I I ' I 1 . ' I in t r t i 1 I ! M til lilt: r e t 1 1 1 i4 , ... 1 '" 'i IT I I to.' . . I'll k ' I , f I ) 1 'i. I i , p i. t .1 ,1 1 7 1". ' " ' ,,(... .! -i;,'.. ; r i , i it (1 tlHltilf Ii r',jHJTOrncK u;:ju:j;i!:nt. V""t ll F" !' '' VvLifi IV.ilci! V n, 1 The ftint'r io rntulniii ! ll.o l'o Mice f)oiMirtirMitt l Miimm n dcrl l,i$ J irm. ''I be Ih-drirt fi"i4iiro nUui (jl(io iLI'ji'Ct i I' ll Ironi vuriotK aourcci I tl.wl fl.A !.... .flu. Jt . YltiM I. Igirirffi nidi in' i'(t'"vim vi in" i mmi1 ' tlint'! lrt prcvulin 'f C'rtivrJ. . ' ... kr. ll.H Mil C'a ' 'Iliil I ifWll'llllfU 14 I k . fcf,H eil.atJ. '- ,vLf frt'i N"ini I iic tit,;- nccr. VXlijA:rrnro in this paragraph In 'Cut i77ci paperaV'niaki a it no-ctwujry lor ' iJr'Vr-tttl,',j ''y chir-go "f uli-cfa. jmtfl r;ah "ib-tir ) ih iU'h u!'j -i"f, no fir ai (" y tiiui we . iiuvt i r aoni.i iiom 'r.. .... 1. . ' ..r.i.. . : lifaril rUi"r '"I '" wi'p i m MM? niiaiici 1klJiUoO "i'f Uin I, (fiicrY which i did gnlil Jhe Maw wpn' td iMi ftiiko tc f aVi r.x!ictri it T tf years 1140, as s LV tWH-'tlH'My fin" ' XperioiHc of tliC ' firwi.i;";M"iie I at 1 in oat! of the pre rAiilUiriK t' tCcH! IliO well I'nij'-t icr eWul'v itiJ nini-iiiTe'l llio nltiiri .iu Jii);)ji';;iim''u "i n' - I'lfgntv i lint -fcfifcCALIcr tua ruitiori wirirfi havn lcti luHict tll In? fully eMmihwl at Iho an r Lf' iieliisw Si.-1-sioii nfCmirrinIlcanmtt ' Vtfrcl'iio, lK:forc aft JhiU ah lite 'av'ij.rt wjrixj cleareJ up.' U'e really ' l,tf tut tli a'H'Jnt of d. Oitncv in tho u if llio Department will Ite found trt ' been otrrdH pV ptiWif rrrMrt, anij iiliJ. lliVUjver if ft ay br, it ulll ! f-nuij ' pet f have b"rn tni? hv h wVfc um: of tucoi m revaroin? rvtucai inrno. t . ; -,.r , ' P a .y iel.httf p r. . ' AVir Arra.net me nt. W'e havo rt- r fliXrinntroTf'thftrt! 'lViwrtmeiit lia ilolermined ta tlcprivc hiyriUytCTinmitim.rr ltrt, is, .,lUllA Di pVrtinut fitHtJi.itwJf.otiaWM" : .mot't rti"epivlifurfl.V by i?i enrront in--?fome, and i thereflire comjtelloJ fithrr to J-n the njflil f.tnliiica miw e njovetl hv ; (cruttM portimi f the country, or. l; ap jif JmfPw fratappropriatHtn-froin ' he Trrusury ,irtntt44:laj dtPrmiiied tttpimieitflp, we upua the funurr .-craAta.4iaJO 4 hen JW.aS Stiou;i cii -fen are Dvcrlltwliiifrtkitli- imtncv, aiidH -rcrcnuc, U accroi stranijp XUnt luc bewhta K.I I .111 . A.l.l''t 1- t tmt ttmti 6iikiuNiiiM4iu ar a ituauriu rT iT Vjwol flea fcfTaht of funds. Tiist'iiiaf-fltrieraJ.--The editor of ihe J t iWnt T4r Harry rwiin lu otlice, ainl linvo fit alaty'ot''"iit(U iado -p hittiv ty. fruu uUcripiiuu Xtr llic three and it half vpar taut Uneral Jaclewn it to rn . iWatit imtfili,, aid pledge himtclf fr 500 C-!,Ltijnrt.9fhe nfmtunl." We thiuk (!t iittttiitntion ought to li"lmd,nd !r. BKrrj'fnm pd froitndlrfe if found inemtt. prtfinUr.Thtr5 m eey apwarancc of in. mpacitrw iM'flicct j. the PfWiuwsiM Ge fi'thI, ulthotinh it is possiblo tho fault may lie sdmowhero c!v Tu rn the l li-.tut w"hlp. TO VMI.I.IVJ T. rtk.TKY, I'SQ. I'vorv (ttiXRti it itiinrvr-d vvhftt a pnh iic cliicr r'glfi-u !us duty, or nlxi! t!u' jow r ihVfsted itiliitiihy tlx' pi-nph?. The Ciiiistitution of tlio IT tutrd Siatct holds l!n- officcra in nootl.er liylil tlmn that ol juhiic servants. When thty heroine innxters o( the peoplo, whom thty are btxihi f7 law to servo, or fail to tlciucan tlinnfclvcs Uk faithhd Agents, then are the 1 ihtn of the peoplo insulted and destroyed. r tid what .i;1h..r?nje!y vt n jh) thus trtjTTTd-nmHl I ili-i Sinjin '"Is PiieniaU and npiKuit to tho me rev of those hy whom we ore aggrieved t No f That would-be nt? implied relinquirhtnetit of the power$ granted , hy our-institufioiia,' and whichit is our, duty ntnl our jnteresCto s...rturi.,,.U:UaUtbw re'tiedy VVij-vill'ilrfct-'nppcat to the hire j of Ihe people in' hfejiaff of tho eer vaiit wlio has noirlccted hk.