T. M WE -SALISlJUItY....SATUIU)AY,MAllCH 1, 1831 J . -; ) AVAiole dumber 7 17. - " - : . . - ' : - ' ...... " T V. V ; vif, ' . " . T ot ttvo Slates, AT THE FIRST BKSNHKN ur W& rESTV.TIUBD CONGRESS. tPUBUC,No.2.1 JirrWkinif appropriatwns, In part, for Uie sup-1. if icrnuient for Uie yew one thousand eight ' IredlitdUiirty-four. I Flrtrd, Lu the Stnate anil ll'tuie of tvpre vt oJtktVnitcd fitatri of America, in Omfreu JJ, 'M Urn following um be, aim me name rpbv.lnnronriatl. to be paid out of my uoap- ktediiWy in the Treasury, vii: I 1 1 :i ..f it, a Mnmhrri nf fifirrrPM. I pay iwi i""'ini " 1 r ielegat4,fiv hundred and fifty-five thousand fouf N endlighty ikdlars. , naj pllie omrerw mm uinii vn uir of R IJrcii-nUrtivS, tl.ir! y-l wo thousand' nine '.d dolUk . .. KtatKHi.lv, fuel, printine, and all other incident coHtinyiit expuna- of the Hqhkc of Repreaent one hiiiftred and fifty thourand dollars. waul twM wn lant mentioned to be applied to ynMmtotmiui ordinary expeiiditureaof liie Senate mine of Kresientativs at-verally, aiKl to no otlier " I A. STEVENSON, Sjxikcr of the llme if Riirri ntititr$. M. VAN BUREN, YirPrfulrnl of the Vnited Statr$, and ' n. l- l riMiuim ill uc ixnw'i. proved: February 11,1 V. J. HrVnwoAV foposes to PublisU in SaliburytN.C -...,.-...jiT;petiHs wfM,. . The Fannly ShsUtant. vJ. rhasrr.cTUS," : kIIErMmS"DST"a: be dedicated to KKLHiioi, hurtfN, and (iknkual l.iTEKvrtRK. reiailV ir-is imemiei 10 bksisi i nrcni? in uiv minimi .. . i l. . ii :.. ii. .i;n;.,,.i. i hifflily MnprtfUnt Uk of educating ilicir Jamilwu. a jiiitur Jw's two Vet mtetesujis associations umier iJianrc-Ta Bible tkt, and a UAieral-Knowledge i.auflirrach of wWrl hr in i'iMie writtrntjnestiotis, . fiir his own mtwfawon. written answers. Sliould tmme& nMaxmc i mto owiUii,,,Uiic ftucatiom I tiwwerswiil be pu!L.hed in it It will bo the cn- ivor of the Editor to I ike the inivseil publication interesting as he p"i'y can' to lill iti im't s with h articles a eU-11 U I irtii reaUm ; and, us H win i'ui'Ii nun wlm Iniii'ii iL mnv ier m v once a nHn f tffte Thread it 'fl rt. Such items of ireipn and limcstie Intelli IrelijrHHiH as shall be deein- ,ct secular as well ; iliterestme, will ot inirted. in nne, u is mienilei! iiiiike Hie ramUy Ai4arrt miubter pnifit and mwMiient Rr the kmg viiter nigku and suluy suiu- TrlMS ' 1. It will be issued on t "jhli of every numth and 11 contain sixUH-rl tmi)et Octavo t'usri's, in double Uinuis, printed on a uewnd legible typt?, and on ve- superior wH'r. i "2. The subscription pr;d will Is? dna Dollar and fty Cents if paid in adviile, and Two IXillars if not m until tiie expirarjon oi tree montns. 3. No Btilwcription can btfceived for a shortc Je- l than one year; and no ter discontinurd until all rearares are jiaid, except nk lie Editor's discretion, v 4. Xhepuhlication commence on the 2tlih April, provided a compel it number of subseribort- n be obtained ; and our tVnds. who my hnhl. suh- npnon lists, are reijuesicti forward Hi om on bV the t of. that month. February 15, mi. P. J, SPARROW. v 2La d e Is o v c c. FRANCIS i. WARD, Esnr., has irnen appointedid-de-('atnptothe Bri. j!adMr-Cieneralf the Seventh Brigade of Militia, witlihe rank of Major : HUGH WECII, Esqr., has licen nppoiiited BhMle-lnspoctor for the miine