v JTJT mmmm "7TO ;q4:,i:?'"-"':'- . . . ' .-. , - 4 itwWm"rrr.to. kUUi fwU,M' w.bicb r wist Mi tod ia theelrc, km tH mum of iasMfirt tjkftll Tbe orn of legislation te specially teen in graAingUwt on conscience. . ' ; . 1 aa tht heart el tit ciuana, aad white wi3 be tvtdVd vita little ftwttrt. . (r. CiWt. ' ; " a ..i iii Vi'i'n .ii i i ' aBaawasMaaajaoa jBy-JOIIN'DKUDf Jr. . I ' .SAUSBURrt rowan couvrv, n. a... AU.VDAV JLLT - --C . 0. y i :i'm WSJ:' re', trt?n lie WESTERN CAROUXUNit nd onfe a ret td two doilart per Lie, ifpnia' rii tMrtt MW,f o trwi '"'1 " f"T"""J?' rr 1 fr tht Editor $ ducrei'xon. mbrriptiM filt received for a fc '. .. iln ant urar. ' t ' " - J ' i Z" w notify the FJitor jrer, considered At t lr tn&P W , ... . tq person procuring tiz ml tent tub inint to tht Carolinian, tkatt have a yrti paper grtui.AoveniaiBg ai ior gml ratea. (Mittri ad'Irntrd to the Editor nut' fid paiJorthfp rH not be uttemlrd to. xr,The ternvi will bt atrictly adhr- an Exposrnos "tie Iw-jriata RKfuwu o 1794. cOHOttDEttJ . TO TH0MA3 RITCHIE, Esq. Too will be plcacd to bftar io mind, Sir jut I bae rndtavored, io my preendin); Vff,wmply M prwo, iW lit doctrine 4 euUificaiion KiliyarrantI by lh fifjima rry1utina of 179?. If I hav HatfoedfH) ig ikml have tl least thinm jft! i..i?-2! inntftll-.icpartux Oonv linw rejolutnma, Io warrant the deuuo eib wKicU it iiaj jtsceivtnl, rora too pro fd Irwndi of 8tt Righla. ' Still lea tjrranf-it lhererf'frknindifig'--whnlo 8rirrtii tfewi (of -odptng iu Aod l , ir, permit mo to frmark tkt nulli yjion ii not 4 ditlinet and u$tantit pUciple at all, tut wwttltf a node in rkick f ll titled principle! art tarried, out in Edict. , It i absolutely oecoiwary to r thia dUtioction id mind. .The only ptcrpla. urmodii twlliftcalifto j .Jba iiSl of State W decide-wbether an- act 4 PragreM U breach of tb compact or x ;-aod if it ahall decide that it ia a breach t -Jnrruvi arifhrtut wmtinor Ltr lh ea ib ! i :m of othnr State, lor M arresting the t-JLxi--ixAZjck odf. at .nof i jftutjAe ijnr, nw tntemjH tht fcr 7rt)rrri 7 Government tntkin tke Cnutitutio. No one, 1 think, can i deny fta 5drroclaeiaJ)f.thw princjfilbriNuIIii, gnn prolbaseji tfl etmform JtQ iUwbilat .e. axnoa ebviourily licki4 it; iMwause ae wmimeWaWrrtf hrca the.;Unioor luu will at ooce perceiie,. then, that there tra eouutle nmnbrf of nwdfla la which Ika brineiolM of 'Hullifimtin mav t -be- " M rW oat: and it hr no meant foil w that 1 1 .teiiocinafl itaJt- lifilwiccaiMeJtLnJ.iiy '; I ifcthuaed t- prneticeiLet tWj fhea, (r I (r the prtaetti,! Caroiiu audall iiiriJ.aaJ.hn' anil M tU mmorriMa tf iwllificition by; a hypotheUc! ca. Suppose that the present Confrea ahould WareT by': taw that ;lhe aiare hotdirig Btrten shall no longer be entitled to repre- leatatioo in that body, for three-fiAha of weir slaves. Thecaae ia at least poesible, k awurvd, and it would bt to palpable and dnneeroua" an awamptron of power, l to call kindly for the moat ef&eti e mode f " !at interpolitiofl,' warranted by the Tirgmia resolutions. How would you lave u proceed t Would you appeal to Jbtt.FeueVai Judiciary toaay wbethef such I law waa constitutional or not ' I cannot Crceive bow it is pousible to bring the m befufOthemand eeo if 4t could, be uht there.it would be at lout a year kiure it could be decided. In the mean , tjiet Yttjjrinia. would be deprived of uoov( v tizth part of her proper repreteutation, tnd would rotttmze to be to deprived until U Supreme Court might choose to take vp tkecaK, She. would thus be thrown oa : fi mercy -of trmHribtmelr for one of her liearoat and moxt imporUnt right. Be dea,4his would "awwrodlv be directly in 3? .'e?.lh of MadiuoV Repirt,' which rt baiea the idtsa that the Supreme Court -hw- Would you appeal to Congrnaa