ffn-TTT TTD "Rvl SALISBUilTSATUilDAT;:m''A:-18; the I RI. "5L Lit KL. iro- . ine tea fork j uU raff flrf IP lis ! -V f t'4 LMt Itbi vaj 3 ihiif k' aj PROSPECTUS or TUB IN Government like our, the preservation of Liber- '. ty depends, mainly, on a general diffusion of corrects iiifiirinatw among the people. If the people be igno-1 rant of Uieu rights, how can. they guard tliein, against encroachment ! -Our forefathers achieved freedom at the price of much blood and treasure, and we, their sons, can pieaerve it only by enlightened wutchfulness. As intelligence and vigilunce are our greatest safeguards, so iirnoranco and apathy are the sources of the mtst danger. " Power u always stealing from the. many to the few," and the reason is, that the many slumber while the few are lilcntly at work." No tree people ever yet lost their liberties by o(en assaults, but many have loot them by secret encroachments. Ignorance among the people begets anotlier evil, which, above all others, was the hanft of the Ancient Republic; that evil is MAN-WORSHIP. History trach;remYtht,w4t ever mwi-wHhifi. take xMJkm, political virtue dies, and sordid riictionn norms? Up it cnrrupui the principle of Liberty, a Idolatry doe pure Ritlririon.- - -- - When our forefathers established the present form of iiuvenuneni, uiey lomny uoicu mm we woum ewupc the fate of former" Republics, and, under the wie check and iniards of a written Constitution, enjov, through all tune to come, the inestimable blessings of Freedom. But now. at the end of the short period of fbrty-six year, what is our condition 1 We have already readied an alarming crisis in our political aifaira,--the very prin ciples of the Constitution are inimminent periL ' We are in the niidat of a revolution, silent, and a yet blood less, but wt ill rapid in it progress, the barrier of the Constitution arc broken down and traiiipledln the dust, all the powers, whether of the sword or of the purse, arc concentrating in the Federal Executive ; and even Congress itelf is outstripped in the race of usurpation. It is time for 'the people to awske from their apathy, afidErTfiot they will awake too ite their Government Will be changed, and their Liberties gone. ' For the purpose of aiding other papers in the State in diffusing correct information among the people,' and to aroUse them-to a sense of their danger, it is proposed to publish, at the Office of the " Western Carolinian," paper under the title Which stands at the head of this Pnmpectus to be printed on large site sheet, in oc tavo fitfRi, of sixteen page, corresponding in size with tie ."'.uuiukw''iedited''u"'Phildelphn by Comly Raguet, ; . r ,. ; ; ; ; - ....... J; e 3f(rrt ikptmn RrfnMirm will advocate the doctrines of the old Republican party, as taught by Jef ferson and his compatriot of 17'JH. 2. It will advocate tlie principles of Pree Trade, and opMe al systems, or measures, which have a' tendency U Ux tit manV for tlte benefit of the few.- - ; ' S.