wit, can aah, l i Uf M dfcrtf Vt. tha1 I by! i. iv criin It, of V sin "iritis licit r, lML '0 witk hen. nol'ki Ktfudi toll tV I of lit ircd,W it li'liiS tid-f! 'iitimj, Ijimai, f tlie gCIIM imr pr fruit litirmu ion nii id Nuti rn IW !iev in Uit" in ttK'if yhraer Cliarjt (oak in Ik n boinf idea a rnw rv dm n i all tl ervl. UTE. M li- li r.nra-: itming". il' limir after llUtc.1 Im? ap. licit w ith ry. Id. :oll Col- Inl, Old r"T West. ljiah he Opi' t. Cht1 g a uW n CiHiri V , front he ()pii M.iiiiu, clow... , nipn of s, from - iuion of ;p.Kd mg the TIIE - . i . l of the unity of Yancey, it became necessary to change the. titles of holding im1' "'"'l1 "H'r'or Courts an i several of the County Courts in mat circuit, v e nave ia ken some pain to examine tlio various net upon the subject, and to prepare the annexed table fur f iIir County Court in that circim. k I the benefit ol our western irienus. e icar inai m confusion of the system will be found to exist, h will be bevonilihe rench of reniedv.uu!il the intervention of another session of the Lej;isl;Uire. ,;a denrnm-niciuVkoxc bv the different periods at which the acts changing . ,.C I...I.1 nr !, pniirtii fii etlerl 'Allen. jlaywooJ.,Lincoln, Ruihnford,andMeeklenh d(H!a not take cmt vntxl ajitr uu jir$i any or ah . i . . u. ... .kn n t .i pnmiiuuna null immv !i.nrU of Buncombe, Macon, and Yancey, will lie in force in the regular time, viz. thirty dayi after the close of the wmion. f tl,, timrt at whirh the Snnrr'utr Court in th nf Aneutt next i . Caharrugjin,' Wonday Ih Tebruiff, anSTIie TklowTaj, next before the last Monday in AuMst every year. Mwklenburg, 3d and 4Ut Mondays iit.reftruary, and the1 last Morula in Augrust , Surry, 1st Monday in March and September. Wilkes, 2nd Monday in March and September "AM :Vl Monday in March and September. " itnrlt". 4th Mondav in March and Keiitanber. Yaiirey, 1st Momlay atler the 4th Monday in March and ft'pUrnber. , . Muron, 2d Monilay after the 4th Monday in Marclt and September. J liiywood, 3d Monday after the 4th Monday in March h'ihI SeptemtHT.' IliinromlKi, 4th Monday after the 4th Monday in March mill St'pteiiilier. llutlii:rlird, -5tJi,Mun(Uiy after the 4th Mondiy in March unci Hepteudier. Miid'ilu, (ith Momlay atler th 4th Monday in March, n iwl 7th Alonday after the 1th Mmiduy in Septemlier. Iredell, 7th Monday'after tho 4lh Moihluy in March, and Htli Monday after the 4th Monduy in Kepteutlier. I'irioil nt whirh hr Ctmnly Cwnlf in the (Umntie Mluir'iUL' wilt be licld uftrr tlx firit tlauiif Aug tut UKri: " lliinwirt; -Slit M'Sflajpiw--March, last Mnnday,jaJufle,. :)rd M ;rtitny in September, and last Muiulay in De- 'reinher. Lnichi. M .Morslay in Jnnunry and July, and (ith Mon day aiier i ne in ;ionuy m iuarcu mi'i a:uiiuu. et,Mr',r. M M.mdav m Fehruarv. 4th Monday in t.i it i.... Hi .t I 4J.... 1.- Meeklenbiirir, :id Monday in rehruary, -Itli Monday in Mav, luxt .Monday in August, and 4th Monday in NiitemfxT. Rutliertbrd, 'id Monday in January and July, and fifth nfter ttie-4th Monday- in March and HepUrmber. I'n iiuh at irhirh ihr CimMy (iturt in the fittlomng Count irt arc now required to be. Iw1d: HiiiichimIh', 1st Momlav in January aisl Jidv, and 4th Momlay after the 4tli Monday in March and rJeptein Mani, 3d Monday in February and August, and 2nd Mnnrtav anor Itli Monday in nTarcli ami rvpieiniK-r. Yancey, Ut Monday in June and December, and 'M Monday in (X:tol"jr. BANK OF CAI'K FEAR. We have procured, through the attention of friends who were present at the lute meeting of Stockhold ers ol this InstitutiiHi, the lullowtng account ot the proceedings of that body : The iiM-ctiiig wasorguniwid at the Banking Ibsisc in Wilmington, on Monday the I7th inst., by the appointment of Charles 1. Mallett, Esq., of this idace, Chnirman, ami Dr. Thomiut 11. Wright, of Wilmington, Secretary. 