mma ) "r, ' V J which however WM an I i'doA. U tiomvdves, thf. aeniManc ofiitM'ltlity which f.nJ no retooriM in the heart of ihrit;H A -,wuC-;n l. ....UJ ..k l.!..-... - i-v-1 win to r) '-i.i i f ! ,! t i mi ' :;l f. IS -.,,. , li Tli! i mil u in grafting law on ron-i ore. - . " ., , , . - , , n, raui1- sALisnunv.-nowAN couXTv;'vp.r;..MqNDAY (icToiir.lisi.mi. IVOL. MV.-..Mi3. : av wFsrmx ca Riili.t.tx u ' mbtUhtd omn vnk at lu o doltan per III, v"'1' ''' f v""'lhif & tltc " lilariiindfjlicmlt, if p,ii,l ol uif oih- Hmt ritkin iSt'thir, , Ao Paptf 'ittll '-tr ,fiWii wtiU-'lt rrrintfr vre U vnUit fit the rJtlitr'idivrtlion.' . - VnU.-rinw trill bt rttrittJforu leu ' trtthn one year. , " " i1 J ' A fullt-rt to uotifi iktr rMi of wu , if ft f 4r,-i " cWrrti 4 a A pint mint; i .' . , . . V Any ptr pfxvrmi; $t tolrtnt $ub Wi V'"' CurwirtnHfftJir Off a i.,f pnjr gralli. Adverting t Uk tatil rut" ' fr All hum allruil ' WW m' pott iiil ot tit will m fct alttndtil to. ' Gr Ttiew terijtf will U Urictly odhor- . . , . POLITICAL: E X T It ACTS : tnmpnnltd the XirginU fotdutiontrf If1 ' . .. . - , fwrn uur rpienlBtjv reKjriiUility,cou rimM uf lH puf'y ol our inonre, iwi io 1(.:Hj;ing your tigUl to uperi our irMti- 'vlili V'ur Mrioiu tttculi.jii " I. iImi morffivcir fiih dicUtwl the mib- -tirti - wutatioiw. WJM wt dindain to alarm )moy n iiuikxi jiuiuw-i " omnK-od n innatixatiO". (rll cool bm of wiidottt, and a AcUif.i Wittooied on trmiiew. Nit tempered with rootksrati.m. It whU be perfi'lioui in thv entnwied tiiK the cciousn o Ttit SrAH loii:RCi0T,ana acunnuiKKr iu soa mn V tlilijution u' th' TiJIuwiit jwith: ldo ,lnr tlut 1 will support the Cuutitutiou J d ilifl riieJ Staloa.T.not to wat you of turroQcbmenta, - wl)ieh, llioucli . clotlitMi rik (ltaf rcloxL jf .iiefMijrTjjagwe hv runcnt of MlinVyr m'"y tilili-.!i proccJoiita which may ultimately it- to jfn roiia and unuficio i pooule ti nil tlio rrtiiiifldunnoira of UMJrpfcd power. IH TlJUCIIIIHwA irillntj- A . immiMit wiiomk oiiuisuatiom k?i.xot Ik yivr'ii' wtTHOi'T. co ortaTio? or jub SxYrES.furoih tbatronie,t incite .. . ... . mwit uuoif toe siaie . xygwiaiuroa io wmchluloei, and, jmp opaa. turn .lh Tirxiji'iit nl)li)ati T fawslvt CM tiiamJ tnii tisk nim-rio".- mijn- ntqwtitMti -f-4lnh $taf under -ir4fM)iu.of tho FJcral f!enac, ww!.J either twet a ikv eonnoliilatl'U, by pre- ptilcncj and QrnitemptMrjrcpra4tt-i!j . fv.a revuliilf('n hy . tepelUion of th Jifraciioe!', until ilw powrtlo aro around lo aunear ;a the maiouty of their trtnir'h. '.-ltjalaawiitUhcio Calloutiolhata e libit to the people the momentum qn--tinn, whethor the Cmmtitatioil of the Uni- tiLStttUu.ahall violdto a coiuUructimi, whicV drfici-'cvcrV "rcraiiifrTiniroVer-: . lJel'0,UhlL1. WK?yl WVwPW'Mt.. '- fcthomuiiru to disregard dumentfc ue. 1 WKitt yiitil frrnigti dnngwf almH -I'mee" fa-pfd, M an nrtiuca 4n;ci may iw imry. .tr.Bd r.kecaaa6 fte posataiura id power; hoare ihe ndt-watea Tor its extension, fco ewr mate national eri'harroMinen, ,to be suttei'dvtrjr irlfiye l' Htte tno .ile into -aWp, -i!tet io'at rJower iweiling; aileptly, ai'cretly, Bn! (utatly. Of ihe lime eharactor are inainuatiotui of a 'f'-reiim 'innnoncf which wilt npoaa lau OA"te - eniniwiafm hrhiiw aui '4ibrod, and distott it by an unnatural ap liration, to as to bhjid your eyr against . T h &..ti!"imi .trt eTe-wnt 9 eew winch jrii ttfTorocfled by ""the early fjjenda id liie (.onstttutton. It waa men uiiimui, rhattha SidU iertrdzntU ctrt onU di . 