Urigsde, iith the rank of Ma jor : arnd i been nppnut'-I U'ltulerilaster, with the rank t.Hiiiain. IIk'v wiu tlsrefore beoweved as y order rf JAM nS COIK, Brigadier-Genc- il, ut Ileiul-Qwertcrs, at Mtcksvillc, the 22nd of lmiirv,isa4. F A. WARlX Feh. t2H, j Aid-de-Cnmi." .aTcrf-iTSTirs:; iSaaai7l3?0f . . '.Of steady and inrluHtfous hahif,and who ii ronie recoimm-uded for nirality and cnpnbili. niajr-serarr ti ppriiwijciiti-i'tuntioh, with- the ghvst wanes, bv pp! ing!sWm an possible)! to " " . . K. II(K.PFt. . ' In Linervlntim, Lincoln Cwmfv, N.C, 1 i f I PROSPECTUS or THB . '"".V Worth Carolina Republican IN Government like our, tlws preservation of liber f ty depends, irtainly.on general diffusion of correct information among the peopla. If the people be ijfn- nmt of Uieir rights, how ca.it, Uicy guard them against sjicroachmunt 1 Our forefuQicrs achieved frwslom at lie price of much blond and treanuro, and we, Uieir aon, fin preaerw it only by enlightened wnti hfulnefw. A tullifrence and vigilance are our flnntem wn'iruania, urnorance and aiiathy are the aourcea ot the hum mrer. M rower m alwava Htealinir trom me many to e few," and Uio rcawm ia, that Ui many uliiinU-r ile Uie few are ailently at work. ,No free people eler yet IomI their Jibertiea by oix-n asaauiia, uui many e iont Uiein by secret encroachment irnorance amonir the people beireta another evil waw the banc of the AnciPnT publiai ; that evH is M A N-WORSI U I'. 1 1 inU.ry chea ua, that, wherever maD-worfliip take root, there pjlitital virtue dies, and ordid factioim Hprinsr ut it cimiiits Uie nrineipleaof liberty, an Idolatry does imre S hen our .forefathers eytablislied Uie present form ol (ivernment, they1 fondly hoel Hint we woiiUI te fiite of former Republics, and, under the wim lvernment, "they fondly hoel thnt we would ewnne cneck aid puards of a written (xmstitution, enjov, thnu.'li all time to come, the inestimable blessinirs of Freedom. Iiit now, at the etui of Hie short period of fi irty-stx years, wliat is our condition! We have already reached an alarm in? airiwi in sir political atikirs, Uie very prin ciple JT the lKixtitiit so re in imminent fieru. We are in the midst of a revolution, silent, and as yet blood less, butstill rnpidiin its progress, tlie harriers ot the Constitution are broken down and trampled in the duxt, all Uie jiowers, whether of the sword or of the purse, are concentratini? in the Federal Executive ; and even It timt for the people to awake from their apathy, and tojool to their rights if they slumber much longer, they will twake too late uieir uoveruiiifiu win oe changed, aid their Liberties gone. For Uie turpuse of aidiiur oUier papers in Uie Suite in diflusine correct informatiim among the poople, jwul to arouse Uarm to a wnse of their danger, it is proposed to publish. Uie Office of Uie WesjU;rn Canijinjana nHer unneruie uue wnicn sunns ai me neaii oi in is PriaApwtiw-iuj be prTflteu' 6n 1 ttff iize sheet; In tie tavo (rit sixteen pages, correspond uig in size with the iuaxjuier," edrted in Thiladolphia, ky Conay Raguet 1. The lvlh Carolina Rrvublirnn will advocate the duttr attCft flfi iM.Ll'snlttKn n party, as faiijht bj Jef ferson and hncomprttriots of ,7!H " " " 2. It yritl aftocate the principles 'of Free Tradr:, arid ojipose all systis,or measifres, wliich have a tendency to tax tin! many Uie benefit of the few. 3. 