I ( Trf z9 v V n I ( 1 1 ,v. v a. v . - .. . : r i r wmxzmii) w-isrzrj iriinn iDA2'a;jaK:i)ia:;, ip&'Dipx'jaaui -urnAn na-, SALISBURY s SIOA'DAV.-JAMJARY 0, 180J. i.V 74 VS. :'vVv. n , -T --: VWA7"r K TUB t'MTKO KTATC" TmwiM, Iter.'), KJJ, mr.cmy'h sn;r,cu ox tiii: ufaeons full Tfli: RKMOVAL OK.Tilil JIULIC ijj.t)sitkh. r- (frifi t0 rMim ut.1 N iw ! ti Irsce the other roc. of power, or I'm until" or tiHineeme.it, wlinh the fni(Ntl aiTKi.l Pr lli Conduct, tpy ho - (he I .l..i4 U ciitntiJttr I bo projioscd HK'n-uint on ,U in, aMiuM'J tt ik ceitkary lo pi'crta tha Moral f Ihe p""!'. The inorahi of the people What wt '-smlttuiofi pjrT the Pnidefrt power oxer tlie morula 1 the ip) ? IIu Ci inert any p r tf Ihia kid I ? No, air. ILi Cv'yrc any pwiif i-r n Kiii? No, wr. ..Mini. Im tauuld tuk, w.sjU 1 lh I -de in llts r..,'ifM( iiturptition T Hie ri,it mm!. be r!.iini'-J to r.teie or give power a ne.iry to l'ie moral f Hip peoijl.!, 1 omorrow, the Lvx-ii-lite BiuJit i-n iMC sitolhrr power, !.k!i u.ili! b-iuHr i, c?irj', on Bulijuct rni-!i irmro iu !i ix-niU'' )i iiit w.t rrliiort. Ami l!n i'i4t-.jt ImJ jint . jiiim h riulit to nay li J.! rmiipil of l!i! jiklifiifol 4 Hut JvT-iary ff tlf rrriTir)", in a ii whi k 'a "filf" t,i m lmin. J'IC, llie innr jjt iT tli k-..ji fm rHi- rnr4, M hnd in thf' pfWnl tuic. t-(uil nnlirntf tht rmithi t rf IhO I'A1 1- d -iil, l i i:jC oil! ihc ncl lii h nvn lo ifw Iri. lciil ilir -w! r l rcfrro tLo inunil punly of Ihc Jxiylc if llie I tiilcd Sl.ilPi. Itiil if frtrtltm iif the prrtt Wf i an ilScr rcn- m ni'iif"i, tlie Pr."afcsit,"fair the ii.UTpowti.Mi f4 Im n ii.i .fifv. Mo ( nr. (,.) wa not at all stir .nJ ilt iIk? Kr'lHry of iho Trt'uniry k!vul4 f f 1 i!miruu of ri-vivinjj a n-visimiay -rr over Cic pr !iu (l!iu N-crrtjry vl Uw I rriry ) ni rtt nf Jhe rnr rr.br ra of sha Knitv ht tivfv iiif nil prdext c it )r'-i'n?-.ti"ii I tho fiTi'ilui.i of i lid jf-wt, It mnili) be ti en!k flwl I'ml ii hu t Iwcii iii'ii j;f.l nj uiwt llm Hnrilj of die li;itt'd Gulf's ('ml il hh an ii.-itruiiK'iit in rorn;;tif!p' llio pr- ili4t il hml tnlin intoifs pay pri vtc whose llx- .iiTii l Iiiim li.wmni', and nil who were opp'wed i the I'Miak. Nuw, it would be f,d tu n l( r to wlwl lud WtjI A hw liy nic;i in firiwr times, and In lit unMivrai aawignrd hy thm tir thir eoiKhirt, Lfl S'iw(or look to lira fjll.iwinj clllu in llie iiwliliiiu lti, mum-J in 1703."'If iviiJ m TJIowh : If any prison almll w rite, prif.t, utfor, or jmb L'h,'or ahull can; or procure to lie written, print, d, ulbiwl, r ptihlmhwl, or kmwrtily HVwl williiUrH- ur iJ in writina. printing, jitt'.ri'i2, . or puMisLia, tny" J jcflrwIuliHia, biuI ina'lk'i'Mpi ritiiie or uniiuva niiunM the (loveninirtit of tlie Tnitrir States, or either House ortfie "'GmreaVoT! the LiaitiJ nutA, of fie ".PrefiJent of the .LnUod ZJiW 't tir dc&oKi tlw mhI GwveroiiHml, w eitimr ilu of the aul Jl.iingn'sia, ur,tuc ud IVeniilcrit. or to brin Utein or tntlwr of them into - contempt w ftHWp'tio pr, tt rxcjfr TMast them uW.wnrr-'1wm'lh''nnt'reT-of Hih wikxI people of (lie I'niled tstateaVor to excite any un- Lal"ul i..liui4.M therrini fir ppptwinjj TT rc.'ii.str liisj nv Iihv-oI In t ni(el rtnle. or anv nctol the I ret(H;i( nl. llie LluLcd-CUaoK, donu in jxiiimiK!j W any neh law, cr oflhe riw'rt in bun vested by p, or del. at Any mich law or act ; oe lo aid, en- ?.cuunige, r betny-. houuk 4ipTw pf nnr tiircin nation agninst the lnitel Mnt', tlipir ..people or tSmTniiiieiiT, Ihtin iiuih eroti, bojn therocf cmi. tw-tinl before any ewtrt of tha Unitrd Ctntcs huvin!: juritli4in thrre'daTitSlwl by fine not cxcccuinr two thousand dollars, and by imptbuii-Jti'-nt noj excetnlin.two yeaw." . Well, tha m motixea wore a!Ti?r1 at (he pre sent time. Abtim of (royemment, brinjyin the rrcsitK'ut into conternpl aiul .jdiarepute.toius; coiu lemptuotH lunjjiiagti of pcrnoiiK-in hiflh authority tli on) were the reasona under which tho sedition 1? 