3,h')0 Shares of Stock, were represented the Ktn.te Stock Isimy rwrwieiited bv Ite Freik;rick J. v. . . l' I. I.. h.u.naMMrtlt ft HAFWIPI lllltni! U tlif- I tt ItllllL flf fll llA .kn ! ItaJiJ hit V.a 1 tJ.lftl.... ins of the table. The alteration with rented to all of North Carolina, ot tlie session of J83:M,1' I, ih, Sunerior' Court, and to the County Courts of and the same is hereby, accepted : and that the II dl. : . (hsutf trn firt iiK'Hires was llm apprintmnt of a (!oiiiiniit to-inquire into the situation nf the Baiikj aud Jo report the present value ij'the StucL. This committee consisted of Dr. F. II. Shunian of - Hderfl;t)rT Fi i. tlltt of WniiirugTWTiiJXiliffTvT WriuW, Ei.. if -Fa-yet tVvilk. After ninkinw the examiiMtioii, the Connnittee, thnsigh Dr. Shunian, made the following Report : " The (imiiiiitlee uppouiled i.loMmminc into the coiHTitioit of the Bunk, particularly as ,sctt .l.o.rtli ici 'the RLuoral "Siutiifiueut which' has Wai submitted, and Ui nsirt .tmivul.. valuuiifj?l)tJi.-li'g:.leaiie "to enter into the details of this staiomont, hihI to exhibit the fallowing as the results nf their investi gation. The total debt duo by the Bank, (exclusive if its Capital fe:t:Hl.M).0,.iluc'tU w Stf T pTo. From this sum however, il has hicii usual to doiluct, (and your Committee think it a 1'iir and reasonable aJlowauce for a Bank which his Imvii thirty years in existence,) 80,M)0, for notes -lii4ii IhivS" Iism destroyed ami" hwt, and !u'l..tHJJXMIK:At This being granted, tho 'tul rsjcHisililitif of the Bank or of its Stockholders, is in fact, but l,s.7I. Its means of meeting this debt, as the Bliliexcd exTiiTiit slums, after deductiiig for bad debt $lv!,H l7,und (r losx in the depreciation of its real estate 19,1)00 consists of specie, anil active fluids of i he Bank immediately under ifscontnl,944.'),H(l0. discounted nolen of individuiUs considered S'''.'!l,titi.", mid real estate absolutely worth gssl, 8"23,. 1, making a total of 81,09)00 leaving, after -iyt;mif-ftfTifimiTrr hind the Stockholders, aiid au actual surplus of 8,23i. ' rt: , In the alive esturmtp, the (louritfiil ebt of fl,. M2, h;n not twen classed: itlr hmt, bcCSnsO Sif t'lmmiiiiee Kdieve that a portion of it, if not the Mlinle, may !' collecteil, mid liocauso they have not ! great propriety h.Vvd iloiieVS-t.'OOtJ of iiiteresl duo upon notes not ia regular rouowal, but Vure. Notes iii circulation, $-i4ft,l 12, less fOtMl loss, eini.12 l'"visiies of mims due individuals, I'iwdemlrt nnAid, Duo to Banks, . -. - litnT Sf,Hik dieSioHhoTae" " 01, ,1,6(13 4911,800 Debt, . . . V 'PSM-ie 7ihT "Specie FumTs ii . DepiMiu-H in Foreign Banks, lue by Kmiks in'orth Ciroliua, Nmes of other Banks, on hand, Real Estate, actual present value, :DelVHbldng Bills of Exchange,. 12,012, Icss l2,3l7 bad, , 1,091,673 101,715 333,090 003 0,52 53,331 , 20,565 JUeans, l,09 - J ,091,675 -Surplus, f7,23I From this ctlu'bif it apars, that all the which the Hank ha sustained, eiiherdiv hills, notes. fir the depreciation of its real estate, have not only teen repaired, and its capital made good, but Unit nn actual surplus exist. , And yoirr CtmiHtttee be. lievcs that the present prospects of the Hunk pro- ruiso a lair mam to the Muckholdcr for-IiM invest. I meiit, and'iusure tlio declaring of regular semi-an. 1 nuul dividends,- The Report was accepted.. adopted 't Retoked, That the extension of the CLujtor of