt.-yili '"arnliri. It i war, Hir, luiwetar ym uay dwswi it .tm W4t wiili all ii uiMiumbarad train of aulf-r-utga, !i'r ami trt A bHia'.d ami Ciibfr wlm 'Mili'ciilif thia rciuti, ntnut ba aAlort mf calknn tdao I tk y4ir li bfi, if bo Cn a.lint into hm til i ul-iiufti, nUr th "ftf lim" of a polite ?1 Ut'ifili, tb aHrrm of jny olij'ia, or tba t ytvU i4"ijmiii'iiu Y'iicari.iroq cIhmwA, rn-t tliii . wi Uj prcj.lui-; d4 lmi Willi wlurh nur wlt4n cuiliy ia Ibrt'uleimi I Uwwch yu lo r"i -t that it in at Wit p-mmlila, yua ara pcnoiuing iiinm rnl blitl to ba ftbcd, whon it i Hi Vow pownr to pr. Vfiii it. gimit i n i, bHiiltr, br rqoifd at yowr buN f I knot, Sir, that yt ba loo muck re jMf I Ar puUio ajwtwii ail (or Jcc.ifv, U ur( on I lie niftJ nifii-iina of Kim adinirt utritiwi, wTi1iiui,at Ioal, ao'iTlroiiit fu jualify yit cmri-i." I r aJ your jir nmiiiniljv atlliim, bile, without oktIh Ihk aod aomiw. I have r.i up i on wnai fr-wiMi ir n, mar you nr wniitiR . : . . .1 i .. ,i...lii,.i ...i 10 ign i r mw-,?wwr"l rer known. to anirt - a jvt-If i'f aiw r-r-Ht and l"Ay rhai m.i aa lito whulo world fan how. Tba frtddenf Itaa pru filed by y tor au.'sHioo-, mt I ha foundr-d hta prupoai'd nmiMiiva of MJ u. J.Ucir. ri o, 0-n r!.iMii with uhich y.u bare irinnlH-d him. P" htotory of th.it m in i iit lile, aO'inla full an.l ti-rri'iir rt.I, ll.ul ho never want etou"-", g-ioJ or bid, fo" uny outrage whirh bo may propme tprr M-trafo ilprn iff I'tWt and t niiHlitutioO of lucuuntry .mrtcr(y will dojnm imticc. alllnHiih lint Buo ii J-t' riiiiiivti to bo ohnd to bit roa' cbnretif. raonoleJ. ihew Irto-ni without an attempt to ahow, tbai tbora i iw rat-wa wbotfitor -arbirb can joitify or eitenoait Hit ainoinary pnrpoae whirh tfo m eoteruioi, 1 have not yet, kwever4 miiie done with the auh (oct of miltirV-ntHHU II will be continued id my Boat letter. t0o lht aHK tilt, n Statu RihU fci- tiruP w.ia M.I to Moorofi t;.)o.!tv, Clor- Sia, trt..nonnr ot .mmo nrirM. r rum I bo Mitrmt .M.-if-ciicr w.i l.urii, t!mt tho I n-fmbnc waa hishW imooainjfor ehar peenotntitnw, though Minplt! nod uhiinrlant, fell lr ahort of ntPr.lto Htvunwiot-l-iliuu WliA Juullii ftrdo-that thMfHjod oron hetrtnon.,' - "rJodglngfrtiiff timTaaJitt and Addrea-i, th; flufcst wprrits mot have ii.trate!c! th moofiua. The exbin)HraiMuiM 3-iccch of , li. LutHAM.it replot;i4i Ilia fir a.id . a Ji 1J . m a energy of inoignnnt patriotisra. t he fid- loti insr eitrtrt if a epectmen of tho force And eloquence which pervadea the addre4 through mt I . My fi How citizens, link wt with those the iie of yoor State. They any thnt the unrighteooa exaclione r.f the Taritl' tlio tribute iminOV tliry demnnd nhnll lie paid, if out ji-wNiWy, i ahall be wreated by the fioteio arm -vvm will aid them I . li i- ujnmiaiv ia mere an aoosiaie hi ine wkole Slate of Ueorgia airnng ber native of adopted eon, who wmild armed and equip jH'd lull m the rank of nn inva liug army against the bind he make, kia home; and for tha unhallowoil purpono d evtWH" ing from kia uwn brethren, that which ho koowa and admit, ia unjustly dnipnndt l ? If t. ere be in the a mud uf my voice such n doridod pirlizua, b t bioa -mnk, that lie, mnys fey -ttet'awowal of - bot ualie-aotl treachery, gibbet .himself