' t ; 1 x AccniniiWxIiitiou .:: ..i.r.W. ' i -, i)r i, i!, t:i I.Ijh olntoti, ! ' .'. ." ' ' ii ' I, i i.mai i; ; f.min vi:v, j il... H, ,t,".- .f Ml. M!,'!IIV I: , .... !.. ,i ,,. , . ,.,( v n . ( ,1., ! ill 1 V 1 1 1 "t 1. A ..jj"J9'iS; . 1,1! h' fi 'l lla Heir.. itorstj. , . ,.!it'4" "in' I'll tit 1 iJ.t v i !!.. i"i a . , r . i-l, ,..r- t -ll;'li' I V' !,f.-o. r TT.'l-t i .n" ! mt 'J l,n e'er to rn.iiiiH.al i V'' n, ,lt.if.nt;.' the (fimUMii iin if m.riU, ' Willi (lr"iH a I aw i lunula U.in iii nvn, J..v Ui'i ii ll.Hir i-fH ( V lili 7. . TV pearl fell HK'M-hMl4 4M?J , lki Si fi itI ' wiiii'V ".. ' , Ere Hie hJy lii'ht b Iii, -1 ' WI.H b trM "Vr rxifit fi4imj, . l'.., h-r proud ind apnth i1 ! " " Tu il.iiff armm ! tin- bent md ',r " ; l: l.n ; il" ll"i','iit from Filin?' Well, . Tu gild it warm and tflaat rtuiiiitt '. . A cbw, atnwi- Ifi'l, win Itlit -- r'-ldea it ' ; V ik i. ill' M ill to mviwmm bri'M , Tie Ij u -ia; and i l fairy Uitfi i' l,onr.....rwben Amain Wk , (If early Ul, whoee biota w (led- " (If l.e. t'ltat f U'IiIpimhI r hiillHr tmk, . , ' ' Whirl ulumta-ri Willi !w drMimleaa dead Of Voire, Ml Hi" Wfi-f of night, ' Like tlmae winch young xif n- gave, . ' F.r rloiirfii lisil cWW llif pJ'Irn liiflit . WIk Ii fttcoo upm tmw'i pirtun-J vf L P hli h H.ir....lH-n Niin' Hix'skK tiT ifi J inJ ywr.l Ti rf Sli' biil llrt" ifnymrAhmA rrjuira, Fr lull the Wiw lh tlijr Tln (rrwm ir3r, wbw th uinmor-bird Wake it mtniwinif imWjr, ' , 0't U iU' baUiiiig anient hord i : " Tli pr!, !lh unUU floqiw iwe, Tb-ir jrl(f y to tli iwnt ry, ,. Till "liit'Wjr rre liu Uninlmd beiu - Till the rye wim in erodcy? ' - And br tlii , whore icwl" tone '. ' - Sc'i'iii to Uia auut In mercy given, . rTW'fpirtf to tnwt !, ' lU hopot ud firt with.9OD 1 1,'Tcn J ' KIXOUMROU) SONNET. , , " "TTJi- lotiL'i-? TiftTttie irwooffprar; T', The jiiorc "ofTT nceT. tfm'prontiir piln ; Tl yre!tff pain, tlm n M tic ; Th Iwb tlffiiicn, tha lorr gain Th" 1 ff"'n km ill dolh try, - WU.'rfiji, cooio, doOh, and let me di L" Thehortir lifii, K count I find; . , , Tl Urn tecuuMt, thn mmnet n'le ;' . . Th OtHint aai oJv the mmier mind I i-.Tli momo mind dlh tliought invad Slnt Wkin Ut lltittU dh tfy,-.- Com, pmrtle IVntK, U- bb iif xirei iTTLc VLC'4;ibeJ.'!o4 of. Jifcx 1 lTlic HioJ of lifu. U.a jii)-ful ftre; " ' The' joyRil ftw. Ihn'rttil f Mrifc ' -- "" Tin" -nd of rtfifi"lli thinwish 'I.AVWofimx ouuktt, tltMOJk and Ut tua lir.t . ' - " ; Deferred Articles;;' 7 r " Tim Pi1mar at Orn? burr, S.&, writing io (ItA liKtor oC. tha. Charli-Ktou. alercury, mvi 4lw Mninr l?anr ha ttmrtff trat(iTni)l T luni him , . - - ' i : i-r nr.: ' :z.z T....::r .-. . . ,iiltinj; iliver COIll)IIHIU Ol IIIB I iwunniKI "i-'iiv t-..-. vr.-S'titr iw vtfMt-ominjpk WwiiJi.tha(.nlmiMaj. : , . .. Jlarrv rexi he intwul to continue ill office him the whnlo Kitrhrn rnhinrtTTind ho iS- imis hiiuA-lf ! Jolm A, Tjkr, Vottmatter in p!)e Jif -.. frurlLnt fnrt.il Y ni Miitr-d l) .Pr, CutVnrt, in liit'tfiimrks bHore lli 'lVniH'rHiMe inHin lM AVeiliK'sdny nvcniii';, that Im ww in the hulut of .... .'