A. J r t wparaua cTeV'iicy to prisoners ill war, - ur- ba'iriiHnii!i tbev vera made nl.ivs.ft V.'e have no doubt, likewi, if " we C Hj!dtb:ain sufficient insight tela the ' i ... . I to retire to their lines, leaving the Held ill -e wed with dead. ' . On this occasion the erfethy'a cavalry was brought into action tor no ot.er pur pose that can be guessed at but to animate tiit?'ir Tutuintry j Tth'tf 'orlwwro"iowever, MiiUr would bo found to have arisen in --.--ntl torpteeea; f r p-of thea actually at- 1' 7 " tfsueia property than the lows of war; for tacked the lost mentioned redoubt, and eign to this day, na'ny of the African prill- when I iited the tpot in the afternoon, r are too cruel aftd sang'imary m war : 7'f "'1; io f rcgrf the barbarous -.pleasure of mor it 7 (rlrin2thcr.ivesandypt8!averTej'uiU V 7 Wm will not hr paiine to examine in- j hav .illbAiia that speci of i: f '.lavt'rf, which ia euro to uno TrtrniTluul , jiv distribution f property, because it ; '. ;-t . 4hc Wv&abto mail of Ihp greet 'fate V y"tf '4 wfMty; 'wtfrft' nailf hiwiia laoy mul, 1. ,r tpneiantly about wltch it is .'utterly Vir?- wy'ew t argiie-' We will, therefore, pro at ouch ncarIyon au equality with oher't and tlthough Lioat of thni are years in advance,, if the spirit of. .North Carolina were once stimulated to actum, with ade quate and ultaiuahlo rew&rds.of enterprise in prwpec, we know mat tier douchi pride. ?y . , te-j at tMice w toft third causo &s 1 4 '.. ; t f to Bt coirrmrt.l i.ii,jin i FOREIGN 1- -VERY LVTU AND I V( POUT A NT , . : fftOM EUROPK. . cfTtua or LuaoM bt Dos rtMo'a The Packet ahip Urtlteel Starcf Itt -N. .TorE, brioga to tiieeditora faf that city Xuidon piiien to tlm 7th, and Liverpool W the 8th August, inclunivov Tliey eon tain the,4it;iiiijttrof the dfpture of Li boit tho particular of which, together with Dome other item respecting the af fairs of furtugal, the reader will fiad bo. CAfJURE 'OR LISBON'.-PROCtA Siatiok qf im)nna maru; .-tulUiatttce. bat:l.kngiU.K:J4 ibat ViHi Flor, the D ike tA 1 BrcCiraj ntred the carcass of elevea hprosa were Ivina in its front, twoof whih were not six yards distant from t he loase f the work. , jrheattejUjMponthtJ art ofthe liitca aviuz provud Mrtfiucci'wnn, the eueiny de termined to try bis luck iri tho direction the river Uiur they showed themselves ia great numbers, and rapidly drovo in our oiftlme ticki is. -A4)odyj inrconifis ed ot the nih anl lXtli locadorcs, with a dutaclnwnt of 1 rench and some lancers. ..-t ll.A. ...t '-..1 --"''I"""! nriu Luuiirui a;;iuiti iu ui, -wnu cuari'U rticir advanced foroo and compeltisd theiri :. t j7 -rr:r1i. : , u rtircai. tu imib uiwt yim rcrnanuo dc Normdia tMulH- to General SaMuuliu was unfortunately kdled, tmd General lien to dn franca, and three other otiioers wounded. On tho left t olonel V otter was killed, his head being partly carried away by n c.imioii imil. His son in law, Lap tii iri Cutter, was womxled in two places anjlsis log aiiiputHleJ during ilia action V'olUuttjer Lacy . killed Captain. Ilubiu (,u end Eiwin Iluxsel severely wouiidc'd A Rob1 numlMir'of I'orlucno and sis Ger man ('fiiccrs wr"c likewise killed ?r voun dl, and judging from the" nu'inbcr nlrea dy brought into tun li(w;utal, 1 shniiM im aziue it nrelly . cerluiti ' that the day'i aiuiiicnunt will have p'acc-d 500 men ko,s de combat; in the putt of die besieger more, than (lonllt that nuiiiUtr. tuatly tu redeem the time which fho fins lost.r lTi tirst greal step t wardfl this de sirable renovation W.toerauicattj flie pet ty and famous sectionnlfeelin which - iststo eome estenr. Let the State, Hot thts county er that, be tho watchword.