u oilman. k4 1,11.1 of '""' ' hnr aiil ' , iti, in, 4 ry in III WhM'J ii'ij II t"i 1 " run i ii a. riiiuHl ! iilnj I ! .(. viwil an' d l.tld In' r i i I I 't . miJ ili n fc",,v' ' '"' 1 1 " that hh"lil haf I '" ! ' ' p.n'l ttm iu. Mm " " t"T' ,'u"1 f ' Mm h r U f'lelicf. ' lU IV. U. K. Uau ,T,, tI-1,4 4 " t 'Original Anrrtlotr,-k grtitlfirnaa Irn. eUi'ijf w " "1 "f ;,.:, ,wrv'I a rt'd in l d urchin h" ug euro ,h" T"'"' ""'' f f'd-,- . hiuii gw!-g" . , tV iU. My-lwy, yvur corn look rather V vnow. . - z y, Ve, did Wunl til Vita way duwo f "t unci- Net' 10 K1 "lter er I P1 -.y y,- put ii'rt vn&nultkiiitjmu trill ?iot'bae rnrt iha Mf I , Jiof. Wa J"0'' eapnrl.trt have. f'H we 1 J A wag, "Rn' '""i" f"wrd the ' Taiga Uwrd uf cutler, and pbtre-d it tjr a '," watch h'". '' " WwriMN re ' . . 11 ni.l. i.' I t 4 "To fiulliilifif U Ncirir ivxl I timlicnU in thatuteasumatna ib Uni fall Pwvinr - 1 . 'v Weekly Ht-vir irt dMrva f making op, ; '''on f'rt f Junutry, 1 fonli u 4 II ho NtwinnpTt ftnodwuU pub. IhM in the Vuilo 8 and Im Dntfidi I'riivinrpi, with th nmr of ilieir publuh j frinl lha pUet wleV pufIilea iheV, ' '' thrrfir. wriett ill ptlmisher to Inwrt thi rT, ruJ l nil tlieoi ivirepU$ of 'fheir rrrpcctir piibliciiiiii Id WfCfnnn, " orl'f to trwhr tU M cwnplrt. ", Dirf-t lo Ihfl Aw England Wtttij Rt-- -' J,;,, Ujrlfrd, Connecticut. , xTIIB GAUOLIMAN.' ' , riiT ctiti wtt mm, BAtisnrRYt Our r trr illl percri. f' m trr rJf trll on oof firtt p, 0rrWn. h ! Mqui"! ( 1'iftimu lliinty hji d'n rdillwit to Inn l horne, d by elunb'inf lit M- live hml l)foilI ,,,?J.,r?,f,L,?. "ffijttnJ frbra rt'Hiite portton TiiaMiilrnrr The'rflii hf nj hi Khrwt wiH In ll't VhV of ? YHifri not Mick U k -j MI1 il otU tfMlMj 'adi -id rr'rr f M o'di"r di own. t it MMtr e'cdiuoto Jik tfcdr 1 ; .tI1'w;tne, ltictppkliUiMit and Ihcir Wacvo. - ltnetiMV twv only K rrfrrl tat neb ma Arthut Tapnta u found aKia led in afnttoeal and acUoa aUk H feaadlik ".' 6(Mi,.; . t . ... .' . - Mr. Tapptu If well known u mi1aii 3 t.9ocC4 and MiUUeM fatron mf wmnf 4f paVsrrrprlara and ihanlabU Wrtoiioni t va4 nn alwerrV Hmerrt that b'cj lial bra llilrt)rJ tat lavarif a fJtt WHichr 07'tta ' tmprartlciSifTyirimt detract fmra) bia dwrae i allittnni and from H fcarrid waaa. .aj'ieaeraVlf aNw- atienpfd,"-yfr wtceaifity fcaptir kia MNrtf tdo (od brhikinp public $ "e ti ki diacfMion. 1ft ai ttoatl IrlfV fiiI"mlawr aU-ar - MeuVla. of ttemlaeiS ( r at the South, and u Iha undue Lfluenr goJ b torc iri ijch N frlrml L: fi . aoat raet noo or rht and Jutuce. ; tuw at arrme tnortiim who iif u that tne ahee hle aa touch natural ri(ht ta Treeilom at A their mt tteri, and that theniorw it woulJ he - , J'nt i amanainaie them, though tbair awn "- : atroetioii abouiilbe the JiomefJUta iut. vliia teat br.Jzttiu, ht'it it hv lotJt unconnested I'h earrcywbet attnbitte which nbbtsetb that give. int him Ihet ake JT; - On tba abatrac' iiHeettnei- of fmrural 'g r IntelTpetrt and hpnewt ed'tferl,Jal tbia tot,th hub 'qorrt'M n, much trej ia It JtH :' aSVit imprtBi one, W-der44e hfW, wel , Jen''pn g eoufie beaei. with dilllcuUiea and danger Inconceivable. i " - j . Thr triir tf iretirTis are .-would ihe aiini nf inniaa Tiapvlnva b inoreaarr bv a-SblMnn f ."Would Jlie eN-ndi'ln of the alea hepwre h art the epceial oht of .,.icittd) wi hL n-5 raeunratnuanitjrttpia'a. oa amrnorairo r wetiM hot Im-ned'atf ahojkion, rrnlt Irt e'r V"j'ifijf wai between toatwa of aoaio. -fyf -V 1 'v,' ": " ' U , f.' ' TVw am rr rjnftf'otW.Jo'tlfy fenauitr I , wWh-e)Me.iehwWnr th detlamallon and dfuncialion of art- -1 th1;!'