A. tr-, tl'. ''-(, 1V JOHN IIIIAKI), Jn , Vol. XVIr "Salisbury, ' KoitAii Comity, (X. C.) Monday, Deccniljcr 2, 1833. N'o-70 1." PI I I'Wi. I 31 '' 8, Er r1 J lri. Ui-St ft of i' 81) Uvtt h ci ifnrnt This ytt flu. II to bat I.' jp.-,, rrr.j-. iUa;j ulna r t have of . U jryie o nut nil at the , at it CoO- jloretl 111 WW cired ! ov? oior, 1 jut r mi tn hit i.e lit Oa auUll win4! ile pij itvir trnge ioVg ed $9 Win , that it inJt to', V fOB- ime it he' can ilease, Ucrke.- nce itt hut b"- ifnd i.v ;. . inl fur h h laee, arf B rd M't- e I3t'i film W0,1, bus. ' t tor tke k' ,Jilor. ' if'. f . . ' " jent IltAitf, it-, Editor, im! Proprietor. -Trims op runucuioy. 'rn'lR'llMnii Caaaiuiti -wtMI-tiM J rvrfV MMlk)',lt Tarn lilltej rHNin, K p.iti ahin llr. tl.a afWf iIm kuft-rnn. ian mmmmmI, Xao.LMiart and frfy I a tl nil alter lit itptration w fip,t pa-iiud. No papa will b divJ'.IHiminl y-tial arretia,'-l ars pkul.ualraa t il.e i!u ji. iMin of the M.lor. No tab r.p mid w,l l.t -eci-rd foe a li-M lime than nn r tiwt k l MO' iff llif llllut (i( ll'l to lliaCii li'iir, l !M oiN Itiunlli lie 'or the rgnifiM '( )'' 'i'n'itinl JI l CuiMttkrtil m nef('lW' la ) t'MrvliW'1!, nil uk die irMildr ol r.. IrCii'K ,r'"'"l" Kl futn,Utn prr tulU lUlilur, lull tujjf itU- It.- Adertiiiiil tofwplfiuoo'.l liiMrtcd, it ihr untl ri. H Ctlicrt !jf iit, l.lrrWJ lo if e Ml. if, mini in I c"i Ua pu paid, or t li , y wilt l.c "! 1 In. Xcw Fall Goods, V ALL ClflCAl'! AndwouJJ niH My invito tlioir PriciictM UllJ CunliHIH'M to JCXII 'AND KX A MINK. "Here t'HJ 1 fimnil nt! A'ormer.i of ' . " Ftmaai Low-Priml 4 Cupinirrfrt, A C A D K M Y .' fP."E. ,econ'' ian of litis ir.ii. I,muim:ia 0imc Friday he !t dry of November txt. The fub.ci'Urre, itunkfal 1 ff at jitVyiii.. "Ci rTeJjje inrmtcKTi Teenier upon l- e r'KcrtitFi of the DcU cioo with rcbvwcU zt.t. r. J.FPAnrion'. T. U.HI'AUKOW. Or. Si I S3 J. Firun J (j't. do, IV Mrriltr d.r ' LhhImi rolor'd oo. Duffund tthito Vtt- IciK-m tl. ' Fi'ie b'atiu faced do. I'nn- tie fi.i Sutin fucu Lt'Vop. " llIM), Grixi da ITcrliu, Httr.ni'iin, CvluruJ 1'lorcnte. FViMwU, Vlint, fMnr, t'ircrini a3Jt.'iftrti, IrirfiMiit (8 " ' S.' Vi'ct U J'i, U I'Xkl Mituiinuti) ,i . ,,- f tney U.blf'iiii (i kit l'rt t"i'lrm!f' fc!i:k ati!l Hoar Tmlhml.u Jt; l ii ml I i in i ' i.i ii do. d". d'i Atwrteil Hotit rv Umliir 3, Spool ind tlixa Ct.noK, bring Silk hi", NctoU, Iktdi, Tp, BCit.iJtrf l Fackel UuuVt. looiU llio'i. BnTitiwi'imt'Mnrk MrrrtJiof CTfry rtecrtpt;oii TiAijfi Wiii r, lM''t OiU AjUfM Uil - -Fuic Bai, fctmfl H"r,-lliittrn o ctkfTita itU-.cKJ unt)U In d Mur! rp, blue nd la i i jr toIM A .mii ' turi.ii'um Clt.ck-, llnl "4-i4f-WliMa itU Cviwrd i iu- tie -.. .r...-; rfcctly I 1 lard v an; and Cutlrrr, RfiiT W Fwk, Pocket tr4 Kt'' trin, Tublc and Tf i.nuxi, Aut'rit "LufTtra, Lock of aH kind, Tuck, r'irra rv- - f I'orrv I'i'in.bt ni miiieriorkind. Ii Hiurf tlrSiri. SfTaviiiir lioir. !iecai ! ,i:itr Sjvtltwv-'1! Aa.UHii A I Wd Piacem, llarrnn r Hii-jia v( all kii-il ' lntl'(f arid rutnnjr Knivn, V.rtfct MVU Mate, Art, eul'ins't ftint-ribr -j&XioZ '.'".'ICT""". lintil mid i)lur Tuce C'luii., llnla-r dlllo Cutingt, etc. etc- cic. Shoes. Shoes. A gooJ AndMmeot ni ail quuliitei of SIfOEe,"iompriir.g (Ktulcmvi)', Ui.llc.', Ut ', Uti lk' H'J Infanta' fe'iori ; lii iiiluiieii PmW'PS Ntro SfiOCf, (e. He. cc. -' S - Iaviit-a' I'runeifaJSwd-kitft r-, uud- Mwfueou &iiKM '-v . . Hats and Donne is, fullowti ? o'Ji'lcmeu'i fusLiorslilc Ilv'i. kl ail prim mtl llau i