(futy,.aiid ti't hrrrr of his reimsstws. ' Teth ifdto- faillo- reform or omit to Irn ken '. to onr rctnon striinces and complaints, justice domhnda tliat we should appeal to the sovereign foirtVof tFo ' pdji'er"'" tlnuijh, who so far forgets his situation us to Im: un in i ik 1 Ci 1 1 of tin; roiee of the people, will scarcely understand you wlicrt Von hint the gjterci;i potrer of the people. Slill it must not only be fdt. but obojed ; nitil let hi in tremble when he reflects thai that power can in n moment hurl him .from hi exalted Ktaliou to punishment and disgrace. The cries of a froo people must he rewarded." I;t saying thiiH fir, air, We utter no oiher fcntiment thsn thono of a itiition, wliich n'man in power 13 too apt to '"rgi-t or t!isrcriird. Ami these remarks, sifi we thought Jit to prefiien an aVowal of 'Si.if I yi ftiluevteWSV.'" "Hm'Sli. .v,ii..,7.i' 1 .! 1: r,i'. in l 't '",'ir.im a pi.!.:,.: I,r!j.. i;-d I. : . tr r, "u, u, 1 i,!rr- I ! l!l! V"'W t ( f U frlV 4 ,,(,) .1 , mil th.it pl.trc 1 ji, (Hrir fniicr (utT. If tllitlfllii.if 1 ., 1; ialf t ii:,!t 1 l.i'U !( U lllrll'iri'il ll'n 11, ul n'in.lr.l. on n 111 net ptivi) iittro or i.itlt in our l i-i'Mf inre, ,y mi; r;3 r,. iii' iirrian ui ,UU) cf.Hii, ,MjJ, that lliif5- will nut liecoino Jit lir r tindrr the rfH.nf arrariLffinenl. When wo Imvn ri rnoti-h, we cm h-ar it more. T rfiMlrf tho Iran'mfinrtftf l;rto1f ff v frfti f5-r V-.-fif "lhrf,il1Mtit Tho United ttimt-f, J'.hii.U.iU Iitro CKtuhtjdit'J. ' A(u hen iiiiportunt rt pntv ipli? to our Mlional c ifoiicn j yhuicd. ihm are Mir ughu and hciti o a ttition ilwdf in jeopardy. ' Cut e infh luCkicht cimfldciK-o in voti ni d In in.'' ridctem-y . -ur jfotrrmmcnl, to l-o iirvu mo BWtneor Mlneit d now eom. pt linr-rent Tarty ti iifirettr-ritvn.t. 'i win iih Mit ma rewjn 01 una apcai In ilent concern.'---' " -" r" MAxy mirx or att ?tfwicK. UNlTfJ) STATKS BANKY , Tfom the Katinoat Intit'ief er. Tito U2S;f:tiftn made in tho anhjoirted Mniinnntf atioti (which we fui J, of all pu- ca wt I lie world, in the Hicjiniond nnrjui-r-T.) appear tu ua to bo anbyttntiallv a fiir one. When tho fVidnt of tho Vu N 'f"tw, in" Julv, 133;'. P"t hi Veto on tho bill which hid iiarne.il t4?i )!oiiMa f mnT, mr rB-cnanering 1110 iann m me t'nited b'Utet. otie f'ftho JireHnter.t in hifusition'ef that arbitrary act if Ida wa, lhat ho hnd not lcen B"ked to furnish ! draft of auch 1 bill at ho would permit 'o bereme a hw. It acetna rea-wimblo ertotth, that, when the, aid ject hall le itated at tho next tfsioit, the Dte. etitive kIioiiM ho n-ked fir the prjrl of n Mil wlitrh it wh4 wtiyintoliave funui'icd if aked fur on tho firmer oerHi'n. lliin i what i dciiired lv the writer of the fol lowing CMrrjtnunieaiion : rmrti the I: ci mor.J r.nfjuire.'. tfrtrrfT?r!trcp:oT.ir tHnvntm, Vrtitlcntof Ihr Hank i f the V. X.'atcs: Sir : Tho time ia Tint npproirhiiig uhen it i expected that tlte ttttirkh'ddera in Iho uuna ff the foiled FlHlr will have pre- aehled In Comzn m a memorial f r it re. newal cf it charter, and n 1 cotwidT yat the nrtnn of thevtotkholder", I will lake tho lilicrty nf mipc-ttin'i to you, what, in mv hurnhju npirniui, v. tll Ira a matter id ixdicv, a well a courtesv t the l'riidetit of tho L'mtcd Sialct.. ft 1 Ihia: that W'!.w.ij.jh? .iitomnrial n presented to Con- grow, a menitirr will nk tlial, u commit ic4 he Ttppninte'd "to" wail on fflc PredVol, and -quet.