. ah ili'imt me4n jit that i'v S" JT P'w ajer-d l'w ih rJfeiritJ hj bea ai'munced feom the "(nwS.Sr,j!,str" vtemn Chijrche; hjlt hi haa been tifafc: : a k " no trtaterl jiat eier rw .given ' V( nme of tbe Owrchwi MRtpt OT lo Chatham - w-a. rart6ett S thrHfiKet mmff$. f-lbmftf 'f eav thjai' tSa ver" fMi:ecla'o'le de 7 niattion m ChrbitH w'o"' argajt i 'h v.tiienrcmtr th nhwtn e artoon4 tnitrxj wl-h vthe lii!MSae rfHab-raiod d Brtpki 4 other f!e, her that4rehrnt aWmpta t liriille a lm 9ai the yrm4 of million eould acarcetv Hi'a futah, aiowVJ aef with the decttioa an fl-mnet 'whchartam4"tiha Ttr fofherd; fbouhi an or. gt rU'e an escUemeat which Vlet aotbrng ha.,eImity uf erjun'try Fricaiar to thee wKu are lit apecial obtecti a ktihl pirkf fanaicria. f ia .taut that ahV fire tboufifa tended h ateeiing e'pcd trfiarriaoa' de ' f i. . ,'''.L, . - fr.i.t i h ti r r, n. tf of iU n,,i u. "I ih jrM f t,H,ri't ... Ii (r II,' f I ll.i 'i. It i ti. ' iim m ji'. ilr n.ii'i (!) t'HM 1 10 ,1 ,;f' Im r-.ni. 'i., f ' :,i it,! i rtnamvy it .,.. f f , r alii ..! lj i) i i.i.e Try Wrrl n l ofi,f tiliten rr rt.!jf to ar(J linn ttut id laf ami Icafhrr. '. tV hop IM Ihf ai ( trrnt ',a hew Tfk, l k lata a til ct aMMi Ctnimn, mtf ba a Umlrnry hi pr,i, olbtrt bo kterntning ptj. ilvUl tg iLiCtHnca fi'iglil WilB yuruft, ,r; . - , ; tMTturma p4 r Tba arbitrary emuhKt ef lh frctidanl in ra 'ii(; i!m public (Upoaiirafroni Iba V. Uir IUik,tii,ii bia a-4 rrf inaihitnir, and la an Mxapi ! laa, kaa bad ync (( ,d t flrot, It hu rixucj lunfat aacnM lb dant wh), h Uin-liaaf (ba aawulr), bu i uKeil In uudta nrttJciuJi;.uiwtii f lueiamaiiua 4. aa. ny ird jn.1t, to tli author, m ilia pubiUbtr, if tbal aonlili d icuawat wbv fmld percfiftU Va fitruiiiMi Cutailnf ao thing kul a paraOunlaaliua of ajaArianUaa dwubl rrl atd, ba Uisafar4 all oer lb Bank auai itiaa foai and faaiuraa 4 dvMUav Now, ahliaw(b tBr wati aWaw 'bhij,ii ft ara (lad e H wa arw tya - w ac lit mial of a frea tpiril lw quaria hera mt fiarvd k ka4 bcaa forwwr Innui4d. ' Tk aa rcaa k art tutttii by 'ha per a at I ufltber of (4f aixcb rwiWwrt pri al, a b) aa krrauHibl Orcrta, very act of rtit prcaidrRt, but now traat all at anea taiaa fcatcdtanddaraiaaftak iba traiiaacaia of f,tr mn. - ' " f Iba NalioMl tntririjenerf !rrc. l't a iht Klcbmo4 b q uicr Va Vf' Iba rojmtt wf lh avaatt'ti (tit raaaornl of Iba drpoailca) and aO aiU aomrt Ibat H mmiH ba bad Mad, II I hat print bcaiiaica t pprwaa.'' Tba Inttlliftncrr aurr a rK Jjr fat Iba f rraidaiit'a abaat tt Iba t powiar. l W b tc wblcb baa frtuamly - b-n fr- oftrd la by Iba B tiifw Htaa of Cuiaaana thrraTb pOWti of!h VHtr i ' Tb Huaa of ComtBooa, eontoV alt appro, prwtioo kilia. and okan tba ting rfuar2 to fa aa act it frlu. thv Himae'rciu d to rraM au'.riei tb a aa afftetoal ebpr.k 0, oa Iba arbaira ) r uf ihc crown 1 and i i rccvavoMMtai tatha llouaa uf lUpreacntaiifra, 'a catfc Ilia Crtanirat abxwld aa-aia attempt to ' hwdirlbo rtataalof Iba Bank charter, 10 r- ' fuaa H aaaent lo kiHa of rt rerun nd approjti latio.4, f - ttwl woOd lha kr ifTTtuatf tf lHa Trrai- deal daaa ' n a b pwblro wont Act an. I I) itkottt bo, fct onainat law, what vowk kn-akr bi ttva anabuig appropmiiona at r f Congiraa Ota), while ia maio. order o -to b doata, otfWbHd kVoat wta Iba f rtatrVnl win do aa kw pleaara, aa bo bak kcrotofora TtWE5M: SENATORIAL tLtCTIOr?." The Natblikt- rUnner of Ike Sili inat, gtvea atiwawt wt W7 waaucceajfut pallu(iiii tor 0. 