I c ') ruT nwrraa rsis!Vl OAT fMICI.IiM. 27 A??S0?.2?7.' : -liavr of Vc Sac MStftD AT TUB FIRST BKSSIO Iff TUB TWENTy-THiao congress, AX ACTto (banga the tina fr enmaer'mg tWt aea fioni of tii Court of ihe Uaitea Sut: in Uie Dirftrut ,. ofLMawere. Western Carolinian. ft ATURD AYnrs;rl:APniL5ri8 3 4. single St.it, t majority of the People bava tbe right to niiike and alter their Otistitutioa : they, Uicrefiire, are Sovereign. Tlie Coestituihm of Uia United States u funned by the Stairs, standing to earn othrr m tlie me relation tint individual da in a single State itli this distinct wnj however, that in t lingh State die will of a majority bind the minority; but this rule not connuW K-4 applicable to the Ktatea, lit the Con stitution wu wit binding on Rliode Ilaiid,(Uie smallest of all Uie Bute but one,) even, tiler the other ttotlie had adopted it, until tike contented for kertclf. Thm. alone, ought to be sufficient evidence of cute sovereignty. Want of room compelled IM to, omit, km week, a common it alas siened "A North Cajxiiaien," which will be (ioad in our column to-day. k ia fsua lba pen of an intelligent consistent Fedc- raliaVwhom, while we.diCjeivwith. h141- in politic, we Bt it ZnsrUd, it Ike Hriurtr 0d lfm of-knr- mo loss fx bia political candor tiian for hi many $VUCU tf tmeVmtlt fUult of Aimtm. m Umqrett pvaje irluee. TZY.Xi'ttfJZJZ? 'Wm ahould be sorry indeed-to think oar old friend, Uwv. ahell eommeoce at U time bemifter a--1 Ul' eominiuiiratioii. of tlie mass of the ed, inetead of the timea now appointed by law ; that i ty to which he belongs, friendly to a General Go- to My : tlie seasiona of the aaid circuit court ahall convJ vemmeiit wrUi wdmiird fower. mmnem at Newca.de, a the Tuesday next (.Hawing I t,,- f fa federal party we. never have -ailyi .ad lb aHaeaof the -J .strict ert -lhk.-f;ia..Wp4-aKa ju-.ee, by MiMiu at Newcastle on the third Tiieedaj it June, aacribing to then pfrktie ?, white at tlie mne And aeeond Taeadav of December : ad at Dover aa tlie I time we expraaand tlie belief that aowe U their theo Tueaday next fcllowin tlie third Monday . March, rtm would, if carried into operaoo, ultimately lead to ana we i ueeaay :otowuif tbe fcurw otway or ConmAideleJ Gmmmnt. True, thia aingle Go- aid eourta. abaU hm avoidLor Mnuaired. r aff.rted. I'mid it Jrt ; hut au:h would be iU fina! by thia change aa to ti (aDmencemeiil of aaid terin ; charaetar if Huu Hovereiatjf were duatoyed ; and Vit tiiat all HxieeiMV kH buada, and reeorniaartrea, re-1 we are ortpaad to ahow tW Utia wu the opiaion of Me to the at'ijt Lcria of eitlwr of aaid court, ahatl m., i,,. Jjmabh) a4 ralorned to tlie aaWl court pert held, i4mmi ItulytetJiiaaettia the aaiae aaanner aa if ao made , ..U.. L. LM tknr Att kav (lilt fiivt FedrraliaU at the time the CouMitnliou ia tlie opinion of uaay of the pre:at tunrabte he retuma! MoH aecnlmul. : U.t .11 euntiMMOce. ia either of -id '' ,h r,w,,,, rf "A "" C1' eonrU aha!) be from the Vut lem to the day appointed 1 .W that he beiievea in Uie eaiatence of m, and ey by thia act tur the coia-wcuiit i tbe next eeuoa I , Uemrmg nly in tbe United Natea. lr thu be true, thereof 1 lint we hare almUii Great (kitiwilidatnd Gneral a onoubUJi'iy I . : v. ..- v- ' , -JV Gxwramnnrrfir: tet M lie ratooiiibered, 'comadulHted trfrmr j .CTnT-opv ! aol nceMarily iiaply unlimited power, ViPrtmrt f Ike linW to mal" . "?f"?oUM!r f rrttdml of the Summit, Aoproeed J Mareb 24th.J3l. " . " as drew Jackson. TUc Rational Portrait C!a llrry Of ouftauiidaUnl that ia to lay, it ia coiwlitutud by Uie whole body Ua People- in the tteiti,a majority o; whom have iha right to gwe (be Government of Uie Ktate wiiat power they phwas. If the (xnititutuin of the United Ntatea waa drmod by Uie 1'iuple ut all tlie Kutre aa onr tingle community, aa imuiy aiatnrt and if tlie State never had any Sovereignty aa aome my WIUS WUEK ia now in a eowwaef puUieation, ad orave up tlieir Sorereijfuty whe tliey arfopUid the thoae aarta already kwM-d aanv be eunfidentlv ao-1 ( 'onatitutiua, aa m declared bv uthera, why th-u tbe pealeu to aa an evwence of na cuuiaa upon public bvor. 1 lie urn vena apptauee wbica 4a eceeutwn baa eiieit- Genera Gwernmeiit u ammttuUitrJ ; and a umiordy Am pHuntitfl nur). wrliutidl rPlftlffl In Hi .tit ImjIiiu jd.i. efficient todjhatwerdi-rut may have IJ1nUJuerBInl.llt The deaim of thai Wur tn. to i-iit tbe Portrait. "J Puer W cvo" Jj engraved on tJleeL iai the biirbojt atyla of tim ut, w h 1 pl'-af, uiufcu-U a AUmieyr aii'i',Ki '" 4U4fcM but accurato ywmi fceeV nf the mm I If tit CooMitiiti.! wan Uie work of the Ptxiple aa Lmineat Utnena of our aount. The eeleclum wijl Wy, and not of tlie Petile of the wiv. nil Ntati mit be LuiiitAd tm aav otkrtljoo psrty ft-rlmrflrl ........ . ., . ., WmX interM UtwJl wpart-J y e.le iU I M, " . . . . , rtok Vm, aa, by eemmon evoeent. are admitted to I ere are. at Utea that, loL'etiu;r, couUuu a majority pooieaa an iutareA m the aiialf thetr flrllow-ciiiteiu, I of Die Peotde of the United Siatee. uch a doctrine. M their repnUtwo fcr reaiua, acnairementa, offiend I if ulnutted. would of rraime ubu-e tlie PIe nf eiirh . ...... r- - - i the uJ?1..?:or,rfifvi' "Tr'r?Mr7 u.pto-i-.i will iwvariaUy far luut r tne moat aiitlieiitic mattmiU ,. . , . , i-t-. r ui i; r... ... .j j... portraitare, i-... i ?.- rr i ''",s iwu)mini TfcwvaweefaoeBa wihlifation cannot fcil w'bji ao-! the hiajiMrity have the ritflil to "JWia.te4 .'bj.a.ll Rhorfttlan intcre4 ui tha Mat)aMu rule. -ITanw ia m muWIe jroand hetweca the rlm- 0 aanat aaential mpre.tiett tne fcMirj of tfcew j,, fJtitea, wverally, and Consolidation. aumry. laare a an pafnuum arw euy rnvned 10 , (W)tn,vin w Rt&tM.it "u a wutnrka with thoie utMida. the akawe of which ial between them, and caunot be changed except eotmeni uT mre-Ruriii gr Miu uaec Mit, U U at irrVveriyimty, tL9. Wlorun only to tlioae who can make Coiutitutiia M aurelpr cannot belong to Uie Go neral Government, which e only the crraturt of Uie Cootitutkw.r, in Uie language of Juniua, Uie Inutrt of Sovereignty.. Nor ia it ia a majority of Uie People of Uie United Sin tea, eonaideeed a one community : r, if Cougreaa ahmili) propoae a new Constitution, or certain tmendmente to the preaent one, and Uie People of rtnfea gtatea ahould uuoimiM((y agree to them, till Uiay would not be valid. And why !....becauae, when Uie Htatee adopted Uie preeent Constitution, they agreed Uiat it aliould not be altered exttttf by tlie eon' aeul of thrte-futtrthM of ike $!. Tbia ia Uie only real abridgment of State Sovereign- ly, The content of etery one waa aucetxary to make tbe Cotwtitutiun obligatory on W but, by mutual con aunt, Uie will of tArfr-ourfA can alb:r Uie contrnvt And thia abowa Uie extreme caution of the Htatin in guarding Uieir Sovereignty: (jr, is thia cae,the abridge metrttof Uieir individual right ia mush imallet Uian ia Uie abridgment of Uie right of irtdividunl pcrtioni in foruiing t State Coiuititutipn. In Uie latter cane, a bare majority of one vote may bind the whole-minority. Our correspondent admit that the SuiU-a were sove reign uo to Uie time Uiey adopted Uie . Comititutkm. In admitting Uiia, he ahowa more undenitanding and nKirc eawlgr than aome who make much greater pretenniona. Va live already attempted, briefly, to prove Uiat Uie Bute did not ruIiiKpiiah their rjovereignty by Uie ailop- tkiQ uf Uie Conatitutiou ; and we aliall hereaftef .ahow from tLgix 0 n apoecitmand1 writi'tVgii, that many of Ity mow diatinguiaheU retleraliat at tlio time Uiol ihihJiIu, tion vaa brined, and ever ainre, not only dniel that the Kovereignty of Uie (State M talom away, but ad vorated thefCoiiatitutkai on Uie ground that it provi aiona were cah'Ulliled to prtuntr that Sovereignty. Ihw our eiiteemed correapnmlent pfit cotiflilence oV opiaWniN and arguinenU of auch men aa John Jay, Alemtudnr Hamilton, Fislier Anina, Judge Jna. Irmlc Uie elder. Gen. Win. R. Davie, c. 1 We believe Uiat he profierly appreciate their geniiia and their integrity And w ahall ahow Uiat Utey and many othera, who were leading Federal int, admitted and even conli-nded fr the Hovereigtity of Uie Htate a Uie only meana of aecanng the liberty of the l'noplo. tiling but praise and hwwr to him who i trampltnjr uiioti the t .rtwtitution and lawrof Uie coiintry. We xhu.ll aee whether the lute cxanmle of rhiladel ohia'will dii-pel Uie charm, and rwtore rennylvwiia to Uie elevated rank alie once occupied among Uie tree Statea of the Confederacy. " " " "' " '" The New York Regency lactic, However, nave gui ed auch an ascendancy in pennaylvania, 'and even' m Virgifcia, Uiat we aliould not be