(X lojn 0 prTrtg.u(inV vf aucfi ulnk 01 he tnny think fit tOoUi'r to oft. re'. 1 kiiii thit reM.'ctfid course, I retw 110 doubt that 4w vM radily eoiiiptt : T,tHtainr on a ftjrinf r cccaMori, i't one f UtH ve-tulti, Hahl -i J a ltut.i.uuJ$fjufi lli I'nrted States-1 xmi rrot a Btirk holder, tet I feel lrpretrt w-ih that it ntHy ho ro- cliartered, ihuitnutCti ajflfha ntvuw to tho L'wiie-J. glalcfl tho Tjcj-Lcnrrcxy, iu fhu wbrld. Inileed, I feci confident t!i& conn trv cannot do without thi.i Cauk or one ke it ; po that if this one is put down in 'hiladelphia, a new one is to lie put tn in WaU Street, New York, fir the uros? of ruling ull tho money, all the M!ii7 s, and !l the, commerce, ol tho t toted Malen. Vilii these opinions I eubBcribs tnywlf, IkCStlliniy ywrs, - om: Or Tim rnora:. Fern tho Xew-Vork Courier and Enquirer. Till'. TREASURY DF.rARTMKNT. V; feel warranted in sayin:, Ihnt from t!ie ei'tiiineiieeiuetilofGen. W'ajiMm.ton's ailmini-lniH'iii. tiown to the commence ment of (i.-ii. J .'Ks.i's, no Chief Magis trate lias in 1 r sTiliiij.tlcl ,1 grave? iiu:s!ion to tho decision of his ciil iiiel, mid linying" olilitiiid thai (h:cisi.in, in:c"i'iuonioiis!y rejected il, with (lie declaration " to l.r the rennoii&ibUitiiJ" Tlio umloinu druCi tii-n KM I eft: V ASlilVr.'foV Wft-i, to "t,i' -g.T veined liy Iho opinion ol tno majority. W'c will predcnt.two instances. When tho question was agitated itt ta hiuct Council, April 170H, witft'ier the proelamaliou of tho 'i'2A lou!il Im issued, Mr. Uandolpii, Attorney General, and 'tSeru KxoTSc'nfyiiir Wvti-ibmr&tt n letter should ho written, by Iho Secretary ofStato, '.;to ;. the foreign ministers. Mr. IftMiurox-oppaselilat sidunt was. with him in opinion; but .Mr. Jefferson agreed With Uaivdoh'ii nnd K.tox j. Whereupon, Gen. Washi.ngton TeTmrrisCil-,!WAft a -at iker& wte'ik rm f,iMr it, iiiKoiildgo" Again. On tho 3d of August, 170:i, a Cabinet Council was hold to dwidu whether- Congress should Iw convened. Gen. Kyox wa$ against if.. Gen. Hamilton .said ho was 'J opiwsed," but 4'if t,-o worv for it or ngninVt it ho vvonll join them, Jo make "a majority." .Thus indicating that a majority would be conclusive as tf tho pending qiicttiion. - Such, thon, was tho practice during tho presidency of, .Gen. W.vssnisctoN ; and we aro 4atithorisod to. say tint the s;jiie jtraetie'e prevailed while Mr. Jci'kehson was I'rosider.t.- Whcncv- 9'' ' - 1 . 1 . it v ..( , ' f 1 M ; I i, !' 1', ill I. is 1 ,. 1. !,,!(, 1 I ' : ' ; til I . ' t i,1i i-.i 1 , t " JH I l f l,,s , , . .it 1 I Tu' 'I O I I drill!' 81 I."' llli.ilc tll'l t IT t fill' I'H.'I l-.jMCiHC ti I1111 '.,1-' ti v , r'liiveid. TlA .'--iT'-i.itr' . riv... m - . 1.1 1 1 - . "l ""i, , i. 1 is-, un l lll-il 1,1 t ilKmilluil to I In; reia iv.d d l!io d. mi1i t lnilnt (In ift 11 i t 1 mr 1I1 cIiiH'd iuli'il'. it'ii, e, (mi il,i Kriiiind (iiut a decision of I It fj ii-ii-n M-rlaioe. rrrlntinl ( j iht l ead jif Hie 'I'r-'iinUtV di-partii.enl. -T h A't'-rfn-ytie-in'ral, Mf'.,TJiV, wai in fvor of lh change, and he wa-i forthwith tronnferred to tho at aliortof tho "rtfidclorp Hrcreta tjfltn CrcMdent ptwlainijo, iit on t'iiif.f of th law; el iW ''ubiuci and to tho wori l-,Ttlale Iht rniwiUlhiUiH.n "lof thin luuty nnd ioeonxiderate aavumptioa'bf power, the in-mayr ut W nkhin'ton, and the flock