U2CED ATEKlY:xrJ6ilN. BEARD, Jit TEE5U OF PrBLICATIO, . 1 The "Wither Caromm" is published every JI.ni!av, at Two Dollar per annum if raid in. advance. : :: . Tw? IM'.mrs and Fifty Centrif not paid tintd after! 2. No paper will be discontinued until all arrearage are paid, unless at tlie discretion of the Editor. XJaJuWrJtian wilfb ieceived ibr . Im.lunt tiifcn me yew ; and failure to notify the Editor of a Wih to discontinue, at least one niith befire the expi ration of a year's subscription, will be considered as a . new engagement 4. Any person who will procure fix suharrijers ti ttie Uaroiinian, ana wfte Uie uouwe or coTT. tiii and transmitting the aubacript ion-price to the Kditoa, sludl bare t!w paper during the continuance of tlieir aub- . scrtptiun, without cluu-ge. , TK1M OF AOVTIH!So. , I. Advertisement will be eonspictKHisly and correct hr inserted at 50 cents iter square? Cr the first insertion. i a.Vf each contimniMa i, Aut-pete,. sAadki, vert it wenf IS ordered rgriinmrftwwej'M e-witt kssuarg! (breach insertion. J1 . . ; 1 Z Merchant, Mechanics, fend Professional gentle men, who mar deaire constantly to appear before tiie public, in our advertising columns, will be received ss yearly advertisers, and a deduction of id per cent, win w tuaae irom uie aoove cnarres: TO COBHESroXDKKTa. . I. To fnaore prompt attention to litters addressed to me ttor, tlie postage should In all cases be paut TlatVcwvaTC,Cma, & GAass. Thomas X Harrow & Ctv importers No, 89, Water Street, jlrtf notp rrmrinff iAr &ning Patttrnt of Ear thewrure, China, ami r aney Ooodt, , : . in ttry great tariety. TplIEIR stork is. very extensive, embracing every article soul in tlie line ; and, irom tneir lacui. ties in England, they are enabled to oiler every in. duceiuent to their customers, in patterns, quality '8i id prie. Merchants dealing in the line, will hro Tiicn .n.ivn DfHiri mane are wrni a view to me .t. Carolina and Virginia markets, and every article w ill be put down to the lowest price which it can potmbly be sold at. From the dibit hitherto - made to ttto our customers satisfaction, w hope lor a continuance of patronage from North Caro lina. TH03. J. BARROW & CO. Importen, 88 Water 'St. New York, Feb; Sr 1834. lOt laWot'ftbVVtc. TAKEN UP as a Runaway, and committed" to the Jail of Davidson Cotmty, on the 10th in stant, a N EG RO M A N who says his name is !TOM,iinrM Turner, or Unumlle U. XN. C Ho says ne pin away from the jrold-mlnes in Burke County, almiif two weeks beforp he waa taken up. He in ft fit fi or 10 filches Hlifh, and, accordinir to his own ac count, about M yean old ; quite black, and toiMi " I Rttter forward. ' " Tim owner is requested to come forward, prove ftroocrty, pay charges, and take him away. r ' JOHN t THO.VfAS, JaHnr ti DaViLi(ia County, N.C Lexington, Feb. 22, 1834. tf rFORSALE,BY THE SUBSCRIBER, -fit lTTitmnrnTfI Land. Eimtirre- Kdlnr's Mttli and- Ijuiuiug Ihe lands Josrmh Shnrers, Jsmer Davis, and Tbua..Mur wihirur to purchase, can see AlUJVE . fend by applying beforeiuiuel V.rifrerreYi, OT to' .HSfc Wo wrtknthelaiid w ltd..o. nicadows. laiKLlZA BETH BUTLER. Irodoll County, Feb. 22, 1834. pr.corssTro or th - . And Slate Jtighta Ilanncr. fill IE Subrrribera having answisted thonuirlveii a lyiturs nd Proprietor of ADVtHTK kiint K AN1 4a.aswwstJalwAite:Mw Unm the fpbere of iu Ufofulnew. They theit-fim doem u i-j .Lf tm -.U tlie oriuciol bv which - tiiv will be governed. F ? . ' , Is k- Lmh mnoral1 riTftnloil ftM the chief, MUaJiumofcivaiib8rty,andaUexpenerH!tlu thatno countrr can ksig reuAin tree, where the Public Pre Mthackietror reatraineo. 11 is uie oniy nimiw by which tla people can learn the acu and p..nP. rf "7 ! . 