'fin , .i .t ! 1 for .n i .1 l.u I ri I V 4- 1 1 . i . v . I 1 5 .' - t. -:t . :X,r-wwift j - T TaiaJi f-iKtMjBat,' :fti5IMWv-t. ft ; . - .i.jtV . .. - h.tuy. i us; s m . 1 1 u;r.. 'Hie it'riiinif mn re lirij'ht t I rl-r, , Abraham's irnl !l rr I t nf, Atl all Was Urljf M tl rhrrrlnl there, " Allsave" ht IW-'!' '"' '" IJoil'i romiruud ne lo nmid, ' t forced into hit tv the ,rl ' tor, xhfttgh lilt sunt f s'l rr?jj"f t , J'rl rtaiurft fondlv liiirer'd there. j f! . j," TV 'mpW moniln1riit wil ajyrad, , : " At '1 (fall at the limuH muled , , Jo' n'rf li'f face i't lntM! ihed, f- ; . F-r tra hrr sat fee nnlv child. ' ' s " -.' ma that plr-1 monarch's eye 1 r " ' - ' t'linn her cherfc had Irft thrir trace I j . i ' till DLI' dm'iny "--r ,""" , - - Was wrirenhi tuthcaveolv face, . I i : w.v ;v - ' " 4 Tnt frosmng father turned way, " 7 A"d Walked (he inner tent aparti, . . ' ,.. ' lie f ft fort'itud'- th rsy .' 'c .'I ' -IVIdlsi natura wVtsnrr'd In lit heart. ; ;- rar-'- 0. " t on, to whom was itWen " ! '" " - ' Th promise of btrcd land, W ft 4 " f ij . T a. .. . J . . " . A - IltiM" tlie dunce,' gin il llffrt, (, w . . lt 1in by ftihil fxlirr't liml r ' , 'i j Tin 'in, for wlmin m f li!c bra , - ' 4 -. Wm wnt an nutr.-i from kit bumfe. " Ant In Kimi witilrrncni fnHirt. A r tile iloom'il roim. But Vi1 fe-lle' wim r-bff, And murmur at fitlirr'i fiwl f ; , ,. TJIntl h be t)ckrd 'o fulfil ' J. Tf .kruvi'ii tnJ crru'ip will 9t Col fZ, r r"F..-": m'it " ! fte cruel til, - -", .jTl . -Si- t 1 ,1 .in.. "il.jTarrin u illi'.Iu BUDnfie. i ' ' , Anil iIT. r ihfi Mcrififa", The inother nirl )icr p;irkin(r eye, , "Bh! fcr'J the dfiert Arrtr inj dry, ' -' SUR-ftr'JUit M'ftseluiVlnitlbere' i ! AbrVm beheld. ant tinle reply, " -' -. f)i Him fruni whom our blemiftg Bow,' yTI' rtninMM ion tn hie obeyed, j-- f .. Tt e, Crip filled, trie mufei prepireo. tjVftd Vitfl lh thirl djii'i IwifTght hdo, v 'Moriih'ikftttiirBnneirtdf v. ;' J A lixir fttcend the ton ftnd tirej -i- . tne woiiu a on UH iiinumcr mm , - JThr wood to bui'd h funerl firec,. ' ijui t wtyi iht fa'i her m ind i ' r V .JfcMlm;.drih-likeehiW ' T . ' - ' -.Tl, .U .1 1 -11 : .A. . , , v.' B wed.m-klvV vhoj thuddercd niIL-1 r HrrVly5Hn :1V mountain brow the? itood,vr C?-WKntltnir-worr?f f ttoti erieC Mv father, loi.th fie- and wiiyiV - ,-' - " "TC Piir whefe'i Ihi Um5 roricriJici t'f -Z - -f- ... - . - ii'f liiMjR'iirir isv u lilt mini, ; . . . i.ZZ.-Z . S, .rutTv M'hile- AbVKTIMWpre(ltnw ftitj CtflQ, ' 'r'"f'"y-"' Whh ijeaditrwcB and J'K)k tt$neA, z ' ' 'jir f i"d wj bimtetC roUe ji' Um&i.'in w . A uni.m iin'iuk i .v ""5. ..... ... XhArit Itii. iaofft nrnmil tKMt .j'a- '. .'..jfU' i.. At leitb.ieft nuuia i(ri roll'd,!. ' i,JBIfd, s the Pmpheta hd. foretold, " . - fla Cftivary, tWftlorLftiite ' i yS. -i; '; w' .,, v .v,.:,.i, ; ';; T,1tr WtltWi?'TWI"tiitte"6inier, ' !'. ; 1 ' Ailf Ud. hitter emints hie" hoarded wealth, ' Hi.'. !bT,'o1e difrerenc- hit tecarj tunreyt ".Tl t f'tt'iouthetp.'and find it tiltdeficieutj CfjTr", Sti ir durh tack wliaf fi'it b'er.anxiout heart' "iljJ .''"l.w''y -.dW-. lUt wb jriy ye .. w , . r,ea inc iuii periccuon oi ocr lace,., ; . t . 1 think thtt fate have uianted hie enough. ' ai r not ch felicity could b n i " " ' t tM i(i Vidf Heaven i and, with requited love 'V ; Suprvmety leed, and happy, pant on thou L Or roik', or naJ, aliko thy way to we, . !n.',vt'owo world; where nothinn I regret i , .B tt'iJtat life. o re;t ihou'd be no bilef.'" K.