Awn iJaroi.ui:.... : iifJSi'iu; f us . run iix.jJiiMin iiM the nJi' 'ii. ii4 I. Ay " "AT'.' N. ami . . , , . t - f t, . v -t ' I ' 'J a. V J' J, ' ; it,- y7 v Tbara a ' hi ry gal, ', Which apeak of bluMMM (on ' , , Wbkn rm la poar Umt r II O'er bvp 4 bruit) !- Tbe met, lb fUlda, tikh wore but oow Lv lhlur atiha , , Hat tut lit lilri tad bbiominf glew 1 bay kpl, wlta (pong til nor. tt the fmm ndUMv at" iUm . Oa ihamo aor Oocoxlt i ( Tlae frtafcntraaf tbair Ur'b i ft-one, j U .' lak naile 4erty triarl ' To Migfct I on Ik f lop, ' f .v -a4 ( ,i(f v i. v f '. Tb rleim paaacil, lad (h clottJt t IN MA gy fQIDOMr ko. - t- (! ' . " Tbii, Vwkml attb Ma bour' ' - . ' .TImi pa4 wtdly eo'wi, . ..... Lib JeW frorn h4 luuritri It'fwtrli' Ihil dkIiJ b. furc tlx B'B . ' ' I feel bow fltciin i ibe ju) - , ' 1 liat bitmau Ida Can rr . . . i ttw ry kopo i he heart em' toy f -,obr a fugitive.' . - ...t,.f , '. All that fiih-skindWd boy, " ' ffn t i(iii'i (tint Ibtl ifriKgi,' t . " 1 - T b'l ike endylng; plrit up, '-r ' r t.. : A U Kt' wii-gt - ,. .-T " A boo ul(tli imrft,jHir , i U leva in v ' ,' . Vrcdi" !) Wi Tionii uri - llf tk rtl rt," burumrtl'ttont . Ut ManMrH vkeen I borfir t Tb d l- ttMid. mI4 (urm, L AU wHImVJ iff Hoom. TU tb with Ufc hidrttmtir tw" ',At.dbricM,iU Hiih yr - " tp each ywwng i fnxa lb Uw,' Ad di tb jr wilb teariL "' 4m1 'I. i r fnt-lcM lt(I i. 1 lh irrfS taftire HKI1NI . 1, ftnlii Ki bai Mok lb pTd ' ' - A'4 Im a4 nptorvt gvnet ' A Itoub'kHil wi of orUij - " , IeM(b wUom dptb fO ; ' Tb fMat ilb. U'$ Jnjt Mid fctr . Til nooveb wub h crw i -r , .Tti jtcui (uiawp-iL elL glng lore, J !TIHlxhijbr lb world Btswit . And ded bo eribl pomu cnUbwi v M bold from June i Tbtto, w'tth thrir ehrt, tr rent tptrt A ltd in ib illi e, ; Tun bide U pt (rum every bewt, J Atbtin iid i grtr. 1 - a.,ll bu rHi tiling rt Ifcto," If hi livlin!e ih "T ' '" , Tt u" Jkccstf ,o:.-r A wiwrthoti itMwhertwrqrwr k gtuura - !fttd j-y oicdi . ..- lAiid frUfid drpuU (torn tkntll-- TIlBBAlLOlta LUVKAIFAIR I mi ot)t'tf.ejil bad Tdrfem:rutfe " "" DlentV ui priT? tnoney.Tnu wemauo T- -gttOTe ta have jprefcCirt t:ilrioWc djritrg, was a high .treat) .''VVb . 1 i...r. . i ...' I . ..." 1 . ... .... ,:.u u ' ' mouth,-that ;I.Srat aw B!.CSuch a -r -st it i. tir l could ybw btrt-hjTe aeeti ler! Such "trrvbghtaj Such' cat-l JieatJ . Dilt r' wmi-oiucu j r r Satd a oraotijul falling . w ;aboe the " ' ' fcej ds', wlthauih dean ra fore od Z- - - 0t thaf h rooltetl for'alf theworld r Xilr. a trgulaf ilippef 7 There Awasn4 t r afcyfn out oX place Ikr.y4rdj4iluig up tt.ajiver, uaUcr a nc.n v er juarettU--htr jrgkg.toJ oxeas.ltanvatikiUu. cba- x - eVtly rHfdldown.jhat, L'rd. lue you! the figure fteija 01 rtne. tj ieefl Chatl'Vite wa notbuigVo berv ' Hell, tir, 1 ?ld her 1 lovelber, and ahe wore to be true te."