5. aeaalor. Tb candidalea are- Meaar Trrij Grantly, H Feetar, and Jobn if. Eaton, On lb Uat ballot- Uf, tb wataa flood For Grundy, 54. -r-rr""v rotef," 19. II wi! be r? r?cmVered thai Iba fcegialaiuryi at a iaat nrnm, f.i),rj 0 auk aa election beiweea !brt Jhre (cntlcmca. Siac ihew tbt paper ia that Situ kav kept op a con. IuMamJ aaroi eontrptcrtr npba t!k OwrrU of tbair rrp-etta faroriie, . . - ri-Juiijii: OtUda Va arcoarj 'drlkJoyally "ti (h " (aoeeniitieat, (that ni Va aay, to Uenrral Jtt,0J 0 Mi!f. charged awttfx bamg a rt hUcr, ra conncquni tf kjaaourac, w i&30 FiMi'.RMliiibihil i.,.. . - - -a er l ' i i WfH ioVrun tdatory vrjr a.vbule.lile-UJM of political -traatgrev at on a. Tb feelingi ef the normrahfe getrflemio ta hiilong ate of Mitponae, cannot be eery Com hinable t but we auepert that, like hia name, aale of aniiq iity, judge Fclii trcrtibk-a. Georgia elections. Foil re tarn hauetrrtt rtt been "tt . I 3448, over the present Governor. ' MARYLAND.: The accuota ffm Maryland a!:ew a t;re t drcline in th,e Jackaon party. We, are glad tdaee a fe rayt of light byrlir.ipr,f.tbe'jdarkBea -whii covered tfie fund, ad bdpe th.it political idolatry jll "ariM! , aa h touat, before returning liqht, Q ieea' DiHioa Maria haa been retwgnii'd, V tucUnd 'The rVbif (migueKtel army In.fortmril hat nwkad hi our hjjf, the mwt aWkicexfuei. tie ndilevaifjaofijirori9rty and Cve. t1i French nfHawinake aet of theie i(e: it -Uf plttfe ti'xf flna on tha Jhrone of iairt; d nf proe4iiOu1g tUnff Jtb Jft F'anre. T :"iCrti 'th 29ih rit kia ey-ltK' fim.flea4l ''"partUmnnt, aa 1,' arith th uwlal 1 tWejtMfi rroea?t toat Wy ?y ill. lent i'anl rfevering'lri.luttr tfs'and aratea hehatf aattrrance frow all forciM power that of -heirfriendlf difpiitirw, ' , j, ,i' H Ihiff have re newed the charter artti Bi.1fot;H igllind Vaiirma,"witf ca'cttiatero auvtaia public creBt and to aecar tt uielul, Beat oib itiftilotion ' . . . : i 'a''1 ' The tffirt of the Kaat India enmpany ttav been' attj. tted id tba China trade Tendered ptr-rt fi. e. JTta Aetot Emancipating th ilave ia Uie .1. ,'ll. . t i I ' V.4.V V. i".1 I..""" ,.. a cetwea x yJ'l.'tii k aa Wdiuu die, f .hrduaftert lo tl,e ? w,"'n 09 f orrt; from 21 Courttiea. which have U, g ,ttkti hf . ,im. , , ,he , " n given M.j .r Cr.wY.rd (the St.te-R,, em,e . .one day. h .. brtdegro.., an-l .; - 7 'A Zn -ht. JlM an :-..fi. rr..ir,ri,w n ' ,h' ""- uf hi. a.ene "'-"W-y CalW 10 tb ch.M- .d M D. ghta Wt) h ng5regve,m.jor.ty fc , M, a apnoiml Secret, The ohj o t he I . rt h I'.,,;, I wi'tt o.i'b atiia. I 1.1a Ijf Id Km; , Arnut Oh atiwri iha Hula f t Wt '.ia4 tijrea iter fea pri- "Ti f.'i.-Uar nr .ing if i wor,4 ff n ka . 1' r .,a''rr lf I prnp't WiSk Iba an. ai. '.t I' na ;r)na a'j i.rl.d WWmr I arltb iba mi r, 1 ir'ri'o wrai.l 4 e!lrrtr. V'itk u tlir wnnl tri ta ttlium httuL out of rm r.l r r id tamni w,d la 'foapaata bill )ai,J lla aorrtnl aaiiir of twapocta Inliiir may rmiljr tt'tl'la w'inobttt aawafta ilrtrnl r,AtoitrJ ef Waabbi ivo woodtf ba that f r rfttn unrea la ba rich. 