t IV fld-!- . lu'... at. ft,t 1 "ill tbt wLrk I w U tub 4i 5uia 5 in tbe n 'terj 07 std. fans njril i mull .SKI. , tow. lti"S cow. si, if nfo WW . wr tbeir is? u vend 11 "1 AgeF GV van" itlU if tlx e nth." nix. ttHsa tths. oths taw stellt poli. r Act itWB, SW 1V: es lei AJt- 14. V -fist oust ai1 rd d. law is (9 illh '11 KjqJ flM iI4 nil)' bt, nflf ia4w tin al src4 i m Hi an." ; ana UK irJy- tlK iav im I'tlB. Sine I Inxt wroto yen, ('(mere have paned some II. Ilia ulnfli ctTBirmioI Willi tiiir a AmmjriMKn jhh 7; ';t me env, reouesiing tncir mcuilier not to at- CrtVretlyJlUr,d. This was . favorable I""" jUppryve the measure of the Exec,,. .n.and creates the hoiie, at least, tlmt the inerea. ? imr and alarming extrava;janre ot una tiovernmciit wil be niieTl nwitum in nnurv. " ' l. 11.11 . v... Some 4iuie iinco, Ur. Hall, of North Carolina, mb- miu.-d reitolution iin.triicUinf tile UiinmitUie of and Meant to imiuire into Uie exixjdUsncy of reducing the revenue. Jl produced 'at once a very deru wn tjn. 8om trcd that another angry Tariff dibale -ww at ImihA A (rciiUsina ftuw- I'suunylvaoia, then fire, moved ti reject the renolution without dobot. It wu ri'iecU'd by a lar majority. The Free Trado imH Ktato Riirhta Party, who had contrihuted mainly to Uie great CHnpruniiina Bill of Uie hut feiwiqn, voted fir'the renolutioiu They wiehed to reduce tlie reve nue, if it coiihl be done without vw!atiiir. in ny de.. free, that coniprutnine. Tlie New York tnembera vo- '' ted atraioMt ctiiieidering'tM reunion I I notice thii - silent hut aiitficnntvole, to iilu that the coiiiproHii uf thr-Tarili; aiincdla!!t .iuteri-waa a beiu-r bill than the South ever could bava gotten, under" other cireuinctancca, or at the handa 0 the New York mem ber The repn .enUtiorw, therefore, made by Foray th and hi Van ln'ren Pricnda ja Die Houth, tliat if thia veted queti had not been a;ttled lart winter, he could, by tlie aid of hit New York friemK have obtain ed a better bill thia winter, turna Out to be totally falla cious and deceptive. Thny never did, and never would have aifled the South in her struggle for Free Trade. Their d'mtinjruuihed leader, in hulped t impm our burtheH, but couU never find it exactly convenient to aid in their removal. Hut it b ridiciJou aeriouly to talk of reducing tlie revenue at tlM-ttiite. Many fi;ar that we alialf be com pidled to inofemte the "taxen, or make a loan to meet Hie expenaea of the Goveriiinent Tlie expenditure, hut year, amounted fa uearly twenty-two million of dullnra eijrht milliona, at leant, over any ordinary ex jiendituri, and twelve milliona more tlian thia ftive'rn iiient ouijiit to eiwt But the revenue derived from im-p-M-U tlie prewnt year esanit ential, by aeveral millions ttte revemie't tlie laxt year. The removal of Uie De piite, hile it haa dennped tlie market at home, baa " atfrrteil Trry TrintrMjonr foreign eommwe. Many ent'-niriaing rm-n-hant have aunk under the promntre if Hi time; then have eMintermatided order previ- . . diuj-ly acut out, while all have been compellfd.to narrow their biiKineiw. We may, therefore, reamHialily eon cIinmj tlmt the revenue derived from importa thi year will fall Sir !rt of tlwtt of With great proprl- -y, llier-fife, JmI the Kreaideut, in hi annual inejtwjje, " fv1"nriW to aJintain from extravagant appropria tiiMiK of tjie Mihlic money. You have, no diajl, noticed a renolution MilmiHtnl by (Sent. HiM-ighl, directing our Clerk to mrchne Sir he nev. miMinVr, buokn hereloflire ordered Cr the old iiieniln rii, eriibruring (ialea St Seatun'a Register of I)y trite, w ith many oilier, and iuvolving an expenditure f flirty or fitty tlioiiMiid dollam. The practice of buy injf lAs 6 die iwe of mewhera, audiur any circu Kt iiiri or to any amount, i tiiiprojuT. It i taking to theiiwelve morn uf the nublic money tlian ia authori sed by lw, and ia therefore a shameful poculation up on the "Public Treiwurv. But thi