...! .2 .. .;r,.,mMIr "iiHMiioriinilum f evurv iminhir in tho ' -C" " I'uitffrStntf wliifh cHiin uTtifc-rhi'' wit s fld ttwt liiiiii T thim f.ir of the pn-st-iit i'ir, h lind imt-d o-t himilrfil and fifty " nwrdm ami wttcidta ! ami lio tli ii i'nnhr-itl-acajjcii luiiukitfiar tioii. Philadelphia firpfr. ' I . A curresximli.'iit of hf, Jk(vklya tnr, jwom niPiiil tlii' is.ttJihlwliiuaut-.of an ..asylum fur dniuk "anls: when the -intompornte ronld !e pl'in d, upon t heln 1 uutf itm of ftioir fawiuVof laiinTy am hcxirtiw 2 to Ik undot-the mTiiitnd'iice of a Phy. - - .; piriuii wihrt -to hi can, judirmi-nt, ami treat. 1 v V ni'iit of th'-ir coii)ilainfi ; tu bo wlmlly procludoil " I" ;'; from all mrc.f.tu to liquor ; and where a fuir trial -.. t ,, , could be Hindu fur their reformation. j Justuwilcr at JCuiuln-iLuul, 31JL,-U.u ufl'ur. . i R rrwanl of ten dollar tor thp appnimnKioft-nf ' V"'' ' '' tlw pf'M'M who committed a doprmlii'mn on the , United States mail, Wst of Cunilc-rlainl, a' liny 'i.i d.ivs uince. ..' A canvat "has,- cntnimu2 newvua "Liiiinter aeenw lu. regard thepopulurjiternturo .of ' our r'lnnlrv as of but little iinuurtttiH'.e,or he would i.- have nainiitl h larger aum a a inward t the thief . taker. : . - j! ; Innovation are, d(fngerov:-Ta .m of a horse ' 'W: - rwlfv lutelv proponeA to hw father to adopt the Miii 1ji"flWiMl'hy,a''Mwritlw r" n-h-it n h'n hoNO trnd'-H. The father a1miit'd tlie unmii- if Cy of making it the stand ird of trade ne.wrally, hut dii'ihled its exrwdieriry as applicable to hfrte trade., " anJ fnwlty r"cttid the prnjwsal onthe oHand tnto TflSairinHoT'aTii 'aTC'dTiflfT. u. ' '"' Jf n'( stolen. Tho United States mail was sto len at Uiuontowii, Pa., on the nioruiiii of the lvth a-ult jTlte driver threw, d mn tho ba. .by. the sido. Ctho Pout olRco and drove olH the Pustnmter ha viu prcvi'uly jeiven a i?nal that he heard the driver. Upon Rteppirij out in a minute or two, to get tho ha, tho Paymaster-noon found fftaf it tei't not to, be found. - At diylurht, however, it wan. found, with a hole nearly a foot Ion cut into it, '. . . .i I . . . r, ip' ' r 1 1 ! f- m i ii f i. -r A .i'i i', in- - i i ' !!. a i ii f I mi ii m !ii i-i' i r i i .. i l.i I.i.i j.i..i'!i .1 Mitli i "J In i (I '- j I II. ill hit,!.' I :!' lll.ll ,K 1,".'l'( l.f t'.r j u.llll' M: J lil l W til f-f 1 1 If ) 11' ! I 1 11 I I I 4 !. 1 l ! NMlilllljJ llk ll llll lnll'IK IM ll Kill! I' (III I U- j .(" lli '.-t i!..-f-ti. I I Wurli, lli il ii il 1. 1 urn li ut j l r i ai'Ii mi! luis li h I, ii!i ni hu, " n Mm i r vfirt. An o' l bi'ly in t"u in llii'i; t in titiiily, aIio i nj't lo U IriMili! ! Willi ln r dii-iiiiii ami hiiImt miH'rliiiMiii Utiiiiid, inlurmi'd lb" IV-mof llw i iri-h th.lt on the tiif,'hl rMin h ihi-fliiH-'I r'l" mw Iit citiiiilfiiihi r, wliu JinI U-eii ill ud fr tii vef. Tin rh'if. Muni li-k'-d l,r almt flu-lmil leii r-ittin'. " ( !h, milv tm'f ;.f a iniii. . ';.;!" "W.