piaruMna'J iHr YlrcUl.iturr. ' Tutt liiy, Xurrm'jrr I'M, - '"'It TNWSKMAft, . ....... , , , ,, , , fl Paker laid lr ill" Henjtt th ' jiniimi of Joseph A. IhH, Ihe HfimMr ftgia r j'nty tf New Hanover; fWb v read e'nJ accept,!, anil,-ontit-p,Mot Mr. lltuMHi, rJofu.I lint writ of jjrtiioi i-t Coroner nf New lfn rft f.ioiiiy, commanding dim to bdJ an f&iiitft I) nVt t!ay of December, lo III whI vvwy. A n,"'! received from lit othar flm, proottoing th appointment f a j'Hiii eotnmiitu lo wit n lli Governor M'rw teuu if Ihe orgamxsiioii id the iajatur, nml staling lhat Messrs. lUr- jrf l !l!f C'l'IMCXt lit fOlliltlitte ajlbeir purl. J ho propmUiori wn figi-mul pd Hmlvti wote nMMn-J the committee m lbs purl if ili BfMimtc, (hi motion of )lr. Montgomery", ordered ilio Rules of OroW of last Hcmifiii ! ,lrJ Joiing llio present stsaiun until tlrwto ordered. ilcrs. Kerr, Bean!, J.uie, MoMom. ,rr, 1nl KdwHrds, wri- appointed a mm ijice to prepare" Rub sol On', r fr t It Guteniinent of I lie ikiwtg dumig tlie le t Sesaion. On mi lion of Mr. If all. n me" i ..-. . ni (o llie otltor Unuwj, riicn'lii; i joint st lert committer of t'r.e !., u.'- r osHi purl f esch tl"i' to pr. ' i,t rJiiliT TlirrxjoTnrnnim of t! I.rj'Mv turc (luring litis suoo. A wrunigo was received from 'i'icr iiui', r'oiiniiiiiiicnting llic annual n -ij.r afthe Governor, ami proposina that the inraatge lie printed, three copies fur rurh nrrtila-r of tlie Igiljt(Jru ; which projo. ..uuu a agreed tu J. tiic iKii'r. or comiox. Mror. J. P. Joiiti, Wycli, Bnpg, iuaell bim nirrinr,cr wtru aprtokitrU a romniittce lo prpiKo Kului of Order for iU pneroinent of tba IIjukc durii (hf Tfi piiKitiin of tlie Senate, to appoint joint, lcet committee to prrpnrii JMnt Rate, Mt agreed to, and Mrwra. J. D. Jtmen, U'jxhtf, Brng, H ntll, ami liar nnjjrr, neri apiHiinl-d the coinmittee on lie pnrt of tl.'i llouie. ( The (invrrnor Iranainiltcd to lliu (Inuc, Iit tlii 1'iitale Secretory, Mr. Wm. R. IJill, hit aumml Memu ; n liicli uaa irud r - U'fdnexidy, Xtetnbcr 30, IJf THE ItXATf,- ilr. Kerr, from the committee appointed t pHi.tiiUii uf tnlm ( tii ilt rrpurtixl tlioao onast Scmion ; which were reoil ucui agreed lo. ,.......; On motion of Mr. II nn the Senate proceeded lo Ilia appoint mi'iit of tlie follow, inf Slundiiig CoininiUtea, vil.- titrcr Ainu Ju XlorrUoa, Ken. dall,' Simmon, My T Pill, Skinner of rcfquiinotw, Btoue, and Krr ..iiu--Meir. ... (.'In v ion, Martin of Rorkinghaii), llon-ull, Fnv,IIcirriioii,Muim, Lalkutu, mul Vanliook. . - Prop'tfiltoitt and GrTrfakcrtyiert. Ilukc, DoImoii, f: rtin of iriclunond, lluit ', M iye nr Greene, Vuiio, Mattici, ioi Mmilgonicry,' . . . I'm iltirft aJ Lite! ton Metiara. Fhu Crit,- Caldwell, CavinrMervriir WiWer-.t "alton, Holers, tad Sted.nan Vnitt!i4r-rMera, llacail, JoOea. M(e- ri; Hull, paiyht, Skiiiuer if Chovan, Ar lington, and Elliott. Intrrnal Iinirorcmcnt Mcwr.' Ilinton, Wiird, fQkinner of Pasqitota'nk, SlicraJ, ;fV,-M)irc6riVT5tarrlim r i.v w. ElHcation ami IM Literary t'und Mi,riw Mvnduhll, Philliit, M'ruiiek, ll.ifr, Siiinw, Srcbaiie, FoWn.'nnd No'rrrian. Mr. Marlinof Rockinjjham, prusented a .Wl In repeal the act of liixl newion, enta Juliing the Hank of North Carolina; which u read the first time and pawd., Mr. Heard presented a Uennlution, re ferring go much of the Oovernor'a Messace m relate to Internal Improvement, Fdu ution, Hnnk and tlie circulating medium, Salute. Laws of the : State, and Llterarv -Tiudri ippripwte HnniiMw; wUicli read, and, no UHitton ol' Mr. KuwarJn, Jiid ujMjti (Im