--VAHIETT. r llltt lttT Rfll Til PR j- .1 Tie had lie en to tjrnaiojjfncjrj JLTite generosity, if jjenerusity conists ' io drlerrin'g a benefit till the recipient is"p4t the enjoyment of it-or the ,-'T justice, If justice co.nsists in "withhold tf,o dfown to the crave(gener)8itv ; Wor-i'.i.tice. call it" what vu will t we ' f V ' , Vc:,n ca"',t neither) had at last award-J,-'r.X--: 'l thim his'penjion'."An Infirm' Aid - 1 -"''man f: The burden of "old age; and f r' ho deferred, had made' him sick at ' "berr," and sick of life. tr-The death film wa even no-v mertlurablydrjwn' over'tric'ry; once ' sparkfing j the pace s wnienj-once .wan uuir miu touiuicni in . ''-"tbe rena;th of vu''f and the pridtfot 'f- iptriotU.m, had Iw'com-j? ir(re ir,ijar. arjd 'totvjrjn5,J and th.'mtinfy form, oi.ee etct' and ' commjiuliitiT;, wi Imwed ' r- - ;-r-l jit- 'V.JIV.) .I ll I.' : j Ilc'waai stranger in the bUlrofl Iii- '."'InfirmrfVind nealec coutdbreak rlowt ' r'-trC 'fctd 'ody,lMt hw spirit barlhettcr.sus. - V? "twined itatlf j ar.'I tt bitter arni of the . . 4 ' .. ,F : I . ' iff ' . t ' . , r " a , -neglect ne surirnn ihono ruj r . jfiouM nave reuictaucrsu turn, nau ah vycs lutnca to ouii ite raiseu oouse. wotttu m maov v " , J i . v j ili-y.A'EJ.v,..'t'f -3R. t vu:ys t;?"T5 .'.. -sr. .- . -.-::'.. v. dsl 1 i I ; ! ' ' . ' Hit), .c i; r it. I! - I,J ' , vv I S I I I V I 1 1 .1 1 I 'i 1 w , , I j 1 i i I V . i HI T 1 ('ll- r l 1 1 in I he lily I -i w il ' I c il In in. II 1.1J up iti thr .c ' i nml t tc p ant etlifuri which JtkiiJ in ii'isei Ctf u ciicdct. M at; ! (jit i iir t.tijrct but he rizeil with liurrird iml inrru- 1 he liuithng Jurms of ft cocralKm wKn have fuip.' tttn the Ktvnliitinn, !itttl tat the ulil mn, without h-td .1 . .. . I ! in i,iuiinc priiMoiirr W4f wiui c in a city ! Ama,til iht the Upseol time naii wrought aucft wonder, lie Ic it ike a tranrcr in a itrure li d, anc thai, ioot ou the vrr),2ilhcJt e" leiKini, , ' Ills vtneuUe tppearacce-attracttd the notice oi a nncr-by, who, pcriti- vinj; thatthe old ml a bewiMercd, tendered hi acrvice to conduct the oldie r homt. Hume ! I have no home! twat at tioinearf ia V6(but f am forgotten now, A transient glance ol anger fll ed in the veterati' tyebut In a m ' meotit pasted way, and toe vacancy ol M lountrnance rciurned,'. Where am I f Oh, I've been' to uke the gift of Co; grtM U t me ro pay my utbti In-fore I die ean't live ld g and 1 d n t w'uh to. The ffr here again hit eve were lighted knd.. hi bearing. pi Le the pr ud aMl w itMku pin brfknf bu nYfT ubduednrAn.hunraO'ctirb of indignation mattered' him' l atmiuc, a if,tiong in the pride ol youth, to avoid the impertinent and unfeeling curiosity .of Uie .rowd who tunound cd'him, he Vnk, exhausted, ii the pivement, ' ' Tke. him to the police-office for a tagranl i aiu ne of the trowd. . Take yourjclf t" the devil, lor one of his limbs ' retorted the honcti lei lw ho hd first addretsed the vete. ran. Hut, (catching him by the col lari as he saed to waik oil.) toj hrt, and give me the old man t p c kct book! I saw ) u take itiiand utH., d'uitlyt..a P.M'a " wu rmb from limb!' -'Thro'tle htm!' ened one of the crowd scourdrel-' rob a ptntiuntr ! 4 Pown wiib him !' 'titrip iiin !' Take him to thr p lice !' and the ld mail's wallet lui fromlhe-catpriltn the KCufHe." -' The ptoitioiier was recognized some nD 10 the crowd, a h he prii- Srvely- sanrred rttmseW trr br par tu coach. He was conveyed to a s1 ciu - at d hiving 'h'npily' lallth into hanflsratteltuon for "a t liple of ttj s partially rcttoreu hrs exhausletl' euvi gtes. ; An iodihtit t rt mrmbr an. c UiireveulsVwe-have arricd, fiiteil tacarOflallrcTOTs his mnid; i)ut r.v remembered the 'evem .. 