li rentier tnj r.JM.Trt tn Cnr-grew a ropy J, f h rn2rord bi to ,h Arl f ..' i I L. I lart a,,,,, nnrrfnr,f in "' ha o- ' l Cuumy,M rrj-cr-4 M iM lr1 reading. , ; Mr. fr, tmm ' S'1 f"1""1" 19 which u referred the !! greeting I A llnw.f end lUory Brtffn, undi-r certain eond.fion, two tract of land, re port) lb aeiw, with sundry men Imenl -which wee agreed WM fr.'sj fbrthrr afendd, rd irJ ? aod fwtj, tod ordered la be engrossed, iTj-J, Drcmkr l. J3-1- , WTM SBJUTI, ... U rtalht. from lb Joint hxt Com- 'thill lo which tu referred thaieport of tt rmtimiMlmttr aMKHbliHl TO" f""M ' Vm Cknitol. mad report ibr, areom ftanied by a bill making appropriations IVr eairylng w and eom:lelin$ the building j which btll Nwd it not reading. 6 Tb engroed bill lo profit! for llie liar ftdminwtrmti of Mie in the Counties of Rutherford, Buncombe! I.iO' otn Iredell, and Pesnootaok, wa rrjct AI on it Mcooij reading. Tha lloua of Cumnx.oS having eonctjr "'red in the amendment lo Ibe engrossed re Solution directing a copy to U made of the mat of lh CVroke land, tha aaid resolution waa ordered to U enrolled. Tha biU lo incorporata lli Keenok and Yadkia Rail Road Company, waa amend- ad, read the third lime, paased.and order td lo ba engrossed. " . Mr. Dobaon presented bill Tor tli re lief of securities in certain coses j which Hd ita first rrsdinr Tba bill faming the right fit electing County surveyor In Richmond county, in , the free white men the rent, was' amended , by attending ita rroviiona lo the county "ttXftt, read lit aecond tuna ana passed. .'-' .. W thi uonmo's,!, - " Afr. Pciwetf, froot the cotamittee on In temal I mpm amenta, reported tin bill to ineotporeN) the OreeMTiIla and Hnow.ka Rait Head Cwmpany, and lh Wilmington : and .Ralawli Rail Road Company, with . Iindrr amandmenta. Thfl anieudiueoti ware agread lo, and tba aaid billa paaaed Ibciraeonnd reading. Mr. Fisher, from the Commirtee on Bank and the eurrenrY, mude a Report recoromctiding the eaablialinienl of a 8 late Bank f which waa laid on lb table, and ' erdVred lo bo printed. Mr$lnea preanntod a reardutton, artting apart nmrIiy erning ncit furtu r- commamiini'tn iir iMMceajMq. J cpgo btrbraa aJiH4'I. , . " : Mr, Itrine. from t.'ia Join! Stilecl Coin piittna to which were referred certaio ro. "olutiona relating to amending the Conati luliua of tba Siaia, anade a nwArt thereon tccntnpanicd by, a bill, entilM " bill to z- rid tut tha ratinatlori,"ty IhepeWpl, aaadifi aoMiidnaeMa fofhe Cormtitmt,m df tfwr State.'- Thts toid bill waa" read ibe "firtt (ime.'anJ, toffnther with the Report, - ordered to be printed, and inada tba order " M Ibe day Ut the 34th uwUnt. -vr-Mri Wye: from rte CVnnriTttee,ofl Fl- baiiaTreponed a bill prearhh'nff certain duue to ('terka 'and S'lienffii in xabnikNt t , the tax ao aala al auotioa-twhicb pawed ".'.UThe tllome billa and resolution paw- ad thot third reahnff rnd'were ordered to ba engroaMdt The bill attthorningTbonr . et aod Dilliard Lnva lu emct a bridge a eroee Jfnnewefl rirar i-lb hill to inrorpo ,,, WJf lha tlrewMbiiroiigh Acadamyan Mi; . OttaJ Labor &bool le- btH to amend the ".act of 1830renncmin! the town of Wider boroogh ill bH declaratory of the law in , relation to the rights and duliero SlteriflV - eji lnpectora w hulUing elnctmna: the ; . ein reaiing ine power to auinorme me e. rection ofgateaaeroMbuliho roada in the touaty CourU tlw bill cenreming cnre i Wit'a ita Hh walutiwnt hi foenr of the legal repreaentalivee of the kite Chief Jua lice Ilenderaon. The following bill and resolution aero K tented and read tba Orot lime t Ur Mr. berta, a bill to establish the Merchanta1 1 - aud MiiMsra' Bank- w tho lown nf Lincntii ,tSrJiRi;iei.bin la.glate the pcOUIiog. Mil retailing of aptrtiWMia li o-jora. , , . The tagroaaed raaolutina in IX roe nfthe eecoritiea of John Slanr waa read the third tirao, pAMod", and ordered to bo