gambltrra t-Ucwhcre, wuuld can onizo liiuit , a o o ' vflroai:ia:rJDVici:9; it From the N. Y. Cottrit r aid Enquirer, No. 4. I.att evening iho ahip Aay, Captain llciro, arrived from Liverpool, whence tho aa'ti'd on tho 30th rV-piemlmr. We are indebted to tho ('uptam for liirerpool pa per of tliat ddte, and Iotulon of the S9ih. iNo further inlclljaefu bad been r eeitod in 1'tifiland Iroin f.iIxn, and we have therrfiirw nothing further 011 tho ktate of affair in I'ortual, riccpt a contra, diction in a Iiondon jw prr, iho Globe, of llio reMitf that Marhat Cotinnoot-had proptDtod to capilulato . to . Dmi , I'cdro, , lhat paper. atntes, that In answer. to a iirnpoHitioii to that c.'Ii t naiie by tho Ilri-1 liuli Atiibiimidor, Iiitrd Win. Uutl, tho 'Marahal had replied lhat he did not feel hiuwclf in attch elrcuriwtitnfcj ni to render it expudiont for him todeclino recommen dio a further prosecution of the contest. It it not without UKlonishinent we per ceive in the tintiflntinim from Ficnch a pers, that wriott npprehntion aro enter Uitted (liat tho Duchtii 'de Ccrri iii(cu.1 jiiia to attempt it landing in that country. Kuhtora of an inleiHled ititiirrection 111 1'a ri ahto , nrcvuilcd. Mioull 01m lake place-which wo do not believe-it w.aiM ptfthahly all re 1 a I iHiwer wlitiovt t, and not to a re atorntten of the IJoUrbotrs. .. It had leen believed in Iindnn thfit a toriiius iit-urrcction had broken ett in Cni stantmopie, Itot it upfK'ar tfat iioiImi UKiro hud occurred in the capital ofTutkey than some more of those disastrous confla Ifratinitf wliich nro so froipieitl there. The 11 u:n:, Sept. "il. W'o re now assured that tho sriiv.il of M. V'crstolk lroni liOtttlo'n is in conKxpieiico of a me - mortal which he sent frni I.inloii to the (overtwwnl, rwlaliro to 1 lie state of tho ne Ijociatinn in that cftr ; also, that .tho mo mortal is druwii up in a vcrv ccnciluaory Mjm 11, ihimkuiuii in uut iiilierences wiiu iciiuni may rwvexrwcleo iJty be expecled lnf;Jo ideas conlaiiied in i ghoul I 1 a d.'pted by th" novrnmer.t; 'fheti nern- mctif, however, seems not to be ai.ie to VVIH UWI.il"! -1 . r.',.l. fill, filial U. than wiih retard to fiUxenibarg.Tiiere is no jru'h in tho repo't, firi' spread hv the Celinn papers, that lour ipicliotn ttrtVe: tteeri fflit - by iho- iConierenee to our (ioverumciit. km: run MiRK::rs. Lirernool, Sipt. The Cotton mar ki t continues io n very depressed stalef very littlo ooion, aiul pncCs mernly noini mil. Of 3:101) Sen Inland, IJra.tl, West India, nud Sural, olTered by public Hale yesterday, only 4 bales could bo forced elf, at a decline of 2d to 'Jjd per lb. on the highest prices of last month. The import rri93ff-mg; una ttto Mjtles are U!KM) bass; From Ihe Nt-w Y"-k Awfrican, Nov 5. From London I hero nre accounts by one day later, by tlie packet xhip Samson. They present a little later intelligence from Lis bon, but without any interest. London, Sept. 311, V2 o'clock. Private Letters havo boon received this morning, brought by a merchant vessel from LislKui, dated tho 10th instant. Up to that date affairs reinhined tranquil, no further attack or demonstration havftig been made by the MiguehUi .aruivv,- It is- likewiso iiositiwdy roporterf that tho--steam- vessel 4 liiwd.: ot tho "'lilt'? Ha tieetf eapluioi ihe (Jueeii i shipd. , I he steamer had on board i.venty seven Frtuteh O.ficers who rei-. going to joih-Marshal Courmont, and wassi . io-avy Jadim with sua, jiunitiQiumd. warlike ftores. It is likewise stated lhat n -mH litioner ladmi vvllh tdiot.lvad