U. 4 ! a J. JO V, 4 It is even wua t" 'abstain frori Vrvs, which howcver-wis an I good ithoomlves, hates the &mbjance of inequality which iifiil rid rcjwnse'ta tt.chear.pl tlie citaeuaaij wh.ch will bo evade wisdom oftejri.lat.onia vi.peciH.lv peon in craft in" laws on coueiouce. ' f I"....- .i-" - rf- ;.;.r-"l; a'- "i ' - ' V J - " , .- . . C7 ! th litCcf TCI. The i iii ij ii i j i ijin 1 1 T7fl;Y joilN BEAUD, Ja.) ;: .Vl..-..Oft'., .aft-".- V) y w -m - 1 , . ' n . ' Si ..a 1 I iLk. ipnti re.e n'";0 IbKrivHM received f or kst ,7.1.4 failure to notify (kt. Editor irtM ccpU ami ,pfdrt of jflie .Prcsulent: thqjf rented byJYUis- cpmpnf,, wo not madtf L luted .MatM, itwued iu piir-itiance otwy Trt That it riiall ho kwfol f.Vr any henbeuJa the (Mr?"'.1 ' i'ir These ternn whi ouuvm; vn tue i.riin Act ""Sue Alien who! flmv JjaWdereJ " Va h temwed Act, to twke witlijliimjpuch,- part 6f his S(KxJ, cliallclB, or Ptln:r property as he in th Unitell jStaii;, bfc doy .AlieD, iho mif ho removed a ftloreMid, miall bo ami remaiii -suhirt it hw orJer and disposal, in the Kama manner n it tlijsAct rud not doc a pna.scu.-... . - r r V SE?0i Thaithiii ASlhnll contmue ami JiT4iTurca iir, aniiuii' um lurm di tWii' year frn the pnssiti tliorcof. Ap- the exeliis-.v) fnwl judB fcf thiv ;tent of the powers fiehigate J in Itltj einrc mm woum nave niaue hi oincrcuon, jviot riotTtlie Cohfttrtiihon, the i jiieaiiuie-ofjitf powriM f tttf ttint ' IrT "ttU 3he?"cal of coiriDPCt.nmon? partif hnvin! h' common iudae, tiACH PA UTY U A3 AN JEQU AL RTtiiiTTTQ JUD iE FOR ITSELF; AS VV ELL OP INFftA TION9 A9 OF ffe MOlC A MUArKK OFTIEDJIESS. t ii I ri..ni :....! . I. Mtrwifli'i ' mil Ilia vMmiliumHi , ,.; . . ,. .... ... ri prbhibitingMheft rniffrnlion.jj n f roVision, Biot,ii Act efiuivuTchl thereto, or It fwuld be nugatory thai loTpnviro flrcm pi'-CB iterated werjaiVatcrit ti.rohi6i' iontrarj' to the wid "roviuiun f tlio Cori tfitiitioBVMd roirf. ' X1 i-k i- V . K r xJcftl ,".TIiaf ll .mprisonmenl A a persuri vmlcr tile protect tou nfihe tawi tt this pbmiiiptiwealth, on his fhitilre to o hv the nAinlo orricf nt the Preatilcnt. to fliUfartOul lf the Uuited 8(ateH,Tig ii un- habitants hf these 8tate,i4'mff ty thi precedetit friuilPed an outlaws to the Abwf lute U()mimou i)f QuSJriaii. aod the Wrwrt tW U iitted Stated having ikWaled to Cfoii-ik-rtnkeri ty the Mid' Act ciUiUel'.'.Aii grew a power HtiHiriWh Ireanoo, eountef-Llct coliceruinif iliierw,' i "contrary to lb? Ieitinj the setoruiet atid current coi Mf 1 ConiHiiulion, iiti6 ainciwlihout in bich,hass UsevtJ, June 1 W.J fAh Aet in'aWttioft totho Actrrtitlcd "An I 'Act for ; Ilia HunislHiwnt of certain crimes 'fiMiXrat ativ tioic ( urmii Tlio con jj. .JwU-Act.r to nrdcr- alt mich V. - i. . I.. II :...! Hditniirn in tha Fko.1. J if tnacted, fr. That it any porson ahall uulawfiltly comhine or conspire together wilh intent tbppie any rmasure or incusnrfs of thf Govornment of th? United StiVtca, whiJi arpr .aliail he .LUtf AND St:i)IT10N. LAWS. Act, cockitsB- Aupn. g i. i 2?e cwlcfd, directed by proper a.jthor.tv.'or to impede berlwful 'Mi?ten TO?