'ro Gettt i . : - -f-T'e-.i : ' t. ((.niiJUJCC ui. u.mk yai-u-" t CO tin p a nk p s j tt;s ; m s, w e j c, v n t gred i 3 t ii rcuy ; m aiVtd "bo'Tii m x m u r y tit n 1 the new ones he hud seen a day be stage which wa to carry him home, the old man's mind again w ndered Thjt' l iht, carry me "to C nrra . givc-tne-my dnrl haver foughtior ii Congress said 1 should h.ve it V The old man's wallet w is par into' hit hand." Oh yes, 1 knew I should get li they tdulti' not so soon ' lorget the, old sold 1 e r but r,iate lr t - me pay my debts, and die I can live no l ti ger I But somebody .stole it they got it ftwayfrpin me they could'nt di it fifty years ago but I've got it now, have'tit I ? no, they did'nt keep it-i-they. would., steal the old mn's nrnney they could not keep it the God of Ditties would Mast them for it God have mercy ,tn ,them they d 1 d 'j? tfibl. fL ! 1 rrJ . m L payff-m y debts, and die-my children are all dead my wile died in in the poor h use and ' me I dou't want to live aut longer nobody knows tne now Itt.mffJ'eJ.'. . . 1 ne stage sioppey at , llitrer to-, during the'rtde the old; man had becniilentrj'orgetlul of the' present, injuenttve, things ab..ut him, his mind.waibaik'JiVJng .olbcr . scenes f A long, long5 feverie,' and one from which he was never to awdktn His lips moved rapidly, though no sound Was 'audible'; in voluntary and : spas modic motions evinced the activity ol his mind he was busily .communing with the j friends, and reviewing thr events' of hisyoo'tb, l'jior old man;! fifty years since seemed to him but as vestefdoy." One of the lone and iso fated survivors of another, and a bet ter race, he had no communion witU ihobe ahotit him. Dwelling upon th hardships, the, privations,the danget, the escapes, the victories, of another ae, his ramc, infirm and old, could not Biipport the recollectionl.as one , 1 "' r 1.- .1 l ' - , in me uay 01 ins srretigtn, ne tviic- ood" the reali'V. ,".'",- " II'rk m irm'ured thebilmi'.. " f !: Ml i 1 1 1 1 r ' , 1 1 .il .i f.ui t uily, .4 i.-: i k A !. : Hamuli il i ,t l,'l lirm.lr irn t cii 4 T'.r Oi'iiprrsi und the 'e , ilii' Hi voice Cf;ied, he lr b ttk 1 1 hi t . t, a hu.ky rattling t" l it throat tuccrrdrd Tne tjiii'ur.l the Ucvoluttocary Ta"- triot had departed I v from the LevcU IiiSei. ..tlAMONO CUT DHMOSD. . A broker. 10 this city, contiJcrably diatmguithed lor eccentricity ud 4 love ol luig ttiJu, and pottrtsed with. I of a good del of thrcwducti ann a splendid gold watch witS poorou Cham and teal, having claim sg iin"! t ' ' " ' . ...LI . a tiipprry customer, wnicn ne w-f i licitiU to collect, among oti er exe dients adopted the follr'winj.-Under ttandiug that hit debtor wa in the ha bit ol driving a fine horse and burgv, - , .., ...... v i-i '-.- . . wnicn ne no uouot uwnru, oui, ir.iu circumataoccs, dare nt ackoowlet ge the . broker in a friendly aud insinua ting manner applied to him- lor the loan of it during an afternoon, to tk an airing. This was readily assented tn, and the rwte hsrnetted . lor the CHCati'ti ,with whiih tne br- Iter Jmic off. Ilaiug th is got the poiKU W, be refuted to deliver the horse -and buggy. until coerced. blJia.iciiuQ at Uwr whub-he well-knew hit HlerM Jare InorcornmFnce, as tfiat would at 01 te b rccoguiziog hi right ol own erthip I and, taking them to hi tii ble, insisted upon holding them until his claim was adjusted. The debtor, making 1 virtue f ne ccttity, diitcmbled hts m irtiCction ai.d reactitment at thp tr. k wh.ch had bee placed upon h.m, until au rvtu- tng or two tii ce, whei- he