enrolled. On motion of MrILWeaert.,tliQ Judicla. ry committee were hurt rue ted lo inquire inr-iw wpvuieiicy ui ao aineauiug .me law, aa to compel peraona who mny wih to evade Hte -payment o trial' before a Justice of Ibe Paace, ol any note of hand or other negirtiaWo paper utulor aMI, to an awaroatwtbae lo the elocution of the aarne. ; -f i - , - lfc,. .. Zr Titttda TMi"aawTit, MrTSkinner, of Chowan, from the Ju diciary Committee, reported the engromod w-wpwumw unm inr paying m 011 trt money ffir.taad entered in Rutherford county, with an amendment, which waa ! agreed to. T ne bill waa then read the second time r and," bcin read ihe third ! lima, waa poatoooed imlennitelv. tee on tue juutciary were instructed to In- tjtttre into Ihe exdiency of amending in cTioence, a tw notnorfse the depoaitioo of foinaJeaaken by two Jua- uce oi me t'eace, by a romnuaaiim rastt mg fronr the Clerk of tho Superior or Uwnty Loufti a the case may be, td b reaq as eviuence in all civil eauaea. 1 The bill making appropriation lor car rying on tnd completing the Capitol, was nmendedv. on motion of Mr. Matthew, bv idding.r proviso, that the appropriaiion- i,u" dollars, waa read be aecond timeya 5iia Itwa hen read the third time, ptueed, and orJer. d lo be etigtoased, Tie ergrotne.l .r.rrn.r g tla I.i1 -f ft lot, Um wbirh tlsO j'l fectrd in K!l-irv. to be to Chairman .f tha CtMttity Cimrt of Rowan, mmfxi it t wo tt.t reading, and waa ordered lo be en. rtl.d. n, LU e.tina tb nc.t 4 eiung Couhty rJurveyora in th cuntia of Hirh. mood and Ait w poponea mot uimcijr. .. It Til como, , , Th fiillowinir bilU were presented, and read the fin time i I'y Mr. Court, A bill to amend Ihe 10th aecnoo M In acioi 1783, Cr opening tl land omre for Ue redrmnlion of atrie awl oilier certin ratea, and discharging Hi arreare due lo the Army. Ry Mr. Ig, Wl to ineor (orate Ihe Hahfui Knit Road bridge Com wanv. tin mntinn iSlt. Hatlle. the CofPmittr on f'iuanr war iatruci4 U iwiir iule ih propriety of ampting from laialion all Jae now vtnjnn to taianon, whw pernianep4ly disabled from eervw. Mr. Taylor reaoiunon, in Irueiing tlie Judiciary Committee o m quire into the expediency of ao emending Ihe law re alive to enerutiona laaued uy a Jiwtite of the Peace, that the time fur which aaid eiecution ahall remain good, may be extended from three to ii nioothi j wtnch wiw re'ii.c(ed. The Bpeakef laid Imfore ibe I!oue a ronimunieaiinn from the I'uhlioTreaaurer, Irantmitting atatenHmla of the afluira of the Dank of Newborn and of the Biate Hank j which w In id on the table ami ordered lo be printed. ' Tne rngroaaed bilf to erect a new conn tjr, ly tha name of Yancey, wae rend tho tlurd lime, paaaed, and orCcred lo pe eu rolled -veaa 60, naya C9. The bill lo rechartcr the Dank o Cape Fear waa read '.bo aecond time i wbon Mr. Daniel moved fur i'.a indefinite poatpone men! which motion wi negalie4 by a rote ot 03 to 33. Several amendment! were pronoard. which were rejected.. Tb bill waa then amended, and paaaed ita ae cotid reading. IM Tll fEKATr, Mr. Mendenhall, from the Committee on rducalioa, made a report, nreompanied by rvaolution, drelarmg that, in theopin too of Ihe lrjUlatiire, all tho vacant and UMipeopriaieil anarh and awnmp lands in thia Stale, were, by the law paieed in 1&'13, tctuully trnnofirred, and do now belong to the Literary Fund of thia State ; and also authorising lh I'rrnident and Direr tors of the Literary Fund lo expend of aaid fund fdrlftihTfanynTie. varniilandunappro- prinwd awamp Inmls belonging to aaid luod, which fhey may deem aiWnhbre. Which report and resolutions were hi id on the ta ble and ordered to he printed.. - The engrossed bill venting the power to 4therisethe rrect'ovof galea acroa pub lie roadi. m the aernral County Courts, wa rejected on ita thinf re mnnji-. ":TTie other Ifouso having eoneurrcd in lh amendment to the engrossed till to