r.ry Will If l-u ci ,r, fell) l.-l ?,.in i'h f "! to winch to r it ! .) rilifrw Vfli, iiKn '!". ily and i awn l I ia Bin-ther wrwre aionv III .ii-li .: J their j;r-p'i M " that wh.sn (If ivi'i 1 tlx' hud (iil i 11 ol ft. 1 1 iniielwim! ,fptjl-!iC opinion th per- rrwj m Ihoif tluii and ; ' ilepurp" e. Home rutTfmn of lU .f wieuiroa rouimd Tamman-v lUlfwa could iit emdil them but almr lb wietiimg 1br adjourned, w liMir thai at inifUM-r fill . tli Wall and arococdod la llialbam ainrei C'hd'rwt to rrrtiin tbe truth 1 that bn ' tabu were the ettmgn.hod in lb chap I, a.! I bo poplo anrel Hi nxi-ii"! nhr u Mil for a dilPjrenl purpiaav bkU lha exraa of tor end laoetw Kin-y fracvere, h 9JH r ticouraJ;ed to H PJtStif proMipljngj mno im- If? e durrUwi seal, ami in apite tA IliC urn 'juiV.i i indignamsi they -Kll. 1 bey- are bawato,, per'actly barfiitw-aw rota-Wd - - I ttnelr vwit little out", tm'y pa nrtrct I J1 vxtl rung, and their wel ought Ir lad will i liiiiicfiii iii other raliiig jo I'm br,e la .4 ,air Hiliwrn nrchnn,' lWMwoiiii fj at kyi!liii lhawf 0Ucs'ce4itr.wV " , .wwioihkwii. BANK OF THE U. tfrifEf, ' ' 11m not lb - UtMr-mmma" iba "uliTc hind in iuJirarion of i' lf,"an4 in " amilVMion f it tancpntu Wiiility to , I ik! lun i na aay mat n un. a faj tbul il b4 out wily aipewW pubba mjfn lut i. baa in i rmiix-ral leran4mmt con , and di?mr inlu the adininiilraliwn x a i4,Wc alLirx, (t iIm rmra purmaa if ' ruiiums down tl I'liiH'd Hlalet liank ' O M'htf )a Ao KrNDati'e rupi-nura fir . Ilia paHrf (.ilgnmaj f ih PrHilnit 1. - iJi-lmrin; Kirm niiica from bia private t Or'i.i'a In iIT rttllctirf rqw annaiiva of (xililiral lurrxpil el Wmh ing'ivn It nay tnm bia nn pckrtaT Nv L-hiy , iU Ix libve in thu 'ponion of lba'o Cfjhfl. Am id paulooliif iba-puhlic TwuU, ami il all inn eirwrwitura mat naw liti ri niml m llna untily crtiiil agmrwl rIBu"irfiwt UitWir lrMilutiiifl f lb twin. J ' try tu!4 bfl ' f. We art Indituwl lu IhiMt Ibtit llo f H,000 e pnfrd by iba ('unit ianoceiry iiieaur!8iH'arf dofi-rve, Would by n indHiia appear Tfry larrn, wlicn llnii C'iiii'r'd "Hi lb Willi paid to trio iiin Uii H a tsiitii'-r. tabinri ami a pminiirtH-.l wli'afl luiy it ia to tra 4 i! i (he Haiib anJ oil wboadvoratu ila ro- " ChtCL LA J I N(f M EDI CM. - - V, H. j;m. Thw jt"opU " millimm i-f k tlni Jiik. Tbir. wa orih l m llnm alxr pur, brf"r Hit KurhTi C'abinrt 14 Wd f thi aul-r"' la r i,f mr, a bad urns f:jlU"! Ihftfa I'llu lp ufl, ili'ul waofliiig to U"a, Hmi ibfl adiniiiKirali'in, bataf"! ruimliia lUnk.aiid bat atbr in plaMllbi'Mi4k ia jrwilly kMand ia i a", i. IA ptpplrtrt Imttri. Tb frt ?al tf .haibi(nilr, wirt Ho nrm 'A l Ihinga, filler ran(urtj.dj'lr'i amn iba penplp, raKa iba inli-rral fif riKHi'. and put rMiff fiwava to pwal AtHrm. or Iba I cat Qin.ka will ira! upnn tb rapilal, ajwl rai a rn'K)id arait'irnicf , inrwiiaiy nri Haitrrotia than any thirty we have yH " n I lii emmtrv. Stw Itaiik", rw-w Hml Rmila. ami ravr nvw; MfnrirWjf Tk 'ttrmt fuTurrlrr, an! r( pr.pb"wtn aa Whki aa unphn"ipl'l t ' d!majg(Mia are itdiiig ao tiwir biifk. , ' V. I. Joi'y TImi report f Iho liovrnmMit Din-c-ra of lh )!.uik of Ibo I'mM SUr. pri.Yra afW lliinjt rlearlv, thai lhy wrr mom ! Kly rhoncri witu n'lurfiiri to the work Ihrv ro npiflwl to wr 6rt, 1U0 Mr. Ilimrw . ba" rorru plxa, -ilf all br. Hie wh'J1 t Ihrir eharpw amnrmf mthpi.thatlhr Bunk nfjba l'mtrl 8alr, aMiW on all hand, bf tba GnvRmnintil prwmea, bt Iba Pm- Arm anil by bia paninan, r!rfinb?l ilwlf rn aprakifiK far whm IwTora Ibr proph. primed tflalrnfnta 1 iti cmiraa and pmcmlin J ainl that lha PrttiJriil had diarrrtMiary authority to ordar and pat (if fix-no jmbticationa,'. Il would hivo been a palpabla abamlnn anc at jif the. intprf-lf nflba kh.J.b ra, if iba I! ink hud no! don w'a'i a meat nnccanry and juati&tbla act ot aulf. aolonco. N, J Amcrirc. 1U1 1 a.l S r..f'T. an4 !.. a rrai and aa lUa mM m tra " pmw, I'm lhii4iM Iba way w-l L ."""i ' fry aad I la r1 tff IWiJ- V " ' ' a;ia Cwigri an4 Ijiat'a wll .1 waabar.