led in with he brok rr in the neighborhood of t t Itowery Theatre. Having e cacec him in an agreeable 1 hit-chat, in thr ourte oi whiih he sutcestfully md he impreni n upon his mind that th ir ol 'he dtbt ould be tatiaiacto. V"'ft4juiHwl w--e-fetlxwin rmirt(T tg, he thouk hands with thr biokei with the -greatest apparrrt frirndsliij: uihI g od bum r, jud wa -Luut t. pan wi:h hint I r the night j but, aa it ho ldcnlv dverting to the h ur at wl.ici he w 4s to meet t ini appmn mtut in 'he ni Tni- g, he ihtju red ' mv iae It hi. Tht brok' r, thrown ' fl his- gtnrd hyr the sc H-satisl;cti n 1 k lei at the success oi h i s heuu- .nl ii ant'icipatwl hpjiv termination, very h 'URliitcs&Iv dt'r w'tuit his witcT V t nhdi u It I his debtor to ascertain 'hi fiuur, which hr no a onrr ggi hold I than he deliberately irmslrtred tt in Kii' ow'n.p c.t, and walked niT, icavi.g the broker almost pctiiflrd Luxje(diUTiiiptioo. t f Jyswell- U d Sktitme 1 lor ..he,drb.9..lyf.n)tu him that he miei tli u to ret iu the vftro as an offset for hi .huric. and T"gCT. Ilx.isperatetl and incensed, 'he bn-. ker on tht nex day presented himself ar the p lice-'lhce, wi'h hisconns'l nd "rna'de app!icatio'. to the ni.te'is- ta es for a warrant to apprehend the debtor upon n ch.irgc ol stealing; but the wole circumstances being dctad e.d, the "application "was refusrd, a-td the party referred to his remedy by cull action. This was represented h be at best but a hopeless affair, s the debt f had no substance out of which to respond to any judgment that Blight be recovered against 01m ; and, as m titers now stand, the broker has the worst of the bargain, for be estimates his watch and establishment at one hundred and fifty dollars, whereas the horse and bojgy-arcTiT tjciriot worth" halt the money. From the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer iNrEKEST.' Talking with a neighbour at the dour of his unfinished bouse, 1 kindly inquired of him why it was not belter covered, and in - a more Comtortabl Ut 4u-tViile und m . I am in iebi , said he, and 1 anoot afford to finish any mre. We can live in it till some of my debts are paid; ' When I am tiilej I intend to cIaf)'oard and plaste it tnoroucrny. - ,4 Vhat .will u. cost you ?', said "IT ' Not less than sixtv nr seventy dollars,' was l.t answer Vccpn versed iipontbe subject 'trifle acknowledged, that without any refer ence to' the enjoyment of hii; farnilv tnd friends, the saving he should re .tlue by a wrmv house in the '.con- Mimption of wood, probably might be double the interest of what the finish ioc would, cost It, was natural to observr,':as I did , Yoularrt .payi'n weHe per cent, for money which you "1 "1 .. f. ..".. l'. '" ' ntgni n ive torsis, .an j nave as pit cant a; fireside HS'yodrJtieiqh'i jur Twenty dollirs s'spentv in" rcj,ii in r instances save I a 'hit it.t ;t.-;-.- l.i li.il l.tl! I. i r t ll i 1 it I r a .. I 1 j (, ! 1 !' f f V ' . :t . . It I rr it to a j M.il-i' mr M , i I, . a- , "u.d it i" Ah' i . 1, 1 tC to i h i .vtltt .1 f(' Ch-Ulatinj;, l.c sid-4 N"t niit horl cf iwcntt doll-rs. I p"ii ruti- . , ... 1 uottli.g tic prutluce wrtrn pK'prriy cubiv.ited, wt f uud that b.irin. spot .iily t.-roimseti, at Ic tM, twenty if n,t tlnrtv prr ce nt, interest upon the cost .1 t ullivatii.n. He smiled, thatikrd nr, and with a c tnp'ised and t'etrr- nined voice, very deliberately laid: . Mv bush sevthe, m i"ti bars, and .stone sled, shall prr pare the rxVelle'nt so l for f e tdouph,' How much of 0 if imf 1 md is (0. ally uoproductive,'eiifjrry.ustif? jo i'S owners, which 'would rn an-ivrrage pi 2Uper eent on .the cosj of render- ng 11 arable, , ; Prom ttie Fartner1! ftt porter, ." . 