lublc. in xnr itorsc or commons, Nr. John I. Jones, from the committee "Ppoiatci for the purione, reported Rules "frdcr for the government ol the House; !iich were read and concurred in. The Speaker laid liefere thViloine tlie nnnal Rtiort of (lie, 1'uhlic Treasurer ; Wcli, vn motion of Mr. Pierse, waa trans nittcd to tijt Pcnate, with a proposition (W it be printed.i. s -: pro "'eded to the appointment oC the following Standing Committees, viz. CTaimn Mertr. Wilnon, Daniel, Fore ! "in, Alien:' stenMenSj liar.ic, iniereu, .'wcaaro, Willi .and Jonathan llortott. Pronoiitium and (Ivirminiei- Messrs. illey, Smith kk, J. W. Potts, M'leod Marrfeller, Judkiiisf M'Nllf sW matiCierrieiit( 4UUU,;Tiulwm l- dcoio--Messrs. Jobrt B. JtWs J. Piioh, Kennedy, Brnckmari, Monk, Uie, JV, I L, Montgomery, Graham, J,. RIlrAtede-r, ;Vr M'Lean, 'ro. and Wtirfgh.: ; , f'peyre, jLocke, Dodson, Grie'r, William H'-rt.i, West, Vl.jkiursv MacWiB, Alii i Brower, ami John L.' Smith.' .... . fjnttnuil linjn-oreiarnf- Messrs. JiftKltek, Varrove, Seawell, M'Gehe, Poindexler; Vi-lier, Ha r ringer; Irrlne, and King. ., . , Pririlrffr$ and EUctioti--Mtimr Tit r"Y Pierse, Uardiaoa, Shepard, Slfiani Ji"r,. 8. M'Ian, Rand, Irion, Wise f. Cans!crLF.draonstQr,and Win. Pptls. y ' It TI14 rSI4T, Mr. Hull, from t,!( uW Coin'mir ", i.nnr"'"H. i prpm Jolt R!t., 0f ilr.li'rtor lit twi, .h,, n.jH.rtM tl, Killraof a. m m.i,m, w,r- .plfd for ll.o 3 -n-fuim i.( gf J,0 p,i,Mi lj,,. latuf. , : i , , tto motion cif Mr, tkard, ll.o Hcnaiw twk Up til lUaolmiim prnr,mj ,y ,im (eMajr, limrliinjr IU l fr. M , Uoernor' MetM.f. , wim li, nr Umtf anq-W, wr i-mlly aJ.i.!. f liB lull lArvtmal ll.o art of la! ri.wi, MUMiJnm I'm Hunk bf Norlli ( arplum, a n.ml tko ermid an tliird tuu and ordored In (mi enrw d. Mr. Mattliena uw.vmj for inntriiclion lo Ihs Commtjlea of riiiaoco lo Uirn b Trciixury Nut a may.iio fiMiml in tin; !Ml'lcl'n-amer... .t.r... .W.hluiu iih ioixmmia itia-Uim-rfiu' to tfinao Not ui.tt Utt circulntioo; wlni' li a iMit iirrtd lo, 'I'Lo r ii;iiniiim ,4 l' J). Anlcn, (Yl. Com. -f ill Gild Hcgiiiw:i4or.Mililia,w read and ar,c -ptml. Tha SjK'ak-r, in nlirdicfrii tnlhe Rule of Older, np.tmvj (he futlowinjf Com mil ! : Military Affniri. M-wr. Mnv o ' .i')'n, Norinu.., lliiiton, and Kxrr. in ma ntv, Thf Fufaker, in i U .Ih im to ilm Rul.- "I """ I. B'Hnnicu 1110 lulloMHi Coin unit. : - Judiciary. Mtr. n.irrinner, 'Bi'a'jrj', (iialiHin, l'..in.li tii'r, H itiK J. I). J.mich, CiH.it., OtiH i.r, and It. II. AlrxniniVr. Virr. lJtt. Mr -urn. M. ('.-, Sun derwui, f -!. I, Tln.liipm, KeniK ilv, Jod kiui, Vp, JiMM'H, AIIiimiii, ('iitloii, M ni (joint ry, J. Wiiiiunu, Martin, mid Corjien h'tnnnrr, Mnvim. Wyrlie, Culvrrl. Leonard. ifuuiliioKJ, LiilvT ilimiJim, CJ. IIKHll'lon, Dixl MllllfU, .Wiifurj Ajam. Mennrn. Murtcller, lyilliird, ilar, llurgin, ami Welt li. On motion of Mr. . I. Joim-h, the vari oua ptirlx of the (iuvcruor'a Mcmj; ro reh-rred to appropriate Committer. The nwicnation of I). Coleman, Lieu li'iutnt Col. J the Mth Rrimuut of Milt, tia, wnt read and accepted. On motion of Mr. V Uln r, Hcnvlml, That a Meatuifie lie m iiI lo the Semite, (roporiii(i; lo apoiiit h Joint Select Committee lo connist of en mem hert, oo llie part of each llixiae, whoae fdity it iholj Lo to. lakf . under cwuidera non me condition oj the turrtt y ol tne F(hI, and to laqnir into the ctediency of ettuhliHhin a Hunk ; and if in their o pinion it ii expedient lo rmabliah a Hank, then to impure whether the aamc, thould I U mtmk mf cluiiivtly by the Stattr, of a Pmnk lo he t'ittdicluMtelyUi.WulividuoIti.or by individuals and the Stale conjotnllv. and that they haytj leave to report by jwlLor otherwUo. 