HAS 1L JiJUIH 5 -J wrnmBm SALISlJmtY....SATUnDAY, A1ARCII 29, 1831. in fk. I I w ' - j (hit - 0.16 QW. ) pr thaj MS, rat dftj. ess 'A S. burr, CSZT -CI acute urea1 at .. : 5 OPffe".. they ir- us; Ait art i t w.a ersf rtcs "3 tte- has tbrir Id " PROSPECTUS . or THK .: '. JVori7i Carolina Republican "IN a Government lite ours, the preservation of Liber- - tv depends, mainly, on a general diffusion of correct intbrmalioft emottt? the people. If the people be igno rant of their rights, bow can they guard them against encroachment ?)ur forefathers achieved freedom at the price of much blood and treasure, and we.tlieir eons, can preserve it only by. enlightened watchfulness. As intelligence and vigilance are our greatest safeguards, m iintorance and apathy are the sources of the most danger. " Power is always stealing from the many to the few," and the reason is, that the many slumber while the few are silently at work. No free people ever yet lost their liberties by oen assaults, but many have lost litem by secret encroachments. Ignorance among the people begets another evil, which, above all others, was the bane of the Ancient Republics; thai evil is MAN-WORSHIP. History lust lit 4 us, that, wherever iJwn-wjtfJiWptekPCffiiiTIiiTre political yirtutt.dieivBntt"torilifi faction spring hi rr currupti the principle of Liberty, as Idolatry does pure Relitrron. ' - When our forefathers established the present form of (overnmont, they loudly hoped that we would escape tlie fate of fimuer Republics, and.under tlie wine checks ami gtmrd of a written Constitution, enjoy, tlirough nil time to come, tlie inestimable blessings of Freedom. But uow, at the end of tlie abort period of forty-six yeaix, what is our condition ! Wo liave already reached an alarming crisis in our political afiairs,-tlie very prin ciples ot the Constitution are in imminent peril. We are in lite mslst of a revolution, silent, and, as yet blood lean, but still rapid in its progress, the barriers of tlie Constitution arc broken down and trampled in the dust, all- the powers, whether of the sword or of tlie jmrse, are ostceiitratuig in the Federal Executive ; and even Congress itself is oubitrippexLin tlie rnce of usurpation." It is time for the pcopls .to. awake, from their apathy, they will awake too late their Government will be changed, and their Liberties gone. For the purpose of aiding' other papers in the State in dimming correct "information among the peiple, and to arouse them to a sense of their danger, it is proposed to pnblish, at the Office of the Western Carolinian," a nswr under tlie title which stands at the bend of this Prospectus to be piiuled on. a large size sheet, in oc tavo fin, of sixteen paras, corresponding in siza with tlrtf Examiner," edited ' in Fhiladclphia, by Condy lUgueL t. The .Vorfi Cmralinn RrjmMiran will advocate the doclruies oftlie old Keouwicaii tmrty, as taught by Jer fermm and his compatriots of 1791. i' It "will a.1 Msiate he principles uf Free Trailfi, mm! oppnse all systems, or measures, w!iich have a tendency lo Us- tho many hir the beoitut of Ik iuwr, '" 3." It will stipiiort a libtral policy in ohr'State Govern- ment f the iMfuraj arid hloral condition of ith Cf- hna ; and, with t view of enlightenmg and encouraging; our own citizens by tlie example of others, pains will be taken to si tow what our sister ntates have done, and -aretlning in wnrksof HitproveHient, Usoful Statistrcs, connected with the great interests' of ' the State, Agri cultural, Couiaicrciai, aikl JJiiteral, will be procured and . publithei in tlie Republican ' " . JJ V ., ,4. A portiun pi each nmnber W3rbVoccti:iWl.wTtTi iinpiirtaut Coiieressssial "and Ijfirifiliitive proceeding!'