-me)a Ilowsonr. eter, 6rbad got a fathefivho wanted to tp the officer, and because ho kept gnghpp,i-aaid Viadaoghtef aho'utd never marr r ommo4 jailor she ifrpodhaenboMy bttb pejuyof5 rt N wai'. was only rated it t had better to sea again, 'and .f rniiriit be promoted, and then she'd fcave me. Well, air, I agreed to thisj a nd at pariinfl jhe threw her Rrrtpplir. i Tr n Tamd my-'Trcc t( aiu iieg.m wip L.H WXvcS: ff-mr f -icit - a little - O - .; -Onerr, ana tnouijn mv tjc-jiumj.a 'Could D to work. Iiut I put a gld watch into Her hand, which omforted ler a little 1 and then eUppinjr my heer-off, and went on board. c writ out thia cruise for eighteen ino th. and I had the luck to get ra ....... e.d captain of the ma nt p. So now 't thouii til was all ugh-., and got jeif frooa the first Ufl-.naotaanaui ybrnmout-. to gt;t plel to S.I, for -were at BneemeM goinjt to r fi' . , wfhdF pit nif t f rnb e y , l.deWmV; ".lied'to mK"M' abort a paac as I eoutd, nd- ta k a berth aboard - f .1 ah'ire-gomg craft called the Duncan. We were all ready start, 4tbe anch of W apeak, ond only "waited for i to strike eight belts j just as Ll. wat r-n tbe hi4 -wheel f ihe teach, vfi I.hnd tk-n caretobave a berth .n tH'atfter- pun - of thfj sh p fre closi fCtuciltiihv: ? JU a v threw oi Q o my ua i la in mi? dlf. I the riwJ. '- my tyt J " taut 1 44 hi iuU have thoj;M thm hing ilJ ra lurnrtl riund l" A' whkKall html burtt int laugh. Tii' coachman tucked hia miu tup tail, I irvjunted aloll, nd after lit and-thirty hour run we landed aale at Puriamwjtbi Well. air. the Grt thinff I did wa t ivr for H'$. Jutt trf te I came in thehoute, what ihould I tea" but gal iif5J5d out to i)t wtty nine, with the gM watch I ava her h'Dging a1 brr tide t ine wat ai tnrrty at a eric kci, and waa taken In tow by a ahotc g.4-g MUtwi:jfiih Wm Xnlfrrx oof Ttr treir wake' wertiTTf8 " rnoTe fiair. I didn't know what to maka to '" bjtgite thue and waoon along d. ... 'jB-it, my love," as.Ki !, "hcrr I t), j it coma Irom a iruie j lam ruttd capuin of lK min top, o now we'll oet, iplKfJ aa aoon poMtUlc." "Fellow," a id ahe, ye, air, I ted ollect the ) vtry word, fell -w," iid ahef "I don't kuo you.". I, waa tjken alap abak, my tailt wera all Bat to lh ntat, when Ute dock-yarU matet(if I found out afterward ht wa di(,) laid, " ii' 01 (hi i my wife, , and ytu anan't inmilt her.' "Your wife. UlSt'f Mid It " 'ben hfre' clear way for action. M I dou. ed my bat and J i'ktt, and gave the chap aucb a broadaide a almoat knoc ked the wind out li bun, Io i them began at me but that 1 don't mind, for I thought one adlur a good ai two duck-yard matte at any dar-ia ih week bat 8A int(uS oai You natyr vill'un !" cUppcd Iter fijgcrl hiiir, and teratcbed my face ao tlat 1 c uld'i t ce he then held me o tight 4ht the two lubberly oilier thumped od kicked m ao that I could uoc move. W en I came a little t tavtrlf tnrv were all gone That ery oiht 1 ahippt-d n hoard the aamc Couch, rcluiotd t HhcerDras, went on hoarj, and tworr I'd never marry aowthcr gul loi.g a I lirtd. ' ORIGINAL ANCCDOm. lliuttratite of Jlmcncan tnlti prize and daring. fihorttvafter the teTminatTon fatt war, between G'eat ljritaru aud the United Hiatei, an Amcrtcao ciu Z ' , tnco on In travel in Ear pr lin t pagc in a ttcam o . Horn UrecDocE, croaking the N rib Ch.u. net to Delfjit tj the uinage duwn tbe lifer Clyde, he, with otner atran. (era, btlug not a little! aurprijed o: rlelioUliiijj a cniderable w rk of dc. If nee thrown up on one of the pink, ofilw tver-t poinj aoilbtiint from iiieJkea, and io a aituation well lan.t locked and apparently al from he invurrOt5T6f " ah 'external toe, on expressing bit aurprizi to tne Captain f tbft. Iteao. ; boat, . (4 truer J1)0 I'jII) at so U' oeceysary fortifi rmion having been erected, he replied (kite knowui thai Lc waa-iddresam aOLoicricJi to. :wbpxn'.the..'