' THE '.WESTERN-: CAROLINIAN, t - - k , . - . t .... SALISBUltYw..SATUItI)AY, ."APRIL 19, 1831. f Recess REM EM ISUANCES. ' n WUXU OatUMD tlABa. When into dust, like sunny flowert departed, Kmn our dua paths the bright and lively fiul j Tbs fair in nn the pure, and getitlo-beartwl, Wbrsa) kxdui within the breast a mbLaOh made How like a whisper on the inconstant wind, .The memory of their voice stirs the mind I We hear the eonf the sigh the Ctful laughter, That from their lip of old ten wont to flow, When Hope' beguiling plume they hurried after, e Uu-ir pale temples wure their kck of snow While Joy's wight barp to sweetrsi lays u strung, Aad pour d rich numbers for Uie lov'd nd rixjnjr. When tlie pale itin are burning high in heaven, Vo Uie kw nighUwinda kiss Uie flowering tree, Aad thoughts are deepening in Die himh uf even, , ll.w ft those voice on the hirt will be I , Tbt-t breathe of rapture which have blown 'd and - id - - - )f annwwa bjf remembrance sanctified. Yet wbeebe k-sed have our pathway vanulted, Wlud puteet Msg can lb smiles rusUs-e ! I jka a sirh suulairat. bf the ttvpt baniah'd. Tliey paawd in dark on they will ewiiie ik nss-c! Unlike Uie day-beams when tin; storm bath flou, JS'o light reuew'd breaks un their lowly bed. LIFE'S DISA1T01NTMKNTS. When life is in its early spring. And the fancy fre and wild. And every bud w bloawming Around fab IMeasure's child The Vising heart dreams nut uf Uie Might Or after yean decay, W think that with lime's onward flight, YuuUi'a fueling wanU away I The joyoui Iteart bnund frewb and tioe, , And Hone a seraph seems, Aui Love i delicious extuy la mingled in our dream Ah ! little dream we that her smuV Rrieg disappointment's tears ; Iler bow of pnsnise fadee amidst The storms uf ruaitWir yar. And Lave, which twined amend Uie heart Ita fairest, iwccteet flowers, . Will lciYfi us wlwn Lfc'i aaring ia guoc. And winter'e tempest lower The acene young faacy lovwl to deck With roue rich and rare, Ia found a barren heath, all scathed -: fiyareanneaaaadtare. " . .Afld ia Uiera nuejrht teehr Ue path Of duappnintment 'a child, . Wltoae piy parterre baa been tra'arfifiiied Into a bkmrabMB wild I ( . ' . . -,.V1 tua thyrth-ptutw fyfh, ThV heart to (Jod bo ifiven, And Love and. Hope will UU be Uiinc,. Am lead Uiee up lu Ilvaven. BUMTTIFUL MAXIM. Tliia maxkn long the ancicnla know " Pij every man hia lument due." T'thi if awne awmM now axpiw, " - And pay Uie laborer olT hia hinS -TwouW enerjry an4 atreneth mprt, . WJiilo graUtudtywariM (m the htrt, ... . ........ Would Dunt through in the atoniui of wintrr From whom ! Empire of thr I'rintir. CALICSUP.T The ThuilSaiioii of Vie above Institution . : WIU.COM nZXC OS THE FIRST DAY OF MAY. nHE Subscriber, thankful for past, patronage x pledge themaelve loenter upon the exercise or the next session with renewed zeal. - P. J. SPARROW, T. W. SPARROW. Salisbury, April 12, 1834. tf Confectionary and Grocery H TOWH. 1 1 ENRY W. WATSON resnc tiullv inforri h ii frieiula and tho public thnt ho hiw just received ucw oirrn ur ami iL-iir-a in nis line "vbicfc ke oTers fur anle on acconiiiMxluting term m nut om stand. AmBg hi Aortinent will foUIld the CiTLiwinnr CANDIES, al sort; RABINS; ALMONDS , t?hi -inn nccm 't I : In: r 1 r.nia! TT(TS; CHKSNUTSf API'LKS: E(ARS, Inrth SpnniHh and Common CROCKERY WARE, of different kinds; CANDLES j BUTTER CRACKERS ; I'ORACCO, both Chewing and Smoking ; PIPES ; SN UFF, by the ounce ; . Whiskey, Brandy, and Cider -together wtk grwarmnny otner articles, not enumerated. oaiiswiry, April itsm. at IMalc of William Couan. 