'Ar m ' .1a abaVt ia from a work ratVd " F.n landi and ih E.rfcli.h," by b amhur of Palhaaj. ' H ia a prttty ka aall'a vpu r-nsliab'anckt, but it arplicabihij ia aut eoblnad o .n.UJ ia out own cuontry o-horw tbar riViftUrad,oUi it W pootaha buaaiad lUi, . ; Honor aad Fiaa froiw na condition riorA ibaweod tiwotdabW K at Waal a frwowatij aaoclaasd wiib property, aa with wi'i-al worUM and lb "rtaprctabilii" dacr!bd by aur aa ibur "en MBttitode of ':na." 4 V ' , Iter ar fcajr afTaneta agaiiHt decency aad moraliiy which Iha ,,rept-c'abla'',a ajay ewaaaiifwol occaaionaltir only, hot babiloall), and ye rttain kn aundiri j , aocy i Mr. will ef ret I hat ane, who mffit do ao aiucb (uod by bi raile, ib.uU ihua gq aVray and UWd otharat Mr will p. itaj-a Utuk coldly for oklU-, btH lac rtprlMl0 of Iha maa Iriumpb ba poaac at na rtdaii,g rirliica ibai k Would ba a pHj nay it would ba ipoawibla o frown upon bi loat;. Our author alte iba Mlewiag ikatcA of a - rtapciabla" ihan. . Who it ib eklerry ftntlemaa wilh aporllt rtKvrt f tlutb I k ia M. Harm, a mat reapee. tabj, awn Hia anuat lolilhala fnand faikd In trade and otm lo prraua Mr. Warat forawor bit terjuainUnce, it waa not reapcctablo. r. W.rra H a njoat rtpeeiab!a nun, t jart UVJlareguTarly-hriuboMTKn irt public ewanuea na got to cbunb wub all bia lan.il m a auiMiay-ke ia ia bad at Ii 'eWk. frtll, web, all Ikat'tvery prnprri but ia M Warm a rood Father, a good fheod, aa active aiinKnf Or i he oolaranoioua, doea ha not li.vr rcaixlai inot t hrari t-Jd t ia b not mdictrrr, ia be not u jurf, i be not unfeelii g' La, I', I belwre be noy ba all that, "but what tb. a Eer b"l allowa that Mr. Warra a) a awet rttftttait nun." -ahmrl Dearer than Pluto' mine, richer than gold " '. k. i. . . nmwm an wr. ro or recoraed, eea la workaof the iainaimn, a more at name in 1 I Italic of the depth aav dahoary of fc-naic alTea. tum Iban the one whkh ia Kiren below. How fur and aneartlil) amiat ba th lore which raa induce a young fri to wed one ia th were rfiin rr!raik In ikI i.ij. . iafactioa of cloeing hi elpi ing eye, and of in. dulgmg tht grief which llie rutim .f th world would ether re eor.ttraio tba aad victira to brood over in t lrnce knj rellrrnKnl ( He no are me wveiieei ptoturo oi woman that ever 'he hTn mind conceured. ba paid a juat tribute ta the nOmd chari(-y of the fc. .l . . . ,. tb. two hvu hie ot tl. follortng itarka. which ara-f peaiio ! rotrmntte tncMcot which aaa witaeaaed ia. Bichntond. O, woman! ia W hour of eaae,"' I'aceHain, coy, and hard to pleaac, Aod larUble aa the ahada . - hy Ut hgbtijaivering aepea made ( Whew jpaia and anguiab wring the ktow, A ar.iniatering Angel tbou ! Faw tm aK3t'oa.ae.ja.";' r JfriuneAay innYiim enmrr -The dra'h of Mr;' AVrad Street t thnVcity, haa r'schrd'tne deepcet aorroo. tie had recently act up in bu Ineaa in Connect ioB lith. HjvAaavan Tkra urJteventtotd.thj removed their" boohtore lo one of ilie hendaoateet ftoret in th citvam! the tatte uf th. room and the beaulf of their arr.neement. bai dra.n mant !er.m4 tnte. f. Mrttrrrt waa a ver Itiodeal. and d.arrvinw vaonw man -timrutartv h.ndaonu, in bia rw..n .,! ble in bi. manner f l-.ltb aeerheH la bin.. upon kia cbc. k and what waa more than th hat, the a ffeetiona of aa kocnmpliahed and in, u.-iM.,Lad.JOJ:.tt,i... fc - ihJwighiprweterefeowreafr; ' .ti i... ,r . i i ... . . lirnr. iwiiv iiiitiikc ui ifrriifiiuiiiar .i . . : . . i .. . .01,,, Fn. Lm k.ik.n - Tk. iwi. r.llna.n. ,fl,.M w. ..... l,v.B.n.i . . , " p.r.Kr.pi- t .i.n.i.- i- . ar ' .:- Marrieii on Thnndir mtrnint. the l?'h Inal b Hv. F Coninrr, Mr Alfred Veet, of! tbe firm nfantav ?treet, of thi p'.ee. to , mil Mh A glia, eneaad daughter of at- Oil FieoyHn :tteS'atataor alt 1.'