t -t t.i. ' .'.J'SrJi;T-i5 4tfj..VECili4i ' K, ' I UT.; . . ... ' i 1 r ' 1 1' it I... I I'm "Iff I I Ml '.Tl II, I . I run imi. A i v t-nuh rut in t sir hi M'Vj I en me lii niiil u J to U b'-t :;" liim h f. w i.M barn It nl I'i lo riMiiMl, lli' ii,"! till io'l, i' r" 'V luff work.' . - 1 tiiiint hail a Iftrcr frnuiZik' I H !. f..f aom tin. I rnty lx ;Ml to l;iu,;k hr,t I'mrriliir rti HI U alj Urer f, u ''u I4i itt, Mc. 'hy-M you '-. .a.. -J lrt r,m know., V ' Your frirmf, - ,. '' ' V J.lHHVN'IVf,, Major,- '. ''. f),niirivl!lo Miltfh '.'J r.riaJe, ' if Fre-re tie rJr,,'4 C -urlcr. , ' ' v , -, .major dowin, un: and Ir.r. U'fl have tint bert inf -riu'l, Ofi'i bii un'ii,s.iitirill',"urrtf, (fiat Mi - r. i.Uu-V (ii, ,1 H r,..i Uv ' , l:n-U ( bulnl ft ll I; Mil I i ' . !)('. .Iii hf'M f HlJ tt klllil I ilU i I. if P.. -!,!." Am I it mi l fur i-. - At lijM-Ji,-l'"Kl!.'r, I hiil'i' ii in.i, -n ' kiii? irranrnifinfT.if p.itr---h'i2 . ytd "1 : J,t i'm-v fall 'I.'- 'Vfcf Islttrt ' ..." of V'f Jy'i.Jhif-ii V : Ji is lli'r fri iiurdul),oilxliairoliur Tiionil Ihc t -v. f -. :r o. Am, . I'ti'V. ;,,'. -V" 'llo-hIrirn'i;r!::tedhii rorrf-fM.n. -'j-'. V.V; llihius-i HiiijMjicr tciV.tiW . v- .....i r... .'.. 4 .... uliiit'Krt win tomtit,, iac'i U n"m lir;rt from D't"liiii?vi!li; ' T-l!iiilho!in r'Hjiiniirdliigr.iriowpfir.Jenco in , . ioviiti'J finally Major I)..rninr:, up" to .. IlU thiol nh ! in m-fpr prul a circle let- . , Vr"l t hkv oltirr iuK'r ' F mud t Aor tlirrr HiA)iili aj hcpriuounccd n t'.if pajfrlii iTiii'iiTi "f )u'bli'tliipj llff mi l IctU-ri, fliir.(. hikI lm wituM Drcoorn a brief rno- nuTir tif hi life ta arromtwnf lli'm.' Tlif hfibfen iivwv, Tlitf Jl.ij.'ir i'J ." Jhp v liJ ior'Xr Ciitr2iilli4 "i'Qrt! of 4hc rnibjirn- ti-nUpin'ratH wa hiv. m f.iirmi.inro f J C., Lofton, ev;cufc wrk4- liivl wiJJ prfitwiMy Iks otat of il.p jircsri toor . .. t Ti'l':?.: " Oiorfl in.ni haa m !t) jciior wiucn n.ivc i ! - kp';fi all. tat in tbe o un'M fr it " mouth -j --in7T fctitchltave fcwn widely rirrulaM, Iavo Wn iiiufir ntuJilufd, anJ .coniahi ,;' r. '.iuBxicrrori..l'ine.,rf.njr fr,;Knlle f , .- ' ' colW'jipa if ihrin ihir l.oulJ Bpjwjnr .! , from nov whrr quarter, would, pMmbly dyJipuriuM. an'J.'jlw' tnig 1;ra fi-rl. DiiJer tUrm c'trtuwAatirrii. we ait T.' . j,:J'-Taovh,bii rSiornbbanit Juiijcimia.-ninn, - ' . not remit ro thvrf 10 lrive. 09 iPjPTrjmeiiiiru . - r . j..ii -! iii iii . t "TCintliL-i fnatr rlhf.'hV'coiJTinjr ihiaf4 . it, L. p ..tllaruidn Miitl nAitl.. t - ft I tfir a'.n if M f ' ti'.f iridium uiuvi tjp mrvi t'M vn-i--' -itifTyft Mniiir I kvwninro. -7: r' - jnjr- ta tkmr . that we AbiHl ibo an. ..-'..". ik l..ril mrl P....!-;! Vhn rliiimti til bo tliK I ttiily pttblinhcr cl i-injor I'oivninif i.et. i-ml-rtl,i t miA.Lftlifidiiur'jfclveahia on'vl Vi if.-f:'?; tr-i:i' .f:-' -.;...--ri - :.?rt . i'"u"urs ,ro " v uu. vtiura'jin 1110 until .V received ijie follow ins? bitter from (he " Maif 'brrriselft AVe dad that we, like ur -i- friend in lurtlaatlj were equally JiiM.ik wink f - ,.'J by thia'nstute politician, who led u, by irioud at loai, to bolieve e individually were hi exclusive pumulieM; nuu now it Turns ouTniuT he; like tbt.fuIijUriajjntojr - tbe dajtteait out hi notwnsi totyt lati-j u iii a(rerbr"iflrwo " - .'...Lk tTt..r.tu Pit tn nnit. nntl rrrvli S,flvV.. . . i -..:.i. .w.. ...i . -T-iuw, wjj . . .-.-..-M.. .i-vi. ju.iH to unoHver -e lU4 QH the 3i.ijor Willi; originally hubliihed in" thii piijyr(noi to ' . .fa.. .I.aI Ihll iti.'iiat.i'nA.A Wa ihe WmbaT Mahout .20", Ahd aoincnrettr l;CflfutdL'raUlelQD2. otiea.) ' f wibrectna hie- "' walijBtle bink report, coulrilHitcd mainly, f(h ffruhr ,,lcction ,)f (,,y ,t)(l nigUt, ia ,t ,-lrn.l velil4ivrlv (r Iil4 Kre.l ' . . flllllW V 4HM'nW".. ' J , .1 cet ct-lbrttv. ",VVe have nn nlher inlurent, ; However " " " ij. . i . .. !... ... . I ataii avatw av ark 4 d bnin pul,lictti.Pi. nun , ... j 1. 44 Iwi4 lun uttAen il Kiai ! 