. during the time thiee. bodies limy be in session ; aiuo with the latest and most interesting news of the day, foreign and dtnetic, ami with fitch miscellaneous mut ter as may prove mtrrntmir to tlie enteral reader. 5k Tlie question of ( 'onvnitinn, or refonu of thcCoit' stitutioo. has Cm" tlortv vears divided the oeonle. and an rayed one-section ttf tiie Stale airoinst 1)ip other; and, as a necessary tisisetpuniee, Itas prevented tlie success of nuny UMsuros vitally tuirtaiit to the honor tmt pros perity of Jftirth Carolina ; and, until settM, rt will eon lotue to dt m, . It is o Joubtd.that Ltith parties are sincere and honest in tlifir views: ami the reas-si'wiif lliey have so long ditli'nil, is, tluit nei titer party hns ever y-t bren mode fully acquainted with tlteji! pnleiis:iSM. ut Hie otiier ; clat lkia.tuaitxacUnir uuestwu wu'Uil ere row, bare bsi wtMt djistt - W rtb Im4ik, Uteirf ce, of gtvm to aii the oopnrttny of " mr"ig both sides," it is ajreed to lay beSire the public, in tltr 7 g"s of Hie Rcpulti ait,"Cie afj?fliiTMlU for and igsinst the oteasure ; ami, that this shall be done impartially, it will be so provided, that the arguments on one side slall be prtwuted, by Western, ami on the otltr by F.tern men. Nhing nse effixtually prevents lib ral legislatstn, than ectm,il divisions ami lorn I jealoo si Uicy distract the public mind, and destroy tlmt "Cisntitmiity of feeling, and unity of actsKUsncatcntiaJ to the- sorcess of all srhrme f imprwveMieuU whetliej: plivsiral nr ntoral. Lvery real friend of Ncth(3andiiia lou-l therefore wish to see !! cause of such divisssis awl' jealousies retisvel, and to hail lite day which alia 1 1 find us fine people, acting togctlter for the genoral good uil pnasKUyU'titS) SU1. . R. In the bro(wf season, eorrect Uble trf the lYtces Current will be regularly given. ?&M$ '- The North Carolina Republican will be publisJied srmi-nmnthly, that is, on the first and third Monday in wit nsstlh, dunruv tho pmd of one yeai olilf, unless ns patronage may be mtrh as demaad its osttuiuaitce. Ksi'h nuiiits-r wdl rnnlain 10 psircs, carefully put up. that at tti ehd of f year each tnbsc rrtter wdl kw s volimm of ti pugim tilled with mtcrestinf tnd useful matter. The price (aubscripiJoii is Oai DoiXAt, in til cases to be uaul i m'inrr. Tlie 1st .Vvwill a)slsrnATie 4T Msiihy hT3I.T, slssild II MihscriptkMl lis justify tlie publication. As the object of the pohlieatiou U rssl to Mke nsmey, but to supenrt the riehts of the psople, an ipneal i now miiile to the friends of Const it ut sail liberty, to uilerest tWulke ia pftcuriug subscribers. ...... All who may be pi eismgh to procure luibsrribert, will, by ths first day of March, com.nunira.te to tlie pub lisher the number and names Set pmrnred, retaining lbs Dsstey in tlieu- bands unt.I ootfiod tliat UiC paper will crnamiy spprsr. ,h i , - CO" All Ltllars and CarumuBicatins must be ftd Armr4tan paid) tu the ".North Carolina Riiisjhliesn, HsJistmry, Nislli Ca rl ma where taey wdl be pruinpt- JaiurjljuybJLV : F133I AliK SCHOOL, i taught er The Rev. Stephen Frontis a&d Lady. rpiIE Subscriber, twisted by. his taoV, proposes v ojwn a r ivu a Litu tschuuij at ms noose, on Monday the litk day of April next, where all fche brunches usually (aught in 4milajr institutious con be acquired. Having had some experience m instructing loung Ladies, he flutters-hinisell thut his assiduous care to teach thoroughly the va rious branches which constitute a Literal Educa tion, and ft lead his pupils to form correct Intel-IiM-tuut ami mural habits, w ill ensure to him and his Lady the coufulcuce of the public, and a share ot their Utttronage. Ceinir a native of France; the subscriber" will also teach the .French Language, which he has lornicly taught, both at the JJortb and at the South. Parents 'who may wish toadd to the cduca (Ton of their, daughters, an acquaintance with that useful language, will have an optmrtunity which, K is presumed, is seldom enjoyed in tliis'part of the country The Session will be of live months, and the terms of tuition, per Session, as follows : For Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Arithme tic, with plain Hewing ami marking,--? $4 00 ..J'(.lr lb6, kpvejjtygejte withEiig.Omtn-, inar, farsing, (ieogrnphy. History, Picta- tion, ConiiKtsition, and needle-work, ... 