aurprwed tt SWtm t-a-rohiia, much aa alie haa been Uunted for lethargy, ahould yet be Ibund ahead of both her old compeera in Uie aonteat for yrwripl. She aa Uie flrat, be it ever rmianiUBred, to eWtore IndtpenJnce, and alio tought irallantl to aecura it W lien the war flan ceeneu, auu m. . i.i it. rv.:a..iAn eleven other HUlea bafl anoweo.inB jewi-uiiwuiiinw, NiVth Carolina atill fiir a while held back, through j-a- louay of Uie new Government ; and arte waa Uieiri, aa we alull aliortly prove, Jo reaiat the attempted en; croachmenti of Uie General Government Tl.a tkinn we bav a rnrlit to be amud Or, ana we truat tho recollection of them will atimulate our People to puraue , courae worthy the deaccndanl of a "geno- . ' . e . 1 !, 1 11.. 1.. ..... n na BI1V. ration aome oi wnoinare aim iuijj-unj wiMig ui"i iooa jpectatorrof paaBing eventa; , . ' - - . ' UNITED STATES BANK. On Uie lth ultimo, Mr. Webiler introdiifed.'in the Senate, a biff relating to thia imititutwn. It priilHuwa to continue the preaent Bank aix yeara beyond the time lor which it waa at first chartered ; that Congress ahall reserve Uie riirht'to eatablinh another before the end of tlie aix jearn ; tlial Uie public immey herenfter colji-ct- ed ahall be depueited in tlie old Bank during rU exmr ence aubject, Ikiwver, to Uie control of CongM" i that, for Uie ue of audi dexitea, the Bunk vhnll pay Uie United (State. VMMyill(l aiimially.TheiM are all Uie important provwiiaia of Uie bill. It aeema to be Uie opinion, at Washington, Uiat it will not puna either Himiimi. It cofwidenitioa haa been poetponed until Uie butt of April. Mr. Calhoun haa introduced a proposition on Uie name auhjeft, w hich it ia thought will probably succeed . He pro)imHa to reilew the charter fiir twelve or fifteen yeara ; and, in order to inmire to Uie country a larger peie currency, he propois to prohibit tlie Peuk from iwiingt fijf, tiui tin fix yrSrii, any bills under and after aix yeara, any lew limn )((. Another important utiKgeation waa made by Mr. Calhoun, which waa, to roiae the BtanJard mine of (Jotd. in Uie U. 8taten, gold doe not bear the aame value, in proportion to ail vcr, that it doea m Europe J mid the conaeipience in, Uiat we aee tuaie in circulation here, because it is sent where it ia worth more. The fpei'ch of Mr. Calhoun, on introducing Iiih pro position, was highly cnneiliatory ill ifl spirit, and, as usiiul, very able. He has acted on this subji-ct in sik Ii a manner aa to extort praise from all hut the inmates of the Executive Kitchen and Uieir implacable Chief ; and, if his pr'mosition fails, it will probvhly bt; owing entirely to the fart Uiat K originated with one lor wjmm the Pruai'dent and his wrtiMiiiH cheruh a hatred " not to be changed by time or plate." who arc in fuvorof a N.itionnJ Condoliiluted rni' ineiit with Unliiiiiled power, 1 l ve iiever knom heard of Uiem., There is, however, a Political p ' in the United State, w ho believe Uiat UieGoverr,,.. i in mi; uHutu iuiii'v u, vivn uiv cuivereiii of Uie Htatea intemled to make it, to attain UieobZ tor w inch it was rsluulislitxl, aa expressly get Uie Preamble to the Constitution of Uie United Hhi' m the lbllowltig words; " We Uie IVopI uf Uie faiu. "IStatoa, in order to , furnj a more pt rt'i ct Union , - wish juMice, insure uoinvmic iriiiuuiiiy, providr "the common defence, promote Uie general ' i .1 Li . .. i:i ..... . . ana secure uie oiessiiigs m iiiwny 10 ouraelvei , "our posterity, do ordain and establish ttiia Cutaatiiuu SJurtlifiUnitud Htutoa of Amer H-a," ;l It clearly appear, from the laniruace naed inn preamble, Uiat it wa not Uie several States in legislative capacitii a, under Uie atitlairity of Uieir tiu.. i vuiimiiumniB, tiiu .uupra uix V4iiiMllUik4 d Uie government of the People ; but Uie People b tit, aoveieign cupacity, (who are . Higher auywrity uieir ftuie lgisiaiurea,! or uieir nuiegaioa tateai,. tion, have ordained and ntabliflioJ "Uiia CiaNtitis. fiirthc United-Htotrf of AnieriC,TafldUiu'cUiifcnrt, with their declared pufposea, Uiey have dietribntol ill powera gmtiled by it aiming threm o-ordinate brand-1 of the (mvemment Uiereby estal !,. bed by it, i a. i,egiMiiiive,iiie Mecunve, ami um J'sneiai exptfii delining those granted to each; tinl,ui feraitlwyb granted, thev have declared tliat their, prrwen