1 11 ..r.t..r. ....... thnir rulers, and id Uie onix ronir , .',i,aast.tk aurpatiiM pf fin in power, . . . -pi.. .a th Advocate and Banner will be to gi an eulurhtened direction to public opinitsi to disspun nata correct aitical pruieiploa-4o Uch tlie people at " " Ur- their jusT rights, in ordcf that they may be ever ' - - --. .ivl milntain the'm nd to inculcate a - anms spirit of paULtisin. whtoU am. to ffic iaaifice of. private Were h me vumx .. - ' iv.' in 1 Via nJitical doctrines or Thomas J'l- r. t : tt,a Vinr,ni and Kentucky Resolutions of ; riit 'W tw Mr. 'Calhoun's Exposition in the SOVEREIGNTY the SuitosrRUiMTrt of thr ... p)iitM. ,n(1 j ttm WHeocy, iwcussity.and safet.of STATE REMEDIES. ... We declare ouraidvss the sworn enemies of comip .tkwi," come from whatever euarter-all wirptsm-. whether of Congressthe ., ; iIU hem( to take money Oolawfully frow U pockcwi 1 of the peotde the wbolq system of Internal Improve- ' " 'meets br m General (Jovemment, and a Tariff -for i -d.rtrinra'af the ProdanmtiontheW.nc.p les a t he I Force Hill, awl tlie late seizure by th. pmsiJent of lie i ' Public Treasuryin JAVn n ii i.iww-.i a nul.cuHis sTstoni ifmertwl In 'i ;aiuimUbytlie.Wel7owniijfiifra)l L..i...i. .nH fH.blk: Hucatmn. and oppose all M and fiftaUcal schemes of emancipatiisv ' . . rnvniTlONSi V : :.b-w. A4vmai iiWtU3 enee a week at 1110 iMJllW (IH.V-. I . . , ft-2;Mtprann.m,inadvance,or3if payment is made within tlirea monuis. . . , No P,pe b be discontinued vnta all arrear.sros'Me )jnid, unle to n't itV a t at the option of tha IMitors : and a fkilure ' . . .. .:..'.,.. mriU hit eniaulered as a BCW to noti a oiw.'iiiuiv T - CUAM.es ,f. - WniRj-r , COl K- THOMAS, . FRANCIS A. WARD, Eaqr.has been appointed A id-de-Camp to the Bri-gadier-General of tlie Seventh Brigade SJ juf Militia, with the rank of Major s UttilJ LLCll, lr., lias been r apjxiiite(f Brigad;-Iii!ii()clor7lif-the same Brigade, with tlie rank of Ma- jor : and " ""' 1 ' rf : has been appointed Quarter-Master, with th rank of Captain. They will therefore be obeyed aa aueh. By order of JAMES COOK. BrieaJier!ene raf, arllead-XJuarteri, aTMocksvflle'tli7-no?uf February, 1834. F, A. WARD, reb.22 it Aid-Camp. Ilead-Cliiartors, SALISBURY, February 26th, 1 8347 rr II E O F F I C E R S of tlie 63d Regiment of Kowan Militia, are ordered to Parade in the Town of Selinbury, on Friday tlie 28th of March next, at 10 o'clock A.M., with nmskcUi, for Drill. Punctual attendance is requested, aa buHinesii of importaxice to the Kcgimoiit will be truiwacted. By order of 0 ft. LEMLY, Col. Commandant B. CRAIG E, Adjutant. March 1, 1831. 4t NEWJGO0DS. THE 8UBHCRIHER IH NOW RECEIVING, AND OPEN f NO, A Large and Full Supply 1 PAlX "A WlNTFIt ii OODS, CONSISTING of EVERY ARTICLE generally kept in a Country Retail Store; all of whicb he udiupwed to sell LOW for CASH, or to punctual customers on siioKt credits. 1 he public are requested to call, hear prices, and judge for themselves. DANIEL II. CKKSS. Salisbury, January 6, 18:34. tf TJWIliOUWC. Itrnj.imin Fraley, Having received the Ii teat EluladclpUia, N.Ywk, Iyondon, amj Paris stykm of FASIIIONB, and ha ving in hid employ a num ber of workmen who are first-rate, . , . 18 PREPARED TO Cut and Make Work In a ilyle tuperitir to any done m this part oj ' tht country and olvayi Warranted Tb nT " Order for Work in his line, from a distance,will be punctually attended Ju according to order ; awl nil kinds of Kn-al cuKtom-wtirk wilt be done at the hortMt rwitkw and on raaMMialile. teruia. He can le found, at all times, at his old stand, a frw doors, above Mr. Flaughter's Hotel, and nearly ijoppoaiift mrt Joiin fliurpny.s gtora., - 7 " TO TA I LOR 8. Being Agent for some of the rrtowt Fashionable Tailors, $itw .Yorklhc. Subscriber prmwiisd to teaith or give iiwt rwotim to any tf (lie Trade who mny desire to lie rrtoro prrfrct in their busi- 'nr'ss' -l ann,. from'nis bt'luif 'thai lie is fully capable of giving satiMfurtion, h rrwyrtfully requests all who ilrsirv inst riictiiiii to cull on linn. Sulislmrv, tf II. FUALEY. 