the Dank notify the Govcrrior of the 1 oiaie 01 saiu. acceptance ., ( ; - i npiniivn 11:11 il i u aTnnuiAm ia vntiiiiM mt,n RexolrrdiVli'dl tTis expedient, to renew the Shares of Stock heretofore merged : viz. tcincrcase the Capita of the Bunk, to its original amount of eiptit thousand share! of one hundred dullars each J and jtlmtJ)ook-lr-rcceiving suliscrijititjnivairreea. uty to uw a? to reennrter tne mm or Caje rear, be opened as-soon ns practicable. ;,. i -.'5: Tereasptiie Stwk holders have at this meeting resolved to oiien Books of subscription for an in crease of Capital, pursuant to the Act of the Inst Legislature j and whereas, if new Stockholder be admitted, it is proper that the surplus profits re maining, after a fair deduction for bad and doubt- fill debts and losses on real estate, should be div ided among the present Stockholder Re il therefore Rnoleed, That, if the additional Stck bo subscribed, the President' and Direct ors lie instructed to declare a dividend of such sur plus profits, before admitting any new Stockhold ers,'so as to place nil on a fuir ami ,t uial footing. Retofoed, That it shall lie lawful for any sul- scribcr for tlto ew Slk-,'-to pay the whole of his suliscription, or any part thereof, Is fore the time limited for the payment ; and each and every sub- scriliCr so paying in advance, shall have a discount at tho rate of six per cent. er annum, computing the same from the time when the payment is made, to the time when it is required to be made. 1 bete were but two disHcnting votes upon the adoition of the first resolution. And we do not .kiiuutbaLllwALftli&filiXiliiion to tl others. w(,(,0 proceedings were charuVterreJ Ly grcat in....iM.,itir - h.vin(T w mn,ifi fmm ,,n,(,1(,h mA i Q . t . . f.. , Saluibury, for the estabhshineiit of Hanches, a Com iiiiiiitc nan laiiu unjii mem, vtliu iiiauc iik: iwuun- ing Resirt ! The Committee to whom was referred the me morials of the citizens of Raleigh and Salisbury, report : That the power to establish Hrnnches and Agencies of this Bank, is vested, by the now Char ter, in Iho President and Directors of the princiiial Bank, which renders it unnecessary for the Stock holder In act iinon the memorials. The Commit- tee, however, are of the opinion that Jt would lie tirtiiafure to" establish any new Ageiicy of the tank Is'fore the new Stock is subscribed and paid for. fW wFf 4himln ttrwCrwirtrfflff nnrrSr; cretary, the meeting adjmrned on Wednesday. Coiiimny, on Thursduy liwt, James Sea well, Esq., was chosen PH-sidcnt, Dr. Thonias N. Cameron, Clerk, and W. Whitehead, Esq., Treasurer. It gives us gn-at pleasure to find that .the work is to lie commenced iuiifdiately. An advertise nMiit for mnterials will be fouiMl in this paper. These are to he used r the ionsfriictiiai of the road from the river to Ihy Mount', running through the centre of tho town, 8 distance, of about M miles. Tlwi-otMnidotWHV f-thw fssrtim.W tho row! is, of .coiirse the first oTijori H the tximparrr nrwr when that shall have been clhrted, we Imve little fear:iif the cxtcnsKui of this gn-at work, which is destined tu liave so great an hfluencc ut the prosjMirity of North Carolina. Obtrrrr. ttW&K OF RtPRESENTATI VIS,-. Tl'ESOAY, IV'BRr ARY 1, 1834. The House proceeded to consider the motion of Mr. Folk, of I ennessie, to. commit tho report of the Secretary, ,titt4li4!tiaovai.CsUio:di-M from the Bunk of tip Unitud States, t-the"Vm. IhiIUc td' Wavfl awbMero,-tgerlier .with - tlw "fl. lowing iiHructioua moved by Mr. McDutlic, of South Carolina : "To report a joint resolution providing that the pub lic revenue, hereaflr collected, be