Weston Caroltninru ..t ,. . ..- . ' " - . . ." .. ; L I. ' POETRY. reax re . ifTmitit. JTBt WI.1S OK GUI! W E - -iiawsrfvi- ' i . (-sKnTi Tee !) EieeAilly the-. IS.. , JULuw peaerfi Where calm unruflh-d seas rBoct A cloodlrs soothers, gkr ! ,Sa softly, benrtrfuHri there, ""Are Uctiisa Ibadovw ibiw, ? JThe heavens, the aea, th dewy air, 1 ' Seem blended into one. ' An' then th zephyr murmur on, -Through grove ef orange flr t ; Or wing,hiipeifuired wa iinonj " The myrtle ihded bowtut " ihere, ked tome fair fr th Ut.. Throws tptlW of nuiiie round And her roiee, in aoftest htrmony, ; ' ? b minglinx with U ioani ' 0'i not Imw thy bea'jr eli Or quieten and peace i " "." fyr cry ihoti(ht of clasiie birth I linked with thee, fair Greece I for tboa tint been tt pKriot'tbome, The birth plwe of the frrei And thy brv ion fin I Nijht and bled Fr glorioui fiberty. . Ark where the poet's lyre his tuned it cord te lortieae eound t , , . . A'k vhtre (be btAihea ge hu throwp : . - vit4oiD'lbrijfht baki "'cvund lZZZ. JZ2. Ak where Ibe (culptor't proudert work 7 ' Are eeeii.il' not im thetf ' , ' . fV'bere wu tyrant bouting checked i , Akk ofTUtnopv ! :'' ; Then billowed be eaefil fleih jreen ioiS W-hicli.clMnii ihee.Tor KbonriT: Fr i ben the" w'acac'tibotlitVarul 1 here once the free Btitht roam 3" , And t)aHoed be the rretinjjUcel " Ofiiiedcptrud brave "... Tbey waajisn tmtitiiSTht atratlger got upon sorrel j but was w1 ' STAN2AS. 7here mny brow that wears mil Above a hetrl of tare- ...... .. t A" many t kaghinn ye eeneeita The wrhbintipf deTi.i. ..nr'E!9 ! forM.SBOuU ae ,The boanm'i dirk receia We wrM.Idnoi fl at the world shwld knw Ks uilr lonlineV' f fe erowM Hill, the joyou setne, ""CannBt dUptl our irricf pteaaiiK's ih1 grittrrln (ralaV In vain we rk relief. There hi'k torrow m itte btvi, v. Adep corrndin; cmrr j W turn u from the mirthful thrung r-Tai vmw- the deert there. - - in vahr ar itiayi "arTiitht ""V Al wprK uW rai'p. jbe miifnlnjf draaght Z ' The ineuMid the bowl. . a pfeswnvs Iktr fTffiitra;7IJ , " ! 'vVi hiaTbeiiieat toeiib, ' - kwiaf Vtthovaoorecktr ha d rpulthrai f loua. ..jl.: ' . r".' t" If'ki". .an&a'ZCV rT'To-j "',Tbw eaW'cfrpiei''"":!!'i''!?' w Invaie wert jheatiiry gtorev , - X-' Ner'efful f onv woe-. .,'. 1 ...r. sSriea win itia JifwWtbaoy.; Ad e ut yet ndur r.i-.v.' s'rtu that ho ehann eta heal, . ' f nnmn n enr cjre, v Tj jg. l tfou'l t this moment, remtm. ber fh time-when there has oecurtcd lairgn t r.'e ctensc c some of our neighbors, than that which 'befel on 1 w4-d-y Isst, at a born rac in this The t..ry has beeo-lold u try much as. follows,, 6 me tea daya. ai ice, thcrw fsme to ot eof our villa ee taverns co jiitrv. tnao having with him two bora, for , VJQKCtVAt asJL M.loX Mw.lt9 he Iks. P -k?. auita(ilef f frcthmenta. the etatwarwppeatasice of the roaq there .a nothing verVrcmaikabte t excrrt. - yeisp, he waJ whatneJwouUrcaW --inaTrnnprBfli;aeutoinejroilil a siavsj ari't. - i ----t H r he wa, in his address, aat wT XCT nrfgeatlcrnanr JJii Vwo"hri."i . ... n i j.mi i( m ii 1 3 1 71 wnS"T as th one a Mark, anrt K ihrr a srrelf were well enough i q iiie clever ninaistiwraa the gr ioni at thetta blc f'erw4rtUMid 7hrreddiit seem "y thirjvflf'if ibVMlt them,' .Tte- gentleman desired" (a actl on) iV b-nk. of the horn! f ittTaTtrnillttcttTa CiJ heA&jmtntmrtrsrt pTetty miJd!irjf kinder soonlih too, f r rrasti'irearfing-vwd h anes ne bck to V .