au object of ab borreuce, and taeoratioo lo tha preieut generation, and if doomed to live m hi fioVtrd-Jof p i-4erity. . lie who know not that kia country i Wruoed,- way -reltfC tantiy go to ber dofenee f bo whoia iwr ble of tht WMiigt, yet fanra to yrritt them, ia deapicablo tnon,';li ; 'but what term of denunciation are atrong enough for him who clotie ia llm injury iiiAiciod and ia haM enough to perptUrata it by fire and aword. linbhuidi unworthy to main thf blade of a fiveiliun let biin die tht duutk ol a dog. .' ' . , , We 'have BotTiad leisure to'reaifUe'n eral CitL Speech, ' lid dosed with the - Ai CaMwrtl wj-.The triumph ant vindicator of Sute Rihta. ;v T-ht-about ,-rf- pwbuioe tap the MSHengflr, .with which the aununciniiiai of- tkt above went i moot wj received, proyaa beyond all douht, that bd ponpia of Weorgia gemriilly'lik'e tho tptaker, have eivrti up nil prrjnd-Cfa fir or a-ininst pnr liiul.tr iiiiiyiilunK knd are crc 'rmiiiftd in totmt to bn cunt-! wone(Oy tiuctylai in thSk ctuwi beUeca meo. - , . , To T'la rmxiii'T t un ffctrr. A iiii f it, f uiiir't .y.iu and i il, )firt:, .4 ,..fih ('f..l.na m. a ('' I nl fl t tlm y, livl J b t my b j .rdtcl ( (HiMinjf Iff' r ma i4 ih iw iilir t nm it hat oif i I Ha nri'ph : tf ('run. Wa fca bn b-'4 twrat t'MiK-a lo frgafd tba qO"airll of a f liaii mi itr ('ofiiluti iw wiili ial.bi if di tr bI and aUi irrfo, bot il bt bi o WiIImhH jo t raiiae. It aMra HanlfuoW o fit rrpuUmiA profrfim, N our 1 biir and lo nur Iimwili!' iol"ff, ami all tl4 eondfrat.ma ia (Mftdinf imr aupport of Ht'tm. Voi art rtlrrat to Ibf ftd Ira of a ommili nm-iilii t IA la fk trhlJ llM ft hrflfO ibo i--.i, aM yo, w,n not jut t p. pfJ. Tba frifoda ot K'l'irflt iKir to ehanga th'C"aii!olioii in ikrft v;u, 1 4. To mak mi R.iifwnfaibifi la Vmi Amr-mUr morwrwMl fdly , To mak mr A"fwWfa Im tuiiftrrmia and ka fta ijofiit &ily, To barf lb" (lor!r lob ab toil by Ida poofK Thorw ara othrf otioor proposal ( rHaoj", but tU"n art fbeortiv pHni a!iit ahich uiirh diitr ir of opuH in pfaad. Anf why aball tha IYopk of CVra rfu- lo yotn fir a irhaii' in Ihi-v fixt ! Thurr ara gd rraaoi why ym$ hni d not reftf it. I, liy nor proof ot Coottilu'iofi on rifi& oflbo pno(4o ict a mjirity id yoor If w-Kifrii, wh iriipi ia and ftjml ihfm fif th oth-r two Tomr, It thiar(HjMicao f Ulhi jiml ' Out of On 61 ri-itiiMfx in lHa Htat ilfra ar inor than i'i h ch rlo ool pay raonl lo lhJir otr 1 Vrfrrm a pnrt of !h uv-ro- iiicnl! Uitii4WiM? TlH'y woood l5,0Ji y aooixi I j.hjij rbdUrt yr.no.oa thu.i trwy pay ! I-H" Imr nod riaht P Tlry f!ct tw-i-thir.U oor Atuffulily ! Twoott una couuin-a of lie Niia rkf t a miwiiy f iho AauotWy whilo th"y are a wnjoniy if Iho r"'l, pny all tHir own otpoMoi a d am io-dr o eootrilnMo no wvorpkM It iotl tho ni mmn drtini m tbo othrr 43 roonin'i. P4VJJJ4 eouulimkLriititfi. Uuonly - Mt Kfniliiion of 72 0, and p.ii to the tuat ao'aoowal U of $l(K)! Thia popu. Iiliurt ia oarly m-o that of any uoaein lv n immi 10 in llm Sluli-: ihr-im laiu ira . . . v . . . . rt.e than -iWo tlw aonawi 4 M putij b any orm eounty tmooo Vi in ibe S;at, and yet Ihn people id t'tlica clitt only thymine fittniber of hhoiiIm f to tho h. -.iilily aiany otbi'r cmnMy. Th'-ie lutci are eqoal to thoajTretlo