rut jnrftm Western Carolinian. TIIK LWiisrTL'RE. The Raloit'h Mill due on Wednesday Jul not arrive here until 21 hours after in fceiiwmence of which we l,l to niattr tint u in typs, in order to - rure plr" " ' prnrrediog ' la rtif neat we ilia!! m-.rt M of id Art !, and give such rn.- tmfi.of or n as lav been suggested by U MoVKMKNT.-VIRGINIA, oa thi DWOSITfA 'c hsve devoted a eortaiderable ie in our column tli) week in tlit proceedmifa had in our MntrrKuti,f t),i auhjert nf the extraordinary and unwarranted -p mints "f 1'X General Jaclum, ovrf the pub lic money. Wr ilo tlm with Uie less heaitatiiKt, belie ting, a we ki tint unless Uie petiole turn in Uieir tna--and Hit atop to nah encroachment ujn tlm r,.n.iitiji'Xiil rights of iilliif department of our flu. i.rnmeiit, F.aecutiv Will have so fxrtilifj himself, l,nl even our II" eoniM perwrfia) privdeee (enjoy ed I.t iIm vimIi of the r reatost autocrat in tlic world) ill !' w t frin ua, and we be li ft Ui Uie merry of iv mIwnii cliance ur ft erupt ion may place over n We have been continued in tlx nfinxt that this rcult w tuiMil at by General Jarkima, by an article in Mr. lUifui t' Kniiimif, in which tliia view ia taken of il tu r. Tlx- reader will bear io mind Uiat Uie or- (.t fir a K'lnri- on tint iulilic money wa inmU only a Urt iniic(two iihmiUiii) !(! l)i meeting of Congiraa, tin- only lawful agent dir ill management, and tliat it u gain-rally understood tliat an attempt Would b mule to r--t ! itu Urn hand of power the sword pot ' into it by tin- " BLoly Bill," by the rejieei of tliat act at tlm m-tmum of Congreaa. Now, General Jackmn, i.ri'liHiidiinr tlio aurcem i tliia attitnjpt, dctrinmol, if In- M ilm word, to accure ihe punw wi-ing that if nnwi-rfiil aa the othf, when applied umW Hip iii-pirc of hin Kitchen Cabinet We w ill try to f:i- t)i' n iin( which haa brought ua tathia ooim1u ion. If Id? iW-jitwitM hid rtiia,inid in the Bank of tho l'nii.'l Stntea, and OinPral Jarkwrn had hern contont ti tnr hrfim? fonrjrr hia ranrinrm nt b"rr aafhty, ami liw dire to place thn uixltT hia more iinmctliaUi r'mit'ni!, a"1w To fflaT MW1'mhM nave" rrjuTred the xiiirtiiin of a majontyof hoth llouar-aof Conj-ciw and ( Jrkm ).nkid upon thia aa imponuhle. On tlio othiT ImnJ, hi? knrw iliat, tJic monry oiico aafo in La (RMeMuou, it woyjd require a majority of two-lhinia in i-arh Hoirne to tako it from him and thia he likc- wum! looked upon aa lnipnwihle, art nlrcownjl have biH'n Ut miaui uaud to corrupt Kxr at th ficpreaeaUUvea tin- Heoplfl. Tliia vlrw i put in a Mill atronpr l'L'bt by tii fart that the collar-pr oppnly aay that if CimLTMa aliould pwa a joint ronilutiott mmmandinif thr public nvxvy to be rtdopnaitod hi the Bank of the Vmr4 Htatw, trm Prewdent will put hi$ trio upon it! IT it comea to thie, Uie qnontkm of whethrtr we (foTern . imr lv, or are ruled by a RICTATOBr-of whether we are freemen or alavea will be aeUlcd I -- "1 "" 'l,"t tji l"Mon tU-coaatitoUao. aVity uf the Bank CharUj la not conaidurcJ, but that the freemen of the Old Dominion direct all tlieir effort in defiuce of tlteCoaatitatioa and plihud fiuthof their .tountry.jnJ the right of their Representative!!, alone,, to manj;e their money. Thia ia aa it ahould be. We di'Pfcatfr the effucta, oa the prosperity of the eoumtry, of Uiw pna-ewrfinjf tf Gon. Jacluaji ; but wVeyrecate, rtill more earnoatly, tho e(Tict it