Fur, C!oih. and Seal bkiu Uipa 'rcf Braid Domirls, Supir ditto, luscuu Citto UtKB-aork. diUtt. Cvprt a ditto 'ucy CoCige ditto, Uunntkblei tliurnt cut m (be most biliiutublc iliape. Comprizing a gotxj Assortment. Othcr-Artick's, v --? Sl'tlt AS C Lump, and Brown Sugr Coffee, Tra Jf(J,lr, Indian, Copper, -r Soap, Nntwii;l JlT"r, Spice, Cinjf.r, Podrr ind Slid -idjCimnMnnlBlitk Tarliiitt '"iw Blqr, Windovr Ulft, I ulty '" anfi Uluub r Sl!, l;tiii.tior foedi!a, Wool and Cotton Cat-U. "Rtther iib .iittity of ariiciei loo an- -! io, me miori, t fcj We return our sincere thanti 'r friendt and' customere fur I lie lil)etl '".'nage e have received, and bopt to oitrit lMrtu,umc of the tame. . r No--. 18,1833. if Slattk Deeds, (ev-r deteription, neatly Printed, nd km. ..-.i.. ..i .l:. - -vy,wtfnBIBn,.j Ur u i v ai ihu vwhi - H NPIVltPtPrW ACCOfXTH. A I.L prnft KMlrhlrrl lo tii'iM-nir ff lubtrripltHit, nilirrt'nnf in jih wt It trr ranirrl tiifuct4'd lo n-ilr tlic Hi. inrrirM r.ll the p,,c m,,!e ,,rfr ti.aml I h...-il ,!l llt-rulr! lo Tlir l'i'iJ a ditinnrc tn tranifMl Ihr a-nminl ut 'l.-if iitirtpimi, jtlfmlA ih?Hi ihr p l ufTt -r ki my ri-k. ' HIKION ( il WL, tiitfknty, .1ufi,$i 9! 0,,, ,,' c"Brtmre uf ,TiarfJ!rv m , rr1il Ijiw of A(VimniHfiiM Sta?M i ra-ablwln-d in ma br'wrtn h ubuf r and Lr in1(is ua Tue.lt, rrnli, ami undt. I' rarrin iiw-rri lu .inrt in I law i uke Pirk. It v:i.r,ri l.nu iur tl.a Nurib. ' H..'i.liu'. Nc.tmlitr 4, UtJ. I ll.ii JuUot'a .Vt.Wce. t.S up, tud en.inilid to tl Jail ol in CiHinu, on tlir Sd dk uf N..nii.li,r. 18JJ, a Nigro Man, aatt liu inic i N K 1. S 0 N, VTHo ippr'art In br urlwr n tl.iriv.fivf f.il fof. ty )taraiid fen-.lret aia imhr lu-b tut a niMitl mole oi tlie .rl1iiiir of liu larbhtar (it tM-aat no oitirr Walk i -irrei-p'tbln He aati ha it a bricklarer, and lu untd to BirJ l,t ckH, of Culiinibua, Kituig t, lion, arlioie Mr. c- he kliaoimlcd on bundajr h'ikIh ll.e IJili u fkMubrr l-.t II- mi l be.oiya tu Julia Mol lork. living kSoui T mil,-! Irim Colon. boa. CT Hia ownrr it rrqin ntd to com f.ira ard, print property, piv cliarg.-a. ami uk bin. trfraingtnn, ! i.tn i;o., .SC. i . . No-en brr U. 1113. if . MISCr.LLANKOL'Sr I rum il..laJo Sew Montt.lt Ma.Mine. T AKI.N up near my plama'ivn, in DaLlon CiHjr.iv, M.irili Carolina. ' A DA UK P.AV IIORFK, Ab.Hit til )rart Ut, a, il tidrt irironlalily welt lie biougbi ii.lo tUit iieibburl..H)d by a ,'iirr-tt,pi-rtttf'f icJufftt f "", nalrork, on he ( hitihortir Hivrr. "'CJThe 0Ret' it rj'ictsd to come for a ard, pro a proper!) , par cli'gi r, and lake Ui ivay.J. fUlUi' bUrt kkb. Nmvniber 18, I8J1. tt FOR SALE. Sba. 1 Jr4A- KT tXDING :: to remove tu - tlve - Wrt, t IftT' for f .tie. a becdm- rnniia "mg icrnis, the place whirre-l now-live, iaiuig tilt -a gomr dwel ling home, a co.rveis'icnt house lor ao or vhopsn(J othrr ntptaaary Luilditigt. -- AlaiJ Vverit oihcir Jots; id TuVu. ' AUl)i.rson lnJclne" to me, are re- ninttcd toaeltle Ltfoic ll.e fust ol Jmuarv next, or they taill find their b .tcitildthe tandii'ol iniSLUr tTaai "t4toa e-iw-r-Kj'test-Kl to eH,-s 1 atu. iraUv at any time to pay them. Tiic butii cs.i of my hp will U-car.Mr4Hueull-leave liere.M I2fi08 JOHN UTZMAN. Salifbiiry, Oct. 1. 