i ( 1 V H J nusisiii VKi!Ki',Y;' , , i 4 tii Vol. A I. lis i i-4 mi OUil it f 1 V VOUTWJI. r i f i In t. i J'flim tU t"Hl,M T I I). ; ' .... ''.', - i fOX3TTunUOF 'Jill) I'M- ..;Tt:i,fTATni?;r. titeontiJerbtion of the AJonrrti to C, htp-t&W proposed ta d&.Stutrt h lte i tali J trht raliffd by thy fait datum J, tflhrrfjourtfij if thiiertral Itutt. " The pflftple of the scleral States Itnvirur . lie nitul ol suiirige i..r ma most mnncr ,, linrtich of liir Stabs lgiajntniT,' at krti'i J. t'olden pridicallyi Toirt. fir'rtfii rm the second Mom Jay ! iij ' NerT e,nri t nett preceding iho explralioii f tb" torm IbV. which the, President anJ ; V, VMlitt lait ii . oiVwe were taiitlVt in cas of au'olec'ion priJiV t,o Ihe nt'limr eriod, a hereinafter ffyvided, sithin , theif 5poctivo Htatcs.'J'nt ihe lui, ! nd pUice, and in, the manner 'ore rfiji j by (be Itts'latura. thereof,: Mia'l vifr person fr President of (he .Tof ikI .H!ica,ji.d f(anothftr.pcrih'Tor t pn-st'deuf, of who n ono al b-ait shall not Leu iihnlita?it ! thorsnmot'Stuto with' tlritt-dvc.", Cach voter vhs.lt 'wintfy Ilia vrfl retcd for t Presidenfand ihc.per. p vt (nr ss - Vice lrrnit!enr. Vl'hi Y rwK io encli Stale, rharcd Ly jTiU p.l!ir (hrtif, with the iH?tj,"of conduc ing tUo etatftmn anc cll'ctinj lite toten, h! nwk lii plainly . tliowii) all' the -rtfM vrfl f'T a I'refidcnt and as Vice Viufent, antHht, numbrr ofvotft" (or Vr a ; hich liita" tfif aliall aiii, certify ir( rtolivrr n ihe pern' or person re pfilrcly Ktitlvrizt'l bv lb-fcit.tiire of i!4 Mute io nrme ineio, tor Itm porp ffituincnUinif tertainu-U? C 11 tii iMiinuPrf vMff in iiOrli Suite' for 1 jrK fif PrrKiJeni anil for 'Vice Fr-'Vnt, anl th.'an,to1,;riurtil'r Mtit fr earli. Tbo fxTSfitw tw charcJ JLlii!lU'u!X--a'' aHOinljo at the Iiioe i ii .i i. .' i 'I'l l in,.' r if H i' ij i ll Vice rrfiirt, "tliiill .o accounted a turu of tlif Statr, Qid ,thco end there udwe thes.iid cor,irlc4 liitar, and thfrc. "friiu tlirf'thrill makc'nrP ng-jif egate'llsl yml ihowiiiffiill ' pffsons voted for as PjulrLtaiid as yicPreid;ut, ariJ'-ri in wnole nundir of futcYf-ireacli person ( and JHull aiccriaiq f hoi pcrxoii who. 0ba.ll liu rcCii'nd4U greatest uumbcrW vo? 'i iich State nr'Presideot, and the pern Ml wtw shall have received (hq. greatest nutu W r for lr;: PrwMenilThfi 1 Loiula luirf'i of the 8titeiVdfpcc3tively- 85TJl "pro." n4c by laV?-rpivin5 tWtftMiif -ibtd bd 'wr'll two or norj periHl.!av.diFfjf Mjih' iii inimbera, who shall ba Lund to have . JMseive J aij e;uat twuilior .vutt-Ut' nnlp of the St te, eithor for "Priiddiit or Aj.4ti&ncrjawlu)ilvl-'eceived thi 1 rentient, mid wlv) has. jeceivcd lh ?m st nutiiher vbtea fcr Vice' rr'ejiV.lei", 1 iey shall mak thnw distinct certilicatui "r.'ler their hatidi, statin? the perwia who tws rcrt-ivnd tho"2rd"aoit number of vote for Pt e-ident and 1 he personvhrT Has n--iwd thffirnteat-tiuinberforrV'ice Pre' 1 'sat. Tho Executive of the -State .shall nuke knotro, umler the seal uf the State, !ieed to ench ewrtificnte; that -th wr -iiH ci-'rtiTying ther5'i1t "of Kho'vtes Vir 1 r MiIiMit and ice Prenident, are the per j:iiihcrf;uit' authorized-by-the law of Matf. I lie jiersons au making the u itilkules of tho votes," shull seal up t"-!i rTtii.-ate s( 'parulcly, together with 'jn:iCution of the hxncutive, notin mi 11. i' nv lupi' of ench that it coutaiiM 'Iii-uU of snr.li Htatii fur President and l'r"iil!iit : one of which ccrtiriniies ''' (liri-ct Io Ihe Prcsiilfiit of tho V;;alr i. the L'uitt'd Stales, and transmit i; '" llie wat of the government tl tho I n ;l '! Stales, by a inetiseiiger selerted by tiM iii I.. e (h-l.ivi.Ted li tin; President of iiii; .ViiiUe ot thfl eat of ( Joveiniiiojit, or nb'-ein-'e to thg rry of th Pfr- U f (In- i.c- '.. ,f f,!ll j f'- in-- ,1 zt I ' p Kin u i 'i r 1 1 ' -Kll .VI,'-. . I ' . I 1 ! (!.,, by a 1, . , !,-r 1 I ( I 1 i,, 1 - It " wir.je ii'iHitK-r ., i caitiij, Mi ,.. J M i.t.iiiu to wl.udi the .Otrito chilli