amend the Jlct of 1 7S3, giving- an eqiiilf jwradictlott'tn thd SujftrW Coort m fnr a relate tethe riabilirorSheriiA aa bail, the said bill was ordered to be nrot!cd""3 LlTJig togfjasacd bill granting to Ar)eh or and li, Kesgnx orcemm wiouV no nil, iwo. muciu w . Mour waa reau rue third time, and pasao(Lz:U Hu. liiutoa ffwMile4 - feanrutron i reeling the appoint nioofof a Select Com lee to inquire whether the Congreaaioral Lhflncla of the BtiUo, cannot laoltered a to make ilioov owtre ntiarly eoinl ; and, if ao, that they report a bill fur thnt rnr poae.nd prepare ia'tagTo 'bftV'ibitorat purmlnrion of each district and county. in mo ciaio f wiiii: a waa aonprau. jiiRaurs. Hmton, 8pight, Oillirw, Flower", and Muorc. were appointed tha aaid committee. hHr. Clayton presented a bill to giv JurjJ titer ttme for -puytnyrTB entry morK.7 ; wiiicn pasaeu its nrst" reading. - The engroated resolution in f.vvor- of representatives of the lute Chief Juklic lundflrsrnr wns read ihe sec'md and third time, and ordered to 15 enroHmd." " T lW-ngroar)d-nrotioftautborlirng toe tyertH,.la cwiw. tomb tirHt, ar t he public expense, to bfl placed'over the grave of the member of the Legislature who snati ete gt tlie reatuf Oovermnonl, pomd it two last readings, and Was ordered lu b enrolledeye 30; nc 27. . .!w ntij cojMejr rhittee on Lducation, lo which waiUfcferred ho' bill . to incorporalT the ' Kpiscopnl School of North Carolina, reported the uiie with .timdry amendments f hieh tvere acreed to. "J'he bill wa further a. mud5f anjlFilCoiljrcading: by- a luia ui 9 iw ku y MrDulUut,,. fromher wniCu waa selerreil tlie'etfOwpd hilf rii reeling ihe ante of the lands remaining un- sold, acquired by treaty from the Chero ksaXudioaav wpot4tle-wnewttlr-irft r mendiiient ; whichTrailgrcoJ to, ami the bill waa further amended, read the second lime, and passed.' , V ' , ;..Mr-,JVoayr, fronlbr Committee ori Cherokee Lamia, reported ncninst the ex poiiicncy of reducing the regular prices tnetf wthe tehiketf lmd wh th biMlu been wirveyed, and auht'-ctinir the uriaur. veyed landa re- entry and also affaiiwt tho expediency of passing a law reserving to ma oiaio a portion or aU gold and ailvar miucs. Concurred in Tktmday, Dteem&et ia. 1833,1 " M Tin itrriTi, ' fff. Sitton presented bill reducing the salaries 1 of the Supreme Court Juges,whicl pawcoi us nm reaaini Thrwienilised bill to IncnrnnrstA tt A. ky River Academy, in Cabarrua county, waa read tho third time totid ordered tn h enrolleaV' ... t M 1T1E c wo, Mr. firm. hi., from IlieBaWl tvimw i.. I., I,h r'inmilled the bill dl .kh CootW rrrlins t i Nnwr in .,.J h api-W.ud in ll.Je Btato, retried iiiroewithmitaln-M. Mr.nif ted movr 0 thai lit" out ijb "- r i rd, which was dcrUod in tU negative- ' . ... 1 I I'll . I . .!. ed iu arcotid readings-Tea 74-Ns) V... ia TU. i III" uill iiwii 63 " ' . , -.. On motion of Mr. uhwhi, ine amm 1.. tl. Jii.l.riars were ioslrurlrd to in nnira into the etDeditncy of ao ametwlh.g .1 i. .mi lit amaririniiuuii make It Uful h CirnUtora lo mmj a IIIW WW, 1 , mmv mrrntAilvt III th Will Ol III UCCra . .nv irt-i-roes llial may be libaraied by m.'ll !. idi d that it sbsll ixil inter- 1 . ... i ..r in n.a lattiui a on iihh riu" i pers'ini, Jtiinst tbu.esUle of aaid ihceo On motion of Mr. J. llorloo, lh i-m- n.u ! on the Jodiriarr were inefrurlert 10 iulo ll.e exiediency of ao altering lha law in re alion ! iMi mg Mt roaua, at that five jurora shall be in future reo,urri . . 1 . . 1 . r 1 u .. 1 u. lo perform inai aervicc, iommu !." 