oiivoiot nf ioho piJ by ft 'h-r c-nj.ilice, bit while 'n irn rlnrl-i Milv it ihny 'lid IftineinheielO liio A-Momldy I Tih'v Una r -'oal to 6 .1 ..." . r ..... ...i.... Mili ni" mi'i in whiiu iirer .'"i'H n..i-.L.ti, I- iiJt h-ll r n- . Vfiu'i I Crnvun Count v clrcti 3 amoiiL' li9 r J MMiaUita U tba Aaaembly; and ibt . pro. p.jtd rbivut CiritemplaK'a that it aiiall cbooe 3 am njf 137 irteinbera, an that Craven rlocla one tirljf tixlk d our f"n eral AtariiiMy ami e ait miw 1 8 red the priiligt of ci.-ttm-T one fortj third of the whole, U II f -r I lie irtMwii tf ibo peopbi iT Craven to reject lhi tiipfy refumojj to Vote for the Ref.irpif II thoVe-ipit my err nee the old re(HiWirn pni-"i)de,i of nor trot gotcrorrri-ut (aa I diil in 4bin tiim'a) they win .n to mane l.nb Mill k''J0aeii! i ..".i.e. . .1 11 . r i iiir.lv ni III N(hI. flmv will nl li.r nwl. u r.Wijrn', if Ihrr aro nut blind to thoir own inMrent, they will vote fir auf h a change, Fi-JlatrXirJ-o-wv itrt jro to- -.JU., um mitun nf that aehol of new Eingted're. puhlicMiiitin which di niei that a majority of tho pOfd if a -Stalt . muat govern-in Slate iimltora? aluill be lietter able to enwer -mf-owtrtjo"tii)ti 'nftejf "7)rjrt"Am-7 i1. tli not be d.i'i'ived inlathn belief I. . r. ... k. . k. .. i ... . i . changt in tr- jrmtaW' In IW8 it w .a privpoaed to change Ibo fw-tituli.m. .-.I S .- ti... ,.. ,ki . i .B;...i and Oieet CouTy rofed iiiwr cf the prftjm!wn f Jit-rtiee, Kupnldie anUm, con aiMcoey with firt prinrtpJes. and youi- own Vitereat reajnir yon to" innruet your Rep reeiitJivi tofdlow thi example ofyonr lutiieia. I know that the Cunoi.l.iie. fi.r Mir Ijojoilaiore windd readily hcquirace io any deitrmtnation thht it raade1 by the . u ..i r.n... ... i .. ..I .., i-.,..- I !. -,x i . w a v - v '"il l ill tl.. mJ.in.l nrine.l.,. f ,, will eec. ll n..i Ki,i- .k;. snd ofljuat aydtem W repreaeutatiiai, wt beof eomjilaiota that lln Igilnlure w too mnof room and it too uffen, arid it m pro poaed In tho Peojda ia answer whrtiier it wi.mld not bt bitter 16 havt our General AtiaimibUea.li'anAi'df imihead of their luting KB a.a 1- --iaT KflV Htar l(f "J'y J99i TT1 awl. Mfi4 vott wltt to oew- Avw'i4 m- - -, . .1. A nuiaeriMia Leniniuiui-e co4t4 to lotted, and Craven County ia among thoe 21 t niivinir counties bafora named. It ajjsiin adda to tlio tvpensea of the State, wtrile it .wilt "non b'Tome' indiapenaihtr- to diminrah onr government eienea or iu creaae tht we, for the former do now ex ceed the Lit tor IViiui l-.OOO to 17,000 did lirra. The anmutl aewniona of our A s mhlv do a 1. .1 in add to our expenaea more tlwa 40X19 doltjra a yer;ut if tlrey w only once in two yea ra, half of thia sum would be aaved. Aunuol aembtieM brin other evila on the pwile ; they cause the U wa to tie chanjfed h teiv, and to manv of fhem are piaed that a plain man can't fcen ia With tlo-irN Whn ilie Ieia!atifro eort 1 Cfllkl or"" at,(ftil dolTaTaa jear,vii! hImmiI 17tS, tho ptiblituna of Craven though I retrenrhmeatuocetwary, & tlnre fiire.vie4 Cr j of aho (Iona),iloi.'Ni to efTiTt tt.nnd if they hal tlenu'ceedd, 10 million of dollar would have boen sav H to the Slate, but now thxt flroao e pimo art 40,000, will t heir notw univer aaliy- prrwivere in toting