,':-) "tV v.. rairruv. VUUKTV. Tin; cArTivL.i)iii:.M. '" I h ". " I & 'tti "V I H K " " A tl'ttrtit trt mfcl ttf i wif tint life 1 rutim'til a iiti a tlr p .V.J ifni. -I scarcely know i f a morr tfcliiiotis. trutui'ion itun that v.l,iih It enetl. jrncrd by a tonic mplat vc youni man UTitrn ', 'Q. f J'" C.dtrgr, when' hr competed T tub cmr.r op nut. h 1 tr.-l n-"r"'i'i" i Its- " . .... a .. . I l.wli'Jji-J " "' '! fNI I IF ,;r.wr,.t.,.4,-.l4tt. f 1,?, tj;."; ". '-; til NJ.b ! i. i f.ii.--- r , . 7141 i-ptjUi tol l MUV.Vr, ; ' .' f Art l.ir llttrcBl t'e'nat ltro(i ' ,-.. ', Il rvrtt'.l on etnli r1r)n tfrsin And '"I I aiMlir rW',wit, ' - for Uit in! tvl It tiU'Jrk'm'i Ve, . j ' ' Her rTii rmS with liuinai M00J1 . X)rtlf a wiM hcVl ' hr file, :. , , At 1 mvtrt t'a'kt I (.mile mood., . . f t.'r Wain '' iWm 1 Thtfr blJ it mtnr'e 1 it'i iti f ririy tea, iar m nrl iy nul l f hit riom, comfTundii g tome tii'm. c!id lc ii( I wn n.l c'inlrv, in he crniture ef nmmr. Ho(H a mjnnijr ,( ihime htgrr itii'iuinin (hit CiUntry, ami are, dr the mi pan pLcrtl it jm?fitie iinvi'ni, CJo')t tc ovrrpriiied, Tlie tlnnrf( iunlU.l t poured tipoi ihc tlmUoi lV.Ht nd illumin i!in,i nlih the id:, rier f (!ep;ir in;r djy tomr jutrrvrn iujt ijke or river 1 the tr?- qu'.IIirn fctliiig which fil 1 the m'md on .nh cc3io(i nd thr ealrne l nt. turf, which then itpprn-ichr f if in union ail cnjire 10 ni e t'ic trrnr tIeainr, tftitl (1 f II lKc .p'uit. hnWk1iiiif tl. iiigiMiju of pec-, - " ' " On uch n fvrnin; tfii maiy vranigi, waa Itanm'in dim b airadion by my carrtHi.t, la the plea aaut irmin irv nf II r-, Te "f lc mnt delightful tow in our country. Ilefore mf, wai citen-led a accrie nl aurpaaain;; Leaotr. A r,!ittrrir tv l ) tt rrry m've or.T., file wandrf i(t in iirtc whi'c 1 r ( thuie it il ri(n liii ri jcu find lomeiimti lit Jdrjr, wit pl4Cd cartlr! ) ih lra! rf her n aiitrii H .iri aiJ I frlr nftty qi I p.rd oon f thH i h it liUiit 1 f ir I tlii'Uf.hf, rr v.Mlkm 11(11 htr, in tnai awert rr- tt, I eini'.d acartelv rtfrain (roti trilling thff tn-.r, Ot from iUpiigilr we rer f my l nom, J;to 4 turn in the "&!k i'l 1'irrncr lom mv trt. At llui ntormM, I avenuf, Wbnu, I eauyit wit fcli i.pMr of llie pfrioit, I dxeernrd tlr h turea of a vnunrj man, 11 ftllvaio- dilif, a'cljinmanr, hu ( !wta tjz jdi d ni.-4 Kith fn.nily, bet auir, a I; dt'Cljrrri, I hJ uvipeJ the f lrct'nmjr r'lorenit ' Howard, kiib were ii'tny, at Mic time, to have brrt rrit cd upon him. Tii aertin, aa I le.rned, he had trumpeted thr the Tnj but I had been utlicriinl !v I'l rrnr.e to giic lithe fuller c tradiciion. We were h )th. in rurr-! Mor ytr 1 an.l ihe j .r between u m de much la!k i the e mmun ty ; I h 1 kfpt al'K( from him, however alwta dcrminj;, that vhrr we meet with the nwligniirit or unwurtnv, t!e riJor v'r.nn O t r3!e.l ir,.Irtw ft irvle d-Jtirtf r,f f rjnla, f. r.f p-lii.ri.l, I firm.! lf lrf t HH .I i,l ..l.lirlP, in 'i " " ll.o ( iiy brIU. What a ihrnn i.f hU lowrd rec llcttion did they akm hi tr y ami ! I pictured tr my funcy i . a a up in fiiurjrioui arr.tf. Ifc 1 wrt l re'iicd t tale N hit Jili f he Irarlh. brf- re I knell t r have my f)ei ihw Amofp tUt wrr hm prr..'. 