'M.Pass aiznrd? Why, the preservation of tit purity of Llhe pre..Jiw even am then, f r they wmtld find, in th nt?xt clause of the sedition (aw, the ltd lowinsr 'anrruarre: et kf tiio writing or publwhinij any libel afore twid, it "shall be lawful lor the defendant, upon tho tnal pt the cause, to give in evidence, in uis defence, the truth of-the matter contained in the rttiblication I thrcd as a liliel.'' - - , 4 Mark the pretext, Jlr, IW.eot, Bnid .tlr. May. It is only for the sake of truth it is only for the fcrJte-rf- ;jttsticeftimly grra M the pre, that the sedition acCtntHit be passed. The President tells you, now, that ki$ nifitive i , tfl prearvw lha nurilv of l'Q n.ii. Tltora waw "lihe ' "cTrcu rh St a nceT Hii 'e w ii ijblT insvked the 7reaenT ineanure witTi i leaturc8 more harsli an as pect more tyrannical than those of it ancient prototype. The sedition law prtmd'yi,- that an of fender against-it provisions was to have a trial, nd to be afforded art opportunity of bringing fir- Vari jyidenceTijalii teferc . But. w.h.at..aaJa w tlw ease nowlj'he riwutent toftit tne wnoie ly judje and iuryin the cause, but he had taken the execution into liis own hand He bad dorii eJtlieTtank of an opportumty f bTiowuij tliat llie ..... ... . .. . . , i' ......!, ypfiTd.hbelw'asrio libel at ati, put uunuaa m rruui. But the puritg of the elecdrii franrh'm was a inject which the President had touch at hearts Witution had civen Aim, (the President,) iitrilic tie in this matter I If it was in truth, necessary that this thing shmild.be done to preserve thd press from tka lmmirii influence of the Bank, and to ' ecure the purity o? the elective franchise was it aecessary, also, that the President should take it own: hand Kilb duty wai toreewn. mend tlw passage of a law to remedy the evil.- ( t ii,-jrN. ejnild toi ii.fMive fuini.a-d (hi i,ui!ter,ip...M-itii.,ii U tlie put 1W tnt'ur, wuh an ofi' r ofl ami .-i n..i lu-tln f t'n'y I .id any w.w. r In anMt.iM J fiH. !, l hadarl.-dl wM IImT Unit r au-m of tlifl ' Coitiiution fiili f. tliitU ,ni tho 'fJVe.Io to of lU pK.i or r;hto!i !mjld be tmi'K lust, '.p1iit in ttie pn--. nl c;ij., Urn lVi !iit had unVrta. ken ti a. t on hia $.vn fffjm luilify. tf,er T dr il.ijt.ilh roiiju I of luilla..k, in n-foiiiij lo'w mra w of it ciIiw-M, d-;wn Mut," Mr. C run. Ii:iin"., K'pJHnin, h'Mi'rvrr, thnt toe I'ai k hud rliKM-n l.l proteiTiinp ifr-lf by wieno of llie p-e, a-jiiaiilm itii"rutiai and al.ui n!.i.h' bad heen iiirtirel firth In a'terim Bi-aiii1:! it uiut Mipp-wing llmt llm 1'fe d li fil hnd foino to Conjrt'", j mid bad been Mijrl' l in iii'e. :iijitri o,niiiM j lb" J,.ifik: tbey eim!d h ie tnim Nielu Hi Idle by th. hifl ttjey cmdd Imve hiin t.;i-.f!,ry crnSl .jye prohibiied the r.nuk f,,lM m!ii; .Ijn a:jol!ier ejM-d-ii ot Mr. ftntiiii, or -Ir, 31. LHitn, or of trm hnnomlitn fc!'!ialor finnn 3Jjsiiii hunv tta war hint. r. H'rltrr.); Tut the V"Mrrtt hod Hi hi- iliiei! to U lue, by n jviw.-r U hiii I the tliroiii, wan tnttr 1'iui t ie ihr .ie it U, l!aU on; lit to . n (m I, i.I ,,, ('..nir.iry to the wi ' "f tl ete-iniea of th- I'duji, wh- h'ul h-pel by llii" in nnr, to iiM'riui'u lh.it i i finiti.;'i, j . ll'-l ! o;i. It trowel, h t':'" !-r vim U .c h tti lii hn'-.d, V.i iU-U n..ifi ' m t j-ervier i i !.. f.-n iv-;f. in--id .r ii... . , ,,f i. "S J-. t'- rI.U e.t t d r-inri wtifl-t: ho) li' eii j.i, ; U lJ Ufi-4f il r.:nH the H i.ik he.! t ... n.ii -IY "-!'. h iu lault.. V-, ';' S.T-,1 mow, sin iiaa, i ,!, jj,., i, ,.., p. te of m i,iii, h,1i I 'ii i,.i!ii.- of ic in itii vau!t- would ii. 'f l.