tit c i.uvste u;i i ! -c r !.. r if i mi cioti of rt ,IH I ( I I. union alu. l.rn,' 'i.'.rre. l.nlil the important nor l. settled, ruiwevtr, the dillrfciit nutters which have bit..' iind'r diotion lirtween the 1'ntr J rtea and the Krpub. lie of Ciltin?i'n, or either of the Ftatta hith composed it, are not likrly to be brought to a a.t'ufstt ry laaoe. In c rmtryirnre of (h illeai if ihe Charge d'AuVirea ip ro'-ntrUo jJcninl.Amerlta ai ih law tfl u of Co- rr". he WiV prrvcnif d from prrce edinp; on hia rriia'ion until the month of Oc ober. It u hoped, however, that he It by thii time it hWpoit, ind that the oflic-aliiitrrcourac, unfortun-te. ly ao long interrupted, hat been thus renewed on the part-ol the twu nationi o amicably and advantageously eonincted by engagement fonrided on the moat enlarged riocipU ol commercial reciprocity. , It U vf)ti to itate that aince my Utt annual me.asge, inme of aie mail important cUima tt ourrll.iW'Citiiena up. on the government of Brazil hsve been satisfactorily adjo.u ed, and a rc.iwee is placed on the friendly deposition mani fested by it thm justice will aWo be done in other. No nr.w tauea of complaint hife aritn and the trade between the two countriea Conri.he. under the encouragement aecurrd to it bv the lijKiul provuiom of the4reaxy..,,. , t i Cauie of regret, that. Owing probably 10 the civil arntions which have o cupird the attention of the M Ativan fjovrrnmentj the time fixed by the treaty of limita with the United Fp.te for the meeting of the Cnmtwi.aiooera t de fine the boundaries brtwern the twi n.tiooa, rs been suf fered to ripire without the appointment f any O'-mmiaaion-er on thr part f tha- (orrn.nent. While the true bou . djrv remaint in d utt by either party, it ia difficult to nivr effect to thue mfaatites which are ncrirv to the prole. . , ..f ,,f . 1 lui i4ie, i now f in) ,v law, mi dm variu nr !... . di.iilp.l hi Ihe. last riiMi of ( 'oni? rr, Ml a mailer it prtinir, Willi iiiiiiiiiil uiifliiiiiiily and, lintt' it lonnd to wos tiii.ff than ilm iierfM.li-of ibetiovcriii.M lit eH for, there lla'iii t-i I no reason at lln Iiiimi to j 'ity a rlmn;'P. duties 'I" I forbear to pwoiiuwihJ Buy further reduction or the mit mirt'd tUt alrrN.lv .rvi.l-. .f hy,lbj. f vulii'g U, I of alr-Uniit' tti'trf-.jclliilly pre.u.m lotigrcM urn iinirorianr omred for (oV' Wl appropriations which am not absolutely rt. ly tlemjafril tii'.,,r-ni nuinurixu iiy nm ""n nur 0vfrninent. 'N-i Kmie. W e ar tgniiMiig a tmw rr in lh.i on the TreaiiJ"NMwwl ilbt, wliirli b 'I'Hig bren a Imr. .-...uinK year. , No inH" finally d.-d-rgrd jn ll r 'f Hit what may U wre-iry Cj'H-y will aficrwarda lm nri-di'd ,''n .. v,., ii,. ttm oramarv fiimiwMm innu. eM-ii.liiur ki firm and dumri' moment ! fionr ay.t.-m i ly ufo Ilm N-r-rtr of a n 'I'l' M n4 1 caniHit l trmig iiiinii.n mrt to eiilarpe thn ii.notuy, aim aa ajuiui.wij Ilm (Juverniw nt, ind w4 to ba real iifr-iti ol I.V m.ceary ainl pr-fu- r-X t (.overniiwnt t.a i- ,i ,.,..