1 LLodftd Je J,. k ' f"f ;. . I f. rta prcr wlni iranread hxt-.tf It t ; :i.rI tli awreHtn,;' witf4;n mt. and mi'ina them, nrrhapa, tnv I'l'ir nice II ward. It wm mv h$t Silih ilvj. The neit I'riday, I Lacw i r iUt n which I wat la lulTcf. My heart waa moved w'uli a atranre mixture im trn:ilion and realiir. I rgnn tvdMlH -my-aaoiiy, A - the muiic of the bc!t continued lo firif, mildly and aolily, to mv ermy heart mi l ed, and I lobbed like a child. I wat tlie ! mate .f dun-eon brsnd. td ai a murderer, and about o b- with a atin wn m nami. ! Ir'anrd Miirj i.f i c uf bate l.i-frt f, ',' fd fr. m ibrlr prnprit ty'' hy ann,' aical belief, luuniied on th f,.(J dral aMetUimof mti irilt.,' i ed intient ar. fi.h-l.ke J.j.1,.1"5! lb-! ;,itih liealm, l,al a m,r,'h,,'. nature a risSt perfen an.l jn.i:.. '7 bit-, to anoint h'n itfiman wbh . '! hiytMTl!!zSrL,VLr'in t,e8',,5' J Pr,,v'J(,'l '') It be co Lifrr waste .f blue ciTiciljTlo Tfi aMn ct T" 'h'imb, j It wa about mid tliys the f.toriom lummrr auo wa tuiubeired bf-a cloud 1 and aa I. looked bryond ibe vavt 'miilnitid abrut mr, upon lbe dit ot IhIN, the m-untainv iih the pencpf i;l nlra between themthe riiurm i ibc i of our t!lt;,f . (jri d nume, " ' ' To'ubir, the mrrijee efn,r, we hjvr a wh, i.f foti liil. f,,,! w nliy thrir rrmeiibr,vi(04 J waste 1.1 blue io eiiiciut m Hi aj aa to item unother kv I f It an elr. vated reniinent of unioaacV u blood piiitilruiirii, and an i'aiee e.f mrntil atirnth which I cai not dr. iribf i I ri pra-ed tfithi rrowil the cr"rd (Tuvrl updn my i wv,' damp tir'th, -'!; I . y avo nan nrxn. UN n n"n which waa indeicnba- Mriitil on u n m ur arrupr.ie f mv hei I nnon mv hnH. and ,i! :t ul Hiirnliam tUa 1 1 .1 : ' 1 . . ... nnlf coiiM?, after cliicverini them, 1 to let thcrn'r') iheirna n wta, cfn. nv p .miiatlvea wiih tTie'etlf-if n et t- f til urniimeni hat the woihj. iaMrj. enouoh tar Oa l tn. Hi'tli were my tH ughti t.warda Ketjii.uld II .rnlum They were awakened, howbcit, in (i. litre nt trabu 1 aw bim in he girdm, and h mniiug the fota(ff tf Florence Howard. What could he ble. At )h' heavy morir-nt, wKJcri arriT' ej alii ped wiJi wn Itn f a rro. heard a light alrp npprhinj tli I or r mv tetl. , a iwinkbnn i wat opn.ed. nnd I foil' d mv U in the preteme d I'l renee Ib-warrl J N'n. er had I beheld her o ! k an lovrlv. Fhe hail come t rtleae nr, Fhr ha I pret ailrd upon ihe j il r to f v r hrr pi na, to far at tJ permit her tu v ii i mv donarO". 0, (J(1d ! who ir d I r. nc'odi d wr.h ihee ,a lemn iir!i i-.v were r'jirrtird frDm lh hf'tf m r f !!'' bruit : t all hi-nven nad God to wimea thnt I lira purr Inm ativ man'a lVo I J T b.ive nude rr. li'f t''e f. rfrj- of mv duly die ... 'i.t 1 I ir;r:orr.U. A I aaiu inn, i iw in a arriat;e n art ' M (I, te f her of I'l reiici H ard. I i!e w Irtim mv fir.jjrr n in;; wlicb ! r h nl piei, 1- a mr, niie ' ni "v m n er, rt i which I rp I t; 1em inl'i th fapreadTta LTiie watbi V;rVaTerr IrtbejUeiTreTftCrrfr aUndered U' iiiitty wiib the nam ol COOMClIC? While their fancies were revolving in my mind, r inteoce emerged from the grove ol fruit Ucea ihruugXwLitli ihc walk led, Bud waa proceeding a liaUncf, ta the aouih f ov which, like winj; i tylriu, j.nt on the verge o( I l.c boruon, moved a number of ahips, their ii!i brightened in the . Trw lirTit ii7.f,fi'fJrwT'iiel84rr''rnirt':aorr. To the ess. welled ' t.V!aAk:i .i.n ii -r1 ' iltlc of ' mouataio'a, Z 1 'ifinr prcrnuii.y, -in tuinc. ptjeck . iuat III inc iufptrmmi-rir"HiHy vi bare w it) massea of ilark rock in i. . the garden, where were clustered to- ibera, curbed with -heavy verdure t i!:etbcr a lew aprava i mmi-nmi, iheTr lummit, which waved with er; j Ti.it received and rrnnrrrd her prru ery breath of the rcfoliinn wind 11.11 j liar care. I'rescnth, Iteginabl'i form noped tneir Innj array.. IJmcjth .Jo appeared Irom bcnciih the trrca. ftyjlav 1 city f girdrni,ar.dvf bo i aes wi:hin them j an iirl'S in ; rurc, whnae atreett wen; evrry uhrre be in. lifted with treea, and C!!ed with ni peci of neatneas nnd j.jje(itdc"r Of ten aa I had looked (mm that p ini upon the iime ofijecta, iluv ni vrr! 'the ley abnr rTrrireT!7rntnrtw7f; , -Vl f5wee i!hrr rr eiteM ! Wwn rfit rn av - - ' - wr, ar M hrttnH-i Ael aiitl ihr ihnvrM nf llienV . I Gk a km t J-" -".-.. ;;, rt' aUnea a i;r- irmiMrJ lea, ( Wlirn ll'runl i illl. f kvy wKe iho r, . M aixl ein(l lidf nn I , , I oTflr lht from iry lirtrt 1 ' 'wiri 1 n Wl,l ;.m. i. Tt. I U. t 1 nwW wW M. nrMfe nad arpcreu to me ao iu. Iba-rhWw.wi.lH.ywnctevM.. ptrmtlv chrm.nT. I looked, and t ilutl firrei. muted 1 hummed over the rartu-tt i'fg Jh.it J had learned to my chil.u- kI, at one ia pt to do wht n al ne. My hesrt wai 1n mr eyet. l -vea'thed him in endy. and observrd, hcn-..th die fiddt of hi a vest, the r;l.tt ring barrel l a pint' !. I prjrtj from t'e window in a moment j nd, twinging Irom t'ic abutter, retid my foot upon I a iTt l..t!iir,M iTm" p Vi! an t tiirn"it ri ni,- . Ttst 'M a fit;tra prtin. TMr fiiH rfiT hrnw h fi!, - -- TUv .lialrt lertna nA m!' !. '. . . . "ATuppyTei'i'nf Ne r.n?t !'a -irM -Ne-v KnUnJ'! dead! . . -1 .I - r - iifl.nvrrf. ju'i t'Tl I.. tint tl became i IjM rapi in a com ! pTete reverie. Js'iw and (hen, the lanua,e and the water w old acim dim ta try vision anon il would rbrightcn upoa my -view .bks a an. but. . Xi .uidi riinit, .".tiiu'st tYxf,. ! thi awreteit impret'Iona . re loo vac;ue ! ii li-ftger Title tHohf -utf . tJ.e i ht'etrt Liin'tt. an! ga liktthefondi ;; cfrihc. aummer or the tlfl-wi pf the mornint ; then rrjipin;j atronuly the two FaAen og MMika ol the bbnJi heocatf,! wai on. the j-rooiid In th quirknean ni ihoucbt. I ptd like a Centaur over the Tc w "y r Ji bei w cn'tt'.e c' bet and the garden-wa'.l, over which Lped with IheeHteof a practised volligtrur. l'ear, and love forthe"iibj i whose douger had aaktne d ivr.t4tt kvinga. Lruahed .utrtc Oauer-bcd 1 Andjcodrt pi xis, vs ithi! U.1. .') ', c iff f n nrrir i lery, ifilv ih i' caiuioualv opnr ached ! em dembr the rrratl I. aumrUe of i f:Hi a inn il t e hrnf, with an. I'ut di bghtful interview J Flie had'q'irat thr jnitf.l bv ennveved, a key tounb ek the door nt the end .! jhv Mr. ! .H-uid, to fir beloved e;i. thr Corridor w h'nh opened into a-i ob. , vers. . ne of wh m wai fr ditth irure atretf. in ihe re r i f thr pr'n n J on a bed f aick rrt the br in All the town aa at rhu'eh j ihe r,tn ei i die aainc tondition, Ihour- nearer at was dark, and tc time propiti. ut. j hand. (ir tJeilgn-Tdmlrrd of-nn-Harri A pttytr waanow mterrr ; Mrd tbr With the quick rea f n bie.i'i, Jli-er prrachcd to Llibd mv eca. ,-.: i racial -uej uim a v. ice irc