11 now ruired ty law. ,rriJaf,Dcetmbtr 20, 1633 The bill reEtilaltna the ularirs of ihe Judiro of the Bunreine L ourt ws, on w r Meara' molion, imlefmiltly pompour.u Ave 33 Navs M Mr. Driltain, of Burke, presented the Cllfiwinrr rantution ! which was. on III nuil inn . laid unon the talk) : Rttolvtd, Uy Ihe Senate and I loose of Commons of thia Stale, thai the Uovrrm. be recommended to reUaae'and dmrharge from hi present imprisonmenl, Kohert Potter, who is now confined in the jail of Orance county, and lhat he exercise sucL otllfcr acts of executive rkinicncy aa lis may doen proper and meet. Mr. Har ringer, from ihe Committee on the Judiciary, to which was referred iba bill snrtplrmenal tor to act directing bow aeraons injured by the erection of Public Mill ahull in future proceed lo recuvi dims ires, passed in Ihe year 1809, report ed the aame with amendment ; which was concurred in. and Ihe bill as amended piMcd its second rradini; Mr. Fxlmonston, from the Mftt Tom mitle to which wa rnferji'd the bill cren ling Mvcn Judicial ( irruila m the Mate reported tho same, with an ainemlinrut On motion of Mr. Long, the proponed a mcndnteiil waa orilered lo be printed and .Biiiila. that oiUs oi-ti" dmfrt - werwiry next Tho remainder of the Hitting wis occih. pied with the Dill to establish "nk on Ihe funds of tho -State. Mr. ruhcr, Chairman of the Committee that reported the Bill, aubmiued hi views at birge 00 ita merits. When ha finmhod, Mr. urahont mu.vihJ itie pmrtpnnv menl of the Bill, and m sopport m this mo lion, made a speech of more than two hour in length, in which he diaruiwod 9 iuborately the UoAtilutional tnieeitnn.' : Jilting Ut when- he got through,- the I IJouw adjourned without taking any oue tion Saturday, Dcctmbtt 21,1833 1 .1 in "r 1 -"t -t turn sttA-rei Mr. Martin, of Rockingham, presented Ihmoriat ot -irmdrjTttfijflins "of Vir ginia and North-Carolina, praying the passage of an Act to, tbcorporala a Com paoy.lo AfMn.amlimprovw the myjgatjon roFSmithV Rivera Reaf and referred. - -Mr Skmner, of Chovran, trom t)e Cuffl mtltceoa the JddliciarV,' lo wliom was re ferred ibe Reenlutiwn otncting them to tiiquire into the. expediency of providing bylaw flirthe collection or leeurity ol tiaymenta oi debta and demands in cases where the dfhtor li about IS remove or abucond from the- State before his debt become due, reported thnt no amendment lo the law is neceasary. Concurred in . Mr. Morria presented a bill to ineorpo rate tho .Meltouaville Academy, in Anton ant Mrrirogaiu'n. liill to establish 11 Bank iirthe State of North Carolina, friiis is jin cxacl copy of the bill introduced Tri the lluuof Commons, by Mr. Mcueheo. iiimo uiiis posaeu moir nrsi rcauing. -Tho en!eosed bill cranting to Am Do lozior qud Henry Jieaean, under-certain conditions, two tracts of land, was ordered lo be enrol! td. The lU-TOlitfioainJM fcr was, on motion of ,Mt. Caldwell, post- poocu inuoanuoiy, io 11. . f r r 1 13 run jfowjioxs, :A Message- wa received tVhm the Go vernor, trnnsmitting the annual Report of lD.ei rcasurer 4t tlio "University of North CnfOlinax which was ordered to bo printed. ,-2Mte .Message .waa- received I com the i 0 vemaf transmit! mf"n Inim. If. my j onaw, esquire, ot Aiasfaciiuseits, on Ihe aubject of ahecp husbandry. Referred to the Cwmuittw ttiktrntiKSnTTTy' Tlie Houxe then proceeded to The ordr-r of the day, and tork up for consideration the Hilt to establish the Bank of North,. Carolina f ticing tho uufinished business of yesterday Mr. Daniel spoke jn fqror.of .llvcBiU fid Mr. Outlaw against it, but before any qausi tun wae ia ven 1 ne ttouw adjourned. Monday; Dttmhtr 23, 1 533. IK TUB SBMATI. ' BillrprtaentedTSf Mf. Edwards, sup. plemenul to an Act passed in 1832. to en act with sundry alteration and additions an Act to incorporate the Portsmouth and KoanokA Kail, mad I nhinan. n. ... J i Ithe Legislature of Virginia. By Mr.M.t. trtews, to incorporate the Halifax and VV.l, don Rail road Compartjr.. By Mf. Beslrd, t6 provide forascertsimng the tense of the' people of North .Carolina, relative 'to amending the Coustitulfea of th Stat: Mr KLtH. Idprttenl billing no ' d'"f' . . . i....MiimJ T remainder M ma oj , .1 . in ill in 11m - - , , , . u... .. . ....i.l.k a l'aita in I'll ! '" Of N-nh t:Bh.iM.k. o nt,;i(c,H;r,,n,lrl;y , . ..... ..t .,.,1.hU!s. TU Committee mi, to a lale I..Hir,the d.lailsofthi .till ear L tin e.