- If a contrary conrao alM.rt ofttm dnmaiidi upm it ; ami uflti lw lull to lighten ll. i,urllie,w of the rop!, a' inir.tl.e tariT in onlir IW lucliiHi ! tak tir.t Waftrr.'tt l4'1 fcr- plorrd if. at the etwl of aiK.llmr venr, we ho' ,,,,uru Y ,m , ed Li rolraca .r tm, ami -iittooa"! urelM tibli nrreHMrv r i-nl.iur. i. ta meet ui. 1 1 is iiiv duly, on tliii nrrsninn, to enll yinir IU tnn-tion o tli pihlir Ixiililui ore tijiieil by tb Tfl' ,0 J" ir' mrnt, wliirh liHp ind niiiro the lnl Hj.HiriniM-iil of l ' 1"" .1.. ...1. . ...i.. ii, rmiava i if tlii imm wikM (lirretaG'M at the tunc, id r'-m.li of which will be duly -oiiinmiiMau4.,n,,e I '.!:e nleiiMirr, Imwevt-r, in Matiiin lietr, thut bv thfi laiiaAa." rtioo- of tin- olli. erd of Ilm Ii-p irtiiM'iit, ami nmnv t lllie rit . ... .i ... .. .'i .... I , ,t . ,..ii i. lit i,ni..'-.l.:ilv fi'-iit Vf ( !'.'"r lU ' r,-i.t rl.ii.i- ,v rl.rii.Mi, ani I"1" -i I ' . in n,' hti.l,, ' .' . . ...a ('..nuru Will n iiiirertlv tv i., v t.'.ri.i.i....-Hi, ; rrm " : ., :. . ... r M U...I fur i' .' . in" """" br.,f.lrj ,i.l.i f. I am If " (1 mm, k-aiJ tothia in.liliitioo. w. . il' . . . r.rt ! , ti ...d- ,la whether the ...,.. Irl, A- ul, iu lU ! ,m u u " - , . I Mi the line 'f il luy. .. -,i.i I ' r,rtoM.rA.lHtll,ror,.lMH,.UrlK.H.,. , I ' . , . I....J. ..r !.. ..rioii. aulneeU entrant' 1 Guv. U-en Ulll'l. for tl ed lu 1 1 4 1 'i from it In. to it. riiii ""l" '"1""'"' - , . , an.1 tha coi.J.I..n of tho var..ii ul.j.cueiira.t; adiiiiiiKtration. - ; . , -i.hf.etff llieni ,hat tni rniy miu.M.- ..- . ..... .-.I 1 1 if ! ir rmr "'j " -ft . n uaatrvRiiw ' j ' " " V)Hir M mi ., re.piira it aeri-e ' h'SL bi,h. L aboard and itier devolve, uxai i !4d and m m " point., and ofprei ccMvi,r tha aniluwry ia-1'uieo a I , tha i-lil frxitrer i uej ,e or...i.-ry : . , j L. fV.teml 1 .,.,1 . L; ...ir-MHl, of couUn.cl.in ft.fic.li.H.4 .. 1 "0,T . , ..." ' .....r .tut ddlNtiiw th- Ml fh at4 at npU ,Wr;.U eiKintrv. and tt.ua provident vW ,a iiiiliwry. ' "Y. V .. ' t... l.n cooling v.r,o,.AulFct. auw-tad 'r l.Lt.tliw IViraUtM wldprnniitra ifUtfHoaorvit-,-- cunduiodV tU ijU t Vii baTe &n mtoufo '. "I "ltat.-". , , tmain Uvo 1 e.u- ur. nrnl Ko lm iftna. fHiveri amt lor the tr.u.H, Klllllllj 'xht lrPhl)P. M return anitticd ff .. i . . ll.a MiuilMinOI. IIM-ir re.MI.ftra f "i . fl.. ,t.. raufiral l,y lb. Ht-imte, l,r,rt '"'"" ' ' . ; " ' f dlll rir. and or tJ ..r.l,...t 11 Ihe irinc now iri.i. ' lion and quiet ol our numerout itc.rna rea ding e-r t'r.. Iro .iier. The aubiect ia oneol erenaoli itu Ir to the I Hi .1 nallv ull.ri il.n m.l.iie utf ri JiA fftnt ftvitl nAl fil In rrrfu mi- tarnit' at'rniifitl. I 'I mililu' i.uif. .firii rtni.ireil t Itnt another Iniililina hMild I Thr iffiiv concluded with flhili. und n!..ed lv ..e UrrrtH n . n a urur tirnl.lc ; nod providing Pr it, it 'H I"1 m.I Penatf'at iillaitacMion, waa al rut fied bv toe Oili ir, i .ild to ei-Ur.-n .mm. ninnwr. tl.e iiccohiiimmIUk i.. for Mie vernment, but with certain additional a .d cii.lanatorr rti. , ibbc urieer. f the KVerd DcpaM-nenta ami U. authori I Uv tie, of a nature tu have required i. to be agi-o aubmit-ctl t -f -u.tol.lf drNM.lorira f..r the -nfe kr-epiug of Hm pul.lic the Senile. The time limited for the e han;c ol the raf- I l.cn'1 ni, howevrr, na i g a.nce,i expire,., me bc-o- o. ., s , fw hi iiiimi an in. ,..,.,;,,. i.Hif ,.a ,er.,.utI,.M, of ,.,y dillW u . - -'Tff K 17 S . .. ' .... .r.i I..... .Jiliriil riXKMllon. .-- of ih.. Hi-irirt. hot lw paper, were o,t, a.i.l none Wat wi.l inaH'" ' - i . . u, iuU.al etent,wiU -1 H'i'" . ,. . ..I ...I..,.. Ik.. .U CfMI V 01 . ....... i .1 lu ll lit.. imv ' ' . . Tal I.v r.