-t a ''i.l- ih llaro.j f,r ill" n-iief id" tho i;F'r;nf eo.'ii.isn'iiH . Ti.e IV-idi-m hyl iioiJiiT.' . J.j ' llm iao. nili or rtdiion of tho rvif.!... 1 h"V lid lo l.!!;r ere oi iLeni-i !vi . rlii-v wi-R! rnfftb!e to rv. tluir (iod ; ,d Im ('dr. .) irn d thnt iIkv rem lot aiii-i.'.!b lo l!i joitie nn ! T!i" l'n-i(''iit h.:i..J l;r..!hi;iC Id llj iini.i ntn.!i,.ii.- ri i.4 jiMHf nni nier - i,: j rn -if-'ni i:i'J i;'..'Ulic to uu wit. i l.io 4v!.iin d III" pro.... i .h. Ikvii l, ly Hei4iemit.t and tu;ij;!),'t hiimnnnes which rroM if-nie hjd t'.-ired in iIkvii, i'l an-vver to a romi.lniiit of tin- i'r. iieli (.'"vernment pr.iin.- l "nje Ihiiij. t h'. li hi d i -ii"d f Kin the Ann lie-in pn-, tliit t!ie pn i a one f tb-.v thitif w iiirh nihnit. ted of n-ieo:i!rid, and that v tn'i-4 enil'irf the v U il mlliriett, fcr-thrawtwf b twtrirw njiitli 1trnt. It rr"i. re the powom ! w!n'e!i t!i' Pre.":' tent reoeo in ti;ii!.rt n i.in figure o lite pnliliC lii 'i. min d' lit 4'ni"d fritnt. II, Mr. .'.," Imd t aniiiu'd lliem minutely, but IIk-v nil utterly fiiled. V.'i, eoiiiinued lhff htuir1it fnflernnn, nre irre. H.-t.ilily briaighl to the c'Hirlusion, llmt this iiiva sioii of the pihlic trenwry has Ix-en elli'cled by (h. nonovnl f hw fWretary of llie Treasury, who aimld n.4 violate Jus. eofittek'tiliuus oUiBatioiiH. ami Tiy t !ie appoint im-nt of aiwil her! w ho rti m 1 ready to suliserilie his nnnie to the order of tlie JV.k-nt ; Cuiialitution or tlw Taw's, f jf . the aet w:faich ho him done. Allow me, BaiJ Mr. fa) glance far a Jew jiriomrtS Dt the tremenrhais consequences that way envue from the exerci-e of this enormoiM power, if 1h-.Pre?rdent of the ruitej5;aunicaurfi IfV'Tri caccs' wherc tho fcfw has assigned a auecU' fie duty to another rjllicer, exiwively to interfere . A . . ........ . i. it! -x J r.. J'. . It " 1 lz HIIU I tOllOKWW HHH .HIK't-Pf IirmTTT TTTT TW-JTMI lI l'- ;Wi'iim frin rtfieej 'to-peijaBjjrtfbry. U Tim.iun jiefeiionU Jnit MiCnwihle . to Ih wiii ol'; the Presidei't. The Fame principle will lie n- mmrd and athliiwoh TaweV-W,'aiy-tfnrof- fcer ifiilV othrtleonrtioeiiit ntfusK to execute th Iepoti-iU f 4l 1'reai.lent, lr4rilr do- tt"'t"1I' peril of lining his tituaiimi. 'Join wool ) tli state of "fliins in future, oi;d was a lojienl dedijie: tiott ftoui Jiwi pro-e.oti fa qurtfonr jTow, then, blood (he mutter? By the TnTtury act, to which he had before reforred, or Hither, he would first say, by the Contfitutiou of the United States, no mnnry cnnld b Hwn from; th prrWr trtrrryt!t- m coneequenee of n preyimisprnyiriKiil try taw."" And then crune,9 in the act rogulatinj the. drawing of money from the public treasury, uniler laws which hsd lieen Drevionslv pnwd bv ('onTes-s : and what JjJllaJact providl'.jjL.provulcJ that .tha-Sucrota. rv of the Treasury should sitm a warrant that tlie &wpfrWey1ifw fiinii -that-tfw Recorder or JRjfister should reconl it imd that a!l this should ho done. before' tlie Secretary was tkjoat iMBaawjaAadViaLtaBk lb aunkJiB f Wbli44iasiyy, .ps...,. Now, if the Prestdeiit of tlie United States t!irea- ten the highest olaccr in tho Treiuniry with disniis- sal, fi T refusing to execute hiscominainl, or thnt he will find same other Secretary niore otediont to his Twill, wfiit w ti 'prevent his going to tho Comp- troller mid holjinw out tho sanio langiinfjo lo him ? anflhat he would expel him if be reiuiod.to coun-temgft4- What -W'e-1 hiiides hini-from goina to thaileguitcr and boluiiw ut the mie threat lo him in easo of his refusal to pjcord the warrant? if- trHtlTfnTOmni!! ctercu-e tF-prrr f Evrry: barrier of the Treasury was bri)kcn down, l ite moment the Presd-lent oftlie I nitedStntes said, I make this masure mv nwn-1 takr norm self the resoonsibilily," that Listant the public Tra- surv niisht as well have been removed to the