art a ramount to the HtiUe authorities estalilislied urtdei tl, several Const ituiimiM, and Uiat "This Const itutnm,uj M the laws of the United tfliite which slmll be nuiW "pursuance thereof, ami all treutiea jrmde nr wUl "aliall be tnnde under Uie autliortty of the U. Fhw Mstm'll be the supreme law of the land; and the J tip, "of every ttate sliall be bound thereby, any tbiur a " tViustitution or lawa of any Slate to Uie contrary 14 " withitandiiiir." This party never have claimed any more power fe the General Government tliun wlnt la plainly araiiW to it by Uie Constitution, to attain Uie objects for niA it was ordained ami established : and, aiming Uie p. era granted to Congress, in the HUv suction uf the bt artide is tho noWer " to make all lawa which sliaR k " neceshury and promtr for carrying into e.xecutktW 1 " foregoing powers nnd all other power vested by at "Constitution in Uie Government of the Uiii,tcd tiUa J "arm any department or officer thereof. And 11 At 10th sectam of said 1st article, it lays restriction! Uie powers of Uie iialividuul Still 1. Tho questiou W boen avked, by some,whTHnilVi Coustitiitioii of the U. States submitted to uie, Peerlt of each State separately, if the State are not UiccW (r THE COLLAR llf:;La,..TO CHOKE. "PikiUjii's Diiify Advertiser, ot' tin; 21st ult, contain an acrount of a larye meeting of Uie People in Phila- ibdphia, on the UOth Uie deUils of which are 11 inter-1 estin.'at this ensia, thai we have copied them entire in our' paper of to-day. When the Force Bill wan passed, Uie Hon. Riejiard Qailter was the only one of flu: Pennsylvania ltelega tiou who had Uie justice or Uie magnanimity to raise bilk J!CCaniLcry Jluldt Wliott- Aaith CarulitM wss Uiwymg lier ehiylgr U) defbnd her Hoveniig!y him! th Conslltotuas against th sword nf the asnrp.',', Phi huleiphiajui ware aim rig Uie first to cry 7Wava .' Z Tken, iIm"poj4 oud see Bothjnir in the nondtiflt of Soutb Carulina, but aelHshneaa 1 they iwld nut txsi- cefve. of such patliutiairi aa resisted a law that va fill . 'u;-'i-lwi Lima " ' It . I Intended, in the eomae of mWictjf, to give I cuutiacl.belweea tha-People f the Umted ttea u t - f'i a u iw a aaam vun aw araasajajar-a f tai rnr . , 1. Cm m . B, . . 1 mmmk to the Wlann.- inrludiMtb r,WTf.?.Smf1rmM eWlel . .,.!s-' ,"1 aHau ia,lorthe whole Unwn. rt h in Uie power of one-fiairtb Kciene awjr Mrtg jjat. fnyf tfHSl ihfin wiUj I part of J(be ?5to iMWfiM- r . 1 vonsuiuiuin : . ... JfJarrMg f. -.-,Itt i. tK--l.-ii-. hZHL -i-i-J -i.k. r"ocl premi-e e d-niea. ..J out refi-renca to Uie aa or antinaUuea efjke sjkaaanij !M JbWjH$PW lPi?4 Jyislfe- TkJ U'l ka aAtit Ka HUH n TfYVn 1 I ' l.j i.. l: .. . u .1... 1 .1 - , 11 j, iM puhhw j ip.-riipi w. .iw iiw w iiHif min wmm nt miu, uwwro uiw wfvM 'i JA,ES U adriptipq of II Cotitution, there were thirteon iwie- f- ' ibWra.. i Ftw Art.- ' ,frd P 8 we nWirely agree ; m ' . ft . 1. a a . a 1 1 ii . w - a . 1 rw . CT- U wii b sm-4 n BMawrty aarta, each euoUut-1 e argue uvu, oy me anopuoa sr piir inar ijutwn, . ing Um Powraito wigra red on awet, wilb n4 leas I the State gave up Uieir Sovereignty. True, ha doe , but auch ia the fmreort Uiat tlui tiUtoa abridged skims of the powera they had before given to their of lite People of the Hrmth, Hot. ta'prfntempt of the Oihsiitution iioMiar doe V whom-ther rlothed wttfrpowier to ittfknv ihst Ins " assume the tmuiaisi ong uum- rorowa) eaini on awn, wiui teas roe soiie gave up uieir novorei than t wnty foor page Hiiax.TweIv Number. aay thu m o many word, b M - tL' n"8'" yiT-,t mimTfMf of hm reas,a,ing W admit U, :l be payable m advance, aud will be put at Us (4- - , . , . 'ng tnnderate rate fur the respective editsau ptib- ;. JftJSoya UutIUi at H) per ejmura m Impr i 'io,at tt per anwra iafca ljfoatK " ' - ,!;.. I . " Efenry I ls aLova Wrk haa Leu e-tf ti u i i n Plisbxirjr, t tbe Olfn of THE Wi::T!.:tN ( AnOU.MAX, wliere Sperinw of tW Vi!, Irti seen, and wise re Miherriptkaui a ill tie tl.: ! ''.!') p-,eiinNlj' '-'v.Tflrhrif' (jftaJrl'iiaMiedi. frnr tlie rn-ss, (six of hu:ti ate to be sees at Uua OiFne,) eun tuiiiiig Portrait aud Ijiographical tketdtea uf the fid bm in? distininiiilied per son n: t i i ..i.i-.. ri ,'.,u..-Tk.. f.. I l'm t II. Majorca. Israel Ihitnam, U. K A. ; Aa- -r J.vkaon, Preanleivt of th"? VtA Ktatrtt'I' Miss ,C.