8ACACII V OF A WttEN. ; ..i 1 A gourd h "id been put up infa gr ntle mans ciden 10 tnu eity, lorjne ren to build in. retiring it to the rre, the handle part of the gourd was broken off j this left a large opening, which, a first, it was proposed to stop by nailing a board over it, bu finally wt fixed to the desired position with a parcel of brown paper. made into . a . plug " and stuffed into the io "ducseason,- thV wren Wtlt its est hatched a brood of voung, and disappeared, In a storm that sue creded a few days after it was desert. ed. the gourd was blown down, and the writer -f tHs had an opportunity and the curiosity t examine the nest th s presented an instance of care and ciutton on the part 1 f these bird for tre security of their Voung, which etmed a if tere was something of the animal rational about it . . The inside, a usual, was mane up of the finet and softest materials for the cradle and b d of the infant bird; but the plug td brown paper had been ; irown paper i orrn ; jeir"Kst wwrjst piaer ftrtprigq orin dii pif of a thorn hedge these tere wedged into the vacsncv so romplete. Iv that it requiredsonic trouble to 'lis' idgc thnn. i this instance it would appear that hrhird rrtjar led thi drfrnce of pa per to be the weak point in hrr domi- c l. a d set urrd i acmrdinelv with i vrt r . i r rt.f broh w.,r. whtcl rendered hrr ahltatlon impregnable to ordina - xv a'tacks. J -.Tl,. k;I I,,... mA.anm. ;. rce-eujnjct ot ioiitUlarQUna,oaalopr. 1 h" b,H m,,M havr Tnr nnrn dl5:!aewft ompteift .hiatoryr ..iimet, for the 'snci1 to ave prorufetT the thorn clip.futul reference of potitWain ind staieitnen.T ntn-rr.. 1S this nl mt it n it kno tv to be j - 1 be principles of Free Trade will, be it iK. . r-.t.- .t:,,-. frnstratrd and rnforred. at tiefut to" reconcile n. prouiire ul tne idiarrnt cardens. ,,. . , ... , ...... .... . ....... ' -.-i the publio mtndi a the-NTth, to the appmath IFrom thp LV.iie.l HiaeTeU(ran.4inr Tednctinh of the TtrifTto a uniform Hamf- ai d tf ad faorem dutiet, at well a necetnari to ... niiiii'uaiinTV ni7vnfV's-- .-M MIttC: niltWH,- j 111111 I'ilPV PJ pi-iorj , (i- ior . tale ul the AMERICAN FtHMF.lt ESTABLISHMENT, No. 16, South Calvert Street, BLTtMtRE,; Mbv - - - TTIIIF. kiikuir'iki. nrrx.nl. Ilia MafMt. in tmr. A m-M fr.r.1..-.. nn.l .t..r. in cu.,1. throuRhout tlie Unite.1 Statet, particularly hit crjstomrra; and informa thrm that he ia receiving ffi.m li'iiforui IVktw Lit Jilk-h ttai. 1 4vftkSirlasaai am n.l from varinna nrt i.f thia ronntrv, hi, annual upplvoflELf) AND CtUDEN SEEDS, an( that be will, bv the first of Nove-nber, b ire - p.rrd to execute orders, wholesale and ftaif, ith prnmptne't and accuracy, at as l"w price, and on at fvorhle terms as can be afforded by anv dealtr in the t'nitd Sia e, ftrfi'tt rule urlirlrt. FRt'lT and ornamentsl trees and rUnti, graeviiies, shrubbery, bulbous i' d other H wer roo's will be procured to order from any of the principal Nurseriet or Ganleni in thia country, foe no -f 4ieh-hstibsTTTbpr ti Sf eiif TaTio" J'UJL'GHS, harrows, eultivators, straw cut ten, ihrat fans, corn shcllers, threshing ma chines and all other kind nf Sgricul ural and llcirtieulti ral Implements, uill be procured (rum tlie.b.rrtanuJ;tctorieia.B4ltiire.