1833. Vrumsns for VuAsng IN LI.COLNTOX, N. C. A Weekly ?frw8nacr, ' TU ki I'AlLIU THE LINCOLN 11ERALIJ rIE upclcniigned bwHr'ardently aolicrteJ, hi nany ol liii fririiil, lo nndfrtakr tlie publi. ration of a Nt-wtfiaprr ii. thia Vil'ace, ! beeh iniluced to ofTrr tlif w (j'opial, relying on pub lie paironage for the ttipport neentary lo justify him in the proeecutinnf the tamo. Ilia main objret will be to Itiftritftt, to pletne. ti rkcite utt fuincta, to add toaocial enjoy mnit, and to rxoae whatever baa an evil tendency on giKul ennrk'i. It will be li;t pnrpo-e logive 1l tho iwp.'.r'ant nrtta,both fmeign and domeatic, In jii-.e.1 Agri cultural llaa)a, andtodin'oae inf..rmainin ooall tubjecta that Lave a t ixkoct to improve aocie ly in tH ariona rrlationa. - , .. . He will intertp' rae literary information, ai aril ai kciewific inalmction, mingling, at tin wme time, a flavour of poetry, humor, and erdote. id orderto pretfnt avariety,' that each individual may find aomething lo gi aufy bit own pantrn hit taste; ' M aiolatt la B a kifpnliiican, i.iMit NOTICK. VI.I. fwr-m ind'bixt to the eai r.f fre. dtiick I.., hn'r, d'-ceaard, are rtuiai d 1 lun. ioiward and uaki tn.wiriliaip pav. moi.t, at no intiitaiic be gnen t anl all oi rtoni Linux clami itln.i Ml, r.utr a r (u-ifd io a-eacnl .hen arum lb pn-. a. ribrd by la, or ihia Mikt will b p,a1 In bai U U.kM tary. - VuVjUc AnU, Will b ld io the Ii;,-!,, .) Mi hi, r, it Hie latt dwelling h.iu-e nf I'rnlrriik C.a, Sr. U et atil, cuinmriiciiig fyji Tiurt'Jatj (he I iM of Ike. tml. All the lUtute (if taitl decedent. aLkbia nut Wtwaiw Htnard nf try fctl ItTTJ. cuwia,i, ol i Alintit 1500 Acre of Land, " wFi.ch will Ceroid in tlinVr.nl ucti nirvin Negri et Ftio,nt I'troailt j lloiist-huld and K'kcIcii Kuruiture j Two l.'oml Whjjuoi j Ooe Unlnig Cttri,-gr j Twn tSettt of IJIacUmitha' T tola j One Share i the Gold-Miuc ou the Conrad Hill j Willi i numT.rr of othrr aninlra, too Irdiou to mt ni ion. Trnna C'c ti.l be made known It the uoi of 'r N,i-mbrr 18 IS'.J ITI IX IIH0VP.H, j rtreu. i4i)N'OUW, 4-tnrs." 1 UK Farmers' nnd I'lautcrs' Lare Calotilnled fur the Meridian gf tjttlem, And PubUiwd by Mr. Jubtt C. Pin f hnri nt Ihir fli II eddrim- ttye nt entrM of A)manra, till onthpriart Clironolof Wal 1 abb i rf He markable Evewa. aid guuil many aaetut Liu 1 1 on Ag'leiittur-', lMhieiiic Lconotn), Uc Nv.it inlr U. tf ltiJ aV4t -aw-a--a wmr w mm w jM ---' at Augual Fcrm, 1833, ol Ua. vidaoa Cuuoty Coutt. Untuiura of the last wilt and teitament of Jca se llarriis, ten. late of said (,'iutt y,: lec'd.,. J)cety;. drives v notice to att .prrtnns having demandi against the ctatp;T0 present them duly air Jhanticatt'd - according tt latvy or ttiia notire will br idrad in' bar of lTielr I .rccOvciy-.-AU .pt uotia- uiticuUa arc Jellied to m-ke paymeot lunncdiauly. U, II. ...KISS, 1 JL. HARRIS 1 , AVfc w. ii a iKi s, J 2mt70 .V7J V 11 LX DlC II 1'. w eipleandtin feeling t bit poKtieat (mwr, there 1-wiH be, t Vmrawe accmling lo i jmtg nenr the tracea nmrked mil by Ibe a Jtffertt man eit avoiding, on the one hand, il.ai tt j.iiii'ion of the Conaii'ution which tend In eon vilidation.and aliunning.on the o'btr.the equal . tydaa fcrutrt dttuio-of niiltifi flarinn "" " ' lie hat, a brre'otore, the higheat -egahl for ib etiiractet ol And'w Jackaon. and the ulmoat coiifidt nce in Ida Admmiairasimi. lie leavea hitrtrlf rntirtlf uncommitted at rrgardi hit aiic. e-aaor- free lo anppnrt, whenever the esigrncy tti ivra, w hatever in.lividuaUii hi opinion, fn)rn hit character, talenta, ana touna pnncijnei entitled to occupy that elevated afalion. All peraonal controvera) wi.l be at'i tly proln bittd.and evcrv tvertioft will be made to prtaenl auck a paptf aif w til be acceptable to the public. a;iWUPfAI.!ll! be