'tumltd by powm qffijcqtlftitumera. fMfjr neceewiry. to carrv mo rocun;u an'wera' itirf effct.";. NTow fcileral authoY- -...tlMMwwtencef JHifte laWv-it-w-wrr" (liat Co:wre posetws t similar ewer ot fegulutiou i whewe .unxn- wm . iiwml with a uuiwer of Iffcinhnfnn IrTafl cipm whatnever, and rtw StktW - will be .r;f!H-uriiutc!aiai3"brii paramnunt IgwJ-4 rBiilllf"' -'ZL u ui'i h a inniet isr !)!, nod had the Frifi-rnl (Jovcrntnent bti !i eml'iwed with whatrvrr tlicy ah'Hild i'l'le to be iiKtrvimoiilnl ivwanla , unlmi, miire, tranquility, common , d'fi nee, jtft raf welfare, and tlio pren'ratiou idhber fy, nothing could hate l a iixre Irivotoui ban Ht) cnilineraliiMt-urp"warev-f.-jT-- All tho pwadmir arfi' arwin riin,a'doficienty of conniitutiottal pwer in lAinpits, ajiply to the Alien Act, and tliia Act i ImWe ta t'.ier nl'p-CtioM bcti Jiario itrlf If tjiilciii that alieoa are dmi('i.iu, connitute 1 1 iff idUUinii f tUAt rvef exercuel ovrr ilmtn ly Mm greae, Ibni a aimilur aupi 'Hn will ji;atify theraercifou a aiipilnr power over ou tivea."Hpcaii"e there i wuhlnff In Ue CiHwtituiinn dhtui2tiihinir between the piwer of a ?tale to H'ruiit the renidomre vt nutive and a!n'ii. It U, thereture, a right originally ptitxcMi'd.aiHl never mrrenoV red lv the rcHH:ttio hnitm, ainl whirh n ren tiered dear and valunhle tu Viri'inia, be cause it ha rmaiIuiI through the bm of the Count iiutiiw, and l'cane her peniliar aituation rendera the eay admweii "tar (izana and lab. ire ra au uileret of vast iiu- purlnnee.' " - l'ut hia hill eontaina oilier feature, tdll rr.ore alarming ami dangnniu. II dmix-n net with the triitl by j'lry i it violntea the jdMal eyMemt it rmifiwid hgitlatn-B, executive, ami judicial ower ; it pun.n. ea without triul; and it bestow upon the President oVjxitic jHiwcrercr a numerou cluMbfmen. Are ueh uH-anure co"iii- tonl aitli our corihi iutional principle ? And Witt an acfimulatioii of pow?r an ex lenivh, in the linnda f the Executive, over alien, at cure t nuiivu die blemug of pi'publieun liberty T g'iry, j whi-h e are detlioed by NA Tt'RB and NATl'HK'8 Ot)D. . ,Attet, JNt). H TEW ART, (Ml Cr lla6t january 8 Jd. Agreed to trr the Innate, ' ' .. . ' . , A ruecopy from the original dewwiied in the iiflk of ihe (ieneral Aaemhlv. , JOHN HTKWAHT, ; . -' . Keeper r.f Kollt. - afl mm y umt ' rmvm tlia ioiikoiu vui, , Vd AURImJn TlIB AN A TICK. ' From the following article in-the Cour ier & Enquirer, we learn that (iarrixon ii aunin in Ihia couniry, and that hi re- Mice ulrvady iM'gma to befell Weweia aured f w wei-aa aiuce, by our friend of llw American, that lln-re waa no danger to be appreliiiiided from the fanatic of the North that they were comparatively a nuiull el, and that their Ihh!i- were diMMHiulenHiicfd by the mii of cicty. This we know to bn trim ; but a we know at the iiiie tune, the iiMidioua and alimmt irnperctitible Mgri" o lNi opinion when once aet hB ut in the world, we coiild not fiireooe bow lur Ihe um for might pro aren before il rvou avMUined a I'ormiUalila appearance. " '1 he niont geneia'lly receiv ed oiniou havo alwuya bad their origin among a lew, and thnr progren ha al way tx:cn grailual. I a king this view o the cac, wo did not he I our fear at all alluved by the rvprconlatnnol the Aincr icu, true tln-y were lo the very letter, wet knowing Hi ul llv uvh the extrav.iifaut a-'hrmn of immediate emancipation, miht m-rt with but li'W fiiVorer imiw, lliu cae If meamirca enn mould Government n,g"l be very dilRrent twelve mmh : i . . 1 . . i and ifllh uncontrolled , ower of coiitre- tioo ia aorrcudered la thoMi wtki adiiMin tor them their progrr may I eaul.v mre aeen ond their end foM:"d. A lover of rrKJiinrchv, who i pen' ureaofcomiDtion, by di-iinll'"K ""'' nuni miiiiii' iliivdiHil o;irii.i'. may nt 'he -"'! 