- If Love 'xsirmwiftMother. :. r v , 'Ctough Affair. ' . - A most atrocious attempt at aaasina tioa was mndo iu this city .lawt eveiiirtg. Avonuii Geritvin ldv alxut three weeks in m coiiutrv, and rcsidiuii.witli Ber "" jfiit iiiij in Hovyin-dirrfXTT-wTiTTOtktTiy in" comnaiiv with several persons in Heet sifcet, near:tli intersection of Happy-AI lev, laxt evenih;?, between five and six oi:loclt, when she avis accosted by dyounj man, (oiie of her countrymen,) whd, aflcr wulkmg t few steps by her side demanded NCORO ISS' RIir.CltON. A sliii" fronV the oflino of the New-York Courier and Enrpiircr; dated .Snndav, lsl Septemlier at I o clock, I! M. stntes that art Insurrection had broken otit ainonjf the Nwrrtfg ;nrihnaliT"6rvubii.-'"MThir itnin of the Bfillian, -f&v4b&Giriiit and Eiiquirer, " reports thAt when he. was no thts eve o sfiiimir, an expresd. arriveu therefrom iTavaium with inti;Hijrenco that from 400 to 430 Negroes had been taken and shot.'r theikidrbe T Junius ttJid-heaUrthewBaeffetlr she uld marry h'.irC wilt partake ot the general energy ; and nut wiiiiu . ut'sium inniii im mi'inu1 whole State ihust uejWarily be bcnttifSal W iUhCoinpouciit parU, A ! f-t-HJt-mSTrd SrptrHWr-4 The undersigned have this day exainin- Led Ute bur,& t.rUr at Boanfurt, and after accurate uud : 'repeated wanidiiiir,1 have ascertained Ite; htiumttg factst listT That j there is, ut hih watur, on tha; bar not I I less than K-i le t which depth utay be e- Ilea on, at ij kk! tiji j a:ut us tin; tutu ui a(ly rises and tatls but 1 feet, there will at no tint'! bo loss tliau IS foet. 51 That the bur is narrow from seo inward, proba lily not exceeding a rjuarter a mile. $A, Inantro vidtli, -froui breaker to breaker, is ul) it lutlf a mile uiliirdin room Ik beat in. 4:ii, That the chonhcl is straight, mid immeilialely niter pasMin the bar, husitot lens ihan 5 futlioms, or 30 feel, up to a fine roadad. fu'fVK.ientiy' capneirui for a rt r ntt 11 ... in .11,1,. t). II'tI ill o.iii ran hi ihuui "i iu")' vei I hat the hurlwr is well protected Irom einrtents. aad has i;ood anchoring (jroun.l Uth, It is protected bv fortilieatiou; Hie She answered mra'-ivoi; l is yuuii man his pocket, and' shot theilue iMwIt of his affection in tho back, lie was ptamjly BPtaid n4 cornmitted tu iiriann,- - i'i'btj sriirij rf the lldiabilnnts vA atrik- tnglV shown throughout the day, and ma- try tF thrirt bt 1teih vt ith-the act itn,- tf carried homB "tionornble iroundu. r r unr au Mi:loi j women pusSed-Tne bringing in a .wmmded Lisbudua thtf ihh oTJulw ubat -V u.lk T. IL. S 1 1 I 1 . .. . .7. . -iv-v. """"'t'; vpi "got wan upun u,niter wixsututum vuaum ; ; - 4 at thaheadofCOOaiiien the wholu Migu cd :nf myseJf at hearing a girl of twenty . '- V..jy, dilCRfijIto tbout and-tojh9outhwiird or etclrtiin to tt CiiirtjUfiiioiir 'tWlt wilLbriil.' : iff iljelttiUtnteil jriut.l'haeti'jiiav defend I : ... ... -;ivte'fTitiri ok jhAinSOt) frbripi-.of tlieliiKSAT-iriB iiimr de Viuiwdler, I tujha, troops woci on m sso, ann coming up wun rauitdsniie tTuckesttit thwlire. - -yrt1 Jorifart" tho foHowinday,-r!rrthe.h:ft bwrik :''.JT "'T pf lhc'f gnrt-iiiainty; attacked: hints j -V," .-TllATWCMigttelUeja ui4atliianijina llttj.Idis ,..: , parity of force, wer total !y rcuted, and & j '1. Jorila I Itimsell was killed ot the, quay , at tlie ater side. - :. : . ' . ... Vnkt ot CadafalnUV Wi.jucli, f , w parrison, evaeuitted Liibonbn tho niht ol J lie SW, and tlie presMire bmi( thus ra t moted from the inlmbitnntt, they opeuod . : the prtoiri ait't act free 300(1 enptiros, eon i .vym'--fiimiA-nmlf'.'hr ilttBid'swiiss)7i TsWt- . .". i ... ,..M..,,.u,la&a procliiujedii'.'r. Majctv.l?jni)a.M.)ri-, ! gt :andtoik erins and embodied ther:lTS n m a nnlionnl guard. It Ufdbejihitirved I ,'"ai iiujisrio not a smie amuicr m 4 ma ji titny ai emssci Trtfni ttio south 4 ' bailft of the 'i'nglid, ttmr iiJ ww f VapinrN 7 ihif b rn wfihin tlw bfir