haa to aap the founda tion of our ConHtitution, and to undermine th Liberty W the Cititen. We think the Bank Charter, as SI iww '.I j?Mik.m ojfflittkrfiMfibii :njwt.ihe. ' . Rtehtanf the Htntea and, nOLBecb -JnoiJifiratk aa wmild obviate this, we would like to aee the charter re's- nawed pbnt fair epSftkm tTrinlawfut ecW, wfape, will never lead ua to eonipromi'Be tho jrreat political principle upon an ohsenance of which, alone, reuta the durability of our noble and beautiful iiktitutwna. (&" A Public Meeting haa been held in Philadcl. phia, ftfl-the Mm a1i6jm?'rwhteb;e-TeiKed" fist aneh remlutioiie as rnifht be expected from an twemv biap, the majority and tlie leailora of whom merely looked upon Uie matter In a pecuniary point of view, W e give an extract of a letter from a friend in Phili delphia, being all the notice of the meeting, necessary to be laid before our readers : . M I have no ncwi to tell vou : nothing is thowrht or talked qf but the scarcity .of money, which mont peo tle awrilie to Jackaon'a interference with the United We ftinlrM W ttb all your ; xonaUtutjonal hoetjl tg tlie Bank, I think yon oannot approve so unwarrantable an amtimptkm of power.- What the result of the pre wnt prcnsiire in the money-market will be, I am unable to foresee : but, if it continues much lonircr, the eon eeuences must be dirtretsinjr, to all cuuaies of the Com munity. We have as yet had but two failures of con eequence : , and , the latter cauaod by the de preciation of ..alocks of varioua kinds, of which they wcw,very1af'1ditent-' " r"" " A tnr lBrrrn mjioliniT ma tiplil thia afterruvMi TTVv cember 311 at the State-flouee, to devise aome mode of I': 0 ' t . it it n--lL: l fi'irci ; du( 11 rn.ll enaea in "mono, nesoiuuona were "pansflft aiMresa the prvWifrnf. the Governor of Ferm- svlvania, &c. which no doubt will do aa much rood aa ir they were (6 address the Pope, This aJdressiri)? biiaineaa reminds one of Uie paper-warfare described by Muatjipha, in Salmaeundi t wbatevtf the etnexgency, the first Uimg to be donrie to iwrte t yrtF clanmtion, or an addreas, or a memorial, and then the matter is quietly left to work out its own remouy. On TueedayTUie 9th instant, both Houses of tie Ttf- ginia VirginiaLegifiIatar proceeded to tha eloctino of suing year. LitUcton Wallor Tazewell of Norfolk, Edward Watta of Botetourt County, and Peter V. pa- niel of Richmond, were put in nonimation, riurr ballot : - In the noufle.....For Taiewtsll :.-. -For Watta, - t For Daniel, - a In Uie Senate..uFor Tazewell, For Daniel, .'a ' For Watta, - . -Joint VotCi-Fot Tazewell, i s ri-""-- For Watta, - r . "ForDttaiel, W yt a i a 27 . 12 . 13' tr 1 . 67 - 4fl -rt Tliera bubur tin rtw1r Mr. Niibi. Wliw the eamt- date havm tlie nntl'4 l!iml-r uf lull a, ku dopi4, '""d.ii( W mln in o h ( . an oia aujjirr ; III tho IhlllHO..!'. T. Hi II, . . . M ft , Fi Walta, ...... 41 Kiif Mrlamll,. . . . VJ U the Hnate,riir T rmrett,"'"' . . W Kof Watla, . . . . . . It - Jotni Vut.M.rf TaaWlL . - . KV I n Watta, M ' ' Y MUJbw.lJ, ..... W Baawa Mr. Tawwir Makitr,- 31 Bw JJttliHiai Walliv Tatvwell, hnvin? a majority of the whole, was ducUrcJ duly tUrtrJ (imrrimr. 