.1U I r .I Jt Mi lUHwrnu. - . . . Died, r Thiir6tv gtemnf !, fer a lin gering inneaa, Alfred Street, ia lu 37th year of hi ag. , ;' 2ZlsmmZ-- THE r.ilotr.BA in th ; rTT of vtr.rtc,ii A teller received in New To'rk from Mciico dated AuRiitt 24 " atatr that th Cholera wa then raffing lirlhe City wf Mfwioo, and Ihat for aeverat tlave-from 9W tw 1308 peraow frlf vie- limea ta lbt diietae every dty. Th mortality waa almof etclnaiva ly among the poorer claa- tea wh were cnniifftivery dettttut of tbe ne eeaaatteABa - tt(?0NVENTI0t 0ECEQATE5. -AOwiavw-eipvwea at mcetine; on irre iwtu jnat., to cnonac DeIrgttea kto, the . Convention to' be held m Raleigh on the 4h f rnday in' jSi.vrmbcr, nave .lppointed J hoyvlt P'd RberV'MicBiinara. aad Jamta V'J,-i' H t" fcpreae J Rowfan. AfT.L fi'iAfnSi ;t , t.Nrtn.NAt, ivirndUME.'xr. AcarUa( l apf ilnl an aa Internal la. rowtrwnt Conaamiua) ut ia) -thik Tawa on liitfrwf.jf ai, , . , , , . ; A!ilich aarratialy ttm en.miifa wewi rproa,nt(d, at wa baa rvalr MMiaH. hiay f tai aumbora aoniaininc awetaln( of a kind whk prawakaAual roauna. ' Y bila Mmf thai had of lnieli'w Irta a, n. aad rtfttcung tiiat H waa only ona e4 boodrti abic bav aaaaaia ad, ar ar ia Oon MapaMiaoa iae tb pwirKXki purpowa ot m rvrin4 ikt aoaJaUna of W-ai, wr rMaaow a aanaatiaw of airjuiaita pleaur irmhf Iroaa iha kcliof tltat an aalarprU which ha titfrdaoBMaiJitaladaiirgy wraWprot aatowaka fc .s i M hara a a lida m Iba aTlia of m H Inch, taken .1 tba tuod, load an la fortuity Uatitiad, all iha a.aea aflbaaf lifa -' . jxU bwaod t ill...i,aiiil aWwHaeWra, " aaaaaoaH r ar, we aoo tfl m, , . id we ataai laU Me'rwrrwM wiea il Mrnt, - CV Weaweaiwrrt."' " . -. 'f ; H e da Mtot' aarUwaly beKtew tbat a trillt J, aow at baad la Hank Caiwiia, aad Ikal ah cm a lo. ptrrrmiina'ati.inarr.biai thai bane, forth bet oaura laaat b elihe pm,rreive and jocoua, ar awurnfUlIf raimgrarl. , a mum da auMthU,. and thai epeecTiIyi to check Iba flood of emlfrailoa which an. aiulljr keif, away aok of tb wvnb, tatrt f and weakli of our 0ial. tVe boie wan who are now tinjrerinf In aotprwae la ar whether any thinf will ha t flecicd la amertorai lb oandttUa of the ftiala, and la ae the front hapaadinr, pnv rfiv, aod h ar re.4rd. painful aa It mar b. lea arjeae endetrrd to Ihrna br iha earlieo) and flntai aaauriaiiona. In q i i,f rotiwry where iha laila aod MtreiWa of life he bvtter rewarded. Our local ifachment and our rat prijr rt. cue inu, when M,-ciiif upoa lbi aubj.oi. irenrta; it enthuiiai harrj ta rrortaat in Jd,d we do aotor him a ha ran tool upon i The" preWl Vr jcil with indiflrrrencr , be mutt be btind to hia own inter! -dead to the moat generou freling of oar rta'oee. Oorernor Swam waa unanlmnualy aj'po'Mr d rreaidrnt of the Convention, and upon takinp the chair, returned hi llianii for the Ponriir conferred upon bin, and in a eery aeniililr, practical, ami patriotic (perch, rtatrd the pree nl emvliiion of North Carolina, drew a picture of what 'ie might ar, aiul urged ia hia happy manner, the many jtnd hijflj indicemcsla'-la harmnnira and rnergetic action at tLii itre ting rriiti. We d d aol receiee, in lima for Wicaiion thia week, a Copy of th proceadinga, but will prw bc to detail nelt week, It wilt he teen, from tb following Card, tl.at an internal iraproreiwent Uteetiag i lo be h'M ia Wllminglna on th Slat, Intt. U hope, ihe ' Went win b reprraentad at that wieeting. WiLniaorne, Oetohrt 5,11131. Ta tht fdl;r tflAr irrW-rn rarVJ"'iii." I ta podto holda tnefiing f Cii(enin he Town of Wilmington, on 11mrailr the 3e 1 Imum. Ia lake Into einai,ralinn rnhlwt nf tternal Imnmvement. The C:tro.crthf