1- . . i-ktw 1,1 vv 1 in 11 awry ta am ri ait 111a - - -i!V r.: ' ,?4 io liAiki.: - 'rjt ij 1 1 r 5 iai u nut " - 1 kuera. - UfA?ittS(Vfo, 27fh Oct. 1833. ' J t i -lTo rp elJrieitl of the Portland Courttr : 1 eee oy mo pupiiv p''" Jwu"mingleovwuiireiitacciipnUie boumiieti win aiJliLMri4ert'lO yMSiJnMiiui.rnht Ifim Vi,xrtteAtbeauit. """Tr.'bavf writteu M other letters excepi VJTiand Ihe Jfura, and - who hath mada them' faal - 4. 1 wrilttfvV.Vhy,rnTiorHi ,W u,ef' - 'J:f-,?)K"a '"al 1 I - fi..nHa4-aio. - Van ISitren had KJUI'JFt'V J ' , - t I.J iV.t:mri too-sun-1 flU IW It IWW w-itiiM ii '! . ( s iwi" 1,4ft' ncit tir the lfermttH-o9 . youjuriioHe he vmilJ, President v"rt. ' - not VfbH i prelfy cousklerabl! of b coun try, and ttliat feuiU , one part of It doht " aft-.tjiel-itd otrt' tU . I m w iv hat a ' . ahorlkinVbttf ph'l, 'ew York W5. Wys "Tliow I irdo innre ihnrt-vwi4 frxir.tlai)di and 1 fc.owetl toy oldlfie.ld Dwight bad ftlioat as biiitnif roumt .t lrehl ,a moat ' ' f.,IUm tho print;'! Jliiny;?u4 .nce; . f. ieitd ia h wny aoi ao I took to write to. him rvl3ri aiitvouaiid hra aratne tmty ones 1 liver wril aword too. , 1 lJtI nt trouble you paHiOhings I thnti(rhtliesf la write to " 1 1 -ton' allfltlt t USCaUSO VOU Mll .aww nn .....40 wur vvny auoui wniic .MM" b- ;v . A inti, oihett. 'And i pot ao mm up ' wou'd'ut kn',' roore bout wbot 1 I at, Vhan Ifthnifj119. '- - ..T ior r.tmv lcUcriJfMwtctefi1- aw ti sj 'vi i i 1 . -'.. rf,,,, Mlln.Mil I , - ' im-l'mm'mmmmmmmmm-mmmm ,v"T?-:'..-,.-. ll 1 . ! I V ' l li1 i I I l- . iii'!'. : I . .1 I . t I '..-I. H , I" ( i i I , i I . II 1 II I V. I 1 II , (' it i i t! if. r .1 i.n'! ,'.,, i ,t I Li I,- mi ,nmv hut nut i.i !. ; tl' , ' ' i ! . ilii i.tlii r v h I I I' r, f.i (', i!,' ,r !. r. : ' u : t . I.I J. i II I ny . t l!rv i jjV l! . ,1 I',', t V ! , I . i I . I ' . i I, mi in- j ii hiti h it i cliy ;i I Invf my l.S.MK i", on I Ir, i I ir't)V lii-i i I mi if'hrw Hi Vl" to".. !!', iiihJ !l lliw Oowiiinj- t T r r( I !ul Mr. I v r.' lit, nil , til . thjrM ..!ii." iliiT, it iiuul 1 l,4i lii tlcr, nn. Vt u lhs koiinlri,.! i miulii'l.! it.unl ln I'tnllCO. ,' , . nn! ! i i'ii do m V"H ien to Atmul Ihnl J nn!; I in .v i i yo'i, (lull ii y l''H i ji Mr, lJii'il i.r , if iiny tl.in, n Iri.'Iti better ih.ni in) l ttrr to ji.ijjini.1 f,,4 tliink limn' !l fin Ih.iti (!i y ln of buy -ibpf I vit writ; mil il it wiuti'i (nr. ilifm, 1 nn'i'lit b !eM Mnifir J.irk Pnwiiiu, In lit mU", b it 'H(Mi,t rn-t fihvo Ian-pi'.-, .r J. -fJOWMNU, Major"; ilic Miliiin, 2d T'ignuV.! UnWIIIM ,1 V riKr jim-Mri WIWTlfl.N 'OAKOLlSlAN MOVD.VV, NOVKMI'-CR t8. A 833. T V-' Ortr'Nu5V".'"'f ;r r Li-it Vf ifnwda itioriiinir, tb! 4 o'cl' Ckf hfM ipi.MTf d i?e rntil bril:iot awl rrmurka- He phrnii.iiin,VTii$TiiiiJ,jrtbilb:r1thfct In! lr,y .f i.iir tiiljcm Wore aronnd by a !1 den bit 2 1 of 'f)? wbkh ' iopp d, b Ome, f be a viid flh of lietitning, and, by --.."'' oihf i, lo. be b"u fire. ' Some were altrmed at Ike ealMurdinart appearance, biltr L ntlii rt tiewediJT.llb dtblit and atJuaiiiu H ('" :. .i.. .: . .... Um rgorr, nt w .mmyirn fl at obtt'recd ii about 10 o'clock the reci!n ft veiiin ' A fe alar began to ahnoi, or f:l ibe'iiunifeer 'itrtdaally Incrrtetr tiniil abnui 4 ia tbe uiorninp, whrft it acetnedtf it' every tr in the ikv wit in motion," ,;Jt ia nt iurpriauiK liatMin'ruhtTBip uwisf tjcainted etilirely wbh a mbject which U ab - ttrnae eaew tt ohibiapher ili'iu'd be a'a win! be BUfh n oniiaiinl I'lienomenon. Toaectten or tbrt'e. or (Icten ia i al o i', ('o ue the Ctirnin pbrat-oloj.) ) during i erruinjr, :i an V)C;tTrti.kf. to ttm r li.a it efltit- no tinei liACHt incfeed, if rnv.t)t inHt' rtl , but alien (be number ia ' rrat that the win' olr aval era emaU ta In mot on, the vai'm-ia of tlta atjjtit. conni'Vled 'nh in mvitrriju-nt ia, irtaV wett frike the niin-l with a- ltI3,i!bairartrntnn,,0,,,y f f'lini or aheOt. tniaT, are- avihHg ittore l'.an .,te4ri;r, . kind tifij;uitiv ljniin(MivlmI.iin'abte ho dTef, gtuerated by l combination of tlementa ttxml which philoaoplMfratliiTr in opinioiuJt ia Tdjipn'"! f dm'rtfie pfitiiomf non w ifnetaed en TutlJaj'pft r:d V'bietly merninf wai an had been T.rodjetd ev-iuw an te tatiiti isr - Lr-u pituVe tbfiV'w'hf'ch'are aTnre "4'iiiv to ua. Mary, howeverp ill nol b liee that (bey are aiimlav bt cofcdsx!hcJ'iJS ajpi trance a portent out of tome great and perlit taful evtnl aa a ce!eiiil ti'n, vtl icli " tlitrjttrout tnihfhl nhnli " On ha' llif nntit.m, nnd w (A . if ckanje Pvpitxu Moan. t " ijuuc iuo mc Kiidi "mi ttic ";"" 1 ,.lmiL,reailful event at the appearance of a I ' .. (her becaut thoe oertirreiicfs re fiiraorth. ftarw ).4v4bat the' are not understood. 