1 1 lAUF. 8uloribr is desirous of refreshinir th memorv I lrwl tu execute V riling ot any description that may i b" reuuiml, such w drawing Obligatims sihI Contracts iif aim rliar.u Iit : 1'ii.lillir iin Aiiiinit Itrnka : ami traiurribing any extent of matter. Alms to attend to Collecting or ftsidmg of debu of any kind, or at any djsUnce.wbtre the amount may be worth the jour- ' j- . ' chanrea fi tr.nscr.b,n(r w,l be 15cts. per 100 m'nnla. whim th conv pri't"!il Mi. ti unilcr Hint num. - 7 - - , , ' . " . . r litHiiii 'aiid additufrii) in figanVarc to Be iiiade, die price will be enhanced ') per cent For drawing any uustrument of common length, $1 ; longer ones in projuirtion. For Bonding accounts of JtV) and under, 5 per cent; over 50 and not sxtredmg ItK) dollars, 4 per cent; orer Ut) dollars, 0 per cent, will be cliarged. For (MlrrtiHir debts of any kind, not exceeding 80 dollars, 7 per cent ; over .VI uhI not exceeding 100 dol lars, 6 per cent ; over Its) doUrs, 4 per cent will be eharpi TO. 11 . 1 (fcj- In canes where no travelling becomes necetmry, sue almtement will be tiisile tn Uie fiiregnlng charges fir bowlinir and coUecliuq, arcunlinu to tlie ngnitude of Uie amount ; Aud intanu's may occur, 10 which the charjre mny be augmented, according to Uie curuin atanees of the rane. uCQ 1 lie Mibscnbrr will also rn on misrums, to any dut- tanre, ami iianmct buiness of any other kind, for a U- In (II enses the r will be ileniandable u soon as the service is pertiinned ami Vetimia made. ft is believed that It will T admitted by every dp am acquainted with Uie suhcribpr tliRt he mi Fully quali. fled ftir thdisphap?e'of all the duties which he pmpnwn to untmrUke; anil, having nvuW tlie neenswary arranire- merits for faf dltiea, the utmnrt reliance may be placed in his performance and in his punctuality in paying over bonds and moneys that may paw IknMigh his bands. - letters may be aildriniHeil to him at Wamnton, N. C by mail (past paw) or Wherwt Irom wny di.4ince. . M. W. DUNNAVANT. WarrenUm, March 1, 1834. 2t -JOU'-VlllTITlXGa TJ6o'raniphleta, HkndbiUi, Cards &c PR0MV1.Y EXECUTED AT THIS OFFICE, a Wy ip;ri6V Btyk of Wwkmanshif. I, 1 SON Return thanks for the lilral patronage they have received during Ihe pn-l season; and Infurnlrr their Friend and t'te rublicr thatr IN .ADDITION to thuk FORMER STOCK, lk; They hare Just necelred, ":v r From Xew Y(n-k and PMatletphtai A Treh and Handsome Supply IFdlMndJfijntcLGQodSy- ' i coJfsisTino or- drysoods, hardware; cutlery, crockery, , and groceries COMPRISING ALMOST EVERY ARTICLE -jiauallyjkept bv Merchant in. this aection of very accommodatirrg terma. , ; They reapectfully invite an examination of their assortment; by all persons who wiab to purchase goods. (O- COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in pay: ment iot goods or account, at the highest mar- jket price. Salisbury, Dec. 9, 1833 tf IAncolnton Jlcadcmy. A CLASSICAL SCI1(X)L will be opened, by the Subscriber, it LINCOLNTON, on the 17th of February, Tlie price of Tuition per sesJ sion (paid in advance' will be : r or t he Latin and U reek Languages, $10 For English Grammar, Geography, and Arithmetic, . 8 Those who wish information respecting his quali hcations as a Teacher, are referred to tho recofn meiiHution of William J. Binvhum, and that of the Faculty at Chapel-Hill, given below. GEOKuK VV. MOKllOVV Lincolnton, February 15, 1834. 