Her uuta. luG.BVAnir!i mt-ct iu;p.rcc.cuaawu iu wis or gty otne eenntrrr-- He be!ed fnhUm t -there vSLxsSkdJUMJK) necessary to, p back beyond the Christian era to c'I'sSdiaVerit;'" It would, bo .recollected .by all yho were cuuversant trjfnpclled to retire from Pclu$ium,Ciwqr, who va anxious to give him biiUle, returned to Kptne, ha vmr reduced Italy in sixty tythe exact period, waii..tou'Bea .4 iU3 tillie the tel ef ()cto'psr,.and tlie coj)inii;tM--nit;it of the ; session s- Congress, without tbe adititicm rl even the usual three days of crac. Cawat- havins re duced Italy in sixty days without spilling '..a rina;le drop of blow!, arrived at Romi j awl, there fif Klin many Senatorai he nddrefrsed. them in a mild and cfSje2"Jf w,'Zi'fy addrcst to Congress BatTacaired tcm to give Iuro t- """l Ui !! cimj iA iLe.n Wd aw 4 UMm. i re.l. k br-thrr tt waa liiat lSn w. m V;.i.l ..I roiiir, fr rh iu.r'it Ow not tit firtie.i noi pr nr. , Mileliu, tho tribuif, wn oiiihwed to l,i t-iumj llm m-ircy out o tlic puWte tfvmry j;iuit tlw eiiiii lu. Cii.ir r-pli.-d, ihnt artn to I UUldr fl-Hiroih toi iff,' " If IheTriU w u ud plwed aitli wlut lie u about, be M w.ly to reiTfl ill i IlK-e, lljin anid llii, he tiipnaehe 1 lliedoornof ihe trnaory, M the lieyt rrv not priHlm ed, h cut r .ihmw lo brrtii th"in rpi. 2u.s, arfiii, li..a pir ,.lr. i;u,ine,' rf.'i..ilrn -I, Lut t -Miutr thr-alc ie4t'i (fit min lo ii m!i, niuj fo j h;to l!ml it tud t,:i-ier for bun lo kiv ihnti ito j. . hi i.u tli. ii r;tin'U, tutdiuMtr 4 ei;p!ifd with eery tiii-,.; M-cei-miry f. he ar. V Ij-re now. lie, ..fr. ('., would a. It, wa the f n' lie Tnaii!y if llie; t'iii:i ! l'vj: ? Who tnt.tii i- ;i I It mux cr- HVy-wiHfrt a l.irf. ht.-ni'in, if trtid irnrr.i li'-ro . it f Why, ftti.) ml i i TrviiMirv ihafi i,t ci.;eki tc Dm miimioI t ( iii!!i'ii;i, p! iced in tli" ha, !!. .f .,lC:rini li.mU lo e;u Lie litem i.iy i:"ir ir !.! Budead of l-;-i, njij-r printed tu liie Wlli'i' i f t'io .'iiti!e, 'J'h.'V lire Mattered I.. ..e wnJri l.y a i f.iin.er ttho ! n ijiiik.! by u Li let ih ii. .....y out (.:' l!." pi!.!.t 'J l. tlury b'lt tl.f.'l H;lT..'l, lint tr""! k til'" f'XC'jAtV Aiii. t.a"rri.fi.; " 'I i.y I'e1 Vv,i.ir.'.T, tod teeortU 1 try- tf: it- ""r, nH !1-f fli' '. w 4i tr rf-f,!n 'If, -7. hi'r i: v. ('. W'.ll.I ll .1 ll IV c it n p Ml" le.K.ji.. t1 in.!.) of t veri" rv ef In Tn -,-ua a -d the C:t !. t I !'iu I.'i.k ..fihe I'.iiifd .k;!; l -; l it !?i.ii!. i. r r tu a L-' y.rlicf'i'r..- It t r r of 4-f r-we". pot:,fertr ,0 if,t ,T,.,t 'fr,..Tn- rfrri to le as.-mrif ef hv. n,i::l;,n.,,,-d .i MV(. ,.,.n is- - I, porn in etie IU,', .. : ,',,. nn,1 r. .u.n;,,., lo n i.nr. .ow-. Treaif r ndi.t.l llii! tin j uiotia ttrre not ot tt j-ijitH, ( 'rHHr not j I t I ly wen! drawn hy (reii.at of lite Se'i Inrv UI Hie lrcnuirr, tr ! tJWiT-if tV tvr t-n U. rr.n'n r-.nin "e.wiiM ; unon ailn're f whieh, th J . re to m- rel-jr.it.l to t.'io Ti aain , wt ei.n '!! d. j 'l'liiii In llf ). rnonn IV e:i put into the I lnuul of a rank here, nod a 'Rift, there, ith're. J "rd to the aolvetxy of which, ir"',"'il'! Mr. V. ; rinW WTthhtTTltnit ovef Mrdi'w fiiiv iTo control in i pLn i.il Un re in loo evei of rertiun rontiit"en. , to be n-d it not, as l) holders of the draft tlii.ik prwr. Where wiw the with of the Trca "ttrer of the I'nited S'nti s when he' ventured, to p:irt with the jxM.ple'H inoitev ? Wln re was lh t 'orrittirtTn nrrhe-rf.lTe.Tliil.TO.IcIiTiiig unv money to bo drawn from the puMic Trcnurv, ex. cejit by a provision of Conn-ju. ! Where rh tHe act of Congrc nipiirinj that all warrants author, iniiig thren.rtfhl of arrrof the ptit.fM- niisicy hTiouTd be countersijrned, Mibsrribrdkaiid r-i.