pHWi-bedonee a Ji Sti impeifat .Hiit. it three floWaia per annum. Tbe Cm number will iasue on the tint of Janoary-, W34, we aa aoon tbereaher av practWble. p-o'ided a mmeien number o tubteribi n obtained to au'horilR the com. meneem-nKx l'r,BR0ltlfili HOBKHIS. Uncolntk, Sept. 16, 1833 uovlT 1 I'll a view io tbe more cflkien prosecution of ihcir buyine, tin SubarriUcrs hvecubliihed a Iljvii.fr procured tl.cbeat tilaieri-tU fioffi who cornea well recommended, they art prepared to execute on moderate teiins. ail ortkr in 'Lit line, Account liooka, Uccorda, tee. ruled and nude to order t nd every kind o! landing promptly cxtt uttd in the bit. and Dta'Vii otaootr, on if aonj!dr term 36tf J. GALES it SON. CJMRIXSTOX ami "Thfl bttaiiH M t-f an rjifiirTa nrreiaarnv a dip..ti.ii ; H ailiiiita no puriicixit i.mi, 10 iK'allHtMMI, no driiU tttlHHI. I will il ,. ii tl,u rule in all ll c.inliifl.'d public liana. Thd rraanti is plrfinj dia ua.i.Hi w e allowrd UUcni lUJjta.r and (itinnuii nht;e aul.j. ri llml citue umlrr thf nrni fort t,( t liu prt oa, it would Ue an endloa atal continuul MHirte nfi iiiUrnovuK iii.-. 1 ku au Luitur UK-oiuea uinliilnl royrr. "ijo uf a letiani ii rntorj uf ifini.Hi, uiij U In a gn;ut iiiLuaiito .n h.iiL j ati Cthor ao to hi aiil.j. els, that (a In mj , hi icadYre, who hnTftimtn-miisot'ratrui hiiil In aiviHinl: Ituir only r:nieify ia llml i ioiitm; lua kingdom utnl chunut llo-u aiiegutrt'O, a pMK-i -s ho doca lit li i I, f.,r it geiierully lioppom lliul ulwi-i I.e m aut jtt t hit Kama utmtlirr. Sn,riiiiir ina broilit r ajvtirtina uf lim i.tiia'lniiiiia ktpjd iim of ii.Iiuhi jimtiino In lii.d fniili with tlie iiiMin.i r iu ytl u li hr ruVa l,iuli ptiaj lint' thou Tho fllrf Qir.i, n( nTu'a'v rarruid on aa L Iwn ii autrrt-iu nud aiior. i. ., a i- "Vr,m tbi Portl. nd Itaily ,AJf riiaarr, kX)t'Tfii:ns roi.mc3. tht? tfltct of frrt a.MMoto h,h. i iM ii. ,u. iiMin lu ail : it i imi, then Ion-, -nritif t.il Kdilor luuld ho hum Ii iniliwiM td in tUur iliurat tcr and diapmutioiia liy tlm rirt'iiinal.iiii'ia in whirh they are , laved; and it la liicuuilicut tot ail writer, who dial with the iyiu of ihe litnoa, to warn thuiii id ihe dunj;i r incii.'i nl to the bi(;h plai-ra in wIikL liny iiimhiLhii lln'ir hi-jiltiu- iimliiil. The 1'ieaa pn lly marly yiiu rn iho wnrlil, no we lie niueh w. cont'd ua lo who g.itoiiiii lilt I'ukh. AuJ wbtH Jhc mI u mi ft u uunihiiuited, tt 4a pio uartile I tu. I tli. 1'iea iil Lm.-onx atill nioie aiitiiclly poyyeiful. flud. ixhlurs atili uiairu lioiin ruu-. 'l'hti Tnull IMitora hio III, fly j In! ii, In, riiriuunlv rt-M'ttihlr I In. an of oilier i!i;,,Ii ulio lulu in. I i,hiihi, Imt lrd ; and thi j hire. And atuuea. nl b ar(UU W illi, ixHi- m)iilly ,o he eamN etnoited f by lindtr tta ii im.iii iiraya prevail, bojina hHimcyit w hy oiiica. Ii4vni2 a jfiMMJ li. iil in jLie liuimr, ho w, ol ftTPfr, Inbto to the Rpprimclt iLilh-rcra and irilm, who, A.r lU aoki' td atualladyaniajrua, jrti,Tni tl,i mhviI i. ll.,'-ll!"rt eilravaCuiil pilch. Ta dtiri with an Ivlilor, is aiiiiiiK In i;i'.iti' o -tru talillHUl 4-l'l.wlli!lt!rVi.-U ku.kCL lnral. ctl"vitftrtiHv- r";1''l'fl'l ninnjrnerlf nco, jiml f miii..) l mir r-Miiuika i hi intmhiiiI nWr vat it -n, thnl Nulliocntinii.ttr titalt Jig iw,' (f, mo limy ." allowed In ruin th wnrd,) wit inct-raTaiiijjj in the tiyh-! !sititU and llml this inereiiat- wa Imaloiu l by the in It urn of tlm Kid Im n ( mImiu'I, uik! nar liruUily id liu d'ii.U' aa ita orn,it, toward diillii'Mii.lii J Smilliriu H,lilii'iHJi, In the wotlurt wliirh lhi lil,,U avagoa ttiKm ni h nirif a I'allunin, lluvio, Main i!imi, MelJufTie, the cofidnrlora of lla.l pit- (tor frgrl ibw rh irarltr ol ho Koutli. 