-! thconofiktion of any taw of th-- Khttcil of Hve ConitfitutirHi thus fm US-All, 7WrWplnTTho"whaioipij tha pai ! aioon and tto powent of 4 njjii.ifity of Con Creajt pr-t0ct frm like eannrttitlrtA of other encvous puniogmentove minority oi the ?no b6"(lythe LcglslaTui, Judjea, Oove rnon, and CourMdIora of tla .btaten. nor tlicir other peaceable inhabKBPta who triity ventuM to reclaim thlK-rairfiluiinfial figliu ana ltfeortti ve Hntna vm-, plexor whvGr othor esuitwd w rm(!, TliaVtbitH&uiibly w"'! fokmiiw glares a 8rmRachnmiit td th rMn i. ih tateaj to tnSfriiiilh Whicji. t pfntigwiti Xlien a W fbatt j'kg ' and aniety of the United tatoj, or - Ll uiilrea.aMo"r..uiid3 to snspoct .-,lincncd iiranv reasonably or aecrei I .. ... . tl, CSnvrxmnt-nt ...iiinniiauaBi!ttiii , M iui ; t n theonotntion of any States, or to iufimidutcNir prevent any per- on, holding a place or office in or uniu r the JnVeriimcnl bl thoUnitad Sutci, froin undertaking, pcrfoming, or executing hi trustor duty, and if nny jierson or persons, with inteut'astloresaid, shall counsol, nd i,:ua j.i'itttAAnt In nrniiiir. hnV inurrpc. i.,f in deoart out of tho territory ot .. - ', 11I1i!,,p.1 namhlv. or coinhlna- av. U JSied Stale; ilhi- well- tltM-M h'rihi.j! Wh r.n.ii.niracv; thruftteoirrirr xlHie?pr4 jiractJuUl Dfl SCrveu-UttBiiviLftiwii-"; -iwohoMd enoct or not, lie r.r they sunn oo Cvcrinhitrfi-eopy thivreoVpr leaving me dc(,eii (jniUy cf ,a liih misdemeanor, nine at bi wual alde, tu)& returned to n(f on oonvicli'on before anv Court of the die office of the Secretary of State, hy the L?nited Snt h.ivjhg jujicion ii,creor, rt.hnl-or other pcraon to whom the xaine . t,r ,,L,ad i, n (hm mti niv-ilni' - Ut --J, . . ... 1 kill f" J . " jHiedrreeteAridtrrtaeTinyt dollars, and by "imprisonment, ordered to defart, anaii do umim Mdurm a wrmnot less than six moiit.!is, nur laJje within the United Statw nuot the .,ceedH1!! f.vt ,yenr, . and further, nt tho liinfi h'mlted in sucli prdcf for 'his opur- discrction f. tho C urt, mav be hul.len to , . . 1 .1 j.l.U.nml T lwftllWO I . ill' .,. lua; and iKi,.iaviiig utw V I find succUa lor lus coou ueiiavipr. in such 'fffliathorrcsidnnt to reso "jerei i,i and roiOOEli Imhc fr as the. said Court Dll.lll " K.. .J ,. - llin , Min.i-1 ti h Cm.-- i . the United Stutet. rirariee and feloniei committed on the limn scaa. and oni'nrrs heninst tlie'laws o nation, and no other crimes whatever, and it' bcinsr truo a a rNiprol principle and one t the amend ments to the Constitution having also e dared that " the powers not delcjatcd to the United Statea by tho Constitution, ttor prohibited by it to the Male, are reserved to the States respectively , or to the people," pln therefore, the Act of Congreiia, passed on the 14th day of July, 17W, and eniitlbd " An Act In addition to the Act entitled n Act Cr thp pnnishment of ice r tain crimes acninst the United'" Blates ;" as, also, the Act passt-dby ". them on tlw S7ih day ot J.iine, entitle An act to nuinsh frnuds eoTiinilted on the Hank ot tin United rilales j. (and all other their acts which flssinuo to create, oeliuo, or puniuh crimes other than those enumerated in th ConstitutionV etT nltogether totd and vf nti JSrct, and that the power to create, define, and punish silch, otfier crimes, is reserved, nndol right appertains solely nud exclnstvoly, to the Tespecliye States, ench within its own territory. III. Rcsohid, That it is true, ns a err! ed hv one ot tho amendments to me Con stitution, that " the powers not delegaiod to the United States by' the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are re served to the.States'rrectitelVi, or rto the people;" andf thnt no power Mr the trce doni of reliL'ion. freedom if. TDCJltbJliiuin,;, w-tm If. ." " 11 1 ' ! . .Li--..:..l ... tha ma