'It wttt P)Vt; ment of Uie naluHj nnd moral condition of North Caio. Una; an.witha Vwsir enlightening and e neon ralfi rig our own citizens Milie example ofoUiers, pams will Is; taken t Wipw. .wJjV "ur ahdur. Slates have d6ne,..and are'dbinj;, in worksVunnrQveiniuiL IJkid 'riUtistioi, conuectad with theVrcat interests of the State, Agri cdtitr(Cimnimkllnd' Mineral will Wprocnrcdiinr ....1.1, . I, .J vii.. Ui.l, . ' tmiuisiiTu in me iM.piiican .,4. A portion of fail number will be occupied, WitJsi Uiirmg me lime those Mica may be in session ; ais with tie latest and mo4 interesting news of tlie day, tiireig and domestic, Bn&Mth such niisceHanefius mat ter as nay prove intns to' Uie general reader. flwi -or reterm or we slitutun, has for thirty yeak divided the people, and ar- ruyeuone section ot the Mik; against Uie other; and, as a iieassary consequence., liA prevented Uie success of many measures vitolly miiriit to the honor and pros- pentiol ortn Carolina ; aniramfj setUed. it mil con smce-e and noncst in tlieir vie : and the reason whv they mve so long diflered, is,tht neiUier party has ever yet teen made fully acquainted Uth the iust wetensione of tic other ; else this distrac tirW question would, ere now, have been amicably adju4d. With the view, thent'ore, of giving to all the opk-tunity of " hearing bothsides," it is agreed to lay be the public, in Uie PS we nepittinean, tne argniiiits for and airiimsf pa Keptttim-nn, tne argniiiits 1 the neasure ; and, that tins shall & dot it wll le so provided, Hint the argiVi'ii lmi: be presented, by Western, an?, or one impartiallv, nts on one wue on the other bv batfTii men. fVothiiig more ellecluiv prevent rj rul k'islation, than sectional divisions did local ieslou- ie-they distract the public minds ui.l ri,strnv Unit xuwiui woixiaiiirHi iiiihv w aenfso ffssenliai-ro uiBuccess oi an schemes ot uiiprovebeiit whether phyicalor moral... EvervimLfri1:udii:JLill.Ciuliu f tfilff TTiereforb wisli o see all ranse of'aieh divisions aBdjealousies reiiioved, and to hail the daj which shsU finals one people, acting togeUier fiir theneral good an prosperity of Uie State. V ( In the proper season, correct tables of tlie Prices Cirrpnt will hn frlriilnrtw mwi," V TERMS: jhq. iortn i nrolma Kepublican will be pjhliHliod seai-monthly, that is, on the first and third MU:lv in eari monm, arm trie periixl of one year onh '.unless m ironage may tie such as to demand its oont uwance may I bti nuniDer wm contain 16 pages, carefully ptt up, so .hat at the end of a veatfaeh saliscnlmr u-iii i-- . iititer. The price'ofsuTSrlptKJn is one doar7in aU easel to in imiu ui luivaiicK, -f,l. . t :o .. ..." ine iirsi mimis;rwiu appear on. the third MoniKv iMnrchfc should Uie subscription list justify Uie pnblV .As the object of the publication isnottn msl, kt toiips.rt Uie rights of the people, an appeal is now tvle to the friends of ( inst!tutMinal liberty, to interest emsclves in nmcuriag stflMcrilvrs. - i All who may be good enough to procure suWihers Vill, by the first day of March, cominuiiicatn to t,B i,, isner uie nuimier aisi imiiies so prm'iuoii, retaimng the noney in Uieir hands until notified that the paper will wiaiHty appear, ! . All letters and emnmnn:eat:ons must be addcemed Kt paid, to Uie "North Carolina RemiMiean," SalUbu y, North Carolina where itey will be promptly at .ended to. ... - ... '; , January loth, ISM. f noetic Hcccm "i 'maw, nrmtrr W hll M M trU mr M'iftk rkr tdt 9kf I, du, ,h H Itt f If try rlt AM Willi f It'tl'H ru la fall " . traaaaaaTikAMriaaa. STANZAS WRITTEN AT SUN-SET. Look yonder ! 