.ceuayrrn Caltipoa his for thrir v air, Jjad uc.bcta mihlat wuh.any iift rr nation n earth, mitit try w ik m that situation would not h.Vvr tvren :t all necessary, but the d-n Y.nkei are ao b-wu and tmpuJeut lnat thrrr Wj'I 00 unii'g how lr thty- wovil.l veiitore lo pencirate iato the hean ol the'c'Uirry j I, mjsell, s.w to of lutir pirvmccra duiiuir u war c-mir the Giiot bl tbc frmcry, ud thouahi aurely they would be uukr or at Uant crippled and -Hureil, but to my as-tojjwhmenv- mort'fitatiop, her berg fcrtd.CpOU, .they whftkd abo it like co.icb aud lour, auJ mJe of in afetyrJ w illt thetr"'. dor fln.g and thit di ami Uaiwg YAMvEU DUO DLE.viV::.;,L. . - - V"." rr- rr:ei '-- - ,t Jav terin 1 .Yakeer4e pjdkd'-irr CTr eat ?ii tain tS M"w!ptiCM,iv- whe, titer they be cl'ihe Njtth, JLhs Souiii, the E islf Orthe )Veat, for "there thej pay 11 u tc ij.u d to uur geographical di visions mw separate Slates, but know Us as jti J one great u a tiotig w hb 'cou IcciivUy won Uicir l.Tneny lisitcd thcji idccndtncc. Meaning of -Deficient." Have y sm j4iini--jo' Uraeter Oxktyi btr f said a geoilcmao tile oilier day to a little Icllow j.iiU out ot ktU'Kil. " N), sir," was lue reply,,"! Ii.ive bt-dcftcieni." A . i wlnu the me .ning of dtfici.n'.;' inquired the h'st. " lrmcinTnen you get a nc- kiug," answered the first. "SO' Jl transitive t cr. A tea- chci t long suike in ekpiatning the oiffcrense between tranutive and is tra s tive vL, told the cl -ases that the verb 'bp' waa rnvranbitiy because it would tv t muke sroee with the words a versonot a ViinzUcr itv When a ii'rie Icllow looking very sign fic.i at him, nid " Sir. do t peojiie gj the who1 fog onjtlieai" .1. t1) Vfl f iMi Vl ttmlbl, IjV watd'a iimr, A lt txnV " . TSwifti dogffj hrs A fwWi'd Ik brk, kin. ut now ilirr Mk thm 't'ber btur . fb pria I an. w l4kv lf, T1i tft dwnd to mweh b"'d. . . 1 I A fiwbto nyla w. Dow tut, Rnrr round ad rwaM bV Brm",'m '' lit Cbtaf work, 'llJiwHhlMt f And wHm H wht an Wntn' (im'd, B " ll -brf iHrmiS frnm A ht f- I i m i . i J sntvjy (DM'iiA'p - Spring UtSumttvr ,1 wX-yww" i' ,-ia --. ttiw-i '.I-.j-! .. r jrVIE Dtr If HttMtrT C I.Btf.f kvln B. bn rliMntved. Ih billlntia ia fut' lll Q coadudl d bf - " S.Z.EIVXLYl(fOKr Wb ir r'rf . dlrcoi frnrn wYtTT-rorfe f nilatelphta, . rnrt.era .i 'KTtT or k Bating ani fewmmtt Dr-Omuln, 8c UroetsrUn, Hard-1 1 ', Cntlrryi and Saddlery , Crockery, (jc, tfc. -.,.SO- OEUUI, Ai..TlT 1 lihcksniith'tf Fools. oxo trrri f n CTrrrh, 71a t(n an) CHQUaft SCHOOL HOOKS, nd H oilirr t'liclrt iifciaMy kfpr In re'il SI'Tr., whioll thry inlrrwl tiling al null pro- fi , for cmIi, or oo fhorl credit to puiiciuil r. 1V eief tfu ty Invite thrlr Mend, rtiT ll public (jenrllv. ! call and citmln (he uninvrnl fur tlicmtrlvr Cotton, Cum, U.t. fler J, Beerwit, T.I. low, ind lmt crry dcx-riplbm of coinl'y prtxjuoe win or io ti air pricci, in el ct' (fr fur fnod - .Vutf.4uir. V r Ui , 1831. 