07 A bltef froin R.Mhnnirnl aay that tl ramlidatea above named were rxnintd and auiurt4 as tJLiW : Vt. Tawwell, by tlie NallifWa ; . ilr. Watta, by the friiil Mr. (lay j Mr. Daniel, by the Van Burea party. On this result, w etaifrratuWla- the Old Domini. tliat ali will have at let boad a Haul every way qnali to prvakle over a free and unromiiHul People, and to Uke tlio omre ao ably and patriotically fiilml by Uie bite Chirf Blag-iatratA. And we also cigratulat tiie frMtvIa of Conntitutinnal Lilierty, every wliere, npoa tliia reault, u imlitauvo Uwit Viinia baa Dot CirifotU'.n lxir fiM lorn, aa araiM d fUe.1, hut tliat alie m still worthy of ber sajea, heroes, arid patrioU, of hy-ffM Uiiiea, By the Conntrtiitiiai of Virginia, the same perwai m rvK rlijfible to tlm oflice of (ovemor Sir more tlian tlir! years in ewxeawon ; and. (iv. IIhmI bavinir ser ved the full tenn. rt-tin-e fttan the oflice with the love and admiration of every Im Koiitbron, Uie Hrloaa and indepenuVnt manner in wIim-Ii Im liaa nn-t Uie du- ti devotvinf upon Uie Chief Magistrate of a Free, Hoverei(rn, and ludeternlent titate. CONGRtsa-TlIC ALABAMA DIFHCCLTIFA 'Tlm reader will see, on rerefetme to our Contrreiui. ional journal, tliat on MowUy, the 0th mutant, Uie suli jrt of Uie AUUioa DifTiculiies was bnajjrht up in Uie lliawe tt Representatives. The Hon. Mr. Lewis, from tl. Ptate, introducod a resolution, (which appears im pmuuf niacejupon wiucn an aniiiulrd oi tiate amae. and Uie conuleration of which was finally boatponnl until the next day. , We rejjM Uia e cauoot jive Uiu di hate in full A aib'nce lias been observed on Uiis subject, by tho Ueneral ()Vorunx nt, while ita troops have been pour iuf into Uie Rtate, which ii highly rc;irliiiuiiblo. It cannot be necessary, in a (Joveruincnt euch aa oura, that military moveinentx, in a time of profound peace, fboold be conducted with mich profmind and mystoriiHM seereey. We sey 44 in a (ioverrtment tnrk at w," but w e ought rather to my such as it once was Cr we fear,-and onT appretierunona are confirmed by the treiia- piruiifs of alnMMt every day, that we are mi hmifer fro. vcrned by those who are responsible-to ns fir their ac tions, but by an Arbitrary Dictator, wboae word is law, aud &uiu w hoae dxciaiun ihcro ia no appcaL Wi can see, in Jjii rbilitary display, Uiia M11onriahc drums and truiiip-jts," we Uiink,thc d.ath-a jvnica of Uie marj from uluwo urap will U wrvatoi U-a sword pUeeil In it by the Blomly Hill unless, indeed, "our hrd tk King should take the responaibility," and extreme hia Roy' al prerogative of "Veto" upon the Act repealing Uiat monstrous and unprecedented enactment! In Alabama, Treat excitement prevails npon the an re ject of tlieae military signs, and some fear ia entertain ed Uut Federal iaJucnce has operated too atrongly on Uie Councils of the State. The Governor, we believe, acted a propejr ami Jhonox? of Uiii matter but of late be seems to have pursued a tomporisinjr and undecided course, altngrther at vari ance wiUithe.duly.ot Uie Chief Magistrate of a Sove-1 reign State, , Tins il attributed to Uie want of support iroin uie iepmiaiive lA-panment ot Uie Male ; ana ir tliia be so, all we have to say to our sinter, is, Uiat alie wUI soon be worthy of the chains hoW foriruiff for her by -the jrreat A ntorrat at Waelimgti'avif idia does not cast off- Uie servant who would betfay Uicir mistreat into Uie hands of Iter encmy. ..5yS.nP7je..f(,,)P.wl'njt.innP fropitlis Tuca- loosa State Rights EupxwU," of 2Mb December. They explain thcmeelvee, and we recommend Uicin to fabric attentkm Ki ,-:r u In the