IcDbnoxtntlsTo rnirview .niartiea hv the siwnieions cifctw-rnssianhf, t to trfi thonoht ikni'erotis fb'his or'tkeiprle provided thai "no person shall be depflv ki of liberty without due pfocens iff law," aid, that another huVin? provided " that it all criminal prosccutitms. the jiccued aat enjoy the riht to a public trial try ar) inpartial jury, to le infoi inqjd as In the nu tire and cause of the accnsatinu, to he con- ".i.ta.f. u.ll. ikd mtlnflMna n.miiiul luiii tn lave comoulwv nroccsn lr obtnihlii" tnese anduccmsin! u n um wi mi. vitiicsjies in his tuvor, an tonce of eounstd for his d ptiWW-iidv that iriBV-d7timr;if! -xr;-;"' j..... -L :..a. ..". ir j i " T "',t w.vm. MtMmm-wi ,nii. inn (SIMM, w i f CUre 'iUtixislfnce and ih iflibiic hiipuifsssV.' . l. i. i That this Aswihlily doth ijjplieitlv and.!' perenipWrilyclaio that irtts r9. ' , t ' rowKBs or Tiff r i.nij.vlvi3r.-' - v fin CrtJXrACT,. clundertakiiii; to authorise tho rrcNitlent to remove a person put , .ot ...ilAL. United States who' is mxJer the prutectirL: of-lhe kw, on Ins own snspiciott, without jury, srrthont pobtin tril, withouj confrontation jf the wtioesxes Hgninst him, without hav ing witnessoK in his favor, without defence, without counsel, is contrary to tlic.e pro visions ulsool the Culnlitlion, istherefiHc oTw, but utterly vwi y or NO Foncd -Tiiat transferring ihe pnverof judging nny per-"n-who is under thurotivtimi ot the lawiTfiotn tlie ctnu-ts to thw IVsidcut of the United State, as ii undortHken1 by 4. '. . tliotho Act conrorimm Aliens, is agauwi the article of the Constitution which pro vides that 'the judicial power of the Unl vested in t he emirts, the i.hrpqtif which shall hold their olliee du ring good behavior," and thot the said Act is void Xr that reason also ; and it is fur tlier to bo noted that this ..traretlor .( jnrti I Ht HEjtT CO.'fe,1I flNJIt ItAX Ui: .( TkM-nuMm VAttU "n -a l',.,'iir r.ll.r r in!r.-. tijtitirt ht nerwJlial: I THinB XbI "Ai;'i llhriZPti bV. TUB tlllANTfl that-. the friendless alien ha?'tVsc.lcftd J KNUltKHjtieoiN ' that' CMr-itl" fzhtf i..i.-r. -;!T.i;SI'f " Ci-at'oTrw-ritiipnl ! 1 1 u kf ixcaii hp A nil mrii it . tun. 111U naiLDI DU IH.1 V I u 1 1 . ' . - ... - - r - -r - . -4 hut Hit cjtlicn: wlU 'soon'tiTlow, ot radfee ni.r,J?-t?Ascjot ExtHCists of qthk h.m nlrau'dir- fo lowed i for?rlitadv lia a powaaijioT c4htei ir tub to a Sedition AcUjnorUcd Inin lis a Troy? tmtu pact, xnii ssxtTeawiw t these anduccessi acts dtflie same-char TtitnEto.nAvlB TBB aiouf. s AUK ! lid to ha'vo''aHi's. kaeter.ttnless arrettrdJtm the lhrehoJd, piay I wf sovstKa KfwtKie,-.roi arbht. ilnf,Micn.M ttdainif lend to drWw these-T5fntea into rcvrilutionffNo Tntf i'ooBmop"TpB.EVU,!pPo u I a , -ii .1. .L - Tw..:Ww... " V and blood wind wilh furmsh new canTiiiniCH n 4t aIMno , wtkj itrnrii fmi l.B (ietexts for tlww who WilritoTfarKFtMMKTirit ArrrBTAf ft:o,l thkm. iieved that mah caftiuot bo goyernei yt jiy I Th4 iho-ijat Aenfl.ly thhal n riul nflron.