1 be! diurnal revolution of the earth, which cauiea fh refuhr licceasion of day and night, i a tittle underatood.t)V the cri-nt maaa of man kind. a. Ihe rauae of an ecl.n.e , yet. in the ! former ease, the abaence ol the liRht of the tun " for twelve hinracauaea no unusual emotion to 1 ... ...a auperttitteoa. while an eclipse ot hall - hour fill, .hem w ith horror Itut we ctn readily conctie -, that, wiihont anjf 'wperstilion, the most enlightened iniltt Wft , fi:nsstion of devotlt ar,,(fi but ! forcvTr an 0 perwn who iaw the Meteorolrgicnl a p. twr' -t -.rr ' " ht ' fu' the tub'irne ! To compare a beitiiapferre of luminotia budie. apparently fTipinrpared4rr-riirorVa8fvju ftfhetliitgt unthakeitt ihr' (he void immense," to a few eky rock' ta and miuiba ignited by "a fartbinj-buhdltj of matches tt- coNsriTtrnoN op tub -v. states. Some w eeks ao we Diaiced some proposed Amendment to the rrrttrtution, relative to the node oi" ebfllng Jhe P sidem and Vice Pre sident, and tq the tenure of their office They will be fottoj on our first psjje. -v Who it the author of these propbjitions, we are nbt informed, but we have teen it stttedl that they would tie brought forward in the Seij .nate by KJr. bibb, one if lhe diatinguislied Si natort i oit the 8tate t fKentueky. and were-j j.'iC to Jbear that a auhj ct of to much, import. ,'9ei."wi!l bejittroducf d Hutlrr tb.e-?itfpkei ef ' . !. ' " ,S ,i ''"'"". ; -.'',. . ' " a" ' i' r ' taetsing so roucn taieni ana wcigmoi J a i ;., , i l.r I i ' . j ,!,.! i al l " irh I I f r rt f' r i M l.it. Hi-it ""l l. . .Uicli ki !. it"- - I " ' t r. !! t ' . N', $ bf ti.,l It . t ire. f ti rnn, ll m ' 11.4.7 r 'l.vkt ! lliui UlrC if t'r d.'i .ti, i,,u il Dual l 1 till 1) ' ' - J i i-f llli roj.lt , krlit vr, I miil t! - j"i.."j iut)r i f riifiilii.j;, ti)f imlir'lii.itf ttic l i f rctirJ tipuil Out lL .t r - ' liri tli iii, Ml itrm uflic ' Ii it! la trmrmliiTt y ,?"tt)' ttciiiiii, Cnil Jkwn tiprflt tla "I't tflu" lluit it wil mrSj i-iiirBl, if ditftrofV Uf lb Mm i4lii'JI Ja.Kff fw ttrm 1i Uo ttprrttrUf in imfi'i li UiMpj.ruWIiHi bl t eiwiuni "f pj"'i"l( Hen.iVtr i f UmfrtH ofBo, UhJib t pr ilucs " liiirijjn i d carnili"l ' tmltj ti but bci iiilliuiietd, la ' iW, by tliclfl Corrct tbcofH'i !. Vl kno. " IN fid li'ui, Kk IViikMuni iio bit ii.c-riiy bV bn totvluel -a ika tnottafy, ba i nior Uun kiifiiiit b cTc cl lb wh i f.r. V, aiV.T bfr-TlIJTIiTnvynr r tUa )! fll'vf hi prtilcceMufl bad doAt. f ' ' , ta mithrr pn t lUu j nrf our rt'd' t ' flncl a Ullrr ( BMrH.e! to Mi, u kel itb a rrqiirtMo publitli it.) a tbc iibet of FtlTiiltj Kr.litwl , ,. f I Hie IttiVf tootaiaa tome anlutary lB a .he anr of ripacitfani the At tihH.tn ut A' cipnar, which eharsctH-r , ion ftt atly ! t achrr tn;I ibe cdmte ftr fril., 1 wrilrreincti rtrunjc pirlinbly for' iha nbmil a'Sklrmi and beiprkkiin ueb ui mirril frrmt of ii'iniiration rrtpechnf IM' am irn a'd rrpectblliiiitiiiim.ihil r r b ellnrd ta Iblnk ha bum bt "a ing l.rbrlW; i1 ib b round llhh Ui venrrnbU Wllt Jel lui bir ibrtw iiim1 hitt. a fK n?rn wlucU lnpirUd prrrtcfb)ii li"feryjllin -e Aw7y-'-:', i-"-' - i We aw tff a'l .iip-""d t flctrwl f""" bfl !! furnfd rryui-'ion of iht Stm kvlioet f on the conrM, wr chirrfuUr eoo!r tt it t n .fy exctllncii-mml Impe il miV bwiT c:n tin'ie it piotpf i but Ihiftk tbr I'mirwi hifli llie Iftir rwiltrr prrnf btiwrr n lli8 . iini'ulion unu oilar. in our cunlry.,' i hub.' i iniifiua. ' I ptrlupt, in ai!1itin t.i itie rfatyvw" bsecj - ejfctnrrriT t pr..'i-.Ti'r oprrati. jr n-n hi wilpfr.ent in frr-r . Use Slm.LifJu wn. ha r, . . may l ave vimirn, m i.i ifir nniy ic uitir in Nur'll Carii!in, anil fin! ei'!inif in i fan of Itir blrmisrirf atitrh I: - ilrsor it.ea. dr w j'rnrl i ir.ftrcncc unfit uiabl to all oditrt t n a tiiLilnr 1 Itri I 1 can apfak, Iron prrronal knou lt .),;. , I onlv two in iln ,a 'he or.e i.i I'inior(iiv;!i nd out; in il.in T i n j l brie, tliM'th o a tytm tn'irty (! -V.