ofLibou. - - V-'ifJUiO; dtcUatiua. in tha Quiu'- favor, t , '"ji- lieraifiV3 the act of the people them- 'v A oirminiratwa waf ' I' - ry jriirrrrtntde by !h mhabitit;tir-'tli9ilirkv id '....:. Terceira on tho mirninj o the 34. The rr.,.J jjjeea'a flin was Huiate .i the udJ, . ... r;.rr. j'w.srw'rwarus inww fc.njhiiH ww w 1 iWrterfsluhit giuuLB suluto, whu-h ai . V retiiwd to the Hyval fitandnnj of 1'ortitiiwl srsri. ---Adnirnd: i'arkcr and the -Britislf men of! "7" 1 war- i urernT nrarrhed In t!i 21h. On ' ,. , V 'tlic 3.li, Navtcr, (fi)!!a ,u boatd "'"7.7""."li'Wi'iereI the lifer." Tb puk. oLTrccirA took the. oa'niiwnd of ite-eitf and of all 'tlie f rts.'-' Drsrrtcm, tJenerul (Jovernmeiit hnvinj just t orniilet- d a woik which has entire command of it. . . .. AH CANADA, r.j.p: - J AS. M-ANN nV, ) . i,ir tfi 1,1. and the wounded body taken to tho house oHb-. Allen, in .Vin.street, ' . T)io YaittdTfpirs to bavff been triage with duck shot ; (he whole charge entered the kit shoulder, abiatt ctjtii dislat'l froW the vertebrae twl the arm, to which direc tiort may be imputed the escaperof the vie liibwom uiirnndiute death, as the imiiilo of lists uliM was not probably morn than two hrchcS trriin her ImxIv. 1 no report ot the pistol indicated that it had Imoii hea ti v c iar?ed. as ttie R'snssin unmieKiton- ably hiterlded lo do hut minness elh-cnfliKy. Tlie writer w thw w,w uo wouwlud ludy eveuing, and again una mon.iiig, and with much pleasjire expresses a belii f that Hbe wiunl- !migHPoM, awl that the unfortunate young lady will this timo es cuK) the fute which the malignity of ber nreteuJod lover had premeditated, --ytT: ' - Baltimore Uatcttti ;f i , Crnrra. 7 0REArKUmiN. " Tlie I rQi CLurt Ti Tr-riijHirnTiTiVirt tHI had o'iMHi'd both House of I'.irliauient. and olih awaited .the royal signature tu become a tuw. 7 M r. O'Comitlj IJjnj )en notice of hii iiilentuin to wet up a uew dairy inoruui newspaper. ', In Ike llioxe of Commons, August .71 h Lord Althorp in aiMWor to a n,utu'tion put o. biro byJr!itoit du r.ljne for tli present to siiv what coursr tjrummit would niiopt with fcL'nrd to - - a - v the recojrnitron ol unnna siaim a uuoun or VOTtiigrrt a rjwto a wsii rwue In nnvfcrto eiorilririr r ffH Ikj iliiWilwiw" Ui lTniird Htatei and. tlr North Anrimn mtoniPT which was nferroil lo thfl Kina ol the Netlmi lands, lrrd Allliorp said tho matter was tt.( et welded. ,.r -. - Mr. L'tUkUMi. bnsifiht frnrj ,,(cj('ji: :ion f.r the grmd t l,WKI,(H)0, t rained hv the issue of exuht rqui: r bills to m tush ttciyypn paywAuMrijeiraita ul Cthes" die for HVh---'TWlBfe.td' eour-ic, otily a loan on the part of ilr.einni try, tmi I ropaid by t W yeaely instalintmt. - -Tim retadnti-H Has ariwJ mi a difiin bvbf to3l : la the ifoe of liofjs' tW fTiA M uTfi" HV, tho BCCfKid rtadiug of the Jewish Cif -il fjnevbtiws btll beitig uiovvil, it wns, lip. piel by tho VrchlMJiop of twiteiUiry, tl Ksrlf VVhidsoa, lluibp.ufXur dmi, vrA the luke of . Wclhhgtntiy m ; th ariMind that it. was , MKMiwdstenl wrth the tmstinrt" Jnciyiuis ' viihjt'BiitLli 'CiM (u'inn S admit Jrwa rntn tl. highest otft ersof the Htale.! The "Ar;lilahop ,f rilin, the Mirquifof Wcstiuhister, tbe ! Hif;iin of t'hicheiHer, lbeLord c hsmel- irnt renrwedi b afacSfifl ihe li, an 1 1 l r, the iokol Hiirff, ' LirJ Mrtbtairnr, a the lrps ww oWrvd in Irf patint L'rd uwden. and ili E.srlott.iO!l"Tairp. Avar I ha aoullt a-ik of lln foei,- r was potledtb biikaud cuutetidej thai Ho per u(ptoed tl4l be was about lu raie the PlXlXR ATE ATTACK jxo..p..Tiyi,.fa GHXHOlTsiON-irP"1'' A. A. ATKINDN,' 7" The nudersiened were presen at tlm Ct- auiinatiorj and iMindiiiytif the Rr at the. entrance of thit harlwr, rraide to dayj nod are "oatisaaT, from penonal obse'rvMinn, tjjat Jliere in, t Jugh water, not less tlianl ti feet. Tlto facls stnfe aliovo In" re!a 1 ion to the harhfnor are also correct. R. M. KtRBY Maior V. S. Army GEO. UUTldN, Lieut. U.S. I, i i i The subjoined interesting anecdote taken fnnn the New.ifirk Uaze(te., rr.i;.i4 iii n.i itiiDnitaiit ucrlod of our hmta rf, and thWgh jo4 of the cfditors-tif -pir- pers thcri fn the trrentre ot nctwn. wiu re coJlett that Ui pnViicatiflin was rtthitted at the time this fan but add to tlw inletoal vith which it will lie received at tho pre Lent- -Aayvm- W epnoafe tbttre ftaabi hj dciubt on the auryct of tts anttreniimfy.