muloua from moii' n ! will die like a man who knows hii blatitlcit. ni-at, and ia prepared to tae of death wit) an Hula. idiot; lip, and drew my laaceefed hand tl'OUjdi die sh.ckle which lu'J me to the Mvnsth rned c hi tit ol mv cell : and, n in. suut, noiielcn a the night, le d -or t ihe end of th corrid wm opened Wked wbhrtut and I fouod mv self in die open air rd heaven, with the desr-ai ohjrrt of mr earthly alTec . I! oniric atrry It tMit'wu, . not worth i ne moineni'iconnidrra'l , It may b; Common f.aw in V,' land, bot U ia (w aiiively ,;..,iou', Sta'4it in Xea tojlawd' r1 ,1 C risen i.toiu were o.tr f.alUt am! rf i. Vilrooi r..rer,itlirn in thii rtn, . the very firtf trciiftii of the hip-,V(, treorded Acti rrajifnirmar,', ..-. rn'ini peoviirs hs' B() nmn ahll alr.ke bit w ifn, rPr nptJ v iinn Uer luithmul, maik that chue. ye damn la,) mi ih penal-y0 uch fine, n i cx.eidir.5 tea rxiuwlt fc..rn;.o ,f thoif tirr.rt-.aav a!..J SJ3 .1.),) or a. ch eorpcrsl piiiiiihmfnl a-tlie 'court ahail i(e"ermne. 1t l;iw w is pined in NJJO, has oevrr t been repcile,!, and i worthy (,f ff. incnbrtice,' - - rrAvirfipio xo rirrr. " Ti e ('.ditnr of ihe New Voik Tnv teller, cV't. b'e, LV.,tnJla pro ut m' eiplaui il i fn?a..ig i f he old had.' nid pbiaau i l'la iug I,f- and Piipp to te p Jiiicalcoiire r, wfotemj.. r a trJ d w n a n r.UA ur e Si: r .a! a-.'i i leased to gfatiiy ibf rurfoidtf utttf Itiendt, n d cpi'i?a!!t when we bava been t!ie meaua i l'ckciti 'g ii.we lae rwH.niaged oler pwr collection f kj l;nh a - ii i. r .. ItejtiraU rye." 1 knelt, upon the plat. P'V--" ""eio.e.ur re PVp. te form, ll-ked around, with unarrc.' f ,v u wn8.jhu"6 " ,a lh- rable irniatlma i for my bnsom la-1 Yw' "Ln 11 uhta 'PP,,eJ 10 rmnf If t nn......,rf..if..n;ri;M r.lkmril aa u. ih ihe cnmnrrl ...ul """ ",c m",m" """ ' th-t c-eat aprsstlr who was in' prrlti niea -f a century of pain. To every 1 , e'eat apostlr who was io peri often, .nd alw'ivs delivered, I could not describe -mr tmnp"rt 'iwv ag'iny ol lt-righ it ih t heavenly moment.: I pressed mv debvrre" t mv heart. We hastened towards the bav i f ih- lul servant with a cirriaqc skio c n- veied ns to the boat, hv the ahore i I pantorv anucTrnTTTfrTTT inr in words we were oo board - a ahip, that moved rapicllv ovt fihe dan cinr svarer from thr' land. s one, life is dear ( we ahrmk froiruihc d4tk i'4.rvt even, htn, e . ale nn t 'aisured "whatahadowa we "arr,"and what hidnws brnt mv : wavering, every wwe:?mea:t0f7ier inmatitu bf pcC-J r,. .he ' ,Ic, ''j:1"". . 'Tr-i : 1. 1 d old i inr.es, :v hen !t wat the -t ttatom, and it eerufoJy, wat a rery laudable cur, to remj: mb 'he prma tent the blood chill and i urcjlmz.to mv heart. " Fin-.'" I bcaid t (ben a we ' pal if ihitndcr buiai upon iuy.JicaJ, wavidnur adieu to the returning do-jing r I aav with a dimming eye. the j meatic", nrd taw the town and the r purple currert of life g.MlwoHv-uy handt which were fold, el on my breat 1 aitrmprcd to apesk I sfrti. gledjwflhe ylrn mon.tre IrrcoJcct . ...... I:i-.rerjrner.v. and avithout T" lonjjue, at it upon ihc v ,l!er t eWi. r1-0 U lh cac at ,l,e P'""1 dih r !er of r'.7'.' ' nrd " 8r,'n n f-rmer it waa ia Cuo- ltd iinn w in) air, anil , ' aeivant. a eoioreu moi.ntaint recede, t wipt I ke child ren. ihe mv. nad