-rrnt t frmr 'lm', luc!i it i ctili.tr, r i.ln-v. , I.e ( M "faviar, arc nol ebnoxiou in the i.i..i'ia- ! tiona tut upon to ice o'lifri, Suit tnuin w. ! nir rited diameter fur the ability .ml drc ;.l.. t with allied tint are conducted. The wri'er lutteiy corrc:ly rrmarked 'hat there arc nun AO K mil for all to fl u nJi t bu u ihii.k ifcere it another a d rr) rr piefiir"flra'niac5VjJbaprrip f -wtw-t. of tliern i " it'Tajb'at. the bilSincri of If jch'irl ,o0 0ftft mi,te t gecoil.taTV object mrrrlr. It I , ye irerMleman. enflenakea i- triwh, it ' prrneraV'y iih tM.frw ulterior object in vine be aiutlira a tifoTi!T.ioii at tb aame.timc iliat he ii carrtiiifr nn hit acbool, ant!, m i n at lie a," t Y S i TEat "nV.tr fee e e.f 't " Wttf rr commrftee ibe- iioriuii bia prvfrt"'".. te acbool i relmfjuia'ii t lo anntner vi i .tir ian,e olj'cta before him, and o n to in K f: .ttly. If a jnuiR la1 taket cliavV of VrVfleideiVt', he too lm ai nlher ard a parammiut t-lijrn bt lore her : bir nierit ia tlncovered ai.il ap.rrri- ated by to-nr t achtlor a coparini tdiip d r ,f . . Jr,sir;nL , t. tr red int.- U ! ! . . .. .t i . I tat'e lor ine ocriinai inn. anu cun i.tiu'i: t.j re j iPVe Ina apouae from the .trudgen . aa it ia if. hokv (o hliuot," ui.d 'hr ocliool is id.t r ,li8 red or patted into the banda of another far caH.l'ate lor mulrimoiiv. . . . . I hue, we ibink, arej rrre rf tr.c r.-ear a a 1) u . I.,, um ... i,..u'n..r.....,m.iu ti. ...... 1,:. .. 4,.. ! W. J - al.ude to .,,v "n..ii,Ur rr . vp .w p,u...i. ..."J lii.'rll' Caae or fust j and we hope that or liatn g i . i , , . named certain tchoota in ter.rs of apprubatuni, ..... s . . . iviil not he corstrufd into centure 1 1 .tti r-, .... , , r , , ... i which is certainly far from our detlen, Wesay t - . , . . .V . , ajote. that want nf in orrr.u.io.i a !, regvd t,. j the merit, of other hoo.t than tho. , e, ifi. j ed, the reason why we are confi ,, d ,o them I Ph ,M,Bf ,he "f h ;" ;'!' uitiiiK. w nn toi in caiem ; an-i we respccin.i y tMieeett to the "frincifial ( 4h- txtrterit td Hie genius am; usi luhtrsa ot (be ona and Ibe" dati)(hlera of Carhiina, that jr would be advisa. ble to hring their claims more freq imtly and pointedly hcliire the public, who, we have no doubt, upon beinrj enlightened in the n.atter, will bt dispoed to render "honor to whom for soma year pa, n bib dejee of ex- irtcrTrerrt--hit- been- w tHtewoil . in -tuhe JoLJlie Norihern and P.iHtero Stales, on (he alleied abuses of free-Masonry 'i and an E f resident fif the (JllllKd Stltt.-a' M ,lh Iktiin. nil. ilian... guifhed men, have entered the b.t lo combat an institution which is by them considered coa- trary to the genius of our -Ciaycrnmtrtit. But we mink, with due deference to the judgment of audi men, fliat there is an assocVJ attnn in the country ft.r more ffangerWanil.Fli Ma oiify. We allutle to the Albwny IK aacv ." a party composed of irrtsp'onfiibte sptCQlaifirt in t ffioes anb 'Itasir enioiumeiitsV paiiv'no' guided b principle, but by iiWrt a part which oppotcd. itb violence thr' vlection ol PrefiaM: wrttaoituhtti tKey iouml bitfucciss was certain, aid ben, with' jho ifihiy of l.e weather ca'vefrtl .aroumt n tUi l.ict ., t!ieir,pn4t ..std priMipicajaiid btCHme Ins sj XT. .1 t f i j-' i 1 1 ; I" S-.M l'i nit) I'H't I ai I. ..ii . M n 1 t.i I f l.fr'" ttll.'