i the fiM imitanee iif ili.Tiij tfifi thihsr "m t-whofesnfelinT, arrt of" pnreha- mix fiir new inemher ail Uuok iNirciiawa ai uie iiirrese. The prtcedeut ia a dangeroua ohe. The new memWr of the next Congrew, following the ex ai'iile net theiu in thi resolution, mu1 have purchnned for litem all boulu uurrltaned at Uii Congress which of eourne will embrace thcWkaof the laat Congrew tliu each wM ceediiitf Conirre, bceoininc more and ' more extrnvnpint, and appmprktinir to titemelva more and. more of the public money. The people oufht to hirfk- into thia matter, and correct it It must h.ive atrurk vou with eome mtrnriae to see audi a re- anlminn coming from Genl. Speight a gentleman who ri'iulprnl liimunlf an nntnrurtiK. a fiW VCHfH aim. for hli otioition to thin Hitme Regixter of DhImU by. OiJea St Keiitnn ! Trmpbrn tnvtantur el uom mutamur. Timer ' bnve wrmderftiliy cfianged. A new Kjteafcer huwt Me elected at thi eion, and the General, no doiibt, be lieve mi man eould fill the chair with more "dignity anil ability than fcrmnelf ; arid sixteen dnUaw day, aa m-aker. iniirlit hot be. in hi estimation, an unworthy 1" return it aueb 'jaitmn&mtf -is hclntlf of . lUd W W iiie.iiUit rt. . -. ' r'FtiuayVMr. CallMmftablrvwed the'"5eWP"hpo"ri 1f- T ,1. .I.ir'j l.ill li. r. i hurl, r lln 1'dinlr llfl UmliH JUIF, 1 KtWlrT M Hill VI ICI HHI W'.l- UK. IMIIIu "II" with great nrce and efTeCt "lie reviewed the subject -jueVuirticjr.jn-i .11104. inaxtc.tly. tyTe, Hi.a apeech i rm)i'leril to be jiuixTior Ui any ever spoken bv him' aelf, or othens on the floor of (wigre. He made one Jut the jivyt i ffi f x jl t a n i ..abftnw, pibjec; ttir 3learet . and viuwt cotupreJuanihlc,,,, h'm rhere was nu cott ifjiinient lie encountered the difficulties of hi aub 1 r l 111 Lln Mtirit if a Jialriiit juid a atateiiuun. The cf- f ft wmi' a inost triunirihant mie, am) wwne TroSu Cut OHlerrrt ent'lllirti,tlie JiiglieM cncoiiiiuina, inahiieecn 'will lie nublished. and if 1 am not ireatlv deceived, you will bv it deserve more tlian t have or can wy of it, pora fur an e.tenion of the present Bank, with an ""WiTR'f Anient Vif "its fhiritafr He PhrJnfevt mch mettmre insti'ml uf a Bank entirely new, from tlie necessities of tli- tune. Hi argument 111 favour ol the constitution ality of a Nat ioual Bank wag peculiarly able and atr krng.' If it ftil. to convince far mind, I am aure it canrwK lie rean ny you wtinmii leeung ius wcignu "Tlit Kaieigh jvcgiMer, til April 1st, ajs: "The Sujireuie Court will tMljourii Mlny, after a kmg ami very riilirTMis fierinT'a "TnrKe"HuTfitKif'of'c9iiiiiBii'fRti- vmg been rii5H!l of. Opinion have meft 'deliver1 iM in the following caw, hiiicc mr hist March 25. Judge (jitKti.ii delivered the Opinion ol the Court m the cane of Kerr t. Cowen At Lon ner, from Iredell, directing that the Injunction ahull be disdveil a to the sum of 41 'ith inter- e-t, aceiiriTiiiii (Tie luvv (jTJwua, il (,h rnte'of per centum trotu the 4th Slay, until paid, nnl' iierpetiiiitou" to the reiluo of llie jinlgnietil complained of. Minch 20. Chjef.Jiuticft Ruffin delivered the iulgnn'iit of the Court irt the two noil in J'-ipiitj ol' Miller and M'ifu and other a. Cliiinilierii, from r".vyu" tiic KXiiiui fa f5iT"irtlMaiu er, Misiiiming aouw of UiC excuplum uiki ovcrru- iiiy 1 ther tnm hilMi'i lK.fk.1 llUi, ArrllKf M Mant L : R F.AT. MF.ETING OF THE PEOPLE. Yesterday, Philadelphia exhibited a scene which fi!ts'WivftIrtirtrr-lw jii, Jl JH Kicratic ('itix-ns of tlie City aiid Coun ty vvii "hII iitlicrs who are rewdvod to defend the Coiistilmi-Mt ami I-hw aguiiwt Emciitivc Uura tiori," hM'i4l!d iii Indecndc:!ico Sipure, at four o'elis-k.' At noon, ahirge proportion of the Stores, both wtiic-iile and retail, together with the work nIio of uur iulidUut Muuuc and'iea prjtvatehau -, were hut up, in evidence of tlie ch-cj feeling with which this community has been imjiresMt-d by the unconstitutional nets of