'T. i ;.. j . .. - . rr. r : .. . i" ' iw I 1 1. mi.. L.wi i.i il.. . i. . . . i h"nre. I In propiei ineeiin, realijim oar wort fear. -M'o would rapoellully a.ik tin K-rwmi wlio iucd thnir imim: t the call for that im-cting, hut businetw th'-y hive to iiit'rmlilt) wilh the doint'a tiu alliiir of lb? Month I II avo they Hny iiulliority from Oml or man, lo arm this deUijiiiu tho neoiili) ivu.1 i-roliions of re puUicuniin. Ho m.iv cufwud iimnareliy and republicttni.Mii, by to art of delinition. He may varnish nve'th" dextcn-v whu-l, mtutuum Hm.r to dtirpliy, i'h the pliancy tj l.ini'in ;, lli n?iliK ll' ii r" podienry, or the pf.:dieiM of tl:e tiov'f And ha nwy come at lonth lo v ao extensive a territory as thn 01 ted State, cit only I gofueJ by the enorfiic of monarchy; 'ha! it cannot h defended, ejr rept by Mnndinu armiei; and that It eaohot be united, except by cori aoltdanon. -j "MiiacniTa havrt already Wn adopteil, thrch'WdTttvriirioTrev They -consist " " " ' :T!iS(.eit"tyen:i afld arramfomrnll which keep an hit of commercial anil caIthyiudivJuaIi-BiiKli"d Ledient to the; fiVanda tea oHha Treasury. In armiean I navie, which will, on the one hand, enlist the tendency of inun to nay homage to his Mrow creature who tan feed r-honoriiim emlii h-dhwr, vnpW the ftfindfite ol feafj'H ftfthinV' titiffglif rify-icmjrTertirT.t, ' under tho pretext of preventive justice. t tta-ar!M of ollicerj,'. civltHM' 'ft'ittllary ." who can inculcate political tenets (ending to consolidation and monarchy, boih by indulpftncio't an.1 everitiesT"ao' can ad a aiea over lix) fre .erciia of rea son In feat raining the" freedom ot (he pre, and Invcitintr tho-Eteculivo with leila. tivo; executive, and uiTiciu1 -powera, twer a tiumeroua body of oiou. 1 Ami. that we iiiay ahorten the catalogue, in 'uUTiffiii -1 -. 'i-' -1 l . .i i.;;.ii"mi e KiUra(itil r'tmove eterirtstraint upon FtJcral puicer; . . . . ... , Let liilory-be consulted J let the man of PToAnmrf-- reflect : nav. lot tho nriincers of mimarchv be asked "what farther mate riala they can need tbr building (Jp their avorite8vem i , r Theee ae siilemn, but pamful truth; Vitilini am racnnimend it to vou, li:t to CwpetJthe oo9ililitv of dsfnjrcr from with n,i -lilihoubli dana-sr threaten front .r - - if whMn. Usrffpiuioii U maoeu urcauiui, hut against igiyojawo happen, letu "rise 'Wlth'llWta aiid B?n,a and tiirm llieui lnone lo lly nl our throuts' Ha heaven appointed them j'tdgea of the wruuM ol the lave, and reKxiloil In them the prop't method uf rcdresr I Aro there no i.liiorU J'l'luritx ien.r K.n.. ui u Iumii flic) may lanh their ui'incy, nu.iotil i.,. ploying it to tir up our ncgro-s lo rut I In- ihr.siU of their iiiiiti'rs : Amutttle, anthroiic men, who can no deeply feel fir '.hi julTcrT:i(' ofoiiu cl.u., and jti take no heed ol the dangers uf unulher. Who are tlieo uieu whu deem it -a live ritorioua act to renew among us the Kcenes of Southampton, -ojWy teelnring thnt the lave, if otlicc tmuiui lo tiund miuhuuuj, 'j notfnd tn " break his rhaina by his own physical force tw Havo yoii any account nf thm f. Areyrmiuformed thttt thrlr lives are purer thai) those of llietr neighbour, or that hey nesnnrextmordinnry tir" - --t tl r. ' i : ..i tuo entitlin-' them to inn n.iv Miuauoo oi "judi;e in Israel !" l.xainuio in(u thiur private lives, nsl; their neighbor who are Iioai iialioVI t pidgej who and wh'nt tltry arc, aud our live upon it tbeit answets will wivww allH'MM-reion of- dmfeeltrf in their iiiCdldnlity. Uuileet for a moment upon tho e(Tec( of their attempts. It will JV'1 be to procuio th iinuhedote errmneipa tion of alaves, which they