- that it would he a danger I Jrrofls UideeEr uk-j wtf ,nt has, ti otM dehwtoibwere r conndenca in th men ifia-fflryHnstances, bimaiuiat bX.W- of our choice to,sikoce our fenrs.tiir. the Ji etleral' -Gnvcrnmf iif," laTetTKIrkiitn poW, o,.ri ..f ',Mr riMiu that .confidence" Is fori bv ftfcod coiistrlictibfis of tin cufltoi- every where the parent of deHpt'tWrn free j ali'arter w hirh; d; fiiica Jln;XjBml (J uv ernmcot h. JCtMiUMil. ir-ieaioijyr wid not ir, cotifidencol.V yalbuy nifd'inot confidence which nrcScribes 'limited con ciary power w to that magistrate ol the Gflhfrat GoVcrumeht Who already pusses live in all tho legislative xwors. United States by theConslitntion, nor pro hibited by ilto the States, allinwlul jow ers rcpeciing the same did of right re main and were reservcil to the Males or to the people.; that thus Was manifested their dutermimtien to retain to tlieiuseUe the right of judsiwt Imw tar the licentious ncss of speech and oi'tho'pross nitty" tie a .4rtiW'Withtrir't'wmngn!ieTrofu1'"' of the kaidjdom, fltitf hovv far those abuseJi which eiw 1 1 not DO separaujo lnuii ijirir. " i .. . . -.l 1. VII 'JWrrrf. That tho coiistrueliot) copied oVer tITo trienrliy strangers n w im appliod hy the General Umcrniiirui ts ,H evident by aundry of thuir pronnoihngs) tu lliose parts oftho Uoiistiivtion oi nic l lin ed Stales which delegate to Congress pow cr tH Uv and collect tancs, dutifts.iitip jsU, . i . .... i . . excises, to pav ine ueois, unu o im i rnmmn.i dufence and general wellitre TTltvrrnTlelSlaTeXaTiona make all laws iilrti .hull ha necessarv and proper fo "'iie.ii ' - J i.rrvinir into execution the powers vested. . . ........i' w.i...j... tw tvntramiv-' tt.'11i'trhiifitution iu the uoveriunetftLiM Jill:rMUtKitiiin'T- limn w - - ' . tftllf - Vn rotifi irmrd lhcil3yrrv 0, a.Tw lit. thulV, nfi oouviction tUeraot, ba unprisotipa - wlU)ll) or p,,jh, tr ahalt cmvc or - ftiratarnvnot WceeJiog inrco years, " procure to bo written, printed, uttered, or i ipiiftorianu i. anowioinv " v. hum". s4d( or aid in writina. prihtmu, intT i$yad beU,Jitriifr tnarmi, ,nfc, r' publishing any tulsc, scuudalmis, ai AI", ao ordered to depart, shall and ,naj,rious writing or writings, against w-'ive, t.) lhsu'sfactimt of tho President, Ootufnment of the United States, or L- rtulnnra to tKiUkon before such wr: . o,.m,ft"fif-il,ir fn-nwr'of IhrUnt- .irr;ito Tresidi'iil ahaTLdirect, whri arc l j s,oi ;nii'nt itLjifft,aii4h aw id -tWM -WVm .IWfiBtej-J, to"" 'TJoTentro.''eitltcr; ItmwB ir tbnatd ninWterftyntha, tbt no mjiii7 OTrr tn Sj w tn0- said PresidehtTftf" t0 i -Ha. Uiiited Statea will ai'i frnrh-mirfcring . ihem. or either of theu.iitn i r- .. ...b.t . ""- ' '. . Arttteidejri6rtr4.mf Bi(t aram a ueeiw tx ..," -,:( j triem, or-aitiieroraTiy oi ihvih, """' . f. . -;-r--.v". It ..1 , ..I in. lor alien I . . .j .' i .f iLJ.', Ci-.uk- I at ttm-iTOOtl IICODm HI TO V , v... .-I I... . ... .1 " hr ta Rnpsedwo.w""!" w -V1"1 ) c.'.n- h in 7(iir aiit;..urilawful cnudii. PiMident mayUo reauire oranclt AUCnrj ,..:, therein, lotppposmg or tesistjng tajfOlejLllrdaJiiiutvdlliAl mrh tvAiial sum aa b maynreci, ,kiJ,,Jn .f the I'niteit attat. oone in ;-.iBheor ijfo'rt aincieutctic1)CTio 1 rmreiiatitt of any s'ucjs law-,WC-f.tlilH .WtiiJh -per in hint vested hy. thtr Constitution ot a nu "'T'"" . h... 0(WrttneW;'imuVr MdeiH" lo take tha aame, miino neceiry & 4 t good hinr-W'-wn u. dti,,t, nny j(1ch law oracrtbr to nuUca, nl . - fi a t r o7r0'vi and correct at a ti rf -1. u-sA-i ... ilia UnieASmtA,andi - ...4s L. iw.-inatita des ?ns of 0tnssly decares that Cpnc.uau i ir rcyiu mi . ..,Zi , VI -. -: .