Andrew' Jackson, cho in on evil hour to prenido oyer a mice free and Imppy people. AH cliiHr8 were movt cmphatieslty rrpresented, .thBTarkaw trades;, chizpns; irorchaiitSjitcrfre;; prevuMis arnuigeinent, met at various point to pn:eed la the place of meet ingTLnng liefore tlie appointed hour, ImlepeiMU'we SipiaN wo thmngwd bv tlni4iiMlH of patriots, w!k, ihsigli they had not jmed anv f tlm'pr'esiii, were detej-n lined to show that their heiirts were Jiue W their country's I honor; and as the Jik kson nertv lmit posted hill all !. . . - .1 . . . .1 . . g I ,,ve ,a are uelcrmiuuu such usurpations slmll i "poeuiiy prm. a more numerous, rcejrrtulile, or derly, aiu iiimiirinou tuw!iing,'was never held in thi or any oilier city of tlie't'iiioii. . Before three o'clock, the processions of difli rent kinds begaa to enter the Suare, aa nearly an wc caiul ascertain, in the Allowing order t . THE CITIZENS OF-SIANAYUNKwrth-- hand "Kofin flag, mHcribod u above They formed a very long eavalcade, compuaed of tlie boiie and aiuew uf tha owmtry. They Were preceded by a golden Ea gle, d rawed in black crape, aa an emblem of mourn inir. ' r TUB CITIZENS OF SOUTHWARK, a lanrU and luglily reapectuble body, ... THE CITIZENS OF MOYAMENSING.to the tium- .. per or aeveral hundred, preceded by a flag with the . inscription of Wiufimgton our (iuide atiiJ Monitor." THE MOYAMENSING WEAVEIUS, preceded by I loom oui 01 gear, ana mouniea on a can, on wnicn was legibly written, "No Work!" -On tlie banner, "American Industry (he road to Independence." About 41)0 in number. 1 - THE MERCHANTS AND TRADERS of Uie City ana umnty. 1 be number or una very respectable bfxly in tlie proceaaion exceeded jfve humlrtd, and certainly a rnor rwpectblebody never inade Uicir apearance in our atreeta. AiiHHig tlien'i we recog nized man; who had but lately been tlie IVaidcnl warmest supporters j but who, on tlie prevent mo mentous (fccaaion, were proud to aliow thcmelvce in the ranks of tlie Free. Their motto was approriato ly inscribed on a flag, u Supporting the Convtitution and Ijws." . AH the shipping in the port liad their flags at half maxt, so that tlie occaaion may be aaid to ha ve bet1 aajictioned by the entire buly of our mer chant. ' TAILORS AND CIXJTIIIERS, preceded by a mode nag, but tin was attended by a large claaa or men who are neve? miming when tue country ia in dancer. THE FURNISHERS, with a flag containing Uie motto " 1 ne UMiMiiuiion inviolate. . THE B(X)K8ELI.ERS AND B(X)KBINDERS, with two banners ; the rirtrt was an eteirant one, of blue silk ;' liioUii, " Wd bind and preer've tlie literature of the priwent age for tlie benclit of the future. TJieir aecond bore the inscription, " Oiir Country and tlie Contitution.n THE FWNTF.RS, with I banner hurribed, tur country and it Constitution; truth 1 great, and mut prevail. It w aeelareii, on good authority, that it linn l.'cn aacertaincd irtii R-titihtkn of the twu latter pmliKsioiiH are opwed to tlie removal of tlie depri site. THE COAL DEAIF.RS, and other interested in the .A IJ.KH, and other interested in the I fi. atured wc may nafely nay hiiylkill This rep.cUble awl nun.e- j c pe to gf, tlWtand citiiMJllll wer precei ed by a banner with a view of a :,,i' . ,.r ,1 . u-.... 1. I , K 1 - mi 'be lie entire ot t he tv iwre. It I coal cars drawn on t rail mad. Tbei. ; , - . ' ,. t ., s forcible and rtriking, "(k. tell hmi 'kmll!m' ' trade of tlie Schuylkill. ni body wa canal lock, and uwcription was lorcilile and atrikirur, Freemen will not bow or accept the collar ! I " I'a inn through the canal was the fine Ut IJoHnlitulum. 