-It will sitpfxirt a fibeftl po!fcy In our StateGorem nient, iul advocate all reasonable plan for the improve lrrniTmt,whii a vtetrorentiifhtenini and SicoiKairiuif ciiroerti.M " taken mwwht wtrii!ter ettate mi done, ana are doing, in works of unpntvenienW" Osefbl Statistirs, connected- with the great interert of .the Bute, Agiv 'dtKuraUCommeirial, mM merai, wilt be procured and puhlisiied, in the Republican. .4 A portion ot each nnmbeT will b occupied with iit?mit..CreaLii4,.LiidiV prucecduig during the time those bodies- may be in session ; also "'wiUt the latest and oet interwting newaof the day, (ireiirn and dmwtKS ami with such miscellaneims mat ter as may nrovc interestirur to the ireneral n-ader. . UXUeiUtuu uf :f titutim, his for thirty years divided the people, and ar rayed one section of the Htate ajainst theter ; and, a neeessary miequence', has prevented the success of hMny-nHanretlMly Hnportant totlie honor aixl prut, perity of North Carolina; and,' mtiil settled, it will con tinue to do sn. It is not aHititel Uiat both parties are sincere and bonest in their views ; and the rrasisi why "they have so long rtiflbrndv w. that neither psjty Imtfft jrt't Imen made thlly aivpiainted with the jnst pri?tenions or tlte other ; else this distracting question would, ere now, have been amicably adjusted.- With tlte view, therefore, of giving to all the opportunity of hearing , b'th sides," it is agreed to lay before the public, in the p"es of the Republican, the arguments fiir and against the measure ; and, that this shall be done impartially, tt will be so provided, that the arguments n one sine shall h"'fremrtrby AV'estnra4i-MM-Uk-otlMt.by Eisfern moi'u AiSTiTng'iliJVre eiirTiaTeyT'fevehta ral legi8iatioi,tliiui sectional divisions and local jealou sies they distract the public mind, and destroy that "community of feeling, and unity of aetkm, so essential to the success of all schemes of improvement, whether "MyicroFmor;ir. Every real friend of North Carolina must therefore wish to see all cause of such divisions :nd j'"alfsisiesjwrive(land to hail the day which shall Tim! us one people, acting together Tir Ihe'gcheaTjjwI id imwpnrttT of the State. " - ' " t In the proper season, Correct tabic of the Prices Vurrcat will be regularly given. - . -TKRMSi JTio North Carolina Repiiblicin will be mtblished waiMiHmtlilv, that is, on the first and third Mondr.r in each mouth, during the period of one year only, unless us pntrmtage may be such as to demand its continuance. Kich number will contain lfi paces, carefully put np, w that at the end of a year each sulMcriber will have a ..Wln-ine ofjli page, iliei.with mteresting aBdVusefiiT in.. ii. i. , The price of snWrijition is Ox DrnXAR in all case to he pant in tHtvmirr. ' The 1st No. will appear on the 3d Mwdsy in. MAY, should Uie suircription yst justify the publication. " " As the object of tlie whl icatW is not ntt ke rwney. but to support the rights of the peoph?, an appeal is nflw made to the friends of Constitutional liberty, to interest themselves in arwnrrog subscribers. All who may be swd enouirh to procnte subscribers, ill, by the first day of March, communicate to the pnb kshr the number and names o procured, retaining -the nnwiry in UIR1T IMOUS U1IIU nOUIlUU Uink UIO 11 "-'I win eanauu appear. r ... ........ . fO" All Iietter hnd Communications must be sd sirsed (post paid) to the "North Carolina Remilrcatt, 5slisbury, North Carol im; where they will be prompt ly attended to. January lotli, ll. FEMALE SCHOOL, TAUGHT BY ' The Hy. Stephen FrOntia nd.Lady. THE 6ulribcr, tuisisted byhi Lady, proposes io open a FEilALE SClOOL at Urs house, on -Monday the tith darvfAitril vtrtrvben all Ltho branches usually taught in similar nut it ut ions can be acquired. - lluving had some exiiencncu ui instructing Young Ladios, lie flatters limittell that hisassiduou care to teach thoroughly the va Ftou8 branches which constitute a Liberal Educa tion, and to lead' hiif pupils tc fof n correct intel lectual and mural habiu, will, ensure to him and his Lady the confidence of the public, and a share ol Jhoir patroiiHge. Jioing a native of I ranee, the sulscnbcr will also tench the French Language, which he him kirnierly taught, both at the North and at the South. Parent w ho may wish to add to the educa tion of their daughters, an acquaintance with that useful language, will have on 0ortunity which, it is presumed, is seldom enjoyed in this part of the country. . . The Session will be of five months, and the term of tuition, txtr Session, a follows : For Reading, Writing, Sjielling, and Arithme tic, with plain sewiiu' and nmrkinir, 84 00 For the above, together with Eng. Gram- , Tnn?r lrMnffT'tJ engnfrdjy;'ifirtnrTr-'--- tiou. (Joniposition. and needle-work. 8 00 - For Natural J'lulomipliv, Rheturie, Logic, Cheniistrj'j and the Jrciich .Liingiiag', 1000 All account must be closed at the end of ench session. Hoarding can be had in the neighlior hoisl, in most resfX'ctuble faiuilies, at tlm niixlernte rate of l to 91 -5 piir week. ' The hduseof the Subscriber is situated clone by Uelhany C'liurch, bi iiiiles from Stateville, on Hie ilium road leading (o Rockford. STEPHEN FROM 11a. P. S. It will he indispensable for the scholars to bo furnished with the class-book adopted in the School. H. r. Iredell Co., March 22, 1634.-4t Oth Tlarch, 1834. T(K)KS of Subscription for the increased Capi tal of this Hank, authorised by the Legislature at their last Seanion, will be opened at the places designated to the Charter, On Tuesday the lit of April next, and remain open for. thirty day thereafter, under tnc uirecjion m me uuiowing uomuussionera.i Citv of RalriA. Hi Excellency David L Swain, vVilliaiit :rMhoorr,J "Weston " lTi" CJulesi, CliarWa Dewey 1 tmtitfott. PreidentTlhrectors,and Cashier. FajeWf John D.Tawier,Rolert Strange, .irirwcni. -iioik i iuiuin uasion, joiin iurg win, John W. Guion, John. M. Robert. r -' ti''ie f . i "r Etkmm--iimxitSx-Skirew Jotmfhart- if. lUvh WlUm 4 ReaerUichRrd HoKkinw- L.,JlilItbm-evffk,rr4nnta l'lnliipfi, Jwiah Turner, John W, omoorl, Jnrrter.iVchh.." - Vogler, F. II. Slmman. - - . "7':" SalUhrSt Maxwell Chnmliers, .Thoma Cvan. David F. Caldwell, John Beard, Jr. orWff Winrain J. Alcxajtdcf ; Washtngten Morrison, W illiam W. Longr r ELidMh Ciy.Johu L. Daily, Mile White John McMorin. IfaUftt"" J'wwph-Simmorw; Mark Pet ta way Roliert C. Bond, Andrew Joiner. Tarbomiek. Spencer D." Cottcn, Jame W Clark, Joseph K. Llovd. r H oerenmw ilitam Jturlingham, n eluou N. Edwnrd, Edward Hall, Dr. Pope. : Milton. John T. Garland, John Wilson, Mo rtwellier Lewi. Lincolnlon. -Varrly McBee, Charlca C. Hen !ern, Hartlott Mnnp. Morganton John Caldwell, Isaac T. Avery Samuel C. Tate. Dasgosj. -William A. Blount, Allen Grice, William L. KenncdY XVadtborovgh, Absalom Myers, Joseph Med icy. A. ,V Iimiubuu. .; .. Mue esborougk. Lewi 