to re "1 the lawt.Thw Conr ceaseu to ex- " o the 4th"of March, and otw eleoinxts k place' in ApriLTliere rnight jwt, fi. b any Congress in iwssion, to whom ue. appeal could be made) and even if wre were,: wht hope could you heei at the aame men who showed themselves "WpaMor sue hi "i. ppal'kT u rp tioTi," ,'"ld immediately disavow it! - Besides, - would be recognizing the fight ol Coo tres to decide oo the extent of ita own - f-wers, which it eloarly against Mdion hould be actually -made, and that Coo IWUL. -- 1 II rw aouw njuae-' to repeat toe taw-, ould you wibrait? The Freidont'a doc wines would force you to do so. , Tet 1 not think that you would agree, to such i5ea ia a case involving the right of Jr qwn State, although -yo -advocate w-the ease of Snith Carolina. ' No! you woald not submit. Then. What i 'Mild you dot -Vould you agree to aua. fw the eaeiriae of the essentiaj right of , "natMMianiHl you had tried the slow r ?T,nicH!nI .,UI the other; Wate f their separate rharaetera f k Too would f, ebameil to c4intenance aurh a poor dsin-KewW oftlii" right ;Hf pro. eaf--Vol4 y aii resort to ms'm I Up on whonj would vhj 'make war f Upon Con Krrmt alone, of upon all the other Htate J noi upon imgreaa tht actuaOawong oo era, for that would bt ridieuloot oot up on the other Rules, becautt they might not sanction the axirpaiiaa) of the Ftdorai agent, and tlve refore might nut bt guilty of any Irtloiitional wrong. Would you trcrdrl And if you did, low ould tkat rtdrrtt the wrong, and rettori yo to fmir riktif nm(iM, mr, there would be in eecewnoa a potitiee iniiafiet to tke otkef Suiri retell Blatt i enlitlod to all the boneht which it can derive from the Union of all and of counffj Tne withdrawal of any one Stated) privet the other States of all the beorfit which they Would derive from the presence ufauch State in the Union Tliert ia no doubt of the right of a Slate to withdraw, wid we ahall presently aet wben and how that right may be exerted. Dot for a State to rewirl to areou, at a prim ii ry mottns for redresaing a wrong, done by the usurpations of the other Plates, not only defeats ita own objet, but does injua lice to the other 3tai. Moreover, it into facto aVejfff the- Union, and. there lore, ia clearly, w I have before ahown, not within the letter -or spirit of the Virt ima rewlut jm. You would not adopt any of thetti modes and 1 will now show you how you would proceed. You would begin by doclaring toe law uricoAtitutioal,df .thftiw (are, not obligatory. In other words, -Sir, you would nullify the law. Of course, you would staud precisely . M , you did . bnfrt tlw trw wa pasted, and. tnwtofe,--yno wnild not consider yourself as out of. tht Union, merely by this art of usurpation on the part oflhe Federal OoverunieuL You would proceed ..oeect y jui. Rcpreseutat lives in Congress at heretofore, and direct them to take their teats in that body, m they were allowed to do so, the law would be Ihcs virtually repealed, and all the wrung rearessed. If they were not allow ed to do so, you would still feel under no ebligatiqn to surrender your share in the Union; but you would appeal to the other Shriek tewf-whether hey would aanctl. the usurpation on the partonbeircominou agent or not ,' If the other 8tates should rofuse lo aanrtioo tht usurpation, you would he jthus. restored to your rights Oiherwias you would determine for yours main in the I'niao," wilh tttt kwa of part o your rights, or go out of the Union alto gather Jiow, Sir, ail these primary attpa are; asyou must in cHndor adrmt, prectsery and nctljnnllincationbutthfj utcttion ou a proper -occasion and assert, ed in 'ai-'proper-weS Tliert m not iStait rights man on ea'rthT wbo cstn 'object .to it thus applied, andappticd lo iuc,h MZiMl ami of