prciend to be their object. That notion is too visionary, to hii-.euteTU.incd by the cool calculatm headi of such men as Arthur Tapprtn. It will be to mako the ."lave reslle-w, and dis contested with his lot- It will be to atir him up lo actf of blood. It will be to re new thmiihotrt tlie entjrtj.stMJiiu mo nor n lo r.jrm New Vorti Ctty , Auii-aiavery Oocieiv. . - . . ;ovTnvvrxAviTT, WM. (JKEEN, Jr. iCom't. JOHN )t ... -rr.cum'AiTAv, Tim foregoing ca In n f.1, Meeting of Ihe frteibU ul' iinuied.ntn eiruincinlioii, h.u bn iHilih.hcl m newt of the duily paper in tin city ; ami we are tnrry lo aihl, thai it w alwi nim'.ineel fr.on tho piilp'l iA uwH of oiir l'rsl v trriiin ('liur cheaon HmuriLiy ,il. Th.. irmh i, Ihe notoriotis ttarrixun has reliifm d aui'ig u, ud tile fmtd or-ojil of (hi city nrn called nin to partaku iu hi in 1 scheme for ex citing tho HotiiH aftirrit the North by an imarlereiice wit a their Uvenl the rf valoflhiweiiecliosal jaliMisin which mix ed up wiih ihe laa tic4ti.m, nre ciilcula td todiwtroy the Union of ihu yiio riid bring upon u all 1 14 horror of civil war. There can no longer lie any iloiiht oftlic oiijecisoi meie r ic nor l Ihe len.leu cy of their proceejiia, and it become the duty of every whI citi."ii to rrwii upon Ihcui ai dangeru lo' tho i f lliii tountryi and kuiardou to the pro purtv and livm ,.f ixir Moutb.'rn lretl,reii. What Ujou i 19 be done? Are e turn elv lu loik on, unii set this neM danger ous specie f Imiiiticuui exiirding it-lf through aociety until al length itacipi rei fvxiihold among ui aiiUIcieut to iinlocH those partaking of it, to array Ihemaelve openly, they now wrCffllg, agHinsi the cmMitiitson of the Cmind Sutos? Or hall we by prniiitly and learletnly crush ing this iiiMiiy bended Hydra in tho bod, expose the weakness a null at the Mly, mudness, and luixchief; !" these bold and dangerous men ? We confe this latter con"." appear to n the most proper, and under ul I the circuiiiMtnnce, the only cue which can with MMy be pursued. Tlin call, it will be perceivml, is nddr sed to the friend of the immediate almli Hon of al.ivery ' throughmit thoUnited titate, and we prestirne this epp-dlniion enihrae.e nino'y nino mil of every hundred erson.s in the city. JJ, iiicoimnoii with ilioffrcet mass c.f our Mpuhition, are 111 CiTor of immetl'uitr abolition, if it can be accomplished with a regard to the right white popu'ljlion thrnu 'limit tfio U. 6llF.lV APPEAL. TO 'Tlie C1TI 6rtWwhcaim'otMfcMlW Ipf eh j.ici tV.KS Op N. YORK! d.1 TUB SC'B- j Pf twlmrtn'ng th- fimdiilhn of the ft-tith.' ; bt,t. , jec'p of Immediate EMifcct v9' to "w 'moi-'N-tweeit "" eetlnna. rf nur . BnwperTH ini f... V imfry-arrnilcd in aoine thru 1 ' or Immediate emanti .i'ATION. : After having JumlJrtd in the dyat !tr n msnv year, 1 mnKo rejt aprwarliore again, at a period when th earn apirit eem to b" ahrodd Which agitated Eoroja) at iImi linie of the emmate. ( I dogma which Inn lost none of it troth by time, iht M the end aanctirw ihe meana.'l Yod, all of you, are acquainted w ilU ni !,itney, od are perhp, w.flicg fo" receive lU light of my exjierienon at thia peculiar and ainharraswng' eiiL I a tliekag;' tutor of ray day. TluMMend of liyet w re acrifkod to aocompheh my end, which after all, ao tiiicerlain it re human affiim, were never realizid. I obwrva at thia moment, tho aituie irit alirring wliich I o-ltilfully excited to render myself fa- nii'u in iiimury, anu acmure tne name ot 1 a devout rrligumiatat the tnllinx ex pen) ot nuMrA IjIouujiIhmI and piilliona of reaoiiro ! . treineiidnua - DrtooVris. ' wh ich -aw Jilh wound d-thtr sovereignty of the ntes. 0. . .w - J-i.Fur tUr 'Xmerican understand- - urn u-ill n. i tudieve that' dm" people I f bee.ilWi'ntf: the adoption" of ths j.v'siuiion. nv air hiitvi'" o and renet the attack, With tho hI une'emen, wUwilLatrengtpan theirjitle to Bxnriiioe and correct do.mestic measttr he having deien-led their couutry against foreien. negri-asmn. C floded aa wrf tf rc, ellow-citiTOT, to 'lliese sa-rel enganements, we. ye humbly aiid fcnjentlf Implord no .wmtglty-U! lie n-it amrtled at "lhi'dec!artion fir nlml art hitman lives to ihe wild amht. iQii.U'ikitMiiu(Hea juid thr-rfiti'ircu' schemes of uCUdo philanthmeista f - Vou are aware, j take il for granted, of the condition ot the alavea at tho Booth. What if they are better fxl. better provi ded tor than your fret peHle of colour M.rlinb4t4r-Mi cantwrfegnllyiutcr fere to destroy t!ia rclatiofi of inaiter and Mavea (Are you, therefore, bound toahdt up your mouth and deny yourselves the pleasure of ratling T No, my friend I you enjoy ihe glorious liberty of epecch, and let me besii;ch you tu use 11 at the public nietUug whnh r to tike" place lliia ave- tjify'rent Happy waintry. i.n.U im lk f l-IL.I..- If. II 1. evening; tn mark 'heir JalOhtaoti of an . attempt lo nrgaiuse t aociety iu thia eity, rradghl witlf danger tq the Weix an-l U. H upon afforen f ioUiIom of the Cunetitu. . tjorfi of Ihe United State. InforroatioftT wai thorJ givn bnwtvcr.thsf Ihe loea of the Hall with Ihe aintla erceutiosi Aribor TapfKin, o.w.iM ef What i due to their rullow cilifens oji lhi ociskion. li.Ul pcoliil.uod rtyW:h tOeeliti; a hwi! been contemplated by,(frriii ml hii aodate J and In cook qoence, tboee win had aafcemldod. rpilelly io ntf cl,.wn. thuee ' 1 disorganizing Ciiititic, erganir kbdad j-mnied lo fammany Hall. 4 The lur'a'S room ot the Vigwam was soon crowded lo overflowing with the mosi rrHbeclsbla ' anaemblufn of Citi&'n we have ever '"t V Kseembled within it Walls. Who atanuiCil - -.W .1 i -. i : ' . ' Ii v. inoacoi 01 uijupprvontion tipoft llie , ina & i , . eibeiTle which, Hiq Ignorance "fa ptw.bli).: ' scuro IndivldutiU had daret lo (lirii-l 0mi ; me pnoiic, ty tlie reotiiorr wbith,)xa. : give UIo4 1 Ifr-'. . . ; - - " -1 H'lt leas ihtnfet Moosoad p'ereon werfl ' present, arwl the unanimity offwding they ; vjneed, cannot fail to have a aahiury tu ' fett upon those Who have sought o throw " " thia 6rebrnod into (he coirimunity at.til. hatard of iMnging the country in civi war. : Ixt them take a It-neon frorti the , proceedings of last night, aud "vo;d tiitri. pering with the feelings of an ojirog4 ;t ana insuitea comuitnuiy. r ' We said yesterday, that tiib; I'upjn'ij on4 Garrison Call ha& beeii7aniiiHioyJ froia iu LMiiiMia oi mosi m oar rcc-u teriair t rung and that, loo, with aome energy j eburchea oil Bund-iy hist. VViJ ci,ke of' but do not like tho ingloriou and lender- tins fact accompanie j with iin tlpraiori nionthcd Kotloin, "roar you iu gently al of logrel that such bad been the cawj nod i5 a auekiiig dove !" - - - U i wow source irunminvieii sa'tihlitetinn ' " It is to call ymir attention to that meet' I b liave it in our Jtow.crtu, fldd-lhaUihs mH, thl I hareanrrn-rtfrrtrrfrTif rrartj ai)JTery rrsiKXlaUe aasfiub ; hi whom i . - spoken to you with that voice which agesl wis read almost uimn!uiily disapproved ago was powerful enough lo lead ou armiei "f it, an l most dangerous end i.ricCtidia tu slaugnler 1 1 Streeeu the aartie cvoul proceeding. . ,4 in your own country if you liateit to 'my rejoice liiat'lhiSL.pjiptirhinity iiai votce now, and to the solicitatioii "ol IImi beiirj brcaentel to the inliabilauu" of ouf IMirifir (iarrison. I