be ciitiibd, and mii !i ihhhIht of li-Mnro! vtm of (iwS M.1I0 .hall I, iicrordmgly m t down 1'!.'L,.'C"l'idcd,.fr. tUVr..m-. In hkf niHDtkf r, the (-ers'-n having lhn jrenfi't Mfr 11 Ink V. tnatrwriu'ii the hon electoiiil . wi'i'bl and vote VTf hnt ?tute, according to the icalo und r ul 10 aforenaid.V n , , t: 'i'ba jwrm having ibe'srVnl;H( number of Ibg t-ltork votes fgLl'jtsUlTitCurJ. in? to the scale afiireiuid, shall U decUr cd tbfti'd, if that niiniber te n. majority of Ihe ub'de number" of the" f'i ctorul vote to which nil the Sfntra ahnll Ihen l eu'j. thd, nccurdiii" toMe acalc and ratiunfore. ai,!- ': , ': . ..." i, . Jf mi pvrHon-ahal have such ; majority for ,reiHont,'Jflc 8cat.ahall Jocla"1 hif fact, aiwl hll alto A'clar-a ihe Iwo perimns bttviiif: the hiheM numbers of the electo ralvotea accounted by the aralo and ratio Bforeriid it wberciipoo the Secretary of the Di'imnawol of Sim hnli forthwith mow a nuhikatiun tu bJ made to tbt Ksorntivo rd every Miule, ihrtt tbel.Ttion 'of Prsii' ileiit ii( tho ITnite d States 'h'in (ailed fTlie time, und -'shall eUo make krKiwtUlmlwo rsotit who received the hilu tf number .f lrMelectom) rotes at aforeaiJf ami shall cause a publication thereof, without delay, in at least one of (he newnjrtijiera printed in rncn riai specny ing, 0.10, Hint an elcc (ton by (lie people aball be holdcn 1 1 cbroine uie oft he two perrons having tSo highest number of electoral votes Gr President, to cominctice on the iciiid Monday in Jan uary then oeji riwuinif y nd tbe'rrojdfrrif the several Stales kball accordingly, with in their nspeclivo SihIck, vote at tho t ! i- cea and in the manner prescribed by the amUturo of the State, f..r ihmj of wild two t)erii)Va9jiiilL be "certified, collected, eiioinerated.toj .f l',i Ic it' (I Ml I'Mf till f (In Lr.-d , I.. ti"Sl of 11 I'o si'li-nf, hhn l.c the i !' ot, tl nh'-Ii ti;i,iib r b" it roil So bwl wiiHiil.vr ol the t lcrtiirnl 1 ' r f " I r "u n ;, to t! rtil'M nn l-i l!.r C. ice IV j'.fltV l vr 't' tt wl.it h the Siatia nro tlien erifit!ed Bf ul Ti-aid ; bnl if no pcrMon have .iirh innjunly f.r Vice President, flaf if thr 1'miilait lr tUrtrJ,'m I hut fa" tl.'-Sen-n'e abu'l; l,y Lallol ihoofu Vi c Pffsiidrnt fi'jn lliejhn-e who shall have rtcetvi dtho Hr ntent liuiiibcrof t lerloral.,V.olC3i,,, A uoruin hr that purKise shall 'fTniii4 of (wo tlndsof lh whole puin!nirfFrimtQrt, und r timjority, iif.lto vbola numlwr of ft rialurs (q wjiich all th Smtea aio cmi. (led shall U riorfantiry.to 0 ch-ice. . Io.t ifthcr bow lailure f the electm for Prcnidt'tit, and nn person shall have a' majority of all the doctoral vof's account ed acrorrling to the Vale and rnlio. afore said for Vice, Penidtnf, in lhat.caM, .ihe o jtersnna having the higheil number of voles for Vice President, or if threA or iiion coino in cjrinj'tiUoii,hy reaon of an cmtulily of tho electoral .votes betwevn (wo or more, tln-n ihore threo or more, so oin ted to and coitiireliendel within ftie spirit of (ho ruin which seeks tho I wo hijgbeat number shall 1m inado known to iho V.t ccuhve ofvery State,' and by publicatins as "albreraiil, so al to giro notice to. the pee"pbof iho persons from whom tliey are 1 1 for tba pnhislioio nt of tin lie who, Vh n i ntruded wijh any of the ihitiV ofe!!'ct Jntf, iritijr at tj, r cejlify'rif iii" V"i.'ii of I be pedphMiftbe lverl Sl.ili'n, o" ihe duty oMmnmnittinjr or convc, 1 to the fK'ttt f. ftotpriiment jihad w.I :i,!!v rofiike, or hH r ufpnMy rn-'m I, to per-P-rm any of (b duiics refx'ctnflt . p-oii. red i.f tbern. .-.'Pliey shall provil (ir if e due uud uh (fclivcry iflbfl Certilieitle' of h vc -tli aest'of (loVartnoi nt, ii'.d fat the rK4ifirruw-.wil f4lt"nti'-n l fxf iueiilKKrfd io. taws of s failure t( ib tk c to of lVei.iJeii( find Vjc I'reid( nt, find fif jii"l eonipnxalidn io tbo in',rsen er,'8rd other jtctn ejnpbJyedo - ' 1 in ii.kiWKS of i,,r ..rt tl -'n i'i o a'.e i u 1 v tiii'ii'ritM!. 