'tis s gorgeous sight I O'er all Uie West Uie sun is Uirowing A brilliant stream of liquid light, Whose broken waves,' still brighUy glowing, Roll upward, as if blazing brands lkime through the air by uaseen hands, -. To light the lamps which lurn on high When sunlight leaves tho vaulU-d sky. May it not 13 that orb of fight, Now sinking 'neath tin horizon", Is Nature's Altar pure and bright Angels are pouring incense on ! Which goeth up, like earthly fires, Amid the music of tlieir lyr!S, " To form a halo round the brow Of 1I1.M ttwhom Uujjteraplw Jw Oh ! I have thought, that those of old, Who vainly strove by art to change The baser ores to virgin gold, - First caught .the hoH., so wildly strange, -While gazing, with enraptured eje, At such an hour, on such a sky ! They might have Uiought alchemic power Hud wrought the glorious golden shower! Imbued with crimson, fleecy clouds Are thnsigh the depths of ether driven, As if they were unfolding shrouds " Of blessed spirits home to Heaven. - . Oh! it may be they're angel's wings, , Reaming above the offerings Which rise from hearts, like perfume thrown Upon a burning altar-stone. Who TTaTnT (fT'TfTaJ smnhTMSjrV" ' " A wave of thought gush up, and roll, Like Passion, with resisUess power, Which seemed to break and flood the soul ! With such a feeling, men have bowed And sung their pawns, lung and loud, Which eclss'd through the vaultnl shrine, "" Raised to ynn orb they deeiited diviua. ruosi'Kirriia ..... ur THB Episcopal School of Aortli-Cnroliita ' TEACHERS rw . JOS. fi. OOGSWniJ, Doctor in Philosophy, Reetor. I U JQ MVmVliti .UI .Maplmth.. v :, , .'.The CammiUcc. of thu KpiscCpnl chwd having so fur executed tlK'irtrustjas to fiel aulhorised in namiiig a IHVrJicuhirday for iijHMiing the, jSchotil, ls'g leave tu Bulnuit the fulluuiug i'rosjsn'fiw loflie friends of the pfopised Institution,. Aisl as tho &ftsif will (IuUt irTsimin' mpecta trom flit iitera." ry-iustittitioi's in 'our 8tnte, il is deemed udvisnlile ia 'Abe pKweflfe-ajcklrm W bo iiiore xdieit-m its chnnu'ter and objects than might otherwise tie ne cessary. (ieneral Ohjecti of the. School.. Tfifc Episcopal School, as intenck!! ly the Con wntiorr, will ho n trnlr i 'hri?tinn Wemiimry f its object Uing, by a thorough education, to prcjinrc Voting men for every duty in the present life, und jul- ahnppy iiiiinoi talily in the Jifo to conic. V hat, then, ui eswntiid to the utttuntiK-nt of tins nnr) ? - - v ir - .' i'v. ;,.