a1 at tUwntieaarauttV-ctl oaUeal fcv t'u .bJltaoiaofWdBUglart.NewHa vrnt,4nt nf tb Meetl-g. . I.t t Cnuntiea ara um'ed o aUeadrCallaciura. wt'h lb tn- atwrvet r 'he benreed that : ,un jenta uf ameb geMrvwl a ireH ketnrafrntor eat ill b- eiMdrred. . It hi prBaoard lo at amme the. K ver thoemigtuV; and areay meni will be mad' for a S'ram B.al eid'irilnn, wbi;h all riranreraallending the Meel'i will he In filed lo join, and which; k it honed, will alTofd bnrh Bntuaemrm ana inrmMioa. ' The rrr-nce of our patriotic rtnierinoe, who if en flilon'lv ripec'rM lo attend the wetine will ad.1 In tbe in'errat of it proceeedinira, ai.d to the pUaaare of Hum whoae pDQlk apwit may aduo tbemt attend. . . .... . ' -; -'-ft' t finoi F,T(" ' ALrXMarBttV, WM II. MF.Ai'ES. WM P HOlIf fTF.BNAt IMPR' 'VKMF.Nr MCnriNfi ' a WWa.lay the O htt. a number f 'be c"ieu' " Montgomery conn!. Convened at the Houte in !.wreneef die, for the purp.iee I of raViog their viewi of) ike aubjecl of in ternal improvement ot the Slate aad of anp lint. Ing D;legatetfrom County lo tbe internal !l'roveieirtctraveniicmifcelMU:wSilibgry ... m i v.t T""m"", ' I meeting having been eipiainea oy in cnair , . , , ... tiran.thefolWingreeoluUowaoneredby Jamea ' ' The two fi,llowin!"' 7 7" ' '. , L Cntnc. E3 wa onanlmoutiy adopted i ( ' - , ,Wd, That in th. opinio of thi. meeltng I ,.-nl kl. ,k. ialiwaa nt Worth i Carolina to ad.iot anm iidieinua and efficient yrtrm of internal imprnvemen', thai would af lord eheafi and convenient tranf rirtatlon of th ket lowna within the limit oi tne eame. . RmltMti fifth'. INut frail tha local eiiuaV lion of the town of ryetteville, and the advan. Ugv$ attemttng iha navigation of the Cape Fear, we drem that the mat eligible pltAf for concentrating Ilia trade ef Ibi weatern U'ttiajif lhitJiaia. aad ihat Ha aoaainuait of a Rtit Road from that plac loime point on the Yadkin would be one of the moat fll-irni mean' of aitainingihatohjeet and of p-omoting the intereit and p-oaperit jf of thia tection of Ihe a,.-- y-V .-wr"- Rt$tv4d further. That with a view of aiding oir fellu citiaro nf oiber counil" in the at tainmenl of the obj ttia, Oslegatea be appoin ted by- tWanteelitM lo atta id tba Vnter m, 4m provemrnt. Convention to be held lit Saliihury oa the tftll inat.a ') tlegatei fr i rt .itiif. County. ACo-nmitteeof thre p -raona co.iaitiing of John M. 'leuvThO Prmberloa, and Jamea L. 0iif. tuf ra. wa Ihe. appointed by lb teli)t aOeleeattothepropiedcorveatl-a tu be held kl Silitbury, w1! reported the fit lowing a uithla nerion for that pur Kne vi : Ja net Allen El. Col John Cnimp, Cinl Fran. few trtle,- Edmund. . Vtostl& -p-U?Pf Ksnan,Mrjrge W. W :Cin Bio; rtonl. Kiimono O HerrV. laa. 1.. Galne: Thoa. Femberton. jha Martin, Jamea II HBy. Jn,M. Allen, Duncan McRa ttq. Edward McCallum. John Hterd, Richard .inker, David Cochran, William A Math Eq. tame M. Bu lfr and- William tlhnatian. which rrttort wa erreed ttr by the mc ling- On eevrJ motion Jarne Alfea aV-U Jeaat . GaiaejL and Jaataa M. tally were emu- Inatrd an-f ai'fi'h'rtt'il br Si wrtine; n t" r nl tr,a t'irirriih.n to he krld ia lt!,!i on the 4 b Ma lv ! N4iW fait. ,,0a moiiMi ii w urdrrt rht-Tti f . r- I' rgaof th meeting be piihtithnt in It. HaK. bwry and Fayrtfvitl f"tt. The meat'inr on nirrtlM, having retirrnad I' thant la iha cHatr-; man fnr iha wae In which ba anndueted Ja jruoeadinga, a'ljoomrd. , join buan. ntiTtii ereiyaaf ttai)I MUf. ' " On tTi C h'darVOct hrf nat the It h