'II I.f I I V i f ta r.l, 1 u! j- ( I Oi'l',0 I , trim lli Pr'n'il- m G . 1 - r 1 v . tiik ci:;i,dvtR, vLor "-l ' ', -'. I ' "' - ' - r".' '' Alut a week "or, (en'tlays.aiocei 4e wiMUId an account T an.Btmmpi that had bocD nndfl bv aoma Co ardly iocendi ary, lo destray JJt.l.icut, Oovcruor Vi. cnx, of' this btato, by 'foiidiii to hint, fin " infernnJ oiachiiie," loaded - wjtb gttopow. tier. and .iniiMnles. nj dirtnastion. .t, The wickedness of the art, au Jbe ttj;anriCM of ibe vli da trarjiactioa, as it was dvlailed 10 the public, -through tia, fro.ninforiDnii'iii derived from the hm-i rt-Np-cf srnjrce, induced some to doubt the" roabtr'nf Ihe transaction. As" wo i; utel.'iir''Uea on Io cbMM0 1 Vice PrcaidoorranJ the wtetHartmlf nftuated in retatlliWliiialf furtVicnfrrejuaVMit ahatl lo arcordingly her, we resolved thai wo would take'.ud- counted in eaehJSuiUv -aTTvTdcd for bv the Lfjjlnlaiure thereof, siel tbe ngjregate retult ahull be ascertained and mninvu, as before, in three several certificate, autben tieoted by (he Kxecmjvr, and shrdl be seal, ed and endorsed a bereni lielore directed. Pho one they shall traicmit to the Presi. 4H of I Ih - Senate at th Kat of iiorern ment, bv a mo,ni,r bv them aeleclcd lor that purpose, to b' de!iveiel l Ihe Prei uent ol Ihe wiate,orjn hwjlli;fji tJi &(-retarv of the Senate, letro the lwenty seventh 'of 'February" thon next "iiiisiiifijj ; ro other"of said certili ates tbev hall forward bv ihe iMt olTicc Io llw Preidenl Tiftmr-HimnteV amf hj third" tbev. shall t ikeo,al lh timeaptxiiiled for choo"!? a rreaidcnt. and be collected, enumerated. certified, and transmitted Jo tho aval of Government of the United Slates bs be- fore. " " 'Jt-J'..'. ... As often as there shall lie a failure of an ejection by the people of the aavcral Slates, as well lo the office of (lho President as to that ol. Vice President al, (ho election of Vice Prciideut sball apaiii ! referred to th people, abmg with the election of Pre t-ideut, tuchuoH a X'ttQ. President from the two persona hiving tho highest number of votes, or from three or mora coming within th r4m of tbdimiwffw before aplaiord."'."'T ' ..' , . Sec. 3. No person not eligible under the Coraitution to the olfice of .Pcaideut, shall ho eligible to tho olfice of Vice Pre sident of the United Stutea. - Sec. 4. Tho In'tter to assure an election of President and Vice President before the f" Mirth dny of March, and Io render Iho ele-nrrir.s, returns, mid etaininattis of he results, more convenient io tho ieoplo and to the OriigreM, the jnf Vcfru t'ntioii. CO for. holding the ebtelitMia tnay la chang ed by law; twt in such'rhange t.hfl3iUiu. menceinent of ihe elect iom shall bo the same thriHigbout tho United Stutt-, and the L.'ongrc may alwi, by law, determine the 'imri for returning iho certificates of iho voles of i he Mnteslotho seat nflJovern- wearied pains to adduce hniploproof if lhA enrrectnes or our version, of .tho story In pursuance ot this intent wo have availed ourselves of Iho kiudnvsa of R. (i. Iturlin game, of H'eMrly, U, f., who. has imliti Iv furnished in with tho facta em braced m llie f illowing h tter. .- Wkstmly, tT. 10, iaM.". " --Dtnr-Niij-f?inee niV n-turn honR-r 1 havo irnioirod of (Tut. (;irg IJrown, Jr. am! J. II. t'r'w:, K-q. rcsprctinu tho Uov. VVib'fix trunk. Th-y went down nod iMKiied tho Irunk -nod snv that it caoif to 1 thLtnhure. 111 1 U) sbw 'PblL- iyju?ll,l'c. f UoThtI TIroM 11, Jr., and wu laHt o lrnno hoard bv P. V , lUbC'N-k, rand-nm to Go . iii ' v, an I li In tit oiit in liie nnil carr.ag to the (Irvernor, wlio, with his vifo, out th.' trunk on a table.. When ihi-v ldi itio letter. vhi'h m fntrmil im. iho 'i.p ;Ua trim!;, ''ort -l to " U.tt. r.luonl Wilt-ex, li. .(with ami THIS 8IUE tl1) find nHned it. 'Pho letter wiw 10 sulwlattoe is follows-. lJt.. (.iUavdi Ainr.u t hart enl t r.H ..vi- It t I; t j pntii'iit.