-..;. r Thnt every School aiming to fit youth tor the duties of life, should provide for a thorough training tfRlasSicricrwr learuirig, will Twa' niitted by all ; and such provision will certainly he made by the Episcopal School. Ilut to prepa,ri them, both for the present life and for Unit which' is to"come, instnictionnnist uinnifcStly 1 religiout us well as secular. Hence, we propose to secure for our pupils the means of becoming good men and pious Christians. Throughout the whole course, secular and religious instruction will, ho far as prac ticable, be blcntindr From the nollest Iwy to the "inafa3vwic5t Htuihliil liisTructuflriii tleligion will form as regular a part of his education, as instfuc tkw-in'-Mirth the religious knowledge of the pupils keep pace with, their other knowledge so that by the time theirfeculur education is conipleted, they may be well Jrfwtded in the principles of the (isiel, and in the Doctrine!!, Disciilinc, and Worship, of the Church. But instruction, though both secular and reli gious, is only a part of education. The Episcopal ScIuhiI, however, will tiitn, so fur as the course ex tends, to Bccomuhsh ml the objects of Christ tun education, in ,jj,Kfty term. " The morals of boys when first removed from the restraints of the parental roof, are perhaps a source of deeper anxiety to tlieir parents than even their instmction. Manv a iiarent nan lounu, upon tne return of his sou from sclusd, that some learning has been acquired by him; but At the nioknchofy price of corrupl principles and dissipated hwhitu. In the promised fcVhoiH, the moral habits and mnn- lrra of th pupils will ne coiiMcicreu an important rirt of education. . And to guard and improve these, U, a coistant supervisum of the pupils by a faini- liiairftirwfiiatemtorawrse witJi them by koi)iii2! them from the comiiKm temptations to ! . A , i v. ,t . r- tu.. i t vice -nv iori)iuujog mnu js u w.nwn grmlijdsi uuIcm in company with a 'teacher, or by exiirwiKrinissiiHi-ry'nHirig up all their tithe ".; J i . - a I ,1 it with idy and cxcrcise- oy ucnyuig mem uie use of money for iniproiwf purposes and by clirckinf tho earliest indications Of any vk-hjus habit ill j be a puraiiHHiiit object with tlie Bettor ud utlier leacliers. On these nieaiw. ttntkr tlie Ihtuie blessing, they hill ndy tor cuuutoiactinn eid pro pensities, and .reclaiming offending puptt. Ilut sTimi!d"Btf11)ef iirtHrtaaXiiLAida 2"uik ke Coine dijeidedly inniKiral, he will nut. lie rs-niiiifed to remain in the hcltool, and thus exercise a or runtinjg influence over otaer ftudenia. AiKithur iniporluiit olijoct in education, is tke pre servation of heulih, and the invigorating f the youthful ciHistiliilioii. The beautiful and healthy site of the Sclnsd will of itself tend much ta this object, bit will also the strict attention to the morals of the pupil, alreutly ihciiUoimmL Tke iiwtitutKsi, however, will pot nly altogtwT uis tle- Firly" rising, nmrrefiring regularly, to lied aUin-1 nun ami svsieiuiuic exercise iiss mteraidHSJ 4 nil si'ilenlury giimes Nimple, nulri-ius,aiid regu lar diet elriuilinesw i oiiiiimmIksis and well enti laled Hpurtiiieuls, and due precaution against ex-(Hisiin- in hot or Ink weather, will Is- muted with llm other menus to preserve, wliere it already ex ists, this firhl of eui'thly hlcssings ; and to imart. iere it dies not, hculth, and vigor, and pbystca! Ill'tlVltV There is still another objert wcensarv to a lihe- fiit ediiciitioii. It is fo discipline the liuisl on philo sophic, priuc.iplcs, so us to make tin- person as aide iiiun, us his shun' of imtiiral talent mill admit. Every educated nmn knows M-Hi'lly well, that it i.i nut Uie amount of kiiuakigu ahick a xuutk tram at sclusil, thai coieliluto the