--; t'wnthetjfoliciWiit.wttrisiieeaflioriiciir' Celv hazard-a contradiction, Uowever, we shad see, otiine oi i no uuiot s encnii btt exceedinsW viiMlietiv as well bs to pTacahlo r "and wiithe bare jts(.ihiliiy ( di tracting Irom uis wen cu.rneu norr9, this intereHtin reinmnccnee may lie pro Ml'feOErt AND ROBBERY. THE CAliOt INlAX. riT JlSTUil llUAt CUSUfa. SALISBURY Tim hfnorable Martin an "airen and the hon. C Cv CaitibreleiiLi. arrive flrmTRRifrTiirausTii Qoebec r to which may be added, that the Hon. vv, l . I54rry the-election being over in Kentucky hng extended hi Inur to Tennessee, diitPwaa lately compltme ted with a public niuner at iNashviiie : and thatihe lioiiornble "t'Vi ' Wraklbnry'wa last "heard from,' at Portland, Mamelan election our honor ,bles have not a pleasaiit' tuno of U we know iiot the nieaniitg of yiu word'. The present yir4'a0LL"iH!j bilco among our public servants, as tliey are comically called, fron tha'Presideut down to Amos Kendall. .Truly docs Ma jor Jack Downing say' that arter ull, tiiero' is no" great shakes in maimgin the aflairs of tho iiatioit." . . Dutmare Journal. AMENDMENTS (WTimT .. : btitution; 14 : Tlio followiiy ifojli: have as jet, received ef ti.o Vole. oa . mending the' Constitution' i- v 7 TWVoto oi Uowan is not more iU k..r given, but for the escrtement ol tl,i iZl ty election which causdd the ethei suhkcl t, H ninii,.ml.!l. .:;: i'. . ' W bejieasurablji'cglccttd; iii.n.Tf to a Challrrigt. ThtnflgH some minlake, n conlleman in the South ot Ire land led ,itf the d inre at a country hall, out b( His turn. - The. jK-rson appointed to the post ni honor challenged tho intruder, and -rpeeived the following replySir. I ranrtot understand hy, bc!Hiw I ocik:! Slwll at night, a ball should opfu fito iu the. uwriiuigIouca, Stem . - WA-Xric-That' a fine stream for truUts. fiirjndobserved piscatorjat ac.- niiiiiirfii. i m other da"v. to a uenuiue fi-ihm? away-with srent viffr at a wH luown;.Juxd.faT0.rijQ.!po must be that same, sure enough, returned Pat, tor deuce a ono orem will stir out or it A ju"r who Irad a! vvomlerful fondness f f Caswfitl G, hi I ford Orange WiJkea- 'Sniry Calwrrirt Mjwkleiiburj It rctt rtionU- Ausoti Mooro Lincoln . llaywiHid . - vvake Ciiuiberlnnd New lluoover ' Montgomery , -Rutderfvfd', Rowan ..' '; I .- ir - - ' 7 If lluywixjil Stokes "T Buncombe" ' iCartercr ,.;'' r." 1112 " 171 il'9 2?V0 "'"BtiT "T" l3;o 739 Sl4 6.i3 ? 81 , ' -1019 ,hm t'0-jQ -733 'S3 at, d :. - 27 l " ft v V- i 00 v.' . 7- ' el 27 . 23 ; , '2 7 ooutwfcd " i Uu UU a Cirtuui'taiH'e: s Bait. Tat. A t'AMtrr RoosTnn.-S..011 after the late war with Grenl Hritain, whirh the w!rvices of Major (then Captiau) Jack D iwin,', ci .ntributed in no nn-ill tbgrrn to brim' to a close, be was a ll i ed bv Gen. for oggs, lateh intereU a grocery, stprf , v. here bo found to bis joy, a large number of tiro things hejoyed,, Wjiile t he g rocer r,r--L'J-'r.''i..'i..