5t RWV)M.ME.1)AT K)NH. ' I have had the pl(.-nire of a long and Intimnte acqiiiiinutnce with Mr. George W. Morrow Ho were school-fellows in yoith : we were in College together ; and fiir several years we have been teach' mg in tlie same county, and occasionally attend miz each others examinations. 1 do conscicnti ounly declare that his standing as a gentleman, a Christian, a scholar, and a teacher, is high, deter- vedly high. The examinations of his schoIara,which I have severaj times witnessed, and in part con ducted, ajwaya. afforded ample .lestimooy as. well of the Jidtlity, as the ability, of their teacher. Ieachers, of Mr. Morrow s qualifications practi cal, moral, and literary are wry rare, and ought to c nigriiy apprtetirod. 1 "" W. J. 151 iN It HAM, rnncipal 0 the IliUshoro Aemdtmy, Orange Co., N. C. January 18th, 1834. Mr. Gergi W, Morrow has for torn time been engaged as a teacher of an Academy in the neighborhood of this place, and has given proof of success m preparing students for the University, which have been highly satisfactory In proof of this,a number of instances might be especially eriiw merated, in young gentlemen who have been stu dents of the University, and who have been high ly respectable, both for scholarship and moral de portment, while members of the instrrntion. ' ' " JOSEPH CALDWELL, , : Prmuhnt of (A I'm'cerniy. : . JAMES PHILLIPS,- Pmftttor of Mathenatwi and Natural 1'hilomphy, ...... ............... e. MITCHELL, ' Prof eg of Ckemittry, etc, Hill, January 1.1:34. Tlie,, Ihoroiigli bred IIore VTAS raised in Korth-TIampV('m Codnty lie is " a tstautiful wirrcl, 5 feet 1 inch high, very heavy, has a splendid carriage and is allowed, hv all good judges, to be very superior in formation ami action. lie was gotten- by tha celebrated old nice-horse Sir Archie ; bis dam was a Hal mare gotten by Sir Hal his graiidain was Harriet Ea ton. who was mitten bv old Ikdlair.-tmavif a Wild atK"wliH:B was'canedalreiV fWm of her day. ECIAWAim was raised vn Nortl-Ilaropt,Hi Gv, ny nr. Minm rrtiar, wno sold nor, while yismg, o M r. Seth Peebles, for f 373. His grandam (Har net Latin) was a msre woll sliown by many peo . -s v " ' is- a ple, and her perforsiances umlvr the snihlle wore equal to any other krast sf her kiml, both hV ease o her rider and herself; she has been well tried particularly in a long journey to the far west ; sh! was once sold for f 300. The"fiibscriTier8tiokI Tri'tlieir haiiils (Iifunieiiis that certify the Horse's Pedigree, lsit they feel a lelicacy in attaching to this advertisenient the names of the gentlemen who gave them, not ha ying from the in any special anthonty to do ao. In point of formation of body, LCLAt u not to lie excelled by any, if equalled. He will' Stand the ensuing Season, IN LEXINGTON & SALlSBU RY, commencing in Lexington on the lftth of Marc at the reduced' pnee ot 4 the- single feapi tu the season, and 10 to insure a mare to be with foal. The insurance money will be recoverable as soon as the mare is discovered to be with foal ; or soon er, if the property should be disposed of. the Horse will attend regularly every ninth day t 4ttUndM scopt wh-hwii' ar 'fmMwptacw or delayed by accident. 1 ne season will end on the last day of June. Care will be taken to avoid accidents to mares, but no responsibility can be as sumed or any that may occur. ALI'IU 1 rTnTBLES,' ' JAMES McNAIRY. February 32, 134. 2m s . NOTICE. rPHE unaersigned has this day qualified as Fx-- ecutor of the last Win iiid'Testanienlof An derson Ellis, deceased, and hereby requests all persons having claims against skid Estate, to pre sent them for payment within the time prescribed by Law ; and all those indebted are. hereby re quested to make payment. JAMES ELLIS, Executor. November 83, i3. tf S. Valuable Property The Subscriber, being desirqua to remove to tlie West, OiEsn for Sale, on Accommodating Terms, TTinrolisfJaiul Lot 7 V In WadeBDorougn, r-.