-nn nt. or his Nit wrtmll tniuk dru'd atramja oat. , J e, V'Wcvcr. reori'ved na ulTrra. It - 1 t J" waiaj ihat he ifrclared thsr horses to ..- -.JhWOr?h "Vre tha seemed to be, . r W'l he, how in Jury do you t rose thrv C3UU Ino. at slick and' -:U li tour rll horses, when w i . . ;vdJae a!U,r pi miog with thenf tia apritif, beVr-i. B,,)ing twice . , , 'X."'dir f, -tintf tip the winter's -' . ,M f' B t d.t ynu worry; - J' h'a will drier as neat ' KK'( :tfiih-stol,in.a di..l,r tJarjwmti if fee wa:ipwoa.iti. bee -use he is erfirtvi. One of our kno w ing jocktes tools the htmr&m will he j" said the -jockey vi i that h ewTTl7 aaidlh' eu n1dyg rottenranr and that about the fittest too.' A trifling bet waa at once offered, and atce pted by the Vermouriter. Tne eortel run and wotrthe bet, , Another match was matte Sorrel run again attd cme offcoDqieror. AB":cing to be mightily encouraged at' this success, our Awkward fteo lc choked if he did'ot ran for bigger wge;r.4i u com njm an nia lumracr work, and .thereupon, alter fuojtiling his pocketa'awbilcj-he-produced the inm TJtiwebtf five-idollaff, w hich he offered to bet on the sorrel hore, a. eaihat all towell. ' Our Jockey cpv. ered it instantly, arid asked the coun. try man if ha bad nt tweoty-fivernore. Another and another aum waa aquecz cd out by the owner of the aorrtl, till lomcthing like two hundred dollars on a aide were bet, and put in the hands f a centlemnn aa atake-holder. The unhandy man then ofTered to bet his bl aclT horse in "ad Jl lion V6 his "iither risk s. on the speed f the- eorrel,- a caii at any reasonable aum Ior, said he, 4 if they beat the sorrell, I am an undone man any how," and they'll never ace my face in Vermoont t and if , the sorrel lteat, shall make my fortin,' Our j Kkey assured the bv slanders that there was no risque, fur alt the horsea that tnd run against sor rel, had thus far been held in check by the;ftders, whti JudbetB espcC instructed alwaya to allow the eorrel hdrae'ld'wTu j Mud'ibat the aorrtl on the contrary, had run on a alack rein. Nobody, however, felt inclined to bet Cash against the black horse -and Uie parties went on to the ground to com peJh'if' p"dyte7oTidmc1htiif' Tik J four hundred dollars, that is, twu liuu dred on side.-r . ; "" Arrived at the ground fjr the race, ride, and, (hit he rac would , not be an equal one, unless each horse bore the same weight. Never mind, mv friends,' said the Varmounter, 'this ere hoss aint used to suit water people. When they talk to him he dont know .meirwJtaaanoctaricie myself, and if any on ye want to make your lortios, now's your time r in one minute arter they give the word, sorrel brats, he is j-t the dnmdest keen feller t go it, when yu really get his r'iur?ge up, thitt ever you did see.' The word was at Imcth eWcn, and btith horaee started . toaeiher,- Wbrn tiboct two Jhirds of. the ground hnd been gone over, the traig r r se up in (he fctlrrppt, :jnI. . f, Sring ftfuri't t competitor, who-was a Jong wav behint1, inouired whether ber-arat'nt going to ride, Jaaur' 141 avayaf. youha'mt got ttfryet to what we call a clever Juurnru JiS in , yarniouot, whre.Xcnnie frpm,' Aficr the qietion wis fairly settled and fiorrel had hren -rletlared victnr oas by some hir,cLxea rnds, it is sid the Tjuhandyrgenufman'whijpercxt to Hie tiendo he emuix! Hi maaim vl t'Minn 'go'aul'fofjibooti tuiil come