-.rt lo ... M or,,...,. conviC.-H- ItltrJ. " wain ' . . . bo.h(...vrrnmer..,on the tre.t,- will .g.ii. bee-.mr neer..,rv. , (, (.,.r;(, Siil(l, ..flk. I,,m., by hi.... and The nrcocian na commenced with the Argentine Rq1"1'- . , ,rr,. . 1Mi ... ,, .., j. ...,,. lie, relative lo the outrage, commilte on aiyfwUtzJifiTrr ffiWMnv'Ka'l.af) " taltV of 'ffrn aulijee!' and, aomo I'.M ii'.M'il, n'ui O f ir.' Sn,i-e ih" l.i't m!j.Hirnnieiil 4 Conew, the eVcn lirv of the rrennirv Inn d. reeled ihe ik.hi.-V 'f til" I I ,0 ,H" m will num. I c.H.i .ir i( i . r . ... v . -f - ,". . . 8L,n--'-':-M r liwnui, ov pcr.on, c- "iri( i.ndrr the cdour of iu authnritv, aa wrll a, the nth. i mi'terv in c ntroverv between the two (Jovernmcnt,, h vr leen .'irpcnded, by the departure of ihe ('harc d'AiT-ire of (he United Stite from Hueno vrr.. I '. undrrnt od, however, that aMio'uter auhoeq ren'lr appointed bv th' (J'verninrot to renew the nccuciation in the I'm-cd rit.te,, but, though daily expected, he ha. not )ct arrived iu (hi Ci tintrv. V(h Peru, no treaty rni vet been firmed, and with l'..l vi i no diplomatic int. icour.e ha. vet been e, aMuhed. I wdl b' mv endeavor to e lour.re thee cn 'intent of min and ihat liberal commerce which belong to the telnion. in which all the iodept ndant Stalea of thi c- otinent .land tn ard C4ch other; I ileem it iroiKr In recnminend tn vwir notice the r'viioi, -f oil' eor,.ilir item. Thin lih iM-coine ni. I rf ntit brHircl. of ll.e pii'.'ic -n ire, iriMt.nii'-li i j, t int.iimlelv emmeeled with the pre. aerv.tinn of our ii iluui il rhnraeler nliroail, with the interest of our rrti'-'n in f.m'i.'ii en.. niriei.. with tl.n refuUlion nnd enre of dr ju-vcrn. ' i lml ill' in ronlinvrd e.i'inm rce, bik I tl.e " prote.-ti.Mi of .Mir faamen. V T tt. T.1' .f- lUtH P'taiia. Iitit llwaa Ilia minim f I III llillllll llfPil l9frVesffs"fA j nif iTTmr 'Yr'm'lT ibaWr, of niakiu'4 llifl annual approprialioiitv iWi'flflJW! ferimrnimr"nteif Report froi.i iIm- Sner- tarv of Siiite, upon Ihe Mihiert, t.. wlii.-l. I now refer, in containing tofori.tatrnr, which may be n-f.i! in nnv inqiiirie. thut Cni.jfreaa may mM fil to imltttrte wrth a vifvv lo a aaluUry reform .4" llnf ylern. . It cive. me great plcanurc In rfMicraliilntn you npMi ihe roMT mi condition of ll e fni.incei of the country, aa will appear from I In: Report wln'eh llm Seeretnrv of ihe Tr .Mr'ry wi, in iuQ time, lav befnrt- iui. The refpH niin n.e Treiwur'v rinrmff the pirtit y. mMmm, m twoht thn thirty 10. Util"tiMi tit a.iniH.- The rev :true derived ffuiu. cuwUm, will, it- i rrerrevef,terBiorf5 ihun .ling J,.')72,240 W) ru.accxmnl of t ptihric rlehtT Will i.r,rdriruii' , lo lwej.lv ftv nuotocw r arwr n lrge linlancfLiIl renmin in ihf TreasnTv RfTor catTS' vinjj nil llie.iij'prupruhuua charcttlila m lU revenue for the) ptTKrnt jear. Tl.e nieusure's ia k fin by Secrclarv of thnjTroairy.jl pro-jwlfalfWfk-bim o'JWT'y jit1fuliirj. ol .'the'proartia year, Ibe fesiifiie ol iTic evcfianrr.) per cent. Mock, redc.-inablu on (lie IhI of .f.inuary next. It om, il.eref'.trr, been included in tlm e.Miimaied cxpriidilure of tlu war, niwl formira part of the rJiirn'atrove Muted lo have Ircn paid on .account of lb m.l.l.c debt. " Thi! patfuuniMM" - tliH. stock wul.rlia- thf-whftle rh-ht of ihe I 'nhed States, fundco a . . .1 . ... . iX tflil4 ffff 1 . .....i..i.i iir in.