7itf VALUABLE rrjOPKBTY FOIt SLR. I AM d.-froua id ittrMint of tv maSliaii. anrM. (tLI- POINT COMroRT) in hr town f Saliabury, North Carnlint, which bai been krui by m ai knot of Entertainment for the la fifteen trara; nj we'l k'inwn one or .be beat itamlt fur hal purpoar. in (lie Wrti rn pari ol K'irih Carolina. It it cfmeni i n'l aiitiated, on ilir main B'reel, brtwieu l.r Court H'Hiae and trrr 8iat Bank, the It t liaa fmn on Corbm arrert; of Vlb fret,- nd rnnr bark 10 ilie ttirrt in lb. rcr..:.TJi va w irt;r, emntninr JO- rnorn, "tr(e- t)lnir)j njnm, pvloii. emnwn hal. -- .or rradin. roo n.aud bar-rKn, TH4 atbl tnfll. eienl fr 60 hnje. ih 'Inniritl,' Carriairr j "nB(,iic, uvr iia nore ne oiner Duil.1 iii, bich conduce lo Ihe comfort and enntt nrrrtce Of nch in ea'ablvahmeiif, U Br irk Ki'ehrn, VVja'i-hont'.Ovt n. Ice-ioo. tnd two IVella 1 o il .it on, 'hi- wa'rr ia conveyed by pipei nmi r th trnunH the S able. The Jiaii'i 3 ,,)kHJien, nd lub boua arc a.lUrrai.jj. e-1 nnrlerthi! nurriwr tnr nvun bmldm ltih rendtrr U ry enrrvenlcnt io th La La Iv Vh the bove priprrtr, fwnuM So it 2 fir 1 milprnvrd M conveiri nt In Ihe prymu 'Wr HHW Vb'h', "Vill W tf iSrfVd 'tif W'iie'' r..nnrr.o(Uting tcrrni, wi'li, or aithout th fitrni lure. M, 'here t three Siafi t that atop a' "lii r'ili!i,n'-nt: A line three trmrt a wi-tk, to ami fnim t(alri(;ti (tree, tlirougfi Kaj..lth The ri.J'riOTt linr, North a'al i S,nnh, T time a wc-i k, a ..1 i line 'nun thia 1'iarf n SialeiilL', Wilk -'li lruirh, (J: twice e k. . W, II. SL.VUUlll Elt. S.i'h'irf V. CScpi. 13, iR3. f The Reifietrr, at IliK ijh, i I pl.'aae mrt ih lu 4veracejH-tti i -ihuk. end" (iri d lliei ccouil to th wijooeihr. at Salia burr. 6 C' .v Liixtxarox .v. c. Mr. Theoj)hilus M. Simpson MOST- reaper tfully informs his friends, 4 the public at large, that nets oowcarryingon the Tailoring L? .?U , It rlQWL r an ctiesa in the, town of Lexington, N. C. in the shop Cist of the Court House, formerly occupied by P, Fowler, He regular! v receive the litest New York and PVdadelohi faih'mns, which w i ll . liable - hi o to mak e- ay gewkmaa .'i ffuMonnble tnit nf Chthet, or short notice, and" in a superior style of workmanshrp; Hi hopes byr assid. uous attention r business ' to merit a LJiareii.pullic, patronage ipril 12. 1833. : .. ritf. Salisbury. Sejrfembef Stlt, ift.j (TA1.0L1N A MILi Tlt arc hereby commandi d to appear at the, Court-lf use in Salisbury, on WeI ntsdav the 30th ib'ir n-xt. at 10 o'clock, A. M. with side arms, for drill andralso, H9 tVlock the next day, with their respective eompauies'j f j; review. Bvj?rder of the. Colonel, 3.9 B. CRAIGE, Mj 1 I .it h. Ai.i kr Ju'lll J ' WMt Jgli r mMW ( Col. . Aln I I" ! i I l a A ofi. f . Ci, .it t.ouii j . A. MJ. Jun M.' ! tl t ifcnla MThrrmn tU. Ii U. M Uncial L. Monnff , -iimrl U-ry 4 Id. Air M'Alea I Li.K Alxr.iiy ( t h.M(. Bru.rt riiia M'Vinf r Awn Hut rn M.Mt.,1,4 lt.M - OabnrM bn bn(tr loiter .irikVc Job l-obrxn, 4. DrvrJ j r.kirt M'Llii. J A.J, M. (rd 1 U, tV. NuUnUi -pt; R. A. llitrj Mary (im.nd. r. Jutln thn . 4 I'bed fri) 'i Attdra t'iKoa . . Hr.ib n rrkin , II. ary CarptnUr , i. II. Q.iinby f H.mntl Connor ' T. (.. .