8 00 For Nut a ml Philosophy, Rhetoric, Logic, Cliemistry, and the F'lrciich Latigvmge", ' v 10 (M All accounts must lie closed ut the end of each session. Boarding can be hnd in the neighlsr moii. inKiiuioy cull uc iiuu ill uiti iieiyumr- sJ, in most respeclable families, at the moderate r &i fti I e ot 91 to l prr week. I he house of the Subscnlier is situated close by Ium rate IJethany C hurch, t miles from Slatesvillc, on the main road leading to Hockford. I S I KI'HKN h ROM IS. P. S. It will be indispensable for iho scholurs to Isl furnished with the class-books adopted in the Scliool. 1 O. t . I..UI lWa.k 90 1H3J li ifclrtie Ol III 1.1 111 t OtV.IIl. " I iftir:t, m "H1 nM rj1 T" it . a 'iiij ouow:riocr, imviiig ooiuiiMio MHters oi au- imnistration on the hstate ot illiain Cowiui, time prescrilted by hiw, duly authenticated, or this notice will be plead in bar uf their recovery, H. IS. r LI'.MINU, Adiu'r. Rowan County, March W, la'3f. 6t Bank of Capc-Fcur, ) 11O0KS of 8ubseriti4tn fr tlie increased C'-hjh- s tiilolfhoi link. fiiillioriiMHl hv tlin I .einwlntnr. at Uicir last Session, will 16i oteiied at the place demgriiH-wfc-w-tii Cha rif-''-''-t! On Tuesday the ltt Of ABril next. - , .,.. - ur7 uyB .oereauer, uh-ic, iuu uuimmi vi mo Mw.mg iiuiiiBsiooi rs . City f Raleigh. Hm E.-ellene y 1 WhI L. , f -. - ntn hv-eileney I.KivkI k.. s; tr;ti;.. ' mi u-jj ' xy -..i... - " nu (v. uuroo, i i ... i r,. . " '""r-,mni ictuvti Fayrtttnli- II;Toniner, Kohett kririKO, K. J. Hale. C T. H iisrh. John W. Wrinht. Az-icfccm. llisi. i Imni (.nsliin John Rnrr. - - - vi. . -i J,.l,n W. Cniiui Julin M P..!..-., FJentfin. Joseph R. Skinner, Jonathan II. ""i'- II n.ktui Williniii 11 I? !' I III l.- ....... ... M.ii.i .1 iMim. i. ii.;ii:. i ..:..i. i ' vs. vuuna . iiiiiiim, tfueiuu IUHK'1,1 John W. Norwood, Jam- Web. iaien. John V. nliim, Linanuel Phober, John geccasco, ai rei.ruary oession 01 Kowan Uiuiity. v T;"irJ.i: ' " . " people to the sovereign imhio o themselves, und to Court for IH'U herehv mm nnie t nil ner.n neighborhood of jTtli Arm.hadftr some time back been 1 , r , . i -l Court for 1W4, hcaby g,vts notice to all persons s hits bran ih- egute.1 the I rust of presenting it to having claims of any denommat.on agamst the es- who WH(iri fi)r mil h mme oJymm Wi. y.uxilir.determiuHt.o.i.. .Our duty will be best per- tuXe o.aid Uucedeiit, to present them fcilhm the y..m. . widow with mm W and n m.wit.in. f- formed bv ouiiUinir cverv anneal to vour tWinus nrj .i..rnuauui.',.;.w w. , .v,.wUWKJJmitJsj Aawftsryr-Msxwell Chambers,-Tlinmas' I I'owan, David r Caldwell, John I Ward, Jr. ' Charlotte. William J. Alexander, Washington M.irriaiKi Willimn V fvuin. I ZEiiiabttk City. Johu . Baity, Mile White, John Me Morin. Halifax. Joseph Simmons, Mark Pcttawav, Rols-rt C" lWtnd,Aralnw Jornrr. Tarhoroiigh. Sis-ncer D. Gotten, James Y. Clurk, Jorioph K. Lloyd. n arrenton. w illmm Ilurhngham, neldisi N, Kdwartls, Edward Hall, Dr. I'oite. Milton John T. Garland, John Wilson, Mo- nweiher Iewis. OKWsiaa- Vardv ifcllcr" Charles C. lien- demon, Dartlett Ship. Morgantim. John Caldwell,-Isaac T. Avery, O I 1 a fennmti v.. Into. asntnron. jl mm A. Klount. Allen Itnee, wilimm l feitosiv. . . iradVs&orosfi. Absahtm Myers, Joseph Med- ley, A. W. Hrandon. .VtirrrraAorotteA. Iwis M. Citwper, Bridger J. Mmitgomerv, Tristram Csr lieart. r , Trr01 B Kuu"wcUail'1 law, JosMlh Holly. I By ft rvsolulHSi of the Hoard of Directors, the r. i . 