arlsm like a lamp or .Id ioto the aky . the atara were bari-iralonp thr bloeabvas of he ven M ilV Qo-en d" Niijhc careered 111003 them, and" threw brr r-diaee ' trvMT ihr waters t thrrpicv aira ' from " the zz-zr. r-TJi tr:i!?T"-.L-iw the bosom, but aa fitful aa thev. " "' r - j jVthoeiir'Mfc as th v rose lanRMRf.. rm-r lua ahuuider4 he drt-w W ' t . . k. ik. L.l ll. nna.r.l I. O T 1. . . '" j 7 ,u , 1 Mv -tnd pasted imperceptiblv, for a fi u i pisf.l, whicn he w.ia id ine ct I fir Htoiuc.Uk tu W-MllliU m iil.ll, 4111117, 1 ,. ill, ai lilt IMU.JV.C.." ii. i iinin niiiiig ueajieiate arm,' He .urn rival livid itn f sion; the invditim Urjsini-..;. V? j ;,feT fn'fttt Trtrnety rwinl-.ti i ? " - J- r I 'l - LLil .. - ' in w jenr pacei in . r lorrnrr,- wnrr nau not observed bim. M apnro-ich 10 lluiuham wai uancird.. Just as. I jiad nerrd him to ci -arly aa lo nlacc mv r 5-tj) " . iar-'.- f f i A wsi-ij .""-art j -n.L.J t al. Va r-T-i. ajr-ir.T sw 1 11i ft I atat . ! -il.a. fc . ' . - T -t - ---f m A fm it, tl.nilk.. U. V - - w - -4' I I" ' ' ' ' I " . short dujvlcm, 'A gsrden, i "which mf Rm(.)w"f ommimle J a dfrett 1'nd f me 1 beld hi arm EVith the fierrei rta fan.! U hV aherd i'"f fouht, T". A! Wr wbf iher frf i "... M.W deeds lhl Ui.! wnbouiJiV' . Tn- ai1 hrt bvf! treH " .Ttvaat'oryiatjhat.vatitiit akTt'r ViKi'e.t r.Hte.tois nf iS'tn! I ' , " OH. rw 1 wV rti!rwmnbera were i A 'vTaViWirrir !wt' msi-n'r7" . But ihett. Oa t. .f rsi-e J jJftyer, - 2 ..- t j.' ". TbcTnT ftrTfeemen tStvl 'heir err, T '' t ;V4nJent ioltrm'iVtrn.: - - Th" ' n'e''r !t ifca nsm!i!, T"T1AV1fvt nil fiee'ti hn'i a fold, Tl' VkV li i'i n-itWa r'is. V TI ri lilf rrnrrid nn I V n'i, .. 1 nunk4 1 'r atmn'e res;l ... Tfir Mf.f. .ft to ..Ii a tlera .tres, ' . 1 To rV'it Sate wrsi5,jvmewel. eo,f, - a - Tl ," f Vrtm their Tor. . - n.' .nrf trr nh frVsa mca 2 ' A ther r rr 1t-Av I ! tV lm li'"a eiV e!n, -tW Wm.wI awav , : It -f rnOw,iifiil m Vonit!U jfemitl V- " re rritt frntrs wwn, hr rtcal brigM, ..'(.- J . Ahave etch toMler't moni.H . ". . . 1 1 k - ' ' .j. ..-'Tltr taia'r.svj1 an wavl.Vblant, - , . fiief ltrm nn mort . j A" "ti. finw fnielil itmn.'cr pant, ,. .:'; Tf tliirH flip, nralh wtliiJl thfX f"Uff1t . - - f i mariv a b! U ilif. w futixf have, pssse'l away I ACt(TiT!C OV TUB 1, ,t sVVrfa'f in; V.'neao7''re'W'nnirr 1 E'eTtji! it ii.i im, Iinf, in an artiMf I T . 'nmi'( ri'li ircnarea Wiu'ri t nttHnrinj i ' amws . fc j'- '.--V ', i ''; Spr!n' TrajT'siit Hi.orr.t an-1 Summer'a bluth 1 Tne - - . , ' , O'a a!' ii:eiSi.l pa' e""' raer. ire prfti " Nvr fi! fie Wert ieSioV lo move " utili"(;tt adoradut), fraUr, auil hit. i ... ,. . .. rle feet ible VtewY lar oeneh mjr-eye It w as attached to the residence nf mv fir(t and only love ihe divinity of my colleg; houra rhrrished, even beV'iaic my beau ideal of Hebe or the Ventia da Medici. Sweet t'lorcnce Howard! I have seen many of ihv aexr,but nooe btc tbccLTII. w, often havr'l-aat and wafchrd the brl.tneis of tFy brow t!ie aofl expression of ib v dark oluV ey ea tbe""a mile" of in. nocert afTection which parted thy ripe, thv blushing lips, only to disclose the radiant pcsrla between the. blu'ih wbith mantled over thy peach-like rheek, until it seemed to ti.iok thy thouchta.'and to' portray evert change "cr thy guiteTelpirit.' Uerbapr I may be thought .i rhapsndist by the wmld : T cin only layi" I m writing otlficc; and at ray pen, moved by mv hrartottwsv record thy loveliness, I feel alone in a world which fxy thought cannt M"rg..andj,hct'j. mv roem'ottea re nf )niw yiitii j aiiaaa bt Ur ) ir. D !' ta'wl he, sternly, unha.:d nothv. I hrvC sid mf . wfmlow looked down tipoh the rirden of the How. nrrlsi' It was an K Jen-like spot fill- et--wfthtftv-binr irvnmmer,-that ronbi deltght the rye e-r th. sense j guid senses; I fell "tike i tondewped spirit in its place bf preliminary pun i$mnt. " -, AtdcngtLth.Um..Jxi.;.zixutinn. drew nigh. I counted the long, lung rdeaBl wait V-P-kdiag iWUatM luutMaa .j--tawraiwl'''iwtt$ed debcdo'i fruits. Thither, in the co- l of the c)ay'y "tyiligftt ws dr a wing ;,v .r .waa the eustom of F'oeence to Walk with her little sister; and instruct her for" her .early br.tante1 studies. At't!:VumVitauf'ht herghnce of re cojjnjtic aaahe loei krd iip bcigji ? 1 y t n ward my c a seme n ?,' an 3! Zfe the scene -Tike the "beauttou larfie," in Speocet,, Fan s Poem more beau liful as ahe mde;d amidst its enchAnt- ment. On tbi ' occatiojn, her ;du- tutU n, a our eye met appeared to mr1 more mciaatmg- ihaa ever.. . lo i mi table grace seemed la Lreutho in nest of the ltger, he turned the pis tol towards roe, but wiio my left li nd I warded it off, and it as d sch ifgcd full in his temple f the bl od conred down over his neik and breast heard a laii.t shriek of horror : 1 aaw bim fallinjj at my feet I ciught the deadly firon Irom bis . h.od s he ftll-I kneW'-no mnr':,S:'rh''' ,,,r"" Wht n I was again reatnred to con. sctousnes; I found myatli io truj oi fic bf the city m.igiirate. A coro net' foefHeat bad been convened, and a verdict of wilful murder had been returned agiin&l me. In a few hours I was in piiaon i ia a feiV day 1 was condemned fa oie. The quick auccesaion of-these drcud ful incidenta atupified my mind, and made evrry thing about me teem sha dowy "and unreal. A nomd torpor tee m eu ;ia sc. scop: mzxa$ M&i&ss, s J (icultits my -face grew p.le and lelen-eyrtl and, some melanc.'lo ly bat ould come ditteiing, at nigbu yn!t mm mv cell, nod thousannt T gloomy associations unturned my Ian .YcaJCcn.dcr 4t was n aummer vis tcmr W'mv trwiceje window n itirrtrn witfthi' n dreir tn r sahrh I- cannot -e cl lo tny . mind,, even afiet. thjt.l3pse..,oI many yearavrwiihoutt thak ntfjonr. It wa all idaKbut the"pl"cureif Flo, rence II .ward, aaif ;hs kcUH of Uurnham, wha'was afterwaf d.t fiia il ask - my -"pwFitoit - for w riginat'oFi and the 'tant verdtir oh the r trees apprsred w tvintj md smiling in joy at .ur freedom. . .. : It termed a brief interval.' Indeed. in tehirh we sforMlat thenw.Vtihir upon ihr crne around us. Florence J fencea. The bUaohiciilhearJ in waa atandinsr with me i her . ssfhlte i mv JM nry nr'son. wete thota ' f ihr ltan'du:.aiin.o)inr:.'aiul-wjl;.bi.';n near;chapel for evening frwfvnTr lis, ane hreitnecl her words Ol titieltv. ' upon mv urcaming car, a'-u un rciru ft was Tr'i mVfepeat 1t'V''mmcni firjthrtrottbl ofmrafomwrni--1 wwoke unsullied rapture : ' I lo ee the garden. inrcalilu-hY-ihvt lw oonlijyit 4 have aenee tiveei tpos-. aesa its fair tenant to fiuj her all that hs irt