31. Lowpcr, Uriugcr J. JiooiiH:rv npiram vuin-ireun. I t f .1 j g I - . JV idor. Jowph li. Ct. Kuulhac, Duvid Uut law, Josiah IWlyr ; lly a resolution of the Board of Directors, tlie Commissioners will receive in payment of Subscrip- tions tor Slock, (arejuiralt topecie) Jfotca of tlia folkiauig Hanks, viz 1 State itouk t)f JNorth Carolina Bank of Newbern, Dank of the t'nited State, and their Brawheiiilnar-Noteii of tlte "Bank of Iho Slalejif Solith Carolina" will Tint be taken : but suclt uotcsof the other Banks T of South Canilinn, as are pevubla Ih Charleston ; alrfo Notes of the " Bank of Virginia," and M Farmers Bunk of VirLrinia" fexcrot the Branches at V iiaJtcstcr and Trwh-rickslKirff.) may be received at a discount of 14 per .rent ,ns an equivalent for the expens wluc thw Bankwtll rificwwrily tncartn rendering wtch Notes available as Specie. " JAMES OWEN'S, Frcridenl. Wilmington, March 22, 1831. 4t WHICH SOMEBODY WILL bk GLAD TO GIVE, is Wanted: VB0UT ten year ago there lived ir CongrcsHuawl District a UK VOLC'J in thr Tenth rm m a .t a ni'1 :ongresHiwi Disuitia ur.v ui.i i h.t.ih SOLDIER, bv the nnme of l'aWt'Cl, r For- or soim!thi.ig of Xt6 l4tri1.-- ff he haf"nnyj Inttrs living, llny liwy proDaniy oe put in a wav get a small sunt of money, bv ttpplving to the h tor of THK. WESTER CAROLINIAN. Salisbury , March 15, 1 53 1. tf luotA' 4e- 'wuUmUmkI r. Proposes tO. Publish, ill Salisbury, N.C. A UoillllIy Ifl.lJTazillC UNDKB THE TITtE Of , The Family JlssistanL PROSPECTUS. ' ' milR FAMILY ASSISTANT shall be dedicated to Htuoioji, Kutc ation, and Gkihwial UrEMATnii. Esjiecitilly it is intended to assist Parents in tlte difficult and highly unpurtaut task of educating their families. Tlip FjliLir tiati twiv very intr,mti,ir MydnpiMti.Mi limit. his charge a Bible Chuw, and a GeneraT-Knowledge t;insM tor each uf which he prepare written ipitH)itf, I and, for bis own satisfaction, written answers. Should I the proposixl magazine go into ojerdt ion, tlume questions and answer will be publishH lit it. It will be the en-1 . . - ... ... - . , . . I deliver of the Editor to makc the proponed riblieton as interesting as he possibly can-lto till it rage with suclt artkk'S M shall be worth raiding ; anil, aa it will apear only once a month, each one wlm bikes it, may tlnd time to read it 77 mUiti thtdl, i irtu-rut. Or. fluirt. Such item of Foreign and Domestic Intelli gence secular as well a religious a shall be deem ed interesting, will Im inserted. In fine,' it is intended to make The Family Assistant minister profit and amusement for the long winter night and sultry sum mer noons. ' TERMS: - ' 1. It will be issued on the 20th of every month ami will contain sixteen Imperial Octavo Pates, in double column, printed on a new and legible type, and on ve ry supriir pp?r. . a. 1 he subscription price will be Ono Dollar and Fifty Cents if paid in advance, and Two Dollars if not paid until the expiration of three months. r wtbsertplioaj-easj -rwomM- im shorter m rlod than one year; and no paper discontinued until all arrearges are paid, except at the Editor's discretion. 