-lt," iiid be, 'if V..II bud ili'Vimn-il l! olh'-r half. ""l tliighl jirolmhly li.io ii jMir (.'rnmliiMilhi'r ! , The fi.l l.o iu dialinfun look pliuf ln i.wi n a t iiili iiiiiii ami Ih m nant, aili-r a ry odd iiil r iiiibl. Well, Jidin, what kind of a liihl ba Ud P " U hv, your biNMir, it mwm a little in the forepart of the night, but towanbt iiHirmii( it tin horrid." Cl,i.te h'Mit!ns- MaaNM'luwK wonn, Mr. fro.hv, of lilartiat, ht a hawk tb other day, which bad itouncrd (ikii la- of Iter diuifjliill fiuiii. ly, and killed Ilia Sulhered fn-e.U-iti r witli'Mtt jrrnginft; the In-n, tlnaib already in the Inbai of Ihe himk. Hi lady aliHrp.nh'ooliT in the Flay Hiatn, take a nice aim a mine tlie polilirian in that am ieiit cHiunonw vnllh ( and in thia iiutanrtf at leu-4 cainc nourer th mark. ... Painful death. k few dnv inr a Mr. Rurn-ber-n'r, reaidin at I)iikin'a Valley, i a bitten in the heel by a maike, and in bi fright ran a rotwi derable di-itam-e with tbn nke lianj-ini to hi IWT, till in f .nling; a iiMtll MrHain, tlw rrptile dia. fnt'need itaidf awl rn a,d. Tha iinfortiuate man imiia'diiilely" ell.-d, ail afle'r" i "few" h'Miri of In ten agony, terminated Ilia Mialeiice. TU bite of a aouko U a -uilv aod a readily cured a tlic atina of i l-e, if inked in i r aoia. Lie time, withiait even applyinif to a pbyaician, a every farmer baa a rcnu'dy in hi own haie. Ia thin the itart bitten w ith warm milk, ahorda im- rnediaia reln f. " An eitcrtial "apjilicatinrf if ho-r'a lanl, with a dU of honey and milk, will have the Hume rdit t. thmiuh not ao aimiMtily. I nc.-c reme die ah'HilJ be uuiveraally known and remenila'rwl, aixl retorted to a anon a pmwihle after the uiinc ti.m of tho wound. Pennihania Mercury. v; Child tmolhcrtiLGim of. our packet Jna.i(era, who arrived within a few dnya.atatea tliat a par 12 uoraut Swi mother, at Havre, placed her aoti, ft Ind alaait three year of ajre, in a box which aha briHiijhron board liii vcl anions her baggage, wader llta- uae nottoa that alio could to thia way nnk her-fhildon board, and av pay in it4 pontage. After bnnjpng tho box on board ami an crclly oieniiix italie found, lo ber attonishmentt tlutt the child waa dead. Mie was in great Uitiren, Tltere waa no doubt the child wa m.thered by plaeiii! it in ft aituation in which the air wa ex. eluded. Yr 1". Daily Adurtiicr orPrinters. rpUCJUatartal lately uaed inpruitinjjitiij piui npr Thnvmir luen aillisllllllf.ll 1V new OIll'iL I I W.Ofl'KREI FOR SALK CHEAP.-They fa rwamidwitficie.nt, in.iqu.-DtjtjBiid irieJT fcarrv on a ComitrY-Nwtmpv-iid 3X&i(te conaisliiiir, in pari, of ib Cdlowiiie arliele Auper roy al PMXnStr PRESonh Itainage make i . . .... ... FixHK of ; Small Pisa, Long Pruner, and Dfft. Vter 'f YP j,a"yarWJ1wr' 'l'3tf-" ; '";-' Varioua fount or JOB TYPE, comprimnj- al moat evory aiaa belweW JLlinea Pica and Pearl-; iwld face, Uack, antique- 2 line- b-UerVc..j.. . . rAII tho KULES mtidJUlAVSjtemMll&lU in the paper f' r - - &ev &c. kc. . - - , .. . Peraum tntftndinf to ttatablMh themaelve in ir business, and who detjire. to begin on an economi cat acale, will do well to communicata with o tin thiM luliject. Letter will meet prompt attention. Sali.