-iMderahh. dUte, in which Mewr. Marlw,r ll.- kinsh.m, Mesrts, llogan, Mrmlei.ball, and rini.r u r- a ! a . -Uaial a rraf Ul ltiftll H'II-Mie . . 1 a I '1. iK. t.tll m. tri iii!inff tl Cpi'ni fTiwiin i-r ti" - I .li lrom'7 WiO.OlW 1 llno.ouu-'" won... (he Hla'te to own Uo-fiflh. I5efore lh k. U roae. rrported prognas, nod obtaiid If av lo il ogam. it Tin roo. . riKiirftftJ-lly.Mr. fclttcVdr. fining ami liiniling the powor of Cmrts in inflie- ling jsinUnmeiits nr coutemps. iy nr. Dmikl.tu iuccro'c ll.e Ranoke ami u..i;..u it.. I tJomosnv. IV "ir ntiiri(ii ..... 1 Wrsver, sup4ei6entsl In so Acl paaaed nl llin prewid at amnii ot the lenersi awih W. ruin M An Art to errri a o-w vwin 11. U name id" Yancey. Bead Ihe ... lir.i m, Mr. Martin prewited Rraolution, tritctina- 1 1." Ciiniiilie f Finance to in nuire inl. the exiiedii-nrv of so amending t,m luwa in rtlklion to lll taxes on felnvrs na in niak- il in proportion to their value Inch was rierli-d. tin motion f f Mr. roimlexler, the Judi rrimitiiiii-r wrrn intriirtfl to in ouire whelhrr bv the 21 aection of an A prd in Ihe jrar 29, entitled An Arl to nri-tent fiaud in de'-ils of lnal ami mortgnues, fVpntv (.'Inks ol the County Courts ate eomreK'iit to dike the probate il anid inatruinriits in the rores of said crxiri. Mr. Locke nrrcntcd a Renliition fo the red ie of llulirrt Pdler from prison fTlie in vrhalim tho same inlrmlurrd in the ftvuile as The Belutiim , 00 motion of Mr Kin? poip'ni-l iixU finitely, 94 to 31. I be remainder of the aitting wasoccH pied in Ihe rooniiWration ( the unmiishei bunincm of Satunkiv, lemga hill In enlab- tU a Bank on the funds 1 Ihe Ptate. The de ate waa rootinud bv Mra-im. Hen well, and Fiiher, for, and Messrs. lnz Barrinirer, arniii'l the panue. " When Mr. B. eonctuded, the qucttion was loudly rslli-d for. On tho quetlion. Shall this bill I in dcfiiiitrlv Mistponed T the vto was, Ayes NATIONAL LEGISLATION. TWKTITY-TIIISD COfcirS riBST'kCaalON Thursday, Dectmbtr 12, 1P33. ix sr?CATT.- The following Message was received from the President of the Lulled Slates Watiusoe-oJi, Die, 12. 1833, To thb Sbxatii or tub Cnitkd STAtrs Tri havtr tntfVely considered ihe'TlesoT lutkirr of tho "Senate of the 1 f th Instant,' re"- questing the Prenidenl of ihe I'nilsd Stares to com mun icons, to tu Senate " a enpy' of the pajjer which has ' been rl)li;hejLttnjl. woicu pur porn ro nave .tieou rend oy utn to the Hbads of the ExecutiVe Depart Uieula, dmimd the lib dtiy of September lust, relating lo die rcmovnl : tho public money from lh punk of the United States and its olbcc. - Thei peodent branC.'l of iho cuvwrntnent,-' eoual Uywitfi the Senate i Bnd ( have yet to learn imdcf . hat cootitti(ml authority that brancn ol ltie Legislature has a nglit to re quire of me an account of nny communi cnlion, either verbally or in writing, made to the Uuuuof Ueparttaenl, artmp-as n i obiuM Council. Aa wli might I be re quued to detail lo the Senate the free and private conversation I hove held with those officer on any subjects relating to thoir uuin-a niiu my own. l- - - , reeimg my responsibility to tho Amer icon People, lam willing, upon all occa s)Bat,.to xV'"u lo Hhem "tt.e 'grounds my conduct uad I am willing, upon n! proper occasions, to give to either branch ol tlie Legislature any information in my possession that can be useful in execution ol the appropriate duties confWsd to them Knowing the conntitutiorial right of the circumstances to interlcre with them Knowing those of the EJteculive, I shall lit alt times, endeavor to maintain them agreahly to tho provisions of the Const tut:on, and tho solemn oath I have taken to support and defend it rwconstrtrlncdlherclbre, by a pro per