- t .w.iw Mill.'" I IHM'II I "Hill 1 .il exM-n fu rv day adding t then rtirtitli. 4m", NcH.inot ckiit,.,r.Miiitled bv our evttl. n 1 i.tN and f""1'. -i.l. ...,r . iti.w.- ,...,.... Iie wi ther ll.e jnirlbr-iK-.,,. muA, the m, in, ,Mr lie fWiro o irnpr..enieiil, winch , rm-'.nlial to any Wvoinble rhnti;e n ib. ir coiil. it. .11. i,tbl.eb(Hi i.,t. ,Ui f 1111 fht a wi-crior mrc, mid without ippreciKliiig llie ,, il.cir Jl'sklUiUl-y,,-41-- y.tkuu 4tt t4H.lr.4 flem-,-ttre t lllll't TfeyrfiTy" It Id t'l the.fcuce of cim uiiiMaacen, hihI e.e ihi .liiiiifear. ut bit. been tbei'r fato iiiotitho Ix'f .r- ihe removal, I iire-d ttiMHi the I Vp4rtuicnt llie pn 1 l.err. .(.,.., iuvi it it h li lm averiel,tto.l it i,il ei only Ire none i y pr:-u of iukm t'lat stf-ji. Tim o'-nr approach of tin- day 00 which u (jeocn.l tcuiotnl Ix-v lid our iHuit.dury, and by the ? i;;iiiiir.it"ro :li- co.iricr will -pire. a ell a the cun.lact of Ihe Hunk, i'Hr . n im-ir p-iliticnl nlfin i:p.m jir.nciplea adapted tu U.enew rrUiMMi4 e.l in me to call f.r this meauu. ..(umi llf high cM.M'briti"ti of j m which lite; will b- placed. The eiperi iiMil which hj U-. 1. r imhl.c mti-n-at and public d.Hv. The extent of it. iiiio oodiM t, h rw ccntl) inadc, I iu. so far proved anc.ci w.fid. -The e.t.rr.n crnrf ever, ntfli.Hiii'. known lo' 1-)re:.t. waa mil nt that tone lolly o- 1 ully ;ire i.-iim-m iiI. d to U- proM-noi and coiculi fi, Ihe 1 ujiiIi 'utt- v-! Mx-.l In pr-.i. Il wui n .t uutd late iii the month of August, thai I recti v d from the ti.iverii.iH'nl lhr.yt .rt nil ollinil r.-;v.rt, .-labh-hinj l-?..nd the qur-ttion, that ll.ia great nnd m.w rful iu -IH iliiMl had lif-en aclivi-lv eiignr-d in atiemptii.2 lo tnlloem e the el.-, ii.... of the public olltcera, bv mean of it linmey ; anil tlmt, in io ti.n of tho epren provitiofi of it charier, it bad, by n f..iuil re.iili..n, placed ... I111..U at Ihe diMH.ilion ol il I'rea.dent to be e iv in .ii:.iit.n the (Kilincal o r of the Ibnk. A copy ol tiw roduii'. u -un:auiad 111 the n porl 1 the 4;emiw.iit Ihioc torn. In f.ire referred lo ; and, however the object may I dii'-m. d bv cauti.Hi l.inuat'e, ik imih can doubt thai (hi. money m tn truth in'end.'d for eli-. tioiiferiinr purpi-, nnd the mi rt ir.il if nw-a to which il wh. proved In have b-en upplii-d, iilniiiiliiiitly hIiowIIihI it wiw imdcratood. Not only wax ll.e evidence complete, na tn the p;it tip- plication ol Ihe niMit-y ami power ol lire Hank, to electioneer..!,' pur n hie to tl.-ir want nnd habit, ami tl.n eawntial urtitlc. of ului ten c ea-..lv prure J. When the report of lhcoiinof-iHrer ow 1 ..i-a.-d 111 invent infill. ijj Ihe crtidilcm and rrpw:t of the- Iudi aiiH, ..nil in .'eini; a plan for their iutrrrotrw and jrov.mnM:iii, i received, I tr.ir-t ample iiM itna of inl-irtnntion w,H be in )o'iii.a of ll.e (!ut-rnmi'iil foradj.i.iin" all the unsettled ueli Mi coiioctlcd wiihtin iiitcre-iinc nuhject. Thu ..a ritlioiia ol the Navy durine (he year, ami it prwent cmi dawn, aru liiiiy oxbibiteti in-the amiun I -report from the Navy Ire" pi.rli... lit. Hnj',':tionanre made by the, Secretary, of varioiHinipmvcinm.l v win. I. decern: c.iniul coiiidt-rnlifn, nnd inot of which, if H.lopicd, hid fur to