.f, rM.lf iioi.li' i.. I ni l' iS;"! ';. ' 1 ' . ' i i , . ill I N Bun i, in t'n if i J i' i ntcrrr 1 l.Iiti. tlm liuci I 1,1 C' '1' h.t uurH", l iKtirl in(,i.uiitriil "J iit.H"-l WM; I'ii 1 rii ' h'l " " 1 ml fib iihrJlu'b rM, fa rff c 'o I. i bmnjf been a mraihrr of Prti'u!iit JiOnnn'i 4m'mifrtio, tb fuVmi rnrii.limri.l bi h "iai iwlTiCittm glor iu ierrd untfrrwii b awbicf." If b wpuld ba wiafitd -aiiji ib MilBcitncy of g'r. ould Boi nolut bim U Ibr rj.'mtt f it b'l, lllnU! r' Um li bran iU4kriJl,-l voulii th-tk feoflaof tUia uniry lyi'l tt qure bifilirr ilalm tbn tara 'n fr01 'l' wbwn ilitf my V-lecl ta iba'nckt nvcumbei.1 of tla firt cff.ca In tha orld. " f - ;if ibe RKtnry pinr iaceerd la tha trrtuln,; contttti it lli be ililTiciili, il' ao IwpoNb'e, lirrri'i to prevent iba ifcrndtney and ibe Perpt-ii'a'ioa vt iticiT eyaiein of pornicl I c tirti but ihenetforttari fbori) only HOiild ba coi Icrrd lj'iilm4Uly enlMctl to tba 4oecl moii wbo could p'td eonrunt fotliy lo b !'. Kcvilrai iui their tUima woutd a SacVcd by all ibe pstrofifgt f tint llTiee. lo tho utter ni!ti ation af integrity and puLTie m tini in li'irairt.', . . . ; , TbcVn Dorinprctjri tliroujhvi'jbiroiir. try, fulluwiPi b lead o their b ad at A bny. arc buily enjjiRed ia rallyb g tha lorer of lUei: cl.ltf, In tjrder la ;t op another IIkIH mrr CMvntim lot- iba.ftumiaaliorl t( thrif fot;re. Tbey ctlb o jpon the' PeejiV Lrgr, bm Invoke only ha fficndi if pi pre. oi dminletrallon-or, U" Mrjor Downing' plifaaetilojry, t?.e fiiaiKJi nf h 'tJiHernment, lie .neiidt of General Jekon lu meet and tjjp who abaft be Ida inecnaor. 4 . '.try botly r-mtrr.bcrt how tba Cabtmora Coiivcminn nl I S3 1 att eonatitutidu the one hrh ia m eintvmplatii)i will bfvltfc iU ; nw3J uf eoefirmtii mernber of ilie Van Hurn n.ti. a nl aa.il! an. t Tint In tAfittl.l ll.fl .t . ij... , . . . . . , , . !t';all br nomlHaterl, tmteo rle4f tcliemea-t I . . . . . I. a .... . i.f nn AtrSilt, j1ji.aIiI. . " , i ney win, no tmuoi, mm wi niii pun i but we tliall be much deceived if they il j nui find it n.i re difficult to (trap through th. camlidaie ot Kiiidi rhtjok,-bai when l roue in the nme car' vitn (in- ftiWrffTfcV Oitrnia. f r rrEsii)ENnL nomisa nov. i.n.o.w, ,...,, ..... ' ' ., , . i Jvo.i kiwiv that niH) grear rra-on ir my lm j The Hon John McLean, o, nl,,-, formert, w fcfr U.Bi i&f," PtMiinatter Cent tJ, and uow a Ju-iK' U'' ...i : ..: 1J. mux: !uprn. r.uit ef Hi I'niTi' ,ilr.1 hu h-n recently neminaied, bv the Mtihnin a d VorkinR M-11 of the Ci;t ol Rtlt.n.or.-. as Cjiidnia'e fnr the nrl Pwndencv K a- larc and reti ectable meetiig of cr x.naol the County d nim.d.lit, in ti.Kinn, htltl at trie i.oun-iioiiae, uerj.tnni ttatan.i bij;h T.tq , wai homina'iJtVa Candidate ' for the'wett fettitltccr. . " iCJ."'.-'r AI.AliAMA UlrriClUlF.; The Kaleij;lt.Star atatea u t I'isnria R, Key, , wj,.n ahy iTly frfefidi recommruded n feaej., I nitrd Sutra Vttori.ey lor the" DIlTrlct etf younjr hrtv, lt wji, '.Wbrt una abo cdu. Co.uinbia, j iMid hrt tiKh that iiy "on iTic raV,rT Xa il at Salem; in North Caro Ma.LUatbJM'Mu.j(ta bit iv to the State i linn '" -f-fit- Atahattia- - ...... Hehai neen aeht n hav. the a"t.!ier who ere ctMicerm d in ki hn( eitt. tried brl re U.e. itudttv.Cjriiit t'ouit lor the lJie'r.ct of AUbMir.a. n.i i.i: schools. T0l '' .y.Ji Ail OX.t RQJt..iji My dear Mr.:,, Vou will recoiled ijirj. , win 1, e parted. I rroriMMMl l to .nl v..u a 1 1 suee.m l acenuit of th cm.dnioii of what --"ita cuueu u .ci..ciii juri iu, ,onU4HJO: , 1 1. - r,r r Ml,. hM,.,...t;,.M ,.n. it. 1.1. n- ... . . v .1 . ' ' ....... .w u itemed. ! T,,c l,0P,e , f thi Part of State Ac ?erte iiukIi pr.iine f ir tlieir zenl 011 thi VJ.r ...tt.. r ml '. j ,l,n. .1.... ...... I nun 1 1 I. , w.itv i.-iit 13. tll.li tlllll III , ', ,! . has been and Mill in in mnnv enst.-s itnpro- . . . , c. . . , ,; , . , . periv directed. N IhkiIs called Acndetiuos - 1 , , . . . ., are, indeed, too nuinerotis to lie well sun . -. . Ihe r.m,qiJcm-e i., that wo often ,ns(itlItll,I;8 (in!lis k,n f(lrnisb. ;., vil u.nchers nft m,e n(, ,. to thn wrk Ibev l.nvn nnderl.