1 hoy frpol Iho lempor f Hie rrtit Ihoy l.uie l thai with. Ami by Iht ir indt iica iIh'V did tttoro toward (irivini; Monlh I'wro. bna into nfioii n ix llioti, linn all th 'HatiiTl IttWS, ' I'll I lllfaO llieu In 1x4 admontalioal rronbvthia i eriinrbl -imI thunbhthry worn rt M'urd l'riu ll.tir Into wnl by Iho ut.iiuiii.ti i aid i4 llifir adyrrarK-i, r w hu h im tii.ii.la are (i ll txw, lliey aro ... . . im vrrtlii U- ul wmk tipn irima Villi rijiiiil yiuh'iii't'. T)h r baa Imcii Haoailnl with oil iiujiiiter ni vii.h iK f. Tazewell, whii wi n!d I .ba vJkr JvlAuiidVtlJiaLor uf i In; .iiili, tf ha had n.l boon im-fd umiil Ihn rnijMi of ri, uthern otftaphyalca. S l al rnnY7irIt;nf r ilnnk i f I"'!, il bo lalea Ihn (iloU'a acrimiit f bini t . -'l.ia I im hi ran im wr be kfl lugHhar but by apiril ol kimliM'-a nml f.rbm:i.nM . a a A III lltfj-aaJHUU ba.iJUl d(iji-n"lraUoti.Ji in.Llio men i-f gn-al Hidurnei ami fit at It I'-nls ar Midiiiriotialy florHHMifiiU bejr ill ba unioiiy, and In-aUn will eimoe. Tliey' ill tw'driyoii, aa CallfUH W !hr very rre of doNinin). . A ureal n ird. a kiliy ppirtt mty bJ wnt p lot Hit ajiilil ia Iherc, and lorriWo ia thn day of rrinbuiimv. A ell tdM M't H"' f l rioald inti nothing, a a tfrt at intei lott be aini'theroJ. Mifnt Villi illf upward aud turtard, and shin C nh. on ' eierv ocaaai-Hi. No bars nd bulla t,aii,rf . . atrain it. U'hert lbet ia iniellrrl, theft' ii power, (alike, wealth, p'ritnai-e, bfwT . brfort il. ' Tbt fonqueai of eiM)iHtnc is oArnairea) as Ihe ttiv-Mft of ib iiirff. At bome, abn-aH; in the vouiioi!-) of lb m , luiliun, and in H eirelee, lba j-nwr r ff in-, 9,, Irlhui willlait ila d.fiiiii.iiw . Imhh'i il aa the Uhdai may, and ovenaUltn it'in Btt mnnner id tbuaa, it wily i)riHiu afi-l . musmbaa ils inCttrnce, and harni ibd v ry iin-lrunionl of its doaltucliul. if na ' ly alira lit wliuUii,d,.eii!k!lta jivd cm. ftatutrwioa i'i itirnyih, anrfarru TT lt " TT ermikl of ch-avhiliiMi, 1 1, the, uil,fw-n' . . power and p-iwer. Niiw ,io MllkiiiivluiiJ ihua U bn.1 hia Iim tnind nrtrnt! br .4... rih -K..." -.y- - ,---4 r -- T- r- -n- - w r. ' -. v . J . I lit) Urea antl lliiNlli-ai.l fi.(ilirii I'u4,lita, ia ridirtili'd and amerrd al. Iili, -alio by Ihe way, ia im Nulhlier, l-ul who, fiotn Iho lalo niovriiki'iiii of ihcfViri'iiiituia, Wuy lai in Ihn way of Mr. Van Iluitn lowuroV Ihe IVo aidrbi i , i doiMiiiicifk Tbi) wmrM if yinlrixe i kepi up auiiml iho Statu Itights KcproMiulaiivi of Viifiuia and Uooigiu nnd uow il ia pit parinii C-r AU. la inn. I hue we ham sriun tioulli Caroli im in open h hellion,- Coorgiw alnxl t'hooaiii'f nil avi.wcd NullifW for her CIo- vortw-rr- V irijinia diaavnw mil tUt du:"iaie4 of iho Prm luu. m t"ii, and ilt'iHMincinir tbe I oreo lltll, l i r I!r,ri eiitulivfi in Con jni-a Uriinniif( mure firrro fur ' tiute ltilit,nni hortiiiti udiniiiiainiliiHi ntn'iicth lion aimld bit atu imd, b l ua ln r io-fNM-, l.t-ti o-uiulioi; bbu uf Soblbem mill. ynttlv incri'Hkiiii:. l. i n iho I wiioi to lv'lt"..ili"lllii illlHiHif I ) t"fu" "r ''(-"" .V-ti:i-T I lie Lduor lu la im muat Icalu-fi and prormrini" foe wttf, and -we ktww, frmrr pernonal (ilmcrvntinn in thai ?iolo, Itiut Nuiriftcatiiin la rniiiillv. vptv ra- ildi iT-rauu wim ua uaum vmmi (( f. in oi.'oi,' Nulliftfir ia ihiw tloyrriMir