-MLSlevk:k, Uie, A'aW"- 1 -r 'ort III him i'el;n,CbiefJwtu?eof ftjel'ijited FrUfc-a: JiCwiatW tvnvetary of War; Wi!U. Vr,-t Jf'tTt iKwUJJl'j.rUta Viae Pes...ni of Uie luiiteif Stain ; I. irj- Clay j Majta-Cicn. W I .. .i if a a ? f Picwill-Tw, v n- .,,.-...,,-. . . . ... Part V. XlajiG n. Alexsndej ilacoaib, U S. A. ; Jori R. Poinsett ; Joe4 Barlow. .. ' Prt 17. Ma-Gen'L AnUnwy Wann U. S. A. ; F()-arrj Ijvjntrirtnn ; t-'d. -Mitt Tftllobull, I'jA.A'JL . l is f rtncoiiiinr ilj poiain, "tiKHig ana- nv others, tbe WWia?: ' " ' ' ' Z Zi All tie Preailen -flipm W.-4tn, I'H Bf, Fi., ami G.! W. R. Dsvie, of NiUi J'ahdma : Ro Krt V. IJjyne, and J J.a C Calhoun, of South Can4i. tia ; General Brown, Commoikre Chavncev, De Witt Clinton, J. Fenninmr Coou-, Washim'ton ln'mi, Ge erai Greene. H. i. ti, Wm Ctn'l Kiix, A miu McLane. Ileni. Watkina Leiph, Gen. aliAmn, tiudler Wurrar. Com. Perry, Cjy. Slielbr, ChH-fJiutice Sbip- in, uurjert fttiart, mrs. Visr7 aui5iia, isaaiei JVVMrr, Ri"ht Rer. H'ihhi White, Noah Webtr." ' ' .i? Jbiiry, iforcfc 23, S.-tit .... " ' " f 1 (RooLJLoit; :'..!MM;riW ha lr4 a Volume uf I AY? l't,U S SHAKjq'EARE," for whkb h.; i' it; tuil value to ny terwn who will deJi .lia JOHN UUAKD, Jr? ...s. M.ireh 22, ' ', ' Mate (mwertimenta but we dny"Uf:il by so ooi'hg Uiey gave up Uieir rVereigntJ.; It. must, be abowu that RfT ffv J'P 'heir Hwereiga-righta, before we can admit that ibiir iveimghty is sunk.; In aa article we Wrote two week ago, we endeavored to explain Uie uieanmg of "Sovereignty;" aud, to save room, we umst now refer to it to ahow that Uie delejmtwn of certain w a7 powers jea not destroy tha apureignty of Uie party delegating. .., I.. ..... . .' v....;-- ..,vw Our atenjopilent aaya : !? When we apeak rtf aove reiguiy, we attach to it the-idea that there ia no supe rior. Thia p politically tnie; but he applies it iiuor rectly. Wa iusist that ia the UnKed Ktale there no reigntiea-Hri frnttr rrapertire intifi, rtfrlf it infe rior 16 islT Ike vAer....beyood Uswj limitSj they are fo- UllcmlTy ewaf. tsur corrtsioleat surely doe not contend that U)e Getwtal tovemfrifTI ig ,Sover.iMnt Va know. UmH aunie, wlw even prof-sa b be Kryubltcxni, sssert this ; Kt hf eurely, doea not! Ia Uie old Monarchies of Etitip thai (ha-trine prevails ; there Uie Uno-malm aiiw . a . a aa i are caiieq .-marrnais. in r.ngianu, nowever, a cele brated vjrjter "f the h.4rfjrXjunjua,iy4 "flaasi sovereigiiiy is i'MieU to the lan-makert. He auys : "The power of KiniA Lords, and Commons, not aa arbitrary pow -J'hej arrJeJrfecuA llsaawn era, of the wtateT'he f-Mnple ia in va, fjhe Peo ple. They cannot altenatn, they cannot waste. Whi.n e aay that the I fgialatur is inpreme, We mean that rt at the highest pqTpr known to ttjM,aistitiiUk that $ at Uie highest in cmjiistrison wilft Uieitlier aubordi Bit poNrii c.tabi isbe'1 by Uie kiwa. In UiiSeijse, Uie word tmprtme is relaUva, not absolute. The poSwcof the legislature limited, not dy bv the general rules of natural justice, and Uie welfiite of tlie community, but by tba ftsrma and principh's of our particular Constitu tion, if Una dortrine be not true,' we mtist admit Uiat Kin?, Iiords. and Cormniinii, hie ry r,ls to direct Uieir iwolus;ni, but BicriJy Uie,. u n w iU and fitawum They to.glit nnit- llie Leilati and Executive power ib i:w 'B uv uiNjave ute woiifeuiuuoii oy an act of Parliajaieiit" W " W i thet rr w been carried wjt in Amerioa, Hire: '. ' i i . .v rs '.T .' i ' wereymy ia i..tp in rue i uHtiiiuitmi-MikiTir. . in COrTDAViD Clli K'KETT. A bill being lately before the Honne of Representa tives, making appropriation for Uie Army, a clause reign constituent parties! I answer, the reason r Very plain : Tho People of each Stu t et hofi JJw -aulupU of tills Constitution, constituted a distinct and aejianti Sovereignty within their territoritil limits, and Uet alone had the mwer of allrrin;' their Slate Coostda tioiis. It was theretiire necessary for the People nfans ry htate, in their Nivereign ciipucity, to ailojit anjij. terntiuii which would all'uct their Mute (invermwuti and iuy restrit iions ukmi their Sliito lgislutureStWck. aa ifre laid in the instruiiii iil. The origin of all pota is inherent in the People in their original state of at. tu re, u iin!ivi(liiiilh, who have the right to form