-'rii.l',l.'i was enOTsen tn oincr nuuier, uu i.m;ii mu com ... , , i J,ii -luiMi to take a lorciiij voagn fir the . ..,1 II. A 1..!, ,... t.i lIM lll Iflll. ...... T - . IIUIIIIMI, Ull" " I" , - i . . I'oUie.s a at ilia' tin.v hirfding Wiih hiinljcr for Surinam, and Cant.' D.iwn'mg rrmn invited by t np . . ... i.. .l . l j... iinucll imimireji nv nn coioiuui vstuuiu, I ' . . : iTIiAlniiirf 1 kVO which' was wrnetrated on Fun lay lat,up. the b-Kly VtUr V. Mure, of, this ptnefc ytra ffliom lliere seafely cm liv ed k nii'rd worthy tufflW. ftinjrTiiwi " Mf. Ware Kft ClmrTotts'fino hi the miiriiiitg abaiLy'" o'clock, wtb the in teutiou of vitiitins; U wrtt-, who was nt tiia father's iu Finvanrj.. Jo was enTtH'tV l-toidi the radt lead iiig-rum tftif Ia'ce j to the I'uek Iclniid"1 (Mi. jiw. H. lui. hcllV) Mill x Tfr Hri'l wa j,f-; prtrat 'A ah; lUtV KaJIV jVw'iqUBriiiJajvf! i mile bw wd of the CikI Islands bridges Ab'Sit ten or r.lefen oVdofk, a negro Ixiy, bTi piieSi'it to1s passmy; w2S nhrmcrf bra mi:iit isiim? from thn wwf- tir -1He lain Jainnar to a tilth, in Ins cabin, tie wa very pT'litely ir-aied bv barK (i i.h lisli gentlemen ihcn nt the l.d.mii, who re-ooe-tteil hiinonaday to wilia!.aciwk fijhl which waa cailuaLed on cilbur. s da with vraat awrtt, and which lasted an hour fmeot tMi party, asked Cnptaiit, Duwning, how Le liked thai ", ond it lh!ro weir aii . caM 'curk u . Dv.u'iini';vi!Li;.. ..: Na, iid he.Tie have od- such birds sH; Irw ni, ami 1 like t'i Vne itftl bVrieas that dxaie id once. I broiTgtii oui a large ciumy o make chtrk' - -fwy th dpatrhe) were coming j from '"'.7 the rariiiiaot of lbs Migii:l.uj frca Rhicb "T";t--"ATr"'a nymg towards Douro; " t"T r a--?-; - .The M6ww of flirfHtf WU.; reach, - :.;r af O.rtd Or the Will," I) hi V.lr "eirib.fr. - - . 1. .. A .4.-.. '. all . ..- m.r,n mil uigm irom 1UO 1 1 ou lioara kU'O j tner fr Lisbon, b-nving Puldanha the su bfinne c"mmani, b i! h ci if H a nt!" vr. iii trry If.. - 1 L - tf J J t, t ... vfiuine iiir, ,n.mitHi U'XlT'l. 'lit ha ken, poured down tfieir streams of gloiiir Cf.infort nrrrhtJ tnee, unlit wa almost u(1!ieiitiMT with their sweets. Unable to utrfeato huntadf from anoleasuiit bituatiiai, ho roared for help, and arter being relieved, en-eiarea ma' ne .... .MJ r.f hia nmiK-ruu'lT. and-Wotll.l never want toeirtodiilef.oa.cgsaguw mj't?ts " p blig as lived r.c. . s ITOM OP- A. - OU'I t). .. 7 i X faTow'tr it tbo pTrtiet.traol the -".. tta- k ttpn Ojmrto, July ,h r-hortlT aftirfire n'dork on t'ie morn- fig ivflh 2"th ull ah aw fim of artillery - ft.vtv at flk tMtleri4 Otvwi b ah ai,b id" '""1lt i"! ri u r 7 C " if ii;!f"npiHi Liirdi fl.i, aod the Qiiiiti d Vanz 'lh'r amv'Twad the inm. " 'turn of the t?nemy oerft nioi (, n rmt Ute . - onimeanf prryin defeat an fto ha2nnl ' last staSo in an attar k. 15. Iwma C mid 1 . . .. . .... eni'm nrjn w.iv nviv v-i I. r -f.O'inhilr l.nc r!io om mm-ma.ht h beewbu'ed trwtTrcrTrtnrtiec ull aecutilil or. inur, lui'ioni i'jniiam UaiUC UIKll,Ht i'"'-t inaiui uirir wnc Mr I ji Hie annii rcnnieg or, aainm tui. On the UTriha !U fji;ifrf Veqininter a notice, tUa nu!cJ.r,wie elvr jer ! hmk up the kit jil t, h slKajJ'i't aew. sum inoia lot leave to biing in a bilTlo rv- mnvntho cifiltWbihties d tbt JuW;anJ that bo ahirnld alui think it hit (hi'y t tin iV h: trt tHe icAf-sctrwilBirff b rvwp shiiV piilm.e of .ttng by 'Jrity, U nUir.h Uc hada.wa pjt"-l, Munjld Im no aiar ciHdima d. , . Ti f'nve I'liMneirMlinli D.ll U fill be f roth tVm.ntuw. Tbftlait-ai frahhng WenTy iuiTIoiTiii 4iiino.T0iiiitJJ, IiaiPBcrn dune hill ro aiter with me, en broth f. and ho U now in ".ho bfti'Cr.o'Ji en board he'lW PotlMS" o.4 I'll- lli you a leaver thai U ll bill any game cock 111 Mil innnr, in R mm unco miuuiu, uijiu. U take vou ii;f-e tie; r ," U!:V . 7- t var bet bw than that Here.. UmiuV said T"."1""1' .Captain D.. mnW IM .pi alaiard lo I V MP PI lWt WN VEVMK ! saa 1 " " .... ' . - . a ' .