dspufiled in the lfcink of Uie United Stales m "eonmrmtly with lUC4iiib lic faith pledged in tie charter of said IkuL" but And tlie followuij instructions, moved by Mr. Jones of Georgia : ' 44 To inquire intd the expediency of depositing the tfymnf, hereafter Killected, in all the State Bunks in Ulft Uitoiii,SlaM mnm is colieclei, in purtioa-to -tlwir rentective capital paid in, and to pre scrilsi the U'rms ? which the same shall be deposited ; and to reiwrt by bjl or otherwise.'' Mr. Muhleitlsjrg, of Pennsylvania, after some preliminary rcnarks on the length of time consum od in theikdnteon the subject of the dept mites, on a question in itsiinture merely preliminary, moved the PrevMKis (Jjiestion. Mr. McDutlie requested lliH f 'linir to - n-iin' ' 1 MfM) ,906 losses 1 thft llliuk ul I JtM I' Hlir. HHiltt Hin n. tit Tll,l,,.rt..f The "miserable petitions of pnt-liouse pilitinans continue to l!uv iiu So rapidly Imve ihcy iieeiminla-1 ted, in f pite of the contempt they meet with at the I'- i face; that UieTlegrncy Party have bwoum alarmed, and Imve set their Aot-house politicians to manufactu ring counter-petitions. The gentlemen nominated to the Senate a Direct- or of the United Siatea Iknk, on the part of " the Go-1 vemfjienV lv cn rrjgctcd So mj's! tie plyle oT the lt uitant.) , Jf.-;" ; 1U rklMI,k lHh DESPOTISM ANDTuXTIUVAGAXCE, Nothing is cloarer than that Desjsitism and Es- travagance ill governineats go tgitier. The rea. son istthat nwaiey jurcJss p'jwer, and tfiowi wlio bold the purse strings ot a nation, can never want supporter. Lot ua hn our own history, and see how far this' position jiMjwen verified'. v . 1 he expenses of the uoverhment of the United States for the year 1791, Exclusive of the; public debfpre ITT? T;T "- .::..Tlie.. prUon.jbe.Ceuittt fl00 was 3,p 021,426 aiul as the pollution of the nrcseirt year is. probably 13,0J)0,O00, or say, for the sake of round iiundiers, four tiriK'8 aj groat as in 1790, the increase of cxcnso8 arising from increase of popu lation ought to make our expenses $4,291,572. And what are the facts ? Simply that under an tulmmistiation elected to. relorin the extravagance of government, the estimate of the Secretary of the Treasury tor the year 1H34, is 23,.r01,994 ! ! ! I Fmm Sw mm. T1IK PRESSURE FOR MONEY. One of the results in wkich the pressure (r money shews itself is llic iinjjosiuiJity of diss sing of distant Bank notes without a great sacri fice. Jjnst, week, a discount was demanded by the brokers, and few of them even would buy at those If rates, oi is per cent, upon Virginia notes, ; m t cent, ujion North and Siaitli Carolina, and 10 per cent, upon Georgia notes. When the Western and Southern merchantscome on in the spring to pay up their .accounts to the New York, Philiukdplua, and Baltimore merchants, they will rind a large "Orfion trf their Jock son's warfare on the Bank. Perhaps in no instance wkieh has qvnr occurred in any roimtry, has so much pecuiiiary distress been pnsluced by the single fiat of a monarch, as that which ha existed since the 1st of October, in all our commercial cities. ' Croat revolutions in the money concerns of a whole peoide, are not ttn known, but thev have always resulted from causes of a general nature, over which no man coald exer cise a control. Tlie money revolution which took place throughout the United States in 1819 and 131vhad its foundation in the suspension of pe cie payments by the Banks in 181 4- It was not Wisight on by tb aetsf fine-mflTifTOTTjf' s; thotr- sand, but by blindness iq the whole nation, in gi ving sanction to an insolvency jn corporation which wouldjiavcj