-v i 7t JS'-t , y...,. if II" '' Toorruaa with i f 1 1 SMALL TRACT or Convenient for fire-wood. It Ja one t)f the most desirable situations, (ot a Private Family, in tlie VillaM.beinfl situated convenient to the Episcopal Church and Academy; and' possessing the advan tages both of the town and country., Ihe liweii- ing is a large two-story building, with a spaciousj Hall, a : Passaire below and above stairs, five com fortable Bed-Rooms, tolerably well finished, and a Double Piazza in front. . ALSO FOR SALE, AVis Valuable Ylai(ai6n. . Lying on Gould'i Fork, ABOUT 4 MILES FROM TOWN, CONTAINING 437 ACRES, About 100 acres of which principally LOW. GROUNDS) are cleared, ami in a good stale for cultivation. The Land is well adapted to the pro duction of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and every thing usually cultivated in this section of country. There is on JSJJjL 'JM. " the premises 4 very comfortable DWELLING together with the usual Out-Houses. and a WELL OF WATER in the Yard not inferior to any in the country. The situation is high and healthy, and a very desi rable pint for a Country Residence. A further description is deemed unnecessa ry, as it is presumed any person wishing to pur chase will viow the premises fur himself. WALTER G. JONES. WadcsWoitgh, Anson Co; ) . tC - - ' February 1 , 1 834.J -- - " " Coac and CaYtiaae MaVvn?:, AND REPAIRING. J. XV . Itainoy A P.J. F. Shaver, Coach and Carriage-Maktr$s -- ResjsKlfiitly iiUorm the Piihlic geiKirnlly. lliaTTliey have entered into Co-rartnersliip lor the pur- - pose of earrytttg 01 the aliove Isisine iq . TOm all its varict ics, aiid tbat they Jmyc,. for that purpow.takrn the shop FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY PHILIP JACOBS, . On the Mai Street, oppofite the old Jail. Qr They have on hand a good supply of the best carcfiilly-selcctcd and well-seasoned Timber, .and will always keep on hand, (or sale, STAOE-COAaiCS, CARRIAGES, Carry-alls, Gigs, SULKIES, Ac. Which shall not be surpwsed by any in this sec- Uou oi country, lur ncatncsi, durability, aud cheap ness. , f&" For the tienefit of Travellers and Stage Drivers7lliev: will alwsvs'Wp on lin4CARRI AGESPRINGS and aTl olier fixtures neceswry to put thoMB vehicles in theimf comoletelor'ricr'; and every description of RZP AIRING will be done at tlie shortest notice tud on tli- lowest pos- sioie terms, ,!Eic JUatsmYua .Business . w .. . . . ... Tbs Subscribers have attarhed to their (arri- age-Manufuctory, a BLAClSMITII-SIIOP, in which limy employ none but first-rule workmen and the very best materials vliich euaMes tliem to assure their frjend undjhe p'Uic llmt-all work doue by them, In this line also,will ls of superior qiudity, and as low-priced as uiy other executed in this section of countrj-. t Tlie Subscribers deem it hardly necewarv tO my tlml tlie will be'tlmnkfil for a purtiim"of the public favor; and tliey hopi, ,y strict atten tion to tsisimw, and sslerate liarges, to merit the patronage of all who may vish to -purchase articles kept for sale by them or id done in thoir linft JOHN W. lUlNEY, THILIP J. I. SHAVER. SalisUirv, February 15, 1834.' tf TINWARE. TO MERCHANTS AND MEDLARS. TIIE SUBSCRIBER ha at PRESENT os HAND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF Madq of good Tnateriala and first rate "WorkmaiS- ship, consisting of the ollowing articles, 120 draen COFFEE fOTSfvrmMiZl 40 dozen Open Buckets, ditto ; 30 dozen Covered ditto, -r ditto j 78 dozen Cream and Fatty Pans, ditto ; 40 dozen Lights of Candle Moulds ;' ' , 12 dozen Milk Strafnenj " 68 dozen PANS, assorted sizes ; 32 dozen Measures, - .ditto r 24 dozen Funnels ; 'v 100 dozen.TIN CUPS ; 20 dozen Milk ditto 5 -18 dozoo WASH JJAS0NS. L ,L - ALSO- " Cullenders, Stew Pans, Watering Pots, -Card Stands, Oil Stancb, Bugles, '- -Blow Horns, Lanthorns, Pepper Boxes, Graters, Dippers, Dresser Scoops, Stage Lamps, 4ms. Ajo. v ...... i.',.. 