4llMntMl M."' ).r--l r ; ,t 1. " ' - -O Ikxtk t kw biltrr is lAe rrtotmhrvirfevflhrt la pom thttUat uue in 4u pftfuibtu." Tha rich bi4 W pmfip 1 1 mi gorged 'Viththag ' " Bo that it pre4 no pi?wi forth to leek - ( A better wwld Ihii ' , ."; " -., There j in change Awl In th ateeptea chamber of disease, CartainM and nursed, and ffl content, la. -' He hiut a waited an" an eager look, AnJ wi tfteler'brow hetix'd t lwer- Kara, yet loplurii. ' What, h greatly fUredY T Ilttd eome upon hita. 80 he wiil h .Wij The' way ef aQUU earth and Hit lands took Aaothei's mimk " , "Why to Ui Cradle-si&J CWat thoa, 0 Death changing to thine own hue Of ghMt!y pile tht yotitlifUl inipi brow .l AM fa her nightly watching leaving nought, . ' la payment but a piece of Rtarble clay," Awl the lorn heart-string in the bleeding breast f ' Corne V the aged ; he hath sorely trod , Time's lugged Mail, Until his tn" is broke, And hi feet palsied, and hit friend ill gone : ' Put thy cold finger on lifts' butt (hint apart, And, K&rbely fwping, he ihall fillow thee. Com to the aaint s for he will weekly take Thy menage to hi soul, and welcome thee . In jeaus name, and bios tlte haduwy gale 7hicb thou dost open. - k . ' Wait whikvO Death, '. ; For those who kv this fleeting world too well. ' Wait till it fbree their heart to Ulrri away : 7 YtfXi all It flirfeit prorniae, and loath . Their deep hypocrisy, Oh wait fur tiione Who havi not tailed yet W Uuavf n' high grace Nor bring tht ni to thcii audil all unclothod With I Ilodeemer'i Hjrhtwawrwal ' . ' IWOI'lMTf.' PasCEUJVNEOIT RIP VAN WINKLE. , . WltirrilN BY WKDRICK KMCKKRI!(")CKnfL Whix vcr hH iiinl Iinii4 r:ii)!iiilMr Hi" HMHipkill nniiiliiiiix. Jhcy ii-., 'ii- an? iiiut,iiii'mi urnm n m ino ema a im- cliiiin family, uuil are mmi way to ttin wont f tlm ntrr, awi'iimg up to a rMifl noiguy asia mraing 11 : ovt:r the urTouiHlui)r cuiiiry . Kiry chwigo of m:aM, every change of weather, indeed, tvery! hir ' tli )(iy jM'M.kw amoti We 4n llwi nu--(rii-ul Iiiicm ami liHjmitif tlrftiaJ riioniiluinn, and tlu-y tfo f tM by all the gwid wivph, dr and w-ar, aa mri-rt tiurr!tr)etra; VV'hoii the weatlx-r in Cilr and wlllml, they are clillii;J in blue and'mirttle, and iriul thir bdd 'uuiliima.on' the clnar (wwing ky i but' wiiiw tioM-it, wlirft tho rwt of the land. arur1 cIihuII', tlwy. will ifiitlwr a hood of gray ray of the i:ttui auit, will glow and light U liko a crown of glory. At the f.mt of tliuiw fnirv mountain, tlm voyager rnny have dnw.ritTd tho li(it atnoke curling tin from a v ilium', whoiw ahingle roofx ekmnt among tin tn cn, j-wt whora tho blue tinta of tlie upland melt away into the tr'nh green ot the nearer laiul:aH'. It ia a little villuge of t're;4 antiuuilv, having lawn fniiiiHliptf by wiiiie of the IKrtcli cimwiml iaa" (he early tiinea of ho province, jumI alxnif tho begin ning of the government of the good I'eler Hluyve aant, (may he rpat ia peace I) araltWre were aome of tho biaiitea of the orieiuat pttlor Mtatiding wiliw in a few yearn, with lattice window, gable front mirnMHint:d with weathercock a, aial txatt pi aiuall yullow brick brought from Holland. In that Name village, and in one of thete very houtwa, (which, to toll the precise truth, wai aa'llv time worn and weather boaten,) there livod, runny vnar aince, while Ihe country waa yet a province of U rent frriranT, :ihiple'io4-ttaiUieii.lldlujr4i the name ol Kin van rvuiKte. tie waa a (nmcemi ant of the Van Winkle alnt figured no gallantly in the chivalrous rlayi of Peter tJtnjrvpnant, and ao cianiiamed In in to the wge of hurt Chnniina. He inherited, however, but little of the murti il cha racter of hi ancetor. rl hare burned that he wia a niniplfl jood nutiired man ; ho whu, ijiorpo- in iiljcnc'i, and cvn took'"'! t'p'h Wdf with an evil eye, a the cuuim of bU tiwuti r'a m ofleu go ing astray.