brpjjght . disqioa.iwwJiaJTle present revolutnsi is one of the entire creation of an iiHlividiml, who, ns if Tor sport, issues a man date bv which millions of dollars are transferred from the pockets of on portion of the people to those of another, withoUCanV equivalent. Only look nt tho fall in the price of vvery species of , projs'ny, which has takjan, place lthiu thn-c iiKsnns. LAnds, -nouMSpeiocRs, jinsjuce, mer chandise, have all fidf tha Uwe .f thtr tnlue in relation to money, and the jmost '.unlettered man can perceive that an artificial state" cTTlitngs is nn cxpectedy forced uion the Country, which comis ls one nmn to sell, am! imhM'atnnthrJhiimj' would tin ny have tieen worth under the imiurwl state of things, operates i ss'comptcUilyio fake mo iev"(Sil of ono liian's noeket. and nut it tula tbn porket of another,- a if lro;' Jackwwt :hnd ehdereo? Rail Road sptrr. We- heard; -n rrsptTfahlr tnagistrate remark, the other day, that ho was de termined to vote fir no inun, for any statiisi what ever, even that of ConMnMr, tmjess hqwQilJ ,vw mmseit an artvocaie tor a unm-ai nan ioaa,ia this lie aiipeared very .jbvPMO'M ll-y.-sasf thniiifhr, by some, that ho was carrj ing the point ton far, as the election of a Constable cannot k sibly have any connexion with a Rail Raid : But we think he was about the right notch, for the on ly way to bring tlie qnestrsn fairly before the poo pkv ta nuike it a test ia all our elections, even down to thut ot a miuua alicerr ' Grccusborough rstriut . (ttr The eKUUHthment of die "Ctvlnmhia Times and daswtt" baa heca piisslissns' ly R. i Rmnfhwtrtr.riJ-.; in w!iec nafnelt will herisaftorbe conilncted. Al tar of II y in en. a.iittal rrnnf MfM, I wnf Irf... M .MHt.ll IliU vl Sftlt, 1WI tk Win." UNITED IN WEDLfXK, In this Town, on Tuesday, the 4th hwt, by the Rev. Mr. Rotkr.s k, Mr. AlJ-:X.NDtR 1IUUNG to Miss SOl'IJ I A.BJt.U,NEB , --; In iIiih liimtv. on I hnrsdaf. the 27th ult.. hv rMin- nel Marlin, Fsi., Mr. ANDERSON S. COWAN Uj Miss NANCY PINKSTON. in Stokes Comrttrrm the 23d nltvliy Char! Bsn-TLISBURYT ot'W Thvr f, Esq., 'Mr. Wt 1.1 JAM DAVIS to Alias AUSdaK-vMritatiirdai, nd'iretO'nMtTnxiiicloii on . a- m s - ; , .rw ' 1 . ( 11 11 as 1 HAMMi -.iv, uaugiiu-r r. jonn luminoca, . . .'! "'ecKiennurg Mwniy, on nmn in even nr. u Kith ntt, hy fsimre pnnmons mr. jwn.i rxinir.ii sTJESiliateouuty.tnAr uu... .,.nr- 1. dx,ui .Tiiffm wniuij, In Limidn C(Minty, on the 11th ult, Mr. SIMON RHYNC to Mis NANCY LAY. In Granville County. on tho Imu ult, Mr, THOMAS IIOLMKH to Miss KERECCA I7..RD. In RuthcrCird Cssmtr.on the lUth ult, Mr. THOMAS F. KIJJOTT, of IJncdn cisinty, to Miss MARIA IX1UISA, iliiiiL'hler of Minor Hmitlt On the 2tKh ult . Mr. DANIEL WATSOJSJu Mii JiANCY tih Cotirt of Death. til vm ttk Mtl. pwilwm - Th. fft-.vr, In. tmf. Id IhiM .-4 flu " 'TU MM grf4, rttMl Ul 41. at.." DEPARTED THIS LIFF In this Gsinty, on the 13th alt, Mrs. EI.LF.NOR I K Al'lt: airiwl .Lull ra vinr. I " In Davidson smty, on Tiiesllay tho 4lh msCTufr. 1IK.MIY JXIJS, agd ataait ' y-ara. . In Stokes County, on the UWi ult, Air. lirui llARTT, sped 03 yesrs. In ISiirrv Ctsintv. on Maturoav, me l si inn., m,i.a ANN, daughteT ftf Mr. ljronard Bullen, aged about 13 yisirs, . . . J . it . . I - . . ntitrinnffii,. nn ' - in tirnnviiio t)umy, ui. kujiamu iaimjiw in the 2il year of his ac 5 a Revolutionary soldier, and an tiL'tnplury man. Piito nrrf5it. fi.l.lSi:URY. (March HjlSil Brniidy, apple, 35 a 40 ; do. x m h, 40 a 45 Raeon, 10; Jtultcr, 10 a 121; '.Cotton ia wed, 2; do. clean, J I WI-Vflbe, Hi a 1-; Com,2j ati Feathers, :'; Fbir,'(scnree)S!