-lHir, January fl, IMl . .at .t'Cfl!j IleMnrtl. ;. - - AN AWAY from the SuWrkUron the ITth Deconiber last, art Indented Apprentice BoV, by the name of JiC'OR Wn.W.ST, ab.mt V0 years of ago, and of dark complexion.'The abrve reward will be paid, but no thank given, to any one who will deliver tho aaid boy to mo. All per son. re forbid harboring bimf-nMhe peril of t ie law M. FENNINGEIL Rowan Co.rJanunry fl, 1834.." ' .' 3i . .The I'muer'ti nutl riantrrn iUargo Alinanac, FOR THE YEAR of OUR -LORD k CALCUI.ATED fob THE MERIDIAN or SALCM, " Amf CiiliTisfn'iJ by ftfr. Jul in T?. UTumJ' "7" Can be had at the Carolinian OiUce. i , . - . Nr adihtuin to tlm iimmI content nf Almnnae tins ---witnfiai' Cnoaai''wl--Taiaea of R-markaWe-B vi'iilis, uml a great in.iny UM.ful hinU on Agriculture, Oomestic Economy, Ve. .rrr-'" ' . Sihvliury. November 11, 1S3-1 tf jr ; . "" V. NOTItT.. rIIlE undersigned baa this day qualified aa Ex eeutorof the last Will and Testament of An denrnrr El'is, deceivd, and herel v rjue.t oil peraona h.ivmtr cliuni; against a.iid Estate, to pre sent them for pa v ment within the timo prescribed by Law and all those indebted are hereby re- U,1 lewti'd jo nii ikej'iiy rue n f JAMES ELLIS, Executor. NnvemU'r 23, 1833. , tf A Journeyman Tailor, OF ateudv ai.d tnduatrioua lianiln, who can be recommended for mornlity and capnbiliy, may xecuic a permnneiit situation, with the highest wages, by applying to THOMAS DICKSON, December 1(5. if In tin Town. i fin i f !, ,1,1m (, t jlii- I,!. ! id ..iirfiii i ,; l)i- fl'l.l I l I iliKl.l" It. I' I ililll, Mini llilnl lli ir I'll, ii ' niiil lit I'lihS)!', ll.i.l, IN AI)ili lO to tun mount KfOt 1 4 n y Lave jiv.l lUtcivcil, ''- ir Y'nli and 1iilinfi h, ,!i. lit-alt I; Oil II nil (I unit Sili)l or full a ltd 1 1 lntrr (Joix!., m roNaiMiftu or m , i)UV.t;ooi).-, HARinvAcn, j ( .ivn.r.itv, ann uvMY, and ouoci:kii:i riOMPiuxrvd AimmT kvkrv Airncr.F. uuully keiti i Merchant in tbi aetiiion of ciH.nUy, whicli they J ain ofli ring lr aalo tn vi ry ai'coiiiuiiMlulin terina. 'I hey reNiM-tlfiill) iuviie an etaminalioa 'f llu ir taaortiueiit, Ly all peraoua alio uu to furtlaM gala. ar country' rnoniTK taken in pay nicnl (or gMd or accouuia, at the bijfhcat Piar ke( priec. . ,. .,.,- Bali.lKiry, IW, 0, 13:. (f Blow Fall Goods, ALL CI I HA 1'! CADK CItAIGH ARK NOW Ri:ci:VlN(J THEIR f1 " "Pi mi U M mi mt mi And would reftfitlly invite their Friend and I uatoiiRT to rail and eiamitM. - - Tliere will l f.-uiKl a rvnl aaaortmcirt of T Fine uhd' huitPricri " cum w, Ilaiu Silk VFTIN, Figured do. do. Fine Maracilkni do. Londofi colored di. . Buff and White , . do. ' alencia Fine Satin-fuceddik SHLa, Vix: . Italian l.l HIKING, Pan de Foi Katin-faced Levantine (!ma de IlerUii,' PeiaJiew,. Saraiaitta, Colored ITorencea Ac. - also - ; ; Fkuinela, Buttiia'tfa, Padding, Circawiana. IiinUw'ttf, Iriali l.INT.N (line) ' " Newvle CAUiXiEM, Hark tJinghama, Filk Velvet HF.LTS (a g.ad aaaortiucnt) Fancy