'PI1E SuISrTlrVuavfniT obtained lotion, of Ad , - - iniiMstration on the Estate of WillSt dixeiwed, at . February JSessioa of Ilowan Cotirrty oun wr iaj4, nereby gives notice to all persons having claims of any. denomination against the es tate of said . decedent, to present them within the time prescribed by law, duly authenticated, or this iiouw wm ue picaa in bar ol their recovery. R. N. FLEMING, Adm'r. Rowan County, March 22, 1 834. 6t 03-DOG LOST! ,4 Little White Dog, of the Fiest Weed, with red ears, ami annu roA anb. . I,:.- ,.:i Rtu.'d CpM-rmn strayed, or been stolen, from . the . ' ..-v nivaiM V" 1119 W1H If- iidiwKm tiotej.. .A reasonable compensation will wr ms " restunition. OaJiabury, April II. V, CONNOR. A Valuable House and Lot Iu Llnrolnton, I'or Salr. FyTiriiie of i"TSr3 of Troxf, ciocutod kTrne lrV ianin i micr, lor nio wnora Ihen-ta nn mnLI WILLSELVaT titeCuurtlMiuae in IJiK-oliiton. O.-H FUIDAY TIIE 2d DAY of MAY NEXT, (an5u in the cotrr-WKSK.) TUcllousc IN THE 8AII) TOWN, KNOWN A3 No. 7 in the 8. W. tiquare. TIm atxire Lot bj honiUnnely ailualod no tlie Main Street, and m calculated both for buMiK-wi and a private reaHk-nc.M.It includra a runt and coniforbtMo Iwelling, Kitchen, Carringe-Makera' Hlwip, a "ell of Water, a good Oank-n, aud all neccMimry and ctsiveniont apienuigs. Alto, rill br rU, on tie tame Jaw. AN RATK.NNIVK AK.SOinMr.NT or CARRIAGE- MAKK1W & BLACKSMITH TOOLS. Conditions uuulc known at the mih. WILLARU HOYDEN, Trustee Linoolutoa, April 12, lw:)l. 3t OrMr.PHIFERali-jbrg, l-ave to inform the ublic, that during the court-week about j SCO aw WINDSOR CHAIRS, AND (iKKAT VARIETY OF OTIIKIt ARTiriiiJ, , Will be Mold at Public Sule. He would feci gratilkxl to see tlie above PrM.-rty bring its value. 31. C I April 12, 1S34. 3t REMAININC IN THE lOHT4FFlCE AT LiiK-olnloii, (.. .) ON Tll 1st DAY OF APRIL, 1VI A Munc AbaniauSy, Daniel Acre, Frederick W. Aiiucriioiat a...CIrlei Rotts (2.) TlxmiaiH. Billing, John Burni or John Haas, David Baily, JUudolph Bornclt, Ja Ba ker, Kebecca UraMey. U..Blr. Oaiiior, Uavnl Owltcr, llie Col. of thcTIWi ReguneuL The Clerk of the Court, James Carpenter & 11 roth er, uiaha LaJkiway, Taomaa Croro. 1 nomas Uavia, John .Lleuuigcr. F.J. O. Fntchey. 0....11'nnr Carduer, William Gosdaaa. Abncr Good- am, Jeremiah (locxlwm. rJarah under, ILWUliaui ILcker. Jaaea U. lUIL Saiauel Uuke ionn nowwr, Jaines r, iKmucraua fi) Juaima A. if .' m II m i' ii " ti . ft iiernn, i ninp uemer, rnuip iiarwogo, tviu. niuure or Oliver I lolland, ueurge Ilovia, I...J..I)tTid Isabone, Oeorgn Jarret, It Ia Juliuaan, Sarah Jone Benjamin Jenkins, Daniel Jenkins, Heury K-.Andrew Killian. - IiJaroe M. Leonard, Xuha IL Long, Dapiel Lotz, CburW iconanL M....Joha Mirhal (2.) Bally Mitchell, Marmaduke Maples, iymiM Alurphey, Lauc or John or James Mc- nee. . N.