home1 thorn,'. , A DUEL. fj t waaoo of stoee raw 4t morn ing i", cot imusu.il in Ifarbadoes at the apiiriach of tfte rainy aeaon. A (hid dense fog"panuirv lcored the landscape round, but which the new ly men aun. and. the awakening. sea bretzt h .d in part dissipated oo the higher grounds, uacurelj-x, vea'ii.g fragmeuts "I the scenery in dntortrd and nosiphilv portione. I advanced towards my garters: the fog became thicker and thicker, so that it required S person well verted iq the local seo graphy of CntU T-wn, to tbU-to bad his w.iy. l mdmg my.artf more rand more at a I struck ttrt the hurjJV) gr9uriJl jby s i-wdijg .which J knew I must arrive at the beaten road between the parmoit and the f.irt, was wenVmg my w ly tarefullv arrtooff jhe gryes saMlia ualyavpiding liha prickly peara dt her -fhora-erubs .J 5reJlc 11".. TJA ihe ad, between the ridges ibTt Rurkcd'lhe resting pla ceioT theaeaJ, wKnflie-aound ef tw 'i aAota, fired in or ink 'icceWn, struck my ear. They were evident ly discharged close at band f and 1 etNd in no enviable aiiuii.o, for I had clearly di-Htnguished the shrill daiae thit a bullet made in passHiw ai uianr f l-th aingiog.birda whistle hy eoe-whrw 00 nctuali scrtice,- nor w h e we!t sefi!tiind itt the tound. j shiu:ed with all my strength, in or. der ihst the peraoua who discharged kCioutly, and Is my ."aste, using the technical word uf command. Eur the echoes of my srords had not yet d ed awar, when they were answered by a repctiiioav of the same -toiiods i but now no bullet' whistled pant, for tHey had, reached .their deatinatiun, A' that initmrthe morning' gq. flora the fort was ed, a-d aoswered b the wifmiraJ 0 i.ahlp in ih b-y, lol. charge of small arms from the marines on thea tjwayt r.f the several men of wsr,. . The effect of heavy artiller? on Tntstf-andHirajf-fe--wll- The thick, smoke-like cloud fcl .wly rolled aside for a moment in heavy lolds, like the withdrawing of a car tain, and, again cloaed, d irkening and concealing the eurrnwdi- R objects but brief aa the inervl waa, it h-d nerfnitted me to diseover a croup "f Cgurea, which nvRht serve aa a atody hardened enough to gaze unmoved on such it scene. -- Not twenty yards f rom me, on the ground, lay two officers, ooe in the imilorai jof jnf own reg iot, the;ler i-th ndresjiarf-'a naval captain the surgeon and Uic scond of eacH weft stooping oer their friends, and a black servant stood at a trifling distance in evident alarm. while the smoke from their pistols still hovared over-vibe epot, and in dark circles, struggling to rie thro' the overhancins Caaopy of mist. 1 hastened to the apott. one waa my brother m er, M Ivori the other was 4hr fifihting captain-otthe Ktmira boih r rmrtally-- aouw5ed-The att geoos of ech, after a few' moments consultation, declared the impractica bility of removing either ol them from the ground, ae a few mnments would most probably "terminate their etistenre indeed from the' paleness and agonv impressed on the featnies of L -3, and from the crimson fl od whicn widely stained the white sand beneath him, it waa evident that the vital park was ahoui to be; cztiogui shed." 