ci.'y. to convince their f?nuthcru "hrethreri - with you'lro'in having abused und uulifliiedl rnaniwr lha inUirlerebca ol liiToiinl? )iiriMiiitry with uch jKUrioixe at dour Garria&Jviih thcjj aoroau 1 sie cnea in trio nustt or triumph I ' ' . . . and with tho lotteries atitf on his ear of I ' ..' . PUB LI (J MEET! NGu, . : i thoso .who wwh not well to joyr country Hi wWedneldaf eyenitget 7 oTirt" ai - L,i.sien to turn ouu tie wise: and remsm. I largej enncourse f ciiiaena of New Toial lie r that if all his proposition da appear! aaaembloil at ClhJton Hall, in purii4iice;6tV ubsirrtl Una tvu.-nca, i.ity nave roceiveu tne tine I'liiowinnoixo-i emtrobation id' that other 5Juu uun whose " I kmw" there iawifpoeal (lothen rrif i I iVioiuU, and without anv regard to Jhe requested torhec n t.f 'tt ut'-O ilull. V,a-' i Southerners wffo are to bo uppoaed''ton I iwmJuy even'ng, 2d- tktober, at 7 cluck W iKuorant twl too rtrria w lane-cure; tt 1 'T vj - vTli AaA i'iyjjvs. ttHMieelfee nd of thoit" slave .Go and I coClCtv - a - - - - .' ,-r-; - 1 .1 .r oFihe dou'thamuton iiwurreciioii. tan men Wlioset ueiioeraiey ninwii imt jh rimtn. ti nrnduco rewtrreneo ot ailch 'tfoh'esltiiowiSallrtcKclTif hiii own ma hinatiims, and having no lusher object in vtewnan mat 01 niimg meir uwir-pncMn, can sue'lt niVn we sa'y., bo considered any thing better tha na, aye! villains of (lie blackest and most damnablo dio T I'aoplo d the South we have been re. presented to yau by those whose interest it I : .. . fc Uh HliaiiiArhIiVinilmKtTfS''l t5lOWCaKCITlII UlUilt'i o aiuuiii'.iii-, Waiafini'st." Nntso, Wa'wcro among the first to raise our voices in favor ofmunci iiation. i..We 7w'uh, And' hope befor we dm, to see every man lioneath the eky ol America, enjoying tho blessings ol lioertv liut We warn yoti agauvl: thcuneasuri nowtakinrrthirfinaticrtifthrN?ti ainsryotrr property, nna your lives. .et'J wtiW BWitii !, ana uj uoi fliinor. j our tffm, Whitf trioCca.n.'if WJ "" J ' . ,liUrBs.tion. the scourges of mankind 5 . C?rM into a powec pa? -? 7 " -y , , ..;i :. , .. V rhrr-trrT nf le.sitrary.Uiaev.don tthatfhn j xN y e . winch the,C.mstiUiioniwas lonncii to f , inv.mW- UtICII- our eM.j , , ., .. hni-'t ol war : to nrvvnm I tls hasiiandm.uv. trom. oeing PI itn..mif ntl ii l fllltf jOOIV OV O P1 iLiuMiinh r.n.t.'vnhehilictUHT of oaoh 1 1 Q v... ' . . . . r. 1 4i.,.,r.,.,iniit-ll ilwirer and poer grantej tn Xm r e.. " ' j b ' ; to rem ive rv,.., all other to the pe. . ortoe ha a-eJ by rf Ftatr-,. 4. Anil yet ,t i in tarn wo aj. 1 g n .oi.iWKrfe til pretexts -,?.rUHrpic.tied tT':TM fS"rafI.rd:n.ywnr, M mRintHinthe -"UK cOgWatioamst le f P ' J - blcs oUr n.aiotr wuh -M lhimiMl ' .' " .1-. '..' c.,"-: ": - . . , . , !...-,.; selves to bo deluded by rspociiiirj n'psar- ancea, au J nf rr un nig na me. , v taw thoie men iat'icir proper light ot oun-dre-UTHlfl tiHtrderCfil.'if TliSy coma anlong una: teach thuh a lesson thev will never eorgeiXts tiffiilJpXIlliaAtccfiraud if yw loaFOlifo in them, let it bo as much. ilinet denv thstn th crown, Ti you brethren of th North tire eimlilence in vodr histicpc .Take our situatioli not one of our owfn choice into cop3idcr4'.ijnai)J pity, but do'nol eonJeiiui us.. L-t Ihe to wietchoi soe tli it V .u' feel vo&-se4caUiU3 uhythe tie wf kiwi drcd, nod that you will not aunction. luotr dctostallo attempta. 