-.Gorge C. NieUU , ... . , , . "PHEtfief It' Porter. Q....J. 11 Quinbr. R.."Rnb(Tt Rsruney, Catliarine Robinsrm, Jtwe.Roy nolda, Reuben It Rpynold Mblmp) Riley, Ann Kaiv kin, Irard Reinhanlt, M. R. Rrinhardt S Precedia Sniver, Dan id Sliuford, John Scron cc, Eickiel Sullavin (2,) David Shell, Henry Kummerow, George Svitz, Anthony Slmll, Bcckey Scott, Joel Stowe. T.. James Taylor. W.. . lames W icr, James Wilson. , , . -C, O. HENDERSON.. ft Lincolnton, AprU 12, 1833. 3t REMAINING IN TIIE POST-OFFICE AT . - . -Lexington, (.Cr - ON THE 1st DAY OF APRIL, 104. David pinnrr, Benjamin Cooper, John Craver Wm. V. Dunn Philip Everhart Oeorge FTits Doctor R F. Hillvard, David Huffman James Kennedy, John Kennedy Daniel Lofting, Messrs. Turner Ley barn Si .Co. liorenM) 1). Orril Jordan Iarri?h, Jane L. Pee- plesA-Joseph Spencc, Lovey Spence, Chas. W. Smith (2-Minay Wall (Jeorgo Weavel, Daniel Williams, J4in C. Wren, Nancy Ward, Iwi.ic Williams, William Wortsleey, - M.- KOUNSAVlLLfi I. Mv Iiexington, April 12,, 1834. 3t State of North Carolina .Rowan County. (fourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Term, 1 934. John Gibson, t. . Jacob I'achc! Attachment levied on ImLi TT appearing, to the satisfaction of the Court, that the Defiwilant is not an inhabitant of this State: Order ed, by the Court, that piblication be made for six weeks, in Uie Western Carolinian, that tlie Defendant appear at our next Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held fat the County of Rowan, at tlie Courthouse in Salisbury, on the, third Monday in May nexC.tJicn and there to -pleatL-anawec , or tluuiurir udgnjwnt wUl W taken by default, according to tlie PkuitiiTs demand. Witness, John Giles, Clerk of our said Court, at Of fice, the third Monday of February, J 834, and inlhe OBtfi ycaYoflaur Independence. JOHNGILEa Salisbury, April 12, 1834. T, . ; ... ... 6t . ... NEW BOOK BINDERY. WITH a view to the more efficient prosecution of their business, the subscribers have es tablished a BOOK BINDERY. Having procu red the best materials from the North, and em ployed a workman who comes well recommended, they ire prepafid to execule onr'modcrale'ferBis,' all -orders in this line. AccountUooks, Records. &c ., ruled and made to -order : and every kind of Binding promptly executed in the best and. neatest manner, on rea Kinable tei ms. : JOSEPH GALES cV SON. JIuleigh, August, 1832. ' if PROSPECTUS Of TUS . JKorih Carolina Rcjmbltcan I N a dwemmrnt like eusa, the prearrvatinn of IjIkt- TT eeprtsla. mainhr.aa a srneraMuTussiA of correct mlurmaUsi arrasig the peitk: If Die puryle be igno rant of their nehu, bow ran ther roafd tldn agaliMt eneruachiiient (Our (jrr&thera acluevni fredoui at the price of much bluid aud treasure, ami we, their hum, can prrarrve it only by enlightened watchfulnrMk As inu-Uigence ami vigilance are our greatest aati-guanla, o ignorance and apathy are the sources of the o4 dangrr. " Power ia always stealing frmo tlie many to the fcw, and tlie reaasi m, that Die many slunilsr while the fi'W are aihutly at work. No free urniils ever yet Inst therr hherties by open awnttx, bat -many have la Uiem by aecn-t encnachnn-iits. Ignorance aimsig tlie penii brgete another evil, wludwahiAa all othrni, was Hie Sine of tho Ancient RrpuMirs; that evil is MAN-WORSHIP. UJ t-hes