-.bpn. The incapacity of these teachers us to n I ho rough ktrowlf dye of tW arls end wioncen, which they proless so well to dndtstanrtr is not Ihe greatest causa of conipTaint. In discipline they arc still more defective : Itfttce it in, that, on soetnj the libertii s en inved nt siime nf thpsn si Imols vmi iiniild (ju'lging from what you helml,!) be indu. .vu'" a l"",ro wo,,) wd lo..believ.Btbat.lbe,ccl Lub:, t.uptJoV ' f!:ivV M,1,Jr'' "nt n!,oul ,ho ,n,d h.ld been brought t.i Ihe plnces where the " rj if il,,,n'h tt ,,ri"ve wy''P'v schools are in open.ti.in f.r Ihe purp.. ol ' ",0" '" r !r" ' he soil, elimnte, ..nd attending and sh.ovum out m Sf)I ,-t.at , ol the samo aection of country ; alStraetOT : r ... VllaT.fi': enrriiiiw-4 a'"1 trav'Fhap3vc:yt;i!OMtin gallants, nnd foot r,llu.,N, ant ;i'l at the i v"nvs l" f lu'rnnl lm aorvice of, and apparently receive,! with l,roVP,"c,rt w,,,c, 18 lhe ort,cr of t!, lre' thetnilof -vvkv' bvT t , ' . piIa, Vho, al tin sa e time, profess to be i -n-roVfit --tn thu ..puxuit..o kllllU ll'lI'M. Against sm li a cour.se I have always rel ated tuy voice ; nnd, had I the power, upon it 1 'would "Like lli responsibility" of jMittin iii', vein. TSece nit" vils which, IhroiiL'h tune, mtisi ctine,! f btinselves ; and, frmii the enor.il itilelli . ni: and lhe !o; id venseij' the m-oule in hi part of the country alluded to, I have iimoi. to be-, lieve lint they will Soon be cni'fcctcd. Vuii rniel tu t neilersland me as inclu- f i i i tr ii H lhe Feuitile Schools 1 havo seen in tut tour, u hen thus write. TherKe-l male i ' no ; f.stiitiiiHiieu and Mipcn'itend I . d byHh'j. Moravian!-) at Sli.'otn, in Stokes .1 J, I : r i, inn1 1 1 r-n(: r in- (i; n liim;!f l'' -trill, Btlil I mint ".'t n'l I'l, . m m . it ll.H (.n.?', uith but u b w n iiiiifU i- 'I I.i) In (Kf !'r ii'i'l all ibn r.ih'r ."i-iit'' ,i,rit w'. i filtoai inm'lmt" n;;i rw y inlii'' n-n t.; .'J nKnt f lln J arhoij, ftrc attimlno tn r lm it:" t, un 1 rrtimia nl tb'ir frni- in in. 'i'ii' V ni'tK- if lo I'" cniio 'n 'ib!c of . ' ' ' .. . .i . .. . i tlui mipcrinr rxci ll urn i uiiir rintn, .m l l.ibo t:"i'i:!i I'rtiin, otiI tia dmiM fctl a liHidublr jiriili", in uhovtvinif lo ft victor their iivnltf of rniiiii'chcut. ll i. indeed, tuwh lo bo Bpjirovrtl of, and ii well cnlnil ili d to tlrei 'then Jhe " CDiifidrn'" -f pnrnda and tfirdiina wlin ni.ty liut d icrd cbiblreo ot wsinl under lln'if caro. Itittrjod jt'sl nra b-itberof the- rpvciVa of altaijfr before alludel to." .H' len Ibe weather f hli-aiatdit Vnlkoflwoor niorfy milea in tho cienin-r, nltomlcd bV or riviro.14 IFiij teitenrra, i mo uaiun mvnuw a Hum t nn trevcrairijj of lirtrcu, witfi Vrtretch ed forlh ntki, oml watittiu eyea.ivulkin aiid-niineiiir at 4 hey fio, and waking a liiikliiiR with. Ihrir ffxtt.H Mwtlchly arfd Ihe rtrictrat d jeftruni mnrts nil Ihcir more ntcnl, Lrery Traaa baa iu nprtnici.t and itM leaclitr. Tbeae n;itrtnniit arc iml only rapaciotti oml avctl trenlilklril, but, io poiiil of ttlMtiliiiPM, iM atiruaw:d by any priValo parbmr. .To lhi, in n rttanncr per fectly coiinialeiit with lh ir ihunlion, mch of the ptioila, in alpbaU tir-ol roliM,coti. tribtite, by ft certain quantum oi mixir-. in Ihe drrut of ibe pupiK tliB Hamu ntnlini nnoiiM vh no-lalUtrra ititrutCiiiau Kji,!;,,-wj,ieh; tit aihm'rtori wlt?re rnaiiip individua!a arc contpHH n mife-'o toiher, provea to b fiutlftil a amircc of diacaan ami ao powerfal ail handnuid lo Iho aprend ed'conlapi.w, baa here not ml. K!. Cl;dra, uulesa by rnuar1 at bi liine iitifor!ikeii; Witt iicvcr rntcr hf ret heir ron!utily tPteatir(!..ond the.jiafiiy tif thnrf1iet;ia2"iiiifil',yci nulrii'imia) ntld lo their aaftty agaioat ducase and conlajion. ' Xiiutii I aw yon amillns Mrra.alicBily . 1 ..." . r 1 - -r T Ot IhH purl ol my it'tter, ami im.Hiiig i. tufifantly nt Mrr U . I ronlrTwmy ito. lice a!tl.obervaii'iii to have br marked with ine w hat of n jKtriili.ir particularity -luor do I know (In: rftu", unkss you nd iiuf a bat y uq, liJI g ft wn y rlrfierl) t mP) Ittimih ft lykrhrA e utcm.n iMuti ltoa ami wiabi o for a matrinioniul life. Itaide, tilt ITT (tin; n wilo thai wihiU ba-ttmu- (bio, frncat, iinliwrtrimi', nnd ri vlRidy iimise kerin r. Fiiiro I Msitetl t'alem, liuw- -',.vcr UH jMV(, n , m mv (nmlea ha- i bi!liiitd tortivicb) their time no well, to re ! lertentploviiiiTit mo tiidicifHislv, and lo iter ,;)rm tM.tt ,u,. H