4' Ffonlthe X Y. Coitr. $ Enyuirer,Qctfl I .. - 'P.. .1.. . L. ......... lliii" ' 1 1 V"II!pili, llll", ll'W .1 I, jihoul.l require that tho slave shoulit all be purcha.ied from their masters on therrnwn terms, and the plantation paid for, winch would become uae.lun to Ihe owners tn con seiiuencit uf tho love ofaluVe labor. And aite.r .lhus oUiauung .tu:lci .pnuetoa ot tho slaves by a. volwiUiry sulo on the part ( their musters, we should msisT, as 11 mnttnr nf an lot y for our while ixipulaiion that thev houid all be traiMHtrtetl lo - Af rica. L-t u ni iko an etiinatu of wlmt sum would be required lo riccoiiiplidi this much, rmd then "jddgri of the feasibility our plan. Thero are upward of twp millions ol alanisiu iltw'Coiiod .Suite,- whose average valuo exceeds iJiM. To purcliasa tluuu aU aHiu - W ratcwmilit ' terpiVrft '-Fi'tifr Huudiuil Millloiisol'Uolltirs. 1 tn e-4t,Hes rendered valuelesc by their euuncipatloi aro ..wvrtU 4ouWvla- .' wh let " lnce it at Ihe ,i"i am, and we have 11 total cost of da"- and e.siatjs, al tin very lowest valuation ol F.ifht 1 1. 1 wired' Millions of Didlo r.t. To tramp u t to Af rica these two millions of slaves, w.mlJ cost iilxMt 'ltkl each, or Tw'o I fundi ed MidioiH ' uf IJ.illars, and they would lod Q0,4XM) ehiji of !i tons ettch ! Here then, is our plun, which can only be carrieil into efl ct-by tho iniim-iliate abolition moiety' r4ini T Httmlrrd Million flf Dollar. aihl irivTiTif'eniol' Ymcht tdthe rnariiW iif n r' the World. v The Aiids of immediate abolition have a yet suggested lan by their object to be clU'cted, aud as we "aro all invited to meet at ClinVon Hall this eve ning at 7 o'clock, we earnestly calf upmi those who aro in favor of our plan', or any aBiH'inmo in tne place 01 meeting at an early hour. Wo are all invited, nd Un der such a call, the proceeding (here had, must and will be looked upon by ir (Southern brethren, a the fice of public opinion in this -jrent comiiitfrcint emporium of IW Uitiom W eHt-therefore," --'CtiH upoti every fi'iend of lies' CoUntry wlji would ii tt i m n pin 1 """' "y 1 few designing ami wicked- biiiatics, to re . (rC"-The -friends of ihe Iminedi.nfaTX" litinn Ofayerfirrflin lTiiii.d Biates nr V Co'mmitte- -7 1 -; ' pas resolutions, . J1SULA LbVUT, That thrir slaves ovht and tauu. bel JeOl-GOOlJl.llr,- free mid iW loiitcompli-h ihia etid it is J REEN,"Jf,T. necesrnry to du those UiihKa f. raf lo -pay vut3 K .rlX, Alfa4-iV'iafa-tt . - 1 t :i L . .i I . . . . ji "4 i. :uo emancipators ami i.ioeraiora inoeei i no Bfwmuiago ictni JCtormed -lliai free presses untrnmincllcd by any party or tiio, Trustac. of t'lintmr Halt had "ch-w Jr sectarian .iofxij.'ncA.Uktwiwnuf o.-se. their vJoors 'lgainaf nnj niliiing j, uC lumiu-e lh Cdonizalion Btjciety the night eivene 'under tho If'fegning rj'jliiov .n;lieiiio of which according to losr$. those present nrgaiii?i;d in tho inuBaifea-ot' Uurnson aim iupu.ui - wa oonwa in 1 me muiding, ny culling Uen. KwbW'l wr..- Ii 1" and is now atlppurtca priiicimlly bv ardua to thsclmirfand eppoiilitir k.M. worihic hound to that agroenblo place if I Tatefaon Ewj. aml,Mri I'JPvJ'srcc'lla e. 1 do not mean to he coarso lait if such cretitrie. On tfiotiijn,jt wns juea resolw ,'ov men use such strong laigttage, may ed to adJiMirn to Tanmmuy Hall. ; ; : not a poor ghnat do Iha aaww I . . -Ami a a -- Tlw argQxroo.u ia Ihui wtdl .knowrtes.f- partrny xTtitd let nib give U ai'rhy firm be- lablisliruent was on filled to pverrtowirigY lief that these gcutkmi are amliuious of when the fidlowi'ng resnlut'toiia Were intco-i- uiy mum and deaire a noble a liu'elion in ducjiil f f!' A3uilinMlgi:. fcw:rhll'raf': lusiorya - Aie you wrf--ngTirer- r wiorr, i ppropnaia und being 'l!U:'a.'-i'--' 1 nu as to deny it to them cm ii at the ex petiae uf unarchV-and civil wri- -- PETER TIIK HE KM IT'S UIIUST. , KT Vto must ones more urgtmpon , ur readers tho iinporlnnce of a general atten dance at Clinton llnll thi evening 1 1 - pair to'Clinton Hill to night, and p iss res olution expressive of the efrotiiids iiM)ii which fliey are p'repared to sanction int mediate emancipation.