'I'his pmpoaitinn wa laid on the table in the Senate, and a Message tent to the Commons from that House proposing llie erealion rf a tyommiitee. on thr snrr.f sun ject, lo c.himhI of mie mcmlier from t-ach Cimressttnml District. This proposition IJmi IIouimi of Commons refused lo concur in.J . IM THB BMATr," . i . .. 7 - reaenie.iri-pwnKW Jereoii Ingram of Annon Ctiulily, lor jvermnion to erect a i ublic tiate. ' he r'rrmte took up the Message yes. U-rday rect i rod front ttio Commoiw, loiicli in'' th aniioiiitinenlof a Select Joint (.'"'n utittce on tlie subject uf Daoka; and the . . ... . .- - , " w1 "v nniis, proposiuj to ballot on to-morrow for Public Printer., f The proKsition was dipagrecd Is, and on motion of Mr. Montgomery, a Message was snt to tlie Hoim- propoxm to raise a Select Joint ('ommitteo toexamiiu) whe ther the Public Printing cannot bb done iiH)ii terms more advaiitngmms. IS TUK COMX. prtienttJ. By Mr. I'AlmMiston, for the better adumbration, of Justice in the connfy of Haywood. By Mr. ThompJ sou, a bill lo authorize the County Court id Onslow to trai,crile certain records. By Mr. Kilterell, a bill to extend, and eon tinucj in force certain acts of he General Assembly regulating tho time ol liojdiog the Superior Courts of Moore,' Montgom ery and Anson. By Mf. Irvine, a bill to give longer time for paying in money for lands entered in the county of Rutherford. On motion of Mr. Smithwick, lletolrt&f. That the Judiciary Commit tee be instructed to enquire into the expe diency of so amending the present laws lor tho ixmefirof tasolvent Dcotors,a' l abo lish I npris'innicnt for Debt, except in ca ses of fiaudulent concealment. A mcasafferaj received from the Go vernor, commuiiicMing th pweedings of tire Piesident and Diirftnn of the iJtei ry Fund. Ordered to lie pi inted. . On motioti of Mr. Irvire llrMtlcrd, That a niessi 3 be sent to tha Senate, prdposihj? ToTi io a Joint Be- juats Committee, toconsisl of seven mem- ty it shall be to tale into consideration the propriety of anieitliog the Coostitutiori of t . . . I A . . I . ! tlie Mate, ana io inquire wnai inouu n m rriost exjiedieiil . lo "adopt lof lie .... accom falishment of the same. a si uf i r im motion "t Mr. veaver, Resolftd. That a message be sent lo-. tho Senate, proposing to raise a select joint? Commiitec of five persons frbmVach lloiise, (o enquire jntoth5 erdjerjrwof selling the Clierokee land belonging to the State. On motion of Mr. Smithwick, , , ItesUv'nd, That the Committee o'a the Judiciary bo instructed n inquire" into the expedie'ney ol placing CrWs,; irnpose by Courts of Justice in tins tate, upon the same footiVig w ith other judgment dobts. Ii. trynlm of M,tn CanipUH, as nn U u.n iUzur,, ta Ida prU Ml", l"',".,, V lUV"-ut "f "' 'I M. J Uu , Vv..f .f a fUcl ' ' t,' , ''. !5r"U," "f I' J"WI I'lUHilUff V lit,M f Krfcm iM of Lsvulri. woia ruud and t.l it C u eepir4, . - . ,.. , , , , A proposition wi ave lo ih Manure pc I rinler, Mr. Wery J,H- nominal. I rt iiian ior .Mcatr. I.twreirf-e At I ...... I Mr. Puglt iM.io.iMird Ch.rlt t Jt. Utmmx i , .