jshar. ed a similar late. : No further news relative to Portugal has transpired.' twit one ietterTeceived by?a hi'shiv respectable nrin iiT'lnFCitytittes' that -the Lord of tlm Isles steamer was br n!';lit mio the Tagus '-i tUo. lGth, but Up .4oalJi,iJ..iios,.Ju l. it been formally condemned. Mr. J. I'enniniorn Cooper and his fami ly have arrived in the Sainwi. He will be warmly welcomed to his native home. Rv no anival at New York, from Ha- viWi Pari? dates to the 1st of Oeto'ocr have been received, hut thev contain no news of infpor'ta'iice.' Mr. Liv-ingstnn, the Anie rUM Minister, had arrived, and himself nml family, together with many Oditers ol Uie I), S. ship in which lie was eonu-vei to France, dined with tje uoval i anulj !i of Sciitcaiber. - '. n.th9 6t! ,-r-S .- . .. ' ill I f " s ,1 f ;iiu 1 f t ' h 1 t,il a ,t Uuo ,,,.,,,, ,. ,:, ,1 f i .i, 1 l!i it 1, ni. '' fj'ii 'it .m' (, 11 nl e-.t it ,u .t. ..... t . I I "1 'i mil .iitni.i il I (silif ,, I I'l :it rim Hi " r inenii'il fjrin ,:v,i!i 1,1 r .4" !; 11 1cn-iii.iiix pro'.,, uty ,.f ,uir ,,wo." Clrttli n.Sl. re, Wri,.i i .Hiiy, V,.nl, I ir. Hill, in Julv, If a'', i!.rrc'd'toa n.i-r. :,..., I at ('(ib-ruin, io H ri.;io v, n r i d til I lie hitUT p'.'co i.r Oi l, l c,, I H.i.J. Il ivti f been O'Jy thne y.m o r! thr, tn.wht ii the way. ' ,o dmtanco l i l t n it" llio two otTiCfia t4 idxHit thirty or City imlc. 3'hfl.rVarlctrvcti rMondi iu ruv. aes jo, Kinjitton, UpiHirCanadu. .'1'liere ii acarc'df a family in whieti the younger branch have not Ixh 11 attacked, and the obttanfy linla eonUm a great number of unatiii py that JiM.ae. We are pleased to learn, nayslho Alex andrin tlnxette, that ttcientiftc jVtilletnen, rho hsvcUli ly vUiltd Uie newly dine over ed Coal Rewimi on Umj Uord. rs id the ft.t.i 4tMCf lo Ct-fkley ami torjrtu CiHinlies, nave ,e.tpreitt(. their opuuoos thnt tlw Vnul U of a iimmI eteetletit roalily, und t.'ic stipplv likely In bo incthamtilile, Tki ProzrrMi vf lnprcmntht.'c oWrrem an Illinois paper the tnci edinj ofa fnSiV ineelin UN Bt t'lucazo, tvtiJi a tirw t iiteaHur: (ot the immrdiMte cont nicnceiDcnt tf a rail road from the weiers of lllinori river to Lake Michigan. ,Th is ite 01 1 no inonf strilti 13 etemjilifieations Hhicli" we have ver Boeii of llo-ttt9rpri. sirrjrirtrnrter of our poople. .Any reader ho will look on Ins mnp, find where Chi- Cjo ia, and eniisidcr bow recently that wnolOL H -Hn wa a rrinote Iri'hnn wilder: item, wiii nreo with us in the opinion. .Xufionaf intcl'tun car. Pitrrthhfv Spirit Amonj the ffppli cntiotM whtrli ti.ll I mndo by Ihe public Ji'iritcd 'vim!,? 1 if 1 iersU ri to the nett Li jMtitire, we iiWi vo tho fottoxih !rl' An act t.f iuv.riMiiijiift f,r an Importing ('oi!ijiny n uu exieunive pralo 2, Afire Insurance f'i,iti,ari ; ,t, A Kml road to City ni!it; nit.!, 4, A Rail rmul frou cjdtLlUioa i;fJjyp'k.ttH.' f -rrv. po h I'oanoke, lo IU. field. .4 hxandrto Gazette. Pi o! 'tie principal Drills!) Ofliccr who took pa; t iu the battle of New OrJeao, hate jitiiict!y denied any kifoilnle of the alleged fact, lhat 011 theth of lanuaryV 1 llio wnfeh-words of the Criluh army wero " Reality ami Rooty." I'pwardsr.) hnKa million ww of Gold nnd Silver weto eorte l from London in 21 dav in the iii'itifh of An . "Hi lasl. Jtitr tvifnt. st.isni;u Nuv. 16, lajJ. Cotloe, n . Ui.. - '..2J.".. .5 - ckn. 104 V 14 a 18 n-e. . . MiKr, biwwii, t.