-tn tlio. bf,soInf, ;k in hnr1 of '" it 1 ' i Mi l UK caimi to l dorswited with tho -District Iiofuro the second .Monday in Xovcm b"'r t':i':i ijoxt ensuing. One other of saiil ct-'rlitiratta they shall forthwith (orward, I'; tin: post-oiTice, to the President ol the ' iuii-.it the seat of Government pi the ) tntoi! States : ho third they shall cause 'riliuitir to In? delivered to the District I i ln,. i)'il; United .Slates for the district iioreiii thay. shall lx-assembled I if acer-. AiiVato of tllc votG of anv. State. ..gbalt mu -lrmV Wr'fCeem-(l aTTh0arorXJo?()"rn- "nton tho aaid second Monday in Ko . y''l,i,!V't'J the Secretary of the l)epariiuent '("StaJc .shall send a "special messenger to District Judge in whose custody such rtilicutg jsliall have bofcn lodged, who h : ! t forthwith transmit it to the scat ol ''WTiiment. Hi" f'onress shall be in session on tho ill second Monday iri Nove'Vnher ; nud if ct-rt ifioates of the votes of all the States tll Iihvc iK'en then received, ihe Presi r i'l ''I the Senate shall, on that day, or as "f'.cr aw practicable, in the presence ni 'lio Senate andofilielfouso of llepre w'iitatives, ojn-n all tho certillcates' of the x' ' i tlm neveral States. The votes of Wales h'nll be .sea fed and accounted j':'"r'!?iMg4o the, ratio: of th0. Senators and 'prese'nialive, counhined, to which, each JVU." Mi.t'J bo then iitititlcd' in t int C 12 tt.l.f.f ?i.!SSirya.-?w..Jbfrlyre .(lirvp.ic ctt. :.- ; I'tKin the tntv aevcntli or twenty eFglith day f February, if the certificate ol tho voles o all the Mates shall have leen then rei'wived at the wat I'l'tiovnnnent, if not, then a soon thereafter as practica ble; the: Pesi.k'ut of the Senato bhall, in thrprescnccrit tinmen "if and of the ltotrc d . UcprcscututivcK, ojieu the votes of all llio hiatus ; they shall lie seab-d and ac? c'oAinred weordtni ti the ratio aforemen- tioneu, ana tno per-ion navimr me greuiem number of tho electoral vola of th States forPrcsidcnt,"Ticcordirig to the ratio arid scale .aforesaid, shall be the President, if such number bo a majority of the whot number of the electoral voted to which all the States shall be then entitled. .s often as upon counting the votes in the p.fvsonceof the Senate and House of Iii piesentalivos, thero shall be n lailure l electing.a President. . the election ahull Ik- referred again to tho people of tho so er;il Stales to choose between the two per t. ns bavin;' the'-hi"he?.t nuinh'T of the ro! ;oi;il votes, aifinliiig to th: scnl aforoaiJ.: and if ufjon uccounling, in tin pteseiilatives, Hie first,, socoiii!, or any njccessive vote ol t!it- people, the direction to declare and make know 11 the two high et in number will not literally np!v am deliue two person.s onlv, but l-v reason o an equality of electoral votes between two or more, will point to lhre or more per sons, then the Senate shall declare .iml muke knowu those three or inure mi com ing. in c'Mpetition, and inchrtfedwhhm rim i-rr- 1 IT r " .T J ' spun it tno rmo wnien seeKs iin iwonio est, bv excluding the hindermost iVom the dutuce, election iiy -tho poplo ; and liie su.l. three of. more persons shull, as aforesaid, be made known to tho Ivveciilive of en 17 State, and in the publications in the news papers before directed,' as the persons from whom a President i-j to he chosen. And upon everv second or after failure of a;i election of President, the Congress shull appoint and -make known the time, when the consequent elections by the people' fehidl comnience in every State, which time shall be uniform throughout the United Suites; and ulso appoint tho time within which the aggregate votcsjuf the Staiea shall he certified und returned to the seat of the Government of the IJniteSlateM, and the time for oKmiug and counting Ihe votesi it) presence of the Senate 1 antT the rx : 1 iinf i m c - ',. to n ' 1 .1 ! In 1. t ! .Mil I 1 v .' 1 V I I ."iC,l cpideiiiic", wltir'i t,,H in Jy . !i-,tc I j'.oin tin- j VtlUlt of Mll.je.'t I. I f.i.l a P!., !j hi.iu, j jtl it recoven I Iron, a h-u'ic nli u of tl,-1 MT, (!i.r: ;' who ! liuni i,. i, . i,! ., I lillaueljihu fiei!i nro f-onc i,(. ' flir t,, M.