id Ala Imiiu.i, uli 'in tlin Oloho la pii'iHiriiij lo 4y o-mmii Ami, mnrk -the prrdirtion. l.imithtii tll inner attor thra toim bo t0' ti t i)..r ol ln-oru. ttuIcAj. ioi. U toni. a a 'Hie Steamboat atcoua pAPT. J.C.GliA Va 1 1 4 f trans Laan "Hit auiii. XJaP?3K3xlW' eneapell m e r, in. run n mg between Charier ton donlly out of the at:iio.i!n-ie ol' hta th mmn. Au "JjiLvr..iiiusi.uwi ily-ayd va-tviy, for tiic bain' tcusonv as Kini und i:uiK -rflrI.th :"vla f'aMriH:jw-t'j tlia ueccatily of li.iti'iiiii) lo'ti'iiiuika oi.ii cvtved in k lone of freedom lliia u t'ia preetible to Ihe do-pntic rttT X besit'li, atV Kmperor mi"ht rind hinnclf tit a r'ti Voif.o enticmnii whu Lrul her . he bad btt V lu biU'liu or Uelieniiu, the duv bi l'oio. '1'his rif-veo the luiwrtnt hrnrt; ao an lfft.r tuajj.. 4(t.tli.-llJi.,f'"S.,wHl eiiiiiilint win, In ho 1iad that illuming J..ni ishod ith thoxniiuil htuiut,.r (I,d aru pnipliicul uai-ii' mm: uiU : tin i disltnb ifti; Ut liiut Uflfujuiiliiy that itOfrhl lauj lo roiyo in I l,o Iximkii of mi I.'ifilur. In tin- iiiiiut'Miii'iitH even i,f iIoh,.,i.i, (In- j. riuiM eRctsi of iuutpoiiMiblt! pott it n.uy be deltcled : ihe Uiiiie rfMiiea In reiel in WHAton frm'lly : no tl is with IUiImi a tiiidor a 111 of btlo or ennut thoy laLe lo aliiitliii( imliy iiliuila with xiinkil jm'iin (hoy will cm It u pour Idlow ui.dcr lliu wcicbt of a ta-mcnJuus column of matiui. iiuiily for jwslimci and lit-ratiw life bap- -Ihe nwfrtai retina. "-'T tor iimjimDctT'or-Kai'- tors is reumrkubli: : I'nul could not bt-ar lliul any of his iubjtclishoiilii wi.ir u round hut, nnd be bad their foul flup rut nrcor ding to his fancy ; il ullenmtiie wua U,o knout or Sibehu. b'o it u with every until in Iho editorial territory ; ho iiiul Lo ox acllytd their mind, und the ahuhd-r tiie ilillorencc the crrulcr tliu beret.) . It will io loqfld (hut ua l'dttor duipot ku:iii'liii.e will iKjlilmh an uku-te, ordaining the culuu CHERJllV. Ilialitiient of ljie Mioat jibcral joiiiiiomjf twat lite opinii,ii muit iw iiuitin.T iiin.li! uor M'k tilterul Ihun tiie ndtloi ial ainndurj, or lite hercttc tnuit excct lo.I iunm dintoly ha crtli:ed lo the ntoraf Alolocb. Ntiuclimt'i : 'J aa Jtldilot Auks. muLk uoAvJiimAiLsiuLujij.. njnn ri Im nf the i.lily r.f ntlmrit is'iinl, 4 Cfteraw calliog t GwrfeTttwnvtt her way up au uowo, win resume ner Trim iu the course of a few Jays ami it intended to be continued iu the tf a'fte- the'tuSulhgeanVffr Her e acceding light draft of Water drawing when laaded only about four and a. half leet water will enable her to reach Cheraw at all times, except, an .T-4Hvtomua-oai .jivrTitvvh-afgIj will be lichieoed in the hipence ol Boat. J. B. CLOUGfl. Charleston, StyL 20, 1831. N.'B. She h3rwmribleoc odationt for a few pasteugers. 92tt j. J. R. C. am wmwmm AT THIS Ol'FICE. "0 ,": -' ihert'mreihrlpsrtkarritdy luTiavu Inter ns hw vaci1liftc ; if trtrnhtttic, tils bind they I'niMt'do tho mum ,' if ho alumhlcM they must, alio makn a fulno U p, and wlint ia of Ihe kight:t-iinpoi lance, they imisl Mraiiiraili Uut jys course bus alw-oys boon Htraihtfotuanl, that be baa never beaitaled, that be wna prompt, dt.'tisive, und i'lcar from the firt. It i one of ihe first I'ulei of ihe editorial court,-1han an Ilditor cann H be rncoiraia- troireini'iTnrmmitiatvrTy-uTtltmTy ntonarchs think IhomaelveS lite mot hu- tnano and benevolent biMiigs iu the world : it Ts one of (he cvila of (Jinir Mlniition i Ihe truths we hafo hero, told the Autocrats ol and soma, wo darw twy, oi-tho moat mini erant of them alf are little aware iaf the tyrant they arc Ix'conie. 