-af, IS a 20 - ...0-a 1-aO.ta, - . . r -- N h, . , M -l-scs, , " Bmmty. rr : sdi,' ' Do fcpp F'lthem. . "r1. -'-"fi"-a---' ' "' s;"' - W"" J' 3i a 40 . I') D a w beat. Kit, Oils, Horn, . ll, Hither, - . - I il'lllW, , T'lT.acco, U'ttutkey, ,. v . bilitl HI 1, 00 a a a 40 40 O.l t,.5 lf- 8 I 1(1 R W C. Nov. 9. lr CAMDEN, 3 lb !,on ('iin, 11 55 Jsl 00 r 12 SJ btlIl a'f.i al '23 a 8 a9 a U a. i t., 50 - AO- Wltrkt, Flour, 3niinlrV, 1 bbl Orrvlcu niilli, tup. ' tcon, , lb Wbiiky' Khl Rmnl , app, ' till (iMch ' Medicine ami Surgery. Ktsixonun v o,torm n;ex.T?ze"s w - - m . . .S and tit vicinity " rrns Located himself in fho Town of Concord, s. . For the urprae pf practi ing Sn the MetJlcine mill Stir?:ery. II r; navbe tmtnu, at an iun: wuea not pro. f cniotially engsged, at Mra. Muhau's Tit- rrn.. . i fT.incij-.t. Not. ' rfflAKF.N up. and commifed to the Jh'iI of .( L thl Coantv. on the 3d (lav of November. i337,a .NtgrfrMjn; miwrwyttiw nama-iaw r N C ISO N, ' Who appesnlo be between jhirty-five and Cir. iv yean olJ i live left tit inches high i bat a' small- ihula otrtbe ruiht-tiila of hit Iter, near his nos t no eihcr marks prrcrptiblc. He sayt lie is a nricKiHyer, anu was nireti- ip mru i'm- .Omit isf Snl.in.kiM; -tiMilfia.frm wllO irr. kiiki r. " . i f o 1 ' vica fie abscbnilfd on Sunday riij,ht tba 13th of Octobtr lt," He mv he belonRs to John Wo!, fork; lirinc abftut Y miles from t'olumbns.T , . fjr Hi owner 1s reqncited 'o come foratrd, prOve property, py chargts, hj take him 1 " 1 " -.mt i e away. V I u miwi mauur. ; Lrtingtoni Dsvulsmt CorN.l-. ?' , ; fv 1 Novcwtier 181833. - s (T, , . aaJaaaaBBBBBaialBBSIaatB It 1 1 1 1.;. -lflM', , l, H ci " i n '. In i : i;i' I ' I'! nil i k 1 ( I.miii ,1 1! 1, i. I lii" MiiM-ii't'S tin. I,-11 nl 11 (111 o'd i!'i, riiil uiij n L.i.c a- li ltei.i i!'t, I'ioc t ado fafi.d ! . I'.,, f.u I. 1 t - a . Ji"". fit" tU; t'.i riin J 1 ' 1 l.r n I "11 r i n , Coiur d I 1 -Al-St)- I 'nri !l, lli;.)r".t. fxiil f'l', CirtiSI4t Il4lit'i 'tr, l,-t l.il,el'(tll..)' N'W-ttr CnliriMS, l'mk l.irtrtims ' ! y''"t V..l', js fnn, ,.l,H.li. 11') ' -Cy' It.b'J'iHS of all s ,rt "' ' tlvo-frmi-ti't blarh (! ttmry II u"i rt)iirfi L4i. and " n'.Kmrti't i.mtts V. tin, 'do. . (ju. A'iiivil H't'f Ue.lifrtU4, JipD,, ti 1) ft,ti f nor, Krin ffiik fii, Ntiat, H1s Tip, S.i ,-inrt- 1 . Pif k?t H ,ui, Tiki I, IWiit'n t II ttiliii nd Mark t'limtisi.f rrr 1ct ltin ('ul.igiie WWr, f!cir O.l, Aniiijti il Ks'icy p, Siiiiiriinni, ftudi.iM of (II kind' t Hardware nit J CutliT, .- r". vil 1 Kr,'ct axd Fnki. focUt and Pen Kclrr . Sain ir,, T,b r axl Tra 8;uufi, Aun - uiirrrt, Locks of lt kimlt, r.eki, fil-'s ' . lUmlu, lionhlcti, t)tiK Pant,-Ta Ttiyi Curry Conb of a soptrwr liml, Ituxur . Hai 'ri, "turinf Uuie Ppteuclcs ' --. 9itrrr 'pfcurlci, Sotrw. ffU km Al U't.lci finery Iff Hinder!. Ili'rvl kl ill kCih .. .. '.i. lll nrtwuig tiKi i. uoinjf naivri, .ihi jiiiii HuS Atlt, Coltim's ii'H-rior ditto " " 1 HriKbC and blue Trsce CUias, Halter J.Ko . ciuii:, etc. tc. ic. - v :; ' Pll3Cl. fiilOCsU-. A good Assortment of all qaali iei of FIIOILS, 10mprlr.ir.ff i ' tientVinea's l-.ifi, Bun', Uri and tnfints' .. 5'ieei 1 JWnileiiitriiS fumt-v N-gro Slioen, "fictte:eie '-.-- .K-"-' Aluo liadies best Prunella, Soal Skini- and Morocco Slux's. , IIul.s unit IJoniiets, - - T" TT--1-I ii'iTii at fullnwtj i' l.. ntknrvi.' l.slii.t.lW Halt, kt all prWt ' . Wfmt Urns t fur, LUk, tod Sl Hkm '. Fi'-cy Hnid Boiiim-i, Siipr Uitui, I iwitu Uioo Oiirft-worli (titTfi, Cyprra tttrru V '-' ' " Fancy C,vVg. diMu, IhtnrkMes Lcgliuriii cut ia tbe m ' f.linnl'J tliape. Clilntt, nijiss, Qtu'pnswnre, Comprizing a good Assortment.