'Karao M Ivor t" hit woond waa in the chpAt, and the bleeding waa most internal. He had risen upon one elbow a am all ttrcnrn of blood Qiwed from between, bia tk-nched iceth f Hmt a hia -dark"eye-wa'(ied sternly upon hit prostrate antagonist, hia wboje face was illurainated-with an expression of exultation and de fight, Icarf oily io contrast . with hie evident and increasing weakness, and a brillhttt hue of pleasure lit up those features, at other, times so pate arid deathlike. Toe dep rtirg sailor, in I tultering and broke u accents, gasped out a request to be .brought nearer to M'lvor, that he migit grawp hit hand and die f-f givwij Uiau.A a'.range ex. pressron of eowtmpt played online blood-stained lips, of ilie latter, t lie heard this demand, and beheld the surgeon assisti g his adversary t .pproach him, With pain and diffi culty the dying man reached rut his trembling hand, and the 'accents of forcivenem nuns op n hi tiy-, when the yoyng Highlander raisit.g himself to a titiipg posture, fiercely grasped the extended ititrrd, and while f gush of blood ,. atompanied every s..rd, vXcUimed, 11 k cents neyr fo- bj. er adicated trnm mr mrmofr. vs. yout areJymg .'mthe grve .of my bri;.t lhci.iulaw, poor Jlaid-in ; he whom yiu .murdered, rots jntbe ,s,;;i fKrr e uh' you j bm mv siater, jrsiie M l vorf ,-hd rtrs, with her forefather, a m g the green tiilla nf that native UimIj I never ahall bevld. yirq wrrm e3i.a d iugKtcr 'of iVly ",' a son M' Ivor ha "ativnge & htf V'ultja.fll. flung the hand lrm him ith eon. icmptuoua vi.dcotc, and falling batV wrd :nth clir vceVsed td exiat his face retained, even in death, the same expression cf atern dtlight. X ' writhed ir trdcubted- agony,- aa it the grave on whtrh he lay had been a bed f molten Crrhis feturea be came convulsed t thr glare of his eye bore a fearful resemblance 'o the once insulting glance of the professed .aad auccesslul duelist. ' "SudMenty he atar. tea ta fcrVfeCt he itom"e"ir fhe p.s- lure of a prepared c imbaunt-od whh his arm extended, aa if i the act of discharging a-pistol, he fell prottrale1 over the now. senseless bndv of hia youthful antignstst..! &al2 iera rmncctitms. TaiCtMazniine. 'HUE subscriber wfahea lo purchase . a number of -i- i-m-ru , ii.n YO UN G-iy KGKU Efy- of both" acxes, " far'the1 exitwelre moiMv, Ay pr"W" h,o; -oacl, prnp-rty for aalc, would do well to as he will give ttie mst fibcral prices nf Cash. Toe subscriber ia nut con cerned this year with Jauee IJuje', ia the p-jrehas of nrgrnes., i RfrVfttlT-lH??E Letters ta the auhscriber svill be pmmptlflKf Alc'ttti'riS ' perso"n7oTbf Jrhn ,f nra srH i a author iad to nur Oasc f r him at ail times. R7 rr ' Salitburtr, Juty 18, 1133 81 tf E. iHCKSOS gi ., - If rerwed ik h-le v j mm. of liisnra rnrk er.nM.i-g SaSaWl i4A 'l bawll "f h ' TAves, " ' t- . 4V S)f mry draMpUnn af B inta, . 8ta and Pmikt fur fea lo tea i-riirn ha w in awn to he nda af the brat wattiiala, in a eit-ttlal and fhiMyJt anner,ad obrch 1 Ul U WC H, r ra noneteal Woerr a abort orWaj. . rtN THE VLISBURr.TUnc-, X XlPILL etenre oo WHMv. th 2jM V dV of October. talJ, aad eootmUa fov rirst dav. twa r-rta. Free fur an Cor XNnd dav, il be1 a aen. : - Ti-rd dar. a Handicap Rtcctbe best three .r"- ti'At- - tttr imt kgi liicVHone- bee ma . one a ne purrs Tlie entra-we sannev for the iNirsire of the rircviuwa dav. aid siw. oailoetiaa aauakoi ite dutioe; the week, wdl eotutMate the pane lor thii race. . . - : fourfbaUvaSweetiatakeRafe tk ei?rI WaH three year aM. hated U Koaaaa&lOa. viitaoo Coamies. triice JW. Uoe asile aad rafiett. --;-."' The CASH wM be bnif ap fUr eae days race. ' 6jJ . IfEfRT CltES, r$vrf aTTBStW. 