AWeNiryyit tb fre M1 foun ty riiMr P cieiy waa heU at Fourth Crer Church. . Ii appeartd (vm the Hrport f the MJa,er that" four rrifmbera the iorlctr wlt, the well,' Jarnra L. IMI, T.ti irfiMra lane Matthew, tiaf Hied ' iUtt lat Animeriarjf. Thef rqvrtilit'i a juaiif. merited irjUlw. tl, rtlpett thalr emnea.v .J, 7,; i ' tt acta f.irih hf! ihia Eoctiy hat procured tine iu (nfmt'ufn.'fr.'m the parent Society by purchaae' fnr iprc'al ia!e, and ar.ili.njiirtni d.3 1 0 ropiri of theaacre'J acripture, nf whith only few coplca remain In the depoiitorjr The eoeiety fiat 'rem!' let! to the p4reut af iety the aun. of Ell- ra is:- : '.,';. ' The foliowlnj Fttolutirjot ' were ad' pled withput a dineoting rtcer JlCiolnrd, , That "we crdially " ap, prove of th eiTna rf the America'! Ilible BiKiettea and ita autilijriea 4 cuiinectioti with B'ble BVietlet ' to other counirie 10 aupply the fhrdr wrvrld,"- accr. laibla -toRibteATjmar with the holy aeripturea, ia. Itveaty reart. it'T"5' Itrtoleril, Thtlthie ShkIt wiU endc vtir in taire, in ihe eoorae'rl the rnauiog vear, a aum n t ts tan two hu .dred dollari to hid the o tlr entrrprir.e. . .- v Kcftrcl, Tt te hllowint; per aon he a committee to.atttnd to .tbla Imaioea, ad that thee- recoM b- out rjourt In Ffb'uarr. to wjt Meavt. Eli Rintntu, Jjmr Camp!rH, ni'o King, F.qr. William Morrion, Col, M''ton JCamobeH. Willi :tw-r Fqr, IL VL J'.ovd.'J.bn. II , Kl Pqjire Lryi Uenrnr i'.nwcrs iq. ... own r - Ww - tl Thoa. A I trrrnce, lyapi. inomtei.. Tu. ker, Jmea B. Thomaa, F.-fl. AN esanrlrr Ilneirirr. Jt dert J I ill. Jamei Ad'n. Capt. J ho VoUDc'and Bam ael tCmj, rqr r ."7," - j. campiiell; 5ccV-r CT" la eonqtien'; of rorna eirennjalaaee nnetrKeted,lhr will be BO raceau balitbury tWatatt.--"-'--'"TTffl ofWr? .Wir fAffl ' H-rf.. . - jijitffHritl? MaaafawrWihr' mnrfrii g of thartyrlr rr'r.i it 9enjtctt tiajnfa Ceuntt. 6v.. Jhw. R.-A. R. Ituri, nl vteoktenbu'f Cptinty, No. Cjlt.Jlp Miat MaiTT4 ,cir.iop,of V. narJ .riwi1 it" ""aWafaT f m - -a--.'-- -DIM. -'T In thi town, on Rundav, the 1th IncfanV. C anWefi ( Vwun, Infant daughter of Mr. Aod J Monri laCiuBamuaeine,winoatii iniTrmnrT Hang and paiufJ Ulu, whUU -- chriaiian loniluak.MAAtM.il, I IM"- l)t Ittd tiurrr nt. i 11 . iSAUSHUHr 01, 19. Cotton, iu atad, Ik. t CKiin, CofiVe, r" - f Sugar, broao, - . Lt-af. . i - . t U'ttl '.' JS ,- . .18 a M Ai& a-... Hacon, , . Molneea, t -, " gt 50 wrawdy, pi-eht r- J4D faaiheiar- fi-V-'-w-- K . V Fitxiw x.- tbl: SJ.na tVhtmt, ..ii. bu!l ' 8'J Corai - y. l' Si a f0. srir. a.J3j. a l.UJ a NO' Btrttefi '. '-. ia Iffl I 10W,,. J jtTobaccor vo 30 Wburkey, . . . : ATE rtVIIXE, Oct. Faach brandy,' x ? gal 5J " 6r - pp tr -J-V-S-Sri-a--SJ' ' Veawat ; - Cuff e. Cotton, Corn, . l"laed,. I'.our, nvf .. .. I'aallian, t Iron, , Molatiet, . friil, nut . biijrar, brown s do fitinp . do foaf ffnll, Wheat, -Vlrtakey,-""i-- Tou.ec0.leaf . Wool, . , A , 17 a . 7 m a Ii , l a buttv 60 a 6s bbl S.iM a 5.73 to ' 3 4 a 3J ri 10 36 a 40 , a 6f 15 a liuib 6j a .. r53 a fl Si a " 19 a 18 7 80 20 , - KATES Or SXCOAJfOB. , Etchtnge on N. Y. and Phi, a., . I pr. ct. die do. do do I)j, on Chanetto. 4 do Sou'ih Carolina Notrii Tf Blfde . id' Virginia Note f .. CHRBA W; Osti 15. fttCarWitil! .lb-. 1 a t a 121 -SO 17 18 " . :- - . . ' C.dfe. pri me. grena ' j . do fndtfSJ qua'ritle ' COUO,' It.V . - . ' '."' Y1 a w '1 a 14) a 70 r IS! 1 IS Fiatteed. rough. ... ... . . .. . 