-- DO'-'KS I'HJ Animals, paniciilirbcfttile of the Imnsnnad Duliiw filmr-ihurnithe Ortuii tiiilllip llnlstiln breeds i tlieep of the B ike well. South down, and various fine uoiuVd br-eds-. swine of Several valuable kinds, espeniiiHv f Hsnri z breed i . varioua kinds of poultry r-u-U as 'lie wiiirc TuTKirs, urrmen anil iiesijninlis Bees. . - - n - . are either kept fisr sale at 'h -. xrienaien'kUi c kept fur sale at 'h- . -xperimt-mal ai d breeding farm of this Ksiuhlisliment, or cm be proctireif 'rom.tbe best smi res to order. nOOKS, AifHoulHir.il, i.iriiciilturnl and tin. .tiniT,'B-ijieh'farer''Variety tl.an at the bookstores--tome of them rare and particularly valuab e; are,' k-t constamlv for sule. ; ' In shortJ' W articti wanted bv farmers and CaMlentr ih the prosecution of their buniness, are iulemled ti-be-kept either cu- ham!; or within reHch when called for. " 'snd though .lust, n it .-.ist, that old and well knon vehkle of knowledge (tlie most valua Me of nil r imninlities fr riller of the soil,) the WimilCAN FltvlEU,iSp,lb:isliedweek. ti, at this rsuiilwliment. at a year, where ilHcriptriins mi K'.o ii nu'iicaiions are respct inllv h limited, I li,!S3- l, as all fetter must be, ttivj editor and M!.n-if tor. - i. i!iv-iNRnirc'iicooK. N .te.-An ' F.xtra " number of tha Ame'ri. .mi V i. ncr, cotit iiiiin Prosiectu of the Ks. ..hlis i iient, A.i.1 .i fi'ital.iiic of seeds, ftnd oth.--rtices fur aatf. will be tent gratia to any iniu lu shu-l lurdish his a JJre.i, piud, I.).- i. a' (impose. . " ' November 4, 1.833. w3t?3t ' --'V la J .," -f I t.- .,sv ..J-..v-v..--B-.---'--'-;- '' l. ...iT.j. na.Ajaja)i..a.i-t. -- . - - ' ' - . . .- , . f ''i-'-'- iaVS;;. yiati 1 iiS'ifHii' j '3feC w !! i f II,' ; , I.. ( II f it ;;u!.ii I .',' w 1 to k 1 I whith ill tii..! r. r V I f I l! M i l.rihioiu, to cuuke mi) f'(enllrir,in ,7 f(udnab!e suit of Cluthct, , . t.h short notice, and In a aupetWatvlt 1 f woikmanship. lie hopes by as.ii 1 ii'ius attention to business to uurit a share of public pltron ige." " April 12, 1833. . 7ltf hrvuPAmt accji.'sth.' r.il A 1,1, p. rvint Indebted to the twS-ori'irr f ; a tulitci'Uoiii, uJvirlluHf Of jh mrk eirim l ,(iiriea ll ctt tlie Ptme. Iljit' the firtt call f the kind I bve inte in three y e art, and I hpe It ill b attrndrd to. Tlo jivirg at aalittanee ran trsmmit (tit amount of tl't-ir aubxriplioii. ptuphlit, rtirtiiif h the pnai cflirraln.yTt.4 ;--- Bt'K TON ( JttK.E. huMirg, Juifutl WiA, , n . 91 1 "'-SuUfsur) r.Mttf.j; :A;C;A".D.ii3:.MTY;: fPHIj second session of this Insti- ' tution, will commence on Friday the 1st day of Novfmbrr next. The subtciibers, thankful I r past patron, age, pledge themtelves t enter upon the exercises of the next session with renewed Zeal. ' . I. J. SPARROW, '. - 4 T. W.Sl'AItflOW.- :.qcu 9th, 1 833. - mr-1 TTTnOSPECTUS7-r:: V.'. or.' IJL.?:"- JOURNAL Of POLITICAL ICOXOMT. 1 Thil paper it poblial.ed on the Jtrrl and third Wednewlav f every month, on a ftiprr roval theet of 16 nkfrea octavo, enrrr'pondiny in aiie with tlie tart fataa AavoctTB. (the rtreeurwir iif the llanacr-of lb Contitution,i and coiiniiiitinf; in the year, with an lodes, a volume w 400 ptpet. 2. It it ehirfK pnliiicat, but In par miae. laneouti Ut dr,i)ri orii'ir tn diMeminate the Rreat pHnCiplet i.f ContTirrTioaat. Libkhii, nd , ,, mejmiihe!. wurJiip oltricir rrMotto an acquaintance with the nature of their frovemnMit 3. Ii will be open to the KtiiwifMTiow of all political (jiiettiont nf general nature and will conimunicnte to th peopl of the N.wh the io!iliel inovem-nt, nf thi South, and to ihoeuf the South the political movement of th." Nwh. ,.r;- 4 It will advocate 'he Republican doctrinea. nf "98, at tet forth in tbe irginia and Kentucky reaoluU.Hm. ! a ntaint maintained by Jefferson, -naaitnn, iiietn, tmi