R I BISONS (of all aorta) (icnlfenwn'H hliu k and faiM-y I liitvlkerchicl . -Ladiea' and tientlemen'a OLOVEH - " - Aaaortod Hoatery TiulireniiArSporirtd FTo Cotton; Pini, Needh, Sewing Silk, IWde, 8uenderff, Tajaa, Pocket Ilka, Tth II run he, Hrazilian ami Mock CO.MHS, of every kind Cologne Water, Iti-ar'a Oil, Antique Oil Fancy Soap, SiiufT Boxea, Duttoruof all kinds. DOMRHTICR: Blenched and unbleached SHIItTIXOS, Hlue and fancy colond PLAIDS, A priKt and" Fu rniture Checks, Red TicTanf, "WTuiij;a"nT'ci)loreu :7i u b i ) wXr E . A N I) CrfLERYif - Knivca and Forks, Pocket and Pen Knives, SciiwitTabte'inJTi'a'FwK) Augcii;"" '"" ' - Niullera, iM'ka oi an kiihih, iacaa, rue. , HaiKlnowa, lJiub!vla.,Frir'g fw?i TcavTraya . - IHirry 'tmbe a wnpemr kd, Rarors, - ' Razor Straps, Shaving Boxea, Sjaytncloa, .. pilvej jjiectBcleaj Screwat I'liicera, ilammcra, AwIh and. Awl-Blades. Hinse of all kind.. HraWiiig ntid fitting. VCaCulIbe Mill TlHoe, Axes, Sll!n' ai(ertor ditto"" -"""' Bright and btn- jlraeii-.jtin!i Hafter StCrr,: CASTINGS, 6ic.&ic. Arc. stii- a..., . v... ; V":IJJ. .!i-.r, .. PHOES.. SHOES. . A GOOD ASSORTMENT. OF ALL QUALI. - TIES OF ; SHOES, tompriang ' . Gentlemen's, Ladies', Boys', 0'irU' and Infunta' - - Srn,-- - - Gentlemen' Pumps Negro Shoe, djc. ALSO--Ladieg' beat Prunella, Seal-skin, and Mo - .'-rocco SUoea.'-; -v . H ATS AND BONNETS : ' Xientlemen'a todmaialde Hala, at all price, .Woo! ll;its Fur, (loth, and Seal-akinJurw, Fancy braid Bonnet, Siter ditto, Tuman ditto, Open-work ditto, Cypress ditto,- -" Fancy Cdltare ditto, Dunatahle. aji-..bi-.-w-v.i4'iv va1 i.'".-T-t'W .TLi'Iiurua, cut iu Hie mosl luIuonubie uliujic. China, ; lass, and Qucomu are, . ' Comprizing a gaud Asaortmcnt. ' , GROCERIES,' OTHER ARTICLED,: .-, "... 8l'( H AS . -. Loaf, Lump, and Brown SUGAR; Codec, Ten, .Madder. Indian. GappcraaJiASiiiip, Nutmea. PepjK'r, Spice, Oinger,- Towiler and SlnU,"" Bar Load, Copal "and Black Varnish,""-" " Shoe Black inj, Whi:' Lead, Spanish Brown, - - I ruasian Blue, . iruiow Ulaaa, Putty, - - - ... Epsom and Glauber Salts, Camphor, . Assnfieditat.Wool and Cotton Cards togotlicr with a quantity of other articles too numerous to mentions ,f -whtehwdl Im sotd chenp, cither for cash or on the usual credits to puncliiul cus tomers. 1 - - 0 iT Wo return our sincere thanks to our friends nr4 -e.atjtww--j4tiitleraf -pa wtt ' Im ve received, and hopato nerit ft continuance of the sume. CADE & CIUIGE. Saliahnry, November 13, 1WM. . tf Plour. at Wn ii BARRELS Buperfmo FLOUR, from 9Jt the Danville Milla, for male by , Doe. 30. v S. LVJUY 4- SOX. arsr-a A I T N" I ' M II 1 (hi t 1 1 i.i tu' A ii i iii ii A. liii., it i' 'r'i- , l y I'ntMiiiiii i!ilij'-ii' . to "' ' K.U, ,, .. . ' . ei r. 1 1. ill iii ber M'Mivr poilil.ildn In (MH.g Irfiill I1'"' 1 Under her ure, and to H'iili" llu ir iii,iri iu' nl luill ( ii ( if ) to ihi-ie 1,1 Hii'l (;Oiiril.i4iia W Im iiiiiv livnr In r miili their j nir'nmLe. .'ii'ri 1 Tuition y e Si ioa Reading, niuu, ami Plain ? i"g, C- Ihllo, with (he l