03r Beeswax, Feathers, Tallow, Pewier, 014 Copper, Wool, and Iron, tsken in exchange. 1 DANIEL'IL CRESS. Salisbury, January 6, 1834. tf NOTICE. 4 Large quantity of Temperance TRACTS hat"' iA been received for distribution, and can be bad , by societies and individuals, bv calling on ' JOHN J. BLACKWOOD, Secretary of flic Rowan Temp. Society. FVbnia.ry 22, 1834 r tf Stac Accommodation. IRhrcToBWrnence of Travellen, Bn exceN lent Line of A C C () M M O 1) A 'ft O M S T A G I S is established to run between SALISBURY AND LEXINGTON. On Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. It carrier passengers to Lexington in time to take Pecks & Welford's Line to the North.. Salisbury, November 4, 1833. tf harlc)toii and t'herau. THE STEAM-BOAT MACON,' - C m i r h Ait A Ir w ,- HAVING been engaged, last Summer, in run ning between Charleston and Cheraw, calling . at George-Town on herjvay up and down, will re sume her Trips Tn die " course "or a lewdays7Ttior:' is intended to be continued in the trade the ensu ing season. Her exceeding light draft of water, (drawing, when loaded, only about four and a half feet) will enable her to reach Cheraw at all times, except on an uncommonly low river, when- her cargo wilt " be lightered, at the expense of the boat. J. B. CLOUGII. - Charleston, Sept. 20, 1 831. tf N.B. She has comfortable accommodations for a few passengers. J. B C. - "."SaWsVmry Male Academy. - THE SECOND SESSION OF THIS INSTI TUTION WILL COMMENCE On Fri'lay the first pf Novevwer jtexti - fT,HI SubscriVrs, thankful for past patronagry pledge themselves to enter upon the exercise of the next session with renewed zeali - - P.. J SPAR BOW, : - ; .. ' T..W..SrARRQW.v Salisbury, Oct. 5. 1833. . tf " Tim IIisiso formerly iMTiipicd bv (he OflM-a ol the W i stera 1 urtijiijjiniiin. It is situated 011 tlie iiortliMC.it side ot .Main Street, nearly opjuv. site the old State Bank. Apply to tliu J'litur of this pas-r, or to JOHN C. PALMER. . Palisburj', January 30, 1834. tf I'T 11 ST KATE CA U KlAtiETH FOR SALE CHEAP. . THE SoWrilicr has just completed all the re. naira nrcpivnrv fn prnnif .hand furriaire I - -J . . n- which has for some time past been in his ihm. session for that purpose, and now OFFERS IT rOK bALh, tn pursuance of instructtous front the owner, who has no use for it. The Carriage is now as good as when new, and can be seea at my shop by .those desirous to purcliase. " JOHN I. SHAVER. December 8. tf 1 1 1 . $Ka$n2Lliarr. TAKEN UP, near my phintation, in Davidso Couutyv-urih Carolina, A DARK BAY HORSE, 4 BOUT 6 yean old, and rides remarkably welk Do was brought iuto this neighborhood by I Negro man who says that he belongs to Jolit Wolfork, on the Chattihoche River. The owner is requosted to come forward, provt pfuparlyrpay ckajrgy andiaW him away-. PHILIP SOWERS. November 18, 1833. if , NEW BOOK BINDERY. WITH a view to the more efficient prosecutrol of their business, the subscribers hsva et tablisheda BOOK BINDERY. Having pn red the best materials from the North, and em ployed a wortaft.w.foj$m wer recomnMnded, they are prepared to execute on moderate terurfi all orders in this line. Account Books, Records, &e. ruled and mad to order : and everj kind of Binding promptly executed in the best and neatest manner, pO rea sonable terms. T JOSEPH GALES A SON. Aalcigb, August, t3& tf J f