ua, tint, whererrr man-wo4iip takes mot, tliere political tirtue du-a, ami artl CicIkmw )irui!f up it rorrupU the pruiciplcsof Liberty, aa mimtrm docs pure Rcluriun, When our Cre&hera rinl.lu4ird the present (sm of (oveniiiH'nt, Ui y liHiilly lto(xrd Uiat we would rw-ane tlie fate of frf-im r Rrptihhu, and.uisler tlie wise clstlui and gimnls of a written OswtitiiUin. enjoy, through all time tocotne, the rm-xtimahlc blowingn of FiiIihii. But now, at thr rrwl of tho utiort prrmd of fsly-eix years, what is our condition ! We have already reached an alarming cruna in our political anaira, tlie very prin ciples of Um Cuiirtilul ion are in unmuicnt peril. We are in tlie iiimL-4 of a revolution, aib-nt, and as yet bUil li, but utill rapid in irx progresa, the barriers of the Cowtitution are bruki-n dow n and trampled in the dust, all the powers, wbetlier of tlie sword or of the parse, are concentrating in the Federal Executive ; andevrn Congreaa iUelf ia outstripped in the rare of usurpation. It is time Sir the people to awake from their athy, and to luok lu tlieu rights if thry slumber much ksiirer, they will awake too late tli;ir Government wdl bs changed, and llieir Liberties gone. For the purpose of aiding otlicr papers .in the State in diffusing correct information amon Uie penle, and to aroui Uiem to a sense of their danger, it s prupowd to puUwh, at the.Offire s the " Wastera Carolinian," a paper under tlie title which stArula at the head of this Pruiertus--to b printed on a ktrje site sheet, in oc Uvg (orm, uf .aitteea pages, wiicspumlirig in mv wth tlie M Eiaiuuia," edited ia Philadelphia, by Coudy RagucU ' ' .j, '. ..w ---- L The Sortk Csnttiae RrpuLtu-4uCw advocate the dutlriues uf the old- RepuUma party, as langhl by Jcf- r.,r.i ..i.t ),.. .nlr. J" 1.04 iv-1 raws suru lias -vii jn wrr at r i rltirtn nrtwttrth i pHncijilf"of RSbTriTeriiia oppnse all yystems, or measures, wnicfc have a tendency to tax the many fsr the benefit of tlie few; 'S. It ftlilippiirt a hberarpofky .Hi oUxSUk Govern, mcnt, and advocate all reaMiabIe plans fis tlie improve merit of the natural and moral cortihtiunof North Caro line; and, with a view of eiUightcning and encouraging our own citixens by the ejaunplfl ofjiahnrjn.iiMi wjU be riitlum tii snow what our sister States have done, and are doing, in works of Mnproremerit. I'scflil Statistics, connoctisl with the great interertsnr the State, Arri- mJtifrL,Giniere island Mineral, wiH bepmcurH and publixlicd in the Kepubliran 4. A portion ol each number will be oepied with irnuirtanl Conirnwksuil and Legislative procrtuuitT'S during the time tliose bodies may bs in shimmm ; aim with th;e latent and mwt iutcresting news uf the day, foreign and doniestic, and with such miscellaneous .utr , trr a may prove hl'tercatlrig li flic geiieral reader." S. The question of ( 'on vrnfum, or refiirm of the Con stitution, has fiar thirty years divided the people, and ar rayed one section of the State against theotttcf; and, as a necesnry consequence , has prevented the success of many measures vitally.imjportant to hjj ,borTC and JBa piify 'oTNorthTaioIuia ; aotC until setiieii, it will con tinue to do so. It is not doubted that both parties are sincere and honet in their tiews ; and