-in. .... "umii'nollliUtt'etl .Uvaart. ulcs 4 StturJay, AWt&cr 21, M3, , ii Tn trmre. Mr. Il.tgan rr..nird th petiiimi tfi krHr- nl tl renj ieu,Ui -simlry ritizens ol KoWtii. unun. C, iU Uwosttwi rttwh ks of Ui frcord. i4Mgof aa act lo aiiiwt a portiuo of , nao county lo Davtdsoa. Read aud r mm rao. Ihlli prrt(ntr,l.r.y Mr. C-i.ia. .U ihnri.in the Rii-ior id l.i,u'lm twin ly to aps.inl a Ik piiv. Hy Mr. Hhul..rd, 1 pievvul olttrn. iiiuM in jiM Hcsid Ri ver, in Kutbeifi.rd CMunly. Read tbae lintt s and ordered to be lmgrowrd. On motion of MV; MisitgiHiwry, lUflfd, Tbultib,i( ommillre lie jipiinl-d to enquire ino uimI rt-Mi lo ll.i llmMH lit Krv4le tutouot td" dttiib-iula and bonus divided ii;mni lb .Capital Slork of llie Slute Hank 1 1 Newbern ami the Hank of Cape Feitr, since llieir organix tioaj the amount of sjincie aettislly paid upoa their subcriprion of stock, slid Ihe amount psid in Hunk Notes, osolhcr (wrr inoiify, the Sim Hint of debts due them on "rr-ttitrrmdntitm lin, and the amount due them on bumurss p.psr, aud suck oth i r iiilortnution uiti thu Mjljert ajf llwy may be nlile to pforure, biqk niay i brow li'bi iijion this mailer ; and that mkI Coiiilinllv rrMrt I he value of Slock in said Hank nt thlTerenl period, awl al tin liuw. . Wrt'JmL T biU . I he, t'duimit Jro . oujhc Judicial y ompiiro Milo the etediency ol' mi inending Ihe law jurtdatiou lo lit r loci ii hi or apSMiil incut tif (MMttable, as to make the utod unifuri throughout the Stale. is the Moron oa to vox. , BJltprrtHtfd. By Mr. lktllrell, lo in rirp'irale Morten Academy, in Auwsi Bv Mr. John I). Jies, to incortraln the Ra leigh and Wilmington Rm R.md ('umpany. Uy Mr. Mc(,'leoe, lopretrent Jistirtif the Peace fi out ining a capiat ad sutufacien rvnrtHi the Judgment of a-Juii tf tlie Peace, until llie return " oo prertv" is lo be found. Thu- l'il! pas'd tho fir-it read ing nod tho seioikl uamed was oidered lo bu (ililod. . Oo motion of Mr. Mik, Hittdrtd That ihe Cniniuiilrn on Mili tary Alliiirs be uixtrucied lu t!inuir hiH the expediency of dieting uuJ amend uij the present Patrol law . Rtiolrtd, That the Cyiomittee on lb Jdiciury beiostructvd Ivsii'JlJiro into Ihe expediency of to altering the law prohibit Liiur tho Iraduiii with Slaves,, aa lo prohibit i - -. , . any pcrsunimot buvmit irmu. iram'ktoaiiir scttnuty m wuucv with, or receiving from any alave, article of personnl projierty, except it be in th same manner, and Under Ihe same restric tions, as nre atreadf provided by fa w " The Resolution Iron th Semite, oil ,r subject of ii Public Punting, wa agreed to. On motioo of Mr. Sloan, " Jlt$ordt That the; .(.'wnrailtce on Uit Judici&rv be imrtrttctsd In enquire into thf ,1 rxpetlicik'v ol o amttnding th law rt-i9Cl TiigTitsla rifylTraTsie "uiiee d (he Tt g i tMirtiv, mat "tie JiMire tti the I eace niay.hereafler perform tlm duly uow r- ()iirel Ly, law of lao JjMtkes. . Mr. Guthrie submitted a Resolution, w hich was rejected, directing tho Comimt toe on the Judiciary lo enm'ure. into the ex pedieney rffrrpenhn;: thrr ActTsttbtlsTitnS the i proiit Stiprom Court f this Stafi,' and cretttuig uue or more Judicial Cir cuits. ""' '"Shifaf, .VtirrmVr 11," 1 933. IN TIIR HKNXTK. Ililli PrtM-ntnl. Hy Mr. Stedman, lo iucoruorale tho J'ariuex'a Jji.brnry sci.; alion, hi Chatiiam county. Mr. Sittou, to make comieiis;iiioii to the Jurors ol the Superior C'otirt of Haywood county. Mr. IiritlHiii, of Burke, to erect a new County by the uanie of . Yancey. Mr.