4iuli..baH!ertw itli a motto, " United we stand, divi ded we full. A esenunib?of dealer, boat men, ann omer, were in aiiemiance. - - - THE HATTERS, displaying an appropriate banner, surmounted by a cocked hat, inccribeil all round H. ' THE BUILDERS, to Uie number of aeveral hundred. THE CORDWAiNERS, with a plain white banner, mucribed with Uie name, Ac. of their profession. THE MARBLE MASONS, with bright flag bearing uie motto weaeiend me unistitution rrum present and fiiture violence." THE (JOU) AND SILVER ARTISTS, with a flag hearing a head c W bmt,- TIU1BHU BUI J J)ERS, STEVEDORES, SAILORS, etc. nag macrioen, " voai give up uie oiup. - iadot i Wealtli." . FARM ERS & MILLERS, in prat numbers, carrying .;.WJfy'iHI . twfc-uwctipttP Ow UMialry ud uie (!ontitutkn." PEOIM DF GERMANTfJWNrhiarmwt truly re- nitectalile and iiumeroua body was loudly eliered oh ::H'mtrkfr I.eii toilul'tuWM.f 1 :.n.'. r; ri.-ii A....iw.itA. ..i rf irtthilaT ""'""' wihit! , uron ivgiiiriiaura T"c """'J rwisr oppreuwiH," .ynuieirnag, " I he Coiwtitution . Hill I -Uil" - - ' 1' fl, ' .r. SUCA REnNEXSMolto, " Support the Constitu tion and I w. THE TOaXXlNiSTSt r witlr; a suitable banner, re - . pruseatiug WajJiiriiitoa receiving, a calumet of peace from aa Indian. Motto, " Flourish the Plant," The oeatt Jnle-rcdjWasft veyiwyjffocsiiiittof:Q tens (rum Uie township of Biuckley ami Kingsesmng, headed by a banner inscribed, M We do not despair of Uie Republic" And flillowcd by THE YOUNG MEN OFTini CITY ANDCOUN , .,jTY.s-tnot .truly.inUestuig.)rQceiMun hailed by all, as it pacd in, with loud acchunatiou. There were at least 4000 of them. But perhaps Uie rnost interesting incident of the day wa.- Uie circumstance which occurred on Uiose young men pajwing by the house of the firm and indepen dent Secretary of the Treasury, WILLIAM J. I)U- :ANEi- His person wadicorered at the windowtif his liousn, overlooking Independence Square, ami no sooner wahe aen vm a IovhI and universal shout -roue from Uie enUiusiastic multitude, evincing .most forcibly their apppbatipn of his course. M r. l)uane bowed repeatedly to Uie crowd, and we saw his hand kerchief more Uian once wiping a cwirsing tear from liis cheek at this demonstration of their atrcction for a man displaying independence in Uie cause of Uie OyistiUjtton, which Uiey were now assembling to avow thair intention to yindu;a.tc and kef n uitsuHi- "ed from a Sjiot" Tlieyimng men also. 4ipl.yeI a flag insoribed, ''Our country, not party- principles,' nut men." THE IRON WORKERS, with a picture representing an anvil and a sledge-hammer, and the operation of ri(r A-SWOR1X propcx. ..TUcrc. waa. no jnictar Img tin at least THE BUCK AND WHITESMFTS, HARDWARE - MERCHANTS, IROmSTERS, TIX-PIATB WORKERS, COPPERSMITHS, Sic, with a plain white banner ; motto, " Our Country and Conrtitu- ltt.1L THE COOPERS made a considerable turn out, but aa rkr a we could see bore no banner. THE CITIZENS OF KENSINGTON DISTRICT. THE CITIZENS OF THE NORTHERN UBER- TIESAN1J bPBJNG GAlUao- THE TANNERS AND CURRIERS AND LLTII- ERDEAIJCRS. THE PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. THE CITIZENS OF LOWER," DUBLIN AND BV. BEHRY, were represented, but in the crowded etatc of the yard it was irupoauble any longer to keep pace with tfie enonnou influx of persons wlm proiid in from all ipiartcr to witness tho resurrection of tlie Constitution fmm it fallen estate. . As the coinpimies filed into the yard, their lien ner were displayed on the ample staging, wliere wan assembled the committee of arningenamt under the banners of the United State, which were dis uloved fmm it, and from the steeple. Alnvmt at the striking of the clock, the meeting waa"nrnied, by T)piilrrHitgIhmTI tlwvrs; an -rnri- gmiu Ja-kin mnus rrwwiiuir and r t!ie jiml nunilier of Vice-Predeiils and Sex;r;(ark'. . . Peter A. Rrowne, Esf.", addr;sed the nuiltitud-j in a short lut very pertinent anil impressive spoech ; at every point he made., and they weref not few, the: tuif am rout with cnthuiiutic f appktue. lie alluded to Ihe yt where tho nifing waa, held, a that on which our fun-fit hem a'iiililed to procluim their horror of fim-ign tj runny, and mi id it wua the same where a werii now pn'-iiiji "oi a veto on domestic