-itLTudaru nit olhtririte t Where w as his bond, in the puiudtv 'oTS r.jti.t mbnii"nT,fiiu ice f wTiiTfriTjip TiIi.rGIli.ui itaim himfeTf ' to bl'icfi Cic tjiiLnETii('si."''vTi4' flie"p.wr in Cahier of Batiks- wr which (Timres3r hnd tio fjwtln.l, tual U Im 444 irt h event of tTtairr tm defiiMHl contineiicin ? II. Mr. C, would iKt pre- tend tOimy ial kiwwtoTilwvlaw tart this he would say (hat, give hi in .a court ai:d un unpacked jury, and he would -venture If) prove that the stW.KT-:.f-r'.' -Trt'. -" --" ., ' cTefJiryTiHU vi.iLlcd Ins bond und set the law al (kfiauce. a . ,l,,,..,, ,,li., r. " tif, snid Mr. C., there s One thin f ir which T, as o:ie of llie people, h:tve to rxnrts. mv ohliira. ifw-ttr -the PrwIrWxtf'IfW VrW StTifeif 'n". th.it is fr the hoMu"s ..f his iii"veine!ifs, and the frahfinetiii' w'illi y-'fifrh he avows Jhonv.;.; He tall, tut coiilhiml ir. ( that the measure j., iis own. Jbi tj.lls uS-iliat the ret was conMiiimmknl on hia own re.ipoiiaiLility hnd, Sir, Ihere never wss a more oVhi and U'tdixmii-sod violntinn of the ConHtifVtion than tho act hero so openly avowed. Sir, I havo been strulinp, and with what sincerity, truth, and Wten 4hw-4itftf my r"ietTT, to a 1 1 ' t rnid prevent this state of thin.", the preat searcher of. all liesrW.oiilj knows. v Vith what eoecoss, th Constitution ol. my country can tod. But, sir, I will persevere until.no longer capahle of exertion : ami, air, if au uu.tftliv.i.iaiier, U!uj inysellV dared ask sojjtrrit n .b'ef.ing from the aM-.kuiiliMffiTcr of all jnoffrl H'oiild pray t Tint I rrii"dit "ba i tTermit- fed to live until t could see the acred irtstitutiiSis of our cTHinfry restored, the Goths driven from.the t'ttpttntya P.iaj K! ''miigl Hint"' WtHllJ pKSf.MWHi if it W'lMT. tlw Treasury fr.ini hp, preserve tlie liberties of my country, and tlm Lon-litutmn, and avert the dangers which so f?firf!illy threaten it. f 7 ie continued, KoYcraent3 . la Virslalo. TcisaxT Decescies SI, 1S33. " - - TUF. DEPOyiTFA- DrrHmfeiinrtcd- mmflry" resuhituxm. Mr. B. stated that k TepriTf would have acc'67rijj.fnic!3 those" .fresomuons,. winor aw tvxu . ji as, that the resolutions ba read-which tewj done, askeu Mr. Ronne said .tht Jie had hnd the firtuneJo be cine of the Committeennd the ihhorftine to be iT.a.tnitioritv" upSi,,,,t?. Jie h'atl dlricreffui all fiT--frT7TrTffiim1r poditiient m- thrrwlf rr6ue tiTloo Tiiiioiafy', jj!ii4. mini, imd ini'ioiti i.t iiii!;ij,l, und liu Iml put them in tlie f iriil cf rejiolutioits, wluch ho hoped would be printed and issued to tho world in compnny with the r!utioii8 of the Commitlee. Mri R. wished bis resolution t? be considered, ii Resolution tf the Sk1eet Committee on the De '-. ' . ' - pnsvr. " -. , - " The Select ComiAiitee to whom was referred so mtich of the Gowrrwir'e. Mmm.t m ' relotes to an areem"nt entered info ott tlw 22d of October last, betwegaihe Bank of YirgiaUand itkOIHee of Dis count aTNorlUt, and l'ie Secretary of the Trca- aury of th I'ldfJ fcf.Jf, hv.Br(ji.li;irr I'J r. dfi -had llm nit. Bii b-e r-r Wt-ri'i'm, an. I n r n rt in pnrt, Iherfift, iha lUtw f. 'v'.ot.a i - J. lushed, .M.tlK(iK tf f Vj'w'""" Tli'it t. uid agrt'inei, U iojiirri to liie T -t f t!u ('.in.ioo.nn' j Ji, ait. otifd.t lo Iki ietd:uJ.'d i Ihil it term and r'Juhtiiiiia niiy Us j;rc4i!y f r ju le ud ti Ih Bank of Virguv, by wil'j'etin'j it rii uloij lo un iiitii.ii in it iil and rii I tlowi tb.it U'tt h i ri -TveJ (. Huh lu'a lv the tharfer ef iocorjx.nifuin: llnM allun iiienlj lo ofitr'!e nd niiike cteeive iwo.-m f iu (-.ih t, i,.rfM)Hr. talioii whuli n.ay Le fitiJty fL'u ry, n ay, Lii iiKn lb r.l 0 T I-ny ml. hi. .lii , nul ie.ii the m.Ueixy of llie uiMilut,oti prd;.'ami j'rpady thul f ry oidy U uvvricdXyiJjiuUiiii lu ai.viuip'.n tt i, how.wr vere, ilrt bwrttui) or l '1 ( i..;iry iil i!irt;ife. 'I. Ti.al lli rriiieul ent!iioeli..rt Ii whirh llie" i iik ,:m n r.'