Senate, last week, a resolution xoii IntrodO' Ced by Mr. Abercroinbic, reiiutntinjr Uie Governor to furnish Uiat body wiui cornea of his correaoomlence with Francis & Key, Ikq., and such oUier documuni relating to Uie adiiutoicut of Uie Creek controveny, as liia liaiLiu hia puasciuon.,.Xui,tha XUih iunt. . the Co? . f . . . i . i i ... . vernor iraiuiiniuocj uie niewnpo ana icucibv . Among Uie latter is one from Uie Secretary of War to Jeremi ah AustiL in which, after alluduiir to Uie (act M Uiat a person (Owens) had been killed," we find these re markable words, Uie .Department baa bo groonda to VVimti V J uui yi vv -Aaa as. ..... . . . . "Our limits will not permit tie to comment, as we should like to do, c Uie letter of Mr.-Kejr, and the circumstances which led to the adjustment of the Creek controversy. It is evident, however, Uuit Uie President was anxious to avoid a direct colluaon with the mate, aqd Uiat Mr. Key might have been driven to Uie ne ceasitv of vieldincr everv DoinL had not a nortkm of the LeblaYiire, from' Uiff c6mmeneeTireot ef -th"sesaioav manifi.nte'l a deterniinatkm to embamuaHbe joveraur, and, if possible, to condemn his course- We are not disposed to censure Uie Federal party. Wa believe they acted as, they Uiouirht, correcUy; but we are eon vinced Uiat, hod they given Uie Governor Uie anpport to which he was entitled, he would have acted with more firmness, and the order to remove Uie trial of the aoldiewlrrto thtftHatricTGbulrtb doncd. Who can doubt this 1 Had not the President began to retrace his steps It will be recollected that, in his letter to Mai. lie In tosh, Uie Secretary enclosed a copy of the seventh section of the force Bill, and said,-" ample piuvisiun will be made, for taking front the ittate tribunal" the trial of the officers and soldiers ot the army. Un thif nart of Uie letter the Governor is eilent WuLhe per- init Uie views of the President, in this respect, to be carried into effect! We believe not. Should he do so, we shall deeply regret hia opposition to any of tlie orders of the President. The removal of the settlers would have been t sertout calamity to them; but should 4tStalA.lWrtietf escence, permit one uie mow oonoiuous aim jij blv micnnstitutional provisionaof Uie " Bill of Blood" ;to be enfurced. within bcr liinrts, her character would fcef4ersnw wtuimiaatt tlifl fliinga ol tee Jt cue nil- ieta, to change our system of government from a Con federacy of Sovereign Ktaiee, to a uonaojioaica ua- ure. woiiU be effectually promoted.. "The conclnsion of Mr. Key's letter ia worthy of notice. From thaV appears, thaV-it tne locaimg ageirw sheqld not enmpteto thftdutfiassigneA them by tlm 15th January, tha existing orders for Uie removal of Uie settlers will be enforced May it not be Uie bv tent ion of tie President to lull the fears of the people, and bf preventijop any military preparations,, on Uie part ofthe Sute, to enable the troops, which have been so-imexpectedly concentrated in Alabama, to move suddenly into the" territory, and drive Uie settlers from their homos Ve are no abumutav and we still hope ...bareve,ttBy iv iulitul 1,,-Lra, (, 4 , , o,h .,M ,m, K.,n. ,m i ao-l il . w-M ki-.wa M.,t tlwt lirt Ir.sswrrt tint l4 a Wliitu i.iH.,J.l U I. .1 I i.. tl ...i I. i i , 1 tnf "W U.'"nU ,,..hta,,f ' I'"1 t . tied. it va atia in vol rl ludxiUaiid unertauitri and ' - ' - , .'I'. i i "a el I -wt Mll iiy Vet l J li m riooa CMiiirnei, l on rrewi.ein lua lu re i artiV eirrtitM- Mmce Winch not im vwwMd wait spiiri-lwa.mi. il anv oilier uwn were rreiii-nL lie mill rbmiM the rik'ht bi Hentiva Jie Hlate of the trial of tl who vailaint bi-f !; U it wtil r4 U Oweie w.wfn liyotl any infractnaiof U.e ut the M. a.1 t;fm..'