( Hntr 1 be cltrk id tb Murt lUiubn'iU r.!iTli'y.r M. f. H'yv,! U.titl m Kuiixnry krik dliPtr , i4ia UnT ' Wartin ltlfr Jobn A. L).lli'.f tir E.ker, or t hton Ht , ) -luaapb frr -Mitkarl lodKHI - Mary H.'H. Iluudvya HobMt TV, till ' Aljultr liakrWl A 1m Mir UnoJwa Rub' rt llayaxa Noah Hani J . John MMtrflne Jiilin Hutu Major Hull rf 1 r.noSherrtl Danwl of Jrib ' milk J.rba oifford , J. an - , t -A. A prri amuai lull in at. Stroup . Jaoub lummry Thoasa tarvi Wm A. TU -I'.lna bnw AuaoloM Taylor e Uod ttrcaj Tty lor J. WlM J Re. U. VT. ILiggln 4 i. Wil" AIhICW IIcHiHI Urv, r it. W.ley Turnar llnrri Joaliu llowrl Ucv. iac b II.U Uruhan llola Hoar or Juab. Hear t lleadirawu Wm llnr.r narvh wool amnel WllaiHt U. L. WbiKauk i. While na Wulick ntl ) Utiugt VH 5 laij tVliciaiiua - Ottt, Wtcattcr , Mr, VViira'd Lewia . D ci. I. W. Juton Kt. Urv. Ullwi Irra t: c. J9) iir.MirniON, p. ItAllltOAD rN MONDAY, the ICih Sntant, w TAtNGtlld 4- FUEIUIIT Will be conveyed on ti.e liil-U betwrrn L'harU'tton and ,7Xrl. ad AIKEN i 120 mile Irom Charl I I nt I I' I - r 1 , icaiuu, auuui u muc irom cugtncia Court House, and 16 from Augusta, Georgia, and within hall a mile from th inilined Plane, and the same di t.oce from the cclcUaicd Coi, Sratitci. l'aaengrrs will be carried all the wajK to jfAMluqHC,. o"J h R.J E 'aI, exit jVi a portragr ofabout 'ne mile at t Inclined Plane. fjj Tie following papcra will pie ic insert the above 0 limea, and send their bills for payment to the T'triot ITice Camden J utnal, Co lombia Tlmrs fyfl a G Z ite, r.dc. fi'U Carolinian, Abbeville Whig, (i'eepville Mountaineer, Pendleton M'ssmger, Y irkvillrr P itriot, Lancas ter Beacon, Colombia I:S"r, Atiguta Cunititutt.ioalit,At,ea Banner, M I trdecville Federal Unon, Niahvtlle Bsnner,lf tntille Dcmor rat-Tlnlers ir I:.:...-" I.' "j '"' t c. ; " G-Z' tt, Montgomery, Alabma,: M bile Cont.-IU'gibter, New Orleans Courier.' "'r'- -' -1 '-x-'- -'-- " i har'.etton, Sept. . . 6 99 iT .cr.iu;r.,nl,. ,3,u T,t . ill robably endeavor to pa a Irre iiiaii. He had when be la ft iwo-tiii't ol fine hoitie-apun aV-ana, 6e black fSileJ with-wort, th other near v a pule snuff rolnr. lis it aboat thirty e.siif ajj.., atxiu aii frrt liili, inclined to be be ut, Pi kmicKknetil, tljt routed. In tora turn ou n.Ui-li more than CJirimim, bin voice alroi nd bold coiiiiteuaiice I will give a reward ol twent, fi.e dMUn ,o ,, per, .bo w.K ap- prtlicnd uid bov, (J roi.rt w him ioauv Jul out ol '.he enmity, ti.t I ii benbltd to Um-.?airt;anylwe-e.ce rcipestinK tbe .akiaV. boi nit. be ibaHkiuHv receivej bv me. diree led io Pi cket Crtek P Office, st.iora Coo, t), K. C. DlTNCA.x MtfRClliON. Xiuemher Vuh, ld33. 