the reason why they have to long dl rtored. Is, that neither pa rty has ever yet been made fully acquainted with tlie just peelermnns of the other ; else tins dictracting question would, ere now, have been amicably adjustod. With the view, therefore, of giving to all tho opportunity oT M hearing both sides," it is ateed to lay before the public, in the pages of tlie Republican, the argnments for and agninst the inoasure ; aiMl, .tliat Uiis jhM- be dmig iinpirllly, it will be so provided, tlt the arguments on one sule shall be presented, by Western, and on the other by Eastern men. Nothing more effectually prevents libe ral legislation, than sectional divisions and local jealou sies they distract tlie public mind, and destroy that couMnunUy of feelmg; andnnity flf actmnyso essential to Uie success of all schemes of improvement, whether phystcaiorinnTaL-' EveryTeal frinnxf of North Carolttu teismlierefere's'ish'mffe all esu.vj i,f uch diviyinw and jealousies removed, and to hail the day which shall find ms one people, acting together for tlie general good and prosperity of tlie State, . 6. In the proper acasua, correct table of tlie Prices Current will be regularly given. . TERMS: The North Carolina Republican will be published semirDthjUVJ.on first andthird Monday in each month, during theMrioiLof one "year only wile) its patronage may be such as to demaiiu its corrtinnnnco. Each number will contain ilfl i pages, earefully pat up, So Hiatal The end of a year eVih.subscriber will have a volume of 348 pages filled with interesting and useful matter. . The pre rfsulifioa isOsa Douiaa, to all eases to be paid in-advance. " ; "-f The 14 Na will apear on the 3d Monday in MAY, should me subscription list justify the publication. As the object of tlie publication is not to make mo ney, but to support the rights of the people, an .appeal is now made to the friends of Constitutional liberty, to interest tliemselves in procuring subscribers. ' 1 ATrWTiiay K gwwssigir will, by Uie first day of May, communicate to the Pub litdier the names so procured, retaining thr money in their hands until notified. Uiat Uie paper. v ill certainly be puhlislied. , ftir All I-ettcrs and Commtinitkms must be address ed (pool si!) to the " North Carolina Republican," Ka lkJmry, N.C4 where they wdl be promptly aticiKled to. January L5tii, lt3l ' - , ulp ffMMX ' a 1VJ. WVjUUUVW, Propotet to Publish, In Salisbury, N.G. A irioiilhly .tlagazinr, , i sura taa iitu or .'. The Famxbj Jlsshtant. . " PROSPECTUS. rill IF. FAMILY ASSISTANT IMU be dedicata.1 U Rauuioft, F.ou'tTHis, am GxasaxL Litwiti as. Fmecially it is lllliisled to aanst Paretiul in tlie dillicuU and highly iuqaslaiit uvk of edurating their diniliea. The Kdrbr has tWTery tnrrresrtng rtarinn onrtrr bis cliarge Jlilde t'Uu.aiid a tienersUKnowlMlge flaws -for each of whkh he prepares wnttew qtreatinn, nd, for his own satufiicUsi, written anowurs, WhsiU t'le propiwnd magasine iro uitoojS'nUisi, lhoqutkjus aid answers will be pnhlnsW m it It will be tlie ra deavor of the F!itoT to matte Uie propiMed puhlit-atiisi as kntoresting as he tswihly ran to flit Its page with such articles as shall bn worth reading J aiwK as it w ill appear only nire a ussith, ench iste who