- True it w, in Kint of njiirit belitting an houooraljle dog, he was as courageous an animal as ever scoured the wood Ixit what cHirai can voyage up tho !n.lm, withstand iljij rviT-during awl all-b-'tting 'jerror. ot a woman s tongue ? I m inoiiamt oil entereo the: house; his crest fi ll, his tail dropped to tho groeuid, or curjed betwmm his bigs, he4iKiaked alioiit with a gallows, air, casting many a sidelong glance at Dame Van Winkle,' aw) at the least llou rih f a hnsniMtU k or ladle, would fly to the door wtth yelping pinripitiln Times erew Worse am! worse with Rip Van Winkle, as years of walriiiwmy-folled on a tat teinier never lia-IIows with age, and a sharp. tongue is the mdv edao' tsd that grows keener by constant uw. For a Ions while lie ud to console himself, wheri drii'n from home. .v freouentina a kiiid of jsTis!tiial iclub of tho lages.'philosojiliers, and other s'khis on a bench before a small inn, iksignated 1 rubicund portrait of Lis mujesty George tlie bird. H:ro Jhcy used td lit in the shade, of a ver, a kind neighbor and an obedient hoti-pecked husband. Indeed, lo tho lulter circn.stvnee might 1st owing that meekness of spirit whiuli giiiuedhiin suph universal popularity ! for. those men ar? nMMt ait to be obsequimaj anf ccsiciliating abroad, who are uraler the discipline of shrews at home T!"jir tnmtiers, doubtless, are rendered tiliunt and rs tile I able in the iV-ry (urnaceof domestic tnlmkuon ; I and a curtain-lecture is worth all the senu'ioS ui MJMtRias .ANROTTSL 'i ' '.' THL FRLNTWa CljMilLvDifENTa.1 ' I, Thou alialt iutaribe for tfca newspaper piiiited in 2. Thou sii-ul nut take a newspaper without paying the subscription BMitry poJicVAlly tbrftiot! as i and to havi Uinir ptie flllod w ti tho rich of U lt world for teachmg the1 virtues of patn!We and eartit..'..rthourn tliT ffiej eeHitlsjr.X ". . long aufTering A tennagant wife may, tireftre k Thoo shalt --t tv-si aootlisT's arts: lea, and publish in ome respects, be considered a tolerable bless- Uem aa thine o ft JL ' , ' .A iiat and tf bo, Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed 4. Thou sUIt nt pemlrato maniac pe,or bw6 T j, m,uwr he was a great iavorito among -... .,;,.. r'.k 1 - . "1 j all the gJod wive of the vdluge, who, as usual with - & RiroiiwverueJ,iH4aad jHh wwbjf?. mi' t W all family squab- er i.vmi wiu th"fi'lonsii thereof, . " ""h aim never mneu, wi.qnevpr mey niaea moso .&.li?a aibiail not lirHt Vy .iHhilf!WP,'', .iwtttew over in their evening grossippiniMi, to lay por any thing eU that is iua, hiit go to bini that hatli all the Mame on Dame Van Wiiikle. Tlie chit to sell, and buy lorAhysl& .ay t Idren of the village, too, would shoiil with joy when- 7. 1 hou shall a 4 -fly MHo a pmasioa when thy milk- ever fa apprtsiehed. He assisted at the ir sports, B.UU . 8. Anil tyea., , , vi ...... jifioul'tbii fitUt-h waa tairruundeil by (rdiip of. :: 9. Remeiubcr tli Tadiea: m whenthoa rest thy llhemllangins cm his skirts, ciambcnhg on hn brethrea tailing nu themselves helpweets ftom amomr j ,.c, and pith ing a thousand tricks on him with Via lair Uautfhiora or to lano,- ukhi anare go ana oe ,n,tMin,ty. tnt m B d0 would bark at hnu through ,.. . . . . V u ... ,.. ... ifivi wwniw.imiiwi vim asisf wiiwH w. mr- tt.ia (Knir n v thinrru fuiurht lhm in Hi ktaa n,A tlw i!y eUiiapnrarieatU type and quill, T RT " 7 T - .in a Wl wmtJU h&A il,v hromer'a witches, and Imhans. Y henever he weat dislging ftiawiaai fot by ihil-fcituoilrli that the printcr-vuh-. arriotfoa list uicftases." -. ...'