li'ini'iit of (iiainmnr, (!' (igrapliy, Antlinu'lic, lliHlor), imI I'ic lalioii, fl The foriiicr roM' li d-d. wiih the addition of Natural I lnli.ijihy, Uhetoric, t mil (mil 1 ton, ft c ft. c , . ililioiml lluir'' will ba inmle 10 f.,r aiir Orua iiH'iitid branch' A. A. IULL, Prinripnt. t - N. B. Iliri!ing can lo bad at teaaoi.alile rule in private fiiinliea, )eeeiiiber 4t , . . STATKof NOUTII-CAIIOMNA, - DAVIDSON COUNTY. - ::::::i . Court Qf rfMi ari'i lqrtcrS($!font, .. - " NiiiKHHta Tuna, 18.13. U'iaeman and Ilargrave, laecutora, ) Jut ire' r. t j"l"M'it, I'bilip Mire. J hve1 on .. m . - l'"' acre 01 lauii lying on . the water of AblM-aCrerk, Joining the luml of Abra ham Hiire and other. IN tbi caae, it appearing, to tWaatiafaction of the Ciairl, thai the defendant Philip. Stire ia not an inbabilaul of thia Slalet ia llierefore tjrdertd, by tha Court, that publication Im inmle Pr.i! aucceaaire weeka, in ba Weateru Caroli nian, printed in Salialairy, that the an id defend. ant mfttrmr at the next Term nf 1hl ClalrT lo be new Dnvidaon Htnv, at th Ctinrthunafr In Ijexingtmi, on the Sod Ajouday in February next, then and thereto abow caute, if any he bath, why the plaintiff) in ihiataae aim II ixt have judg. incut aod .iifJer of aalcgranled in their lav or againat ile Jand levied on a afreaid. Wilneae, Samuel Oaither, Clerk of our laid Court, atOlhce, the 2nd Monday of November,! 1-J33." RAM'L OAITHER, c. c r. brI.-MOCK: ? Peeemlar 80, 1 f3-V, i n:- w STATKof -NOUTILCAKOLIXA. DAVIDSON CODNTY. .ourtofrjcasjindJlHartc NovitJiarB Tiaw, 1833. Wiseman and llargrave, Exocutora, 1 Justice' rt. judgment, Philip Slirea. ) levied J . 100 acre of Lmd dying od the waleraof Abbot'.Cre k, joining the land of A bra bam St ire aud other. ' T N thi caae, it ippearing, to the aatiafaction of the Court, that tlie defendant Philip ftitr ia not an inhabitant oi thiaPtate: It it therefore Ordere dTby" trie i Courf," thai' wiblicatloTt ti!Tn(tr' fir aix ucceaive .wecka in the Welern Caroli nian;' printed in Salisbury rih&t the aid diifeod ant apjiear at the next Term uf this QJirrf .Rr tve neiq (or i'uviUBon. bounty, al tho tyojirtbouM in xrv ' . a Lexington, on the 3nd Monday in February next tboa aud. tbera ta abow tauae,. if. anv-: be bath, wtly -tna ptUiiUifft liftlti cade ahall iH-t be Tudif ment and order of sale granted in llielr favor againat the land levied on a aTireaaid., i JVitnctn, SamudjGailhcr, Cbirk.of ourrmtd Court, at Office, tho 2nd Monday, of November, 1833..; wiiiS.:vs,;o51 MX. fi A ITU ER, !&2J4i by D. MOCK, . c. c, c. STATK of. NO UT 1 1-C A IiO Ll NAi DAVIDSON COUNTY. .. - NovExnca Tebm, 1833. John F. Capron, "j Original Attach- . (.,,a.(.,flSSi....