usurpatiim. UeiteratcTl anil tut- restrained approliition, Irv cheer and iluimihg of, hiuida, n wardedIr. IJrowno forliU uofl-tiiiH-d uud putriotio aildn-MH. .. ,r . The coinHiny having ohtuiiied t glimpse of Hir entinmble fellow citizen, John Serjreant, ICmj., gave hi w three round of hearty apihiue. ' Sauaml Ruli, autcowood Mr, H row ne, and in an iniMwioned addrcsa of great pith, kept tho people in a contaitt good humor. : , C. J. Jack, Eaq., followed. Mr; Browne, the first named orator, having rend the resolution, which were Maacd with this utinoat unanimity, this iinnienw multitude began to disperoe pcuceahly to their home before five o'cWk. . -:.Oii having the y.ard, the wleral proce wiorw piled :llwif..)nfteff RuicifuHy lx-fiire'Mi'. Duane'a dior, and commenced giviuj him loudly vuciforalcd cheers, at the rate of throe time, three."' This brought Mr. D. to the window, and he addresed them for t few momonl, eviilently deeply alfi-cted by their enthiwiajim. The applause which follow, ed we will not attempt to describe : it ho made an impremion on all who heard it which death alone can obliterate, and which should encourage states, men" to pursue the honest dictatoa of their heart i In a few minutes aftor the adjournmeut, the ata ging wua all removed, and we taw but a ainglo in stance of even an attempt to create disturbance, in the case of a crazy tnaa who hoimed a hickory broom. He was hastily and peaceably hunt led out, without a shadow of any indication of supporting him. Indeed the unanimity, the quiet of every part of the arrangements, spoke volumes in favor of the citizen of Philadelphia. They seemed to have come together as with one heart and one hnnd to A'fend what it wiD be observed vnur the prtmitfcnf feature on every banner, THE CONSTITUTION AND THE LAWS. The hortiber of citizens opposed to the itMirpa tions of Andnw Juckson, at the great .meeting, held in IndejeiHk!iice 8iiure, yesterday aftennKin, has Uwn vffrKiusly cuniputed. . We have lukeu eve. ry nieoji to ascertain the aimaint' as iwurly a possible, and, aidml hy the experience of umiiy in- telhgc-nt gentlemen who have luid opportunity 0 wnm;uig inrge nsMemnuea 01 iieoiiie in tin qouii- try, aa well as in Great Britain, Fra ice, &tc., we feel ansured wc may safely nay that from forty- re present, Milhm wu tlie knt-U of ill hardly rear it trout ui tin city again. ttmm to I'kwlMtw (Mrtat. a THE BRIG ENCOMIUM, e Captain, crcw. anrl tjnwcrrc'ftf thhr Bftff, recently wreckeil on AUvo, on her passage from this port to New Orleans, and who were taken te Nassau by the wreckers, hnveafW much sorter ing, privation, and insult, reached their port uf do atination. , :... . ,.. The New Orleans Bee, of tho 4th ultn contains a statcnamt giving the- particulars of tho Ship wreck, and detailing the ciraumaUnci;snf tlw trat. ment of the passengers by the nmhonrjei acJJaiS sau, of wjiicllth ftdlowingt tlie sulwlance 1 The EnijKirium was wreck-! on the 3d Fehrua rji about midnight; 56 hours from this port, on Uie North East part if" AlmoiK -Tiudiiely ifter the" vessel struck, she filled, ami Ctsitimied fo (hiuiip so ylolciitly on Ihe rveks, tlial it.wai' expucteiLei(c, ry wave would dah her to pieces : two hours, oiler . 8iicnrt srnrRrww ttwmrs over wrtee mch n. v oluu.l ln,i C-. .f I ha ml o E. I Vill Uiih lit A ualn t I. kWintaklnlt la all I Ian mum. va niui iiivj n 1 a iviiuiwtvij ivt una iimiu maM was-ininiediHtelv cut awuv, and fell athwart ie Tncart.v1iith"iTTWt royal mast. The Captain and crew succecdc-d, with great difllculty, ia ecuriu jhjnaiiHnastjj aj, ter it had ben ut .away, iu ch a nsuwer that the passengers might lash themselves to it, and fnrve; aboanl anlitiputed a watery grave sooner or later ; after remaining six hours on the wreck, eight ot the persons einlmrkeifm tlie hmMv boat, (the oulv auc. aUacliod.