takes it, any dud time to read iLTke uriulra tkmll, in gmrrmi, hr Aorf. Such items of Foreign and Dscerfie Intelli gence sei-tilur as well a ri liL'iHis as lwll bo ilii'ni ed mtiTeiting, will 1 interUi lu ftm; it is uiteishd to make The Family .Witanl uiiuwler profit and aransemcnt tut the bsij winter nights and sultry biiiii- mer noisia. TERMS) -- - I. It will be issued on tin- 'JNh of every month ami will contain sixU-en ImiimtuiI tstavo I 'slits hi diNibls coluuuis, priuted on a new and legilikj type, and ou Ju ry superior pnxr. 'i. I lie aulncruitusi prfro mil lie Otm Dollar and Fifty (nts if il in advnnr, and Two Dollars if not pshl nntil the expiration of three nssilhs. 3. No sulMrritNMi cair be received for a tinnier po nod than one year; ami no nnner iliiMitiiined until all arrearres are pas), except at the Nlitor s iIim-Mmmi. 1. tO The oiililitalsw will cooiim-nr cm the JIHh of April, provided a rompeteiir number fa nitMcViliers can bo obtained ; and rmr fra-nds w ho limy ImiM sub ecription lists, are reimcstcd hi Ibrward Uiciis un by Uie m in mm nsmui. February l.lt. . P. J. SPAIUU)W, SBEiEiIPJGjOFF - At Cost ! HAVLVG DhTER.UI.NED ro t'UJSR THEIR-BU- - - SJN'ESS IS THIS PLACE,; With tho view of rensiving to tho State of Missis- aiprn curly ui the enmung I all, beg eav9 . luforw the rulJk.iiM4-iUIy,iW iliy.-' II a i i; o ur I li (I ril t o Sett Ofl T1IEIII HTOCK .OF GOODH, ' --.:-.-.-a ' Vr!twrrttn fr --"- DKV-CiOODS ILIUIMVAUK C""ei" 0ym a no JUkiiuctJkRTlCLEi gi'ucrallw keit mi hand Murchautu in tins part of tho country, Jit Cost,' for Cash I ir Stock is Large. Complete, and New. 'iir--"'rv-wt!'.r! the wmdo having been purchused within tlie lust (wfcWo immtli. - - -- - - . - " 00" Tliey respcs tfully invite- their friends bim cnsioiiKirs, as well as tlw public iu general, to cull ami examine tho goods, as they are, dulumiiued Ui give tMirgains such ns Ihey loel confulent will give mitisluction to all who wish to purchuse. Snlislsiry, March IS, 131. tf OiH'iiin Of the lliMoiai Mcliuol DEFERRED. - T N consequence of the imusual inclemency of tho past winter, the pregress iflfthcr iRuildinff jhi sigis-d to serve as a TKirniitory Crtho pupils in this InHritirtlori;hn'steon"retii etpet'tatusis of thtr fitcetitlVO Comluiltoo, uiu whose directions it was commenced in December lust. And as the material of this structure is stone, tho process of working in which is rxf essurily xlow and greatly des?iMlent on the weather, there is now no liojie of its coinpletiiMi by the tnno horctofjirt' STiecihed for coininvncing the School ibis circumstance, together. 'frith ,tha diiTicnlty likely to be expexiicr jn prwn th North "tterfw'ii articles of furniture indisnonsa- bio to the establisliineril, ond.tho recciUly exresM- eu opiiuun oi uio ivecior, uiui, wihksii too acennt modittitfns to be alfiinh-d by tho new Isiilding, lio would bo unable to carry into sucrx'ssful 0S!ratiin the system au$1ia!foMraIfl however reluctantly, to postpone for a few weeks, the time for opening the School.' '' " "'.-, The Public, thcrepire, are resprrrtfiilly infiirnMil that the EPISCOPAL SCHOOL WILL HE OPENED, (ntit ion tlie first of Anril fts befiiro ad vertised, biitj on Monday, the 2nd day of f une nexi J.nj'hicji Jiiue .4. inay bo aiufskadrj relieoTon that every thing will be in feiidiiwss. " By orderof the Ex:uivo'Conimittee, OEORGE W. FREEMAN, S.c'y. Raleigh, Mar?h 8,1 b3L " ; . . 