-d - drefian ab-t " niV. Tfca av- aaiWi7 mi, I rerlcm, fcata twea I vrw awrf-y j il- it 1 fCv I I I fT-rt I I" 1 1" r.. t rr-4 ui "If I.-1"" l , .n. - Il I m iiImw"I in all th1 1 i itf t.' ri-uuvo u' I'm "' rrv 1 iri lil I- - A I.. hop from Vnsliin"ton sir- nn am ryW. arwnt af b,iim- Hiari4-by4Ua44igOtltf SOVsk liiu linn Cabinet th liraivb llniilt of tha t'nitod 8'ti" m be nly of Wadiinjr ton. 1 1 rsma tlmr by honk and by rrnnk (iirinripTiy by tha latlrr) iha.nvtnbiTa n lira rtrSinart di'P'triiiH'nt nan acranni 10 ui lVr the tonrin'aw armmnt A two ikn "mud il'I!ar, in biSla nf tin Ui)icJ 5 tatoa Iniiik. and d''trrnnni forJiaiih lonlinka Of IhO ()!Tl' ll ' TSnfli waa rntlMJIITM tno B-'i'tit tin 'arcoiiif'Ulll tli Work of -ffi-sTrwi . ' Jj, rcpniri'd to tl) Hnk. an.l irtntoad of ap- "'"'Vtl'lirJItW tnidf iWl) af fiaymr nf tbR - t ' 1 I 1. .11 a f - ' . ' 4 B.l.Hl' , " 11 ''n 0"" I'INI UIIII'UIHW, ''"y-'riT M ikhhwhi-'Iv -r!nwnoVd .tliai..aniirifM Ti i birnnjrn to tell let a rhHk bhnrhnd at tha -."iTi' a i . 1 h i iii 'U nf tha di mmni Lot tha lei -is.i 1. T,.rT.rmr,rn"Ji 'niitdot (hi1 "apaj' . .... MAJon dowmno's coancsros To my good nbl fricml Mr. Dijht of the Daily Advertiaer. WAinncTojr, 23d Si?p. 1833. 1 ami latter to ymi by Zckel Dieolow jct afora I lvl !ew York ; ami I waa off aa anon aa tbey pt the atrmrn up. M bm 1 got In Philndclphia, I only hid time to litkn htrt rniinrl to acoSqwre Hiddlea miiiit. and I loond bira preliv bi-y, bu! a. pmxI nutured aaercr. all," aaya he " Major, Ilia liinornf hw npenwl hi bat trry. but rintafraid bn'll kill a muni :.. ir r..n 1 .-.V;i''fr. 'T ri" t'i (ho lnnk di'h'nr; whn, wttrr-wir finfi :-'4emniiy Ji'wiii:'! it in the wheel tarrow " and iimrchil o'Tm H'lAiicud" il 1 aa pi4va : . and hemii M.the Hiil'an would ftrKJoLrom """a ni'ix-iAf-r .tiiS"m?tii. :--rr -ihf Vf' t'" rVHi( bnrmr pernnpa a tfifiiililin,' 'f A'arkm blood ia hia ireina. 'aacuriHia enough to rb-crvo ita.lMtipn tMHi,-au4 ron a'ccrluined. tunljL ...wat heeled offto another twnk donbtleiM liif "i iftNTVif wny of httmonnjr tha-frke!, "-jfrHwrbirf. tha idhfera or tha Hun!. Jurth -i ; - with ilePHlched thnir nwwwirti with. two T- lii.Kumid ib.Iliirt ol"t!bilt ortfio Fan!; '., Hint wa in th net nf receiving the new ' f 4 , ai niiiiitron, whi-rn Mr. lllnir 1J ths pica, if . 1 .1 ,., 1 v fine ff ei'ein 1111 iw imiv-im u'iihii rui r . ,.rl bncji again to lha hatod Branch, whence ""Tfi.i ia fl'i firl rim'wVlAvoltHrJ c .'-I ; H.tipm tb inntifmion nml reiniml u of a ; firtiilir nrrnrrenr-a in reiaumi to tuo mihk - -nf KiiirlitiH. pinna year ao ; inrk tar (Bhiir'a pwKotypc) hainj beeo paid off at hnnerneoK, farmed for bia wage a' jC-"(l -Hjiik of Eivlpnd note. Repairing with all Tjced tw4jmrt'n lo aprnd it but withal fcavin miiihH Jh characteristic kinJ. . talbftPmk, nd eager ly iniiiii r.;.t t-r the rrraideat. Tbit functionarj U ,m,i I-if tlie lime enfir'J.lho anilor piwwt lha -room v wtiheridoni uwaninosa and perturtiotlun Ixit ileclarinjj i'l ho bnd pnvnte b.iiiie- of ireat iiDportanr wuh ih Prident, ho araa at hwiaTth oibfiod the niom oc r ' thati no matter, be'a aot i-nnf mi ant. 1 Rut, ya ho "Major, I ihonjht Ji i Jd w Iwd L aotUia tiU you d kik astn.n Thu binder cornered me, and inmla me a IHllo wrathy ; oik! o, aaya I Sjuire, t wuuld Uko to kuo'T whnt you man to d abiait it! And ao I thought thi would lundnraorner bim u O, aaya be, "Mjn ..mI picked up a btnMllo ol'tefferalM w jf'a; foin to acrtd nff to the llranrheaj and n?d am-oft em, and 1 read mmemi emf hndthey warn all prrtty nuirh aliki", telhq hia foika to tin all they could in re lievinrlhe nHmejr markrl, and not lei pen pro auifcr,' aii jt-rt-to carry i rnnth anil a limy cm.J4 wiluma apltttM a in, tor ituw ia tha atorm I tad aoma m, tney could Ml mora alwdl it lhatt when rt waa only run Win and JiHitenin. t all aae I, tbia t afHiHtped"b'i"iii'a. Tfla Gwieral wont like thin, aaya 1 ; and