-2LuUu. uf, RicbintKid, to inetifpora ,,te :. hf Rjchijrowli r fflM'J. .s(jr.fMMa. of Alan'oTitciHriiiff fniwny. Tlies bllsTi:M) front each othrr. '1 he currency ttl' passed their first resiling r 'I.' Tlie remainder of the sitting was occu pied in discussing the proposition from the House of Commons, for appointing a Com mittee to take under considers') ion I be Convention Question. It was debated hi some Length, by Messrs. Beard, .Menden- hull, 'and Jul wards, for the rclerence, nud Messrs, Skinner, of Chowau, mid Maim, against it. The reference was agreed to finally, by a vote ol 40 lo at. - ix tub hoi'sk 'or toxvexs, Mr.Courtit, from the Committee of Pro positions and Grievances, reported a bill to eunuiciNtte Joe, a slave which bill passed its first rending. Oif M fTC raham's liioflYl'iptojitiolii aia aant In flu vinalti, pro(saiiiig tt twl lot on Thursday next for Governor jd" tho Stalwart mating tliorolor D, L. Swain. -A communicalioci tyu received from his Kxcelleney, Ihe Governor, covering llie vnmp with iue Adaret proceedings of tho Convention meeting Italeigh, last January, together AJJrctSYd"a tvomrmtteo iHuiut. ed at that meeting, ami tha returns, of toe Sheriff of the numlier.or votes gi veu in at the luto election in frytrrolj.'MMiiMtji. reform of the Coiistilutnm. . The Governor expresses the earnest Egpa"thaT a iprrit TconcfhaTioy"aTMrc"oiiP promise may direct th councils of the Le gyaiiiietnd lead them "to a result which wift unite the interests anil feeling of ev ery" seation "of lhe StalftV'liM IhuiTlnfure' tho harmony and prosperity of the whole. Ti.o 'ni,iVminiAaiiotis were referred lo the joint select ommittee on Ihe twbjeci." Contention Owrsffw. -An interesting debate occurred in the .Senate yesterday, mi i, L m t.Ja ..I . ..!. tu t i.. ., I.i 1ft all fftl aits A m l! Ik linac ti aa. ati. -it V a. Ml it iti.e4, ilrt.ri.Ui:,'.-ltH i. f .. ... 1 - . - - . . - -m bi'Mii u or iMuxpicsc i Tbe hit ubf inuii.t ynfMf rm lb Kail Idstd briar 'l.iUJrl,l.i kiwi Nr ""l-J j lk.N.ili aiI Ktik,b bad lb atlvct t kiie !) 4ibtM' i.i"I M th city td" bU4lm,l, in sm maiujrr. lle i4iger aitc.UtJ nimvrllni'T hy wh risoeva r-e,, )Vilk K i lew, a f UiUtv llinpic t.Ml,i.Iu:.l in-New lork ltarfler ed a premtttai t " U any Mm; may Uy ft Cungrra stirh a prKi Ikmi as shall U umnI by tlut bodr awi. la, lor IMt rt uf irsttii;ig ly l sttiun, tuHtu Ki rtnMe aafrty Im iU- prrM and owry td" lrM-lk-,r. ! Tlie Rail l(d Cutupsny ka fMitdwli j CO a 4Jrrt (utb wotj(t lu fit- b lory 0jOr!ut !y JhiW thai lkt KTiiifrwt on 4 i.nm act iik'itis wbi(k vl xw. Iinsr bnpurn in aptl id lit Miir rate and atteolimt Uat uuiy U Utut d tho afttly of pawngers. lodt-rtl, Ua lite Vital amount of Iravclliog oo. r. rd t. (akcu tutu ew, it yr V WUsnw diuary that hi t-m acrnlenlt ltj p..i them. . However, I be re ft, re, we nny ) m tlkie Willi tho aulC'rrl by such tttr. retires, (and m d sincerely contiMo W ith the U'lt avttl family of V?, Sttslnt-o.) c think rlte ha ill MHfy all ih.it ttol'n prejudice kkttuld o bo viciled Ihr iii oT cuoi t ) iiire." aauwl "Mil.!lleJliiote,Jrf-rtJ. Mtiicr, SeiMix ta Cuogrca ftuw, Suia at iiuih (.'arolios, awL lt llu M. Tnaiu, Svtwi w CigrrM frusii lite Mte o (iourgia, havt rcstgiwd tlt-ir r tpt.cwvc.ycl iu lust LuJviii kciJt w Ihe cause aaatgurd id Unit cast. Lnller friMM Imimiss aial Miaatrappi CuUt ur ut rrprrsettluig Ut iUutag ttji tu the cotton crop in I hue Male by lb early frurts uf tin uL. Oie tilik u lite proonrtion Mtid lo be lot ; wkH.il we t id r at nothing wlivu stMUfSri'd wttii the auintal Ih sIiIi Inch aUay wlks m list, tram of Ins whilu uMfoly tpa Itatteuj.M to py Ins first fall viMt to tin? South ru regions. Hoiijauiiii F. Butler, of Albany, N. Y., ha lxu ppoiiltd Allorury -GtMivial -A the UtoU d blatuK - I tiuuau of lututuiiua ol luu iUlr, ta utt Mowlay fW r elected S.Jicil.r l- li Cib JuJicial Circuit, wiihoul o)'kmIkio. Scared