( i a imrit"ktitd an William K. Smith and Timo-1 William oK. thy Chamberlain. J Smith' inte real in 200. acre of laud ly ing in Davidson County, "adjoining ihelaridg'ofJohn lmbler, Cliuton rJuhnaon, anq others. JL I lift 'fHlrl. llml tllA .li.riilunl Willi'nm If Smith is not an inhabitant of this State : It i therefore Ordered, by the Court, thai publication be mane lor six successive weeks, in the, West ern Carolinian, printed at Salisbury, that the de fendant 'Vm. K. Smith snnanrat the next Term ol irid-X-ourtla..lK! held. for Davidson coun tv, at tho Courthouse -in Lexington, on the SJnd Monday in February next, then and there to (show causey if any be bath, why judgment and order of aaUlbidl XtifHf4- i li ylattitiff,; qgauitit Hie lailUs teVii'U oil as aloresaol. "Witness,- Saniue.rOaitber7 Clerkof our "said Griirt,-sit Otlice, the 2nd Monday of November, 1 833.--- e j- " mr' - .T SAM'Lv OAITHER, c. c e. bvD. MOCK, d.cc.c' December 30,133. 6w ... " - Notice to" AH Persona : npilAT ErntAriKTii VVise has lelt mv bed and board without a good cause; and I forewarn alf fewnwywil fCtrWtTwtiim She took away several notes of hand, which the public are cautioned against receiving. She aiso took away a Negro Girl, named Jane, and 1 eau lion all persons not to harlxtr the said girlor thei will be dcalt.with according to taw. DAVID WISE. . DeceinlK-r 30. - at Iht ry Io-crii(ioti of ItI:uiLi Kejit Coii-iiuntly mi II. mil. ) I.'tMl Ihrt eiiivei.iee nf Tri'eisVr.an" V.r 1 I'... I f A fill M M (i It 4 J'l(, S T i ." .V e, r l.ildi.lii d In urn U W1I n kam.-i:it:y and i,i;.i.(.tun, ' On Till -ad.!, Friday , and ?und iM, rarrif, Mae,iera to L-iiiyton III lime U tuka PH.k4 4 W i ll .fil'a Line Noilh. h.ili.lmry, Vuvein(ar 4, 1 :i r. ' TUB MTOND Si:sso ()F THIS IVgTI,1 TI J ION HILL COMMENCE C On Vri'lny the Jl,it of Xutwil,er nnt. 'Pill Snlweri" r, thank fid fir paf p;i(rnm. s pli-ilgii ihrniM.Uca lo ruler iiimmi the Mjf.i,L of (be-lie it ae.ii'i M i(h trnewid al. ... P. J. M'AnilOW-. ' T. W. fel'AItUOtr. ' First -rale CIt rou HAI.I lose iimjiLr(" 4 rou hai.i: ciikap. PIIK Hulnrrila-r Ima ju rouipleied all the ff, pair iieceaiary In a K-ciMid liaml Cariiae which Jiai.f if oii.n tune paal b.e in bi p,iL ". aeaanm lor iimi purMe, ami now til l.llH f i.vi ui I l. : - . r , inn t?,-ti,., ,', i'ui'.u,! . ,ii iiiii rucuooa 1'iiia IliC owner, win) Ima no U-ui fir il. ' Tho ('amnio ia now a giwal aa when new, ' ' ami ran lii ihicm al my almp by (n'i oewroua purcuaae. .- . 4 , . JOHN I. KHAYER. . Dece.nber . If -TAKEN-I.'P, ear my plontaiwn.in DavidkoQ "-' m. - ,- County, Nirrib tairobM, A DA R K HAY. lIOUrE, 4 BOUT fl year old, and ride rwmarkaldy we lie wa bnaighl into thia iiaiL'tibirhiaid bv a I Negen ana who nay, that b iirkng to Jnha " ol('rk, on the I hattiliiH liB lEjver. . ; The owner ia ri ijucyted to omn forward, proa pn)ertyi"wy charge, and lake bun awav . ' PHILIP SOWERS. Novemlar II.M-V , if , . N E VVr-'t? A I'EH ACC( It .NTH. - - ' 4 LL peraona indebted In tb( Sulwerilter, fur . 4 V ISubacription, Advertitiug, or Job Work, art farneitlv rvnueated lo fa ille tint aaino. Thia thr firat cnll of the kind I have ruado in 3 year, oud I hope it will la attended lo. 1 . "nioaetrvlffg-ar '(Tiutaiic'can trantimniiC amount of their debt, txmi pnid lluouzh lU i poat-oflice, al my r.ik.' ' ' ' , ., . . BURTON CRV'F.. 9.r..t.:it i:.:'-)! f c.. i --v.j .., .