tna valiK sf ealuca- lion. It is (he menial ditrifdit which Ix-lUre lllldcrM'S, mill (he alnlity which lie tin -tare nt- (tiireso obtaining siH'h iiifonnati mas hie future rir- cuinstuiices mny di'iimml. I o Irani tlie mind in this manner, it must Is: directed, is 'it, to nuch studies us will l'sl assist in tlie k'ieluiNiM nt aiat! discipline of its print iiul faculties, l -i puers uf s'.ic iliii, utloiitiiMi, imuMory, luiatuatiuii, judg ment, reiisoiiiug and inveiiliiai, have each I Is -it ap propriate instruments, by which they are h-vt'k-s;d and iiivigoraled. No one of tls-se porr will be disregdriliii in the cisirse f ciltM-alKm in ject will regulute the order in which the Mudies will Is; tutighl. I he chief n-iauc', however, Pr early menial discipliiK', will Is- the study of tlie (jreek und Lul in C 'basics, ami of mre Mathema tics ; for it is believed that ther" in no one tornfrr of the nuiiil which, is not, dingily or nidir-rlly. called into action by these studies, wIk-ii jiursurd iism a proper method, All the foregoing ajHr nneenmey parts f m enjightened Christian cducatiiHu I list ructiuu, there flre,'iii t1ussHT5iMn7ther k'anurig filx iiicuka- tioiL of .the priuiiiiles and duties the L'hhstiaa relgtoi, ;. a parental peTV uiiTn &Ji& mml ha- j hi U. .uiid liiaime rs 4jf" tlw- immjs iww milirtn ot their botfllh, ami a.systeiuatic Ji- i1uij.4 -lias mi i ill ; thitc are the purjNises which the hjs-cnMj BcIhkiI will, under the blessing of (od, tisk-avtHT to" ?8ect" for all ( ff 'whci'Trfm r 4w eiiSrrFio t caw: Form of Government and Pmipline of the School. To accomplish these "several e4ects tomv-id! tke-vtw of -a flivtded- respiusitnkryiaud to ipvc unity niMTeiucieiK-y UMiltowu-.pkta'wC eiiwiit and IHeir4ni has hevrilidoptcd ; ""C5!! '. To torin the religious aiirj UKtral characters, a weI11jslor';cilIflVufei'0 sary for the Inst meters to have control of all lleir actions ; for this reason, the Stiek nls and Kertr T the Episcopal .School will cuuuaW one 5.uuK,.ndr T "Z.TJl .itvHs - reside in the sntne botHm?-? he Keetur heinj? tie Pa1r1an?h'WlehTthc" sustain the relation of rmi-eui to his pupils he to' Ih ii clotliedittLa.gciHral parental iiuuWilyuici the whole Instilutioti. The entire CTivrrrtinfit ari l discipline of the School, are ioged 47l:iint-lv in ! his hands f'urfriirfcxw ence and control over each branch of iiastru lKi and througjioitt every departnient of the Institutton; his decision, in every matter of flu: Jmleois. wtlj lie final ; nor will there be allowd anv appeal from him, bv a Student, to lite SelMsd CiHiiniittee. Tlie other Teachers will lie a Council id Advice to the Rector, whenever he shnjl chsseio consult them; Isit any measure recommended by tlw rn, wtiich be may mkipt, will lie deemed, bv the J-lioiti Cosnimt fec, fo he his own act, nnd he alone held resiwisi. ble for it. All the Teachers will lie under his ".! (Ws, and in eSe4rfing suck ,Mrsf II IJ- ,3fc TH " iTf Wa TrW. pliu,. us he may assign therr, As the Rector wl fTT descnPihk-h he plme us tie may assign tmw hnrer VTMthrtAhtariX iluliiMl, lu will. U h.dd isaasaaafa, U ittee, not only for his m.-rsid acls. kn ' fiif Ihe mithfui jFerfornmncs .if d.ttv h all Kt dinate nersons. and il.r the m-neml Vefl tn, , V'vimnim v , ttr iiir it'mnMU AVlHa success of the whole KstaWishna. 