I would like knw nottnl'Vhj. any he, Miii.r, wo hope IIm wople will oVckU t kea Omjrroae nwli." H ha!, ' aara i, do yoa call Xm-wva the jmple ? I loir -yew talkfirya l-nfcif that iey-air notion of the Oawrnment, tlmn, aaya I Suuirr, yu are a pigier ia limn 1 mk jn lor. w ny, iiva I, I ami tha G literal dx't rare n ior fur Coufjrew tLn we do for the In 2i n . Rithfle. or woed ls aoH if (bey nn. it ao matter. And Mr. VaaTare RUJi l twnnldi lrf are!l to rail a root mmm ! ivmioato "a Pfdi, and ei I ra maiuMca to dip tb hi lh Prrh-Wxia ion, ol f lUifi i-4 w fiUU iua. IH b .Id no till aV myt 1, (moth!. ynt know I rHb-l 4 I'd atick tat you iiiro lk k a o.) iMn, avl I'm a aa aV IkU o. I know rj, Mtj-, eayf lw, ami I waa ewly W wrwi btwa a Ifcw lava a jo; rmt W'. Van flin-a lliero wa r tiro a awd w Inaf aaW i worf h d"te Aerwrd. Aad I era out afftii UfUle at mire. Ad H oat N 0;Waok.if I kadtal (M(un andiulr"" r.n;)rt a lKi ip r a Jl I I-. r,enil-r, iIk t jM rmt- lrrb aenatih January. A'el jJ o it mijM 1 , rf waited till crr mri. lba wdb w mirht re ebarii-r lha Uank m apiie taa. j fitrt I erk-M im lrlal'Wd"Mrt IhH leiiw; and f rt katf. IV, .fi k.," rtT be - wyr, bai nne 1 thee lr!ta abm ape nera bwd th impudrnre to W-U aa Mbt aay I era riotiin ib n-k 4 rwl rat al Ike VVbHO lloll.', Why, aaya I. ya) -VM ay an! "Tea," ay ate. " X ; but," aaya he. " Maj-r, tbey dW kaow a4nmahl Rari bi'm." N.aaa I, nor akankui arter. And tkew be and I torn. 4 tS and old at-wv-i arter another abl rarlaaaia and aivdiia tilt nlni da hrbll aod ibew w wt to abwpw... 1 aiperl my al wa b a Pr.-:-I.inalioo but 1 ijiw lriow." "W are pretty bney ak-W ecT llunj. Var friend. J. DOWN'lJS. Mr. DoaioMijrwIk Militia, Sod Cng. s. :0: U Voai tie Xne T1t Xmterut. r.rit Tf HooTT. Xmm"r t tract l'ru Loui paprra Itw4ay oiU br found na refuting on the kigftent aanty be truth of the atalemewt amverMiry be- d mi W lUe i revirf df . Mr. Timoth fl.at wk hj given a dri!-d net ,unt of 1 be r . fwiin, r-i-nUit 10 In ' tie.mjl ao tl.nmr at th Vevrn Siaf i and it a!ao apra ra n iHe Trao-la iif IVrnliarJ LLlu of S4ta Wtintar, brnihcr in tw ol ttt Dak" (.l4rrnra (leiw King of Ureal Britaia.) auf Ji.her! ao bite a l' .'' 1 lha an.!erioed, wfting In that araay, " and aVtoally arwnf, and tbmwja wbom at! oritur to ibo troop weraaeoH!jitef, ijo, in joM"e totJtJrne. aautra lkt a'nir'ii.'M J"oiTirrrt who enmanatnted, and W iba aitnek, the wlnde waaor af wkoao life waa marked by inanli. aaaaol awrprwe.aotl integrity f tiew, moat aorai rot-all v deny that any rh pnriHe ar .er hrkiAot to lb armr, or Uiat tha wntrbword a-Mertad to bae been given out wa etrr immtrvL and furl her. I hut anelt mo tiea could aavwr bate artnaird the man, a ra tlw atrarbaraw of Kia ibMr h KiHg awl country, w uiineotly upheld the character nf a true Hrttph eoldirr., " That a rrfulati'tti ot the abotra calitm ao4 btrirv: brfora brntrared, ia Mv b be attnbwted to their not hatinf com In tbe karealada of lha andemijrncd, that tbey iMe, arttil ihe work from which tlfy ara takea wai rieo ta the public, in lb praam year, h3X (Hijned) Joaia LacT, Lt. Ueneral. Jomt Kata, Lient. Oeneral. W. Taoaro, Maj General. Row. BuirfXar, Maj. Gen. Alciaocb Dicaact, Colonel, lMtv .AJl..G n. Roy ul Art. " I.Pakk low, K teamaaiDCK, Are. 34, - - - Sia : I tctrdav bad tha honor, to ra- eette vwr teller of loth Augurf, inchiain asoat auliiCtCtiior erulroV a, ia rofulalton of the 4 tt'omal, that Ihe Brilieb Cotamand' erm Chief bad. prciou4y loth battle of ew Orieann, promnrd Ihe rduodcr of the ctf y to Lta armr. That alalempat n men Ueed tn the 2i'th chapter nf the atennd liered m thia caontry, that the wta at voj,me mj M.irth Anmrita, Iba hoad of Ibi paragraph exmiitd tb- j mml m (d 0.1 doruiweuta, to which I encourastng cry "f aaaaajW of the Bnirj HiefT n. army at New OrkrewA aa fh Jan. iX - Tiie ihint e.hii.tn of my book riarint Il ia now nearly a'g1re-aj Tear wore Se mmr lime pnMiVit. 