tbea selves into societies, ciHiuiiuiiities, or governments, aid to give up a part of their mitur.il right in order to si cure the riNt lud acquire oUiersmtheirapctaistatw B'foKe oui Ri'vulution, each of our Uien Uiirti-en Statu or ('(ill mies had, under Uie authority of Uie usiUiercona. try, established a ( lovermoent fiir themselves ; awl, if ter the Declaration of Independence, udopted iltutt Constitutions; swVat the close of the war, when (it. enter aiiowmg lor ueiraying a.urgeonaixpen-e8 m j Britain knowledgiil their indejieiuleiiee, Uiey wm iiiukinur "exyerimenti. on the abanach uf a wounded thirteen Sovereign Indetiendent Stales, which aw soldier, eliciUxl a good deal of wit and severe rebuke rciiity was vested in tliu. 1'euulu, who liad a par of other "exoeruiieiiU'' which are now in a conna nf OVCT me Lonsiuuiions wnicn uiey ntui auopiea ioria? determin.t,.a,. The honest but eccentric individual T" eVnMt 10 a!U"r, ,,K m Vne u X"' t t uirjr iiiigui msv in, mm wiii;ii uiu i wtjnw ui uif BTTrisu ' Ua-a 'a 1 . . a . II - V al f j. " wIhsjc uaiue stands at the bead of Uiia article, apuke a ' SUtes appointed IMegate Ui ciaisider oTthe Cunilli- O tollows: tion of the United SlaU-s, and either to reject or ailit g Geutloinen objected to. pttying fi experimenU; but ' it, (and wiiodid adopt it,) they, "by doing so, akldtrf J "ia the) dsya, wlieu we war trying experiment on the 1 aome ofUie powers Uiey had granted U. their State(k f current-y.'why not try experiments on the science ! ;,yeriuiimU.id.v.esi Uiuui. in tlie General GovtW" For hw part, however, be l'ittght" " hawBy aw'-saa'ry "went, to attain the -objects for which it was adoiuja, 'si io niBKe any appropriation at ail, lor una or any thing' therein aUttui. - - - - r .-nr elss. He had been alimwt rpadv to iroairainst all an- VVtun w sisk of a.vKreiiriu. we iin-.li iniiiaa pmpriatKiu bills, till : he knewwrhere the money waa. If jiW Uwl there a, 'no superior r Uienfore.to sieakof tl3 i.i r'lva il,. ........... U... .1... ... . . . . ... i L, . . i. - I I ... ..i . ; .4... bills abo ing i-etr poraert wim money, pot oniy at me evpense 1 0ne man coulil U Hoverei..ritn;. M K 'a Hie Intter W'lieved.l pnssme anr bills arsmt it ' BuTinurlt the "end" I fwi'tdisTi to U tliere and appropriate at all, Iff remov e Uiedepaeitea.'wbflrieby thmr pciiihmry'fiiteresu are inl danger, tnan Hiey all at once, get their eyes open, and see Uiat Uieir Jate. Idol ii a Dttpatl . ' Perhpi htmri the deaeswdttntg of the ffliiatrkwe fenji'irey(..Kthjig couscientiously .. in accordance with th .peaceful maxim of their sect ; and, having .u,$m Balwry!..avasaaiv'when we Tryur.lrfthy'hfWeifercTaiise' in tin iMwiate at all. If one man . Constitution of Uie L'nitud Slutem v-i thiiitVinstitMHfla ekl -tAke the-money,-' and piTtlwliere Uie .Lrw ( Uie UwtAJEto jm- iimieu il now MW4He,4iuse anow wliertlt .mx ' : la .lauiawws-w'riHif. A c.. slia betJw wioreietw( r-howcnldthy toll bul k rntsbt be in his Royal Ma- ' the land." fcc. It is admitUil. bv Uils mirtv. tliat the itiHlliy u! UMmtitiitHm-of tlie Unittd jt3tf' hreeiihca pudiet,-or in thepirlret of' ihBt fmp'Tit'"pcOTy"m)rprant? liiminfl, hi Fourth Auditor I Ho would vote fir one experiment, bul he aliould go against the oUior. T.'..7,l' As a newspaper is a kind of periodical ewyrlopiedia now been smitten upon bot cheek cowider uh. W t! .tr.ml' rMiaiaiu. iu-niuiJi, it. Ut, 4offeiutera, we ahall make no apology to our political satisnud, and resistance justifiable. By whatever mo tive Uiey were before rostraiited, and are now excited, we rejoice to find that there ia some spirit llong them Uie collar around their necks. True, we have pot yet heard Uiat the aotabia hero, CpJ, Pluck, the fit military emblem of collar-wearing Pennsylvania, has been ejected t and we are aware that alie has a Governor of whom even Old Rio" wrsibl he ashamed a meek, timid, aubmissive ai in Wotr clothing. StiU, tinTess'thla extrwirdinarv ineiiu ing be a ridiciiluuspgeant, aenaeliaa Ikrcu, got opto please cmldren.a spirit ia beginning to arouse Pennsyl vania, similar to Uiat which placed South Carolina in an attitude of proud defiance to the foe of Uie Consti lutiou. The iron-Workera' of Philadcjpliia l,ve given stmie proof Uiat they, at least, possess heart of sUol, and will 'rather die like freetnen