1b "3X VALUABLE Pnoi'Klt l'V VHtt 81LE. ' ' i . AUdwinwivf diapnf nf -no rSWw own of btlMbonr, North CuliM. ohich baa beca kep by sue a a Ue of , r lintcrlainmcnty Far the U Erkeen vearai end we'l tcaoos a am af -h hMt (anitt fcir that tsirooae. in the tVrsUrn f.rt of Krtm Carobna. li jm rir. enttv aiietttd. oa Use atawlMrrel. hetweea the Court-rl mw d the Sae sViak. that H bra a fro aas Ceraw atreef. of 1X srot. and rjtt tack so iha atreet ' the ar. v The , k-wa iy lrge, prtniir T oh-i aarice Miing room, a rarl?, a cattutyM baB. or rdi-loo-n, and a bar-enow; 'The arabk-a oifft cwwtbwMlwnea. wb Uraaoik. fLirriii'e iasj.tie. U.r id itmr the etbro boiid iiiKS. mludk ioBiWoc te t! eaakCjft and eunr aimce of icb ae eatabliabaarat. Id a ' Btlek KiiKbee. WaJHaee.Oa, Ice-house. ad lao WeHa s shM of one, lb oatcr ia eoovrytd by pipeawnder ibe t -"f ?W s .''. .thf (.nlnr.kiicheii, and ad hnoe ire aiw-tlarfanj ed abtlrt the tMmn nuji With, the ovua buUduie;. whkh reader it very cartuaa lo the Land La.lv. -- - . ... With-the abort ptoerty. I wooU alaateR 8 or 3 proved laK, eooveoient to the premb-es.- AW of wtient sfiH be 4uiawl of oa ae romnr.odvt ing tjrroa, yllh, or without tLe farna iure'. ? . . . . At sweoeet. there wt three 5iea .ttat atop at Ihia eSram-iHr V.liaa three limes a week, te and froa Raleigh direct, through lUnldph. The F!edant fine. Nwtb and South, 3 times week, al a line frua tbia tare to SuiesnUi. Wi'kfomueh. tic. toice a week. - Wtf. M SLAUUrf fEB. Suluiurf .Y. q. ScptlX 1 803. i. f I'lie Ueeis'rr, at Rtlruh, oil p!ra- insert the abnsV atafliwiBaanXuimqL: sad, loraaid I lie account to the fubacribrr n ,-.! bury. tVl V OTCfi. T IE Cria of tltjlE U r ADBia lbi day, dit aaircd by Qtultuf conarni. JOSIH HUIR f'HX A CADE, - OVi4ai Jsr- 22n tall n txaxo cuAias ,iech imJ it the oire In'ercat ot Jnviih Uvt i (be' X&ore nro the bueiaea oil!, in faiuie, be Gcaducted.br i.. ;-.-,..-.--..'.i-r-r-';'r'" ars i w r ' c. as t n vi .--r vuuu i tiooi it a tjir-T.. TJmi"mw ctMcrm oi!T-ea.trar3or to wettt, ad liopi-J loetj iv tie aine Kberal encourage mcnt that a a stdsJ to the lao. nriw. CADE CRIME. UcailiQiiiibrs, t tterdlleieaVo CAROLINA MILITIA, are hereby aooaaode4 oapeor -ai she Coavt!iave io flrisrnwy-,-ow-H'ed-neaday the 33.t 0:tab:'ir next, at 10 ocbck, A. M. with ailiiaim, far d'iMj and, also, at 9 t'clock the next day, whh their retpectirt compujcs, to wlaw, ""H--. Zy..'Z- W,:'', I' -By odef of the ineJ, xy at ftrtntATGCr .f frr": , ATriixrioN! . i wasxsaajaassaa The-Cffmmurionetl Offirrt -1 2t RKm'"taUltKDi:LL COUN IT MILITIA, are hereby notified, l." appter io Hsateaville, oa Thursday fe 2lVf October next, atrnytlfc.-l'qiiptcxar 14 LwIor VtiA flussxr, v :lliZ.-'A Iso.a;'?- -ON Friday ihoaioy at lOotloel, you ill UUad:klU the resrwe-dve rojtpajriies nndcr jour command, e qsaipt according to aw, f ir General get te w. , : 91 trrr jouh Muaoor.ir, ..... CU.ConCdt. -TowTt', 1833. fllllR eernrteate or Four aharripf the TJajmal or J .ina aSaock of the 6te Bwk f rfani Jax'j". tuh- tcrr4.i lor ia ice cine r J . jW kt aad trsoafcrred to Philip llaoes late Resaaa anuoio, fa. C ai aL base lost or mislaid. Notice ia hereby giv en to all persons cootrmeiTthat I shall apply to the President of aaid Bank. either in person or by agent to issue a djplieate thereof. JT Sra .7 W'uqf, Migt '4 1 8 33 . .lilitfc Deeds. - arTtfeVrry