y of Jf jrt-.lha cotidMl U . - mjn taioumiim aUtly utor cUiiturtiu. Tba dimtes ta artrtr aud general. The bo t( paper m thrown from tha banks; and I be bn.lt-ra reaJil get notes or tt umksI 'ttiietc'epftttKaUa: character at the liii'lieni rales. The re ault rt not wilr Vtttfr-J upi Ihe ftie business iuc-ii ol ilie couuuuiuiv. I Kit iat h . ...... all ckisae. au.) dj?ir.s a.t ealling. TIii! Witf. fMTibrd to Tviojtt caoit and ; m ptuAmMy tk-rf-sill W -iapert necsdeot. ally rombtiiod. Tito auoual exlttUl td lb tAlji'Suse, iterbapa I fir pnwipajCitae lilW VlU aiMMlly Ctttae lu tiae. . An- otbr is the 4tututJaf lb deaamailex llita t 1 1 must bo more a rutaocut iu lis tutlurticr. call ntdy bid W friends be tf gootf chrrfr 1 6 . There caum-t, however, I much d.-U ,f !,,; ZTTH IZXISZZ Ihe removal, 111 a snort Im. of lite prest-ul i m fewa. r. ( tttwaa,). U-al, etttm"iwrt Yin'th? ;" Acaisitrnt' c vrn-, r: . rr if nt-'aHTtia. ut uia:i: ... .uwflcjr . .oy'itf . ..' !ij-i..i&iT;if-rG,iyrl.--& "refv''vs:j4i- iijoctj w 1 rrvuy ikmii iiiu onrii:u,.MiS we are eimiicd In in .Ke I'i.tn our iiitet'cuui.c with ihe IrtjioiifM coiii.it-: ot , lltetr is, al tins lime, a grtnicr l-j rewn in inr km years. The liat.ks-l ilitactiy have .luu.JT ceased to uWoui.l, arsl all refuse to ,e , CA twt. intaetiotuie tl.e u. JiS ol ciamlrv St.La. ! which until ately were mailed frtclv:! , j 1 I.i - 1 a T lira -oHfHy Im ktetnn awatiiial nin! tutu, certain. " llse.bang bnAer charge iw, and in many caars three prices, lor d.- cxMinlHig ttrtiigu iMtie. - , 1'bse aviW, and many more that might bo iwiiied, are, e feel assured, profieilt atlrilwtable toJi fearful rponsibiiiy,n Ktsuiued by th President, in removing Ihe govenimeoi depaiile. I ur preaetit te. hensioo are that worse griet tncea, t Uac saiuo character, are yel lo be dcvrkVped. 'l'ba operation of the Prosidenl1 order u t 01 the 1umoei corooionity,' tow been slo, lait not tho less ccrtiuu. I'kdadilptU Evening I'osf. A ign,mnd WaiHl,a little, las week, atatilt pi jaIJwdtac in refli-' eatle in ir Iowa antl itft-hiorWi"".!. ari sing from tho coustructiun aaTjIte rail mad. Wa were not aware irtej lltal a hoosr.i win ti nail tin". tr"mi yjwn, trcttr iik tinu of the Ttdrwi)tch Id never rented f lor more, man rnty.or aii'y dollars per, year, bad just been fcf for one hundred id, thirty-five dollars per annum. This bouse lashed and had an air of desoUiion about it. a if alt the geu of the lrom dwelt there. To uinK,e ii ffloretes'Hau;, iue wmjow sasiirw were generally taken otu, lwauejib)y s xirokBlfeB glaWtnSiiTwaf 1ne t tle spooks. w Wmchetter Virginia. , Ij&tf l&d JS-fn i wosihy rfVbotfyt vtu.bki low grouad. tKiily.Arerliaer, as an indlcaiioii nf the progress of this town, that at P. Ailing sale of building Uai oo" fhi Rail Roaxl Avenue,- t Wednesday, ktst, ! real estate which was i few years ago kl for $63, sod what wa then considered fu'J price, broogkl f i,000. -, tUtUi Cllllt MP. , au tialMV Nv. J ', iii c-tu-s 1 1 d, . r., V fJ . V' "I r.RV. lii a l iwa, , . l a .lH . a a 10 M 4.rt, . , gftl. (o a hrwt I), sell, . W 41 t . 3 4H f. .wrt, . , . ft r (km) - , kU RI.HJ ' Uktsi, . . . . ' a l,W rn , . 4 a .t, , , i a I . . W t M Wi. . , . . . 1.31 nr, . . It l a I l.iWw, .. . a lJ 1..wrt, , , a '. , . . - . Si-a rsiia--; . Ub. ItM . "' '. riacit W ti;, , gsl Ji I Apti tU . S a 3.1 a-.-. Vt f 10) ......t. s if a IT( l.H.r, , 1-1 a li ivitM, . nj a f r-s , Uilt 6 a rn IUtrf. . . 1.50 :.fti r-ir. v , tbl 4.71 a6 2J ,oMrs la M M ; !. . rJ 'f MM.t. . l Zt a 40 N.i r4 . It ' l f .', Wn . lo a li ti luif . 