thaB U.V9 like alavea. T&eu aeem determined, if it be necessary, to forge a ir(W for those who have been forging chains fivr thrm. If Uie People generally Would slatw a determined spirit, usurpation would soon retreat, without the shed ding of bluud ; but, if they submit but a little longet Uiey will have no alternative but slavery or tlie sword. friends fi giving a place to Uie well-told story of "Rip Van Winkle," a part of which will be lound on the f)iirth page of this paper ,.,... ... Tliere are, aoobUfss, tiionsands wlm have never read toe adyentoree of Uiia remarkable old geiitleijiau, who wa a peraoaificatkw of awnnolency ; to Umto, Uere8, 1 m utoUin of th United Stak om-taf lhe Stales to the General (ioveniment, are reserved todsi Ktates or to Uie PMiie..monp which w the right t regulate tlie iutermtl amtirs ef each ,fcvtej hy'Sitojitinl" aiH'h law tur the security of lifc'tibwty.and "property, ' as they inny see tit to make, which inn v be coiisisteut Jt'Ult-iw.iawiBrtof.thvlaa Jt is uulitir to atirilinte opinions to any lrtf of potW " tieians, which Uiey disavow, and always have don Tlie Federal Party have always admitted that any Act passed by Congress, not authorized by UieCwistitutia, , is Auid.ajul of mi MfaHd iliaAe"yeriern -bssrgTiy'T to refuse obeli(nce to it ; but Unit mi one citizen or i dividiiHl State has a right to be the finni judge in mvb pase; but the Julicial Hi-r established by Uie Peop; No Btate m Uie Una it so entirely degraded, by mathteorthlp. as Pennsrlvania Her Peonle voted at first fr General Jacksoti, professedly believing him b be a jfaaaMieeiii In vain some tif the iftacious old Republican warned Uiem of lie csepences of elect iujr a man who bad recommended it to a Sinner Presi dent (Mr. Monroe) to destroy all part distinctions. Their Hero waa elected : he raised up Uie altar of am MvrAtp, upon the ruins of political pn'arij. nd his. voUems Cried MJreal"b)'AndVewi wlw do' no wrong M - - He was popular in Pennsylvania because Uie People believed hfl to be frimujf to the TaruT and Internal iitipcovemeiit. Ilia ineaaurea on the subject have fluutuajedj being sometimes fin and anmetimea ;inf Ujern : but, true to the inaJt, Pennsylvania ns cry uut, " Well dune Andrewr , ' " In lose than Uiree years he aacrificed, as far as he emrM, tbe reputatioa of two ft vorite aon.it qf Pennsyl vania, (fntruam and Duane,) by turning Uiem out of "of fice fbr honest indenendenoe : but still Pennsylvaniana shouted the praises of the "old Roman t" 1'eonsylvaiiia wu more unammoua than any other State ihvftvor of the United Slates Bank s her com merce, hen, manufacture, and her vast scheme of in toTliarjmpi;emeritrbjive ncrTppledf if not' ruined, by tbe lresideia'i conduct to arils Uie Bank : but still Uie dettrayer ie.onthipped aa aomeUiing fbr Siiperior to Washinpton or fcojr tner mortal ! .Gworjre Wolf, (,oenHr of Pennsylvania, ij one of the Uor hith priestraml like others of the craft, w Ini either alwavs en'xpv or rW-ct rewards, he userila.'s u- the tale wil) be particularly uitoresting, as it w'U not oniy'imuae Uiem while redii)g it, but will enahle Uiem to pnderstaml Um freuueit aljuskins male to,ld 'Rip,' by cooinaring Nortli Carolina, in her cudloss holiargy, to Uiat poor iliif Jjen-pcpkod aud alvejiy memory. fiOTJTHERN CHRISTIAN HPJIALD. We have received the second number of tin paper, published in Columbia, 8. C, ami regret Uiat we cau not now find space r an extract from iU columns, to shpw with what ability it has begun its contributions to reilgkin, morality, and literature," The seleclkma are peculiarly ipteresting, and the Edifor'a comments upon Uiem weil-wrttten but!) evincing a freedom from sectarian intolerance. It is published weekly, by the Rev. R. 8. Gladney, at $3 per annum, in advance. - 0" Thelree-dcf 1s're)err11irtj(ile. from tlie Cliarlostnri Courier Ii wil) be aueu Uiat Uie British autlmritie of Nassau have exercised such aggression iipoti tlw property of Amaprin ") to our National Flag, aa will call for the speedy and decided interference of our Government We hope the statement may prove to be highly colored ; but, if not, we feel wire that justice will be demanded by our aq UjfiUe,aud awarded by the English Government.'1"" ordinate branehesof UieGwernnient, i to be the jnt "; in tlje lust resort, wheUier Uie law is conititutiniial at not.; and if deckled., by .tiiat.trAbuuiil, to lie. uowaist-3 tioiul, it is no crime to dicobey it. ... 