-ti. th-br ijf jwst Wrir vm,nd reached tlie land, five miles distant, which proved to lie Fish Key Island, which was inhabited by a single family of fishermen, who proceeded to the wrcclt, and succeeded iu saving all the paeuffers and crew, aimHoliiig to sixty-nine sr)u!s.""Thy1 reuMuied -n r h Key fsip dyif sufwrstmg on rice, which had been dreno.licd with salt-water, and such fish air they were able to catch : they were thou taken, by tl wrechers, to Green Turtle Kyr and from thenc to JNaHsaiu The treatment which they received at this place, according to their statoinent publiHhed, was of tlie most disgraceful chanteter, and call for the inter ference of the Amnrican (iovenuuent, which, it is beJieyed, will uot allow WTjwtytns to fce uwulte aiid atsjsed by trie undirliiigs of any Tower, arid more especially, tM, wbeu cast friendh ss and un protected upon their shore, by the elements. It is stated, that 011 arriving in the harbor at Nassau, nt 3 o'clock, P. M., ou the 11th February, they wenrtKarded "by the lioat fmm the horf ro manded by the visiting health otficer, named Tho mas Pindar ; 4ve was solicited Ur inform the ti vcrnor of the situation of the passengers, and to g t permission for them to land j he left, and soon WW wmtliwr Uwt visiuid lliwin, having mi Isntrd Alexander Macvey, His Majesty's seaTcher, who seized the negro slaves, 45 in mimlier, in the name of the King. He then departed, and Pindar re turned, an(f stated that they would not be permitted to land until next morning." On teing rcnViiuit ra ted withA on the cruelty of this proceeding, lie laughed at their distress, and used language othe most insulting character toward tlierm : Stkiri af teimluWr was rn on bourd the vessel to have no communication with the shore, on poirt of Iwing FI RED INTO I The vessel was theu dia:ed iniincdiluly uiuler Ihe guns of II. M. sloop of war l'ur:d ; after reinuitiiug there for some liims, they olitmnud uerinissHMi to laml, through the intercession of a fellow passenger, a merchant of tho first rciectalMlity, who had years ajjo reshh-d on Jhe Island. A friend of his called upon the LienToruint Governor and obtahietf a per mit for the pasietijfer and crew td land. , -The -net intmiing: the'lslaves were- lamled iand coruhicti-d to the Chistom or Police Office, ami d. dared to be free." a I a a day or tw, seventUST the hlayes returned to (heir mn.iters, with Wars in tlieir "ye-, craving ar.hin and soliciting in the nitt humble rrwnner to return lo the 1'nited &nU- wii'i them, fur they said they wuultl prefer rt-inuiuiiig Muve in America limn freemen in Nmi. Their imiiter then wuil'-doii Ihe Ainerit itii Consul and dosin-d to know nhellw r they ct.uld li tnkeu luick to the Sillies J tlie CoiimiI llmii'.lil il mlviil.li. In hiivs Uie Governor's opinion ui the subject, und ic conlingly a(ldre.Hi d him a nlit note, iiiliiiuitiug nun Koino 01 uie Muves vtero ettn-iuelv anxious to return with their nuwier. B. T. lhilford. Lien. uiian uovernor, r lun.(Hl an answer to tin elleci t ti si.,. ft .r ...1. . , 1 a - .. 1 . tlieiKgroes,lHI. will be IlAN(ihD,aml all ac , cessnrie, will hee.msiuVreilwi.mllvjtiHdml. and I iimm-i a sinillar Into ;" these are tlie exact words of '"'l""4' msuiri ientr aiyl declnnng, also, tlmt the - -the riote, which is now in the hands of the.Amcrt. Prexidt-nl'a RMiihn t in rei!im to (hi matter i an , can Cornell." A imiwr similar to the uno from which unuuthoried ajsMiniption i f tKv.cr. The first pa- we have made the above extracts, was presented at thn rifTll'D lif (111. li.ivul I'.uvnHa C.m Inuirlji lwi! ...,r... ... ..... ...v... ,,,, ... t'HI tVHwIn . 