course, as a doctrine, it is not wrong, Ncllincatiou and seefwioa are both rights; indthe difference betwoen them Umpty thiti oolliftoatM proposes to preserve the Crioatttutron, by .tnnulHnw frerj net of the Federal Government which lha Coostitu. lion doKs oot authorise: it proposes io pre, ert tht ' Umon, bj.wUing ,llojt$ur. potion in tome mode wkirh thall not mih drow tht State-from tke Umon, nor emhar ratt the regular action of the Government within the Cqnditytion. Secession with, draws the Stateinit of the reach ol theuxu. rpor! powers, when all other means of re drees have failed. Nullification, there fore, it the primary right and the primary duly of the State ; secession is the ultimate rignV When nullification hat ailed. - - This, Sir, "is i'hullinVonri I 'under stand it, and at it is undoubtedly contem plated in Jhe Resolutions of 17&8. ,1 should be gTadtoltnosFwhaf bbjecUiMw you can urge against it. Permit me, bow, to examine ita practical results, & to com pare'them with those of the opposite doc triaevts ooolended for by the imudenu. It is perfectly true, ts the President con tends, that if a Slate may . declare one law to be aocirttoitnat, tt4nay-declar toy and every otktr law to be so! and by the same rule, each State may, in the exercise of the aame right, select a particular law or laws as ubconkifutrouar,and thus tittef ly doMruy tU uuilorm. upTTattun m the system. But whrtotl bis, it is in no degreo p -obabk, iud cannot poasibly- occur, except itt sue 11 . itata oi' public feeling, in regard tn the Union, as would, at all events, dissolve it by other means. . If the Suites no longer wish t remain in theUnton.lhey Will of course sepa rate.' But if they are reaUy desihrtii to pVrservjlhfl Cmbtr, their wtrittterkttf fords a sufficient pledge that they 'will not endanger it, , by throwing themselves upon tneir resrveu ng", , ,u uuvm cam: which require it. - It one 'State, or 4wotsb(dl)anwd,:eu!iUti.rli,daJ. so, it cannot be injagined that such a. num bef Jhay ;wy do-aMW Oa wd-any ground.for the PresidentV fears, or any ap. plication for the argument which be deri ves from them. The Government of Ibe United Statet it the mere agent 1 of the State fir weeified purpoees, and it is in conceivable that the States who appointed that agent; for their own use- end advan- its action, as to render its agency of no val ue, t- In practice, therefore, this argument of the; President is not entitled to aiiy epn- sidertitioo. . And even il it .were other irht it it. more, s'ititMntwijh"yrincipJe, that toe a wo'h'itiia niuinii iiiw.Ki.iiii'' euCttthaUht gouBtjiutpt, 'o)M etutret that the Vibitild eiutrl the . cousMta the agent! These vitws ofih sulpr4. however, art worth aothidi VTa em judge fr the practicaJ operattoaj otlteO vernmeat, oy any suck extreme eaaep llumeq sagacity csaoot (rewe, nor bt oat) prudooCe provide V, aK, twastble eintingeiiciet Borcaa kumaa language d"fioe and UnU every powuble nxtdiDcatmi of social righta. Although UovernmnoU re primarily bounded ia ditrut, inert if, of nertasity some degree of em&dmce ui all of them. The wisest ststenmre caa do 00 more than repose that eooficknee ia the sa fi st hand, while at the tame time he surrounds it with all practical guards gainst abuse. If the States anay abuse their reserved right in lha maimer row templated by the President, tht Federal Oovernment, on the other hand, may a base iu delegated richts. There iadans er from tot A sides, and as we art eontprU- ou 10 ooonue in inn one or the other, we have only to inquire which u most w orthy of our confidence. In tht firt place, as I have already rtrnmrked, the Sutes canwit have any tiuerett to abu their resrnrrd rights. BoMdeii, the right for which (Lev contend, is not a right of action at