..t. Il ia lie, then, Dtaniie!4 any diapitili to nwpect Uie ,m,.m nm.wm, -in, woun ,rj , oria of uriHIIeti.i. a rut imlil Uuit ,i Vm Hul k nrao I taallv arknowMtiie Bia yuratioa cannot be a.4- a . tMit to her uu7 and Horace. I util the Torre I'll! Ift-aaal Maaul tkam hlaa J aak. i L latBMI aaurfit r IB I II tlfl I ta of nirriires afarn-t Uie kwa of another, 1 1 wouU liavt bvca Uaajirht pr-feroua.'' BANK OF VIRGINIA,. A.N D TIIE DEPOSITS, It will be seen, in Mecedim? column. that the Stick- biibWra in Uiis Iknk Uva liad a BMUntf. am) rew-iiided the agreement entered into by Uie Iwlent of U-t ia, tln titutlon with the rWretary of the Treasury, with re-l' rard to Uie oWauto nf the nubile revenue e-.H-rted m irjrmia. Tlie coorewnma of Uie Dank, to Urn Hcr. rj, were of a mo eraordinary tlianu-ter. ami we are bapuy to e U-t at Uat one mnmmM of kl-A ders are mdenetalent enouth to maintain Uie rit'hta of t uie Mi and or U,. 'e-ae m who-e Btale it situs- tod. e annrii two am. lea of Uie atrrociiieiit : fltli. If Uie K-cretary of l)i Treaury aUll Uiink proper to oii'jiy an aent ( aftnita to eaaiiuim ami r- pon upon uie areiMinu ana ciMiitMina is toe zianaa in tho ,a- Uieleive bum nt, or any if them, tlie aauj nana, iff 10 nay an emntawe pr..Mi . nia or ( tlieir CAnein.- ami crmipenieition according tn such ap pointment aa may be male by Urn paid Secretary." ""Ui. It is agreed that the Secretary of the Treasu ry Uiay diacliarC the said Bank tfm the si-rvice itlm (overniiient whenever, in bis opiiiKiU, the public uite rt may reipiire it." Is this rw a tremendmis power f r tlie Federal Go vernment to pwi over the pi-cuniary caiei-rna of the sUickhuldcrs of Uie SUtc Ibuika, snd over Uie comu-rns of every man w Imi Ui dealm.Ts with tlie Betiki 1 Can it not be seen, tliat, w-ith tho power here oonA rred en the Secretary," ae, arid the not Uie gentlemen lawftilty appointed by Uie stockholders, would hato tho dir-cHi if ita sftkirsl Ami Uiea can it not ! sem tliat mi but Uie "ftithful" would bo accouni"!ati'd at the Bunk 1 In short, can we look at Uiea" artirleaof rev ineut, and ciaue t, any other conclimtoti than tliat the reimnal of Uie public monev, from the Bank of the V. 1 StntcM, was for Uie side anquMe of plcwi? it more im mediately under the cnntMof the PrMi,nt,to be uwJ as tho interests of the party nivtfrt re"J't""e 1 But we will leave firther r"flectVai oo this matter to the People, ami content onrselvea wth again commen ding Urn indejiemlent and ineiernatible spirit of Umi stockholders in at least one of Uie Pat Banks. DISGRACEFUL TRANSACTION. A person was taken np in this County, a few daya sine, tinder the following crrrurnstinccs f Borne time aluoe ono of his dogs was killed, by some unknown liand : bis supicinns rested upon a neighbor, and it is said Uiat he Was beard to, ruuiark that 44 a horns ahould he kiHoA alAtn H.itt ,llt llii& lh nefrrnhn. itinvwur. ai-. bi. w bI ...i1ilt U71j. a.l ring U.e night , and, hearing t tlm oUcrratk made by the owner of the dog. be Suspected bim, vA upon a warrant, arrested hia person, a above starat, t)lhcr SSttiftjt i(wiiiMJiiva, il- lmi3Uil3SL6M minatKsi. W o retrain Croat giving name; and we havt no doubt summary punishment will be visited upon Uie pcrsnn fmnd to be guilty of ao inhuman and dwgrac- ful a mod iof ircUfiustipposed wg- I" J if awv w swa'asai U ia freouonllv the timk it miblulmra of newananera to ounmlain of the infringement 4 Uu ir rjirhu, by Uie practice of UimW;iili;Ui ' na'r jrirnlarfrnm .wb. acr-iLcra, Ly pt-nuniut La uns J'lc.