-.i.; i :- ".;.. r,v. Ft 1 1 n t-rtvn..:ith hu establislimnt tr traimmimy,' .' .M Urhiihcenwwcn.? exe; thiecedihg resolution, call for .uiiucd. liirn i w. iiifti. . i n .i . . stirutions to hinddowh those wnoih. wc are. obliged to trusj with power? that our Constitiition has accordingly lixt the limits lo which, and no farther, our eenfi- d2urj"jisiAa4 Tif coiifidt nco tead tho Alien and Swhtion Acts, nnd- been wise in f.in! limits to 111 ment it created, and whether weShuhl li w'wo in detroving'tliosf! litnitr' ' el say whn't the (ioveininetjt ifk if jl .1, a-t ki.u li il.n nirn i,fur choice tMl'S I tliat jiidi;'thhs liave apiHjirtsua'd desigil toeXpolmd certain generuTpUi J a, (whniu pa j Ling, cnCopiUL-uam i nor. y-n un teiT'- grant4 powiera in iho lortuer- Articles. o d eny if tho Constitution haa not a iiif.xing limits to jjiB -Govern C'onfoderatioht Weratho Jr sit Jinblo ,b lo misconstrued,) to na lo ueairoyjhemfan. inir aud clSict -X-na pattieoltiy enumemtion i Whkh-imwtimryTCiriW ; general phrases, and so"hH to ronioiiiiat' tho Stales, by degrcst1iito.oue vov.fri1irn Hf ty, the rrbvvous-ieiidencjaniijatyu aiaat ' TTrrWnjiw'elTwoTil tb'traiu.ta(m. tha prescill repuiiucnii nyiom ti " Jl',"tvi- Slateainto an abiolurc; pritt '-i!Vitti4 ' monnfehvv: 'ldJmLsr- d.-nl'of our choice bos asacfllad Id aud ac- edTTttid thopW Ihergaartf CSwd Statt w any department there ftbrhlcmwt, the tJntt.id f reltHttwir principle -and" Tsxer: mescrtbea ta tuoir power oy u yt. it rpinmo,! to themselves 'the riiiht I uon ; ;iiiit words;, meant . by -Ual -mAn . 0k- i i' 1 . . i .1 : .1 : - ....I.. n ti arnait icoern rthrrdnmnt, freedtim 4ftV9ft ftUWW.- . T-js - . . .... I 1 .1 1. 'r -... .,,.,. . il.ii Smle.bv a ment to be subsidiary oidy to the . . .......a 7. ,t, ..on0rl ilpmnnd of its I tlon of the Itniltcd powers, ought not to be citizens, had firreody protected thenYTroirt so constnied M themstdves to gtvlKii-1 mm restreint w iVrtrieMirw all tinman mi.1 exnrcsa dec aratum, another and morciment . i iu !" " " lovemmcnl, .ri.lentinny reyok'lentwer hahall s'lt? jhctr people, or 5ov Vtaiiili proper. ;W ' ' , such person, being thereof ,tc 2. 'That iUhntl beJaW ferjhq. frt otthtrUnttw ,., ., iJrrTF'lT..li'..;',' Sot. ' whenever!. - vv.:A l t .v. .i nonishrd. tiv ii 1 inff. t mwiciii-ui i.iu -.ftt.. V - ; i. 1innslicimn iu' rt.pi, mm.. r . ,i . .i -u- c ,!,., j. f.rf Ihn nllh IP L..j:.J....l.,Jn. i n Um.SIW Winvrun, ..."... .... - tor nuiKf""-"'r" -- ... thV'm'ed Ptn't io mild Hiii it of out country and its law had dedtfod liospiiaUtv rfwl proteetionl ltt tlio men ol our Choice have more nw. twltl? hare sANpicious of tho .JeMifciil tliail'Uie ta.lMl TlgllW OI initntcnwi, mv I'lainis of iustitication. llie KacrcdJorcc ol fJIlLUJWl. WR IojBMJUfl..'JUSliinrn 4s am lusticu. loqtiesiioiw ui wowr, incn, fet no nt'-ro lio said ot Confidehce in iimii', but b'md, hHn.dwn.itia:tfthioLyr. ihulaf---llW,i'T,' OS ITS CO SljgA! joj jiHpteiwitii ww ,.uiimenls oiftho Aot concerning Aliis, and (wi 11m (HiHirthiiient of rtaHt"rimetJ ' j i i i : herein before speciliod piauuy t.xiuring Whethnr these AcH are or are noi numor . v . .. .1 t. I Hf. ,-( by tnoT reonnu jiajJitw.'-; ,1'ouht not ikaitiiCirtiiite tfflfy limited nvnttitmnh .(trR!!ES .... ftkrlrri Ntatmrill be tTrwsrrfTono mon boubm mlhlhnr turn; vui mej-m concur trifa Ais lr)mnirrrfMft tnvonna 'ehihil ilh pnf UcoiliM'W-oroieas'ainirr f imtialnl hnd'" iilarmiiia Mifrtlfctidiis oTtkrCu.jililiou, in the Iwo lute cases of the? Aljoh and Sent- Cuugress ;; tlie hrstf which axercises n pAwerjri whcradth!goVd tt'thaU'Vdt'ra.l; Onvi!MmeTit7udw1iich, fiyriil:iiig tt'i?'1 lativa andudieiul bower tn .tt.i tnrti,'fubtnf tjfjSJjJ iTaf 7Vme li'5Xf.' trae goye rnmem-; as, wciriv. wf.iiuie"naE orga nrjiti iw nrn posii i V j''VisjiS ffj-t 'i? FedtlpCSnl ii a41.all Wa'va bee onlerad to teinrt trmra- ',1., to giv ir evidence, in Iim Jrjnjaid ihaU nut lmvfiLq'jtaitted a Iwen. -d6runtd;lT,,ih,ni'oTHhf mailer contained II Jfesaidc in all car" wh:f t. 