(i; Flasseed, $U MulasiaViUa2(l; Nails, a 10; t tats, 80 a 37 Rye, 40; Suyiir, bnwn, Ha 12J ; An Imf, H a 2Ur Salr, $t,I2 I 1 TfTal Iovv,9a 10; Tobacco, a J0; Wlieatf (bushel) K) a llKt;Yluskey,i!5a3(. - ' ' FAYETTEVllIJI. fFeh. 25, Hli. Brandy, peacli, A5 a 00; da sppb), 2H 33; Bucom 7 1 N; liecftwax, 17 s 1 ; Coffee, 13 a Ls tVton, 8 a 101 ; Corn, 75 a mi; Flaxseed, fl 50 a l (50; Flir, 175, ,a, &M Featherjv 34 t 3r re,ny j( 5J ; MolathlS, 29 a 112; Nails, (cut) ti a 6J ; Sugar, brown, 9 a 11 ; d lump, 14 ; do. loaf, 16 a H ; Salt, .") s 75 ; Wheat, 1)5 a 1 00; Whwkey, 30 a 35; Wool, ltf a 20. ' 7 COLUMBIA, & C. Feb. 22, 1S31. J3acon.,Q KlOi Rycwsjt,ali a lfli BramlynMsh, 75 i fJTIta aifipre, ItrrtWr Butter," 'trtTrfH j Coiiee; 14 a I7i- Girsiits-t?B'W''lt't ffcT (bhl.) h in a 9 00; Iron, 4.a 5 ; Urd, 10 a 12 Mo lasses, 40 a BO; Mucktrol, Na 1, S (ML No. 2, 7 (Ml, No. 3; fr") (Ml; SalU'in sacks, $2 75 a 3 (M), bosliel, 75 a (MM); Sugnr, bnma. 8 a 12, do. loaf and liiuip, Hi a 20 ; Tallow, 10 a 12J; Whiskey, 45 a 50. nfKRAW, S. C. Feb. 25, Hll. Racon, 10 a 12j ; Butter, 15 a 30; Beenwax, IB a 17; CotlLc,!! 15J; Cotton, new, UJ; (imi, 75, (v(?ry scarce) ; Flnxseed, fcl (Ml a 1 25 ; Flour, l (Ml a 7 50 ; Mackerel, (l 50 a 9 00 ; Ir.si, 4 j a 5 ; bird, 10 a 12 MoIiish, 40 a 50; Sugar, prime, 11 12j, do. ciMtlmon, a 10, da ionf and lamp, l"a 1; Salt, m socks, jHM bnsliel, (.; Tallow, (scarce) 10 a 12t W heat, 90 a fclOl). CAMDEN, 8. C. Feb. 22, HU Bicnn, 0 a 10; Beeswax, 12 a 15; Cotton, 9 a 10 ; Citn, ish a Oil; Flolir, (N. Candina) fi7 (Ml a H (Ml; do. (Wleii m 1 1 Ik, Hjr IMI a 0 (Ml; Urd, 12 a 15; Tallow, 10 a 12; Wheat, tl (Ml a 1 50; Feathers, 30 a 50; Whiskey, 40 ; Brandy, peach, 35; do. appplo, (Ml. J SHIP NEWS ARR1VKD AT WILMINGTON : Febntary 2(1. Brig Wraslungti'i Baiw, Perry, frsn Charleston ; Schr, (oniPt, Smith, from N. York ; Brig Clinton, Cole, from N. York. Feb. 22. Schr, Toll, Tyler, from Now York. Feb. 24. Schr. Range, Bouve, from Charhwton. Feb. 2.5. JScht. New York, Stanley, from da ARRIVED AT FAYETTEVILLE: February 21. HUsamer John Walker, witJi Dry Good, for M. Wilcox, A. Hiirby, C llolcomhe, J. C. McUran, R. NioJ Sl Co., D. Yarbrwigh, E. Hill, (1. Y. King, R. Rnnnells, and M. flIc4or, of the niterair. February 21. Steamer Henrietta, with Dry Goods, v, i h r nrphrr-J.-M.-Cr J.-AtlPiTrtrn; "TMiii'ii," F. J. Hill, aad J. rsuall, of the interior. THE Sulwcrilier wishes to employ two or three Ying Men at the above UiJUuoss,aitd ill give lilreral wages, pava bio in OAS H, to such as are good workmen. Or he will RENT his SHOP and TOOLS, and SELL a targe supply of well-select ed and well-seasoned Timlsir. Th? fhop is situated in a central nfwl business pnrtof tlie town, near flieCiHirthouse, and between tho Mansion, Hotel and the ' Western Carolinian" 4 lViuliug t )llice, which gives it muioa advanf a'gws. -(. Any uiss-uf -nniro-yousr. mon. wishing tv--g intn Ihe Above liUsiics8, woulu tU well t aindy imrrs- dintcly 1a tho wiliwriner, a lie wishrirtritrBVet tt his health, ami waild ufFirtl assistiutce to siM.-lL as arc of aolier luibits, ami indiistriisis and faithful Salisbury; March , 4! Travellers' Inn, 4r jX'::t zzksl . Riapaaj jjjlw SITUATED SOUTHWTofTHK COURT HOUSE, IN THE TOWN OF LKXI.TO,, (.. ( AHOLI A.) rpilE Suhscril?r takes this method of informing "TrBydlrtrs that be iK'wps Hoo- f Kittw- tsinment in fexington, (N.C.) on Main Street Southwest of the Courthouse. THisTilfe,yilalirM4i Jb3Litiipplu;i Jlith Jha beaii tare that a nlentilul neighborhood can allord. Ids Hisjse being capachajs, and attended by senants who are iiidustriisis am) fMajou.to plca.eTravel lerscan always be accommodated with GOOD REDS in rooms with fire-place Ami last, hut not the kaist important consideration, HORSES trill aheayt receive, tuch attention, in the Stable of the SubiHTtber, that they may leave it with in creased ability to do the service ol the road. S;.