can desire to r njov an estate adjoini.ig th X beantifulcnelot'irc; nnd to relate k a charming daughter, "as she sits upon my lap, in the presence of ' Tor tt t jjrtfie.l fief jnt'e T.irm,' An.l hear.t her fiithful vo . Her ligh upon my lip wat arn llerteart were on mr brow." Suddenly, a low cloud, which hu- g in the .outnern nnrizon, came tipwara hef ehastnetl al.ki.wLm.other, the.de into me zenun, murmuring m u ruc;i,, a The Canl rSB Drrnm.11 ine winus iresneneo mio g.ic, ami "soon thff lightnings - begm ro cast their Jivid. gleam .upon the high and into days, and the dais as they blc id ed' into an AUgrrgate of weeks, until my beau tunk within me. Every cir cumstance wts agaTnsrrne7"i)d 1 had no reason. to hope for pardon. I had been fonnd with the pistnl in my band Reginald Bur. bam wra known to beruyHvat,WpTo ami poor I lurenre, who fainted " at tnro as she turned to teens in jwur derous strife, could give ii aclottct of vxhat afterward btfek? I was left without mercy a ciiminlal,4rid Aot c". UDeil9y, aJheraiiltllght Cf rtbe kunset reflected from the opening ccr JjOQmjng HUrgrs, jhat sremed to echo J We find in the Bostcm TranscVipta to the belle-wins " thnndeya,'' "Ihey j icurtbiis' i'ceoant PtHe cclcBrattn" ol rolled over the turbulent waste of The, two hundredth Anniversary of foam and, tlarknes. The wavrs rotethe Thursday Lecture,, which t-.ok higher" and higher the thip reeled j place 'on Thursday week, in the First amd plunged in the tempest the. wa ters rushed nver the deck I sav Florence swept from my grasp; with out the power to save her I attemp ted to follo w, and awoke in my cell. of a caplicc and, rwiih a sick and heavy heart, 1 awaited the time of my execution. Trmeri'9Tr--faT-plated- 3T.it:sT a troTd, tobe roitreyed tothe Church, in Chancery Place. Appro priate religious exercise were per formed by te congregation, and a discourse pronounced- by"' Mr, Fro thingham, pastor ol the Church, Some idea ol the character of this cele- My,Ue!Iverance;w ptace where I wit to ufftr. I recol. leet of eeKsginanv friend imong the multitnde rmd" I heard from macy lipSj: txpteiwon oL4JityIyIeilow students had collected in n band to- frtbttttni' 'tw ai'in form ret bf th t nicer, that thev had prevailed upon the Vuiborhie to- have me ahot, hi. ttead ofharigrd . T A rem n arit of proud Eratiiucle linge red inliiy bosorri7"t!uf I 'wa -nut. to Buffer, the ignominy of betric" sasieTJaed bctween earth ..and . ' ' r : t , . heaven, lf oowctrthy t f ci(he)r. TttiftCftt f roceFsionxame it leogih to a: ytaing tipland. at the disjance ed ibout-tf I waa removed'from the carriage in whicli I hid been placed, and which was foil wee? by a hearse, and was led by the sheriff to bn platform, on ihe T. apex vl a roouo j, in ironi oi wnicn, at following half-serious half hum uruus . t vl Li .1 L I , cjercription, lurnuaea oy tne uatntior of the Transcript. 1 1. iwll koowJxoQur-j'.e.aikrs, that- they wh'tlhroBBSi. tfl. CJ'TimtI matrimony and lay their heads t. gethcr to make long nights e.iort, are not permitted o to do until the City Clerk has out published them. Thia vrynteresiiiTg usage, at the Thursday Lectures oil the First. Church, and it is taid, on w hat; authority we cannot-divine, b'it It i gerTcTattv eoT'eTSoTnrd and cfed1 hly opined, thi the audience on trnse jQCCjabn consist chiefl of ladies of a certain age-who have been unfortu nate ia the cinutst Ah ej r r l;re4-ai-Td ; f und themselve, at eight bells, high and dry on a lee hore.'