promote too eilicH-m y of tin iinKrtanl branch of th? piilln: m-rvicu. Aiihmik lhoc are tlm neworei.iiizalim. of iIm) Navy aame coure lu be iirfed ia future. . , It U'in ihuaeataUutlMd bv u.pi4ionul4o proof that :h lUnk of tha Lolled MaiM m eiHivorlefl iirloa pemmiieiit rtnrttnnwririt; en cine tt appeamd la me- thai tlra 'puth of duty whirle ilw Eiferutive Department Ihe (3 iverninenf imirbt to miHue, wa-tnnt dmibtful.' A by re H-rtrw of the Bnnk rfTarter, rm rtftjeer hut the Sccn-tary of thr I rM-J.V fiiU nimw t -r 1. . x.r.OT- ru tiw fbdTITTt au thority ouhl to be at one odef rleprjirlf jJbat fircat cfcfftfalton of the Btij.porl arid f ifuuteuaucu uf the, (overnmertt in such an rise of ita lundf und Mich an evertton of it power. In tloa poml of the e aw, twenty cil.t jndlions nnd tha public land will yield about three I the quratioa ia dintnei.y preentcd,irbpllicrila pooj.Io of. lha Uiu Jaytf rwvtttt.a ilemrcaj filKer H'rcwjtiyfJ(jiiii'iiii iiulUuna.- The eA;ud'ur. w.tbui llw var, for H objeei, inelr,- aflrri0vemihfoMifh "rif" P.'.sl' (Vfr.rn "AJin'uL ima.caoiwtimf' 4 n,.. iii,l I l...u...l ...11V.,. . ' -' - - J.-...- .-... - --"'- - J ' . . .. . ..... . biasfjed aufiraiitavoe wbeihet lire JOWxT and rnrmPT "of rtfrarfof porufion ore In lie aeeretlv exerted to influence their jiidnient, and e.rtind rhnr dcc.w.aw. -llmtHt mtw- be tteterrrrfretf -rhrrher Ttlr Bivok ui to have it. candidate fi.r all ..ITiceglii the country, fr.m the tua'-ieiit, ta Ike lowent, at whlfer"canlilHfe wi trofh' sf.tf-S tif piolitf, enl-qireKtiotiB nha'.l be brought forwurd iw la-rctofore, and upiorted by the U'ual nieaua, v- . At this time JheMTorta id the Hank lo control pi.lilic opinion through the ditrt.i of (Miine hjii) the feats of iilhcra, aio tqiiikJy apimretit, and, if possible: inwc oljotio.H)bra, - By. a curlailmwitof iu ac.cotmmrdntinrrs morr rapid Ihun nnv emergency requires, nnd nnd unfunded, to the aum of 3I,C0,02 OH. And, an prnvir-mu cvwi while i.l,main Mwn wlnvttn hanlmadv been vwle-flc the '4 J frAT fehl."ariiivcmeuT.ncd, and j ita vault, it ia attempting l trrodnee grent omb;, fragment iu one charged in the expends of Ihe pa-ncut car, llw aum h-t Mated 1. 4 pnrtirm of the'icoViimumfy , wliilu tlirotih jircaara known to hn ve Sicen nil that now reinain of the Nalinnaj ppbt j und.the revt-uue of tlw Uulaiaed by it limwyu attemptaj by unfininded alarin.'i, tocTft-ate tMMinns y-nr, inp.-iin r won me naiance now in ine I reamirv. will a Dime ui all. i mimeteiH to discniirjf it, alter nieciing the current pxreiif&a of J hese are the mean by which it neom to expect that it ran im: i.ovenimeni. i nn,r 1 lie power civen to trie t omini8Hmer ol ; (orca a restonition ..f the deiios.ti-K, nnd mn .-Mi.kitiff t.inn, it win, 1 nave 110 l oubt. bo burrhaaed on avor , 1 . able term, wilhin the venr From thiv view C.f Ihe slate of the fwrnncpa and the public en garments yet .0 Ire fulfilled, you will iierceive, thnt, if Providence irermits nie lo meet you at another et(ivl ahall have the hrji grutilicaliou of announcing, to you that the NtionaMleht' t extih jmixhed. ' I cannot retrain from exprerwing Ihe pleasure 1 feel at il-ro M my oa-n apWmlhrinR importnia-e a.Ml frcaf utility of this Department.