. J (, hJhmI (, l,u und Iwntrtr Tiri;ym tT rt-e fert rrry nl'me, f irt to my nret't r r;iTti lln.t lie ni iv tj rn-.l (t iiiitii n-eerari ly . e .WI'Tiir i.f III" : lt iitb id" ! J'o"!,, B'.J li.l i.j in s id' I'm '.4.'ii..v.e!:h) j ! ir''in lo tl,e N.ilc, imd hiirtfojt t iH eili,eii. uiid if w". rnl BmikH: thnt ih- hi.; (il -fim Vj uie rnlliiteral niinty f. ii lekdiiy hihI nUI.ty to p. I form tf.rfc !ww ilut', at tin will of tho N-erfory, K' luurtv iilto.U.iA.l....n.w. ff t-? ff r.f?: .i.ir. lliu hi te i f III" I'fti.k, n d Irt ll e pewer w!:irh h I.'-f 11"-1. pit. !!(, llie fin y iity of the ijirtihition. M; riv! 1 1-1 IliO Mm-Mi'.l.h-M, lill'I 'lie inleien's o t!.t. r-'.itc, are tul.je. tr I to th enpric id" an inh i !i-.l !: l l.t: oliieo under anMher "niineot, n ,d e li" . in no wih' i. -jKj.i.!.' j lo the pgH. r ef ihf '-e-tn1"'-. tilth. St. Tint wt.i!" ti.is Cnreinifle i!i-'itnis ' ex. pre iiii or ttjt in iuf i -ri el any opinion in referehi-e t.. lit.. c iii-til.Hioiialilv ef l'ie r xi-t'u,- lUi.k of tl:u I'liiti-d f;,j!'ii, il tievi-illr !e4 roiieeiv. t!jt the ,4" the eVerrtary of 4tv -Ttef irv re-' Iili-li uml tnpplva r.ntu i4il rurr.-t . v li. . '..!, tr. snev ef tli Stsf BsrtV", or 4'ierw"i, ' is Ik.I 'i;K ti.ui' d by the n-il-ral Con-ditulien, ntwl iI"mu h ) :!. ii .pt 10 pTi-vere.l in, much of hnriii liiv fol low In the joi.'d p'i pie of this ('onitri'.iiweiilih as well in tu iu other iMitkin? rtnrili"hm',nts already in extft'.M- j by givtng UiUiO Lvurt4JJiilJuUUU. due nieeiiduncy over the cirettlatinj; iridium of the Cfsmtry, Ti-itins it with the evils of a vicious oud Hjiori ii currency, in which the snecubiter, the broker, and the p.litician, may pr.4-r, ut the ex-is-n..1 arid hnxurd ef tl. firua-r, tbo hilmrer, the mec .ic, no. I the inerclianl. . A. Tliat ll.u "n-. eiil p nioval of the rderal I)"-rw-itcn fr ni llie Hank 'tif lb t'tiitod-State and il brandies, at the iifttne, ant trpmt thr n:.'msi bili'y of the PreHdi itt of the I'tnled Stales, iiuzU ... .'.t. ...... U..M.M....1.4 lfl U.n"H. VI 1HU ll.tH J 1(1 V" Will 1. ill. . . ,.i of power, and . breath of the public, fulh, inoatltWBank ef the l-niterf ratrv, sunained itt k? Tfs to Te",'anr is, regarded as an a!ariitoii iwtrpaii..n seriously ft.lt in the dijiren which il wrl leo tk4l , j, ! unexpisttdd' rrarkwlrrtlrcta: rnw tttw ronimniiitx-, i'X.'uViJ'wlu.Kif KuTi'iiHlird (,'iFjnvrfs our freesy'iiem, tumaeA aud necnrckt to "Ww a t.overnnient of Law, iuto ouo (juiJed, cunlrolt J. aiul actiu;, by will. . . said agreement asgivin" csintenance to this act of uolorrauUlJoowti;.ilI Vwl Kx!lrv, ! i,i . .. . .tr ... ,t n .: Cotnmoiiweallh owes it lo itself and to the Con.it i tUtijjh'WfoijJo jrepef nri tins lo re. j-oki an.1 in.iul the aaiiMi, to llin eiidlluit ihi.i per lion of tbv.puluictrttiUiure. way,hejeaficr Uiiwlcjl tn trt"p!es whr By hn It twrrnrt to -Is- rtepewf. td, and that it may lie rtgain subject to the con ftiuitintialAf'rid ef Oflffress. . . . WP. nionwri-Jth be uudructejtaanssaii tijiihaf-e his hil.Jiilion to proem a resciiioii r,f lit eotdnri Ixlweeii t!.o Bunk of Virginia rvl its oll'.ce at Nor- f ilk, sin! the Secretary of the Treasury of tho L'ni- tea butua. -"- -.M-a JaftAix i srnsTiTrXf- 1. .cjirtfrcr, by the General 'Aspemh'y of Vir- ffinia,T'hat Ihe recent mtneatTRy lneocretaryf.f th 1 r'asiry, of the bileral deposites from the Bnjik oflhe U.iitsd States to the State Hunks, was prema- Uiiii, i jj.uilioijiu. iiHditafid-wt -raliW- efpy the cxigonci'-'s-of th-eu!rtiyi"i'LibJtnr,nnrrr deep'y to bc d"plor3(, lausc, iriasrquch Da they wonj ndiuillcd lo lie safj in said Bank, their renn val at. that tune, ufldei' all the attendant cireutiistatv "CiillHjrTiiO Hi-iifHtele 4teJMIS premature distress tl irone;!iout