14 a tit .f ' 14 a IU Mt. " KmJi t-i a 7 J iiku, . Vt a 100 nrkr, . rl a 3'. Tl.,.,u,lr.f . fj fii 3i "t, . U a 30 .iTr-v or rrciuxar.. fstl'ixg" i V. smt rttila i ptt ct. I.i im t l.trliiluu, t i I ttrg at iLHKitAtr;rrt,v.! lUetw, , lb 19 a IIJ nttltr, . t ill !. ' .14 17 Ci.t, .nt Ctrn IS 'a " IS do Tito ir SI ufi. !4"'at; l'N,M . , JH t. ll tr, wrraiM bU .0 VJ w 7,y do & . 4 JO too l-ant, lit 111 a Wl U irs r 40 ail Su-M, Miwor, ft'ime iit 1 1 4, ft 1 do towMi i du kfctl If Ittaip ' t sit. p. bh .71 it 1 in Uck of 4 bushvls j,u) 10 T;l . Ih 10 17 Mlttl. . kuth IHJ tl.00 H AUDI C I), UtwAXy WUI.W UWftaslttMy. 8U1V Akaivco at wn.mst.TO'ii i Nov. t4 SrrhiMMtrr IHI.gV, lirrrr.ritm Ne a m tu t 4, .Vt.ij U-t a4 -axnaa, Mckowa. froSJ Nr tfulr. . 11. Kurrt, rd-varda, front Cliark- I Hra- Praia, ("m rw Vm. ' , ZiHt- I (i. UttliaJi U u llaaaab. Ncby, from - - - . .iVi. AkBlvIFTtTAVtTiKViLLEi - Kaa. 16 (iaa Ktl W, h mot4 tV ft k Tawca.li, W llfm HM.rMar, aa4 aarrtitant r 1, .UjTL eaaVimi-M ByirPlrvlll;""' "rn-rb, E.4, s a llibbtd, uf lb i 6r ft ll.a tuiri. tTill ba Sffld, t ihr CtMttt4tnuta in lb 1 awn ai ftahaltttry, ' Jr ' January, 1 834, TVrtO XoUB2 CRtUeaV 3 . u ' - - ;T' I am: bca'tby, and I Vt ll Ctlll lllttSN, boya, - , j 1 !;.;,.. .1 ..i k aT... 1 ail 1 1.- .1.1 . 4. . t - - - - - wv- " v a, wtu VII larK ntiiba' ert.lil t approacd accurtly r 1tri. rmx Miirr, Nnarmbrr 31, Ids tiini tralor. Nunc 15. I puraaDe of ihe Uai Mr ill and Testament pf Andcrroa Kllia, tirerucJ, I will Expose lo Public Sile, Od Tnesdw. Ihe 3 1st 0 December, , .. . t this riEiaiaEs, . K','" by it a.w of f. f the Mill UimIsl l atar wlw ml)4.i.taon U flu an CtwittUtv La all about THE UK A- i i I f , . , '7 : - omjortit hU tfwtll i ng-llouset a a ValuaWc Crist nntf Saw Mill, Upon the Treatise. l ll be sold hi a body, or la r pirate tracts to attit pttrctlaavt. " , . i - 1 It rr mm-.mt rrdrl will b nd know on rh aUy nf aale. - "l , - ,. . rifTlt-3tJiidl i 1t sdspfed To ITi eat art af eotttaa amf Rratti of tl kind. The aal lands It upon tba V ad kin Ktvct, and . TIB laWfisf kas ftils day ajt'ajfiCed ti tlscctiitir of tka Will ef the atid Aadersoa Mis dr sartj, ami Wrby rttjucs's all par ona hawr daantM agtiiut aanj estala lo prs rnt tb tor pamcM Withilt tb.uw pfesov bed by law, and all ihoac indWbied ar hereby Rtfieslad to saak payment, v - 1 r l J..-I 11 :ir. I !. 1 .' , urn A lirM-ratc CMoho Cnrri.i', . ... I'oit 6AI.K Ciller. fii II r-.'!ll.et,lM- Jatt r..m.lriffl 'I 'h J. rtr nirSlKrrMary tu .. t Und (:' I i.fc I. . tea o rs '" " ptiwt tftn I llhii pirM , tba " ir r ' " IT H" 4l.lW.b um'"t4 sif'H Imt ih tHr, ! lu ht'iKtr ti ( M. ll U rKl st 1 m! ' "7 luiu l IU destrvut lo poVrl.. 7 1 Attivrff vu.t t, hiiium fr ! 3, jTo t VubWc. rillir. Ktfl'eml lb tallad !' Trlrsrit t.HJk mm Ctlra lUod MiMtlh. ly f !', I eemisWi ttat ! prt, d r.l-Uti Im p-t.rblt fur. I lit aWd t a f.itt, Ir, sed ristt.d astatlittiMtn, of in itii atirs'toM watch now aNss and ar )t I i-., tela ll. (Stbli atiftd d sspeeisllf Id Th riur and Unl of lb prf ef ikt frtUral f;itrrnl t 1 ' ' sStit of ihs f.wnrties Mwrr.isd thw ' rsivirdv ait'Ml Ibcati 'I . Aa Ajt,riln.tsl I lit roiHsltulto ik V, j ii, t itlef Ih sUelio U fttsotsnt l"k' frullr, and itk.hf h ytliiMl thiol Iruat U IIihm if tlrprcsratalivtsi Th drprnrlrae of th Ujriststivr T)'PH. atrhl n ik r ircuov t lbs ITse4 af Iksl d piKle, ami lit rwrdf v t 1 h Currency th frcMdsndtl ricfl'o Ad tit srleg of all apoa fwbia, tibsrty. II pttrrnwrs ta btvii tl. ablt prat