6 95 -. W' 1 HI a vie a to the more' efficient prosecution of tucir buaioess, the Suairtber havecsiablished a Having piucuicU tnabcki Mjteiials.from i$e Toii'li, and' etnpioyed a" WUikmii. well recointubiiUed,tbev ait prepared to execute on moderate lei on, I I . . , Ivl. link " ' , ' . - -. kllurucia 1" ! rnir, - i ; . f Account books, Records, fee. ruled and made to oidcri and every bind ol ttindtnfc prompt y-extcuted-,1tnh;tsl od ncaitkimauntr, on uaaonabU i 36li J. JALtS k SON. x Hal ttfth Aug : 6ti litumaa. taatale.. - at August Icrm," 183d, ot Ja vidoo Couoty Codtti 4'Elecut6r of thelast witf aud icauinciil' ot Jka--se ITarrtss, acn-Jaieolftfsaid;. Cctlt, ty, dee'd,, heieby gfves -notice,-'o ril persoaa baviujtlyrnjdds . again&r the eatatct lir prestfoCithcm du4yaa- thenticued -according to law, or tnisf nottte wdlXw.yleAd io bar or ihewl receive ty- j At jptj-oo, ludebteti re deiired tv m le pa'y1 acot fmmcdi hely. Hi'IIiRHm It inn, N, V. wi tie l.t f ' ' 4T I. -t 1 . O 'B M . X. ... BT as a!' y1' 1 1 A KtClSiS, , v tix rss HAURisrfXTv;; August .a-2i4? 3 J.;vr J'litro' T. O, tr.y uea npuoav ijr K tsu, $ ne i , ? : , jj. v. tunHS ..ox. he'. 1 ...BTCjailauu.M, a.i kt linaOiHilCi I . JvV?d; tn-it. -. t . bvJi. j.t. . i mt0mmmmmmmmmmr i- n ijiji'i" M.a-.. .. - " . t. w .''''.. , -.- . .i- t7 CrnCTt t LLV V f .rtri tha cit. .itina cl y4htuty, tbat bt lll rrmin i town ip-ir invrtr wrri, durmn Uch timavba will atund to an) H gn r P'O'tnental t-ii'ting, whivb niiy be ordered, . Irptciiiitm rf bit cn painting tnay be ia at the Flora .of Mctaia.. CAMj . And Cr.ige.f , V W J - . .IK, 1NTKNDIN0 ti, remnirt t tb Wtit, 1 (Tcr for lr,"iQ Icrom. modaingtcrma, the place where.) bow live, coatikUngoi a goml dU liug fiootry coovrnicnt bouae fur an officii,:: or hop,riI other necciary building. Aao acvcral other Ion in Town. All peraooa indebted to me. are re B-'ir-iud to act tie before tbe fiiit of J itiuary oett, or they' will find their ti.pti in the hand of an c 1 and thote 1 1 we are rr ctcd to call, na I am redy at any time to pay them, Ti lruiiea of my ahip will be Carried on until I leiv her.- -ibttofl JOHN UTZMAN. SumhuryTOct. 1 CI 8iJ 11" :"' A'lTliNTION !j The Commissioned Officers ; IN th fi. i Kepimrntof IREDELL COUNTY MILITIA, are hereby notified, to appear in Htateaville, on Thursday tKe tHh r.f October neit, at II o clock, cquipt accordine to 4a. fur t)ri!l Muster. 9 ....Also..,. ON Fnday, the 85h, at IOc1ock, you will attend with the reeprciive companies under your command, e etutpt according to law, f r General Kevicw. - - 9! tm 1 arvria.-v i-l Vlll.'li II, . . CuLXonCdl Accust 24. 18d3. CllAHl.F.STOX and CjlEflAir. TIltJSTEAM BOAT MACON, MIT. J.C.GRA 1 1 1 r n ., i. wBV'VB m engaged last sum. mer, in running Qttween i naricuon .ar.. 4-. Chtraut eauiog at George. Town tm her way up.fdoViwo, will resumc'hef' Trio -rir ihtreotirae of a few-tf iV and intended to-be continued id" the r.'r;it - - - . - -- - ; tTarie me running; innm. . Her eiceedinp light draft of Wafer drawing when loaded only about f iur and a half leet water will enable her to 'i reach Cheraw at all timet except, n 'Tur?cO'romol6w'vefrwhVn:lirf carjo n,at. J B CLOUGH. odatioDt for a few pase6gers. 92(1 J. llrtV i IVE hereby ei ' gaii sttradi caution all persons a- ng with James C'am r, .j wrt r, t - a fy.rdr-.wt Ootr S, lor SJt) each, and dated Sfcpt. ft-itMU.i v9 OT . aatd er-tin .tea drawn in favor ol Fi ant ii Johr. " . ,.1 bV J ."mei Cr'aniofd. ' . Hurgese Uranl rtl, 1 noma Uowrns, (Thomas Eunis and Alfred C. Tne other kiffucd -by - Jamea CraTjford, ; Thomasti iwens and Alfred Cot, buy aUe to Win. Thomason X mo iths'af. ter date. The said notes were un fairly obtained by iid Cmnford with; ont- any consideration whatever and w Ut out be piih-r-T' T?. JUJltG-l'SSCIlANTOUD, T 1 1 0 M -V a- 0 O KNd ii i rv i a . v u firpt A30. B33 3 9d 'A. ,.l jittenlimvlzr: .are hcrcbvifdmttuaidafdta pi . rid jn thef T wn"of gilbirv', onrTn'nradxsr the : S tat tfletoher neirr.