8t'-' it, J Any person having a good wfrnnd-biind w f mivL, ) Bijuivu, wili(.h iiH.y w (ia.pwa u. sell low, may hear of a purchaser w pilyi'i f 0' Baltebury, April li-tf , T111.-S 01TICR. TtteAafional rorfralt Oallrry or DiaUagoIahfd Amerfctn. r;. riMUM WORK is rsns ia a course of publiration, aivl Uhbm parts alri'sjly Usmd may bs eunfslontlr ip. pesled as aa evuhstce ia its claims upon publte knot lite uuiterMtl apiUiiMi whi h its cuinUsi has elictt sd, ia ail iTlr tent to dhi wUterer dutrust loay hare bw nsn,UrM by tlie original proSxliis. 7 -Thn design nf this Work It, U ir. ut Uie Portrait; engraved on StM, la the buhunt style of Uie art, with . nsjrise bal accarata limgraphical Sketches, of Uie mat twinetit CiliKtis of our osmtry. 11m anieeUM will not be hauled by any ctsuutlcralMinsuf party tuejmf of kical bitere4 J but will iiupsrtially endirsoe tlie Histo. rssi and I 't straits of suih indivsluals, Iknmtkiml tki -aeV I'kiom, as, by csmmsi nam-nt, are admit u-d to ' awsrse an kitereat m Uie numls of their SJbwrtiwns, r ' by tboir reputaUsj fur gniliw, aortnietits, official . sUndiiig, or silili services. Fur tins purr, reruuni wdl iovariaUy bo Imd lu the us art authentie aabtrsUs) that ran bo oUaimxl in pvnsmsl bwtury, as well as in ntrrraiiurn. .... llie value ft such a puhliratsst'raruvit fail to be ap rrerwtoil by all who M an biterest in tint imwei ration of the atost rMniital ingredints bt Uie histury of tin ir ' J country. Tarf and patrsaism are wpsiMy intiiod u' snsUm an eiiterjiri which aims to supiily the fuUire uuoorisn a un hkssj miu'rutw, ne luM uce of w hu.li U . : . . . m pi inu'n regreiuu in recqrruig o,Uia aoualsia oar sar lief tliues. " ' '"" ... ft ia iittendid, in tlie course of Dutdicatsst. to rive Purtraitsuf all tlut 1'rwidiuaU. aa .sIwm wka Imvo Clhd the imptelant oflices of Hute, during and MilMimiuMil l.i ll... II..M..I..I LM 1.... I. .1.. ftl.l.i nd Nual prut-uuws, and Usse who-r atuirrmrnu in - -rV'iiwi and Um Arts may bate ideutified Uu.w with pnirnHK- nHHTiaiiin, In the arnilii'eiiieiil iX IVirtrai'la hulk rX ll. n. . ...I nrrsi nt lunes,UM general Umo of public sentiment will be dswuIUmI in Um si Mioit as befiire intimated, with-' sit refuruuto U Uhi Uas or antipathies of aha divttton - uf nartv. ' Tim Work will bs conducted by JAMKS It IjONO. ACHlIofUieCilV uf 1'hiladi lnliis.aiyl JAMHt IIKH. A .... " " ' 3 ' ' .via, wiiwr turn mnpmm ImUrnct mj ike hmrd nf Uirtrtort tf tkt Xntrrkm , uv i 'i ' 1 1 ii ii in iiminiiT pna,rara naiiaiB. llig Uiree Portraits I'liirraved On sUsl. With not leas rv- ii i i. ..i ;.. . .i.i , . . l.-.. I . . . e 1 1 : . . ft. i & i . or lhrts, will maku One V.Iuioe. All aulMcriirtmna will be iMyahln in advam-e, and will bs sot at tlie C.l. lowing moderate rati for the respective wlitimis pub Mieil : In Royal tlimrt.s at fit) per annum in Lnpe. rial Octavo, at pi per aiiniiioj-iu Royal Octavo, at f Otr An Agrncy dr Uhs aWo Work las beet cxtaldislutJ in Salisbury, at tlie Office of THE 'T WiaTERN CAROLINIAN -hcti Soecimena . - - S" -ass- ewisnayi ItlgVUsl will be tliankfully rrfC";H ?Z Ten Part? frnvrj slrcady issued from the" i i- ymn ui wiin.ii mrv m nc pith II wl UUICe,) Con . i . i i. v . . . iViiM;id . n ; i : k i . i m . m , . . r . "'"K uiaii" iiu imx;iiiniK-ar pamcnes or mo roi- inf iiwi("r persiBMjjitJ1 T1.