- time wttflm wnicti ine nuiii.c di-ht hi 1 hnv Loan I.Ih,m 1 i...i.i r..i ...... ic u.j .. j: ..1 1. ... i r .. ..... . .. n -. . .. ' tme-wittlhl hic!i ;1tosyuhric "di-Tit :M have been diaobaeged, ia Hirong evidence 01 the abiuittant resources of the country, and of the prudence and economy with which the Government knu hereto, fore been adminintered. We have waged two wars since we be came a nation, with one of the most powerful kingdom in the world both of them undertaken in defence of our dearest riirhta both successfully prosecuted nnd honorably terminated; and many of tnose wno partook in the tirst struggle, as well a the second, will have lived to ee the lat item of'rhe' debt incurred in these neces sary but expensive conflicts, faithfully and honestly -dincharged ; nnd we shall have the proud satisfaction of bequeathing to the pub lie nervants who follow us in tho administration of the Government the raru blessing of a revemre Tmtlinently abimdaiit raised willi oi. injustice or oppression tir'pur cUizens, and 'unincumbered with any burthena hut wht they themselves shall think proper Un.inu. ti,. ii.u,.:j,:. ... r.i. it .1 courage us to indulge ip a lavish expenditure of the public treasure. The receipts of the present year do not furnish the test by which we are' to estimate tho income of the next. Tho changes made in our revenue svstem by tha Acts of Congress of 183 and IS33, nnd more especially hy ihe former, have swelled the receipts of the present year far beyond the amount to be expected-in future years m -Uto Jeduced.taiH.I' .duties. 'Flw ahfTrferfed 'mSMW'niwim III.. . ...Ll. .Tu..ii.f- .-,-f u.- -r "... -.. ..,,0 ,..,,,, ii-u,wuuii. no. nave oeen payaoie until lfjai, nnd would have fimned a part of the income of that year. These causes wmiM.of themselves, produce a great diminution of the re CB,I! !" .'!?' 131, m compared with -the '-freWnTnFf affl' ""they wilt be still more diminished by the reduced ratea of du'ies which take place, on theirs! of January next, on some of the most imporlant and productive articles, t pon the lest estimates tha. can be made, the receipts of the next year, with the aid .f the uh appropriated amount now in the Treasury, will not be modi more than auificient to meet Ihe expense of the yeHr and pay the smalt .remnant of the National Debt which yet remains unsatisfied. I eAouot,, therefore, reconimend to you any alleratiori in tine present as a necessary consequence, extort from Congress a renewal uf. ita charter. I am happy to know thnt, through the good sense of our jreople, Ihe dlorl to get up a panic hns lullirrto failed, and thai, lliroujl. the inere.ised nc commiMlatinns which the State Hauka have hoeu 4-imhled tn a(lfrd, 110 public dudxc& baa follutrtid thu txcrtioiw. ol' the liank ; and it cannot le doubted thnt the exercise of its H.w'er, and the : expendi ture ni us money, as wen aa its etl'rts tojrpiraa j;rumiuies alariu. dutv, I should feel myself called n bv the facts disclosed to order a tcire arias against the Bank, with a view to put nn end to the chartered rights it has so pnlitahty violated, were it not I lint the charter itself will expire as soon iis n decision wvuld probably be obtained from the court of last resort. I called the utteution of Congress to this subject in my last nnnu al message, nnd infurined them that such measures as were within the reach of the