tne crnpion. t Stara llwti othrr diaHnroi-hed mpioni ol SrTa lliut ml State IIknk. mej, u uill U rcoiJtl) mml 4oipnrtant document and Stat Tapert Connected wiib - irteot anv future attempt ta re-eitabliih the rtestrl- tlve tviemr" - . ---r- i ft. The iinni.hi-V and nnrnnti'ntinnUlii nf afPWpriatMm Amti, wrkaf.4niial- improte. roent oy lh, hUeral cvtrnmtnt. will be main. I tamed, and all attempt! to encroach on the rcaia tl,r.in whalex fwlf lAey may esMnater arul eipecially .will ut interferenee with the pe coliar domettic policy nf the Southern Sutet, aliould any unhappily he attempted, be de nmincen at a viot ion ol tne t u.ral compac. " "7 lr Witllip'poae" KiontyeXtfeciiA'pritili'Z rti, and linecurei nt every d sCriplion, at inter f. rira with the tqnulit " rirhii upon which i "tf inttiuitinns are lounded, and will be em. J Paticafl , the . advocate of a Caiar Gov t , ... . 1 0' II Will SStwO i bne of republic, and It will eipoie cur. rupt.on and dereliction of principle in public 1 ,ervrtUt haiexer pang thtf may pnjtit I, btlg. This, however, it will'do in manner which thail nut degrade the press, and upon no occasion will the column of the Examiner be the vehicle of scurrility or vulgar personal abuse. TERMS: 1. The price of the ; ;irr it, per anr.um, ptiyab'rin a'l r.itet in advance as tollowtj, FiVr TngIeC.upv ' S' 0 for '4 copies, paid for at the same 'ime b that number of subucribers, $, euil per copy to . 1 25 For 10'copies, paid (or in the same - maiwier, ftlO. 'eqirat per Copy to " "f "50 " 2. Each remittance will he rnnsider-d i distinct irangiictiun, and every subscription will be discontinued Ht the end of the year paid for, uycn renewal by a it cjnit pniment, tly this nir.Hns, i ibsi riliers may vt itlntraw without In curring the expense of postage In giving notice ui wiMiuoiwai, miu i ne iiuie or lurnisninir re ceip.lt will be avoidt; I A.,..;., .' J - ' J oi wnnurawai, and tne tinubte ot tarnishing re having been puid-for, 3. No tubscriptiorTTor lett than year will be received, and in aM cases 1)ere money is remitted, it will be considered, unless otherwise expressed, in payment of the ourrenf volume, and thebackNos. will accordingly be forwardedi I'rtvided, however, That thil stipulation to fur: nish the back Nos. shall not continue after the number on hand shall have been exhausted, of which" we"ihiTt give dife no'ticer" " ' - 4. All postages mtfrt be naid.'exeent uhon letter containinfj five dollars In a i'n?.oJe, or any larger sumr but the risk of miscarriage by the mail 1 assumed by the publisher. - 5. There are ho agent establiahed for thi paper at any placet, but any Postmaster or oth. er individual may constitute himtelf an HRent fr othert, by availing himself of the discount al- lowea upon a number ol copies. All communications to- he addressed to the subscriber, who respectfully requcsts-that the" name of persons and places transmitted to him" my be distinctly written, mi as to .void mis. takes which can only be corrected by incurring io apcusc vi posiage. ( j CDNOY IUGUET. VhUadelphJa, A(iiM 7,.193J. ,1 il..- (' l hy r. 'ft. i . r ti i ,iy I M.U,i;n? A l Am ' ''. i I .1 other lot , in 1 f 1 'I' I 1 1 , 1 ' mi. mr ft. j If. .11 );;!( !,tr I J II' 1 to t:!c hi Ion- the fini ,t V Jmuary next, or t.ry fin( htir V pipers 111 tne hum ol an officer 1 ind he I owe ate rerj .eitJ tr call,,i i am redy m any time, to prty them. Tl e buiii.ras f my shop will Carried o.. until I leave here. 121103 JOHN l'TZMAX.. SalisVuTiit (hi, U, 1C.13. w, . '. .v 1: iviiijsj) nnfrx' WV ;"e moj-e-rBicUoi proecmion of ihdr hminn,,B SuotcriUra havt established . .' ' . - t Vv":- Having proctirt'd the bevi tiiitiMCtrtm l he North, and employed . Woiimi, -whocomss well reeommended, the ar4: ' prepared toctecute on moderate tcrmi'.' an oigei, hi Mm iiue., . a . ' . ti . ." , h , Account noons Ktcordsr kc.