.''- " - - - JiawV AWUor,BMkUca l4)diaitouhhAed po . -' ..... 1 " t . 1. liuciana ana VSCUFHi-im'n, ,sr-Ttfiiui aim cuhiiikhi wot the iMiigliltiKirhood. Tlie treat error in Hio's composition was an in "siiWrHhhi aversion (ra1Tl(nirs oTiVonaltirtilSur . .. . . . ......... : . It could not be tor tha want or asHMliiity'oyp?najt vrrarMrrrfof hwwrtr "U'si InJtpenJtm .Ifon. One whoean shave himself J rod $$. haig and heavy & i Tartar's laiice, and Jab aiff lazy summer's dav, talking lisllessly over Vil nge gossip, or telling endless sleepy stories about nothing. Hut it would have Isien worth any atateav man's money to have heard the 'profound diieius aifMMi which sometime took place, tvben by chanco an oia newspaper leu into tneir minus, irom some miMJiiiir trnve er. How soleiimlv thev woo a list en to the contents, as drawled out by l)crrick Van Duminel, the schoolmaster, a dapper learned little man, who waa not to be daunted by .the most gi gantic word in the dictionary ; ami how sngely thev Wisild deliberate upon public evcuts some . ... i months after they hod taken place 1 The opinions of thi junto were completely con- trolled bv icholas Yediler, a patriarch ol the vil lage, ami landlord of the inn, at the door of which i took his seat, from morning till night, juxt mi shailc of a large tree : so that tlie ueighliors touul tell the hour by his movements, a accurately as , ed vy a sun uiui. it in iroc, il" was iuiuiji ih-hiu iw Kesk, lait smoked his iie incessantly. Ilis ad herents, however, (for every great man bus his ail herrifs,)'perf5ctly umlerslisid him, and know how to gather his opinion. When any thing that was read or related displeased him, ho was olwerved to smoke his pipe vehemently, and send forth short, frequent, and anry pulls ; hut when pleased, he (Mild inhale the smoke slowly and tnimimllv, and emit it in lijfut ami placid clouds, and sometimes taking the pipe from his mouth, and letting the lrngrant Vtirssir curl about his nose, would gravely nod his lieail in token of perfect appfobatimu From even this strong hold thrt unlucky Rip was at length routed by his termagant wife, who would suddenly break fn upon the tranquillity of the assemblage, and call the members all to nought ; uu waa that august, pcraonage, JSkhouu . Yeddur himself, sacred from the daring tongue of this ter rible virago, who charged him outright with en couraging her husband in habits of idleness. Poor Rip waa at last reduced almost to despair ; and hia only alternative to escape from the labour of the farm and the els moor of his wife, was to take gun in hand, and Stroll away into the woods. Here he would sometimes seat himself at the foot of a tree, and share the' contents Of his wallet with Wolf, with whom he sympathised aa a fellow suf ferer in persecution. M Poor Wolf," he would sSyj t thy. mistress Ivads thee a dog'a liej it but nc-. ver mmind, my lud, while I live thou alialt never want a friend to stand by thee !" Wolf would wag hia tail, look wistfullyja. hi jnaster'a fu4e,.and if dog can fed pitV; .1 venly believe he reciprocated UbjB. eoliineQ&.w itb..dl hia, JeaitKo.