-. lef I CharlrirCarroll t trromrstrThrSraiirf IKS eWwgb, C.H.N.i Hnmuel L. MiUhfll, M D. LUD. s w "Part ff. TWaJorJen. Isratd Putnam, U. 8. A, -An-drew Jarkasi, President of th UnitoJ Bute : Miss " u. at. nniirwira. ut JtuiibMia . Tert . John Marsliall,aiier-Justice of the United Htatser Is-wis I to rteeretarf "nf Wr Wflbitn Wat. rT'-aTmJla ' TVTl. A..f I' 1 f .. . if v a . oTTjio Uniled Stau ; Henry Clay ; MajorGen. Wd- . IWIU ailHIIITIB, U. D. A. 1 f " . : , W5V -AfciyaJi. Mae iwh, A. j JtH'l IV. I'lHIUN'U i .UK! I a bUr loW, Part Yl MaiiiMWl.- AnthonrliVarne. VK A.'i FMward UvingsUw CoL John Trumbull, P-.A.A.F.A. " The Crtlicoming Noa. will contain, among ma. ny otluTa, tlie iowing: " '- AUJtba.J'Mi.liii.Ki Mbirg WYhueiir7urnTy7 Esq., and (ieit W. IL Davie, of North Carolina t Ro bert V, IIVIi sis! John tVtirhrnin' nT H,u,l, r..lL na ; tienerai jjwwn, Cooirnudore Chauncey, De Witt' Clmton, J. FmmitiMire Cornier, Washington Irving, C neral tlreene. IIotl J. R Jnlmmn l,.'i r.. i i " - ' .. .... vi .VUUI Wasiuaap . 6 MeJiawer Henj. Walkint ilgti. Gen. "Morgan, Iimlley Murray, Cum. IVrry, tmr. Shelby, CbiifJustice Ship- mo, tulbert Stuart, Mrs. George Washington, DanieT ' Webstar, Uiifht fte lbsh.p Whitifosh Webster Salisbury, March 22, 134. (Jt , v-. Tr72CT3?.2T:pA?.CL::TiA:r.' : ISSUKD WEErnXHs::irf::;:::LJOnN llPJinn liD L. , . - - r ar . Tuirjts 6pTOBLicATidirI --trrW8TEMsCAaousua,, is puhlislied every AUday, at Two Djllars per aimura if paid in advance, C or i wu isiujrs anitj- iity (Jeuuj if not paid until after 1 Uie MHralHst of three months. . - ,- No bapir will be discontinued antil all armre' f are paid, anltw at Uie discretsm of Uie Blitor, . " 3. No siibscrintion will bn imlvd Ci t- :... Uian one year and a fiiilure to notify the Kditor of a wimi k uiHcwiimno, si least one nxsith befoi ?.. .1. : will 8omsdcred a a new etigagemeut. ...4.. Any persisv-whr. -will procure "six wdiriliers b : tlie Cartdininn, and take tlio tronble of collecting and " ' transniittinrr tlie anlwcr r . " : ; i ' j--" mu rmiuir, snail have Uie poper. during the contimmnce of their sub ecitytws, without ehrgv V J- TKBHS OK ABVKHTtSIKOY. , 1. Advertisements i iJl l ciisiicuiNisly and correct- " ly iiiserU.'d at fK evnt.i per npture thr the lirsf insrtion, and :t.'fj cents P.r em h contimiunce : but wlicro an sd- ' vcrtisemeiit is ordered to gn in only twice", 5(1 its. will av vimnrra or e:n ri lli-crtum, . .. ,. ' : 2. -'Merchants, Mci )uuii. , nu.l Prufivumal L'"iitle- , . ....... u,l... ....... .1... ; .i . . "-. r - - ,v "rri neiote uie pnliiK-, in our adverting columns, w ill lie received aa veurly advertisers, ami a deduction f 15 1Mr crnt ,vnl be mailo from tltu sbivo chnrgeii. TO COKKfWI'OVliK.NTS. ' 1. To hwiire proinpt stleiition to -letters mUre -r J tii tlie Jilitor, Uie postage should in all cases bo rw . OCr All kinds of Jl LA N K S (neailv m.,1 . printed, on fine p-ipr,) on - :!y i, t 4

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