amiiist tbia ef amn.le of Thgir fatlicpi? .Thtyitlmexpen aos uf th'' whole jiovernmcnt were .it ey ctoding iOOOdjulast.tecJ'J ptriJIsc. r t m Ill . - - - Kit Iwtil , ' ' . a raf, ll ihmr OKI rt 11 to pr..i.v iy r.rir own "iHroiic and lUtir Nilioia t inp'al Wli"o lit twJiiiiry mfo-i- oflb f.!..ia ateJ"M l5 ftfccry ripo-oa id Hit orfoioot ti r'irwit4ti-a d Oi poiil ofCravoft otd lochaiiga tJi 6i r irii'Mif a oi lo aimr inir aiui'wi kho h. mMal Hftmmi of tba Ugwlalura f'f wot i.iniain; ilia wili'ic aiBooaw od ow whilt ih fioatKwa f tba ciarnmfnt art ct luf that Ibt pfrmanxnt n?Uoua of I ha laloa, will ibt poopta of Crat pral'tr lo pay mm lam ftiw than weejit Iboir full bar of Hit power whif.h farlooga lo ibauiT Prodi'oc, itira and intfrtM all (utV&'tuTfi w Ifico Iwnko lolW coo , ; (M t , , , ,to , lONf. prfMtril CfWjfifunv'i me (iotrr ia ab ctud by tha Loiaialof, , it lamio of lh q tr iima itrofKMrMiml to u wlitb-r b iMi(iit tt'4 to bo rhoaao by too VEOPLrr 'I low df tliS R.W:irn'a i Cravcu mi't'i t i ao-wer ?, Thf O' wr nof iaoot iJifl ebiof ofltrf of iho lyjitla turf, but of bo tfipi.ood lb'f;f'.r thf l-tofilionjht lo havo th rijlil to wU-ct him. Ara tba p"olo of North Carol mm, Unfit lo bo lnilil with tho rh iiro . t fn ir CIim f Ki-uiit OlBrfr T Aro Id" froo. ron of Cravu nroiiafd lo admit lh a. nun una y.m araeMhod with Iho liik prmfo of i lotting tlio l'ioid'iit of llm I'rotrd lal.-a, aol i lli ro a man among joo who Wuuld C"0-mJ lo gir l.il njjhl to o lttrr? Itutifyouaro lit to rlio limt offi.fr, wluil ia lloTolhai diiwlili, you l'i joJf of llit rupac-ily of a cuiiiiid.ue lor 0 "ro.r i.f No. Car. Hoi it will ml ihiit all chanjoi nrr i.u,iUt.tlM ir, TO I ,!.,! i i,,,- Mr- .i.,, 0f wl,..l lb dan3ora Uil, ' liJt ,.,,,,, ld T ou talk ol liiu ii4.ijna Itrmdutivn, ran under! ind it, but the nf if iiiim- of a Coiiititolion of oorof tbr A mMri'aji Smli., upon the well rllliiiJ prineiplea of popular n.-ht, taiioiiher duo ymji nor d.flmili. Von may berlrcer red by I hi old worn out cry of K-il," Lfirfl .td for M f f tn ( t'.-ri.- , ihit ljr roi.'iit Ui -r ,tKtt lM"'',t itinerJihjWtt-Jo-.tua4tltr.i VeSw-Vemiit tnTflit.T;- t'-Tmi1.mtt iTiarihe jiropotd rlnnj-a ia to too intenn of Craven and all tlw other tut pijiaq Countiea. And are npt the p.up2o 4 t!w - Wimt," ?forfh Ctf.dinia.ia, are thi-y n.t oaf brerh mt" W HI rra denrTwHt fyour Lroihreo Ixv.ium) ihuy livo in tlio " West,' and yet ca.l youmufvet ju ami CTTieroiia Trpiblirnai ' "Will yon pay more Uutri und give up yotr own hi ahan in the govcrnnient, in order to deprive ihIi- If r i.fvour frllow-ci'iiena of tiiat to which they aro entitled? Forbid it jiintie ! Iir ty int ha tin I ila awny mj rii'iih ; it hal ehirttf-d tho advarwi-ment of tU , i.. !... i I intrrfirfl ilh lli nrrtirlli f ln-r nnnulit. Immi, ainl prefiiid tho di'vlofx-owtifof her 'riteWWyi rnlM'tooft end In ptf enting the aiivroAtirtjuf Jii-her u.eCpr bankruptcy. Lot not the peoplo of Cra von ttail nith iiulokara for thia alicroa lire, norliaigor bear the public evils with out one offiol Ml ram uat nd ramve liwir eauap. Whatnve I be nei.plrt iitCratan fo f ar from Ibjc" Wesit I, Will they in )ou unfairly ojr repialing the wkitt poll l-rBlut ltvr ..;.. lU .f ..n ll... I.I ...I- . f f j . 