-'-t I" T.. . . . . . . . ' ny j-nri pnvir.-; Teller in ti. .- Go. no,, k j.,l Hank of yourrityi .Until .Jho. nuM-rii ,,j the altark,. ho enjoy ed csci !!ent benhhji tri five' days he. was a corp-o. . Mr, Tj!l '. ingfi.o-t had just enirnged with Martin Gr.r.' don in l!,o Custom lloiiie, a few days .o. f ro liewas"uken." To enomratij tin-' tiiime.4 of till, would swell my letter lo a iKiubla one ; : .1 shall Ihcrefure refer you to iho nowspopor, which no duuhf yvu daily ri-eivrt: - - i ,.To ,1s taken rick iri New' Orleana in ) mny'sny, lo'dic," Vour clianro of chchih,1 isono to five j and in that situation 1 place i piysclf, .The difficulty of getting a g'sid nurae"Tfii.Jer Ihe sick man's situation tru ly borrihlo; ; confined as U frnrjnentlv tbn csso jn 1 small cloW Kknn icvfomrt doc tor ealling ujf hour crjio, aod ordering you at each visit thirty of furly. grains, fever raging 'reason gone; there you fie.j JiU'Oy-JTbes on v oir teraplesfaf.nnol ibiltar tt" piejo I ;a .bhicknsiaMiWia?' bokinjrinurstf grinning, at jour ledsido, and ibin;j you but nf the-worbli (though jeitlnjj ten dollar a day',') so tliut h; may steal whnt little money you mnv have! and clear oiif.'In, (he rorun next io that in wlijch l Jay.a younj man who had been bled in the morning, during' a paroxvsm of fever tore oil the bandago and iththe blood spoutiiiy froin hin &ih alarmed the hufso who ran down stairs' for help; Kre sho returned" he fainted ,'orV jho next day ha died. .. A slmrt time--preyiooa to'hij deth I heard him praying, nay .begging for a glass of water ; but as ho Jiaj LSvjrJld. IIllCLllaU "wi ff 4nbitedy lie Jied without it t j , ' . Of the Physicians of N'ew. Orleans, 'take them generally, each one has 11 jlitTufeut iiioiio 01 practice; wc imvo iho learan lXKrtors, tho Steam Doctors, the Calmac and the Auli-Caloirc! Doctors, and among lliem -nmobcuv r AlKilhCf 'twarjv .elLififf Tins is a tamenlablo fact, too well knoivrj here to create any .surprise by 4ts an- iioooceinent. 1. lutvo bad soyio mile op of seeing aoinelbin of Ibetr 1 wr'j-i f-npTjVf.(,.) j-eaill'i,' 'irr'. "in, no tnionos mo lhaJ ; . ilai . i u!i'n::i'ii'ly I ! r rt lo hold lif" or - " 1 i..r ; 'IV lie- 10.111 tf ur'v r ' 'fur; p-px ration ei'ir inad.'Mrr lid 0,111, ,! ,i, , j ., 1 1 , nn'i,! it, id,",;,r.' Un Hi- :n icaw.! r , i.n'd m iho r ti'" ' 0 in it, , ,f ,, ,. 1 it .. ..'., .. 1 -i . - .1 " ! 0 iho an tLiic ) i -'it tit. " Itiv'fv4' -xriT '',t ' t't in -i f,r. n .in,! bv vvrin iL- i "? ol ' u-iwarit, in ii,i; !, ,ii.ijn A in 11 i n.ii.i tno ho (litnl ph ' -trt'i hero : 90 - - I. 3 .. -I" . I .t 1 I" s eoinrt ! ni are dictate I Ov .It bumnnlyr ;i l .n cbfir,;"sCniide".'' Vn riCT..: v 'tnticioate'a i han-'e: Sur.U.V s bettor by ncjtf enoii.' 'God grunt t 'T ' - V bo ab.'---'To Ibis, thboinds will sav A. :i' . 7- - New OrJ"f pfpf. :a ,, a t ". 'V. -oOOOO ... A J 0 II i x ) v s; i r : 'a r . 1 "r r r o V 1' mm-mm & sr . I rem the New fork Daily. Advcrtls?.- 'v ' - -V , - "A.aitoTos, 2 OnoBia, .';. 7lisy '.( -J.Vr. Hm'fhl, ' - - . - ;v- 1 kjit9 .hw'ihff ,,.. v- My, l.'4t loiter to'yon'lelled you oVr that aro'aculCa I had amungjioruo of . Ji' ' r.rt down atairs, and; do ymi know it U) un Iii rt 11 coino down hern all in m lil. A. . " . . about If. v;llj3 was pi igy fraid (hero w'o'M j - v , . oc mora volmjlary Uisnj: ialj ; 8nd be s'i.yst it wcd do trbave: to many of I he iii a!!-. I '. once, or; tlio jilks mUui thu country Vlb.- 1. begiu to Ibink wo aiut.ull p-ni.,,. SomoV-r, ' em did tryi I aurpcyt, to iiiakirnnid v wn -r t. . . .1 ... . . - unwfcii me nna ino innorar, for'ouo d ivM ' hoq taa Imi-v Join onie,wTitm f,.r h t "Tl . tiitioralewms called out; and bad a MTXi' Ol-t and 0niO moro ort om and when lV iWM, wib.kiji nr, .injrjf, i.W.iii vou on.' 4 r I tvfl llT thn i frr..U. .. -M-l'.. -r . V' ., 1 - - "'.. U'l'll ii;. . 