- tt. road evidences ol fie :itaiu-u. i ne n4 UsUwckaua, tkraabed ground waa stamed w.lh l e-al.a "7."' j1irt Rrilili nt Nrw Orleans.,, NcMjI-y, aroc wiiiciiaryuc,,u,. " 1 vv tihefmrst game ttA tho Island was car a mw irm CTI..BIU. , rw.i la 4iw Pl. here t largfl company a close esa.nmatwr., ft wa urn at an nun i ..j lou dness the Ught btwiH.u ill lo mm. toM tli amariicn it uie . , L..tvsn...n -ri. teavr. o thfi auttb aida, vLvUliat afditicrt to aicraJi.ms ira," V tl.t... 11.. .tiftill,Ml Si I tit! I . - '. . I itiiuu UM..iuuit.i4iL,-tuujv;'Mi dsuh-,wbu:liM.l!ie,Jiliie liew.'S.JV)aWe lo areiiunt foi but w.fs ilubtle-i lUe-frnan- t42 ib. dviio- jTuu. (Ua aava .ho tbongbt it w.-, ..;Ajri.3t.tltiu.).! f 'h Ha m ide rtl in crea terror and living np I.l'i,.,!,,.. i w,u prRJ WWrtft-ltnrifMtint. ff tire fuu.K af ineeibey r torned to lV n-it wbeuco Uia Uj lad been alarmnd. nhu eoiuiucn.' rmg w iaru.jrcrv -arn "Vri L 1". iL- Cui.kaoii. can liin- before him reel ion. a In n,' nJ.NW 1 Srr nf iriKTftrV a siiM ilea 1 n.ilpri:i in affrcHl t.h Tha Dank Cbtlef aial Laf -t&',MI"n 'desv.rihj; r,irv t! l.-it-T! .1 I'm Cumprwty'atwrtef w still Orftw .tir. withia. UiaO i:ut .u-ai j uus i!.V.ttoLa.Iii!aLiciUL . . 7..!L... 7TTT; nif 'r.n 1 ;"a -1: 4!ir extt'i -iv f:rf ocrnrrc laf Lif ali-'ct of rtittirtffi.fTlhe coniirio'iicutioT irrmad on Samtilnf ni-lit, tla ;vl of A .e Ka cifv anl I'm a. a. Tim atlai klTiJir.TrtT-wbieh twit daHia.-f waaiba to wimb MeiKJeJ ( tU (.! a tar a ts 'irP-rt. and siiiircj i.Htresi t - FeUfhelHi, wwa mit njfnrmily annitnrt' d, tt'fl at i-oa time tbo ( iit-my knfvi iHl.sI, ia fiiV4all oprrf 'i-ni, ia gaini.ig p ms u of a. pal.of iL' i.ui-lU.iJLjiai . . e.tvto tin' rot, wtat(c"ii c-y weTitVfiry iii. V-'trad at tti aiit id" lHc'tayiet l v n f'''" iW-i b,r fmw mrivf tW tti H-:rfw lim fa'diad if 4 Wall UP!W a pd, "t a bit h nwnv poron hid pSred theniwlves to WitoeMlliu phigits ot lUa UanicK tfralfrft IZir&et- i beewbera.f !nt.r savat Tlie Important f tcts contained C.sW! .SIim lp!ling litem la a cwi l.T it '..' W'v- t'l iVe , I uais ria i an hi al!irvfrd nMi.te.1 io'clmt, n.nv n-H b gea-r iiiy k i-ii, mi .'u.ire m ta'sa pVn;r9 in giving then) pnbiici'y town of his hat with .the fg'jjs, and put it on his head. THc grocerWlio waan Ar- iu eved man, saw tho capiuie, and dolor- mined to make tho best u.s0 of il.-Going behind the C2I purloiner,' lid struck biin . : . -i . .1 . ... on the head with n't ins airengin. ami in a ,senaons, and tlie most rancorous force f .f tb. MowiiTOdiglM:hlun tUcj a-aiiait Alw iati, ,,f w,i mv. Ilt, i,. was fpd diiwuovcr his eye, aud ! fc thrt Wt-Jdo twi ,!,f , while the eggl being compteielyW . n"v oo Ibe WJ i heJuuiled StatoaiTakgrapH proposal'.. MENT3 OF THE rnm. . That partViU CoihitiUitioii which ere scribe ri.r manner of efcc Ung tbo Presi.' ' denLaftdi.ceJcsj(jQuij nidcre defetive,' and e;rt7bitf.rta uT successful, have been ma(le to amend it.' ' kV" M? woo wisti' a change j " t0 rrc?i,-,J'0lcction i.fnm Jev'ylving" upon the tloTisa.'of It'preseliiailw, cir cutnslnuco which baa twice occurred, aed each tunc produced the most unhappy di. warfare ,:c ti1 1 1 ' i It 'w tit I 91 i ' if I fl A 4 ,i i i IW' iw: i r ilo It? I l1" ri kin I c l-f III" , Clui t CiVe Tho elrrii.tn'iti'iv..'it T.. .i. :.ii bis awkward .-4Ul4. j rrCl) State to have the snmo nuir.lier of lecto- iiulfisaliaw liastidiU porsoiia re - several States to je ent itlcd ti; their.cJi.c- tornj yntcs incflfo L.MlittJliae'rc' l!tnttP.-" JrojriiiWir ;tftt tti yoiH;Wpwi nil ow i;uicnmnn,-ani--wiua yivraaui J.JiuSuu.'iJqaarc,,a aborj tirneucr nn oW U.i.Chiimnc.M.-,a4 . cauij lutx. Z21l1: - diuJuu.ViJijiiaJe.ja aborJtirntui.ii....err irF ..a., -i 7,;. TKa il,.,nUn ,UT.