1 .1 ' " i tin... i.Mi f vu mi. illUI. r6"! ,hfyi.t pretoiHl ioiaf!.. Thia Ikcy Will r. ... ... f . ... ,ft .' .. .. . J moxaiJCtQCxIa lle!ealfiwo!!IEa I l"t, and Iho pnjHoea change give a mi T r I .. e . .... i . . " i'triiy fawide'fcniTtfrCwbich " bayV-'tk lurgRt number of ulavo; aa wejl aa the lnrrt mjrnber nfjwbire, and tn quwt all uc fbafi ikey "Ku ve TdTirc J to onuca it a lart of the Constitution of the Suite, that the white anil Mark p ll tav hIuiII alwaya be t Iw iin.- No ! iVre ia no danger from thia umjorii y in tlit Wiu It ia proved by thcif rcatlltjciai to giva each, d-uuty ait tJommoncr, no matter how arnnll, nnd to rWllam,4ti.aw coun,e"' nu 1n'ur how lr&' 7 T,1mT mooi uv iiw;ir ijil'-ia in Luuipi UIUI9B inn lii-cum, niiu cure J tin. evils of auto. Tinia, Lincoln, whoec white pipjlation ia 17,1'OU, and her taxea VJOjOtHI, ott'iro lo accept tlio aaioe rpremm. intiou with Craven ivIkh pofHilatiim is 7, 200, and whose taiea ure l.Ot) dollarii. Uowao with fir a while Kiiolalioo and 1-KI dtdiara lase. Oranc with 0(H), ior a white population and i,J-0 dol- 1iirtar,Wirrthe .arfie thing. l i ,i' l"att t aa t It'P-bfic-j.a of Cravin ! are yon afraid jtj trust yoor-nlvVi aro you prepartl to t!.i doetrmea of the Revolution and the priuriptv thnt ttrt etaltid in uur t)oclarii m of ImlrpondenewT Ifyou are 1 tot, lb A obey tka.it prineiplea and yield ju-rtieeaod do eijnal risjlit to the majority i f the jioojde, - Tiit obntmacy of party may po-ioono all ulwn of liur compi-oiimw, klitAUitCjo Nlion in in mire a the inatitutioua of tht United State are permanent. Ust notai-leiH-e cboTiM'terilo your eourse ; the friends f a pmiiiu'.iie rcfurui of tbo C.matitntHHV avo cnlled Cr Iheexoreswion of vour in. .eiuetU iunl opinion on the qucstiou of cbau ifitijr tins Cawtitntiofl, tt" m deeoron. that Vou aliould express tht-ru, and luduud it in due to those who ahull represut you iu the next Asacnibly, in order that they may not leave Craven County nins!ructeli rt pent that they ouht to be instructed lo "UO JVSTtCK." VSE Of THE PEOPLE." ' To preoeal the aiutoanct of Flies. Far mors might easily save tht ftVsh of horses and mw, and confer a great kind neas on ineir animais, in preventing tiie usual ilnnoyiince ofjtiet, by simply oiling the parta most etKnwd. - Flies will not light unfn(ft'.iv-!fl-9fwt'over-wltih ar oilod spoiifite Iwt Iwen pressed. Probably etHier fwhnr tf ixseed oil would answer,' but what I hove known used with success waa the Tanner's nil. Every man who is companionate to his bensf, oujrtu 10 Ue ihw simple, reutodv- Andtrary livery sta ble, and everv cou'itry Ii.n. ot .hi to have a supply' ot huiii Set the Cia'tf travvllort. , I ant TMI 1auin yiti, KOV AL I'limim;,;, r-o lo h-t J i' k U' mi'itiranUm h leading u I t'te lo what Van Iturnn'e cor m;taim ia bailin-f oaf ft j wha' Mi. Ritchie' 'IH dn:irioea are Irmlinj ud lalhia the 6'al alep toward the (Inly (Jiiard ? lartol thia pmpowu m wort Ihin a Avlitmo lyiw J It a-e -tU of Yah H iren'v llcpQblii'ania'rrvirKi Rifkic'l Si alt lUhta. W't r cpy tha irticro from lht Charloat.ai Mrruryi t Tkt iuU of lh UHllti.S'otn. Th New CngtaiHl daUsp af ma not to tf ret wtlk ihNeGeraiow editora, who eonib,r lb Abiaodria alT-ir aa Mrnm againut Ibi Unit-.! Ftnie-T It think that new legiaffllnHi ia re-iirel M LjnfrtiltWC. ettrordinaryf lo firtiire.aiid imggeaf In fidlowiiig draft of a law to oor Icgwla . ...