-.... ,.u . . In a Ions ramble of tho kind on a fine autumnal rdaytRipThad1 BnfinttWifflrsfy smmWed to ne of the nignnsi nanaoi me jvaaisaiu mountains, lie was luc ted. lie iiaused H.r an iiistuut, isii snpsisiiig it to I the' nmllering of one of those, transient thunder shower which olien take place in mom tain height, be proceeded. I'aung through the ravine, they tamo to a Jioilow, like a small ainphi. theatre, surrounded bv airpemlirular precipices, .. . i -e .. I '. t. 1 im. a1..J1lii!r over the bnims oi wiiiiu iiiii iii"g ranches, so that yisj only taufiht glimnsim ol the azuie sky, ana ine origin jevcmng ' the whole time, Rip and hi companion had labour ed on in lilence Cf thcaigH tha mrmcr marvelled greatly what could be the object of carry ing a keg if nuor ud Una wUd mountain, yet mere was mw thing strange and iiompn-nenfiuie aismi iw u.i tnmin. that insnired awe. and checked fainiliarily. efcts ----- ' . r On enlering the ampluUiealre, new onjecu w wMler prcwjuted themilves. un a level sjsa in iho'ccntre waa a comtsuiv of odd- isikmg person 6P playing at nii)-pins. They were dressed in a mmiiit. out andisn rasiiipn : amie wore soon AWilriaylierr jeAlMsy itt..4kR U IU, and most had enormous breectiea, ol aimiiar style with that of the guide's. Their visages, too, were uuculiar : one had a larue head, broad fuce, and sinaU jiiggish eyes j tlie Ciee of another seemed to consist entirely of ik, ami waa surmounted by a white sugur-loa'f hat, set off with a little red cs;ks. tail. Thev all had benrtk of various -shapes and colour. There was one who acemcd to lie the coniniaiulur: " Ho was "OlGut oWTpfmlwnanrwitli a weathr-ls!iiten countemince : he wore a laced doublet, broad belt and hunger, high tiowm:d hat and feather, red stockings, and high heeled shis.-s with rosea in them. The whole gnstp remindei; Rip of the figures in an old Flemish (Minting, in the isirlour of Dominie Van Hchaick, the village (sirson, and which had been brought over from HoIIiiimI at the time of the settlement. What seemed particularly odd to Rip, was, that though these folks were evidently amusing them selves, yet they maintained the gravest faces, the most mysterious silence, ami were, withul, the most melancholy party of pleawtire W had4!VCt.:itncsS' .Nothmi interrupted the stillness ol tlie scene but the "in list: of the balls, which, whenever they were rolled, echoed along the mountains like ruin hlilig siils of thunder. As Rio and hirf comnariion' apprrwehed them thi-v Minl.l.Milv dfswted from their nlav. and stared at him with such fixed statuc-like gaze, uud sui strniiL'i!, uncouth, lack-lustre cisintenunees, that his heurt tunnel within him, and Ins knees smote to m thcr. Ilis companion now emptied the content of the keg into largo flagons, and made signs to him to wait iisn the coinwuiy. He ols-yed with fear and trembling ( they quailed the liquor in pro found silence", and thou returned to their game. Bv degrees, Rip' awe and apprehension subsi ded.' He even ventured, when no eye was fixed up on him, to taste the beverage, which ho fouud had much of the fluvisir of excellent Hollands. Ho waa naturally a thirsty soul, and was soon tempted to repeat the draught. Due taste provoked another, and he reiterated hi visit to the flagon so often, that at length his souses were overpowered, his eyes swain in his head, hia head gradually declined, and he full into a deep sleep. To be concluded hext week. travellers' Inn, & ill SITUATI'I' HOimiWKST er THE COURT. " HOUSE, IX Til 15 TOWN OF rTMlR Subscriber lake thia method or informing 1- Travidlera that' he keens a Housa of Km,.. laiiimeut in Lexington, (N.C.) ou Main Buect Southwest of the Courthouao. " I lit Table will alwayi be supplied with the fare that t pleutiful neighborhood can aflbrd. Ilii (louse being capacious, and atU'm.vd by irrvHiiti who are industrious and zealous to lease, Tiuvi'l. lers can alwayi be accommodated with U 00 D B K 08 In room with hre-plaees. And last,lm( nof tha hntst - TmrmrtMrt -s0tH I', IHJHf tcill tthtayg rtccim tuck atltntiu i, in tht VuW ' of the Submriber, that