idrn.iaiillv and with viirh fiiilifiilnena, iiiy fear) as In tho p'rae ticability of gelling n coinl ivTfiJroiM'TalO inticii less (Willy. "'" ViMi beeif 'm.li'TItcfe. fore,, be surprizM to fimf. tliii. atblitioVial i iiiotiirv miMHiit llmMt 1 Imva. umiallv mndo I - l.iu murnt exnect and uemrc to hear atinietiiiripin re Lu ion to the terforftiaiiees I of lh ptipilf. I h.'ive TOily tunc to any, . that I cuiefullv ex ainiiied into, their pro J Kresjj"ainl "pridreienry in'""r6it7iffVrfgTiSttt' I iirnminar, treooraphr, nntwin?;, embroiil ;er, 'aintin, 111.1l tntisie ; nntl do my tn j vi'i, from ilic sincerity of my heart, t lint j. I JuiVQ. been tu ttfiially plensed and gratifi led : I only regret that Alra. tl nnd Mish iJ ImtJ not been willi 1110 to enjoy U10 I1!"'" rei;"T ... , , ' . ! ,R",rc 1 "'noun my tOMfr ia ,,,Mr' ('UUM! ' "w mKn nu.lt!,, 10 , . 1 . 111 vi 1 no a Kliurt line. 1 nil must iieriml hip tij . I ' ' thiiH7i never seen rules and rctfi. latii.ns belter r:alfUlaUd to ntrenjthcri the virtuous feelin-js nnd sentiments of the fe. male heart, nnd keep I tie females tlirm j selves out of harm's wn. Inspector mid Teachers" all appear' I. ei:ivi--e over i lie i pupils of (his sell. ml, I liihl iiliuost ;,i : more than pnreiita! care ami allt-.-i n ,u. A 1 1 : thitioa run led Willi ! Iit-ir mi hi", I'nin- ! ftirt, :i ii 1 lia; lilies.--, iiei t f.illi unwearied atteiitii.D, Nur i tin' (rmj' ira! -1 , i . ... 1 1 ami liaiijiini'-' i. tin pupil tint niily mill i l)l'lll'-tll,'ll II reiitlmo id ; i I : the Ireijueiil a it 1 I'e'lil.ir itl.il.le pui'ltniis selected Ihun ' V 1 ' -r r - '.he Mr-ri'.Mi.---, tlt; ppitis ntld hi TitniPI"V i lin es nl' I le liispee tor, tmiled with the vtr ttiotw, the j ! ti J, ninl living examples, i. In mscir :ii: I Tear hers, cannot fail to pro duce ell! els tin iiilluence of which extends . UIV m 'e io.nra. ,nnrieit ftlws . iii. ii i iitFjif ii. si-u 1 1 -1 nun ivrti or uiretj tfrtzfti -mr&-iny yowy 8otttlr4r.uijna nnd ALiliiirna feinalu. Iiiends inenibers of the institiitioii at Saluur. ' I a:u youVs, with much respect nnd es: teem, . THE ALA I! A MA CASK. from ..the Chart stun f'venint? Pest The Alabaniii Juuruiil of the 'M inst. is4 r.ll...l .1. ... .1, ..,,.u ..it,,, iivfl iiuii n itiiiit l , liilllil? nn: . I present controversv of that S'ato with the Ueneral (Soverntitiuif. 't'iiev liirnisli us. in 't I J f iwrttU't!' jutCv'tin'j-'cf iKo Court in A III ;.. y x i w iih t!ui. . lil M' l (" T" Ii ' r i . il t i (. I'; i . I in, i V I I,-! I I- ,l!..l , ii ; I . 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ' .1 1 1 . I . I IMI .!. j f-nJ'-i t rrt- i ' ui, V. , lid w ill ttbi I i nui.' i a., t .t l.ll.lf t t . f .1 1". . ' i.i.'' ;i'ii 'Ji'il ; ...uuy u, . 4(1,1) l!,'- rc.-i'.t 'I'll'! f , 4 i j ' l lf, a r.-toM r b rro in w eurinVd,,, I ri.h;iif I mo ,!. ijr4 1'Hj.lntcd i,7 ll,;V iti.Hl. r. MiM tva !,in ut !;, tr ,iH, W( to laltfl Ibeirt by ( tcq lie 'to'init"Coi,ji,i awr W illi the jif i can of t!n! CHirl Va (-. fus-fd on llirt f.iit wf Ibe C4 1 1 n uta ui f i ng (fj . 1 rnr at Iho Art. ' 1 lu hM,Wlavtr;f;Jrluh.r',,' Cl (Jen. JnrUou witlj an onHirtunitVc ,'i doifi what' 1.6. may con-: !cr kttjnty .Q the tn'caaiortt- licul ! (hiatal it funal pro fytyl ;wI'"m:,i'5! i,h he twtamrnt,t . irbhfctttjimir f the-verririr of AlaUuwoi " wu hopejoMho honor I.f llio ?air.( ba wilJ-d Ui irupto) thowt t.bliiritliUiJi. 'bo thu nuejjfco what tlejr may, ,, 7 , , V ' .2 'i' From iba CiAi.inna'i 0irte, J ' triHirprriiira.iuveg,,.,,!,;,,-, v and r'liiro's iho t!v rnmia ofthw llrit.'4' lo fliilea iftiii;i;r. ajdipg thaVr-? htot$ nnjnat ibu MMiIer-. ,'e Pr (foublcd llii. Jt ia i'i miWpti.'witiiV : thqwhobrfcorMlurt i.f thii Goieniipewf'' ! which ia hot ll)t f ill . U. tatoa taif t 1' one tiinn-aj government at war with juT ptiririplf) awl whith, if b'4 arnsieJ in 'lu ' deijx-iole carearofiyrunuv iiil&rii tiooj will rr bm'eiilwr drive tlho 8Whefnj Mah a out i Iho I tihm. (,r coii.ii tbem lu take up arnif unfa dj-li t;ci' ubiciiu4 W; j tract iiiine aawe rtstirtTnlT under at ar" ravj!ioiif iircamaiK-ea.", ; f ; '"fAfirr tlut A fir., a r-i rn r.. J.i - 4. mi ijrpe, we reccircn ine rctembar (Va. 