drarjlptrao Mtrtty Prraird, and Vr fcs5a-iot:y far ulc at litis a!Ua. I1YJHI nEsftfl. Ja. THE Hsinaa. Cariliia will advocate the fe. pablicaa dociriim of 1798. pnimulga. ted in tlie Vi'lfinia and Kfinueky R-whitinna. The fcdi'ar ba wiiaetwd, ,ih " pprchrn- nod, the ffsduat extinnli m of Jimnrifile, and the increase of aww-sra'aAVa a.id jfcraB'ft.r, sra.cb rornipt the CiMjneiltofbe counrr, tie irrade her eltaraeter, and thrtaleo SO subvert BeTbititii'jiest,''""i'''inwT).,iii - To stay the ,proe;rea nf these eyvIT, b oil? exrrt boRui.ble abilities i and be will oonnae very yitoioo of the CiintlTO'ioniind ery hsraaure Uin(t a tendcdc! to weaken the bond of this happy Cnaoo. , , (u ". Aii aaterpriaeooad awstarea, ealeyUtrd to promote the welfare and tunnineoa nf 'he pen. pie, aid to kta the thiricter of- h'l native 4ia'e, shall receive hi ralm, and unvsrerli.g aipnori. . . ' "" ' : Ibe OihinHia of the WaittiuvCaawJiiss) hall be dirersifird with hirnrture, aciencl, pot. i ica, awrsiiiy. relipon, aid ererv eubj.jct which tend, to enli(btco the mind,, aUd '. amend the heart j while eery lWn of a contrary tenden cy shall be earefuily .etcluikd, ; ; ! The Editor sviM ducharga hie duties with n dclitv ol purpoao at least reryino. with WtS- dence. Upon the liberally of aw intrllirent community, for aoeh a measure of patronage aa aaay arem due to hia huaviir ex ona. - T EXM 3 1 The Wurena CaAofeasaav LoUl b pruned o a larre imperial sheet, at 3 oer aenso, J paiJ-mnhi Iht mtnuht ff the Hmt rftohtrilnnjf, or at if paid at a la ser aw nod . ' , - As the Bditnr has already pfocaared paper of a anpLritw erialirr. and intenua. very soon, to take ether nonrovrmenl, ia the Cafconaia. arjtbiwt erdiaacirig fbe price, he hopes thai hie patron, fill akc aome nerooo lo esieod hia oihtcripiioaltat. . .j. hasoeeat . Srirrcstaea 5rd I S31. ITaOSPECTUS a,Jt ... a... or " , z v TIllZ FsXAMlJSEn JOVBJfJL OFPOLrnCAt, KCOSOMT. 2;?S5lret5er aa'pahaskel kJ---v&. third WfdueadaV of every asonth, oa a super royal sheet of tfi p.ge actaro. correspondiny ioamwitbtho) fr.ta faasa Aovocatr, (the Precursor of too. liauaer of the Con.titufum,) and oonstilitln in Vie Jtar, wicJi an lndei, a volume of pagvo.- - -7:---- ft brehif ry politic!, bob- it part mieeet Ueoaj it drMn otiix ti .jdraneminste tf great pinci)lea i-f Cotriri'iui'ai. Lmcarv.' aod te autal ia drawing men's minds from the ronhi of their fellows to an acqiiMatanc with ibe aaiure nf their gtfvcrnmenu, . " 1 f V i i iil bo opea lo tl at I, is now of all pvlrliral tpieataoo of S general nature, and wiH evMauntcjto lo ui people, ot me jroitb Ti, ttio ooittnirvno to" ibuc of the 5uu;.h the political jiumai of 4 It will advocate (lie aa-rearmr nil 'I 1m. jna'.siiii'aiiiii; n epubtioantt'iclrincs ot 8,a set tueth in the Virginia and Kentucky reamu'inns, and aa ntainlaiueu by Jelkraon, MmIiskn, M fclraia, -u.1 ih o lier diaiitguihed cii-ofiioii of a ita KunnMtbt Uttn Kbb mas II will alnu record die most iiuporunt OucuoMtets and Staiy I'lptra-cawinccuJ wilb i he pr rtUng of avulb CareltHa, so as la pro erre a eom.'rieiei. binury uf lit uxtieiiur Uta luiorc rrfereaee of puliiiciana aid suieiraeo. S. 1 be Bnoctniea ot Free Trade will be it Itwtratrtf ind aotorttit 4f oiftfol to rewnciba the pahtie ouai, attbe N srth. to The ipproaen" ir2 rrrtuetioo ol ahe Tarilf to a nmftrm h.ih J "tori tftivattrtr atari'!. SS.sreti aMCCnrt to tprciearaay fusttre aueops I re-.tah2Mlt thf rrsui.lit aaicia. .' ' . ' " ' -' C. lie laiaroficy and aatooatltuilanaal.'