1 . . r u i ; . it , loiimussmnrrB win r!iie rrrpnTmewtut rsoii rip-j tiisis for 8uk, (as equivalent to specie) Notes of the fidtowinff Hanks, vial JJfste llank of North Csntlins, B.mk of Newbem, Bank the United n. ,,-71 . - y. . - n 7 e t. I i.raine, 7. .r-Tr -Bank of the State of South Carnhna will not be taken ," but such notesof the othsr Banks of Ssith Carolina, as are payable in Charh"iii j also Notes of the " Dank of Virginia," and 44 Farmers' Huilfof Virginia w f e ce(4 tb-I!nu-bc t WineUastcr and Frtxlcrickslsirg,) may be received at a discount of 1 J per cuit, as an equivalent for thectpense which this Dank will lytcessnrdy incur iu rendering such Notes available as Hporie. JAVES OWr.N'8, President. Wilmington, Map.tt '21, 134. 4t . , (fc7" Kvery description of BLANKS are kept on band at Uus OlLce, and will bo sukl very dicuply. MISCELLANEOUS. '. , TOjTIIK PIMVfllR.. . remut a.giddy trifling tri For once to fill your Poet's Corner, n . . " ' She cares not how the critics snarl, Or beawuuauuicjira h'JT Sheiiii'gjiJn' print her lines to seej" - -.- ' . OHige her (sure you caut refuse it,) And, if you find her out, your fig . ---'. Shall be to kiu hef if yea chootp.iLs TIIE FAIR SEX. V When Eve brought WxwLto all mankiml, " Old Adam called her iro-man But when she teoo'd with love so. kind, ; .He then pronounced heT Koo-nmn, But now with folly, and with pride,' Their husbands keenly trimming, . The ladies are so full of trAim. -. ' . The people call (hem traiM-uien, " OLD BACHELORS. . He who aUme would ever live, IKtserVes to always live ultmt " . No syin)utliy lias he to give No joys that he can call bis own. Like some uncultivated field, His breast all tenantless doth lie ; No fruitage the waste soil can yield, - vAnd buds of hoa but spring to die. From the JVcw York Courier $ml EiHjitirer. - -AINGOT;AfirCA A dimiuutive colored loan. b the. name of .VTPumcr, wlio, as lie alleges, htnnerlv tollowed Uiesea, and served for a period of four years a id a half on bourtl the ship Brtlliaiit, but for theinst;sii omwiIImi lias lived ashore in the smiles of Miss Julia Aan Oliver, a strap ping wench residing in a back apartment in the reurot 1 f . , " , T,, r , 'f AI,,,.t . st-. ,;e fe .fu7 w'l'm tw .ln week, and (lie balance of lite time attends to Tier domestic concerns, such as "turning the cup" and "cut- mg t)l0 b,.," or, in. plain terms, telling fortunes. Screamer, who had profited to no sinulf extent by the lessons which had bocn set him by Julia Ann, in pro- press ot time U,t up Uie resolution to turn "Indian JMrtor bywsy of aiding hisholpinate m the honest mi nrin ill inf. pnnivni 1 r. n w inrnmiirTim in 1.1 .( 1 .. """" ""- - -1 trarv. nur d iav resti tei n t ie .,.I.I...L..nn, ..CI.!., f ... 1 1 ..... 1. I.......,:......., I ,Un Ul,f km i..,l,r,n,,t mnA .A W,m n l.i. I ' 7'"" ' I'""""" creuuioiis employer, u apH'rs mui an oia niny, mej motiier-in-iaw ot fllr. l'atrick wiis, who kees a groee- tlui Indian Doctor, took the $n lui Indian Doctor, Uwk the Opportunity Ut recoinmcnd ami prejudices, ami we content ourselves by laying urn seriously tb Mr Ellis, for the cure of tlie old lady, before you FACJ'S, which make this npitea Irro n due "raw itlie Jfcctof ws ul f. knd wr rHy stmhr, if rtis t. brWrrTTtrwt.y he rulers of Jus. him II Ust psvt r Tisft-w-thiramTctBd Myhmn be" Wcj sijatn ts4 ?ih he-eouhi--eir Without the sliilitutl litfiealty. hnvinir had much experience in the care of the dropsy, "ami aU' Wich-eort of things,". -Klli being a'nxKtHs fir tlie old hulv's restoration to health, and over JUtU. lHOI(HUUS Ol MWUVIM UU I .kill, and-rmposed upon too by the IWVlisileritol evon t itiim nl reiinnl. lie lienor ono nTl h w in iirae. ealtice upon the nwxim of "no curs no Uniiilv airreed f to enttairo hm tir ma l;aT I !