'I Mlinn.of'th 1 lt! iotf ml, fmoi wbiett wi ? extract thirt i .tfowirr- We ronraiulitMU oirrrtaJera llitttio enutyeU bate (br e' cnice prcT7iiuiwri tun utrctirive -at ilifi City of Vrthiiititf; nijd trattii iivil to prevail mar alio miblary powerit lead for 1I10 prtaout. !u. 'J '''TfT'V ' 'f cotaductof Gorruor (Ja) If ll;rni2. rwit the wholo of itii .'dtliente afLir Iwa r I" ti marked by cr'ial SiioderaliiHV . and! (iriWMva. AniMtua if r aa-tldiv avoid ths I flIMitltJUi f.uiiitijiji.iici,f ,w di vmf hvtf icaii.ttu iiuiiiiiti niltou'lii ailPini lOlf' the iniht.iry above tbt civjt auihoritr. ba bos refnlinH from callirnr out the" tntihitt ; if the Stale U eijorfio (ha precept ujCLcf. ..... . ts . (I0..I4..I '" L.'i' L ' lunii iiui inn wiin iiii ueveriinivnt nati lieen luftnncd of thu arbltiary e wloe o( tin nfliecri, and ill Jcu-'ruiiuuibin Att, t bat aubjcl mad known. - If fctJresa liaJ ro relused or ilolayed, we doubt not l.e Wt alj have HUiUiucd 'hi.i fciiaie ntall pcrit al (e mt-dutH,- wbaJovrr -uiwhtliarn Men tho-origujal tucnlajif Uic.conjroverry,jia, wtntl4-4i;ve -leua)l.i6JiKi by all wti't. hmiently wrih ia prwrvetFi tnilibrrurt '- 01 our jKiniri ayicrn The tauverniucnl w ita part aectna dir posod to adopt 4he Hot r balory -lua'. VV lonrH frouf tho IliUinoi)it Diquircr of Kridaykhf, that 44 Mr-Keyjjf WatthMUrti) t tkifitf fiffiattlifll brtlifeVtrmimsttWtar-.....41-1.- n - t r 1' . '..iminiii Bi . r itu lugirm kioiia i i'i. tw- Di.Hl'rict Atthrnry irtpreWTvmjf th pmf iieeiidniiev of the fivil authority, nnd ihnf ,Mnjir .McinlraUv baa U-o,ocJei-4bV'jlj(; .. Secretary of. War to interpose no ollar!n to I bo ttcrvice of Icnl proceia upon aiiv of ficer or soldier under his eoniinand. chn raetcr of these instructions w ill buaccn' from the followin cractr:rT tetrad of a Lttkr to SlojorJtS. McU , toh Jaled October 29th 1 WW. Sir Vour letter of the 21 t iiistatil tn Major General Mneomb has been laid I" -fure rueanil, in answer, I have to minor yon that 'ot will interpose no obstacle!' lhe scrrict) ol'leal pioetiHs upon nnj , ! 1 cer or soldier under ji.ur eoutmintl, wh' ther isUin Ironi t lit! Courts nl' tin N;it" of Alalnmii, or of lb-.! I'ruted States : I k the eniilr.'in , you will pvc till ne'i'Sv".'. facilities In the exeeufmil of such prorew " ll f. in.t the tnlculinn of the I 'i --.ob-"' tl'ni iiny pai i of the militiiry birt-e "I' Sr:iles .dioiild IrD brought into mill-''" with tin: civil authority. Inallue-i J of jtirisdicliim, il is the duty of tin "' ' 1 In submit in the latter, nnd no eonsith i ' trout -must intirfero with tbatxIulV. - , " I frttiiTefore, atTTittiTer-rrf-tiw Slab: ft of the I'nitcd States come With lef:d cess aoainst yourself, or nn officer or dier of your garrison, you will ficelyii' mil him within your post, nntl nllorf In"1 to execute bis writ undisturbed." ExttaM cf ti Letter frmn the 8eenWJ. Var,io Francis S. Key, Esq-f :h her 31, l8.l;i. 3i": Vn'a Vft ie'liTty lhe leller nddre'1 to .Major Mcintosh, it is lhe dctermiiiif." of the Governiiieut to preserve the '!"'T ' nscendaticv of the civil authority Ulilitt nv y t'l aiiu ttit a Tilary To'r?ci3 employed by viila) L I of Congress, in a specific ohjed 1 i .. ,i .1.:. .i .. ill li.llow Hi' iniTil net jjiio execution of this, they will tillo' directionsTif Iho Alntshal, nnd both governed by your advice, in every l1"1' relaliil to the execution ot their I . a ..tl !.4vrl nt'iktnuil Ktlll'lh'r 1.1,1 Mil li'IV. I" '- -" . j . .i . ii.;i..te,.,.., f coin I" I t Otll'lS Ol 11!'! IHIII-U ClilU " ' illiite of Alahiiwl, Ih submitted to icsislancc and he ii .-i, I : htlll!""' cy of the civil over the inihlnrv is one of the great fratnres of our n" , ,.,! ,.f the Ibilwarks el I'"' slit" i hip, nn", " .',irl. .... .. :. rOrlii""- Milution. 1 lie i rcsiiiein im i ., i- :. .!,... no fK't frhou.J violate thi 1 i; rent principle. : Lit 7 : . ' '' ;....,,.!... ..... v-,,. v i iri , ' SlilllllOII-t III" It "I" I i t -. .