ahbut merely a right to check unaulhorited at (ton lu the other party. Tho abusr uflhis right can be found in no'hing but the in terpmitioo of the State to check its own a gent, in doing what it MprrwJv soVi ed its own agenl lo do, for its own -advaoH tage. The right itself is uioVpeiianuJe i eu prvset vstioiN while Ihe-ahnw'tif-rt. u in to brttutetriplared as saflkirntfy nro- bable, to found any argui'neut agaiust the right itir. Oo the other band, the Fed eral Uovernment has a dimt-f mien- lo fla,rgttjts pwq powers, by eucMachinsoo the rights ol the States. The eotHtitw-oi Can" rarely, if evtr, have "an iuieresl in eou trading the powers of his sgeot. but, prima facia, the agent always has an iiritresl ta making them greater. And when we re- U'lri oo hid axroog love waica mom iim-o feel for patronage and pwer, tlie infloenre this interest upon the mere awe who wkud the Federal UoversnsosA, ( win, at to this argument, must be identified with it,) aff rds much cause for. distrust and. fear. It is, therefore, snuch eore probable that the Federal Govern twrt will abuse its' power, than that the States will viiMi misb va ouuor nana, it win mm w difficult lo decide which is Ibe gratier evil. Uat State should abuss ttt righta si potrtioe,-bT arresting- tbe operation vf -e roiiJrtfirffaani Ur. the'worsT that nuH eutue ot kt would Wft.iwrflan.nner.. lion of tht law lor time, as to that State while it would have til its eflects Viihio the other Statej.; This would cettainlf beww- juih; but, re most cases; would be attended with very MrV-pTactical eviL fa anme casw,"tt"hTTrue7 the" civnieueaces' ntTght b serious ; such, fir iosiance, as mif hi tri'svi in a time of war r but tt is nrerrselr ia sucn caes iuai toe juatt would as the wast motive ht oummt into illiaioa with her sister States. BkW, aecordiog to ttxjooctnoe U which I am ennttMKhng, Ibis evil would be temporary ooJy it sawst cease, ia some way rr other, as snon as the other Statet act uooa tht subject I ac- Knowieoire, However, toa( 11 is ai Best an evil, but it is an evil inseparable from our system, and one which cannot bo avoided except by submitting to a grroXrr evil- It m perfectly evident that lni ri jht mo exist io tht State-, wife it be ewnpaiw 010 with tht ngtoa-of ih vurii-nim-meat. Supposiog this incompatibility to exist, there inuat be aright in that'Oovere. ment to control the Statet m this respect. and to enlorce a law which tne states ana have pronounced lo he uncnstiiutKual. Let es now suppose aa etaas of this right. It WMild consist in an attempt, by the Fed eral Oovorumont, to coerce obedience an unconstitutional law. This, Sir, it seems to me, is despotism in itt werm to enforce one unconstitutional law, u may en force rerrt unconstitutional law, and thus all the rights of .the States and the people nay fall, one by one, on lore the onvHpo teiice 'of thArClorerniBent. TtetzDntm. quence is too manifest to escape even the inoMt superficial "ohsemtion. The worst powrblo result of twioffcauon, even ta- the opinion oTiU bitterest oppooeins, is to oh solve the Union mud this result does not legitimately AW from it) while the alter native which Jhey jnopose, estabiishes tn a hsolute despotism, which not ool v dissolors the Union, "i'jT'Mjm'plmmZ. bUfqrm of GoMrnn tU waj tit nuasv Thus it appotrt mat .uuuincauoa ia nwtcn less apt to.be abused, than the alternative reuiedv.'mnd when abused. iUcooseouea C'ei V tnfioiterlr jeartehe- deprecated. -1- Ot the two eviliv I choose toe least. 