(t I ' Haflnii rtlfcWdbia tiltlft UDon fliW ?r aatle Ijiinjo' rub hiuwtlf Willi Uraudy until it j gestioti are oot piSjiariid-t. gtta it "our j ienelrated well.', Oli'maii; l daidt PellcrdccUe4"aiidniln mV -repWyntiucr'' Llritikl j)p arira wtdl le kited lo(T.t (U ..V, ilioA which jlawa fxoal Au. locUoa by; -.; House, bdl bkewnaj fluil which pot unffS W have kqowrt mcato be convqrtrJ ia , tbo IWii"tkTing"of an eye,"ty aoioTrratira ; frwa a Caucus In peftnit t'.ieir narives to Is placed otTthe ticket hi favor nf a ' t rrfhii' Aspirant Ihmh the' iad up lo that mnmeiit 'rim . ,.mf..w. mJLmtl ItnuL lll.Vlltll. it tanft. lhe ahocbiua? siCtachi was trj., . k . . rr : ..i r& i.." . :.t Otr,T, oft wrBb- and ItWisa laary, c-i-f i . , .?.. i:. fcllM,U Ufcrtiiiuned fVd witji dn and girp-, auf scarcity H : . ' - - . .. .. D;)W)m , fl.r. It Wa wot kuowu t b tl.n b4ly of, . - . - , ,. i IhMi ,ur. arp,-ooin ma iuu l A genernus tinnd wVieft it graots t (a- f att, will do at with grace ,:K .7 : Z' , ioliticaL , - ' ' rr6;s A RiVaflonrfirair." Tlie National lutelliaencer aaya - John UuihI lph ofRoanoke, Wao wns op. J poserl.as i well known, to tM nnrg t denowKerf. tate altufeJ b the frwrewei i which wert fnind near the spot, asc d flie fact. Itis watch and ia-ktt on pi m-e ai bis k-gs to taitc iu to, tad iL..,'.l .1'.. all .... .k aLlMUill tiUI b'nd'ia IIICT u Pl.l' nil .... - " ' - take tbsj rnaibfe t oimtrnp' f r fockr I'd jliJUkaeK'd tlgld wrth cafTi tt not. and rnthet tD itietwuuirui woro bc. cordiugly pitted again each otheryin pre. sence of a nutwrfis eompntiy.' The Crd- oh) uck iirtiiKITiitely roiuinenced a luriou artnVk. wmrhilh k the sides, hen I ond m-l ut llnialw r. without auv wmositiou ou In n'iru Vols raurtt'iiTa fnJ in Ta1T,,rf,t1T,' f'.l.t. 'I'L. .wwt.i ill. I n.Lllmiik lull Mil ?S rtflwtJ .10; le tti. hj w m,tyiB rYrmiW-cTliis Wvoraary, - When- tna ascertma- book, were tbn on'y artiebMi of which Im was d.lTueTarrrTinh i:t turr ..ccntajned as ni u as i tit uofiars in ailwr. """."When found, two mr three dollars itl j?1ver,wre atill in bis p t cir rlntK which would em to iwdioto ibat Jh" wrftrlia M worn tiian nwey be. ciio'ie aruict.lPirtlihcfrwwa:' ffrffy cnnhdet'tl. tm the fae weia. tlilen or bail deep- w'iVtMi tnlT'etTj4 wWV"nn tha ahnll, on the ti Ji of the bead, was se- vetf rt:Mrr!.- r-.-- r - f tn iwaM ai tavwsl wn bU t The fefiriet.id tW-Ztirs-r bwfes bfHa m lighrupnn this daik ibniX A yet ao tra. ci of Ihw mun.rwr or trft btrcra, bavfl ljMuJUrXr.ftt LutZia-DjsI Uuw ...J ever, th it the will n-.f b-f nhrpsj dctec ti.ni'anl that p;hihtnmit wlileii i wirajy MU,.ni.eiiwr1Nre te irt fiat ftuf ert'UMi irwaiU mailt HI t. by tilwf fiiilinfti , 1 III HII Ml ir.. because- bo. tK-lieyed them to bu Mtmafi- tvlioi'jl, l'naiked i i ' Lila 1 deprecate jTie eiiiti-ncooTfIie ainlcnpsl trust there e vista, and thcrt will aiapy (it a diapoNitiut la cutotre tha Liwt of the General Government, t ill im ona among- ihfc first, 3, to resitif cmtrarV d.ictrii. If the laws cannot be wft.rrt-d. to wluit mirnoaa are we t cou- i i. . . . ffoVratcd reTOplef nd why few v ws.oi- aniKi d a ualnMial G vtrniuciit I I Will ut Ixtlevelbal thecltiz.m of any parti, rl uf this counlry ill fso iitrcVisianco -to tlie aw of tho land, until the fact lilts ao. luutly occurred, and ib this, point of view 1 rrgretthe 'witfdiirii4iifof liie-rrpurt. aad iWMdti'.ioiil, 0 they load, to nigeaticais 4if a juVl5jiiU3!.:Ur-vl; ' occiir:! Wiaild apiitytlio proia-r reifiedV. t Ai ban vf m P. M. t'i" tilti w.is r-d with m h f.MVt f t'H s !ao.J t,!r'vtteili , m l o'j v ti. I len.v.r?lry n ,,.rotf W IV lWrrv-,3 thr, rotainoluarM-o tmtvieen t a TiviriV.fii a'td a erw rt )..uM to it f .b. ith lifrf tSrf flfi', ii.W,.l,lt iit'i -nd ti e r a. si wnr in. creat! r tuna nu I suti-i'irt ty esaminiticvi, in. I wi:HHit prcTi.ios cutiecrt, a i -r wcro kJ ta the aut.j.ct merely by the dir' tey fill b proiivitc Improveiisrnt by the' dilfKio;! f c.'