- An" eJfcellenf Liiie of'" Accommodation Staeei i 'i isjia sisjas-a , w Ivp the Uoiim of the SttlMrTilmr, ,8' hB w(.mHiinj. cvellinKS. PlMH(- from a,,h lo VoftUkw , . ., - . n e . , ' fx lhtr fHki.tv -llm AceHnmi(nltoti Iinn In IjrTinT.l i, r. ton, can have their choice, at tho latlrr pluce, be. tween the Piedmont Line and the one which runs ; i,v wav 0f Fredcricksburir. " " " " ' '."'- JOHN P. MA BUY. , Lexington, March 8, 1834. ly ilUvciitylolIiiril'ownrtlr fm RAN AWAY from lh S..U-,ri. iis. lsr, on Thursday the 20th of Febm ary, a EGUO MAN, ly tho name Ho is nhotit 40 years old, 5 feet, 10 inches hiph, dark cmuplexitm, slightly J-i Id, and is wnoR-nstKcr iv immT,-' 1 te nt mitnr'i" u to wj now 1 : - I.. : . A .. 1.. ' ' lurking alssit thn r orks of tlie ladkin. Tho above reward will Ui given for (lie nppre. hensinn and didivery of sniJ Negro to the Sultscri-ls-r, a his residence, atusit 18 miles north of Sa lisls.rv. '..(9ANI)KRSON E. FOSTER. - ftowan Cwmty, March ,' 1 34. 3t " Wr Ercry description of rrlntlngr B3 j-T'rj mi 3 11,1 " . ..... - . , What it. iwre pieasant fh-'ura wellhnvd chin! Whiit more bcuiitd'nl tlian a well-cultivated head of hair! ,'.,,. r James J()inier, Rarhrr nnd Hair-Ilrfrr, FORMKRLY ()FJtAI.r,l(;il, AM RECENTLY FROM lMllMDKl.PjnAt; 11 EG S lwo neetfiilly to infiirrn the rtrsidents of this Town and the country adjacent, as well as Travellers throngh this section of country, thai ' hejias Opened A Shop in SalUbury, "nearly OITOSITK MR. SLU,C11TJ:RS IlpTa, on Main Street, for tho prosecution f his business -. -' ; inttUit vrtriubranrhr, ', , : 05" ilisiwidenco la tho fiutuniMiUe.City f Phi ladelnhia enabled him to become well versed m all the dutiet of hit )rofenon -and he is, therefore, qiiuliiiod to SH AV E Gentlemen in the most sa. tisfiictory manner, and to CUT and CURL both Indies' and Gentlemen's Hair in a very superior and ?biit styln of-Ea tended nt their dwellings. Centlcinen who prefer. to oo waited si at their nsims, will be accoinmo- atod, by him, with pleasure.'nt a inomcnl's warn-- g. W hen not professionally engaired out, lie can always be found at his shop, . , v (K7, Razors honed u a first rate stvle, oft short notice. y JAMES BONNER. Salisbury, March M,-1 83 1. - - tf ' : 0Hiiiiiv; niteTRlM;oial hclivol DEFERRED. TN consoquefice of thenmtsual inclemoncV of (ho wist winter, the pnigress of the DuihhW de- rigw-d to serve as a Dormitory "tif the pupils in , ims iiisiiiinion, nas isn reiaruoo niuc.li is-ymid Umj exjK-elations of tho Executive ConiiiiittiK-, ninkr whoso din-ctions it was commenced in lK-ccinlicr ist. And as tho material of this structure is stone. tho process of working in which is necessarily slow -aiul reutlv dependent on the weather, there is isiw no hoof its completion by the time heretofore sciIkh1 tr commencing the School, 1 his circuiustaiice, together with the diflkully ' kelv to lo experienced in procuring in time from the Nnnh'rtJtmrrarr bin to tne estabiisnnieiitt and the,rcccntly expresa ed opihiisi 'uTtlie Rector, that, without the accom- iiKslations to be alii n led by the new building, he would no unntie to carry into sticccsslul ojieration " the system adopted, has constrained the committee. however itduclniitly, to "HiH(pone for a few weeks, t the tune lor opening the School, , I ho IMhlie, therefiire, are rospectfullv informed ' k that the EPISCOPAL SCHOOL WILL BE ' OPENED, (m4 on tlie first of April as kfore ad vertised, Iwtl oa Mondayt th 2nU day of ' - -; June next; at which time it may be cotifi(len(lj ' l rchnnoa-that -. By order ot the Executive Committee, - - t t.i EOKU E W . 