- Let the dilVieu' propositions which will no doubt b? pre sciitoif, Iw calmly and temperately discus ,r-4et"wt''tH which involves the h.tppincs of millions ami the pertnanency mr eymem ot, witli ikil dispassionito c.ooliie ul consideration which lecotn-s freemen nhki walun of -Their 01 right and tho . . 1 k t . . n rhts-ol others : and tcm octiwiraieiy wet4L,!lli presenteil phthb ohciisiorr, m the anxious desire of arrivim? at itist and wise conclu ilona. Let the attendance b genruTand the character oft he nreeiiifiii oe miira sccondnd by Joim Neal, Kof PortJand,,. Maine, wln1 also niado i'unio pertintuTt-re'" marks, were unaiiiuiouily aijd .authuias.:' ticaljy adopted. ?i-"(.''-TTTt liesolttdi Thai ifcirduty fo tlpt country, and nor Southern U ret lircn 111 iutilivulHr,: render it Impropet and inexpedient to agi-' aohvo article 1 was written for Batur-1 ditliculiy the common weal. day. Tho New r. rk paper rece.yed I Irei, r'ttaaaf it i our ,iutv a rifiW. here yesteruay, nrmg accouiis 0 ,,0J;U ,, tbnstiana to niitigate, not to in. rease tire failure. . uf Jjho Tanalics. Ihe inlellt the evils of slaveVv, o uu uiinr8..i,.,i,K- m. gence of the people ot the ciy prevailed,,ice, i,ru matter which retort- il.e; and they refined to be madi mslfaineui Wlli mitr c.,riiIH A0iu:urri.r ..r ,11 1-. ...... linft.hcjim one hall ol wtiom ore nnsieu oy suai, ana icsolted 1 hat wo Inks tl.A rHntJ.- - the other by hoivs of rniin. v j? exiiri wil , , ,.,,., , u s,.,!:,- 1 1 ' Ihed ami unalternblo itetcrurtnafiuu lore't sist every . uttClltpt liiat 4my - WaoV'to" -ihtcrlco with the relation iu which atpf!L and slave oox stand, as guaranteed to'them '; .... .u f ..i.Ti: ... t .L'ri..i.j lsl. "JV ojf in .iiimiiuiiini ot 11m u 11091; otaies, . .RetoltedX bat the tlmnks of this riicdt mg be preiwntndtojlers.n ISfttl mtrvi thin. ' ' signed by Ihe C'hnir'inan"afid Socretsrio 111 the article above our conldence in the rraternal P-oliugs and. good ei we of th6 Sew Yorker Wt wo did Tit anticipate such a. triumphant proof of tkur strength Evorv iWiherii niWn feels fnn-lrted to that iulelliirent cotninuiiity. lei the reader. nernse the annexea" articts trom , 1 I tbe fuiiutic. Let theftl conic Ci tiotith on . Hicir.jntcndei crasido, anL wo fcr Th" fnetxls of the immmto n ' ed by .the gravity ff hich bccoiaea th aub;r r tt I .l. I f.,;.,. I til . J..J mm iaol. IIUIIU l Oliil l 111 lira w mi" 1 ,r iw - 1.1 " I " . ' Jl "'0 1, ronuost-ft.lswiet al Clino H ,t m We t corfcspqr5H.nLBa!a liie. i-mwjl 111 w . - - - - . ' m hm .x' i . .y.-:.' -.m.rt.iittr: miner wnnse oent 311 u:n-uc.:i ',. s 11. J 11.. o..i I i,.nniieil ot ni'-ir ,i.n'i".."-.' . .x ' . n the 10ICS cuiiiif of them'. flicy shall hve Lynch $ tit w to tlteir heart'a conlenf, f llrure are no hickories in irginia. , w 4 . frorf tht Ni Y. Coutirr ami ina. Od. 2. 1 V. P.'absells and puhlished in afl the daily wipers. ROIU'.RTnOARDl'.S,Chainac. - '. M. C' I'ATEBSOlf.V Q- ....-' " ' " '0 - : ' -ity? ? w.t. rtssii!e II GREAT (PUBLIC MEITING..- h ! 1 ' f , THE AVrTATOTtS DEFJ ATED ! k 6,n'e .. fDM"? ?" And' auer lire ncrar 01 uiiuiiigni, me proceruin uf a meetinff nurnortinir trl havo heen hld ,. 1 -i, ..1 :r ' vai.iB" vninnaui i- inapei, aau o wnitn Tho tdichs of Jew orV-Ve jr true to are prehxd the names of some ofihos ha mmed "to jmf dbffa the dw(w?rja bind' or hte Hn brought lor ii5f it ioawtiiMi m. i ! h 3i -

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