1." 1 WhXMi A NORTH CAROUMA-- LETTER FROM VASm.C.TON. To tiu Editor of the Wftti-rn I'npiiuian. , .- Wa;1NOTO!I, MAr h U4, 1H34.'; Dear Sir: The Deposite Question is atill bofonl both Hou.se of Congress, On Wednesday, the Holt took up Um Report of '.the 'Committee of V ays tti" Means. Many speeches h ve already been delivered imuiy more will follow. V'ou see there Is a strong di posilion, on the part of Us who are sustaining the removal of the deposites from Uie jdacc where tlie U , hiul plated them, to make it a party question. H is tfl,, be hoped Uie country- will- not srr consider it Ita i portante is top vast, and Uie principlps involved, in H t'si "sacred, to hiajie' it a jmrty qtu-jtjpii. ,lta pflecH . Inust go" down to posterity, and the principle upil which the measure lias been bottoimHl, must mcorjuH rate themselves into our institutions, and endure as kmf as uiey wmii enmire. isii not, Ilieretore, iiMitistnsi that such a question aliould be uiiflr a party question I And yet, a distinguished Senator from Georgia dif lt rati, in his place, Uiat two-third uf both Hiaise woul4 ' have voted a restoratkin nf t)e Depmitos, but for pnrly ' coRfideraUomi ',.,Aud iU iW. pWalth!r RepteV senuitive thus to sirt wiUi their most sacred rigbta, and to destroy Uieir happiness ami prosperity fiir party considerations! I the New YorkorganixatiUi of pat ty, h; much boasted by . Mr Vamiefiaadvto prevad over a ionise of duty to tlie people, a regard fbr th Constitution and Ijiws, for puhlia tkith and natkaad hon ! I hope not But how can this be conaklercd ' a party question! General Jai kson i hot a candidnta Sw re-eWtion, and, decide Uiia qncstipn aa you will, can wither extend ornirtail tbe period of hiif 'publ stt?1 vice. It, tlierntme, any man, or set of men, have a Since 1 Approprii (ban ordii K lions, ins, v oi nen, an aiitg and will be a 'and Men Uie reve tkm. S" -was at b f .re, mo' waa P'j and Kta to Uie gi fiir' Uie nge, if i gree,'th ted airai - silent Is 4if theJ than tli circuinc bers. ' and Ilk vexed could, t ed a be chnis ai have a Their onr bur to akl i But i revena pidled the ex last y dollars S'ndlti Ilient ( prt I tlie re' jswiten atiwtr 3 vusly i their elude will fi -ty,U aifvis) Ikmis Y by Gi the n ineinl btites f fin ing I stinr them ..-.I I on tl of.!, sin? ( 'mi now ai'ipl for t of I'll thus 'in on mon ouel h-ivt anlu .. rviill MUM Kea' '" -"hav'i eb-r liev 'and .. erjetl uiei :':.-t m Wit W c sell iif ' . aii.'. Vf.l f. e bit' ' 'wl wi II. "eti in? th. ali kii . ca V( vi e 'of m Im r- n c J o t' p roa th wrKaa abolinu.i. W n . . . - . . I -MtiLUMum t-1 nave reert, m Tonr neper or the: 23d of -ebriiary,,the.Sp!ech of James Whituker, Esq., de livered to tlie Freemen of Macon County in Jque last; from it I huve extracted Uie following paragraph: "And here let.it be remembered, jhjt Uiere is now, " and ever baa la-en, since Urn wi)f of Uie Revolution, two1wcrful jiarties in Uie Government, cntcrtaminir .J",-! T L. JT11- mm 01 1 vised "m measure, or mw wippfft it, frrtU) mrty com ; "ajlnmmtermgth KptM h , . ... :- . uia iiouuuoi utusuiuiau;u tnim v tn iMiira thiii' Aiuti aIaIimi 1 nflTaA ftPt u . . , - ; w.iiw lilt, I) Vv II IVVUHill Mf a'lIlB7"i attw f ment, in whmh Uie Stale arc merged into one Gene- p!e ought to frown with indignatum upon that party. .nyi ritunii wiui niiiinuiea power the other 'Tl.. ,.u ..-) v r r...i i..l. .Mta 'ral puny ctiiiienmnff thai Uie mrtivutual StAtf artr ' niiVw wiy erritw.;cf, aaYashmgbai style them, I rewet this measuref- ll has d.me muth to lioure UJ lio hav. own rm- Jack. fiime. Riit I huve wandem! tomi.mv ofiieet. wlorh waa rm re rilss, j mi,,", yl)U laiit is Aunff in UeCpiUjiunlie Unv T , T T7'", 1 mc, ?rles re 1,10 public character of Uie .Prwident The men w Uient ineniber of the General twvejment, which ia 1 advised. w sustain the measure, flit their o ucremnreui me owies, ami W no lurlUer pow, w, viewa, are &Auc it at the expense of GonL " than what w dclegaUid to it by the StnU-s, in the Con .'. nmuhrita. ....I l. th. -.fiw. .S ).' ft.t.im 'slitutimi, Ac, If tin w is uiiy 'licit jKir'y is Mr. Whitakcr Je

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