-l ittTtrtatrrilliinfteit unilorm of T . .Jn y rr . . the JTruuBa-r Abefiter may ies assured thatlhe "vilTXTe trialy,enlbrcdr J ' 'fV Uv "order ofthe C mtii T , oiaiO 01 JoniM,nltrcr,. j LlC HVTOUNtt-C , . - , -a, V IS hereliy tr've W SloRy Whitnaf, on of tbe "Inira nt John Mull, des'i. tbat ibere-ia now ttl my hn,U iixtean aj"'1", w' ih , b t0 ime; a one of ihe heira eaf , Aid t Jslirl , lljlf aa. Said '!'y li'losr "w, thWofbrel htrehvn U-d to cimie futaard aod, elaJa au jnonefp J ithio ilie lime pr a.rrilrd, bV Uiwr nb(rw'ae, ! 1 9 I win uiim ol it aa llto-t, v dircrta. -., AID jniit.'fjj.crrnt.rrtv.n noyoxr. t J i .. . r .' Tk'a t1 U pjtl.lrf pa) K .af aJ , r Wadaart-tav efavcrjr rxo k, Mt ratal atari ft If piri o-la,i, e irr. j,,- ia aae otk U f f Aavsetr ( 2 WHatnfaf tl. inar ! Ihn Cuaimi ,,, . ad enaainii'iiif In lb year, wiib M li. 1 Valiinr a inO ra;;ra, . ,7 . 3 ' It la thi. B, pitickt, but In pat iar4 lanaouai HI nmf n. diM,. ! great prinelplr M C"tirc l ia. ad aaS la eVawtnf an'i au.-U (taai woiabiy ot Uu I, la t aa a i.Iuk tnk tl, naimr of ihir C'lrrrntvi m 3, tiwiilba ntientri tt. Miimrn. j kfl bIUkkl rj iaaih, t , vwannwii ia inr f copi r ll.e fl,.,a Mi paiilical awtcnunu of lb Homk. ,J N ibaaea' tbe (wulb lU D.1iwjU iw.nnvti U tk w-ib.. - , 7- ,4 . It til aJoti lb Rfp i!i''r,rt,,KHI;wj of 'VS.aakl lochia tbe Virm.a ar.4 KrnM.i, rnl4iiiiiia. .id aa kamUi.nrd k Jlfrrj, Madiaoa, M'Kean, and iba oihrr ditiii.iai k,J eb.(!iiMit bf IVtiTl Kian-rv and Suta tttic ftkl ItSTl rtocnrhanl It will alao racu'd tl,a nvxl Imparta ml kid Stat faiier tomrutuA .i!. tb prijccrdtaa; of l-Hitb Ceolw, r aa to p.f. err k entnriiet Ji!tor oftba tinwaj iba -fmnr, rrfereae of poliikian ami au tai,a. ' $. il br priaclplt of frt T'! :'l ka li rartcd kiril iforcd. a uwlul la itM(At trie puhlie rniod, al tlx N. rib, Io tka apprufxk. , inf Mdacitoa f h TarirT to , ,!tu4, ea f ad tkfrra wW,. aa well aa eaan 4 prrwol aa) futwra ktiempta U tt-tr-ibltak (I4 rrtrt.tli- f :.y ".ft . ' fi. Th Javbviiey stmI nneonwitnttunaJy af aptriipnalioa fua wak of Internal baprota. at y U fadera! C;raMa4, will aaaav taiaed, ai4 ' ttlawpt to rneroacb on tb rtbuotin Statetby ibat notram.oi,winbs rtai d, tn arAA-r pHf rA'y aMy r.uiaM rul rapcciatty trt 1. 1 Interf r 1 1 e i 1 h Ide bA, " aatliar daav.aita 4ky ik nouibern trtjirt, alum Id kny amHaprttly ba ktteaipir-l, , (t, aooncH v a y io! log tf rfte f iaJ u.s.(cv H IU otipoaa aMataaA,, Mrni p-rJ. J!r ao w rvrry k ac- ipt low. aa utrr. erinf with Iba ttttlilt f richti unoa k-k a .. a 'iff ri 4 upua wbtcJi. miiiUcJ. am' U Ka aa..' Oof b Jill Utioli are bxiijcj, tiii'VllW tm.' phatieally lb adyocaie tit a taMptWvii"' aaT. - '- 1 v - -' - ' - ' It a in al4) b eppowa) t km-tkif , lb baa of rapttbbcA kad ft win 'alow c ntp4ka aad d rbctio of aeineii ia iwbaa rrtaa.aV M aAaarrr frtf lAry aa,ijr f Jrm W ran. fba. ftwwavcr, t Will d i m a" u kiUKf wbkh aaaul mm drfrad tlir pre,, and dp a occajioa at ill ibccwaaiaA af lb twaMark iba cbicie of currility t Vulgar pruaai 1. Tbe pric ol tb '.air 4. nr knrawl fayabUi ad uM in tftTwrtrt.a fallows 1 Por aingle eupy .. g JO. , fur 4 CorHra,it for kt lha aaraa lima Ji- IbakwwbwrJaf aatbacrtoera, f, ir t .kl per py to -a . 