1 nreftrlbe remedy whwhi-alrhettfe-iB extreme abuse it may lad lo disumon, otay be neaceful tn its results, to one which ne cessarily dissolves ths Union, and white direct object and tendency are to violence and blood, and abtoltit poyer. And now. Bir. yoa havt . full view on nullification, as I understand iu As I sin cerely desire To he right hi poli ucs, ai weR as in morals and religkm, I aubmit mvseIC with all dererencevto the eorreotiftn of your greater wisdom. At all events, you ought o relieve yotir own principles front the clotui which "now hang over them, and !."' "v - ----- J rewdtrt-tbeal tby ehaqire te te - neral vw4ia la art at ktw, I m) sooKibiBt le 9vm m retatwer atSsah UwUiav " - tin, VL Jam have Veen, &r earweegTy wa seanag ia year sVsjuncssiii U am)&n ikm, but I e ant reewUcet tai j we have ever ofleitd a aiagte argsw ssl easiest ia. Yoe hate, wxWd. aassd Nr. Cala-was, tntd evea hit worst rarssirt are reedy at Ukt sides milk bast, trots asrve stssMihy with the rrweie4 aad ewwsaswsV. That sura a sMut shnwlj be btwe-d ism aa intetiigeat prufsa, by a ana sT JUdiww iarLsoa srqr n , is a aaoral ai 1 sasiy. worthy tht spial a4ce f tke Cdmr kat loriaa. YeaafMrlalMseiaaght.taMt it was cenagh to desimy J4sa C CsJSmm. and SMiliiarattat) anast fal t'eoarwa. That is a mistike. The tVctnae did gieate wilk ktisa, cUsm mot tVywssi we haa fr its support, and aiQ sm 4m with the sVath of has loOueorr. Toe stay, twrte- lore, spart asaa, wstauat srasr tkat sera a tnbuie le tVcrory wl rtlt I inVaSws either eaetrtT erthe rtswv. It et-rtBJoly hae ware aaura ue staadiag asnong ear wwrthy wfjt n yno"BsF attesaptee. to csd'gMcw jssr ontVrsuajMijra, iaateadtsfapptahale partisan winga' The attrw mi ssse urstiia art aLae ecrWiag te the fross aod iuuliMig te itt tuyeorttra. leslswi fl proving' Ual . DuI'i5ctiyJ wroag TPt Ha ve uirfj, rbaps but'at gaswvWr. it is certain, fmoemtvi ysar'elf with tn pmse that too sjafiiaasa This vu oryond aO doubt seech the task rhe two, bet, artorrsswiili. tae u rf toMr'rf asVrs have wot mm m stiMsi yutw Jjmt aaxsgraptis have heea an Omtnvd as to ke rwvrraTv recawd aa etttr aVnaoasUa 4 flusjtb Ceroiexe, and arr'WhxW' oVvtnon aad pnKWosuji together, at the atase base UUl the stnrt Inter will allow ywt te say berafW, that your lYproachee were saeaat. eat for tar ieoeiri'w.-rwt nmif (or te sw.rui.eAtr aanoV sjawtuigs- It aware gtvee see-ease lo see sa tedeeoual puUtc yoaraaJ inaliaj wiu lt readers aa tats acsstil way A boas var the twees ywids staetl wkwauy to th? wff aewebte curse, at a tree BtrT' U-irfM ie?proae attmea yewseefiaeti its iuSoreoe. Whrareer V Lje&sns mil thit wietry saVaB be 1 tiswaresitVw sosaaal afid htrebag pftsst wul he the dkagat ia iaQ.jBwauaetl. t u a?wi,iu.ja .a a p saioataad-H wtS erusiy Vw4 a taa- pret'Tyo8I..wa.aS to tx that while the pviuripfetapaw eiMfeh Uk Camiiaa hat nrareeided are tjaeVassWi tight; I TfroW trtta jw, that tht) bsh iafea iate rerv grrei 'errors, ia hear cweras of pfoeeedieg.' Oa esJSitJr wiSarrrs- wuh tht rrtmaaa iflMAaM State, a tppmiiowttna te emir at wluch 1 taaaass tsst feel aiMajyv'-V-l-AU. thsit .t 'irmTi law. afthoBsh eJeerty gtaatt thessarw stl Pie CJaditUUoa, by the great sarysaMy aft their bonheaw. vtaw.tM.etswAwahttff nncjustautaioal at lecaS for saC Jraitaa, aer ae dageronaas te i'mm raj setxa mn ana terry bojtt ahall. he lest, that Cuagrasa wtU aaodify threw. 1. lhsrrfwe.1 may well reesers th Ijartsbaa an thss respect, but je, eeaM ; for ewe westee to cnosiaVr those laws ahngvta aad e quivocaJlv ecoriitutiow4. I tWk mint that Snath Camiiaa apesntcal loe earfy a Jay for the operation rfhwt orawiK& . J thinfcilsevtfcir "tesaf W easaVtaaraa far edarang thai ari.es s are tee rigj. oss, aad prwUbly are thrna seine awxNsv stoatioaal. Aad I havt aasJser eteertMe which I hate wot yet newvMper. - Tee arieeipise ssstvWt euniCc-uioe eronews, drsasad taat the tan- uTv'hm Sute iSmB yrtu het cenveatkakf of the other that she shall give amy, af such which wwl edsast ef - earght tefakc care that the ether Stales see am aw aayary from tht susmwsoaef the law by her. sa the prsaeet case, the injury wosld ia the res ot eeues, an, aen Carolina f old sne-rely have the pay me JL "ef detitav "tual shawls' have iaiueetht cent ef tW-avrt caws the etlaer Vats .eel a hare ttajnty aeght te he should decide the tanffmwe to be not tatweedewJa.. afl th. rtwets, aad perhaps ut ataert, South Crfmkaa aeeeers to me It hive acted tmadnsedly. 