1 II V. kVK7 I ... ' , ... iliowj GmcrallUeltJ ilont knowex- acuy-wny, Bdystorjtart I d.t scc nays he- y " ,"' u-rr-Trrrrro TlTI-rry s hig.nerc, ti, brings arnjtminnvr arr o.htrd cant auyj umiii 11 was rijjiiri..uiove jlurdepoa?; vW -C. U'l.a Iiau. ...... ...II. f n J. .' V r , t ings rr..Jtm:nnvr arr o.htrd opJIfibtX V V 1 nt lejl ctnejjy. wbut is brTitVdo to ft ?. - ' Vatrtlurcn .'Oo j-kaow. MjiilKy &'i'J ) J be.lharMri Va.i tb.h n ssabct. ? - T- mk it vafjktnyiiove llurdepoa?; li- -X Uy how vow lalk.'av I 1);,1'. i. .,4 VVV JJ.-L . in 'lie.. certificates, in.lhtx.prcsctice.oi' the I'flfctfai Hill! IllkllUMlJ Iv SMiBMihifiltl I !' Ji?& :?.,'..Ll .P?fl.flwyt9!5.Kd!-'j!rt.,,l'iU s elected, ami of a I'olorc to elect a Pre sident bv tho voles of tie people of the se veral States, the Vieo President elect shall act as President until a President shall be elected. In cases of vacancies in the orb cea Iwth of President und Vice President, bv reason of the failure of election before the fourth of March, or bv removal, deuih, resignation, or inability, the President of the Si-nftie proteuijHire, and, 111 cane there shall be no President of the Sente, then the Speaker of the House of Itepresenta- lives, for Ihe time being, shnll act as Pre sident ol the United States, until a Presi dent or Vice President shall U elected bv tho people, and inaugurated, or the disa bility bo removed I ; and the Congress shall, by law, provide the tune for holding the elections ofthc people of Ihe several States, to iipply-.lliB- vacancies, in -case: Ihe olli ecu of President and Vice President shall both become vacant, s. as to elect a Pres ident by the fbtirtfi of March next ensu.ng such vaiictmcyi' or as soon thereafter as practicable ; .vhi(. clcclionfl sludLLo fax a 4 tult-rmrta,miilii o tuoilv . . " . . 1 1 ! .'l''. ! 1 j 1 1 r prt ri.;cn 1kr trunfi and rrp XT f? .n mwio 01 anminisiering TOUicinej anq anaeu. Tt'JatfS'Ci ' "i j to'a culliius a'enso vf huinaiiity, tfiey seem The Governor unlocked the tmnkrand morw like dflrooiwj tfiairSdoiiuwTermx jio; ..... .... I -i . 1 .. . . 1 ; -.. -.-..tit. rr.T.r :.i .1 his wile proreenv.i 10 1 tiro w iiaca mo -- ij; -nu iu.t'vatti aw nm ver. when tbev HhiihI it would m-l rcadilv Hs tors, tho poor snlTer'mg patient at last open, and after rho or two pulls, ufioii ibe yicbls ui hii ripirit with'iut a jgft-feoj ,-over, it .ois id enojiiLfl'f Ihcm (o look comca IhflTCouri orFJteAVr.acTtlflupl Death? fariouimtttnttes4rtmnHexf-yr : ThA fVwrrnnr thenw- priiiHVi(lbjr-c-irc Wf to this vill i.-e. and itiformed his crandson. tiitdernty own notice.', A'gentleman died KWv- HatMfick that hia brolherj n aw- win Utrsod all 4b rnonwy. ha hod 11 in Palc.- I, in N. York, had sent Ihe ll'U was 111 lianHtlio bills ot exon.o trunk, as desVril:d. R. W, flabcockwcni cumo pmirinj in upon ,hisnwidow she home with him, and renddv discovered the went to bankthe Canbier sent her io the letter to Is a lorgerv . 1 h wh d nltiiir l-ourt ot rroiutes, to mis part ol tno bim remaiued a scctf t until within a f. w,duvs, nejjsjaiieiiiica ojist'ii, iirst to employ yie 11 1-vveii t h-o-- -r v s ifr Gie''" - - n 1 ; but bo says it vuul.nie lr tHly f 1 ' h ki It up byt lie t a i Caiy ou U a f . x a iT : . V,' 1 : 1 toco alltriegsliSrkiogrltTTir us aoiT? T "rf.rJ : as'vou throw the lot in th crovJ. i 1la1 . . . 1 - . ... . . - - . ... pjd Jowiers j;ra bohiraxid. .tLcCAl.-ilwn- - git a m'Mi'biuUjiiid.jb Vpsv-4lrnya; I. UTnfaTthafsrnv mtiVZT7 1 ami that j'Jstlrpwive'art'tf6ing""r with tho minter to llntTKmf.