sense of my own self respect, and of iraiiiuiatwuira ui me vouKiiiuuon in Ine hxeeutiK.brahch bt the Uovernmont to decline a compliance with your request. Mr. Clay , aaid, that the call made va lerday on' Ihe President of the Uniieil fciales for the document oriirmallv'wililish ed in one of ibe mritert of thtecitv. unner ally understood to be the official pazBttef jneuovernment, a document directly relat- i r .... " . ing w. (iw mamtry or the tlnired,' Stof: , inup, .,unuct... ii. persuasion er tlie right of the Senate to have ft Tn thelf nos" sesaion.. rue President, he aaid, could not feel more confident of hi rights," among which i the rijrht lo refuse the naber ihi i:iiuea ioci- UMtt no leU ot the right of the Senate to have il. No call waa mada r. IDA. .1 " . . . . . ' any thing that pas W confidentially between the President arid hia Cabinet ; do coll waa niaua ior any tnmg ol which the whole world was not ' m possesion published who uio sanction 01 the Premdant li lm f The call was made for the btirodsa'of Dii tng inrormation to the people of the United Stalea on a subject of the creates! Imncii: toocei and In thia act of ihe Senate there bad been ao doWitioa fi-oar the iitabMed so ef that tody. It t muller or I a. ! 1 si linml every usy occ - f thai imlufe bad been mie spam ann .1 .1 - .1.-1 llina it .1 a gain, ml IniS waa in, 10. . Pre.idrnl oflh t'niled Mtaira rriu-rn git ihe iuforoiation akrd fiir. It wsinot hi intention now, Mr. C. snid, r at any Uraner,lo proeMd lurnar in mo diKusMon mi su"jriM ...... howeer has been priIuced t-y me inquiry, tn. ihal.'said Mr. C, is all wa wsnt.- I lr i'rrsnlrhl ! ""I Oi'inru io i ' - - .... 1 u.l.;.l. f, n..ivl lha oea 01 in oocunrroi " " - subject of hi tnesaage, and lhat was enui vileril 10 aiimitting it auinriiui nj dortiment having been refund by the Pre. ident, we have a right now, nid Mr. C. tu reort to Ihe nexl brl eviu. nce in t or liower 1 nd a the pef flPtnir4 by the Pridetil 10 no o-n j..n.u..u ,iii his ssnrtion, we l.oo a right, snid f . .. .11 r,.i.u .ruuoiia. U ua it Mr , wi T .- f..r all iIm nuroonea for which it was diyd After aoiiw rcmatk Iroin Mr. tirumly, ilm MuMiiiiu wa laid on-lb a UUc... - . .. . . Mr. (irundy nKived Unit ti e eteriion 01 Commillees lie potiMK.ed ti!l iioiiu.ij ' Tlie postponement was urged nlo by Mr feUir, ntl oipnml by Mr. Clny. tar ricd aye US; nay LI. 1 ho tJcnale adjourns.! lo .nmwny ncxi. nor or Err!irjTTivr. Mrv Polk's motion Pr ri eoniiiilering thr voto of thri Houi-e which referred the Ro port of the B-cn-fary "ft he Treaaury lo the Committee ol lho'V,o.' IIrti on the Ptato of the I'nion, then coining up, alter nine d hate, bet ween Mr. Polk, Mr. ('bil lon , Mr. Mclhiffie, Mr. Canihrrlenue, Mr. BtoiH'v, Mr. Mi Kinley, Mr. Clayton, Mr. Polk, and Mr. Wnytio the .it sjn aker concluded by moving the Prrricvt Qm fin which was hot arrondcij by a inujor ity, (aye 101. nays 107.) And then, on motion on of Mr. Wayne, the II'Hiie ad journed, not having rome lo any decision. frlday, Dtecmler 13, 133. IIOtlB or BBrBMtT4TIVr.S. The Speaker prcsenled a memorial from Mrsra. Gilpin, Sullivan, Wager and Mo l!tifcrry,GtivcrnnientPirerlore of the Bank of the United Ftatra, sluling (a the 8iaker announced,) certain mutter in relation lo the conduct In-tifui ion. Mr. Polk moved lhat it lie n-lerml to tlie Committee of Ways anil Menus Mr. Wolmoulb moved .ihal ic be mfcr - J to ihe Committee of (lie Whole Houac red on the Fiste of the I'nion. Tho latter motion huvir.g precedence by rule, was stilted from the t'huir. AAcr aomo debate on thu subject The qucflliuii-bcuiit )ut m, tfimaq ihav. jnemoriul lo the Coinmitio of tin? Wholo on Ihe flato ol the Umon, tlm can were IMi, oraJ tho n.-iva 133. So thr II ntw re- ! fuxrd the motion; and the im'ninrnl, m iIh'ii rrfurrcd'to llie Cwnoiittco of NVsja nod Means.'