3 ay s sue, however, that tbe bad avwasVd eh taese errors .areeld it not bate heap aail 1 fcVaoita eUnf Aad trak srhat eoaU yes teee bate the tanT laws, she had eeliiwad a taw ato cUAng n!t keftkpet te tVyrcr f aif yoa not have coniisK4d bar extraardaaa ry mods ration, and bar seawaht npecf for her eo-3tataa, ia subnainsag te taat the ouretioa efthe eowWrtsiiisaaUry af each a law, VBfvaj atrecti tee awgwest el bar nshtst Yoa certaialy. twjkL Srx aad . l.' ' J J a I C 1 1 Simphr, Mn lLldbe. a tbe crwltrsuof the eVKtrme, aad not to tbe sbctttaaUtae Lane !uBt at tbe phrase at present ll -reafW, ear, wbea yoa duainina nmUlr-thxm that Uote te tats, and, yoa, have l.ficali jo, 'fwh' sitouU say, ia swawval tchcf mpvTed of her course, nor has terms, thati is IM e:f5ac?tt tie t?eX'Gweral fAnq rhrearened her with tbe hut ii Cnrolim n fcatoem, whsrh .. .. lm 3 barh fat cossat lack yen tenet, and sbastly, 4v) to the tree tVjrtrtawe ef the Cseasastoiat, with 0 hrttmt grace. Aad eww, Stf, ee Suets) Croliaat is sutVseakfV nht ht st jr(mApUt tad aariy''Wrttg wa' nmm of the" anhuttft by whtrb ehe baa eeJeavsersd tw assert thews, eWe.abe fur tkat sVasrte tht wwd ar twit F I base Wtrd tht law my, CM yesj m net fcwfctf iat a'twart af sawtke by se, aMatUlrawuwattHaefwr; aad I asMgitlt tbal thss we rmn tkel tkat weaei ae eowauy tree, af Uswaasl mreimi Jjsst ad vwrwmry to be casta. II It seHactr; carer thai twe rene t cuene Booth Car- Ii a. e a Wait atartes the awthonty tf Cssu wres abnse that ef the 8tttea, in eVcaiWg wa the etarat ef the powers ef Csagrras ttsttf mmm of cnarwa, yoe thus drstroy the nbt ui the tftate altogether. Tbi sswen le ate to bt tJtnswther tae high a tWirsrar as ke BarerrW ft a aapre error ia the tWeaa af tswtrtetg right. And Mitoieb, 5r, ee yotj peirtive no daetrr te the CwaoMetassj ia the txtranrdiaary ehscb ywa are eskeie i sages as t sdir epaai the sVmiifswl I II net ayaagh le sty thai theat pnwera are ealy to be eeerttd mnmnmgtntlf siaee the bjJi aw brsuse Csegveae leavet S to the' Prta kirat kssssr X te eWtsTOMoa wheat the eoe tasgvwry asey arise. Is there aw) danger that. sf.sl ahrail wat arast in the oruWry ttitutjt tt cwaatit, be wdl ttsitt ii fte.hm stilt yethsac m teaanthaatoeVrhij. ta) aat Ibe wiuist iftefUr ar sis 1 ksww: btf anbowaded year a the fiwieat est bet yea wkrht totweaBsai that (his very eoaBnWe aa the soanpse npaa wksch dtttulBtt are atade. I i navi bi Anow that if Wo4 as abed by the Felrral arm in 8oeth Carw bwa, thsa L'asaw as diawilvsd, aad a general cwd war wil be the reswh. Is there tan aVgiet ef tna fathers wkjeb' caa justify tae sahmiitewe f such aa waste the ds crersse of awe see aaaaf Do not tell awe tbat at the rSssidsst al laai ihe 4e4 fo Wilaa-iiamrach Jachawa tutira the Li the Uooaa tbe bind which aad braag thesVaJ lebie' The semetr tSoirat watld erewe that he eofhc to t rished wub alt. aaseer, reatrtiwed bv itmU wsesl it-La gaadL- It isaW ia thss way that a sagJkaa luetdiaai ef paerie hntity ngghl U saHCTfcrre. it toe aricJk mini hi. ILaf that the taaibsts wtoeb nafsrs wash a joai"t"'aaeowlv k" oanrtioo aa aftawit at 'stv Viarlaty ''aart,' f eanstoVr it aaaawisjry brtstr that Susrk Carolina tm mi f wtSir aee lass in the code. Thaw fo trust aey tarmyasj r with V tasgejifl aaada aaJ prajce, ee Ike oat kaud, anj dm aaaoa aad cvyi war oa Wether. "More