1 hate no other dudx nor of the wwd and lb parpeMe ; min., tlie inr,rtnrtt tiiforouitioa 1 hay int4y, waa laid an Iba cHaree rtlin. ,,,1 ,n y,r emmioirntion ireneral Packenhaa and bia lrt It wwraiar (rvwn rh.in by rltw? it Ar iurlMin that in all that time, an rrfotitKi Sld p,K ymrnU, awl bv rrquirtiajj one ban Uaa baf fa atiraanlaJ Uae.iaure-au..lrf m amb t.3Wr l'trrkr l-WH Urilndi ruwctaawnr aa Ihe I md w newspaper pulrli!il Ihrre and tateaenuld m hot bate nren tbe m M vvd,,tr.n. Ynu may drend on m wbKb Ihey bare hera pot al ekctea ad ; jj orccjuiry tep ur thoae pur on olher pditiraj ocr .h. .Wy. Yiicertamh ib-rHaUi.ltVrSn'j-. 1 arn nersnadl. b me tho aa nLed ia ila bvA ra. lbjSi .)tM. atoaa, that 1 oeruaeJ yuor let , 1 will n. 1 V mi liiruinf. In I nm imhii ueaa am m a nenf:- . , , . ik. inv wnrr u u ru oc r into, on WAavAiwiB.jnii. l rjppeared to methnl Ihe atalcrnrmt - .Vie Aa nee 4 aa ceaMaaad of tbe t.rrro now cmrrrn" ?he honor nf tho lril rnf nerrtog al New OrVa . b yr t tab nree, bwi; reb'd on no light atHtW' aaraa - a . . at . a nia.i mi raiaruaiotaKurMma ay. 11 cmai 01 natv rccetrea a nure B 'S ! t ' liV l I r -1 li'tl . I ! It,.-1 HI III, U H ; "11, '(! I win limr fM..:,t. f t "I lio rwtt mornin;, whfri I tp I ,Mi aurprinrsd, a thawjii hud ii"l 110, to find ltit be bad atif-a ') io d wn. At nrt, I ( It alariwH, a orh a thmg Imd b-romi' uiio.'iul wiilt Inn, if t.!i far-, hot any antlitu feelings ere f,' i,lly rj lied, alien Ilia ihiUfi'it t 1 I ne i'i.-iI ihfir lather bad !. h fr t ;i l"ur in the iMiUloa fu -Id, and i on-ii'l-n lii fHfdi-0 f in f. AV ith IHjf'Wiiii'y UiaMTIuti got ready the be brrukr.it tli.il I could and bo at down to il Kith a jrixxl a -i itr( but aaid lit I i ( and n-rw and Hu n I tbo.toar atarting into In rC.. , I. had jnnrryijrethat JhewtHiljJ full (mi k infi) bia lurrner' babita, whenever he ' ahmiM nyeel bia-olj eotnitaiHuna, r ! p in agnin alih I'racona atore.t I waa,almil urging bint lo move. Into another ydln jr. Alter break fnt, be took.OMi jiaido, auj a m m a. akei mo it 1 Ita4 ot a sold - f inff.- Geftrge" ail I, (hut rmj wn myj mother a aha took rt ffont bar finger. and at it to me, ha day alio died. ' I rt not p"tt wild rhaf rmgy trtileafit were to aara life. . Dnlr, if wa ara induatrimia and tVateai, w 'ahatl not be foraaken.". IVar Jmmy," aaid br, " I know how ymt prixa that g4J nngj'I never loved yon awe than when you wept over i, while you fir told ma Ihe tnry nf your mollier'a dneth t it wa jtwt rr)o:im bef ire wa war -ma mod, the hat JabUth evening in May, Jenny, and w were walking by ihe river, t wiah you w.aild bring run that ring." Mrm ory Jiurried roe , back, in an inatanl, lo lha arena, the bank upon ibo river'a aide, where w ant logeilier, and agreed upon our. wedding day, brought down h" ring ," and he- ked tna with- aucb earoeatue of manner, lo put it on hia littlo finger, that I did aoj not, fiowevcr without a trembling hnd and a migiv ing heart. "Ami niw enny," aaid be, aa he roaa ta an out., nni that fiod ill aupport nie." My mind wa not in bappv atate, fur flit aomo douht af bia intention. From a littlo hill al Ihe bark ot our rottaire, we bad fnir view of ibe deacon 'a atore. I went tip to the top of it j and, whilo I watched my hua- oaml atepa no ooe can fell how fervent- ty I prayed God to guide them aright. aw two- of hia old comwaninna eland j al th atore oonr with glaaae in then hand; and t my huiband cam in from 0f the aliop, I nw them beckon him in. na , m$ moment for.tVio. jjh '.eorfc, " Mli I thuuiiti l.kuow I; !