-A.4.MM.iki...iit f mt torai Bo it enaeted, thai if any perar.n ahall ofPr r meotr with pora mnl vM nre, the Cromdent or Vice preatik-nt if the ('nils ' .Hialca, of any inemhef n the eabinei, or any rknator or lu prrarntativef from any of Iho eyiral Rutoa, the pereoo aoolfio j nig li ill inrfpit all biifg.ioda to the ntof ihiutr, ihall he vrhtpird fcrfy etfipeamt iho bure b.irk, aball aland on eonio rnthlif; p;lloiy fr three iicr-ie rrmiitha, ahall be routined t hard bib'ir, it ioe one of Iho (ioMio priwma, f.ir a lono not et ed. in? ten nr le ihno twovi-ara, and ahall eer aflrr be iornpnldo ol holding any otfi-w of lnit, honor, or profit ond-r the (ni,r- at, or any of be Plate tfoyefninrtila. Lrrrnr?. from mio.i downivg. From ihr Portland f'lwm'rr. To Uncle J mbua Downing, prf M mter, no in D-iwiiingvilIt, in the Stale i M iinn. Tbi to bo aont by my obi Im-nd, the eihlor of the I'uitland Cour ler, aitlrffer a t'! tprrtl. IliiliidHphn.J.eie 10,133. Dtar UcU uAfi tt, We are omni on full eliiael. I've been trvrn rv .r amre we utaried to get a rh.inee to write a little to you j but catch rjy bremb h rdi) I mg pnmih to write my name, we fc. pt Hying fnat j and when we made any atop there wa Mich a jam around ui, there waa'iit elimw ro-ni OnoDsrh-Wa uu.koi;U:i o turn ruuod with out knocking kia winge olf. I in ahnoat afntid now we ahall get lo D iwiunville Lefire IhU b'ttor doet, an that we klmll be likrlv to catch Vou nil in the au U brfr you think of it. Uut I un dornt.nd ihi'ro i a dw mail go-a on thai wav, and I metin to end it by that, so I'm in hopes you'll tct Jl tunc enough to have tha thiidruii'a fucei waahod ami he.idn corrdied, and the girl get on their cl.nn gowns. Am! it tinrgean' i X-fouli have lime enough to rail nut my old D-iwiunga villi- f oinpanv ana get their mnforma bru-ll op litlia, and eooio down-llie road un far no our icw barn to meet na, there nothing wimld plea tb P rollout belieri As for Victual, mmt any tiling wont come amiaa t wo art ma hungry as hear1 aflrr travelling kuudre4 nulea a lav. A little tried norii and eggs, or t pot of liaked beans and n Indian pu ldng would;- mit aa' tnuch V'tter than the aofi atutkV give tia bore hi l!)eexr-t cki, i-tfftt fjtrtdetst irmittVm'Mlritt; Yffi lof anyjhtftt W tkt world; aiewuj. go t?V.JfiJwWMUTWlCte hit e.uui annrenongh kit htm wmln he get! to Por tland to curry biin there. But for fear any tking-jibouW apie ffctri altmild'nt bk We t com-, yna had tieitor'Tnoct mr in Porland, aay alamt tlio 24d, ndln o v can go up to Duwuinviile with ua, yon know."' -;' " 7;.-rv- y v im'll4irwf. witk tW- Prtindtnt, ia capital tun, alter all, tf t was nt ao plaguy at ft Wer tht ground " h- rrycanc. Tl.ere i.i,t a home in tiresome, we come into Baltimore on a this country that eoald kei p up with us, if he fcii'iulil go UMin tbo clean cliji. Wbeu wo got to Ualtininrethttreetj were tilted with filks as thirk a the upruce trees down myour awamp There we ..nnd Oluck litwk, a htilo, . 