.rm t inrurHi.Ui.ai. As far tl l!i on irauro at t!.6 bar, tad ilia libr vnthia, aro co'icomed, na port aailli of Norfolk, wiih tbo rxceplioi perhi, of PrnMh, ran ront;afs wifi that of Dracti rl. Rui t i'l erf f i prr i , pr,,,,lf.;, 1 1,, ., 1 ,,,?. ri.i.i j rti l!n n l.! lirtrLvif and fuf Jtv.i ih rl ll.'Wi-!a-ai.f i-v;wlM.iwh t1" in'.srjar.woJ place eur rnate " '" ' " . i i - i . froiii'm hunilxfrl and fit'irto rt bunJrcd dnHars, to ba offinsl s s rfcwi-rd fcr their rooater reslnd biuiwlf oU his h (t h,', rais. ing b'mr rijtld, and 'Ufore be would be rejthed by tho C'rde, tli nw.te mJu S lud teti dart with toa righi dui, wliiati penetmicd t'iruush his bones, then tbmw him tujerf "itjii'iu ate tino up alive t - Cfias iOnaoHS Imikkmuu .lMtLig - bend of suaar, and In Uiil Ki iabb.a us- AI'V ab ait ball' fef tt iuraikm,t npphi iKunoltns, Iikfiau paddTCjrr ftpuekm p- f-f r tti-r 1 fiTft V- rt"-iM .tilt hf!itt-.tl' rooateriif Captai"ljnwrn Was aa es a hir.I I mil t!i Am-riei!l r-a-'ie, iiuu iiei i.aM. .iii i mmm . wi km. ny- tfm'Tij ngriw men Iwve lArtl wrtisT,- cbarrtd with the mtirJ!r of Mr. MVaer. Oue namrd Pler bibarjag' tn" Mr.'. Isaiah lout lhe other, naniel !e; the nrniwr t we U hers of Mr". V'iir.trf Davia of Miilon. A their trhl ntwt came on ia a few da, we lorbeitf lo make mnV state mrul pflho 'ilia's if iheir arrrM." 7 , , ChnrhtrtilU Mcctl'.C imi an oak tree, uTino w'uiils ja-t buck olTiTtu Tt iw-trpft tSkia Csadw Joaliuw' orchard, Uf Ugarawg r.hd tho enl.tery. . " Tua Inference; the rhtmgincr vrould havo its' readers to draw from thisttate- iWHil, s oU.iu...lu editors, would fain uersuaila tl.o frionds of rtata Uights lube I ire that their creat rbampimt bebeved in .tlwjpfcjnty id .CiittcuJ4 .a, .UaCuiXaib rfti, hHier Ciaistilutitaial ttr iKii t Ifllt tbo aaertiai itself being gruuudle, tl ttifVeeieaot'courfeiMilw. Mr lliiilubib ifiiH th frnVi'fW.iwmtify of lhe KinUtrifo, but was olmhjIcu T'"1 it I? IU ami others by the hope ef tuoro subt fiuf fbinpoimtjon. . . j --:rWrt is one -thing we are yprr sw ought la be d'Nio'; 06 Comauution sh Ki d I tm wmemlcat m tofimil tilt' eligibility tlieTresidentj as it now ituiuls thero nothing ia it to prtvvul t ma Uao Luei re-elected, Indcfiultsly ind e hurt ber COiitulually tii;ctiag' lo f?tT Iiuniblo A' t irresistible praycrf uhd petitions to Aalrt JacfcW.'lUt bu would, deign to bo. lk Govern' neiK' af the Uoilod Siat"A'f. at least, another lertu.7 whj)at t "wilVi6;isid" nie'lu"iH' njaaphrVBtats'Jr'' Willi y. hiLh.lha old gemleuuu has li.' ' " : ej tbo Slates riifl tveo tparingtl : Can fr t moment doubt that he i uvrir'tiuniirmildltf urrdLm hi 00 iia'luH"; fl re. . An r.dem' Editor, ia tak t Wava of bis pauona, rcmSrks thai he hni Inhnrrd, he hs watched, and Im hs praycil, for (be coed eaua ia which be euibatkod, and if be alfailj ratiioii liiUilrin con iwaiiMt'iiiia h longer, 11 probalt) tLit be shcul lt. . ' , iitoiiiaeoeer, an.1 lua L.vnriiliirj i ir Ciiii.tn,.vburaP4L,l ilia thmc, to ii; ) darte oAn saiiteiiee, in any of hit' p,eclie, ni nnt'.iluinj rich A ilinAnie hntd il from'aii1iftntv"whieli' rann.it La ci iOslimi ed.that be never, br a niomeuf d nihieH the' io ifcfilut.iiiifility of the meaii'. -L'rt- d'r"inSehc!rcufiiatanee, there vhano dw- era, aary between bis known nTauiisii and his am-ech ontha' bill dr rrifrcinr the ' ' . '- " '' ' ' V- - v -iV- t ,tS-- '. ion (i r t lietratificalioo of his diHiiiten-' ed fucuds, and for the peace, ban1" and glory of the naticu. J j ,fuo finow1c genll3'n?re e!s-tcJ rf- pre?emuliveaJrr.io Snth Can-liia n t':0 nosi 4Nire4. Thev nr? all 5)alo R't'' men, lor nulldiers,) wita i w i "-i rv eu.i.argo. Dr. Hk.l).ilMlU.nv WILLI i'.RVMv WILLIAM K.i'LO v.Mi- Ceo. JXMK-t r.LMR-'; : ckorgi: MDi'mc 7. joiin K.G in in. jitn M.'n i f wAitar.v;:.riVis 3. ' 4. r ft. - -,. - .. fl. 0. New .Mciot' , r v. ."" 77

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