- li 1 1 m.rii lv( i 'Uf I l (ill he c-Him not nr m0) B , rentem I ml of it, huve ma'dn their callinc and . tfr ymif poor w,r an,l vmir Htnrvine ! flnriinn m. r . lL :i ' henrt wmk within mo, , aenre of the r rem "Jehovah, wi rop and turn toward . ibn make jroir Vailing end t-lectmif urT - . T 'i-.l tU K. .! I, ... ... ' , 111 l( '"ii'n II al,kmi ; iftm tkt ili' 1 , pi,, Xtrrattr ASOTiinn H.rxmci rnnAnin rr w llin, Ao;"i. i.f Oil (r-u nrriikl I. ... I ...... , ,' . " ' girt, I II eleven an.) U,;, 1 ' ' '"'1 i"liri( r lUl Tf hcrtUr. Mr Inr nd. i..!i uu.ty.a f. w cte..init, Lr-lora.ofb, her J .at(I Caoii!rred lha etlnluli,m 1 1 ly womlcrfnf 0110.X11 cv. ,,.,,, Iftt nldlithaKput nine, a p-rw r ruining, bilf breatlile,, to inC.nn me tW aba waallu.o.n'JitWj itold -wt,-ha wa5, ai.d aayitui vCl-ifU ina dMMw, , I fKiua the hoima jhriKiffrd whm I en. tefed, for her face m ao bwd m' Lciird diatinctlv. in tUtreet fha nm aiiting on a iiiKiii cot on whith i fcv iminemefit,' ha bud wit down. ....1 Iwiiiiiiut a ftw nooute, w.n alc y,, akcp, and alm-mt iniriiudiatrly began kr diat;inirxo ll 1 waa lhe IW' 1 5irfc . Wlwa I filtered .f had been a(k lug abtajl J of an hourt . tilm , w.. ,,1, tn aifnc at the moii4lt I eot M, rV linmU in bef lap", Iter e,-Cr,w.(jtJMjj(1( fd, ih Vr'btcl f lonrd. .1 Pnwntly, H4 anki J, in a niiMrcratii tone; "Give uia my ba , k thief." nil,whlwM very t,,,, ordi .ar.wli.'r( one whTcli wat not herowa wa held out loiter,) made aiiira ofra fural.ajMj reftated her niuinl. Mcrm were cloacJ, ao alio could not hare aeco i Whert tlaar ooe'.ho anked fir a put a her lap.' ab 'dclilieratcly prr-d it'r putting it over her bead,' drew it ,. undfif htr chin and held il bv kori-A 1,.:. j - aaiav nd thu eumpleioly-covered her f.c -' r Ou iuquSry aflfiturdv LlenrnerJ tJiaV " AH Mi.f.,.1 f . ..... i"i ",iuut weatiiott,- wnen there wa tome little, boii iu iba ruu... whimpering-, or Ihe rimtling of garment, of ' pcraoua in motion, iia liaa appeared ti be doicorceried,-nd har-pancd bhd thrown her apron ov ef he r foef; t Altera moWnt'e patwe ahe prweeded with bar d and by a eudden tranqtioo from ilia m.t pertect calmnea 0 anirit, and apmrcm bo. ddy eshiuation, ahe buMdorth with a pa. tho and energy that w-c.ned lo IhriU throagh every ncirt O. tbe everlanting' alvatioo! The O y 'Vheavoiri Ha dra. eended f I rcft1li!nrlu'thr'.Tf7ro ' aowo 10 (hi vain world ami dud fir help, let tinner and died I! trot.. If ha bia . aieo lor hrtplen atnnrra ho" haa died fur " ua.. Why uol4hm accent of it. fllieev rlHirhf Wllvaiinaur Dikeen ilnKNr4r- children!" Mt when I aaw hm the t'lf - on no. " Tli-ink Cut n,.l I. and tan ,.,WI, the hill wiih a lijht otep, and eiaon nn bubv at the cottaga door, I bterally pma w.,h kian..and bathed il wiih (ear i.K,r. 11 rm,k hnnd wnlt tin old V vouim comply with the reouea:!" .K-iatea; they apirared . to uffi.T him J HIiij antil. - --rr- "l ir -U-m; I LUl. .nKe hia bead eliriatuin a arrival at hi journey t end j'o RkUrd Lai, tur Rrpiire't rtflice boy, if hia receiving bit reward ; but I am ant able tn giro you berpreciao tantfag ea that puinu . r -r- She then returnnif tri lha imnenhrfnt. " f joy. Ahntit tn o'clock", VTT5 1?av(iufTIvi"iLanineWcitM i T Jeroiifivwtirrever and frrever more,' Ha lo y our a wt. ruiilrd " Tbrr '. thn lil m n irtti Aiorica. T 1 ctferria to (rwanJ bWhy'tuUvw hecaeo-oUtgaig CQuU M.m JiU.w.ht, m lia waaJlimo.jmday-of aaJaiionl w.,i.&V. ra 10 me. -.. m ,w m njmrei rmrnr- narhartfj hMught a pieco o nrat and a.. me meal, live, and Interredea tbr Vou 1 and wi'fl von "' Signed lif aeverat -IBerwWh hwa rw teaawwcuHf- aaorecompteta Co0tra4oliiiiIJr''mT,"hn',hrtd kr-tif wortCthat Je "not rimota bin 'whiiailrii. Wirccia'i vmxt . t I ear in in 00 d-atht yew wnK eat ft rraJ, ml I ha tUa honor to jtutice t b the ReitwH artfT, ; efcerfamt haioble servant ind lo Ihe meanary of the br and Juia tcast. nt otRerr who rwnrwird m cb-f. " Ltcst. Gen. Sir Jhn Lambert, K. C. B. Kir rt all Iba.puUtcalr aa vmw nuareril , Jre.gtc. nTmiiiilil.i w p ndaf atintaV- "Sraaaoae, AtrT 3d, l3l. tn a ttiirJ aliUuo, tlua t-wmaJ Cmui i4 Ihe I wKJfc--akWiiL--Boini irwtii ot 4 oMt rrtrrma wl baaV raynwr Irftrrof tih toat awtm retnrti to fuaeo iCfeem, 1 have I we iu ru r to rr joo many thank fir lb reaJy compliance main, sir, your mumi nrm-K. with, nd eCkaeoi -ena VuU propii .