'h f, lt0 Hblicationcharged ns a libel. And SLion f iha PrtwIfnUKP- .HJ th i-irv: V'10 Arye c,"u"'' "fT requis speedy removal. Urt if ny hftVkghk" determine tlje law and the . 4uWo iftrftovul. oVnt 'out of the Cm-1 rHC(h.r1ho direction f tha court. n qually with heresy and falso ft5 ' .-..i.iw.l.l I'mm I lie rnuni7jince 4m VciIctbI m.T.Tnat then fore the Act el ine W St'.'t ty the J-5sidc:nt Jhn Jew TJarily rcturtf therjitd, urdesa cy p T 4., n . - i... . I';i..it Rial. SUOh a f i 111 ft-aftMiiipni 1 11 ftAi A. " r aiiait, on" conviction llntfoQjnairiK! un- prisoned so long 1 t h oi.mvn ofMhe . f rft.itni.c tha nullliti safety may reaiirr. T " " 1 . ' iw - ' JL . i. jH qj iM,.,ft-: maireirw -coin t W iuM anv port of .the Imted rF.frihc trst. daV of J iivJText shnH 101- ' . . a. . Bk lV A.' -ltuJflf-on his trrivui, .tnnKer ,mj.. -t S tohtrcbtlrrtrjTTn-titbf rcrrrefnf- r.thltr JftNCCir. Uftuw ' ' . . . 1 . .-.. - rc.".'" That this Act:snnu cooxino-- until iho thiridav ot iuarcu, k-ihonmd waht.hnmlredand ona.Jiod nolopWr t ;Vo.-iJtrf, Tha;iheexp.ra..on rti.K rt hall not nrevent or Ucfoat-a prose!Utio aiS . pinuwinpsnv j r"1-" ' u io tiirirnr the time it shall be Coio'tess of the lmtd Mates, passmi.-Bii Uo lllb ot.Jutf, iT3,eniuicu - jw f- Crtte t(vb pr nor liy 1 tin(i iip 111 1 mi ua au iiaivrji .i'v,t' Till. iicWrca, '"nvtur.p .. .n..-- , , tf f m lohi.ions be transmuted to ine gators 5-.-- - mrir,f ,lt Wwert of ' in ..:.. in l'nniirftiu hlllll lltUI HMTU'il v" ' - " , . ... . 1 - 1 : ,a a ma 1 utnti w wt , CommiHlWealtn, WHO nro yniunn-u ft "" stHittheaH tOIISK.thfl ftTXt'jieiwuii t'iiesaid OnConsiiinti' but rn -ibr cftrryxfr '.... ji tH,y'fdrbitfJefft'1iyioif'6flhouK-w jhbretoT Tycrwfiiifh" other, ought toroduco tu,tvei-af .idarn.r ; : Jiecause it la levelled againtt t!t Vlirht r ftaalHratmiirfti Bcasures,-:iid ot' a -friU ' c"rfm''c'i(l!tW:i-";-J.' - irmorttha people h5i,ei.n,r-whier ti-i' f-TZZZ,.. - effjttslly dceiffi-3'iho only jilociuu! gtta..., -r;; -.-.r..As .Tl..'.v vTitU, . '-v - -' 1 limn hj y" "" ; 'Jf 'Z-' "' ' - T1ianiii?..9tata'hain ny.ifn Cw. sir.-.i;i:WJr4-t ttofrwlMcHrrnllfi lion, Cxprfslyik'Clnred t, tt, ; fmiongtli esseiitial righW' the'lihert y ..f eoiw..i(- . y, nd ilia ls cttllftuUsS!! d.4ltjdthw.-'- -"- tftd,-rtrninedrigrniioth(li?rJ,1i ifHRy nut l-, ily of thelOude;1 "n.tc," pod froiii V'X -;v troino anxUVy! nrd thes rights ;r !i . " evcOwP'-- -' " 01 sopniBtry atiU . - . u. t ft - -j- r - , .1. ?i.cJttifeApntwi irtcocsjstcticy, and-rttiuo-ai 4K.iiVWifrf1-lastlyrThRt the; Cover-1' , ;j (. J)f ,vjf, mcrgt daganeracy, 4Tan Indillfctco '$ r of this Coinmonwealtn te, aim is nerc- -. - , f , fitti.iried'.irrcquesVtyd to coi.niiuni J. . faft Mnjf wot u Uh thclrr? I Vi ,?iflliCiliLftilkiuAJW. -Ktl8r; ir anj brard Wa-essplr Xvl' tuclt awiucWft'ttrl?cor tlltJTThelfiolliitr? TronLwiiiellltey al ftfcivecftime. the nation Ja wnicnjin-y I ' ' - ' .1 .T. .... I I.- rg mid we Hllegmnce, nieir ,J a JeSc.n1.!i.m oi their person a tar aiWihall b itrforlnPtV. thewf rj"1: r"r i ...,i. jo a ua cniiiifiamu-f . - -. , - - - - - - 1 1 . ... a. .1.. i-t n.,,:itnl an Art lor 1 . . . e .1.