1 llLEMAN, Sen V. ' Major Jack Downing' LiA; of General Andrew; JarkNoii, rUESlDEXT Of THl UNITED STATES. T. K. GREENBANK (No. 9, Franklin-Place, Philadclphiit,) : I I AS in. the Press and will publish in a few dy,the -11 Life,Ailininhitratioii,4e.ofMais;G!nenil Andnm Jarfam, President of tin; United 1 StatoT.I!y Major Diiwmug, ut the Downiiigsville Mililia. v , "T' 1 his work w ornamented Willi a number of fine en. irravintis, snssig -winch is a strikinj likeness of tlie Prei tha-AaUior, and- severatwhef aistiiiirulHlid tluuractitnv aUv arie4y t" ruts, Nrarrfrtmg a HUisk' her otcxlR. unary and ffltpbie srenes de$criUxl by Uis noctious, Jikh, nt, and leame Biogmplmr. v ; " " " " '" Ejctructfrom the cfwliuio of)ii JAy'or's "t rfa- "And iww I'm near a A eend. and I mew as how ri. ftffirs1iclrl Wf aimHl iccouat of 4e. lfe, Advent UMss IVUelarHaTc-breth scanies,"and Die"1" Ghiriims Adininistrstion of tlie Giiieml, m the cutent thingTve ever r9tVTlieIujraI lell'd nss'plainty R '" was a masier wnra, ann mat ne would nje to Ur. 5411m-. .1Uti1 tlnrvenrtiy.TO rit mo a MnWr of Arts.: Ha thinka tliut beats toy letters aR lnJler 4n4 thst fnrm' nowtumssi rner win ncstaoiihni iy it, and go down to tfterity wwwtffihiat wlth'tlHi timertifa. ""1 have'rit; icfl' all ftmn Uio' uineraU.owii iu tJbrirot whnf he tell d me, I went and axed him over agin; and if I hadn't nmde it myself, why 1 swow it wud a bin (lto4io;Tnfy.w . , .. k,.. . r- If the letters of Major Jack Downing have created a -smile on the fiices of his resdera, they may confidently expect t richer treat from the rcdiaiblablo author, in his new vocation as a Uiographcr. 1 no wim-k win dc Mmww- iiiiUuaalAiiiil, W4 pajrel, weU cxecutod, on fine iaisr. and neatly buimd in rUlh, at the low price of one dollar Dcrcoov.. : Thewti! iniscortnt to' the trade. : Flexible covert will ' le put on a part of the edition, so that tlie work can be sent by ma.il to those whursmde at a distance. Editors of no wspiiirj iiodiaK rsHincemeut a few times, and inclosa-its ftvs doluu. lyrce of pouage,, mum receive sevea copies. Auuress, potl-paui. T. K. GRERNBANK. Oi Franklin Plan, l'kUanU hhim. March MN34. 3t Town Property Tlie Sulisciiber, wishing to removo to tJie West, .OFFERS FOR SALE HIS ;L.; A T ,tt lTotliW lAYACOUlVOYl, 7. r '.T"""T": . " One of tho Is-sl stands in flw Village for a stored; Cx&FXd n' Home of Entertainment. The Buildings hre pmliarly calculutod for theHe. mirposes, having II separator Risuns, besiifcs a Inrgo SUire niul Isaiiitiiia-Rooms, ami handsomely wHwiifwwTinntfsy'lrreitlrtW dry Cellars, and nil isxuswnry (Kit-Houses convcitU. cntly situated end in gisxl n-jsiir. .;, ... 03r LINCOLNTHX is one of the rtt thri- . virijjlrniagesiu the S.sitlnrn Stiite--lM-iiir c.xcell. ' ed by rssin for health, being in si'lit of tho ushju tains, in the centre of tho (Ldd-Mimn, and in Iho midst o the ninny Iron-Works 111 this county. It is but seldom that so vnlual.ln & stand mti IjoW. tnniod it is' wortli Ihe a(tViilT.ii of tapiuiisls who desire to purchaso property where an extensive and profitable Isishess niny be disio, and a lur ;e enpitat employed in nicrcaiitilo buNiness, A bur. gain is now olFored, in this property. , . ' . D. REIMHRDT. Limdnton, March 1, 1S31.1 , . (jt ' ncally executed at thlafOIHcc. tC0 , . t f

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