111 llm rniiv Kfiix..! I., I I Tho stnlcmetrt is signed by the followiinf gf ntle nwn t " , '"' "'.'', ,'' ,"".. Henry Reiley, iif Oinr!esIwi7S;'C;" Willium 1). Smith, of South Carolina. - - L. Curl, of North Carolina. Charles Allen, of Missouri. . '" John Wadihdl, of North Carolina. "John M. Neal.'uf Virgiuia. Ilaynes Wadddl.of Nirrth Carolina. , A. Grdamie, of biew Orleans.. I Kheflield, Captain of brig Enf oinrum. , Kiclianl T. Evhiw, Mate of said brig. -Welioiie the circunwtawe above detaiM are highly colored, a it can hardly be conceived tlmt wretchiis, such as Pindar and Macvey are stated to be, would be entrusted with authority by tUn Bri tish Government, or tlmt they would dare so te abuse it. That the British Government will dis claim -their condiK-i and discharge them from its service, um a projier representation uf the oJIiiir, we cannot doubt. ''- Tun. Bank of .-Marybwid 4m stepped- payrrrerrt, and the eflltcts of the Institution have l-en trans-lern-d to a Trustee, for tlie equal benefit of the creditors of Hie Bank. . - The St.s khohler of the Girard Bunk, tlie He. posile Bank at Pliiluih-lphiajiaveby a consideruMe majority, dwiikl in fuvur f a rekration of tlie Covcniinciit deH,iios to the Hank of tlie Uiiiied States. r ai,ai 444...... (ttr There ha been ao alteration for tlie better in Uie Markets which weumially quote. I'.jctrucl of a hlltr. doled Uixrviml. Frbrunry 7 : " The (hittim market is Jlat md jriiiping, and m fnr llur iterlUt i$ very Mii ly In Mas plat, Oood fair I'p Umdt barelw tiring Hid. TKmdervmd in Aiftser fur gnotli and yursa kai Utiene.d ten mm h, end ik priee ollahird fnr the latter will not remunerate pur-" cutMtM of tw&m at Nlrf. :nder CirrMrufniryu, the prire may Hirlute l em lmg. In thi Couulu. on Ihe 274 ultimo, h tke Rett. ,tmwi Rnthrnrk. Mr. HAUL MILLER to Mu MARGARET WW VS. In Ail Vuunly, on lie 276 ultimo, hu JitnTMV. Walton, Een., Mr. SOLOMON SJtTORU to Miu MARY PEELER. ----- In thi (imutt), on the (Uh ultimo, Mr. ABXER A DA V8 to MU$ JANE, daughter of Mr. Jome McXetiy. - - In RntkertWd (mntm Mr: JACOB UROOA'S to Vr.: ai. hullesh. ' ::y In MalctviUr, on the MtK ullinm, Mr. JAMES WFJ.VII, of WUxon hmntu, 7V"., to Mm OMAY rr . ornt'v r ..i.i. -..:i. w ri - - iw ei y " it . y fnii'y, i. v. . . , . . .. At Emt; JUtif, Spurtanhnrg- IhMrirl, S, (Xt Mr. ASA rx nf llnekt rotmty, N. C to MUi MAN- n.'-i-S"ir.awP.- ;v..,imstwI DKPARTK.D THIS LIFE, rrryrrl BROWX ariV tf Mr.. Pettr Ihown, inih S7(A jesr f her are, ' '' '21th ultimo, after m vnrtnuled illiun of nearly four rr. Mt.ALEXA&DZR.UlLLEHr'lE, H tkeHtid fWf lT fftt: .-Lr'W-. .t".5- . I M 1 A . rTIIE EiLditeeuth Anmial Convent'iisi of tlw Pro. testaut EiHm-oiMtl ChuK-h, iH tlieDioress .of North Carolina, will be hold in Ht. Peter's Church, VahingtuMf oouutHUJCuig u lktrd)'cdnxJt)ji in Mag next, that Is-iiig Ihe 7th day of tlie imsith. EDW'D LEE WINSLOW, April 5,1 H34.tdm - Seretutjf. Cttrriagc-3Iakiiig Business. , Hi?.?.I0 & HAVE ON HAND, AT THIS TIME, A iery Xni AiSortimenl of WorLj 1 COflSISTI,NS tif urn moji BarouchcSyGigb WHICH TUEY-ARE DISPOSED TO SELL lowrr than can f bought: elsewhere in this section of country -: TJieir work J jrnfiijiifncturel.of gs ijood..nintcri als as can le prisiured in the Smitliern country. - As they employ none but good workmen, they will warrant their WURK.tabfi ttpegioriinisns tw Iw highly nsefnf trr thcranse if i'i a vv iiTiii'H iu -ri 11-1 111 .!.. ' I : . 1 ' , - . .. . . . TO ANY OTHKR IN THIS PLACE, both in nraiiwu and strength. id IH)Nli BY (iKK)D WORKMJV. - 'Miq''oT,il)em Is ing the BEST SPRING H1AKER -rB.V vfitsith of tlie Pobsusn. f-REPAlRIVfl'wi lie done on short notice, and very eheap,'at tlieirOLD STAND, cm Mar ket-Slm-U one dr east of the lute Dr. Perniod'n Balislsiry, April 5, lMt 3t . C0US1XCSXC2T 1 E.WW.W!now, ... (F..yi;'T'j' n n ' I ttl.MlM V, tn'fir Agency I ip lite fimiMic turn til Cliiiiiis.sii)ii r.usiiM:.-w geiwrnllv, the Collection a"nd J ttleinent of Claim. Di-.Hiht und Rniewa f NiAus at either of the IiHtiks, Pure haw if tlt k. InvpstiiK-nt and Trsiffi r of Mmiev, ,Vc. A.c " FuVcttcvillcrApril 5, 3t r ". "" - f THE YOTH, TAKl-N ! In tl.s Senate of the Uaitcd Suites, m lie 2nth ult. lbs question woa 1 .. . . ., VV' imtl lM wroHw w ed . ,, ,.f 2 i t m. t, . ,. nf . . ir . --. ' - .. , 20 iTwn nws l na Mem brra vera a ssmL Mr. Mimguin yoted Ur ttch,of tho. Jtsolutions . ' Mr. 