-nnrT-Knrfi oilier .appoiul mcpts i.wo aivst ; k?en , : Uka:medli-rcuml,ad on.it varancv!r iJi.' -V" IS, IhH, wh n it was thought best to make a new attempt lo osn the trunk. , Cob llrowo, ays, he took Uio trunk and caVrd if tniti the garden, and 0Hwd it ao as to look in: took a pair of scissors, and .lawyer, then to take out letters of admin istration ; atter tno expiration ot ten nays ihouc of curalorsbip.Theii the appoint ! mcn o a lawyer to rrprt sont. absent hei rs, when they werrf -ndd - tlrero- were cut the string attached Vrt he triggers of nonawTbia fiwa4o-biwid.Therto the pistols ; and oiened it : says one ot tho strings was shorter than tho other, and was n irrirr one ; and in Ihe firsi attempt to omii it, they broke two of (he strands, eonsequeutly it stretcTied enough for ibein to tovk iri, before it had beg'tn to 'move the stroiiL'ef one: which if it hod not, it must pay iwonpuraisors of tho furniture.' - Then 10 pay tho notary for taking the invento ry. "Then lho-llegi8ter4lfir--.niril-lasl, though not lenst, the Court. of,Vfo,lwtes it self! Mr. Editor, 1 will ntitenumcate the cost, nor name the taim the widow had to pay, to get tho 8300 out of-the thank. .'.SJ'i.v on. ss in that -.7tbe;. which the President andv Vice President last in office were elected, shall not expire on the third day of. March next ensuing the hapjiening tho vacancies of both the oificcs ot President and V ico President. Sec 6. The term .of the President and of the Vice President, whenspefer elected; h.ill in all cases be accounted as commonc iiir on the f.aii th dayof Mareh-nett ' tc-f rx'iiftc ttio Ttav on vvnicrL'trie votes ot tne oeoi.ie siiaii a. we imhmi nrsiiaivcn wiiu in- lent to elect a President and Vico Presi .oeiit tor ibit. teruu. Tww!in Si:c .7. The President and Vico Presi- ilcid sliall be elected for the, term of five Acars; ami tho' person elected as Preaidcn'. shall not aL'ain he eligible us President. Si:c. V. N' person w ho, after the ratifi cation of this iimondmciit, shall act At 'any time cither under a commission, orundyr a special authority, as .the Sceretiiry,' .or h.eadol if.u.r of the Deiwrlmeiits of btatc Ireasury, .War, or. Navy, or as Attorney Gii'iiertii. or aa Postmaster General, or as ihe head ci'h iff of any other principal Ex. e,cutiveP-parlmeiit, created hy law 'ami eBtahlished at tho seat of the Government ol the United States, shall be- eligible to the olfice ol President, for the form next have .i..rvo.i ihr, bcrwn ...! all in it-iis I wilLinerelr add.it left hof destitute.' ! tSonoder'had been weighed and P-und to You will ask, is b.a Jhe way vye , do. Busi b Ho ihhjikIs.--The pUtoU, were-both csh ijjero l answerw. loaded with balls. " . , -1 ,t& m P'Wfe These are all the facta that, havo coma noniq.w a large, extensive airyiouii.i. to my knowledge s I need not tell you, that '"2 :sullicientlyf so to aecommodatD five tijammittemnibastc- jjtunultiWXctuM in. ywu-seU. a ' Very rtspectiully , 1 remain vour obd't mngTwure Place, scarcmy targe enougti 10 scrv't. K. G. BURLING A ME." UNd hall that 5umlr.f;i .wafi. rr?on addition to the Kewu mngue.grcavcr ipl-steps have rtfihis acason the number, averaged been taken. -bv -tho. Now Xork police, lr.i 1 a V; ', , r . 1 - f.-r -r-'- A -r:j.i i Phvstcian, and a Surgeon .belomiins to tho terret oui ,ne mccno, iry wnov .or,. .,m ; phV8icart': bIjnVS Calo- Iho trunk to v.iov,lvvjicox; aim mat mere . . 4 1 v p; . :.. ' . . . . 1 met nnil ( .ustor I 111 nnf nitiniiiwlcrftrl th is now fouio-prtHrtbeir n to iwcri.rfbur m" ?- f '-: f-W die o-aily there; (vide fhs retKiri,) :! to know that the villains had; bettn octcc -. . , v rV ?iirib M ikblxjeiierve. , Tho. risk inc. rred, wttd tbveS bun Arc'L d thd ntt . aiif ' 1 . i :i 1 : a.. i ' , . ....m... great, au it oakfa ono ajiudjor to t i.uL, eoaUe Ol ' i iiu eiioriiiiiy, ,mi""i;.. . vu" should not escape impunishod.' ; BntrMator;-' ttitjr aibt ThoiorikC flo! aats ihe-Grhernt ?aii hh Twit WiCfto-l . TV I -r-..T ' rz fc -'"ij stomped arxiut. and then camo buck and isHl-rbi-fpe,TOttto1n1 without lighting it." 'J.w6 thero was trvu- ' 'J" "bio breivinSaya he,'.Major; X doiitara -x. ui miicb ntu.nl il mrwir '"l.ol IliAtr oou ...... - " must. maiiQ Amos ivimne an ajioiogy1 lovlsk k' V LhaJLijowjou ajdiedl at.-fUtQ.ther night."." T. 5 . And with that j right up, and wulkcd. k . 1 " straight up chamber, and put on my regi- . 