the country, at lexist nlHTds a plausihlo pretext fir hastom'nir and in- creasiiijf that denuionioht of the circuhtling me diuni,' which roust inevitably, to a certain extent, precede and attend a r1i.siiitiou of its charter and thefefure increases its claims of perpetuating Hs existence- - -J 2. AVWrrv'. THtt the of the United States is not vested by tho Constitution thei-cwifwith tlie power to incorporate a Itational Bank, and that mis Soimtosn hh hosehv itiwwieiI. a.T our finnr which may be mrido to recliarter the present Bank, and to in pasmnj- all needful and proper laws to compel or erytble the directors thereof to brihg: its concerns to a final close, in the manner least in- jnrious lo the currency of the country and the hup. puie,mi!Oae.!rop!r: w.mnn4 Li..im. m ln. Ili.ff ni'.IAn tk.lif.'lli.ll tliroufihout t.ie Union, that iittir, itui .ic.i, i , ... . ..i.!'.j j.1i,i'T yi J ' r -i.V'l.. they should be trnns. :rfil ta fJacnf-.oftiiri ftftT'BtiCftlJWIIdtflf ll.!:id its are destined to be'-ditraed in Virgiukt, fat the immediate benefit at her own citizens; shmild Rave hn confided to-a Bank, which. havin7 for many 'Jyears beoa.' ItSiumSi cf'tHi''&Miiiiwilla, arid thcrelry "se cured and enjoyed the full and unjntcrnipted confi dence. f its citizens, and of this AssorpMy, has given the best pus.sib!e cvidonee that tha funds thus confided to its care, will lie used to 4lt advinfasje oF3 own stockholders, and at all finrs.fuilhfu'iy p?id vtta4rttie pntitlod b"Teceive thenu "And that tliit General Assembly, judging from tlie pat pro Ic. mu a,iJ t,.irli!y tf the mil i'n!i,'r.in u re.. II k.n.li'll f lo U 1,1'lic ihul il w. .i'.J f r a r.n UKUll ' .llt..ll) III i','h((, fy f llie . ud fin,.;,, ,f it wa rr'juii. d.i j do ao, lii Mjl-inil loai y limf n pii ii.it to U i.iten-.laiT i' l-Oi4Jt'i,42.r 1fn ll too ur,'i.ity of therein, r 1( UUioli of , tf erttfT ef ll ewn i ,rfin.'e. , t.'r. h'li -ir -y J. M i,'M,r d, and t'i (wVii-m l'l efii"! u' tV."'" I. U n.e d I J. nUn? thr emt, . )a. f:.,a vf I'ifl t t f.r,e lit ! ( ,J i,,r. i.. at-l.it nteihly of V,,t. of , I'i, I.-.J 1 1.,, . m i!,,,! ' wii 0 bin tltt1i ill i,'.! lii , H-rl H'. 1 1. .f , . U iLlLuil f...li.i..uH,f il-rifl li?.'J ftilM'ti.-rni. I.o Ui iiJ ll )( ., n. w r'. t.l' n,r V r.ly of l'i(i ii.iii lf to (i f - - r ls' i);rniyi i Yt i,ito rrlulnii . ft' fiil.u'rl i.i tl. Cf, r, i, .r. ii. 't im l.h'id a t!m irr!of (!.M.ri'nlind e'i I'rfTi !.e find no pf'r ?,e in the d.H-i.-'v 5!r, ol r.'t!, !tt the 're"li elm rinf.rceed . . . fit ur r.fid i!f-f ti tli, i t, ir r.n.-ern.Ti in, I j Mi '.Il Jt ItTaev.' U:b uu o i i ir mj Ui .u, lu a u en a I.i. Ii w.ki.'J e!fr.d i!.-!f lo I, heard, i.r r. fit Li i'm fVtiy ill ri" lh y u'H p.rre-'-tSejf j.fi .1 , , J !iU id ii y ly Win u nrp-it.i ii. 1 f 1 no r'lir lo r lie. ! 1 ( m uv n dii i.n any in1. -4. !- . i W tli rniHU omi ! t , I UunrMro ici "ion iif'treil, he pe tun! th vefit'imfiii itr-I ! it e.irer to rotue wit. firy, n !ie tl Mikm! i t'.-n,iD fur an fyff., i ff tlt- n u,tl r-lJlI.liaiLi l.Xt Im -rn rf (f ( f. P u 4 li! (.t tt, nc.,,ir ... ..... . rrt'T'. n'" tiwiiais ---iir';- noTO, he We.iH n r lie- I1... I' .n e, itt the I ilt.-;ii?-e i f S Celiilimled ff Sl, lo " " I tt h"l " ?!r. CcitJisi 'hi:l to 1 1 r, i.t wlttt clnmct'-r t! . ,Ttitl..in-n from Jff.norrr pr-x-j-.tcd h ri-4irt;..i , x m'-n'T of Co l!o:we i.'y, or as a Meinber of un. Se.-t Cnrnmi'ti-e ? Ir. It.mn reiilM-.', sa a rwM.-k.ref r T'ne a Mi!tit(it iut Uiu ro!u!.oii t,f llm C'otnniiitce. Tlie Cit-Jtcrts of t'io Town e Y -few' -irir b'M meeting en .'' jttr-Iav afltr.rs.n. I'm- -lib in t, to wl. eolith una ef nil poldTetl pirtii'v ' f u.-'l. .1. t. : rr.u Coii.-iiJerit!2i lh", u-niptxc ut' p.i,ur ly tic j , aiilertt of (Vl t'r,?l " ! Mjstes, III reCw. .: ii.'i t'.ft' I 4 of the J'nbt'C Money foii the I'lrOd .sritti j point.