.'of appropnttraaa far work ot rolcxiul improva Matey the WvAr'wl uncut, will Immm. atrnd, and ai a'tepo !o .cuciuici.oa iue rirbtoi the (Mateo ay ka Ueaavuil,wiU be. re'tl, fim ix.Wtio 'Vly they my 4a. ail atpuUiUa svjll ilaHitctlcrvi v W U. t'lC pe etrcold air aaly .ha:neiiyitOA.;.:cX Y'y sVveo'r- sb-lly Witf, w ef fr oosmevd IS w tHtarew of tnoslcvi eeaino' L.JUira oTJob) lf.iVuoCltUyliere h a .',TJi al auwM aauMiM. Ani iii.ia. rH mv band s'nteen d i Ian, ol irH i k jrea. asdaarcit every dcacriijoiKSi itrr- I "i't i1- M"1 7 .tl 11,4-m t tmt MOiiMliana mr- IimmmUiL nia.' Kill ba' enw hatitaiJy tba adyocata ot a Vatty 0nt staat. . .. . . . - ' ; It a'ilf aWo be opposed lo mnn-wrAif, the tine tf republica, aod k IH eijioia eur. rTtw and deKltctiua uf 'prmripto-In pnbtio ecrvaa s, l oAaavaVr ar rtrjr aaiv rea rr lent, WeTer. r or tto m a nurture Vllro Mllil W tJCftrVil IM rlXJX, lll UflsHI I .a-". A.- 1 . -A - al I a.cnn .m.raecu.ai.ai sn Bnaarr o f mm aMKiHii. w vaav v. - 1. Tba price ol tl.a 4por . ia, par sntatjL ' p tfAUitml raja ia eaViaue aa follows i por aiigte e-py ... g 50 For 4 cfietejd for st the oasske time - . bx-tbst SMisklMf 4 subocribers, A l per copy to JJ For lU'copiea. pH)lor bl th astro Banner, Uta tquar per copy to- I 30 - X. Each remittance soil be onsic'ereil a a dial met transaction, and every S)obeeri-ltrin be tbacrfchnord at the nd ot lh year paid lor. aoWiaiBJo. tija.-aaa.taeyaeL .,1U. sat ana, rabacr.Ocra .) MIhJ. aiiaoul mtmi toe sapenaj ai paue in rivme aottoei . , ot ottadomal. orih imubo i iura5iu ro. of "nprovitig intei aal cmmutMcatKm r).ia viU-ao mrtds l tmrch m tVfu&.-Tf e. IS mtt?,jee4 however, ia tv ille1 mmtrfimrfoftr mjtr if uif raMsrsf u i ff0l tSoejwhdtu!tivate J thV sjjl ta traa thaa aa wKt!" bo rertrred, aod as aH eise otvre avmey ka'disacn nate auetl inlurmatlou as m4 rarsiWed, Woiooonrih-rrrf. Rntt-asmhrrorse IIITkI v'e f ,0,UiT nl aaakNL o tUaasaf Jn. g I Ua fu.r.U.)t. PriidiL aMtcr- rustUiTa niDuraiuM .u li.i. iaa tM baek i.ta. a!uN a-jt conunu after th oooer ua aaod abalt bar beon eibui.,il, of mc wv aba I ja d nooce. - 4. .All iina aa-naawutha p-L ea;!t una letura contaiaMiiax fSvedjitara tn ' mtfr a.itr,4ror be pr-tpeHycjnd teei 'ra.JSKrjgi'gJU Ms OO aaaail io tUt paper at any rUcri bai my T.'m'.t or eta ataai'iialinl aiaa aanwuai swnoilf aa ... lre , ay araahnf sistwlt' aC tae d aeouat at aeoaO aeoa a asalwl at supteav - - Alt aumssiMMcatioes u be aU ierd to the oo.a nt peraon andytacca tran mitli-.l ta hm mtj bt .dJS!Bctv,wfitiea,aaaa to vii.. a. ae ait.cn can any Dcjrrs:tei ay incurring ibe eipssae ef pueua. . , CONOr BtGUtf LXF.CUTt:i WITH JS'FJT- SESS .Ind DisrAi:nt AT TlIlS UFfXC, . r tsevf 'VaiVit ftUUrji ; IX L F.XIXGTOX v, a Mr TlteopkiUrM? $i,nfh) MOST respectfully .'informs k, friends, the public at Uf Dusioess, in all it varioua branth. in the, town of Lexington, R.C.fo the shop East of the Court Uou i formerly occupied by P, bowler. j lie regularl' receives theTratt!' xtfk jniTiiHi'dyipfeii. iiMhil which will enable him to make ir.v gc ndr rna n 'w,i;,mmim, ii,..... I Jlfashwnabit tuft of ClutAet. : ! on abort notice, and in a superior stilt of worlrmanship; ilr' rtope by Vss' uous attention to ousmesa to roeim ahare nf pbbtit pstrooage. J J 'PUR Subscriber having ruai;gf U ib-!.