- o.ft.nl M-niii In nwme in aiiuiiiou of ii mi in,.i- -.. j,iainrei in .ft-. -jj - 1 the witiwhnwnttf certain driincJ ngainst I ,bst 4(,ft, CrrnimdhWtadth;onsidersi the tnitod Mates, -wnicn u.r """ 1 nMun for ' apaatai imuunai r"'PKar'"" the freedom ot the press, is sot i-vh,""' (vlrtjcu,ar.O tnoso- spj-cuiea m m . .it.ril...i s-oid and o no roaci;. I u,; (Urn compact, to.be imitwy 10 me r n y 1 T1...1 ..Kift rrtofiilii are I aJU li'nV hinftftfti nnd nf oSnf ritr of all the ...i.ti. iiirLdiHovn mid nrotecttol of the 4 ihnt, ttothful tithai compact, ac uuuftii - - - ... . . .., , ... ...... A :,,. ;n laa of Urn Btate wherein 1 ttf ' ftrff :i f.1 ,ftrhnna pwna ftWT;.s..ift.g -2lwM ttnsiNiA&fiteHao whifth it mu nndewtoud and acceded lo by the UnitoSl States, nor ohihitJ to t$ lri,e tx&e.ral parties, it i sincerely aaxi-u . . . . ..w I' . Al v . It ll.ASfta hikin - IiH. individual SUtea distinct trout weir pw ttir itsprcservauonv T it tu ait mm n a freny 1 iimii lo iaiiu-iLooi too jiui. j ftiiin i. jlfovVa to the in'H jmlldo vMolind jtP nf ttio tishtsitlMas Urciared and siciiitl 1- . . A .-i . at . , . - . ... . 1. ,t fc- . oinsi lAeift- cat-raf ;1 and to the cstablishrneni T, . prcec.H-uit W ip " J w' - -.1 . " . - -1 - . . , . M.i T . BBW . iWrtiwaWae te4rttndtrw&ftrrrfc ohichTi5ay do latal lo iaa t.rS? gorcrnmrit ctoiWtWSCavaarf lMJuwri -jThat IWrfwq people 01 tui vjoru one unrg jwcr -r . r'Tsrv r-'rs-r ondairf from aw aumonif; 1 leri, ma mom siucra iiw'i 11 -T co-Stato rrKrri to Ar natural rain 1 I'll .... . 11 1 I in ru not fiide. dtclMiMJlM. r,,7t. uttnAi. najftt k .. Tr,ia, Ii-Tiftrt'Ea!0!a,""'r."f"liS - . - v ; - . K , a mtod Btstos bt the i.onstiimion, m-r r brethraarof tlio other Mates ; ineirue ijj .aflfwiiff Bf.7i0. J" t le tMWW at tf t oq xna iho-w" tf - . ' tri rait ummonu-rarm : 1 tiiieljvy ta ytiir-v-niw iiuhi ..i.i. ii. i irii.n,i.'hin nnn inv .11 ftun - - meoffa ni iiritu"' -' e "'"if .- , m over cuii.' i , " 1 - , " . t ' ., ..i-a-ni -..w .,1 nt ii, i..iift(tmeHtsli.iifttii4f.ove4SHrienfrnd rtSS gnraoiiVdidated that the-iwwera a -detogatod ernniem, wiinuuv f f -r--"- . . -a ." W . . tod State by Hits t.onstihfiion, nor tri W aniiVtri cwnjaonirrorw .n .T. .ufti I ! ui'lu.l.l--Sft Tri v . I iiteut of .muiftial hupi'ineos; Oenei Baa(l tLWi IIou-ot l'.wresentaiivw .MvAr nw 't-Ta : tAiiPftrti Tito. reno. C, HH us acts: of.na-i lirJii-vhKtimrkrrA ii i r r ,TiaBrrr fi r rrrr . -r - " tKt?TTTiTOT 1SU8.; Oa Ac po-sogrj rtppmintinn. 1 tiizmt ' ' . , , ., . .. .;:....:. I - ,1,, 4,T,(ft, CtA, , o, im.. . . .i-nii iiirr uitscim4u'r"" -j-!rrf. -That tho- sever.il State c,,i..g Hc Uoitod StatM f jmor ca are not - rT"., n-m: . i ........ t I i.ir jtBiremi r.- 7.W If Cou-ftiudioti . -fir th, 7 T..: ...ri.r.nwftnrfmanta thereto, Ipi ui "'- - ' .TtIi CMi'.Jiftiii iiinii hundred wuars, rv uiiw pnyim-in ww-r " ' ate'i uaWr orootuuia.. ! raiu:tui sc . .ii f i .1 i I. .1 1 ... -A . ..... 1 . 4 Sl'11 aiafc warti "iT1 ' " Vor.!HrojJicen'f Custoins 1 tWyt-fti. Aud it shall ba ii.e djjty r SIW r . ' .. .. ' r--'C tit t" c!iurtiC or otticr oiuerr wi t..- - ti Stale tesriectivclripr loduo p"' ' u aL ' .1 . I ...t..l Ik BAj it . ..a IhiS B iiimni ala laf Itil 11 II 1 ft Aft f-Tthfl .Cimffrass W tM 1 AuIli)M nereio., ..... -- -: " . AmmvjU c,.,-.' nnted tin 321 d tv of idue",- t?Ul!ictilri-V ilitled;lIC'Waruui) Aliens I t pited tes.ari tney "onstituted . ooral uoveiuiiBiu it.-l.-nlt'd.: to ..mat a i o- t trillions arid rcscrvatiotttwuitiaimvtiiftw,...