- . The llouso adjourned to Momlny. Monduy, Drctmbtr 10, SIKaTK. The VicePrcwdeul4-ou. taking bis sent as prj-aidin olTicer.citlhoScnulOt.twuhj some appropriate remarks relative to the importance of the station. 10 which he had lcn ralleir, and his determination lo unite ' withythe . Suiile in preeeTVTnynrj ba rmony in iheir diiberatinfnni fit bimiclf to further the great interest of our common counlry. The President announced n cotpmunica liAa from the Government Direetoraof the Rank nf tho United Stale 4 wliiehj'fm no tion of . Mr.-Whster,' wea" Tnid on tho faV bJe f and, job enotiiaji of.Mr. Kmy, ordered to lie printed forthe use of the Scnate.1-- - Tlie .Scnaie- went into the- elertidn of standing Coinrtiitloc. The following, comprising but part of the Committees, was the result of thi djy'abollotingrY, ryh'TtftT nthtioHt. tocssr. tyil kins, Reives," Forsyth, Sprague, aud Man guin, On flinoncc. Messrs. Webster, Tyler, Ewtng, Mangtim, and Wilkins. . Oa CoowTfe.--Maeri 8ilbe, Wright, Wnggnmnn, and Sprague. Oav- JlfflBwocfvm. Messrs.- Prelm miysenKmght, Morris, Linn, and rronUBtrt IISS , On Agriculture. Messrs. Brown, Uob ihsim, Kent, Wright, and Smith. On Militarv Afairt Measra. Boiilnn. Preston Clnvion, and Kinir. 3r1cks! Wacffamnn. McKean. and nv. atal Affairs. Mesan. Southard 11! Jit . a r . ' Kives, unamucrs, and JSheplev. On Public Landt Messrs. Polnde. terrWoore, Prentisr, McKeah; and Clay. Un frxtatt Land Claim. aaaaAf Start- K.ane, JUnWrNandin, Poindextef; aud Sili bee. ' - TIOTSE Or, KErBESF.iTATrvr. uu iitieauon ot mr. . I'atton' oronost. lion to amend the ninth rule of the IIn- 5 'oRfia.upir 1 he amendment was a fo)Ut Rewind: That the following ahall ' l cBiBoiisuea a ine VIM rulo of tho House : " B"N the Sneakor aTiiirvoin. in.1 ill:il . .. ' w . " if the House be equally' divided, tho ouca- -L-11 I ... ... 1 nun Biiiiii ue losi. AAee' debute,4 t-Tbe -question was enrridd in tha heira. uj in luuuwuig voie s 4 leas 9Q Naya 121. -" So the proposed amendment woa tnt .' The House then resumed the suhWt at m :.l . . . nn tli u I f ..t .. .... debate was continued until tha ir.mA A. " iTiwiii 01 irre ireooRiiea. ami ih jouroed, on motion'. ' H . , ; " ;. The clectionlof Standing Commlhees was completed. . The follourino i. tiU v 1. , - k O ,W IVV On Indian Ajtairi, Messrs. Whiti. relioghuysen, TiDtonJ Smith; and Swirt C1 fTai'ma-.r.frt.ra.p,,!; wh, Tiptoe, iHWr.Si.l. O lit liriurlt. . B1M1, Prratofi, Fmiih, t !:,;i fr Uh fart Ofrti ad F, , Mew. UiarJy.ClsvtuL I:.,., v4 andltivV. ' , fin R'ViU asJ Cessi.-.Ml to driiks, Hill, Southard, Bhrfi. nn , iiiiu.iiraii, ( wHb, 1 i lia. Mi Kean, Tlmla, an4 K On the Diiirict of CWnt,fai-.w ! Chn.l-rs, l)hr, SoutUrd, Uj iomunaon. On tUrdytionari Clii,v I if u:ft ii. ., . . . ri'ir, i'wiii, mo, rmiia, SM On Conitngrnt Erjxnit$iftkt BrJ, .Uranrs. Knight, I endinaon.sndTslajT On llngrmmd lh i. M osa. , j Morria, and Robinson, ,. After Mie complotion of lhat Uimi, Vice TreaiiW prewoted th an,- port of Ihe Hi crrUry c4 lb TrttUn Iho vtnie of ihe Finance. , I , (IlwiII be,oUerv4 that the) w,( sin rrcdi d in motf of the iaiporUat r milter, but the election of Mesare. I'.rown, (Jrumly, Benton, and VV,,J decidi d iiinjorilie, prove that a a meiiilable spirit of liberality wiirt towonU the friends of lh uliuini-rj' Neither Mr. Clay nor MC;h,M llin nran "I anj . unimuir, bu iRoif (IcrKlcxxl to have bt-en in cmianMan t Ihe minima of Ihoaa gent'eroen ' Tkji prolbly bo placed on lh Select C, Ire to exunnne into the, sxpciW. . amending the Contlitulioo. . , tour, or iKrt.csK!rrrivti. Tho Committee of Wty'a and Mall. ported a bill innkingapprutiriatioMkiri aoppon ui ii'iTcniiriPin or iii year A tiuinbcr of resolution, principanr privnte nature,-were adopted. . 