(o . y tir jt JLr Uiein - aulvaavand wba wiW.a . oui, im met umi wy can u have the real""? nf it " thr not hitiff, th roil (ti the curt!y,s"0,kiid ncighlior who takes it, .Jhiring tlie pant wrca, a inrunivaiirc mm irai nan rnrrre w our knowing : a persun nifiinned ua, wiUi coiwiJerable candi nd namltf, Uiat be would mihscribe for Uie Carolinian, but tor Uie fact Uiat it would bq a waste of money uu hia part, aa ilr. . luul let biui have the rcaUins or hia impor every Kow, wnma pitwio aren- paper, wet L......S . id fivav fliA tiawa nf all m Im MaMs4 fltitliAw ainrf : Tlv.T. bTtoli. he-trm riK do as be pleases with his own, we cannot dispute it, but i . ( . t we respectfully ask ink him a it is war .'and we do not doubt hi answer, when we moat. lm&$ttiLi&& of Urn sheet furnished to Jitm weekly amounU to at least two-Uiirda, if not Uiree-RwrUa, of What he pavs no not wihii io uu uiougut iuiviiconi. in inaauig wo. remarks, because the nutter appears to be.a small om our aim m to do iUhi to ourselves : ami we aestre 10 .1 j T I . t t .1 . I I'l l impress upon uie minus 01 our suuscriDers uiu onsuiuui rule of conduct aaoted at Uie head of tfila article, as ope to whkh wa.aotcr.fccoljpct, tq, Jhare yn arjei rmim. - Altar of Hymen. SmM. IM fIII tmala Matl, Thr fer4 t R.. ll.f- Tm,. l... kl 'Miiul Iw. will Uctl, ' a an iKifi. wi." UNITED IN WEDLOCK, " In Uiis County, on Uie 2d inaUnt, by Uie Rev'd. Mr. Foster, Mr. JOHN CRAIGE to Mi JANE; daughter of Georjre Toms-ion. .. . . . - In Davidson County, on the DUi inntant, by Joseph Wagorcr, EsoTrMr. TIIEO. SAWERA to Mii EL LEN M. CR.NNY. ' . J 7 g . Aliso, on thi saine day. by the Iter. Mr. Benned, Mr. Jl DAVID JIEDRICK to Miss ANN KOONTS, Also, on the same day, Mr. HENRY .SMITH to Misa ELIZABETH HAGOB. " In Ashe Countr, on Uie 2d instant, by A. McMillan, KEU. - Also, en the eama day, Mr. GEHU GOSS to MsJ ALA V.tJimLIg" 1 In Edgecomb County, on the I9Ui ultimo, Mr. AMOS MAYO to Miss PATSEY KELLY. C onrt of Peat h v 4 n fM. S , la m erN. e Th. rrmwt, IM aT , Hw -Th.-rtcp. tM p't 1. l-WW, WU. r Tk Himlmnl, rtw tl aHMUH Sa DEPARTED THIS LIFE, . . Ia Davidson County, on Urn 8U1 intant,'6USANN., wife of Samuel T. SuaiTord. hi U10 Cirtv-oli year of iioro, ra uie ioriy-iiiui w ber age-MiSLwaa a meajkrof Uio ftrtfliWlUt:tie $if n.urrb, .-, evUUs , U. , .. at-. p.r.t wa. d. i.rt.nj to nH it. (.L - u.. ...... h- . - j.l i.. ...... mii.'iiiiT n n'nii-.iiiM', Off! iiii.iii, i.iih t H,Ml, e.r of t,,r -Kotn-r lit.U rloLIrr,,. .ml kmtrdotn of llmven. 11 tn MerDrriburj Cnnf r, ; at tl. reai li wa it Dr. J'. W, b tm f'rfcl.v the !! rrwl.nt, vt lintf-riiif lll- rt. Mia. M RY fl'UINi;. in the My fifth -ar if l-r ai'e, wibiuf Mr. JuliA rpf utys of York D-dm l, Snuib ('and ina. a .iii" in j i'i.i' . .ii , i rii. f A-ll,--., l,tw.I..iiiu 1 Q .OriIKTIl-'llICrCllUIllH. -Tt,. V--I- r.1tnI.M """'""I ITBUSIIKU WI.KKl.Y.ii. HAl.IMU UY, ROWAN - CUU.NTV, NURTU-C'AKOIXNA, A ! prolaildy a Urj-a eirtulalmrt (U any I PMr in Hie iuis arxi cenauiiy nwa n ir. fer one than anv in (lie Wciern (niM wmlth) ) portion, is Uli reJ to Nnrtln-rn Men banla aa a aa- Iaaaal4aa A DV K It T I H I N il M 1. 