4. (CP 1 he publication will commence on the 30th of April, provMled a competent number of suhscrilNrs can bo obtained ; and our friend who may hold mib- scripli are requowted to forward Uienioa by the 1st uf that month. . February l.Vl31 P. S. SPARROW. ISSITKD WF.F.RLV -i;isv":-JOIIN BEARD. JR. T-or- rwuA9w, 1. Tho "WiarrKa CAabuMAR'' 5T m1re4' rcr Monday, at Two IWlftrs per annum if iwid in ailvance, or Twa Dollars and Fifty Cent if Bot paid autdailer we exptrauon . uiree tnomn. 'i. No pansy will be discontinned until aU arrearage are paid, unless at the discretion of the Editor, ; " . JL auhsr riftioo will be received i a lesa time than iifii. vif ; and m. fi1iirii in nnttriir Uifi fclitiif ttf a wrsn to (tiwcontmno. at least one monin etnre weernfi ration of a year subscription, will be considered a a new engagemem. T. "An'- Wprittrr whd ''''imiHtM'"iit('1lnns!rl'a1 the t arotimnn, and take the trouble of collecting and transmitting the sulwcription-price to tlie Editor, shall have tlie paper during' the continuance of their sub . . . . : . . .. . . i scription, wittwut chaigB.-... :v-;--..v i..-;: r ' TEBMI OF ADVMTianfO. J 1. Xdvertisemeuts will be eonspicuottsly and eorreet- jy-rnsertfd at lytfTrtsperwmare-lHrefiMiiisertiei vert wement is ordered to go in only twice, 00 ct. wtft be charged for each inserti.m. . ' a Merchsnts, Mechanic, and Professional gentle, men, who may desire constantly to appear befitr the public, in our advertising columns, will be received as yearly advertiser, and a deduction of per cent, wui be made from the above charge. 1. To insure prompt attention to ICttcri addressed to tlie Kditor, the postage sliouhMn all citsai at; paid.'- OiMing Ihc EpiMropal School DEFERRED.-- - l'-coWqiieiica f the unusual i.Kleinency of the L put winter, the progress , tho Buil.ling do- . jh ..ji- ; tki. InatiftrtW Ihm b' rftnW mnrh hrvnnrf tb expcctatHHt of the Exectitivo Coii.mittoe, uiakr whwe direction it whs eoniiiwiitceil in December lat. A.ul Uio ntutciial of tin structuru is st.a-, the process of working in which ia wessrilvIw and greatly dependent on tlio wenthcr, there is now in . li.t, mi !( '.ilrim1ftifill liv tlirt ttltiA tifirof.iftn sptH-ificd for coitmiencing tho Sch.x4, ' . lTii circumstance, together with, the dintculty likely to be cxricucfiAiurocurittg iittuiw bmt tlie North certain arttcfe oT fHruilure imlUjamsa. ble to tho establisliuieiit, and tlie receutly expresa- ed opinion of the Rector, that, witliout tlie accont. modation to bo nJl'ortiijd by rlio new Isiihling, he would bo iinnl 'Io to carrj ipto s.iecessful oKnttion thoVvsfem ailopted.iiasconstraiiMd the'eomtnittoo, however reluctantly, to jnwtpotio for a few week, the time for enuig the School. . ... Tlie Public, ther:fire, are respectfully iiifornnd tlntt the KriSCWAU tH.;!!! WlLlUKIaf his hhihK v ;t v. fun si.-wn (,t 1 OFLNKI), (not on the first of April as M.re ad vertiwd, bm) on Monday, the 2ndf day of June next af whirh tinwr tt Truiy mtri.tetitty rfcliI or tliwt every thing will Iw in radino ' By order of the Kterulive CJomniiilee,1' , . C.1X)RGK WTFRLvLMAN, H c'y. . iuici"n, Marcn , teat.1 ft WliUWlliV Town Property Tlte Sutiscribcr, wisliiiig to rcmov to the West, OFFERS FOR SALE HIS House auiOt Olio of the lient stand Ill 9. . FOR A STORE STORE .v ' or a tiouse 01 Juiivenamraitu The Building are peculiarly iH-ulatcd fiHrthesel punswes, liavtng 11 mirflnUe Uooms, lasttle ai latgp Stare and Counting-lionim, and 