12 huth ,t.W a l-'5 v bbl .50 a7,Jtf . .so ao,oty J1 mr, aupttftne A An ,r. :, ; a I i a . la -i 4- U a ti it : " t rt iJM 19 a 13 Vv atilO l.tfll J. m, i, . r'l .-.r. . S t l-i ... , , .. . rt, I...I U Limp . t rfiMi l li.H il t in , ee uf 4 bi,.!,' U, ',T.':.- . tftt,,.., . a". t.,,.r j S - C.vtui; rnitnn, j i hral, ; ' . fttmr, mntiw, 1 flamdoa milra.anp. Whiekey' ranut,a.tp . de 4 peatA It 4 Rioj - I . 60 a l a tt al il at a ' a ID a 4(1 41 a 5 h.i.li M.I a -lb pi.." " toLUwliIA. I. C oar 4 , , lb , -4 10 ft .gal1 Si a " , . I - ,' 3D . a ' ,. ta .4t ..f-:. -f T )f "a t a aewu, , i Bran.ly.app.. rlo paact CflfTaa, . . rmh ! . 'i t r1or,wttry, Ifie.'ibl ' Vl,..a . , I ' . f,9yK ..tin Nortb.re f rf ;. di? fc, '.n,wrrta, , 1, ' a --'I . : , MoW l V M No 3. SOU a yi . r Id - 8 .!, ".tr;ar, tcxif, br.iaa ""' o. , . l.li.., l.i.krr, bn,li ;o a 1 I to t-i 17 I XcA LLf A N I). Bi:r!f I W Murphy U J. il. ?Mot9 n. .... . ,. At INQ coBccttd v rain ln t'- 4 ' getf.ef ior the pi r'p e i f crr. Jb -ing the. ,MLnCANTIUi J.I'M- w . - NlS.'l'lfapfClfiillyii ti.init' riifeft.Kl , I . i . k. 1 1: .1 l . . . " ' . . kawM. uis iiu win. mm, uu tic utru . IT r-. k . v. 19 r5.'auury, in tne t-rfnrtf. a,.Ciipled "bv L1cMii'i.3krn.B. A ' . LA Rf;n-ANT)1VF.LT; FEIXCTElj I " ptock or TNTinrtr ., . : Which hye I t ya4 uri ; e ia rhiU- , - iiflybid-aod NckJ ''rl(.wt thM.iI, a-.-4r- teat Imporutioo', and ariU be a ld. :or ; " cash bri.our.try pr-do-. Iyf r'""7 " na a0 Rood c 'njjejolij it JJ-l arc 4 " llflO tf CHIB-Ce- -f- "r-f -1 err jTbef reaper Mu'iy flicthe-Jf'jt fa .-' A- and Iri ruUHc. io clla- d eaarrii.e . , their Go'.Ua and h.'-pe and trtja ihew" ,. will nol Tail lir thttr rhdrviw" ts.: - pleaaelbeaAin :' :." J. TbV hope by a conitani and '"air. Vet attention id fu Vt i pM ("' public pstrr rafjr, wi n h; m he'll ia ohra'ned, atSlr iJpo,j:!,1r lixTilirir;.".. Z unwearied eirrliVnt, r.'Vrv -. " '" ' r? " I .V, it. V I J"fCrJ to f-l'lff I 'it v. .... JSAlIIDBaT,- - -4 1- r i A LLprtaaa iod. kirH i " TtHi imiitriMtni, asWdung n. w4- -a" eara-f lr &t.i fa aetil. fce a !:! the flraj ft'l of.lh kind 1 (are ir-ie In 'I t.e .. yr.araviad Ihiif tk willrertiriHirr f t x- ;- ' - ; lievg ata jliaiann en tras.4l iheieatib'errmionC t"t'hH ihriMa' r f.i- . ald-e at my rik. tnn-'Oy tmifti:. . - t ,. , .Aaer. . SO. taUS 1 ., . r .ni; - .. ... ,. lJr vrO)TtII IM fR. l Vjiv;VvKW''i'r .: J!)HN A. CUB, ... eej the utile internet of Joe'uh II ji ..ia..- the1 Irm, tae burtarwf wit. in fu.uie, he ' ottdunet-d h ..tt . r .r - f The" err enwrn atll Ue. tr l erlt. W and hope t,nJoy the eame libe Urago." . " rfttul that waauateaded f rh U'a lirm, 4 T fplIE tCC.lBii IUH.U lit . ll'k tl.Ktla -iutioi. will eommenct on J?rid' the at 'd at' t Kvrhber'CMtitt. H tubaerVbert. thankful jF patt ptroa S rlc3i?e themaeTra d enter up" ' the aierciaet of tb next actKion aviA renetcd seat, . , . :. "r" t. ir.'Bi'ATntiur Oct. Stk 1833... 9if k JVOTICE. if I E6Tubac riBer Ih a vt i g qualified exander R, Caldtlruch, ' deceaaed - gtvca notice to all perioni laving u m:inda Hgiinat aaidlUteAO jweatiit- them for payment within the time pre." acribed by act f Aa-mbly,oiherwie, they will b b.trred of recoveiy W tbo operittFon f atd ,icrtjl.t-,;pifia. 9 debteu to aaid eatate, are requested to come forward and piy," or f cCOre their debta witbout net -v. - '"ft ' . Davidson Co SI 181L 78m execute tf nltfixa r r MESS And MSrATJtf, 1 . . 'at THI offipp , ii lank, Warrants, Jficchf'Prinri'd on TtnF taper j : - . IOft 6ALat iJa-iCtJXtr , t ; ..L vL.Vil V V Is r ',."