Secretary of the Treasury, had been taken to en able him to judge whether Ihe public deposiics in the Bank of Ihe United States were entirely safe; but that aa hi single powers might be inadequate Id the object, I recommended the subject to Congress,' as worthy of their serious inyestigali.rn : duclariug.it us hiy opinion, that" an iiiqiiiry inio (he transactions of that rnstitutjon, emhrucing the Rranc.hea as well us tlw 'principal Bank, was called I lor. by. tha d.l whicw wan giwn'thrimgtioiil 'the clrui.try to many. jmiuua citargs impewetimg tneir cnurm'Kir, an.T which, if true, might justly exctle the apprehension that they were no longer a safe depository for the public money, The extent la which the exam ination, thus recommended, was gone into, issprea'd upon your Jour mils, and is too well known lo require to be stated. Such aa was made, resulted in a report from a majority of the Committee of Ways and Means, touching certain specified points only, concluding with ued in the Rank of U.e United States. This resolution was adopted at. the close of the session, by the vote of a majority of the House i nepreseoiniives. kondsrand the cash duties ou woollens, which were introduced by Ihe Act of 132, and took effect on the 4th of March Inst, hatn . -IL io the views of ihe puhlic interest, or the duties of its agents, which may be taken by tho other departments ol the Government, or either of its branches, with the most sincere respect, aH. opinions or suggestions proceed ing from svKih a sonrceT and in reajwet' to none ani I more inclined lo do so, I Imn to 1 he House of Picpresente lives. But it will be seen from the brief views at this time taken of the subject by myself, aa well as .the more ample ones presented by the Secretary pf the Treasury, that the change in tire deposites which has been ordered, ha been deemed to be called for by considerations, which are not nflried.ly ll.e nr.M-edinffl referred to. and which, if c.VrrrJ.1., ;.'L. ed by that department, rendered its act a matter of imOcriow duty. 3 to which I Is-j; leave to cull your particular atjcntion The views w hich are pieseiitiM imi ulrm Navaf concerns, and, es:ciaily, i the uniouul uf furco and the nuin her of officer; and the jeoerwl course f rf pnltey appropriate iu Ih -prtnt Mate of our ciHiotry, for sicitiiug lbs threat and useful pur iMMwsofuavat protrrtion in iM?ace,)iFd ttnu ' prcpanoiuii tut lb eon -- rtrrwences of viar, meet witi.BIV'..iUllilCapprjMMMt.--; TJ .-LT" -'' ff will Ic-jn: rnrHTd SHai XUd wpuvV refoVred Hvthaf thr-frTa"-1'''" cmiceri sol It.ei etiubushmerit are in "excellent cotulitMUij and it K hoped Ibul C uigre-ss itmy feci dirpwed to m'ukc promptly every suil tho slrei.kth of its own resource, to Ijrililale the menus of Coniininnca- - li.Mi between I irv a noil psrhnns nf lt,r l'nliin"7l7nticreaid jatliy - ilvv - TlifWmfilio.7, hnwrver, in w hich the at-Cochts of the transpor UiKMVof llm-suuiljiave always been krpt,"ttpp,ar "lit I.aVfi rrresent " iTTM imperf ect view of itk epehetil fiHs'iecehtTv"Tk-i:ii dicov- . ercd, thul from thacarlwist records of the IVpartmenl, (lie nnriiial blutcmeiils luve U-en ciilrulated to fxhibirah am(iuurcinild4hly short of Ihe uctual cxp.-nse incurrn.l (r thut -rvice. Ttiesc illtii or y Utei.i:ntft -lwit.)1IrxpcJW0. if tarry Ini intW rffei-f'"- the r.w ti tiji- bm session C ongrcss, tblihhiug new rnntf rautu, ..