they may Vnve k with ia. creased ability to do tho aervice tf the road. Tj An excellent Lhi of AccommotkUoa Stagei leaves" the House of the 8ubscilr, FOR 8A. L I S II U R V , on (he eveningsof Mondu gt Th arik day, and Hainrday, and return! to Lex in j too tn' the succeeding evenings. f . ' CO" Passenger jfoing from South to North,by entering their name a fur a Balinbury only.aud there taking the Accomtnodatimi Line to Lex'wg, ton, can have their choice, at the latter place; mj tween the Piedmont Line aud the one which rum by wav of Fredericksburg. " JOHN P. MARRY. Lexington, March H, 134. ly ) ". ' Iiiijstrters No, 88, Water St act, fm mm m mm mi md t4 m v.ih) Art nmr rerririiig thrir Spring Pulrrrm of taf. thinwure, China, and Fancy Vdvdh, " in tery grrat rarit ty, IMIEIR stoi k is very extensive, embracing evry articlp sold in the line ; and, from their liiciti. ties in England, they arc enabled to oiler every in ducement lo their 'customers, in pattern, quality,"' and price. Merchants dealing in (lie liis:, will Hud it greatly lo their interest toieall, a the seloctiisi Inch have been muile are with a view Uj (lie . ... afolina snd Virginia markets, uud every article ill I' put down to the lowest price which it via ssibly be sold at. From the effort hitherto made to give our customer satisfaction, we hope tor a couliuuaiice of patronage from North Can lina, TIIOS. J. ItAKKOW 6i CO. - Importers, e8 Water St. New York, Feb. 15, 134. ., lOt Ct .Iftfh-.-. ft M. m'M dahliaa tear U dtr, and gennmnta and ruUbe 2p hUl ,( 30w w ft ftuiwU (JaareivW'r tiat'flaabi'bebVr' th4ler i ...i.r : -:.!.: 1Z. :r?rJ? i wuu uiannim iitt wniiu ircvvr even nIUi3 W m- aaiai MrMMHiM alnal M twIMllt. AlLI Km ttlliattkAVtl tn iruiM;,nmovvir.M" r. , . . kirruMir a thai vih.fc-hMi roiJ nnull Lnrr tJ.nV v pigi raighbour in the roughest toil, and was LappiAeta ia that coltaga.? Lnwrtt Jourtud, "JeWwWttmtkmmrm mtjm party, waa much annoyed by tlie luqwrtment con venation of coxcomb who sat near ber; at length, be tsomtng tired and vexed, she turUnd toward him with an angry eonntenance, and aid,"1 Bo phsuwd, air, to 7 tease yOiik imvaidence." The fellow, was ashaiHihed it .) :i liU a a rebuke. and could only reidy. "Pray, Miss, .;A uu ' tla in 'mi fijLt. ilia- VrWii-tL "Ism 8 Jwsi". t witilf re, pact walking in a narrow foremost man at nl cisiutry frolicks fir husking Xtaliaa 4m, uc lnuld'mc alone fencoa. - The wouwa., of tlie village, too, used to employ him to run flieir errands, ami to do such little mkf jobs ri thMr less obliging husbands would not do for Atari ;-in n word, Rip wa ready to attend to any btsly's Imimi. ncsa but hi own ; 'but as to doing fiunily dutv, and atx-ping ins l.iriu in ornur, ii was impossible. in'fuci, lie docTured it was no use to work on his - - - I . . . " ' - ' . ., .,iwit( iiib inTuuitiQ. nii ui miutiiTJi nnMnuiv; aim -y.ilxwld.wtc.h : -i '--;i' ".7 it " f. 7 i... I.. :"1 7.7'... . .7 7. 1 Cm O or W" o mm? ikA - t i irr ' i ' Cm' 7 "it '" ' V " mmmmmW0 0felVhlM9jjjjj A pVfson wlio waa remarkably Ihin and J" . ' v , jwsiiwni nine jm-ceoi gnsma nmg Vot muQ limc R,p av mmag m w treet, met a stag- " "' v " c'"ithi scene; i ..." I.. .A I 1. 1 .... ! . i-, ,1- I Vfninir tens frrnfhmtlv nHvaurMnrr th WVlltir. Wftlllll 1ML. tt-Flkltfr 111 Hlul.i ..rtilm Iltu 1 . ' 1 .. . . . , t . - T-ri rl .j- wsuiyss..!H?"