-SrfimSrJi woo, iroin nis prescripiMms, mum in i ienm nnvp nnnersrimi t in niMinier in r.inn. it lie niiriwirr tliat ot ins tnotlter. Mo in trie first place direcU-d Mis vo pnw.in) a si.me p., aim an iron ono tmo me inv- cr he u'r,;cl unn to put the foll(,wing mgreilients v : ha . ...u.Ia.1 km. I., m.l ll.a R. ..m ..M.ul i- I u"." ' ".?' r. T rWT"': - . 'J pint ot sttiriw, nail a pull of irin, luui pint ot I , i. .. . r: i... j "r i...... ..... I nf trtcti rtT flii. .dt rt4 4iBlte w-Minfl tif anA I 1 vi utfii ,nini,vi wi .Vi. null . il'iJl. m fr nin'l vP.., 1 1 i i g,n -rJie?e were to be simmered I ptef a slnw. firs i fir ! stone pot, snd then , at the end of which ilMinn.i.1 l.il.. iliA fl.w fifteen minutoii. nd tirrhd ini the I carefully set a wnv for twelve hosrs. i . .. ' . j .. . time V t nieces ot silver were to be dronoed Into tits le- cortion. one by one. Then irrcat care was to be taken , ., . - , . i ., ..I T " ,MUC . Tl"""a V,e UvU) " HJ "ft l vinegar, prepnuory u uie aspucaiHSi tn uie lotusi. vn , . ,..,.. ,., K. ..n Oil ' : .. - in miiinliilhrt whmkev. whu-h mna fumia Ixol uitiuiH reluctance, but when the nmetv-five nieces nf silver werw demamM, he reinsert ootnijlit, anttl amumd by J uvr "J w ciiarma. UraugUtliKb Uieprowns-would iraire nj"m in, yr in (hhmuh, u muv-.,, ami and water" wisiltl restore them to a fit eomlitiutl fin circulation, no person being aware of tiie purpose for wiucu utey nau ouen atMfeo, - Aner an uus prernra tmft, Uis Dm ti U'trau Ins operatssts on tlie f!llowuig snsninat but Uta diacuveriiig that tlis lsuwl a Uu I min, which conswiiMmtly rHoutroit mrrty-hvs-ptes luiir.C.klgive.iLtlie.l'nwr cousislenev, these, were ob tained and the process again resisted, lo a aeeoud iliiit-j merinj, until the Doctor pnsssineed ev"ry thing in ap-' nle-pye oriler bit the cure, winch would lie etlected, as he aswireil tliein, in sins days. This promise, which. had it held pood, wimld have turned oflt the ninth wis der, unfortunately failed Oram the second trial, Fir Doc tor dreamer but owning according to apisMiitment to srssy his charmed omtmenV AsiMs aros w Ut hiiihI I ' "ie "M w'J' 'nfl rttstng tne ltd of tlw stone pot, dts 7 u' " 7. " I WU UIKtTlUIU BK BlIillR WHIR ItlNI nir"T VI UUI a.- M.kiw. ti.n i- AirLtw tliem: or liiat tlirvbail dissidvcd m the linnid r.wn- 4 (mind. Uaaa sisusJtuwessr. la IJia JJuctora. ALUS Julia Ann pretty soon satisflod kirn tliat it bis silver pieces bad evaporated. Doctor Screamer had dope so r"M '. f n Uay beflut), n 'T u,ne.ne " w u,em', "V"?' 10 lMwent in pursuit of tits JWlnrissn, by ibaasluf Mr. . 1 UTIhK th inmertnr nf Dm .th .rtL U miSiiimI at t),e five points, and led in triumph to tlie police office. I M.. r. it ... ... ... imxMjun vu cumineq ny yusore vv TSMn,wnomoi sratcmeiit of the case, and' miiiulwl down Bis wcrpe we cure of the dropsy, at the same time inqniring .F'T , m , . i f1 Thel!i iVs tor was imabla satisfurtorilr to account Pir7iTaio,lirn n ..T.nltjTSumiiad tokeil Them;lMrt enie,! tliat the wb.de amounUj to mors Uian ton or twelve ilollara, being nrinciially made up of ton cent pieces and other small silver coin. The mi jri strife find in? this to be t novel case, had recourse to lite R visnl htfatute to' ascertain tit section uf ths. law em bracing the case Una taking up smite time, and Uie aU tetition (4 the officers and bye-standccs beinir temtssw- rily withdrawn tVotn the llcti, md riven to Julia Ann and ths oneyed, Diana, wist had both .accrsnsi nled the parties to tlie polics oflire, be embraced Uie oppslun ity t tenre he olfii-e umhsrrved. t 'hnse was in a rHl tune given after the I )).