-.. -r jT exander It. Galdcleugh, flfcceaied gives notice" to, all persona having dt ; ,raarula ag tinat laid. Eat'at..jta prua them for payment within the time p scribed by act t f Assembry,otheriit they will be barred of recoveiy by & operation of aaid act.' All persoosic debted to said estate, are requesttd k come for ward. and pay, or aetUfs tkt',,, ; debts withowt elelay, ' : -: '-. E. S. CALDCLF.Unil. Rrrr ' Ddiulson to. 31, 1 833. 78 6a 3esaV UatitSs1 Ktati. rpIIBnbacriber.stia-qulilnl,! at Augmt term," 1833, -of vidsoo'CoufctTCouraa' of the Inst will and testament of Jcs- se Harriss, cn. late of said Pi:im4 ty, det'd..? hereby -g'tvea" iioTice tt( M-9?rtoSsd the estate,' to "preerit,thrm-duljr i)ai tbentic'ated according to lawor this I notice will be plead in bar of theif recdverya'" All persons indebted trt .'desired to 'm. ke payment Immeffinelt.t s . K. 11 AKKIS.i. W.'tlARRIjS. l$3, M ) : JagUSt $2(1, fo34: 3.nt70b nLht:nr. Wi lli a. vie to the rwore t!ucient( nrmeVrofoo ef their bsisioaas, the TSiiiiicTIliwre 1 . R'ait.vsVmVva. .... ......... ".. ... j. i . . , ., v' Iraving procured lad btU Mat trials frm the North, and employed a Woikm who earn acll recommended, the if piapared to execute on moderate Um all orders" la iUt lioa":" . ', Account Jiooks, Records, Ice, rult. tntf maderlc Bsnulttp'oto'lPJ and oeelloapperp.eason.,itl''ietm; hf. a one nf the heirs oT said John - bti.lt I. . . . . - '.I lo 6fl md fur ard 'amt eUint Mid '' roaiUiatbotiiau praciibrd b lawman he rv 'at. 1 will Ji.poaa ol at a 1Mb a Jiraata H. W. MUBINSOI.ixV. 7VvS4o.t8lX e 3 . , tt. - -- - : t ia a.Vl tV IV K el VVak li IVf s'ttr srikiin s hi trtt . ' at-,- i -v-v ft i AMERICAN OARDKhlRS MAUnt Nt. rauool t ... . r'iVAfifemimb'rri- Vobm e.Alrw Af f fJT 1 83 J, W JUK fUWUnau ' r i an , Agnc-oltural periou "r- c d, 'p 'blishcl monlhly, conui" ing H large q j.irto pages ol t.recc i umnl ekch,dcVoied particularly H Jlgrici&tiret"'tlor(inturt, -e,; 1 sviitalso cootUTff "much " latcreslT' matter upon other su'jrcts,'su;h f ' instance as rati inakiu'g and rtiikit- in-llw. .nn-nann r.iula. kvith ..Ihrr miulu Jtnl ta ImprO V the W dnf TO'tW W heuJh,rt oar d-ly su Ji . ... . . ..... otHitv of su.h a nubliratton Drourrly cndacted o5f will a iy ooj d me a hen I say that such a -'pt'oef ia at J hd aVotatad,-w UV-ll.Vi.tatuiai.wii. itJ mitt it expanses. tT-TcTrTHXJljjri; pf; " -jnutt, i t aJvanc a.il - vrill n'lt'tT sent without, as at h't present price, it wni ift p iy a fi'wntissmn Mu. tinf. mr bear th' I t. -arisinJ f tristnj ft i" i iUa part (if .- w it i'w . ui f waut of patrctuility oa slbKiibcrt." I). IC. MIN'OT, rroprlrttf, 31 Vtll street, Ne V rl. IM.aM, sT.- a.. Itl J ' tJltlll I ta. ir m i iiiiit h'fctfjf Printed on Finf.raitr, , rou SALE KZtCimT - . t ; ai ",f 'c eo tVirv, kr.,l3 it ly 9Y?i I irof futinty 1 p-taries jrreei liatiulVI On n jie WO cf the a l!:e k)H their cr it: f- '. J'ifl (Jaw JJin Si Cun L'-mw 1 M'Curi Irtd . Ejuiw ctrrY '..Jfi P herr Xltrnn ".Vf Rft 'Ro't Jjiicj J.Hn Sr,iil. J iMV . L' Cu t.T, I linrv r.Cu .V' Lai' . . S..:ut t'l'IVC .ttv . t.iit,.i t'Tl.i . M t. Jm .. ''J..1'1 aiiicl Vl'hc ' tpiK.i . U wi twi t r.3J 'i"?f tlut'i (4 fhis tf 11 Ltui J ll SihI fill!l .. U U alwi :..jf. 4 am) I"1" Iml etti: . I-1:, pr.i ..w,l .,B'n leu ! I-. a a S)f! tu, t:. ' a i fa; W V , I . ... -r . . -VT sTaaMSorj, Am tV V