eter. Sir. tb Ttat aat easider it at wtterly kawVbtl tbf isafeitl Uoternmey ifensrff war weoa tba awtssf of a Stata ibt aax. act sWs by ghat. Slate in eta sairie character t 1 aat sura that wthiog caa.be (ased at the ctdwimia of the Ceewirerl beiwe it -tfahraced the at AtjsVrs) ,Jck, to ceawtenaaet wrb aa sere aa (hie. What has changed JCr. sUartoa r rethape yaa . aave a m - a a waf a- cbsagal I aria as AJMrew jaKtsea atot aetf bat cheegtd. TW easU ant be at 3 tmrpnmnx to yea, Sr, since the whole ittM (treA fmdorf appear to baw aweti tee Jeti. aw ar J ia a autle hour Car the smmn maoa. Let aa. however, that we 'asey" now hereafter bear sac'inairttl eoembl for to act, witlmet (wietbeg ait char . seat eaat ihat cunt taaaerai Jerb- bseaWem a fitter ocraawn. In bat "aaO to the tadtea delegation from Cwargia, at IS, h bid rtue lengwige: The award tf the tJatted States aught bt l4ed to a the ..'arbiwY. ate. But XWtW aM'taPloaWai' 1 aw0-f aPwiwWOWlt ad will aat lezwra yea- with ltectatMe. TV enavs tf this te sssefa erif re sftre eey SSsft sftkeC uon from lie ertrrist ef yarrjTteTtviut artairta aer mmrti thnvvmcJk! truly., r sik?aa ea I ebal a ty at ia thai ht wd M afet U t- Surely, the right to dackre that aa asguaatitstfiisaal act ot Cnstgrwas real! f it at, as tclutowledgsd be yoa to be Mkgfaanta power" ke taariee to twrr SUta her tntertit rbararter " aad thie as the power which Ktyeu tornk. thee, thai lea Preside caa coassttautly the ariaw 4 that U.rataeet to mJf mmV rmn enm M totdi4 tbe rixhit af Georgia that Ja lS33 io- mtWy are, W.asMired. Deo drewatatfina eon raised srsjast Mr. Adams bar lvxfeiqgwad bt only etafed at 'it, tae-te essfir the' authority of the Fed eral Gaonnwat agtlaet ' GeorgW t 1 ywa seqKtahct bee sf roagTy yoa tare 4 aHwatwd that idea tf nuking 'war oo i : '.. cvr. r: r" ' anwa;! ovmm M aiw i atvm ' ucnrin haekeew ietherewjetat habit of H bullying rod, A fact mm glitrtn; at this cannot fcif. ct latsr.ta Bait ita d te Lnprertioo asant of Awlrew w knag back k kue hd. epoa tbe public mind, to ibe everlasting shame of General Jackson and his prras. (, r r ( . Thews biters. Sir, have already bteo . ' . talended marh beyond whst I orlglhully , . tfij0.weo, as Iheir.utmost limit, , Tbef w , , f haaa swaevaaryluurtily writhe, aertr.rW vwee, ana are allogetber tinpretending ut , v-.- iheir character- They have beeo aVsiirna ' td rneralv le revive ia tht minds 'of th(a - whe saay read iKsui, the almost furgotieti . : " ' , ' pnacipWof 7JW, and le call public altea' ' . litwi to the absolute and total overthrow ol ,. ' k'. ' those seineiplaa, which it already well nigh ' ' V, ' beted by Csuaral Jackson. Of eKirae, Uh ether aewspaper jMragrapba Upon IK - '-. same subject, Ibty will ht f got too with C j ' ' , U Ihe hour.' Tbi is exactly tht fait which 't -V 7 I wishtbemloetperieriet iflhey can iiuike. ' , , , the sWeired iaiprtssioo? at they art ft-ad , ? " ! I shall now t melody irm, with another ' . ' , view of lha tuhjtt before as, which it cer . ' ' ... ; taady worthy 4 yoUr contioeratlori. ; T"r,t 4 ? v jBuuth CaMlina ia a southern State, ban. 1 '" ing the same interest with ourtelvts m all ' . - reaprctti and for lea yeart aha has Uedj aur best help ia this very lariiTtiHilest ' '. ' Is it not khanKful ia aa to desert her how,' '4 ' - 5--' lahereieMat aeedf Aadletiea,isito . '.' oar obvious falrrrsf to sustaja her, parti . ' " ,T7"". i eemrly ia the present position of the riff :: aad aali-taxuf pariieaT You .houw er- fnctly wall,, that more tbaa half IM "i.rli , tBlegatioa Cthit ta Washington in Doreui ten prsparesj tereowce the tyelem fri -The menue standard J end yne alio kn)W "ftiB Osi ttangtd their purvott at toon at tit procJmmtitnwiinmi,. Tbey a iLat iiZ. lha Preeident, although