-.iiVVii...yj l.mn. f P." t: - -' ' . . . -r. - , . , W ramring into eueei mo ooject ine t,en wrtrarf, T. . f m OtTarera and mvwlf had in fcrwardinif "oo- wtrnar- it -m nit aerpntml linn, Vn . i-. c . ; ta.hU.1 th.t it., a.,.,: k-.i j t- v r . . r4- - n . .". o,rtyoor vary i - - " t uau- wgagwa nim t atnner, oeyotr irtta fa aaoa wheavrt m aa . . iiur mi, romim, no camo home enrtyaeeept W caii.trert fari.tfown the hil toTlri ihe' le waa grove hut clieeiful. tli aeept.i tune. aod nowittheoay d for VOII. dear llUihnnd." aalvaliim.- " 1 - J-SelvatioDLlOr galvalTon.V'" 1 f ?y P claratiun iocloaod ia ti preceding taynnmy letfer ofrhe tflih inst., togctb Well then. avi b, there ihejleii-r. ; er with the enebwure I have the hmioi CNhinet, perhapa they will ituta 1 Ti two CJbwiog pirarapta. ertrwe. la re , Sit, your very obodient bunibie thinjto aayhtt tt.'-Welrwv l( tnt Iko wt rc ale, aaif.'i. ,nrf. . laarvaat wonmvot.' u bat baa tho t alnnet mil () do Kitb it T tli yon think we nro goiu to rrnoint fnlka tn tell tit what To do f .No, tin. Bay l,fuire )v know a g ml deal. but you d.int kixW unUnn aiMut the lion. ernnmnf veU .: fliB ; O imirtd Aid w flgrrt hat New Orban buttle, for notlun, any I. And when lUfi poopte mode Wnj Preindeoi, they knew ho was Urn innM knowin man goin, and evet atnee I've been with him, they are more and mom aarrki oothin more wtiutin, unfrya il U Mr. Van R iren to cut Id, when we gilia mil ami goto the Her; rrttagOti And wau that I atreahed lo Vahin,'ton. It waa nigh npon midnight WiT'1 got lo tWtyt ma n.iun, mUf-rjir nittera'l ive abfHi pnd a t k!w he wno- ihil ' Threw Year ia Xociaj Anca,r' by Jine Stuart. Ewj. when lyraJuac of 1 th evpetittuaj to New Urkaut aa l3li, epreaa 1. " l hat heen dJ rwer roo- trt diMcd, bO far al I fvaiSd; feam at ?ff af " Jonx LawBrnT, L. G. " TtJiixtt &uart, Esq. ; JIT KOTtlERS GOLD RISC rfcur? cud of HJfti iliwrntojrlinl) tw1wJlir xrgibott and aoefra at tfraw n 1 .1 . a -.- l j -: Lt. tl.i u..l " f il. i. I ..r k. rt . . 11 "rHiisiniK 1 or- ixiiimi cimmi2Txr.ia..ii''uuiiu.acEi imii., 11 h ww nuipiv 1 numuci vi n-. inunn cusiumera. ..ua chief had pmrmed the ptmlrr of i.V n:y ; oarrahv U her auflbrirjga by aa aCLcted ( wa an excellent workman,, and . buainow to hit army, Ton ia nvatrr whicbeTeo;wonw, woo bad a acottiyh husband, bq; came in trom all quarter, Ilgiwaa tooo rmw ponrwrn the bouor of tbe Brtth who, be b-r admonkion and the kindness jnbla lo repay neighbor Johnnon, and our name, for the ata)eaywf u Kaoed oaif a rnctw anu Dethhor, waa reclaimed I families lived in Ihe close friendahip with 00 liht aathorrtv."" (from bia Jtsadute coorse. It present in I each ether. One evening farmer Johnson t 2. "Mr. Haloo, hoUieg one rf the a Kety mtnoar, the influence of 'thelenul to my husband, that ho thought it hicheea iwicea n the rrweral goicr-mwirt ; J emoetance rieiijn in ttta caae 01 one I wonia he well for him lo aiso Ihe temper of tho I'oited Hates the oerwent (l") inAjividoal, and the cwrw-rjoence of it iieg Innca. pledge J. thnt h. didrjol a,4viHg it. rrfiaeeeotwl lin,n t I will tell Vouaod-trll voa Kill " totiri ihe Lul niAAt II- .. I . if ..--' -1 - ' m- "", ' " u Krave nui cueeriiii. fit a-eeptiKl tune, and oowittheeay oi 1 nave pray mo u- Amf merciful GH ba tip P1" me, Jemiy," en id he,.H W. not eay, to meaaurw Ilia cdegmea ol hrtppt. nesef but, take it alrogather, thi I think waa the happieat evening n my JiCi, If tltarre ia great joy in heavilirover a tinner i that repenteth, there 1t no lea JnTTnTTh nearr 01 a laiintui who, over a husband that wns host, ami ia found. z " la this manner the two month went away. In addition lo bia common lubor, he fiMind lime tn cultivate the carden. and make and mend a variety of useful article abiMit the houao. it wa toon understood that m V buhand bnd rattirmmt arut at ar.. more generally believed, becailso he wat a Id : Till earth's remotest natiuiT, ilat lotrned Mea-iinh' namel- .Die aire 101100 mug pause ; aim I DC gan lo be iu doubt whether ah ia4 hoer, " made an rmd of tIleakirT'r.,, wherf tbe re uni)d CLrniliiinsdo yuu bulieia llicrw 1 tvtr vnil be a time, whou eartlTa remoi at uatmni hav leafuod MaaiahV wama? Da ynu Wtrne tbera wili-ba a time T 4 1 do I- new mrnr wiir oo a .now I ye; aug i will coma quickly Ha come for you i aalvation. lia bateaaon the winVvof lor . own from bis native tkiea." - Slw then a ' . . . .1... OwniiliHil inlu . I eorner. whore cauliounlv klealthi!y ' ' tjnroning hia bill, ha ahpwod il him, and r, : V" -m , wf,jHfM,,Now, W.f-r"T Ti V?!r' M r Preaidauf, I VI wnhrpi hQ.