4 ttoTtL dents w ill compose the fiimily of the Rectur, they will eat- at tl.e same table wilh him and another Teacher, and have preciaelp lie. Mar fare that they have. Separate apartments il1 beap'nri- fit I pi m 'i iiiiiiM i. eu ni mi i I istfilin, mm )UiV)q risinw. In a r.s.m adioiuiug ea. li tk.ruiil.v. 84 Oruigffi sumrvision, nn lnstnicter will have his U,l la tcneh-Ktntv.T..(trfT,-1tPre the pupils arc to niraW after morning pravers, afler hreakfa-1, d; ner, and again afler sumier, to pn-:ir U rrfe.1, tinh, a Tea.-I.er will lie constantly pWeut. U hea .i ti .-. . i ,i ii ine nei'iuiiion nour arrivesjne several classes wm; rrnre to itmt respeenve thciuhoo nmua bti. these means, all the. H,1ii- ike Sotodara will he done under the immediate (iperriK of an stnieter. A recess between atndv knurs will na-k aaUi1ntiltiitr trtt ihiiij . rV n li Krasii ua Mttan.'Ammima. will hrt enjoined, nor any Miyltamc art taitt. Ia, a neaimy country, waere ocngKUoi groves awi given, for nvrratioa and exercise ; tbse w ill be , deal, aeol smrrkase any Raiks for his prirate regularly prescribed to each Student as his Iitera- . w will be adantn-d into the Kcfvad, ry exercises, and they will J oiwle-rtlie immediate fj re 'Tir J0" rth rbaracb-r inspctkm of Ihe" Ilector. All acti ualZ tt' tIV l "?t l"T' .mU.nrnt.win be allowed and eocmra ; bu, itZTS I amphjets of irkais grwuwls are proritied (ut bujt, and regular allrrualMSs brlaera suady sssl cxerciae s allowed, il m iwiiei umr ti,aa nuns assi bumyaiit sjirit will, (tbenaHtes, rttif4 them to lake full as Baw k ejrrci aa ibcir ttcalta nay tapiire. " By the arranginriir, the tuocatat lriB, at ail '" tinsf, l4h day and iMjht, in the study-room and oia "llsrfar-grrwaidy ty wdrr the iwprctinit' and - otailnd iaf i Tsarkera. Tke I ml rue ten will I bus kata alwV" sjfurtButy of keeping up a onaUiJ imefebune itk tbtru pupils, 'lliis in terriri 4 ii d.-4uattly iwikntond. will be OjU if t si nasi! pmrtavU witit their rkibtren. It will le I he duly U the Hector to rffrard aO tha Nudrtrts as his tklkirra, and to govern tlifnt as he Buuki Lis wan faliiiH laoiiling pn the aarue us lues, and adofrfuig tke saoie nwmsumi, to make. ll m diligent mi their tfudkr and exemplary in tlieir b-haiiiiwr, iliat a ( hnian parnst should with hit children. Tlie Tesckera wilt study to strip their prt.-rru:sti4 of that rw n ed, fofinu 1, and constrain ed charartrr, kich rotrii.atxjy marks the relation het ttrm Master and Scbsdar, and endeavor to muke il ahWtitiiatl, emilsk-BiisJ, and mtiwate. By tneane if ibis isarrsened tMernwiw, tkry will be aide, it is tlauught, lo sreure, in Ih nwt rtsVctnal nsuiiM-r, mil the iJ-jrcts of the Srhwd. They will he able ct4aiitly b iuprt the mrsrals of their pupib ; to sirn limn aiSTtFiiiitery'orY"rischW to aak h otrr ikeir keaitk ; to advise and exhort thiii pntalt'ly ; tu nikl tlieir characters, and to fixk" ll ni m the paths virtue and koow knlge, ruiu iu k aa atkctjixaate. and every -day nsut;u- . iuralK, totaeea inlcUigeiat and piou niea on the sie lu lad, and su-reptiUe aad Higemioiw ysjlh oil tli 4ler, the ( "ooimit're canout but ksk r the hspjw-4 reu!t. Inderd, they rely much Cr (he were ami -ffit-ienrT llie lustitutkat, as a menus of ( "bnan wkclwu. tqn ttus persuiial and b . nu'tar iM-rrjre ktaeea Iw4rarters and pupils. The l"kri-4ian and parental principles on which the iuo'l & knul iuwaded, will pervade every . rtuHiat iihe IatitMti(i,aiid give character to all in pr.'errdinp. Tke dt-ripline of the ikbiMil ill, thrn tre, be enlirery Parental diteiplint, rus dutlt4 cm rnlm Christian prinripirt. The Kcc- to eerrj.e the dt-cip.uf ,wf tke fkkwd in that tru lv prental anal (Tin-Jian spirit which is here in. traded. la but ptvernnietrf. it wiB ee km constant aim In nanUar, as kas bresi well expressed, H the maxTRma rf riibnre with the minimom of pun isliuiem.' A k adms; fc-alure of the discipline, will l- its frrrrmtirr aaarr. It will aim, by a pnaleiit iureaiekt, to per tk eerrenre of ottrncrf f tke JwwistaW, mker iharr to pwir-h thera- is.ii oiwiti.-dJ.m the. piicipk that a wise parnnt wmkl nuKk prett-r awurwr kw chikl, ky due pjrecautkti, iit4 bad LihuX to even the nx4 . ftricfs : nf. maxia; efsM h. halats.'m keo once -eimtraried.- h keenfr Vntly trnerwi thai the ti- gikjacf the present Rectus, aW by h'ts Eunihar -aituaintaare wilk tLf propensities and habits of.,. !. ami Lt ike CbunrntaA tf iIk T,k. - flr4ra;-aiB'" fer-aprr- much l ItiU 'iirtrihirr I o the learLriw in keeping tlie Scholars fi'?f f? ' M.thYjtlim4..CVaaiautte -1. rwtiraUr iilanrs' ibaR he anad hythe Rev SS?..feX?!K! !k;jrreetjr,p fte. srS laat ,UiV aat ttum taa etfTfUplatl MMkaKBTt4 ' aa iMiprwifW iterowrse with the t'fv near vhch they fwriw -rlSai iRsr.'MaW wy piHcnee whe-" fer, shell be alkwed to have hi associate Mof Ike Scia J ; nnr at any time to leave tke priV t .l li..: - :.. . . , '.. lst4Me&u.lb iiitiirka.iai'tLs Jufwupal&iwuU Ike Owmtttfee kVettlat they caa rcconautud it ' a cnum keaitk, beauty, and eomnsw'i,Hisi,e. .The'" Mir " m Mtate ajr"t" 4 sq7c W7ut. of the I apiHd tat tbe-eity g KI.(Vih, no a rtdnaf emi wamKtnmmtit lib ac'reiui'd.-yVsk-jFiiig'"-(iak torrst ; aSnfiitg awt-le space fix b,ukiii'u, esereis, asad nery purp connected witk the ' SdmdL Its site, there r; w ul he" at Vfuflleieii dMnre frotn tke 0 to enable tke Rector to car ry ii.to toil rtlt the -ature in our sytifem which " rmfttmg tf all rmsisiamcalioii'betweca the wfk aw! tke trmn. : " F " ?" "t 2. So SJeiat shall be allowed to have an ac esait at ay tf-re er other place in the City or to purhwie any article (eicept with bis pck!t iih an ) a Kktaal line prat, of the Rector. F.verr . ; ... a. :... ' . . . i to, pwy.aweralf other fimrhr, - I t 'Z'3ZXS-hL. 1 r .t Pren. Xu. wwwweft w wifiet wnrt will bd theu to - C "K 7 r WU1 " P"f0 to .wiWT saete reglititmos the Rwtof J ii jT . I 9-' And k k s&aiMsI tliat tliese al- kpane3f nsty ke as sontH, and aa cearlr alike Cr liie Ms practicable. At the end of tho &m-n,aa mxmm will ke rendered to" tie Parent or Uuaiviaa of each SkmAnt t statin? the amount 4" itwanry paid to tke Treasurer by the Siudeut f -a . m , . m Bney the . 7T " - r"m"I'riajlloluian"H f T ' ' r r-"y co uie part ot . ' mw sptni ami , " " 7 T f-riRuianv M- " L" necessary, from tfie .na.a. . . AatVSr pwill he n quired to dress m -7... TV, , . . I In - J. A seket Ijfrary Jl ke anwirfed &r the reiHng he'of Use Asr'e aVrine tSeir feisure hours.' N'a Ktu- r , W"", ..r aw a Jay, as rcatjt a mmiptu'- a dwordir'v, or

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