-- r tlri)Ctvlca K,' . ,:rr. , 1V Ot tier-Art irlesj SICM 13 i i ' r fiti !inj snl UtiMtci.ri! Stiirt. nOMHS J 1 '' uaia-snd iiry rorJ I'nn1, Tll'vi. T Aj roa Cf Furniture Crock, Bsii T 1 irJtoijr, tt bits and ColurJ Y "' , . V. 1iaM o. t'o. aio. , - i I.UTr.p. ir.ii Brnirri Siirr-OfTen Tl 9nrrrfkttti."fiite i.ead.-fpattish-Bfew f le.asa Kiiir w.io o uiayi, runy v Kifortt tnr! tilxifx-r 8b. Camphor A4sirofilra, VVeirt and VfitinWt9r'V't ff.r. fi ai wtlk rs.iaMtllal 1 a.at aA 1 Si laia ",r"u w ," " 1 "" - -"- T - - I (IT We return our i'm cere thank to our friend tint customers for, tbe -liberal patronage c ha-e received, and Ivpc to merit a cum n. unaco of the same. . CPE It CJtAIGE Salisbury, Nov. 1 8AA. ..if i ,...r'TTiAK.:3;:;:;;: 1 IX ntrtrtris liMtebtrd h the uie M.Fre- V itt rick fJnin, Sen'r, deeraard, are reotestH i d t-t come forsrard "andTtiake Immed'ntte r4 ment. as io indriljw; tw h fa aeii penons bain(r claims cgbinst mid etate.aro re. qurttrd to ('etutit .hem within the time, pre sonbt bvsw. nrthis fotice wi! be pkaJ in bar i.f (heir recovery. V :. -..a I - r 1-. Will be Sold lu the Highest Iti.ldrr, st Ihe Ute dweliiiiK hiHjte of lredctiek CSott, Sr. ' ;' . dccra-id, eommepcing . . ; 0n Th ursda y the 1 1 th of Vce.liext, " Ail the Lstute of said deccjenti which fa not otherwise di.poed of by bit will, AKont 15Mcres of Land, jF.levco Negroes ) Farming Utensils ... 4 ... ' . m . '' I I lousetioia anu.Kutncn uruuure t i Two getit "f lllcksmUhftVT ibtt i ... tJiielSirifit hs-OoliJwBntritrihe4 Oonraa inn ; l.. . f:-.!. t- Witb a number of other f.rticks.no tediout at the time ot aaie.;. w. :-. --.,.':. KKUX HOOYEIt, I F.xecn.. JtHiN COSS. : $ " (. . Nnvetfibef 1. law- 3t. ," l tsv ,tir2 7brsr. fV AKf.N up nrar my plantation, In OavUson JL Count v. North Carolina,"" ' ' ' ,,: , A' DAItlC DAY IIpRSK,', About !t jrars oTd, and rldet lemarkably wtH. He was briMtglit into tliis uetgl.borliood by a negro- man who xava thuf bo belongs to John Wolfork. on tbe t;hai'msh' River. . .,! "j ti" The onrj tt rt-queitfid to come' for ward, prove property, pay chafes and laka bimaway. ' " Pill Ml SOWKIIS.- Kuvtmbcf I84J33J. s. ' tf L-af, l.u-T.p. ar.d BWri Sjg4rt-tfTen Tra --vi.nr,lnnnetii,l enntrs'ts'of 4!mAraH. " '""" " Mailt f. mw; trpcr-, -Bar "rvf f-ijl-iBrt eiarpritw f :hronot.'rr' urz.z:t:7r.- f pprr, f?p rr, t 'r V Ht.wbr ami Shot - 1 n,Mllb, F.Ma. a id a R.l many ,irut liid. Vy- ; Mir laa l, .oel and Black Varnull I AOTiitmr OomMlia lnnmv. lie . ' ' .1 , . 1 :-- i t . 1 1 1 . ' 1 A 1 - r 1 1 - I r 1 ii , .lull V'rlnWw i t v ,s Si llly nod l!tj-,l,.,i,-.' Kim un.,!, .to ri:i:Ti:t!s.' ;. f 1 11 "is II. Wtiifi (V . .! t t tmf ! 1 .. .t iti r 11. 7j,r I,f ... i . t .1, t ,t ', H I Oil Mi l'. - It is i .1 r ,.t ,1 4, i:,i ,t'( mj- iifiiHiirr, 1 II i l!" r r. 1! 1 -, f 11 I 1 ur u'i 11k' in a rry i-i p .n,t j le. l' !,i4 f..t awsjn, jt III Le rilij ttiy tft;j;. ,' ' - .1 .. . , . . - . If .. 1 ii .-'. -.- rt I ' I H l Ml. . I S W- .. - S . r . Vailftvor Pi lilting Marcrialtn-f'r niiflli in 11 t tTi iIi II c I iichi-n ii t'ri o ..,' enrtiiml 1'inovr, t'nl hirli, ixi't ytl un,!,, rt x-- ' ' will t Upi il tt oil f 1 nutif Itt a 1, ,Vi .J', . . Ul''i 01 'Ii i'ii t', mil be fivtn tlinnlv .1 t - ' ' , , Nutm')r 1 1, 1JJJ. t tf ; , ' ' ' SJll'IK i 'brcilo-r. rin' ii outJo dinpuie el .. rnl,iiry, ,!; Uifi-r fuf Sul , ut In dvcliii.g. In, ux', "'; On Turs'lay njf va t Court? y 10 excellent UviU Ilciltliii Anil 1 1, t cr ,-.r..3 - f-at.Ic. Ilogs, 4V-C,sVi.';f f ; ; irr An s ;h pmdusc wn (t 11,4 , 1 Oil 1 inif inj lJUf. ' Tl ffiu fpiU krvin on W'lTN ..til dr d wil-. Ii tti'l Li a Irut ili-, 1 In nit ' buittu-K-i t. ---; 3 m f.i Ml U. ... i .r f i .?ali!mir. KatCKbtr 4. ltU - ,,r, , 1 r- I .' -itf?!,' .' m il rv.lv, ,J,t 1 ii W litir Line of AiwoTim-HU'iiiii Si Is '. U i t'hbl ilir d lo run" betff n Sk'isb'iri u I i iit; t its, iiiTor.lii t, IV.it t, nd Sund . It -rrri pSH ri(fr. . ainrsnt In lli tu'tak lefct It We'r.ir.l'i for ' be A'orlli i )''' ; ;( f. NrtMitHf 4. lirli.' K' ' , ? "' , ... 