1 J5 For 10'oop.ra. pall Inr ha th . aSme atanacr, f,iO. cqjaJ pet eff to 1 W 9 lick rwamitanc Wih b'conridered ki d diaiinri iraaaaetiua, and rvary aabaoriptraai ifl be dintinatd at the rad of tha V,r oald V hhUu rtatwtJ ay t&' r 6yvtliit j m . 'v.i m mi it mil aw wjuioai aa. emruie tat spaae ot poalafl' In g ivim; aaote of wkbifrkwaj, aVMl Ke Iroutra ir lartuffrinir re. -ertpta writ kr ewld d fM rl of rkr rronl . aiar koW vaid a V t.r (tadroc a na ...J.,J.iwW:'a'w.?f. kneibaaj a ttttsM-, to teetrrrd. aad ra avu'.ar ar ? remKtrd. it will be cooatdi-rcd. khleaa atbarwu cafatrkaad, in -pavavant nf lhaiirrVnt totuaa," and ih.WkN adiaaa-iedlftct fmvihkm -1 rmrfL hrtivtr.- Itiktf Ui; niU tut back Niw. Viall ai mtmuut after ta -amk&er baiJ abU bar bvca lbauitadil vrfwca w-armt (ivat dr aeaice." - t "TZ Al All poa-ajcc aauat ka paid. irpl apa letter coniaM.irvar five ktbara or C NarW aw,' 01 nj larger wnxbi a iba ruk. jf wiartrriaga, 1 bvtba md nr rumerlTiy rfae pbViiliery t 'T -fcV- Tbahi ara nei 'ar.-nta kaf.Kr.ahrd far tha cr inihviduaijaia aoiaatituia" Uiiaaalf a acaat r Utitri. btr kvaullnc blawctfuf tb damHkaji abU itfwe.1 oio aabtf v ,aVpira. ft, 7. ' All ountrtfiiuieaiinn la be addrvwer t th -jr aubacilber, what reaprclfutly rafiaa(i that Ua, kaJbck ul oaraon mU aiaoaa traoMiuOed laara . ay be ilia met j ritin,ta a ,0 ruid ia takea, akicb can Oily k oorrctcl by Ucorriag 1 Iba apaaaaaw wtataga . -- . . W CONDI lAUKSr. . PkituUfkaJl'ifmM7. Jle)J3. , i rf - 1 aKLYOlUV l?.tlUlkaVW JYluAt miiileft Tulume 6. .Wvc ' rici, Mane First. jf0;-JeJa uarti yst u just published. 'Jslll.i i tv .Aguculiui-kl pcriodi 1 Cd. p iblialled MOHtJdjj, CoOtaiiK ing 3i large quarto p.ges ol tnrtcCoU rumna ach, devoted pariicularly ff , igricuiiuje, jiforucuieure, c w will also coni.thv much iuiereatrf matter tiooa eHher "'aubiects,' ulh f itattremtfiaritr wer tojjeJer wati 7tawt carrtfgrt for common fbadnwita ntUer model of fmproving inieiual c fminoorxatttfe., It main object, lioweverj-f lb CjlMfcl; fronr , thoeho cdjiivaiji theiaojl djMt'iii .oaie aujch 'lUKrruialiuu a. 'f I tend io iiwDrove the" mode ol cu-uvs' lion. throurJaPUt i)ur;.tdely t dejfc eoatrtTMi fperioil wiildc'oy lh.. txHitv of aaKbr- pubHcatioo propt rlf l . . l. . a T - A ...... .aJ1 mc wncn l ar in sucv a paiw - n"it be Drooerlvc'iriucteJ and had homely exetnirwnhiut mvetten. aiw rirenl jnl nrmnnt riiVIHClit -t4r)f.4H--exp'rse.-- :r C Tem.;TllltKR D TTaM per f. num. in advinci) 'od will ,"-'J aeWTwithrjdtjIfw St li'presLni .fV . -at ..,' . 4aaT-WV-f -a- . " t M "a j rtf. e ' "V. . ..""Mil .. irwllljsrpy ttc WpUi'iijn Jot f-'', iTrsg, nor Wr7 ihtHo aflvtauS A" Waot of I p'jnt tUa1fZft4il 'f aubsVriber. ,' . id..k.min6h. pf-.3Mft.rr,

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