-, but a I atiemftts In ovrrtnk htm provoil fruillins, ami at isir Istn4 se csmtn, which are brouTtit ilown to tlie cte of tlw of ace Umj ni;'ht, the Doctor bad not yet been rcUkcn. STATU AITAIKS. Address to the People of North Carolina, - om Tus'sVaJBcr dr.M: '. . AMENDING TI I E ' CON STITUTlp M - :J IgFTHK STATE. " : ' The general right ofa Xfajority of the qualified voters ill "a State to alter their Const iiul ion in any manner which may suit the pleasure bf thut ma jority, is, in our country, indisputable. Dut tlie practice ol the American. Mates has determined, thut the most ordinary, and ttorliaps therefore, the iiHwt appropriate, method of rtmedyiig CimwtitUt tional evils, is through the medium ofa State Con ventiiHi, aiitliorizcd, ami in its incipient steM, to guhited by law, Acconlingly, imire than .30,(100 freemen uf this State petitioned tlie lasKieucrul Assembly, to provide means fr tho cuuif evils in tlH1t ConstitiititMi, against which tliey have been coinpliiining fur inore than 110 veers. This appli cation was inude under the additional sanctum of your Kill of Rights, which reserves to the people a right M lo petition the Leginlature for a redrew of their grievances, antf to tnxtrvct their Ktpretenta tiret ;" Isit it was rejected by the House of Com mon, after having passed the Senate id the shape (4 the Hill which has been apis?nded to this Addrvsa. On the evening of the day when this Bill, for udaiig-the eoisej)f..lha.peypte.wiiij jcjectciL a meeting of the Representatives of a niajority of the (Kople took place, for tho rsirrntw of adopting such measures as were best call-muted to .iieet tho just itxpctaiiens of the majority, . The greafer miintsT of them believing that a fair and free discussion ol the alterations to be proposed in your Constitution, and of llio gruuuds uhiu which a, change is denuuuU el, would reconcile the muairity to their luloptioii, were unwilling to recommend to tlieir constituents an exercise of tho right to prs:eed without the tanetion of legislative authority ; U:t hoping that a common interest, a sense of iiiKtie4, a oroiM;r re- HMH.t p,r rtl0 ilindnnienttd principl. f oT"s.Hil.f g- ... . ...... fernuielif - mwl it (liasiluiiM l tftf iMw n.nul a the motives ofa niajority, limy co-oprrule tosicure i... . . ..r ..11 .:. ...!?.. ! u' un i:uoiis 10 nils iH-cessarv reiorni, lrtemirifief tn 'mtrviin (lie nnairja imtinuliul 1... lU!. r..u,,. ru.u; lul.l lu.f.. 'I'l.,. 1 1 ... fj1Us pn:st!iifeT TAioi'er IneniTglieliTnU n mlt ,.w l.n-mken from the servants ofllio iftfc-Zt : -l JSi - - - I CXEQl'At R : I'll KS EKTATI0!T Tlw first tu proiuiiMJutvttofiict in your Stuto Ciswtilulimt, wliHh it ispntiMiMetl tocorrecti is, thai .... . l . . . V 7 I ,1 ' , r.l;.'1,fwrff m "- -n.iuij, niiuui n nuru inis Size. IstWimtuTUkl laXt's, ITiisw thG source of ifrtsis grca pulitical evu. a ware now easuy you maybe uecrmtd into H-Siatm .-a. .i i. t Iftll . -T Address, and desinsis lo a.lva.e no, that Van de , . , -..fi.ii,, ,i r, ,r- 1 ' ' J I' ' " I""' ' "1 IITO 1 H.IW llnrta nf .p r..nei lWiw.sirs.,.1 it.x i....r n.... - r .,..! - iw 'mm Tnfcen Tinder III aiitriOritWir flu l'vtt...t H I Hlllftft. kllMh vbtlll'ftl- ill .mim.iiijihi . L. 1 rsiltlie;Tsxe, Fritrral Population, wmJ While Po- pulufiisi, of each risinty in the Slate.' Il is jicre j,w.rtm ami we beg you to examine it t 9 . .... ... . .. . "... . . ... I... 7?., i . . f uu . Jlljinilll 1AIHM.A11 Ml A t Mlr.Tr tf Tixes. and White Pn. C" " Z' rra,ni UP'"'. liwirtie. of ...i ...... i i .i , . v . .. . I ivwin-v-mrnnun, compiiefi msn Uie lleveuuu List uf I lr' and Ui IVimiu XUI ' UioW FeMdPo- milefs ps'ifina. pv tit Ion. I Anu. . . AiTst n,"P tvs JlX v,. 