1 H I J M, thniSli wlmu Cftmtmniirati with tlnr enlowrr, or - w wImhiI tlmy ikaire aa cuatomera, iu this are f countr)'. Tsa of aDVMTlMia. i ... . . L Advettwenietita will be eiai.ptiiawly and eorrert. 'T in-rt4d it fin rents per n.utre fm Om rat iwa-rt-ej. 'l " , , V'"-"!' tT T..! V . i ' j, M-tw-baaawta. VerUnira. and Pr,4.i,aial rmt. rwn, wlm may deaire cuuaantly to amiear bepe tlie publir, in our alverlieinr njuinna, will be received as Vearfy ailvertiaer, ami a diilm-imA of 13 per cent will be uuuie irmn Uie aturte riiar-a. frV VPriv Advrrti-ra will bare tlm privileire mmini, im.nw,iU nttm,tU. of receiving tlm or willnait charge. JOHN BKAKI). Jr. Of Flitrs st the N'orth, wilb wliriro we exebange, bv giving tlm almve a iiuvrtsma, will e-siPt an i.UifiiU n wliK-h will be recipna.atid at any tium with pleaaiire. KulutMiry, Rowan (V, Jan 20, I'tfl I More New Goods. jr. FonsYTir, HAS ItW KIVL'D.ASn WIIXOFFF.R FOR SAI.F. IS A FKW DAYS, In tUe (iimiw foriiK-rly nccupioil by Hall I'oKter, In the Town of SUtearllle, . Y rcA k avusouc SAy FALL & "WINTER.. GOODS: .. ooiwanaa ev Dry-Goods, .Hardware, . Saddlery, and Groceries; COMPKlSINO ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE r"1' k"? & "T,?? Wnmm?! tSSZ"" 00 UlX ALCU MM0DA1 1N(, TERMS. pricoa. Mntem-ille, Iredell louoty, January 20, 1(134, 4t "llffrarcorafiwindlfrl CQMrl timojince. a jrnacime to the rwhlic-hooaaaf, the undursiened. and cave hm name aa'.Wr. Attr? ITa nrrwnmf etnntov at" hi. trajta as a ahnernaker. iiul I enlmnnd at it tuT a ahort tune, until taken au k. Thi. I Hug bis illness, he received everv attention which ind- Qeiw nnM.JIietaUi7 out on hia Teroyery be abVonoW t withnutaxea paiui.his expenses Cr biwrd. S c.' He js j ratiier a likely feiirtv,aiul years W.WX mirplej ion, and hia little finger oh the loft hand .ia pijtioanent- J h uvikod, caused by if bum. lie has been f tulty jif, I yiC Stirne conntict in inner Jiagca neaT tnia town. Balmpury, Jan. ttt t BAr l )osEsr NOTICE iooduwia" to fTIHK undersigned haa thia Jay qualified aa F.t very week !-. X ejeutor of tha lost Will and Testament bf An- Jel,totf Kmt--dfleaaV,nd--h-ffnmuMirnf I . . . 1 . PM C,aia ra n, lmm u ' T. , time prearribed I j i iuuoio lira hereby re- I WfirtW $MmffSF?!g2 JAMta LLI9, Ltecutor, November 23. Ic)33. If i V af " 1 rfS JOHN BEARD, j 2sDSa?0IV'lw PR0?2UST0P. t " nAaAvAi11w IfiAinnii fila HVfaanla mnA nished bU OI3o with a . Ve necessary 8 't;'qm''&f au Books, Blanks glir the; ncatest-andinost liWh rJ trim Ii SWJ illt; Jliiu riiin ui iui- i'uhi; mmmw iM'ins conuuetf tl hy a pcrwon every nay coiiiictrut, J, U, (ocLi confident jiJ of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. . . - K fialisburr. fa 6:W doors below Uie CUwuse,) ) ' ' - " ' ' - - X? - , rV I.nnara 'illth. IrflL - j . . - ,, , w j..b: v ii a r awf, arvt , He'll V ol yut II", nit-i J;ti ! V Ilotil.mitl C'olanch, I UVftto rrw fit 11 lit lii'fitU liirn u i-W lialxirv, aifcl hif.Hi'rf. tmlii.g tlui Tuwu, bU yralfful Btkniiwbi!;iiM'iila for the, MlrtMg rm li'iTwl on Imn atiae In ariilrnwiit ainmig them ami bo "ma Sei,i ila & ia amply jtwiiarrd with iiKtrwie'iiU nf the litat quality, aiml i aloaja ren ly to wait t tliem in tlie hoe 4 hia prti(U:MHi, ritln-f at kia alen, r t tlnnr nina. lliarffea aa m!erlrt as any.