1 be retolutMMi of Mr. PnfkrTo tu tho vote by which the report of llaj lary of the Tnunury upmt the renwni, the depoailes wns referred lotUC'oow tee of the W hole, coming up Tlio di-hote was continued by Clayton, I Viiny, Vandorpoi',M'Du(fr,4. llietlufid. Fout, Juo, Pyi; i Muss., and J when Iho qio lr luken by yens and nnyy,sm decided afc uilirmative, by a vote 12t lo 102. So tho IIoiim.' agieed lo recoojwkr vote referring llie Report of lh 8ecRUn I the I ri aiury lu tho CtiaiutUief 1 Whole. 1 Mr. I folk then moved (hat the Roanri i tho Secretary ol tho Treasury bsrtfen to the Committee of Ways and Meisj.' Mr. M'Duflie moved Ihe folbiv structions lo tho Comtniiteeof IVint I str " To report a joint resofnlloa pfWfnr thnl the Public Revenue, beresiUr (uiW led, Ixi di'poMlcd in the Hank of lh I'sitaj Si. iien, in conformity with the public faiti pledged in tho Charier of the mid BtiA." Mr. MTJiiflm then rmtveo kaff prill o'clock, that iho rfouse do now adjourn.- The qthition was taken on the idjonr menl, and decided in (lie aHirmatir' Ayes 116 Noca 102. j- The liouso then adjourned. C" Wo bare pleasure la bsingiUttl hut to get ill ft Mtcf from Major Iwuiir U 'Ibns lnetandiM forutotima, Ui i W ayinxnTOX, I2ll Joy:i3H.- fo iy olil friend Mr'Dicfi,',Zr . of the w l'r Dait Arttrrtixrr" t I Jin nTwers; been tejjiajlie, f as5 Jou k'nbwtf then tu nomj so tpir, to, JCt round Mmmef Ua Lies, and when such matters get tn isoi't it wa worse tbnn m itt to slaitcwi istC tia tine after dinner. 1 was atwarufniil that he was gittin too many folks t au dio the money, and to be fJgcrio.a'-llie&. counis.-t.ver unce i was boy taiwin had a notion that the fewer hands ineou tin the batter, and the leas you bundle the money the better', for tho more vou au dio it, some how Ihe lew it grovi. Air1 then agm l told tho Ouicral over and n a-'ln, uiMit meddle wkh the Rank, sari I, the nioney is safo jcoul tUare, and on pscU et.'eny I Gineraf, is betlcr than twenty, lint yon know when I wa in New Twii with Zekel Btgelow tryin to find out u causo: of monpy being acaree, and wbfa, Zekel broke his watch sliowin me bowtbt UbiIed"Stalea Bank worlied among other Gfiie'rfand Ihe doposites was removed. , I have been lookin out for troubl etet since, Iho I" wa bound to stick 10-th Cio- eral, right or wrong, ai 1 idled kia T would.'-----r--"---'-T - ..TotlibVday when we came to tint part of ihe message where we have to meslt'of money mnttersw sent for Mr. Taney, bnng in hiaccniinla b waul quite t lor he tint a qaick at. t.rena" yet as w will be at'righta, o'we wailed fr him a spell and left tMl3liTino'BeTTd' message, jost, big enough to put in fis' and ao last night . the Gineral tent agin, and said ho nius'tVave' the counts wadjr or nttt ready," and up they cum sure'enuf. and nol mare, tha n ' half cooked j but 'the Giiieral wont wi' f hurryT''riilow, aaya he, ' Major, turn I", and'WfJlibeia with last yeaif.-"" And" so al it 1 went, comparin alf lh ' mount of outlays, the iQroeral all the wbils smokin and thinkin pretty hard, with h feet on on the mantle. ' I , fired op the aarettyictittmsiderin tberef8 irnnit 'maii nf mm ralloil estimates, f when I got to tha end n1," now say I Ginnral. voii bnnw that' l l lelled VOU tha we could git up and put'down nul)ifica!io in no time we could mm' out a csbm" and appoint olher folka-fwe could miai.titr ahrnftil anil kt em COntO b'-'W as soon' as Ihey pleased, and sen'' ct"c' folks in their places, and give all W P' loo wa could nock th United St f. Banli nnd. Squire DitMlo all into ..A.,i,i i.t ct-. m the 1 Oil li'" .pf-aat kite"" W4lhlS UJ hrw or aw oar ff iloo, maul, H all c o.i raUw ol H m hin' tats1''1 ipso Inis. ffiiOM LUke art Oft 'pewit tadwl ffWtdl isji'i rytke jlthei tfarjed fdop, fM t ton m aksal rcuun ;'jf kiS Vo l rspoel Jys Ht 'mint II 'if a f 'J 1 hi-at on oi( talae Wuti s-s ti wrts ;ket take Uhe dlli la'sMi be brf icca I ml mi j Eloek lane a ost Ibi-T !2S So i if lei Lair tin. Tl tl Jlcl ir u ir iayi OUI ;itl ' iiio a ' ..w vivaawv VI V VVHI'I IVI VM. Vltl