13ut being now warnod, tby will tel a Hatch upon liicm- stdve...------, ." A;l ihiii i greatly lo be Jeproi alod, and tlicro to Jw!.lh.,ptkUUldf. bM!aowt Um (.it-bai but miU u.ukoa up ut tlm North what it lusci atlii:&uib;4-fft fctuRiaumli'' aii-f -fjunlly ulandfroil. 'M tbJor ia boujjlil by 11m lUnk. I'yer"tri a poor CHUUItg 'jaiiii.iii.' I'HjiragMe'ia a fi.iiymlri erf' lino."' Surfnnl ijfja curt njtt liiink-riildon lool. AViii u a. ' jtxir pmviufi uiiryuiiijf ttetil'- ui tl lima Dinl ro fyij .wllti UK. ry toHHawho w ill liiil fuff d(iw-riii!l bi'W jp fJjtJbkM.!:bettliw.J 4.ken itiln liu: VJibiiit'l ua u aiUi4MWyJ-tn-m,'utd pui.f.uc.! lot a di'iniM-rul, ia kieked tail Til iflifo, Joiinumred nn n rr?rnfrtry it(bf-,Soi;iwitlr-lilt-Thfi-tt(te l.itilii'il Chbiik'l ready In upcit imhi 111 in lin iihiiiii'iiI he diueit ojH'ti hie moulh. Now the (ilulx! wi.tilJ nut hum thit in flilFtM , wore it not iho iiiurf nf ifio od lniiin.f inli'iii, iimj iU iul lii: tiuuiH'l. Al auxh it baa an iimrwrne infltrrnrr,' t(X tvhut Iho lilolie snya, (.'entral Jucknon Ways l liu Kilclu:n I'ti In iit t kiiv ihn adtiiititilrii lion wij. -The nbiiily of ilii cn;dui:toraeaj liilo il to im nut b pit' (jii)iiiciH f, fur iu pru-j dcnrc,in rninhir, io.rvof jiijWiij k'nnw1i-i1o7lti"tlaiicClega: in. any ihinj; but (dang und shirtgtrh a lifting, . ia HorjiasM-il by ull the roii tii-,t udiiaiiolra tion orgutiK, except (ha New lltiuiwliire Putiiot. liut aa ihn orpRtt ol the ndiniir istr.'itinn, it aiitira the mind of dintinzuibh. ed public men ; it-ttn.hiltera Ihn ilnfo of wrty K kwpa the whold ci lintry in ajri latum; il urniikea vinleme by ochnj- with violeiK-ollsolf.- Moderaiiiai, ;oid Icuijier, forbearance, genoroaily, uio mil luiovju in ifii VK-itbtiluryi . JL.,,-, Toprovelhat tbo viohwenf tlieovern iiMMH nrgnn but miiwirably Hituwerrd to itnl the rliHtrnctions of this L'unai, lot u io member the pt'culiar cotattrucliou ol South. mi .:tf,ly-B-4ol!wttMW 1 liiwa ediiot)n chivalry, (tbmigh we hale Ihn word from its misufe) ore more universally pievnleni in ftich n socinly than In soctiiv uf a dif fretjiiruiiw;'"i-r tent, and iuiMotlioiia,there tlau clecw bo DC Adveranrioa ar. more civil, more jioliln, more careful,' frtim the hntuasily of tho C8M5 and iheir oppnaitei arc looked upon with more odium. Now the Globe aolcela many of the' names let '"tt'nown' In tTie .Doi.vgs of the km; i.isii nu, ' lcuni rAULiAiiLaVnr. ' frem tfie Lo J Timet. . Al proarnl tht wre no le tl sn oof liiiiidnd and thirty fair MM4Kna llitro the IluWtltfaCtiMM-l-tva, of wiffcfU lbt4j4lM lo ttitrodiM-t ratler nt a than mm buu drt-d and thuly b-ur t w I'-ilU- neil ' aiwi. Iel Ibij Kiiij'a piluu rao g t.r j -y, itid tt I Jut'U bo tu) thi' tJUutfs Ul krf.t tJ. (properly to railed, ar-at bat) 4l up mMa cat ioua b kltlvi.i. - Mt, tlV'-ia- ur It bna a motion iKm laiai"ty f-f the a p era-a wbieli tbe Icu(btire l-Mon baa proilhcoft in Irrlund, atal of the iuevtlabl . aaiiaialmw i f ilia Iww mwiiliwai Wlinb Amid reiult from a pert-rvf-ranta in llio U wutt' while Mr. Vilk-a bna w muh.ii In, ronmiliilaffj aiMlameml the law nlotivfj l rreiillv b.ciftii a. Nr. OTm m If r ' " t" I" . i. .. . . . o'atMi.LIy la'Ir lund, and, m.l romei.t witu Ihn!,' another io in w JSf.uth aloa. " Mr.' U'CooiilII will, of iMUtwe, lead tbe formor, and Iki y Sb'iiiiHi...iir.Hi U.c luk- tcr. SilTilrheatir r U w fntive r..r luave