?r" I mouniaira oogan 10 mrow ineir. long oiue siiaoows f? cortt,n,IH,1y fuJlu,8 Jo Pi l" fover the Valleys, ho saW that It woiild lie'oafk long would wther go astray, or get aiming the cabbages; j lfore he could reach the village; anJ ho heaved a wela were sure to grow quicker in his fields thtin ! heavy sigh when he thought of encoWering the any where else ; the nun always made a point of terrors of Panic Van i Winkle: ltmg m just aa ho had some (Hit-door work o do; . . As ho was about t.t ile;end, he hear a voice so that though tii patritiumiul estate had" dwindled fain a distance, hallooing, "Rip Van Winkle! :V.t a vrtinr Wy in New York, wlw wore an ultra-la- wa7 wr " "r. ? y acre, tmmfRjp-Va.it Winkle!" Ho ls)kedartsmd, but could ....MUe f..;k and pmtafrttet, being on a visit to her " k'11 a mere jialch of In- tKi6 nothing but a crow winging its solitary flight across the Mountain. He thought his taucy must have deceived him. and turned auain to doscend. His children, loo; were as ragged and wild as ifi when he heard the same cry again ring through TtuTVaii WiuinoTRipv an i'"'low,-wh wtritao mock ftltoioeated thai beoo t wliola th.Tm- thui gimtlejnan made a lie, "t, linking earnestly at the drunkard, said, " f y vi y i I ir, I tbuik you have oron a Hub M t-1- A." M U.ive 1 1" hiccuiied Die fellow--?' have I ! , 1 mlwl, my good sir, 1 thaik you iiuve tat much l (."." - 1 v - j i lihim It i itntiHl. in the lU-rkHhire Advocate, TO C0NXX)RD, where heTiai opened a "Shop, inj wKut'KeTAlLORIXG BUSINESS in It vaJ rious branches will be executed in the most fash ionable, neat, and durable manner. He flatter himself that hi skill in the business, and his con sf'ahf "period enable him to redeem all pledge made to those who may favor him with their custom. (Kr He receive the latest FASHIONS regu larly both from New York and Philadelphia, and work by the most approved systems. Cuttinc tut, arid Order from a distance, will H prorttptiy attended to ; and last, but not least, his term will bt very accommodating. 'i tiOMAS -S. r HENDERSOX. Concord, March 29, 1334. " 6m f in ,Vw Jersey; waritpprehemled and carried ""ian torn and potatoes, yet it was the worst condi b '" ri? aUn,cl M,j;i'trateonaehargeof wearing men'i tiooed farm in the neighbourhood. His children, loo; were as ragged and wild as if . . ' nn ii a i k at . J 11 .1 . r n-.jriil I . lliptioui nneu hit nve oouani aim man iot t-rr, hi-i of ths ststute In'thatftrs-niade and - :u -Tlf iriiTTiriiij are Jni TinTio t'riM'ii tree. v. 1 t ! v w nit look for in the dry !...Oor "T 1" is ""of e,'-''.i"ii fitt if ynttntf Mh$ fare e badly fapirttmg cn fiiat.i.'fffet.ther is no punishinenUshurtof t" F?a nixh Inmr.wtiou severe enough fur thuso marrieuTjo- ' v!)oft:ft.irThc"fcrrrfftr."j 1 " 1 1 7'i y r A' thfM thine wj wll in Vnnce. The 'following advertisement, copied froia a Pari pusf,will ' allow t!;e ntsnner ofveHin;wive ainonir licit jslilied - iij.i.'A ?ina of CDOQ..fpnca 2.1 U paid to any one V. ho nfs-ty be Me t" arrange a union bvtwet-n a Frem-h """j.f.ntlijinnn, ied 4 i a bm-h"ls', and U'uriug the title tf Jl&rquis W'th an English Isdy of aileipwta fiirtnne. AdJrt M- le I5.irn 1). H., Poste ResUnte, a Paris." . RmfJiHif RutUlloadtsTk NorfiJk.lk'aj'on, in a recent antic to rwrcdpnwJents, !, Truth on a Ruii i:.d shall ixa appear.? A content j rsry rxpresse his Eloanr to hear that the gallantry of tlie Virgimans ! indited funn to give the old lady so rapid a con veyance. In omity pnrts of our country aha is yet com - jelJed en trm el on font. - A f frith M'li. -" Och, Patriek, aowl ! are y- kilt in! ly t Ind luck to the stisie that Jins knx k ' r I t'i b'rth out iv ye!" '"No, Teddy Maloon, it is Tit k it t'i't I amtile rurne of St. Patrick on the dir ty tif.ipv but it haS knoi'ked me pachloss, ao it haa." Ti" S'tt'iJnril. Jndire a man by hi actions, a poet ),v ii n eve. an' aller by bis f.i.gprH, i UmyeT by W leeT, i 1 - '--r'ty b' sinews an Iru-linian by hia swajer, an ' J.imui liy hi rotundity, a justice by his frown, a .' t v .ri by mi nsslety, an editor hy his Cfiat, and a 1 l.y lii'ir neaUiesa. " l.v an SMi'rr-liol", wliffl lnsife too deep, like a . t-ri lb causv, t iftcr-'ftuoriZi , begolton m hi own-likeness, promised to inherit ' Winkle Tn nt -"tho same time Wolf lirwtle.1 orchis thcJhabits, with tlicold duJmofJiisiiiiUM was generally seen trooping like a colt at his mo ther' heels, equipped ill a pui of his Hither' cast- off galllaskiiiH, w hicli he hail much ado 'to" hold up with one hand, as a fine jady does her train in bad weather. Rip Van Winkle, however, wai one of those .happy jniuirubs, wlMoolish wpll.uiled dispositionsv. who t.tke liie world easy, ent white bread or brown, whichever cau-be got with the least thought or trouble, and would rather starve on a penny than work for a ixaimKIf left to himself, lie would hnve whistled life au m jHirfcct contentment ; Isit his wifn kept coutinnallv dinning in hia ears about his idlcwss, his carelessness, and tlie ruin ho waa bringing ou his family. MiWning, nomi, and night, her tongue was incessantly goihjaud every master's side, looking fcarfully down into the glon. Rip iiow felt a vagiio apprcliension stealing over him ; he lisiked anxiously iu the same direction, and perceived a strange figure slowly toiling up the rock, and bending under the weight of something he carried on his back . Ho was surprised to sea Any human, being in, this louelV and unfrequented piace, dui tiiHsmg u to oe some one ot the neigh bourhood in need of hia assistance, he hastened down to yield it . On nearer approach, he was still more surprised at the singularity of the st ranger's apS'arance. He was a short sipinre Isiilt i olj fellow, with thick Isishy hair, ami a grizzled beard. His dress w as of the antique Hutch fashion a cloth jerkin strap ped round the waist several pnir of breeches, the h -a 11 I a 1 it. rt I r MUl DxIUBCriWT IIIB IIIB 1'IU VWIiIIFif HIHI i-y ill rmmwvi uirh iiuuitiruiil horluirrn thn rti-n-I . o . .......... at I -mf mm fcaaasiiaaa-- ,mmmm mmm. mmmm- Mvsi ap. sj ibwir.:ymAfmim' Frohv -aa upcm ing between the trees, he could overlook all the lower country tor nnuiy a niile of rich woodland. He saw at a distance the lonily Hudson, far, far below llhiyiwwngW'itf ik?nt but iwajestie cairser4lM rcfltti(i of a lairple cloud, or the sail of a lagging bark, hero and there sleeping on it glassy bosom, ami at last losing itself in the blue highland. On the other sido.he looked down inf o a- deep niouiita'tn gli'it, wild, lonely, and shagged, the hot' J,,tqrA"yje4A'ifo THE SECOND SESSION OF TIII8 INSTI TUTION WILL COMMENCE , f ; On Friday the first of ' Xorevihcr nexu rTHE Subscribers, thankful for past patronage - pledge themselves lo enter upon the exercise of the iext aeiwion with renewed zeal. T. W. SPARROW, '7 Salisbury. .Oct. S, 1833. tf JIENJAMIN FRALEYI having received the laterf Tluhulelpliia, New York, London, and Phra styh"? of r ASIIION, arid having m his cm ploy a number of Workmen w no arcfirst-rnte, is prepared to cut and make work in a style superior to any done in this part of the country-, and ahvuy warranted to fit. Orders for Work in his line, from a distance,wil' alf Turn I sof Tkuif c nsfoir i - wolwTfl Tc(Toncanlie shortcut uutice and on reasonable terms. Jle can lie found, at all timesj at his old stimdj a tew doors above Mr. Slaughter Hotel, and nearly opposite Mr. Jolm Alurphy a store.f thing he said or did wa wire to prtskice '"a torrent I outer one of ample Volume", decorated with rows of of h'Kiseliokl ehsjueiK'e. Rip