7 r inotilals, uuL my cocked liatiMkiiookeitif " W my a word, a im! Vent straitdown sfatrl-t v' to Amos. :'i Here, art v !. inTifeH.tTio"tiiiie xr"",",Jf rwlsaya smrwriint to say BomIldfttirihe T 0 uo, Majo"r, &iy s he, there must ba somo . - Vi : - ,- mistakt., Well then, aya I,klt is Aald lliat i ', l yf' you want jTid to nay something lay o"ii7" X) 7 1 v r no, aavsjwv; that's i reattfmi8lake..r t v ' V bked at bim for tbout uvimnit Andh t',?-rr slidotf hko ftN'ortlj Caroljua agcr." "fcays V he,uIaj.)r, I buspect theVtGiuofnJ"imoaut;- you. ta lu 4c mer wiib me a.tiiteiue'nt I aiii-'-'Cv-, , - gettingTnp, sjimving lMwimich maney J5Ir. -S h.k.2-v. - CTiij'Tiaa rccemvd fltho-Jlanlci it is al-'' - ' ":r J rp,..j-im -l v ' v - most done. savs hal'ondTil brine Tf ooTnr Wit arJtT ihe (iineral And. MrV1 Van- Daren u.-V sec. fry well.Sfiys I, that a cnub nd V baek-'lrswwt-tnrtk Cinpral jrMin " 1 ' as J got infrontof hirri I stopped L Jow, r ('J : - tays'vI, Gmeral, what was that yrni 'titL? ' - saying a while ago that youwantcd mto:7 -r" daliTUc Itinera! was stumped : Ihe loolJul atjne a spell, and aays behijor, I xcknn Z, X; -: Fva PVrgot it . and suppojio w e say no uiorri - ; r ' about it.;. And jent tberi Iricatuo Mr.' Van " '"Ij ; Ittfrmt -'"rnllt litiorltu nfii'r Am.-.a xmn iih-V ' ""f . A ..'' :. : nnil wn nil col ilnwn. nnil hn.inn - i n firrtw .' ! ...... . . '..i. !?.. t-1' . 1 '... - couois mai our iiiua uisirici Attor- had'treflnsndin W Amos;i'Kinuier' "V i about th, money tho Hank hai paid 3to Mr. V " v . Clay ior hisservicoa from thii'timo' Mr. 1 L rba:CS.Cjnpr3C.UuuU)ai(,tbftJu , wcst,t,Uere, wben tua !3ink jl mecj flp one" 4 of itsv branches. A pd it figerg up pretty ' VIHlCIIICIilllllQ. , T UU rVip'9 11.13 1'Ul I SO - , ..-1 .-.,,'-.,, r . . ... ensuing .that within which ho shall Ilou.-K) 4f Uoiireseiitatives. .?;.'iac.ieil. ;:"tvtTejm provid by ' " From (1io-Piiladdphia Gazette... - - Man'ahihnmanity jJ, , ' . ' i xtukna rrMitiMf thoiisnnils mourn .il(rn. ' rbo (fotlovitieterfrom New Orleans, ts'the pno oliTclrwo"pnko 'yesterday. ltrs vletaila are' revolting; but we nave eve ry .reason, to bcliero them ird'c and vve of , ler no a'pology for thoitpublicaTion,. Jwi it Wpossible that at:city'like lh'e "great caoital. of Louisiana,- Should ' hlye" such miserable regulations with respect to .hu man sntiwrirt'T, v;lica t-iS ipw a n n. luno wuu wealtb," and the c voorionce 'si tho. fcoi m isit door patients fr am , 'whom he has higher expectations. i hesc poor wretch es at tho hospital lie wrtlkivrini?" an their filth, tho blood from jfJiQecfof Calomel running out oj bm r r.jotilhsj'und .noes j tbui th?y dioaud uro carried'oflj like 1 1,. :..;. .i . , m ., , ,i ' .'..'V '.' -il.',. - .. M A9 soon as on? s remove troin tua pesti ferous bed", 'another U aid " uoii ilTf course to die! """.r ' - Vv-t j.i iw jsior viciims nro carried iroin tneir boarding bousss u? carts, -to this Death Aoff? -und hianvof lhem'dio beforrj tbov reneh there. . If it should hnpptm that one I than Mr, Vun lfurenT then he, fhe Oine siiuu.a nave monoy, tlio l.TTKllonl becomes I ral, willjiold ad for n ,Ud heat "ml that's aliatoaca most nu annc : and whifrjftbol fixed,', that j l.K)ka iftrr all tho vorJ likrrk tJ J brilvery And corruption ;' ami - weare - ' ' tod ; aud if itilont kill Clay, 1 'ni mistaken. " . j ; . s- juo, vui;rmi3 ritaiwraiiiy y, luunoer, . bout. Clay's journey nofth, Vrid Mr.(Varivvf 1 Bti'rcn dont Rp it-n, bit wither, Out tho .Vx" Ginorai lulls Mr.-Van Ibirmi, if r bo tUit-" ; the folk'iir-ftti ahd.southai'uf all about . - . creation;. take notion to M r,v Clay; and ' think fvo wutiTJ .nitik V'hetter JP resident f- ' - abdltt U1V4 notion ' I00.V Mr. Van P.nrT iio;pry4uauGp u w, gonopHiiepj jcj tftA-trhcivnodmduy 6x runninand if the- t .V' -h.' " "'Sf"-.ll hi !ir ui' atsSTIB .jfe HSpiij; L('?SfelWWi'"ri' .'4.i"iiavj -ss-f -'.V i . rir-j. -v- , -Wp'-'. fv"s Vr?sMt -ft v- Wn?

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