-ymrr 3Z--4Jt rioniir. voa aw, Wr brenk lha bank-n-but ; - :! ffJvo tn'50 now, andTH givo yo a 1 v.wrw henriWa-week f r -1 -irn. Jiehon wa inmie, ny later imnripnif, tn inveigh Btroncly against the Br,kofthe Unite Stalaa, bwaute ot ine foreigners wtiu hRvw becorrw iiiteregted in its atock. Tie reovwnj nf the depowie in pirl to the (I tse Kte t'readfultyi I went Trft jntn feUifo"m i iiniL; WiiliabUL4iprf-ri!. WhyL av ho, 44 Aliijir t thai mly von ? for I've been dreaminrj about yoiw.i I'm glad yoo! ward Packenhaa Vartnv in aro Itack r2ir.Jfr tliinga ore gittin pretty fthe fth . Jl tho wntta wwifBra Wtf II tnliUlhi Jl II. " . Irrenrwr, rtn hfl 1e- m m tkvretary a-MUr-4a; i.Aarjraintfv left iaj another. " beorgfir"4ho reformed when he first began to leave off epirit, for erument at tTasmoefoo. etd the mt hnr l it9L accompanied by. nif wifisandl lcf nt stwn'mrt'trt 'fair him.-'- lint of a Uw-f- Geoecal JacVnow.- eee4y ha.fta, aiaioa hw way to jn ti f jf V.dehl j P.nw,l id Jje, Jy,w have tptif inucd Jive asserts..!, that work, ilwt "houiv nj re,arfr3ctdt tne ti(ler'riimli.p. 'Far Imontiit -Without toucmngja drnp,nd if tawntv wa tlie . .... W 1 II. I.. Il.l , . t - atcow-ra ot Mr tj f mer jotuvua, , wan Ban Deen tavea trom woin 1 do won lor mo caue, ihitl vou be l:tie ofi iinremperaue. by : " toe pledge," meets j hould tign tho pledge." ?4 Friend" John- ' Ix-i it be ra , lSea pa the war, beconra raaounsible Cirlm, said my husband, when a' venr hni :wV5siJr?ffirSt A wkiii asl i'ot alonr niklhe Ginernllliv tlteUriUaa.'k,tbattoi3iie(tiiw4.ty in cverytriat and femptatioti iind a there now, Jnya he Mnjnr I dont cure fir ,' hwildiera be pccpwred the anaka of the flaw Johnjotv rwatlves to beoomo a Tem j drinking man "knows well the 7 :fnrc7tind- il tlio. teat oih (toveriiiiient except air. j city a a rcM0ac lor taetr uana7naWBaaM coimnenceiaeiit . mojaoio-. ol th word-I hav relied Cntilluien rnti if wo three aiot i om(,-b f.- .al p(twtiiv, Wrtie. wkh bntul. latew , thia all ereation, in mnnaKcn. cur no v.u tor haiit von li eu ray Proclainntion iBiddler Yi sy I, I ta it at imor. weltJiav tie, wont no vou think r,wv" Ji thintun go(d com about if ; and I in fin nwuTI an tnwtnre. - iMawr, nava he. that rnilamatiow asrin Kiddle, will ki him ami (m Onnk a dead a that one asm the KullGera killed Cufrroon and hia cwrTV. Tlt 1 nothm, taya be, like a ! llua iiaUiilbtf.. jie jfifoi uvoa itbia yiMjingla ratiew 'mV-rigi T'whait '''sjtentarv trpt the incerry of thta, ir?ijoc : li.MW Th afork ol the Brink re', aloto! entirely owned by lomgner, and exclu- nKoeiw, tlidv were la revl rotw.-a in-'.t Getrrsc,! who cipJ iia th"? rrnvin far lii'i reuiiiid mo of my dulv tu God, ta nr 1 njin .milj-eivce, sort tnu.iipn mav"Jrvj:--d crer j fhw !it:e!in:n the tract, :'.ab.M(Ud j. wire,, io.,njy -.guiidrfti,--acid to society Rulfi- female iariocetice Scene Lse Jjesi? ear Ko!.- 41 Ihe reader is tfeinred to 00 j Wiwnover. the .iatnilo of appetite, hat think 1 nation. ln.lvairel and rasullrd. bad al- .bctltliat rlfM .ileaeon -ntfira named. I CiMnmeoei'd. I have looked noon tin r inn- de U rnce, (al'nxiin to Ar I. I b"jrw hao' beeav wecotre-w .1. 