- .--..v.ir'rnJriTJTTiriSi' P' l I hflpptnessj-nc prrnjtcrnT u. i.-- rv--' r Attest : . l. i in jistoh,!... j. are, to vfiino yiddaated: wA "c'oiistv ...iit .i.itiniitrd t'oirrf ,'m no man orb)- TO"""--v .- ? j ..... ,. -..I nffliJ. . . t. 'frtr. -k:ii Mmmi nowar over alien tnenns,.""' l aootniy uiiniiinru i'v '"'rr.' vRtue tfownnr ; ua vw-.'v-'t dolegntwl h"v i1'" Constitution, Js nvt tw, hut ia ajiogeih.: volo and or, o.roBcv r i r t---f - rail ftittiiimn lU'iii aoieraTOTTpTiir s r.tiiuar'iiaaT atp in iir r iiiiivci wi - - - T i a..,.h . Mkl,nmte:,-y g'ftw.ft tici,io powers ro , ; l. urtmcnt pf iuteri i'.es -oi-d "cb Sl.. V,, if, the rea.du.ry f-hK..tur1.- t " 7 1 f 3Sriitothoir-'. M.lfgnver.trrfcot; 4J That the Cir-cal-n. District tiovern CsirtVeni I'nrttd, Bt.tes-diH.il, rrapw-. jna , udelegaNd powers, i' ac,i toelhave cogniiucf snd 'Sria iv. o.d, and W no force ; vVv(:orel .WU ttri- Ad. V f all nr, are u. n Oh .r.ta: .,,1,4 a, h. d'jaUrea lh:il , .-..r.vr nt inmortftlioa "f "ucu persi n hi; . - . ..Z.... ftln 4t.,ln nfil tlSllaI B .T -a:. -I H .. . l.i t.r.-iti m.i.i AfWdrdlTWwnfjrprrj nisfHtsVlontfTfia other tiite s. in .." .io:,c"Sthiit thi:r" : Icoucut wjiii lliiAXoiu-i -j stand, ife riom IT rfrf of atrtiiba "" befarts aoeeitHa-s'"1 i . ..l,l . fl.ir from t Government !!?''' i 1 ' ".:i. m..r tkf - think proivei . jiin daratioo that p,r TW?S'':. V ' lL snd bonish it the,.., lyes,! reaorved, another a,. '";!'. .VneraH-dor not enumeta.ed by ion inferred in-tho tomtitutmiaV fw5::; ;... , "",". t,v theuA mftil.usrthev nwv trunara " oiguiA".- r - . ' , ., -,i haU I r.ra"si;icnt or any oiner pi-ni, - ili.ln.uwffhe the accn-er, couni, -juao, a..; Vrr t io aa.au, . . m " i" i . , , ,. -.Ki-vniis may la- the evi TE;TTttovnrnor of Kentitchy.'- - tec ry. ol -Ute. ...ftililaln-tp nn". Tt it tioes Ler ,t,.Ma'. ejjii " 'iifyrf' -na ii. x 'it nr..per'ii!esstires witl bt k fj put fr ......i.er-:tii ' With !hit3 i!: i:i.iii,.U;tauH ,'ir... I t!i l'ti'ltucilo AwAM!lftv.a I .1 iI lU-rties, resTved to Uw Stales leHictito., y", orjo Ilia jpeophr. j'.::.; 5 dosired trt tnns That the Uovertfor. 1 n.'.t a roi.v bl I no f. i ''liutf rea-atioin .1 I? .t:.c i..ti' Lu .f ftirtl'h lif-lor1 inu- !.'.-."' .i. . .. - . .... i..l lliHuniiilS' I ', Cr M ill's, Willi I' in:m,..ftmi 'viarn may be roinntonicated to the j;.ej;isliiioi ,. J . . . . - i . e. . b l i.v S . in initio in r there ifi mi' i. i ;i'iii i . - ' , t .4 i1.a i viurrtiirv'i ,M.i' ri.",t. ihi. 'rVMnmonwealth tloealdehtfe. LDUli . - j . iL. .ritiiiii fS niien tnenns i s- jnniii urc on-' ' - ' I ' . . . his order the sentenc. his o....o Urt executioner, an liibre.i.-t the sole u: i of the trnns:utw 1 tnal , it ory no i , rRw vr vi J.tr.s .jiaoisos. hx tiu: Virginia Uor?K or Ur-ircvTO, ' . .. ri..r: December SI I . ' . cm Ii ol the benat ' it " "7 J . Tl.-ft IU llano! A S.Oml.U' I to.w '"Irtm" "th'l" r,fVi5".i.t d.-'i imeo.Mvo.il'v m-mv n;th'- ' ted nl.uj .. . - , . ...:.. i I.., i ii. i t-e-. JOHN I C : i.onol th- I .ol- ' .."I"'.'! liM"o- o .i . - . . . tt... i. ri'll. i II I ol Mils .mi.1, .1 . , tlu-r .r.o. ii-il or . on-e'tlC t Alf flfiWliniJI.il- "or ilgrcs nfiv.-s . L.t- 1 1. ilii'io -non, ; oi'l that -they will sttpiiort tha ttovunrm ni i of i'it United Si.iti'S i.i a't I-:'- :tca ' r jVt i.i'tce ti ft. ; ., t ,. . 'JOHN -, iu' r ..iiil dcpiited Mr , I -ml.lv." "t" f f 11 J' f

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