- His rlion w in mm of tlm OilVe-a atii:tie b Cm Mnjiion lloiel,' war tlie (.'nai'lb..!"!. . 0" (etrttettmn wlm alias llinltea, can Pave tlwir Kire Nit in Urn Uwt or-Jer, at alirtnitM:. IWiln , January VO, -.14. If - - or ' TIIR H flLlC ire reertr.i! infunned THAT THE l!plTuk.t fcrltool uf.. C'nrollua WILL D P OPKN K I), Ft tlm y rriitinn of Pup.U, On Tueidaj the 1st dag of April next. TKAhHUlSt JOSKPH a C1KWWr:l.I,i.-i?eWr. ltev i(M. IL MAI .NDr.KH, A.M - J. UaBLILMtttE IIDDI'tiVA-Jl Ttrr, TKR7f8 Tit" armuaTcImrg4) is 9175, to Lai jk! fk -tfyeaN ' ly in advance 1 im h uiiih) to forni'h Lis own S Imk4( Ibadis and Stationery, bis Matlresa ami tlm necraw. sarv Iwlilina. . t bi y whobara will tm admitted al an annual rbarrd 4" lait mam will be received aa .h, c(c't tlm children of parents reiileit in town. Il n mv Im irH r to statu, that IImmiuIi lliia Iimli- 1 tution is avowtnlly I'ih-cojxiI in its character, it is. oji-n io mu pnmue wih may cikum io amid tm ir ciiiblrrn and nn a4iratiiin for admimimi, no en f Mry will las Mtada) aa to axUtor vt Um Ma4 ot ot lli imtitl. llm opera!iorra nf I lie 8rlm4 Will pvwtiwly cixn- rnenc m tlm 1st day of April. lly ortler of Ilm IN In ad OinMmtfee, (in)KUE W. niLLMAN, . Raleigh, January 0, 134. N IL A IVaijiectus, apttinf firth the plan and objects of the Kpiacopal HfJimd s in Pre, and will Im ready tr (jratiniiam dimnlaitmn in the eourne of tlie prmeiu week, at the, Hook-Store of J. Galea At fcIUleifllH : As a mattar af convooiniica la Mrehix 0m will 1 bken by tlm Oannutte to have the txuirv tS'Js odj rMaisamry ana aiaitreaaes siippiia ki rm alulnu, on raaamiabla lerni. ii i i i i i in ii i i 020 REWARD. Ran away from ilm Subscriber, mdJing near Gen. "Graham! Furnace, in Lincoln County, cm the night of tlm 12th iiwt-, Three JVrgro Boy, Belonging to Wjlliam I'ykan, of Raleigh, N. C., - tav- TJen--ratEer. ydCw cbiiiTx-ToIbouTo jeet 10 iia liea bib, 2 y&ira of age. Jim very black, aod about &0 aame beilJ . and age nf lien. - - '-- ' 4-'enTr,fc-,,,,cllwwieI, very black, of a gnrni auL vt hk, end about the snme m a the otrrer?. ' rr -, , Tliepr were uinler my cr, on lhr way to Mia. simippi. The above reward of 0 will be paid - - 19 any jmrmiti i' yhcTwilt aHiefid-irid:vKlr-th " 1 aud Negroes in auiy ail in thitf rjtute j or pro- '". . rjortjonabtQ . iparX.t?.C ?it.hic?tli'iar IhcJi.;. JtM pnitablsj'rr"" ":":r".. hnuivf luiutyhw : ;: Trr"- T.rrr: Any pepam aiipreliending the said Negrne, or in 6treoir -'rtrnj wlfl rlea io ritrr tirMMm:"""'" Il e, lan, of Hakh, fy wlioni (Jie Negroca will bei received, and the rvward paid. WILLIS PCOTTi Lnc4Tn"C..,Jan.20,lS84. . tl 1 ne ijousQ lormerly ftrcupieq by the tilne f the Western CaroIJ J lininnw It ia ituatod c tlm northwert siiW 1 Warn rrsct, noarlv "l to.i.tM,WS,WfMtAwiiy & j&kif-rs&ijzr' Una paper, or to JOHN C PALMER. SuliMbury, January 20, 1 3 1. , . : tf . - J W3OT23aZT OamSC Htm titf Ia Vik VekalaVa4ntl UwW new n4 complete Stock of ' . -J(S execution S' 1: l . . - ' ' .... fvf m .SsivUiU Pamplilctr- Ilanilbills, arm at- "I r corrccaWiimnucraritl, dh (Ucjj min. nai jaa. . isiau inr iiuiiiicu ; . . ' - W1 ' - . :v ,. . fJJiA - - , Ullt ... 4t f.

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