he prof. ad a de7 ' ire la tnndify three lawn, Would, hrV8rthw f v ' r leea, anfmrot less ee tht ford if the wtrtr ; tel repealed k What better tncouriigen', , f. asewi caa immj vrniu jo pnrawere in tneit .4 - ikstcm TT JKafpehal btfUir prs'denrraanZZ they have,' for enforcing toy other law which a majority- td tbe f opU efthe if. Statet cony find it to tbeir inierM lo pant f The northern, interest alretdy potaeaaee) -that majority, and it ianodangerof loMflg it- Is it not. then; our obvious interest la purest .such , a cuuret a will strengthen, weteed af kreakisgj that bond Which novf asmU Ihe aoethern kvta tea together t U hat dull we gam by driving South Carotin mi of the Union, or by weakening hr in. ftuence while she remains in ttf We shMitd be wd to t ttaia her, by fcvr r.y coni-i'iea- .X wwwt; Justice, Wit owe the it aUwd en-l Z arewiadi by every ruimtJeratiou ,j r. u , r ' 'r"" ta ino wmarrpt ty tiKevery con-idVration of brm.'.-iv and wtsd)intlTtaeVe n sUod or fall kai.allk l.if"'.-'."' - " - v. 5s- - IWIJJ Wll OCT - -r - . - - row what We ought Jo think of the wart :- which Gen, Jackson it actmglnite veitCjrl-' lut aVaata YTHe' Know that any 'mtdkfKiL'ZiL-s KSTor tnw tanlf b wisSriit, of iltr'uTwhelhrp --rC.- j her it reiejar reduce the - duties, dVat '.vC; ; stl measures of South t aftht at oiicr; The Ordintoct relate wilv to Ibeeifsliiut. ; htwa,aMd etnuot' tppfy t kiiyirhevia tr ? tie anoWi Uua, bhil he F also hmitrftri aifluence eon cause tkont lau-t to Ar modi ed inpnr und tuentg laer!:ehjtsav ere it there then what reason can therm ' Isr fby thit startning and pcritouf rWouVw . a i . n . ie mrce i ue stanus bci.re the pc pl. o this coentfy a a President of the I'nrtti ' States, Baking war Upon the people: Wilh'' net necessity as a southern man, stnug- . thening the arm of rmrthern powrr, R-mtMst aouthern interesU t as a ton of Sooth for- fine, twafcf hi wrath tgnr)t i.is Ot.tivtJ ; , Ste, and encouraging -a r ml far s",f, her peopkV fJir tht gratification of a fnlat) v ' pride, er. '-.eindiettfa t-elhigi f-.ylbo vf - , doe not present a worse picture of -'ha i -worst fHrina of hOmao charterer.' You, 1 Mr. Ritchie, h,1y oog ago a.d hie t rr -eteKtion would be a cure up hk-uc f uta" ' L JX-1 know not, Swj how yotr wittwfr-- ter . Jlcflrthe reproaches which- altnrir tor V- r- year waniM tergiversation andinrtc. toner, than be thrnwina vmiMnirnnn'u r..a ' -" A' lettlioSI ? Tram lie Roleigl IU jUe"r. ' our stat co Nsnxii'iojijlT - AH poTlticaTpotver il VesUM in "and dot' -rived front tbe peopls errty,'' - - -. Biil of Iligkts. i - To tneEditort I v . ' : propose now. meel tha ohjectiorui which have teen. Brged afitinst -a change ofmir Representation, and ift iee dufhot tdttt xmvm brpretexrt; t Sm & If deceived ta their chancier ..and "i th.v. : ; licit on which tbey art attempted b' bw :'V" N ? fiwVi?f oHorthti;jjnaatoid 'aa<-.. imputatwq.jifl personal alisre?peeti iiha I hrrtditifffh'haTrsdcpTCd gov ernmpnt of their cHuducl, reiiii' jfyoA , - 5 ; ; t el- thtMdiaarjr- mSpt4it fatty spiVii tipoa immfir. tae minus oi sncn, ami, tne rendu wMfcV'i ;-' -which they adopt ciw-lttwotiki thtii" Miit tbeir side without eyer hr'ajoiniAtf iiiM the fii - " , Tetscapo thethargoofTwiiairncsl , ' . ' instating these objections, f hav t to - the printed Debates on thii subjW itt 1 ; ; V our General lateaibl'of 'I83f nn-t t-ttj'Tl V feporitaT a minority of the CoousUtee ta eer.feptbtufw, in 1 832.". - 1 , ' -C Dwaus t heartily detest hny; rrpfra pmco aairyetetrtonstothe $tate,l ajwuta s v Zff".:-i prefer to avoid all referreoct In the East ' . aH";n ei ; ' out tne opposition joa etf&pftyCohttitmiion j rasltd m thett 1m j . ,u - ::L . .. . -)1 .1 1 - , t . T-trtt'icaaWff-i it?' 3XT., .! . .'--Yrt. -1;,ai,-ytTit