1 1, dried up Indian kni. And I thought the t'ulks liHikmi at In in and the Projolet obout as much at they.did at me ami vw rrrndenl. I give Iho Fresi U.ut . wink tha;4bo Indian Ie4k wa -1.: v - :r - - - . utkisig UK! hiiiho oil ua a little, an wecontlu dd wvould'ut have him in our company any inVre, umt Hlrnll go on witlnmt him. 1 can t atop to ti ll you in this loiter how we got aloiig u fhibokdjihia, though we had . pretty uauy time some of the tray in the steam boat., And 'I cant atop to tell you of half tlio nne things I have soon here. They took us up ina great hall this morn ing as bi'4 as a mcclina boaae, aodlhen the folka Imyoo. to our w by tWinnods siiake hands with the President ; federal ists and all, it made no ditlcrence. There was such a t ream of 'em coming in that the hall wrw full in n fi-u mli.Mi,.j aivl ll wa so jauiinea up round that they couldn't get .uul a 'am if they were to die. So they hud to kir w-k out stone of (he window! and get out 'tother way. ; s The President shook hands with all hfv migbt an hour or two, till ho got so tired he couldn't hardly Htatid it. I took hold and shook Cir biin once ina while to kelp him along, but at lust lie got so trred he bad to lay down on i soft bench covered with cloth and shake as well a he c, nil'l, nnd xriien ht' Wouldn't "he'd ""nod 'to" rii n as they csmt along; And at last he got t beat out, he couldn't only wrinkle his five head and wink. They" then cwkru-oiT'w U;st to adjorn for loday.. , t . And I've made out to get away tip into ibt-garrtt ia tht.4avv kHt-rrr;!r-fi write this letter. We shall bo- oiTto-;n r row or neirt day fo New York- nod if I can possibly get breathing enough, there-l shall write to you a.aio. -. , s Give my lovt to all thf folks is CXiWn inssviljo - and - believa - me your -loving iielTo, 4 y . '. ' JUAJOR JACKTJOWNIXG. o,r ;,;rrr,., .lH, r(jH; . ( .Hr)T.-.e,.,Plt i,,,,,,.,,,, t a n w r,rit la nw il'-nin r, h" i Ihr L iivuriily, ki,J tht I'm 4ii ' ! ny.'y JMivrfd, by the d,.;,t lr-. ! iiutn. n wiki nrevrn fni. nN.l.ilm,.,!;, . fy nci. . . iuit ui.ina of tU Liifmry H ill inainule ,4 tll,.... I - - H .UfttoII,n. ?hh,nJt";W w.!d h'Md no .nur-. iit-J: "!",, Va) mwk out of llm oLki, i,t! P7' .opidy ,4 Ihr ft.he, m.,.-:.' " tt'iij iif tniira. rtlMiniH. T. conij-any a,.,,, howve t.toV '"'fhiy rr.lnU.. 1 r Kit narrowing ,4 tl.ei, arcnjnjaJL, ,f il..:-. ""me AmvHig .1.. titlf-w,-wort tj,,y, Sfc? UoveroucaXn-aWr-V We ern, tkfimrh lb uu.,,... " iS friend ,U, Wtd,; am frxhtr. Kj. Ld tbo way in . , rise, .f tbe ocra.nairmA fire ,l,e l.irry j aoHra are rtmiliw w.il, Vm UmCA elT-rt, of tlmtgeuilrmrn, it y,ifl enwury lo any thai il; .Waa araTT ted by aerate .oJ :frlm4 J airengili w,d y,,0f u( cxp,. in-iiarii Inrclhlv apidn-dr . - oin A. 11,11, tn.nf vy , ii... . i . ii AOiire-i in it. i.. oiiiute, pcrvudod in every rjUrt u e-nar, rcn lered Die mora pZittt the wit, iWjr d Uty mU of la ,g,i.,-., aceoinaiinied tnitZ bcliiobod .t. lie d.scribi'd auk immk 2 foct bis on U1S rmga, when unl,:kv ImV, he wa some years ai t fomJ. ..f the Pn i-aratory Sc Cb , ' s..d wl,, ., be pleaded tlir a uuiwJ ii or the rd on tbt part t.f tht n! goguo, it.t,it. In, oVtriilei W h cxaniple-pr-vui by lht eopntane, In classical allusion, ami (be Bumbe"a tha appropriii,lie-s f Ins iju nrvita, jf no one ot the scourging tu which ka alM