1m situuted in front of the Courttvttise, with baudMiHm'ly extensive ilry Ct)lkirs,ttiid all nccesOuf-I louse cuivenj- J eitlly situuted and in good repair. KT LlMLOIiiNlvJiN i fHK of the most thri ving village iu tlte Southern fctatea hriit excell ed bv none for health, beimr in 'ht of tlie innunl tains, in tlie centre of the Uold-Mute. and in tlte midst of the many Iron-Work ia this CoMtitv. Ill ia but MHtkHn Uiat u valuable, und oan.be tV taiiMMi i it is wonn tne aiK.in.ion H capttattst isoi desire to Hirchase pm(rt? where an extensive aitd pntfuuhle busineiM mny be dtsw, and a large capilul onuiloy ed in inen-antik) biiMnesa. A Imi- gajti is iu,w olllTud, in tllW tr.Ht'rtv - II Ml! . . ...s JA4J jimuAiuriVi or. -1 - i St- rMitwmrj, mu tt rot. j .i -u - uablel'roiiel-iyfgg von h xi. v.. miC The Subscriber, being desirous to remove to the West, I Offer for Hulo, on Accotninudatiug Term, - Ilis 1 louse and Lot In Wadesborough, Tuuamtca wrra a SMALL TRACT or" WO Oil LAIN II, Convenient for fire-wood. -I t in one of the roost oVsimUo wtuatiuna, fur .a I'rivate Family, in the V UlttO, Ut'Ul tttlUUlCU CUUVClUCUl IO 1UQ jrUaOliU Church ami Aca.kn,y, atal jK-ssiug tlie aUj. tage both of the town aisl country, lit Dwtll- iug is a large two-siory huilding, with a unuckHHi mg is a large twi-story building, with a npiickHrs Hall, a Passage below and above stair, five mm- fhto IM-Unoiiw, tolerahly wtH fiuU4ieJ, and la Doubla i'tazza iu-fxuut ALSO FOR SILK, Was V svAuaAc'TlanlUiottJ Lyng on Gould'a Fork," AWWT4 MILES FROM TOWN, CONTALXLXG a ' ". ' S3 ttaipntKtpauy-iuMinmwrtuiwitj;A OTIOUNDB) are re, wrI m a Icultivatani. n. 1 II .1 i 1 .L. " F " I'1"- 4UtoajlaJltial TlierewoH the prewiscaa very cuTirtahle DWELL! XG.togrtiwT with the tMual 0UIev aa w vjluoflwjoxu m the ird w4 interior to. any ia the comtrv ititalino M kiark atvl IwMah hv aiul m n-rv A . ... r-.? - - ;i f rat flaee -w-4intry.lUsswlei-,-w. w i.n. i mvmmmt I ry, a it ia presumed any p ri wishing to pur. icuase win view tne premise jot nimwii. WALTKR J0N13. " Wadesborough, Aiwon Co. ) tf February 1, i The lhorough-brrd Hone Iclat, II v,' - ktnI nt, 5 urh high, wry heavy, ha a splundid tingo-and ia allowed, by all yod yalgea to be very tainorior in tofiuatiisji aJj actk. 11a wa guttea by the celebrated 4d raot,.hK.M gjr Archio f his data wa a Hal mare. gotten by Sir IIul ; his grandaui wa Harriet E. 10 who aa giUcuJby.jldJBt.lL1ucojulijf aJW'ikJtl.. air, which wit callod a very. fine mare of ber day. CCLAT' data wa raisnd m nrth-Il.ini)ti Co-, I by Mr. Butisi Fruar, who dJ her, ahiUi yoiuig, to Mr.Sctk recUe; to 13511111 grajyahunfJIarT rfl EaJ') niare well Inmm by many ! ,K?r IrSniiicrsi i imlw ; tlae k!lewew icquiu to any otmr wwa ner aiiw. out it ca - JtO. hef ItdtT and hcraulf ; he ha hoca WcU triod. rrticulariy in a htg jtmrney to the far west i ahe wasota dd rr t : . fK "!'-"'"'" IM mHImi Iwwla Ju..s nt - v crT dtilictu-y nail! ol that certify the ILkxh' Podiree Lux they f -1 a atiiictu-y in auneiiing io mis amertisotn. ot t.'ie h.