4e'l(W t.olunibus, L'limtutk, -"fanidenr Chowan, . IKK I - 4tW l.lMt -i 4.SI. . tHf JJM 7s Vi) m Hm ' :m rm - l.lmTsfs " - - IM 3,;i 1.7110 "R.lkXl"' ft.? mw 4MI0 ft.'.'OU ft.KK) 7.IKI0 4.41X1 0sM n.ltxi 3,1 XXI 6X 2,71X1 -4SW- iHiptm, r'ranklin. "njtio (ates, treiie, Hyde, Hertfis-d, llnywnul, JlMWS, Jiinston, . Isniir, fit aeon," " M'sj, . M.irtin, Nshi ) ,:sxt :t,ixx 4.IXXI 4.JIX 2,:xi 7Jxio ' a?uo G-t.tXlH . 6.IMMI ft.lXX) 4's-XI ,tmiduw. 4Vil)0 .. I'sMiuutan k. ... 6JM) 4;X - a.4ix)r s.mr lVnuununs - l'frssj, . . ItiifmoTOt; Kolsison, rkniMon, ..' " Tyrrell,. T."; - Wanhingtisn, Wayne, Bertie, . H.IIX) UJIO 1V-1X) T.KKI 4,-ju) ."a,:sW a,un5 - .7i) - 0.'XX) 0.(11X1 IMxl n,:xx) 41 " ',,,,Xr'4 Rlgeconih, timunllo, . 0 tisi 7.isx O.lun R.hxi .7IW I latitat, l:iN(x) -narmwr2. Km : 4,f10- Nis-diauipUin, . rut, - djm 47U 7.1(10 . v,a . 7,-jtxi " 7.IKH) 7i"J (Ltm .-U(W-.7JlilU . mil . (UK xi W 7.1M1 4.k" IsNI - - - lsXI . " 'J.l pal 1 '. l.uu VI JtT 5,11X1 A.HXI 4.JO0 1 1.4'M) Warren, . J Wake, m-S . 2vV A. wsj, . I,UK) " HmKStil(0,' " ' ' 1 ,t H M Burke, . . 1,4111) Cliatliara, . 1,:U) lu;kxi 10,1X10 P.tXXI 17.-.1X) li-iix) : nipxf ' Wtn 12.(100 7.txt) l'l.Tix) I7.TIXI l.Vtfl Vl.tH.10 I. 1,1s XI -lux x - 10. 100 V.ixx) . M'xi fI,'XX) li;tixi 17"X) II. 'xi 17,(sJ0 Ciimlterland, . &Wt Caswell, , Cabarrus 1vnUsi,. (illllfilfd, . Ire.el1, le" HS) ttlll l.tlX) M 2,000 Lincoln, Mot'klciihurgI Montgomery, (iraiie, . - lloi?kiugluun, lUndolph,. Rowan, Kiitherford, Stokes, ;' '. fMTrry, " ' Wilkes . - ; . (HK) -17i00 12.H00 MX) 10,tXK) tSTsKJ . 2,300 VtUslO ' 1(1,IXK) 1,M ll,'J(X ' 8,4(X) IsMD 11,H0(I ' 10,MK)- 1,71s) .. 18,.k)0 -14,5(10 .. , lxw . io,ax) Hjxxj. l;H) .15.1(10 : l:)JNiU '7't,iiwrr''i,7r---- v , io:- ; ii,4oo' luua-r-- Are your laws founded upon Uie public will! Make choice of the basis which accords lunf witK your opinions, of enual right and justice, whether it be taxes alone, white jto.ulation ftlonc, or federal -iMtiMilat ion alone j or population and taxes combined still, you will perceive that in this State, a mine. - . rity of one-third govern and lax a majority of tiro, thirds. The 38 counties first named in this table, elect a liiujority of bVith Hbiises of tlie General As.'"""' seinbly, and yet, thev pay no more than one third of die public taxes. Thev contain but very few ex. cecding one third of tho Ftderul population, and : not ojHXhird of the IV kite population of tho State s tins equal i ; ij . , ' ' 1 I he necessary expenses of your State Govern. ment are about .80,000 dollars por year, and, sc. corumg io lis nrgninzainsi, eacli county is a source , I precisely tne sumo cost to tlie public revenue, -' - ami tliero- lieuiL' 04 counties, Ihe nn.isirtion f,f ncli w r'oO.. llut the snmp 33 couiitiea which ontribute less tlmn one-third oftliis revenue, do cost inorrihi hiitf of thrtmiu ififdruvrTByl.' curring to tho table, you, will pnrceivi that lliey - - wy t2,700, while they cost $4150, which is an excess of 1H,400 dollars cost, beyond .their e.g- . grrgnrr, rtrxr?. - is u just, tnat lliey slroukt elect a majority of thp legislature 5 : - - - bomo of these counties cost vou "fair times n linicli as they pay : oiliers three times as much s many others, twice as much. Is it just, or wise, . that thi'ir representation should be equal to tho others T " j . There are twenty -four counties whose aggre gate eoipensato..your Ci ovenimeut is more than - - dmiblo their a-'gn-gato public tax s and twenty of .1 J . ..... .7. .1.'.. n. ...' " " .""'