0 her peeniint the j loo bist wordsj and oyin'1' counoils. id an evpc-nto;) -Mil si-aMa tarred 1 ftar.adare- T t - to; her hesbaad, ajjd hi j excellent mother, to niy wife, -who placed yet tolenrn TTtaTan oilct 4.1 tuTlitriatmiTryt" toeTl-Jt j;u.;g vf the mrwit-fV vwif Mi Kiayi.f-t 1 r O a'w -J--ata tivej' ) - Tiose who were destitut id" v mean' JT grace, which those wbowcro liiitouing tf her, were neglect ingr-J4 Must I not mi word for the beattiens f and it Ibi woil4 a friend lo grace to help tiierrr oil tn God ! f Oa Chnstiaim, she observed, rested t!'. hope of the heathen world for knowleiliisi, " Of aalvafinn hu .lean. 1't.riot-- f'.U r'lj ISIH ought ti tend tjjem th G,iiei, and do til in their power to bring hack I lost world t - V . J rf. 1 t ' j . . l r .L: ...1... v. wi, . . uw4iu uuno rrrucn kit ineir miiy. aitj ihny should iherefore doJor olheii- Here followed strain on the guihof tWt who hear Ihe Ogspol and rafun tfohey it. that produceieari iri many rnwnwtrnyl r. as alw ciosod with tho espreationr Uk" Mrerf sinrrtrf.TTrrmViit K'tflti-svliaf JiiiltU-. anJ energy ,? that, .aght forth-af .kind siuiultaneiius paiitiiig frOirf all around 6e " The Heaven bfCod aoot yet filled ; .1 faaiiatsjo and Irfar Mie tho r indtiliitod acnpariacMUWii a V the Prodigal am! the eaiberrf 'rtrtfiwifc-' AfTcYa ihort pause f-nrTw'ft.prt'? : t a ii 1 1 w fdrimri'rm wtffki Pritr' An4 atw bow t4w fcwar any hV Miff, to git you to write -one torr, fir tberji a good ffluny things yet I did'nt aaf rrrlhin- altouU I waul you lo : 4.., even aavajrea, levtreace and reif)ect.TaGnt for thia rresrt tfcliverane fmwt evil, htsrory ot lourope, rmMaiiiuH , warfare begw, ia .cbatlrweed to aJJird aa aaaut-cw of asjch gaoaa depravtry, aarh wantna cot. - . - a. . . bj.M. 1111,. K.M.'. iiii m m im .... . ninairecl h inem. Ml I, ajoreoerr. i n-u inrr uji . vi,. tv" 1 r .. . . ' - . . I ... ,. . . i .... . f . . v - . -l J J: r - eV o-JlilrA rV fai'raT C"(rer 1 ' ",1 " "00 arrooa many iniojia nm rap? t uw imna ami uiiaiw ta aocany. CnfAnnm larr fi-r po wvm I vmlih to." yv have IttlUid tolnoun and f.ngih writers vmy deny the evirrvctaeaa tbit dtcch ' i BMldiej Urtlherw ra 'ail 01 ieuwa 10 put or tne cnarj; h cerraHirv tavrrr-M i.tem I r. . ... JkY. CeauTJLde, Idowu jet.ttfu ts etMter, na Pir.uuic.,iocwii tuajjoxrwceT astw wcu (! , f 1 .ill'-. ., .. ;. L ..... c --7-1--".- -..(j.. ,,-.,j,..V---" -i -- - "-.-.--..-rp,-- Y"- -"-irr- - -.aiJ-ir.-Ti-v.....,-.-.3i. ... r ---- - lii4ovifiii himJmwrs, u now tre ; t v Iii!lrjfoaiim hyig tfyfn !lc then rrJcIined 'and finnearw 'lf'f,"! lv h:itj4trti? -dtVufroinViifii'd Oililt tllf, ta!i' ftoar Jfmr? aaid heM I tear' (iod will hrbugul -wver'the teiiiixrano bor,k U'e Vhe 'ktiDearMto'wnose.'llie hVmoa f. ereefy ktJ my poor prayers,' Por j all sot down to tho'lea table together.' - Af .( sung 'Sholhen rose and pfotiounced , ' SO fme4f-nce ( but I will try." W e tefattnpef trail done, litfW Robert climbed bemnliction iiCa tleeuly Imprennive ma mj. pojtahej, -ri-neroav aod brtva -thuold, that ht rcaJcra may have a pec i rue a of Atimghty GikJ, it has proved 'bus fir, the to induce his aaViter to act ot aUnn a itfV'aitJiry..'." .. s. ., life boat nT a drowning nlan." 4, The year for, permit th-ra,aa a reward, to iiiSBiLlBr ,Grgew aiJ 1, , turning to my nttort pns-d away ; and onlhe. very cfy Toea,wor oVraaarthwaw wwa adt .naiitiiia j Jet M-thaak. twelve i fl-onll:, ion which J had pat the rtnlr upon my hushuiePs fmger, fanner Jidms'in of God tha following hymn t?iV 'f -"J'trJII T 'And' wngilie creul Kodeemor't prat, Claims a song in mi my ft , !- "rottaffo, dr, nnd lio praved I irn and kis-ied tut lather and tnmimr to tnft so tworh htimilifv ot heart n-id to farmer JnhnonM Father," aaid ho. ' hab a. a.... - a.. at . f .. . ... tteraest!HMSitl freimK. that I U:it at-1 not sntelf lilio oil I-ibne rho (Inmkeie fid' Ifiiv tt.e irrae'of GotKithi? bW' t ingV.ftlia Father, Son. nnd II ila- S-J J, ' lie with V'lUa'M-H'rw'anil'tfrt' sr1" rcaoes s. inaj uv4 jra.i:e wouia ce 1 tiicr, onco ouico l;o roJe lu:ue in your JreJ. Soon tiitef iJjircluacd, s;i wjt .. v . -V t v -l-f- .-..r'- . vl.j,- --v

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