-.! s their (! rv .! ry Ir ('j:' in, to i.ni r t '.n1 leet.l ly htrrrwlf. Tho following Ke-i!ii,.iit.biiryj pri.fir4 !.y dt ami pertiru-nt a.Ii!rej. t Uift im uiSd.-u eeilt .f n .'re o.B id by Wdliin Roiierim, tnJ MOmJl ly Jftiw- Mji-ftrlsiul, They were read tad auof t'-J jwccaivei), "w.th not moe-tlwn tirer rivThr-n. tient voicr to e.tiwr of Uitin," the Petenlurg luwdi- jrtxct tirs oxj 1. littflrttl as the (pinion of thia nieetn Thai lh iiih.vI of tlie late Secretary of the Tien, sftryor the" n.Ited Stales from t tiiuc, by ll. 110-j'4.t-lijr-4tdt'pe'iury"WU!ilUdilIii his UMMRnt to a roitiouiij itio money o itic i.ovr nui.e.vT r.om by the oprnion rT Congress of it perli-ct tcrurtrj', serves the reprotwtioii o every tiuicpcadeut aluui of litis c siolry. " - -"r'- "-' 'J. feniW,-Trmt thr Trmrrrsl ef the OoTrrrt- J ifacitl)e.por4tCj..liim Aim.P.iiiik 4 tlt414, -rs a.tiiiurcasuiiillJtMlJA . of the hihmitlor'Jv cfaiolcof tlinll.4ierf Be- rrYtaTttruVrteriff'em mI? Ttl'vK)!' t4.ni of the itittt.i4.al fiitji ployed ly the ctartcr tf , itten 1 tmer in the rxerfrfive, and a nenuil rf tt to I ho ll..i.Mtvt-r'r'e't I" e nd ferH': oy in liLiiipu aiiu its ii.i.uL'iH t-, 10 coiw.jiieiK'es th.vuKiwtdiwtr.SK. j- .tr i i'l . ,ir .i. n :.i . : 'fr-i''',,,-,fcTM K-,:7 -.'i r nri'TiT, in ils;r.t?.-nan th TVefltrf d" -Irr Crrr?d Plnte u;tcou.Xltuli(.-i:4iiv pbcimi "m jhs3 ov.JiJuSa l!iCrc-fai.-!.H fiiuifiif thit'r t.ii)ir. - is an act of tV.e rnr t ustrrfiitii'm of tho Hi.'! U of the People, for which ho detitrves" univcrs;.! lie nuneiaiion. - - i. ' - ( 4. llfotml, Tiint tho vimlirtive 'personl ftr. in;- Whft hth&'Pr;irnrof Vrritcd t3ate.rl.ns rnttttitftewirrthstrtit 4f-hi irttscMevnirs- tntr, .. . ..... . '. pose, tne spini m aonunanon wwen no nn disp'. 6A, 8'iJ.tlio arUtrarv iirf'nint to which he tins r iTMi,-nty-irrr ti!tJti:e4 asJSTOto-ilweatro rj' fo the free nrinciples of our Government. - - 5, IicsolreJ, That while this great institution, in which sven millions ot.dollax'd4ho,.iuuJak.i-as fi'r-t rtj urr . iTZ. ...... , ence, and is fulfilling tho general purposes of its establishment, connected as it is with the afluirt of Government and the business of the community, . am! affecting in its' operations tho vanoua i.ntrsU -of uluHlYand the rnrrrterons dciiendenciesofcom. ' merce, it in the sacteJ dptyjif all who. have-iwa cTotried wlib public trusts, to frown iudinantty on nil attempts to saeriSce its interests-or impeir. itjt uefiihieKs, for the prepTttution of party orobteution of pOWtT. '. :;,- 4i Rt sftyi, Tfiwf,. iL.feepinipa pf tjiia mwt ' in,1!, the prnsm;ri(y of tlie coinitrv.wa ngver great er, the confluence more unlimited lietwun all class. es of men, thon at the time tho order was given by rre.eincrtt Jacrcieit to remove the UovcruniAnt rnoney ferrrJ-b9-I)r'l States Bank f that sirico this order the most unexampled eniharrasstnenl irna bcea fefl, mtich tnowi w likyto-'iriMrult. ami ihitV- ef li-cemen. and lire in a country repute t b W WeUlfj.Hlit iCa4H4S'41t-ffif- rpef!." lyproTTst SaioMt every eneroacluiieiil upon our, ri'fhfs and pnyiieges, no matter frotu what quarter it may comi " " . 8. 7.'c-orcf, That Ihe President of !- United States is no won thin aa ttrutply to ta'3 ,, , care of and siieriutend .mieh iiitcrests hs are sno efficr-.lly conlided to liim by llift. Coastittition u l Laws of l'ie Govertiinent, anJ thai when, in tho opinion of the people, or any p ..Ion of them, hi commits a tiolatien of lifl.er, il..-y l.-e an inV. pOijJont and uno-jlifiej r'el to pr'.t. .-.f re. tins' a.- ;ll detimincfl such violation in that way which to ihoiai .. tucui most likely to furiia a rinMly, : 1 t

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