t mdIi tnt maks'lhit pr nimihi rf ail f ad. Urrfstng lb lni'ii(nc of lk P-pls I aat k ba rrfftfctl iMtMH frutN Boat uf tha Aral a4 bkl laltawa. -- Tti lime shr all iktwa who wmld rr t!jt ih iMutfrnsi uMirpatHHM of ta r.arcaitfa, liouM unii la aotNUMHttfraf-t, ks snis4 SiMl,un4(r a hop 1 1 Si Ilr prnrMisilio It!' Ii r.KrrMy rkirainsd by lb r(il, tb K Ira will rinitd at Ik rat ! aMfafe mud ft f cut ftt sshuwi bill wlir Ae of sior ctptrs st n ed 4W t'taltibaillnii, f will b ari.l al th rat of Bv at pte par nua hir f,S ptt tnnum. li. OKKEN, aliinfioa, frernhr 3 . 6l . UKWAKO J ill k f1 lb" ppesb"- fton and dthvery af w-wrgr boy Ai, or oquire, s4W: fP') me, ia Sanbr,eit or brfor Ibr Soih f l January sr a'. Tti 'd boy is son', biark (.VtV('c'tdMl bol " mil tiki. : II ttmiKhl nf VVm Hailrn. wh'kr fti ih srnorts H . laMil bakinctd I BiCWd Vs taUHl. Tha , ilbova rewtld iU b paid n,aJrHerv WW lu , 8Jtiy ' JAsita a. iiuo,. ' W.Ha"S. It1. -- :BI . ' ' FOR. RALH, IV INK IL'klCIlllCft, . " 309 ACHKS - Uiilmprovtd yLaiu1t It IMi on Mil I Crrk. tbotit I Btila tko. 4 Katfiir KIU(' Mill, ailluitwMr lh landr Blilwrt, Jsatrs I'avlS, sad Tfttnxa - aa) wajtnT MJZtBLTH 0OTLUI, Novel bf .sit Iradatl l.ouaiy. r. 'tilt PRINTING OFFICE Of Tt - " V i i t t ii A3 a r o Vtt ai ' 11ns liceti II t'tnoved From th old amid, to a IUkw Ii) a, nor .een. " vv.i.---trt a4 bitaitiprl af law Tfvi,'''.'-"'"5"- A Tew tjo ira tchw tht Court-llousf, r ' Oo U4 rturtb-nrtai t73i (MauVtirtau " vatsa HuFjcr!piIoni!juuJ AJsartiMmeoU Pur th newtpapsr will ba thankfully rrctirsd f ( 'W.' V,'? allesdttl to, and ,. y Jib VrlnUus of tvttvkia On ni BHst rratonabja UrrM. NnVrmler II, 1811. A If ohWnnti'tJr A, rOUNQ 4f Who t.al had trvsr1 yaara' IV etpcrieuc In a coumii.g hourlS,ih in Kiirop and on of the Nnrthrrit ellirt in llila eiwiirr, ri whs eonsideri h!1 ult i Bral.i al B(Xlk 4itti'tUl,,utiU prtly to reside la ears of Hi Southern gtates, and laba (his wrnhmT to brioir !h subject bilor ih atlottliunofih iwrreanlile enmmunlty. Th int uneicrif ion. tbla refrrencrt a lo esptbilily, Induytry. tint - aMi mJ.m.,M,r -111 I.. .I... f ' , - - - " - .. K.muirt 1TIQ m Wratrrw t'Hrmli nttot frtott4)ffis,'",'K-sr:yF' .November 8J. II 13. if Medicine nnd $ur&trj,' DU. EDMUND II. GIBSON" v Iteipectfully biforms th Citlaent of Concord . and its vicinity that h ba located hmiiolf in ihe Town orConcord, .... .!!!?.JP"PJJ f jMeuicijie , iitl Surgcrjr. - IW " b futtntl, at alt ilur when not pfo.' V fcss.vt.auy nKagd al Mr. Malitn't Tan Concord, Hot. tart8li;: -2L TO IMUNTKHS, WO.ftP? "."Wl Which Ih, WHIMb. U rolitiian was printed prei.i.t-to lbs tJ targeairnt of th sheet. 11 FOB KAl fe iTT" a woudea Hreaa, of A. HamsttV mnufatiure. is a super-royal ., and ieute work in a 1 f vv.. m " PP! w soon, it will be suld very cheap. wni. . w.i. ..aj.,iya,.iiaiaiiitiy,iatij , aiiSiiiAi,.nn ALSO Win lf p ' Variety of IViitting MatccfJ ... - ir.aai n ,..( v ... ...... .. 6 vt,iai If llntAi.1 -t -BttrHcfentlo tilttiltahftiG biia?haa sJ 9Mu,or, d which, being p; -willh diapotedof reastbUMeW. A e! Ubig.. or the article, will be gtaa shostl,; November )1. ,, 7 tf 4 I-,; .. to un - JLU TIIR House lattl k. .t.. tf ' Ac of4h Western Ctrolialaa. It is tittMiai a the Nurihwtst aid of Maia trcet,aetrt i -rr"- uuHuina; turneriy oeeopitd tt the t , Biat Bank, Apply t ll. tAUf of4his aa. ; ntKor to ' iOUN C. PAUlf Bt Noyaibfr(lJ, 1033, ti. It I ll .... . - V "f- ; L a " 1 Pr :i V : ' ;r-r- i'V '.. f ... .. . t - . - , ' :

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