ded had bi-tn. bcilnWed in vain. """". i-po evidence ..f venH reading nod research in relation to tM subieci, uik! presented tn amct8krr.y well si locted tociii to hkk tkt iubakv liiWsof the many small fillii J,sj Bff acsttrn d over tliw auif.u. W lL-i. ofiua'Vounl do wdltln rl w fs paciid Kisii. I ht taercna .ofibods, e)oae.i by W otter AnJ'rton, Emi.'who slated lb resulu of hi onexiwtitiftci jf. Ujerfuca- wn of Females.' and laid down lrl7. fut principles re-jicctiug I lie diirvrtoci that obUiua brtwen- the two arm, if regard 'to the propriety of apiilyiii to ihi'in the siimiilus uf tmulatiou u u ia centive to exertion. rf .The Scheme of the Exercism aa the day of tiirnmirf'meof t ijHmi! 't' ' roHEOQf. ' ' I. Prayer by lli President " ' 2. L-ilin HJu ia ry traiioo. J(Ji fl, Bynum. SioSttC t. - 8. Oulionofi Mental Pbilonifiby. Jg 4. A Forensic Debate.- Art tht pa. Iitical chaiine now in prngras io lht KioyWm i Eitrope, likely to meres rW happimnai of the Tinman rafa I Warren E. jiidicer'Adm C. Thmn. GuUtxirt,""" 6C . A Fwrensic Uobalav . 14 ill tba ar iected etnaiiripotlon o the"sla f llif AyelttlisVtJr 'rawfiae j sulttl. tJnuMi.l n . Jonoay ft ti&tt, Suiliug, Duplin. ,-- - arraniroo. x 7 Oratjon-on fkllatttam- eVJai tam LcJt l-Msluirg. iisfz ki- 3 Oration on Intl ieiKUi of GoveramesI on- Nationr.f- cbarow! nmt-Ltluratuia, ioliaa Hi-tiAwytrt"fforfoHw.-"" 0. A Forensic Delate. I it expet ent that he Uuiveraily of North Camlnf' should be rcnn.8nd to the immeJiata vwia Hy of Rakiifh t Williain JJ. Crenlt, IVbAe, Protheus E. A. JonesCrawwfc 11. Vatedictury,W X,ttxlbM.Gflfl 1 8. Pri'sidcnt'aAddr. lo tbe'J ralu.iU. 13. Decmum eonferrcil.' 1 4. Rendiuj of tht IV(krt of tho ;nnuuiion. . 15. Conclusion with prayeri " In the discusioo of the question respect ing the reirrfval of the University, a cular ihlorcsj it exhibit!. Mr, Ve sb aw applied the lash to Orange c-Hintj, for the'atandshe has tekeainreardniu lnstUuti.Hi,. with no Jjtile leyorltyf4 assured the audiohco that if it should it removed to Wake, thtciins ofourHlB' ty w.mld be thanklul lor, foster intf cb ish it ; and I hat tho W.t!!l,?i5 to get a stitt in the hufmm by u9. about and telling the pn-iple haVjuld hirt a, law passed corfirm the Students work upon the road, would .ht geoerailf Miraiy-nu ng-m-ct-'ii.'. ii- - . - h . Which, Mr. "JoNKa, ol uraiivmo, i-r - i : : I . in. IDt I r'as wivn inucu aiimntnon iiipi - ...;-.:u i .i i ,An ifirllM B - V iii ail.fil in Iw.li.i.lil, .- -- i the negative, on the groimdsof ifieipwW j cy. Notice was bo'ever given.that it ajain be bMught belore th? Board, ttw i anmnl mHtinj.,fit thisCity.nextlkwtfjeK Resoluinma were adopii'd by th tecs fir comploiin? tho-New Chapel W ha rcm.unedaolmirfin'an unfinished a s f r.filU04,tU9 tw-i.yii.eant Prof?? I ot ItntETORtc and Mounts lass--' Tne-doTrefM A. B was conferva 1F j the nnrnbor of, jheJ5eniof Class tnai 3uS'f?d"irtoti tlma-. lH cwrse.--i-.-j on the' Kev. Willum n. , Citvv Bi.ij.mit F, Tt. of IMtajJ v. r-J V.ir,l llenrv Yarr'0 of H.llboro', and Jamea W.,AnHlW. ol Eitoiiton, Geofsri't. A , . " Thft degr nf V. D-.was f"-: on fk.R.y-i-lHi Avory, of 6!? that of L L. D. no-.'I tht Re If(wpejrr'tf.t'kapoMIilU'

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