-. -- and a disp.osi Ipu) im J.hepiirJ..U Aha JIt-J.ff ihrv sWtWenrirt"T gratify lite wishci of ihn pt.Uie in the extension of Iho iuaiT facili- t lies, have iihhice.l him to incur responsibilities C.r theTr irnproc UH'iu, ueyumi wnar ine rurrem restsirccs siisiam. As soon as be un4 iliK-overed 11.fl l.od, he caused an investigation in applied the proper remedy to correct the ev iL It became neceswi- ry to wi:hdravy some of fhr improvemeiils which he had' muds, i't'. bring the expenses of tho Department within its own resources. Thus expense were incurred for the public good, and the public have enjoyed Iheir l j fit. . They urn non bul partially suspended; mid fliat where they iniij be discuutiuucd. Willi lhoJiut. in;uttveui'' enee to the cotmuy; ; 'J'he prrMive ufcmse tn the income from postafres, has Cdua led tlvi'iwliefpertalions.tind it affords duimMititrative evidence extension ol Ihe mail lacili- tl isibilities C.r jhMrirnjiroc. . ; ,5A cfs'bf the Depart tuei'it would Ai red "the iinjH rfi-ction of tho j be "made of jiA n'Mills, and ' A 1. l 1 The detail', are exhibited iu the accomiwnying report from the l'el master (ieneral. " The many distressing accidents which hnve of late occurred in thnt portion of our navigation carried on by the uso of steam power, deserve tho immediate and unremitting attention of Ihe coif stituted authorities of the country. The fact that' the number of (hose fatal disasters is constantly increasing; notwithstanding the" great imprrveinents which are every where made in tho.macr.inerv"" xmployed, and in thq rapid advances which have been made iti that brauch or science, show very clearly thaj,they are in a great degree the result of criminal negligenco on the part of those by whom Jhs vessels are navigated, and to ubrwe c property of our citizens are so extensively enlrustedf.., . - That these e if may be gtyrjtTy jgg-teWd, if hot Qantiaiiy w. -lanved, by inaaiia of pfXenutiuiiJiij nndfenal legislation, seems to be hiffhjy probable ; so fur tberemra- as the subject can be regarded r as within the constitutional purview of Cougrewi, 1 earuestly ,re commend it to your prompt and serious consideration, ... 1 would also call yonr attention to the views 1 have heretofore expressed of the propriety of amending the Constitution iu .relation,. to the mode of electing the President and Vrice President of the U-: nited . States. R harmony 01 tne people, 1 hat every intermediate agency in the elec tion of these officers should be' removed, and that their eligibility should be limited Jo ojia-lcrm of oid eanjrryTnvfteuOT Trusting that your deliberations on all the topics of general in terest lo which 1 have adverted, and such others at your more ex tenaiyffcnew may be crowned with success, 1 tender you, in conclusion, the co operation which itjiiax.be. jaiuy .puwet .to-atPfru thems- Washington City, December 3tf, 1S33. ANDREW JACKSO.V. (O" We are greatly indebted to Messrs. Peck As Welford, the' indcfUiifable Mail-otractora,for.'jhe abore copy of the Preeident'j Annual message.- irwas put into our nanus yesterday morning at 7 o'clock, in 50 hours ,froni Wabieoit.'-The Carolinian ueing nl rtvadX c:ai'8 uPj we aeterminod to publish it in this sliapc.