'Brown against each; :'.V. "TT"' Travellers BY. TAKING . . Pcch Wcllford's Wage,- AT NAUSBUUY, (N. C.) (17 miles 8. of Lexingtisi,) , ; '. '' ! Will aoie arrive hi Fnwleri:klurg( Va.) at 0 A. M. est Ihe FOURTH DAY from.Lexmtiio, in . timn Cir the Steamboat to Washington; aloepiiig, the SAM U M(i II T, iu BALTI MORE making - ' 03U 1 VYH OiliV, From Lriiii(lon,(N.'.) lo Italllmoir. " ID" (WiwroiIiiM with IFwioJ oT wiyothar Line whatever. . , . -V IT.CK8 At WELLFORD, V Proprietors of the old . W, ojr.Middle '.' ' Urniie Line of Stages. Fredericksburg, March 27. - N.B.- Travellnr from any point ftmth'of 8mv" Isiry, wishing lo take this Line, should be careful to tuirr lo Suliabwrjf oy V - ";"." P.& W.'s Stage leaves Salisbury tmnwKately--after Ihe arrival d the Piexhrnxit Hrage front thi Ssiih, via. every S U N D A Y, T U E 8 DAY, and I'll I D AY evening. , ' ' ," . ,1 OT Fare as low as by ny otlrer route. TAWl ft, 1:4. liaiul to be Soldi ,"oe t muck eiich as will satisfy the Tax rjue IhereouWILL BE SOLD, at the Courthouse in fAilishury, , Oa Monday the 10 th oCMxy next. Ka.MEI.T . ' ?QQ Acres b-Iwigiiiita.liio.Eut of John F. Fhimr. '. , ' 1 ; ' 2 1 Lois iu the Tew bf Salisbury, given in by Sumuul II. Pearson. , . ,.' . -I Lot m tm Town of Sutisbory,-giveh 'in riiy Farah Yarbrti"h. BOS Acres belonging to fh Estu'leof the mdow - . , u,.Ci!0ou, uWeased. . L - i. 2'JS Acres rrirerr in by Alloa Ci owillZT I Acres Vhiugnrg-to- tho Estflte of Ednard ' . Shenpiird, dieaxf. . r "; r tOOO "Acres lidonglug io tlie' Ltala cRi," (mrH" ' t t-.-v v. ;. 'sParter. doniul. l-y- hcluuatiur to-Thuniaa. Ktlt-a, given jn UY 1'UUItl KIKW, , . . . 87 Jkcros bclniiging'lo Rebecca Cookr given in' iwawfejfci33l.VMttttft jtrf QOifcsgjt a-twt -At. m Jtrorf-jt .wr'vjt ;r''ew"i--' 100 Aero belongii the Estate of .Elhrnbctli-r-i:.'. 11 Acres bging to Jail BoatW'of TreJi lI4 County. ' " .'.' " '" I OAcrea UgTIthTP UibcSi" ley, decease d. ' ' v i 125 Acres givfcrf in by Manchester Jolibstua. ' rift I 1 . . . u Acres given 111 By iianiei Murpli. T 1 riOLAcrttutiiia bit William lla'ii'iv"" 'it Acres belonging to tlie heirs of JuA Swink.' i Atres given in by John lies. ; 30 Acres given in by John Elchison, Runrdinn . of tlie heir of John F.tchison, decent d IT'l'bw TpuA 0 Land lies iu the l4 f 4hft.ys1(Mi'-Hii rJjiM A -ali cf 1 iiiuol.guiith and others. . ,., , " t-I ? 7; FrSLATEIt , ' t ' faltshwrj, April 5, ti31.- Tt , ' In Stattvsville. rT'IJE SubscribcrespectCdlv innmn V f j, ;, !i A aujd the iul4ie Hurt he HAS KE,i tiVl'.I bis valuable Stock of BOOKS from Ch.uluttr: To HTATESVILLE. lie exMcfs lo receive, in tl,e "'f"? ."f tbT "f f'r wwks,a lnr''f'-Mi1,!y , f new and IntereiBtmg Books, from h.,'., dtlpliialt will btt lrt Uja la Lm on haml a good assortment of s;u h liOOKS anil STATIONERY article as are in denmnd In fin section of our State.. , Believing that a well-cntnlurted B.h k'-ti pro-. !.;..ir I ism, or learninjr, and ol KeligMm, and N-ii".- will ing to soil his B..ks at low r V for W. , r a h-rt crtIU, hu fldllei hiiiiwdf thai hii slnill re CfUAluifiuturatieutuul friH-a lightrW wmmrr nity. Mo invites all vthu P el an interest, in hi -. liihlihhmcta U cull and e;i!i,iin fl.r 1!,. o n-Ivi-s, DAMEL GOULD. Flutosville, M.irrh 2!), . t (( Tnlio Notice!, ft R W V, m tin- i.'0th of Fo C'i' V bruary, rnv i n M,in ' Itll It He is iili. .ui H.'i or "fl e,ts '.' near II f ct l.I.Ji.ven l.l.o k nn.j N r. ted hahi-h rliei k boiws.nml l.ir..' f!--t. He hud on,v.hea he I .) mo, a l;n- alsiiit coat, copjK-ras-eoIiiii .I i.ver-all, ; wind -hat. Any pei-son aim v .11 rvtum ,. lo nve, at mv rcsidi ure, ol t!i i',U f mm ed by (s. David Caldwell, in Iredell (' (!., or coiilii'O him in any '. jnil no that I iall Is? Sinply corniKMiNited fur h!I troii'.ii "'itM. . ' '8. 'GLAC'OCK, , M.U.I1 1531. V I Vi!,. ! ; ... ' !