1 X t,. . mm, tt l l'i! " finv "l I Ik- Writer frlinin t If is '.u-.vr.j s oa l!ie Nr(hwet .aide of Main fir. r, flrrtjf opp tiia ihe mlibft form. rl rupird th Ut Vtti,l( 'Apply It- -r.TH..r i.f v.ts tVM,e Niwrmher IHE far T-c rsl an d . .FJjijitcDHio rd 3 For lhpTear.tam;: . m . 4 c iat a a . ,m y. 1 - . .7 1 IV 1 1 I A fJ I J 1 1 A 1 1 7 ! Tt i -.-s-. I -s w . . . ; ,jvrst V " : - p-m'.M.. -rt. f ' -. -- ' '.' ... " . .' .'; ' " '- '" ' ' '" to t citifu ,,' 1 , .. j ti' .s:.. Til C LINCOLN U MIX LD TJir. itnjlrVsiaei hethe; a-'ftcaCt ao1ir1teA:tiv Tiny of bin Mentis, te aodrrtak Ida pubM ration of a Natairiap' tn ihit Vi!la((ti ibaa ks ca - . .. ' . imlucrd to oil', r these tircponts, filyinifee tit , , be patrooij fur ib suppiut nceritai loJustilV " . v s bimifl tbeiH'tf-reiiiioH f ibenme ' 'jJx. " ':'". - Jlis man.objt-ct will te to fnatrurt.tij ptrtae, . ,( to t-xe'ite list ftdm;S lda '1 UooTal iej.t n.ri.t, ---- y -:T-'."."rC'-.ii-A..r.-i. 'St..'. . i-.-r. "it rtap i IIIU IUrillIllICIilllfiiIIC.l ICIIUillbf Ull - . r?.' good aVora, ii.' a., j iv, ' -r' "-' " :,tt if be h:pMrpret give all if. irr.pirtar,t ia , newa,bo:li fiireij;n aiwldo-nrstic, loiuftit A)i1- jv ' " cultural F.Mavs, nd to rLlTi it infrniinn i n all J " Subject 1 1 thai have a t fidtncvtii iiriprere acciV ". f--J; Ijr in lit various rtlatioi s." . , ... '; r i - r. He will interspe-m Jiterary Anftrrnatinr!, ,r'lt A. writ at scicniitic iitniction. nilnt'inr, a' tl lame time, a flv(Hif nf iWry, bumor. and ecdiile,ln ontrrto present a,r!iety,tr tliai eacUr . indivtihial may lnd some thing ta fjrti)vvUi own -particular tsste;-." ,: ' ?,'.';? ' - 1 iis protessrt to 03 a KttifiiiTirt, gnm in prtn i ciple anff W feeling; i his poliltcsi Cf U"e, iiiert- -fore, wili ber t pwau (acconlrrjr lo hLt jiutg nimt tbelracr marked nut bi tli Wd Jli-irs?- m's J'it ldijr, on the ai)4 bAnd,.Uul.t.X.;S. fbe Cwikh u:iMiciUeJu:uaLC!n tolidatiun, and luioi'ii.jr,o tfTebtr.rif,tba tquat; le daita-erniia declrine ot aiiltiflcatmr .' ; aS bore',ofoiet ,w hiRhflr ,9grz (ot the cfiariMiUir of AadV Jacktint, tfd tb utmost ironntneem- nia-aomtmsTraTt.nar r itm hlmaelf entirely dncommiiied as 'ri'partStMa tact" T " tr'--. frj to tan'port. wbenever jhe eiir-ti.iy 1 a?iWt;'WetirtfrirW .-s.. ' his charitter, lalcnis, and sound principle, is ' , . . ... . . 1 . , . . -, i. 4 f ss J" eilll'iro 10 ocfui'V iiii eipait o la'H'ii. . ,t " Affpsrsonateuiotrorttsy wt beni.h: pfutiV bttrdnd every eiertitm iil be mad,to prt sent J sucti a paprr b accpiablo die pub!ie, (O The MEKA1.D wil be pohuilmd Once t week, on an imperial, theet, at, Tlirce Dollars , - pee a intttn. 1 be nrst tinmber win issue oa ino nVsi ""'f JSnory; fir tfr enwrr .fn.fra)r H prioticsble, prnvKlel..a utncie6titumbcr of f snhscribwit'arc obtained to authorise the com.) iciceneiit.. PrnrX.ltt.NF KOBCUIS (.incelntoti, Sept. 16, 1 833' . nov.1 EVKKY DF.SClUPTiOM-OF' - itfBSS rfntiVlfiPATiJlJ, t tAt THIS OFFICE. : 'V " s- v. . - ' .: 9 . s ' V' 4- i 1 ' - a t "SSri. 3fe - a v "If ,s