-HuM end made to order! and ever tln'a r Hindinjc promptly eitcuted. in the Uut . .Ill n.lt.ll htlln.. .. . . . i.H i.i.uuo.un raonaniierrui v 3if J. GALES k SON. . . Rotrith ', . V ' 'k , ' , fpllli soUcnber having-tjualificd " : : st Augu.t Terror i83J,t,o1. Dal V vidaoo' County. Court; ai-Kxee'utofs i- 5frh last will and leMaroent'of iea- ; if:llarrUsrJtfttlate;aylXtHit;i? tv dee'd., hereby gives notice toVr all prVsoni.haviug demands. acaioit ' the estate, .trprcient .them. duly- loct-ucwieu . aicortiing to taw, or itus notice "will be plead in bar of nheir recovery.; All persons indebted are desired to mke payment immedi tely, U. HAUHIPF;'V ).; -'v- C. MIIARKIr V;r7f. ' ... notice:'. r .- 'Pllr Subscriber -oaviiio qualified -rExtTOtTtxrhmae"TrT exander R. ' Caldclcugh, deceiierj, . giveft nuutc iu an jjcrions naving at mands ag.iinst said.Estiteto presetit 1 them for payment wlihlu the time pr scriljed by act 1 f Assembly.otherwise, iheywill be bifrcd of recoveiy by the operatiori .f said act, l AH persons ia.. dubtcd ta sattl estate, ire reduestrrf tg-: comb forward and piy, pr secure their debts- withotft del-ivv-1"-- I). 8. C A LDCLEUf. H, ErrVi . State of NofUr-t'urolinR, " r MoricFs ti hereby tlvea td itotly; WhltneK one of tie'" "teles oCJ.ihs Miitt;"dcrdhf Ihert irnosf; 10 my hands sisteen di)iUr.wlica-.s Vna Jo.-- her. as oiha hetra of ,aid Sh(-AIiin,-& Raid Molly Whitner is, therefore, hereby reque sted to come forward and claim said money within tbe ifiiie Trreittrrbe by TawT bthera'ieT" I will dispose ofila tbwUw Jirei, II.' Wr ROBINSON. xV. JulyUih 1031 , 88 3m Tc Sttaiuboat sMacon; iV HAM.havtngheen engaged last stim mer, in running bttween Ciarltsttm d Cheraw calling at George Town on her wav up a d d. wo. will resume her Trips in the course of a few d s and is intended to be continued iu the trade the ensuing sc ison. Her exceeding light draft 'd Wtter drawing when loaded only about f of and t half feet water wiltehaMe her to reacn Cheraw at all times except, m uncommon low river, when her cargo will be lightened in the Rtpencr ot Boat-, --J.-Br.CLOl:0H; -Charleston, Sttit.Wk 1831. N.. R. She has comfortable accot odations for a few passenger's. 92tf Weatcrn CivroWmvtn. Joux pEAUD, Jr., Editor nml I'n rictir. .lZ-lTERM8 0F.riil;lCATI')N. HTIME ' Wkstfss Carolinian' i published1 .iX' every Monday, at Two Hollars per amm"'. if paid within three months utter the snhM"Pr lion ii commenced, or Two Dollars f'1"' Cents, if not paid until after the expirati that period. No paper will b" irisc-i'titifiiira until all arrearu'TPS are paid, iinlew" th'""' cretion ol the Editor. No subaeripiinn w"1' "e received for a lens time than one year i ami iHilure to notify the Editor of uisli w timie,.at lesst one month before the eyinj"" of a yearN suttscription, will be cuiisiuatu -a newengiement.' Any peiion .who will procure six iitcriner to the Cat uruiian, and take the tr-uble nf ' lecting amlTiairsmittinK the sti'criptiun jpftfl to the Editor, shall have a seventh c'J)' lB' duttharge. t- 'CJ Advertisements con.icuotisK' inserter, at the usual rates. ,. , f i Letrei-s bv rta'il, adiWsed tn ihf v 1 ir, iiniai in n.i uijii v?v ynli ' not be attended to. 4istaii 1 i

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