.' --'f.": uiono ih isiiimy iiuu uiu x reusury a sum equal to tho w ages of their own Members, added to a just proiHirtitHi of the incidental -charges' f Lrrisla " tion aliHie j and twelve of them pay an aggregate U 1U L.l Jllll m.ly u,!.,. ..n. . . nreivo Isick H,tM10 ! Is this rightl Is, it just towartls neople wlfftse revolutionary stnurirle rest- ed upon the basis " that taxation and representation 1.1 . .1 AM ' siKSiui go logetner ( i .l ri I here are forty counties in the State which do " not jmy taxes to cover Ibx-ir cost to" your Govern-"" ment, ami- is u pruueui w reiuse your aid in cor. roctinjr tli rule which- Tests them, with the power of elect inir fwri-Wiirds iT itsir TttW-iiivers ? " ' " "" Do the counties, which are Hum deficient in their -ftutxibutitni to your pnblie revenues, and so oner. : eus ly4JeireoiHVcoHiaiu aiilsjimit--i.Jiil a..: i:i ... . . I . , , uuiiuwuiui am Mimua iimif uukim Ut tlie re--- presentation they bfrvetAre'thev ht 1 condition--"-" - to givq jiersoual services.'or to bear personal bur- Z Tl:.."..' - t.:t -.tf.--.t - 1. 1 k:hb, nicn jumiiy tins exemption I rum pecuniary lauxaaiisv'witts (hoy Jaaivsa' jysatre'sssitafsw wk h tlie largest cisuuios I A ieiwto the taltfe" of -- tlieir population, a ill otole.rniine Ihis-questuNi 4e- . - yiwid all (MMitradictiisu Look at uTaiid ttien let- reason and cwiscience answer these Jippiiriciu. JJ Their pijsilatin is' as dispntjiortionate to the -' er Jlicyxcrcisij; m Uwi .P"i rrmivln";oiia action; of the "State." ha wt " much jpolitieal weight ate sews In another, of six in another, or Jrt in another, iic. Two-third of rim community pay one-third of tho same com. mimity to be tlieir masters. Disguise it at you may, this is the naked truth. We would not wea ry you by comparing the population and taxes of separate counties togo titer, nor can it be necessary that we should. " : . . - : Yet we must is4 omit to state, tliat thii nns lnsiglit into exUence and fosters a spirit of sectiisnal hisrtility, which mars the pence of Vo ix K'oore-. sjri niatonairy impedes tlio Rdv.. . nwut of the comiiHsi yssJ. . This ie so pLuJy truo, tluit rssto who Itus any regard for his tliarac tr, will venture to deny U. . s ' - t'l'heder are some W ihe .reasons which sustaiii the ilemund that bus been made fnrKmnl Ri,t - 'i'ho tiifirestrulercTrf takect "M the KtatA. ut if nioction for rresidont jf the, United Suites, w , 63,000. At the lust Auri4 election, mors tl. , half that number Voluntarily voted in favor changing this feature of Jour Constitution ; m l t a' T y pons nau u acpt opeu in aU tlie counties ur, UiC autUurity of law, there ta no doubt that n two-thirds, of lheviftteni .would have sanctiom d it. A majority, then, demand this re Cirm i i lllIP f I yernnrmit ( and will the minority refuse to pnn i.'.j for it by tho established forma of law 1 Can t! v Jainvaifcl bs cisisinlunt in their ttnchrirnt to II pildrraiiisin Is the- prfvilege too trifling to cre ate such teal and perseverance aiiMsm those wl. .k it T Tliiiii llw atcifai m L who ysdd .up a rsiwer which thev tan lav no 'ma claim to. Ihit tho right of representation f.,jr ami equal representatMSi of Uie jsnde i now aiurthrr namo for civil freedom and Ihe slniL':;Io fr it can never ceaso while tho snirii nf I 't wu ei-ts in our land. Fneinen who resUi it. ,K jury in tli- nm lvt s j tliey ciiiiiK enter upm so It a wnnare, wnnimi sctiin Iln'ir prim i.. s as sl.ix s to tlie spirit of pnrtv. Tolicv, fMitri..ii.,,i, h,.. If-InterfKf.ntiife 1n rvcrtiiniig il,.m t do Jkt;U v and prcsurxe eipiaUfy in their (.overnment. II. Tiie in;i.i,Ti'HK. Tit your present t'oni'-ition, the (.' uenl ,s. senJyjiiect ejrsira7y, h.,,1 it is p,-op,., a,'irr . . i i i ii "i io nave otrnnmi si ..i.itm, ex'-ent of emergency; sr., nt (!, ,:!., i; , .( i',, the nunils'r of men,! is, . ' '. -i I Ins is a pnii!i'.ri hi u cd, and the iilierntniii is i! n.-. licit 0,7 11 A new county w i its KiiiiNiim h.i v , I to toko it into aco. ! .1 ! ,j.,jiL..

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