. Of thi acan dat we do not bcliev one word, al though as the practwe cf ,r ut pub lishing" at the First CHiuth has exist- ea tore the year . 1639, we cannot vouch for what' may have been t Hi I mm, ivnn n line lat :oo to ct e uuim. fer." The pie, wm t trelully tfcp litetf in n banket, ad closely sccuiexl, bf havlng a niceTwhite iarikin tied ovrj i- 0' -.is way lev iho miAistt'iV t rairceT Hl ihc house T a blitV frtetid, and tat thj basket down a( lh; d ior, Wnjit : helwajt 'iv !'tj!.in4. nmejfoguiih a; without J50k out ihe. pig f ncl jul in. a puppy.-On hi orrivat atihr-mai Wstct, lhc .attii4t4med him hi mjitef bad ss. t bim with fibe at pig 1r a''fcaslcyi''ifrrthanksginn5, TiitiriiHatef. lct-k he baket.nd htadf ei Jia'ei CufTfew iiji thauk w hri'mr ter for a a. acceptable a present. Oa onenimr the Jiaikei.. he was berfectt 4torhel to find a pnnnv ioateadcf pig, and hy Called 60 Coflrcrio.tal 1 bnck the jjretent to his--maarer.aauua. I Mtn. he did nt thank htm fo? the-im-! Miii.CalarniudxittA& den- transmigration of a valuable pij inttj a useless puppy, nartcirDats lo hastc; tV maVe bis"; with ihe''iVHiisbi"g fact, beit happca ed lo stop at the lT)eh'Je od et the b sket in the same. 'pbicf During theairaehtr3Se!?itinj; jne rng circumstance to ni fiieodirhe wg tok nut thVpuppy and replaced di plgdn thirtJisk'etTr t?nfTerwent hnnrt aud told hif master thif the mi-iUic vas.;tiijandedcdjr Jiafnding him , puppjt. I ihr .rriWf --jwtecUth it was not a ntipor, but" a pir ami, to, sttisfvhim of ihe fict, cpercd the oa ket, and Cuffee was completely con- foiitideel. After bmklnt? f ra fimew orror, h Jclairrirtl, Well, mass, I b'lievc he'b-? de debbil, for he can be a pig ur a puppy je a. he please, Front the Ne England Weekly Kcrie.- DF.ATIl" 0?raiLVIH"EpSONr j .....lL,43 .aoJrho-mKl)oritVl"-Wondstoek C'miricr, thar-Mr. -Calvtn-Xfc.-sn), well known h,s tbo 4 Living Skeleton, ; iliod a few ilnyssinco ot hi resilience in Randolph, (Vt.) It i added, iht hw ily wnv tnfecn frmrt irfg-tomh-tha-n: rr t ttormcii.aii4ai.ls 4tUiMS.rcl ij1" iwmo youngmoo belonaia to tbo JJe'ti;"" Class at 11. mover, rt re wisnecled and tll two of Ihom havQ been arrested. C.w'i Tfl KE.V up, and eomniifed to Hie ,ii .1 H,is Ccmntr, oa the Sd ilay of N.ri tS33, a Nnjrtr Mn wlw ay W aw Who appranlo be bet wren thirtr-fe a1 to-. tv vears nidi fi feet aiie inchei high I lM mall ftiole w the ritit aide of hi 'see. war l.il noi.. i no other marki perceptihle. He v he44n4ciklayer.ainJlM bire-l to B;r4 cfjell. of Columbus, Georgia, fronr Uli) ; vice be Rannwleil on Sumlty night the ljn tf Octobr4tit. He v he be'onrs t John m fork, living about 7 miles from Columbus. 3j" Hi tiwni-r ia reqnetec to come '! prove property. PV chwRPt, and tfe iwav. r: JOttS,M FlIOM AS, J'lfv,f i i i a i ii Ir w Aa "1 cv ai TJii nP ftni Iiri Dull le fi'Jt Baait a.1 lte; lavi t - - I Uml.i rim, rock. ttlSTl' Fum) A gOe ?tridl iltt na-iio I I',. iia .v "ft(!ii OR-Crlh, "ur fri( ""ITa ' Cotii.ua ever eptc i 'a 1 . Ms 4.

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