- InaiiMM of tlte gtiittlvinen alio gave tht in, tst " V"R fV lhe, n.V tvocwl ''i"'v j d.. U ""'" - -7t tttt -WW- by-"y. if riiiallatl . "lie Will Bland th e-iag Ecaaoil, ; '"IN LKXINCJIXLV A; SALISBURY, com'ineis ing in Lxiii?iiiii mi lite IMt of March, at the ntdueed priea of f 4 the ainle ktip, f i) the seasotf, and (f lO vo itwtre i tmrr to lie w ith Cwl. Tho inwtrane tnota-y will be 'rrwrrrhV,,!! as Vv,n a thc-rfflrc is disVered ft he a ih fnl ; Cffl" 'he prteily tflmulti lj di-'p'd nA The Ilorsw will (! id n -nilurK eterv n r s".ii- or deaypl tlie :wt . acri. ' I suni' I i ir ; iwei-.i'i.t. fJii.,e. ' - 1 I . 1'! I, I'... I i I ! February 23, tZ. y'laron 1 volicovth, 11ECIS k-ave to iirffm tlie (ili'ns of Salisbury " a mt-II I In mm ni Knwau Biul the aurfmmil. ing Count ios that be Io ; ' f j . .-ltriitotrd las I;l aMhiimtnf : . TO THE SOUTH SIDE or 1T COrRTHOUSg, J' ,. ter' IitlL oa the Main.fcWt, w cotittttue, a heretofore to iiecute . kth KINDS OF WORK in the line of his) profession, at short Dotic, And o the tnutt rtaivnable terwu. WATCHES CUKKS uLU'AIRED at 1 1131 . v" will is all cask aa .' 1 Warranted for 12 Monthll i j- . , 4 . - i - j- -ishi uhsmt aimii aa a uiniHnm ai s i n no upuiiu that no pain will be spared to give tne mmit ; ptieral aud entire satisfactiou to them. '. (ttr KNG R A Y I NG tf every oVscruit km, (in. inuuiitg l (Hiiniooe,j am ne rxtxuira wkh ihui- i Ml i. . t - .....4.., ....... u-ws ami ao ttrnry, at lrt nctK"e. tMiry. Jn. X7, nal. ,t " tr ft. laliMlAT C SON, . . SXXpssl IN TUIS 1'tACt; r ' With the virv of removing to the State of Missis. -wpra earhr m the ensuing rail, brj leave to rr.rrrf tuCmu the Public generally that they , "s Have Concluded to fit II Off ' ' ; THEIR STOCK OF GOODS!. I . .. c olTt f HRY-C-OODS, IIAItD-WAIlE, m,mtmm - m.,mmmm aiV SaiOvauitiii : . ALL ether ARTICLES m Jnerallv krpt on hand bv Merchant ia thi part of the cotrntry, a " 5 -f Thrir Fliwi h XJuztiCora tit te. and New. hhute h"S putdtaawl within thfl liat I iMia.MnMav:.ira I . . . ... give barnim anrh u thev 1 enfh-.si will 1 r 1 . -4 - ' I VOatll ttUtt uaTYia'iei latl2i AND REPAIRING. Rficrtfulh nsrm the Publw prwrally, that they have etOerod rrrte-tVPaTtn'-rship for the pur- -''' J"e of carry utg nn tl aUe lnwifKM) in ail lu van. tits, aud that tlay hate, fcrtltat frprahrfl the shop TRMF.RtY.OrXCTlD HY VmilP J ' ' f&" They have on hand gsl hetrcfollylmtHt atal well :" , f) and will always keep on hand, f , sTAtKCoicni:;, CARRIAGES, SL'LKIUS, tc t ,.- WIIT-ltaff W terjitj lyaTiyMi fi.," , Uiat uf country (r iKuftKn, durability, bdJ cl. - J ot the teucfil faf TravelUr. itd. Ft Drivers, I hv. will lnr ltep lil (!- ;;I. AUISriUNt;sai sItl r fivt.i AC i: . M j sn.M t t'i'M vehk lin in t'e rnovt ronipNe c i t ; lte nl l!ie slwrtot .ttotke anJ.oji.&eJvyst jh-s- iUe teruts. ' ... ',. , : Tfte. ftiW-nU'r h:tve nttm !;ed fa tlieir Curri -MartnivtetWT'i a 1! LACK which th-y eii..Ly aw I a t UjhI tlie i'rv 1 t in:i!ei ,;U m toanr" !!,t-ir flier" !m Rt:.i t'.e ; lune V ifr tli, in t!,in !,;,( s,Ui, rjttiJity, e-M fc btw.j'ticf a-i a in this c-ti'n 'f fwmtry. 3 Vui!,ii:ett ' t',.-. .it all I" .i;.fir t t-. :U tt ' ' :i i .. Tlie SiWri!-rH d.-ttt it' I. ! ,v tint titf-v will t. -. .!.:'. I j '." ,! 'ic Cv.-r ; i d t!i y ; , .. 1 I'! !. -!!!!. ;;.! til- ! ! ' ,: ', r---t'T";;:-n r-f 'i wfn' t - v. arSj. ' k' j t ll.-r Kilo l ! ) "I . !.;.':. Jo'U.N . . !; 1 I'llII 11' .1. 1 . fcaliiury, I'tlnwry 1 . 1,- ! IV. I

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