-,.a 'Bltil,J, Allg. Ol't iril'l. NEW HOOK BINULKY, - JTH a view lo the more effie'enf prnrwiH Ma " " of their htitiiieaa, ibn aubcrili"r have e- tabliahed a JMMJK - R I N DER Y. Having privu i red the teal niaierinl from the North, and eiie" pbiyedwrworhiwan wli gotoea-weU rweiuiiiiiat'ili'd, . ! they are prepar d to executo on oiodcrate ternia, all ordor iu tb! Uu:'"Tr-L--rp f Aecmut Biaika, Record. Ae., Tubvl a wwdarr: to prdcr l and every kind of Jliiuluag- nroioutlv- executed in the beat and neatest manner, vn irt aouall liiiir' ;- "1:?-".j?-'':i??r 'SJ:21 IWHM-""-."-JOEPII TJ A LE3'S:"'-5(N."-" Raleigh, Auguat, le32. " ; tf ; . ft$ ipnn''iihrrAvf-- 'ii v T'l"-' vTrvTrarV'ai - THE STEAM-BOAT MACON, - nAYlNQ beeu engaged, last Summerrwiv niinr twtween fTliMrlyOin omt f fln . ntt.. I -. .."..- ..'-T' U Will..." IVII Hill. Vlllll HH IrlilUII "'r8T,i,JLml J,3y,J,n-lud dowa,wiU re-; auimThcr TrFps in the cnurae of a few dnvs, and iit intended tu; be coutinued.ia th tradw Ut iwu. log aeaaon. '".:r"?. :-'"' V ' . Her exceeding light draft of ..water, ; drawlfl''!.' . when, Joadedpnly about, (our andhalf aiJi enniiio nej to reach Cheraw at all tune, except on an uncommonly low river, when her cargo will no lightered, at the expense or the boat. -- - - Clwrletonf Sept . M, I S3 - tf N.H. She bus comfurtable aecOmmodafiohi fo! a few passenger. ' - - ? ' J. II. C. WESTERN CAROLINIAN. ISSUED WEEKLY.::.n::iv:.:::::.JOIINT BEARDT JR. ".' "' '.- TKRM9 OF ffBI,IC4TI0N. 1. The HWnm:aN Carolinian" i published every Monday, at Two Dollar per annum if laud hi nhaaee, or. Twu. DulLit. JuadFuly .fntsif nut -piul wiUl Jifttf J me expiration ot three months. ... Xo paper will be discontinued until all arrearairei are naiif. unless at the discretion of Ilia Khtur. -.' : . '. . r- - -- than one year anda failure to notify Hie Editorjrf wish mi uiscoiuiniie, ai least, one mom a aeiore uie expe . raliun of a year's sulwcripUxi, will be eonklered" a-' new engagement w.to .a-t,yg-aa. - 4. Any person who will procure six ulicriber to ... uie ii-aroiinmn, ana laRe the trotiwe or collectiag su j traiiKinitUni tlie aiibncrintion-lirire tn the Kilifor. ahull IS - t - - ------ , have-tlie paper during the continuance of their a TEHMH OF ADVEBTiaiNOt , - ' 5. Advertisenienta will bo confine uonaly and correct- Vv-hmh4 a.fHl-eHii. per -;itr-ftr"jT mat lUiaatamry - and U-iJ cenm for each continuance ; but where an a. vertiscment is onlered to co in only twice, 50 eu. 'H be charged for each insertion, .- 6. Merchant.'!. Mechanics, and Profi'ssioiwl penile- inn,' who miry desire enn-t(mtly to avpear before t) pulilie, in our advertising columns, will ue receivcq yearly advertnwrs, and a deduction of 13 pef ctnL will be iiuiile Iroin the above cliargea. TO CORKESPONPENTS. 7, To insure nnmint attention to Tttem wldreaafd .1 ft... P..!.!.. ,1... .k.l..,.i-. ti..lllll 111 nil .illUM. hit IKLJli. .1. kill. .41111.11, I.IIU JH llliV nilMlli-. UI Vl V"VW i-v Mt -i A. t

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