hud ls.it one way tf, replying to ail lecture ot the kind ; and that, by frequent use, had grown intoa habit. Ho shrug ged his shoulders, shook hi head, cast up bis eves, but said nothing. This, however, aj way provoked a fresh volley irora hi wU'( so that ha was faiu t draw off his forces, and take to the outside of the house the only side which, in truth, belongs to a heiiieeked husband. Rip' dole domestic" idherent was hi dogM'oIf, wh' was as mm h henscke.d as his master ; for laiu Van Winkle regarded fhcin as coirip.uiions buttons down the side's, and bunches at the knees. Ho bore on hi shoulders a stout keg, that seemed full of liquor, "and mudi? sins for Rip' to approach and assist him with the load. Though rather shy and distrustful of this new acquaintance, Rip com plied with, hi oMial alacrity, mutually relieving each other, they clamliered up a narrow gully, ap parently the dry bed of a mountain torrent! ' As thev ascended. Rip every now and then heard bsig rolling peals, like distnn't, ihiuwkr, which, seemwl to issue out oTa deep ravine, or rather rl;f betwcou lolly rocks, towaid which their ttgvi path coh- TO TAILORS. Being Agent for. some of" the most Fashionable Tailors in New York, the Subscrilier is prepared to teacb- w--pt3aataidn7t who may desire to be more perfJCt in their busi ness ; and, from his belief that he is fiilly capnble ot giving satisfaction, ho respectfully request al who desire uKructioa to caU aJaai Sali-bnryl34. lv ' B. FRALEYv " NEV j66DS. .O.r Bit 1 iMi, A Large and Full Supply . - or 7 ' . PAT & WINTER GOODS, pON Slg n.NG , of E V E R Y A R T! C L E geHorally kept itt a Gomitry Retail Store V ail oi which he i disjiosed to sell LOW for CASI or to punctual customer on short credits. , The public are requested to call, hear prices ana juuge lor incmseivcs. IJAXIEL II. CRESS. SalisLory, January 0, 131. tf . rPIIE undersigned has ill is day qualified a F.I 7r ... ecu tor of the, JastW.ill and XestoniClAjpXlR... persons having claim agnuist said Lstate, to pre aerlt the41r pnVmoii wjIhllbliMMpresciU4 by Law ; and all those indebted are .hereby mr quested to make patment. . - J r-L,LI, t.xecmnr. ''"Ttovemberni. " " if TIN WARE. "TO" 51 E R C I f A NTjs -AND, PL' DJU4R3' THE SUBSCRIBER ha at PRESENT os iXSd A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TlX VlVVia Mado of good material nd rst fate workmtai ship, consisting of the following article, 12Q dozea CiJFFLE i'OTS, assorted siz 40 doiien Open Bucket, ditto 3d doaou Covered ditto, ditto; .- 78 dozen Cream and Patly Pans, ditto) 40 dozen Light of Candle Moulds ; 12 dozen Milk Strainer ; . 68 diizcn PANS, assorted sizea 3i dozen Measures, ditto ; . . 24 toze'i Funnels ; 100 dozen TIN CUPS; 20 dov.cn Milk ditto ; : 12 dozen WASH BASONS. Cullenders, Stew Pans. Watering Pot, . Card Stands, Oil stands, Itiiglss, olow-ltorttSfiiaBtwotwpisif 4toX. Graters, pippers, Dressers beoops, 05" Reeswdx, Feather, Tallow, Pewter, Ohl Copper, Wool, and Iron, taken in exchange. Sahsbury, January 6, 1834. tf M Charleston nutl jOhcraw.1 ' THE STEAM-BOAT MACON) Caw. J. C. Gk.vham, , RAVING bten engaged, last Summe, in n ning between Charleston and Cheraw'all"1! .atGt-Toft;:;iier,:kaj;p sume her Trips in the course of a few day i intended to be continued in the trade the elU" ing season. Her exceeding light draft of water, (drawing when loaded, only about four and a half feel) enable rheFtOF 'cb-Clw-rVsaH--4tHie,T on an uncommonly low river. when hor carS be lightered, at the expense of the boat. : J. B. CLOL'GIf. Charleston, Sept. 26, l'?3l. tf N.R. She ha comfortablu accommpdation ip a few passengers. J. D. C 1