io btiut.iu a lull lo JiOuLlJLe duiatiiitt if.. hnat them lo ihreo ycara. Lot. i.vnna i t -T. r liaa tviiuiliiui to tbe KUi&4lt.t.Lit.jfai.f- j yt. t-:n .. .' n .. , .... .i ...n ' ' -" -t .ur-. Jiiitaraw ci.uietuuy IiImi . win, i - C-a?I''tUiWTtialTiirT nod while olrriihhf Igivt-a n;r of n'j-' l?ilt ; lo : j-r y-ntrjiMk,,), Lf-itii; 'Hit tu any xi jx.uii. w Lalnci Wr.i-. -Ilinb iinl.41 taes liUue tLin otw of Ila-ao iHihcjiiies Vy: a imrii e Jur ail" Addreaa tu tlur -Crown ' that IhtrliHotvnl nWv Lo ai.e-,".ih """ "atiu butiL'ii iu llu.1 nairl uf llui Uiiilm' kan. iai-fl;e- iioind-""ri-n -itn: 1 lu tmvrsi for a prflYisioti f ,r the Tnoraf ajuiTreJ'-'ir.X, Iij;ioua educii"onoLppirnlittU. la-roca- . j tu. tlie?VVcsl "iidics. ; iuirfJrTXa i&Jt; ps Itifig m a liill for tiie boiler rogulatinn of " 1 ihu cbimwy aweciieii und tboir appioirii- 1 ria m ihia tiMuilry. Mr. ltx ktitul ain ia 'I lo try to prevent iiitomiRince and tiuirto , . .y , rnlitv m acniMirt loyt na, doubtless by -y.hu b. ling up utoa aliojia. ami ehij pillg tdf thoaaj unuiuiilioiiubifi wicked one who aa blit Itev. Ibialitwaui Smith once tery pmiierlr nliacrvi d, ijo for lo ahock the m to-ihililu a ol ihe thtoktott aailuriT Again, Mr tiw.-.; v kinl.am, who inukna a very rroiiiirnl..lj. a bill to iltuuniih the pnietit e of durllmg, v hy nuking Iho aurvivor of tbe fight mum liiiu, us bis own, the fumily ur di iiendnnta - of lim hluin, which wiil, uf euuiae, fendor duelling ii.uth too eufcive Pr aiiv but . men of wry farge iorlutte; whiles ut thir. aame time, if a poir wretch, with a fami- ly, cuu only manbge t iiick a , quarrel ' with aniiiu CiuMua, Mr1. - I!uckinf;liaiii'a Bill will Jjivij bim ao eolb-nl eppoffun ity of pioy id i 11 well for bis children. . Mr.- Ibi'.'.lillilaihlMI li. ,BM...',4.h''i'h'to '. ; ' for the education of alt the chjldiein in Ihn - 3r counlry, out of the futida of the religioua bod ioa Jo w hich tl.eir parenla belong, oT, tl ir)haus, and destitute children, belong ' itlo trparttroTOT-Twp . OUI li! IJ.a JuodaTj," llW Iialablw.hetitriurf.-K;''" ' - 'J while oiiier -ammut ra-meuiuiia mottom -w hich, if agreed to, w ill matt ihe Churchy -no fundi at ull. Dul llieeo colliiions am . " una voidable. ' wn - - Gillon has given notice of. a motion 4a.aa-.t! pel the liaibopa from the llouae of Lords"; -:ir Hit V, ln-ilbv baa a motion tt the aante) ' tlfoct, und so bat Mr, Kipponj while Mr. , ' "w i'ry mo prtipoaea lo bring back lb iufcrior J -cTorgy iiilo the llouae. of Coiiitnona, Wt , 1 . lv'ilba'ma gives noficeoTa BilT to reform-r the whole Churcb of L'ngland and irclnndf ' , Mr. Faithfull will bring in "a Cdl to' uiute and rendnr mora equal Incoitn a of I h t i limhtipa and Clejty w tth ItablisVJ tr" s" M" Church " and Col. Duller , ia to have a - Cominittee In se w hether tbe iriett Church - ' , cannot do withaut tubes altogether wbtlt . Mr. Baron nete up an opnaiiioii Commit- tee lo enipltfe wluHher ihn tripartite dialri. :.! i' a I f Soiuhern cotmtrv, and iiitutpa the moet dia- tmottiihed for (heir pant wtrviccl and High it.trilhtolual renown, as objects of tho mot gnivt-lling cnilpitifuldniiuni-iation. - What epitji.et.jt JiuyeJkco, n(MU-li,, VVhal.-char.. actnr bas boon aafo ? What motives have not been iinimtedf Many of oiir nioflj public men, known not only ul' over the I 'r-iofl. tot all wtt Europe, ns men of the higbcat elmra. lor, Imvfl been net forth aa the maal .despicable of Q19 fcuaun ajiuiu. . baiion pf )i istb" titboa amonj the poor, tb f,